Heartfelt thanks to Ross Richmond, Shannon Belardi, Gustavo Gutierrez, Edith and Eduardo Marin, Lety Pemberton, and Linda Renaud at Stone Creations for their incredible work on the sculpture on view in Aviary. Without this team the show would not be possible.
To Mei Rose, Bookie, the ravens, Garfield, and the animal life that we share this place with, I give my gratitude and love.
I give deep thanks for the amazing effort of Maya and the great team at Maya Frodeman Gallery for making this show possible.
- Jane
Hand-cut, stepped, Beaumaniére on classique Provençal limestone with Sumi-e pigment on limestone base
68 x 17 x 24 inches
Revelation comes only to those who perceive with their eyes and minds. Everything is contained in what surrounds us. Everything is given in nature, which is imbued with eternal, uninterrupted movement. A woman’s body, a mountain, a horse are one and the same thing in terms of conception, and they all are built according to the same principles.
- Auguste Rodin
There is always a double movement, everywhere in nature there is a double movement. The buttocks are also a butterfly — understand this form as you will find it many places. The tree not only grows up, its branches and roots pull down. You are reaching for the sky, you are also sinking into the earth. You are in fact in between heaven and earth, you are the vehicle. You need to be aware that you are a double movement. Within all the diversity we see about us, there are simple unities. Such as forms of force, forms of adaptation, forms of change. Along with forms of adaptation there are forms of fluidity: which droop, which flow, which swirl, which rotate, which schmear. Forms of unity and forms of collection: of grouping, of gathering, of piling, of layering, of heaping, of bundling, of grasping. Forms of severing: of tearing, of chipping, of splitting, of cutting, of dropping, of removing. Forms of transfiguration: of simplification, of difference, of disarrangement, of dancing, of shading, of open work, of splashing.
- Jane Rosen, The Forms of Japan, September 17, 2001
Paterson lies in the valley under the Passaic Falls its spent waters forming the outline of his back. He lies on his right side, head near the thunder of the waters filling his dreams! Eternally asleep, his dreams walk about the city where he persists incognito. Butterflies settle on his stone ear.
Immortal he neither moves nor rouses and is seldom seen, though he breathes and the subtleties of his machinations drawing their substance from the noise of the pouring river animate a thousand automations.
50 x 42
Framed dimensions 53 1/4 x 45 1/2 inches
pigment and ink on paper
x 13 inches
Japanese pigment and ink on paper
13 x 20 inches