2017 Call Application Form Welcome to the 2017 TCBL Call for Expressions of Interest for Associate Enterprises
This application form is for individuals or businesses large or small, in any way related to or supporting the Textiles and Clothing (T&C) sector, to apply to become an Associate Enterprise as described in the Call Invitation. We first ask for information about you and (if applicable) your business and your role in the T&C sector. We then ask how you can benefit from and contribute to building the TCBL innovation ecosystem, with particular reference to one of the on-going Business Cases or new value chain scenarios you may propose. Finally, we ask how you relate to the seven TCBL Principles. The questionnaire consists of both multiple choice and free text questions (those marked with an * are obligatory), which we estimate will take you some time to think about and then about 30 minutes to complete (text answers have limits to the number of characters). Your answers must be in English, but the quality of your English is not considered for the evaluation as long as we can understand. Please take note: you can access this page once only; you can go back and forth between pages but you need to complete the questionnaire before leaving the page. We therefore advise you to first download the pdf version here (link to be added). Privacy and confidentiality notice: By completing this application form and submitting it for evaluation, the individual listed in Page 2 authorizes the TCBL project consortium as listed at http://tcbl.eu/about to maintain the information contained herein for the purposes of evaluation and statistical analysis, in accordance with directive 95/46/EC and the privacy legislation in EU member states. Those having access to this information will treat it as business in confidence. In the event of a successful application, the individual listed in Page 2 further authorises the TCBL project consortium to publish and distribute the information contained herein, unless otherwise informed in writing by 31 May 2017. We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is stored securely. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect with this survey. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal data to third parties unless required by law to do so. We may use your personal data to send you dedicated invitations to events and meetings specifically related to TCBL project activities. If you would like a copy of the information held on you, or believe that any data we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, or want to delete your personal data altogether from our archives, please write an email to tcbl@comune.prato.it addressing the person in charge of privacy protection for this call, Mr Paolo Guarnieri from the Municipality of Prato, Italy.
* 1. Acceptance of terms and conditions I have read and understood the above terms and conditions
2017 Call Application Form About you and your enterprise
* 2. Please write you registration number as provided by the TCBL consortium.
* 3. Please write your name as it appears on the TCBL website.
* 4. In what city do you normally work?
* 5. In what region is that?
* 6. In which country is that?
Non-EU country
* 7. Please provide the email address you would like to be contacted at.
8. At what phone number would you like to be contacted (optional)?
* 9. Which of the following choices best describes your application? If none of these apply, contact your TCBL reference partner to consider applying for a different TCBL Call. I am not yet working in Textiles & Clothing but would like to. I am applying as an individual but not on behalf of the organisation I work for. I am applying as the business or organisation where I work.
10. If you applying as a business, since what year has it been operational? (answer only if applicable)
11. If you are applying as a business, please indicate its size. Individual enterprise Micro business: <5 employees Very small business: 5-10 employees Small business: 10-50 employees Small SME: 50-250 employees Larger SME: 250-500 employees Large business >500 employees
12. If you are applying as a business, please indicate the type: Informal network Non-profit association Collaborative or social enterprise Startup For profit Other (please specify)
13. Briefly describe your enterprise, or, for an individual application, the type of business you would like to build. (500 characters)
* 14. TCBL aims to build a business ecosystem that demonstrates that desirable and long-lasting alternatives to current products, markets and supply chains are possible, and that we can all benefit from them. Please state, in general terms, why you want to become part of this business ecosystem and how you think you can contribute to it. (1,000 characters)
2017 Call Application Form
About your sector and areas of expertise
In the following four questions, we'd like to find out more about what the company you work with does, or, if you are applying as an individual, your own skills and experience. This helps us to make you known in the TCBL community and suggest participation in new value chain experiments. We first list specific phases of textiles and clothing for those of you in the sector, and then more generally as regards related themes and support actvities, as well as any other area you feel is relevant. You are not obliged to answer all of the questions, only those you feel comfortable with. 15. Please indicate areas of the textile process where you or your business have operational experience, if any: Collection design and sampling Regeneration Spinning Finishing Dyeing Warping Weaving Knitting Drying Printing Technical (including 'smart') textile experimentation Other (please specify)
16. Please indicate areas of the clothing production process where your or your business have operational experience, if any: Collection design Selection of textiles and accessories Pattern making Prototyping and testing Grading and placement Preparation and cutting Tailoring Finishing and/or assembly Distribution Retail Other (please specify)
17. Please indicate other areas of support to the T&C sector where you or your business have operational experience, if any: Fashion trends Marketing Logistics Distribution Legal and regulatory aspects Policy and funding opportunities Research and development Training ICT applications and services (across all application areas) Environment-related issues (waste and water reduction, recycling, etc.) Energy-related issues Social issues Business consultancy (including process and production solutions) Other (please specify)
18. Please mention any other sectors, skills or experience you think may be relevant:
2017 Call Application Form Your participation in the TCBL ecosystem
In this section, we'd like to hear about your ideas for participation in the TCBL business ecosystem, first in relation to the on-going Business Cases and then for possible new business cases or value chain scenarios you may want to propose. * 19. First, we'd like to know how you see you and your business (if applicable) fitting in with one or more of the on-going Business Cases No interest at all
Low interest
Quite interested
Very high interest
Natural cotton: rebuilding value chains for natural fibres (including linen, silk, hemp, etc.) Short runs: partnerships and services to support short runs for sustainable fashion Eco-production: ways to reduce chemical usage, energy consumption, and environmental impact Bio-shades: developing the use of bacteria based dyes as an industrial option Digital heritage: digitisation of textile and clothing archives and collections as a source of design inspiration Independents: empowering and networking independent designers and producers
* 20. Now, freely describe how you would like to participate in or contribute to one or more of the Business Cases above or any additional value chain scenarios or business cases you would like to propose. Please elaborate on the issue you want to tackle, how you could reach your objective, what are the partners, services or tools you need. (use up to 3000 characters)
2017 Call Application Form You and the TCBL Principles
In the following questions, we ask for a very brief development of your ideas in relation to the seven keyprinciples of the TCBL community. * 21. Please first write a few lines about how you see the benefits of participating in a value-based business community. (500 characters)
* 22. Now let us know how you relate to each of the TCBL Principles. Never thought of this
Need coaching
Could be improved
Like to share experiences Knowledgeable
Can give guidance
An example to others
Curiosity: learning and innovation for relevant issues Viability: business value and alignment with market trends Durability: sustainable design and environmental commitment Multiplicity: interdisciplinary approach to capturing diversity Openness: open innovation, resource sharing, transparency Respect: confidentiality, privacy, authorship, fair trade Responsbility: availability of resources, timeliness, quality
* 23. Briefly describe your strengths and weaknesses and how your goals for improvement can benefit from participating in the TCBL community. (1,000 characters)
The TCBL project consortium thanks you for your time and interest. Results of the evaluation process will be communicated to all participants by May 19th, 2016. For further information on the TCBL project, visit www.tcbl.eu. For any queries specifically related to this Call for Expression of Interest, contact us at tcbl@comune.prato.it .