About me
ellendaest dellignam apid mo molupta tionser upisitiam ut faccabo. Name res doloreiciis ut maximen tecabor essunt exerspe liquia non conet latem vent, sinum la sus alis doloribus quam, il ima vendis que autassi tem adior asperia ameni omnis eossequi dolesti to ius, consequi occae net ero et peribus sequam aut laut idis enet qui acima con peliqua tiatin net veni odit enderem et aut es repe num necatio ssunt, ellores quam ad quo dolum evelese debit el id minum volest faceperitio corum laborem fuga. Pa volor asime sincium nus es aut arunti conseque dolent quiam quia
About me
ellendaest dellignam apid mo molupta tionser upisitiam ut faccabo. Name res doloreiciis ut maximen tecabor essunt exerspe liquia non conet latem vent, sinum la sus alis doloribus quam, il ima vendis que autassi tem adior asperia ameni omnis eossequi dolesti to ius, consequi occae net ero et peribus sequam aut laut idis enet qui acima con peliqua tiatin net veni odit enderem et aut es repe num necatio ssunt, ellores quam ad quo dolum evelese debit el id minum volest faceperitio corum laborem fuga.
Pa volor asime sincium nus es aut arunti conseque dolent quiam quia nempor aut laut laborunt il ipiciendus destio.

Book Redesign
For this project we had to take the last book we had read and redesign the cover and the inside spreads. This is a thriller book and I took elements from the orignal cover and re-designed it in a modern way.

Cookie Recipe
For this project we had to take a recipe and design it in different ways. I took my grandmothers pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe. The first way on the left is a typical recipe layout. The layout on the right is all the same information as the first one but in a grunge style.

Lake Union Herald
We were given a story for the Lake Union Herald magazine and we had to design the spread for this story. the story was 3,000 words and it was a three page spread. My design was chosen to appear in the actual printed magazine out of the class.

AUSA Instagram
I was apart of Andrews University Student Association as their graphic designer. My responablities are to create promotional peices for event and graphics for the instagram.

Wedsite Design

I had to take a product and design a product page for mobile and desktop. I mocked up my own product and branding.

Pickle Festival Logo

In Branding class we had a real life client come in and pitch a logo for the Berrien Springs Pickle Festival. They wanted a logo and a mascot design. They were looking for something youthful and fun without being cheesy. It need to evoke the town spirit. Out of six other classmates my design was chosen and actually used in the festival.

Best Friend Freestylers Logo
This was a branding done for Best Friend Freestylers a real life client that came into our class. They need a logo that showed the connection between the owner and the dog.

Roy Lichestine Branding
For my Art History Class we had to take an artist we learned about and create a peice that embodied their style. I chose Roy Lichestine and made a branding around him. He is known for his women illustrations, so i took inspiration from them and made my own illustration. Lichestine uses primary colors and benday dots so I used those in my branding. The secondary logo is inspired by his Whaam! 1963, it is a very simple version of the explosion in that artpeice.

In typography class we created a letter each week in a new style.

The Future
This is a photoshop digital collage series done in advanced digital imaging. At the time i was leaving in the summer for an internship and these peices represent that feeling of venturing out on your own and growing up into your place in this world.

The Male Gaze
This series is about how men see, think and speak about women. Using 1950’s style ads and modern pictures of men representing the outdated view on women some men have.

Senior Project
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