12.20.24 - TBE Shabbat Spotlight

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Rabbi Amy L. Morrison A

So often we say that those around us are our brothers and sisters; now, Adonai, teach me to mean it. How can I begin to treat each member of humanity as if my love for them is unending and unconditional? How can I see the Divine spark I hold in my heart, universally in the hearts and souls of those around me? And finally, on this Shabbat, how can I know that no matter how different and unique each individual person is, that collectively we will forever share more in common than will ever divide us?


Saturday, Dec. 21

10am - Torah Study & Brunch

Sunday, Dec. 22

8:45am - Brotherhood Schmooze

9:30am - Religious School

Friday, Dec. 27

5:30pm - Early Oneg

6pm - 101 Menorahs Erev Shabbat Service

7:30pm - Chanukah Dinner - RSVP Required

Saturday, Dec. 28

4pm - Mitzvah Minyan at Ronald McDonald House (for those who registered)

Sunday, Dec. 29

3:30pm - Chanukah Pajamukah - Wicked Movie at AMC Sundial 12 - Limited Tickets STILL available!

Upcoming Events



LocatedinSt.PetersburgonFlorda'sbeautifu westcoast,TempleBeth-E isaReform Jewishcongregationthathasservedthisareasince1928andisfocusedon strengthenngreationshipsandmakingconnections.WeareawelcomingReform communityforJewshandinterfaithhouseholdstoexperienceanupliftingandjoyful senseofbeongingasweseektoconnectourmemberswitheachotherandthe greatercommunityandworldaroundus EnjoyandhaveaShabbatShalom!

Torah Portion

Parashat Vayeishev: Genesis 37:1-40:23 Saturday, December 21, 2024 / 20 Kislev 5785

Jacob is shown to favor his son Joseph, whom the other brothers resent. Joseph has dreams of grandeur. (Genesis 37:1-11) After Joseph's brothers had gone to tend the flocks in Shechem, Jacob sends Joseph to report on them The brothers decide against murdering Joseph but instead sell him into slavery. After he is shown Joseph's coat of many colors, which had been dipped in the blood of a goat, Jacob is led to believe that Joseph has been killed by a beast. (Genesis 37:12-35)

Tamar successively marries two of Judah's sons, each of whom dies Judah does not permit her levirate marriage to his youngest son. She deceives Judah into impregnating her. (Genesis 38:1-30) God is with Joseph in Egypt until the wife of his master, Potiphar, accuses him of rape, whereupon Joseph is imprisoned. (Genesis 39:1-40:23)

Relax! God put the wiggle in children Don’t feel you have to suppress it in our sanctuary or chapel.

Sit towards the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what is happening on the Bima. They tire of seeing the backs of other’s heads.

Quietly explain our rituals and sing or clap when appropriate Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.

If you need to leave services with your child, do so, but please come back

Remember that the way we welcome children in synagogue directly affects the way they respond to coming to synagogue, to God, to one another Let them know that they are welcome in this house of worship, here, at Temple Beth-El.



Douglas Lichterman


Jon Rosenbluth


Lance Lubin


Rebecca Zapen


Hermine Abeles*

Max Abeles*

Chuck Barancik*

Margie Barancik*

Norman Brock*

Santo Cangelosi

Claire Damashek

David Damashek

Helen Dee*

Marjory Fab Frieman

Jack Greenberg

Jonathan Halle*

Yahrzeits Shabbat Spotlight the

Alice Herman

Ernest Hofman

Lawrence Israel*

Richard Kimmel*

Laura Levine

Richard Lewis*

Sarah Miller*

Marvin Needles*

Bill Oxman*

Helene Platt

Shyfra Rapoport*

Colette Reich

Leo Rosenbloom*

Ruth Rubinsky

Jennie Rudderman

Dolly Sakol

Harold Shafer

Anne Silver*

Jack Steiner

Paula Steiner

Lawrence Stern*

Bess Turner

Morris Weinman*

Louise Wykell

*Denotes plaque in Memorial Alcove

Reach out to us with any questions.

Amy L. Morrison - Rabbi

727-347-6136 - RabbiMorrison@TempleBeth-El com

Tracy Nash - Bookkeeper 727-347-6136 - Bookkeeper@TempleBeth-El.com

Tara O’Donnell - Early Childhood Center Director

727-350-5885 - Tara@TempleBeth-El.com

Josh Gamson - Director of Teen & Youth Engagement 727-347-6136 - Josh@TempleBeth-El.com

Tovah Feld - Communications & Engagement Coordinator 727-347-6136 - Tovah@TempleBeth-El.com

Allison Fowler - Executive Assistant to Rabbi 727-347-6136 - Allison@TempleBeth-El.com

Bobby Gerry - Maintenance Coordinator 727-347-6136 - Maintenance@TempleBeth-El.com

Mike Shapiro - Temple President 727-347-6136 - President@TempleBeth-El.com

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