Saturday, Dec. 14
10am - Saturday Morning Market Minyan at Pioneer Park Marker (Downtown St. Pete)
Sunday, Dec. 15
8:45am - Brotherhood Schmooze
9:30am - Religious School
Monday, Dec. 16
Women’s Spirituality Circle - Offsite Location
5pm - Chanukah Dinner
6:30pm - Women’s Spirituality Circle
Wednesday, Dec. 18
5pm - Hebrew School
Thursday, Dec. 19
4:30pm - Boomers Nifty Over Fifty Sunset Beach Picnic 7pm - Choir Rehearsal Don’t Forget to for our
Torah Portion
Parashat Vayishlach: Genesis 32:4-36:43
Saturday, December 14, 2024 / 13 Kislev 5785
Jacob prepares to meet Esau. He wrestles with a " man, " who changes Jacob's name to Israel. (32:4-33)
Jacob and Esau meet and part peacefully, each going his separate way. (33:1-17)
Dinah is raped by Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, who was chief of the country. Jacob's sons Simeon and Levi take revenge by murdering all the males of Shechem, and Jacob's other sons join them in plundering the city. (34:1-31)
Upcoming Events
How do we know what it means when this Torah portion says that we are made in ‘the likeliness of the Divine’? Our challenge daily is to try and find the holiness and beauty in each person and every situation so that we too, see God all around us as well as with us.
LocatedinSt.PetersburgonFlorda'sbeautifu westcoast,TempleBeth-E isaReform Jewishcongregationthathasservedthisareasince1928andisfocusedon strengthenngreationshipsandmakingconnections.WeareawelcomingReform communityforJewshandinterfaithhouseholdstoexperienceanupliftingandjoyful senseofbeongingasweseektoconnectourmemberswitheachotherandthe greatercommunityandworldaroundus EnjoyandhaveaShabbatShalom!
a full list of ALL upcoming events
Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin and is buried in Ephrah, which is present-day Bethlehem. (35:16-21)
Isaac dies and is buried in Hebron. Jacob's and Esau's progeny are listed. (35:22-36:43)
Relax! God put the wiggle in children Don’t feel you have to suppress it in our sanctuary or chapel.
Sit towards the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what is happening on the Bima. They tire of seeing the backs of other’s heads.
Quietly explain our rituals and sing or clap when appropriate Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.
If you need to leave services with your child, do so, but please come back
Remember that the way we welcome children in synagogue directly affects the way they respond to coming to synagogue, to God, to one another Let them know that they are welcome in this house of worship, here, at Temple Beth-El.
The Hope
By Rick Recht
This is the hope
The hope is still real A Jewish home In Israel
This is the time
We stand as one If not now when We must be strong Our hearts turn to the east
This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope that will last forever
This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope is still real
This is the hope
Two thousand years We pray for freedom
Through pain and tears
This is our faith
This is our voice
This is our promise
This is our choice
Our hearts turn to the east...
Hatikvah, the hope is real
Hatikvah, our home Israel
Yahrzeits Shabbat Spotlight the
Jane G. Hughes*
Florence Hunter*
Irwin Kaplan*
Sidney Konigsburg
Morton Lasher
Jenny Lazar*
Laura Levine
Michael Levine*
Marie Milchan
Sandra Rosalyn Moss
Jodi-Lynn Negretti
Maurice Patrick O'Connell
Gonna Mae Peltz*
Bryan Petersen
Tom Quevedo
Pearl Reznick*
Simon Rudofsky
Suzan K Saperstein
Ruth Scully
Molly Serota
Joseph Skalka
Gejza Teltsch*
Ida Gertrude Ullman
Alice Wyner
Nat Zamoff
*Denotes plaque in Memorial Alcove
Reach out to us with any questions.
Amy L. Morrison - Rabbi
727-347-6136 - RabbiMorrison@TempleBeth-El com
727-350-5885 - Tracy Nash - Bookkeeper 727-347-6136 -
Tara O’Donnell - Early Childhood Center Director
Josh Gamson - Director of Teen & Youth Engagement 727-347-6136 -
Tovah Feld - Communications & Engagement Coordinator 727-347-6136 -
Allison Fowler - Executive Assistant to Rabbi 727-347-6136 -
Bobby Gerry - Maintenance Coordinator 727-347-6136 -
Mike Shapiro - Temple President 727-347-6136 -