Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 2:46:36 PM New Zealand Daylight Time
Subject: Date: From: To: A1achments:
LGOIMA water inquiry costs Monday, 27 March 2017 at 1:51:26 PM New Zealand Daylight Time Diane Joyce Taxpayers' Union InformaMon Requests image001.jpg, image002.png
To The Taxpayers Union In response to your Local Government Official InformaMon and MeeMngs Act request for informaMon on the cost of inquiries into the Havelock North water contaminaMon (HDC ref: IRB-2-01-17-762). Your request was split into two quesMons; asking for the costs of Council’s internal inquiry and the cost to Council of the Government Inquiry. Council is unable to fully split between the two inquiries. It is fair to say that while the invesMgaMon was primarily for Council’s own internal inquiry, the invesMgaMons undertaken were also vital for informing the Government Inquiry, while the legal expenses are in the main a^ributable to the Government Inquiry. The invoiced costs as at the Mme of replying are: InvesMgaMons: $739,666 Legal: $223,745 Regards
Diane Joyce Communications Manager Phone 06 871 5056 or 027 275 5205 Email dianej@hdc.govt.nz Web hastingsdc.govt.nz Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156, New Zealand
From: Bruce Allan Sent: Tuesday, 14 March 2017 7:32 a.m. To: Diane Joyce <dianej@hdc.govt.nz> Cc: Ross McLeod <rossm@hdc.govt.nz> Subject: RE: Request for informaMon - Wilson asks Yule to show him the money
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Below are the costs to-date for what has been requested. Note that there are no staff costs included as we have not employed extra staff during this Mme in relaMon to this incident.
From: Diane Joyce Sent: Wednesday, 22 February 2017 4:40 p.m. To: Bruce Allan <brucea@hdc.govt.nz> Subject: FW: Request for informaMon - Wilson asks Yule to show him the money
But wait there’s more d
Diane Joyce Communications Manager Phone 06 871 5056 or 027 275 5205 Email dianej@hdc.govt.nz Web hastingsdc.govt.nz Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156, New Zealand
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From: Taxpayers' Union InformaMon Requests [mailto:requests@taxpayers.org.nz] Sent: Friday, 27 January 2017 12:50 p.m. To: Council (External) <council@hdc.govt.nz> Cc: fenton.wilson@hbrc.govt.nz Subject: Request for informaMon - Wilson asks Yule to show him the money
This is a request for official informaMon under the Local Government Official InformaMon and MeeMngs Act 1987 relaMng to the story “Wilson asks Yule to show him the money” available at: h^p://www.newscollecMve.co.nz/hbrc/item/270-wilson-asks-yule-to-show-him-the-money.html We request the following informaMon: 1. a breakdown of the cost to HDC ratepayers of the invesMgaMon into the Havelock North water crisis, since it occurred; and 2. a breakdown of the cost to HDC ratepayers of the Government Inquiry into the Havelock North water crisis to date. For both please ensure legal (and representaMon) costs, consultancy fees, outgoings, technical advisory, travel, and communicaMons costs are included. Also please provide an esMmate of staff Mme (and the cost of the same) in each breakdown. We do not wish to cause unnecessary expense or burden on your agency. If clarificaMon of any of our requests is needed, please call or email. Likewise, if a request proves unnecessarily burdensome in form and we are likely to be able to adjust it to be more specific or be^er suited to your informaMon systems without losing the benefit of what is sought, please also get in touch. If there is likely to be a delay in being able to assemble or provide some of the informaMon requested, please provide the rest of the informaMon as it becomes available. To avoid unnecessary prinMng and postage costs, we ask that you send a confirma7on of receipt, the response and any other correspondence related to this request to requests@taxpayers.org.nz. Please include the following reference in the subject line: Wilson asks Yule to show him the money New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union Inc. | Main +64 4 282 0300 | Level 1, 50 Manners Street, Wellington | PO Box 10518, The Terrace, Wellington | www.taxpayers.org.nz Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance Ltd. | Main +64 9 281 5172 | PO Box 133099, Eastridge, Auckland | www.ratepayers.nz We are 100% funded by people like you. If you like what we do, join the Taxpayers’ Union or the Auckland Ratepayers' Alliance.
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