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Meditative & Wellness Arts Winter Registration
The day you start moving
is the day you stop aging
We offer 12 week sessions catering to all levels and abilities in • Tai Chi • Kripalu Yoga • Essentrics Perfect for people suffering from arthritis, joint problems and balance issues
Contact Julia Dillon 631-748-7887 MedArts.UUFSB@gmail.com Classes are held at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook
Meditative & Wellness Arts
380 Nicolls Rd East Setauket
Continued from page B11
As a tribute to the raptors and a sign of his dedication to the cause, Davis is coming out of retirement for one night only, resuming his role as the bassist and a vocalist for 70s Rock Parade. (He retired from the group last year.) Davis also helped connect the musicians with Sweetbriar.
The power of community interdependency, both in the animal kingdom and human society, are themes that tie this event and Sweetbriar’s mission together. Located on 54 acres of diverse garden, woodland, field, and wetland habitats, Sweetbriar’s rehabilitation unit, in addition to the raptors, houses other animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, songbirds and even tarantulas.
There are over 100 permanent residents who call Sweetbriar home. Many of them live inside the center, but most reside in permanent enclosures. The staff and volunteers of the center, who may receive hundreds of calls a day about distressed or injured wildlife, treat more than 2000 patients a year, over half of whom are rehabilitated and released back into the wild.
“What the people of Sweetbriar do is incredible. They care for injured animals rehabilitate them, if they are not able to be released, Sweetbriar keeps them for their lifespans,” Davis added.
Ultimately, the goal of Rock 'N' Raptors is simple: to enable to Sweetbriar to continue its lifesaving work while encouraging people of all ages to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the natural world and its inhabitants.
“Sweetbriar is so special, and as a nonprofit, it relies on people’s generosity and good hearts…I show up to the center and my blood pressure goes down; it is my zen,” Davis said.
Tickets to Rock 'N' Raptors are $25 each, free for children under the age of 12. To register, visit www.sweetbriarnc.org. For more information, call 631-979-6344.
Meet Nebula the Barn Owl at Sweetbriar's fundraiser on Dec. 11. Photo by John Davis