The Bridge Spring 2015

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Vol. 56, No. 1 - Spring/Summ er 2 0 15

learning together

COVER: Taylor welcomes Dr. Carol Potratz in her new role as Director of Supervised Ministry, effective August 15, 2015.

published by Taylor College and Seminary

Welcome Back! Carol Potratz Returns to Taylor, pg. 3

Partnership Taylor, Sioux Falls and the NAB form partnership with Cameroon, pg. 5

Alumni Profile Josh Imboden (’09), pg. 6

75th Anniversary Banquet, Devotional, Video, pg. 9, 14, 15

A Note from the President As I sit in my hotel room on Saturday afternoon, July 4th, I am struck by the fact that tomorrow morning I complete my fourth Triennial Conference since coming to Taylor. These 11 years have seen a lot of dramatic changes not only at Taylor but in the NAB Conference and across North America. Change is often hard but nevertheless my heart is full of anticipation as to what God is doing. Two of our theological claims are that God is in charge and that God is good. The difficult task of discipleship is to find the good in the change that God brings to us. Taylor’s annual experience of change, our graduation ceremony, was a blessed experience again this year. We have such a rich history of outstanding students and it is always a joy to celebrate the completion of what, for some, is a long and difficult journey. Students work so hard and accomplish so much. The 2015 Commencement Ceremony was especially joyful in that we celebrated the life of ministry and service of Carol Potratz with an honorary doctorate. What a special time that was! Dr. Potratz will be returning to Taylor in a faculty role. And, besides returning to the classroom she will take on the responsibilities of Director of Supervised Ministry. This position is important in part because besides supervising our current ministry students,

Carol will be our institutional liaison specifically tasked with connecting our educational initiatives to the wide variety of ministry contexts with which she interacts. Keeping ministry training closely connected to ministry on the street is essential for effective preparation. Carol will play a key role in that for the faculty. In this edition of the Bridge you will also find an article on a renewed and expanded partnership between Taylor and the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary. This decade-long partnership is not only being brought to the forefront of our ministry but also expanded to include the whole of the Cameroon Baptist Convention. The expanded vision has also brought together other NAB partners to do together what none of us can do by ourselves. Finally, you will find an update on our celebration of the 75th anniversary of Taylor and the upcoming fall events. The changes that we are experiencing across North America point to a deep stirring of God’s Spirit in our midst. For those of us at Triennial this year, I think that stirring is almost palpable as together we embrace God’s call on our lives to join God on mission. There are so many good things that God is doing. I am privileged to be along for the ride. Shalom!

David Williams, Ph.D. President, Taylor College and Seminary

Attentive readers will recognize that this edition of The Bridge is later than usual. Normally completed and mailed in early June, this issue was competing for time and attention with some very exciting other projects that you will read about in the pages ahead. The continuing celebration of Taylor’s first 75 years has included the production of a music video featuring a ‘virtual choir’ and the publishing of a devotional book, and these two projects were to debut at the Triennial of the NAB Conference in July 2015. These alumnicreated projects were enthusiastically received, and I hope you will also judge them worthy of your time and attention. (You can read more about these projects in this issue.) In the case of the devotional book, Strength for Today, we continue to solicit contributions. Indeed, I find myself pleading for people to write! There seems to be a sense of modesty that leads people to defer to others. I understand that, of course, but that doesn’t help finish the project! Think about the lessons God has been teaching you: could you take some time to write a few short reflections about those insights that can be shared with others? Please drop us a line or visit our website for more information; I really hope to hear from you. Tim Willson Editor, The Bridge P.S. For more on our 75th Anniversary, be sure to visit

Vol. 56, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2015 Published by Taylor College and Seminary to communicate with students, alumni, friends and supporters.

Editor: Tim Willson Taylor College and Seminary 11525 - 23 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6J 4T3 Cover: Tim Willson

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Carol Potratz Returns to Taylor Former Missionary Joins the Taylor Seminary Faculty by Tim Willson


hen Carol Potratz ended her term of service as an NAB missionary to Japan, there were many suggestions for what to do next. Widely known and loved as an educator, cross-cultural ministry specialist, and as a church and denominational leader, many doors were open. So it was with great joy that the Taylor community learned in April that Carol had accepted a faculty position at Taylor Seminary. Academic Dean Dr. Ralph Korner made the announcement, confirming that she will serve in a Core Faculty position as Director of Supervised Ministry and Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies.

our seminary curriculum might better serve ministry professionals. Dr. David Williams, president of Taylor, believes Carol is ideally suited for this new role. “Carol’s passion for ministry coupled with her appreciation for the way high quality seminary education can support and help sustain that ministry is a perfect blend for what Taylor needs. She brings extensive ministry experience with a love for lifelong learning as well as a passion for Taylor to be all that we can be for the sake of the gospel.,” he says.

“Given Dr. Muller's forthcoming retirement this summer, as one of her duties, Carol will be taking over supervision of the Field Education and Internship program which Dr. Muller has so capably developed and led for us,” wrote Dr. Korner. The newly-minted Dr. Carol Potratz stands with her long-time

Carol is excited about the opportunity. Asked why she chose Taylor when there were numerous doors open to her, she says that she clearly sensed God’s leading – something that was confirmed through numerous friends who joined her in praying about it. “If there had even been one of them who sensed any hesitation I would have said no to Taylor,” she says, “but every one of them affirmed that this was God’s leading.”

Field Education has long friend and colleague Dr. Willy Muller at the 35th Taylor been a hallmark of a Taylor Seminary Graduation Ceremony, May 3, 2015. Carol has been Anyone who knows Carol well knows her primary life objective Seminary education, named as Dr. Muller’s replacement in an expanded role. is "to know Christ and make him ensuring that students have known" to all age groups. She has done this practical experience and are engaged in contextual consistently in her life through her ministry and learning (i.e., gaining their formal education in educational roles. tandem with ministry experience and the Educated at Upper Iowa University in Fayette, Iowa mentorship of ministry practitioners). Dr. Willy and at Sioux Falls Seminary in South Dakota, she has Muller, who stepped out of retirement a number of been active in ministry for decades. She is perhaps years ago to serve his alma mater as Director of best-known as a missionary to Japan; her service Field Education, turned 90 in July, and will retire there from 1973 through 1975 was profoundly (again!!) in August 2015. important in shaping her faith and ministry The new position created for Carol Potratz includes perspective, and gave her a deep and lasting love for all of the current Field Education responsibilities but Japan and its people. She served in numerous other builds on them to include a broader area and the educational and ministry roles over the years, then position has been re-named as Director of returned to Japan in 2010 to serve at the Tsu English Supervised Ministry. This broadening includes the Centre on Japan's East Coast. We look forward to task of exploring with ministry supervisors ways that the way she will bring her rich experiences of cross Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |



cultural ministry into service in the classroom as well. Another of Carol's defining roles over the years was her tenure as Associate Dean of Students at Taylor, then known as North American Baptist College. She also taught Christian Education at that time, and was able to mentor many students who now serve in a wide variety of ministries around the world. Everywhere she travels, Carol eagerly seeks out these former students and rejoices with them at how God is using them. Carol is a life-long friend of Dr. Muller, and is

honoured to be following him in this new expanded role at Taylor. She will begin her duties two weeks before Dr. Muller officially retires to allow time to make the transition smooth. Among Carol's first scheduled events in her new role will be to participate in the retirement celebration for her old friend. Taylor will hold a special celebration for Dr. Muller's retirement in September – please check the website for dates and times, and plan to commemorate this extraordinary alumnus and faculty member and his lifetime of faithful service. TB

Devotional Book to be Published Taylor alumni, students, faculty and friends contribute daily readings


ne of the major 75th Anniversary projects for Taylor College and Seminary is the development of a soon-to-be-published devotional book titled Strength for Today & Bright Hope for Tomorrow. Current and former students, faculty and other friends and supporters of Taylor (including pastors) have been submitting contributions, and 30 of these daily readings have been compiled into a sampler version of the final project. This sampler was released at the NAB Triennial Conference in Sacramento, CA in July; the final 365-day version of the project is scheduled to be released in 2016. Among the writers featured in the 30-day sampler (pictured at right) are Dr. Werner Waitkus, Dr. Edna Grenz, Dr. Tim Schroeder, Sheryl Grunwald, Norm Poehlke, Dr. Carol Potratz, and many others.

at Taylor as we look back on our history. The idea of theological education in this prairie town was bold and audacious in 1940, and the institution survived many challenges to its existence over the years. More importantly, generations of lives, and whole churches and ministries, have been transformed by what God has done through this educational ministry. More than 100 devotional contributions have come in so far, and we continue to invite the Taylor community to be part of this effort. A package of information will be sent to anyone who is willing to share a life lesson or a reflection on a significant passage of scripture. Submissions can be made through a webpage that will be provided when you contact us.

is a forthcoming Strength for Today ring contributions tu devotional book fea nts, faculty (past from alumni, stude is friends of Taylor. Th and present), and le. ab ail av w no is on rsi 30-day sampler ve

The underlying theme of these daily reflections is one of celebration – in particular, a celebration of God’s faithfulness. The theme song for Taylor during this 75th Anniversary year is “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” and the title of the book is taken from verse two: Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside.”

This hymn perfectly expresses the sense of gratitude

Please consider writing for this book! There is a significant blessing for others as we share what God has taught us, and there is a great blessing for each writer as we go through the exercise of clearly expressing these insights.

We are also hoping that individuals and churches will purchase multiple copies of Strength for Today to share with others; we know that the collective wisdom of this community will be a tremendous blessing, and a great legacy of this 75th Anniversary celebration. TB

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Major Honor for Carol Potratz at Grad Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) presented by Taylor Seminary by Tim Willson


aylor Seminary honored incoming (and returning) faculty member Carol Potratz in the Spring of 2015 with an honorary doctoral degree. Carol arrived at Taylor – back when it was called North American Baptist College – in 1989 to take up responsibilities as Associate Dean of Students and Assistant Professor. She quickly formed deep connections with students and with church leaders across the region, and continues to play a role as mentor and friend with many of those students. Her career has included various roles in education and in church and denominational leadership, but one defining role in her life is that of missionary to Japan – from 1973-1975, and from 2009-2014. Her service as a missionary officially ended on July 4, 2015, when she was formally decommissioned during the NAB Triennial in Sacramento, CA. She returns to Taylor as Director of Supervised Ministry in August. Taylor conferred an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree at the 2015 Commencement Ceremony, at which Carol was the featured speaker.

Just one example of your success is the number of past students who continue to connect with you as a valued friend, mentor and ministry partner. In your travels around the world—on virtually every continent—you receive a warm welcome from those who are following in your footsteps as joy-filled disciple-makers. For over 40 years, you have devoted yourself to service, especially to the North American Baptist Conference, and in so doing you have earned the friendship and admiration of thousands of your fellow believers. For your lifelong commitment to transformational education, your dedication to life-long learning, your tireless commitment to young people, your faithfulness in living out your mission “to know Christ and to make Him known” and for your outstanding example of crosscultural ministry and service, Taylor Seminary is proud to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa.”

Carol was clearly moved by the honor, wiping tears from her eyes and struggling for words in her Dr. Carol J. Potratz response. In a perfectly-fitting As part of his remarks, President Dr. gesture, Carol responded in the custom of her David Williams read the citation which accompanied beloved Japan – with a deep bow; then, Academic the diploma: Dean Dr. Ralph Korner responded in kind. TB “Carol Potratz, throughout your career you have exemplified a passion for learning and teaching. From one of your first teaching positions at Collegio Americano in Mexico, to your role as Associate Dean and faculty member here at Taylor (then called North American Baptist College), to your recent posting as a missionary to Japan, you have demonstrated a contagious enthusiasm for the work of Christian education. In your ministry, you have served in a variety of educational contexts and in churches across denominational lines. You have been a living example of Taylor’s mission statement, “to develop Christ-minded leaders who make a difference in the world.” Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |



Alumni Profile - Josh Imboden Student: Taylor University College, 2007-2009 (Religion and Theology) Hometown: Sacramento, CA Current Hometown: Canton, MI


osh Imboden looks great – smiling as always, and filled with enthusiasm. At the NAB Triennial Conference in Sacramento (in his old hometown), he took time to share some updates and memories. On his new position in youth ministry in Michigan:

closing, it created a sense of resentment and bitterness to those of us attending in the early days of that final school year. We wanted to see Taylor University College thrive and grow but felt left in the dark with information about what was really going on. Looking back, we know that there weren’t many answers at the time, things were unfolding quickly and constantly changing. As we lived out our last year at Taylor, we wanted to make it as special as possible on and off campus. Everything we as a student body did was to create memories that would last a lifetime and leave a legacy, and we shared the experience of that challenging final year: first-year, second-year, third-year and fourth-year students all finishing together. Those who attended Taylor University College in the final days all have special fond memories of the school and special friendships that will never be broken. Even though spread throughout the world, many of us still stay connected with each other through social media and texting.

I just moved to Canton, MI and am Director of Youth Ministries at First Presbyterian Church of Plymouth. I am going on my twelfth year of doing youth ministry. Though the core issues that teenagers deal with haven’t really changed throughout the years, how they are presented to them is. Through the world of cyberbullying, sexting and social media ruling their lives, as well as a growing pressure to perform academically at such a high level, teenagers are seeking ways to escape the pressure of life and often turn to unhealthy ways to cope. As a youth pastor, I have to find creative ways to reach teenagers outside the walls of our church and online. It drives me to find new ways to reach students where they are at and in the digital world. The possibilities Josh Imboden (’09), July 4, 2015, Sacramento, CA. On coming to terms with of what we can do in ministry are limitless – the closure of the undergraduate programs at Taylor hindered only by our imagination! in 2009: On some of his favorite memories from Taylor: I had a heavy heart leaving Taylor University College During my two years at Taylor University, I was lucky when it closed but I took a Middle School Pastor job enough to play Futsal (a form of indoor soccer) as back in California where I was from and attended a the goal keeper. Both years we finished third in our local University to graduate with a degree in division. The guys on our team created a special Christian Leadership. To this day, I refer to Taylor as bond where many of us are still friends today. We my University, not the other one. travelled throughout Northern Alberta playing On how Taylor shaped him spiritually: soccer. (There was a game where as a goal keeper, I Taylor pushed me to dig deeper in my own spiritual had a shutout and a goal in the same game!) journey. The professors and chapel program made On the challenges suffered as a result of the me (and others) think outside of my comfort zone of unexpected closure of the University College: what I was used to in churches growing up. The closing set many of us back years on our Professors such as Tyler Williams and Keir Hammer education, with some like myself nearly starting our and our chapel director Drikkie Wolmarans pushed bachelors degree completely over. When hearing us to dig deeper and to think of our faith from new early talk and rumours of Taylor University College perspectives. TB

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ABOVE: Dr. Johnson Nseimboh (’08) tours the campus of Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS) with members of the visiting NAB team, including Greg Henson of Sioux Falls Seminary (left) and Dr. David Williams (centre left). CBTS, located in Ndu, Cameroon, has a student body of over 300.

Partnership with Cameroon Renewed Taylor President reports on a landmark trip as part of NAB Delegation by Dr. David Williams


he work of theological education in Cameroon and in North America stands to be significantly strengthened through a renewed partnership that has been taking shape in 2015. Taylor Seminary, Sioux Falls Seminary and Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS) have been involved in partnership discussions with the North American Baptist Conference and the Cameroon Baptist Convention. These organizations already have much in common, including a shared history and many personal relationships, but some new possibilities have the potential to build on this foundation in significant new ways. I was privileged to spend time on the CBTS campus earlier this year, and especially honored to spend time with Taylor alumnus Johnson Nsiemboh shortly after his appointment to the presidency of that

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institution. Johnson graduated from Taylor in 2008 with his MDiv, and spent time working on his DMin at Sioux Falls Seminary before returning to his family and his calling in Cameroon. After some unexpected developments at CBTS, Johnson found himself invited to take over the reins of leadership. In that regard, his journey and my own have much in common. A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY AT THE RIGHT TIME A partnership agreement between Taylor and CBTS, signed almost a decade ago, was dormant in recent years. As Taylor went through a process of renewal, it became clear that God was leading us to reassess and strengthen that agreement. It was quickly apparent that there was an opportunity to expand our original vision to something even more


substantial and comprehensive. The new possibilities include the work of the broader Cameroon Baptist Convention and the North American Baptist Conference, as well as our sister seminary in South Dakota, Sioux Falls Seminary. Working together our intent is to deepen and broaden the scope of theological education across the CBC. This will certainly include strengthening the work of the CBC’s two seminaries (CBTS Ndu and Cameroon Baptist Seminary Kumba) in important ways, such as upgrading of the credentials of some of the current faculty, exploring together best practices regarding curriculum development and pedagogical issues, and providing an increase in faculty capacity for the current curriculum needs. We are also committed to increasing administrative capacity as well as building a system for continuing education and life-long learning for lay people as well as those already engaged in pastoral ministry across the Cameroon Baptist Convention. But this project isn't just about Cameroon and God’s work there. Taylor and the other parts of the NAB family will benefit greatly as we provide opportunities for both faculty and students to get firsthand experience in TOP: Dr. Johnson Nseimboh (’08) with a 75th Anniversary touque – a special teaching and learning in a context in reminder of the snowy winters he spent in Edmonton. Johnson recently became which we are a cultural minority. As President of Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary. many of you know, international BOTTOM: Johnson (centre) stands with members of the visiting NAB team, including David Williams (left), Greg Henson of Sioux Falls Seminary (centre left), experiences change you. We believe Dan Hamil (centre right), and Norm Poehlke (’82) (right). that such experiences will have dramatic impact on our own teaching, curriculum development, and learning, partnership for the Kingdom. and they will help us better prepare our students for We are blessed to have such a strong heritage of ministry in our own pluralistic and intercultural international partnership. I was not only encouraged context. but deeply impacted by what I learned of about that As announced at the NAB Triennial Conference in heritage in my recent trip. I am confident that God is Sacramento in July 2015, a joint capital campaign in going to continue to bless that faithful historic work support of this initiative (and others) is being in ways that we can now only imagine. TB launched by the NAB Conference called NAB on MISSION. We have an important part in this project Dr. David Williams has been the President of Taylor since 2008. He also serves as Professor of Theology and Ethics. so watch for further details to be announced in the months ahead. We believe that much good will come through the work that is done together in

Taylor Students Follow an Ancient Path International study includes the biblical practice of pilgrimage by Dr. Allan Effa


uring the month of May, eight students joined me for a portion of the ancient pilgrim “Way of St. James” in northern Spain. Three cycled and six walked the 310 km. from Leόn to Santiago de Compostela, arriving in time for the pilgrim mass on Pentecost Sunday where they joined Christians from all corners of the globe in a multi-lingual service of celebration. This was the experiential learning component of a course on “Experiencing Pilgrimage as a Spiritual Practice.” Each day involved 18 – 26 km of travel with ample time to drink in the beautiful scenery of Galicia and to “walk humbly with our Dr. Allan Effa (’79) (top left) with his students in front of the Santiago Cathedral in Spain at the end of their pilgrimmage (clockwise): Val Krinke, God.” Students were encouraged to engage Vivienne Garbutt and Greg Garbutt, Roger Lindenbach, Verlyn Wilson, Anne other pilgrims in spiritual conversations along the way. Many fruitful talks and acts of Bellamy, Cathy Becker and Karen Effa. service opened up hearts and deepened eating, drinking, visiting and sleeping. It was like all relationships with pilgrims that they shared meals the clutter of our over-programmed lives got and rooms with on the journey. Allan reports that “it washed away and we could be fully present to God was an enriching way to learn together and reflect and to others.” The team discovered that the theologically as a class, while we walked, ate experience of pilgrimage is more about the journey together, and pondered deep questions before than the actual destination. TB drifting to sleep in our bunk beds at night. Each new Dr. Allan Effa is the Ray and Edith DeNeui Professor of day presented us with the simple agenda of walking, Intercultural Studies at Taylor Seminary.

“Great is Thy Faithfulness” – seen by thousands A “virtual choir” of alumni from around the world praises together Over a period of several months, Taylor alumni from a number of countries on three continents participated in a virtual choir project. Singing to a common background recording, these alumni were recorded singing the theme song of Taylor’s 75th Anniversary year, Great is Thy Faithfulness. Dr. Willy Muller, who graduated in 1946, and alumni from almost every decade since (with the exception of the 1960s, as it turned out) took part, along with current student Clarijane Belliones. Alfred Yau (’91) from Australia and Laura Russell (’14) from Argentina sent in video recordings via FTP, and a recording from Africa came home with Taylor President Dr. David Williams following his trip to Cameroon in early 2015. Joel Tolhurst (’04) of Rosewood Pictures and Taylor’s Tim Willson then blended these bits of video together. The video debuted at the NAB Triennial Conference in California in July, and has already been seen by thousands online. To get a copy on DVD, send your request to You can view it on Taylor’s YouTube channel ( or by using this link: Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |





in pictures | Grad 2015 1. Emma Tjongarero (MAICS) gives Taylor President Dr. David Williams a high five as the Class of 2015 leaves the sanctuary following the Commencement Service. Emma planted a church among Namibian immigrants while studying at Taylor. | 2. Tim Foster (MDiv) looks on as his daughter (foreground) dances at the close of the 2015 Grad Banquet. He was active in pastoral ministry in BC and Saskatchewan during his student years. | 3. Matt Garvin (MTS) shares a hug with Dr. David Williams; the two have worked together often as part of their work with Fusion. | 4. Academic Dean Dr. Ralph Korner (’82) and Prof. Len Thompson ham it up. | 5. After graduating with two degrees, Amica Beulshausen (MDiv and MAICS-TESOL) shares a hug with her dad, Pastor Hans-Juergen Beulshausen. | 6. Moses Choi (MAICS) is “hooded” by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Bob Teskey, just before crossing the stage as Rick Heavenor looks on. Following graduation, Moses began serving aboriginal youth in downtown Edmonton. | 7. Linda Poelzer (MDiv) and Megan Jackins (MDiv) offered a tribute to the faculty during the Grad Banquet. | 8. Kathy Brown (MDiv) and Rachel de Waal (MDiv) with Dr. Allan Effa (’79), Professor of Intercultural Studies. | 9. Bruce Walker (MDiv) receives his degree and stands as his tassel is turned by Dr. Williams. | 10. Jon Pettinger (MDiv), who is a pastor in Melville, SK, delivers the Valedictory Address. | 11. Dave Fero (MTS) brought his bluegrass band to the grad banquet to provide the musical entertainment. | 12. Noel Dwarika (MTS) has been in pastoral ministry for 15 years. 13. Junior Figueiredo (MDiv), stands 2. with his wife Jenise and other members of his family. Junior serves as Pastor of Media and Creative Arts at Gateway Alliance Church in Edmonton.






7. 11.



9. 13.




14. 14. Rachel de Waal (MDiv), who flew in from New York for the ceremony, kicks off her high heels and runs to the platform after being announced as the winner of a year-end scholarship (see list below). | 15. Vic Lehman ('81) is recognized during the Taylor Seminary Graduation Ceremony. He was one of the two first graduates from Taylor's new MDiv program in 1981, along with classmate Tim Schroeder. This was the 35th Graduation Ceremony of Taylor Seminary (including EBS and NABDS). | 16. Duane Sims (MAICS) and Emma Tjongarero (MAICS), with a friend from their church. | 17. Linda Poelzer (MDiv), who heads up a motorcycle ministry, left on a cross-Canada bike trip shortly after graduating. | 18. Phillip Whatman (MDiv) is hooded by Bob Teskey, Chair of the Taylor Board. Phillip comes from an Anabaptist tradition, and loved the diversity he found at


2015 Scholarships and Academic Awards Faculty Scholarship: Keith Boschman This scholarship is awarded to the full-time degree student who achieves the highest grade point average during the current academic year. The Taylor Alumni Association Scholarship: Mark Dixon This award acknowledges a student who has performed at an exceptional academic level, whose behaviour and conduct are exemplary, and who is seeking placement in full-time vocational ministry. Doris and Gerald Borchert Scholarship in New Testament Studies: Val Martens This scholarship is awarded to a second-year Master of Divinity student who distinguishes her/himself in New Testament Studies. Dewey Intercultural Studies Award: Duane Sims Former Taylor President Marvin Dewey and his late wife Becky established this scholarship to be awarded to the student who demonstrates competence in and concern for intercultural ministry. Sonnenberg Leadership Scholarship: (Four Recipients) Amica Beulshausen, Alexander Frimpong, Matt Garvin, Emma Tjongarero This scholarship, established by the late Dr. Joseph Sonnenberg (former president), is awarded to a second-year student(s), to recognize outstanding leadership ability. William Sturhahn Preaching Award: Jon Pettinger Made possible by the family of Dr. William Sturhahn, this scholarship is for a graduating student who demonstrates special proficiency in preaching. Dan Leverette Memorial Scholarship: Rachel de Waal This scholarship is given to a Master of Divinity student committed to the practice of youth ministry and who is preparing for full-time vocational ministry with youth. Canadian Bible Society Award for Public Reading of Scripture: Megan Jackins Each year the Canadian Bible Society awards a Bible to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in the public reading of Scripture. We are deeply grateful for the friends of the seminary who have made these scholarships and awards possible; thank you for your generosity. Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |





in pictures | Spring 2015 1. PHOTOS: 1. Dr. David Williams shares details about some of the recent developments at Taylor during the NAB Triennial Conference in Sacramento, CA in July 2015. | 2, 3. A time of sharing around the campfire is the perfect way to end Day Three of THRiVE 2015, a retreat for pastors and spouses held at Camp Caroline. | 4. Plastic sheeting and warning tape surround the work being done to remove asbestos and replace the aged heating/AC systems at Benke Hall on the Taylor campus. | 5. Marita Goltz admires pottery created by Edith Sinnema of Edmonton. This bowl was given to Marita by the Board of Trustees as she completed her service on the Board. | 6. Dr. Joyce Bellous shares a laugh with Emma Tjongarero (’15) at the 2015 Sydneys, the annual faux award show that the Taylor Seminary Students Association stages every spring.






News and Notes In Sympathy Barbara Sonnenberg (nee Herrmann), who was a student in the first year of this institution's existence in 1940, passed away on June 12, 2015. Born in 1921, she became a student in the fall of 1940. Her family includes numerous alumni of Taylor. We also mourn (and celebrate) with the families of these other alumni: Elizabeth Wolff (nee Gerhardt, '58) passed away Dec. 4, 2014 at the age of 78. Liz attended Central Baptist Church in Edmonton. Ron Fierbach ('65) passed away in Kelowna, BC on Feb. 22, 2014. Rev. Gerhard Poschwatta ('65) of Kelowna, BC passed away Dec. 6, 2014. Albert Gogel ('52) of Kelowna, BC passed away December 28, 2014.

Holy Matrimony Emma Tjongarero ('15) and Seth Antwi of South Africa were married soon after Emma's graduation from Taylor in May.


working part time for two non-profit organizations over the computer. I am married, and live in North Branch, MN.”

Faculty and Staff News Dr. Muller Retirement Dr. Willy Muller (’46), who turned 90 in early July, is about to retire. A long-serving faculty member, Dr. Muller has been associated with Taylor for most of our 75 year history; he arrived as a teenager from Saskatchewan in 1942. Dr. Muller has been serving as our interim Director of Field Education; his final day is August 28th, and a retirement celebration will take place in September. (Contact us for details if interested.) New Board Members Taylor welcomed three new board members on July 1st and we said goodbye to one retiring trustee (Marita Goltz; see pg.12). The new trustees are: Rev. Alan Powell ('80, NABC) ('84 and '89 NABDS), lead pastor of Trochu Baptist Church Chaplain Kathy Spate of Calgary Lori Schmidt of Edmonton

Campus News New Sidewalk to Conservatory of Music Instructors and students at the Conservatory of Music at Taylor were rejoicing as a new sidewalk was finally able to be added to Muller Hall. The long-awaited concrete walkway links the parking lot to the main entrance and will be wellused, as the Conservatory is filled to capacity.

Nick Thiessen (’12) and his wife Amy welcomed their second daughter, Adaline Ingrid Ann, born on June 24. Peter Downing (‘13) and his wife Isabelle had their second son Gavin, born on June 4, 2015. A big brother for Keagan! Pete announced the birth on his Facebook page: “The eagle has landed. Welcome to the world Gavin Leo Downing!!! We love you. Thank you Jesus!” Shannon Dimanis, who served as assistant to the president a few years ago, and her husband Jim have welcomed their first child. Evan Peter Dimanis was born April 10; the family lives in Ontario.

Re-Designed MTS Program a Big Hit Enrolment in the re-designed MTS program jumped sharply after the new flexible program design was made public in late spring. The program focuses on outcomes rather than on specific courses, giving students the opportunity to tailor their studies around their own personal research interests.

Alumni News


From Ms. Peggy Meisch ('66-'68): “The fact that I am typing this is the result of a miracle! An aneurysm burst in my brain stem. After 5 weeks in a coma, in which I also suffered 5 strokes and two severe staph infections, I am back home,

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Alumni Updates

We invite you to share your news with us -marriages, moves, babies, careers... we want to note these important events! Please stay in touch by email: Telephone: 780-431-5200

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14 2015: a time to celebrate


75th Anniversary Celebrations

Top Left: Dr. Jim Leverette speaking at Taylor’s 75th Birthday Party, January 2, 2015. Top Right: Dr. Dick Paetzel speaking at a commemorative chapel service. Middle Left: Andrea Schroth at one of the less serious 75th Anniversary events – the Rook Tournament. Bottom Left: Meta Sudfeld reacts to a play during the Rook Tournament. Middle Right: Dr. Willy Muller (’46) helps plant commemorative maple tree during the Spring Board Meetings at Taylor.

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Taylor is celebrating throughout 2015. Founded in 1940 as the Christian Training Institute, it became North American Baptist College and later Taylor. So far, our celebrations have included a birthday party, a special Chapel service, a rook tournament, a commemorative treeplanting, the development of a devotional book and the filming of a virtual choir. The final event will be our 75th Anniversary Banquet on October 24, 2015. We would love to have you join us! 75th Anniversary event details, articles, photos, and more. Join us and share your memories and comments!

UPCOMING EVENTS Taylor extends a warm welcome to all who can join us for some of our many upcoming events – especially on October 24th for our 75th Anniversary Banquet!

October 23-24, 2015 | onWORD Conference Canadian singer/songwriter Steve Bell and former Taylor faculty member Dr. Benno Przybylski will be featured at the upcoming onWORD Conference. This annual Bible conference is intended to be a fresh encounter with Scripture – with the people, places, events and themes of the Bible. LOCATION: West Meadows Baptist Church REGISTER (after Aug. 15):

October 24, 2015 | 75th Anniversary Banquet Join us for a night of celebration and remembrance, with Dr. Benno Przybylski and others! This will be a great evening together, with members of the Taylor community from all eras: CTI, NABC, NABDS/EBS and Taylor. LOCATION: Taylor College and Seminary, 11525 – 23 Avenue, in the old gymnasium REGISTER (after Aug. 15): CTI | NABC | NABDS/ EBS | TAYLOR

75th Anniversary Regional Gatherings (BC and Manitoba) DATES/LOCATIONS: October 14 in Kelowna | October 15 in Richmond October 30 in Winnipeg | November 1 in Swan River REGISTER (after Aug. 15):

March 18, 2016 | E.P. Wahl Lectures Dr. Norman Wirzba, who grew up in Alberta, returns to his home province from his teaching post at Duke University for a one-day lecture series on Sabbath Rest. The 2016 Wahl Lectures will be recorded and made available on our website at

REGISTER (after Nov. 15):

May 17-20, 2016 | THRiVE (Camp Caroline) An exceptional retreat for pastors and spouses – life-giving, insightful, refreshing. REGISTER (after Dec. 15): Come and learn with us! 1.780.431.5200 |


Woman Healed (2008), Barbara Februar Acrylic and in on canvas on permanent display at Taylor

ABOUT THIS IMAGE Woman Healed is one of seven paintings in a series called Healing and Resurrection by artist Barbara Februar now on permanent display at Taylor. This image depicts the story of the woman with an uncontrollable hemorrhage (Mark 5). In this scene, the woman stands in stained garments near her house as Jesus speaks healing words: “Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” This image also appears in the forthcoming Taylor devotional book Strength for Today.

ABOUT THE ARTIST Barbara Februar has worked as a fashion illustrator, art director, textile designer, visual artist and art teacher for more than thirty years but did not begin painting acrylics on canvas until 2002. Her work has appeared in many publications and can be found in private and corporate collections in Europe and North America. Barbara’s work often engages themes of faith. Born in Hamburg, Germany, Barbara Februar now lives in Kelowna, BC.

Taylor alumni are invited to submit photographs, paintings and other visual art projects for publication or display on campus. Learn more at

11525 - 23 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6J 4T3

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