Monthly Signage Push Campaigns - PrintStack Assessment Findings & Recommendations

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Taylor’s Recommendations for Change As an outcome of our assessment and findings as detailed in the Current State portion of this document, Taylor recommends review and adoption of the changes noted below in this section. These recommendations are the result of our years of experience in working with some of the largest retailers in North America — helping them advance their marketing, promotional messaging and merchandising efforts. Byer’s should consider:

Assign Ownership and Redefine Roles This means: • Byer’s can effectively implement the changes necessary to streamline the creation and execution of monthly pushes and New Store launches • Clearly defined roles leads to better communication and reduces the likelihood of tasks being dropped • Assigning responsibility and authority will ensure that team members are held accountable for the roles and tasks they are given ◦

Note: Based on our observations and findings, Taylor recommends that Store Operations be the “owner” of the Monthly Push process and updating of the New Store Kits. This decision is a Byer’s decision to make. Taylor will support whatever Byer’s should decide in assigning ownership, and in developing and implementing the suggested workflow and related SOPs

12 Taylor

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