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Co-funded by Horizon 2020

ANNEX I TO TCBL D 8.10 - 30 JUNE 2019


#TCBL_2019 (Day 1)

This guidebook describes the 2019 edition of #TCBL, the yearly event/conference of the TCBL community. Building on the formula developed for the first three editions in 2016-18, #TCBL_2019 was organised according to a series of modules, as follows: • • • • • • •

TCBL_Talk: conference-style, with welcome addresses and plenary keynotes. TCBL_News: update on TCBL developments over the last year, announcing the launch of the TCBL Foundation. TCBL_Local: visits to local companies and production sites. TCBL_Night: an evening happening and show of upcycled designs from the Iaşi Design Academy. TCBL_Live: our TEDx-style session with six stimulating 18-minute talks. TCBL_Jam: rapid sequences of 5-minute presentations from TCBL Labs, Associates and Services. TCBL_Next: the welcoming ceremony for new members and announcement of future editions of #TCBL.

This document is intended as a quick guidebook for: • • •

Those who attended the conference and wish to review what happened. Those who missed the conference and want an overview of sessions and speakers. Those interested in organising future editions of #TCBL.

The paper is structured according to five main sections: • • • •

The first and second provide an overview of each day’s session modules. The third provides information on the conference organisation. The fourth provides insights and ideas for future editions. The fifth provides links to the 40 videos and 4 photo albums produced from the conference recordings.

#TCBL_2019, DAY ONE #TCBL_2019 was organised as a two-day event, 28-29 May, 2019, in different venues in the City of Iaşi (Romania). The venue for Day One was the conference centre at the International Hotel, 5a Palat St, Iaşi.


Mariana Ursache, Technical University of Iaşi.

Welcome addresses opened the conference on the first day, and the high level of participants underlined the strategic attention paid to TCBL. • • •

Caterina Ailiesei, CEO Association Reginnova NE Paul Butnariu, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Iaşi Mariana Ursache, Dean of the Faculty of Textile, Leather and Industrial Management, Technical University Gheorghe Asachi of Iaşi

TCBL_T ALK This is our more traditional conference style module, with leading keynote speakers addressing the main issues facing the T&C industry today.

#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Lutz Walter, Euratex, at TCBL_Talk What


Lutz Walter Euratex / Regiotex

Trends and prospects in the European T&C Industry An overview of performance and trends in Textiles and Clothing, with opportunities in research and regional policy.

Antonela Curteza TU Iaşi

Innovation in the Clothing Value Chain Technology trends for an agile and sustainable clothing production ecosystem.

Carmen Ghituleasa INCDTP

The Romanian Textile and Clothing Industry From tradition to sustainability through research and innovation.

Gabriela Macoveiu RDA NE

Textiles and Clothing in the NE Regional Strategy The role of the T&C Industry in the Smart Specialisation Strategy for the NE Region.

Fiori Zafeiropoulou of Social Fashion Factory in Athens and Fashion Revolution Greece, was unable to attend but sent a short video.

TCBL_NEWS TCBL_News built on and developed the module adopted in TCBL_2017/18 for a more in-depth view of activities in the TCBL project over the last year. The organisation included an overview of developments in the main project areas, with the TCBL Innovation Projects illustrated by “True Stories”, or testimonials from some of the main participants.


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Luca Leonardi of Consorzio ARCA presenting the TCBL Café at TCBL_News Title and Description


Last year in TCBL Activities in the final year of the EU-funded TCBL project and presentation of the TCBL Foundation for future activities.

Jesse Marsh, TCBL Project Manager

TCBL True Stories Re-structuring production • Collaborative kits for sewing cafés • Re-designing the workplace • Enabling short run production Re-connecting value chains • Collaborative on-demand designs • Certifying sustainable cotton • Re-inventing men’s fashion Re-framing consumer perceptions • Trends for sustainable design • Re-interpreting fabric designs • Fabricademy future design

Concrete initiatives in TCBL. Presenting: Richard Axe, TCoE • Luca Leonardi, ARCA • Clea Polar, Coco & Rico • Lisa Wurden, Sqetch Presenting: Thanos Contargyris, HCIA • Michel Byvoet, Bivolino • Emmanouela Kouroudi, Thrakkika • Bill Macbeth, TCoE Presenting: Frédérique Thureau, IFM • Ioanna Kouloumpini, HCIA • Besnik Mehmeti, Prato • Anastasia Pistofidou, FabTextiles


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs


The #TCBL_2019 Advisory Board panel

The presentation of project results and Innovation Projects was followed by a discussion and evaluation on the part of the TCBL Advisory Board. This is a panel that meets only on occasion of the yearly #TCBL events, providing strategic guidance both at the event and through followup phone interviews in the successive months. The composition of the panel aims to both mix stable members and ‘new entries’, international and local representatives, and a variety of viewpoints including those of both large and small T&C enterprises.

Advisory Board Members • • • •

• •

Gabriela Macoveiu, ADR NE Rita Britton, Nomad Atelier Véronique Allaire Spitzer, Brandémotion Carmen Ghituleasa, INCDTP Guillaume Wallut, Centmillemilliards Lutz Walter, Euratex / Regiotex

Discussion There was general agreement that the TCBL ecosystem had reached a stage of maturity to be ready for post-project sustainability under the TCBL Foundation. The coherence with policy objectives was underlined by both Gabriela Macoveiu, who encouraged the project to explore opportunities to fund Innovation Projects through regional Smart Specialisation programmes, and Lutz Walter, who focused more on initiatives in Horizon 2020. There was particular interest in the comments of Guillaume Wallut, who compared the TCBL approach to his experience in the publishing sector, which shares issues of overproduction and sustainability. Other participants remarked on the TCBL movement as a whole and the potential for its market positioning as a community working towards sustainable fashion in an honest and transparent way.

TCBL_LOCAL The afternoon of day one was dedicated to our traditional tour of local factories and places of interest. The visits included three itineraries.


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs



Culture and tradition in Iaşi

The Palace of Culture (Ethnographic Museum of Moldova, Museum of Science and Technology, Clock Tower) – Old City Center

Innovation in garment production processes

Integrated Confections Moldova (CIM) – Katty Fashion – Old City Center

University landmarks and sustainable innovation

University Palace from Copou ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University Library and Aula Magna “Carmen Silva”, Hall of Lost Steps) – REDU – Old City Center

TCBL_NIGHT A night-time event was held at the HALA FiX (Fix Theatre), an ex industrial shed converted to creative co-working activities. The evening focused on a fashion event presented by students of the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, Fashion design program, in collaboration with the REDU Place Lab. The event had the theme “Entropy” and explored the relations between order and disorder in the recent history of Romania.

One of the models presented at the Entropy fashion show.


#TCBL_2019, DAY TWO The second day was held in the Caudella Hall of the National University of Arts George Enescu, a space normally used for chamber music performances. The foyer of the venue was dedicated to an exhibit of collaborations between Creative Hubs of the Interreg-MED CreativeWear project entitled “Connections: a journey from art to textiles and back”. The day opened with greetings from John Cleuren of the European Commission, who has followed TCBL as the Project Officer for the project’s four years.

John Cleuren of the European Commission opening Day 2


Cornelia Brustureanu, Prodean of the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design

#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

A fresh round of additional welcome addresses opened the conference on the second day. • • •

Cornelia Brustureanu, Prodean of the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, National University of Arts George Enescu of Iaşi Mihai Lupu, Manager of FIT (Future in Textile Association) and FEPIC (Creative Industries Employers Federation) Marius Alexa, CEO Arhipelago Interactive

TCBL_LIVE TCBL_Live is our TED style module that includes six 18-minute talks that are staged and filmed in order to produce quality videos. Speakers at TCBL_Live are emergent, cutting-edge innovators, and their talks give a personal angle on how they are realising their vision. The lineup consists of a mix of international and local speakers, who are all coached and coordinated by Niki Ernst, our official “TEDx Ambassador”.

Niki Ernst introducing TCBL_Live

The presentations were divided into two sessions, “Emergent Patterns” and “Fashion Forward”.


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Theodor Frolu exploring fashion and nature

Who Niki Ernst, IACy

What Introduction


Tradition vs Mass-market How mass production is affecting cultural identity.

Teodor Frolu Patzaikin Ecosystem

Back to the Future Recovering hemp and other natural fibres for sustainable value chains.

VĂŠronique Allaire-Spitzer BrandĂŠmotion

Towards the circular economy The convergence of branding and innovation: powerful stories and new technologies redesigning fashion futures.


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Anca Gheorghica of REDU exploring waste reduction


Clean and slow fashion Reduction of waste and Reeducation – vehicles to build a new culture of garments and clothing.

Alice Gras Hall Couture

Trends in Fashion and Technology How creative people are changing fashion in France and how new technologies can transform fashion or not.

Ioana Ciolacu Ioana Ciolacu

Making Sustainable Fashion Profitable Environmental and ethical commitments behind the successful Ioana Ciolacu brand.


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

TCBL_JAM TCBL_Jam was based on the highly successful module developed in previous years, maintaining the thematic structure of the previous conference–Circular, Transparent, Human, Digital – to classify the Jam presentations. TCBL_Jam for the 2018 edition thus consisted of four rounds of 5-minute presentations grouped into two sessions, separated by a one-hour networking break. As before, each presentation followed a fixed format of 7 slides colour-coded for the type of initiative. Each of the four rounds mixed presentation types to include a mix of the main roles in the TCBL ecosystem: Labs, Associates and Services. The speakers and their roles and topics are described together in the following.

Charles Reboux of Gorfoo at TCBL_Jam





Jeremie Blanche, Pili1


Bacteria dyes

Ben Chartoire, Pimpampost


Circular logistics

Jorge Ribeiro, Givaware


Recycled felt

Mylène L’Orgilloux, Milan Avant JC


Fashion without waste

Charles Reboux, Gorfoo


Hemp fibres

Video presented in absentia.


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Alexia Tronel of Itinérance at TCBL_Jam





Alexia Tronel, Itinérance


Mediterranean style

Besnik Mehmeti, Textile Museum


Heritage and design

Alexandra Ungurean, AIU DesignLab


Transparent design

Davide Squarise, EWT


Talking quality label

Donatien Mourment, Tekyn2


Sustainable logistics

Powerpoint presented by Frédérique Thureau of IFM.


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Loredana Introini of Satoria Sociale at TCBL_Jam




Sorin Chiriac, Sense


Sustainable fashion

Loredana Introini, Sartoria Sociale


Social sewing

Dusanka Herman


Silk clothes as art

Darko Krajnc, Hisa Sadesi Druzbe


Social upscaling

Petra Green, COF


Fashion co-working


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Thomas Fischer of DITF at TCBL_Jam




Fabien Calleia, Sizease3


Get the right size

Flavia Pinello, Modart4


Made to measure

Thomas Fischer, DITF


Industry 4.0 Microfactory

Mario Malzacher, Circular Fashion5


Designing circular

Chloé Salmon Legagneur, ESTIA6


Creative technology

TCBL_NEXT This is the closing module of the #TCBL yearly event. As previously, TCBL_Next was a mostly ceremonial moment for announcing the TCBL Foundation and welcoming the new members: 16 new Labs (incorporating CreativeWear Hubs) for a total of 51 and 22 new Associates (incorporating previous Startups) for a total of 249. In addition, the options for future editions of #TCBL, to be held under the TCBL Foundation, were presented. This includes Barcelona, Ghent, Hasselt, and Lille.


Powerpoint presented by Frédérique Thureau of IFM.


Powerpoint presented by Luca Leonardi of ARCA.


Powerpoint presented by Jesse Marsh, Prato.


Powerpoint presented by Thanos Contargyris, MIRTEC.


ORGANISATIONAL ASPECTS The organisation of #TCBL_2019 benefited significantly from the work carried out for the 201618 editions and reported in Deliverables 8.4, 8.6 and 8.8, and thus validated the module based approach as one that is relatively easy to replicate in view of attaining sustainability after the conclusion of the TCBL project. The 2019 edition confirmed the central role of #TCBL as an identity-building experience for the whole community with over 175 registered participants. The main aspects of the organisation are discussed below.

CONFERENCE PLANNING The Google Sheets file developed for #TCBL_2017 and 2018 was again used and allowed the different partners to work as a group for the conference organisation. As before, both the organisation and the selection of speakers reflects a balance between the international dimension at the project level and the local level of the Iaşi industrial ecosystem. The main sections of the on-line planner include: •

• • •

• •

Roles: this lists the various roles, from scientific coordination to organisation of each individual module, with those responsible at the Project Level as well as the local organisation. General agenda: this worksheet was used for the initial planning, assigning timeslots to the different modules and venue spaces across the two days. Budget: this worksheet allows to keep track of the main budget items (venue, video, catering, etc.) with respect to previous year editions. Travel: this worksheet keeps track of which speakers/participants are being offered travel by which partners. This is important both to ensure the success of TCBL_Jam and to distribute invitations to keynote speakers and Advisory Board members in a fair way. General to-do: This is a reminder list of things to think of in time, such as the tenders for audio/video, the design of the logo icon, etc. Advisory Board: This keeps the list of Advisory Board members, including the more ‘stable’ ones from previous editions and those added locally or as a function of speaking roles.

When the venue and general agenda are set, a tab is opened for each of the conference modules, so that different partners and the scientific committee can interactively build the agenda together. This flexibility is especially important considering the number of speakers involved – over 40 PowerPoint presentations were produced. For #TCBL_2019, the selection of venues and enlistment of speakers began as early as October 2018, in an attempt to best represent the Iaşi industrial ecosystem and its engagement with TCBL. This included both business and institutional speakers, as ultimately reflected in the conference agenda, as well as the extensive number of welcome addresses. Meetings and telcos were held with nearly all of the speakers for TCBL_Live and Talk – both local and international – to ensure engagement with TCBL overall and alignment with the objectives and values of the project and the conference. As a result, the conference proved to be an important opportunity to establish new alliances for a long-term impact. CONFERENCE BUILD-UP #TCBL_2019 represented a milestone as the final event of TCBL as an EU project and the launch event for the TCBL Foundation.

#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

The communications team created material to support conference attendance as well as the TCBL Foundation launch, including: • • •

2 short animated videos presenting (1) the event (2) the format and main speakers shared on social media Use of Facebook’s event function to promote event sign-ups, with application of adv budget to public in Iaşi. Creation of an animated video to explain the structure and advantages of joining of the TCBL Foundation that was projected at the event and later shared online.

Participants at TCBL_Talk

LOCAL COORDINATION #TCBL_2019 saw the first experimentation of coordinated delivery over a distance in the context of the formats introduced in 2018. Flod, the communication managers in TCBL since fall 2017, are based in Florence and were therefore able to directly coordinate all conference communication aspects, including audio and video, for the #TCBL_2018 Prato event. For #TCBL_2019, Flod collaborated closely with the local TCBL partner in Iaşi – Reginnova – including the Reginnova associate Arhipelago, a communications and events agency. This led to a clear definition of roles, i.e. which aspects were managed by Flod (example, the design of the totems) and which locally (example, the production of the totems). The activities carried out by the local coordinator, which will likely be required of local coordinators for future editions of #TCBL, thus included the following: 1. Participation in defining the conference theme and agenda. 2. Selection of appropriate venues for the 2 days of the conference and the project meeting and rental or collaboration agreements. 3. Selection of the best local supplier of audio-video and translation services and related service agreement. 4. Selection of catering services and relevant agreements. 17

#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs 5. Support for participants’ travel and lodging needs. 6. Inputs to the participant pack and local production of the promotional materials based on the design provided by Flod (generic and thematic totems, conference booklet) and other promotional materials: the foyer exhibition brochure, recyclable bags and ballpoint pens, T-shits for the volunteer team, leaflets of the Entropy fashion show. 7. Organisation of the thematic fashion show for TCBL_Night. 8. Realisation of the totem in-house. 9. Selection and invitation of key local speakers for Welcome addresses, TCBL_Talk, TCBL_Live and the local Labs and Associates to sustain presentations at TCBL_Jam. 10. Preparation and support to the organization of the side events: the visits at local clothing companies and sites of interest, the thematic fashion show Entropy, the foyer exhibition with textile artworks of the Creative Hubs artists hosted by UNAGE. 11. Dissemination of the event through local media channels. 12. On-site support for the deployment of the conference to high standards.

EXECUTION LIVE The organisation of TCBL_Live was again entrusted to our ‘TED Ambassador’ Niki Ernst, who provided the coaching for speakers and animation during delivery. Niki again confirmed his central role in the success of this module, also according to feedback from the speakers. For the post-project editions, speakers at Live will be required to pay Niki’s coaching fee in order to have continuity in the quality of the talks.

The A/V setup for live streaming

AUDIO AND VIDEO This is a fundamental component of #TCBL and not only for TCBL_Live for which it is obligatory (having a 5-minute video of each News or Jam presentation is an important motivation for Associates to attend). Audio and video were set up and managed locally by Arhipelago, while Flod carried out the post-production and editing. 18

#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

During the conference, seamless live streaming took place on Facebook throughout both days, with graphics (speaker names, titles etc) previously composed on greenscreen in order to immediately create an exportable product. The videos for each speaker individually were then edited and published to the TCBL YouTube channel.7. Finally, a video summarizing the two days of the conference was produced and published to YouTube.8 The videos for individual speakers have also been linked to the agenda pages on the TCBL website’s conference section, where it is also possible to download the presentations in PDF format.

BUDGET The main budget items for #TCBL_2017 include: • • • • • • • • • •

Venue 1: International Hotel (Day One) Venue 2: FIX Theatre (Day One/TCBL_Night) Venue 3: National University of Arts George Enescu (Day Two) Venue 4: International Hotel (TCBL Project Meeting) Video / audio recordings and translations Catering (incl. Project meeting) City tour/Study visits (bus, guides, visit tickets for Palace of Culture) Thematic Fashion Show (Models, Sound) Totems (generic totem, 4 thematic totems, totem in-house) Promotional materials

In addition, we have to consider the significant contribution of the 21 TCBL partners offering travel costs to an average of two participants each.

7https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZcpRQi7vjIxuq50a-8KOxA 8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMkQ3yeA4bQ


CONSIDERATIONS FOR FUTURE EDITIONS SUSTAINABILITY CONSIDERATIONS #TCBL_2019 was the last edition of the TCBL conference supported by EU funding, so any future editions will need to be supported by the TCBL Foundation. Continuation of the yearly #TCBL events is in fact considered to be one of the main events of the Foundation, and provisions for future editions is made in its Business Plan (see D 6.13). That said, the four editions of the event under project funding have in parallel been working towards this end, experimenting an approach that aims to bring the maximum value to the TCBL Community while rationalising and dividing costs to the degree possible. The 2019 edition validated the hypothesis that the modular approach and the use of on-line collaboration tools not only makes for an interesting and engaging conference experience, but it also makes the organisation of new editions both replicable and flexible. In addition, #TCBL_2019 demonstrated that the new elements developed for #TCBL_2018 are indeed easily replicable. The website template and most of the communication elements – badges, city map, etc. – were readily adapted to the Iaşi edition, thus significantly lowering costs. Above all, #TCBL_2019 proved once again that hosting the #TCBL event brings benefits from a deep engagement of the local political structures, who in the future can draw on own resources to provide additional visibility for #TCBL.

ORGANISATION OF FUTURE EDITIONS The current planning for the first post-project edition of the conference foresees the following overall approach: •

• •

• •

Technical and thematic coordination and the selection of speakers will be carried out jointly with the local hosting organisation, aiming for the balance attained in previous editions of local and international speakers. The local hosting organisation will search for venues offered free of charge, to the degree possible. It will also organise and coordinate the site tours for TCBL_Local, charging a fee if necessary. On-site catering, conference kits, and related costs will be covered by a minimum conference fee (waived however for participating Labs and Associates and discounted for Supporters) estimated at € 50-100. All participants, with the possible exception of keynotes speakers and Advisory Board members, will cover their own travel and subsistence costs. All speakers will have a video produced, with special attention dedicated to TCBL_Live as before. The local hosting organisation will also collaborate with the Foundation for identifying the local AV team, to be contracted by the Foundation (cost estimate: € 510.000). The TCBL Foundation will centrally manage costs of video post-production as well as website and social media presence. Participants in TCBL_Live will be required to pay the coaching fee to Niki Ernst. This will require organising a call for speakers starting earlier than for previous editions. More in general, the main purpose of #TCBL – beyond its role in bringing together the community – is to produce quality content, not to make money. All efforts therefore need to be made to lower costs on the one hand, but also to ensure the conference’s attractiveness to leading-edge innovators on the other. In parallel, the significant amount of work for the hosting organisation needs to be rewarded with a proportional return at both the political and business levels.

#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs

Caterina Ailiesei of Reginnova welcoming #TCBL_2019 participants

LESSONS LEARNED Assuming that it will be possible to organise and deliver future editions of the #TCBL conference, the following considerations should be taken into account. •

The approach for involving the city in the event – especially through the use of multiple venues – again gave an important sense of territorial grounding to the conference. This should be maintained or perhaps expanded where possible in the future. The sequence of the main modules for #TCBL_2019 was dictated by the availability of venues but worked effectively. The flow of Talk+News – Local – Live – Jam is a viable option with respect to the 2018 edition. TCBL_Jam benefited from the balance between roles as reflected in the final structure of participation in the TCBL Foundation: Labs, Associates and Services. A similar balance of representation should be maintained in future editions, as Jam aims to give a snapshot of the TCBL ecosystem. The availability of simultaneous translation throughout the event made a substantial contribution to the positive balance between the local and European dimensions and also facilitated the production of multilingual videos. There was again the request to enhance the yearly #TCBL events with more interactive sessions, such as smaller-scale seminars and workshops. This would mean extending the timeframe of the event beyond two days but could allow for greater visibility for some Labs and Associates. In addition, workshops could require a separate fee for an autonomous level of sustainability. Given the travel costs in high season, in a non-funded future we may look into holding the event in the lower season. 21

#TCBL MEDIA LINKS CONFERENCE VIDEOS CONFERENCE T EASERS Animated promo: https://youtu.be/zKQltRPn--0 Teaser with speakers and conference themes: https://www.facebook.com/TCBLFoundation/videos/715164648920198/ #TCBL_2019 OVERVIEW #TCBL_2019 Summary Video: https://youtu.be/bgfVhoJ_Jak TCBL_T ALK • • • •

Lutz Walter, Euratex / Eurotex: “Trends and prospects in the European T&C Industry”: https://youtu.be/vmRXd2xpHTg Antonela Curteza, TU Iaşi, “Innovation in the Clothing Value Chain”: https://youtu.be/6eNoKpIntL4 Carmen Guituleasa, INCDTP, “The Romanian Textile and Clothing Industry”: https://youtu.be/-JtC3Z-WpaE Gabriela Macoveiu, RDA NE, “Textile and Clothing in the NE Regional Strategy”: https://youtu.be/BT1-0bitzvw

TCBL_NEWS • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jesse Marsh, TCBL Project Manager, “Last year in TCBL”: https://youtu.be/0vhZJ9SgU2U Luca Leonardi, ARCA, “Collaborative kits for sewing cafés”: https://youtu.be/zctJTiGGVzk Clea Polar, Coco&Rico, “Re-designing the workplace”: https://youtu.be/SUh8T8o_07s Lisa Wurden, Sqetch, “Enabling short run production”: https://youtu.be/8TYKeqp0m4Y Thanos Contargyris, HCIA, “Re-connecting value chains”: https://youtu.be/K1jKHF5auPk Michel Byvoet, Bivolino, “Collaborative on-demand designs »: https://youtu.be/9r2ePnac9hE Emmanouela Kouroudi, Thrakkika, “Certifying sustainable cotton”: https://youtu.be/ip68jA72_p0 Bill Macbeth, TCoE, “Re-inventing men’s fashion”: https://youtu.be/RYLKJIUwF6I Ioanna Kouloumpini, HCIA, “Trends for sustainable design”: https://youtu.be/rKN7aN9zjR0 Besnik Mehmeti, Prato, “Re-interpreting fabric designs”: https://youtu.be/O6va5BU9-2U Anastasia Pistofidou, FabTextiles, “Fabricademy future design » : https://youtu.be/moYm97CFpCg Round table discussion : https://youtu.be/0vhZJ9SgU2U


Iris Knieling, Andrea Tincu, “Tradition vs Mass-market”: https://youtu.be/jvik2AI5-N0 Teodor Frolu, Patzakin Ecosystem, “Back to the Future”: https://youtu.be/ZOgSx6u8GRI

#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs • • • •

Véronique Allaire-Spitzer, Brandemotion, “Towards the circular economy”: https://youtu.be/VBu60T6Lh-o Anca Gheorghica: “Clean and Slow Fashion” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UD0XM_vZPQ Alice Gras: “Trends in fashion and tecnology” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2sL9eoFYkw Ioana Ciolacu: “Making sustainable fashion profitable” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp-iMKE6lKY

TCBL_J AM Videos have not been produced for presentations shown in absentia. ROUND ONE: CIRCULAR • • • •

Ben Chartoire, Pimpampost: https://youtu.be/s1Bf2PjFPUk Jorge Ribeiro, Givaware: https://youtu.be/TSk9tjtvGa0 Mylène L’Orgilloux, Milan Avant JC https://youtu.be/aami6n-imuM Charles Reboux, Gorfoo : https://youtu.be/VU2Rhg-YrJ8


Alexia Tronel, Itinérance: https://youtu.be/9Zpc3wUY9o4 Besnik Mehmeti, Textile Museum: https://youtu.be/F5BkytUOxH4 Alexandra Ungurean, AIU DesignLab: https://youtu.be/9dHIga4a-dg Davide Squarise, EWT: https://youtu.be/q4IyD9ziIvQ


Sorin Chiriac, Sense: https://youtu.be/KQYmzWiQnuY Loredana Introini, Sartoria Sociale: https://youtu.be/o2l64jRgros Dusanka Herman, Dusanka Herman: https://youtu.be/kEKCgB1f1_s Darko Krajnc: Hisa Sadesi Druzbe: https://youtu.be/nnOgQcyflrU Petra Green: COF: https://youtu.be/v2mt0719eVU


Thomas Fisher, DITF: https://youtu.be/u9wySsJa-3w


Jesse Marsh, TCBL Project Manager: https://youtu.be/rai3ojGf6gs

CONFERENCE P OWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS Available through links from the Conference web pages: • •

Conference Day 1: https://tcbl.eu/tcbl2019/day-one-may-28-2019#conference Conference Day 2: https://tcbl.eu/tcbl2019/day-two-may-29-2019#conference


Conference Day 1: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TCBLFoundation/photos/?tab=album&album_id=8757931 69428268


#TCBL_2019 TCBL Handbooks Textile & Clothing Business Labs •

Conference Day 2: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TCBLFoundation/photos/?tab=album&album_id=8764316 49364420 TCBL_Night: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TCBLFoundation/photos/?tab=album&album_id=8857706 21763856 Creativewear exhibit Day 2: https://www.facebook.com/TCBLFoundation/posts/901225733551678


DOCUMENT INFORMATION REVISION HISTORY This document is Annex I to TCBL Deliverable 8.6, “TCBL Conference Report and Video 2”. Authors Jesse Marsh and Lorena Vidas, City of Prato and Giovanni Giusti and Alexandra Korey, Flod (subcontractor to Skillaware). REVISION




DESCRIPTION First full draft for integration and review Incorporating reviewer comments

Version 1


Jesse Marsh

City of Prato

Version 2


Jesse Marsh

City of Prato

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both.

COPYRIGHT This work is licensed by the TCBL Consortium under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License, 2015-2016. For details, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ The TCBL Consortium, consisting of: Municipality of Prato (PRATO) Italy; German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research - Center for Management Research (DITF) Germany; LINKS Foundation (LINKS) Italy; Skillaware (SKILL) Italy; Oxford Brookes University (OBU) UK; imec (IMEC) Belgium; Tavistock Institute (TAVI) UK; Materials Industrial Research & Technology Center S.A. (MIRTEC) Greece; Waag Society (WAAG) Netherlands; Huddersfield & District Textile Training Company Ltd (TCOE) UK; eZavod (eZAVOD) Slovenia; Consorzio Arca (ARCA) Italy; Unioncamere del Veneto (UCV) Italy; Hellenic Clothing Industry Association (HCIA) Greece; Sanjotec - Centro Empresarial e Tecnológico (SANJO) Portugal; Reginnova NE (Reginnova) Romania, Centexbel (CTB) Belgium, Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) France, IAAC (FabTextiles) Spain, Cleviria (Cleviria) Italy, and Sqetch (Sqetch) Netherlands.

DISCLAIMER All information included in this document is subject to change without notice. The Members of the TCBL Consortium make no warranty of any kind with regard to this document, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Members of the TCBL Consortium shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The TCBL project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technology development, and innovation under Grant Agreement n. 646133.

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