Decoding SEBI’s Consultation Paper A Blueprint for a Transformed Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Landscape
Decoding SEBI’s Consultation Paper A Blueprint for a Transformed Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Landscape
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Ensuring Client Understanding: Portfolio Managers’ responsibility in clarifying fee structure during onboarding process
Portfolio Manager’s Obligation: Providing clients with a standard ‘Most Important Terms and Conditions’ document
Mandatory registration of PMS distributors with the Association of Portfolio Managers in India (APMI)
Introduction SEBI has released a Consultation Paper dated February 15, 2024, on the ease of doing business initiatives for Portfolio Managers. The Consultation paper solicits public feedback on proposed measures to streamline processes and reduce compliance costs. SEBI has addressed key aspects such as client understanding, documentation simplification, and distributor registration. The proposals align with SEBI’s response to the Finance Minister’s call for a consultative approach to ease compliance burdens in the financial sector, in line with the budget announcements for FY 2023-24. These recommendations, if implemented, would bring significant changes to the landscape of Portfolio Management Services. The various proposals highlighted by the working group are discussed hereunder:
1. Ensuring Client Understanding: Portfolio Managers’ responsibility in clarifying fee structure during onboarding process Existing norms As per the Master Circular on Portfolio Managers dated March 20, 2023, new clients must be required to sign the annexure on fees and charges separately and add in their handwriting that they have understood the fee structure.
Observations by the working group The EODB working group has highlighted that in the digital onboarding process, there are certain operational challenges in complying with the requirement of a handwritten note on the annexure of fees in the agreements, including the nonavailability of a stylus at the investors’ location. This requirement creates a hindrance towards complete the digital onboarding of the clients
Proposed norms The working group has proposed the following – (a)
Portfolio managers must ensure that clients understand the fee structure and that the words (“I/We have understood the fees/charge structure”) are handwritten for clients on-boarded via physical mode and hand-typed (using a keyboard) by the first holder for clients on-boarded via digital mode. Other holders should click on “Yes/No” to indicate their understanding of the fee structure.
Portfolio Managers must have an online fee calculator tool that highlights all fee options with multi-year fee calculations with a high watermark concept. An email with the link for the same must be sent to all new clients during onboarding.
The agreement between the client and the Portfolio Manager must contain fee illustrations. For fixed fees, all three scenarios i.e. positive, negative and zero returns must be provided.
The fee debit note must include an annexure detailing the fee calculation. If the fee calculation is incorrect or if the client raises a query on the fees charged, then the portfolio managers must resolve the matter within 30 days.
There should be no additional costs for the investor other than the charges specified in the annexure of fees in the agreement.
Comments The proposed measures would significantly impact both portfolio managers and their clients. Firstly, by requiring clients to confirm their understanding of the fee structure, whether via handwritten or digital acknowledgement, the proposal aims
Decoding SEBI’s Consultation Paper – A Blueprint for a Transformed Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Landscape
to strengthen transparency in financial transactions. Secondly, the implementation of an online fee calculator tool would facilitate improved communication between portfolio managers and clients. Thirdly, the requirement for portfolio managers to resolve fee calculation discrepancies or client queries within 30 days demonstrates a commitment to timely dispute resolution. This approach not only enhances trust but also strengthens the client-manager relationship. Lastly, stipulating that there should be no additional costs beyond those specified in the annexure of fees would provide clients with cost certainty. Overall, these proposals signify an effort to improve transparency, communication and accountability within the realm of portfolio management.
2. Portfolio Manager’s Obligation: Providing clients with a standard ‘Most Important Terms and Conditions’ document Existing norms As per Regulation 22(1) and 22(3) of SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020, two documents are prescribed for formalizing the PMS-client relationship. The PMS-client agreement includes provisions related to mutual rights, liabilities and obligations, fees payable, risks involved, investment objective, investment restrictions, tenure and termination of the agreement. Another document i.e. the Disclosure document, provides disclosures related to portfolio risks specific to investment approach, related party transactions, conflicts of interests, performance of portfolio manager, and audited financial statements. Observations by the working group It has been observed that these documents are voluminous, potentially causing investors to lose focus on critical aspects of their relationship with portfolio managers.
Proposed norms To highlight the critical aspects of the PMS-client relationship and ensure ease of understanding for clients, the working group has proposed that Portfolio Managers may be required to provide their clients with a standard “Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)” document, which must be acknowledged by the client. Further, the form, nature of communication, documentation and detailed standards for the implementation of MITC may be prescribed by the Association of Portfolio Managers in India (APMI), in consultation with the SEBI.
Decoding SEBI’s Consultation Paper – A Blueprint for a Transformed Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Landscape
Comments The proposed requirement for portfolio managers to provide their clients with a standard MITC document is expected to have several positive effects. Firstly, it will make it easier for clients to better understand the key terms, risks and obligations associated with their investments, thereby promoting transparency and informed decision-making. Secondly, by mandating client acknowledgement of the MITC document, the proposal strengthens accountability on the part of portfolio managers, ensuring that clients are fully aware of the terms and conditions governing their investment arrangements. Overall, the proposal stands to benefit both clients and portfolio managers by promoting clarity, accountability and trust within the portfolio management landscape.
3. Mandatory registration of PMS distributors with the Association of Portfolio Managers in India (APMI) The Association of Portfolio Managers in India (APMI)1 was established as a trade body for Portfolio Managers and was incorporated on December 31, 2021, as a Section 25 company. APMI serves as a representative for the portfolio management industry to provide a unified interface to regulators, intermediaries, investors, etc.
Observations by the working group The working group stated that there are several regulatory benefits of mandating the APMI Registration Number (APRN)2 as the industry standard for distributing PMS products.
Proposed norms The proposed norms mandate the registration of PMS distributors with the Association of Portfolio Managers in India. The key benefits for distributors include registration with an industry body, access to industry data, easy & faster access to portfolio managers, faster grievance redressal etc while the key benefits for portfolio managers include common compliances, common due diligence reports, common KYD requirements etc. Comments These measures not only promote regulatory compliance but also contribute to operational efficiency and risk management. Overall, the proposal aims to enhance transparency, accountability and professionalism within the portfolio management industry, ultimately benefitting both distributors and portfolio managers while bolstering investor confidence and protection. 1 2
Master Circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-POD-1/P/CIR/2023/38; Dated 20-03-2023 APMI introduced a distributor registration portal through which individuals can obtain APRN to sell PMS. The registration was voluntary for existing PMS distributors.
Decoding SEBI’s Consultation Paper – A Blueprint for a Transformed Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Landscape
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Naveen holds expertise in Advisory and litigation related to Income-tax and International Tax matters. Naveen has extensive experience working with diversified industries like real estate, technology, publication, education, hospitality, manufacturing, etc. He writes and regularly speaks on Income-tax issues for renowned media houses. Highlights
Naveen Wadhwa
Project Lead–Research and Advisory (Corporate and Personal Tax)
• Chartered Accountant (All India 24th Rank) • 14+ Years of Experience in Income-tax and International Tax • Previously worked with Grant Thornton • Experience in Real Estate, Technology, Publication, Hospitality, etc.
Dr. Vinod K. Singhania got his PhD from the Delhi School of Economics in 1976. His field of interest includes all facets of corporate legislation and corporate economics, especially tax laws. He is associated in different capacities with several professional institutes and business houses in India and abroad. He has authored many popular books and software on Income-tax.
Vinod K. Singhania Expert on Panel – Research and Advisory (Direct Taxation)
Highlights • 35+ Years of Experience in Corporate and Personal Taxation • Resource person in over 800 seminars • Author of various books on Direct Tax laws used by large number of professionals and Department officials
V.S. Datey specialises in laws relating to GST, Customs Duty, including Foreign Trade Policy, SEZ, and other erstwhile Indirect Taxes (such as Central Excise, Service Tax, etc.). He has been working in the field of Indirect Taxation since 1993. Highlights • Holds 30+ years of experience
V.S. Datey
Expert on Panel – Research and Advisory (Indirect Taxation)
• Engaged in consulting and training professionals on Indirect Taxation • A regular speaker at various industry forums, associations and industry workshops • Author of various books on Indirect Taxation used by professionals and Department officials
SS Gupta has expertise in indirect taxation, specifically in the services sector. He is a faculty member in the colleges/institutions to teach indirect tax and is associated with various social organisations. He has also contributed extensively to the field of indirect taxation in various seminars/lectures. Highlights
S.S. Gupta
Expert on Panel – Research and Advisory (Indirect Taxation)
• Chartered Accountant and Cost & Works Accountant • 34+ Years of Experience in Indirect Taxation • Bestowed with numerous prestigious scholarships and prizes • Author of the book - GST How to Meet Your Obligations, GST on Services, which is very widely referred to by Trade and Industry
Adv. (Dr.) Manoj Fogla has served charitable and voluntary organisations in diversified sectors, including educational & religious institutions, civil society organisations, environmental agencies, international donor agencies, and several large corporate foundations. Dr. Fogla has provided a full range of services related to Advisory, contract reviews, organisational restructuring, compliance management and litigation support to Indian and International clients for their work in the charity domain.
Manoj Fogla
Expert on Panel– Research and Advisory (Charitable Trusts and NGOs)
Highlights • Over three decades of practising experience on tax, legal and regulatory aspects of NPOs and Charitable Institutions • Law practitioner, a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and also holds a Master's degree in Philosophy • PhD from Utkal University, Doctoral Research on Social Accountability Standards for NPOs • Author of several best-selling books for professionals, including the recent one titled 'Trust and NGO's Ready Reckoner' by Taxmann • Drafted publications for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi, such as FAQs on GST for NPOs & FAQs on FCRA for NPOs. • Has been a faculty and resource person at various national and international forums
Sudha G. Bhushan Expert on Panel– Research and Advisory (FEMA)
Ms. Sudha G. Bhushan is a member of ICAI and ICSI. She is also an Insolvency Resolution Professional and a Registered Valuer. She is an advisor to the Bank of Baroda and is empanelled with HDFC Bank. She is an Independent Director with Aurionpro Solutions Limited, Choice International Limited, DIGJAM Limited and Matix Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd. She is an expert in India's FDI Policy and FEMA and has worked in the area for over two decades. She has authored many books on FDI, FEMA and International Taxation. Highlights • 20+ Years of experience • Advisor to many Banks and MNCs • Experience in FDI and FEMA Advisory • Authored more than seven best-selling books • Provides training on FEMA to professionals • Experience in many sectors, including banking, fertilisers, and chemical • Has previously worked with Deloitte.
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