TEMPLE Excellence in Education • Distinctively Christian
E S T. 1 9 7 1
“ C h il d r en n e e d t he best f o u n d at io n po s sibl e f o r l if e. ”
Offering dual enrollment for college credit. pg. 23
Accredited, award-winning schools serving families in the greater Knoxville community since 1971
Our beautiful surroundings provide the perfect setting to discover the wonders of God’s Creation.
A Distinctive Christian School
TEMPLE Established 1971 as a ministry of the Temple Baptist Church
Pastor Clarence Sexton High School Principal Dan Weber Middle School Principal Kristin Booher Elementary School Principal Melody Yates Homeschool Director Jason Vranes • The mission of the administration, faculty, and staff of the Academy is to stand alongside Christian parents, assisting them in the task of reproducing the mind of Christ in the lives of their children. A thoroughly Christian education is an education that will prepare a child to find his place in the will of God, no matter where that may lead him. Such an education is not meant to isolate the student from the world, but to equip him to boldly engage the world for the cause of Jesus Christ. The Scriptures plainly teach that parents are not just to be involved, but are responsible for the education of their children. The administration, faculty, and staff of the Academy are eager to assist you in faithfully discharging that responsibility. •
Temple SchoolS
1700 West Beaver Creek Drive Powell, TN · 37849 phone (865) 938-8181 fax (865) 938-8147 info@templebaptistacademy.com Visit us online at templebaptistacademy.com templebaptistacademypowell @TBAPowell TempleBaptistAcademy
Page 5 ������From The paSTor Page 8 ������our GuaranTee To parenTS Page 10����WhaT makeS a chriSTian School chriSTian? Page 18����Why Temple academy? Page 20����academic excellence aT every level Page 26����The Temple diFFerence Page 28����admiSSionS inFormaTion Page 30����Special FeaTureS oF Temple Page 32����The laTin advanTaGe Page 34����our alumni Family Page 35����Where our GraduaTeS are enrolled Page 36����embracinG our communiTy Page 38����For The GeneraTion To come Page 44����The royal cruSader ScholarShip Fund Page 46����honorinG our naTion’S heriTaGe Page 47����WhaT iS a royal cruSader?
T e m p l e S c h o o l S … p r o vide a f o u n datio n f o r lif e
Accredited, award-winning schools serving families in the greater Knoxville community since 1971 TemPleBaPTisTacademy.com
Powell · Tennessee
TiTle of arTicle
chriStiAn educAtion
is recognizing the true and living God as our Creator and building our lives on the foundation of His Word.
chriStiAn educAtion is knowing that children are a gift from God to their parents.
chriStiAn educAtion is equipping each student to fulfill the will of God for his life.
chriStiAn educAtion is training this generation of young people to make a difference for Christ in the world.
Temple schools
From Pastor The
At temple SchoolS we Are continuing
A heritAge of providing A diStinctively chriStiAn educAtion Since 1971.
An education at Temple is built upon the foundation of the Word of God. We desire to instill in our students a love for the Scriptures as we seek to help them develop a biblical worldview where they apply the truth of the Bible to their lives. At Temple Schools, our students receive a foundation for life that equips them to find their place in the will of God and the vocation of His choosing. We desire that every Temple graduate has an understanding of the Scriptures and knows how to connect their work to God’s work in this world.
paSTor clarence SexTon
The Scriptures plainly teach that parents are responsible for the education of their children, however, there is much we can do as a school to strengthen the hands of parents in this great and eternal task. Our staff and faculty work very hard each day to achieve excellence in education in a distinctively Christian environment.
Since beginning in 1971, Temple has consistently upheld high academic standards, providing an educational program that honors Christ in both content and quality. In order to verify the quality of our function as an institution, Temple is an accredited, agency-approved member of AdvancEd (SACS CASI) and the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools (TACS), and as such is recognized by the Tennessee State Department of Education. I encourage you to prayerfully consider enrolling your children at Temple Academy. Your children will be challenged, trained, and equipped to fulfill the assignment God has for their lives. In Christ,
Clarence Sexton
Temple academy is a premier
e st.
students to make a difference for
our miSSion temple AcAdemy exists to encourage and assist families committed to providing a Christian education for their children. A Christian education is one that seeks to develop the mind of Christ in the lives of students and prepares them to find their place in the will of God – no matter where that may lead them. Such an education is not meant to isolate students from the world, but to equip them to boldly engage the world for the cause of Jesus Christ. 6
TemPle schools
The Scriptures plainly teach that parents are not only to be involved, but also are responsible for the education of their children. The administration, faculty, and staff of the Academy is eager to assist you in faithfully discharging that responsibility. Additional resources for the Christian home may be found at FaithfortheFamily.com. TemPleBaPTisTacademy.com
r, private Christian academy that prepares Christ in the world.
our goAl The goal of Temple Academy is to support the family and the work of the local church. The goal of Christian education is to develop the mind of Christ in each student. Knowing that Christ Himself is the Creator, and that all things were created by Him and for Him, we hold that all truth finds its origin in the Person of Jesus Christ. In Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). It is because of this goal that Temple Academy strives to meet the following institutional objectives: • to come alongside families to assist them in their responsibility to provide an education for their children • to prepAre students for life through academic instruction from a biblical worldview • to employ dedicated and skilled faculty who provide both academic and spiritual guidance to students TemPleBaPTisTacademy.com
• to provide a safe and secure environment that is conducive to student learning • to help students develop socially by teaching patriotism and respect for authority • to encourAge students spiritually by emphasizing one’s personal accountability to God while developing the mind of Christ
Powell · Tennessee
TiTle of arTicle
Our Guarantee to Parents
Parents are looking for answers. They are desperately searching for help. More than ever, private, Christian schools are essential in our society. Christian education provides the opportunity for students to discover theirTpurpose 8 T s B a in life. . emPle
emPle aPTisT cademy com
“Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership. ” Dr. Lee Roberson
o pastor, principal, or teacher can rightly tell a parent, “If you will enroll your child here, he will become...” It is a mistake for an educator to make a promise the Christian school cannot keep. The dedicated Christian home is the tool God most desires to use in building young lives. Temple Baptist Academy is not a production line. We are not manufacturing cars. With God’s help, we are assisting parents in building the lives of their children. Although we cannot guarantee a result, we can guarantee what will go into the education your child receives here. Your child will be taught to believe that the Bible is the Word of the living God and that every word of the Bible is true (Psalm 119:89). Your child will be taught that he has been created by God for a unique purpose (Psalm 139:14). Your child will be taught a worldview that is based on the truth that Jesus Christ is coming again (I Thessalonians 4:16-18).
Your child will be nurtured and encouraged to develop the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5-8). Your child will be taught that he has a duty to honor the Lord with his life (I Corinthians 7:23). Your child will be taught by teachers who are dedicated Christians. (Proverbs 13:20). Your child will be encouraged to honor and obey his parents (Ephesians 6:1-2). Your child will be taught that he will meet God someday and will give an account of the abilities and opportunities God has given him (Hebrews 9:27). At Temple, we not only strive to provide a rigorous academic program that we trust will inspire a lifetime love of learning, but we also have a vision to equip each student to become the person God intends for him to be. Please consider allowing us the opportunity to partner with you in the education of your children. –Clarence Sexton
academy adminiSTraTion Team
Clarence Sexton Pastor & President
Dan Weber
High School Principal
Kristin Booher
Middle School Principal
Melody Yates
Elementary School Principal
Tabitha Robertson
Homeschool Coordinator
Contact us at administration@templebaptistacademy.com. TemplebapTiSTacademy�com
Powell · Tennessee
What Makes a Christian School Christian? TiTle of ArTicle
emPle S schoolS chools Temple
A TiTle B A of ArTicle
e st.
Powell · Tennessee
WhaT makeS a chriSTian School chriSTian?
For the first time in the history of America, more people believe in reincarnation than in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many young people could tell you more about karma than they could tell you about Christ.
recent Gallup Poll® reported that 88% of the people in America are religious, meaning that they practice a religion. This is the highest level recorded in our nation’s history. Yet, 80% of these same people do not believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. There has never been a time when the need was greater for Christian schools and Christian education. But what is it that makes a school Christian? The Bible warns us in Colossians 2:8, “Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Notice the last two words in that verse, “after Christ.” We are either “after Christ” or we are not after Christ. The Bible says, “Beware, lest any man spoil you...” The word spoil means “to rob, to steal from, to plunder.” One of the things that is most heartbreaking in our society is a generation of “cursed children,” as the Bible calls them in II Peter 2:14; cursed because they have been robbed. It is not that their homes or possessions have been stolen. Infinitely more tragic, it is their minds and hearts that have been robbed. We are warned to beware, lest anyone rob us through “philosophy and vain deceit.” Philosophy is what one thinks, what one believes. If you want to affect the behavior of a person, change what that person believes. People behave a certain way as a consequence of how they believe. “Vain deceit” speaks of the idols we take for ourselves. The Bible goes on to say: “...after the tradition… after the rudiments...” This is the thinking process of man without any regard given to God. The verse 12
TemPle schools
concludes the thought with the phrase, “...and not after Christ.” On one side we find “philosophy, vain deceit, the traditions of men, the rudiments of the world”; on the other side “...after Christ.”
a chriSTian School ouGhT To be paTTerned “After Christ.”
We say we have a Christian school. This is a meaningful statement. This conviction should be held and articulated by pastors, principals, and Christian school teachers. The young people who attend and graduate from our Christian schools ought to hold this same conviction and be able to articulate it as well.
There ought to be no greater champions of Christian education than the young people who have received it. Their lives should demonstrate to others that Christian education is desperately needed. We must understand that Christian education is far more than what occurs in the classroom. The Christian school is only one of the places where Christian education can occur. Christian education can take place in an automobile, as a father travels with his son, and instructs him in the Christian life. Christian education can take place as a mother stands in her kitchen, and shares the things of God with her daughter while cooking a meal. Christian education can take place in a Sunday School class as a teacher faithfully shares the Word of God.
WhaT makeS a chriSTian School chriSTian?
The scope of Christian education takes in all of life. Christian education can and must go on night and day. This is what is spoken of in the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy. It is the responsibility of parents under God. To answer the question, “What makes a school Christian?” we must give our attention to what takes place in what we commonly call the Christian school. We often refer to our school as a private Christian school. There is nothing wrong with the word private, but it should never be used to describe our schools without including the word Christian. A school can be private without being Christian. We have a private Christian school as opposed to the public secular school. Never before has Christian education been more needed, or under more vicious attack. Many Christian schools are dying, but not from external enemies. Christian schools are suffering from indifference at the hands of parents and pastors. The urgency, attention, and dedication once devoted to Christian schools is a thing of the past in many places. At a time when true Christian education is desperately needed, we have been lulled to sleep by our affluence. There are only three guiding lights in our society: the Christian home, the local New Testament church, and the Christian school. Christian schools are only an opportunity; they are not a guaranteed outcome. We can guarantee that our school has the right philosophy and employs a faculty that embraces and teaches from that philosophy, however, we cannot tell parents, “If you will only enroll your children here, we guarantee that they will become...” We cannot Pastor & Mrs. Sexton guarantee to a parent TemPleBaPTisTacademy.com
that if they send their children to our Christian school, a changed human being will walk across a platform someday with a diploma in hand. It is a mistake to make a promise the Christian school cannot keep. The Christian school is not a production line. We are not building cars; we are seeking, with God’s help, to assist parents in building the lives of their children. It is vital that we understand that a school is not Christian because it is clean. It is not Christian because there is a dress code, because students are not attacked The scope of Christian in the restrooms, education takes in all of life. or because Christian education can and profanity or drug use is must go on night and day. not tolerated. It is the responsibility of A school is not Christian parents under God. because there are rules forbidding certain kinds of behavior. A public secular school can do all these things and more, but it is still not Christian. Christian education has more to do with what is put into it than what is taken out of it.
biblical leaderShip What is it that makes a school Christian? The first distinctive, essential element of a Christian school is biblical leadership. A biblical leader is marked by his unending pursuit of Jesus Christ. Much is made today of servant leadership. A biblical leader will serve others, but service is not his goal; obedience to Christ is his goal. Obeying Christ will bring us to be ever ready to serve others. God has established authority and commanded that we follow God-ordained authority. Authority is not designed to be used to dictate people, Powell · Tennessee
WhaT makeS a chriSTian School chriSTian?
school. The challenge of educating parents is as great as the challenge of educating their children. The mandate to provide a Christian education begins with their responsibility as taught in Deuteronomy 6. Christian education is an investment, not an expense. It is not the church’s responsibility to educate children. Although, it is the responsibility of the pastor to lead the local Another distinctive mark church to provide of the truly Christian school an opportunity is that its teachers and for a Christian education, however, leaders seek to make each it is the parents’ child understand personal responsibility accountability to God. to educate their children. We do not have the authority to relieve parents from that responsibility. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children. This is a family matter. Christian parents have a sacred responsibility to make certain their children receive a Christian education.
principal, or even his parents. Each child must understand that he will stand before the living God to give account for his actions. Yes, the Lord has placed us in authority over them, but when a child comes to understand that he is personally accountable to God, it will make a life-changing difference. The Holy Spirit directed Paul to write in Romans 14:12, “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Teaching young people of their personal accountability to God is one of the marks of a Christian school. Gaining an education is not an end; it is a means to an end, a conclusion. Ecclesiastes 12:13 says, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” The conclusion of the believer is that life must be lived in the fear of God, keeping God’s commandments. We will each meet God some day. When we say we have a Christian school, may God help us to make certain that we truly do. When we speak of Christian education, we understand it cannot be confined to a classroom. God has designed that the Christian home be a child’s greatest place of learning. What a child must know about the Lord and the life God has given him should be taught in the home and reinforced in the school. The foundation for life should be laid in the home.
TeachinG younG people oF Their perSonal accounTabiliTy To God Another distinctive mark of the truly Christian school is that its teachers and leaders seek to make each child understand his personal accountability to God. A child’s personal accountability must not rest in his teacher, the 16
Temple schools
Available to All Students
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3
THE CREATION SCIENCE CENTER STATE-OF-THE-ART RESEARCH & TEACHING LABS Biology Lab, Technology Lab, Innovation Lab, Physical Science Lab
academic excellence aT every level
TEMPLE Temple Schools seek to assist any family who desires to provide a Christian education for their children. We recognize that many families choose to provide this foundation for life by educating their children at home.
The administration of the Academy oversees the operation of the Temple Homeschool Division. Grade and attendance reports must be submitted on a regular basis.
All records are maintained by the Academy office.
The Temple Homeschool was established in 1999 as a means to provide educational opportunities and services to support parents and students engaged in home education. The administration of the Academy oversees the operation of the Temple Homeschool Division. Parents having questions should direct them to the Academy office.
The parent-teacher must keep a notebook/ folder containing all graded work. Temple Homeschool is under the direction of Jason Vranes.
Tabitha Robertson
Temple homeSchool ServiceS & opporTuniTieS The Scriptures plainly teach that parents are responsible for the education of their children. We are eager to stand beside Christian parents who choose to educate at home, assisting them in the privileged work of reproducing the mind of Christ in the lives of their children. Maintaining student records and transcripts
Access to the Academy library
Assisting with curriculum selection
Stanford Achievement Testing
Academic and guidance counseling
Class field trips
Opportunities for PE, music, individual academic courses, and 1st-8th grade athletics 24
Temple schools
Kindergarten & High School Graduation
District & state academic, Bible and fine arts competitions (grades 4-12) National academic, Bible, and fine arts competition (grades 9-12)
Science fair and other academic competitions
Online courses through Crown Academy
a Word About
Accreditation temple SchoolS are accredited by SACS CASI, an
accrediting division of AdvancED. We are also affiliated with the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools (TACS), which has received Corporate
TiTle of ArTicle
provide a Christian education for their children, preparing students for life through academic instruction from a biblical worldview, and providing a safe and enriching learning environment. The traditional classroom is the
Accreditation through AdvancED.
basis of preschool through 12th grade
Temple Baptist Academy is also a
instruction. Thorough mastery of
member of the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) and the Association of Christian Schools
“But continue thou in the things
which thou hast learned and hast
been assured of, knowing of whom
International (ACSI). Our accreditation demonstrates our dedication to continuous improvement in all that we do. The Academy is committed to encouraging and assisting families who want to
thou hast learned them; and that
from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
– ii timothy 3:14-15 – fundamental principles is emphasized, with curriculum materials including those from A Beka, Bob Jones University Press, and Answers in Genesis.
poWell · TenneSSee
PTIST B ATiTle of AArTicle
The Temple diFFerence
e st.
Discover‌ Temple academicS
The best instructional materials Academic assistance for students at all levels of learning Preparing students to articulate a biblical worldview in the midst of an opposing culture An award-winning academic program with a biblical foundation Ideal student-teacher ratio Temple Academy Educational Resource Center (Library, MAC Lab, etc.) Cutting edge technology Rigorous curriculum A Phonics-based approach to reading and writing Critical thinking skills Required reading list for each grade Latin instruction Stanford Achievement Test Scores ACT Prep Career Advancement Programs
TemPle schools
Express… Develop… Temple arTS
A program to bring glory to God, laying a foundation for enrichment Providing opportunities for students to develop their God-given abilities Music and art education instruction beginning in elementary school, continuing in junior high and high school with more specialized programs in the visual and performing arts Personalized instruction available in voice, keyboard, and most instruments Choirs Choral Groups Vocal and instrumental solos Band and orchestra Art Speech and Drama
Temple aThleTicS TiTle of ArTicle
A Championship Tradition Athletic opportunities provided for students grades 1-12 Presidential Fitness Testing Middle School, Junior High, Junior Varsity & Varsity boys & girls sports Learning self discipline, hard work, goal-setting, self-sacrifice, humility, and composure under pressure – critical to developing Christhonoring character
Powell · Tennessee
50 21 971–20 “Conti 1 · n 3:14
u tho
Christian Education
in the things w hi
II Timo th y
Temple admiSSionS inFormaTion
u tho ch
hast learned. ..”
Working towards 50 Years of Excellence in Education
n 2021, Temple Schools will celebrate 50 years of consistently upholding high academic standards, providing an edcucational program that honors Christ in content and quality. Our students receive a foundation for life that equips them to find their place in the will of God and the vocation of His choosing.
Admissions Information How to Enroll Apply Now
Visit templebaptistacademy.com/admissions/ apply-now/ to complete an online application or call the Academy office at 865.938.8180 to receive an admissions packet. Temple Schools have a rolling enrollment period and are always accepting applications for enrollment. Schedule an appointment with the admissions team to tour the school and speak to the principal.
We are Here to Help At Temple Academy it is our goal to make the application process as easy and enjoyable as possible. If you have any questions please contact our admissions experts at 865.938.8180 or email us at info@templebaptistacademy.com
“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.”
– II Timothy 3:14
TemPle schools
Temple Temple admiSSionS admiSSionS inFormaTion inFormaTion
Age Requirements Age Requirements
director, director, along with alongfaculty with faculty members, members, will review will review and evaluate and evaluate the records the records from previously from previously attended attended Kindergarten Kindergarten applicants applicants must be must 5 years be 5old years by old by schoolsschools to provide to provide the necessary the necessary guidance guidance AugustAugust 15 of the 15 year of theforyear which for which the application the application is is regarding regarding placement placement in the appropriate in the appropriate classes.classes. being made. being made. We doWe ourdo best our tobest ensure to ensure that a transfer that a transfer studentstudent is able is toable stayto onstay track onfor track graduation. for graduation.
Parent Parent Interview Interview
Financial Assistance Assistance An interview An interview appointment appointment is madeiswith made thewith parents the parents Financial and a school and a administrator school administrator once anonce application an application has has TempleTemple Academy Academy strives strives to make toamake Christian a Christian been submitted. been submitted. This interview This interview is an opportunity is an opportunity for for education education available available to as many to as families many families as as parentsparents and administration and administration to discuss to discuss the philosophy the philosophy possible. possible. Scholarship Scholarship assistance assistance is available is available on on of the school, of the school, answeranswer questions, questions, and assess andwhether assess whethera limited a limited basis tobasis students to students whose whose families families meet meet our program our program meets the meets needs theofneeds yourof family. your family. established established financial financial aid criteria. aid criteria. Application Application for for tuitiontuition assistance assistance can be can made beonline made online through through a a third party thirdprocessor. party processor. Please Please contactcontact the office the for office for Acceptance Acceptance more information. more information. Notification Notification of acceptance of acceptance is communicated is communicated to all families. to all families. Please Please note that note only thata signed only a signed Non-Discrimination Non-Discrimination PolicyPolicy Contract Contract of Enrollment of Enrollment guarantees guarantees enrollment enrollment for your forchild. your child. TempleTemple Academy Academy admitsadmits students students of any of race, any race, color, and color, national and national or ethnic or ethnic origin origin to all rights, to all rights, privileges, privileges, programs, programs, and activities and activities generally generally Deadlines Deadlines accorded accorded or made oravailable made available to students to students at the at the TempleTemple Academy Academy acceptsaccepts applications applications school.school. The school The school does not does discriminate not discriminate on the on the year-round. year-round. However, However, in order in to order ensure to ensure the the basis ofbasis race,ofcolor, race,and color, national and national or ethnic or ethnic origin origin best possible best possible opportunity opportunity for acceptance, for acceptance, we we in administration in administration of its education, of its education, admissions admissions recommend recommend that you that have youyour haveapplication your application policies, policies, tuitiontuition assistance, assistance, athletics, athletics, or other or other completed completed by or before by or before May 1. May 1. school-administered school-administered programs. programs. Transfer Transfer Students Students Transfer Transfer students students are welcome are welcome and weand make we make every effort every to effort make tothe make transition the transition to Temple to Temple Academy Academy as smooth as smooth as possible. as possible. Our academic Our academic TemPleBaPTisT TemPleaBcademy aPTisTa .com cademy.com
We areWe now are accepting now accepting applications applications for the for the upcoming upcoming school school year. For year. more Forinformation more information or or to obtain to obtain the necessary the necessary admissions admissions forms, please forms, please call ourcall Office ourof Office Admissions of Admissions at (865)at938-8181 (865) 938-8181 or email orus email at info@templebaptistacademy.com. us at info@templebaptistacademy.com.
29 Powell ¡Powell Tennessee ¡ Tennessee
parenTal involvemenT Access to all class assignments and news is available through private login to RenWeb. The Parent Association - All parents and guardians of Academy students become members of the Parent Association. The purpose of the association is: • To improve communication between the Academy and parents • To promote and assist teachers with special activities and projects • To welcome new parents and students to the Academy • To encourage other families to enroll their children by promoting the Academy throughout the community • To coordinate fund raising efforts Parent Association representatives are designated for each class. The class representatives will assist the teacher by coordinating both communication and volunteers for special Academy events.
FaciliTieS • • • •
Well-equipped classrooms and library Dining facilities Chapel Gymnasium, athletic field, and playground
Special evenTS • Grandparents Day • Open House
Temple SchoolS
Special FeaTureS
e st.
• Parent, Teacher, Friend Meetings • Special Speaker Series in Chapel • District, State, and National Academic and Fine Arts Competition • Academy Christmas Program • Homecoming & Alumni Reception • Kindergarten Program and Graduation • Temple High Academic and Fine Arts Program • PBS Scholars Bowl • University of Tennessee Math Competition • Music Recitals • Spirit Week • Temple High Baccalaureate and Graduation • Retreats • Walk-a-thon and Auction • Marathons • Junior and Senior Banquet • Athletic Awards Banquet • Elementary Field Day • Junior High and High School Field Day
claSS Field TripS • Elementary students visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. • Middle School students visit the State Capitol. • Senior High students visit the U.S. Capitol. • Graduating seniors travel overseas.
The Temple SchoolS alumni aSSociaTion
Royal Crusaders for Life!
• Annual Homecoming and Alumni • Appreciation Banquet • Alumni Games and Quarterly Events
Special FeaTureS oF Temple bapTiST academy
Take the High Road
uSinG our 250-acre comprehenSive campuS We have been blessed with the unique, comprehensive learning campus on more than 250 acres. We have the opportunity to explore natural resources through hiking trails, springs, and hundreds of types of different foliage using every available means for constructive learning. At Temple, you will experience a real world STEM environment and connect to a network of regional and national STEM professionals. Temple Schools offer a solid STEM foundation with a biblical worldview.
Powell ¡ Tennessee
Why Study Latin?
Latin was once required at many public and parochial schools,
but fell into disfavor during the 1960s when students rebelled against traditional classroom teachings and even the Roman Catholic Church moved away from Latin as the official language of mass. The reasons to study Latin are many. It lends structure, order,
leArning lAtin iS one of the cornerStoneS of An educAtion At temple BAptiSt AcAdemy. thiS emphASiS iS introduced through temple elementAry And continueS in An intenSive two -yeAr Study in temple high. StudentS of lAtin Score Better on StAndArdized teSting, reAd A full grAde level or more AheAd of their counterpArtS, And frequently See All of their SuBject AreAS improve AS they delve deeper into lAtin. why Should we mAke A Sound inveStment And Study thiS
and logic to language
“deAd” lAnguAge?
study. It offers us a
1� a vocabulary builder
clarity and precision only with mathematics
More than fifty percent of English words come from Latin. A single Latin word may represent the roots of five or ten English words. By learning Latin prefixes and endings, as well as Latin roots, students are capable of comprehending many English words that they have never heard, thus expanding their vocabulary.
and science but rarely
2� The ‘ideal’ lanGuaGe
achieve in language.
English is an amalgamation of several different languages and therefore has many exceptions. Its structure is hard to follow. Because of this, English
we often associate
According to the College Board, students who take at least 2 years of Latin score an 32 TemPle schools TemPleBaPTisTacademy.com average of 510 points higher on the SATs than those who had no language study.
The laTin advanTaGe
speakers may never grasp the structure of the language. Latin’s logical and ordered syntax and grammar make it an “ideal” language from which to learn. A student of Latin is better equipped to write well in English.
3� learn oTher lanGuaGeS Training in Latin not only gives the student a better understanding of the roots of English vocabulary, it also lays the foundation for learning other Latin-based languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian. Nearly 80% of each of these languages derive their vocabulary from Latin.
4� real World applicaTion For professional careers like law, medicine, music, and literature, Latin provides yet another bonus. Because these fields require linguistic precision, Latin is typically their base for technical terms
and names. Students of Latin are uniquely ready for these professions.
5� poWer oF perSuaSion The capacity to persuade “Law schools report that their is one of the strongest top students come from the powers a Classics and Latin. Political human can exert. The science, pre-law and legal precision studies majors ranked much of Latin lower.” Harvard Magazine ‘98 and Greek provides students with an English linguistic tool that cannot be achieved in any other way. Using the right word, at the right time, in the right context is empowered by the study of classical languages.
“In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed... No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”
noAh weBSter
Father of the modern dictionary, and translator of the Bible in early colonial America.
Powell · Tennessee
our communiTy
with the love of chriST
• Ministering to Local Nursing Homes • Taking part in Veterans’ Appreciation Events • Encouraging Inner-city Children and Families • Participating in area Christmas Parades • Christmas Caroling in the Community
Temple schools
• Hosting Band and Choral Presentations • Making Pastoral Staff Counseling Available for Families • Supporting Local Businesses and Participating in Forums for Local Business People • Visiting Veterans’ Homes
Making Community Service a Way of Life
embracinG our communiTy
e st.
TiTle of ArTicle
Honoring Our Nation’s
h·E·R·I·T·A·G·E O
“I often run into young people who attend or have attended Temple Baptist Academy throughout the year and have been out to the school many times. I always find the students to be polite, Pastor and Evelyn Sexton with compassionate, and very Congressman Duncan patriotic. Temple Academy teaches our young people the importance of family and community and to be proud of their faith. East Tennessee is a better place because of the work of Temple Baptist Academy.” Temple High 2017-18 sophomore – JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. United States Congressman
“The best means of forming a manly, virtuous, and happy people will be found in the right [religious] education of youth. Without this foundation, every other means, in my opinion, must fail.”
“There is no short cut to achievement. Life requires thorough preparation – veneer isn’t worth anything.”
class with Congressman Duncan at the U.S. Capitol Building
“The virtues of men are of more consequence to society than their abilities; and for this reason, the heart should be cultivated with more assiduity than the head.”
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TemPle schools
is a
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cruSader? A royAl cruSAder is an ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ. One who has enlisted in the service of the King and has a desire to obey His command to be a faithful witness in this world. Being a Royal Crusader is not about enrolling in an institution, making an athletic team roster, or wearing a school uniform. Being a Royal Crusader is about identifying with the Lord Jesus Christ and representing Him in this world. A Royal Crusader fears the Lord (Proverbs 9:10). +
A Royal Crusader submits to the authority of the Word of God (Psalm 119:9). +
A Royal Crusader desires to live a holy life (I Peter 1:15-16). +
A Royal Crusader shows care and compassion for others (Jude 22). +
A Royal Crusader lives consciously in the presence of God and recognizes his or her own accountability to the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 14:12).
A Royal Crusader submits to authority (I Peter 5:5). +
A Royal Crusader expresses appreciation for our Christian heritage (Psalm 78:1-7). +
A Royal Crusader speaks boldly for Christ and is not ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16). +
A Royal Crusader embraces his or her community with the love of Christ (Mark 6:34). +
A Royal Crusader honors our nation and those who have fought to preserve its liberty (Romans 13:1).
Powell ¡ Tennessee
Educational Excellence Distinctively Christian Temple SchoolS
1700 West Beaver Creek Drive · Powell, TN · 37849 phone (865) 938-8181 | fax (865) 938-8147 | email info@templebaptistacademy.com Visit us online at templebaptistacademy.com templebaptistacademypowell |
@TBAPowell |