Town of Brookhaven Councilwoman Jane Bonner (R-Rocky Point), a perennial “polar plunger,” reminds Brookhaven residents to register for the 2022 Special Olympics of New York Polar Plunge event on Saturday, Nov. 19.
This annual tradition will be held at Cedar Beach in Mount Sinai, raising funds and awareness for Special Olympics New York athletes in the Long Island region. The money donated will support the athletes’ training, equipment, attire, and health supplies. All registrants must raise or surpass
the fundraising goal of $150 to participate and receive the signature “Freezin’ for a Reason” sweatshirt.
“The Polar Plunge at Cedar Beach is a tradition that makes a big difference in the lives of our Special Olympics athletes,” Bonner said. “This year, I have a great team of people to plunge with, and I encourage everyone to join us and support Special Olympics New York.”
For more information or to register online, visit www.polarplungeny.org/brookhaven.
At a playground in Sound Beach resides a small memorial dedicated to Bruce Kerndl and Charles Prchal, two American servicemen who died in Vietnam in 1966 and 1969, respectively.
Every year on Veterans Day, Sound Beach resident Jim Henke, a local Vietnam War veteran who fought alongside these fallen heroes, leads an informal dedication ceremony to celebrate their lives. This year would be no different.
On Friday, Nov. 11, Henke led the morning service once again. He has held this service every year since 1997, he said. To the small crowd of spectators gathered at the playground, he outlined why he comes back.
“They died in vain, horrible deaths for Charlie and Bruce, and in combat,” he said. “We’re going to die at home, and we’ve lived our lives. They didn’t have that chance.”
Despite the solemn occasion of this gathering, the mood was joyful and uplifting. Henke and others delivered impromptu speeches throughout the morning, with plenty of jokes and humorous anecdotes.
Henke described the event as spontaneous and unrehearsed without a script, a program or a list of speakers. What is spoken, he noted, comes from the heart. “I do everything from the top of my head,” he said.
Henke then opened the floor for anyone to acknowledge a veteran in his or her own life. For him, Veterans Day is not a day for solitary reflection but for family, friends and community to come together to honor the fallen. For this reason, the yearly memorial is a highly collaborative setting.
In holding this service, Henke keeps the memory and legacy of Kerndl and Prchal alive. Though their deaths were premature, Henke refuses to let them be forgotten.
“Their parents went to their grave knowing that their sons weren’t forgotten,” he said. “I promised them I’ll do it until I die.”
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, on November 18, 2022, pursuant to Article VII of the New York Public Service Law (the “PSL”), Sunrise Wind LLC (the “Applicant”), a 50/50 joint venture between Orsted North America Inc. and Eversource Investment LLC, will file a copy of its proposed Phase I Environmental Management and Construction Plan (“EM&CP”) with the New York State Public Service Commission (the “NYSPSC”) related to the Sunrise Wind New York Cable Project (the “Project”). The Project will deliver power from the Sunrise Wind Farm (“SRWF”)—which is under a 25-year Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificate (“OREC”) contract with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (“NYSERDA”)—located in federal waters on the Outer Continental Shelf, to the existing electrical grid in New York State.
Construction associated with Phase I of the Project includes: the establishment of several laydown yards and work areas necessary to construct the Project, civil works at the Project’s new onshore converter station (the “OnCS–DC”), certain civil works in New York State Department of Transportationcontrolled rights of way, the installation and use of certain equipment in the Intercoastal Waterway adjacent to the Smith Point County Park, and expansion work at the existing Holbrook Substation. All of the work associated with Phase I of the Project will occur in the Town of Brookhaven. The Applicant intends to file its post-Phase I EM&CP(s), which will cover the remainder of the scope of the Project, in 2023. The postPhase I EM&CP(s) will similarly include the opportunity for public review and comment prior to approval.
The EM&CP describes the construction procedures and environmental protection measures proposed to be used for the Project, including but not limited to: the location of the Project, proposed construction methods, construction notifications, vegetation removal, traffic management, noise minimization, water quality standards, contaminated soil and water handling, stormwater management, terrestrial and marine rare, threatened, and endangered species protections, and many other measures to be implemented during the construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of the Project. SRW developed the EM&CP in conformance with the requirements of the conditions appended to the Project’s Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (“CECPN”) and in consultation with the New York State Department of Public Service, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Department of State, New
York State Department of Transportation, and the Town of Brookhaven.
An electronic version of the EM&CP will be available for public inspection online on the NYSPSC’s Document and Matter Management page by searching Case 20-T-0617 at the following location: http://www.dps.ny.gov/ New_Search.html
Copies of the EM&CP will be available for inspection at:
Brookhaven Free Library
Jaime Papandrea, Library Director 273 Beaver Dam Road Brookhaven, NY 11719
Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Library
Kerri Rosalia, Library Director 407 William Floyd Parkway Shirley, NY 11967
Sachem Public Library Neely McCahey, Director 150 Holbrook Road Holbrook, NY 11741
Any person may be heard by the Commission on any matter or objection regarding the EM&CP by filing written comments with both the Secretary of the NYSPSC and SRW (at the addresses below) within 45 days of the date the proposed EM&CP was filed with the Commission, or within 45 days of the date of the newspaper publication of the EM&CP Filing Notice, whichever is later. Please reference Case 20-T-0617 when making any comments or requesting further information regarding the Project. Comments on any subsequent revisions to the EM&CP, in response to the aforementioned written comments, shall be submitted within 15 days of service by electronic means of said revisions.
In addition, any person who requires additional information about a specific geographical location or specific subject with respect to the Project or EM&CP may request such information from SRW by contacting the Project through the means identified below:
Hon. Michelle Phillips | Secretary of the Commission | New York State Department of Public Services | Three Empire Plaza, Albany, NY 12223-1350 | Phone: 518-474-6530 | Fax: 518-486-6081 | Email: secretary@dps.ny.gov
Certificate Holder Information:
Amy Ellis
437 Madison Avenue, Suite 1903 New York, NY 10022
Amy.Ellis@eversource.com 631-887-5470
Dennis Galvam
437 Madison Avenue, Suite 1903 New York, NY 10022
Dennis.Galvam@eversource.com 631-887-5470
Further information about the Project may be obtained by visiting the Project website at https://sunrisewindny.com
A week has passed since Election Day, and the race for New York State Assembly District 4 has yet to be called. However, the Republican Party challenger Edward Flood, of Port Jefferson, appears to be on the brink of an upset.
As of press time, Flood maintains a 51-49% margin over incumbent state Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-Setauket). With remaining votes outstanding and the outcome still undetermined, Englebright — who is current chair of the Assembly’s important Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation — declined to comment for this story.
In a phone interview on Tuesday evening, Flood gave an update on the remaining ballots. As of press time, Flood held a 973vote lead with tallies of 23,707-22,734, according to the Suffolk County Board of Elections. Flood said roughly 1,100 absentee and affidavit ballots remain uncounted.
“I’ve been told it’s mathematically improbable but not impossible for me to lose,” he said. “It’s unofficial, but it’s looking like I have this.”
Even so, Flood has yet to declare victory in the race. He said he would prefer to let the process play out. “I haven’t formally said I won, but I’m hoping that as of tomorrow, we have some more definitive answers,” the Republican candidate said.
Initial reports of Flood’s prospective victory surprised many within the community. Englebright has held that seat since 1992, and before entering the state Assembly, had represented the area in the Suffolk County Legislature starting in 1983. Flood said he was not necessarily surprised by the outcome.
“For my campaign team, this wasn’t a shock,” he said. “We did some polling and we knew we were right there.” He added,
“I understand why people outside my camp would call it a shock. Steve’s been there for a really long time … so I don’t discount the magnitude of what happened, but it wasn’t a shock to my team.”
If Flood is declared the victor in the coming days, he said he would like to begin the transition, starting with a discussion with his election opponent.
“I would like to have a conversation with Steve, if he would be willing to — and I think he’s a standup guy and I think he would — to kind of let me know what specific constituent problems they have,” Flood said. “We’ve reached out to a lot of the civics, and I’d like to sit with them and get some ideas … and just get a feel of what each community is looking for from me.”
He also said he plans to coordinate with the law enforcement community to understand the challenges experienced on the ground. He expressed his intent to “speak with law enforcement and get the best plan for how to address some of the issues with criminal justice reform that I think are just not working right now.”
To his possible constituency, Flood offered to maintain an open-door policy. He emphasized community outreach and maintaining close contact with community members.
“My job is to represent the people in the district, whether they voted for me or didn’t vote for me,” he said. “I’m not saying I don’t have some ideas, but I want this to be clear that I’m going to represent them and the interests of our community up in Albany.”
To follow the election results as the final ballots are counted, visit the website www. elections.ny.gov under “Suffolk County Election Night Results,” then scroll down to “New York Assembly AD#4.”
If the loss of Englebright’s seat is confirmed, TBR News Media plans to conduct an exit interview marking the end of his term.
The recent ransomware attack against the Suffolk County government has raised important questions about the relationship between citizens, governments and technologies.
A confirmed ransomware event took place in early September. The hack crippled the county’s information technology infrastructure, and recovery efforts remain ongoing.
In the wake of these events, the hack prompted critics to question the digitization of sensitive information and how governments can better secure their IT networks.
Nick Nikiforakis is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. His research focuses on web security and privacy. In an interview, he described how ransomware works.
“Ransomware is, effectively, malicious software that infiltrates a machine, starts encrypting all sorts of private documents, spreadsheets, anything that is of value, and then leaks out to the attacker the encryption key and potentially the data that was encrypted,” he said.
Some forms of ransomware affect only a single machine, according to Nikiforakis. Other strains may spread into several devices, potentially infecting an entire network.
Ransomware is the confirmed vector of attack for Suffolk County. However, how hackers first entered the county’s system is unknown to the public.
While the details of the county hack are scanty, Nikiforakis said cyberattackers commonly use emails with malicious attachments. In other instances, they can locate vulnerable software within a network, exploit that weakness and breach that system. Once hackers gain access to the system, they hold sensitive information for ransom.
“The original idea behind ransomware is that if you don’t pay the attacker the money that they ask, then you lose access to your data,” Nikiforakis said.
Backup software was developed, in part, to mitigate this concern. Regardless, as technologies have evolved, so has cybercrime.
“Even if you have the ability to restore your data from backups, now you have to deal with the attacker having access to your data and threatening you with making that data public, which is what’s happening in this case,” Nikiforakis said.
Based on the information available, Nikiforakis said the attackers likely gained access to speeding tickets and various titles, among other sensitive materials. “This is definitely a cause for concern, and that is why, in certain cases, people decide to pay, to avoid this blowback that will come from the data being made publicly available.”
Ransomware raises an ethical dilemma for government officials, namely whether to use public funds to pay a ransom.
“People can take a philosophical approach and say, ‘We don’t negotiate with terrorists,’ and I understand that,” Nikiforakis said, “But then the rational thing for the attacker to do is to make that data available to the public. Because if he doesn’t, then the next victim will also not pay him.”
The profitability of the ransomware operation depends upon the victim trusting that the criminals will comply with the conditions
and other buffers that reduce the spread of a fire.
“If a fire starts, it doesn’t take down the whole complex. It stops at the masonry wall,” he said. “Our system was not configured with those hard breaks, other than some separation of function out in Riverhead in the County Clerk’s Office.”
Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker (D-Mount Sinai), whose office was attacked by ransomware in 2017, has advocated for serious IT reform for some time. She followed the county’s technology closely and expressed frustration over how the initial attack occurred.
Toulon suggested the existing IT network is too centralized and interconnected. To prevent future failure of the entire network, he proposed creating separate silos for each department.
“I feel that the District Attorney’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office, the [County] Clerk’s Office and the Comptroller’s Office should be totally separate from the County Executive’s Office,” Toulon said, “So if, god forbid, this were to happen again in the future, we wouldn’t be directly impacted like everyone else.”
Anker said she and a newly formed panel of county legislators are beginning to explore ways to harden the network and apply strategies that work elsewhere.
“As we move forward, we need to see what the other municipalities and corporations are doing,” she said. “What types of programs and software do they have that prevent these attacks?”
The rate of software development, according to Anker, is outpacing the ability of governments to respond effectively. While IT departments must remain ahead of the cybercriminals to keep their digital infrastructure safe, staying out front is easier said than done.
“Technology is moving so quickly that it is incredibly challenging for government to keep up,” she said. “I would like to see more accountability in all respects and from everyone as we move forward with new technology.”
of the transaction. The ransomware business model would fail if cyberattackers generally went against their word.
For this reason, Nikiforakis said payment and compliance could sometimes be in the interests of both parties.
“I think it’s a very rational decision to say, ‘Let’s pay and accept this as a financial loss and let’s make sure that this doesn’t happen again,’” he said.
In Suffolk County, however, putting this theoretical framework into action is more complicated. Responsibility for paying ransomware payments would be vested in the Office of the Comptroller, which oversees the county’s finances.
During an election interview last month with county Comptroller John Kennedy Jr. (R), he hinted that compromising with cybercriminals is off the table.
“There is no predicate in the charter, in the New York State County Law, in the Suffolk County code, to take taxpayer money and give it to a criminal,” he said.
The ransomware attack has also aggravated concerns over securing the county’s IT apparatus. Kennedy likened the problem to a fire code, saying fire codes often include provisions for masonry walls
“I could tell, and I could feel, that there needed to be more done,” she said. “It has hampered the government, it has affected our constituents. Maybe it could have been worse, but it should have never happened.”
Suffolk County Sheriff Errol Toulon Jr. (D) explained his office’s many challenges since the hack. Though communications systems are slowly returning online, the initial attack disrupted both external and internal communications within the Sheriff’s Office.
“From a jail and police perspective, it really hindered us in the beginning,” he said. “Emails that we received from other law enforcement agencies or any communication with our community was stopped for a significant amount of time.”
New York State’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency assisted the Sheriff’s Office as Toulon’s staff worked without an operational communication network. Because of this coordination, Toulon maintained that the functions of the jails were more or less appropriately executed.
“We wanted to make sure that any individual that was supposed to be released from our custody was released on time,” the county sheriff said. “No one was incarcerated longer than they had to be.”
While the recent cyberattack focuses on the government, Anker believes ordinary citizens are also at risk from hostile online actors. The county legislator contended more work should be done to alert community members of these dangers.
“Not enough is being done regarding community outreach,” she said. “There needs to be more education on preventing an attack even on your home computer.”
Nikiforakis proposed that greater attention be given to digitizing personal records. According to him, those records in the wrong hands could unleash great harm.
“Ransomware was a big game-changer for attackers because it allows them to monetize data that would not be traditionally monetizable,” he said. “Through ransomware, suddenly everything that is of value can be monetized.”
The SBU associate professor supports software upgrades, cybersecurity protocols and other measures that protect against ransomware. But, he said, a broader conversation needs to take place about the nature of digitization and whether individuals and governments should store sensitive files online.
“More and more things that didn’t used to be online are suddenly available online,” he said. “We have to reassess the eagerness with which we put everything online and see whether the convenience that we get out of these systems being online is a good return on investment, given the risks.”
‘Technology is moving so quickly that it is incredibly challenging for government to keep up.’
— Sarah Anker
Former aide arrested for using elderly client’s EBT food card in Smithtown
Suffolk County Police arrested a former aide on Nov. 12 for fraudulently using an elderly client’s EBT card in Smithtown more than a dozen times in 2020. Shatia Parker, an aide who advertised on Care.com, allegedly used an elderly client’s EBT card to make 17 unauthorized purchases at a grocery store in Smithtown between October 2020 and December 2020. The unauthorized transactions ranged between $37 and $193. A family member contacted police after noticing a discrepancy on receipts. Following an investigation by Fourth Precinct Crime Section, Parker, 30, of Riverhead, was arrested and charged with 17 counts of Petit Larceny.
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers and Suffolk County Police Fourth Precinct Crime Section officers are seeking the public’s help to identify and locate the men who allegedly stole donated items from a Smithtown drop bin in September.
The man pictured below, along with another man, allegedly entered a PAL clothing donation drop bin, located at 712 Route 347, and stole multiple bags of clothing and other household items, on Sept. 3 through Sept. 9, between 10:27 p.m. and 10:49 p.m.
Suffolk District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney announced Nov. 14 the indictment of Douglas Valente who is charged with two counts of Grand Larceny for allegedly stealing from two of his clients. Valente, 56, the principal attorney at the Valente Law Group based in Stony Brook is alleged to have stolen more than $425,000 from his attorney escrow account over a 6-month period in 2020. He is charged with two counts of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree.
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers and Suf folk County Police Fourth Precinct Crime Section officers are seeking the public’s help to identify and locate a man who allegedly stole assorted clothing from Macy’s located inside the Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove at 5 p.m. on Oct. 11. The merchandise was valued at approximately $460.
According to the investigation, between April 14, 2020 through May 31, 2020, Valente is alleged to have stolen $181,201.67 from a 78-year-old client. During the time period of September 28, 2020 through October 13, 2020, he is alleged to have stolen $248,027.84 from Guaranteed Rate Inc., a mortgage lender. Valente allegedly used the funds belonging to both clients on his own personal and business expenses.
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers and Suffolk County Police Sixth Precinct Crime Section officers are seeking the public’s help to identify and locate the man who fled a police officer in Medford last month. A Sixth Precinct police officer observed a male driving a vehicle at a high rate of speed and crossing a double yellow line into oncoming traffic on Granny Road on Oct. 24 at approximately 5 p.m. The officer attempted to pull over the vehicle on eastbound Granny Road, near Prospect Avenue, and the suspect drove away. The vehicle was described as a Black Hyundai SUV with a Connecticut license plate 615 ZGU.
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers offers a cash reward for information that leads to an arrest. Anyone with information about these incidents can contact Suffolk County Crime Stoppers to submit an anonymous tip by calling 1-800-220-TIPS.
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At Brightview communities, upscale apartments, amenities, and gourmet dining combine with opportunities for lifelong learning, wellness, and recreation to inspire and entertain.
Brightview Port Jefferson residents enjoy the freedom to explore new interests, unwind with daily happy hours in our pub, relax in our outdoor spaces – anything and everything that brings them joy.
Most of all, Brightview provides expert assistance and care you can count on as needs change, right here at home.
For over a century, Nov. 11 has been a day commemorating the lives and memories of those who have served the nation. World War I effectively ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 upon the Armistice with Germany. At the request of major U.S. veteran organizations, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.
This past Friday, the latest Veterans Day, members of Rocky Point VFW Post 6249 kept this tradition alive.
Ridge resident Dan Guida grew up within the Five Towns community of Inwood in Nassau County. After a brief stint in college, he was drafted into the Army. During his earliest moments in uniform, Guida tested high enough to be accepted into Officer Candidate School. For a year, as a second lieutenant, he helped guide recruits through basic training. In November 1967, he was deployed to South Vietnam, where he served near Da Nang, not far from the demilitarized zone near North Vietnam.
Promoted to first lieutenant, Guida helped organize and lead armored cavalry operations and search-and-destroy missions in tanks and armored personnel carriers. For a week during the Tet Offensive, unyielding fighting occurred against the North Vietnamese army and the Vietcong. A year after his deployment to South Vietnam, Guida arrived home to Inwood, where he was welcomed by a local veterans community.
Guida was awarded the Bronze Star for leading his men in South Vietnam. He is descended from a long line of family members who served in military uniform. His mother had seven brothers who all fought during World War II. Using the G.I. Bill toward his education, Guida became an honors student at Nassau Community College and Hofstra University, and graduated with a degree in accounting. Lieutenant Dan, as he is affectionately called by the members of Post 6249, takes care of the financial affairs of the organization and he likes being around other local veterans.
A soft-spoken resident of Wading River, Kenny Messina originally grew up in Port Washington. As a young man he attended Archbishop Molloy High School in Briarwood, where he enjoyed running track and playing
baseball. He spent his training time at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Serving close to home, Messina had the opportunity to travel to Long Island before he was sent to Vietnam. A combat engineer, he was dispatched to the Mekong Delta, where he had the unique experience of building infrastructure in one of the poorest areas of the world.
As an E-4 specialist, he maintained the trucks and heavy equipment that were used in the jungle to build roads and bridges for military operations against the enemy. In this remote region, Messina observed the massive amount of spiders and snakes that were present while he was working on these building projects. Always in the field, he ate most of his meals out of a can and Messina was thankful to return to his base where he received a warm meal and shower. But the enemy was never far away, as the Vietcong often fired mortars against his position. Decades later, this positive veteran was inflicted with Agent Orange and a blood disease from his time in the jungle. He had returned home in 1967 and used the G.I. Bill, as he enrolled into New York Institute of Technology and studied business. Messina worked for several banks as a finance officer. On Veterans Day, Messina likes the camaraderie of Post 6249, and looks forward to working with its members on future endeavors.
A Brooklyn native who has lived in Rocky Point for well over 60 years, Frank Asselta was among the earliest contingent of 185,000 soldiers who were sent to the Southeast Asia nation. After he graduated with his associates degree at Suffolk County Community College, Asselta was drafted into the Army on Dec. 20, 1965. Miles away from the hills, beaches and woods of Rocky Point, Asselta was first trained at Fort Dix through the winter of 1966. After training and shoveling snow, Asselta was sent to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, to learn how to become a combat medic. He was attached to the 196th Light Infantry Reconnaissance and sent to Vietnam.
Asselta operated in the areas between the Demilitarized Zone and Saigon to aggressively pursue the Communist insurgency. He served with the infantry reconnaissance unit that carried out search-and-destroy operations in the jungle. Asselta spent numerous moments operating under fire, where he constantly provided medical care to his soldiers that were
always in harm’s way. Once, under terrible fire, Asselta took care of four wounded men, and was later awarded the Bronze Star for his valor and expertise to treat his comrades.
In 1967, Asselta arrived home after his tour ended and again enrolled in college, under the G.I. Bill, to attend both Stony Brook University and the New York Institute of Technology. Asselta also learned how to become a commercial airline pilot, before he accepted a job as director of programs for the Long Island Association for commerce and industry. He later became the superintendent of public works for the villages of Lindenhurst and East Hills.
To remember those veterans that have been inflicted with post-traumatic stress disorder, Asselta was a driving force to organize the first 5K race in the Rocky Point Conservation Area. Preparing for this race, Asselta hiked through the area where he tirelessly worked to ensure that the course was properly marked for directions and hazards. Over 100 runners ran through this challenging Sunday morning event for a worthy cause that is near to Asselta’s heart to honor combat veterans who bravely fought for this nation.
The “comic relief” of Post 6249 is provided by a noticeably different veteran who was originally from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Armed with a big smile and a Midwestern accent, Rocky Pointer Gary Suzik was in the Navy for four years. Suzik served on the USS La Salle, where it was one of his duties to help recover the Gemini space capsule in 1966. He crossed the equator several times and served during the Dominican Civil War a year earlier.
This sailor extensively traveled through the Mediterranean Sea, visiting ports in France, Greece, Italy and Spain, as his ship helped support the naval responsibilities of the 6th Fleet. He liked the team atmosphere of his vessel, where it was his job to launch its landing craft. Today, still smiling and with a dynamic personality, Suzik has worked on several functions that Post 6249 conducts annually, including its major golf outing and the PTSD 5K run. He is involved in school projects and lobbying for veterans affairs.
The leader of this productive post is longtime Rocky Point resident, Cmdr. Joe Cognitore. This former graduate of Farmingdale High School was a football and track standout who attended college in South Dakota. Once he graduated, he was drafted into the Army. As a graduate, Cognitore was older than the average draftee, and leadership positions always gravitated toward him, such as when he was made a platoon sergeant in South Vietnam. After training at Fort Polk’s Tiger Land in Louisiana, Cognitore was sent overseas.
Unlike the other Vietnam veterans from his post, he observed the end of the fighting against the Communists. President Richard M. Nixon (R) started to bring large parts of the Armed Forces home, and began transitioning the war to the South Vietnamese. Cognitore was an infantry sergeant who was transported by the air cavalry, where he landed in areas that were widely contested by the enemy. He was later ordered to follow the Vietcong into Cambodia, where the Communists had a safe passage of quickly moving soldiers and materials to fight American forces. Cognitore’s main goal was to lead his men in the field under fire and to have them return back to their families.
When the war was over, Cognitore later married his sweetheart Kathy, had two sons Joseph and Chris, and made his home in Rocky Point. For decades, he worked for Coca-Cola and enjoyed working with business owners and major food chains. By the start of the first Gulf War in 1990, Cognitore returned to Post 6249, where he greatly supported the soldiers who were sent to the Middle East. Today, he demonstrates an iron resolve to always protect and enhance the rights of Armed Forces members and causes on the local, state and the federal levels of the government and the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization.
In a Veterans Day service on Friday, Nov. 11, community members, first responders and public officials gathered at Veterans Memorial Park in Sound Beach.
The event was hosted by the Sound Beach Civic Association, with the colors presented by members of the Sound Beach Fire Department. Bea Ruberto, president of the civic, outlined the reasons for holding this annual local tradition.
“The freedoms we enjoy every day are due to the sacrifices of so many,” she said. “Our country stands strong because of the men and women who have given so much to ensure this. We are here today to commemorate all that they have done.”
The hamlet’s Veterans Memorial serves as a central meeting ground for the community. In this place, veterans and civilians alike come together. On the memorial wall lies seven plaques honoring Sound Beach’s fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty: William Binder, Stewart Carroll, Joseph DeGennaro, Bruce Kerndl, Charles Prchal, Kerry Hein and Peter Hahn.
Following a reading of these names, Scouts Meadow and Violet Dahlbert of Troop 2019 Sound Beach placed a wreath before the memorial wall.
“There are many ways to acknowledge their sacrifice,” Ruberto said. “Placing a wreath in front of the memorial wall signifies our continuous commitment as Americans to honor and remember the sacrifices made by generations of fallen heroes in defense of our way of life.”
A group of instrumentalists and vocalists from the Miller Place school district music department delivered the musical performances.
Town of Brookhaven Councilwoman Jane
Bonner (R-Rocky Point) also attended the service. In an interview, she commented on the rich tradition of public service to the area and the proud veteran community that continues its efforts at home.
“One of the things that I always remember about veterans — being the daughter of one, the sister of one and the wife of one — is that not all of our veterans come home whole,” she said.
“The injuries of war are not always obvious. … Ceremonies like this that honor and thank them for their service and sacrifice to our country are so important.”
Suffolk County has the highest concentration of veterans in New York state and one of the highest concentrations of veterans in the nation. Acknowledging this reality, Bonner said local communities should honor their own, those who sacrificed greatly to secure American freedoms.
“I am very humbled to participate in this every year,” Bonner said. “It’s truly about our veterans.” The councilwoman added, “It’s just a very moving and emotional day to see so many people come out to honor our veterans and thank them.”
Representing state Sen. Anthony Palumbo (R-New Suffolk) was Chad Lennon, Palumbo’s special assistant for veterans affairs. Lennon, a veteran himself, outlined how communities can support their veteran populations.
“You never know, you may be talking with a veteran and never even realize it,” he said.
“Support your veterans, listen to their stories, support them with the different programs.”
Following the dismissal of the color guard, the instrumentalists performed one final rendition of “God Bless America.” Ruberto thanked the community for attending and all the young people who filled the morning air with song.
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The recent ransomware attack against the Suffolk County government has sparked questions regarding our relationship with technology.
We often take for granted the convenience offered by our devices. Today, we can communicate at lightning speed thanks to email and text messaging. A week’s supply of groceries is just a few clicks away. And many can carry out a full day of work without leaving their homes.
The digital revolution has permeated nearly every facet of our lives, finding the quickest, simplest, most convenient solutions to almost all of our daily problems. But are there consequences to our increasingly digital way of life? If the Suffolk County cyberattack has taught us anything, the answer is an emphatic “yes.”
While our county officials work through the ransomware situation, we must take a closer look at our technologies at home. What kind of sensitive records are stored within our smartphones and personal computers? How much could someone with access to these devices learn about us?
While most give very little thought to these matters, we must take a greater interest in our personal cybersecurity. If hackers can infiltrate the county’s network, crippling the government’s entire system for over a month, they can invade your home computer, too.
The digitization of all records is not the answer to our problems. Our social security cards and birth certificates are safer in the filing cabinet than on our computers. If we refrain from uploading these sensitive records to our devices, we deny hackers the chance to use them against us.
To protect oneself against ransomware, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, an operational component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, recommends installing antivirus software, firewalls and email filters. CISA also advises upgrading all applications and operating systems, as outdated programs are frequent targets for ransomware.
Users can defend themselves, too, by verifying email senders and cautiously approaching all email attachments. One should only use a single card for all online purchases to prevent access to multiple financial accounts. Most importantly, people should stay current on cybercrime trends to remain ahead of the curve.
Remember that hackers cannot access records we do not upload. With caution and common sense, we can better protect ourselves from the growing threat of ransomware and other malicious activities online.
WRITE TO US … We welcome your letters. They should be no longer than 400 words and may be edited for length, libel, style and good taste. We do not publish anonymous letters. Please include a phone number and address for confirmation. Email letters to: editor1@tbrnewsmedia.com or mail them to TBR News Media, P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733
As I read the letter “Democracy really is in trouble” by George Altemose in last week’s TBR Newspapers [Nov. 10], there was one thing of which I was certain: This guy gets his information from that bastion of conservative misinformation, Fox News.
How else could one accuse the Democrats of taking over the FBI and Department of Justice, yet ignore what former President Donald Trump [R] did in his four years in office — four horrendously undemocratic years.
It was Trump who fired people who were not loyal to him: James Comey, director of the FBI, and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions [R] for starters. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman lost his job for telling the truth regarding Trump trying to coerce Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to find dirt on then-candidate and now President Joe Biden [D].
If the truth does not work, no problem, make it up, change the facts. Thus Trump was caught on tape asking Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger [R] that “I just want to find 11,780 votes” to flip that state’s election results.
The Democrats have rightfully respected the independence of the three branches of government and the DOJ. Trump thought of them as “my guys.” That’s how dictators think.
As Altemose was rattling off the names of the mobsters the early FBI took down, John Dillinger and more, I thought to myself none of those criminals posed more of a threat to our country and the world than that delusional pathologic narcissist who had his finger on the atomic bomb — our 45th president.
Altemose attacks Hunter Biden and, by extension, Joe Biden for alleged “shady deals” yet ignores Trump’s multiple lawsuits, his declared bankruptcy on six occasions, two impeachments, obvious nepotism — daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner — and insistence on using Trump hotels for government business.
It was Trump who weaponized the presidential “pardon power.” And the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection really did happen. Trump’s disciples did violently storm the U.S. Capitol, five police officers died if none at the scene, other officers were maimed, former Vice President Mike Pence [R] was hunted and the Capitol was
desecrated. It was a national disgrace caught on tape. That, Mr. Altemose, is not democracy. That is what dictators do.
If former President Barack Obama [D] cautions that no challenge is greater to our planet than climate change, and if Anthony Portesy, Brookhaven Town Democratic Committee chair, cautions against gerrymandering, that is because it is true. Heed their words. As Benjamin Franklin said many years ago, we live in a republic “if you can keep it.”
Our continued democracy is not guaranteed. Shame on those who distort the facts to suggest otherwise.
I was saddened to learn that our state Assemblyman Steve Englebright [D-Setauket] narrowly lost his reelection Tuesday, Nov. 8. The official results have not been released but it appears that there are not enough outstanding votes to change the outcome.
Losing Steve as our state representative will be a big loss to our area as well as Long Island and New York state. Over his three decades in Albany, Steve has been the key sponsor of so much environmental legislation that most of us probably take it for granted.
In addition to being the key driver
for this year’s successful $4 billion environmental bond, which will help New York fight climate change, protect acres of open space and keep our lakes, harbors and streams pollution free, he was also the father of net metering that expanded solar power in all our neighborhoods and forced energy utilities to pay homeowners and commercial building owners for the excess energy that they produce.
When you look around the Three Village community and see all of the historic buildings that have been protected over the years and the focus on our early colonial history, you can thank Steve Englebright for his foresight and ability to bring back dollars from Albany to protect these historic treasures.
And of course we all owe Steve a debt of gratitude for his early efforts as an up-and-coming environmentalist and county legislator to convince policymakers that the Suffolk County Pine Barrens, located in the eastern part of the county, needed to be protected from development in order to conserve our critical underground water supply.
Hopefully Steve will decide to stay involved with all of his many activities that help improve the quality of life of our area and the state of New York.
Thank you Steve for your service.
George Hoffman SetauketEven months after we emerged from our Covid caves, I still appreciate the wonder and joy of getting out again, of seeing people, of making plans, and of going on a date with my wife.
Recently, we went to see “Hadestown.”
he didn’t even see the movie “Rainman,” in which Dustin Hoffman’s character is addicted to the show “The People’s Court.”
BY DANIEL DUNAIEFWe didn’t know much about it, except that it had won several awards. As soon as we sat down, we fell on the playbill, reading about the origins of the story, checking out the cast, and immersing ourselves in the experience.
I will admit, sheepishly, that we also used our TV app to watch a few minutes of the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions. Our son thinks our addiction to that show is laughable and
Anyway, after Jeopardy! ended, we took in the room. We studied the arrangement of the set, where it was clear the musicians would be on stage. When I was in high school, I thor oughly enjoyed playing in the pit orchestras of “West Side Story” and “The Wizard of Oz.” One of the wonders of the experience was the opportunity to dress casually, as we played in a true, recessed pit where we were heard and not seen.
As we got closer to the start of “Hadestown,” the auditorium filled with people sporting a wide range of attire, from casual to festive.
In the first few moments of the show, we were transported, as a colorful Hermes pranced around the stage, interacting with the other actors and reaching out to the audience.
The appreciative guests lapped up his over-the-top gestures and movements, as he introduced us to some of the characters and the band, who filled the stage with vitality, music and movement.
During intermission, I watched two women in the row in front of me. One was talking, while the other nodded absent-mindedly while playing solitaire. Perhaps that’s a carry over from too much time at home. Then again, who am I to complain? We watched a TV show in the moments before “Hadestown” started, so we’re also accustomed to our isolated entertainment.
To my left, two women with bright blonde hair opened a ziplock bag filled with small sugar cookies. After they each ate one, the woman holding the bag dropped a cookie on the floor. I felt it hit my shoe before it settled on the ground.
Now, I am a bit OCD with germs. Okay, fine, that’s like being a bit pregnant. I’m OCD and have been known to wash my hands so often in the winter that my skin becomes incredibly dry, cracks and bleeds.
So, what would I have done with that cookie? I would have picked it up, put it in my coat pocket, forgotten about it for about two weeks and, upon rediscovering it, would have thrown it in the garbage and, of course, washed my hands immediately afterwards.
What did she do? The woman picked it up, briefly scraped off the parts she imagined must have touched the floor and my shoe, blew on it and broke it in half. She gave her companion one half, she kept the other, and they both, gulp, ate it.
I laughed nervously and made a mental note, not that I ever need one, to wash my hands just because, well, yuck!
In the second half of “Hadestown,” the show followed a similar pattern, as one sad, longing song gave way to another.
At the critical moment of the story, the woman who had been playing solitaire in front of us objected to the tragic turn of events.“Oh no, don’t do it!” she shouted.
While I wasn’t surprised by the ending to a story filled with mournful songs and that Hermes told us was sad, I chuckled as she tried to change the script from the balcony.
Yes, it was great to be out and to appreciate the show, the music, and the other guests.
All the world, as Shakespeare suggested, is a stage, including for the appreciative members of the audience.
Thanksgiving is almost here, and many of us are bustling about, packing for a distant visit with loved ones or making sure the house is in good shape to receive those traveling to us. For most Americans, it is our favorite holiday, defined by turkey and the trimmings. What could be bad about an eating holiday? The only skunk at the party is abandoned overeating, and most of us, wise from unfortunate past experience, try to avoid that.
some of them leaders of organizations, others simply caring neighbors who go out of their way to help when help is needed.
In recognition of the many who enhance the quality of our lives, we publish a Thank You edition of the newspaper and website on the Thursday between Christmas and New Year’s. We call that issue, “People of the Year,” and we solicit suggestions for profiles from our staff, community leaders and especially from readers.
we produced a different slate for each. Recently, however, we have realized that what happens in Stony Brook can also affect Northport and vice versa, so we now publish a master list of sorts honoring those who have gone the extra mile on behalf of our communities. And by so doing, we have eased the strain on our COVID-reduced staff.
Until the year 2020, we invited the People of the Year to supper at the Three Village Inn in Stony Brook, generally on a late Sunday afternoon in March. At that venue, we gave each recipient a framed certificate, spoke for a minute about why they were selected, then gave them the mic to elaborate on their work.
We have been doing this for 47 years, since we started publishing, and we still haven’t run out of winners. In fact, the more we meet, the larger the circle grows. [Confession in the spirit of full disclosure: I used to worry that we would indeed run out of nominees.] Sometimes we get lots of suggestions for the same person. We’ve even had readers bring in petitions with many signatures to help us choose whom to profile.
The other thing that makes Thanksgiving special is the conscious awareness, again by most of us, of how much we have to be grateful for, including the community in which we live. It takes exceptional people to make a strong community,
Ultimately the TBR Editorial Board makes the final decisions, so if you disagree with any of the choices, blame us.
When we published only one newspaper, selection was fairly easy. As our editions grew,
The purpose of the profiles, in addition to offering these terrific people our thanks, is also to give them a spotlight to help them with their work, which is usually ongoing. With that goal in mind, we refrain from writing in this issue about those who have retired or are deceased. However, those stories, along with many we couldn’t fit in, may become features in future additions.
We have tried, each year, to keep their selection a secret from the winners. They seem to enjoy opening the paper in print or on the web and finding themselves and their efforts acknowledged. Of course, it’s fun to be appreciated, then with the additional kick of it being a surprise.
Many of the past awardees also attended each year. Based on how long the residents lingered over dessert after the last certificate was announced, we concluded that there was a lot of cross pollination among them, further strengthening our communities and their interactions.
We stopped those suppers with the advent of the coronavirus, fearing the possibility of a super spreader event. With each passing year, we hope to restore that tradition. It was delightful for us and, we believe, helpful for the community.
So we will wait to see what happens in 2023 and if we can resume partying. We all hope for the start of an After Times.
‘Thank You’ to community superstars
The time between Halloween and Thanksgiving often involves lists.
Thanksgiving hosts make lists of people to invite, food to purchase, reminders of relatives who need to sit as far from each other as possible, and specialty items, like dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free and sugar-free desserts.
This year, people should also consider adding healthcare steps to their holiday preparation, particularly as new COVID-19 variants and a host of respiratory viruses like the flu and respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, threaten to put a damper on the holiday festivities or the days immediately after family gatherings.
Even as new COVID variants circulate in the area, cases of the flu have recently been climbing throughout the county, state and country.
As of the week ending Oct. 29, Suffolk County reported 255 confirmed cases of the flu, which is up 86% from the previous week, according to the New York State Department of Health. Statewide, the number of cases reached 3,476 for the same week.
Dr. Christy Beneri, program director of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital, suggests that the “ideal time is now” to get COVID and flu vaccines. “It generally takes about two weeks for the immune system to show a response to the vaccine to provide protection,” which means that the clock is ticking to prepare immune systems for visits with friends and relatives who might be bringing unwitting viral passengers with them to the dinner table.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people get a bivalent booster — the version from Pfizer/ BioNTech or Moderna that includes protection against some of the newer omicron variants — if it has been at least two months since their last COVID-19 vaccine or since their original booster.
Beneri urges residents to get both COVID and flu vaccines, which people can receive at the same time.
The effects of these combined shots may have increased side effects of flu-like illnesses, like fever, aches and fatigue, which generally lasts for about a day.
The CDC reported that observational studies show greater disease severity in patients with influenza and COVID than in patients with COVID alone.
As for ways to protect guests in people’s homes, Beneri explained in an email that no specific house filters are effective at reducing the spread of disease.
“Good air flow is important,” she wrote. “Leaving some windows cracked and telling guests to wear an extra layer” could reduce the risk of spreading viruses.
Beneri added that area medical facilities have seen patients with more than one respiratory virus.
“Having multiple viruses can lead to
more severe disease and thus [the] need for hospitalization for supportive care,” Beneri added.
Treatment options currently exist for COVID and influenza, which is not the case for other respiratory illnesses. The NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines suggested that there are no significant drug-drug interactions between the antiviral agents used to treat the flu and antivirals used to prevent or treat COVID.
While vaccinations may not completely prevent disease, they can help reduce severe disease and hospitalization, which is “especially important with the increase in other respiratory infections, such as respiratory syncytial virus,” she explained in an email.
In general, people can enhance their health by eating well, exercising and getting a good night’s sleep, Beneri said.
She also generally recommends a multivitamin.
The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel indicates that there is not enough evidence to support the use of additional supplements, such as Vitamin C, D or zinc in patients with COVID.
Beneri advised residents to review any supplement use with their doctors to avoid drug interactions and possible side effects.
At this point, the bivalent vaccine has
improved effectiveness for the omicron strain based on the immune response, Beneri explained.
More data, however, is expected on the vaccine efficacy in the short and longer term with the new bivalent boosters, Beneri said.
Additionally, more data should be forthcoming on treatment options, which will also be important with anticipated new waves over the holidays and new variants emerging, she added.
Recently, Pfizer/ BioNTech said it was in phase one trials for a single vaccine that would provide immune protection against COVID and the flu.
Local doctors urged patience as the pharmaceutical company and the Food and Drug Administration review the results from these trials.
“Although there may be benefits with combination vaccines from a compliance perspective, we need to weigh that against the risk of safety and efficacy,” Dr. Sunil Dhuper, chief medical officer at Port Jefferson’s St. Charles Hospital, explained in an email.
The medical community needs to ensure that the combination is neither less immunogenic nor less effective than the singular vaccines on their own, he added.
“Safety and tolerability are other important concerns with combination vaccines,” Dhuper explained. He hopes the clinical trials will answer
a host of questions related to immune response, efficacy, and reactogenicity, which refers to injection site pain, redness, swelling, fever headaches and other responses to the vaccination.