Volume 39, Issue 9
May 8, 2015
Left: Freshman Corbin Keeling presents his KJAS in front of judges. Keeling’s project was titled “Dirty Qwerty.” Right: Freshman Sydney Koirth presents the results part of her presentation. Koirth’s project was about texting and driving. courtesy photos
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Students go above, beyond by Austin Gilpin
The video production class will televise their spring edition during lunch on Monday. Scan the QR code to view the broadcast or go to tbirdtimes.com.
What’s Inside? News................ pg 2, 6 Feature....pg 3, 4-5, 8 Sports................. pg 7
For the sixth consecutive year, Skyline was represented at the State Kansas Junior Academy of Science competition at Wichita State University. The competition has been taking place since 1931 and is sponsored by the American Academy of Science. Unlike previous years when only middle school students have competed, this year, two high school students decided to compete. Freshmen Sydney Koirth and Corbin Keeling both qualified for the state competition by doing well at the district contest held at Skyline. “I’ve done KJAS since seventh grade and I’ve gone to State all three years,” Koirth
said. Keeling has also participated for three years. To prepare for the contest, Koirth and Keeling had to complete a research topic, write a research paper and prepare an oral presentation. They started on their projects at the beginning of the second semester and worked on them in TARGET. Keeling’s project was titled “Dirty QWERTY” and he researched how infested keyboards are with germs, and the best way to disinfect them. He went to the hospital for help determining what the germs were, and found that some keyboards had strep on them. His project also determined that Lysol was better than bleach at disinfecting them. Koirth’s project dealt with texting.
“My project was about texting and driving and the effects of it on driving errors,” Koirth said. The research project earned Koirth a chance to present her project to the American Academy of Science conference in Washington, D.C. She applied for a scholarship that could help pay for the trip. TARGET teacher DeGaye Latta, who helped both Koirth and Keeling with their presentations, said she was proud of Koirth for qualifying to compete in D.C., and for Keeling for receiving a highly superior rating at State. “I’m very proud of them,” Latta said. “It was their idea to do a project this year. They put a lot of extra work into it, above and beyond their school work.”