Tcbl serviceconcepts visualsummary

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Visual Summary

TCBL Initial Service Concepts Portfolio TCBL Labs explore on a daily basis new ways to design, manufacture, and work together. Services are the vehicles through which Labs make outcomes shared and exploitable by the surrounding business ecosystem.

TCBL values and principles, put into action Selected services Workplace of the Future

Criteria for service selection Market-readiness

Open Source Fashion

Monetization opportunities

Waste Neutralization

Scalability potential


Replicability in the TCBL network

Sewing Festival

Labs activities

Practicebased research

Design & production

Business support

Education & training

Community management

Labs activity type Practice-based research

Labs operational context Other TCBL Labs Industry

Relevance of the service concept for stakeholders

Selected service concept

Workplace of the Future

Open Source Fashion

Waste Neutralization


Sewing Festival

Design & production Business support


Education & training Community management



Community Legend:

Michele Osella, Elisa Pautasso, Alberto Buzio - September 2017

Other TCBL Labs



TCBL 646133 – released as Annex 5 to D6.7 (TASK 6.4)


Click here to read the full handbook

Visual Summary

TCBL Service Design Tool It is a visual tool that allows any Lab leader to apply design thinking fundamentals in the process of new service development.

TCBL service design dimensions

To whom the value proposition is addressed (e.g., industry, other TCBL Labs, community) and its profile

Key assets and competences that are mandatory for building and delivering the service, in absence of which feasibility is compromised

Needs and benefits tackled

Alignment with Labs requirements and identification of Labs to team up with

Tomorrow’s revenue generation logic for increasing the scale in a way that is instrumental to impact expansion

Short-term revenue generation logic to kick-start operations

SOURCE: ISMB, adapted from IDEO

Michele Osella, Elisa Pautasso, Alberto Buzio - September 2017

Eminent sources of inspiration, especially the ones that are part of the TCBL universe


TCBL 646133 – released as Annex 5 to D6.7 (TASK 6.4)

TCBL Labs Team + ISMB Advisors

Workplace of the Future

T&C businesses undertaking transitions

Companies scaling down

TCoE Make Lab

Sept 17

Advisory practice supporting T&C organizations in experimenting with future-proof factories

Thwart the competitive decline

Cope with skills shortage and ageing workforce

Establish learning-friendly workplaces

Increase the flexibility of production processes

Enhance the feasibility of short run production

Materialize TCBL values and principles

Manage organizational ‘unlearning’

Turn knowledgeintensity into competitive advantage

Independents scaling up

Experts who know how to sew + digital transformation advisors

Advanced digital technologies

Space and time to experiment + equipment

Incubation programs for accessing physical spaces and coaching

Consultancy fees to support the establishment of factories of the future

Provision of production management software in SaaS mode

Real world context (e.g., real orders and/or industry requirements)

Place Labs (human resources, space and time to experiment)

Making Labs (machines, software tools)

Former studies by Tavistock

Adaptability to different company sizes

Adaptability to different production scheduling options

TCBL Labs as decentralized testbed for the workplace of the future

Fashion Enter Ltd

Keep up with the brisk pace of tech change (e.g., Industry 4.0)

Place the human factor at the core of workplace evolution

Katty Fashion

Existing robotized island production models

TCBL Labs Team + ISMB Advisors

Open Source Fashion

Fashion designers

Fashion designers accepting Creative Commons conditions

Garments selling

End consumers

Community management team + technical team

Service fees for lab usage (for designers, on an hourly basis)

Sept 17

Collection of garments from emerging designers which can be produced on-demand in all Fab Labs

Raw material companies (especially innovative ones)

Manufacturing nodes (Fab Labs and TCBL Labs)

Physical spaces and equipment for production purposes

Digital technologies underlying masscustomization

Consultancy and training packages (for designers)

Fab Textiles

Design Labs

Make custom-fit clothes available on a large scale

Overcome S, M, L and XL as universal standards

Spread DIY and maker mindsets in the fashion realm (selfproduction)

Unlock the potential of a new breed of digital technologies

Foster equitable and accessible sharing (Creative Commons)

Minimize the mobility of goods and the associated pollution

Stimulate conscious consumption

Materialize TCBL values and principles

Making Labs

Fab Textiles

Brick-andmortar local shops as additional customer touchpoints

Establishment of an umbrella brand for independent designers

Testimonials by celebrities

Collaboration with a known label in the sustainable fashion area

Turn one digital file into thousands of different products

Open up market avenues for a new guard of designers

Create opportunities for raw material companies in the local area

Fab Lab Barcelona


Global networking through TCBL

Recourse to small producers to expand capacity

Replicability through the global Fab Lab network

TCBL Labs Team + ISMB Advisors

Waste Neutralization

Local T&C manufacturers


Recyclers and end consumers on the demand supply

Local T&C manufacturers on the supply side

Retail sales of recycled and reused products

Service fees charged to businesses involved

Sept 17

Matchmaking connecting T&C manufacturers with entities active in waste recycling and material reuse

End consumers willing to buy recycled and reused products

Charities and NGOs

Partnerships with other sectors that recycle (insulation, papermaking)

Availability of capital (in case some waste recycling plants are owned)

Revenues from upcycling activities


Alleviate disposal costs for local T&C manufacturers

Increase workflow efficiency for local T&C manufacturers

Spread virtuous practices in the local T&C ecosystem

Materialize TCBL values and principles

Help charities and NGOs to obtain raw materials for free

Reduce landfill waste

REDU Lab (Romania)

Place Labs

Bundling of services and corporate training (B2B)

Establishment of a fascinating fashion brand hinged on recycling (B2C)

Replicability of the whole model through other TCBL Place Labs

Implement circular economy through reuse and recycling

Mitigate environmental footprint

Promote local economies through new opportunities on the demand side

TCBL Labs Team + ISMB Advisors


Students in search for a new type of textile education

Textile professionals willing to reinvent themselves

Digital fabrication skills + sewing skills

High-caliber trainers and mentors + peers + partner nodes

Course fees from students (~5K€ for a 6month experience)

Private course fees from professionals (10K€-20K€ for a 9-month experience)

Fab Textiles + TextileLab Amsterdam

Sept 17

A new, transdisciplinary textile academy based on distributed, shared and open education

Worldwide experts and teachers

Infrastructure (e.g., Fab Labs, bio labs, sewing machines)

Node transfers (students pay local nodes and they in turn pay Fabricademy)

Recognize that textile education is not up to date

Partner nodes (including Fab Labs and TCBL Labs)

Experience in decentralized educational programs

Keep heritage craftsmanship techniques alive and renovate them

Design Labs

Acknowledge that tech is never taught (adequately) in fashion school

Illustrate how tech is an innovation tool for both design and production

Train leaders of tomorrow's sustainable fashion

Bring together like-minded people (often scattered)

Stimulate worldwide knowledge sharing

Place transdisciplinary at the core (digital fabrication + textile + biotech)

Experiment with innovative approaches for hands-on education

Materialize TCBL values and principles

Making Labs

TCBL Labs as nodes for EUwide expansion

Students becoming teachers

‘Train the trainer’ initiatives

Fab Textiles (research, digital fabrication techniques)

TextileLab Amsterdam (research, material library, bootcamps)

Digital-only Fabricademy program (accessible in absence of a local node)

Machines, software, and materials offered to businesses

Answer pressing societal issues (e.g., environmental sustainability)

Address needs coming from the industry

Fab Lab practices (Fab13 challenge, workshops, wikis)

FashionWeek Amsterdam

TCBL Labs Team + ISMB Advisors

Sewing Festival


Adult men (as key target)

Fabbrica ARCA

Sept 17

Public event that gathers people from every walk of life for a day of sewing, knitting, and embroidery

Promote the art of sewing on a large scale

Students and children (for adhoc events, e.g., on stuffed animals)

Tutors + marketing team + volunteers


Physical space

Sponsorship fees from local businesses interested in visibility

Sponsorship fees from TCBL Associate enterprises

Sponsorship fees from companies interested in recruiting

Establish a local community

Fabrics and threads + DIY kits and sewing tools + sewing patterns

Sponsorship fees for competitions

Learn how to sew through exchange of skills

Stay together and chat in a nice atmosphere

Harness the make-do-andmend trend

Engage millennials

Engage groups traditionally underrepresented (e.g., men)

Materialize TCBL values and principles

Knit Café (Palermo)

Place Labs

CSR investments

Replicability of the initiative through other TCBL Place Labs

Trademark and international licensing of the format

Public funding to accelerate replication

Cultivate repairing and reusing practices (circular economy)

Plenty of knitting and sewing café (all around Europe)

Raise awareness about what is hidden behind a clothing item

Stimulate conscious consumption (e.g., manufacturing costs)

Quilting groups (UK)

‘The Great British Sewing Bee’ reality show (BBC TV – UK)

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