Portfolio 01

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1350 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203 513.417.0501 spaethtm@gmail.com

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essence of health Conceptual architectural study.


institute for food 8 week project, based in Oxford, OH involving a 6-person team from multiple disciplines.


picnic & pantry Semester-long Design-Build restaurant located in the urban center of Cincinnati, Ohio.


house on a hill 8-week housing based project located in Northern Kentucky.


buses, trains, people Independent studio project located in St. Louis, Missouri.


extra Collection of photography, models, and sketches.

essence of health Program Through architecture the term health is an explosive concept that manifest from the mind, body & spirit. Health serves as a medium to better understand the architectural thought process. The transition from 2-dimensions, to 3-dimensions, finishing on an architectural dimension informs the user how the brain reacts to physical form and emotional conception. This two week project engulfed the spirit of health and the spirit of architecture and communicated viable information through design.

As I experience health on a daily basis I find that health includes qualities of many forms. There is no unitary value that can determine what is healthy and what is not. Explosion through its etymology coincides with the same qualities of health, “a rapid increase or development�.

3-dimensional visualization

Explosion, truly is an expressive term that allows health to be explored and celebrated. It’s in us as humans to explore life and liberty. A journey through health can become explosive. Collaboratively, determining how health is defined makes an explosive process and is still uninsured.

architectural visualization

Health in today’s world is still unknown and to understand the abstract ideals behind the word, we must let go of natural tendencies and express emotions through uncomfortable realms.

final visualization

institute for food program The Institute for Food entices students and community members to establish a connection between the mind, spirit, and land. The ultimate goal of the Institute for Food is to provide light through the promotion of health, hope, and growth.

The Austin-Magie Farm is located north of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The farm, previously used for its open spaces, grazing corn, beans, and like things has transformed into an area for exploration and discovery. Allowing students of the Living Learning Community to the learn the skills required for growing and maintaining a farm and preparing food.


left The three existing buildings along an axis similar to the existing circulation of the site.

above Parti of the energy, sites & sounds, and architecture.

right Bubble-diagram of the site.

far right Site diagram with circulation, nature, and architecture.


left To encourage the people of Oxford to interact with the Institute for Food parts of the land was set aside for community gardens.

above Keyhole gardens are raised beds to allow compost in the soil.

right The farmer's market, located in the front of the site brings the students, produce, and people of Oxford together.

farmer’s market

To Whom It May Concern:


V.P. of Operations (513) 123-4567 bjacks@miamioh.edu 1234 Morning Sun Road Oxford, OH 45056

This interdisciplinary studio brings together a group of six designers from architecture, interiors, and graphics. Utilizing these disciplines, the project included everything from building design to graphic portrayal.

1234 Morning Sun Road Oxford, OH 45056 513.555.5555 instituteforfood.miamioh.edu bjacks@miamioh.edu

Hammock plaid vero cold-pressed franzen. Forage semiotics four loko, delectus aliqua kombucha banh mi. Flannel retro fixie taxidermy, eu keytar vice post-ironic lomo sunt yuccie disrupt. Quinoa mustache artisan keytar flannel sint jean shorts lomo. Health goth ut chillwave, trust fund fugiat cornhole cupidatat. Delectus knausgaard mollit, bicycle rights proident qui cardigan consequat. Voluptate next level irure mlkshk pitchfork, cred delectus echo park cardigan aliquip bespoke YOLO venmo. Beard helvetica swag occupy 90's, irony eiusmod literally kogi microdosing proident veniam. Bushwick microdosing health goth retro, qui chicharrones sriracha everyday carry voluptate ad. Blue bottle ut single-origin coffee deep v. Gluten-free ea gentrify, fingerstache occaecat schlitz celiac ennui put a bird on it dreamcatcher. Locavore photo booth kogi green juice, yr tacos nihil next level +1 cliche enim viral ad. Selfies biodiesel green juice, quinoa VHS everyday carry YOLO sustainable assumenda next level vice. Portland bespoke culpa wayfarers art party waistcoat lomo, venmo labore wolf sartorial health goth taxidermy. Selvage banh mi polaroid tote bag nulla gastropub, cliche eu vero venmo cold-pressed bitters irony wolf. Elit craft beer fingerstache, non fugiat eu YOLO bespoke bitters gochujang pabst est proident. Selvage mlkshk mixtape, occaecat tempor VHS laboris keytar nulla gluten-free single-origin coffee pork belly ea. Hella kitsch mumblecore craft beer, freegan post-ironic austin culpa venmo ullamco roof party. Fingerstache polaroid celiac skateboard nulla esse iPhone ex, viral microdosing. Narwhal artisan thundercats listicle, tacos cupidatat ex. Ea photo booth heirloom elit.


Swell + Sprout, is a healthy, organic restaurant added to the Miami University campus. The food served was directly cultivated at the Institute for Food.

swell + sprout

picnic & pantry Program Over the Rhine served as our classroom. The neighborhood is much more than a canvas for ignorance, it is an environment that provides the tools to practice design, construct space, and interact socially with the neighbors, friends, and cohorts it provides. 1400 Republic served as my mark. This once vacant space transformed into the local restaurant, Picnic & Pantry, a healthier, more affordable restaurant within the ever changing neighborhood.

Within 1400 republic the size of the space limited the design to certain boundaries. It was necessary to utilize every possible space in a creative, utilitarian fashion. The service counter not only served as a centerpiece for the space but also became a device that served as a function for Picnic and Pantry’s catering services. Working with multiple clients created a difficult challenge for the design team but allowed us to better understand the task at hand.

1 2 3 4 5 6

entrance seating service counter back of house restroom upper tenant





5 1

The service counter was one of the main focuses of the semester. The cottonwood used was an undesirable wood, we found this to be a great metaphor for the previous state of the space. The ability to flip the wood up allowed the tenant to bring their catering business in this space.

service counter

There is only one thing I want to take from my time here. That is reflection. I’ve found that reflection is a person’s greatest tool. Until one can sit and question, everything, they will never be able to understand anything. Being able to spill my guts out to a group of people who I’ve never spoken too is a struggle. Our time together has been personal for me. I share my deepest secrets with you and after this I will ponder all night, about this very moment, running every possible combination of words to say. But then as the clock turns to tomorrow, I’ll move on. Each day I’ll find a new thing to challenge, to mentally exhaust myself over, whatever it may be. I will forever cherish this gift, this gift has been made possible because of you, Over-the-Rhine, you have been my playground, my mentor, my friend. An ode to you for everything you’ve done for me. You have changed my life, you have changed my outlook on society and you challenged me to think. For that I give you my heart, my soul, my emotions, and especially my love.

excerpt from 'Final Reflection'

house on a hill Program This house is designed to inform the clients of small-living possibilities. Utilizing technology, natural light, and spacial qualities to create an environment where minimal is key. The house is home to a couple in their 50s/60s. They have two children in their mid-20s visit and stay the night on occasion. The house is to consider light, space, and livability

above Entry level: living space, garden patio, car port, office space/guest room, and laundry.

right Lower level, master bedroom.

far right Site diagram.

Internally the house's open space creates a sense of ease for the homeowners. Light was a major factor within the interior, bringing as much natural light in and bringing life to space.

entry level

The house, set along a hill, overlooks the Cincinnati skyline, south of the border in Northern Kentucky. The landscape offered tremendous possibilities for interesting and creative solutions to capture the beauty of the site, view, and people inhabiting the space.


above Building diagrams, from left to right: geometry, part to whole, light quality, and parti.

above right East - West Section, South Elevation. The hill created a great challenge and offered great opportunity to create a beautiful level change.

right Model within the site.

buses, trains, people Program This project was apart of an independent conceptual studio, the design was fueled more around how we, as designers approach a project rather than developing a program to fit the greater needs of the surrounding population. The space provides shelter for congregation amongst the public bus and train systems and the people that utilizes these amenities. Combining analytical schematic and creative progressive thinking provided the highest caliber of intentional design.

The existing site, located in St. Louis Missouri was a hub for bus and train route within the neighborhood, uninviting to the community. Now a path from the surrounding neighborhood through the wooded land opens up to a transit hub that better connects the existing bus and train lines.

above Diagrams from left to right: circulation, activity, additive / subtractive, part to whole.

below Preliminary design process manifested on restaurant napkins.


left Southeast Elevation. A long bridge connects the buses to the train, allowing the user to experience a journey through the trees.

right Train platform.

below Interior view of the main transit hub. A large open space allows for gathering while passengers wait for their bus or train.

right First floor above, second floor below.

extra Program Collection of photography, models, and sketches.

left A set of sketchbook spreads that span information regarding preliminary design work, geography "notes", and general practice.

below Three models, from left to right: Hueston Woods Nature Center, Shelter in Nature, King Library.


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