TBANK: Annual Report 2011

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Six Strategic Intents for the Business Operation in 2012

1. We intend to provide our customers with a superior experience by offering the best service and a total financial solution to their unique needs.

2. We intend to increase our productivity and customer satisfaction through strategic investments in our people, leadership, systems and processes.

3. We intend to be the dominant market leader for Hire Purchase Business with increasing share in higher yielding

4. We intend to aggressively grow the housing loan portfolio to be the top-five in market share of the Commercial

Used and CYC segments. Banking Industry.

5. We intend to grow the Corporate and SME loan portfolios higher than industry average and gain market share.

6. We intend to increase the fee-based income proportion to be on par with industry average.

Vision of Thanachart Group To provide fully integrated financial services targeted at meeting customers’ unique financial needs by creating

the highest quality products and services which strengthen our image as a trustworthy financial services group.

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