F O R T S A LO N G A • K I N G S PA R K • S M I T H TO W N • N E S C O N S E T • S T J A M E S • H E A D O F T H E H A R B O R • N I S S E Q U O G U E • H A U P PA U G E • C O M M A C K Vol. 31, No. 30
September 20, 2018
Gone, not forgotten
What’s inside Smithtown releases 280-page study on construction of waste facility A3 How China’s new recyclables policy is causing issues for Smithtown A5 Two childhood friends are reviving Commack Day A7
Names of 163 responders added to Nesconset 9/11 memorial — A9
‘The Addams Family’ opens at Theatre Three Also: ‘Man of La Mancha’ heads to the Engeman, ‘Hook’s Tale’ reviewed, highlights from Culper Spy Day
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Town Smithtown releases draft study into building organic waste facility
Town officials trying to plan for Brookhaven landfill’s closure, evaluate potential odor issue and site locations Wehrheim said one location the town is considering using is Power Crush Inc. gravel supplier on Old Northport Road in Kings Park. The Town of Smithtown is hoping to find The property’s owner, Toby Carlson, presented a fertile concept for budding plans to build an the town board with a conceptual plan for organic waste processing facility, one that town constructing such a facility in 2014. officials hope might mitigate a potential Long The 280-page report suggests a number of Island trash crisis. sites for the plant. These include: the northwest“We are looking in that direction as well as ern corner of Commack and southwestern corner a number of other directions because there will of Kings Park, adjacent to Sunken Meadow State come a point, not just in Smithtown but on Long Parkway; the east side of Commack along Route Island, where municipalities are going to have to 25/Jericho Turnpike; the southern side of Kings deal with solid waste once the Brookhaven land- Park; and the southwestern corner of St. James. There are a number of potential environmental fill closes,” Supervisor Ed Wehrheim (R) said. and quality-of-life hazards The town received $187,000 stemming from indoor from the New York State Energy ‘[T]here will organic waste processing Research and Development Agency to undertake a study starting in 2015 come a point, not facilities, according to the on the impacts of indoor organic just in Smithtown draft study, including odor, groundwater impacts, air waste processing facilities, one that but on Long emissions, traffic and dust. takes items like food waste and grass In an internet-based clippings and turns it into compost. Island, where survey of 28 facilities as Wehrheim said many Suffolk County municipalities are creating con- municipalities are part of the town’s study, of the plants had tingency plans should the Town of going to have to half received odor complaints, Brookhaven’s plans to close its landdeal with solid 11 percent noise comfill come to fruition. Brookhaven 7 percent cited Supervisor Ed Romaine (R) has said waste once the plaints, dust objections and 4 it could close in less than a decade. percent alleged traffic Suffern-based SCS Engineers Brookhaven Yet, a nearly partnered with Smithtown officials landfill closes.’ grievances. equal number of facilities to release the draft study Sept. 13 said they had not received with the intention to draft a zoning — Ed Wehrheim any such complaints from ordinance that would allow for its the local populace. Anothconstruction. Town code does not er 11 percent refused to currently allow for any composting provide any details about any complaints. or organic waste facility. “All these facilities don’t want these prob“This is a scoping meeting to look at all the aspects of it and, at some point, the town board lems, they don’t want unexpected events,” will make a decision whether or not we want to Gregory McCarron, the vice president of SCS have the use of a facility like that put into the Engineers, said. “These facilities are part of town code,” Wehrheim said. “We’re just trying their particular community, they try to take the to get out in front of it now so that eight or nine material that’s out there and recycle it into years down the road we will have a remedy for products that most of us use.” To try to mitigate complaints and accidents, it to take care of our solid waste.”
Elana Glowatz
A street view of Power Crush Inc. on Old Northport Road in Kings Park
organic waste facilities have a number of management practices they employ. These may include building and maintaining vegetable buffers to allay dust issues or scheduling deliveries to lessen traffic issues. Nearly half of the indoor organic waste processing facilities that responded to Smithtown’s survey said they use some type of air treatment system. In addition, 81 percent reported they have specific facility design-related methods to reduce odor. “The [best management practices] are certainly effective in mitigating, at least to some extent, those impacts,” Allyson Murray, an environmental planner for Smithtown, said. In the course of the study, Murray visited three organic waste processing facilities in North America. The most modern facility she visited was in Toronto, Canada, which operated as an anaerobic digester. Typical composting is aerobic, meaning it uses bacteria that require air to help break down the organic waste. Modern anaerobic composting uses airless containers in both wet and dry environments. Murray said she smelled very little odor on location and the noise was kept to a minimum.
“It’s a different kind of technology — the kinds of impacts are of a different kind,” Murray said. Linda Henninger, the president of the Kings Park Civic Organization, attended a Sept. 13 meeting held at Smithtown Town Hall to inform local civic groups about the potential organic waste facility. She said that because the idea is still in its early stages she will keep Kings Park residents up to date on any potential hazards. “Our mission is to look out for the people in our community,” Henninger said. “We’re continuing to educate ourselves on the issue.” Adrienne Esposito, the executive director of the environmental advocacy group Citizens Campaign for the Environment, questioned why there are not larger conversations happening on the county or state level to determine just how many facilities Long Island requires and where would be the best location for one. “In the next few years, every person on Long Island will have to know where our garbage goes,” she said. “We always do things patchwork on Long Island. I think we need a more holistic approach.” Murray said the town plans to release the final version of the survey by the end of 2018.
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Editorial comment
Town China’s recycling policy creates mountainous problem for Smithtown It’s a rubbish time to be involved in the recycling industry. The Town of Brookhaven’s recycling plant Page A22 is grappling with unprecedented mounds of bottles, used paper goods and trash. Ever since China implemented its “National Sword” policy in January banning the import of various nonindustrial plastics, paper and other solid wastes, Brookhaven’s had a hard time selling off collected recyclable materials. As China was one of the top buyers of U.S. recyclables according to NPR, this move has left many Suffolk townships unsure what to do with their residents’ recycled garbage. “While it hasn’t stopped it, China’s new policies have significantly slowed down the ability of recyclers to move material to market,” said Christopher Andrade, commissioner of Brookhaven Town’s waste management department. “There are domestic mills and domestic markets [but] the thing is just finding them, negotiating them and moving the material.” An aerial view of Town of Brookhaven’s Green Stream Recycling plant in Yaphank is surrounded by recyclables in August. That is easier said than done, according to lier this year, though he said the situation has to Andrade. Andrade, as many recycling plants across the This crisis is not only affecting the Town of since been brought under control. Despite these nation now have fewer options of where to sell their collected goods. China has publicly Brookhaven, but other municipalities on Long international issues, Andrade said Brookhaven Island which sell their col- remains committed to recycling. claimed the decision has to do Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine lected recyclables to Suffolk with the quality of the materi- The markets are County’s largest township. (R) “and the board believe very strongly in recyals, as low-quality newspaper print or thin PVC plastics being overwhelmed; In 2014, the Town of Smith- cling, and we’ll bounce back from this,” he said. Russell Barnett, Smithtown’s environmental town formed a five-year are not considered valuable the people taking contract with Brookhaven to protection director in the Department of enough for reuse. There’s also send 12,000 tons of garbage Environment and Waterways, said he is workthe problem of recyclables the material can be to the Green Stream facil- ing on a solution with Brookhaven, including being mixed with other, non- picky on what they ity, in return for $180,000 a regional approach comprising Smithtown, reusable garbage. In 2014, Brookhaven accept. We’re going per year. While Brookhaven Huntington, Southold and several other comcontinues to honor the agree- munities that are partnered with Brookhaven. moved from dual-stream to to have to respond Smithtown had its own dual-stream facility ments with its partnered single-stream recycling, a by being better at municipalities, the lack that was closed before it started sending its system that allows residents of market availability for materials to Brookhaven in 2014, though to put out all their recyclables only putting out the recyclables has some reopening it could be costly. in a single can to be sorted things that people “We’re assessing our equipment — seeing members of Smithtown out at the town’s facilities what’s operational, what’s not, what repairs Town Board concerned. instead of bringing out a can actually reuse.’ At a Sept. 4 work session, need to be made and what upgrades need to be different material — plastic, papers or metal — every — Russell Barnett Smithtown Supervisor Ed made if the occasion comes up that we want to Wehrheim (R) showed board go that route,” Barnett said. other week. This increased In the meantime, he said residents need to members a photo taken by a overall participation in the recycling program, Andrade said, but has led drone in May showing recyclables piled in heaps be more discriminating when it comes to decidjust outside Brookhaven’s facility. The picture ing what items to recycle. Otherwise, it will be to some confusion. The loss of the Chinese market has severely made Wehrheim and other board members ques- much harder in the future to find a buyer for the interrupted the Brookhaven-owned Green tion what might become of the town’s current re- world’s recyclable garbage. “When they talk about the standard, they’re Stream Recycling facility’s outflow. Green cycling agreement. “At one point, we’re going to come to some not just talking about nonrecyclable material Stream Recycling LLC, a company that contracts with the town and operates the town’s decision what to do with [Brookhaven Town,] but the right kind of recyclable material.” facility in Yaphank, made good use of China’s Wehrheim said. “It could be a potential problem Barnett said. “The markets are being overwhelmed; the people taking the material can be market. While the facility continues to operate ... in the short term.” Andrade said that excess dumping on the fa- picky on what they accept. We’re going to have without a definitive answer to where else the company can move its materials, some of it cility’s land came from the “shock” of China’s to respond by being better at only putting out is now going back into the landfill, according National Sword policy being implemented ear- the things that people can actually reuse.”
To recycle or not: Tips on handling your trash BY KYLE BARR KYLE@TBRNEWSMEDIA.COM Operators of the Brookhaven recycling plant deal with a lot of junk. Not the good kind of junk, however, as many household items that residents assume can be recycled can cause havoc in the machinery. In the four years since the town invested in single-stream recycling, Erich Weltsek, a recycling coordination aid for Brookhaven, said there has been increased resident participation in the recycling program. But it has also led to some residents chucking in items that have no business being recycled. “We’ve gotten chunks of concrete, and you even get sports balls — like soccer balls, footballs — constantly,” he said. “A lot of what we call ‘wish cycling,’ where people think they’re doing the right thing and when in doubt they throw it in a recycle bin instead of the right receptacle.” Weltsek said people have tried to recycle Coleman outdoor stoves and propane tanks, which is extremely dangerous and could result in an explosion at the facility. The most pervasively disruptive items are plastic bags and other items that Weltsek called “tanglers,” such as Christmas tree lights, pool liners and garden hoses. The recycling facility operates on a number of conveyor belts that first feed into a device called a star screen, a number of rotating cylinders with feet that separate recyclable fibers from other items. These items either wrap around the wheels on the conveyor belt or star screen, either letting fibers through the wrong end or stopping the machine entirely. Suffolk residents should clean out any plastic bottles or cans before putting them in the recycling. Any low-quality paper products, including newspapers or grease-stained cardboard such as used pizza boxes, should not be recycled because they affect the sellable quality of the entire recycling bundle. Andrade said all plastic bags should be recycled at a local supermarket, which are mandated by New York State law to have a receptacle for all shopping bags. The plant often has to turn away other nonrecyclable material, such as plastic utensils, bottle caps and Styrofoam. All of these are considered contaminants, either because they cannot be recycled properly, or they dilute the quality of the material.
LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT: SUFFOLK COUNTY. U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, Pltf. vs. ALINA JALILI, et al, Defts. Index #067803/2014. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered Nov. 22, 2016, I will sell at public auction at Smithtown Town Hall, 99 West Main St., Smithtown, NY on October 10, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. prem. k/a 22 Glacier Drive, Smithtown, NY a/k/a District 0800, Section 095.00, Block 03.00, Lot 025.00. Said property beginning at a point on the Westerly side of Glacier Drive, distant 205.50 ft. Northerly from the extreme Northerly end of the arc of a curve connecting the Westerly side of Glacier Drive with the Northerly side of Glacier Drive, being a plot 134 ft. x 75 ft. Approx. amt. of judgment is $466,521.88 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. CHARLES F. KENNY III, Referee. COHN & ROTH, Attys. for Pltf., 100 East Old Country Rd., Mineola, NY. #95492 749 9/6 4x ts SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF SOUNDVIEWHOME LOAN TRUST 2007-OPT1, ASSETBACK CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-OPT1, V. MICHAEL E. RYAN; ET. AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated February 07, 2018, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF SOUNDVIEWHOME LOAN TRUST 2007-OPT1, ASSET-BACK CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-OPT1 is the Plaintiff and MICHAEL E. RYAN; ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the SMITHTOWN TOWN HALL,
To Place A Legal Notice
Email: legals@tbrnewsmedia.com 99 WEST MAIN STREET, SMITHTOWN, NY 11787, on October 16, 2018 at 10:00AM, premises known as 26 KOHR ROAD, KINGS PARK, NY 11754: District 0800, Section 015.00, Block 01.00, Lot 021.003: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE, OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE TOWN OF SMITHTOWN, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 001205/2013. Valerie Manzo, Esq. - Referee. RAS Boriskin, LLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 763 9/13 4x ts Notice of formation of Prism Equitas LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/8/2018. Office location: Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of the process to the LLC: Prism Equitas LLC, 67 Pine Hill Rd, Port Jefferson, NY, 11777. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 764 8/23 6x ts NOTICE OF BUDGET VOTE AND ELECTION OF THE SMITHTOWN SPECIAL LIBRARY DISTRICT TOWN OF SMITHTOWN, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the resident qualified voters of the Smithtown Special Library District (Town of Smithtown), that a Library Budget Vote and Trustee Election will be held at the below-designated polling places on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 9:30 AM, prevailing time, to vote upon the following propositions: 1. To adopt the Annual Budget of the Smithtown Special Library District for the calendar year commencing January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 in the amount of $15,041,638.00 (which includes the annual financing costs of the bond
previously approved by the electorate) with the requisite portion thereof to be raised by a levy upon the taxable property of the Library District. 2. To elect two members of the Board of Trustees of the Smithtown Special Library District for terms commencing January 1, 2019 and expiring on December 31, 2021. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that voting at such Budget Vote/ Election will be by voting machines and paper ballots; the polls will be open between the hours of 9:30 AM and 9:00 PM, prevailing time, on October 9, 2018. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that voting shall take place at the following four (4) polling places: 1. Smithtown Main Building Library patrons who are qualified voters residing: within zip code 11780; within zip code 11788 who live SOUTH of Route 347, Nesconset Highway; within zip code 11787 who live EAST of Blydenburgh County Park, Caleb Smith State Park and Route 25A (St. Johnland Road) and SOUTH of Landing Road (NOTE: homeowners who reside in the area serviced by the Emma S. Clark Memorial Library CANNOT vote in this election) will vote at the Smithtown Main Building, located at One North Country Road, Smithtown, NY. 2. Kings Park Branch Library patrons who are qualified voters residing: within zip code 11754 or 11768; and within zip code 11787 who live NORTH of Route 25, Old Northport Road and Landing Road, WEST of Route 25A (St. Johnland Road) and EAST of Plymouth Boulevard will vote at the Kings Park Branch, located at One Church Street, Kings Park, NY. 3. Commack Branch Library patrons who are qualified voters residing: within zip code 11725; within zip code 11788 who live SOUTH of Veterans Memorial Highway; and within zip code 11787 who live WEST of Blydenburgh County Park, Caleb Smith State Park and LEGALS con’t on pg. 10
Huntington man arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot KP student BY SARA-MEGAN WALSH SARA@TBRNEWSMEDIA.COM
Suffolk County police arrested a Huntington man earlier today for allegedly threatening to shoot a child following his loss to the boy during a video game. The 4th Precinct Crime Section officers initiated an investigation after an 11-year-old Kings Park boy reported receiving threatening text messages and online voice messages via Xbox from a man he recently beat during a game of Fortnite. In the messages, which were sent at approximately 9 p.m. Sept. 17, the man allegedly threatened to shoot the child, possibly at his school, R.J.O. Intermediate School, according to police. Police said they arrested Michael Aliperti, 45, at his home at approximately 1:40 a.m. and charged him with second-degree aggravated harassment and acting in a manner to injure a child. Timothy Eagen, superintendent of Kings Park schools, said the district was notified by Suffolk County police of the incident prior to the start of classes Tuesday morning, but were told “no specific threat had been made toward the school.”
Michael Aliperti
“I know we are all thankful that SCPD acted as swiftly as they did, and the adult was taken into custody promptly,” Eagen said in a Sept. 18 letter to district residents. “This is certainly evidence of a commitment to school safety.” The superintendent encouraged Kings Park parents to use this incident to speak with their children about the dangers of online gaming and how children should not be playing video games with people they don’t know. Aliperti was scheduled to be arraigned Sept. 18 at 1st District Court in Central Islip.
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Childhood friends look to re-create Commack Day Two childhood friends whose shared tie is a community they love are planning a celebration of what makes Commack unique. The newly revived and first Commack Day will be held Oct. 6 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Hoyt Farm Nature Preserve off New Highway. Everyone’s invited, Commack resident or not, to help revive a tradition and bring it into the modern era. James Manikas, a Commack resident and local real estate agent, said the idea of hosting a community festival first came up when he was reminiscing over high school memories with his friend, Commack native Dean Spinato. “There’s a Smithtown day, St. James day, a Nesconset day, Huntington fall festival, even Northport Cow Harbor Day, all of the surrounding towns have something like this,” Manikas said. “Wouldn’t it be cool to shut down Commack Road and have a big fair?” The real estate agent said upon talking to older Commack residents, including his mother, he learned the community did once host an annual get together at Hoyt Nature Preserve, but the event hadn’t been held in close to 30 years. “I think I may have attended it as a child,”
Hoyt Farm Nature Preserve in Commack
he recalled. Earlier this year, Manikas started posting videos and photos on Facebook suggesting a community celebration be revived. As his social media posts gained traction, Spinato, who works organizing marketing events, reached out to him offering to help. “I reached out to Jimmy and said, ‘I’m onboard,’” he said. “We’ve been friends since junior high, so let’s do this the right way. Let’s do a donation, give back and get the community involved.”
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The first idea of shutting down Commack Road to hold a street fair was met with several roadblocks. “Commack has nothing because it’s split between Huntington and Smithtown,” Spinato said. “We’d have to go to both towns and see which road we would be able to shut down and get permits.” They sought a special event permit from the Town of Smithtown to use Hoyt Farm Nature Preserve, harkening back to the past. A commit-
tee of lifelong “Commackians” was formed to begin assembling a lineup of entertainment, food and music. “When you find out someone is from Commack, you simply gravitate to them, it has that strong sense of community,” Manikas said. “I want people to see what a great town it is.” The event will feature live music from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. including performances by 3 Dudes from Commack, Full Circle Live, Killing Time and 70’s Flashback. Several local and chain restaurants have agreed to donate food for the event, according to Manikas, which will be available for tasting. “You’re allowed a table there to promote any kind of business,” he said. “We’d prefer it to be a Commack business first.” A listing of all the businesses that have pledged to be involved can be found on the event’s website at www.commackday.com. Tickets are $10 in advance through eventbrite or $15 cash-only on the day of the event. A portion of the proceeds will be given to the Commack Fire Department. “These people are here, protecting us and our community, who are strictly volunteer,” Manikas said. “I think the least we can do is give back to them.”
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Bellemeade Avenue Municipal Parking Lot gets facelift BY KYLE BARR KYLE@TBRNEWSMEDIA.COM A newly remade Bellemeade Avenue Municipal Parking Lot in Smithtown has several local business owners excited. They hope it might not only attract more customers, but the floods that have ruined their properties in prior years will be a thing of the past. “There was a big storm a couple years back and all of our stores got flooded,” Lisa Spica, the owner of Dance ‘N’ Things, said. “I have a lot of stuff on the floor, and merchandise got damaged, equipment got damaged. This new drainage is a beautiful thing.” The parking lot, located off East Main Street, was once notorious for filling with water, at one point flooding the 13 businesses that it borders, business owners said. After several days of torrential rain earlier this month, Richard Daly, owner of RICHARD Salon, was happy to report he’s seen no hint of flooding. “When it flooded, we just got used to it — lived with it,” Daly said. “Now, it’s great. There’s a lot of new parking spots. Clients are happy, and more importantly employees are happy.”
The Town of Smithtown finished its $490,000 reconstruction of the parking lot in August, which increased the total number of parking spaces to 139 while adding new drainage and rustic lighting fixtures. Mike Petrina, the manager at Smithtown Running Company, said that the additional lighting was especially important to him. “Before there was hardly any lighting, so the new lighting makes it a lot safer at night,” Petrina said. Smithtown’s elected officials have municipal parking on their minds. The town board voted unanimously Aug. 14 to enter a contract of sale to purchase two vacant lots off Pulaski Road for a price of $280,0000 from Flushing residents Matthew and Marguerite Lupoli. “We finally brought the Queens resident to Smithtown — we purchased those lots and we’re going to make a new parking lot, similar to [Bellemeade], but with off-street parking to help the west end businesses that we have in Kings Park,” Supervisor Ed Wehrheim (R) said. The parking lot was closed for roughly a month before being reopened, according to East Main Street business owners, who said they felt
Smithtown town officials plan new parking lot for Kings Park
From left, Marc Mancini, Smithtown Supervisor Ed Wehrheim and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone in the newly reconstructed Bellemeade Avenue Municipal Parking Lot.
construction did not affect their businesses too much. Most are now happy to walk to their cars at the end of the day without dealing with flash flooding or worrying about their safety. “I even have some younger girls working for me and taking out the garbage late at night, sometimes we would just wait until morning because nobody wanted to,” said Erin Kahnis, the owner of DIY artistic signs store AR Workshop.
“It’s much better now.” Wehrheim said the town plans to install additional lighting fixtures and finish landscaping the gardens in the lot’s center island and along its eastern edge during the next six weeks. “This parking lot was in disarray for many, many years, and hardly ever used,” the supervisor said. “Certainly, this parking lot will be beneficial to these businesses.”
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Nonprofit organizations interested in providing film and/or cultural arts programing to the people they serve have an opportunity for grant dollars from Suffolk County. Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone (D) announced this week three film and cultural arts grant opportunities for 501(c)3 organizations in Suffolk County. In partnership with the Cultural Affairs Citizens Advisory Board and the Suffolk County Film Commission, Suffolk County is now accepting applications for three distinct funding opportunities: the Cultural Competitive, Destination Downtown and the Emerging Film Festival grant programs. The application deadline is Oct. 19 at 4:30 p.m. Grant applications are now available to applicants at www.suffolkartsandfilm.com under the Grant Opportunities and Info tab. It is recommended that applicants carefully read the grant priorities and guidelines. Eligible applicants must have 501(c)3 tax exempt status. Funding requests for all applications must be at least $5,000; applications will be scored via a competitive, merit-based grading system. All grant programs and funding levels are subject to budget availability and approval
by the Suffolk County Legislature. In 2018, the grants combined for a total of more than $250,000 in funding for eligible applicants. For assistance with grant applications, please contact the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning at 631-8534800. Prospective applicants are encouraged to attend at least one of the following workshops to learn more about the grant programs and application process. Workshop participants are not required to apply for these grant opportunities, but attendance is highly recommended. Please RSVP 631-853-4800 or by emailing diana. cherryholmes@suffolkcountyny.gov: •Thursday, Sept. 20 at 10 a.m. at East End Arts Council, Carriage House, 133 East Main St. in Riverhead •Thursday, Sept. 20 at 3 p.m. at Walt Whitman Birthplace, 246 Old Walt Whitman Road, Huntington Station •Monday, Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. in the media room at the H. Lee Dennison Building, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge
— Alex Petroski
The names of 163 first responders were added to the long list of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, losing their lives in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks last Saturday in Nesconset. The Nesconset 9/11 Responders Remembered Park hosted its 14th annual ceremony Sept. 15 where a bell tolled for each name added to the memorial wall. Crystal Borella, the vice president of the 9/11 Responders Remembered Park Foundation, which maintains the site, said it’s painful to see the number of names increasing every year. “We added 163 names this year — this is the most amount of names we’ve added since we started,” Borella said. Family members from across the U.S. came to the small corner park in the Town of Smithtown to honor those listed on the ever-growing wall first unveiled in 2011. Many used thin sheets of receipt paper to trace the names of their loved ones. Patrick Franklin flew in from California to honor his father, Detective Sean Franklin of the
New York City Police Department, who died from 9/11-related respiratory issues in 2017. “It’s a really beautiful memorial, and I’m happy they put in everyone who died from sickness after,” Franklin said. The 11 members of the Pilcher family came from as far away as Utah to honor Robin Pilcher, a member of the Fire Department of the City of New York who died of pancreatic cancer in 2017. “Being here today is exciting because we get to remember our dad,” Pilcher’s daughter, Brandie Paterakis, said. “If he could have died in any way, this is the way he would have wanted to go, in honor and as a hero, sacrificing his life for others.” Many 9/11 first responders and volunteers who helped dig through the rubble looking for survivors and clearing the area now suffer from a number of diseases tied to their service. The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was created following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to provide compensation for any one who was injured or the family of those killed as the result of the attack. It was renewed by President Barack Obama (D) in 2011 and again in
Names of 163 first responders added to Nesconset 9/11 memorial
From left: A visitor takes a rubbing of a name on the 9/11 Responders Remembered memorial wall in Nesconset; at right, a bell was rung once for each of the 163 names of first responders added this year.
2015, extending benefits through 2020. Many 9/11 responder advocates fear the fund will not be renewed in 2020. Nesconset resident John Feal, president of the FealGood Foundation that advocates for health care benefits for first responders, said the impetus is on elected officials to see these people receive the proper support. Feal regularly travels to Washington, D.C., to advocate for 9/11 responders health care.
“9/11 was the longest day in the history of days, but it’s not over — people are still dying,” Feal said. “We have to keep fighting so we don’t have to keep adding names to this wall.” The park foundation is looking for donations to help maintain and add to the park grounds. For more information on how to donate or volunteer, visit www.respondersremembered.com. See more photos from the Sept. 15 ceremony online at www.tbrnewsmedia.com.
Photos: Dining Room, The Bristal at Lake Grove; Living Room, The Bristal at Holtsville
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LEGALS LEGALS con’t from pg. 6 Plymouth Boulevard will vote at the Commack Branch, located at 3 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY. 4. Nesconset Branch Library patrons who are qualified voters residing: within zip code 11767; who live SOUTH of Route 25 from the Smithtown-Brookhaven border to Southern Boulevard; EAST of Southern Blvd. from Route 25 to Route 347, Nesconset Highway; SOUTH of Route 347, Nesconset Highway from Southern Boulevard to the Smithtown Greenbelt Town Park; EAST of the Smithtown Greenbelt Town Park from Route 347 Nesconset Highway to the Smithtown-Islip border (homeowners residing in the areas serviced by the Sachem School and Library Districts CANNOT vote in this election) will vote at the Nesconset Branch, located at 148 Smithtown Boulevard, Nesconset, NY. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ev-
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Email: legals@tbrnewsmedia.com ery qualified voter of the Town of Smithtown who resides within the Smithtown Special Library District and is otherwise qualified to vote at a General Town Election shall be qualified to vote at the October 9, 2018 Budget Vote and Board of Trustees election. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots are available now at every library building within the Smithtown Special Library District during regular business hours. Such application must be received by the Clerk of the Election at least seven (7) days prior to the October 9, 2018 vote/ election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter; or the last business day before the vote/election if the ballot is to be personally picked up by the voter. Qualified voters who wish to personally pick up an absentee ballot may do so at the Community Relations Department in the Nesconset Building, located at 148 Smithtown Boulevard,
Nesconset, NY, during regular business hours beginning September 17, 2018. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots have been issued will be posted in the Administration Office in the Nesconset Building on each of the five (5) days prior to the October 9, 2018 vote/ election between the hours of 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM, except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. No absentee ballot shall be canvassed unless it shall have been received by the Clerk of the Election not later than 5:00 PM on the day of the vote/election. By order of the Board of Trustees of the Smithtown Special Library District, Smithtown, NY. Lauren Gunderson Clerk of the Election Smithtown Special Library District 811 9/20 2x ts
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Whelan defeats Scully in Surrogate’s Court primary BY ALEX PETROSKI ALEX@TBRNEWSMEDIA.COM Their first race is in the books, but the more important one is yet to come. Family Court Judge Theresa Whelan defeated attorney Tara Scully in the Democratic primary Sept. 13 to secure a spot on the November ballot in the race to preside over Suffolk County’s Surrogate’s Court. Whelan received nearly 65 percent of the vote, besting Scully 38,674 to 21,040 votes. “Last night was a great victory for Democrats,” Whelan said in a statement Sept. 14. “I want to thank the voters of Suffolk County and Democratic Chairman Rich Schaffer for having confidence in me and my credentials. I’m looking forward to presenting my 10 years of judicial experience and 30 years of courtroom experience to the voters in November.” A spokesperson for Scully’s campaign characterized the primary result as a win. “Tara scored her first victory in July, when her entrance into the race forced party leaders to scrap their plan to make a Conservative the candidate of the Democratic Party and scurry to find a Plan B,” campaign spokesman James Walsh said in a statement. “Today, more than 21,000 Democrats who voted to make Tara the candidate of their party sent a clear message to the party bosses that they are fed up with cross-endorsement deals. Tara is still the only candidate for Surrogate nominated by the people. No other candidate gathered a single signature to get into the race. We are confident that she will have broad support across party lines in the general election.” The nearly 60,000 voters in the closed primary represented a significant turnout jump from the last time Democrats went to the polls. On June 26, a little more than 32,000 Suffolk County residents registered as
Democrats voted in Congressional primaries for the 1st and 2nd districts combined, though the Sept. 13 primary also featured New York gubernatorial, lieutenant governor and attorney general candidates. The Surrogate’s Court race came under scrutiny after Newsday ran an editorial publicizing the political patronage and cross-endorsement agreements that highlighted the race. Newsday reported earlier this year District Court Judge Marian Rose Tinari, who is married to Suffolk’s Conservative Party chairman, Frank Tinari, and is a Conservative herself, had secured the Democratic Party line in the Surrogate’s Court race as a result of a deal with Schaffer. As a result, Scully said she gathered enough petitions to run on both Democratic and Republican lines in July to offer voters an alternative. When presented with Scully as a primary challenger, Tinari dropped out. The Democratic Party then nominated Whelan, who calls herself a lifelong Democrat. Despite Thursday’s primary defeat, Scully has secured the Republican Party line in the race for Surrogate’s Court and will face off Whelan again at the polls in less than two months. Judge John Czygier Jr., who currently oversees the county’s Surrogate’s Court, is nearing the mandatory retirement age, leaving a vacancy Scully and Whelan are competing to fill. The position, which yields a salary in excess of $200,000, carries a 10-year term, and the occupant may serve until age 70. Surrogate’s Court is responsible for handling all issues involving wills and the estates of people who die. The court also handles guardianship hearings and some adoption cases for children whose parents are deceased. Each of New York state’s 62 counties has one surrogate judge except New York and Kings counties, which have two each.
Democratic primary results for statewide positions BY ALEX PETROSKI Incumbent New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) easily defeated Democratic primary challenger activist and actress Cynthia Nixon Sept. 13, securing a spot on the November general election ballot. Cuomo secured nearly 65 percent of the vote statewide, besting Nixon by about 460,000 votes, according to the state Board of Elections. Locally, the two-term governor seeking his third performed even better. Almost 48,000 Suffolk County residents cast their ballots for Cuomo, according to the Suffolk County Board of Elections. Former state assemblyman, Marc Molinaro (R-Red Hook),
awaits Cuomo in the general election. Cuomo’s ticket pulled off a clean sweep in the Democratic primary, as incumbent Lt Gov. Kathy Hochul defeated challenger Jumaane Williams, who campaigned with Nixon. Hochul garnered votes from about 48 percent of New Yorkers, and 57 percent of Suffolk County residents. Her general election opponent will be Julie Killian. In the four-way race for the vacated state attorney general position, Cuomo’s preferred choice Letitia James came out on top with about 38 percent of the vote both in the state and the county. She will face Republican Keith Wofford Nov. 6.
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Floor Services/Sales FINE SANDING & REFINISHING Wood Floor Installations Craig Aliperti, Wood Floors LLC. All work done by owner. 26 years experience. Lic.#47595-H/Insured. 631-875-5856
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Handyman Services JOHN’S A-1 HANDYMAN SERVICE *Crown moldings* Wainscoting/raised panels. Kitchen/Bathroom Specialist. Painting, windows, finished basements, ceramic tile. All types repairs. Dependable craftsmanship. Reasonable rates. Lic/Ins. #19136-H. 631-744-0976 c.631 697-3518
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SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 â&#x20AC;˘ TIMES OF SMITHTOWN â&#x20AC;˘ PAGE A17
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PAGE A18 â&#x20AC;˘ TIMES OF SMITHTOWN â&#x20AC;˘ SEPTEMBER 20, 2018
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We Represent a Green Approach For the Discerning Property Owner or Management Firm
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PORT JEFFERSON Beautiful spacious 1 BR apartment. Quiet, private entrance, patio, giant windows, laundry service provided, furnished. Utilities included. 631-473-1468 ST. JAMES Large, sunny 1 bedroom apt., private entrance, CAC. No smoking/pets. $1600 includes all. 631-804-4691
RENTALS WANTED University, Medical and Grad Students. Rental assistance for landlords and tenants. Drew Dunleavy Vine & Sea Real Estate Associates 516-316-8864 STONY BROOK Furnitured room for rent $800/all. One Block SUNY. Share kitchen & bath, internet, Available August/ September. 631-689-9506 SETAUKET Basement apt. Closets, 5 miles to SBU. No smoking/pets. $800/all. 631-473-4031 STONY BROOK WATERVIEW 1 bedroom apartment, full bath, EIK, private entrance, off street parking, $1400/all. 631-751-7840
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Open Houses SAT. 9/22 12:00-2:00PM EAST SETAUKET 3 Alka Dr. 5 BR, 3.5 bths. IGS, IGP w/ patios, outside kitchen and bar. SD#1. MLS# 3064629. $899,000. SUNDAY 9/23 3:00-5:00PM POQUOTT 99 Van Brunt Manor Rd. 7.5 acres. 200’ of beach front. Separate parking lot. SD#1 MLS#3038173. $2,999,000. DANIEL GALE SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY 631.689.6980
Tired of High Taxes with Nothing to Show For It?? Buy this 5 Br, 3 Ba Cape Built-in 2006 in Argyle, NY. House offers Fin Bsmt, Hot Tub, Bocci Court, Granite Kit on 25 Acres w/Option on Additional 60 Acres. Low taxes, under $10,000. Only $449K Broker: 516.375.5861
SATURDAY 9/22 1:30-3:30PM MASTIC BEACH 11 Shore Dr. Completely Renovated 2 BR Cottage. Across From Park And Marina! Low Taxes! MLS# 2995487 $142,000. COLDWELL BANKER Kalliope “Kay” Gemelas 1-516-241-4894 SATURDAY/SUNDAY Open House by Appointment PORT JEFFERSON VILLAGE 415 LIBERTY AV #14 – NEW CONSTRUCTION-55+ CONDO Only 1 Unit left! Water View Community, Main flr master bedroom, Taxes under $5,000. Prices starting from $749,000. MILLER PLACE 4 Dogwood Ln. New. Ranch. EIK, LR w/Frpl 3 BRs bonus room/poss 4th BR, 2 baths, $349,990 Reduced. MT SINAI 109 Hamlet Dr. Dorchester Villa w/full unfin bsmt w/walk, newer 5 yr kitchen, golf/pond views, $789,000. MT SINAI 145 Hamlet Dr. Main flr master & full fin walk out basement, HW floors, $849,990. MT SINAI 201 Mountain Ridge Dr. 2 car gar, updated kitchen, walk out lower level w/fireplace $549,990 SO SETAUKET 24 Hancock Ct, Post Modern. Heated IGP, F/Fin Bsmt w/walk out, 5 BRs, $849,990. MT SINAI 48 Avolet Ct. Sunroom, full fin basement w/walk-out, IGP, cul de sac, $739,000. ST JAMES 23 Monterrey Dr. Hamlet Estates. entertaining backyard w/tiered patio, Master Suite, 1,150,000. Dennis P. Consalvo Aliano Real Estate Lic.Real Estate Salesperson www.longisland-realestate.net 631-724-1000
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LI faces a heap of trash issues When done drinking a bottled water or soda, we usually make a conscious effort to get it into a recycling bin. No further thought given, our good deed is done. We’ve recycled the plastic bottle rather than throwing it out to sit in a landfill. The photos released that clearly show the Town of Brookhaven’s Green Stream Recycling facility was nearly buried in mountains of collected recyclables from the residents of Brookhaven, Smithtown and Huntington townships this August are shocking. It should serve as an alarming wake-up call. This is a direct result of China implementing its National Sword policy to ban the import of recycled plastics. The visual impact of recyclables piling up like trash, and learning some items are now being sent to the landfill, have led us to the conclusion this is an issue that requires careful thought and attention. We, and we’re sure many of our readers, have lived with the presumption our recycled plastic bottles, aluminum cans and used paper were sorted, cleaned and reformed into reusable materials locally. However, we were blissfully unaware that China imported nearly half of the world’s recyclables to turn into raw goods through its manufacturing economy. Now, with changing international trade policy, shipping our recyclables — or honestly, still household garbage — halfway around the world is no longer an option. Suffolk County’s townships are struggling to figure out a new way to handle the piles of debris. Finding a new market for these recycled raw materials will pose an obvious challenge. Striking a balance of recycling items beneficial from a fiscal and economic viewpoint while weighing environmental impact is a challenge on the horizon as well. One of Brookhaven’s recycling staff suggested Suffolk residents need to be more discerning. Get back to the basics of checking plastic bottles for a number inside a triangular arrow on the bottom and rinse all containers out first. It will help improve the value of the recycled material we are trying to sell in a drastically reduced global market. It’s a good first step. But we need take it one step further. The most direct way we, as individuals, can help provide a solution to the problem is to cut back on our dependency on onetime use items. It’s been said for years, but we truly need to start regularly grabbing a refillable water bottle rather than a disposable. Think about taking up the “hipster” trend of using Mason jars to store food. Go back to old-fashioned, but traditional Pyrex to store leftovers instead of limited-use thin plastic containers. These small changes may seem hard at first, but we have proof it’s possible. Sure, every Suffolk resident balked at the idea of paying 5 cents for a plastic bag at retail stores when the policy was implemented in January. In less than a year, it’s seemed to have had a dramatic effect in changing behaviors. Many shoppers now simply carry their own reusable canvas and plastic bags. Permanent change is necessary if we don’t want to be buried up to our necks in trash on Long Island. Smithtown Supervisor Ed Wehrheim (R) has predicted a “garbage crisis” within the next seven to eight years as Brookhaven looks to close its landfill. Let’s be part of the solution, and not the problem. Let’s focus on using reusable products, not recyclable or disposable.
Letters … We welcome your letters. They should be no longer than 400 words and may be edited for length, libel, style and good taste. We do not publish anonymous letters. Please include a phone number and address for confirmation. Email letters to sara@tbrnewsmedia.com or mail them to The Times of Smithtown, P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733.
Letters to the editor
September is suicide awareness month It was an honor to attend and speak at The Roaming Hearts Foundation’s inaugural March For Miles event on Saturday, Sept. 15th, at Heckscher Park in Huntington. The foundation was formed to promote mental health and prevent suicide. A sincere thanks to Danielle Peltz for her dedication and leadership in organizing the event, and to all those who participated in making it a remarkable day in memory and honor of the beloved Huntington resident, Miles Kelly, who tragically passed last year due to suicide. As September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, I encourage residents to learn more about this stigma-
tized issue. Taking the lives of more than 40,000 people each year in the United States and ranking as the 10th leading cause of death in the country with rates that have increased by 30 percent in half of all states since 2000, suicide has become a public health crisis. Often misinterpreted as a moral issue, suicide and suicide attempts should be understood as a medical condition, much like that of diabetes or heart disease, deserving of a comprehensive treatment approach. Roaming Hearts Foundation is working to safeguard against this crisis by lifting the stigma associated with mental health conditions that often lead to suicide attempts and suicide and by
raising awareness of existing resources. Creating nonjudgmental environments that foster supportive connections within our homes, schools, workplaces and neighborhoods will empower those silently suffering to reach out for help. By reducing the stigma and offering services, we increase the hope for healing. That is a goal worth fighting for. For more information about their inspiring mission, please check out their website marchformiles.org. Dr. William “Doc” Spencer Suffolk County Legislator 18th District
A poorly engineered economy Many companies are making huge profits by paying their employees wages that are so inadequate that some of them need public assistance just to get by. Today, thousands of workers rely on food stamps, Medicaid and public assistance because they can’t survive on the wages they receive. Meanwhile, 82 percent of the
world’s wealth created last year went to 1 percent of the population. How silly is that? And who pays for the public assistance subsidizing this flow of wealth? We do. The middle class subsidizes the wealthiest companies in the country, while workers struggle to put food on the table. That’s what an engineered economy looks like. In
my view, it’s ridiculous and needs to end. Pay your workers a living wage or pay the public its money back. It’s really simple: If a worker needs $500 in food stamps, you owe us $500. Jerry Reynolds Coram
Social perversion has infected our society Never have the dark clouds of social perversion infected our society as they have presently. The stench of moral decay permeates the very soul of our society. There is now a malignant movement that is altering the concept of our children’s education which is contrary to our traditional family values. The result being that the federal government is now degrading the quality of our left wing colleges. With this level of mental subversion we now have our innocent lambs becoming structured in social disorder and creating a desire for protest without logic. This is a foundation for revolution. Attack one: Language. There is presently a radical transformation in the concepts of nouns, pronouns and adjectives in language structure. Present progressive change in word recognition is changing established word meaning. Example: Congressman is becoming congressperson, chairman is referred to as chairperson and the neutering of Mrs.
and Miss to an unidentifiable Ms. status. Some more examples are actress being referred to as actor, fireman becomes firefighter, policeman and patrolman become police officer. Our naval seaman identification is lost at sea. Mailman lost in the mail. Are there still basemen in baseball? Football lineman still on the line? Do fisherman still fish? Where is the telephone repairman? As nongendered words continue so does the mental madness in regard to language identification. “Beware, in the ancient city of shinar, confusion in language took place.” — Genesis 11:4-9. Attack two: Medical reconstruction. Changing a person’s physical structure is contrary to the laws of deity to satisfy immoral sexual desire. Attack three: Mental stagnation. Hollywood now creates a culture of murder, gun violence and social decay similar to ancient Rome and Greece — making Hollywood the vultures of profit.
Attack four: The Second Amendment. As some medication heals and protects, so do legal weapons in our society. The president, the Supreme Court, the White House and our capital are well protected. Sports arenas, office complexes, court buildings, commercial malls, private retirement homes and many of our entertainment celebrities receive personal protection. Alas our most cherished possessions, our school children, are left to the carnage of death in a gun-free environment. “Society I feel thy sting.” Attack five: The sanctity of the home. When in mortal danger call 911. If you are prepared, personal defense becomes self-defense. Holding your breath for 911 may mean your last breath. As a survivor of the greatest generation, I pray that we return once again and become “One nation under God.” God bless America, Leonard J. Henderson Port Jefferson
The opinions of columnists and letter writers are their own. They do not speak for the newspaper.
Appreciating everybody’s support during Hurricane Florence
he emails, text messages and calls came from all over the country. In the days leading up to Hurricane Florence’s arrival in North Carolina, friends and family shared good wishes for my family, who had moved to the Tar Heel State during the summer. Preparing for the storm, we were under the impression that we were leaving the typical path of hurricanes D. None when we moved this far west to of the above Charlotte, which BY DANIEL DUNAIEF is more than 200 miles from the coast. As the tone and urgency to prepare for the hurricane from meteorologists and politicians
reached a peak, people lined up outside supermarkets, waiting to park their cars and navigate their overflowing carts through crowded aisles for their list of must-haves. Clearly, water and bread were on every list, as the shelves at the 24-hour supermarket didn’t have a drop of bottled water. The only remaining bread was a cranberry concoction that sat on an otherwise bare shelf, examined closely perhaps by a desperate shopper and discarded at a rakish angle, a lone bread crumb telling the tale of the hurricane hurry. Gas stations brought the same crowds, as drivers were as anxious as they would be on Long Island to gather fuel before trucks might be delayed and gas lines could grow. People often referred to 1989, when Hurricane Hugo ripped through Charlotte. Two days before the hurricane reached the area, the public schools closed despite the clear skies and the relatively calm winds. Several of the schools transformed into shelters for residents of the city and for those fleeing from
points further east. The day before the storm, a local bank teller told me about a nearby store that received a new water shipment. The parking lot for this rare find was as empty as the shelves were full of fresh water. On the day of the hurricane, the forecast for the area called for squalls and heavy rains through much of the day. We stared outside, judging how far the trees bent over and how hard the sheets of rain were blown into our windows. Did we dare go out, especially when we didn’t know areas of local flooding all that well? I called the local bagel store, where the man who answered the phone said the store planned to remain open through the afternoon. We looked at trees that provide shade for us in a typical day and are homes for all manner of songbirds to see if we could figure out which of our arboreal friends were the most dangerous — and vulnerable — in the storm. Eager to get fresh food and to leave the house before it was impossible, we drove around a few
downed branches to the store, where we made the mistake of shopping when we were hungry and in provision mode. When our teenage children awoke, we triumphantly presented the food. They seemed mildly impressed. We still had electricity until Sunday afternoon, up until the time when we learned that schools would be closed for another day, as trees were removed from the area and power companies restored energy. The calls and emails from outside the state continued to come in, as supportive friends continued to check to see how we were doing. Even as other areas of the state dealt with unprecedented flooding, strong winds and tornadoes, we considered ourselves fortunate only to have lost a few trees and power for a day. As with the response to Hurricane Sandy, our new neighbors in Charlotte offered advice. We may have moved to a fresh environment, but we were heartened by the support from up close and afar in the face of nature’s fury.
Once again, modern medicine surprises us
t is disconcerting when the medical community reverses course. They seem to do that every decade or so, as with the purported value of vitamin C, estrogen and so forth. The latest about face, in case you haven’t yet heard, is on the matter of taking baby aspirin. For years we have been urged to take a baby aspirin each day to ward off all sorts of ills: heart attacks, Between strokes, dementia, you and me colorectal cancers BY LEAH S. DUNAIEF and who knows what else. Those tiny pills that can dissolve in seconds against the roof of one’s mouth, or be popped into it, seemed capable of miracles. Now, with a shot heard truly around the
world, an Australian research team at Monash University in Melbourne concluded that not only may aspirin not help, it may in some cases actually harm. The results of their study, which included more than 19,000 people over 4.7 years, were published in three articles this past Sunday in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine and summarized by The New York Times on Monday, and by just about all other major media. The study included whites 70 and older, and blacks and Hispanics 65 and older. Each took 100 milligrams — slightly more than the 81 milligrams of a baby aspirin — or a placebo each day. While doing so did not lower their risks of diseases, it did increase “the risk of significant bleeding in the digestive tract, brain or other sites that required transfusions or admission to the hospital,” according to The Times. So what does all that mean, especially for those already at risk for the conditions aspirin was supposed to protect against? I am going to quote from The Times very carefully here because this can get confus-
TIMES BEACON RECORD NEWS MEDIA We welcome letters, photographs, comments and story ideas. Send your items to P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733 or email sara@tbrnewsmedia.com. Times Beacon Record Newspapers are published every Thursday. Subscription $49/year • 631-751-7744 www.tbrnewsmedia.com • Contents copyright 2018
ing due to mixed messages. “Although there is good evidence that aspirin can help people who have already had heart attacks or strokes, or who have a high risk that they will occur, the drug’s value is actually not so clear for people with less risk, especially older ones,” wrote reporter Denise Grady. So can aspirin prevent cardiovascular events in people with diabetes, for example, or is the benefit outweighed by the risk of major bleeding? Does dose matter in that heavier people might require more aspirin to be prophylactive? Here’s what the study tells us: Healthy older people should not begin taking aspirin. This will no doubt disappoint Bayer, St. Joseph and others who manufacture the drug. But those who have already been using it regularly should not quit based on these findings, according to Dr. John McNeil, leader of the Australian study. Rather they should talk with their doctors first because the new findings do not apply to those who have already had heart attacks or strokes, which involve blood clots. Aspirin is known to inhibit clotting.
The name of this study is Aspree and it was funded by the National Institute on Aging, along with the National Cancer Institute, Monash University and the Australian government. Bayer supplied the aspirin and placebos but had no other role, according to The Times. The study focuses on preventive medicine, especially how to keep older people healthy longer. It included 16,703 people from Australia and 2,411 from the United States, starting in 2010. Serious bleeding occurred in 3.8 percent of the aspirin group as opposed to 2.7 percent in the placebo group. McNeil does suggest the possibility that aspirin’s protective effect against colorectal cancers might still exist but not show up for a longer time span than the study. The Times article does go on to say that the good doctor, who is 71 and specializes in epidemiology and preventive medicine, does not himself take aspirin. Don’t know what to do? As they say in the commercials, consult your doctor.
The Kings Park Kingsmen varsity football team traveled to Miller Place Sept. 14 and defeated the Panthers 24-6. Kings Park moves to 2-0 this season.The Kingsmen will be back in action at 6 p.m. Sept. 21 when they host Half Hollow Hills West. Clockwise from top left: Kings Park senior tailback Vince D’Alto follows the blocking of Justin Shapiro; Kings
Park senior quarterback Kevin Decker throws deep; Kings Park senior running back Shapiro bolts for the endzone dragging the Panther’s Tom Nealis with him; D’Alto cuts to the outside; Kings Park senior slot receiver Eddie Montemurro catches the ball in the flat; and D’Alto takes a handoff from Kevin Decker.
Kings Park 24 Miller Place 6
Kingsmen football bests Miller Place