R.K. Jain's GST Tariff of India | 2023-24

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GST Tariff of India

GST Rates & Exemptions for Goods

18th Edition 2023-24

GST, Customs and EXIM Consultant Founder Editorof


GST Law Manual•CustomsTariffof India•Customs Law Manual•CentralExcise Law Manual

• Central Excise Tariffof India• Excise &CustomsCirculars &Clarifications• Central Excise Law Guide• Excise & CustomsCase Referencer• Service Tax Law Guide • Handbook of ServiceTax• ServiceTaxCase Referencer• ServiceTaxCirculars,Clarifications& Notifications

• Service Tax Cases • Valuation and Price List under Central Excise • Handbook of Duty Drawback• Excise&CustomsCaseAnalysis• FTPandHandbookofProcedures• FTP- InputOutput Normsand FTP- ITC (HS)Classifications• DEPB Ready Reckoner•Practical Guideto Self RemovalProcedure.



GST Tariff of India

GST Rates & Exemptions forServices

18th Edition 2023-24

GST, Customs and EXIM Consultant Founder Editorof


GST Law Manual•CustomsTariffof India•Customs Law Manual•CentralExcise Law Manual

• Central Excise Tariffof India• Excise &CustomsCirculars &Clarifications• Central Excise Law Guide• Excise & CustomsCase Referencer• Service Tax Law Guide • Handbook of ServiceTax• ServiceTaxCase Referencer• ServiceTaxCirculars,Clarifications& Notifications

• Service Tax Cases • Valuation and Price List under Central Excise • Handbook of Duty Drawback• Excise&CustomsCaseAnalysis• FTPandHandbookofProcedures• FTP- InputOutput Normsand FTP- ITC (HS)Classifications• DEPB Ready Reckoner•Practical Guideto Self RemovalProcedure.




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[ As amended by the Finance Act, 2023 and updated till 1-6-2023 ]

Price : ` 3495/(for a set of two vols.)

ISBN : 978-93-91055-24-0

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Every effort has been made to avoid errors or omissions in this publication. In spite of this, errors may creep in. Any mistake, error or discrepancy noted may be brought to our notice which shall be taken care of in the next edition. It is notified that neither the publisher nor the author or seller will be responsible for any damage or loss of action to any one, of any kind, in any manner, therefrom. It is suggested that to avoid any doubt the reader should cross-check all the facts, law and contents of the publication with original Government publication or notifications.

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First Edition 2017 (June) 2nd Edition 2017 (July) 3rd Edition 2017 (Aug.) 4th Edition 2018 (Feb.) 5th Edition 2018 (May) 6th Edition 2018 (July) (Leap Ed.) 7th Edition 2018 (Aug.) 8th Edition 2019 (Feb.) 9th Edition 2019 (Apr.) 10th Edition 2019 (July) Reprint 2019 (July) 11th Edition 2019 (Sept.) Reprint 2019 (Oct.) 12th Edition 2020 (Feb.) Reprint 2020 (Feb.) 13th Edition 2021 (Feb.) 14th Edition 2021 (June) 15th Edition 2022 (Feb.) 16th Edition 2022 (Aug.) 17th Edition 2023 (Feb.) 18th Edition 2023 (June)
Abstract of Contents - Vols. 1 & 2 Page VOL. 1 HOW TO USE THIS TARIFF ? ...............................................7 HOW TO CALCULATE TAX UNDER GST ? 9 IntroductiontoGSTTariff12 Classification of Goods and Services under GST ....................................15 Interpretative Rules, as applicable to GST Tariff.....................................20 List of Abbreviations used in the Tariff 21 PART 1 GST TARIFF — GOODS GST Rates upto 8 Digits of HSN/Customs Tariff & Exemptions under CGST, SGST, UTGST & IGST Contents65 Chapter 1 to 98 of GST Tariff with CGST, SGST, UTGST& IGST Rates 71 to 1258 Miscellaneous goods falling under multiple or all chapters of GST Tariff or treated supply/goods by deeming provisions or actionable claims [Chapter 98A] 1259 PART 1A RATES SPECIFIED IN OTHER ACTS Rates specified in Central Excise Act ............................................1269 National Calamity Contingent Duty ............................................ 1286 Additional Duty on Tobacco 1289 Additional Duty on Motor Spirit (Petrol) 1292 Additional Duty on High Speed Diesel Oil 1294 Special Additional Excise Duty on Motor Spirit and High Speed Diesel Oil 1296 Road and Infrastructure Cess ................................................1302 Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess 1309 Rule 18 of Central Excise Rules, 2017 1312 PART 2 NOTIFICATIONS — GST RATES & EXEMPTIONS FOR GOODS (A) CGST Rates for Goods — Schedules I to VII — Notification No. 1/2017-C.T. (Rate) ...............1319 (B) Fully Exempted CGST Goods (Nil Rated) — Notification No. 2/2017-C.T. (Rate) ................ 1384 (C) Exemption Notifications (Miscellaneous) for Goods & Services ..........................1395 (3)
3 GST TARIFF — SERVICES (CHAPTER 99) Ready Reckoner for GST Rates & Exemptions for Services (A) Ready Reckoner for GST Rates and Exemptions on Services under CGST, SGST, UTGST & IGST — Chapter 99 with Service Codes 1433 (B) Notifications on Services under GST 1485 (i) CGST Notifications on Services 1485 (ii) IGST Notifications on Services ...................................1556 (iii) UTGST and SGST Notifications on Services 1625 (C) Explanatory Notes to Scheme of Classification of Services under GST 1629 (D) Circulars, Instructions, Press Notes, Case Law, Advance Rulings and FAQ on supply of Services 1703 (i) FAQs on Services ...........................................1703 (ii) Circulars, Instructions, Press Notes & Case Law on Services 1731 (iii) Case Laws 1759.3 (E) Codewise List of Services [Service Codes (Tariff) (SAC) & Scheme of Classification of Services] 1761 (F) Alphabetical List of Services with Service Codes (SAC) .......................... 1781 PART 4 INTEGRATED GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (IGST) (A) Bird’s eye view of Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) ........................ 1819 NOTIFICATIONS ISSUED UNDER IGST (B) IGST Law and Procedures — Notifications 1826 (C) IGST Rates — Notifications 1834 (D) Fully Exempted IGST Goods (Nil Rated)— Notifications 1896 (E) IGST Exemption Notifications 1905
5 GST RATES — READY RECKONER FOR GOODS [ Ready Reckoner for GST Rates for Goods under CGST, SGST, UTGST & IGST ] Contents...........................................................1927 Chapters 1 to 98 of GST Tariff for Goods with Rates of Tax 1933to2012 Miscellaneous goods falling under multiple or all chapters of GST Tariff or treated supply/goods by deeming provisions or actionable claims [Chapter 98A] 2013to2015 GST Tariff 4
PART 6 COMPENSATION CESS FOR STATES & OTHER CESSES FOR GOODS & SERVICES Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act, 2017 (Extracts) 2021 Notifications issued under GST Compensation Cess 2024to2030 Departmental Clarifications under Compensation Cess ...............................2030 PART 7 REVERSE CHARGE MECHANISM FOR GOODS & SERVICES Reverse Charge Mechanism for CGST — Notifications 2037 Reverse Charge Mechanism for IGST — Notifications 2046 Reverse Charge Mechanism for UTGST — Notifications 2054 Reverse Charge Mechanism for SGST — Notifications ................................2063 Departmental Clarifications ................................................2063 PART 8 COMMODITY INDEX with HSN Codes 2067 PART 9 Chronological List of basic Notifications 2189 Abstract of Contents 5





1.This Chapter does not cover :

(a) disposable foot or shoe coverings of flimsy material (for example, paper, sheeting of plastics) without applied soles. These products are classified according to their constituent material;

(b) footwear of textile material, without an outer sole glued, sewn or otherwise affixed or applied to the upper (Section XI);

(c)worn footwear of heading 6309;

(d)articles of asbestos (heading 6812);

(e)orthopaedic footwear or other orthopaedic appliances, or parts thereof (heading 9021); or

(f) toy footwear or skating boots with ice or roller skates attached; shin-guards or similar protective sportswear (Chapter 95).

2.For the purposes of heading 6406, the term “parts” does not include pegs, protectors, eyelets, hooks, buckles, ornaments, braid, laces, pompons or other trimmings (which are to be classified in their appropriate headings) or buttons or other goods of heading 9606.

3.For the purposes of this Chapter :

(a)the terms “rubber” and “plastics” include woven fabrics or other textile products with an external layer of rubber or plastics being visible to the naked eye; for the purpose of this provision, no account should be taken of any resulting change of colour; and

(b)the term “leather” refers to the goods of headings 4107 and 4112 to 4114.

4.Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :

(a)the material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatest external surface area, no account being taken of accessories of reinforcements such as ankle patches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;

(b) the constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as spikes, bars, nails, protectors or similar attachments.

For the purposes of sub-headings 6402 12, 6402 19, 6403 12, 6403 19 and 6404 11, the expression “sports footwear” applies only to :

(a)footwear which is designed for a sporting activity and has, or has provision for the attachment of, spikes, springs, stops, clips, bars or the like;

(b) skating boots, ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestling boots, boxing boots and cycling shoes.

other related matters - See Part 2 of this Tariff.

Central CGST State/UT SGST/ UTGST InterState IGST ‡ Compensation Cess (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)
12% IGST or 6% CGST + 6% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6401 :
18% IGST or 9% CGST + 9% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6401 : 6401 106401 10 10 ---Of rubber ................pa9%9%18%Nil 6401 10 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil6401 92 -6401 92 10 ---Of rubber ................pa9%9%18%Nil 6401 92 90 ---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6401 99-6401 99 10---Of rubber ................pa9%9%18%Nil 6401 99 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil
12% IGST or 6% CGST + 6% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6402 :
18% IGST or 9% CGST + 9% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6402 :6402 12-6402 12 10 ---Of rubber ................pa 9%9%18% Nil 6402 12 90---Other ..................pa 9%9%18% Nil 6402 19-6402 19 10---Of rubber ................pa 9%9%18% Nil
Central CGST State/UT SGST/ UTGST InterState IGST ‡ Compensation Cess (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) 6402 19 90---Other ..................pa 9%9%18% Nil 6402 206402 20 10---Of rubber ................pa 9%9%18% Nil 6402 20 90---Other ..................pa 9%9%18% Nil6402 91-6402 91 10---Of rubber ................pa 9%9%18% Nil 6402 91 90---Other ..................pa 9%9%18% Nil 6402 99-6402 99 10---Of rubber ................pa 9%9%18% Nil 6402 99 90---Other ..................pa 9%9%18% Nil » 12% IGST or 6% CGST + 6% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6403 : » 18% IGST or 9% CGST + 9% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6403 :6403 12 00--Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 19-6403 19 10---With outer soles of leather .........pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 19 20---With outer soles of rubber .........pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 19 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 206403 20 11----For men .................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 12----For women ................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 13----For children ...............pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 19----Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 21----For men .................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 22----For women ................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 23----For children ...............pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 29----Others ..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 30---Of leather soles with embroidered upperspa9%9%18%Nil

boots and other footwear with rubber

sandals with rubber sole ......pa9%9%18%Nil

sandals with plastic or synthetic

» 12% IGST or 6% CGST + 6% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6404 :

» 18% IGST or 9% CGST + 9% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6404 :

6404 11--

6404 11 10 ---Of rubber sole with canvas upper ......pa9%9%18%Nil 6404 11 20---Of rubber sole with leather cloth uppers ...pa9%9%18%Nil

Central CGST State/UT SGST/ UTGST InterState IGST ‡ Compensation Cess (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) 6403 20 40---Kolapuri chappals and similar footwearpa9%9%18%Nil 6403 20 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 40 00-Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe-cap pa9%9%18%Nil6403 51-6403 51 11----For men .................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 51 12----For women ................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 51 13----For children ...............pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 51 19----Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 51 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 59-6403 59 10---For men .................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 59 20---For women ................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 59 30---For children ...............pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 59 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil6403 91-6403 91 10
solepa9%9%18%Nil 6403 91 20---Leather
solepa9%9%18%Nil 6403
..................pa9%9%18%Nil 6403 99
6403 99
6403 99
6403 99 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil
footwear with plastic and synthetic
91 90---Other
— Vide - :
11 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil


InterState IGST ‡

Compensation Cess


6404 19--

6404 19 10---Of rubber sole with canvas upper ......pa9%9%18%Nil

6404 19 20---Of rubber sole with leather cloth uppers ...pa9%9%18%Nil

6404 19 90---Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil

6404 20 00-Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather pa9%9%18%Nil

» 12% IGST or 6% CGST + 6% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6405 :

» 18% IGST or 9% CGST + 9% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6405 :

6405 10 00-With uppers of leather or composition leatherpa9%9%18%Nil

6405 20 00-With uppers of textile materials .......pa9%9%18%Nil

6405 90 00-Other ..................pa9%9%18%Nil

» 12% IGST or 6% CGST + 6% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6406 :

» 18% IGST or 9% CGST + 9% SGST/ UTGST : Heading No. 6406 :

6406 10-

6406 10 10---Embroidered uppers of textile materials ...kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 10 20---Leather uppers (prepared) .........kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 10 30 ---Goat lining ................kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 10 40---Sheep lining ...............kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 10 90---Other ..................kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 20 00 -Outer soles and heels, of rubber or plastics ..kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 90-

6406 90 10---Of wood .................kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 90 20 ---Leather parts other than soles and prepared upperskg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 90 30---Leather soles ...............kg.9%9%18%Nil


6406 90 40---Gaiters, leggings and similar articles

6406 90 50---Parts of gaiters, leggings and similar articles..kg.9%9%18%Nil

6406 90 90---Other

Exemption to Small Taxpayers with annual turnover up to ` 40 lakhs/` 20 lakhs/` 10 lakhs (Threshold Exemption) —

(3% CGST + 3% SGST) on Annual turnover upto ` 50 lakhs when not covered under existing Composition Scheme of Notification No. 14/2019-C.T. —

to the Government, local authority or to a Government entity in relation to an activity entrusted to Panchayat or Municipality is exempted from whole of the CGST

Handicraft goods - Concessional CGST rates for specified handicraft goods when predominantly made by hand —

Exemption to supplies to or by Canteen Stores Department (CSD) —

Goods and services received by a TDS deductor from unregistered supplier - Exemption —

Second hand goods received by registered person from unregistered supplier - Exemption —

Old and used motor vehicles - Concessional Rate of tax —

Supplies for specified petroleum and other explorations and productions under various Schemes —

Food preparations meant for free distribution under Government program - Concessional Rate of tax —

Export supplies - Concessional Rate of tax —

Leasing of motor vehicles - Concessional Rate of tax —

Supplies to specialized agency of UNO, Embassies and other specified international organization —

Panchayat - Services and specific functions of Panchayat not to be taken as supply of goods and services —

The above exemptions for CGST also hold good for SGST/UTGST as GST Rates and Exemptions are uniform throughout the country. All the States/UTs have issued similar Exemption Notifications, hence they are not repeated here.

Central CGST State/UT SGST/ UTGST InterState IGST ‡ Compensation Cess
..................kg.9%9%18%Nil —
` ` —

to the Government, local authority or to a Government entity in relation to an activity entrusted to Panchayat or Municipality is exempted from whole of the IGST —

Exemption to supplies to or by Canteen Store Department (CSD) —

Export supplies - Concessional Rate of tax —

Leasing of motor vehicles - Concessional Rate of tax —

Old and used motor vehicles - Concessional Rate of tax —

Food preparations meant for free distribution under Government program - Concessional Rate of tax —

SEZ - Exemption to import of goods and services by a unit or developer in SEZ —

Skimmed milk powder and concentrated milk - Exemption from tax —

Supplies to specialized agency of UNO, Embassies and other specified international organisation —

Supplies for specified petroleum and other explorations and productions under various Schemes —

Panchayat - Services and specific functions of Panchayat not to be taken as supply of goods and services —

Exemption to supply of goods by a retail outlet established in the departure area of an international airport, beyond the immigration counters, to an outgoing international tourist, from the whole of the Integrated Tax —

See under CHAPTER 1.

— As per the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, retail sale price [RSP] means the maximum price at which the commodity in packaged form may be sold to the consumer and is inclusive of all taxes. Thus, declared on the package is inclusive of GST and GST for footwear will be 5%, if the RSP does not exceed Rs. 500 per pair. The GST rate will be 18% if the RSP exceeds Rs. 500 per pair. GST, however, will be payable on the transaction value. — of spikes, springs, stops, clips, bars, etc. or has provision for attachment of these are not sports footwear and are classifiable under Tariff Item 6404 11 90 of Customs Tariff Act, 1975. — v. 2009 (235) E.L.T. 254 (Tri. - Del.).

See under CHAPTER 1.

— Printed PVC leather cloth as having distinct and clear features of shoe uppers are classifiable under sub-heading 6406.10 of Customs Tariff Act, 1975. — v. - 2001 (134) E.L.T. 593 (S.C.).

See under CHAPTER 1.

The original/ are the same as those imported by the company at concessional rate. The importer is required to maintain records and should bearing MRP more than ` 125 per pair are classifiable under sub-heading 6401.19 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. — v. — 2017 (358) E.L.T. 1000 (Tri. - Del.).


[2020] 119 taxmann.com 28/82 GST 566/40 GSTL 494 (AAR - Kerala). Laterals/parts to be used solely or

Section Note and Chapter Notes to HSN, shall attract GST as applicable to the respective heading.

—The art work for supply on approval basis can be moved from the place of business of the registered person (artist) to another place within the same State or to a place outside the State on a delivery challan along with the e-way bill wherever applicable and the invoice may be issued at the time of actual supply of art work.

Supplies of the art work from one State to another State will be inter-State supplies and attract integrated tax in terms of section 5 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.

art works are sent to the gallery for exhibition and therefore, the same is not a supply. It is only when the buyer selects a particular art work displayed at the gallery, that the actual supply takes place and applicable GST would be payable at the time of such supply.

R.K. Jain’s GST Tariff of India | 2023-24




ISBN NO : 9789391055240

NO. OF PAGES : 2206



This book provides complete details about the Taxability & GST Rates for Goods & Services. It also includes a ready reckoner for GST rates, GST Notifications, Advanced Rulings & Case Laws. Lastly, it incorporates basic details, such as:

u How to use GST Tariff?

u How to Calculate Tax under GST

- Introduction to GST Tariff

- Classification of Goods & Services under GST

- Interpretative Rules, as applicable to GST Tariff

- List of Abbreviations Used in the Tariff

The Present Publication is the 18th Edition, amended by the Finance Act 2023 and updated till 1st June 2023. This book is edited by CA (Dr) Arpit Haldia and consists of nine parts.

u Part 1 – GST Tariff | Goods (GST Rates up to 8 Digits of HSN/Customs Tariff & Exemptions under CGST, SGST, UTGST & IGST)

u Part 2 – Notifications | GST Rates & Exemption for Goods

u Part 3 – GST Tariff | Services (Chapter 99) | Ready Reckoner for GST Rates & Exemptions for Services

u Part 4 – Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST)

u Part 5 – GST Rates | Ready Reckoner for Goods (Ready Reckoner for GST Rates for Goods under CGST, SGST, UTGST & IGST)

u Part 6 – Compensation Cess for States & Other Cesses for Goods & Services

u Part 7 – Reverse Charge Mechanism for Goods & Services

u Part 8 – Commodity Index with HSN Codes

u Part 9 – Chronological List of Basic Notifications


Rs. 3495 | USD 103

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