Summer 2019
Only $5 per person. Children five and under eat free. $15 maximum per household. The summer menu will include hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, sandwiches with a side and dessert. Visit for specific menu.
6:15 - 7:15 PM – SUMMER NIGHTS TOGETHER All ages, first grade to adults, will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Some activities will be all together, and others will divide children, students, and adults. Childcare will be provided for ages birth through five.
For nine Wednesdays, we will celebrate our church’s vision to ENCOUNTER GOD. EQUIP BELIEVERS. ENGAGE THE WORLD., focusing on the power of prayer, our passion in worship, and our purpose to witness. Led by our Ministerial Staff and lay leaders, this interactive time will help us understand, embrace, and live out the vision of our church!
June 5 ENCOUNTER | House of Prayer Service June 12 EQUIP | Your Personal Prayer Life June 19 ENGAGE | Community Prayerwalking
July 10 ENCOUNTER | Worship July 17 EQUIP | Your Personal Worship/Devotional Life July 24 ENGAGE | Make More Worshippers
August 7 ENCOUNTER | Worship and the Word August 14 EQUIP | How to Share Your Faith August 21 ENGAGE | Testimonies and Prayer
Dear Taylors FBC Family, It is with great joy and excitement that we share with you that we have filled the position of Minister of Students! Join us for
Summer Nights together on Wednesday Nights. See cover and page two for details. Follow @taylorsstudents on Instagram to keep up this summer!
What’s Happening!
• Pick up a newsletter in the Connection Center or view online at
• Receive the Midweek Update. Visit and click “Subscribe” to receive our weekly emails. • Call us at 864-244-3535. • Connect on Social Media: Instagram: @taylorsfbc Facebook: taylorsfbc
WEEKLY AT TAYLORS The list below represents our typical schedule.
Traditional Worship, 9 am Taylors Worship, 10:30 am Life Groups, 9 and 10:30 am Evening Worship, 6 pm
Family Dinner, 5:15 pm Summer Nights Together, 6:15 pm Worship Rehearsals, 7:15 pm
On May 12, Josh Duncan was presented to our congregation, who unanimously voted to call him as our Minister of Students. Josh will be responsible for the oversight and direction of Student Ministry for 6th-12th Grade and will lead our Student Ministry team comprised of Amanda McKenna, our Student Ministry Assistant, and the many volunteers who serve as Life Group and Small Group leaders and facilitators. Josh and his wife, Brittany, are the proud parents of one daughter, Selah Grace, who is two years old. They come to us from Meridianville, Alabama where The Duncan Family Josh has served as Student Minister at Brittany | Selah Grace | Josh FBC Hazel Green since 2014. Josh is a b uilder, having developed the Student Ministry at Hazel Green from the ground up…from no students to a ministry that is now impacting over 100 students and their families. During that time, he has seen over 50 baptisms and re-dedications, which illustrate his heart and passion for the Gospel and the Mission of the Church. Josh is a gifted shepherd, teacher, and leader who is passionate about discipling, equipping, and empowering the Church to do the work of ministry for the purpose of glorifying God. An official start date is still being determined, but we are anticipating early July. He and Brittany have a home to sell in AL, so we encourage you to pray for that as well as their transition from Hazel Green to Taylors in the weeks ahead. Thank you all for your patience and your prayerful dedication to the process of identifying the next leader of our Student Ministry. Join me in thanking the Lord for His guidance and for the opportunity to welcome and receive the Duncan family in the days ahead! In light of this news, some words of thanks are certainly in order. Our Ministry Staff and Church body are incredibly grateful for Alex Smith, who has served as our Interim Student Leader since July 2018. Alex’s years of experience as a Student Minister, his spiritual gifts, and the passion he has for Students (6th-12th Grade as well as College Students) have allowed him to play an invaluable role in ministering to our Students, their families, and our Student Ministry leaders. Alex will continue to remain in his Interim role until the time Josh Duncan arrives and officially steps into his new position. We will have an opportunity to honor both Alex and his wife, Hannah, in the weeks to come and to express Alex Smith our thankfulness for their commitment to the Lord, to Taylors, and to the ministry they have undertaken while also managing Alex’s full-time job at The Greenville Outdoor Center and raising two wonderful children. We are certainly looking forward to great days ahead for the Taylors FBC family as we continue to pursue the Lord together and all that He has in store for us in this new season of ministry! Blessings, David Cline, Executive Pastor
No Activities June 26, July 3. & July 31
June 24-28
9 am - 12 pm For Completed 3K to 5th Grade Registration open through May 31 at Cost is $10 per child
Tumble Camp Session I – June 11 and 13 Session II – July 16 and 18 $25 per Session AGES 3 ½-5 12:00 – 1:15 pm
Intro to Jazz and Ballet MINI SESSION June 21 and 28 | $12 AGES 4 ½-5 2:45 – 3:30 pm
July 22-26 | 9 am - 4 pm For Completed K5-5th Grade Register for $280/child through July 16
Cheer Camp Jeff Harrelson Basketball Camp Session I – June 19 | $25 July 8-12 | $75
COMPLETED 5K - 4TH GRADE 9:00 am – 12:00 pm COMPLETED GRADES 5-11 1:00 – 4:00 pm
AGE 5-10 1:30 – 2:45 pm
AGES 3-4 2:00 – 2:40 pm
Camp in the City
Intro to Jazz and Ballet Fridays, July 12 – August 2 | $25 AGES 3-4 2:00 – 2:40 pm AGES 4 ½-5 2:45 – 3:30 pm
Session II – July 30 | $25 TWO GROUPS IN EACH SESSION AGES 4-6 AND 7-12 1:30 – 5:00 pm
Tumble Day Camp July 31 | $25 AGES 3 ½-5 12:30 – 3:00 pm
August 1 | $25 AGES 5-10 12:30 – 3:00 pm
AGES 6-10 3:30 – 4:15 pm
AGES 6-10 3:30 – 4:15 pm
Taylors Park Picnic Shelter Rental Reserve the Picnic Shelter for your next gathering. $100 refundable deposit and $100 rental fee. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9 am – 2 pm and 4 – 9 pm Wednesdays, 9 am – 1 pm and 2 – 5 pm | Sundays, 1 – 5 pm Contact Jill at or 864-292-4060 4 | TAYLORSFBC.ORG
Summer Reading in our Library The Hawaiian Discovery
Join us in praying for our 2019 Summer REACH teams as they travel to spread the Gospel among the Nation and Nations!
Prague, Czech Republic May 27 – June 3 Regeneration Student Choir in
New York City, NY June 15 – 22
Atlanta, Georgia June 23 – 29
Anchorage, Alaska July 6 – 14
Salt Lake City, Utah July 6 – 13
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada July 8 – 15
Fortaleza, Brazil August 6 – 14
by Wanda Brunstetter Sequel to The Hawaiian Quilt. Ellen Lambright mourned when her best friend, Mandy, moved from Indiana to Hawaii. But now, Ellen has received the Amish church’s permission to go to Hawaii and help Mandy through challenging times. What she finds there could change the course of her own life. Could heartfelt discovery lead to forgiveness, reunion, and love? Or is Ellen’s destiny waiting for her in Indiana?
When We Were Young
by Karen Kingsbury Something was terribly wrong with Noah Carter. His world was spinning out of control, and the love of his life wanted nothing to do with him. This is a rare and beautiful love story that takes place in a single day. It’s about the gift of knowing what tomorrow will bring if you really walk out that door today.
Playing for More: Trust Beyond What You Can See
by Case Keenum Case Keenum has traveled one of the most unique paths in the NFL. Recruited by just one college, undrafted and released three times, Case has overcome every obstacle to become a successful starting quarterback. In 2017, Keenum lead the Minnesota Vikings to a 13-3 record and an NFC North title. His gamewinning touchdown in the final seconds of their divisional playoff game against the Saints made Case part of NFL history.
The Theft of America’s Soul
by Phil Robertson Phil Robertson, patriarch of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty,” believes that little by little, generation by generation, America has allowed the lines of morality, decency, and virtue to be erased. Our values have disappeared as we’ve begun to believe lies – such as God is dead, truth is relative, and unity is impossible – that have brought discord, division, and protest. But Phil also believes that things can change. TAYLORSFBC.ORG | 5
“OF SUCH PRECIOUS JEWELS WILL OUR CHURCH CROWN BE MADE” A Virtual Bible Study In the periodic table, the symbol P with the atomic number 15 represents the element Phosphorus. Phosphorus can be defined as, “an essential mineral required by every cell in the body for normal function.” The same way that phosphorus is essential to the physical body, prayer is essential to the body of believers. This summer, we are inviting you to join P-15, a virtual Bible study on the elements of prayer. Each week we will dive into scripture, learning how and what to pray. Register at bible-studies Watch for the Bible study in your email the first week in June.
Mary Gravely, age 90, has been an active member of Taylor’s First Baptist Church for 48 years. She and husband Alvin, who died in 2012, joined the congregation in May 1970. They sat on Row 6, in aisle seats 1 and 2. She still occupies this spot. Mary has terminal cancer. A year and a half ago, her specialist gave her 6 months to live. She discontinued treatments. She said, “If the Lord wants me, here I am.” One year later, Mary, who is still quite active, learned she would be a greatgrandmother. Sophia Grace was born to her parents, Jeremy and Heather Banks, in May. Mary was with her grandchildren to greet little Sophia. Mary has several enduring loves: God, family, close friends old and new, and Taylors First Baptist Church. For 23 years, she was supervisor at a local office machines company, then served in the church office for 18 months. “If I could do it over again,” she says, “I would serve all of that time in the church. Those were special days. We were all so close. I still miss Lindsey’s big pots of pinto beans and cornbread!” Not surprisingly, Lindsey O’Rear’s talents transcend music. When asked her thoughts on the current status of our church, Mary stated that her affection for Taylors FBC is “every bit” as heartfelt now as it ever was. She feels that her prayers – and those of countless others – will be answered and our church will be even more united in Christ. “And don’t you be surprised,” she concluded, “when Mary Gravely is still around for that happening.” And God’s people say, “Amen!”
Ladies, join the conversation in the Taylors Women Facebook Group.
Continue to Pray
FOR OUR PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE Anne Alewine Benj Buck Bo Davies (Chair) Missy Edwards Maxie Eskew Bill Gay (Vice-Chair) Paula Prince Kaleb Ross Cathy Schwartz
Picnic at the Beach
Taylors FBC Senior Adults and guests are invited to enjoy a nice meal, fellowship, and musical entertainment by pianist, Betty Jean Carswell.
Thursday, August 22 | 5:00 – 7:30 pm | Fellowship Hall Ticket Cost is $10 per person Purchase tickets in the Welcome Center on Sundays and weekdays in the Church Office beginning July 22. Tickets must be purchased by August 18.
Our Church Family Staff Anniversaries
In Memoriam
JUNE Kevin Batson.......... Eleven years of service Amanda McKenna......Two years of service Kay Lumpkin...............Two years of service Lisa McGill...................Two years of service Kaitlyn Ross..................One year of service JULY Jeremy Thompson.....Seven years of service Beverly Vest................Five years of service Alex Smith....................One year of service AUGUST Beth Caskey....... Fourteen years of service Jose Delgado........ Twelve years of service Anita Tolliver...............Five years of service Sara Ader.................... One year of service Molly Holder................... One year of service
Mrs. Sallie Creamer June 12, 1931 – May 4, 2019 Mr. Joseph Dalton Moore September 16, 1928 – May 2, 2019
Stewardship Report
APRIL Budget Needs................... $381,701.76 Budget Receipts................ $345,446.11 Other Receipts.................... $28,041.28 Total Apr. Receipts........... $373,487.39 YTD Budget Needs........ $1,622,232.48 YTD Budget Receipts..... $1,426,071.63
Welcome Our New Members
Johnny Gilstrap
Joined April 28 by Letter
Joan Batson
Joined April 29 by Statement
Bill and Angie Henry
Joined April 29 by Statement
TAYLORS FBC Being a part of a local church family is important for every person. At the close of each of our services, we invite you to come forward to apply for church membership with our trained counselors. You may also join at Dinner with the Staff. We accept members by... Public profession of faith and believer’s baptism by immersion. Statement: you have previously made a faith commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior and have already followed Him in baptism by immersion. Statement and pending baptism: you have previously made a faith commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior and now wish to follow Him in baptism by immersion. Letter: a transfer of your membership from a Baptist church of like faith and order. Watchcare: allows college students to come under the spiritual leadership of Taylors FBC while in the area and remain a member at their home church.
Angela Livingston
Joined April 29 by Statement
Mike and Linda Shelnutt
Joined April 29 by statement
Jake and Jackie Spork
Joined April 29 by statement
Fried chicken will be provided, bring a side or dessert to share.
Sunday, August 11 | 11:45 am Building C Welcome Area Cost is $5 for a delicious home-cooked meal
Single Adults of all generations are invited to join us for upcoming events!
Regeneration Student Choir 2019 REACH Trip
June 15-22
Pray specifically for:
“When you are talking about making disciples of all nations and fulfilling the great commission Jesus Christ has given us, New York City is considered by many as the most strategic city on earth. God has gathered more from nations around the globe in this one location than anywhere else in the world. Over five hundred people groups are represented in the five boroughs that make up New York City and more than 800 languages are spoken here.” Stephen Trainer, Senior Pastor at Graffiti Fellowship Church. The North American Mission Board states that, with close to 8 million people in the city and more than 22 million in the metro area, New York City is the largest city in the United States. It is also the largest metro area in the world and is considered by many to be the most influential city in the world. A city with such magnitude can define culture, dictate movement and inspire change. If the heartbeat of this city were connected to the Church, the rhythms of grace would echo throughout the nation and around the globe. The possibilities for gospel impact are infinite... ... and so we go!
• 75 members of Regeneration Student Choir and their 17 leaders o Travel safety o Good health o Unity • Worship leading opportunities at the following: o Metropolitan Baptist Church o Father’s Love Church o New Beginnings Baptist Church • Servant Evangelism with the following: o Graffiti Fellowship Church – Coney Island o Connection Church – Astoria o Metropolitan Baptist Church – Brooklyn o Journey Church - Manhattan
Sundays at 9 am We would love for you to come check out our college Life Group, a great place to connect with God and others as you dig into God’s Word. We meet in the Loft every Sunday morning at 9 am before heading to the Worship Service at 10:30 am. Thursdays at 6:30 pm Trailblazer Park in Travelers Rest
Sundays at 6:30 pm Home of Victoria Helmus, 630-728-4529
The Gathering will resume on Wednesdays, beginning August 28.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for up-to-date information on events and gatherings!