Winter 2015 - The Album

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In our collection, we have thousands of remnants left from the Pan-American Exposition. We can remember the summer of 1901 in ways no one else can. When I started at the Museum, I knew very little about the PanAm. I feel confident in saying that most of what I now know, I learned from working with the artifacts in this collection.

Melissa Brown Constance Caldwell

I met Mabel Barnes in the summer of ’98 and was completely taken with her. She was about 24 at the time of the expo and over the course of its six-month run, she visited thirty-three times. What’s more remarkable?

Jennifer Nichols Robie Carmina, Anthony Greco, Rebecca Justinger, Kimberly Luangpakdy, Megan MacNeill, Walt Mayer, Cynthia Van Ness Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 12:00 Noon - 5:00 p.m. Closed Mondays. Wednesday - Saturday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Extended Library Hours: 2nd and 4th Wednesday Evenings 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

Miss Barnes was a graduate of the old Central High School class of 1894. She completed the library science course at the University of Buffalo and taught the subject in the University’s summer session. Known for her cheery optimism and helpfulness, she served as teacher and librarian at Fosdick-Masten Park High School for thirty years. Her handwriting is beautiful. Remember in school when you used to strive for teacher handwriting? Miss Mabel had it. On her 11th visit to the exposition, entry dated July 31, 1901, Mabel experienced the dusk illumination of the grounds. “I was tip-toe with

Yep, I will admit it here, in the safety of friends- for each of the Parties on the Portico over its ten year run, I take a Mabel moment on the portico. I relish the view, draw in the energy of the vibrant crowd and catch a glimpse of the electric scene that rocked Mabel to her core. In the summer of 1901, my hometown paper, The Lockport UnionSun noted, “When night comes and the grounds are illuminated, there is no better vantage point than the broad porch of the New York State building from which to watch the fireworks. From the portico. . .one looks out upon a vision of nature, artistic form and artificial vista which is rarely if ever equaled in this country or abroad.” Well, 100 years later the broad porch welcomes new generations. Join us for an extraordinary experience that spans time. All my best, Melissa P.S. I have yet to unearth a photo of Mabel Barnes. In each of the Fosdick Masten Yearbooks I could track down, she's "not pictured". Perhaps one of our readers can help.


Members: FREE Children Under 7: FREE Veterans: FREE Children (7-12): $2.50 Adults: $7 Students & Seniors : $5


Steven McCarville - President Peter Ahrens - Vice President Mark L. Martin- Vice President William J. O'Donnell - Vice President Heidi A. Raphael - Vice President Mark V. Taylor- Vice President Catherine Schweitzer - Secretary Philip C. Kadet - Treasurer

The Buffalo hisTory MuseuM

Ken Friedman Carley Jean Hill John L. Hurley, Jr.

Cassie Irish Cheryl Lyles Vincent Mancuso

Kristin Saperston Mark Severson Greg D. Tranter

Cover: "Saints & Sinners organization annual fundraiser, 1956" from the collection of The Buffalo History Museum. The Buffalo History Museum is a private not-for-profit organization tax exempt under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It receives operating support from the County of Erie, the City of Buffalo, the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA, a state agency), and from members and friends. The Buffalo History Museum is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums.


For our reading pleasure, she left a three volume scrapbook of her adventures. She donated them to our library in December of 1936.

expectation. Through some wonderful mechanism, the light comes on by degrees, and this creates a novel effect. . .just as the summer twilight is deepening into darkness. . .the bulbs of electric light along the paths and within the buildings diminish until they become tiny specks of flame which soon die away. Suddenly the building, the long lines of lamp pillars, seem to pulse with a thrill of life before the eye becomes sensible to what is taking place. There is a deep silence. . ."


One Museum Court

Honoring: THE RED JACKET AWARD Burton Notarius, posthumously Eugene Vukelic DANIEL B. NIEDERLANDER AWARD The Niagara 1812 Bicentennial Legacy Council


Call 716-873-9644 ext. 318 for tickets and information regarding corporate sponsorships Sponsored by:

Hodgson Russ • Independent Health • M&T Bank

Rebecca Justinger Registrar The attire pictured above was donated by Louise T. Walker, and worn by her grandfather, J.K. Thompson, to the Waverley Ball. The Waverley Balls were elaborate costume parties given by Charles Cary Rumsey’s grandparents. The one attended by J.K. Thompson was held on February 7, 1888 and between 350 and 400 guests were present. The name of the ball comes from Sir Walter Scott’s popular Waverley novels and guests dressed as characters from the stories.

Costume Satin/Velveteen/Cotton/Wool/Metal/Lace Ca. 1888

The costume is of the Cavalier period (1640-1660) and Thompson attended the costume party as the character Roland Graeme. His outfit consisted of a black velveteen jacket with an attached white cotton waistcoat with large brass buttons. The jacket has a narrow mandarin collar and the front and sleeve cuffs are bordered with gold metallic lace. A star ornament of the same gold metallic lace decorated the left side of the coat. The lace ruffle around the neck and down the front is made of embroidered tulle. Rounding out the costume are matching black velveteen breeches with white satin bows at the knee. It is interesting to note that J.K. Thompson’s date for this event was Mary Swan who would go on to become his wife.

Adopt the Waverly Ball Dresses pictured here. Contact Alexis Greinert at (716) 873-9644 ext. 318 for more information on receiving your adoption papers.

Ways to share your support & experience Retweet on twitter @buffalohistory, Share Facebook posts, Follow us on Instagram Write an online review on Yelp, TripAdvsior, Google, etc. Subscribe to our blog: Drop us a line: #buffalohistory


The newly added space, Bliss Bros. Studio, was inspired by a longstanding and well-respected photography business which first opened on Main Street in 1861. For over 50 years, the Bliss family produced some of the city’s finest portraits and landscapes. Now, the story of their business will be shared with our visitors. Inside the studio, guests are encouraged to dress up in vintage clothing and pose in front of our custom made backdrop to create their own vintage portrait. Images may be shared via social media by using the hashtag #buffalobliss. When at the Museum, visit our new studio, take your picture (or a “selfie” as it were) and join in on the fun while being a part of continuing story of photography. Anthony Greco Director of Exhibits & Interpretive Planning

5:00 P.m.

Above the staircase and leading to the museum’s lower level are engraved words, “1870s Street of Shops.” This signage and the exhibit it teases were intended to endure time. For over a half century, it has done just that. The exhibit lies within earshot of my office, from which I have listened as thousands of visitors have passed through the artificial streetscape. Many reminisce about their childhoods, each storefront sparking a different story. Others recall seeing the display with their parents when they were young. It became evident that the exhibit had, over time, become as much a part of people’s memories as the items held within it.

Staff members having photo fun. #BuffaloBliss #SelfieBliss

In recognition of this, we worked to update the Street of Shops while maintaining its history and charm. The exhibit now boasts a new paint job, with colors inspired by late 19th century paint swatches preserved in our library. A newly installed ceiling painted as the sky adds to the display’s immersive ambience. The most notable change, however, is the space formerly occupied by our Buffalo Savings Bank display which has been transformed into a family-friendly interactive photo studio.

9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Registration 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m) Call 818-8143 for more information. Held in The Buffalo History Museum Parking Lot • One Museum Court, Buffalo, NY 14216 4

To register, call (607) 547-1490



3 Photos by Cheryl Gorski






7 1. Thecly Ortolani, Melissa Brown, Theodore Spiro Liaros, Heidi Raphael, Charlie Roesch, John DiSciullo, Ivano Tuscani & Brenda Alesii 2. Charlie the Butcher x 3 = Yum! 3. Ted’s Char Grill Masters 4. Melissa Brown, Warren Glover, & Steve McCarville 5. Frank & Dolores Bucella 6. Jackie Carmina, Courtney Cardinal, Steven Carmina & Casey Lanighan 7. Joyce Bruyere, Volunteer Coordinator 8. Fritz Klein as Lincoln 9. Lincoln’s #1 Fan!



One Museum Court • Buffalo, NY 14216






13 Photos by Cheryl Gorski








10. John DiSciullo, Kim Luangpakdy, Steven McCarville, Melissa Brown, Dan Herbeck, Connie Caldwell, Terrence Connors, Paul Cambria, Joel Daniels 11. Connors & Vilardo LLP staff 12. Susan Cholewa & Josie DiVincenzo 13. Judge Penny Wolfgang & Danny Weinstein 14. TBHM staff moving Congressman LaFalce papers to TBHM Resource Center 15. #BuffaloBliss #SelfieBliss 16. Mike Allen of Frey Electric & TBHM staff 17. Trial of Red Jacket painting getting ready to travel. 18. Becky Justinger, Sabine Fisher, Jennifer Nichols, & Amy Miller at MANY 19. Lori Robinson, Kim Luangpakdy, Connie Caldwell, & Alexis Greinert at AAM

Cynthia Van Ness, MLS Director of Library & Archives We didn’t exactly call them parties, but we also didn’t skimp when it came to observing and celebrating major events. Here are the details of a few notable dinners held in Buffalo over the past 150 years, including what they ate and what they said.

Date: July 4, 1861 Occasion: Dinner of the Union Continentals at American Hall Menu highlights: Boned turkey with truffles; beef tongues, ornamented; lobster salad; mutton shoulders, French style; roast pig, stuffed; oyster patties; gooseberry pie; pineapples Background: The Union Continentals, led by Millard Fillmore, were a band of mostly retired military men who were too old to enlist. They served a largely honorary function, escorting troops to train stations and marching in parades. Their most significant service was to serve as the Guard of Honor during the Lincoln funeral in Buffalo. Quote: “The day we celebrate-- Fraught with hallowed memories—Bright with glorious anticipations; after the storms of civil war that now menace our national prosperity and happiness shall have passed, its annual return shall be hailed with increased joy by millions yet unborn.” - Anonymous Read more in our Library: HS2725 .B83 U54 1861 Order of exercises at the dinner of the Union Continentals Buffalo, NY: Clapp, Matthews & Waite's Steam Print. House, [1861] Date: January 9, 1904 Occasion: Farewell dinner at the Hotel Iroquois in honor of John G. Milburn Menu highlights: Astrackan (Astrakhan) caviar, clear green turtle soup, filet of English sole de Joinville, potatoes Duchess, saddle of spring lamb with mint sauce, fried hominy, salade escarole de luxe, English stilton and camembert. Background: After serving as President of the Pan-American Exposition in 1901, John G. Milburn left Buffalo in 1904 to join the law firm of Carter, Ledyard & Robbins in New York City. Quote: “A score of years and ten have past.—How stealthily they steal away our days, these silent robbers of our opportunities,-Since first this friend Came to our City’s gates…” - Anonymous Read more in our Library: T485 .B2 P33 1904 Farewell dinner in honor of President Milburn of the Pan-American Exposition Buffalo, NY: White Evans Penfold Company, 1904

Date: October 14, 1926 Occasion: 100th anniversary dinner at the Statler Hotel in honor of the opening of the Erie Canal Menu highlights: Lobster cocktail Olympic, potage Ambassadeur, filet whitefish Meunier, potatoes Parisienne, chicken Iroquois, tomato surprise, glace Statler Background: Celebrated the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 and its expansion into what was later called the Barge Canal. Quote: “If our imperial station among the states, and in the world, is to be retained, our canals must be maintained in a condition of utmost efficiency, and everything possible done to encourage commerce on them.” Read more in our Library: TC625 .E6 A5 1926 1825-1926. Commemorative dinner on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the opening to commerce of the original Erie Canal. [Buffalo, NY: 1926?]

Date: September 10, 2006 Occasion: The 145th anniversary of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church Menu highlights: Field green salad, herb-roasted chicken, filet of salmon, baby red smashed potatoes, mélange of vegetables, birthday cake Background: St. Philip’s was founded in 1861, just before the Civil War broke out, and was the first Episcopal Church in Buffalo to serve an African-American congregation. Quote: “Your efforts on behalf of Buffalo remind us of the values and lessons that are the cornerstone of our nation.” - Congratulatory letter from Hillary Rodham Clinton - Read more in our Library: BX 5980 .B83 P45 2006 St. Philip's Episcopal Church: "A Force For Good," the 145th anniversary celebration, homecoming week and revival, awards dinner and gala Buffalo, NY: St. Philip's Episcopal, 2006 Photos from the collection of The Buffalo History Museum.

Date: May 11, 1891 Occasion: Banquet at the Iroquois Hotel in honor of ex-President Cleveland, who attended the dedication of the Cleveland Democracy club house Menu Highlights: Little neck clams, striped bass, potatoes croustade, cauliflower au gratin, grass plover sur canapé Background: The Cleveland Democracy club was founded after the 1884 presidential election to provide a permanent political club for the Democratic party Quote: “…I have never forgotten the assurance I gave, in the presence of thousands of my Buffalo friends, during the Presidential campaign of 1884, to the effect that whatever the future might have in store for me, I should endeavor so to perform my duty as to merit their approval and friendship.” - Grover Cleveland Read more in our Library: JK 2319 .C53 1891 Addresses delivered to the Cleveland Democracy of Buffalo… Buffalo, NY: Published by order of the Club, 1891 Online in full text here:

The Buffalo History Museum Research Library seeks menus-old and new- from Buffalo-area restaurant owners and collectors to include in the collection. Most desired for the collection are Schwabl’s, Little Harlem Hotel, Club Moon-Glo, plus corner bars & grills still in existence or long-gone. Submission details: Submissions to the Museum’s permanent collection should be in good physical condition and may be made at any time by mail or personal delivery. Mailing and physical address: The Buffalo History Museum, 1 Museum Court Buffalo, NY 14216 Attention: Research Library Menu drop-off should be made during business hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10a.m. - 5p.m. Inquiries about menu submissions, call: 716-873-9644 ext. 306 or email


Join the museum down at the waterfront for FREE Family Fun and activities every Monday this summer! • 44 Prime Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 •

1 Monday

Native American History Kit Join The Buffalo History Museum in an exploration of Native American artifacts. Handle wampum, deerskin, and learn about their rich history.

6 Monday

Native American History Kit Join The Buffalo History Museum in an exploration of Native American artifacts. Handle wampum, deerskin, and learn about their rich history.

13 Monday

8 Monday

Plein Air Art and History How do we know what the Erie Canal looked like in the 1800s? By the drawings and paintings visitors created. Before photography became mainstream, visitors and workers on the canal documented their life with pen and paper. Explore historic images from the Museum’s collection and make your own!

15 Monday

Pioneer History Kit Join The Buffalo History Museum in an exploration of Pioneer era artifacts. Visitors of all ages will be able to handle period items and participate in themed activities.

Plein Air Art and History How do we know what the Erie Canal looked like in the 1800s? By the drawings and paintings visitors created. Before photography became mainstream, visitors and workers on the canal documented their life with pen and paper. Explore historic images from the Museum’s collection and make your own! Pioneer History Kit Join The Buffalo History Museum in an exploration of Pioneer era artifacts. Visitors of all ages will be able to handle period items and participate in themed activities.

22 Monday

Artifact Detective How do archeologists know what they have found? Learn about the process that archeologists use to interpret the objects that they find – with real pieces from the Museum’s collection.

29 Monday

Lawn Games Stretch your legs! Enjoy the fresh air! The Buffalo History Museum will be at CanalSide with Erie Canal era lawn games, along with a few contemporary classics, for all to enjoy

Party on the Portico 2015 Sponsors

20 Monday

Favorite artifact:

The newell post from the Fargo Mansion staircase and Tim Russert's Desk! Favorite Gift Shop item:

The jewelry made out of old streetcar and bus tokens. Historic era:

I've been really inspired lately by the social reforms that took place by women in Buffalo at the end of the 18th Century, with women like Maria Love and Harriet Townsend and the things they were doing through the Fitch Creche and the Women's Educational and Industrial Union. I'd like to go back in time to hang out with those women and then visit the Pan Am Expo with them!

27 Monday

• Why do you volunteer with The Buffalo History Museum?

4 Monday

• What from the Museum inspires you?

Native American History Kit Join The Buffalo History Museum in an exploration of Native American artifacts. Handle wampum, deerskin, and learn about their rich history.

I really enjoy the Family Day events and other events with children. It's really inspiring to tell a child (or even an adult sometimes) a story about an artifact or a historical fact and see their eyes light up.

11 Monday

• What are your most memorable experiences that took place at The Buffalo History Museum?

Artifact Detective How do archeologists know what they have found? Learn about the process that archeologists use to interpret the objects that they find – with real pieces from the Museum’s collection.

Plein Air Art and History How do we know what the Erie Canal looked like in the 1800s? By the drawings and paintings visitors created. Before photography became mainstream, visitors and workers on the canal documented their life with pen and paper. Explore historic images from the Museum’s collection and make your own!

18 Monday

Pioneer History Kit Join The Buffalo History Museum in an exploration of Pioneer era artifacts. Visitors of all ages will be able to handle period items and participate in themed activities.

25 Monday

Artifact Detective How do archeologists know what they have found? Learn about the process that archeologists use to interpret the objects that they find – with real pieces from the Museum’s collection. 10

Fun Facts:

The History Museum has always been one of my favorite places, so I enjoy being a part of the museum. I really love sharing Buffalo's story with people. I also like that it's something that my parents and I can do together too, since we'd come to the museum together when I was growing up.

I majored in political science and I'm a huge political nerd, so getting to meet George Cleveland (President Grover Cleveland's grandson) when he was in town for the 150th Anniversary Gala was pretty exciting for me. The Tim Russert exhibit opening was so memorable too. Tim had a huge impact on my life, so to be able to celebrate his life was really great. I enjoyed listening to patrons all sharing their favorite Tim stories. I've also enjoyed bringing my friends to the museum to see the Russert exhibit; many of them hadn't been to the museum (or hadn't been since school field trips) and never realized what a gem the History Museum really is!

2 Tuesday Toddler Museum Time, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Bring your little one to our monthly program and spend some quality time at the Museum. We will read a book and do a related activity. Museum admission, free for members.

3 Wednesday Food Truck Rodeo, 5:00-8:00 p.m.

1 Wednesday Food Truck Rodeo, 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Come hungry! The Museum once again hosts its popular rodeo of local food trucks! The Museum will be open and we will have family-friendly activities, music, and more! Free Museum admission after 5 p.m.

5 Sunday Pan Am Walking Tour, 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Come hungry! The Museum once again hosts its popular rodeo of local food trucks! The Museum will be open and we will have family-friendly activities, music, and more! Free Museum admission after 5 p.m.

Take a walking tour of the Pan American grounds with one of our trained docents. See the fair in a new light! $10. Pre-registration required. A map with historic photos is included.

6 Saturday Secrets from the Stacks, 10:00 a.m.

7 Tuesday Toddler Museum Time, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Join our librarians as they reveal treasures from the library’s archives. This month, join Amy Miller, Assistant Librarian, as she explores Buffalo's criminal past by looking at the Erie County Penitentiary Prisoner Identification Cards and other true crime resources. Museum admission, free for members.

7 Sunday Pan Am Walking Tour, 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Take a walking tour of the Pan American grounds with one of our trained docents. See the fair in a new light! $10. Pre-registration required. A map with historic photos is included.

19 Friday *M&T Third Fridays: Free admission from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Including Resource Center at 459 Forest Ave. 10am-Noon: Free family activities. 1-3pm: Free guided tours at Museum and Resource Center.

Party on the Portico featuring "The Ifs," 5:30-8:30 p.m.

The happiest Happy Hour in Buffalo, '60s style. Enjoy a cash bar, light snacks, live music, and free museum mini-tours. Members $5, General Public $10.

27 Saturday Forest Lawn Trolley Tour, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

$60 members, $65 general, reservations required. Guided tour of Forest Lawn Cemetery on a vintage trolley, tour of the Hotel @ The Lafayette, lunch is included at the Pan American Grill and Brewery, guided tour of The Buffalo History Museum’s Resource Center and “The Spirit Still Lives” Pan Am exhibit. Visitors will return to Forest Lawn at 3pm. Check our website calendar for more details on each event

Bring your little one to our monthly program and spend some quality time at the Museum. We will read a book and do a related activity. Museum admission, free for members.

17 Friday *M&T Third Fridays: Free admission from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Including Resource Center at 459 Forest Ave. 10am-Noon: Free family activities. 1-3pm: Free guided tours at Museum and Resource Center.

2 Sunday Antique and Classic Car Show, Noon-4:00 p.m.

FREE. Antique and classic cars, raffles, live music. See web site for car registration details for cars,

Pan Am Walking Tour, 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Take a walking tour of the Pan American grounds with one of our trained docents. See the fair in a new light! $10. Pre-registration required. A map with historic photos is included.

4 Tuesday Toddler Museum Time, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Bring your little one to our monthly program and spend some quality time at the Museum. We will read a book and do a related activity. Museum admission, free for members.

5 Wednesday Food Truck Rodeo, 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Come hungry! The Museum once again hosts its popular rodeo of local food trucks! The Museum will be open and we will have family-friendly activities, music, and more! Free Museum admission after 5 p.m.

8 Saturday Secrets from the Stacks, 10:00 a.m.

Party on the Portico featuring "Cock Robin," 5:30-8:30 p.m.

The happiest Happy Hour in Buffalo, '70s style. Enjoy a cash bar, light snacks, live music, and free museum mini-tours. Members $5, General Public $10.

Join our librarians as they reveal treasures from the library’s archives. This month, join Cynthia Van Ness, MLS, Director of Library and Archives, as she uncovers pieces from PierceArrow. Manufactured in Buffalo from 1901-1938, PierceArrow set the standard for American luxury automobiles. She will be showing off pictures, scrapbooks, brochures and other company memorabilia.

25 Saturday Forest Lawn Trolley Tour, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

15 Saturday Forest Lawn Trolley Tour, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

$60 members, $65 general, reservations required. Guided tour of Forest Lawn Cemetery on a vintage trolley, tour of the Hotel @ The Lafayette, lunch is included at the Pan American Grill and Brewery, guided tour of The Buffalo History Museum’s Resource Center and “The Spirit Still Lives” Pan Am exhibit. Visitors will return to Forest Lawn at 3pm.

*M&T THIRD FRIDAY events On the Third Friday of every month, admission to The Buffalo History Museum, Resource Center, and select events are free for everyone from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

$60 members, $65 general, reservations required. Guided tour of Forest Lawn Cemetery on a vintage trolley, tour of the Hotel @ The Lafayette, lunch is included at the Pan American Grill and Brewery, guided tour of The Buffalo History Museum’s Resource Center and “The Spirit Still Lives” Pan Am exhibit. Visitors will return to Forest Lawn at 3pm.

21 Friday *M&T Third Fridays: Free admission from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Including Resource Center at 459 Forest Ave. 10am-Noon: Free family activities. 1-3pm: Free guided tours at Museum and Resource Center.

Party on the Portico featuring "The Rockaz," 5:30-8:30 p.m.

The happiest Happy Hour in Buffalo, '80s style. Enjoy a cash bar, light snacks, live music, and free museum mini-tours. Members $5, General Public $10. Dates and times subject to change


Evening Hours on Wednesday until 8 p.m. • Free Parking




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