#TaxmannPPT | Annual Information Statement (AIS) | Deloitte India

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Annual Information Statement

Ushering in a new era of tax administration May 2024


This presentation discuss some key aspects of tax policy paper "Annual Information Statement — Ushering in a New Era of Tax Administration” (Link to the report), prepared by Deloitte India's tax policy group. The policy paper aims to offer a comprehensive overview of how AIS can be made more efficient and effective, ultimately benefiting both taxpayers and tax administrators

The policy paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of AIS and its role in increasing tax base in India. There are some specific recommendations to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of AIS, thereby improving the experience and outcome for both taxpayers and tax administrators

Towards the end, the paper talks about some global best practices and ways in which India can integrate them into its AIS framework as well as ways to tackle black money through AIS. Through the release of this paper, we aim to initiate constructive discussions and welcome insights from diverse stakeholders. We believe that the policy paper and the conversations will serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners alike

With this context, please refer the ensuing slides exploring the potential benefits of AIS in improving tax administration and taxpayer services


Annual Information Statement (AIS):

Introduction and overview

Success of existing AIS system coupled with other digitisation initiatives of the Indian Government

Recommendations for improvement of AIS functionality:

A) Areas of improvement

B) Introduction of additional data points in AIS

Existing sources of information and global best practices to enhance AIS functionality

2 3 4 1

Introduction of pre-filled tax returns based on the information in Form 26AS

Expansion on coverage of information captured in pre-filled tax returns basis AIS

overview 2020 2021
AIS: Introduction and
2019 4
Mechanics Feedback Mechanism
Introduction of AIS
Extension of Form 26AS Objectives of AIS

Success of existing AIS system coupled with other digitisation initiatives of the Indian Government (1/2)

Jump in reported information with addition of information of about 3 crore people 2x

Increase in number of deductees from 4.8 crores in AY 2016-17 to 9.2 crores in AY 2022-23 2x

Increase in reported transactions from 70 crore in AY 2016-17 to 144 crore in AY 2022-23 due to increase in TDS codes 6.11%

India’s direct-tax GDP ratio for year 2022-23 due to surge in tax revenues

The tax department's e-campaigns have significantly improved voluntary compliance, with a substantial reduction in non-filers and a notable increase in the filing of updated tax returns. Till January 2024, the tax department has garnered about INR 4,600 crore in taxes from 56 lakh updated returns filed in the past two years 16.1%

More ITRs filed for AY 2023-24 till July 2023 as compared to AY 2022-23


Success of existing AIS system coupled with other digitisation initiatives of the



Pre-filled tax returns

Seamless filing and reduced instances of non-compliance in tax returns


Mechanism to provide feedback and thus reduce unnecessary litigation

Nudges towards voluntary compliance


Faster processing of taxpayers’ tax return and quicker refunds



Information driven tax audits


Better detection of non-filers of tax return

Lower administrative costs as manual intervention is limited


Better detection of tax evasion cases


Highlight accurate and prompt collection of taxes



6 Benefits
Indian Government

Recommendations for improvement of AIS functionality (1/2)

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03 04 05 06

Make available complete information before filing of tax return

Inclusion of purchase and sale date of shares and securities

Only verified information to be used

Areas of improvement


Bifurcate tax refund in principal and interest and inclusion of interest omitted

Incorporate tax payments in AY to which it pertains

Inclusion of actual rent paid instead of exemption claimed


Recommendations for improvement of AIS functionality (2/2)



Auto-populate data available with MCA and items of tax audit report


Integrate tax saving investments such as section 80C, 80D, 80G etc.

Incorporate details on outstanding demands, pending refunds and unclaimed TDS Introduce additional data points

Incorporation of intra-day transactions


Include details on directorships and ownership of unlisted shares

Incorporate sale and purchase data of unlisted shares

09 10


Reserve Bank of India

Existing sources of information Connected data systems

Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Securities and Exchange Board of India

Central Board of Indirect taxes and Customs

Registrars / Subregistrars

Specified Financial Transactions

Existing sources of information and global best practices to enhance AIS functionality
Standard Business Reporting Standard Audit File for Tax One taxpayer One govt view Crypto-Asset reporting framework Common Reporting Standard Leverage from global best practices DPI MCAA Improved AIS functionality Valuers
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