Rabbi Amy L. Morrison
There is a Chasidic teaching that reads “Rabbi Abraham Yaakov of Sadagora was asked: According to our sages in Pirke Avot, ’There is not a that that has not its place.’ So humanity, too, has its own place. Why then do people sometimes feel so crowded? He replied: Because each wants to occupy the place of the other.”
As we enter this Shabbat, let us find solid ground for our own two feet – our uniqueness’, desires, and passions while allowing enough space, and enough solid ground, for others to do exactly the same for themselves.
Saturday, Jan. 11
10am - Market Minyan at Pioneer Park
Sunday, Jan. 12
9:30am - Religious School Off-Campus Field Trip
Tuesday, Jan.14
9am - TBE Walks
Wednesday, Jan. 15
5pm - Hebrew School
Friday, Jan. 17
5:30pm - Early Oneg 6pm - Erev Shabbat Service
Upcoming Events
If you are new to Tempe Beth-El, welcome!
Located in St Petersburg on Florida's beautiful west coast, Temple Beth-El is a Reform Jewish congregation that has served this area since 1928 and is focused on strengthening relationships and makng connections We are a wecoming Reform community for Jewish and interfaith households to experience an uplifting and joyful sense of beonging as we seek to connect our members with each other and the greater community and word around us Enjoy and have a ShabbatShalom!
Torah Portion
Parashat Va-y’chi: Genesis 47:28-50:26
Saturday, January 11, 2025 / 11 Tevet 5785
Jacob blesses his grandchildren Ephraim and Manasseh. (48:1-20)
Jacob's twelve sons gather around his deathbed, and each receives an evaluation and a prediction of his future. (49:1-33)
Joseph mourns his father's death and has Jacob embalmed. Jacob is buried in Hebron in the cave of the field of the Machpelah in the land of Canaan (50:1-14)
Joseph assures his concerned brothers that he has forgiven them and promises to care for them and their families. (50:15-21)
Just before he dies, Joseph tells his brothers that God will return them to the Land that God promised to the patriarchs The Children of Israel promise Joseph that they will take his bones with them when they leave Egypt. (50:22-26)
Relax! God put the wiggle in children Don’t feel you have to suppress it in our sanctuary or chapel.
Sit towards the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what is happening on the Bima. They tire of seeing the backs of other’s heads.
Quietly explain our rituals and sing or clap when appropriate Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.
If you need to leave services with your child, do so, but please come back
for a full list of ALL upcoming events
Remember that the way we welcome children in synagogue directly affects the way they respond to coming to synagogue, to God, to one another Let them know that they are welcome in this house of worship, here, at Temple Beth-El.
Judy Appelbaum
Harry Arotlin*
Clarence Axelrod*
Jake Banks*
Rita Bernstein*
Judith Caplan Gould
Elka Cohen*
Arnold Fogel
Bertha Freeman*
Lena Friedberg*
Leopold Goldsmith*
Yahrzeits Shabbat Spotlight the
Helen Green
Helen Gurtman
Michael Andrew Hano
Norman Heilweil
Charles Kotler*
Edward Lederer* We
Hans Mahler*
Sonya Miller
Anna Newman
Joseph Nicolosi
Tillie Pollack*
Harry Rosenberg*
Zelda Hilda Ross
Lois Schneider*
Antonina Schotz*
Regina Schwartz*
Eda Secatore*
Ben Sembler
William Silver*
Terry Simmons
Frank Springle
Frank Weinberg*
Eric Zolan
*Denotes plaque in Memorial Alcove
Reach out to us with any questions.
Amy L. Morrison - Rabbi
727-347-6136 - RabbiMorrison@TempleBeth-El com
Tracy Nash - Bookkeeper 727-347-6136 - Bookkeeper@TempleBeth-El.com
Tara O’Donnell - Early Childhood Center Director
727-350-5885 - Tara@TempleBeth-El.com
Josh Gamson - Director of Teen & Youth Engagement 727-347-6136 - Josh@TempleBeth-El.com
Tovah Feld - Communications & Engagement Coordinator 727-347-6136 - Tovah@TempleBeth-El.com
Allison Fowler - Executive Assistant to Rabbi 727-347-6136 - Allison@TempleBeth-El.com
Bobby Gerry - Maintenance Coordinator 727-347-6136 - Maintenance@TempleBeth-El.com
Mike Shapiro - Temple President 727-347-6136 - President@TempleBeth-El.com