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Process Book 351 Intermediate Graphic Design

Process Book 351 Intermediate Graphic Design

RadioLab The Paradox of Choice

FIRST REFLECTION: This was a very interesting Podcast (I think anything about behavioral patterns is fascinating, so I might be a little biased). Most of the studies done by the psychologist on the program blew my mind, but the first part of the podcast really hit home for me. Berry Schwartz’s thoughts on modern colleges and college students summed up my college career to a T. There are so many choices these days and our brains can’t handle them all. This study of his could help me answer a few questions my parents have been asking me all summer. The best being; “Why are you still in school?” In my defense, unless some choice is completely life changing, I generally weigh my options and then go with my gut. I am somewhat of a worrier, so this is what I have to do to keep sane on a day-to-day basis. I relate a lot with the guy discribed later in the podcast, the one with a brain tumor, my rational side gets in the way a lot of the time. If my rational side was in charge all the time I would be miserable. I think like the guy whose window shattered, we learn from experiences and try not to make ourselves too miserable. But now, I keep thinking about all those gut decisions in stressful

times and hope that there was some rational thinking behind them. I think there is some truth in the notion that people cannot be one hundred percent rational or one hundred percent emotional. There has to be a healthy balance, we just have to find it for ourselves.


Because I found the idea of the irrational portion of our brains making most of our decisions interesting, I originally focussed on dominance of the irrational over the rational. I found my result, quite frankly, repulsive. It was hard for me to get back into design thinking after a stressful past semester and a summer away from almost anything design.




My second idea was to focus on the weakness of the mind that was touched on in the podcast. Trying to remember seven numbers (plus or minus two) can have a massive effect on the rational side of our brain. This try was also a disaster because my brain was still not in gear.










10 








The Weakness of the Rational Mind








The Collapse of The Rational Mind

In my third iteration I tried to deal with


the squares of the previous iteration. I built a building out of the structure and wanted the squares to represent windows. I tried using; “Good Bad Decide” at the top of the building. Then, I mixed in a lyric from one of my favorite bands Modest Mouse: “We have one chance to get everything right”. I tried to take out the perspective part and just focus on color and the hierarchy of a single square. Ultimately I wasn’t satisfied so I scrapped the idea.

we have one chance to get everything right

we have one chance to get everything right


we have one chance one chance to get everything right


My forth and final iteration was made out of pure frustration and exhaustion. The end result is something that I really enjoyed because it coincided with what the hosts of RadioLab were talking about. I found out that the way I like to work is by going through the motions, creating something, starting over and then apply what I learned.




Group Project Creative DNA

Objectives This summer you read the book “The Creative Habit� by Twyla Tharp. In it, Tharp shares her personal anecdotes for maintaining a creative life, anecdotes that transcend her field of dance and can be applied to most any field of study. To continue investigating how the thread of creativity is universal, you will now work with a small team to convey the message of a given chapter to a very particular audience. Working in teams of 2 or 3, you will take the message of your particular chapter and communicate it to an audience of your choosing on the University of Tennessee campus. The audience must be defined and can not be the general population. The audience must not be associated with the arts (theater, dance, or art). The message you choose to communicate and the vehicle you choose to communicate it with should resonate with your particular audience. You and your team will be expected to explain the decisions you made in relationship to your particular audience.

lizabet lizabeth “Bitsy “Bitsy” Cond Conde

& Taylo Taylor “Dudz “Dudz” Dudne Dudney

Our Mission is to target Undergraduate Freshman with undecided majors and help guide them along the right path. To begin, we set up a series of colored ribbon along heavily tread pathways on campus. These paths would zigzag and twist until finally leading to a dead end and a poster with a link to the website. Driven with curiosity, our freshman would go to the website and begin their online portion of our aid. This website, designed with young adults in mind, will provide a plethora of helpful advice and links. A community page will provide outside advice from UT students. By using an easy and visually stimulating layout, the website functions more on a personal and relatable way than most official UT sites.

Design Inspiration: +thatsnotcool.com +nbc.com/The_Office/ +mindwith.com +toucouleur.fr +narfstuff.co.uk

Our original idea was to redesign

The idea behind this design was to

UT’s website so that it would be more

resemble the ribbon that we wanted to

appealing to undecided freshmen.

put around campus to lead people to our website.

The backdrop was supposed to

Through critique we found out that this

resemble a black board and the colors

design was a little too elementary and

were intended to grab attention.

that we should focus on a new site.

This redesign was about focussing

We wanted the design to have a

more on college freshmen, and

textured feel to it because we were

bringing the feel of the design to an

both drawn to textured posters and

older crowd.


We came up with the idea of having a

Through another critique we found that

place where people could write about

the background was boring and the

there college experiences that we

tabs were not working.

could moderate.

We need to reine.

We updated the navigation so that it

curser by exapanding when you hover

would be on the sticky notes on the

over them. This update also changed

side of our welcome page.

the background.

The sticky notes would react to the

We took our idea of a social media

posted and then you can click to read

aspect for the site and incorporated

their full post.

the stars from our journal. you can hover over each star to see who has

(Above) The Get Involved section was

(Below) Our posters are found at the

mean to look like notebook paper and

end of a ribbon that is placed around

is a suggestion page.

campus. They are designed on top of homework sheets.

(Above) What They Majored in matches

(Below) The Extra Info page directs

CEOs with their undergraduate

students to UT sites as well as other

degrees. This page was meant to be

useful sites.


Portrait Project Drew Lambert

My subject was a friend of a friend who’s name was Drew Lambert. Drew is a very interesting guy, very quirky and has an awesome sense of humor. This project taught me that preparation is a huge part of design. I did not start out with great material and my posters showed it. I had one picture that was usable, but even then the background and his shirt drew away from the what I wanted the audience to see. It troubled me that everyone found this image of him creepy because he is not a creepy guy at all. I hit a block when I realized that there was very little that I could do with the plain image. This block was overcome when I decide to cut Drew out of the background and play with the negative space around and inside his silhouette. I used the quote “I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle because I thought it was funny and it did sound like something he would say. I’ve decided hitting a wall is a good thing because you have to be able to overcome and move forward.

1. Subject selection Identify someone to be the subject of this project. This should preferably be someone you do not know very well already, someone that you can get to know. Think about people who you are interested in knowing more about, people from whom you can learn something. This person can not be related to you. 2. Interview + document You will next interview this person. Think carefully about the questions you choose to ask before you meet with them. Think about questions that will get you to the heart of their process. This interview should be documented both visually and verbally. 3. act / reflect / change The end result should allow the rest of us in class to know this person without ever actually talking to them.

DREW I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

I’m just worried about those pictures. Everyone is going to think I am a Twins fan and I am NOT! But oh well.

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW DREW I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle

Drew Lambert

Drew Lambert

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle Drew Lambert

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle

Drew Lambert

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle

Drew Lambert

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle

Drew Lambert

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.


I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle. DREW LAMBERT

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle. I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

I’ve always wanted to be a part of a medieval battle.

I’m treading the tightrope of me worrying about making mistakes or just making too many mistakes and not worrying about it.

Good Project Childhood Obesity

Quote + Visual Response

“No one should have to make a choice between their kids eating food that is going to make them sick or eating that is bad for the environment, and them eating food at all.“ ~Joshua Viertel

Out Live



i’m lovin’ it Among pre-school age children 2-5 years of age, obesity increased from 5 to 10.4% between 1976-1980 and 2007-2008 and from 6.5 to 19.6% among 6-11 year olds.



KIDS Among pre-school age children 2-5 years of age, obesity increased from 5 to 10.4% between 1976-1980 and 2007-2008 and from 6.5 to 19.6% among 6-11 year olds.

1. The Problem: + Childhood obesity continues to be a growing problem in the U.S. in spite of education about eating habits. 2. Sub-Problems + Working parents do not have time to fix “real meals” + Healthy food is expensive + McDonald’s and other food chains’ main focus is on their bottom line, not the wellbeing of the consumer. + Consumers choose to ignore the risks of an unhealthy lifestyle and the effect it has on their children. 3. Project Question In what way could a guerilla campaign inform parents and children about the risks of unhealthy eating habits as well as the severity of childhood obesity? 4. What is the project about? The project is about reminding and reinforcing the idea that unhealthy food might be quicker, cheaper and easier, but it makes life harder in the long run. 5. Audience My audience would be both children and working parents. 6. What value is the project to them? My project could help bring awareness to and help prevent childhood obesity. 7. What is my intention? My intention is to educate my audience about childhood obesity. 8. In what design forms could my project be realized? + Giant packaging to grab attention. + Maybe making some kind of toy for happy meals. + A message that makes the audience think twice about their decisions. + “Unhappy Meal” (coloring, message and illustrations)

FAT Translation


First idea was a cut out that is placed at a drive thru.

Realizing afterward that ever piece of “guerilla� marketing I had looked at had been corporate, I decided to look into street art as a means way of communicating.

Shepherd Fairy







19.6% of children between 6 and 11 are obese



of teens between 12 and 18 are obese








19.6% 18.1%

of children between 6 and 11 are obese of teens between 12 and 18 are obese


1 in 5 Children are obese


19.6% 18.1%

1 in 5


19.6% 18.1%

of children between 6 and 11 are obese of teens between 12 and 18 are obese

of children between 6 and 11 are obese of teens between 12 and 18 are obese


19.6% 18.1%

of children between 6 and 11 are obese of teens between 12 and 18 are obese





Children in the United Stat


tes are Obese

After going in a street art direction for a while, I decided to go back to the marketing that I was drawn to in the first place. I used my scanner to scan in fries that I had formed into letters and numbers and then added the some type. I think billboards are really what working parents notice more than the very graphic, stenciled images that are passed off as graffiti on the side of a building. I think this billboard could be a guerilla campaign that could actually have an impact. I think an indirect campaign would just be another “gimmicky” thing that people would just pass up, but this is something that will catch all eyes and make people think about their choices. Looking back at this project, i wish I hadn’t backed myself into a corner (like I always do) because I learned that a customer doesn’t always like you to keep doing 180s. I need to be able to set a goal and follow through.


Children in the United States are Obese


Children in the United States are Obese


Children in the United States are Obese

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