Dear Church Family, Matthew 9:36-38: When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” In these verses we see there is a shift about to take place. The daily activities are going to change for the twelve men who followed Jesus. They have been watching Jesus work and it has been nothing short of amazing as He preaches, changes the hearts of tax collectors, casts out demons, restores life to the dead, gives sight to the blind, and opens the mouths of the mute. If you are along for the ride recorded in Matthew 9, you can’t help but be amazed by the power of Jesus.
Ministerial Staff Paul Jimenez Pastor
John Alexander
Minister of Elementary Children
Kevin Batson Worship Pastor
Ryan Brooks
Minister of College & Young Singles
Gerald Caskey
Director of Finance & Administration
David Cline
Executive Pastor
But then He turns to them in the very next chapter and says: “I give you the authority to do similarly amazing things. I’m sending you out. Now go.” See Matthew 10:1. How would you respond? If you are like me, you would be anxious about whether you could do the same things Jesus could do. I’d be concerned as to whether I would say the right words or follow the right procedures in order to see the right results. Jesus knows this anxiety and gives to all of His followers the incredible gifts of His Word and the Holy Spirit to help and guide us. But here is what I often miss when it comes to “doing” mission and ministry: THE PEOPLE. It’s easy to overlook the paragraph that precedes Jesus’ sending of the twelve. It says that when Jesus saw the people, He had compassion on them. This phrase is used several times about Jesus when He sees the needs of people. Along with a desire for the glory of His Father, His compassion stirs Him to action. It stirs Him to send His disciples into mission. It stirs Him to call His disciples to make more disciples who will reach people.
Minister of Preschool Children
As we prepare to launch out into the fall, it’s easy to focus on the “doing” of mission and ministry and overlook the heart. Before we begin let’s take time to observe Jesus and be moved by what He sees as He moves among the places where we live, work and play. Let’s be captured by His heart for our neighbors, co-workers, the people of the Taylors community, the parents of our children’s classmates and teammates, teachers and coaches, workout partners, book club members, and the list goes on. And when we see the people as Jesus sees them and share His heart for the Father’s glory to be displayed to them, then the heart of mission and ministry is joined to the hands - the "why" is joined to the "what," and the right motive is joined to the right practice.
Dr. Doug Mize
Looking forward to a great fall as we share Jesus’ heart and mission together.
Kathy Dority
Minister of Assimilation & Spiritual Care
Dustin Dozier
Minister of Students
Dr. Jimmie Harley Associate Pastor
Daryl Hopkins
Minister of Recreation
Rhonda McMahan
Education and Connections Pastor
Scott Norman
Minister of Worship
Jeremy Thompson
Minister of Missions & Evangelism To Contact via Email: first name, last initial
Paul Jimenez, Pastor
How to Join
Taylors FBC Being a part of a local church family is important for every person. At the close of each of our services, we have an “invitation” time. During this time we invite you to come forward to apply for church membership with our staff or trained counselors. You may also join on September 30 during Part Two of Dinner with the Staff. By public profession of faith and believer’s baptism by immersion. By statement: you have previously made a faith commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior and have already followed Him in baptism by immersion.
Part One: Monday, September 28, 6-8 pm
Join us for a free, casual dinner in a relaxed setting to learn more about Taylors. Reservations are required by September 20: Middle and high school students are invited to attend dinner. Childcare is provided for children 5th grade and younger with reservation. Dinner will be served to the children.
Part Two: Wednesday, September 30, 6:30-8 pm Come back to ask questions, discuss membership and serving opportunities, as well as help us get to know you a little better.
By statement and pending baptism: you have previously made a faith commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior and now wish to follow Him in baptism by immersion. By letter of transfer of your membership from a Baptist church of like faith and order. By watchcare. Allows college students to come under the spiritual leadership of Taylors FBC while in the area and remain a member at their home church. Questions about church membership? Contact Doug Mize at
Outdoor Baptism September 20, 4:30 pm Taylors Park
One of the greatest pleasures of life is celebrating the spiritual awakening of others who have come into right relationship with God. I guess that is one reason I love our annual Outdoor Baptism service! Come and celebrate with us our ninth year of witnessing many new believers take this step of commitment to Jesus Christ.
Are you contemplating taking this critical step of a true disciple? We would love to talk to you. Please contact Doug at 864-292-4063 or If you would like to schedule your baptism contact Paula Overstreet, 864-678-8810,
I hope to see you there! Bring your lawn chairs and feel free to picnic. Parking will be available at the ball fields.
Doug Mize
Education and Connections Pastor TAYLORSFBC.ORG | 3
We have a great team of worship leaders! Everyone who stands on the platform in the Worship Center and in the Fellowship Hall is a worship leader. Paul, Scott, and myself are part of a team whose purpose is to usher the people of God into the Presence of God, to paint a clear and compelling picture of Him, and to encourage each person to enter into the act of worship. It’s so much more than singing! God summons us to worship Him. We confess our sins and we are forgiven because of Jesus’ sacrifice. We lift our hearts in joyful praise to Him. We actively listen as God speaks to us through the Scripture. We give an offering as an act of thanksgiving and obedience. We gather around the Lord’s Table to remember the price that was paid for us. We are sent out into the world to serve and share Jesus. As we enter into another church year, as your Worship Pastor, I invite you to prayerfully consider these questions: Do you come to worship expecting to spend time with God? Have you thought about the words you are singing as much as the melody, rhythm, style, or instrumentation? Do you think as much about how the congregation is singing as how the worship-leaders (singers and instruments) sound? What if the one thing that God really hears when He looks at our worship service is our hearts? Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and do good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25 I am thankful for our teams of singers, musicians, and technical artists at Taylors FBC. We had a dynamic experience at the Freedom Celebration downtown on July 3! Celebrating our country together was special, and then to enter into a time of worship in that public setting, and have the privilege of sharing the Good News of Jesus – thanks to each person who sang, played, prayed, set-up, toredown, and invited guests to come. Yet beyond those special events we are grateful for those who do those same things, week after week, Sunday after Sunday, to provide an opportunity for people to encounter God in worship. To each of you who participate in the Worship Ministry, thank you! If you have gifts and abilities in singing, playing an instrument, working with sound, video or computers, there is a place for you to serve with us! As we resume regular rehearsals for Adult Choirs and Orchestra on August 12, and gear everything back up for this fall, I pray you will contact one of our team and come join the fun!
Kevin Batson, Worship Pastor
Choirs are Back! GROUP Contemporary Choir Traditional Choir Taylors Orchestra Regeneration (Student) Legacy Choir (Senior)
DATE REHEARSALS RESUME Wednesday, August 12, 6:20 pm Wednesday, August 12, 7:30 pm Wednesday, August 12, 7:00 pm Sunday, September 13, TBA Monday, September 14, 10:00 am
Contact Us GROUP CONTACT Adult Choirs Kevin Batson, Worship Bands Scott Norman, Orchestra Josh Morton, Tech Team Jesse Lee, 4 | TAYLORSFBC.ORG
What an amazing sight to see young families, singles, and older couples coming to a school in Dedham, Massachusetts, to attend a church service. One hundred forty visitors, to be exact, attended the first service held by Encounter Church. God answered so many prayers that have been prayed for over a year to make town officials and school leaders favorable to Encounter and to move in the hearts of residents to be a part of the church. The set-up, service, and teardown went so smoothly, like it had been done dozens of times before instead of just once. When the service was over, we were thrilled to see people hanging around talking to the Encounter team members, and then about two hundred people attending a cookout across the street. These numbers are just another indication of God’s love for Dedham and His work in people’s hearts to draw them to His Son. Our team of fourteen from Taylors FBC joined teams from two other churches from Tennessee and Mississippi to put out 7,000 door hangers and assist the Encounter team with childcare, parking, setup and tear-down, ushering, etc. It was truly the body of Christ working to bring His love and the Word of God to a place it is needed. David R Massie
Single Mom's Oil Change Saturday, August 15 Be a part of this ministry to our community by volunteering to help with Single Moms Oil Change and by bringing much needed school supplies and backpacks for the children of the single moms in our area. Sign-up sheets, as well as a list of school supplies, are in Life Group boxes and at the Men’s Ministry Desk. This list can also be found on our website at Bring school supplies and backpacks to the Men’s Ministry Desk by Wednesday, August 12. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of women and children by being a part of this vital ministry at Taylors FBC!
When you think of Alaska, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Breathtaking landscapes? Unique wildlife? Cold weather? While all of these are part of the Alaskan experience, Alaska is so much more. Perhaps the most un-churched state in the country, there is wide diversity in the cultural and religious backgrounds of its inhabitants. Yet many are still in search of hope and answers to life’s questions. It is a mission field that is ripe for the harvest.
This summer was the second year Taylors FBC sent a team to work with GraceWorks Alaska. Most of us had been to Alaska before, but for some, this was a completely new adventure. We were a diverse group; some with skills in construction, aircraft, or photography, while others had more of a penchant for preschoolers, middle schoolers, or senior citizens. The common denominator was that we all had a heart to serve and a desire to share the gospel with the people in Alaska. God blended our individual gifts and interests in order to carry out one purpose: reaching others for Him. Our team was charged with conducting a Bible club in a neighborhood park in the Eagle River area, just northeast of Anchorage. We were happy to be working with GraceWorks Alaska, but even more excited to be partnered with our own Bodolosky family from Taylors. In the months leading up to the trip, we planned activities and prepared lessons, all the time not knowing the number or ages of the kids at the park. We also knew that we couldn’t make the kids stay for the Bible story, so we tried to be creative and intentional with our activities and transitions in order to infuse the entire experience with the gospel. The first day was a great success as we gathered a small crowd of ten to fifteen kids, all of whom stayed engaged, even through the Bible story. The second day many of the same kids returned not only for the afternoon session, but also for the park party that we hosted alongside a local church. God literally held back the weather 6 | TAYLORSFBC.ORG
as storms surrounded us, but only a few drops of rain fell as we loved on the families and presented the gospel. Our mission became progressively more challenging as the week went on and the kids in attendance kept getting bigger and older. Their energy and intensity during game time increased as our team’s physical strength began to fail. On Wednesday evening, we asked our prayer team at home to pray for God’s strength for the last two days of ministry. It was clear we had some real prayer warriors acting on our behalf because Thursday and Friday were completely mind-blowing. Not only were we given strength we didn’t possess, but we matched those big kids in energy and intensity so well that we ran out of time for our “quiet” activities like crafts! We hosted one last community event on Friday evening for the parents and kids to come out and compete in field day-type events. It was a great way to celebrate the new relationships we had developed over the course of the week, and the good-byes were genuinely heartfelt. If I had to choose one thing that made this trip special, it would be the focus on evangelism through relationships. Every member of our team was intentional about making the most of every conversation and as a result we were able to learn the stories of people from many different walks of life. From the teenage boys in the park to the shopkeeper in a souvenir shop, no one could be in doubt as to what we were about.
Last summer the Taylors team formed a relationship with a native Alaskan teenager who had recently accepted Christ. This year she came up from Kenai to spend the week with us and she brought along her best friend. We were able to love on both girls and rejoice with them as the best friend said “Yes!” to Christ while we were there! It was a real privilege to leave her with her very own Bible, which we all signed and highlighted our favorite verses. And as an added perk to being friends with the missionaries on the ground, we’ve also gotten word that two of our guys from the park accepted Christ the week after we were there! How beautiful that our very relational God uses relationships to draw people to His heart. So now when you think of Alaska, we hope you will appreciate its beauty, but also think of the people longing for a relationship with someone who cares enough to point them to the Savior. The bears and the moose are great, but they are nothing compared to the beautiful people and the opportunities to engage them who await those who are willing to go. Chelle Evette
The members of this year’s team: David Evette, Chelle Evette, David Keating, Anne Darby Keating, Randy Mayfield, Mike Stansell, and Debbie Uldrick. Also Pictured: The Bodolosky Family
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City has captured our hearts. Rita and I were in familiar surroundings as we visited for the second time. Temple Square gives off almost a demonic feeling but at the same time there is an air of hopelessness as we listened to the young Mormon ladies who were our guides. As we’ve learned more about the Mormon religion, we have come to realize the deception and false hope in which its members are trapped. We had the opportunity to meet and talk with one of Brigham Young’s great, great granddaughters who left the Mormon Church and now operates a Christian bookstore called Utah Lighthouse Ministries. Her testimony is that after she and her husband were challenged to examine the history of Mormonism, they came to the conclusion that it was a false religion. Since that time she has been working to rescue Mormons from years of indoctrination and educating others to the dangers of believing a lie. Something very interesting that we were able to do this year was to attend the outdoor presentation of The Mormon Miracle at the Manti, Utah temple. Nearly 80,000 people each year attend the live re-telling of the origins of Mormonism. There are Christians who use the event to present the gospel and discuss Scripture with Mormons who will listen. One gentleman in particular stood out in the crowd dressed in his black suit, white shirt and black tie. He is a Mormon Bishop named Lee Baker who came out of Mormonism after thirty years. His conversion to Christianity came when he simply read the Bible and questioned the inconsistencies taught by the Mormon leaders regarding the omnipotence of God. Our admiration and love for the full-time missionaries in Salt Lake City who are there doing battle every day grew as we shared in their ministry during our six days in Utah. We were able to experience, on a small scale, the challenges these folks deal with on a daily basis. Our team was able to talk with several people about the Good News as we went door-todoor inviting folks to two neighborhood block parties. We were apprehensive about who would respond to our invitation, but then excited with the turn out on Friday and Saturday nights, which provided us with one-on-one time to answer questions about why we were there, share our testimonies, and pray with those who would let us. There are so many different stories of people who desperately need the Lord. Please pray for Christ Fellowship pastors, Adam Madden, Javan Payne, Jon Nielson, their families and for Travis Kerns and his family as they continue to faithfully share the gospel in Salt Lake City. Gary McIntyre 2 Thessalonians 3:1 — As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.
Our Church Family
In Memoriam
Ruth Watson May 1, 1928 - June 7, 2015 Martin Alewine August 15, 1932 - June 17, 2015 Jan Gilmore August 14, 1940 - June 18, 2015 Dottee Murphree July 13, 1925 - June 21, 2015 Emmett Deitz February 2, 1932 - June 23, 2015 Edna Wilson December 16, 1934 - June 29, 2015 Jack Morris September 25, 1937 - July 10, 2015
Stewardship Report MAY Budget Needs.......................... $621,454.35 Budget Receipts....................... $541,256.19 Other Receipts........................... $49,783.58 Total May Receipts................... $591,039.77 YTD Budget Needs............... $2,734,399.14 YTD Budget Receipts............ $2,300,987.96 JUNE Budget Needs.......................... $497,163.48 Budget Receipts....................... $414,084.43 Other Receipts........................... $33,256.78 Total Jun. Receipts................... $447,341.21 YTD Budget Needs............... $3,231,562.62 YTD Budget Receipts............ $2,715,072.39
We welcome the following to the Body of Christ through believer’s baptism: John Phillips, Tom Nowlin, Svetlana Hernandez, Jason Palmer, Frank Clark, and Dawn Clark.
Thank You
These individuals wish to thank our church family for prayers, encouragement, and kindness: Don Baldwin, the family of Frank Estep, and Kim Keller.
Congratulations ... to Lauren Walker and Patrick Simms who were married July 18, 2015.
Staff Anniversaries
AUGUST Fran Stoddard.......... Twelve Years of Service Beth Caskey................... Ten Years of Service Gail Davis.................... Nine Years of Service Doug Mize................... Nine Years of Service Jose Delgado............. Eight Years of Service Brittany Pirkle.............Three Years of Service Dayana Diaz................... One Year of Service Dustin Dozier................. One Year of Service SEPTEMBER Johnny Dunagin....... Twelve Years of Service Elaine Taylor............. Eleven Years of Service Kathy Dority.................. Ten Years of Service Kim Keller...................... Ten Years of Service
Sunday Statistics 5/17 5/24 5/31 6/7 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 LIFE GROUPS Preschool............184.......297........326.......306........313.......275........324....... 275........331...... 303 Children................71.......170........218.......177........193.......175........208....... 145........197...... 189 Students.................0.......110........153.......120........121.......121........117......... 75..........84...... 127 College...................0.........33..........24.........41..........43.........32..........30......... 28..........40........ 50 Singles....................0.........72..........74.........70..........58.........67..........60......... 64..........74........ 62 Adults.....................0.......743........866.......765........787.......728........773....... 652........828...... 790 Total....................255....1,425.....1,661....1,479.....1,515....1,398.....1,512.... 1,239.....1,554... 1,564
Taylors FBC Sundays
Traditional Worship / Life Groups for Adults, Children & Students, 9 am College Life Groups / Breakfast, 9:19 am Contemporary Worship / Modern Worship / Life Groups for Adults, Children & Students / Kids Worship, 10:30 am Evening Worship, 6 pm (except 9/6)
Mission Doll Workshop, 4 pm
Taylors Singles Volleyball, 7 pm
Wednesdays (Begins August 19) Library Open, 4 pm
Dinner Served, 5:15 pm Parish Nurse Office Opens, 5:30 pm Preschool and Elementary Classes, 6:15 pm Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, 6:20 pm Prayer in the Chapel / Mission 1:27 / DivorceCare / Life Group / Journey Classes/ UNITED for Students, 6:30 pm Taylors Orchestra Rehearsal, 7 pm Traditional Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm AA Meeting, 8 pm
AA Meeting, 8 pm
WORSHIP AM Worship....1,395....1,226.....1,542....1,428.....1,428....1,522.....1,499.... 1,132.....1,498... 1,301 PM Worship........176........n/a........129.......117..........99....... n/a........135........n/a........109...... 123 Betania.................61.........50..........52.........65..........50.........57..........42......... 42..........56........ 52
Have Questions? Contact a Ministry Office Receptionist | 244-3535
Media | 292-4066
Administration | 678-8823
Missions & Evangelism | 678-8838
Assimilation & Spiritual Care | 678-8833
Pastor | 678-8818
Building/Grounds | 678-8807
Prayer Room | 292-8864
Education & Connections | 678-8810
Public Relations/Publications | 678-8817
Financial | 678-8825
Taylors Children | 292-4056
Food Services | 678-8826
Taylors College | 678-8827
Hispanic Ministry | 678-8838
Taylors First Pre-Academy: Kindergarten | 678-8803 Taylors First Pre-Academy: Parents Day Out | 678-8805 Taylors Rec Center | 292-4060 Taylors Singles | 678-8827 Taylors Students | 292-4990 Taylors Worship | 678-8816
Calendar of Events
AUGUST 2015 __________________________________________ MONDAY, AUGUST 3
SEND North America Conference in Nashville (Through 8/4) “I Can Ride” Bike Camp (Through 8/7) Intro to Jazz and Ballet, 1 pm Mission Doll Workshop, 4 pm Taylors Women Bible Study, 6:30 pm Taylors TownSquare: Community Branding Workshop, 6:30 pm
Taylors Women Summer Bible Study, 9 am Prayer in the Chapel, 12 pm Taylors TownSquare, 12 pm No Evening Activities
NEMO REACH Trip II (Through 8/16) Taylors Singles Lunch, 11:45 am Leadership Training, 4 pm Leadership Dinner, 5 pm Evening Worship / Deacon Ordination, 6:30 pm (note time change) Taylors Students Back to School Pool Party, 8 pm
Registration Opens for Taylors Women Fall Bible Study and Mom to Mom (see page 13) XYZ Lunch and Program, 11:15 am Intro to Jazz and Ballet, 1 pm Mission Doll Workshop, 4 pm Grief Support for Spouses Group II, 6:30 pm Intro to Line Dancing, 6:15 pm Taylors Women Bible Study, 6:30 pm
Begins August 24
Parent’s Day Out
Begins September 1
WMU Global Missions Luncheon, 11 am
Cheer Camp, 1 pm Taylors Students Rising 6th Graders Event, 3:30 pm Dinner Served at 5:15 pm Devotional in the Fellowship Hall / Prayer in the Chapel, 6:30 pm Music Rehearsals Resume
Limited space available. Visit or contact the directors for information. Kindergarten: PDO:
Germany REACH Trip (Through 8/20)
Taylors Singles Pizza and Game Night, 6:30 pm New Jersey REACH Trip (Through 8/22) Single Mom’s Oil Change, 9 am AA Meeting, 8 pm
Promotion Sunday WMU: Adults on Mission, 5 pm
Grief Support for Parents, 6:30 pm
Greenville County Schools Begin
Regular Wednesday Night Activities Resume (see page 11)
Taylors First Pre-Academy Kindergarten Open House, 6:30 pm Taylors Men Golf Outing, 7:15 pm
Taylors Students Parent Lunch & Meeting, 11:45 am First Day of Kindergarten at Taylors First Pre-Academy Grief Support for Spouses Group II, 6:30 pm
Family to Family Begins, 6:30 pm WMU Bold Missions, 7 pm (at the home of Janet Campbell)
Taylors First Pre-Academy Parent’s Day Out Open House, 9:30-11 am
Taylors Men Target Shooting, 6:30 pm
Lord's Supper, 9 and 10:30 am Taylors Women Leadership Training, 4 pm Church Conference, 6 pm
SEPTEMBER 2015 ___________________________________________________________________ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1
First Day of Parent’s Day Out at Taylors First Pre-Academy Taylors TownSquare, 7 pm
REACH Team Commissioning, 9 & 10:30 am No Evening Activities
Labor Day Holiday Church Office & Taylors Rec Center Closed
Tuesday Morning Bible Study Begins, 10 am WMU Global Mission Group, 11 am October/November Newsletter Deadline, 5 pm Girlfriends and Chocolate, 6:30 pm
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Basketball Registration Begins
Boston REACH Trip, II (Through 9/13)
Fortaleza, Brazil REACH Trip, (Through 9/20)
Janie Chapman State Missions Week of Prayer (Through 9/20) Taylors Singles Lunch, 11:45 am Regeneration Student Choir Begins
Legacy Choir Resumes, 10 am
Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 10 am
Women’s Fall Bible Study Begins, 9 am
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Taylors Men Par 3 Golf, 7:15 pm
Outdoor Baptism, 4:30 pm Reservation Deadline for Dinner with the Staff No Other Evening Activities
Legacy Choir, 10 am Grief Support for Parents, 6:30 pm Women’s Fall Bible Study Begins, 7 pm
Encouragement Breakfast for Parent/Child Dedication Participants, 9 am REACH Team Commissioning, 9 & 10:30 am MWX - Modern Worship Experience / Lord’s Supper, 6 pm
Legacy Choir, 10 am Dinner with the Staff, 6 pm Women’s Fall Bible Study, 9 am
Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 10 am
Flu Shot Clinic, 4:30-7:30 pm Dinner with the Staff Part Two, 6:30 pm Women’s Fall Bible Study, 7 pm
Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 10 am WMU Bold Missions, 7 pm (at the home of Nancy Nasim)
Taylors Men Target Shooting, 6:30 pm
Taylors Men’s Breakfast, 8:30 am
** Newsletter Submissions: Articles/events must be approved by ministerial staff. Submissions are printed at the discretion of the church staff and may be edited. Please e-mail items to by September 8 for the October/November issue.
Family to Family Tuesdays, August 25-November 10, 6:30-9 pm For families with a loved one suffering from mental illness. Register by calling NAMI at 331-3300. “Family to Family was a life-changing event enabling every class member to increase their ability to respond to the challenge of dealing with a family member with mental illness. The knowledge gained from the NAMI notebook gave us more effective skills to grow stronger for our loved ones and ourselves. In sharing our pain, doubts, fears and questions, we each grew stronger, wiser, and more confident to handle the challenge of effectively caring for our loved ones.” - A participant who, at the age of twelve, became the sole caregiver for a mother with schizophrenia
Become a Host Family Childspring International is searching for Christian families who are willing to host children coming to Greenville for surgery over the next couple of months. Taylors FBC members, Mike and Cindy Baxley, have hosted several children and share in their own words, “Being a host family through Childspring International, has blessed us in many ways. Our family has drawn closer as we have served together welcoming children into our home who come to the United States alone for life-altering surgeries. What a joy it has been getting to know these children and to see them return home physically transformed with a much brighter future to look forward to.” For more information, visit
Grief Support for Spouses Designed specifically for those who have lost a spouse Mondays, 6:45-8:30 pm | October 5-November 23 Register at
Grief Support for Parents
Designed specifically for parents who have lost a child Third Monday of each month, 6:30-8:30 pm For more information, contact Dale Northridge at 864-505-4051.
John Piper
Coming To Taylors FBC Sponsored by ROGMA International
October 8, 2015 “Reaching and Teaching the Nations” Featuring Special Guest John Piper Please join us and pray that this will be a powerful evening, where God not only sustains the ministry of ROGMA International, but will call many to reach and teach the nations! This service is open to the public; register online at closer to the event. John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For over thirty years, he served as senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He grew up in Greenville, South Carolina, and studied at Wheaton College, Fuller Theological Seminary, and the University of Munich. For six years, he taught Biblical Studies at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota, and in 1980 accepted the call to serve as pastor at Bethlehem. John is the author of more than fifty books and more than thirty years of his preaching and teaching is available free at John and his wife, Noël, have four sons, one daughter, and twelve grandchildren.
Tuesday, September 8 6:30-8:30 pm Put on your favorite team colors and join your girlfriends for a casual, fun, “spirited” night to celebrate God’s work and Word! Enjoy coffee and dessert and be challenged and encouraged by Julie Caldwell, Taylors Women's Bible Studies Chair, as we “kick-off” the fall season! Tickets $8 Tickets available at and the Women’s Desk August 9 through September 2. If you would be interested in providing a table centerpiece inspired by your favorite team's colors, please contact Lauren Lee at
Wednesday Nights Dinner
See Menu Below 5:15 pm
Preschool M&M for Children Through Age Five Preschool Area, 6:15 pm
Elementary For Grades 1-5 Elementary Area, 6:15 pm
UNITED For Middle and High School Students 6:30 pm
Prayer in the Chapel Dr. Jimmie Harley leads a time of prayer for specific needs.
Mission 1:27
If you are a foster/adoptive parent, considering fostering/adopting, or desire to provide support for families who do either, please join us as we provide encouragement, support, and education for all of the above. Room B129 Led by Gray and Kristen Madden
Karen Salerno & Joey Bellamy
Begins August 19, 6:30-7:30 pm
Philippians Fellowship Hall Led by Benj Buck
Parenting in Today's Culture Room F71 (Elementary Area) Led by Dawn Vanasse
DivorceCare is for adults who are going through divorce or separation and are looking for comfort, healing and accountability with others who have experienced the painful process of divorce. Learn more at Room C124 Led by Ed and Kris Natterstad
Room B234 Led by Jeremy Thompson
Authentic Manhood: Basic Training
Room B229 Led by Kent Hartsell / Keith and Lin Cunningham
Contemporary Choir, 6:20 pm Taylors Orchestra, 7 pm Traditional Choir, 7:30 pm For information on how to get involved, see page four.
Dinner Served 5:15-6 pm Adults $6, Children, $4 / Family Max. $20* In addition to our home-cooked menus, we offer... Chick-fil-A: Sandwich or eight count chicken nuggets, a fruit cup and a home-cooked dessert. Children receive six count nuggets, a fruit cup and a home-cooked dessert. Atlanta Bread Company: Turkey, Ham, or Chicken Salad sandwich, chips, cookie, pickle. Children receive turkey or ham sandwich, chips and a cookie. 9/9 Country Style Steak 8/12 BBQ Pork Atlanta Bread Company* Children may choose: hamburgers or the Children may choose: corn dogs, the home-cooked meal home-cooked meal, or Atlanta Bread Co. 8/19 Baked Chicken 9/16 Turkey/Dressing Chick-fil-A* Chick-fil-A* Children may choose: chicken fingers, the Children may choose: chicken fingers, the home-cooked meal, or Chick-fil-A. home-cooked meal, or Chick-fil-A. 8/26 Baked Ham 9/23 Pork Loin Atlanta Bread Company* Atlanta Bread Company* Children may choose: hot dogs, the Children may choose: wiener wraps, the home-cooked meal, or Atlanta Bread Co. home-cooked meal, or Atlanta Bread Co. 9/2 Meatloaf 9/30 Fried Chicken Chick-fil-A* Chick-fil-A* Children may choose: pizza, the home Children may choose: chicken fingers, the cooked meal, or Chick-fil-A. home-cooked meal, or Chick-fil-A. * The family maximum does not apply when purchasing Chick-fil-A or Atlanta Bread Company meals. No reservation required. First come first served. Home-cooked meal offered weekly. Atlanta Bread Company and Chick-fil-A will alternate weeks. Drinks included.
Modern culture has minimized and mocked the role of men in the world today. By design, God has called men to lead our homes, workplaces, church, and communities with Truth and honor. This study is designed to encourage and equip men to lead lives of integrity, humility, and biblical character by understanding our past, empowering our present, and preparing the legacy of our future. God has a design for each of us and this course will challenge our men to step into His calling on our lives. Room B127 Led by Shannon Watson
Take Heart for the Journey
For just one hour, come join other women for a time of fellowship, prayer and Bible study. Together we will learn how to Take Heart for the Journey. Room B132-133 Led by Dianne Lister
Highlighting Items
in our Library
Bible Studies at Taylors
For the Love of Horses
by Amber Massey, Taylors FBC Member The stories of Amber and her chestnut Arabian, Marquise, will stir your heart, inspire your walk with God, and make you smile because sometimes God uses horses to show us the way.
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
by Dr. David Jeremiah Sometimes the big and small decisions in life seem overwhelming. How do you know what choices to make about your career, kids, and relationships? What does it look like to consider God in all of your plans, depend on God rather than wealth, and put prayer above your personal efforts? It looks, as the author discovered, like living a life of great joy!
Target Israel
by Tim LaHaye and Ed Hindson In the Bible Israel is the focal point of numerous prophecies about the end times. In fact, based on Jesus’ teaching, we can consider Israel the “super sign” that the last days are imminent. The authors explore the Middle East today and why it is significant to all of us.
You Have a Brain
by Dr. Ben Carson As you apply Dr. Carson’s principles to your own life, you will discover people and practices that will help you break down obstacles in your path, overcome negative habits, and dare to dream bigger than you have ever dreamed before. A great book for teens!
Small Groups for Men
Do you want to strengthen your walk with the Lord? Want to get more out of your own personal Bible study? Consider being part of a men’s Bible study. God did not intend for us to go it alone in our walk with Him – He knew we would need the encouragement and motivation of our fellow brothers in Christ. Our mission is to lead men to become more like Jesus, and to experience a closer relationship with God through fellowship, outreach and ministry opportunities.
Visit for a listing of small groups.
Acts: Precept Bible Study
An Inductive Study of God’s Word that will teach you how to discover spiritual truth for yourself! Thursdays 7-9 pm led by Rita McIntyre. Cost: $19 Part One: September 10 - November 12 / Part Two January 14 - March 17 Register at beginning August 10. For information contact Rita McIntyre 864-704-6610 or
Revelation: Tuesday Morning Bible Study Revelation gives us insights of the plans that Jesus has to bring all believers “unto” Himself. It is a fascinating revelation of what God has in store for all believers and non-believers, too. Tuesdays at 10 am led Sandra Brown. No Cost Begins September 8 | No need to register; free notes provided When Jesus told His disciples on the night before His death “…if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am, you may be also.” John 14:3
Old Fashioned DVD
A free-spirited young woman with a restless soul finds herself drawn to a young man’s strong faith and noble ideals. Together they attempt the impossible: an old fashioned courtship in contemporary America.
The most important step to plugging in at Taylors is getting involved in biblical community, and Life Groups are the best place to start. Below is our full listing Adultthan Lifeany Groups. For the word of God is living and active,ofsharper two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul
and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
BEGINNING THIS FALL Take Heart Taylors Women Walking in His Grace as we invite, nurture and partner with our hurting sisters in our church and in the community
Ministry Leaders Breakfast August 8 | 8:30-10 am | Cost: $5 Buncombe Street United Methodist Church
Join women’s ministry leaders from across the state to fellowship, network, celebrate and connect in Jesus!
September 16 - November 4
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Discover How Knowing Jesus Changes Everything Wednesdays 9-11 am & Mondays 7-9 pm Cost: $5 | Free Childcare available on Wednesdays What difference does knowing Jesus make in the life of a believer? How do we have joy in the midst of sorrow? Or peace in life’s storms? How does He make life out of death? Are we actually supposed to be different? Come explore the Bible, hear testimonies, have fun, and see the “True reView” of some of the tough issues of our day!
Mom to Mom will continue following the conclusion of The Difference Wednesdays at 9 am: November 11- December 2 & January 6-March 30 Cost: $20 (includes both The Difference & Mom to Mom) Mom to Mom is a biblically based parenting program designed around the Titus 2:4 concept of older women teaching and encouraging younger women in their relationships with their husbands and children. It includes quality instruction in parenting, small group discussion, and the interaction of more experienced mothers with younger moms. This year we will study “Heart Talk.” As we explore God’s Word together, we will be nurtured as women, wives and moms, we will gain confidence in our parenting skills, as well as strive to build firmer spiritual foundations for our families. Join us as we study “Heart Talk” and from one mom to another, learn about what really matters. Please be sure to select both studies when registering. Register for The Difference, Mom to Mom and Childcare Beginning August 10 at Childcare is available at no cost on Wednesday mornings. Childcare reserved for Wednesday mornings during registration will guarantee a place for your child(ren) for the fall and winter sessions of Bible study. Childcare is not available for Monday evenings. Registration without childcare will be received at the Women’s Desk on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings between August 10-September 23.
Women’s Missionary Union Women’s Missionary Union is an auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention and has been in existence for 125 years. WMU’s purpose is to pray for, support, and develop awareness of missions.
Adults on Mission
Third Sunday of each month, 5 pm, B131
Bold Mission Group
Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7 pm, Member’s Home
Mission Doll Workshop Mondays, 4-7 pm, Taylors Rec Center
Global Mission Group
Second Tuesday of each month, 11 am, Taylors Ministry Center Catered Lunch Follows Contact: Cindy Norris, WMU Director, 864-834-5356 or
Cheer Camp August 12, 1-5 pm | $20 | Ages: 5-13 Led by North Greenville University Cheerleaders Register:
Fall Basketball Registration Open September 9 - October 10 for K4 - Adults
Taylors Rec Center Hours
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 6 am-9 pm Wednesday: 6 am-5 pm Friday: 6 am-7 pm Saturday: 8 am-12 pm Taylors Rec exists to honor and make God known in our community through sport, fitness and leisure activities, with the purpose of refreshing and strengthening heart, soul, mind and body. We provide quality, Christ-centered recreational activities for people of all ages with the goal of creating platforms for building dynamic relationships. Taylors Rec Center is available for church members and the community. We offer a wide variety of sports, camps and fitness options for all ages.
Taylors Rec Center Rates Membership Includes Arcade, Walking Track, Cardio Room, and Group Fitness Classes. Taylors FBC members contribute to the operation of the Taylors Rec Center through tithes and offerings, therefore they receive a reduced membership rate.
Taylors FBC Member Fees
Non-Member Fees
Family (3 members ages 13+)
Family (3 members ages 13+)
Senior (60+)
Senior (60+)
Walking Track Only
$50 per person
Walking Track Only
$100 per person
Gym Only
$50 per person
Gym Only
$100 per person
Arcade Only
$50 per person
Arcade Only
$100 per person
Ten Visit Package
$50 per person
Ten Visit Package
$100 per person
Find out more by calling 292-4060 or visit
Welcome New Members Doris Moon
Kaleigh Griffith
Jason Palmer
Frank & Dawn Clark
Joined May 20 by Letter
Joined May 20 by Statement
Joined May 20 by Baptism
Joined May 20 by Baptism
Greg & Sheila Paul Ashley & Jeremy
Lana Hernandez
Ashley Coates Wash
Nathan Blouse*
Joined May 24 by Baptism
Joined June 7 by Letter
Joined June 7 by Baptism
Andrew Blouse*
Hope Blouse*
Chris & Lauren Justus
Tom & Linda Nowlin
Joined June 7 by Baptism
Joined June 7 by Baptism
Joined June 14 by Letter
Joined June 14 Tom by Baptism Linda by Statement
Sherry Auwarter
William (Bill) & Lois Justice
Wesley & Caitlin Brashier
John & Malina Phillips
Joined June 28 by Letter
Joined June 28 by Letter
Joined June 28 by Letter
Joined June 28 John by Baptism / Malina by Letter
Joined May 20 by Statement
James, Jenny & Tyler* Roberson
Fran Snyder
Sarah Johnson
Lucy Schmitt*
Joined July 5 James & Jenny by Letter Tyler by Baptism Also pictured: Alex & AnnaClaire
Joined July 5 by Letter
Joined July 12 by Letter
Joined July 12 by Baptism
* New members who have indicated a commitment to follow Christ through believer’s baptism. TAYLORSFBC.ORG | 15
Taylors Family (USPS 625-920). published bimonthly by First Baptist Church, 200 West Main Street, Taylors, SC 29687. Periodical postage paid at Taylors, SC 29687. Postmaster: Send address changes to First Baptist Church, 200 West Main Street, Taylors, SC 29687. Editor: Kim Keller, Phone 864-244-3535, Fax 864-244-6067, Email Web site
200 West Main Street . Taylors, SC 29687
Are you moving? Please notify the church office of your address change!
Now, but not yet. This is the kingdom of God. Jesus said in Mark 1:15, “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” The phrase “kingdom of God” appears 53 times in the New Testament Gospels, almost always on the lips of Jesus. Come and worship as we explore the kingdom Jesus inaugurated with His life, death, resurrection and ascension. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper as we look forward to the fulfillment of God’s kingdom when Christ returns.
MWX: Sunday, September 27, 6 pm