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Taylor Smith

United States

I use this Facebook profile to engage in civil debate and I choose to remain anonymous . I have three reasons for this action. 1) I exercise a certain level of caution to protect my privacy and safety. Unfortunately, in the recent past, I have run across rather radical individuals with whom I've had differing opinions. Many times their tone will became vicious and my personal safety was been brought into question. I had a rather unbalanced person one time cyber stalk me and take great pleasure in trying to find out my physical location. My views are not radical nor threatening to rational open minded people. I simply believe that the government should not be a nanny state and infringe upon individual personal rights and freedoms for any United State citizen regardless of gender, religion, sexual orientation , race, or ethnicity. 2) Attempt to avoid Ad Hominem Fallacy 3) Trolls do not bother me and I actually find them quite comical. I am always intrigued as to their motivation and I do enjoy engag
