New Beginnings - February 2, 2017

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NEW BEGINNINGS A Supplement to Times Beacon Record Newspapers

INSIDE: • 2017 Forecast for Long Island • New Year’s Diet Trends Finding Serenity • Financial Resolutions Managing Your Money



Comprehensive Concussion Management is a Back to School Must, Say Experts


s children across Long Island head back outside in the Spring, they will also return to the field and court to engage in school sports. Cautious parents and coaches will equip children with the proper safety equipment, such as mouth guards, helmets, and pads. However, parents and school officials can do even more to protect their student athletes from injury.


Symptoms of concussion that can be observed include appearing to be dazed or stunned, loss of consciousness (even briefly), confusion; memory loss, clumsy movement, slow to answer questions and behavior or personality changes. Other symptoms frequently reported include headache, balance deficits, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to Each sports season, approximate- light, sleep disturbances, feeling ly 10% of all athletes involved in “foggy” and vision problems. contact sports suffer a concussion, If you suspect your child or stua common but serious traumatic dent athlete has suffered a concusbrain injury resulting from a blow sion, it is vital to see a physician to the head. Studies show that 40% specializing in concussion. Howof high school athletes who have ever, diagnosis is just one part of suffered a concussion return to a comprehensive approach to conplay too soon, risking additional cussion management. and sometimes permanent brain Each academic year, parents, damage. coaches and administrators All concussions are considered should partner with local conserious and repeat concussions cussion management programs can result in brain swelling, per- to become educated on concusmanent brain damage, and even sion. One area program provides death. athletes a 20-minute neurocogniThis issue is so serious that in 2012 tive baseline test before the sports New York State implemented a law season begins. If a concussion requiring all schools to remove is suspected during the season, concussed athletes from contact a follow-up test is administered. sports until they are cleared by a Comparison of the test results bephysician. The law also requires fore and after injury can provide school districts to provide educa- physicians with important infortion and training so that coaches mation on an athlete’s cognitive and athletic trainers are better status. This provides acute clinical able to identify and address con- care for students diagnosed with a concussion and a framework to cussion during games. Concussion can occur in any sport help ensure a safe return to play.


and ninety percent occur without loss of consciousness. So it is vital that school officials, as well as parents, understand the risks and know the signs and symptoms of

Jennifer Gray, DO, Medical Co-director of ThinkSMART!™ St. Charles Hospital’s Concussion Management Program



Healthy diet tips to kick-start the new year right BY KATHERINE ESPINOZA After the holidays have faded to a happy memory, and a new year ensues, it seems like the perfect time to re-evaluate what we would like to do better. For many of us, that includes losing weight and exercising more often. However, many of us repeat this cycle year after year and give up when it becomes too challenging. What if it was possible to simplify the whole process? To make some changes that we could maintain without much trouble? Adopting a healthier lifestyle overall is the most crucial element to success in losing weight and getting healthy. The best place to begin is with our epidemic of sugar addiction. We have been told for years that fats, especially saturated fats, are the enemy. Researchers have demonstrated as far back as the 1960s that sugars like glucose and fructose are metabolized differently — although the sugar industry would have you believe otherwise. The sugar industry helped influence what we ate. As was recently disclosed in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, Sept. 2016, the sugar industry paid scientists a small amount of money to minimize the link between sugar and heart health and cast aspersions on the role of saturated fat. When we limit our intake of processed foods and increase our consumption of high fiber fruits and vegetables, our sugar intake decreases naturally. However, the

‘When we limit our intake of processed foods and increase our consumption of high fiber fruits and vegetables, our sugar intake decreases naturally.’ — KATHERINE ESPINOZA

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average American only gets 14 grams of fiber daily compared to the recommended amount of 21 to 38 grams per day. Adding one more serving daily of vegetables is a smart first step in building a healthy eating plan. Eating more fiber also helps you put more antioxidant rich foods in your diet, like carrots, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. As you would suspect, foods high in antioxidants help reverse the pro-

cess of oxidation, a chemical reaction that produces free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. Many experts believe this damage is a factor in the development of blood vessel disease, cancer and other conditions. In addition, getting more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids just might help you keep your blood pressure down. Research also suggests that omega-3 fatty acids can

help improve your mood — which we all need a little help with in the cold days of winter. Fatty fish, like salmon, cod, and mackerel, as well as walnuts and flax are all good sources of omega-3. Snacking on some nuts before lunch is an easy way to start. Finally, trying to eat less meat by adopting meatless Monday is another good idea. It’s a way to incorporate more fiber in your diet and try new recipes that feature beans, veggies or tofu. Rather than counting calories or having to exercise more to combat unwanted pounds, choose nutrient-dense low calorie foods to achieve your goal of losing weight or reversing potentially chronic diseases. When we eat better, exercise also becomes more enjoyable. We are not doing it to counter the effects of high calorie intake; rather, we exercise to develop a strong core to keep our back pain--free and to maintain a healthy flexible body. Exercise keeps the powerhouses of our cells, the mitochondria, healthy as well. They are the primary source of energy for your body. They convert the nutrients we eat into energy. That energy is then used by our cells to facilitate a host of body functions from breathing to exercise. Eating healthy and boosting nutrient intake combined with exercise will give you the best start in the New Year. Cheers to your health! Katherine Espinoza MS RDN is a Northport resident, certified nutrition consultant and certified health coach.

Finding serenity through nature’s greatest gift: hiking trails BY VICTORIA ESPINOZA Finding serenity is no easy feat — but Long Island is here to help you. Nassau and Suffolk counties offer a wide variety of beautiful nature preserves and hiking trails for residents to blow off some steam, take in the sights and enjoy some serenity. As a native-born Long Islander, I have been exploring the trails of Long Island since I was a little girl, and I have never been disappointed. Within minutes of being inside a trail, the roads are nowhere to be found, the only sounds to be heard are high within the trees, and if you’re like me, the only company following you around are your loyal dogs. And don’t let the winter weather discourage your spirit, when bundled up these trails are just as calming. Some of my favorite Long Island hiking spots include:

Cold Spring Harbor State Park

This 40-acre trail will take your breath away both with sights and energy used to climb the terrain. The trail offers leisurely moments as well as more challenging paths, and all the while you are surrounded by beautiful views of the woods and the Cold Spring Harbor. You can at times feel lost in the woods, far from civilization.

The park features a mixed-hardwood forest with notable large oak specimens that measure 3 feet in diameter, as well as thickets of wild mountain laurel. The area is ideal for observing spring and fall migrations of a variety of songbirds, and is home to great horned owls and red-tailed hawks. The park serves as the northern trailhead of the Nassau-Suffolk Greenbelt Trail that extends to Bethpage State Park and eventually the south shore of Nassau County. The main entrance is located at 95 Harbor Road in Cold Spring Harbor.

Sunken Meadow State Park

This park certainly has a lot to offer, with beaches, hiking trails, a golf course and a variety of water activities in the summer months. I’ve also cheered on many friends during cross-country meets along its trails for runners. Offering one of the most stunning views of the Long Island Sound with Connecticut in the distance, Sunken Meadow State Park has a wide range of topography that sustains a variety of flora and fauna. Its three miles of beach meet tall, glacier-formed bluffs at the west end of the shoreline. A man-made dam separates the park’s brackish creek and marshes from the tidal flats. South of the

Photo by Victoria Espinoza

My two loyal hiking companions Eleanor Rigby, left, and Shakira enjoy a hike on the beach. flats are acres of undeveloped and heavily wooded rolling hills. Cross-country running events are held over the hilly running course. The park is the northern terminus of the Long Island Greenbelt trail for hiking. The park islocated at Route 25A and Sunken Meadow Parkway in Kings Park.

Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve

This was the very first state park I ever visited, and is still one of my favorites.

HIKING continued on page S17


THIS Year DO YOU Want To reverse Disease? Want To Lose Weight? Feel Concerned You’re Locked Into Your Genes?

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“My cardiologist was so impressed with my results. By following Dr. Dunaief’s advice, I’ve been able to stop all three of my blood pressure medications. My heart palpitations, which were limiting my activities, have dramatically reduced in frequency, my energy levels have increased and I have lost 15 pounds in two months.” ~ Nurse, age 62 “I feel awesome after eating the diet, especially in the morning. I can’t believe how much has improved with such small changes. My cholesterol is normal, and my triglycerides dropped dramatically - almost 200 points! My blood pressure medication was stopped, yet my blood pressure is the best it has ever been.” ~ E.M., age 44

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New BegiNNiNgs

Cuomo unveils big ideas to boost Long Island By Spencer rumSey Breaking with tradition, N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) came to Long Island to deliver his State of the State address in January, making Farmingdale State College one of six stops across New York. Normally the governor tells the state Legislature in Albany what he hopes to do. But this year is starting off differently for many reasons. For one thing, 2016 ended on a sour note in the capital, since he wouldn’t give state Senators and Assembly members a raise unless they agreed to hold a special session in late December and pass some long-overdue ethics reforms. They balked. He wouldn’t buckle, and so he hit the road. What the future portends for the proposals Cuomo’s pushing is a multi-billiondollar question. It is complicated by news reports that he could be gearing up to run for president in 2020, and State Sen. John Flanagan, the ranking Republican in the state Senate, could be considering a race for governor in 2018. On hand to introduce the governor at Farmingdale was Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, who praised his fellow Democrat. The feeling was mutual, as the governor called Bellone “one of the best county executives in the country.” Notably absent was Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, a Republican who used to appear regularly by Cuomo’s side when he spoke on Long Island, but was indicted on federal corruption charges last year. In Mangano’s place was Nassau Comptroller George Maragos, plus a host of local politicians like Brookhaven Supervisor Ed Romaine (R) , Smithtown Supervisor Pat Vecchio (R) and legislators from both counties. They all listened to an ambitious agenda from New York’s 56th governor, who said under his leadership the state has made more “economic and social progress over

‘For decades New York was spending money like a drunken sailor.’ —andrew cuomo

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Above, Gov. cuomo spoke of many ideas to improve life for LI residents; bottom left, many LIrr train stations would be getting makeovers if cuomo’s proposals go through. these past few years” than anything since the era of FDR and Robert Moses. He touted passing paid family leave, raising the minimum wage, approving marriage equality and reducing unemployment from 8.4 percent when he took office to 5.1 percent. “That’s the best news of all!” Cuomo told the crowded auditorium. During his 50-minute address he never

mentioned his unfinished record on ethics reforms. Instead, he focused on his success in reining in the budget. “For decades New York was spending money like a drunken sailor,” Cuomo said, adding that it was “out of control.” He added that it didn’t matter which party was in power. To prove his point, a slide projected on the screen behind him showed how the

state’s expenditures had gone up annually, even when his father was governor, let alone Gov. George Pataki (R), who’d beat his dad. “We’re no longer the anti-business state,” Cuomo said, a claim that didn’t draw snickers in the auditorium, though it might have elsewhere. One way he accomplished that turnaround, he said, was to impose the 2 percent tax cap. For the typical New York homeowner, he said the median state income tax is $1,874. “That’s me,” the governor said. The median state property tax is $4,703. “That’s not me,” Cuomo explained. “So when you are annoyed about high taxes, don’t look at me — I’m eighteen-hundred dollars.” He further noted “we have the highest property taxes in the nation,” with Nassau at number two, behind Westchester, and Suffolk at number 12 on the list. To remedy this tax burden, Cuomo unveiled his Property Tax Relief Plan, which would focus on local governments — 305 in Nassau, 404 in Suffolk — to find savings and cost efficiencies. Essentially it would be a referendum that would enable the county executive to have more control over the process, a continuation of what Cuomo began as New York attorney general when he pushed the New York Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act to enable citizens to dissolve special taxing districts. “Put the local governments in a room,” Cuomo said. “Come up with a plan. Find out how to save money, and then put that plan on the ballot in November and let the citizens vote.” He admitted that “the entire political class is going to be against it.” Indeed, the response in this Farmingdale crowd sounded rather lukewarm, compared to how they greeted his announcement he wanted to spend $80 million to modernize 16 Long Island Rail Road stations, including Northport, Stony Brook, and Port Jefferson. Or spend $20 million to connect MacArthur Airport to the LIRR and another $20 million on what Cuomo called Bellone’s “brilliant idea” to connect Brookhaven National Laboratory with the railroad because “it will stimulate all sorts of economic activity.” Thinking big, Cuomo said he wanted the Long Island Power Authority to approve a 90-megawatt wind farm 30 miles southeast of Montauk, which would support some 50,000 homes and not be visible from shore. “Not even Superman standing on Montauk Point could see these wind farms,” Cuomo said. “The upside is tremendous… It’s jobs. It’s clean energy, and it’s inexpen-

CUOMO continued on page S7



school” to help young people in recovery to finish school and not compound the probContinued from page S6 lem drew loud applause. As for higher education, Cuomo said sive energy, which then drives the econo- college tuition was too high, and proposed my.” According to the governor, it would families earning $125,000 or less would be be the largest offshore wind farm project able to send their children to a public university for free. He called that a first step. “The in America. He also addressed Long Island’s serious way we made high schools free, we should water issues, saying he wanted to replace make college free, and I believe that day will old infrastructure and invest in new sewers. come.” His words were greeted warmly. “Long Island is a fragile, delicate beauti“It is not sexy, but it is essential,” he said. With that goal in mind, he proposed giv- ful asset, and we want to make sure it stays ing $338 million to Suffolk County to con- that way,” Cuomo said. “We have to leave our children a more nect more than 10,000 homes beautiful Long Island to sewage systems. Specifically ‘The governor’s State than we found it.” he said the state would spend Although the state $20 million to install new in- of the State address Legislature will have frastructure in the Smithtown outlined an ambitious the last word, initial Business District Sewer Imresponse to the goverprovement Area and $20 mil- plan for dealing with nor’s agenda tended to lion on building the Kings Park some of the Island’s be favorable, dependWastewater Treatment Facility on a 100-acre area near the pernicious problems.’ ing on who’s talking. “The governor’s railroad station. — john cameron State of the State ad“It is great to see these local dress outlined an amcommunities get what they have bitious plan for dealing with some of the been asking for over these many years,” said Eric Alexander, director of Vision Long Is- Island’s pernicious problems,” John Camland, a non-profit organization that advo- eron, chairman of the Long Island Regioncates smart growth to revitalize the Island’s al Planning Council said. “While as we all know the devil (aka, how everything gets downtown areas. Before Cuomo was done speaking, he paid for) is always in the details, it should also took on the opioid epidemic, noting all flesh itself out in the governor’s soon emergency room admissions in Suffolk to be released state budget and the subseand Nassau have increased more than 150 quent negotiations with the state Legislapercent in five years. He wants to expand ture. Stay tuned!” Brandon Muir, executive director of Retreatment programs and eliminate insurclaim New York, a non-profit, non-partisan ance barriers to pay for them. His idea to set up what he called a “recovery high advocacy organization, wasn’t buying it.

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Cuomo intends to create new legislation to curb the growing drug abuse trend. “Long Islanders can’t trust they’ll get an honest government when they can’t get an honest speech,” he said. “They need relief on property taxes, a more affordable government, and ethics reform. Instead, they got a dishonest pitch aimed at helping the governor’s career, not those of actual New Yorkers.” State Republican Chairman Ed Cox, who trailed the governor around the state to rebut him, said that Cuomo should have taken more responsibility for the home-

owner’s tax burden “because 85 percent of local property taxes are unfunded mandates” from Albany. Cuomo may be done giving State of the State speeches, but the long legislative process has only just begun. Many contentious months lie ahead before it’s done. After all, the budget he wants is $152.3 billion. The state Legislature no doubt has another sum in mind. What it will be in the end we’ll all find out soon enough.

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New BegiNNiNgs Tax changes and what they mean for Long Island residents By Matthew Covati Great news for all the procrastinators out there. Your 2016 tax return will not be due until April 18 this year thanks to Emancipation Day, which falls Friday, April 15. Under federal law, the tax deadline gets extended when it falls on a holiday or weekend, and so the tax deadline for most taxpayers will be the following Monday, April 18. In fact, if you live in New England and celebrate Patriot’s Day, you get still one more day to file as April 19 is your deadline.

Changes in 2016

The big news in tax law changes is actually the lack of changes. For most Americans if your life situation has not changed, there were no major tax law changes of concern. The majority of changes involve items that are tied to inflation. For example, the personal exemption taxpayers are entitled to take on their tax returns will increase by $50 for 2016. That will give everyone an exemption amount of $4,050. The standard deductions for most taxpayers stayed the same as 2015 levels for single, married filing jointly, and married filing separately filers. If you qualify for head of household status, the standard deduction will increase by $50 to a total of $9,300 for 2016. The Internal Revenue Service released its 2017 standard mileage rate for those who deduct their automobile expenses. For 2017 the rate is 53.5 cents a mile, down from 54 cents in 2016. When using a car for medical purposes you can deduct 17 cents a mile in 2017, down from 19 cents a mile in 2016 and if you use your car while performing a service for a charitable organization, you can deduct 14 cents a mile, the same as 2016. In addition, if your employer reimburses you for mileage, it is only taxable to you if the reimbursement exceeds the 53.5 cents per mile.

Changes to look for in 2017

President Donald Trump has proposed reducing the top individual tax rate from 39.6 percent to 33 percent. Obviously, postponing income until 2017 or maximizing deductions will be more important in such an environment. However, one potential pitfall is some middle class taxpayers may pay more tax under the new tax

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above, North Shore residents will be gearing up for tax season soon; below left, President Donald trump’s tax ideas could change many different aspects of the system.

rates. Under Trump’s proposal, there would be only three tax brackets: 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. Depending where the brackets begin, some taxpayers might find they were in the 28% bracket and are now pushed into the 33% rate on a portion of their taxable income. Single parents are also likely to pay more taxes as Trump has proposed eliminating personal exemptions and the head of household status. If rates drop next year, accelerating deductions into this year

might make them more valuable — deductible at 39.6 percent instead of 33 percent with Trump’s proposal for lower rates. Besides the tax rates, perhaps the one item to affect the most taxpayers would be the changes to standard and itemized deductions. Trump has proposed increasing the standard deduction from $6,300 to $15,000 for singles and from $12,600 to $30,000 for married filing joint. This would be a great tax savings to payers who do not currently itemize their deductions, including lower income taxpayers, renters and the elderly. Trump has proposed limiting itemized deductions to $100,000 for single taxpayers and $200,000 for joint filers. This could also affect some higher income taxpayers, especially in areas of higher home values and high taxes, like Long Island. Another item disproportionately affecting Long Islanders is the alternative minimum tax, which Trump has proposed to eliminate. This could save the middle class

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and higher income taxpayers thousands of dollars. Not sure if you paid any AMT last year? Simply look on line 45 of your 2015 1040. The capital gain rates may not change under the Trump plan, but the 20 percent capital gain rate attributed to higher income individuals would begin at $127,500 for single taxpayers and $255,000 for joint filers. Under current law, the 20 percent capital gain rate doesn’t begin until $425,400 for singles and $487,650 for taxpayers filing joint returns. As we well know, all of these items are based on campaign promises, which are about as solid as glass, however they do give us a good guideline as to what items Washington will be discussing in 2017 and what to watch out for. Matthew Covati CPA is a partner at Covati & Janhsen CPA’s PC, a tax planning and preparation firm located in Port Jefferson. You can call him at (631) 928-6300.


Think Kitchens When Considering Home Renovations


hen thinking about home remodeling, the room that comes to mind first is the kitchen. There are few home improvement projects that can bring both joy and value. Whether it is a complete redesign, redoing the floors or adding an island, there are numerous benefits to kitchen renovations. Increase the value of your home Most people are surprised how much a welldesigned kitchen can add to the value of their home. Your home will benefit from a

new kitchen since it will not only give your home a new look but it will also increase the value of your property. Generally speaking, kitchens are one of the first things homebuyers look at; so, in addition to added value to your home, it can mean your home will sell faster than others. Aside from the selling value of your home, you will also be able to benefit from reduced energy bills by updating your appliances. This is a value you will start enjoying right away, month after month.

Make it safe Many homeowners might not realize that working in an outdated kitchen can be dangerous. Outdated appliances may not be working properly, electrical outlets may not be properly grounded or the refrigerator might not be keeping food at the correct temperature. Even more concerns arise when toddlers are in the home. All of these issues can be properly addressed with a well-planned-out kitchen remodeling project. If you want to feel safe, a remodeled kitchen can provide an important opportunity to address any potential dangers. Get organized A beautiful kitchen is a clutter-free kitchen. When renovating your kitchen, you will be able to optimize your available space. You might trade hard-to-reach cabinets for open space or build a kitchen island for additional work space. Your organization options can be limitless. Increase your happiness Happiness is extremely valuable especially if you are planning to stay in your home. Think about how your new kitchen renovation might ease the stress of your life, bring your family together or just brighten the atmosphere of your home. All of these are important benefits you will get from a kitchen renovation. Denis Lynch, owner Setauket Kitchen and Bath Setauket, NY

‘Generally speaking, kitchens are one of the first things homebuyers look at; so, in addition to added value to your home, it can mean your home will sell faster than others.’



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Art is For Everyone

ngaging in the arts is valuable for everyone. Involvement in arts-related activities encourages selfexpression, builds confidence, fosters imagination, aids in problem solving and improves concentration. Involvement in the arts provides the critical thinking and communication skills essential to good performance. Art by itself does not solve problems, but it makes us aware of their existence and gives us an opportunity to learn the process of problem solving. Engaging in art activities provides an opportunity for social and emotional development. But most of all, involvement in the arts is associated with increased cognitive ability as well as increased verbal skills. There has been a great deal of renewed interest in the arts. Based on findings in brain research and cognitive development studies, many schools have remodeled their programs. These studies have highlighted the idea that there is a positive connection between children who engage in arts activities and their academic achievement. As a result of these studies, more schools have made the arts a priority. But art is not only for children. Creative expression is important for adults regardless of age or level of physical, emotional or cognitive functioning. The arts help adults engage in a

Photo by Larissa Grass

ArtVentures summer program

creative and healing process of self-expression. Being a part of a group arts activity can help older adults create work that honors their life experience and can help them find meaning and purpose as they age. Art is for everyone! Judith Levy Director, Gallery North Setauket


Retirement Communities A Life Plan Retirement Community encourages people to live the life they love.


hile this is important at any stage of life, as we age it becomes even more meaningful, as many of us leave the responsibilities of taking care of a home and raising children to the next generation.

master bedroom with walk-in closet, washer and dryer as well as a patio or sunroom and attached garage. Apartments may range from roomy studios to two bedrooms and den. Apartments may be conveniently attached to a community center, so access to the wide range of social, cultural, educational, fitness and dining options is a breeze, no matter what the weather. There is no snow shoveling, raking leaves or cutting the grass. Growing flowers and vegetables is up to you.


New Year’s is often the time when people begin to seriously consider where they want to live in their retirement years. Most Long Islanders have spent their adult years maintaining a home. While a house can be a source of immense pride, pleasure and memories, taking care of that home and paying the bills is more What’s more, a Life Plan retirement community is about setting you free; freedom from difficult and less satisfying in later life. unexpected healthcare and household bills. A Life Plan retirement community offers the The freedom to travel, take a class, make new best aspects of having your own place, without friends; even freedom from cooking. The the responsibility. Residents may enjoy either freedom to invite friends and family to visit, spacious apartments or charming 2 or 3 bed- whether it’s for an evening or a week. Live the room cottages. Independent living cottages, life you love! can range in size from 1,600 to 2,000 square Cathy DeAngelo feet, and can offer all the comforts of home, Director of Sales and Marketing Jefferson’s Ferry Lifecare simplified! Residences may include two bathRetirement Community rooms, a fully equipped kitchen, dining area,


new beginnings

Who’s managing your money and other questions to ask By Mark J. Snyder

All RIAs are required to provide this twopart disclosure document by law. Part one contains information about possible past problems advisors may have had with clients or regulators, plus details about their business. Part two covers the advisor’s services, fees and investment strategies. An RIA’s most recent Form ADV, part one only, is freely accessed online at: You can ask your RIA for a copy of ADV part two. They are required by law to supply it.

Is the person managing your money a fiduciary? You have a right to this information. Your long-term financial goals are at the center of each financial planning decision you make. In fact, we encourage all financial professionals to exercise the same level of care and to follow the same stringent guidelines that we do. A fiduciary financial professional who is advising you about investments must recommend investments that are best for you. Fiduciary professionals must also tell you about their qualifications and services as well as how they are paid. They must reveal any potential conflicts of interest and any disciplinary actions taken against them. Legally, investment advisors have a fiduciary responsibility to you; brokers do not.

But He’s My Broker

Learn Which Type of Account You Have: Stock photo

you, it may not be your best choice.

A broker does not have fiduciary responsibility even if they give you financial advice. The law does require they recommend investments that are suitable for you. They can also consider the commission or company bonus they may earn from selling particular investments. In other words, while an investment may be suitable for

Who Is the Fiduciary?

Registered Investment Advisors operate under the “fiduciary standard”. An RIA is legally and ethically bound to put your interests ahead of their own. Stockbrokers adhere to the looser “suitability standard”. This means they only need to have “reasonable grounds” to believe that the finan-

cial products they recommend to you are suitable for your needs. In some instances, however, those investments could be lucrative for the broker at the expense of the client, i.e., more lucrative than a similar product from a competing firm. In addition, broker/dealers usually do not have to make as many disclosures regarding conflicts of interest, fees or previous infractions as investment advisers.

What You Can Do

When considering a potential investment advisor, request a copy of Form ADV.

All accounts are not the same. A brokerage account is not an advisory account. Different accounts have different objectives. Be sure you have the account type that’s right for you.

Your Best Choice:

Work with an RIA. Any other choice is sub-standard. Mark J. Snyder is the president of Mark J. Snyder Financial Service in Medford. QFP, CRC, CLU, ChFC, RFC, CFS, CMFC, RF, RMA.

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reventive medicine is always the best. It’s the best gift for your eyesight and that of those close to you for the new year. • Make sure, for example, that you’ve had an eye exam within the last 18 months. • Make sure those you love, especially children, are not having undetected vision problems. How? Keep an eye on their habits while they’re watching TV or playing games. If they’re getting too close or too far from what they’re looking at, it may be an indication of vision problems. We’ve seen astounding improvements in children’s school work and general demeanor when they first realized that everything they saw did not have to be cloud covered. • For yourself for the new year, please remember that this is Long Island, sunny Long Island, and direct sunlight is harmful to your vision. Always have a pair of polarized sunglasses and wear them as often as possible on sunny days. 2191 Nesconset Highway (in the Red Lobster Shopping Center) Stony Brook, NY 11790-3500 • (631) 246-5468 Andrew N. Polan, F.N.A.O.

Andy Polan, owner and chief optician Stony Brook Vision World

SCS_HeartHealthDay_Jan2017_TimesBeaconLifestyle_Rowland_Layout 1 1/24/2017 4:21 PM Page 1


Healthy Lifestyles Education Series Join Us for a Free Informative Health Seminar


Weight loss surgery program highlights: • Patient care provided under the guidance of the Bariatric Director and dedicated coordinator. • Latest surgical technology in weight loss surgery—laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, lap band, and revisions. • Surgical procedures performed by qualified, board-certified bariatric surgeons.

WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY INFO SESSION Saturday, March 4, 2017 | 9:30–11:30 AM St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center

Medical Office Building, St. Vincent’s Conf. Room, Lower Level 48 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 Light Refreshments will be served. For more information and to register, please call (631) 870-3444. Nik Sekhar, MD, FACS, FASMBS Director, Bariatric Surgery

St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center

50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 |

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New begiNNiNgs

What’s in this season: diet trends and ingredients for 2017 By Katherine espinoza

Sorghum is the new quinoa

Move over quinoa and faro; the new ancient grain is sorghum, another odd-sounding grain. This small beige grain is gaining ground because it’s gluten-free and has a non-genetically modified organism status, meaning no scientists modified the DNA of that crop. GMO products are not used in Europe but they are everywhere here in the US. Sorghum can be used like any other grain and has already made its way into various cereals, bars and snack products.

Jackfruit and more meatier plant-based protein

Last year was definitely the year we became more acquainted with beans, chickpeas, lentils and dried peas. However the Paleo Diet was still popular with all sorts of meat friendly snacks. But in trying to have the best of both worlds we can expect to see meaty-looking foods that are vegetarian friendly. We will see more meatless butchers, like the Herbivorous Butcher in Minnesota, who sells an array of pseudo meats that look like the real thing. Jackfruit, a large green tree fruit native to Southeast Asia, is the new star for vegan proteins. Jackfruit really needs to be combined with a sauce or marinade to give it any flavor.

The texture is like that of pulled chicken or pork. It can be found in BBQ dishes, salads, tacos, and wraps. Another option for burger lovers is the Beyond Burger, based on pea protein, a gluten-free burger that includes beet juice for a raw meat color. It is now available at several whole food markets around the country.

Ugly produce

Consumers, especially millennials, are very much attuned to the effect their food choices have on the planet, which has made preserving ugly produce a growing trend. Produce that is misshapen or less visually appealing usually goes straight to the dumpster and as Dr. Katie Cavuto tells SELF magazine, they are a huge part of the growing food waste problem. Starting now, this type of produce will be featured at local farmer’s markets instead of being thrown away. Many people use this produce for baking or other needs instead of eating it as is.

Seaweed and other unusual greens

Seaweed chips are popping up as consumers are beginning to seek out seaweed more and more. Some chefs attribute its popularity to an alluring umami flavor, which is being utilized in soups, sauces, and finishing oils and salts. It’s also low in calories and rich in nutrients like calcium and iron.

Smoothies to get your zzz’s

Americans are in a sleep deficit and looking for a more natural ticket to dreamland. Healthy Skoop makes a smoothie mix called Sleep Protein that includes tart cherry extract and magnesium, both natural sleep enhancers. Gaia Herbs is promoting Golden Milk, a combination of turmeric, dates, cardamom, vanilla bean, black pepper and the herb ashwagandha root, as a sleep tonic. The golden milk powder can be mixed with warm milk or nondairy milk for a soothing, end of day sipper.


While fermented foods started getting big this past year, they will most likely continue to grow. Gut health is a hot topic and people are eating sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented veggies more than ever. The microbiome is a miniature ecosystem in the gastrointestinal tract, one populated by trillions of microscopic organisms. Diet plays a critical role in the health of these beneficial bacteria.

A golden idea

Golden lattes are set to become one of the hottest new drinks. Made with turmeric, coconut oil, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, honey, and unsweetened plant-based milk, according to Dr. Brigitte Zeitlin, founder of the New York based BZ

stock photo

Nutrition, this latte will do more than just quench your thirst. The turmeric spice is believed to help with everything from cancer to a cough and is often given to children with a fever in Asia. It’s a traditional Indian and Asian health remedy because of its powerful health benefits. It’s an anti-inflammatory, an anti-oxidant, a pain reliever and is also used as a topical compress for muscle strains and injuries in some parts of the world.

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hiking Continued from page S3 Situated on a scenic peninsula extending into Long Island Sound, this park offers miles of nature trails for walking, jogging, hiking, biking, cross-country skiing and bridle paths over acres of woodland, meadows, rock shoreline and salt marsh. The park has beautiful gardens, excellent fishing and scuba diving by permit. The park is diverse; fishing, hiking, bird watching, nature photography, and nature study are among the many activities visitors may pursue. The polo pony barn provides lessons, boarding and equestrian services as part of the Lloyd Harbor Equestrian Center. The Summer Cottage houses a Nassau BOCES Outdoor and Environmental Education Program. The historic Henry Lloyd Manor house built in 1711 is leased to the Lloyd Harbor Historical Society. The Historical Society provides historic interpretation of life during the colonial period. The park is located at 25 Lloyd Harbor Road in Huntington.

Benefits of hiking

Many scientific journals and studies agree hiking not only helps calm you, but also improves brain activity, stimulates endorphins and elevates happiness. According to a research study published in Plos One, an online open-access scientific journal, “there is a real, measurable cognitive advantage to be realized if we spend time truly immersed in a natural setting.” Their findings showed higher-order cog-

nitive skills like memory, learning, and the ability to pay attention, improve with sustained exposure to a natural environment. One suggestion is natural environments are associated with exposure to stimuli that elicit a kind of gentle, soft fascination, and are both emotionally positive and low arousing. According to the study, exposure to nature may also engage what has been termed the “default mode” network of the brain, which may be important for peak psychosocial health. The default mode network is a set of brain areas active during restful introspection and has been implicated in efficient performance on tasks requiring frontal lobe function such as divergent thinking, a thought process used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. The study says on a hike the mind may be more able to enter a state of introspection and mind wandering which can engage the default mode. Engaging the default mode has been shown to be disrupted by multimedia use, which requires external attention focus, again pointing to the possibility natural environments may have both removed a cost and added a benefit. With exposure to nature in decline, there is also a reciprocal increase in the adoption of, use, and dependency upon technology. Serenity is not all you can achieve while hiking, there are multiple health benefits from walking nature trails as well. According to a study conducted at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, life science division in Berkeley, California, walking briskly can lower your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes as much as running. All three condi-

A view of the water at Sunken Meadow State Park. tions are risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Researchers analyzed 33,060 runners in the National Runners’ Health Study and 15,045 walkers in the National Walkers’ Health Study. They found the same energy used for moderate-intensity walking

Cellfina – A Cellulite Treatment That Actually Works!

Nothing kills confidence like cellulite. You eat right and you exercise but still have that area of cellulite that will not go away. You have tried all the remedies, but nothing seems to work. Let’s look at some fast facts about Cellulite. Is it genetic? Unfortunately, it is. If your mother or grandmothers have cellulite, you may be more likely to have it too.

But considering it’s so common, don’t blame all of it on mom. And exercise is great for your entire body. But it will not “remove” or cure cellulite. Chances are, you’ll look and feel great, but you’ll still have dimples on your thighs.. There are a lot of different treatments for cellulite promising great results, but many leave us feeling less than impressed with the actual outcome. Cellfina is a ground-breaking new treatment option for cellulite with proven, lasting results.


Cellfina works by releasing the thick bands, or fibrous septae, that produce the dimples of cellulite. The in-office procedure is very well tolerated with minimal down time and minimal discomfort and is safe for patients of all skin types. There is a 94% patient satisfaction at one year after treatment. Best of all, some see results in as little as three days so you’ll be ready for the summer. Cellfina is an excellent option for women with busy schedules who want real results. Dr. Hilton C. Adler Dr. Stephen F. Coccaro Dr. Kenneth C. Kneessy Dr. Cristina Dracea Suffolk Plastic Surgeons PC East Setauket, NY 11733

File photo

and vigorous-intensity running resulted in similar reductions in risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and possibly coronary heart disease over the study’s six years. The more people walked or ran each week, the more their health benefits increased.


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Alternative Medicine


What it can mean to your pet

hat is alternative medicine and how does one know when to use it? This could be answered by different people in many different ways. In my opinion, it means using modalities for treatment that fall outside of the traditional drugs and surgery we are accustomed to hearing our doctor recommend. Western medicine frequently approaches diseases by making a diagnosis and then using drugs or surgery to make the disease go away, whereas alternative approaches often focus more on the patient than the disease. Knowing when to use alternative approaches depends on evaluating each individual patient and then making a plan that works for both the pet and the owner. For example, if your dog has torn his anterior cruciate ligament in his knee joint, a very common injury, you have several options. Surgery can help stabilize the knee, but is costly and involves a difficult post-op recovery. Alternatively, oral medications may be used to help with pain and inflammation, herbal medications to help with healing and laser therapy to reduce pain and inflammation and speed healing. No two cases are identical — you need to factor in cost, age of the pet, future activity, ability to restrict activity, how often can the pet be brought to the clinic for treatments — laser therapy is typically done three times a week for one to two months — and any other possible concurrent problems. The same

goes for spinal issues, chronic ear problems and even emotional issues, like anxiety disorders. Most problems can be approached from several angles. We try to use traditional approaches where they are indicated – if you have an infected bite wound, you need antibiotics or surgery, if you have a broken leg, but many problems are not clear cut. Consider things like acupuncture for chronic pain and inflammation, herbal medications for chronic arthritis, laser therapy for diseases where tissues are inflamed and need help healing either alone or along with traditional treatments. We have a wonderful number of options available and it is our job to try to use the best tools available for each patient. Many are available at your regular doctor and others are available through specialty clinics. Help your pets and yourself by exploring all the options before immediately going with the “traditional” approach if you feel it does not fit your particular circumstances. Dr. Steven Templeton Animal Health & Wellness

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o you want beautiful straight teeth but don’t want braces? Many adults and teenagers would like the perfect smile but don’t want the hassle and drawbacks that present with traditional braces. Invisalign® is the way to get that great smile without braces. Invisalign® uses a series of invisible, removable and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you’re wearing. So, you can smile more during treatment as well as after. Invisalign® is made with 3-D computer imaging technology combined with space aged materials and has been proven easy and effective at moving your teeth. WHY WOULD I WANT IT? Not only are the aligners invisible, they are removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you want while in treatment. Plus, brushing and flossing are no problem. They are also comfortable, with no metal to cause abrasions during treatment. No metal wires also means you can’t see them and you will spend less time at the Orthodontist office getting adjustments. HOW DOES IT WORK? You wear each set of aligners for about 2 weeks, removing them to eat, brush and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move - little by little, week by week - until they have straightened to the final position

your Orthodontist has prescribed. You’ll visit the office about every 6-8 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages about 9-15 months. Consider Invisalign® to get the beautiful straight teeth you’ve always wanted. Even if you have been told in the past you are not a candidate for Invisalign® treatment, your Orthodontic Specialist has new advances that can now ensure treatment success. Call an Orthodontic Elite Provider for an Invisalign® review today! By Mark A. Rienecker D.D.S




Adult Day Care Programs

roviding care for an aging parent, spouse or loved one can be an overwhelming responsibility for family members and friends. Adult Day Care offers a wide range of services for adults who need a protective environment but choose to remain in the community and continue to be a vital part of family life. There are two distinct programs to choose from. A medical model adult day health service program is designed to provide for the needs of those who have physical, cognitive or psychological ‘Providing care for an aging parent, conditions requiring supervision spouse or loved one can be an and monitoring. It may offer medical supervision, nursing and overwhelming responsibility.’ rehabilitative services, social work, therapeutic activities and wellness programs. A social model adult day care · When a loved one can no longer structure program offers seniors who are experiencing his own daily activities decreased levels of physical and mental · When he or she is isolated and desires functioning supervised socialization and companionship or stimulating activities in a caring and creative · When he or she cannot be safely left at environment. Participants can take part in a home. range of enriching activities to promote the We aim to improve the quality of life by maximum level of cognitive and emotional restoring or maintaining functional ability and ability including exercise, arts and crafts, assisting with personal care in a life-affirming gardening, cooking, pet therapy, games and atmosphere. entertainment. When should you consider adult daycare? The Annika Stickevers, Director best time to start exploring the care options is St. Johnland Nursing Center before you actually need them:

Your Health, Our Care

Skilled Nursing Center Head Injury Rehabilitation Unit Alzheimer’s/Dementia Unit Subacute Care Adult Day Health Care Social Day Care 395 SUNKEN MEADOW ROAD, KINGS PARK • 631-269-5800 ©153101



Consider Some New Year’s (Financial) Resolutions As we have Just entered 2017, so you might be thinking about some New Year’s resolutions. What’s on your list this year? More visits to the gym? Learning a new language? Mastering the perfect beef bourguignon? All worthy ambitions, of course, but why not also include some financial resolutions?

Dreaming Up the Ideal Retirement Is Your Job. Helping You Get There Is Ours. To learn more about why Edward Jones make sense for you, call or visit a financial advisor today.


By reviewing your needs and goals, you can identify some resolutions that are particularly relevant to your own situation. But here are a few suggestions:

helping you meet your long-term goals? If not, you may need to make some changes. You’ll also want to study your investment mix to make sure it still accurately reflects your risk tolerance. Over time, and often • Build an emergency fund. If you without your taking any significant acneeded a major car repair or a new fur- tions, your portfolio can “drift” to a place nace, or faced some other large, unantici- where you are taking on too much risk – pated expense, could you cope with it? If or even too little risk – for your needs and you didn’t have the money readily avail- long-term objectives. If this happens, you able, you might have to dip into those in- may need to “rebalance” your holdings. vestments intended for long-term goals, such as retirement. Instead, build an • Avoid mistakes. None of us can avoid emergency fund containing three to six all mistakes, in life and in our investment months’ worth of living expenses, kept in activities. But as an investor, you’ll clearly a liquid, low-risk account. benefit from minimizing your errors. For example, it’s generally a mistake to jump • Cut down on debts. It’s not easy to out of the market in response to a period cut down on one’s debt load. But if you of volatility. If you wait for things to “calm can find ways to reduce your debts, you’ll down” before investing again, you might help improve your overall financial pic- miss out on the opportunity to participate ture. Many debts are not “useful” – that is, in the next market rally. they don’t carry any tax advantages – so every dollar you spend to pay down those • Think long term. Keep this in mind: debts is a dollar you could use to invest for You’re not investing for today or tomorrow, but for many years from now. Try to your future. keep a long-term focus when making all • Boost contributions to your retire- your key investment decisions. By doing ment plan. If your employer offers a so, you can avoid overreacting to short401(k) or similar retirement plan, take term developments, such as a sudden full advantage of it. Your earnings have drop in the market or a “momentous” the potential to grow tax deferred and political event that actually decreases in your contributions may lower your tax- importance as time goes by. able income. Plus, most plans offer a selection of investment options, so you can Try to follow these financial resolutions as choose the investment mix that fits your best as you can. You could make 2017 a objectives and risk tolerance. Therefore, year to remember. if your salary goes up this year, or if you This article was written by think you can find other ways to free up Edward Jones for use by some money, increase your contributions Michael R. Sceiford, your local to your retirement plan. Edward Jones financial advisor in Port Jefferson • Review your portfolio. Is your investment portfolio still on track toward

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