November 05, 2020 • CLASSIFIEDS • PAGE C3
E M PL OY M E N T / C A R E E R S Help Wanted
HVAC TECHS & INSTALLERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY F/T, year round, full benefits Flanders Heating and Air conditioning, Call Audrey 631-727-2760 See our display ad for more information
LAMINATE FLOOR INSTALLER AND TRIM WORK at CBW Floor and Trim. Salary commensurable with experience. Call 631-627-5067
The SSIFIED DEADLINE A L is Tuesday at noon. C
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
If you want to advertise, do it soon!
631.751.7663 or 631.331.1154
HELP W WANTED ANTED Laminate FLOOR Installer & Trim Work
Salary commensurable with experience
CBW Floors & Trim 27 631-627-5067
P/T – F/T Licensed P & C Insurance Broker for small, independent, family-owned agency. Must be self-starter, proficient with Microsoft Word and agency management system. Call 631-448-1848
Part-Time Custodial Workers Various 4-hour shifts Available - Hourly Salary $14.00 Part-Time Licensed Security – 10-Month Position Four hour shift (9AM-11AM) - Hourly Salary $18.00 ©108287
Substitute Teachers - All Areas $125 Daily/$150 Daily for Preferred Subs Please submit a letter of interest and completed RPUFSD non-instructional application to Susann Crossan, Superintendent, Rocky Point UFSD, 90 Rocky Point-Yaphank Road, Rocky Point, NYÂ 11778 EOE - Visit for more information.
)ZM AW] 0QZQVO' Looking for a
CALL THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Ì&#x2020; Ì&#x2020; WZ Ì&#x2020; Ì&#x2020;
HVAC TECHS & INSTALLERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! FULL TIME Æ&#x201D;YEAR ROUND Æ&#x201D; FULL BENEFITS For Senior Installers & Sr. Service Techs Signing Bonus! w/ 5yrs Experience.
Signing Bonus!
For Junior Installers & Jr. Service Techs w/ 2yrs Experience. Interested?
(631) 727-2760
Rocky Point UFSD
Substitute Food Service Workers $14.00 per hour
DENTAL RECEPTIONIST PT/FT. Experience preferred, private practice. Family Atmosphere, Shoreham. Call 631-921-9493
Busy Alternative Care Office seeks front desk/ assistant for appointment scheduling, filing, phones and more. Must be people oriented and a multi-tasker.
INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENCY looking for P/T-F/T licensed Property/Casualty Insurance Broker for small family owned agency. See display ad for more information. 631-448-1848
)5217 '(6. $66,67$17
ROCKY POINT UFSD P/T custodial workers, P/T licensed security, substitute food service and substitute teachers. FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE OUR DISPLAY AD.
Classifieds Online
FRONT DESK ASSISTANT Busy Alternative Care Office, P/T. Must be computer savvy and a multi-tasker. Call 631-804-7961. Please see ad in employment display for complete details
JOB OPPORTUNITY $18.50 P/H NYC $16 P/H LI Up to $13.50 P/H UPSTATE NY CDPAP Caregiver Hourly Pay Rate! Under NYS CDPAP Medicaid program you can hire your family or friends for your care. Phone: 347-713-3553
PUBLISHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EMPLOYMENT NOTICE: All employment advertising in this newspaper is subject to section 296 of the human rights law which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, creed, national origin, disability, marital status, sex, age or arrest conviction record or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Title 29, U.S. Code Chap 630, excludes the Federal Govâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. from the age discrimination provisions. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for employment which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that employment offerings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Place your ad today Call 631.751.7663 or 631.331.1154
Suffolk County established caterer (35+ years) with clients from Montauk to Manhattan. Immediate opening for culinary professional with minimum 6 years off-premises catering experience. Will be responsible for maintaining menu & brand identity, ensure food is prepared properly, aesthetically pleasing, and manage kitchen operations and staff (under 10). Collaborate with management on inventory, budget, and food presentation. New American cuisine. Plant-based, Latin & Asian a plus. Responsibilities include: Purchase food & supplies from vendors approved by the company; monitor & track inventory (minimize waste, ensure quality & freshness); develop menus & create new dishes seasonally; hire, train & supervise kitchen personnel; stay current on industry trends; identify new culinary techniques & presentations; assist kitchen staff with food prep; strong knowledge of food handling health code regulations; provide direction & supervision to kitchen staff. Weekly hours vary from 40-60 hours to include Saturday & some Sunday events. Compensation negotiable.
Call 631-334-3263 â&#x20AC;¢
);3 )*7=< 7=: ;8-+1)4; Place your ad by Tuesday noon and it will appear in that Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s editions.