Stock Labels
One of the largest selections of stock labels in the industry
Taylor’s stock label program offers a wide array of stock labels to meet all your needs, including thermal transfer, direct thermal and laser labels. We provide same-day shipping for all stock label orders received prior to our shipment cutoff time.
Thermal Transfer Labels
Our thermal transfer labels feature soft matte, ultra-white facestock for maximum printability and reliable error-free scans. Featuring high-bond adhesive, our labels are ideal for packaging, warehousing, shipping, receiving, work-in-progress and inventory management applications.
Integrated Form/Label Constructions
Improve efficiency and reduce costs by combining labels and forms. Because of their unique peel-out design, integrated label forms are ideal for multi-functional applications including pickand-pack lists, warehousing and inventory, return merchandise, prescriptions, and return address labels. We offer many stock options and can also create custom form/label combinations to fit your specific needs.
Cut Sheet, Laser and Inkjet Labels
Taylor offers a selection of competitively priced stock laser, inkjet and integrated labels. Our labels are specifically designed for superior performance in desktop and high-speed laser printers as well as inkjet printers. Our special manufacturing processes ensure that the labels “stay flat” during the printer’s sheet feeding process enhancing your productivity. We also offer extensive custom capabilities to satisfy your unique applications.
Impact/EDP/Pin-Fed Labels
Dot matrix, or impact printers, remain a common method of imaging labels. Our pin-fed, impact/EDP labels are specifically designed to work with these types of printers.

RFID-Enabled Labels
Taylor offers a wide selection of RFID-enabled stock labels and RFID printers. Our RFID labels selection supports many industry printers and includes a variety of RFID manufactures. Special pricing is available for orders over 100,000 labels.
Direct Thermal Labels
Our direct thermal labels feature ultra-white, high print contrast facestock for maximum printability and reliable error-free scans. Direct thermal labels are ideal for shipping, receiving, case labeling and work-in-progress applications. No ribbon is required, providing a cost-effective method of processing labels.
Promoted Stock Label Program
For a listing of the most common stock items, ask your sales representative for the Promoted Stock Label Program Catalog.