The Bridge, Spring 2014

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Vol. 55, No. 1 - Spring 2 014

learning together published by Taylor College and Seminary

Growth and Change Read about developments at Taylor, including some new faces, pg. 3

Graduation 2014 Students celebrate: “Taste and See”, pg. 6-7

GVND Reunion Taylor alum attend Arizona reunion, pg. 5

Alumni Profile Pastor Bob Walther (’76), pg. 10-11 COVER: Director of Development and Church/Alumni Relations, Becky Hilbich, attending a White Cross event at Taylor, May 6, 2014.

A Note from the President I consider it such a joy and an honour to be part of theological education. For most of my adult life, I have been privileged to serve as a professor or as an administrator in this field; every fall I sense the excitement of new and returning students, and every spring I enjoy the satisfaction of a busy year coming to a close. There is always particular pride in the students who graduate, and this year I have been struck again by the diversity of our students. Not only has God brought us students that are diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity and denominational background, but it is so interesting to see the variety of places where students are planning to serve. The church continues to need more Christ-minded leaders, and Taylor Seminary is freshly prepared to offer the ministry training that God has called us to. Following a lengthy self-study, our accrediting body (the Association of Theological Schools, or ATS) has reaffirmed Taylor's accreditation. This was not unexpected, but it is always meaningful to get that official report and to have ATS affirm the value of a Taylor education. This has been a winter of significant progress at Taylor. Along with the accreditation process, Taylor Seminary has continued to make adjustments and improvements to our courses and curriculum. We have improved our online course offerings, adjusted the makeup of our faculty structure, added a Pentecostal stream to our MDiv program (in response to the needs expressed by some of our students and educational partners), and we

have added to our Board of Trustees and our faculty (see pages 3-4). The Wahl Centre has also taken significant strides forward, particularly in bolstering the new Healthy Pastors Initiative. Pastor Sam Nikkel of McKernan Baptist Church has taken a leadership role with that program, and we are excited about the ways the Wahl Centre can promote and nurture a culture of health in pastoral ministry. The Wahl Centre has reached a point where I can no longer give it the time and attention it needs in addition to serving as president and continuing to do some teaching. A search for a new Director of the Wahl Centre is underway, and we would love your help in seeking out the best candidate to lead this educational service of Taylor (see page 11). Taylor is healthy and strong, but well-aware of areas where we need to grow. We are working together to build an outstanding educational ministry, one that is ministry-focused and attuned to the needs of our students and the local church. I'm already looking forward to the new fall semester as we wait expectantly to see what God has planned for us then. Shalom!

David Williams, Ph.D. President, Taylor College and Seminary Director, E P Wahl Centre

The last minute flurry of activity in preparing The Bridge for publication coincided again this year with the hustle and bustle of Grad. But it also has coincided with preparations for travel to Africa. In fact, the last edits have been made during a brief layover in Europe. As this magazine is delivered to homes across North America and around the world, I will be traveling to Africa as part of a White Cross team. As you may know, thousands of people in North American churches make bandages and similar medical supplies for a network of hospitals and clinics in Cameroon, operated by the Cameroon Baptist Convention. For decades, White Cross has served a vital purpose in this compassionate care, and now the directors of White Cross (Canada) and White Cross (USA) are heading to Cameroon to meet with their counterparts. I will be traveling with the team to report on the people, places and issues that arise, and I look forward to sharing highlights with readers of The Bridge and with White Cross volunteers in both countries. Please pray for us as we travel and as we seek to learn how to best serve and bless the health care workers and volunteers in Cameroon. What a ministry of healing, and what a meaningful way to serve others! Tim Willson Communications and Marketing Director Editor, The Bridge

Vol. 55, No. 1, Spring 2014 Published by Taylor College and Seminary to communicate with students, alumni, friends and supporters.

Editor: Tim Willson Taylor College and Seminary 11525 - 23 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6J 4T3 Cover Photo by Tim Willson

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Growth & Change A time of transition at Taylor by Tim Willson


he 2013-2014 academic year has been marked with a host of changes at Taylor – no major changes, but a series of developments that strengthen the institution in response to changing needs and opportunities. Becky Hilbich, pictured on the cover of this issue, has joined us as Director of Development and Church & Alumni Relations. No stranger to Taylor, Becky is the daughter of former president, Dr. Walter Goltz. Becky has also been a Taylor student, and calls her new role a bit of a homecoming. “I feel like I grew up at Taylor because of my dad's tenure here,” she says. “I am constantly running into people that I have known for a long time but haven't seen in a while. I already feel so encouraged by the many phone calls and conversations I have had; Taylor is blessed to have such faithful support.” Taylor is pleased to announce the addition of two permanent members to the seminary faculty beginning in the 2014-2015 academic year. Dr. Joyce Bellous will join the faculty teaching in the area of Christian education and pastoral formation. Dr. Bellous taught for 16 years at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, ON before relocating to Edmonton several years ago. Dr. Bellous is a noted scholar with 7 books either written or edited and numerous lay and professional papers and

presentations. Her background is in Christian education, church leadership, and her most recent research and publishing is in the development of human resiliency. Professor Len Thompson will also be joining the permanent faculty in the area of spiritual formation and discipleship. Prof. Thompson, Director of Urban Sanctuary, is well known to the Taylor community where he has worked for many years both teaching courses in our curriculum as well as overseeing the mentoring and spiritual formation of our seminarians. Along with his teaching and his work at Urban Sanctuary, he is currently completing his DMin at Gordon Conwell Seminary. We are very pleased to strengthen our partnership with Urban Sanctuary and to bring Prof. Thompson onto the permanent faculty. Dr. Joost Pikkert is moving to Indonesia which will allow him to pursue his work with various language groups in that country. His most recent work there took place during a sabbatical in 2013, and was met very favourably by the Indonesian government. Despite his physical departure, Dr. Pikkert will continue to teach online courses and it is hoped that he will be able to teach modular courses on campus from time to time during visits back to Canada. Increasingly, part-time employees are serving at Taylor. Among the senior administrative team, only the president, Dr. David Williams, is full-time, and among all employees (more than 20), only eight are full-time. The trend towards part-time staff and faculty is providing Taylor with access to a wider pool of skills and expertise while keeping costs low. It also provides flexibility in covering employee absences or departures. Other personnel changes include the appointment of Marj Hewitt as the Director of Finance and Operations; she replaced the retiring John Rhebergen. Janice Johnsson joined us recently in our front office in a part-time capacity. A search is underway to fill one vacancy at Taylor; as noted on pg.11 of this issue, a new Director of the Wahl Centre is being sought. Dr. David Williams has been serving in that capacity since the Wahl Centre was formed in 2007, but he feels that the Wahl Centre requires more attention than he can give it in his current role.

Dr. Joyce Bellous (left) stands with Sandy Heavenor (’86), Assistant to the President, just before the beginning of the 2014 Graduation Ceremony at West Meadows Baptist Church. Dr. Bellous is the first female professor at Taylor Seminary, and will teach in the areas of Christian education and pastoral formation; she is one of two new faculty members at Taylor. Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |

The Taylor Board of Trustees has also experienced change recently. Two Edmonton residents, Gregg Becker and Dr. Ryan Sato (pastor of First Baptist Church), have joined the board. Dan Hamil of


4 Sacramento is also now on the board by virtue of his role as the Interim Executive Director of the North American Baptist Conference (replacing Dr. Rob McCleland).

changes in the Clinical Pastoral Education program, which was part of the training. Finally, the Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Formation has seen some changes to the courses involved.


Taylor is looking ahead to a busy year. Student inquiries are higher than average at Taylor Seminary, and a number of events will take place in October and November at the Wahl Centre. As well, Taylor plans a variety of events to commemorate our 75th Anniversary on January 2, 2015. The coming academic year will conclude with the NAB Triennial Conference in Sacramento, an event where Taylor always has strong representation. We hope to see you at many of these upcoming get-togethers – maybe even in class or online! TB

A number of changes have been made to some Taylor programs. One noteworthy change is to the MDiv program; Pentecostal students may now take a course in Biblical Theology (Luke/Acts) as their NT or BI elective, and Pentecostal History as one of their free electives. These are courses that are required for ordination in Alberta and NWT District of the PAOC, so this change is in response to the needs of these students. The Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Care is not currently being offered due to provincial

New Scholarship Fund Established Taylor is pleased to announce the establishment of a new endowed scholarship fund. The Madeline Buckles Pape Endowment has been set up by Madeline's husband, Fred Pape, as a legacy to honor his wife. Madeline, who passed away in 2011 at the age of 89, had a distinguished teaching career in Edmonton and Calgary, and Fred says it is fitting that students will be supported in her memory. “My dear wife Madeline was an excellent teacher,” he says, “who not only taught her students but loved them as well.” Fred says his wife often taught music, and says he often heard her hum “Count Your Blessings, name Them One by One” – fitting, he says, since her life was a blessing to all who knew her. Madeline Pape attended CTI in 1941-42 before going to university to become a teacher. Fred Pape did not attend CTI himself, but was baptized by Taylor founder Rev. E.P. Wahl and remembers his kind and gentle manner during the baptism examination that was part of the process. The fund consists of an initial investment of $100,000, the proceeds of which will be split into three awards, one funding an annual Seminary award (value: $2,000), the second funding EP Wahl Centre sponsorship awards (total value: $2,000 per year), and the third funding an award(s) through the Conservatory of Music at Taylor (total value: $500 per year).

ABOVE: Madeline Pape (’42, nee Buckles), who became a teacher in the years following her education at CTI, has been honored with a memorial tribute by her husband of 59 years. Fred Pape has established the Madeline Buckles Pape Endowment, which will provide scholarships to students of Taylor Seminary, the Wahl Centre and the Conservatory of Music at Taylor. (Photo supplied by Fred Pape.)

“My hope is that the financial aid this fund will provide for deserving students will encourage them to apply their God-given talents for furthering the work and glory of our Lord and Savior's Kingdom,” Fred says. Over the years, Taylor donors have set up a wide variety of scholarships and bursaries. These funds, amounting to over $60,000 each year, directly benefit students by reducing their tuition costs, and help make it possible for students to continue their studies.” TB

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God’s Volunteers/New Day Reunion

5 Accreditation Renewed

by Tim Willson

by Dr. David Williams



any members of the Taylor community were part of a special reunion in Tempe, Arizona recently.

Upwards of 300 people gathered to remember and celebrate the experiences they had as young people serving with the traveling ministry teams known as God's Volunteers and (later) New Day. Sponsored by the North American Baptist Conference, these teams formed annually, and set off across the continent, ministering in churches and communities for months at a time.

The planning team for the GVND Reunion, including “Grand Schmuck” Harry Hiller (second from right). Harry, who lives in Calgary, was a Taylor trustee from 1973 to 1982.

Between 1956 and 1991, hundreds of volunteers took part, and the reunion was a feat of organization. Harry Hiller of Calgary, who was GVND director from 1963-64 and called himself the “Grand Schmuck” of the organizing committee, was able to help the team cast a vision for a reunion that compelled many people to gather – many of whom had lost touch with each other over the years. He says something special happened during the retreat. “The Spirit of God seemed to hover over the whole place for the whole weekend,” wrote Hiller in a follow-up newsletter. “There was warmth, unity, and togetherness that you could virtually feel and that charged you emotionally. In retrospect, some have called it a taste of heaven because it was that spectacularly wonderful. Others have said that it has recharged them for the rest of their life or set them on a new course or given them new strength. We did not plan or program that; it all just happened. And for this outcome, we are eternally grateful to God.” Harry wrote that there were many tears shed during and after the event – “tears of compassion, joy and gratitude,” just one measure of the impact of the reunion. “It was remarkable and without precedent in the lives of many of us, and totally unexpected. We can't explain it. It was just there–and it happened.” Among the many former Taylor students who traveled to Arizona in February were Doug and Roxy Meyers, Loren and Michele Kopf, Dr. Marvin Dewey, Lyle and Jeannie Buyer, Ray and Marilyn Seutter, Norm and Lydia Stork, Sheryl Grunwald, Ron and Linda Rogalski, Dan and Geri Heringer, Doris Mueller Kannwischer, Connie Sonnenberg and Bob and Marilyn Walther. Bob served as New Day director for six years, and says he loved seeing so many former students. “It was amazing to see these young people, what God is doing through them,” he says. He adds that New Day also helped shape his ministry in the years that followed, giving him a passion to start new churches. TB Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |

n February, our accreditation agency, the Commission on Accreditation (COA) for the Association of Theological Schools of North America (ATS), received and approved the recommendations of the site visit team concerning our application for the renewal of our accreditation. The site team's recommendations were provided to the institution just after their visit in November, 2013. With strong commendation to our outstanding faculty and the administration for the dramatic turnaround in our fiscal situation, the team recommended to renew our accreditation. The recommendation proceeded without any notations, but with the request for two reports to be provided to the ATS staff. The first report concerned our policy and procedures related to our online courses. This report has been received and accepted, with the result that Taylor is now allowed to offer as many online courses as we choose. The second report, due November 2015, primarily relates to the progress in our conversations with potential educational partners. Taylor Seminary is one of 270 seminaries accredited in North America by ATS, and one of 40 in Canada. Accreditation is renewable through a rigorous review process, including a self-study that explores strengths, weaknesses, processes, student and alumni satisfaction and educational objectives and outcomes. We are very pleased with both the recommendations of the site visit team and the actions of the Commission. TB

Theology/Spiritual Formation Course in Spain Dr. Allan Effa will lead a group of students on a 318 km. pilgrimage from Leόn to Santiago de Compostela, from May 11 – 25, 2015. For details on this course, send an email to


in pictures | Grad 2014 1.The Taylor Seminary Class of 2014 is greeted with congratulatory fist bumps from Admissions Counselor Rick Heavenor as they leave the ceremony at West Meadows Baptist Church. | 2. Matt Hammond (MDiv) celebrates with his son Rayder. Matt was named Valedictorian by the Class of 2014. | 3. Myrna Wilson (MTS), being congratulated following the ceremony. | 4. Erin Reich (MDiv) gets a little help with cap, hair and hair clips before the ceremony. Erin is the daughter of Cathy and Marty Wagantall (Cathy was a Student Loans Officer with Taylor several years ago.) | 5. Current Taylor student Kathy Brown was one of four winners of the Sonnenberg Leadership Scholarship, presented annually at graduation. (See the full list of scholarship and award winners on pg. 7.) | 6. Bob Crosland (MTS) chats with Prof. Len Thompson. A Mennonite pastor in his first career, Bob is now serving in chaplaincy ministry. | 7. Gregory “Gary� Lim (MDiv) is one of several pastors in the 2014 graduating class; He serves Edmonton Chinese United Church. | 8. Wendy Li and Patricia Hope both graduated from the MTS program. | 9. Marjorie Charest (MDiv) enrolled at Taylor as part of her journey towards hospital chaplaincy (where she currently serves). Marj also earned a Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Care. | 10. Dustin Strauss (MDiv) went for the bear hug instead of a handshake as he accepted his degree from President Dr. David Williams. Dustin is a pastor at Leduc Fellowship Church. | 11. Jeffery BeBeau (MTS) enrolled at Taylor after sensing a call to vocational ministry. | 12. Amy Israelson (MDiv), a teacher by profession, discovered a love for spiritual formation and 2. counseling during her Taylor studies. Amy also earned a Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Formation.









9. 12. 13.

11. Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 | |


14. 14. The Class of 2014 at Taylor Seminary was the largest since 2010: nineteen graduates with varied backgrounds including several pastors and church planters, a missionary, business leaders, and others. | 15. NABC alumnus Brad Liske (MDiv) (’97, BR) stands with Pastor Ken MacDonald of Terwillegar Community Church. Brad has been a long-time student at Taylor Seminary, taking courses as time permitted. | 16. Distance student Dave Richardson (MDiv) of Kelowna stands with his family after being presented with his degree. | 17. Australian Matt Garvin of Fusion International was presented with the Dewey Intercultural Studies Award. | 18. Legendary alum Dr. Willy Muller (’46) and Pete Schroeder (’60) greet each other at the grad ceremony; Pete’s wife, May, also attended.


2014 Scholarships and Academic Awards Faculty Scholarship: Dustin Strauss This scholarship is awarded to the individual who achieves the highest grade point average during the two semesters of the current academic year. The Taylor Alumni Association Scholarship: Brian Myrholm This award acknowledges a student who has performed at an exceptional academic level, whose behaviour and conduct are exemplary, and who is seeking placement in full-time vocational ministry. Doris and Gerald Borchert Scholarship in New Testament Studies: Stephen Gascon This scholarship is awarded to a second-year student who distinguishes him/herself in New Testament Studies. Dewey Intercultural Studies Award: Matt Garvin Former Taylor President Marvin Dewey and his late wife Becky established this scholarship to be awarded to the student who demonstrates competence in and concern for intercultural ministry. Sonnenberg Leadership Scholarship: (Four Recipients) Keith Boschman, Kathy Brown, Chad Krahn, plus one anonymous recipient This scholarship, established by the late Dr. Joseph Sonnenberg (former president), is awarded to a second-year student(s), to recognize outstanding leadership ability. William Sturhahn Preaching Award: Aaron Au Made possible by the family of Dr. William Sturhahn, this scholarship is for a graduating student who demonstrates special proficiency in preaching. Dan Leverette Memorial Scholarship: Isaac Lee This scholarship is given to a Master of Divinity student committed to the practice of youth ministry and who is preparing for full-time vocational ministry with youth. Canadian Bible Society Award for Public Reading of Scripture: Myrna Wilson Each year the Canadian Bible Society awards a Bible to a student who has demonstrated excellence in the public reading of Scripture. We are deeply grateful for the friends of the seminary who have made these scholarships and awards possible; thank you for your generosity. Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |





in pictures | Winter and Spring 2014 1.


ABOVE: 1. Dr. Randal Rauser (right) is congratulated by Taylor President Dr. David Williams after his promotion from Assistant Professor to full Professor of Historical Theology at Taylor Seminary, and the author of numerous books. | 2. A celebration of the ministries of White Cross took place at Taylor on May 6, 2014. Over seventy people attended, including six with more than 50 years of service with this humanitarian ministry. We are also planning a follow-up event in the fall to report on a trip to Cameroon by two people from Taylor. BELOW: 3, 4. During the 2013-14 school year, the Taylor Seminary Students’ Association (TSSA) placed a fresh emphasis on food and fellowship, drawing the community together regularly for fun and fellowship. Partwell Nyandoro (a D.C.S. student, left) Alexander Frimpong (MDiv student, centre) laugh together as Paul Norton (D.C.S. student) does some multi-tasking. Photo #4 shows Shawna Wegner (MTS student) visiting with a friend during this student barbeque. | 5. Dr. Aaron Au (’14) and current student Dave Ferro perform together as part of a bluegrass band during the 2014 Grad Banquet. | 6. Volunteers, including two from Saskatchewan, stand with White Cross Canada Director Dr. Keir Hammer as they prepare another shipment of medical relief supplies for Cameroon. | 7. Dr. James K.A. Smith of Calvin College was the featured speaker at the 2014 E.P. Wahl Lectures at Taylor. He spoke on the topic Imagining the Kingdom. The lectures are available for you to listen to on the Taylor website – simply visit



7. 5. 6.

News and Notes In Sympathy Elfrieda Krinke passed away March 19, 2014 in Edmonton. Elfriede was not an alumna of Taylor, but was a longtime supporter of the school. For years, she and her husband Alfred maintained some of the gardening and landscaping on campus as volunteers, and the couple were key White Cross volunteers. Lydia Hufnagel (nee Albrecht, ’51) passed away Nov. 30, 2013 in Kinuso, AB. Her daughter, Charlene Braucht (‘90 ) is an alum of NABC. Elfriede Radke (nee Heine) passed away Feb. 13, 2014. Her two sons, Rudi (’71) and Herb (’94) are alumni of Taylor. Rev. John H. von Harten (’65) passed away in Greensboro, NC, on April 29th, 2014, at the age of 91. After graduation from CTI, John pastored in St. Catharines, ON and a number of churches in New York State. His son, Rev. Manfred von Harten of Allentown, PA writes that his dad “was an avid reader, enjoyed vegetable gardening, recycling, and entertaining people with tunes from his Hohner accordian. He had an incredible memory and could recite poetry and tell stories at the drop of a hat.”

Alumni and Student News An item we inadvertently missed in our last issue was the marriage of Stephanie Fehr (nee Leverette, ‘06, ‘12) and Scott Fehr (’06). The two were married October 12, 2013. Stephanie is Pastor of Worship Arts & Discipleship at Greenfield Baptist Church, Congratulations to Erin Fredlund (nee Gaffney,'98) and her husband Bruce, who welcomed Caius Zander Vincent Fredlund into the world September

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25, 2013. At 10 lbs 4oz and 21.5 inches he welcomed the world ready to walk! Erin writes, “He is a great addition to our growing family of Warner and Holden, who are great big brothers!” Taylor student Junior Figueiredo and his wife Jenise welcomed their second baby recently, a sister for Alana. Emma Louise Figueiredo was born April 22 in Edmonton, measuring 56 cm and 3.5 kg. Congratulations to Dr. Ralph Korner (’82), who successfully defended his PhD thesis in January. Ralph earned his degree from McMaster University; his area of research was early Christianity and early Judaism, and included a significant focus on the term ekklesia. Ralph was the first researcher ever to catalogue all known appearances of the term ekklesia in ancient inscriptions, creating a database of over 2,000 instances of its use. Parry Stelter (’13) has just published A Word of Hope for My Aboriginal People. The book, which grew out of his MDiv studies, explores some of the questions around what it means to be Aboriginal and Christian. Dr. Allan Effa, who encouraged Parry to write the book, calls it “a sympathetic, yet biblically-grounded perspective on how to faithfully live out the Christian faith in ways that are authentic to Aboriginal cultures.” Parry is planning a book signing at Beverly Alliance Church in Edmonton on June 21, 2014, from 3-5 pm. Current Taylor student Matt Garvin is celebrating the launch of his new book, 6 Radical Decisions. Matt, who is also a pastor of Community Life and Missions at St. Albert Alliance Church, explores the key steps that help cell groups to change the world. Renee Wasylyk (nee Merrifield, alum of both NABC ’95 and EBS ‘97) has been named to the Women’s Economic Council by the premier of BC.

Faculty and Staff News Congratulations to former Registrar Craig Weston on his appointment as the Registrar and Director of Enrolment at the Kings University College in Edmonton.

Alumni Updates Share your news with us: marriages, moves, careers... we want to note these important events! | Telephone: 780-431-5200



Alumni Profile Bob Walther Student: NABC, ‘76 (B.Th.) Current Hometown: Spearfish, South Dakota Email: Website: “School was never easy for me, but I loved it.” ABOVE: Bob Walther (’76), as pictured in the 1973-74 yearbook, the Northern Echo. RIGHT: Bob with his wife Marilyn (nee Vetter, ‘72) at the God’s Volunteers/New Day reunion in Arizona, February 2014. Photo: Shari Morford.


t was a bargain with God. Bob Walther says he made a deal with God and his parents, and that’s how he came to be a student at NABC in 1970. God took that reluctant decision and fashioned a long and fruitful ministry. Currently pastoring at Mountain View Baptist Church in Spearfish, South Dakota (his second stint at this church), Bob spoke recently with The Bridge about his journey, starting with a very difficult experience in college that led to his move to Edmonton from North Dakota. “Bad company – wrong company, wrong priorities; I was literally dismissed from university there,” Bob says. “I'll be honest, it was a bargain with God and my parents to go to bible college for a semester.” There was a long process ahead – in fact, he stayed only for a single semester before heading back to North Dakota. But the way he was accepted by professors and students made a deep impression. “I was taken in by guys in the dorm that accepted me, especially a couple guys. One guy that really made an impact – and he'll say to this day that he didn't – his name is Grant Dickau. He just accepted me and loved me just the way I was.” Back in North Dakota, he was restless. And on a September night in Linton, ND, he was struck by a sermon illustration used by an interim pastor at church – it was the image of a half-baked potato. “ I can't remember anything else. That night, God just ripped me – I mean, I just couldn't escape it. I went home and it was an amazing call at that point. I was literally struck down at that point. I was lying on my bed and I couldn't get up, and I laid there for a couple of hours. It wasn't a struggle with God, because I was giving in – it was just a peace. But I was just so worn out, and at that point I just said, “I'm going back to NABC (Taylor now) and I'm going to prepare.” Bob was back for the Winter Semester of 1971, and the change from one year earlier was substantial.

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“I can't even remember what I got in my classes that first semester as far as grades,” he says, “but at the same time I really appreciated the professors. That first semester, they accepted me. They knew my background and what had happened, and they accepted me and I really appreciated that. I came back then for the second semester and everything about going to school took a different attitude for me – I loved it. I loved studying, and I loved the classes. School was never easy for me, but I loved it. It was a great time.” Bob met Marilyn Vetter during his first term in Edmonton, and they married in the summer of 1971. Almost 43 years later, Bob is so grateful for the ministry they’ve had together. “She and I have had such great experiences. She has been such an amazing support and leader in our home. She's a great mother, and a great grandmother (a great nana), and she loves the opportunity that she has presently to just spend a lot of time in the assisted living home where her parents are, just caring for them.” It can’t have been easy to jump headlong into ministry they way the Walthers did. Bob graduated from Taylor (NABC) in 1976, but says that something interesting happened along the way. “I was asked to be the assistant director for God's Volunteers,” says Bob. “We were house parents, and everything was so set up – it was a perfect situation in Edmonton and why would I leave?” However, after praying about it and getting encouragement from his professors (especially Dr. Willy Muller and Prof. Werner Waitkus), Bob accepted the appointment – but before his term was up, he was asked to become the new Director. With a growing passion for evangelism, the opportunity was intriguing, but he wasn’t sure how he could continue his studies and keep up with the team. In the end, it meant correspondence courses in the summer – and lots of travel. Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 | |

“I was with the team every weekend from Thursday night to Sunday night,” Bob remembers. “I would fly back to Edmonton on Sunday night, classes MondayThursday, and then head out again – I did that for a semester. In that time, our first son was born, March 1; it was quite a year. But I'll tell you what – it was one of the greatest years of just coming back – it was a great haven to come back to the college, and a lot of people were there to take care of Marilyn and the new baby, and it all worked. We didn't know how it was going to work, but it all worked.” Now married, juggling studies and his New Day duties, discipling young people and busy meeting churches across North America, Bob was being formed into a church planter and denominational leader. They were formative experiences. “ I would say that the professor who had the greatest impact on me… his classes did and consequently, he did -- were pastoral classes with Willy Muller,” Bob says. “It was so practical, and it was so easy to talk about everything and not to be afraid to talk about anything. In that, he would also encourage me not just to take in these classes, but also to begin to live it out.” In the years since, Bob has been a pastor and church planter – even a Church Planting Director for the NAB Conference, and then the Regional Minister for the Alberta Baptist Association (with offices on the Taylor campus). Bob also served on the Board of Trustees of his alma mater. “That was a great move, one of the best moves,” he says. “We spent eight years in Alberta – awesome!” Bob’s return to pastoral ministry in Spearfish was to a church that had been through some pretty tough times, including a church split. He spent the first year working through a process of healing and reconciliation, but says the church has turned the page and is now focused on being missional. “We just finished a series this last Sunday based on a book called ‘The Externally-Focused Church,’” he says. “We've used that as part of small group discussion. Eric Swanson is one of the authors – just a great book. So the title of my sermon on Sunday was ‘The Best is Yet to Come.’” Bob’s love of learning continues. “My passion has been growing to help people in disasters, who need a chaplain. So I'm just working towards that right now.” You can listen to this interview online: simply visit TB

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Wahl Centre Director Taylor Seminary invites applications for the Director of the E P Wahl Centre. The Director is responsible for visionary leadership and administrative oversight of the educational ministry of the EP Wahl Centre. The position is scalable (full-time or half-time) dependent on the abilities and situation of the successful candidate. Salary is commensurate with experience. The successful candidate will have a PhD, DMin (or equivalent) in a field related to the educational ministry of the Wahl Centre, with substantial pastoral, administrative, or educational experience, and theological commitments in harmony with Taylor Seminary. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada, but anyone willing to use the Canadian spelling of the word “Centre” is welcome to apply. Interested applicants should send a curriculum vitae along with a letter of application to: Dr. David Williams, President, Taylor Seminary, 11525 - 23 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6J 4T3.

Upcoming Events CAPS (Church Administrative Professionals’ Symposium) October 22, 2014 | @ Taylor Administrative staff from churches and non-profits will gather for a day designed to equip, inspire and refresh. Featured speaker: Carolyn Arends.

onWORD 2014 October 24-25, 2014 | @ Greenfield Dr. Peter Enns will be joined by a number of other speakers who will help us experience, learn and enjoy the Scriptures. Theme: Creation/New Creation.

#JusticeYEG November 7-8, 2014 | Location: TBA Danielle Strickland and Dr. Terry LeBlanc are among the speakers at this second annual gathering.

For details, visit

Provisions Waiting (2010), Terry Opperman Oil Painting, 16” x 20”

ABOUT THIS PAINTING Terry Opperman painted this in response to a message she heard years earlier. Terry told The Bridge: “The message was about God’s provision in advance; Peter needed to respond when Jesus said, ‘go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours’ (Matt. 17:27).” Somewhat hidden in the design is a clock, conveying the notion that the provision was prepared ahead of time, that it would be there on time. (Ed. note: This painting was provided about an hour before being finished for printing, after an unexpected phone call from Terry, and this space was still blank at the time. Provisions waiting, indeed... even for the back cover of The Bridge.)

ABOUT THE ARTIST Terry Opperman taught as an adjunct prof at Taylor, then was Director of Student Development at Taylor University College from 2008-2009. Terry lives in Victoria, BC, where she works in leadership development and with at-risk youth, and where her husband Bob serves as pastor at Lambert Park Church. Two of the couple’s three sons, Stephen and Timothy, are alumni (both ‘04). Taylor alumni are invited to submit photographs, paintings and other visual art projects for publication or display on campus. Learn more at

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