Happy Father’s Day!
Winners of this year’s contest • B23 ALSO:
Vanderbilt Museum Gardeners Showcase B10 Photo of the Week B12 Father’s Day Book Review B13 SBU Sports B20 Summer movies under the stars B22
10th Annual Port Jefferson Green Festival
The Village Center & Harbor Front Park of Port Jefferson
Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce 118 W. Broadway Port Jefferson, NY 11777
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Now is not the time to be thinking about who’s performing your MRI.
WE’RE THE TEAM WHO HELPED CREATE THE MRI. In fact, Stony Brook’s contributions to MRI technology won a Nobel Prize. Since that time, we’ve continued to pioneer new and better medical imaging. Our team of highly trained specialists are incredibly adept at not only performing your scan, but then reading it with a greater level of understanding. Now, our pioneering work with PET technology has led to one of the few combination PET/MRI scanners in the nation. We can perform two simultaneous scans, leading to a more precise image of both structure and function for a more accurate diagnosis. Because this isn’t just medicine. This is Stony Brook Medicine.
For more ideas, visit Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 16061958H
Store bottles with corks horizontal to keep the cork wet.
Storing your wines at home BY BOB LIPINSKI
For the proper storage and aging of wines: •Ideal storage temperature is 52 to “A man, fallen on hard times, sold his 55°F; no light; 55 to 65 percent humidity; art collection but kept his wine cellar. When no vibrations. Avoid kitchen, above the reasked why he did not sell his wine, he said, frigerator or garage storage, which can be ‘A man can live without art, but not without quite hot. •Store bottles with corks horizontal culture.’” — Author Unknown to keep the cork wet. Avoid upside down Wines are best stored at a temperature of storage, which may lead to leaking corks. 52 to 55˚F, which is perfect for those who Upright storage of “still” wines results in have temperature-controlled cellars or perdried corks. haps live in old castles with •Storing champagne stone foundations. However, and sparkling wine upright most people live in homes or will keep it fresher and apartments that are kept at a lasting longer. constant 68 to 72˚F, which •An empty corrugated creates storage problems. cardboard wine or liquor Find the coolest spot in box turned on its side your home or apartment makes a handy “wine rack.” and keep your wines there. Drainage tiles and concrete Prefabricated wine racks are blocks are also ideal. fine, providing they keep bot•Sparkling wines and tles in a horizontal position, champagne should be so the wine will always stay consumed soon after purin contact with the cork. chasing. The exception If you purchase red wines are the vintage-dated botthat need aging and you tlings, which should be don’t have a perfect wine consumed within 10 years cellar, these wines will maof the vintage date. ture at a slightly faster rate at Storing champagne and My aging rules are simwarm temperatures. For exple; I’d rather open a bottle sparkling wine upright ample, if the recommended a young wine and say, maturity of a red wine is 10 will keep it fresher and of “It tastes good now but years, keeping it at warmer lasting longer. will be better in ‘X’ years” temperatures will advance rather than opening a botthe maturity date by maybe tle of wine aged for many years and say, “It a year or so at most. was probably good several years ago, but Most red wines are best enjoyed within now it’s over-the-hill!” four to seven years after the vintage date, Bob Lipinski is the author of 10 books, while white wines within three years after vintage date. The exception are full- including “101: Everything You Need to bodied, tannic red wines (including port), Know About Whiskey” and “Italian Wine & Cheese Made Simple” (available on Amawhich will benefit from aging. Wine’s longevity can be attributed to He conducts training seminars many factors, among them higher acidity, on wine, spirits and food and is availhigh alcohol, carbon dioxide, concentrated able for speaking engagements. He can fruit, sugar (residual) and tannin, which is be reached at OR an antioxidant.
Book Review ...................................B13 Calendar ................................... B16-17 Cooking Cove.................................B15 Crossword Puzzle .......................... B7 Gardening .......................................B11 Medical Compass .......................... B9
Parents and Kids .................... B21-23 Photo of the Week ....................... B12 Power of Three ................................ B5 Religious Directory .............. B18-20 SBU Sports .......................................B20 Wine and Cheese ............................ B3
celebrating the world of film
23rd Annual Stony Brook Film Festival
The best in new independent features and shorts with filmmakers and actors attending Film passes good for all films & additional perks $90 Single tickets go on sale July 2
$12 general admission, $10 seniors, $5 students
world-class perFormances
STALLER CENTER FOR THE ARTS Dozens of shows to choose from including An Evening with Pat Metheny Gala 2019 with Renée Fleming Complexions Contemporary Ballet
In this edition stonybrookfilmffestiv al.c
What a smile! Meet the happiest dog ever, Happi! Rescued from a dire situation in Caymen Islands, this playful and sweet 3-year-old potcake has landed at Kent Animal Shelter and is now waiting for a loving home to play and relax for the rest of her days. Could that be with you? Happi comes spayed, microchipped and up to date on all her vaccinations. Kent Animal Shelter is located at 2259 River Road in Calverton. The adoption center is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. For more information on Happi and other adoptable pets at Kent, visit or call 631-727-5731. Photo courtesy of Kent Animal Shelter
How You Can Still Improve Your Financial Fitness This Year
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get healthier, you may already be taking the necessary steps, such as improving your diet and increasing your exercise. Of course, physical fitness is important to your well-being – but, at the same time, George Ellsworth Smith don’t forget about your financial fitness. Specifically, what can you do to ensure your investment situation is in good shape? Here are a few “healthy living” suggestions that may also apply to your investment portfolio: • Build endurance – Just as exercise can help build your endurance for the demands of a long life, a vigorous investment strategy can help you work toward your long-term goals, such as a comfortable retirement. In practical terms, this means you will need to own some investments with the potential to provide long-term growth. These are the investments that, ideally, you can hold on to for decades and eventually reap the benefits of capital appreciation. Of course,
growth-oriented investments, such as most types of stocks, will rise and fall in value over the short term, and there’s no guarantee of profits, or even preserving principal. But if you choose wisely, and you’ve got the patience and discipline to hold on to your investments through the market’s ups and downs, you may well be rewarded. • Maintain an ideal “weight” – You can help yourself stay healthy by maintaining your ideal weight. This can be challenging. As you know, it’s easy to put on a few extra pounds. And, just as inadvertently, your portfolio can tack on some unneeded weight, too, in the form of redundant investments. Over time, you may have picked up too many similar investment vehicles, resulting in an overconcentration, or “flabbiness,” that can work against you, especially when a market downturn affects the asset class in which you’re overloaded. So, you might be better off liquidating some of your duplicate, or near-duplicate, investments, and using the proceeds to help broaden your investment mix.
• Get proper rest – Many studies have shown that we need adequate rest to stay alert and healthy. In your life, you’ve probably already found that if you over-tax your body, you pay a price in your overall well-being. If you look at your investment portfolio as a living entity – which, in a way, it is, as it certainly provides life to your goals and aspirations – then you can see that it, too, can be weakened by stress. And one of the main stress factors is excessive trading. If you’re constantly buying and selling investments in an attempt to boost your returns, you may rack up hefty fees, commissions and taxes – and still not really get the results you wanted. Plus, if you’re frequently moving in and out of different investments, you’ll find it hard to follow a unified, long-term strategy. So, confine your trading to those moves that are really essential – and give your portfolio a rest. To enjoy your life fully, you’ll want to take care of your physical and financial health – and, as the year progresses, you can make similar types of moves to help yourself in both areas.
This article was written for use by Edward Jones for George Ellsworth Smith, AAMS®, CRPC® of the Stony Brook Office
Come celebrate our new location with us. Tuesday, June 19th from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm • Ribbon cutting at 1:00 pm
Edward Jones 97f Main Street in Stony Brook Village Center Stony Brook, NY 11790
SBU’s Benjamin Martin scores first Sohn Research prize
Up and coming scientists are often stuck in the same position as promising professionals in other fields. To get the funding for research they’d like to do, they need to show results, but to get results, they need funding. Joseph Heller, author of “Catch 22,” would certainly relate. A New York-based philanthropy called the Pershing Square Sohn Cancer Research Alliance is seeking to fill that gap, providing seven New York scientists with $600,000 each over the course of three years. In the fifth annual competition, Benjamin Martin, an associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology at Stony Brook University, won an award for his study of zebrafish models of metastatic cancer. Martin is the first Stony Brook researcher to win the prize. Working with Assistant Professor David Matus, whose lab is across the hall and whose research team conducts weekly group meetings with Martin’s lab, Martin is able to see in real time the way grafted human tumor cells spread through blood vessels to other organs in the transparent zebrafish. “It’s been very challenging to understand what process cancer cells are using to metastasize and leave the blood vessels,” said Olivia Tournay Flatto, the president of the Pershing Square Foundation. “With this technology, he can see what’s happening. It’s a really powerful tool.” The work Martin presented was “really appealing to the whole board, and everybody felt this kind of project” had the potential to bring data and insights about a process researchers hope one day to slow down or stop, said Flatto.
‘This platform is helpful for young investigators to be well positioned to find the right partners.’
— Olivia Tournay Flatto
This year, about 60 early-stage investigators applied for an award given specifically to researchers in the New York City area. When he learned that he won, Martin said, “There was some dancing going on in the living room.” He suggested that the award is a “validation” of his research work. The process of a cancer cell leaving a blood vessel is “basically a black box” in terms of the mechanism, Martin said. It’s one of the least understood aspects of metastasis, he added. Indeed, a developmental biologist by training, Martin is
Weekly horoscopes GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, this week you are in the mood to rise above petty conflicts and mend fences. Set aside time to speak one-onone with those who need forgiveness.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, fun and physical activity attract you this week, especially as you approach your birthday. Surround yourself with loved ones and enjoy some fun nights.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 From left, Evan Sohn, co-founder of the Sohn Conference Foundation; Benjamin Martin, associate professor at Stony Brook University; and Bill Ackman, co-founder of the Pershing Square Foundation and CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management at an awards dinner. Photo by Melanie Einzig/PSSCRA Indeed, this is exactly the kind of project the Pershing SPOTLIGHTING DISCOVERIES AT Square Sohn Cancer Research (1) COLD SPRING HARBOR LAB Alliance seeks to fund. They (2) STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY & want scientists to “put forward Harnessing the Technology (3) BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB the riskiest projects,” Flatto said. of our Research Giants “We are ready to take a chance” on them. One of the benefits of securing the funding is that the alliance offers researchers a chance to connect with venture capitalists and hoping to discover basics about a while. This approach could be commercial efforts. These projthis cancer-spreading process, combined with other therapies to ects could take 20 years or more such as an understanding of force the cancer cells to die, while to go from the initial concept to a product doctors or scientists how long it takes for cancer cells preventing them from spreading. to leave blood vessels. The proThrough this grant, Martin could use with human patients. “We are not necessarily focess can take hours, although will also study how drugs or muit’s unclear whether what he’s tations in selectins generate a cused on them starting a compaseen is typical or abnormal. loss of function in these proteins, ny,” Flatto said. “We think some Martin would like to iden- which affects the ability of can- of those projects will be able to be translated into something tify how the cancer cells adhere cers to leave the blood vessel. to the blood vessel walls and Martin plans to use the for the patient,” which could be how and why they leave once funds he will receive to hire through a diagnosis, prevention they’ve reached their target. more postdoctoral researchers or treatment. “This platform is Metastatic cancer is likely and graduate students. He will helpful for young investigators using the same mechanism the also purchase additional imag- to be well positioned to find the immune system uses to travel to ing equipment to enhance the right partners,” he added. Aaron Neiman, the chairthe sites of infection, although ability to gather information. researchers still need to confirm Martin appreciates that this man of the Department of several aspects of this model. kind of research, while promis- Biochemistry & Cell Biology at Moving in involves interac- ing, doesn’t often receive fund- SBU, suggested that this award tions with white blood cells, ing through traditional federal was beneficial to his departincluding macrophages. With agencies. This type of work is ment and the university. “It definitely helps with the white blood cells, an area of often done on a mouse, which infection or inflammation be- is, like humans, a mammal. The visibility of the department,” Neicomes activated, which triggers enormous advantage to the ze- man said. The approach Matus a reaction of adhesion mol- brafish, however, is that it al- and Martin are taking is a “paraecules called selectins. lows researchers to observe the digm shift” because it involves By watching a similar trans- movement of these cancer cells, tackling cells that aren’t dividing, port process in cancer, Mar- which they couldn’t do in the while many other cancer fighting tin and Matus can “see things hair-covered rodent, which has research focuses on halting cancer cells that are dividing. people haven’t seen before” and opaque tissues. Neiman praised the work can explore way to inhibit the “There’s a risk that these process, Martin suggested. experiments may not work out Martin and Matus are doing, He is hoping to find ways to as we planned,” Martin said. suggesting that “they can see stop this process, forcing cancer He is hopeful that the experi- things that they couldn’t see becells to remain in the blood ves- ments will succeed, but even if fore, and that’s going to create sels. While he doesn’t know the they don’t, the researchers will new questions and new ideas,” outcome of a cancer cell’s pro- “learn a great deal just from and that their work creates the longed stay in the vessel, he pre- seeing behaviors that have not opportunity to “find something no one knew about before.” dicts it might end up dying after been observed before.”
It is alright to want to escape your daily routine sometimes, Leo. If you are feeling restless this week, plan a getaway so you can take in new sights and sounds.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, there is no need to worry about whether or not you have been handling affairs deftly. Others will be quick to vouch for your work if called on.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Your competitive nature might be needed this week, Libra. Your confidence will be an asset as you propel through tasks in record speed. Slow down to catch your breath.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
It is time to share your good fortune with others, Scorpio. Expressing gratitude and helping those who do not have enough will make you feel happier and more fortunate.
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
Infuse your social circle with some fresh energy, Sagittarius. Get together with friends and find ways to include new people into your social circle.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Capricorn, if life has been rushing by at a harried pace, you need to find a place of solace where you can sit and exhale. It’s important to have this time to rest.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Be conscious of how your actions and words affect others, Aquarius. Communication issues can affect relationships when misconstrued words are taken to heart.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
Pisces, procrastination is often a sign that a person is not interested in what he or she is doing. Find activities that truly motivate you.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, thinking about the future is exciting, and it may motivate you to make some changes. Picturing the future helps you try different scenarios on for size.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, take some alone time to focus on what is important to you. This will help you to feel the joy and fulfillment that keeps you going even when times are tough.
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Directions: Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9.
Film Screening
Answers to last week’s
“Sponsored By”
SUDOKU puzzle:
The Story of Nathan Hale, Benjamin Tallmadge & the Origin of The Culper Spies
Coming to SBU Staller Center Sunday, June 24, 2018 at 6:45 pm
Computer problems ?
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Apple? Windows?
With gratitude to the many residents, businesses and organizations who continue to come forward For their generous support we thank: Gold Coast Bank & Holiday Inn Express • Empire National Bank Daughters of the American Revolution, Anna Smith Strong Chapter St. Charles Hospital • Todd Shapiro Associates Linda L. Sanders and Michael Lockhart, The Lockhart Sanders Group, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. • Glynn Mercep and Purcell, LLP Margo Arceri and Tri-Spy Tours • Michael Harford Fred and Debbie Bryant, Bryant Funeral Home Charles Lefkowitz and Realty Three Peter Moloney and Moloney Funeral Homes Michael Ardolino of Realty Connect • Chris Nevin Andy Polan and Stony Brook Vision World The Connell Family and M.A. Connell Funeral Home Long Island Speed Specialists • Trumbull Printing Ann Kilbourne • Matthew Duffy • Covati and Janhsen CPA Virginia Cash • Joe DiSanti • Denise DeCrescito Nicholas P. Del Guercio and Helen Conroy Del Guercio
We can help.
For their invaluable assistance we thank:
We welcome community participation. If you are interested in preserving our local history and wish to add your name and that of your business to our movie credits (e.g. Executive Producer), please call us at 631-751-7744
The Ward Melville Heritage Organization SPLIA (Society For The Preservation of Long Island Antiquities) Elegant Eating • Steve Healy and The Three Village Historical Society Bev Tyler • Bridgeport-Port Jefferson Ferry Miller Place-Mount Sinai Historical Society Incorporated Village of Port Jefferson Three Village Community Trust Long Island Seaport and Eco Center Antique Costumes and Props by Nan Benner’s Farm • John Worrell • Theatre Three Stony Brook University • Caroline Church Setauket Gourmet Deli • Setauket Village Diner Mora’s Fine Wines & Spirits Via Pizza • Pasta Pasta • Eastern Pavilion • Unique Cleaners
(631) 751-6620 21 Bennetts Road, Suite 200, Setauket, New York 11733
Lovelier Legs
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We provide office-based treatment for Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Specializing in: • Injection-Compression Sclerotherapy • Foam Sclerotherapy • Ultrasound - Guided Sclerotherapy • Ambulatory Phlebectomy
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Father’s Day
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Va r i c o s e Ve i n Ce n te r
DOWN 1. *Dad to J. Lo’s twins 2. Pitcher 3. Like a doily 4. Spam destination? 5. Anatomical partition 6. Military no-show 7. *Ziggy Marley’s father 8. Liquorice flavor 9. Charlie “____” Parker 10. Jessica ____ of “Dark Angel” 11. June 6, 1944 12. Literary “even” 15. Adjust, as in piano 20. Perpendicular to the keel 22. Coffin alternative 24. His buddy was Gilligan 25. *Enrique Iglesias’ father 26. ____ provocateur 27. “____ from the past” 29. *Isaac’s firstborn 31. *Most precious gift? 32. Disfigures 33. Follow as a consequence 34. One in a gaggle 36. It comes to mind 38. Loads 42. Tedium 45. Mark and Shania 49. Reverential salutation 51. Greek poetry meter 54. Bacon piece 56. Oar holder 57. *Jaden Smith’s father 58. Dwarf buffalo 59. Hold as a conviction 60. Bigfoot, e.g. 61. “Si, mi chiamo Mimi,” La BohËme 62. Greek Hs 63. Add booze 64. Lake in Provence 66. Nurses’ org. *Theme related clue.
Answers to this week’s puzzle will appear in next week’s newspaper and online on Friday afternoon at, Arts and Lifestyles
As seen on Cable TV
Most MediCal insuranCe aCCepted
port JeFFerson
405 East Main Street • 474–1414 Visit our Website at
American College of Phlebology
Stroke support meetings
A stroke support group meeting will be held at Stony Brook University Hospital, 101 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook on the second Friday of every month from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Open to all stroke survivors, family members and caregivers, the meeting will be held in the hospital’s lobby conference room. Can’t make it on a Friday? An additional stroke support group meeting is held on the last Tuesday of every month at the Stony Brook Neurology Clinic, 181 Belle Meade Road, East Setauket from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, please call 631-638-2638.
• SUPPORT GROUPS NOW FORMING • The Neighborhood House is a non-profit grief center that provides support to people learning to live with loss.
8-week support groups (Connections) are now forming for people grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide or overdose. Our services are offered free of charge. A registration appointment is required before participating. Groups are held in the Sayville and Riverhead areas and are offered at various times throughout the year. Please contact us at 631-589-0055, email for more information or to set up an appointment for registration. Visit for more information about all of our programs.
The Neighborhood House 132 Clyde Street • Suite 10A • West Sayville, NY 11796
Answers to last week’s puzzle:
Uniquely Effective For: Replacing vein stripping.
1. Diner staples 6. Attorneys’ org. 9. “____ farewell,” past tense 13. Fully informed 14. Got a blue ribbon 15. ò 16. Short version 17. Geisha’s sash 18. City-like 19. *”Father’s Day” (1997) star 21. *Actual day for dad 23. Center of activity 24. Dried-up 25. Joe Louis’ punch 28. Spiritless 30. Eggnog spice 35. Tangerine/grapefruit hybrid 37. Home to China 39. *Mercer Ellington’s dad played it 40. Old paint hazard 41. Canada’s favorite tree 43. Japanese restaurant staple 44. Garment insert 46. 2nd word in fairytale 47. Outback birds 48. Capital of Canada 50. Largest volcano in Europe 52. “I can ____ clearly now...” 53. Affirm with confidence 55. Last month 57. Rainy season streambeds, in Africa 60. *Kirk Douglas’ son 64. Wrinkle-prone fabric 65. Declare 67. Blood line 68. Medicinal house plants 69. Rocker Adam 70. Hipbone-related 71. Chowder protein 72. Kum Ba ____ 73. This and desist
Now Accepting Medicare Patients
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• A Whole Body Approach • Reversing, Preventing &Treating Chronic Disease and Managing Weight by Connecting Conventional Medicine with Lifestyle Modifications Our Philosophy is simple. We believe wellness is derived through nutritional medicine and lifestyle interventions that prevent and treat chronic diseases. Medications have their place - and in some cases can be lifesaving. However, there’s no medication without side effects. The goal should be to limit the need for medications - or minimize the number of medications you take on a regular basis. You are not limited by your genes. Fortunately, most diseases are based primarily on epigenetics, which are environmental influences, and not on genetics. Epigenetics literally means above or around the gene. In epigenetics, lifestyle choices impact gene expression. Just because your first degree relatives may have had a disease, you are not predestined to follow suit. We are specialists who will partner with your primary care physician. A standard medical education does not integrate enough nutritional medicine and other lifestyle interventions. We bridge that gap.
We use evidence-based medicine to guide our decision-making. The amount of research related to nutrition and other lifestyle issues continues to grow rapidly, with many studies showing significant beneficial effects on health. We treat each patient as an individual. We will work with you to develop a plan that allows you to take a proactive role in managing your own health. The health outcomes are worth the effort. Is disease reversal possible? Absolutely! Study evidence has found this to be true, and many of our patients have experienced reversal of diabetes, autoimmune disorders, migraines, and cardiovascular disease, just to mention a few. In many cases, because of their exceptional results, our patients have been able to reduce or eliminate their medications.
David Dunaief, M.D.
Clinician, Researcher, Author and Speaker Dr. Dunaief was also recently published in The New York Times and appeared on NBC, News 12 Long Island and News 12 Brooklyn.
Benefits of Our Approach: Treat/reverse the causes of disease, not just symptoms Minimize or eliminate dependence on medications Reduce pain and inflammation Improve weight management
Read more common questions and answers on Dr. Dunaief has written over 2,000 medical research articles that have been published in Times Beacon Record Newspapers.
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(Next to Capital One Bank & Across From Convenience Drive-thru)
41 Clark Street, Brooklyn, NY 718.924.2655 Visit our website
“Dr. Dunaief is a knowledgeable, dedicated and compassionate Integrative Medicine clinician, researcher and speaker.” – Joel Fuhrman, M.D., author of six New York Times best sellers, including Eat to Live.
Dr. Dunaief builds a customized plan for each patient - he knows that “no body is the same.”
Proton pump inhibitors – Use with caution
Overuse may lead to serious side effects
Reflux (GERD) disease, sometimes referred to as heartburn, though this is more of a symptom, is one of the most commonly treated diseases. Continuing with that theme, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which have become household names, are one of the top-10 drug classes prescribed or taken in the United States. In fact, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows that use has grown precipitously in the 10 years ending in 2010 for those ages 55 to 64, from 9 percent of the population to 16 percent (1). This is a 78 percent increase in the number of prescriptions for these drugs. In 2010, there were 147 million prescriptions filled for PPIs (2). The class of drugs includes Prevacid (lansoprazole), Prilosec (omeprazole), Nexium (esomeprazole), Protonix (pantoprazole) and AciBy David phex (rabeprazole). Dunaief, M.D. This growth may not capture the fact that several of these medications are now available over the counter. I remember when PPIs were touted as having one of the cleanest side effect profiles. This may still be true, if we are using them correctly for reflux disease. They are supposed to be used for the short term. This can range from 7 to 14 days for overthe-counter PPIs to 4 to 8 weeks for prescription PPIs. Why did we not know that this class of drugs might be associated with chronic kidney disease, dementia, bone fractures and Clostridium difficile (a bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract) before they were approved? Well, if you look at the manufacturers’ package inserts for these drugs, the trials, such as for Protonix, were no longer than a year (3), yet we are putting patients on these medications for decades. And the longer people are on them, the more complications arise. Typical symptoms of reflux are heartburn and/or regurgitation. Atypical symptoms include coughing and throat clearing. But these atypical symptoms may not be as common as you might think. In fact, in one study, coughing and throat clearing taken together only resulted in a very small portion of patients having reflux disease (4). Having one of these two symptoms showed a slightly higher risk of reflux, but very modest. Let’s look at some of the research. Though PPIs may increase the risk of a number of complications, keep in mind that none of the data are from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which are the gold standard of studies, but mostly observational studies that suggest an association, but not a link. Long-term RCTs to determine side effects are prohibitively expensive.
PPI and kidney disease In two separate studies, results showed that there was an increase in chronic kidney disease with prolonged PPI use (5). All of the patients started the study with normal
patients were at least age 75. The authors surmise that PPIs may cross the coveted blood-brain barrier and have effects by potentially increasing beta-amyloid levels, markers for dementia. With occasional use, meaning once every 18 months for a few weeks to a few months, there was a much lower increased risk of 16 percent. The researchers also suggested that PPIs may be significantly overprescribed in the elderly. Unfortunately, there were confounding factors that may have conflated the risk, such as multiple drug use, having diabetes, or patient also having depression or a stroke history. Researchers also did not take into account family history of dementia, high blood pressure or excessive alcohol use, all of which have effects on dementia occurrence.
Recent research has tied proton pump inhibitors to a host of alarming health problems. kidney function based on glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, there was a 50 percent increased risk of chronic kidney disease, while the Geisinger Health System cohort study found there was a modest 17 percent increased risk. The first study had a 13-year duration, and the second had about a six-year duration. Both demonstrated a modest, but statistically significant, increased risk of chronic kidney disease. But as you can see, the medications were used on a chronic basis for years. In an accompanying editorial to these published studies, the author suggests that there is overuse of the medications or that they are used beyond the resolution of symptoms and suggests starting with diet and lifestyle modifications as well as a milder drug class, H2 blockers (6).
PPI and bone fractures In a meta-analysis (a group of 18 observational studies), results showed that PPIs can increase the risk of hip fractures, spine fractures and any-site fractures (8). Interestingly, when it came to bone fractures, it did not make a difference whether patients were taking PPIs for more or less than a year. How much less than a year was not delineated. They found increased fracture risks of 58, 26 and 33 percent for spine, hip and any site, respectively. It is not clear what may potentially increase the risk; however, it has been proposed that it may have to do with calcium absorption through the gut. PPIs reduce the amount of acid, which may be needed to absorb insoluble calcium salts. In another study, seven days of PPIs were shown to lower the absorption of calcium carbonate supplements when taken without food (9).
PPI and dementia A German study looked at health records from a large public insurer and found there was a 44 percent increased risk of dementia in the elderly who were using PPIs, compared to those who were not (7). These
Need for magnesium PPIs may have lower absorption effects on several electrolytes including magnesium, calcium and B12. In one observational study, PPIs combined with diuretics caused a 73 percent increased risk of hospitalization due to low magnesium (10). Diuretics are water pills that are commonly used in disorders such as high blood pressure, heart failure and swelling. Another study confirmed these results. In this second study, which was a meta-analysis (a group of nine studies), PPIs increased the risk of low magnesium in patients by 43 percent, and when researchers looked only at higher quality studies, the risk increased to 63 percent (11). The authors note that a significant reduction in magnesium could lead to cardiovascular events. The bottom line is even though some PPIs are over-the-counter and some are prescription medications, it is best if you confer with your doctor before starting them. You may not need PPIs, but rather a milder medication referred to as H2 blockers (Zantac, Pepcid). Even better, start with lifestyle modifications including diet, not eating later at night, raising the head of the bed, losing weight and stopping smoking, if needed, and then consider medications (12). If you do need medications, know that PPIs don’t give immediate relief and should only be taken for a short duration: 7 to 14 days, according to the FDA (13), without a doctor’s consult, and 4 to 8 weeks with one. Most of the problems occur with long-term use.
References: (1) (2) PLoS Med. 2014;11(9):e1001736. (3) (4) J Clin Gastroenterol. Online Jul 18, 2015. (5) JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(2). (6) JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(2):172174. (7) JAMA Neurol. online Feb 15, 2016. (8) Osteoporos Int. online Oct 13, 2015. (9) Am J Med. 118:778-781. (10) PLoS Med. 2014;11(9):e1001736. (11) Ren Fail. 2015;37(7):1237-1241. (12) Am J Gastroenterol 2015; 110:393–400. (13) Dr. Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit or consult your personal physician.
The gravesite of Caleb Brewster at the Old Burying Ground in Fairfield, Connecticut, will be one of the stops on the tour. Photo from TVHS
TVHS to host bus trip The Three Village Historical Society invites the community to join it for a Spy Couriers Ferry/Bus Trip to Fairfield, Connecticut, to tour the Revolutionary War haunts of Benjamin Tallmadge and Caleb Brewster of the Culper Spy Ring on Friday, July 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Visit the Fairfield Museum and History Center, tour the museum exhibits including the newest exhibition on the Culper Spy Ring and take a walking tour of the Burr Mansion and Tavern, Historic Beach Road with its beautiful 18th- and 19th-century homes and the Old Burying Ground to pay homage to Caleb Brewster and the many Revolutionary era men and women. Lunch will follow (bring your own or dine at one of the restaurants or bars) at Captains Cove, explore the shops and enjoy watching the boats on the Connecticut seaside. Tickets are $55 per person. To order, visit or call 631751-3730 for more information.
Open auditions
Community open auditions for St. James Pageant of the Arts: A Musical Revue will be held at Uniquely Natalie, 176 Second St., St. James on Sunday, June 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring a piece of your own choosing to sing, dance or act (bring CD or accompanist). Performances will be held on Oct. 12, 13 and 14 at Nesaquake Middle School. For more info, call 631-862-6198.
American Sign Language meeting
Panera Bread Cafe, 1 College Road, Selden (next to Bob’s Stores) will host an American Sign Language meeting on Saturday, June 30 at 3 p.m. All are welcome to come practice ASL with the group. Free. For more information, call Maury at 516-246-0227 or email
Musical Variety Show
The Sons of Italy, Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge 2319 will present its 5th annual Musical Variety Show on Saturday, June 30 at the Sellaro Music Hall, at The Church of the Resurrection, 38 Mayflower Ave., Smithtown at 7 p.m. Titled That 70s Show, the event will include live entertainment, coffee and cake. Tickets are $25 per person. Advance registration is required by calling Bob at 631-265-0205. For more information, visit
Dream It... It... Design It... It... Create It... It... Create
STATELY ELEGANCE The beautiful landscape at the entrance to the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium welcomes visitors. Photo courtesy of Vanderbilt Museum
Make Your Landscape Dreams A Reality In Any Season
176 Third Stre et St. James, NY 11780
Vanderbilt estate in Centerport receives a garden makeover
The Washington Spy Trail Guide
In the heat of the American Revolution, General George Washington turned to the everyday patriots of the North Shore of Long Island for help. Although under British occupation, the patriots bravely formed a secret network of spies, which would change the course of not only the Revolution, but the entire history of America. To be part of this issue, reaching readers in a very select audience along the North Shore and beyond, call your sales representative at
An Invitation to Retrace the Footsteps of the Patriots in their Journey of Intrigue During the American Revolution
Throughout the summer, visitors to the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport will see the spectacular results of its first Gardeners Showcase. A call went out at the beginning of the year inviting local nurseries and garden designers to “bring back the gardens.” In May, local nurseries, landscapers and garden designers used their artistry to transform 10 gardens on the grounds of the 43-acre waterfront estate of William K. Vanderbilt, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is one of the last remaining Gold Coast estates on the North Shore of Long Island. “I am grateful for the enthusiastic response from the landscaping and gardening community to volunteer their talents to beautify this historic estate,” said Lance Reinheimer, executive director of the Vanderbilt Museum. The new gardens were established at the main entrance gates, in front of the planetarium, the mansion courtyard, the Wishing Well and back terrace using boxwoods, yews, perennials, herbs, annuals, topiaries, grasses and more. Existing gardens, including the ones with water features, were spruced up as well. One of the more popular gardens is the sensory garden located in front of the Charles and Helen Reichert Planetarium. A collaboration between Gro Girl Horticultural Therapy and Pal-O-Mine Equestrian J-STEP (Job Security Through Equine Partnership), it features a topiary horse as well as rosemary, lavender, marigolds and a fuzzy plant called lamb’s ear. The garden also recycles Christmas trees (with branches removed) to construct teepee-like structures for climbing, flowering vines. The goal of the garden is “to arouse the senses and to evoke positive feelings.” “These floral artisans, as well as our own veteran corps of accomplished volunteer gardeners, have invested their time, labor and resources. Their enhancements will be enjoyed by more than 30,000 visitors this summer. We hope to continue this collaboration for many years,” Reinheimer said.
Photo courtesy of Vanderbilt Museum
JUST TROTTING ALONG Above, a topiary/sensory garden designed by members of the Pal-O-Mine Equestrian J-STEP Program and Gro Girl Horticultural Therapy is located in front of the Planetarium.
Showcase participants include Gro Girl Horticultural Therapy of Greenlawn, Pal-O-Mine Equestrian J-STEP Program of Islandia, Sacred Gardens of Center Moriches, Dina Yando Landscape & Perennial Garden Design/North Service Nursery of Centerport, Landscapes by Bob Dohne of Greenlawn, Carlstrom Landscapes of Rocky Point, Mossy Pine Garden & Landscape Design of Greenlawn, Centerport Garden Club, Joe deGroot Designs of Centerport, Mother Earth’s Landscape & Nursery of East Northport and Vanderbilt Volunteer Gardeners. Each group is identified by signage at its Garden Showcase site. The event will run through Sept. 30. The Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum is located at 180 Little Neck Road in Centerport. To see the gardens, visitors pay only general admission: $8 adults; $7 seniors/students (age 62-plus or student ID); $5 children age 12 and under; children age 2 and under, free. For hours and more information, call 631-854-5579 or visit www.
Cleome ‘Lavender Sparkler’ deters the deer.
‘Eenie meenie miney mo ...’
We have a winner! A bouquet of cosmos and zinnias
Dependably deer-proof annuals provide weeks of vibrant colors
Cosmos catching morning rays
Scarlet sage provides a jolt of color to a mixed border.
A beautiful dahlia ‘Karma Choc’ All photos by Kyrnan Harvey
Successful perennial plantings present landscaping solutions that endure for a few years at a minimum: right plant, right place. Yarrows, peonies, echinaceas, catmint, sages and grasses of all kinds are dependable year-in, year-out, with no worries that the deer will compromise the peak of their performance with unpredictable browsing. But what about annuals? What possibilities are there for long seasons of color that deliver a strong return on our efforts, and that the deer will dependably leave alone? Here’s a few that my wife and I have successfully grown in our East Setauket garden, which happens to be Grand Central Station for deer. These plants supply many weeks of color and character and carry the garden from July through October, and they too can be counted on as year-in, yearout solutions. These here all require plenty of sun, so if you haven’t got enough, maybe it’s time to call an arborist and remove some Norway maples, Ailanthus (tree of heaven) or black locust. Snapdragons flower in early summer. They are charming in a vase and there are some great colors out there. They self-seed for us and occasionally overwinter. We like the taller ones; the deer don’t. Nor do they touch cosmos or zinnias. The former are charming daisies, the embodiment of simplicity in the garden; the latter have the colors that remind me of vintage psychedelic rock posters. Buy them at the garden center or start seeds in April. We prefer the tall zinnia seed strain, Giant. Deadhead spent flowers, especially the zinnias. We love lantana. Readily available, we have certain varieties in certain colors that we look out for. The Bandana series is upright and not trailing. They are actually perennial, woody shrubs, native in the tropics and thus not hardy. Vibrantly colored, heat and drought tolerant, aromatic, they attract hummingbirds and butterflies. We started years ago supplementing clients’ sunny beds with them, and we’d cut them back to about a foot in early November; dig them up and squeeze them into as small
an azalea pot (broader than deep) as possible; water them in just once; leave them a day or two outside; and leave them alone to be dormant in a cold (but not freezing) garage or basement. We try to place them where there is a window, just a tiny bit of light, let them get good and dry, and water only every three or four weeks. We move them outside in May, they start growing, and by late May they are planted out again. They get larger from year to year, but we still pot them up, not without questioning our sanity, and are rewarded with lantanas a yard high and wide — a splendid filler after spring and early summer perennials are finished. One might expect zaftig dahlias to be irresistible to deer, but astonishingly they are unmolested. My wife has become the in-house dahlia enthusiast at Bosky Garden Design, adding each year to her collection of favorites. And there are indeed so many gorgeous varieties. The best cut flowers, you can grow them just for that, or they are easily incorporated in mixed planting schemes, color combination possibilities are endless. We overwinter them, again in a cold basement, bare of soil, wrapped first in newspaper and placed in those 5-cent plastic bags with peat moss. We love the shock of red of scarlet sage, if used wisely (i.e., segregated), but salvias of all kinds are avoided by deer. Salvia greggii is sold as an annual, but some varieties will be perennial given favorable conditions. This is a plant to look for; there is a wide range of colors, some hardier than others. Cleome will self-seed prolifically, not until late May. Sparkler is a great seed strain that is tall and that repels deer for sure. Last, and certainly not least, we have Verbena bonariensis, a short-lived perennial, technically, that succumbs to temperatures below 10 degrees but that self-seeds more abundantly than even cleome. For us it is a tall matrix plant that intermingles everywhere in the garden. Loved by butterflies, loathed by deer, it epitomizes and unifies the naturalistic planting style. Kyrnan Harvey is a horticulturist and garden designer residing in East Setauket. For more information, visit
Congratulations to Arlene Ticano for being the winner of our Caption This Photo contest in the issue of June 7. Arlene’s caption, “Eenie meenie miney mo,” perfectly captured this parent’s dilemma, and the East Setauket resident wins a family four-pack to Theatre Three’s brand new original children’s musical, “The Princess Who Saved a Dragon.” Congratulations and thanks to all who participated in our contest. Special thanks to Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson for being our sponsor. Look out for our next Caption This Photo contest in the near future. Update: Times, Beacon and Record have all flown the nest and are doing fine. Happy life TBR!
Volunteers wanted
Join the Lake Ronkonkoma Improvement Group in keeping Lake Ronkonkoma clean during the Great Brookhaven Cleanup on Saturday, June 16. Volunteers will meet at the Town of Brookhaven’s Michael P. Murphy Beach on Lake Shore Road from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and walk the shoreline of the lake picking up litter. Students are welcome to use this event for community service hours. Come spend an hour or two making the lake as beautiful as it should be! For further details, call Evelyn at 631-588-7599.
Bat House workshop
The Smithtown Historical Society will team up with wildlife biologist Ranger Eric Powers to give our mosquito-eating friends a helping hand. Join them on Friday, June 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the Frank Brush Barn, 211 East Main St., Smithtown to learn all about our local bats and build a bat house to take home. Lastly, weather permitting, take a bat walk in hopes of seeing and hearing live bats in the wild. You won’t want to miss this unique and educational program. Admission is free, $30 per box build. To register, call 631-265-6768.
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SWEET GETUP Ellen Segal of Port Jefferson spotted this candy dress in the storefront window of Carl’s Candies on a recent visit to Northport’s Main Street and just had to stop and snap a photo. The outfit, with a top made of gummy bears, a belt of gumballs and lollipops, a skirt made of candy button sheets and twizzler shoes, is as sweet as sugar.
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‘Roland Palmedo
A Life of Adventure and Enterprise’ Biography Reviewed by Elizabeth Kahn Kaplan
Philip F. Palmedo celebrates the remarkable life of his father “Roland Palmedo: A Life of Adventure and Enterprise” looks behind the extraordinary achievements of a 20th-century pioneer in the development of skiing in this country. Several previous books by the author, St. James resident Philip F. Palmedo, delved into the relationship between sculptors’ lives and their work. Turning now to a subject closer to his heart, in this biography Philip explores and illuminates the traits that propelled his father to be “an exemplar of an uncommon adventurous life that has become all too rare.” Written 40 years after Roland’s death, Philip provides more than details about his father’s adven- Above, author Philip F. Palmedo; right, the cover of his latest tures and accomplishments. book, a tribute to his late father Photo from Philip F. Palmedo He reveals his father’s deeply held values and the enter state and national championships. A philosophy that propelled him to create participant sport offers a great public benlasting institutions of benefit to many. efit, rather than an entertainment for specBorn April 5, 1895, in Brooklyn, Roland tators. All the sports he loved — skiing, biwas encouraged by his mother to explore cycling, kayak racing, mountain climbing Europe after high school. Visiting cousins — he looked upon as character building. in the German Alpines, he experienced a In the 1920s New England had no plowed life in forests and mountains for the first roads and few accommodations in winter. time. Love of nature underpinned much Roland led friends from New York City on of what he did afterward and formed a skiing expeditions to snowy trails and logfundamental part of his character. He fell ging roads in the Berkshires and Vermont. in love with skiing. Upon his return, he Recreational skiing was little known. chose Williams College in the Berkshires, Arguing that it could best be encourwhich had a ski team. He founded the aged in clubs, he formed the Amateur Ski Outing Club to share his love of sports Club of New York in 1931. Its members with fellow student enthusiasts. This was supported Roland in organizing and spona pattern he would follow; organizing soring the first U.S. Women’s Ski Team at clubs as the best way for an amateur to the 1936 Winter Olympics. The club was engage in his sport with others. behind him in developing two ski areas in Vermont — Stowe during the 1930s, on Of all the sports [Roland] loved Mount Mansfield, Vermont’s highest moun— skiing, bicycling, kayak racing, tain; and Mad River Glen in the late 1940s. Roland initiated the Mount Mansfield Ski mountain climbing — he looked Lift Company at Stowe to build and operate a single-chair lift that served skiers for half upon as character building. a century after its opening in 1940. Stowe became the number one ski reRoland was an advocate of amateur- sort in the East. When the crowds and ism, with separate races for amateurs and hotels and night clubs followed, Roland professionals in domestic and interna- sought virgin terrain in the Mad River tional competitions. He believed that the Valley of the Green Mountains. With othstructure of amateur sport should give ers he created Mad River Glen. He led a maximum encouragement to participation. trail design team designing interesting, College students, business people, doctors narrow trails that guided a skier to “exand other professionals ought to be able to perience nature’s particularities.” The
nature-respecting trails were the reason for Mad River’s reputation as an expert’s mountain; bumper stickers declared, “Ski It If You Can.” Roland was determined to retain the love and joy of the sport. At his insistence, Mad River Glen was designed to keep all but serious skiers away: “No hotels; just a few homey inns; no nightlife, except of the most home-spun country sort.” It is still a favorite of amateur skiers attracted by the untouched nature of the area. Without his financial expertise, neither Stowe nor Mad River Glen would have come to be. Similarly, he used his business organizational skills at Lehman Brothers in the 1920s to create aviation companies. Roland served on several aviation company boards, including Pan Am. He remained with Lehman Brothers until the 1960s. The U.S. Naval Air Force was in its infancy when Roland became a member of the first air squadron, in 1917. He flew air patrols with the RAF. Returning to civilian life, he continued flying out of the now-defunct Long Island Aviation Country Club in Hicksville. He compared flying with skiing, for in both you interacted directly with and controlled the forces of nature. He flew open-cockpit planes, including a Stearman biplane, from Manchester, Vermont, to New York in 1939. Four months after Pearl Harbor, he re-enlisted in the U.S. Naval Airforce. Lt. Commander Roland Palmedo served on the aircraft carrier Yorktown near the coast of Japan.
Many sons and daughters of men with distinguished careers and all-consuming personal passions have felt the loss of a warm companion and a strong guiding hand. Not so with Roland Palmedo. He taught his sons to ski and play tennis and provided adventures from white-water kayaking trips to expeditions to Europe and to Chile. Philip appreciated Roland as a patient and loving grandfather. Roland’s granddaughter, Philip’s niece Bethlin “Scout” Proft, lives in the mountainside house that Roland rebuilt in the 1930s as “the first ski chalet in Vermont.” She created and runs a working farm there, in East Dorset. Scout quotes her granddad when she says, “Leave the world a better place.” Roland died just before his 82 birthday on March 15, 1977. Philip regrets that he did not ask his father what it was like to fly rickety biplanes, to explore Mount Mansfield before there were lifts and to create aviation companies in the 1920s. Perhaps those of us still lucky to have a father with whom we can celebrate this coming Father’s Day may wish to ask a few important, revealing questions. Both of you will profit. “Roland Palmedo: A Life of Adventure and Entreprise,” Peter E. Randall Publisher, is available online at or from its distributor at www.enfielddistribution. com. For more information on the author, visit his website at
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Fun to cook and fun to eat recipes for Father’s Day
BY BARBARA BELTRAMI There’s Dad, dear man, beer, martini or wine glass in one hand, fork, tongs or spatula in the other, standing in a rather large cloud of black smoke grilling our dinner. Nobody does it better. We know that and so does he, so how can we not let him do it almost every night? But on Fathers Day we have to draw the line. Even though he cooks those steaks to perfection, even though he’s got the magic formula for getting the chicken crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, we can’t have him slaving over a hot grill on his special day. Am I suggesting that we do the barbecuing? Of course not. We understand that the grill is his special territory. I’m just saying that we have to cook for him and pamper him so he knows how much we love him, the greatest grillmeister of all. So what do we do? We make him a sumptuous but easy meal without the grill. First we marinate a pork tenderloin for a few hours in the fridge, then remove it and cook it for a short time in the oven. Next we chill Dad’s drink(s) and park him in a lounge chair, microwave some enormous russet potatoes and we toss together a big salad with everything we can think of in it. Dessert has been made and frozen the night before, and we’re so organized that we can spend most of our time waiting on Dad hand and foot. After all, doesn’t he deserve it?
Marinated Roasted Pork Tenderloin YIELD: Makes INGREDIENTS: • One 2-pound pork tenderloin (they often come two in a package so you can cook one and freeze the other or cook both and use the second one for leftovers, sandwiches, etc.) • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar • ¼ cup olive oil • 1 tablespoon prepared mustard • 1 tablespoon A-1 sauce • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon leaves or 1 teaspoon dried • 2 cloves garlic, minced • Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS:
Preheat oven to 475 F. Place meat and marinade in a shallow roasting pan. Roast 25 minutes for pork that is slightly pink inside or 30 to 35 minutes for more well done. Let tenderloin rest for 15 minutes, then place on a cutting board and slice into 1-inch-thick rounds. Serve with baked potatoes with sour cream and/or butter.
The Everything Salad YIELD: Makes 6 servings INGREDIENTS: • 1 head red leaf or green leaf lettuce, washed and torn into bite-size pieces • 1 large tomato, diced • 1 green bell pepper, diced • 1 medium cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced • 1 cup chopped fennel • 4 radishes, washed, trimmed and sliced • 4 scallions, washed, trimmed and sliced • 6 frozen artichoke hearts, cooked and quartered • 2 medium carrots, peeled and shredded • 1 medium fresh beet, peeled and shredded • 1 cup cooked and sliced asparagus or string beans • 1 cup frozen peas, thawed • ¾ cup canned chick peas, washed and drained • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil • ¼ cup good wine vinegar • 1 tablespoon prepared mustard • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste • 1 handful basil leaves, chopped • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill • 10 black olives, pitted and sliced • 2/3 cup crumbled Roquefort, blue or goat cheese, crumbled • ½ cup sunflower seeds • 4 hard boiled eggs, sliced DIRECTIONS: In a large bowl, combine lettuce, tomato, green pepper, cucumber, fennel, radishes, scallions, artichoke hearts, carrots, beet, asparagus, green peas and chick peas; toss well. In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Drizzle mixture over tossed veggies; toss again to coat evenly. Arrange or evenly distribute the basil, dill, olives, cheese, sunflower seeds and eggs on top. Serve immediately at room temperature with crusty bread and unsalted butter.
Frozen Banana Split Pie YIELD: Makes 8 to 10 servings INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • •
6 to 8 brownies 1½ cups vanilla ice cream, softened 1½ cups chocolate ice cream, softened 1½ cups strawberry ice cream, softened 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries 1 large banana, sliced 1/3 cup chocolate syrup 2 cups sweetened whipped cream
DIRECTIONS: In a 9-inch pie plate, mash, crush and press brownies into bottom and sides. Spread the vanilla ice cream over the brownie crust, then repeat with chocolate ice cream and finally strawberry ice cream. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. When ready to serve, remove from freezer, uncover and spread sliced strawberries and bananas over top; let sit 10 to 15 minutes to soften. Drizzle chocolate syrup over top, then drop dollops of whipped cream over fruit and chocolate.
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In a small bowl combine the vinegar, oil, mustard, A-1 sauce, tarragon, garlic, salt and pepper. Transfer to gallon-size re-closable plastic bag. Place tenderloin in a U-shape in bag, seal and turn bag in several directions to be sure all the meat is coated. Refrigerate in marinade at least two hours, open bag and rotate meat so all parts of it have a chance to soak in the marinade. Refrigerate one hour more.
Marinated Roasted Pork Tenderloin
1.99 / 8 oz. pkg.
(Corner of Boyle Road & Old Town Road)
PORT JEFFERSON STATION, NY • 631–928–4607 Check out our weekly sales at OPEN MON–FRI 8 AM–8 PM • SAT 8 AM–7 PM • SUN 8 AM–6 PM
2.99 / 3 lb. bag
LOCAL PRODUCE IS IN!! Asparagus, Lettuce Varieties, Spinach & Dill
Thursday 14 Blood drive
The Mother Teresa Council Knights of Columbus will hold a blood drive at St. James R.C. Church, 429 Route 25A, Setauket in the Parish Center from 3 to 8:30 p.m. For appointments or information, please call John at 474-1937.
Prohibition Night fundraiser
The Three Village Historical Society in partnership with The Jazz Loft will present its 2nd annual Prohibition Night: Celebrating 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage in New York State, at The Jazz Loft, 275 Christian Ave., Stony Brook from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Come at 5:30 p.m. and enjoy beer in the garden. Featuring music by Tom Manuel & His Hot Peppers. Tickets are $25 adults, $20 seniors, $15 students. To order, visit For more information, call 751-3730.
... and dates JUNE 14 TO JUNE 21, 2018
The Pennysaver Ampitheater at Bald Hill, 1 Ski Run Lane, Farmingville will host the 17th annual Brookhaven Fair on Fridays from 5 to 11 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 11 p.m. through June 17. Featuring rides, games, attractions, fireworks. Admission is $10 plus fee for rides. Call 648-2500 or visit
Saturday 16 Brookhaven Fair See June 15 listing.
Strawberry Fest
St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church, 90 Edgewater Ave., Smithtown will host its annual Strawberry Festival and Craft Fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will feature craft vendors, new "flea market" merchandise, children's activities, homemade bake sale, food, drinks, raffles and live DJ along with strawberry-themed food items for sale including strawberry shortcake, fresh strawberries and strawberry beverages. Admission is free. Rain date is June 23. Call 265-4520.
DREAMWORTHY PRODUCTION Last chance to see 'Dreamgirls' at the Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts. The show closes on June 17. Image courtesy of SPAC
Kings Park Day
The Kings Park Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the 41st annual Kings Park Day at Church and Main streets from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Showcasing 130 exhibitors featuring art, photography, bird houses, jewelry, handcrafted designs and unique gift items with live music and international food trucks. Shop for Dad and grads! Free admission. Held rain or shine. For more information, call 846-1459 or 269-7678.
Green Fest 2018
The Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce will present its 10th annual Green Fest at the Port Jefferson Village Center, 101A East Broadway, Port Jefferson from 1 to 5 p.m. This free, family-friendly event will feature musical entertainment, yoga, drumming circle, over 20 eco-friendly vendors, mini-farmer’s market and more. Held rain or shine. Questions? Call 4731414 or visit
Gallery Tour and Talk
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 716 Route 25A, Rocky Point presents its annual Strawberry Festival from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The festival features a huge tag sale, a silent auction, delicious food, a bake sale, activities for children and more. Free admission. Call 744-9355.
Historic Church Open House
Historical Walking Tour
The Landing Ladies Auxiliary is hosting the first ever Open House of the Smithtown Landing Methodist Church aka The Little Church in the Woods, located at the corner of Landing Avenue and Oakside Road, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come sit where Smithtown's founding fathers sat, celebrate local history, architecture, literature and preservation while enjoying music by Eastbound Freight Bluegrass, storytelling, organ playing and baked goods. All are welcome.
The Gourmet Whaler, 111 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor will host an Author Talk and book signing with author Jeannie Moon from 7 to 9 p.m. Moon will speak about her latest book in the Compass Cove series, "You Send Me," followed by a book signing. Refreshments will be served. Questions? Call 659-2977.
The Moose Lodge, 631 Pulaski Road, Greenlawn will host a Sock Hop by Swing Dance Long Island with a lesson from 7:30 to 8 pm. and dancing from 8 to 11 p.m. Featuring music by the Tommy James Band. Come alone or bring a friend. Admission is $15. For more information, call 4763707 or visit
Join the Northport Historical Society, 215 Main St., Northport for a guided History of Northport gallery tour with Mary Jane Kirkland at 1 p.m. Through observation of its permanent exhibition, Our Stories: The History of a Community, the tour will draw on historic documents, objects, prints, photographs, maps and more from the society’s collection to explore how Northport’s landscape has changed over the past 400 years. $5 per person. Advance registration is required by calling 757-9859.
Strawberry Festival
Author Talk
SDLI Sock Hop
Happenings on Main Street
The Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington will host a Jazz After Hours event with Scogeojam from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. Featuring the music of Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Thelonius Monk and more. Admission is $15, $10 members and students. Call 423-7611.
Join Book Revue, 313 New York Ave., Huntington for an evening with star of WGN’s hit series "Outsiders" Tina Alexis Allen as she speaks and signs copies of her new memoir, "Hiding Out: A Memoir of Drugs, Deception and Double Lives," at 7 p.m. Call 271-1442 for more info.
The Travel Presentation Club will meet at the Emma S. Clark Memorial Library, 120 Main St., Setauket at 7:30 p.m with a feature presentation entitled “Cuba Tour.” Please contact 3vtravel@ for further information.
Brookhaven Fair
Jazz After Hours
Book signing
Travel Club meeting
Friday 15
The Northport Arts Coalition will present Happenings on Main Street every Friday at Northport Village Park Patio at the dock at 7 p.m. through Aug. 20. Enjoy a concert by Willie Steel (folk, rock, blues) and The McAuley Family (Irish ballads) this week. Free. Weather permitting. Lawn chairs/blankets suggested. Visit for more information and updates.
Tuesday 19
In partnership with NYS Path Through History Weekend, the Three Village Historical Society will host a historical walking tour with farmer and Revolutionary spy Abraham Woodhull at 2 p.m. Visit the nature sanctuary that was once Woodhull’s farm, the Setauket Village Green, Grist Mill and historic grave sites. Tour leaves from the Caroline Church parking lot at the Carriage Shed along Dyke Road. $10 per person. No reservations necessary. Call 751-3730.
Sunday 17 Brookhaven Fair See June 15 listing.
Wilderness Survival workshop
Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, 25 Lloyd Harbor Road, Huntington will host an adult Wilderness Survival workshop from 9:45 a.m. to noon. Learn how to find food, start a fire and build shelter. $4 per person. Advance registration required by calling 423-1770.
Father's Day at the Heckscher
In celebration of family and in recognition of Father's Day, fathers are invited to visit the museum admission free on their special day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour the latest exhibits and enjoy sketching in the galleries. Call 351-3250.
Father's Day at The LIM
The Long Island Museum, 1200 Route 25A, Stony Brook will pay tribute to Father's Day by offering free admission to fathers and grandfathers from noon to 5 p.m. Enjoy the latest exhibits, tour the grand Carriage Museum and enjoy the beautiful grounds and outbuildings. For further information, call 751-0066.
Monday 18 TVHS lecture
As part of its monthly lecture series, the Three Village Historical Society will present "Vietnam: 49 Years Later" at the Setauket Neighborhood House, 95 Main St., Setauket at 7 p.m. With guest speaker Mike Russell. $5 general admission, free for members. For more information, call 751-3730 or visit
* All numbers are in (631) area code unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday 20 Library board meeting
The regular meeting of the board of trustees of the Middle Country Public Library will be held in the Centereach building at 101 Eastwood Blvd. at 6:30 p.m. Call 585-9393, ext. 208.
Thursday 21 Family Festival
Saints Phillip and James Church, 1 Carow Place, St. James will host its annual Family Festival today from 6 to 10 p.m., June 22 and 23 from 6 to 10:30 p.m. and June 24 from 5 to 9 p.m. Featuring rides, games and food. Free admission with a fee for activities. Call 584-5454.
Book signing
Join Book Revue, 313 New York Ave., Huntington for an evening with author Dave Bushy as he speaks about and signs copies of his new history book, "The World Looked Away: Vietnam After the War," at 7 p.m. Call 271-1442.
An evening of jazz
The Jazz Loft, 275 Christian Ave., Stony Brook will welcome Rich Iacona's Bad Little Big Band in concert at 7 p.m. Pianist Rich Iacona and vocalist Madeline Kole will perform jazz standards from The Great American Songbook. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors, $10 students. To order, call 751-1895 or visit
Hard Luck Cafe concert
As part of its Hard Luck Cafe series, The Folk Music Society of Huntington will welcome Quarter Horse and Cassandra House in concert at the Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Preceded by an open mic at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15, $10 members. Call 423-7611 to order.
For seniors Senior Tuesdays at The LIM
On June 19 from 10 a.m. to noon, The Long Island Museum, 120 Route 25A, Stony Brook will welcome seniors 62 and older for a free,
JUNE 14, 2018 • ARTS & LIFESTYLES • PAGE B17 self-guided tour of its latest exhibit, Revolution in Printmaking: Larry Rivers and Universal Limited Art Editions. Sponsored by Jefferson’s Ferry. Call 751-0066 for further details.
Theater ‘Curtains’
Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson, will continue its 48th annual Mainstage season with "Curtains" through June 23. It’s Boston 1959 and chief sleuth Lt. Frank Cioffi investigates the murder of a Broadway-bound theater company’s untalented star on opening night. From the creators of "Cabaret" and "Chicago," the musical whodunit, played against the fictional cowboy musical "Robbin’ Hood!," will have you on the edge of your seat … laughing! Tickets are $35 adults, $28 seniors and students, $20 children ages 5 to 12. To order, call 928-9100 or visit
Tribute to Barbra Streisand
The Ward Melville Heritage Organization’s Educational & Cultural Center, 97P Main St., Stony Brook will present a St. George Living History Production titled Tribute to Barbra Streisand through June 14. Tickets, which includes lunch, tea and dessert, are $50 adults, $48 seniors. To order, call 689-5888.
Through June 17 the Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown will present the musical "Dreamgirls," a show about the creation of a new American sound — the blending of rhythm and blues with other styles of popular music — a sound that came to be known as Motown. Tickets are $38 adults, $34 seniors, $25 students. To order, call 7243700 or visit
‘Singin’ in the Rain’
The John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport will conclude its 2017-18 season with the romantic musical comedy "Singin’ in the Rain" now extended through July 8. Join Don Lockwood, Lina Lamont, Cosmo Brown and Kathy Selden as they make a big splash with singin’ and dancin’ and yes, it really will rain on stage! Tickets range from $73 to $78. To order, call 261-2900 or visit www.
‘We Will Rock You’
The Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown will present the Northeastern regional premiere of "We Will Rock You" through Aug. 19. Featuring more than 20 hit Queen songs including "Another One Bites the Dust," "Bohemian Rhapsody," "We Will Rock You," "Somebody to Love," "We Are the Champions" and many more. Tickets are $38 adults, $34 seniors, $25 students. To order, call 724-3700 or visit
The John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport will begin its 2018-19 season with the recent Broadway sensation "Newsies" from July 19 to Sept. 2. Set in New York City at the turn of the 20th century, it is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a ragged band of teenaged "newsies" who dreams of a better life. Tickets range from $73 to $78. To order, call 2612900 or visit
In honor of Father's Day, the Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington will screen "Hook" starring Robin Williams on June 16 at 10 p.m. as part of its Cult Cafe series. Tickets are $6, $5 members. Call 423-7611 for additional info.
'Planet of the Apes'
Time to "Go Ape." In celebration of its 50th anniversary, "Planet of the Apes" will be screened at the Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington on June 18 at 7:30 p.m. Hosted by film historian Philip Harwood. Tickets are $12, $7 members. Questions? Call 423-7611.
‘The Greatest Showman’
Join Comsewogue Public Library, 170 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station for a free screening of "The Greatest Showman" starring Hugh Jackman on June 21 at 2 p.m. Rated PG-13. Free and open to all. Call 9281212 for details.
Class reunions
The Smithtown Library, Commack branch, 3 Indian Head Road, Commack will screen "Jane," a documentary on Jane Goodall, on June 14 at 1:30 p.m. Free and open to all but registration is required by calling 360-2480, ext. 235.
‘Phantom Thread’
As part of its Friday Afternoon Matinee series, Emma S. Clark Memorial Library, 120 Main St., Setauket will screen "Phantom Thread" starring Daniel Day-Lewis on June 15 at 2 p.m. Rated R. No registration required. Call 941-4080.
‘Forever My Girl’
Northport Public Library, 151 Laurel Ave., Northport will screen "Forever My Girl" starring Liam Page on June 15 at 2 p.m. Rated PG. Open to all. Call 261-6930.
'The Post'
The Kings Park branch of the Smithtown Library, 1 Church St., Kings Park will screen "The Post" starring Meryl Streep on June 15 at 2:15 p.m. Rated PG-13. Free and open to all but registration is required by calling 360-2480, ext. 235.
Port Jefferson High School Class of 1958 will hold its 60-year reunion with a meet and greet at Tommy's Place in Port Jefferson on July 27 from 3 to 7 p.m., garden party at Detmer Farm, East Setauket on July 28 at 3 p.m. ($65 per person) and Detmer Farm on July 29 at 11 a.m. ($15 per person). For more information, call Gladys at 924-4817. Hauppauge High School Class of 1978 will hold its 40th reunion from Aug. 10 to 12 with prereunion party on Aug. 10 at Napper Tandys in Smithtown at 7 p.m., main event at Blue Blinds Mansion at the Smithtown Elks in Smithtown from 6 to 11 p.m. ($114 per person) and reunion picnic at Hoyt Farm in Commack on Aug. 12 at noon. For more information, email Port Jefferson High School Class of 1968 will hold its 50-year reunion during the weekend of Sept. 21 (meet and greet), Sept. 22 (school tour, dinner/dance at Polish American Club in PJS) and Sept. 23 (Culper Spy tour). For further details, visit www. or call Sue Graf at 744-3314 or Dimmie (Loizos) Kaczenski at 473-2247.
Star Playhouse at the Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Road, Commack will present "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" on June 16 at 8 p.m. The rollicking biblical story set to music — a dream of a show. With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and book and lyrics by Tim Rice, this production features a live orchestra and a cast of 45. Tickets are $25 adults, $20 members, seniors and students. To purchase, call 462-9800, ext. 136, or visit
The Carriage House Players, performing at the Vanderbilt Museum’s Carriage House Theater, 180 Little Neck Road, Centerport will present a production of "Lobby Hero" by Kenneth Lonergan on June 15 and 16 at 8 p.m. and June 17 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors and children. To purchase, visit www.
Brookhaven Town Hall, One Independence Hill, Farmingville will host a weekly farmers market in its south parking lot every Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. through Oct. 25. Featuring the freshest Long Island fruits and vegetables. Questions? Call 451-8696.
The Northport Farmers Market is now open every Saturday (except Sept. 15) through Nov. 17 at the foot of Main Street in the Cow Harbor parking lot on the harbor from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Held rain or shine. Call 754-3905.
Port Jefferson
A farmers market is now open every Sunday at the Jeanne Garant Harborfront Park at the Village Center, 101A East Broadway, Port Jefferson from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. through November. In addition, a farmers market will be held in the same location every Wednesday through Aug. 29 from 3 p.m. to dusk. Featuring local produce, honey, bread and baked goods, plants, flower bouquets and live music. Questions? Call 473-4724.
Three Village Market, located in the field next to the Three Village Historical Society, 93 North Country Road, Setauket is open every Friday afternoon from 3 to 7 p.m. through October, rain or shine. Many vendors, including Ann Marie's Farm Stand, featuring locally grown vegetables, artisan foods and crafts. Enjoy live music and a Kidz Tent. For more information, call 901-7151.
Stony Brook
HeartBeet Farms opens for the season at the Stony Brook Village Center, 97 Main St., Stony Brook every Saturday through June 16 from 10 a.m. to noon and June 23 to Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Featuring fresh, organically grown, nutritionally dense vegetables and fruits with a focus on nourishing families, especially kids. Call 751-2244 for further information.
Vendors wanted
• Heritage Park, 633 Mount Sinai-Coram Road, Mount Sinai will hold a Community Yard Sale every Tuesday from July 10 to Aug. 21. Interested merchandise vendors should call 631-509-0882. • Messiah Lutheran Church, 465 Pond Path, East Setauket will hold an Outdoor Craft Fair on Saturday, July 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Held rain or shine. Interested vendors should contact Nancy at
‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’
‘Lobby Hero’
• Farmingville Residents Association will host its annual Flea Markets on June 24, Aug. 26 and Sept. 30 at the corner of Horseblock Road and Woodycrest Drive in Farmingville from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain dates are the following Sundays. Interested vendors should call 631-880-7996 or email for an application and pricing.
‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’
The Township Theatre Group opens its 65th season with a production of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" at Temple Beth El, 660 Park Ave., Huntington on June 16 at 8 p.m. Enjoy cabaret-style seating plus a wine/ beer bar. Tickets are $25 adults, $22 seniors and students. Call 213-9832 or visit to order.
Farmers Markets
• Deepwells Farm County Park, 497 Route 25A, St. James will hold its annual Summer Art & Craft Festival on July 21 and 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Interested merchandise vendors should call 631-563-8551 for an application.
GOING APE Celebrate the 50th anniversary of 'Planet of the Apes' with a screening of a new digital restoration of the sci-fi classic at the Cinema Arts Centre on June 18. In 1963, Pierre Boulle’s novel, "La Planète des Singes," proposed an alternate future where humans were no longer the dominant species of the planet. No longer the most technologically advanced. No longer the strongest. It was a Planet of the Apes. When the 1968 film adaptation was released in theaters, it took audiences by storm. Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner, starring Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter and Maurice Evans, with a screenplay by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling, and an out-of-this-world score by Jerry Goldsmith, it is considered to be a milestone entry in the science fiction film genre. Photo courtesy of CAC
CALENDAR DEADLINE is Wednesday at noon, one week before publication. Items may be mailed to: Times Beacon Record News Media, P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733. Email your information about community events to leisure@ Calendar listings are for not-for-profit organizations (nonsectarian, nonpartisan events) only, on a space-available basis. Please include a phone number that can be printed.
Connecting to God, Each Other and the World
400 Nicolls Road, E. Setauket 631–689–1127 • Fax 631–689–1215 Pastor Troy Reid Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship w/nursery 10 am Kidmo Children’s Church • Ignited Youth Fellowship and Food Always to Follow Tuesday Evening Prayer: 7 pm Thursday Morning Bible Study w/Coffee & Bagels: 10 am Friday Night Experience “FNX” for Pre K-Middle School: 6:30 pm Ignite Youth Ministry: 7:30 pm Check out our website for other events and times
38 Mayflower Avenue, Smithtown NY 11787 631–759–6083 Father Tyler A. Strand, Administrator, Joseph S. Durko, Cantor Divine Liturgy: Sundays at 10:30 am Holy Days: See website or phone for information Sunday School Sundays at 9:15 am Adult Faith Formation/Bible Study: Mondays at 7:00 pm. PrayerAnon Prayer Group for substance addictions, Wednesdays at 7 pm A Catholic Church of the Eastern Rite under the Eparchy of Passaic.
CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. GERARD MAJELLA 300 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station 631–473–2900 • Fax -631–473–0015 All are Welcome to Begin Again. Come Pray With Us. Rev. Gregory Rannazzisi, Administrator Office of Christian Formation • 631–928–2550 We celebrate Eucharist Saturday evening 5 pm, Sunday 7:30, 9 and 11 am Weekday Mass Monday–Friday 9 am We celebrate Baptism Third weekend of each month during any of our weekend Masses We celebrate Marriage Arrangements can be made at the church with our Pastor or Deacon We celebrate Reconciliation Confession is celebrated on Saturdays from 4–5 pm We celebrate You! Visit Our Thrift Shop Mon. – Fri. 10 am–4 pm + Sat. 10 am–2 pm
INFANT JESUS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 110 Myrtle Ave., Port Jefferson, NY 11777 631-473-0165 • Fax 631-331-8094 Reverend Patrick M. Riegger, Pastor Associates: Rev. Francis Lasrado & Rev. Rolando Ticllasuca To schedule Baptisms and Weddings, Please call the Rectory Confessions: Saturdays 12:30-1:15 pm in the Lower Church Religious Ed.: 631– 928-0447 • Parish Outreach: 631–331-6145 Weekly Masses: 6:50 and 9 am in the Church, 12 pm in the Chapel* Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5 pm in the Church, 5:15 pm in the Chapel* Sunday at 7:30 am, 10:30 am, 12 pm, and 5 pm in the Church and at 8:30 am, 10 am, and 11:30 am (Family Mass) in the Chapel* Spanish Masses: Sunday at 8:45 am and Wednesday at 6 pm in the Church *Held at the Infant Jesus Chapel at St. Charles Hospital Religious Education: 631–928-0447 Parish Outreach: 631–331-6145 ©155149
D irectory
429 Rt. 25A, Setauket, NY 11733 Phone: 631–941–4141 • Fax: 631–751–6607 Parish Office email:
Mission Statement: Formed as the Body of Christ through the waters of Baptism, we are Beloved daughters and sons of the Father. We, the Catholic community of the Three Village area, are a pilgrim community on Caminojourneying toward the fullness of the Kingdom of God, guided by the Holy Spirit. Nurtured by the Eucharist and formed by the Gospel, we strive to respond to Jesus’ invitation to be faithful and fruitful disciples; to be a Good Samaritan to (our) neighbor and enemy; so that in Jesus’ name, we may be a welcoming community, respectful of life in all its diversities and beauty; stewards of and for God’s creation; and witnesses to Faith, Hope and Charity. Rev. James-Patrick Mannion, Pastor Rev. Gerald Cestare, Associate Pastor Rev. John Fitzgerald, In Residence Deacon Wayne T. Padula Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm • Saturday 9 am - 2 pm Weekday Masses: Monday – Saturday 8:00 am Weekend Masses: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm (Youth) Sunday 8:00am, 9:30 am (family), 11:30 am (choir) Baptisms: Contact the Office at the end of the third month (pregnancy) to set date Matrimony: contact the office at least 9 months before desired date Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 – 4:45 pm or by appointment Anointing Of The Sick: by request Bereavement: 631– 941-4141 x 341 Faith Formation Office: 631– 941-4141 x 328 Outreach: 631– 941-4141 x 313 Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: 631– 473-1211 Our Daily Bread Sunday Soup Kitchen 3 pm
75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, N.Y. 11789 Parish Office: 631-744-8566; FAX 631-744-8611
Parish Website: Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm Wednesday: 9 am to 8 pm; Friday: 9 am to 4 pm; Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm; Closed on Sunday Mission Statement: To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ’s love through our active involvement as a parish family in works of Charity, Faith, Worship, Justice and Mercy. ALL ARE WELCOME! No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church. No matter your family situation. No matter your practice of faith. No matter your personal history, age or background. YOU are invited, respected and loved at St. Louis de Montfort. Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Heller, Pastor Rev. Lennard Sabio, Associate Pastor Rev. Msgr. Donald Hanson, In Residence Rev. Francis Pizzarelli, S.M.M., Parish Assistant Rev. Henry Vas, Parish Assistant Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday: 8:30 am in the Chapel Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am; 9:00 am; 10:30 am; 12 noon. Baptisms: Most Sundays at 1:30 pm. Please contact Parish Office for an appointment. Reconciliation: Saturday: 4-4:45 pm or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick: by request. Holy Matrimony: Contact Parish Office at least six months in advance of desired date. Religious Education: Contact 631-744-9515 Parish Outreach: Contact 631-209-0325 Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: Contact 631-473-1211.
“Our little historic church on the hill” across from the Stony Brook Duck Pond
Main Street, Stony Brook • 631–751–0034
www.allsouls– • Please come and welcome our new Priest: The Rev. Farrell D. Graves, Ph.D., Vicar Sunday Holy Eucharist: 8 and 9:30 am Religious instruction for children follows the 9:30 am Service This is a small eclectic Episcopal congregation that has a personal touch. We welcome all regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. Walk with us.
CAROLINE CHURCH OF BROOKHAVEN The Rev. Cn. Dr. Richard D. Visconti, Rector
1 Dyke Road on the Village Green, Setauket Web site: Parish Office email: 631–941–4245
Sunday Services: 8 am, 9:30 am and 11:15 am Church School/Child Care at 9:30 am Church School classes now forming. Call 631-941-4245 for registration. Weekday Holy Eucharist’s: Thursday 12:00 pm and first Friday of the month 7:30 pm (rotating: call Parish Office for location.) Youth, Music and Service Programs offered. Let God walk with you as part of our family–friendly community.
CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 127 Barnum Ave., Port Jefferson 631–473–0273 email:
Father Anthony DiLorenzo: Priest–In–Charge Sunday Services 8 am & 10 am Sunday Eucharist: 8 am and 10 am/Wednesday 10 in our chapel Sunday School and Nursery Registration for Sunday School starting Sunday after the 10 am Eucharist Our ministries: Welcome Friends on Mondays at 5:00 pm AA meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 pm/Prayer Group on Wednesdays at 10:30 am/Bible Study on Thursdays at 10 am. It is the mission of the people of Christ Church to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and to make his love known to all through our lives and ministry. We at Christ Church are a joyful, welcoming community. Wherever you are in your journey of life we want to be part of it.
12 Prospect St, Huntington, • 631-427-1752
“To know Christ and to make Him known” Rev. Duncan A.Burns, Rector Rev. John Morrison, Assistant Priest Rev. Anthony Jones, Deacon Alex Pryrodny, Organist & Choir Director • LIKE us on Facebook Sunday Worshop 8:00am - Rite I Holy Eucharist 10:00am - Rite II Choral Holy Eucharist with Sunday School - 9:40am Thrift Shop Hours Tuesdays & Thursdays - Noon to 3pm Saturdays - 10am to 3pm All Are Welcome!
233 North Country Road, Mt. Sinai • 631–473–1582
“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here” Worship hour is 8:30 am and 10 am Sunday School and Childcare offered at 10:00 am open to all children (infants to 8th grade). The last Sunday of every month is our Welcome Sunday Service. This service has been intentionally designed to include persons of differing abilities from local group homes. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation.
To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631–751–7663
Religious EVANGELICAL THREE VILLAGE CHURCH Knowing Christ...Making Him Known
322 Route 25A, East Setauket 631-941–3670
LEAD PASTOR JOSH MOODY Sunday Worship Schedule: 9:15 am: Worship Service, Sunday School (Pre–K – Adult), Nursery 10:30 am: Bagels & Coffee 11:00 am: Worship Service, Nursery, Pre–K, Cornerstone Kids (Gr. K–5) We offer weekly Teen Programs, Small Groups, Women’s & Men’s Bible Studies, Alpha, Stephen Ministry Faith Preschool for ages 3 & 4, Mommy & Me for age 2 Join us as we celebrate 55 years of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ!
430 Sheep Pasture Rd., Port Jefferson 11777 Tel: 631-473-0894 • Fax: 631-928-5131 •
Rev. Demetrios N. Calogredes, Protopresbyter Sunday Services Orthros 8:30 am - Devine Liturgy 10 am Services conducted in both Greek & English* Books available to follow in English* Sunday Catechism School, 10:15 am - 11:15 am* Greek Language School, Tuesdays 5 pm - 8 pm* Bible Study & Adult Catechism Classes Available* Golden Age & Youth Groups* Thrift Store* Banquet Hall available for Rental* For information please call Church office*
“Judaism with a smile” Future site: East side of Nicolls Rd, North of Rte 347 –Next to Fire Dept. Current location: 821 Hawkins Ave., Lake Grove 631-585–0521 • 800- My–Torah •
Rabbi Chaim & Rivkie Grossbaum Rabbi Motti & Chaya Grossbaum Rabbi Sholom B. & Chanie Cohen Membership Free •Weekday, Shabbat & Holiday Services Highly acclaimed Torah Tots Preschool • Afternoon Hebrew School Camp Gan Israel • Judaica Publishing Department • Lectures and Seminars Living Legacy Holiday Programs • Jewish Learning Institute Friendship Circle for Special Needs Children • The CTeen Network N’shei Chabad Women’s Club • Cyberspace Library Chabad at Stony Brook University – Rabbi Adam & Esther Stein
385 Old Town Rd., Port Jefferson Station 631-928–3737 Rabbi Aaron Benson
Cantor Daniel Kramer Executive Director Marcie Platkin Principal Heather Welkes Youth Director Jen Schwartz Services: Friday at 8 pm; Saturday at 9:15 am Daily morning and evening minyan- Call for times. Tot Shabbat • Family Services • Sisterhood • Men’s Club Seniors’ Club • Youth Group • Continuing Ed Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Judaica Shop • Food Pantry Lecture Series • Jewish Film Series NSJC JEWISH LEARNING CENTER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Innovative curriculum and programming for children ages 5-13 Imagine a synagogue that feels like home! Come connect with us on your Jewish journey. Member United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook • 631-751–8518 A warm and caring intergenerational community dedicated to learning, prayer, social action, and friendship. Member Union for Reform Judaism
Rabbi David Katz Cantor Marcey Wagner Rabbi Emeritus Stephen A. Karol Rabbi Emeritus Adam D. Fisher Cantor Emeritus Michael F. Trachtenberg
Sabbath Services Friday 7:30 pm and Saturday 10 am Religious School • Monthly Family Service • Monthly Tot Shabbat Youth Groups • Senior Club • Adult Education Sisterhood • Brotherhood • Book Club-more
46 Dare Road, Selden 631-732-2511 Emergency number 516-848-5386
Rev. Dr. Richard O. Hill, Pastor email: • website: Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 am June 24-September 2. Services of Prayers for Healing are held on the first weekend of each month at all services. A Support Group for bereaved families of victims of opiate addiction on Thursday evenings begins on July 12. Email us at for more information about this program. Summer Children and Youth Ministries Enrollment for children ages 3-11 for all weekly sessions is underway now. Camp Hope July 16-August 11 Monday through Friday 9am-3pm. Vacation Bible School August 14-17 Monday through Friday 9 am-noon. Drama Camp August 20-24 Monday through Friday 9 am-3pm (ages 4-11) To enroll children apply online at or email us at office@ or call the church office. Our services are live-streamed through our “Friends of Hope Lutheran Church” Facebook group.
ST. PAULS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 309 Patchogue Road, Port Jefferson Station 631-473–2236
Rev. Paul A. Downing, Pastor email: • pastor’s cell: 347–423–3523 Services: Sundays-8:30 and 10:30 am—Holy Communion Sunday School during 10:30 service Adult Bible Study — 9:30 am on Sundays Wednesday Night — 7:30 pm — Holy Communion Friday Morning —Power of Prayer Hour 10:30 am Join us for any service-all are welcome We are celebrating 100 years in Port Jefferson Station
33 Christian Ave/ PO2117, E. Setauket NY 11733 631-941–3581 Rev. Gregory L. Leonard–Pastor Sunday Worship 10:30 am • Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Lectionary Reading and Prayer Wed. 12 noon Gospel Choir Tues. 8 pm Praise Choir and Youth Choir 3rd and 4th Fri. 6:30 pm
To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631–751–7663
COMMACK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 486 Townline Road, Commack Church Office: 631-499–7310 Fax: 631-858–0596 www.commack– • mail@commack– Rev. Linda Bates–Stepe, Pastor
METHODIST SETAUKET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 160 Main Street, Corner of 25A and Main Street East Setauket • 631–941–4167
Rev. Steven kim, Pastor • Sunday Worship Service & Church School 10 am Holy Communion 1st Sunday of Month Mary & Martha Circle (Women’s Ministry) monthly on 2nd Tuesday at 1pm
216 Christian Ave., Stony Brook, 11790 Church Office: 631-751-0574 Rev. Chuck Van Houten, Pastor Connecting people to God, purpose and each other Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am
Renewing, Restoring, Reviving for the 21st Century!
WOODBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 577 Woodbury Rd., Woodbury Church Office: 516-692-7179 Rev. Erik Rasmussen
Join us for Sunday church at 10:30 am. “Open doors.” Adult Discussions on Matter of Faith, Tuesdays at 4 pm Kids Sunday School Available.
5 Caroline Avenue ~ On the Village Green 631- 941-4271 Making God’s community livable for all since 1660!! Email:
Rev. Mary, Barrett Speers, pastor
9:30 am Sunday Worship (childcare available) Special program for children 9:45 am 11:00 am Adult Education Outreach Ministries: Open Door Exchange Ministry: Furnishing homes...Finding hope Welcome Friends Soup Kitchen Prep Site: All are welcome to join this vibrant community of worship, music (voice and bell choirs), mission (local, national and international), and fellowship. Call the church office or visit our website for current information on church activities. SPC is a More Light Presbyterian Church and part of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians working toward a church as generous and just as God’s grace.
Religious Directory continued on next page ©155150
JUNE 14 – JUNE 20, 2018
Stony Brook women’s lacrosse senior attack Kylie Ohlmiller has been named 2017-18 America East Woman of the Year, as announced by the conference office last week at its annual awards dinner. Ohlmilller recorded a nation-leading 157 points in 2018, helping Stony Brook achieve its first No. 1 national ranking in program history. She was selected America East Offensive Player of the Year, has been tabbed an International Women’s Lacrosse Coaches Association All-Region First Team player and was selected as an Inside Lacrosse Division I All-American. Ohlmiller finished her fouryear career with the Seawolves posting an NCAA-record 498 points and 246 assists. She also owns the NCAA single-season record for points (164) and helpers (86). The Islip native was selected as a 2017 and 2018 Tewaaraton Award finalist during her time with the Seawolves. She graduated with a 3.24 GPA majoring in sociology and is devoted to several youth lacrosse initiatives including Play It Forward and Challenger Lacrosse. The senior was drafted No. 1 overall in the Women’s Professional Lacrosse League by NY Fight and an endorsement deal with Brine Lacrosse/New Balance. She will play in her first game June 23.
Kylie Ohlmiller named 2017-18 America East Woman of the Year Bobby Honeyman
Aaron Pinto
Honeyman, Pinto selected in MLB draft
Kylie Ohlmiller The Seawolves finished second in the annual America East Commissioner’s Cup — which recognizes the strongest athletic program in the conference as determined by a scoring system that rewards a school for success both during the regular season and championship competition in the conference’s 18 sports.
Aaron Pinto and Bobby Honeyman became the latest Seawolves to be selected in the Major League Baseball Draft. Pinto was taken by the Cleveland Indians in the 26th round and Honeyman was chosen by the Seattle Mariners in the 29th round. Pinto, a pitcher, was the 733rd overall selection, while Honeyman, an infielder, was taken with the 868th pick. The pair are the first Seawolves to be selected in the draft since 2016 when pitcher Tyler Honahan and outfielder Toby Handley were both chosen. “[It’s] an awesome feeling,” Pinto said. “Thank you for everyone at Stony Brook, especially Stony Brook Athletics and my coaches, for helping me achieve this opportunity to continue my career.” Pinto was a first-team All-America East Conference honoree this season after he set Stony Brook’s single-season and career save records. He recorded 12 saves in 2018 to go
along with five wins and a 1.05 ERA. He collected 15 career saves and 13 victories with a 2.72 ERA in 68 appearances. Honeyman, also a first-team All-America East Conference selection in 2018, hit .336 with 71 hits and 33 RBIs while playing in all 57 games this season. He finished his four-year career with 201 hits and 102 RBIs with 33 doubles and 12 triples to go along with a .975 career fielding percentage. “First I want to say thank you to the Seattle Mariners organization for giving me the opportunity to live out my dream and play professional baseball,” Honeyman said. “I want to say thank you to all the coaches at Stony Brook for getting me prepared for the next level and teaching life lessons that I will remember forever. I am extremely excited to go over to the West Coast and start this chapter in my baseball career as a Seattle Mariner.”
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RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 4 Friends Way, St. James 631–928-2768
Worship Sundays: Sept. - June 11 am , July - Aug. 10:00 am and on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm from July 11-August 29. We gather in silent worship seeking God • the Inner Light • Spirit. We are guided by the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship. Weekly coffee and fellowship, monthly discussions, Religious Education for children.
380 Nicolls Road • between Rte 347 & Rte 25A 631–751–0297 • • Rev. Margaret H. Allen ( Sunday Service: 10:30 am
Religious Education at UUFSB: Unitarian Universalism accepts wisdom from many sources and offers non-dogmatic religious education for children from 3-18 to foster ethical and spiritual development and knowledge of world religions. Classes Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Childcare for little ones under three. Senior High Youth Group meetings Sunday evenings Registration is ongoing. For more information:
To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631-751-7663
UNITY CHURCH OF HEALING LIGHT 203 East Pulaski Rd., Huntington Sta. 631–385–7180 email: FB & YouTube: Unity Church of Healing Light
Rev. Saba Mchunguzi, Minister
Sunday Service - 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (Sign Language Interpreter) Sunday school for children and youth 3-17 years old Wednesday Prayer Group - 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 pm We believe that everyone is a child of God and entitled to live a fulfi lling and productive life. We teach spiritual principles, such as affirmative prayer, the power of thought and the law of attraction (LOA). We celebrate a diverse fellowship where everyone finds acceptance. We are a member of Unity Worldwide Ministries and affi liated with the Daily Word devotional booklet, and Silent Unity. ©156252
TJE Dance Force is with you! self-esteem, plus they'll make a ton of new friends and most of all ... they will be having fun while learning the many forms of dance!
Programs Ship in a Bottle workshop
Just in time for Father’s Day, the Whaling Museum, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor will host a Ship in a Bottle workshop on June 16 from 11 a.m. to noon. Explore the history of the “ship in a bottle” with one of the educators and craft your own commemorative “ship in a jar” during this one-hour workshop. $12 per child, $5 adults. Call 367-3418 for further details.
Rainbows in Nature
Sweetbriar Nature Center, 62 Eckernkamp Drive, Smithtown will present Rainbows in Nature: A Celebration of Summer on June 16 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Enjoy an afternoon with butterflies including a visit to an enclosed butterfly garden to walk amid these colorful insects. Highlighting the event will be author Michelle Zimmerman as she leads children on magical adventures through story and a full spectrum of rainbow fun, including a butterfly hunt and a rainbow butterfly craft to take home. $10 per child, $5 adults. For more information, call 979-6344.
School Long Ago
As part of its Museum Adventures series, students in grades K through 4 are invited to join The Long Island Museum, 1200 Route 25A, Stony Brook for an after-school program, School Long Ago, on June 21 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Visit the museum’s one-room schoolhouse and learn what classrooms were like in the late 1800s. $10 per child, $8 members. Advance registration required by calling 751-0066, ext. 212.
Theater ‘Willy Wonka Jr.’ Time to enter the Chocolate Factory. Roald Dahl’s “Willy Wonka Jr.” comes to the Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown through June 24 on Saturdays at 2 p.m. and Sundays at 11 a.m. Roald Dahl’s timeless story of the world-famous candy man and his quest to find an heir comes to life onstage. All seats are $15. Get your golden ticket today! To order, call 724-3700 or visit
‘The Princess Who Saved a Dragon’
Barnes & Noble in Lake Grove at 600 Smith Haven Mall or in East Northport at 4000 E. Jericho Turnpike will host a special storytime event on June 16 at 11 a.m. In honor of Father’s Day, enjoy a reading of “With My Daddy: A Book of Love and Family” by Jo Witek with activities to follow. Free. Call 724-0341 (LG) or 462-0208 (EN) for more information.
Kicking off its 2018-19 season, Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present a brand new show, “The Princess Who Saved a Dragon” from July 6 to Aug. 9 with a special sensory-sensitive performance on July 8. In a topsy-turvy turnaround, an independent-minded princess rescues a bedraggled dragon and they set off on a wild adventure where they learn that being different can be a wonderful thing! A musical for the entire family — and dragons, too! All seats are $10. To order, call 928-9100 or visit
Mad Scientist’s Lab
‘Pinkalicious The Musical’
Storytime at Barnes & Noble
Caleb Smith State Park Preserve, 581 West Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown invites children ages 7 and up to take part in a Mad Scientist’s Lab on June 16 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Conduct several different experiments using ordinary household items. You never know what we might create, split in half, sink and even blow up! Crazy things will be happening in the laboratory! $4 per child. Advance registration required by calling 265-1054.
Happy Father’s Day!
Celebrate dad at the Long Island Explorium, 101 East Broadway, Port Jefferson with a dropin program, Happy Father’s Day!, on June 16 and 17 from 1 to 5 p.m. Using a variety of materials, design, create and launch a rocket with your dad. $5 per person. For more information, call 331-3277.
Toddler Time
Book Revue, 313 New York Ave., Huntington hosts Toddler Time for ages 3 to 5 every Thursday at 11 a.m. Join guitarist Jeff Sorg for a morning of singing and dancing on June 21. Free. No registration necessary. For further information, call 271-1442.
The Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown will present “Pinkalicious The Musical” from July 14 to Aug. 19. Pinkalicious can’t stop eating pink cupcakes despite warnings from her parents. Her pink indulgence lands her at the doctor’s office with Pinkititis, an affliction that turns her pink from head to toe. But when her hue goes too far, only Pinkalicious can figure out a way to get out of this predicament. All seats are $15. To order, call 724-3700 or visit
‘Shrek The Musical’ The John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport will present “Shrek The Musical” from July 28 to Sept. 2. “Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek ...” And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess who resists her rescue. Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, the show brings all the beloved characters you know from the film to life on stage and proves there’s more to the story than meets the ears. Tickets are $15 per person. To order, call 2612900 or visit
All numbers are in (631) area code unless otherwise noted.
Where cometogether! together! Where family family and and dance dance come
Lyrical JazzHip Hop Hip Hop Ballet Ballet Tap Tap Lyrical Character Character Combo Combo Tiny TinyDancer Dancer Acro Acro Intro to to Dance Acro / HipHop Hop Break Break Dance Intro Dance Acro/Hip Dance Boys Hip Hop Special NeedsOpen/Contemporary Boys Hip Hop Special Needs
Come try a summer class!
5 Week Summer Program | Monday, July 16 - Saturday August 18 Registration for Summer Classes & Camp July 13 4-7 pm, July 14 & 15 10 am-2 pm
St. James: 556 North Country Road, St. James • 631-584-6888 Holbrook: 310 Main Street, Holbrook • 631-585-6900
Locally owned and operated preschool and childcare centers dedicated to the personal attentive care, development, and education of your child. Children will enjoy and progress from a curriculum filled with Language/Literacy, Math/Numbers, Science/Sensory, Computers, Music/Movement, Creative Arts, Dramatic Play, and Outdoor Learning. Program are available for the school-year, yearround, and summer. These include; Pre-Kindergarten, Preschool, & Toddler classes, Infant Care, and School Age Before/After Care. Plus, don’t forget our exciting Kids Country Day Camp located on our 10 acre Mount Sinai campus.
1125-2 ROUTE 112, PORT JEFFERSON STATION 631.331.9385 • Celebrating our 24th year! Where beautiful babies become beautiful dancers. Classes offered in Tap, Jazz, Ballet and Hip-Hop. Special preschool for 3-5 year olds. 4 week Summer Workshop. Register now for summer and fall classes - June 7, 12, 13, 14, 19 & 20 from 5-7 pm.
556 N. COUNTRY RD, ST. JAMES • 631.584.6888 310 MAIN ST., HOLBROOK • 631.585.6900 TJE offers the finest, most talented, creative, award winning staff who will motivate your child to do the best they can in all styles of dance - jazz, hip hop, ballet, tap, lyrical, character, open/contemporary, acro, combo, intro, break dance, boys hip hop as well as special needs. Come try a class for free today!
WORLD GYM’S CAMP SETAUKET AND GAME SET MATCH TENNIS ACADEMY CAMPS 384 MARK TREE ROAD, EAST SETAUKET • 631.751.6100 Camp Setauket: For over 29 years, creating memorable summer camp experiences: General Camp for ages 3–12; Theatre Arts Camp and Sports Camp for ages 7–12; and C.I.T. Program for ages 13 thru 15. Game Set Match Tennis Academy Camp for ages 4–18 and all skill levels. Our unique camps offer indoor & outdoor pools, indoor & outdoor fields and indoor & outdoor tennis courts. Activities include: arts & crafts, sports such as soccer, basketball, softball and volleyball, interactive games, drama and hands on science. Swimming is included in every camp and several indoor activity areas for rainy days. Early enrollment, sibling, & member discounts available. Parisi Training Camps - focuses on speed and agility for all sports.
MUSEUM ADVENTURES Pay a visit to the original 1877 one-room Nassakeag Schoolhouse on the grounds of The Long Island Museum on June 21. Photo from Long Island Museum
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Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ will be screened at the Crab Meadow Beach Drive-In on July 19. Image courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures
Movies under the stars BY SABRINA PETROSKI
1 0 Ac r e s o f In d o o r a n d O u t d o o r Ad v e n t u r e , S p o r t s, Ac t i v i t i e s a n d S p e c ia l E ve n t s!
● At h l e t i c F i e l d s ●Sport s Courts ●Playgro und s ●Chal len ge Cour se ●Rocket s ● G o Pr o P h o t o g r a p h y ● R C C a r s / Dr o n e s ●Ped al K art T rack
●Dan ce ●Giant Sli de ● S p r i n k l e r Pa r k ●Slip -N-Slide ●Carnival ●T alent Sho w ●Glo w Party ●and M uch M ore
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Wednesday, June 27 at 3 pm News Sections:
Thursday, June 28 at 3 pm TBR NEWS MEDIA
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Mark your calendars! With the beautiful summer weather comes another season of free outdoor movie screenings for families on the North Shore. Parks, beaches and other outdoor spaces will magically transform into theaters, presenting a mix of animated films, current releases and family favorites. Councilman Mark Cuthbertson (D) and the Town of Huntington recently announced this year’s schedule for its annual Movies on the Lawn event. Now in its 14th year, four movies, handpicked by the councilman himself, will be shown over the course of the summer at various locations in the town for free. “We are excited to bring you another great lineup of movies this summer. Pack your picnic dinner, blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy this summer’s lineup,” said Cuthbertson. This year’s program includes “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” at Heckscher Park, 2 Prime Ave., Huntington on June 25 (rain date July 16); “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” at Crab Meadow Beach DriveIn, Waterside Ave., Northport on Thursday, July 5 (rain date July 31); Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” at Crab Meadow Beach Drive-In on Thursday, July 19 (rain date July 31); and “Despicable Me 3” at Peter Nelson Park, Oakwood Road, Huntington on Aug. 13 (rain date is Aug. 20). A sandcastle contest and basketball shoot off will be held on July 19 before the movie. All movies will begin at dusk. According to Cuthbertson’s office, no alcohol is allowed at any of the events. If a showing is rained out, the event will be moved to the listed rain date and be shown indoors at Walt Whitman High School, 301 West Hills Road in Huntington Station at 7:30 p.m. For more information about the movies, including updates, visit or call 631-351-3112.
More free outdoor movie offerings:
•The St. James Chamber of Commerce will host a Movie Night at Deepwells Farm County Park, located at the corner of Route 25A and Moriches Road, St. James on July 17, with “Coco” and Aug. 14 with “Breaking Legs.” Movies begin at 7:45 p.m. Call 631-584-8510 or visit www. for updates. •Grumman Memorial Park, Route 25, Calverton will screen “Top Gun” on Aug. 3 at 8:30 p.m. Call 631-727-574 or visit www. for further info. •Hoyt Farm Park Preserve, 200 New Hwy., Commack will screen “Beauty and the Beast” on Aug. 3 at 8:30 p.m. (rain date is Aug. 10). Alternate street parking is available for nonresidents of Smithtown. For more information, call 631-543-7804 or visit •North Shore Heritage Park, 633 Mount Sinai-Coram Road, Mount Sinai, resumes its annual Movies in the Moonlight series on July 6 with “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” July 20 with “The Incredibles” and Aug. 17 with “Toy Story 3.” Sponsored by Heritage Trust, all movies begin at dusk (approximately 8:15 p.m. Bring a blanket or chair. Movie refreshments will be available at The Shack concession. No rain dates. Questions? Visit, or call 631-509-0882. •The Village of Port Jefferson’s Movies on the Harbor returns to the Jeanne Garant Harborfront Park, 101 East Broadway, Port Jefferson on July 10 with “Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory,” July 17 with “Wonder,” July 24 with “The Zookeeper’s Wife,” July 31 with “Cars 3” and Aug. 7 with “Coco.” Movies begin at dusk and the rain date is the next evening. For additional info, call 631-473-4724 or visit •Movies Under the Stars returns to Smith Haven Mall’s Lifestyle Village (located next to Dick’s Sporting Goods), Lake Grove, with a screening of “Moana” on Aug. 6, “Justice League” on Aug. 13, “Coco” on Aug. 20 and “A Wrinkle in Time” on Aug. 27. Call 631-724-1433 or visit for updates.
TBR CONTEST HONORS LOCAL FATHERS: Thanks to all the children who entered Times Beacon Record News Media’s 2018 Father’s Day Contest. Congratulations to Everett McClintock of Wading River and Jameson Flaiz of Miller Place for being this year’s winners and receiving a family four-pack of movie tickets to the Port Jefferson Cinemas. Special thanks to P.J. Cinemas for being this year’s sponsor and for their generous donation. Happy Father’s Day!
‘All About My Super Dad’ By Everett McClintock
‘All About My Super Dad’ My dad’s name is Ben. His favorite color is green. His favorite food is chicken & broccoli. His favorite activity is to build stuff. He is my hero because when I’m hurt he makes me ok. My favorite thing to do with him is to go fishing.
My dad’s name is Thomas. His favorite color is blue. His favorite food is Chinese food. His favorite activity is going out with his family. He is my hero because he is the best dad in the world! My favorite thing to do with him is to go out with him and my brother on weekends to 7-Eleven.
Jameson Flaiz, on right, age 5, of Miller Place with his Super Dad, Ben, and his younger brother Keegan.
Everett McClintock, age 10, of Wading River with his Super Dad, Thomas
By Jameson Flaiz
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Summer Water Safety: What You Absolutely Need to Know Now Long Island, with its miles of beaches and acres of pools, is the ideal place to enjoy the delights of summer. But along with the fun of swimming, body surfing or just paddling around come some real dangers — including the risk for drowning. Statistics show that drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury and death for children ages one to four, and that drowning can occur in as little as two inches of water. For tips on water safety, Stony Brook’s Dr. Maribeth Chitkara, one of Long Island’s most committed advocates for summer safety, discusses steps you can take today to keep yourself, your family and your children safe all summer long.
What is the single most important thing to know about water safety? Never take your eyes off children who are in the water. Not even for a few seconds. Nine out of 10 drowning deaths occur when a caregiver is supervising but not paying attention. If you are at a party or with a group of people, have what the Long Island Drowning Prevention Task Force calls a “designated waterwatcher.” Designate one person to keep a watchful eye on the children and rotate the assignment every 20 minutes or so to keep the watcher fresh. It is important to keep an eye on children and especially toddlers when around any kind of water — small kiddie pools, toilets, buckets of water when washing the car and the like.
What are some other water safety tips? • If a lifeguard is present, never assume that he or she will serve as your eyes. • Always keep a phone near the pool. • If you have a pool, complete four-sided isolation fencing can prevent 50 to 90 percent of child drownings or near drownings. • You may consider investing in safety covers for pools, whirlpools and spa tubs. • If you have an infant or toddler, use a toilet seat lock. • Keep in mind that water reflects the sun’s rays. For protection against harmful rays, be sure to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Reapply frequently, especially after going into the water. • If you will be outdoors for a good part of the day, be sure to stay hydrated to prevent heat stroke or exhaustion — especially if you are also exercising. Water is the best source of hydration for the body, and a good rule of thumb to remember is the “8 x 8” and “10 x 10 rule”: Women should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily and men should drink ten 10-ounce glasses daily.
What should you do if someone is drowning? It is important to get the person out of the water as soon as possible to get oxygen to their brain. If you can safely get the person onto land, do so; if not, immediately call for help. If there is a lifeguard present, enlist his or her aid. They are trained in water rescue and resuscitation. Otherwise, call 911 immediately.
Maribeth Chitkara, MD Pediatric Hospitalist, Stony Brook Children’s Associate Professor, Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Once the person has been rescued, appropriate and timely medical treatment is essential. With near drowning, the victim suffers oxygen deprivation, which can cause long-term brain damage. In these cases, every minute counts. Whenever possible, the victim should be taken to a Level 1 Trauma Center — a designation indicating the highest level of care — where trauma experts such as those at Stony Brook are experienced in caring for near-drowning patients. This will save valuable time in transferring a patient, should serious problems arise.
Where can people get more information about water safety? The Long Island Drowning Prevention Task Force has developed a comprehensive water safety education program. For information, visit This is a great resource for families.
LEARN MORE For more information on how to keep your family water safe, call (631) 444-KIDS to schedule an appointment with one of our primary care pediatricians.
For more information about Stony Brook Medicine, call (631) 444-4000.
All health and health-related information contained in this article is intended to be general and/or educational in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a healthcare professional for help, diagnosis, guidance and treatment. The information is intended to offer only general information for individuals to discuss with their healthcare provider. It is not intended to constitute a medical diagnosis or treatment or endorsement of any particular test, treatment, procedure, service, etc. Reliance on information provided is at the user’s risk. Your healthcare provider should be consulted regarding matters concerning the medical condition, treatment, and needs of you and your family. Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 18051627H
Part of Stony Brook Medicine | ©149138