#TaxmannPPT – Offences | Penalties | Compounding under FEMA with Practical Case Studies

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Offences, Penalties & Compounding under FEMA with practical case studies

Natwar G. Thakrar

Monday, 15th April, 2024

4 Method for Computing Compounding Quantum – RBI Guidance on Compounding Matrix

5 Practical examples for computing Compounding Quantum

Topic 1 Contraventions and Penalties
2 Compounding of Contraventions
3 Procedure for Compounding

Contraventions and Penalties

What is Contravention?

 Contravention is an action which is against the Act or Rule made thereunder.

 Contravention means violation, breach, infringement, transgression, trespassing, etc.

 It is an action which offends against a law, treaty, or the ruling

• Publishing misleading advertisement is a contravention of the Act.

 Under FEMA, contravention refer to breach of provisions of the Act or non-compliance with the regulatory requirements, undertaking unauthorized activities, or improper conduct in foreign exchange transactions.


Types of Contraventions

 Contravention of Act

 Contravention of any Rules, Regulations, Notification , Direction

 Contravention of any order issued in exercise of the powers under the Act.

 Contravention further classified as-

 Sensitive contraventions - suspected money laundering, terror financing or affecting sovereignty of the nation

 Material Contravention- which are required to be compounded for which necessary compounding procedure has to be followed

 Technical Contravention – contravention identified by the RBI or brought to its notice by the entity involved in contravention by way of a reference other than through the prescribed application for compounding

 Once a compounding application is filed by the concerned entity suo moto, admitting the contravention, the same will not be considered as ‘technical' or ‘minor' in nature and the compounding process shall be initiated in terms of section 15 (1) of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 read with Rule 9 of Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000.


Contraventions –

Illustrative Examples

 Failure to submit required reports, returns, or information to RBI within the stipulated timeline.

 Engaging in foreign exchange transactions without proper authorization or conducting transactions that are prohibited or restricted under FEMA.

 Non-compliance with foreign direct investment (FDI) guidelines, such as exceeding sectoral caps, incorrect reporting of investment, or contravening conditions imposed by the RBI.

 Non allotment of shares within 2 months

 Non filing FCGPR within 30 days of allotment

 Non filing of FCTRS with AD Bank within two months of transfer of shares, where required.

 Purchase of agricultural land / farm house by NRIs/ OCIs

 Loan to a foreign company by Individuals under LRS

 Investment in a foreign company abroad without filing Form FC

 Remittance of funds by HO directly to vendors without routing the same through LO/BO/PO

 Delay in receipt of export proceeds beyond prescribed period.

 Netting of proceeds of export sale and import purchase beyond the prescribed time limit

 Acquisition of a immovable property abroad out of borrowed funds


Contravention & Penalties

 In terms of Section 13, any person contravening FEMA shall be liable, upon adjudication, to a penalty up to three times the sum involved in contravention, where such amount is quantifiable or up to Rs. 2,00,000, where the amount is directly not quantifiable, with further penalty up to Rs.5,000 per day after the first day during which such contravention is continuing.

 Explanation: For the purposes of this sub-section, "property" in respect of which contravention has taken place, shall include- (a) deposits in a bank, where the said property is converted into such deposits; (b) Indian currency, where the said property is converted into that currency; and (c) any other property which has resulted out of the conversion of that property.

 Penalty Proceeding is not criminal in nature.

 Penalty cannot be based on guess work, conjecture or surmise.

 The powers of enforcement officers is quasi judicial.

 Punishment by imposition of penalty as well as imprisonment for non payment of penalty would not amount to double jeopardy.


Compounding of Contraventions

What is Compounding of Contravention?

 Compounding refers to the process of voluntarily admitting the contravention, pleading guilty and seeking redressal.

 It is a mechanism whereby the defaulter is reprieved of major legal consequences by affording him with an opportunity to pay a smaller sum of money and also to escape prosecution.

 It provides comfort to individuals and corporate community who commit contravention [except contravention of section 3(a) of the Act] by minimizing transaction costs.

 Compounding of offence is not a right of the defaulter. Competent authority has the power to compound offense in appropriate cases either prior to or following the commencement of legal proceedings.

 Willful, malafide and fraudulent transactions are, however, viewed seriously, which will not be compounded by the Reserve Bank.


What is Compounding of Contravention?

 CG under s. 46 read with s. 15(1) of FEMA notified “Compounding Proceedings Rules,2000” empowering the RBI to compound any contraventions as defined under s. 7, 8 and 9 and the third schedule to FEMA Current Account Rules.

 Further, Vide GSR 609€ dated 13.09.2004, RBI is further empowered to compound all types of contraventions under FEMA, 1999, except contravention of the provisions of s. 3(a).

 Compounding can be considered on an application made by the person committing the contravention for a specified sum. RBI shall offer an opportunity of personal hearing before compounding the contravention.

 Enforcement Directorate (ED) is empowered to compound contravention under s. 3(a) of FEMA {Rule 5}


Who Can Apply for the Compounding and When?

 Who can apply?

 Any person who contravenes any provision of FEMA, 1999 [except contraventions under s. 3(a)] or contravenes any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order issued in exercise of the powers under this Act or

 Contravenes any condition subject to which an authorization is issued by the Reserve Bank

Can apply for compounding to the Reserve Bank.

 When?

 Suo moto, on becoming aware of the contravention, or

 the person is made aware of the contravention by the RBI or any other statutory authority or auditors or by any other means.

 It is expected that the person who has contravened the provisions has regularized the transactions involved in the contravention before filing the compounding application.


Non Compoundable Offenses

 Non Compoundable Offenses

 Money Laundering (PMLA)/ Hawala Transactions

 Matter already a subject matter of Show cause notice issued by the ED ( Refer Para 5.3 of Master Direction on Compounding)

 Identical matter is compounded within a period of previous three years

 Matters is pending in an appeal filed by the applicant

 Matters requires Prior Permission from Government/Department or Ministry

 Where the amount involved in contravention is not directly quantifiable


Why Compounding ?

 Compounding helps in regularizing the mistakes/contraventions

 The procedure is simple and fast.

 One completed application, one hearing and the final order of disposal is passed within 180 days

 No legal proceedings

 No further penalty or prosecution for the issues compounded

 Savings in penalty amount is much higher as compared to the compounding fees levied by the RBI.

 All contraventions compounded stand regularized.

 Pending documents are admitted and taken on record


Pre-requisite for Compounding

 Compounding of contraventions pertaining to any transactions requiring regularization or approvals from Government or any statutory authority concerned shall not be compounded unless the required regularization process is completed or necessary approvals are obtained from concerned authorities.

 In cases where adjudication i s done by the DoE and an appeal has been filed under section 17 or 19 of the FEMA, no contravention can be compounded in terms of Rule 11 of the Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000

 Similar/ Identical contravention compounded within a period of three years prior to the contravention also cannot be compounded.


Compounding Authority 15.04.2024

Delegation to Regional Offices – Notification 20(R)

 Regulation 13.1(1) - Delay in reporting inward remittance for issue of shares

 Regulation 13.1(2) - Delay in filing form FC(GPR) after issue of shares.

 Regulation 13.1(3) - Delay in filing Annual Return of the Foreign Liabilities & Assets (FLA)

 Paragraph 2 of Schedule I – Delay in issue of shares/ refund of share application money beyond 60 days, mode of receipt of funds, etc.

 Regulation 11 - Violation of pricing guidelines for issue of shares

 Regulation 2(v) read with Regulation 5 - Issue of ineligible instruments

 Regulation 16.B - Issue of shares without prior approval of the RBI or Government, wherever required

 Regulation 13.1(4) - Delay in submission of Form FC- TRS on transfer of shares from Resident to Non-Resident or from Non-resident to resident

 Regulation 4 - Receiving investment in India from non-resident or taking on record transfer of shares by investee company

 Regulation 13.1(11) –Downstream Investment - To notify the Secretariat for Industrial Assistance, DIPP and file Form DI within 30 days

 Regulations 13.1(7) and 13.1(8) – Filing of Form LLP(I) & LLP (II)

 Regulation 10(5) – Schedule IV Violations


(Non- Debt Instrument) Rules, 2019

• Rule 2(K) read with Rule 5 – Investment in equity instruments in violation of conditions of entry routes, sectoral caps or the investment limits

• Rule 21- Contravention of Pricing Guidelines

• Paragraph 3(b) of Schedule I - Issue of shares without approval of RBI or Government, wherever required

• Rule 4- Receiving Investment in India from non-resident or taking on record transfer of shares by investee company in violation of Act or Rules or Regulations

• Rule 9(4) – Transfer of investment in Indian company held on a non- repatriation basis to a person resident outside India by way of gift without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank

Delegation to Regional Offices

of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations

• Regulation 3.1 (I)(A) – Mode of Payment

• Regulation 4(1) – Delay in Reporting issue of equity instruments in FC-GPR within thirty days from the date of issue of equity instruments

• Regulation 4(2) – Delay in filing form FLA by 15th July of each year

• Regulation 4(3) – Delay in reporting transfer of shares in FC- TRS

• Regulation 4(6) – Delay in submission of Form LLP(I) in respect of the receipt of consideration for capital contribution and acquisition of profit shares

• Regulation 4(7) – Delay in submission of Form LLP(II) for disinvestment / transfer of capital contribution or profit share between a resident and a non-resident (or vice versa)

• Regulation 4(11) – Delay in filing form InVi by an investment vehicle which has issued unit to non residents.


Delegation to Regional Offices –FEM (Mode of Payment and Reporting

Delegation to FED CO Cell, New Delhi

 Upon transfer of work of three divisions of Foreign Investment Division (FID) (viz. LO/ BO/ PO division), Non Resident Foreign Account Division (NRFAD) and Immovable Property (IP) Division to FED, CO Cell, New Delhi, the officers attached to the FED, CO Cell at New Delhi office are authorized to compound the contraventions as under:

 FEMA -7 - Contraventions relating to acquisition and transfer of immovable property outside India

 FEMA -21 - Contraventions relating to acquisition and transfer of immovable property in India

 FEMA -22 - Contraventions relating to establishment of Branch office, Liaison Office or Project office in India

 FEMA - 5 - Contraventions falling under Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000

 The above contraventions can be compounded by all Regional Offices of FED (except Kochi and Panaji) without any limit on the amount of contravention.

 Kochi and Panaji Regional offices can compound above contraventions for amount below Rs. 1,00,00,000/-.

 The contraventions of Rs. 1,00,00,000/- and above under the jurisdiction of Panaji and Kochi Regional Offices and all other contraventions of FEMA will be compounded at Cell for Effective Implementation of FEMA (CEFA), Mumbai,


Procedure for Compounding

Procedure & Prerequisite for Compounding

 Procedure for compounding is provided in Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000Rule 1 to 13 and the Master Direction on Compounding.

 The Contraventions should have crystallized

 Period of contravention,

 Amount of contravention and

 Rule or Regulation contravened. (PAR)

 In case contravention cannot be quantified, it cannot be compounded [Proviso to Rule 5(1)]

 No Similar contravention should have been committed in past 3 years. [Rule 5 (2)]. For this purpose, any second or subsequent contravention committed after expiry of a period of three years from the date on which the contravention were previously compounded shall be deemed to be a first contravention

 Contraventions should have been duly regularized.

 Approvals / Permissions granted, Excess amounts refunded etc.

 Where any contravention is compounded before adjudication under S 16, no inquiry shall be held for adjudication of such contravention against the person in relation to whom the contravention is so compounded

 No contravention shall be compounded if an appeal has been filed under S 17 or S.19 of the Act.


Procedure for Compounding

 Application in duplicate in prescribed Form to RBI, Exchange Control Department, Central Office, Mumbai

 Furnish details in Annexures – (As provided in Annex – II to Master Direction on Compounding requiring information in 4 Tables + relevant information i.e. information relating to Foreign Direct Investment, External Commercial Borrowings, Overseas Direct Investment and Branch Office / Liaison Office, as the case may be applicable, along with

 An Undertaking (Refer Annex III to Master Direction) that the applicant is not under investigation by agency such as DOE, CBI, etc.,

 Provide a copy of Memorandum of Association and the latest audited financials along with the compounding application.

 Furnish duly filled in Electronic Clearing System (ECS) Mandate Form (Refer Annex IV to Master Direction)

 Pay Fees by DD Rs. 5,000/- in favour of the “Reserve Bank of India” and payable at MRO.

 Examination of the application by RBI

 Calling for additional documents, if required


Procedure for Compounding

 Serious contraventions

 Proviso added to Rule 8(2) of Compounding Rules February 20, 2017 - (money laundering, terror financing, affecting sovereignty and integrity of the nation) including non-payment of penalty in the compounding order

 Cases to be remitted to appropriate Adjudicating Authority i.e. DoE

 Material: Non-compliance with regulatory requirements – Compounding by RBI

 Sensitive: Case referred to DoE under Section 37 by virtue of Rule 8(2)

 Opportunity for personal hearing – Optional – RBI encourages applicant to appear directly rather than being represented / accompanied by legal experts / consultants, as compounding process is only for the admitted contraventions.

 Passing of compounding order - Within 180 days from the date of receipt of completed application.

 Payment of compounding amount within 15 days from the date of order. RBI issues a certificate of completion of the proceedings upon payment of compounding fees


Procedure for Compounding

 Where a contravention has been compounded, no further prosecution for the same contravention [Rule 6]

 In case of non-payment of fees amount indicated in compounding order within 15 days of the order, it will be treated as if the applicant has not made any compounding application to the RBI.

 Other provisions of FEMA, 1999 in respect of contraventions will apply.

 RBI refers such cases to the Directorate of Enforcement for appropriate action.

 As the compounding is based on voluntary admissions and disclosures, there cannot be an appeal against the Compounding Order.

 The order, however, can be challenged through a WRIT Petition in High Court.


Format for Application

1. Name of the applicant (in BLOCK LETTERS)

2. Full address of the applicant (including Phone and Fax No. and email id)

3. Whether the applicant is resident in India or resident outside India.

4. Name of the Adjudicating Authority before whom the case is pending

5. Nature of the contravention [according to sub-section (1) of Section 13]

6. Brief facts of the case

7. Details of fee for application of compounding

8. Any other information relevant to the case .

I/We declare that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and that I/We am/are willing to accept any direction/order of the Compounding Authority in connection with compounding of my/our case.

Dated : Name :

(Signature of the Applicant)


Details required in case of contravention of ECB Guidelines

 Name of the applicant

 Date of incorporation, Income-tax PAN

 Nature of activities under taken (Please give NIC code – 1987)

 Brief particulars about the foreign lender

 Is the applicant an eligible borrower?

 Is the lender eligible lender? Is the lenderan equity holder?

 What is the level of his holding at the time of loan agreement?

 Details of ECB - Amount in Foreign Currency and Indian Rupee

 Rateof interest, Period of loan

 Repayment particulars- date of drawdown, amount In FC and INR

 Details of draw down,

 Details of LRN Number- application and receipt

 Details of ECB 2 returns submitted, Period of return, Date of submission

 Details of Utilization of ECB in Foreign Currency and Indian Rupee

 Nature of contraventionand reasons for the contravention

 All supporting documents may be submitted


Details required for contraventions relating to ODI

 Name of the applicant

 Date of incorporation

 Income-tax PAN

 Nature of activities under taken (Please give NIC code – 1987)

 Name of Overseas entity

 Date of incorporation of overseas entity

 Natureof activities under taken by overseas entity

 Nature of entity- WOS/JV

 Details of remittance sent- Date of remittance; Amount in FCY and in INR

 Details of other financial Commitment

 Details of UIN applied and received

 Date of receipt of share certificate

 Approval of other regulators if required

 Details of APRs submitted: For the period ended; date of submission

 Nature of contraventionand reasons for the contravention

 All supporting documents may be submitted


Details required in case of contraventions relating LO/BO in India

 Name of the applicant

 Dateof incorporation

 Income-tax PAN

 Nature of activities under taken (Please give NIC code – 1987)

 Dateof approval for opening of Liaison Office/ Branch Office

 Validity period of the approval

 Income and expenditure of the LO/BO

 Dates of submission of Annual activity Certificates

 Nature of contraventionand reasons for the contravention

 All supporting documents may be submitted


Tables As per Annex-II to Master Direction

S.No Name of Remitter Total Amount (INR) Date of Receipt •Reported to RBI on Delay if any
B Name of Investor Date of allotment of shares No. of shares allotted Amount for which shares allotted •Date of reporting to RBI Delay if any
S. Name of Total Date of Excess Date of refund Amount RBI No Remitter Amount Receipt share of share in Forex approval (INR) application application letter and money money date
Date of reporting to RBI and not AD
15.04.2024 TableA

Tables As per Annex-II to Master Direction

Table D(Authorised Capital)

S.No Date Authorised Capital With effect from Date of Board meeting Date of filing with ROC

A= B+C

Please give supporting documents

Table A- Copies of FIRC with date stamp of receipt at RBI

Table B- Copies of FCGPR with date stamp of receipt at RBI

Table C – letter seeking refund/ allotment of shares- approval letter from RBI

A2 form

 Copies of Balance Sheet during the period of receipt of application money and allotment of shares

 Nature of contraventionand reasons for the contravention


Format of Undertaking

We ______________________ hereby confirm/declare that we are not under any enquiry/investigation/adjudication by Directorate of Enforcement, as on the date of this application. We further undertake to inform to the Compounding Authority / Reserve Bank of India immediately, in writing, if any enquiry/investigation/adjudication proceedings are initiated by the Directorate of Enforcement against us at any time hereafter but on or before the date of issuance of the compounding order in respect of the compounding application filed by us.’

OR We (Name of the applicant) hereby confirm/declare that I/we am/are or was/were under enquiry/investigation/adjudication by Directorate of Enforcement, and the details are given in the Annex. We further undertake and confirm that no appeal has been filed by us under section 17 or section 19 of FEMA, 1999.

Signature of the applicant/authorized signatory




Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) Mandate

Name of the Party (Beneficiary) :


Particulars of the Bank Account –

Name of the Bank , Name of the Branch, Address - (As appearing on the cheque issued by the Bank)

Telephone No: ______________

Type of Account


The 9 Digit MICR Code Number

(As appearing on the cheque book issued by the Bank)

Account No.

(As appearing on the cheque book issued by the Bank)

Checklist for attachments:

Photocopy of PAN Card

Photocopy of a cancelled blank cheque

We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, we would not hold the user institution responsible.

Signature of the Authorised Signatory


Method for computing Compounding Quantum

Method for Computing Compounding Quantum

 Quantum Imposed generally depends upon -

 Financial gain of unfair advantage, wherever quantifiable to the contravener or to any other person resulting from the contravention;

 The amount of loss caused to any authority/ agency/ exchequer

 Economic benefits from delayed compliance, duration and amount of contravention

 Repetitive nature of contravention, track record and or/ history of non compliance and any other relevant factor

 Contravener’s conduct in undertaking the transaction and in disclosure of full facts in the application and the submissions made during the personal hearing;

 Any other factor as considered relevant and appropriate.


RBI Guidance on Compounding Matrix

Type of contravention Formula

1] Reporting Contraventions

A) FEMA 20

Para 9(1)(A), 9(1)(B), part B of FC(GPR), FCTRS (Reg. 10) and taking on record FCTRS (Reg. 4)


Non submission of ECB statements

C) FEMA 120

Non reporting/delay in reporting of acquisition/setup of subsidiaries/step down subsidiaries /changes in the shareholding pattern

D) Any other reporting contraventions (except those in Row 2 below)

E) Reporting contraventions by LO/BO/PO

Fixed amount :

Rs10,000/- (applied once for each contravention in a compounding application) +

Variable amount:

Up to Rs. 10 Lakhs Rs. 1000/- per year

Rs. 10 Lakhs to Rs. 40 Lakhs Rs. 2,500/- per year

Rs. 40 Lakhs to Rs. 100 Lakhs. Rs. 7,000/- per Year

Rs. 1 Cr to Rs. 10 Cr. Rs. 50,000/- per year

Rs. 10 Cr to Rs. 100 Cr. Rs. 1,00,000/- per year

For LO/ BO: As per the above table, subject to the ceiling of Rs.2 lakhs.

For Project Office: The amount imposed shall be calculated on 10% of the total project cost

35 15.04.2024

RBI Guidance on Compounding Matrix

Type of contravention

2] AAC/ APR/ Share Certificate delays

In case of non-submission/ delayed submission of APR/ Share certificates (FEMA 120) or AAC (FEMA 22) or FCGPR (B) Returns or FLA (FEMA 20)


3] A] Allotment/Refunds

Para 8 of FEMA 20/2000-RB (non-allotment of shares or allotment/ refund after the stipulated 180 days)


(Other than reporting contraventions)

4] All other contraventions except Corporate Guarantees

Delayed submission of AAC/APR/FCGPR (B) / FLA Return delayed.-

Rs.10,000/- per form/ return

Delayed Receipt / Submission of Share Certificate :

Rs.10,000/- per year.

The total amount being subject to the ceiling of 300% of the amount invested

Rs.30,000/- + Following percentage:

(For project offices the amount of contravention shall be deemed to be 10% of the cost of project)

Rs.50,000/- + Following percentage:

15.04.2024 1st Year: 0.30% 3-4 Years: 0.45% 1-2 years : 0.35% 4-5 Years: 0.50% 2-3 Years: 0.40% % years: 0.75% 1st Year: 0.50% 3-4 Years: 0.65% 1-2 years : 0.55% 4-5 Years: 0.70% 2-3 Years: 0.60% % years: 0.75%

RBI Guidance on Compounding Matrix

Type of contravention Formula

5] Issue of Corporate Guarantees without UIN/ without permission wherever required /open ended guarantees or any other contravention related to issue of Corporate Guarantees

Rs.5,00,000/- + Given percentage of the guarantee amount:

In case the contravention includes issue of guarantees for raising loans which are invested back into India, the amount imposed may be trebled

1st year : 0.050% 1-2 years : 0.055% 2-3 years : 0.060% 3-4 years : 0.065% 4-5 years : 0.070% >5 years : 0.075%

Compounding of Contraventions & Penalties

The compounding matrix is subject to the following provisions:

• Maximum Amount imposed should not exceed 300% of the amount involved in contravention

• If amount of contravention is less than Rs. One lakh, the total amount imposed should not be more than amount of simple interest @5% p.a. calculated on the amount of contravention and for the period of the contravention in case of reporting contraventions and @10% p.a. in respect of all other contraventions

• In case of paragraph 8 of Schedule I to FEMA 20/2000 RB contraventions, the amount imposed will be further graded as under:

• If the shares are allotted after 180 days without the prior approval of Reserve Bank, 1.25 times the amount calculated as per table above (subject to provisos at (i) & (ii) above)

• If the shares are not allotted and the amount is refunded after 180 days with the Bank’s permission: 1.50 times the amount calculated as per table above (subject to provisos above)

• If the shares are not allotted and the amount is refunded after 180 days without the Bank’s permission: 1.75 times the amount calculated as per table above (subject to provisos above)

38 15.04.2024

Compounding of Contraventions & Penalties

Further points to be noted:

 In cases where it is established that the contravener has made undue gains, the amount thereof may be neutralized to a reasonable extent by adding the same to the compounding amount calculated as per the chart

 If a party who has been compounded earlier applies for compounding again for similar contravention, the amount calculated as above may be enhanced by 50%

 For calculating amount in respect of reporting contraventions, the period of contravention may be considered proportionately {(approx. rounded off to next higher month ÷ 12) X amount for 1 year}. The total no. of days does not exclude Sundays/holidays

 RBI has clarified that the guidance is meant only for the purpose of broadly indicating the basis on which the amount to be imposed is derived by compounding authorities. The actual amount imposed may sometimes vary, depending on the circumstances of the case taking into account the various factors

39 15.04.2024
Practical Examples for Calculation of Compounding Quantum

Illustration on Contravention of Para 9(1)(A) or Para 9(1)(B) of Schedule 1 to Notification No.FEMA20/2000-RB


Date of Receipt Amount (Rs.) Date of Reporting to RBI Delay Period of contravention (years) Variable Amount applicable as per Para I.1 of Guidance Note (Rs.) 02-11-2005 5,47,953 04-04-2006 4 months 2 days 0.42 Rs. 1000/year 420 06-12-2005 2,32,428 06-12-2012 6 years 1 months 11 days 6.17 Rs. 1000/year 6,170 Variable Amount 6,590 Fixed Amount 10,000 Total 16,590

Illustration Contravention of Para 8 of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA20/2000-RB (Allotment of Shares/ Refunds)

Date of Receipt Amount (Rs.) Date of Allotment Delay Period of contraventio n Variable Amount applicable as per Para I.1 of Guidance Note (Rs.) 03-11-2015 5,47,953 03-12-2005 0 0 0 22-09-2007 7,88,870 25-09-2009 1 years 6 months 5 days 1 – 2 years 0.35% of the amount of contravention 2,761 Variable Amount 2,761 Fixed Amount 30,000 Total 32,761 15.04.2024

Illustration Availing ECB without approval/ not permitted end use / ineligible borrower

@ The average rate as on the date of withdrawal of first (and in this case only) transfer of loan.

Date of Availing Amount (Rs.) Date of Repayment Interest Rate Average PLR rate of 3 leading banks @ % gain in interest Period of gain 01-022009 32 crores 02-01-2016 5.52 % p.a. 8 % p.a. +2.48% p.a. 7 Years Fixed amount as per Para I.4 of guidance note (Rs.) 50,000 Variable amount as per para I.4 of guidance note (Rs.) – Period > 5 Years (0.75%) 24,00,000 Notional gain (Rs.) (32 Cr x 7 yrs x 2.48%) 5,55,52,000 Total imposed (Rs.) 5,80,02,000

Illustration Acquisition of immoveable property in India

of unauthorized acquisition of property

on which the permission for unwinding given by the RBI

27-12-2014 Date of
09-06-2015 Purchase price 52,64,280 Amount spent on maintenance, property tax, etc. while holding the property 2,05,750 Sale price 1,25,68,950 Period of contravention 8 years 6 months 6 days Fixed amount as per Para I.4 of guidance note (Rs.) 50,000 Variable amount as per para I.4 of guidance note (Rs.) 39,482 Period > 5 years - (0.75% of 52,64,280) Undue Gain (Refer note below) (Rs.) 30,71,746 Total imposed (Rs.) 31,61,228 Calculation of Notional interest if the amount was invested in Bank FD : Rs. 52,64,280 x 9% x 8.5 years = Rs. 40,27,174. Total Undue Gain = Sale Price Rs. 1,25,68,950- Cost Rs. 52,64,280- Gain Rs. 40,27,174 –Rs. Mainteance Cost 2,05,750 = 30,71,746 15.04.2024
unwinding the transaction

Dos and Don’s for Compounding

 Admit each contravention honestly and with a request for leniency .

 Spell out each contravention correctly with reference to the Rule, Para, Regulation, etc. violated, amount involved, no of days for delays/ contraventions, reasons of contravention

 If any defect is noticed in the application for compounding, file request for modification

 Enclose supporting documents which are relied upon

 Keep all the papers ready at the time of hearing as no adjournment is generally granted

 Language of the application should be polite.

 No arguments with the authority at the time of hearing yet the situation and circumstances that lead to contravention can be narrated in brief and politely.


Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings)

Rules, 2000

Rule Particulars

Rule 1

Short Title and commencement

Rule 2 Definitions

Rule 3 Compounding Authority – Authorised by Government under section 15(1) of the Act < DD/DLA of ED or

Rule 4 (1) If any person contravenes any provisions of the FEMA 1999, except clause (a) of section 3 of that Act

AGM-Rs.10 lakhs and below

DGM-More than Rs.10 lakhs but less than Rs.40 lakhs

GM -Rs.40 lakhs or more but less than Rs.100 lakhs

CGM-Rs.100 lakhs or more

No compounding for non-quantifiable contravention

Rule 4 (2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall apply to a contravention committed by any person within a period of three years from the date on which a similar contravention committed by him was compounded under these rules.

Explanation—For the purposes of this rule, any second or subsequent contravention committed after the expiry of a period of three years from the date on which the contravention was previously compounded shall be deemed to be a first contravention.


Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000

Rule Particulars

Rule 4(3) Every officer specified under sub-rule (1) of rule 4 of the Reserve Bank of India shall exercise the powers to compound any contravention subject to the direction, control and supervision of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

Rule 4(4) Every application for compounding any contravention under this rule shall be made in Form to the Reserve Bank of India, Exchange Control Department, Central Office, Mumbai along with fees of Rs. 5,000/- by DD in favour of compounding authority

Rule 5 Powers to DoE –If any person contravenes provisions of Section 3 (a) of FEMA…

DD of DOE - Rs. 5 lakhs and below

AD of DOE-More than Rs. 5 lakhs but less than Rs.10 lakhs

SD of DOE -Rs.10 lakhs or more but less than Rs.50 lakhs

SD with DLA of DOE-Rs.50 lakhs or more but less than Rs. 100 lakhs

DE with SD of DOE – Rs. 100 lakhs or more

No compounding for non-quantifiable contravention

Rule 6 Where any contravention is compounded before the adjudication of any contravention under section 16, no inquiry shall be held for adjudication of such contravention in relation to such contravention against the person in relation to whom the contravention is so compounded.


Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings)

Rules, 2000

Rule Particulars

Rule 7 Where the compounding of any contravention is made after making of a complaint under sub-section (3) of section 16, such compounding shall be brought by the authority specified in rule 4 or rule 5 in writing, to the notice of the Adjudicating Authority and on such notice of the compounding of the contravention being given, the person in relation to whom the contravention is so compounded shall be discharged.

Rule 8 Procedure for compounding.

(1)The Compounding Authority may call for any information, record or any other documents relevant to the compounding proceedings.

(2)The Compounding Authority shall pass an order of compounding after affording an opportunity of being heard to all the concerned as expeditiously as possible and not later than 180 days from the date of application.

“Provided that with respect to any proceedings initiated under Rule 4, the Enforcement Directorate is of the view that the said proceedings relates to a serious contravention suspected of money laundering, terror financing or affecting the sovereignty and integrity of the nation, the Compounding Authority shall not proceed with the matter and shall remit the case to the appropriate Adjudicating Authority for adjudicating contravention under Section 13”


Rule Particulars

Rule 9 Payment of amount compounded.—The sum for which the contravention is compounded as specified in the order of compounding under sub-rule (2) of rule 8, shall be paid by demand draft in favour of the Compounding Authority within fifteen days from the date of the order of compounding of such contravention.

Rule 10 In case a person fails to pay the sum compounded in accordance with rule 9 within the time specified in that rule, he shall be deemed to have never made an application for compounding of any contravention under these rules and the provisions of the Act for contravention shall apply to him.

Rule 11 No contravention shall be compounded if an appeal has been filed under section 17 or section 19 of the Act.

Rule 12 Contents of the order of the Compounding Authority.—(1) Every order shall specify the provisions of the Act or of the rules, directions, requisitions or orders made thereunder in respect of which contravention has taken place alongwith details of the alleged contravention.

(2) Every such order shall be dated and signed by the Compounding Authority under his seal.

Rule 13 Copy of the order.—One copy of the order made under rule 8 (2) shall be supplied to the applicant and the Adjudicating Authority as the case may be.

Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000
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