Rabbi Amy L. Morrison
“The Sidra, Vayeitzei (Genesis 28) relates to the wonderous tale of ‘Jacob’s Ladder’—his dream of angels ascending and descending from earth to heaven, and God standing about him with the assurance of a safe return to the home and land that he has fled. Jacob responds with awe to his dream: And Jacob awoke…and said: Surely, God is present in this place, and as for me, I did not know it! He was awestruck and said: How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God: this is the gate of heaven (28:10, 16). Mysteries of mysteries the traffic between heaven and earth.”
The above summary, by Rabbi Chayim Stern, reminds us that we walk sightless among miracles each and every day. Our task, our holy obligation, is to take the time to recognize and honor these miracles as gifts from the Divine.
Torah Portion
Parashat Vayeitzei: Genesis 28:10-32:3
Saturday, December 7, 2024 / 6 Kislev 5785
Jacob dreams of angels going up and down a ladder. God blesses him. Jacob names the place Bethel. (28:10-22)
Jacob works seven years in order to marry Rachel, but Laban tricks Jacob into marrying Leah, Rachel's older sister. (29:1625)
Jacob marries Rachel but only after having to commit himself to seven more years of working for Laban. (29:26-30) Leah, Rachel, and their maidservants, Bilhah and Zilpah, give birth to eleven sons and one daughter. (29:31-30:24)
Jacob and his family leave Laban's household with great wealth. (31:1-32:3)
Relax! God put the wiggle in children Don’t feel you have to suppress it in our sanctuary or chapel.
Sit towards the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what is happening on the Bima. They tire of seeing the backs of other’s heads.
LocatedinSt.PetersburgonFlorda'sbeautifu westcoast,TempleBeth-E isaReform Jewishcongregationthathasservedthisareasince1928andisfocusedon strengthenngreationshipsandmakingconnections.WeareawelcomingReform communityforJewshandinterfaithhouseholdstoexperienceanupliftingandjoyful senseofbeongingasweseektoconnectourmemberswitheachotherandthe greatercommunityandworldaroundus EnjoyandhaveaShabbatShalom!
Quietly explain our rituals and sing or clap when appropriate Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.
If you need to leave services with your child, do so, but please come back
Remember that the way we welcome children in synagogue directly affects the way they respond to coming to synagogue, to God, to one another Let them know that they are welcome in this house of worship, here, at Temple Beth-El.
Bruce Breslow
Ruth Byrd
Rosalyn Canner*
Anna Fell Coleman*
Sari Jane Ferdinand
Rose Fuldauer
Murray Gessner*
Lynda Glasser
June Jacobs*
Rose Klausner*
Al Kramer
Yahrzeits Shabbat Spotlight the
Samuel Kranzel*
Edward D. Kroll
Esther Kurtz
Sarah Labner*
Leo Langbein*
Morris Marger* We
Brooke Massar
George Mostert
Susan Pariser*
Anne Petrillo*
Morris Petrillo*
Jeanette Priceman*
Nathan Rapoport*
Edward C. Raymund
Geraldine Woodruff Ripps*
Elaine Cornblatt Roman
Martin Rosenthal
Helene Sherman*
Moe Sperber
Frances Stern*
Helen Stifter
Sharon Taub
Sam Zimring*
*Denotes plaque in Memorial Alcove
Reach out to us with any questions.
Amy L. Morrison - Rabbi
727-347-6136 - RabbiMorrison@TempleBeth-El com
Tracy Nash - Bookkeeper 727-347-6136 - Bookkeeper@TempleBeth-El.com
Tara O’Donnell - Early Childhood Center Director 727-350-5885 - Tara@TempleBeth-El.com
Josh Gamson - Director of Teen & Youth Engagement 727-347-6136 - Josh@TempleBeth-El.com
Tovah Feld - Communications & Engagement Coordinator 727-347-6136 - Tovah@TempleBeth-El.com
Allison Fowler - Executive Assistant to Rabbi 727-347-6136 - Allison@TempleBeth-El.com
Bobby Gerry - Maintenance Coordinator 727-347-6136 - Maintenance@TempleBeth-El.com
Mike Shapiro - Temple President 727-347-6136 - President@TempleBeth-El.com