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january 2017//volume ninety-six

editors’ note We have rung in 2017—a year more significant for some than others. Over three hundred of us will graduate, many of whom will attend college in the fall. Others will continue high school and some will begin their freshman or senior year. On a larger scale, a new president has been inaugurated and our country is entering a new era of change—something we discussed in the first issue of the BGQ. It is important that we embrace all of these changes—both within our personal lives and our country. As we wrap up January and begin second semester, it is key that each of us take time for ourselves and reflect on how to better not only our well-being, but our community as well. Taking time for yourself—whether that is taking a hike at Pyramid Point, doing yoga, reading the BGQ, or taking extra time to hang out with your friends—can benefit your well-being in the long run. Do what you find relaxing. Within our community, perform an act of kindness, pick up trash, or help your neighbors shovel their snow. Anything helps; bettering the community one step at a time feels rewarding. Throughout second semester and the rest of 2017, always be sure to step back, lend a hand, and appreciate your life and everything we are given. Grab a cup of coffee, relax, and read through this latest issue that covers everything from musicians to the best winter drinks to the rowing team. From the Pub,



4 Musicians on the rise 8 Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! It’s off to work we go! 10 Students to the max 11 Standing with students 12 Inside the bean 16 Working as one 18 Hendrix channels Stephen King in first novel 22

BGQ’s best games of 2016 Send information, advertising and other inquiries to: Black & Gold Quarterly Central High School 1150 Milliken Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (231) 933-3546 Email:

editors-in-chief julia vannatter andrea bavikatty content editors kirsten berkey abigail harnish kristin mclintock jack myers hayley scollard baille zipser business manager madi partak photography editor olivia wilson photographers abigail vannatter olivia wilson staff writers sophia boyce logan cook greg haggerty olan lensch tyler moreno olivia rockwood molly tank abigail vannatter cameron wuerfel cover photo abigail vannatter


No lights, no speakers, and maybe about six disinterested customers at my uncle’s Books and Brews, is how I enjoyed my fall vacation last year. Books and Brews is a brewery and bookstore in Indianapolis and nothing was more refreshing and meaningful to me last summer than playing the ukulele on a small stage alongside my uncle. From covering Jason Mraz to 90’s hip hop, I felt like a professional, even though my fanbase was my aunt and grandma and not a single penny was bestowed upon me. Thinking back on picking up the ukulele and playing simple notes to “Ice Ice Baby,” begs the question, “is this how it all begins?” Do all the rappers, singers and rock bands share a similar beginning? My uncle, along with some of his friends in Indianapolis, did slightly expand their ukulele career by performing on Friday nights during open mic, but they are not professionals and have never pursued a career in

Musicians on the rise BGQ // January 2017



music. Probably because they are extremely fixated on making draft beer and running and managing a brewery. They call themselves the Ukewailers, and I still muse about performing alongside those guys. I compare picking up the ukulele and singing some Twenty One Pilots or Elvis, to artists craving and struggling to break out and create a musical career. I am not searching for a career in music, but I do wonder, what does it take to become a professional musician? A good example of a struggling artist is Colin Baldwin, a senior at Traverse City Central High school. “I remember my first perfor-

mance at the Little Fleet Restaurant. There was a pretty large group of people there, but it was a just a busy day at the restaurant. I’m pretty sure I made fifty dollars in tips, and from there I knew that I wanted to continue playing.” He plays the guitar, sings, and writes his own music. “I first starting playing the guitar when I was six years old, and I learned how to play from YouTube,” Baldwin explained. Baldwin’s parents bought him his first guitar, and have helped pay for his new guitars, however, it was essentially up to Baldwin to pursue a music career. Baldwin persisted on being a musician, so when he moved to Traverse City, he collaborated with one of his friends, and together, the two sampled hit songs, wrote their own, and still continue to this day to strum guitar’s and sing downtown and around Traverse City. As young as Baldwin is, aspiring to be a musician is especially difficult, but he still persists. “It is really hard to manage homework, family, and my social life,” Baldwin said. “I have to plan things such as attending open microphone nights, recording, and even gigs two weeks ahead of time. The only time I have to write my music is late at night after my homework,” says Baldwin. Not many beginners have had the opportunities that Baldwin has, but he shares a similar story with a large variety of musicians. Maybe you have heard of the Accidentals, a breakout American music band that got their start in Traverse City formed by Savannah Buist and Katie Lawson. The two band members started off in high school. Buist shares, “we used to stay after school and play in our ‘alternative styles’ club, covering Led Zeppelin and MGMT on our orchestral instruments.” Buist and Lawson decided to hit the road soon in their twenties and record music. “We also wanted to develop as musicians and people,” adds Buist. Another artist who coincides with this initial start in a music career is Spencer Martin. He is an independent song writer and singer hailing from Grand Rapids. Martin says, “I decided to pick up guitar the spring of my senior year of high school.” Martin began by teaching himself how to play the guitar, which sounds familiar to Baldwin’s initial start. One of the harsh realities of being a musician is the initial support. “Since day one, I’ve had to earn support,” shares Martin. “Friends and family Photo: courtesy of Don Julin never really took me seriously as a musician, so it wasn’t until other people started appreciating my music that they began to support me.” When musicians are young and have very little to offer, taking advantage of every opportunity is a necessity. Look at the Accidentals, who are were named one of America’s top breakout bands in 2015; their music pilgrimage started by simply offering to volunteer for a school meeting. “Katie and I met at Traverse City West Senior High in our high school philharmonic orchestra program; our teacher asked for volunteers to represent the alternative styles group in a music boosters

”To be a musician, it takes hard work, talent, perseverance, and more hard work. Time management is key for a successful career.” actually breaking out right away, but musicians should never throw away any shot. “It’s a lot like fishing, some days you cast and get nothing all day; some days, you get the big one on your first cast,” Martin says. Buist feels “there’s definitely a world of opportunity opening up in the digital world.” Any musician needs to put their music out on the internet to share it with world. The Accidentals make sure they have various ways to share their music to the public. As Buist points out, “one thing we’ve began to realize is how important it is to have a solid YouTube channel and your music available on multiple online platforms. We released our EP Parking Lot online for free download through a platform called NoiseTrade.” Buist stresses that people love to see videos and performances on YouTube and landing a song on a Spotify playlist gains lots of exposure. Though Baldwin is not at “Spotify” level, so to say, he follows the trend of modern musicians. “I use Facebook and SoundCloud to share my music, to hopefully create a telephone among family to friends and friends to other friends,” Martin also places his music on YouTube, and his music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, and iTunes. Putting music online to expand beyond a local audience has rewards. Baldwin points out that “many record labels have seen my music on Facebook, and I have had offers from renowned labels.” One of those labels is Fueled by Ramen, which represents bands such as Twenty One Pilots, Lucas Graham and Panic at the Disco. In today’s digital age, there are an abundance of platforms to share music, but to really break out the internet is just one stepping stone in a musician’s saga. Not only is getting acknowledged as a musician a huge accomplishment, the ability to perform in front of others is another huge stepping stone. “Being ‘out there’ takes effort and practice,” according to Buist. Jeff Cobb, an astounding composer out of Traverse City, who conducts and composes music performed by college ensembles, community groups and school ensembles both in the U.S and abroad, agree “to be a musician, it takes hard work, talent, perseverance, and more hard work. To be successful, prospective musicians should be well-versed in many facets of music.” Becoming a professional musician has to be one of the most difficult aspirations for anyone; some may get lucky, some may not get a shot for years. It takes serious guts to perform in front of people, but it takes even more when your crowd is is no larger than fifty people. The harsh reality of any starting musician performing live is summed up through Martin’s flashback of his first performance. “My first performance was at a coffee shop in Grandville, Michigan. About four friends showed up and my family. The entire show was

unplugged and acoustic and I made six dollars in the tip jar.” For any starting musician, they are going to have to get used to playing in front of small crowds with no press, very little listeners, and if lucky, a good venue. “When we started to book outside of the state we did our best to promote but still played shows to empty rooms,” said Buist. “Traverse City is great; it is home to such extraordinary regional and local talent, and the opportunities are endless.” Don Julin summarizes one of the greatest starting points for any aspiring musician. Traverse City is home to many festivals and events that affords exposure to local, regional, national and even international audiences. With events like Friday Night Live, The National Cherry Festival, and even the National Writers Series attracting people from all over the world, Traverse City is always yearning for talent. The Accidentals rapid emergence really has a lot to do with the scene in Traverse City. From performances at Streeters Ground Zero Nightclub, The Filling Station and the National Cherry Festival, the Traverse City area has built a positive reputation for music. “We also owe a lot to the local breweries who showed us support from the beginning, like Workshop Brew and Shorts to name a few,” Buist notes. With breakout artists such as Josh Davis, Levi Britton, and the Accidentals, the Traverse City music scene is not a secret. There is large respect for artists hailing from up north. Traverse City is definitely musically inclined compared to many locations in Michigan and young Baldwin has noticed. “I moved to Traverse City my freshman year, and I took notice of all the great opportunities for me that Traverse City has to offer. I perform downtown on the curb, and I attend many open-mic nights at Left Foot Charley.” Even though he lives in a small community, Baldwin has built an audience and caught the attention of underground labels here in town. “From playing around Traverse, I have been fortunate enough to get some pretty great connections to labels here in town,” Baldwin said. “I have recorded with EP Underground and RockStop in Traverse City.” Traverse City has offered Baldwin many gigs that have included performing at weddings, the Traverse City Yacht Club, and the TC Boom Boom Club. I am opening up for two bands at Turtle Creek Casino during the Holidays,” says Baldwin. Both Baldwin and the Accidentals have played at Horizon Books and The Brew two extremely familiar places to Traverse natives. Fortunately,

Photo: courtesy of Jeffrey Cobb

Traverse City has an overabundance of locations for musicians to plop their stuff and start playing; from the busy streets during Friday Night Live, the Open Space, to the abundance of parks and beaches at an artist’s disposal, in essence, it is up to the musician to gain an audience. “Besides open microphone nights, restaurants such as the Little Fleet or the Filling Station book you to perform based on connections and word of mouth. It all starts with performing on the curb or at Left Foot Charley open mic night,” Baldwin adds. So what is the next step?

BGQ // January 2017

meeting, and Katie and I were the only ones to raise our hands,” remarks Buist. Taking advantage of such a small and simple opportunity that led both Buist and Lawson to transfer to Interlochen Arts Academy for their first ever year-round singer-songwriter program, spawned an extraordinary music career. Don Julin is a phenomenal music teacher from Traverse City who writes music and performs the mandolin. He has been playing for thirty five years and offers great advice about opportunity, “take advantage of every opportunity available: whatever type of band you are asked to be a part of, you join it,” exclaims Julin. “Music preference and taste, does not apply at that point; just get the gig, join the band, or play the show.” Julin advises to learn as much as you can about music and the industry, diversify your music genre, and know exactly what you are doing. Martin also believes in taking risks and opportunities. He advises that musicians recognize the rarity of


BGQ // January 2017


Writing, recording, and even getting a production deal are only small steps in a musician’s journey. Baldwin sums up his progress in the journey with the statement, “I have a long way to go.” Traverse City is an amazing place for any musician to get started. However, Don Julin recommends a larger city to really breakout. “Big cities such as Chicago or Nashville are geographically or demographically inclined to gaining attention and spawning a career,” according to Julin. He advises tapping into the benefits of your local area while you look beyond to bigger markets. “Everything you do locally can be a step for something bigger, but to be stronger, follow that trail to opportunities beyond the local scene.” Buist agrees with Julin’s advice but takes another angle on expanding beyond the local scene. She sees Traverse City’s appeal as a tourist destination, as her opportunity to reach out to new fans and new connections. “During the summer, Traverse City attracts lots of people from across the country, and since we were constantly playing shows we made lots of connections,” Buist said. “We’ve done a lot of following up with people, mailing press kits, and collaborating with other artists.” Assuming Buist is speaking of the National Cherry Festival and/or the Film Festival, Baldwin can take this as food for thought, as he too, is reaching for connections beyond. “There is a lot of work I have to do, and one of the big things is get as many connections to producers as possible; so far, I have used open microphone nights to get some, and I was even on WTCM, but I still am aiming to expand to more and more producers,” adds Baldwin. Both the Accidentals and Baldwin see Traverse City as a great strategy to reel in new connections and fans. Buist describes the reality of a musician’s lifestyle as “loading gear, unloading gear, driving, answering emails, gas station food, greenrooms, recording studios, business meetings, coffee, interviews, saying ‘hi’ to our families, and playing music.” Both Cobb and Julin have been successful in the music field for an extensive period of time, much longer than Baldwin and the Accidentals combined. How-

ever, both Cobb and Julin have kept the same mindset as any starting musician, especially from a financial perspective. “Be prepared to work several good paying jobs,” Cobb said, and “have diverse income streams,” exclaimed Julin. Aside from performing and composing, both Julin and Cobb have been successful with teaching workshops. Julin has also authored the bestseller, Mandolin for Dummies. Neither musician planned to quit their day jobs for their music dreams any time soon. “Musicians are not the people who have the nice mansions or properties on the peninsula,” laughed Julin. Like Julin and Cobb, the Accidentals dedicate a huge portion of their career to financial stability. Buist claimed right away, that not only do the Accidentals spend lots of time, money, and energy, marketing themselves, they sell

much more than just their albums, including t-shirts, hot sauce and keychains. Katie and Savannah realize that you have to recognize the financial dedication to a music career. “Money motivates us to run our business in a smart way, so that we can afford to create what we love,” Buist remarked. Baldwin, at such a young age and stage in a music career, does not have to have a huge financial dedication at this point, but Baldwin claims “I make money by working at my dad’s tile shop, and being a ski instructor at Crystal Mountain or Holiday Hills, and I am working on funding my own recording studio.” According to Martin, one thing that has to be considered by anyone looking to pursue a music career is the nearly impossible balance between actually having

a job, and pursuing a music career, “I treat music like any other job, because writing and creating has to be about nine am to five pm.” “Time management is key to a successful career,” adds Cobb. Fortunately for Martin and the Accidentals, their music careers have become so big that they can focus solely on music, a rare thing for musicians for their age. “There are consistent revenue streams from iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, CD and merchandise sales and touring,” says Martin. Don Julin banters about how posters and postcards were the initial marketing platforms of any musician. Along with being financially smart, marketing yourself is another nobrainer. Regardless of how long an artist has been in the music field, promotions is another key component to stabilizing their career. “From quotes of reviews in the local press, to pictures and promotions of shows or teaching sessions, I utilize facebook, email, and my own website to grab the attention of others; I have spent two-hundred dollars solely on Facebook ads,” Julin exclaims. Jeff Cobb effectively markets himself through his website; is a beautifully designed website, with three links, “Composer, Conducter, and Music for Film and TV.” Each category opens into another page with details about his accomplishments Photo: courtesy of Spencer Martin in that field and a list of new and previous releases. As young as they are, Spencer Martin and the Accidentals take advantage of many contemporary marketing sources. “My manager promotes my music using my social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram @_Spener,” exclaims Martin. The Accidentals also take advantage of Twitter and Instagram @moreaccidentals and @theaccidentalsmusic. NoiseTrade, the online music platform the Accidentals use, is also noted by Savannah Buist, as a great marketing tool. Local media is another source of promotion. If any news source such as Traverse Magazine or The Record Eagle writes about them, they share it immediately on Facebook or Twitter and other social media sites. “Press begets press, and demonstrating that people are

writing about you in your area may get more people to write about you outside of the local scene,”notes Don Julin. It will also show promoters, labels and more that you’re building a good buzz and culture. Buzz is great! The Accidentals have received so much buzz that they are releasing their major label debut for Sony Music in the spring followed by a national tour. Being a musician is not for everyone. It takes an extreme amount of time, opportunities and luck. In the end much of any success depends on the artist and their willingness to put in the work necessary on every level. In other words: ,it is up to the artist to determine his/her fate in the music scene. On one last overlooked feat is the intrinsic motivation of these artists. The view that these artists do all this hard work solely for the money, a nice house, and popularity certainly exists. If I were to ever pursue as a musician I would write, play, write, and play just to remove myself from the ugliness of the world, and create a whole window of happiness for myself. To many artists including Martin, Buist, Baldwin, and Cobb, music is an anchor to express themselves

freely and connect to others on a universal platform. As Martin puts it, “music is what I use to make sense of the world. I use it to remind people that they matter, they are loved, and they are worth it. My goal in creating it is not to make it big, but for people to hear a song and get that “me too” feeling. Whether it be one person or one million people, if the music speaks to them, then it’s all worth it.” As I mentioned before, I still muse about being a professional ukulele player, and if I were, I would use my talent to release an album and play my heart out in front of crowds to inspire others to create or find purpose in life. My music career would only have meaning if the music was helping me through any dispositions, and providing encouragement for others, but for now, it helps me get through the long days and the dark nights. To me, there are no genres in music, there is no level of superiority in the music; music is just the cure for millennial anxiety. But then again my instrument of chocie is the ukelle.//

$5.00 OFF your purchase when you present this card

1125 E. Eighth St.

Traverse City, MI 49686


BGQ // January 2017

Photo: courtesy of Spencer Martin


Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! It’s off to work we go! Student employment and the surplus of jobs in the region

BGQ // January 2017



The UpNorth Employment Landscap Each fall the Traverse City area goes through two transitions: the trees give up their leaves to prepare for the cold days of winter while local high school and college students leave their summer jobs and return to classrooms. According to an article from the Detroit Free Press in October, spikes in year round population and a greater demand for goods and services in the region have numerous businesses in the Traverse City area displaying their “Help Wanted” signs year round. From hotels to restaurants, there are seemingly limitless opportunities for those in search of a job. This is a new phenomenon compared to previous years. Traverse City has always been a busy tourist town in the summer and recently local businesses are seeing this momentum continue in the off seasons. Four years ago this was an entirely different story. Trying to find any job in autumn or winter in Traverse City was quite challenging. The new reality exists in which more and more employers have job openings year round than ever before. Undoubtedly there are many factors contributing to this “new” reality, but one thing is definite—business has increased across region. Many local business owners believe that regional growth extends from global recognition. Moomers Homemade Ice Cream is one of the most well-known local businesses. They have been recognized twice on a national level. In 2016 they were named the “Best Ice Cream Parlor” by USA Today and back in 2008 they were voted America’s Best Scoop by ABC’s Good Morning America. According to co-owner Jon Plummer, Moomers distributes their dairy products throughout the year. With the increased growth of their business, their need for workers has increased proportionally. “We produce ice cream every week of the year,” Plummer said. “For example, we will produce 800-900 gallons of ice cream daily in the summer compared to 350-450 gallons weekly in our off season. We are fortunate to have a

great core staff and are always looking for new hires at the beginning of each season.” Beyond recognition, another cause of growth in the region is what seems like the constant increase in the length of the tourist season. What used to consist of the few summer months is now extending through December according to Dawn Gildersleeve, General Manager of the Traverse City branch of Cherry Republic. “In the tourist seasons, which is generally May-December now, we have the most employees on staff. Our daily hours are 9:00am-9:00pm and

people to fill all of the open positions.” Knorr Marketing is a family business in Traverse City founded in 1986. In 1993 the company moved to the old city hall building to expand and in 2016 they moved again to grow their company even more. “We don’t ever have a week that we’re slow,” said Doug Knorr, owner of Knorr Marketing and Real Tour Vision. “Years ago Knorr Marketing had 27 employees and today we have 57.” Knorr plans to continue building his IT department and hopes to have 80 employees within the next two years. Other businesses in the area are expanding as well, some creating specialized jobs. With an increasing number of employers requiring people with specific skills it might be a concern that people are leaving the area after high school or attending college. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2.1 Million (69.2 percent) high school graduates in 2015 ended up attending a college or university in the fall after their high school graduation. Could this be one of the contributing factors in the increase in unfilled job openings in the Traverse City area? No More Off-Season As we enter the new year the ‘help wanted’ signs are still there. Traverse City is going to continue to grow as a whole and have no choice but to accept a more year round based lifestyle as a community. The ramifications for the workforce are still unclear, but the reality Photo: A. Vannatter Graphic: O. Rockwood remains that businesses are left struggling to find workers during what used to be called the off-season. since we keep those hours year round and we Several questions that remain unanswered never change them, we keep the momentum include why teenageers aren’t filling the many that some other stores lose because of their job openings in the region? Factors like wages reduced store hours during the winter.” and demands on time ranging from academics, Some businesses are having sales well above normal allowing more money to influx into the sports, family or even leisure activities certainly are part of the equation. If nothing else there Grand Traverse Region. As a result, business is a sense that the employment landscape is owners are looking for more sources of labor changing and may look quite different in just a to expand their business. As local business few years. owner, Shawn Zipser sees it, “with higher than Youth Employment Laws normal sales comes an immediate need for In order for a minor to possess a job, they more staff. Unfortunately, because there are so must acquire a work permit and have both the many companies hiring, there aren’t enough

Employers advice “A positive attitude and good work ethic is crucial in any job.” -Abby Smith, HR Director of TBA Credit Union “Working a few shifts during the school year drastically helps secure a job.” -Jon Plummer, Co-Owner of Moomers “Don’t look for a job, look for a vocation. Find which disciplines you’re interested in and start trying to find ways to do that work.” -Doug Knorr, Owner of Knorr Marketing and Real Tour Vision

employer and a school administrator complete it. These sheets are located in the CHS Main Office or on the website. Once this step is accomplished, high school students that are at least sixteen years of age can legally work up to thirty five hours a week in the summer and twenty four hours a week while school is in session. According to Michigan Youth Employment Laws, minors with weekend jobs can work up to 11:30pm. On a school night, minors can only work until 10:30pm. Depending on the job, employers may offer high school students between twenty to twenty four hours a week on average during the school year or around 30 hours in the summer to fill in any gaps . This is sometimes even at a higher pay rate than the $8.50 minimum wage. Student Employment Alex Wright ’17 is a senior at Central High school and an employee at Buffalo Wild Wings. Wright, being a full time student, an employee, a member of the robotics team, and a band student, balances his schedule amongst the various activities. “I think it’s good for students to have jobs. It gives students an extra level of responsibility.” Wright said. “It also gives you experience for the future. For example, when I go to college I will already have a job because East Lansing has a Buffalo Wild Wings and I’ve worked in the franchise for two years already.” Although Wright benefits from his employment opportunity, he believes there are negatives to working as well. “I think sometimes it can take away from your time to study. Sometimes I’d be up really late working on homework because I had to work

right after school until 10:00pm.” When students work during the school year, some find it difficult to balance school, work, family, and friends. It can overwhelm busy high school students who may also be involved in extracurriculars or sports. But the plus-side to working at a younger age is the life-long skills one can develop. Pat Rutt, business teacher here at Central, agrees, “I feel students learn many valuable skills when working as a teen, such as time and money management, social skills, teamwork skills, and much more. Developing these skills at an early age will give students a leg-up on the competition when searching for the next level job and the experience also looks good on their resumes.” In high school, many students really don’t care about the benefits of having a job. Commonly, the case is the disatisfaction of the hourly rates and the lack of motivation to actually keep a job. However, this directly influences the labor force in the area. Even though a portion of students take some of the jobs, businesses also scramble for an additional part time labor source such as retirees.

TCAPS Employment Opportunities With the pros and cons of youth employment, TCAPS offers programs that benefit students who are employed. Some of the programs give students high school credit just for having a job with a certain amount of hours per week. One of these programs is the Work Experience Program. “Students can take the Work Experience class and earn up to a full credit per semester while earning money,” Rutt said. “Students working an average of ten hours a week can earn a half credit and students working an average of fifteen hours a week can earn a full credit.” Additionally, TCAPS also offers two types of career internship programs. One is within the tech office at CHS and the other is an internship in a desired field at a locally owned business which requires sixty (unpaid) hours of work per semester for credit.//

BGQ // January 2017

Photo: T. Moreno

“Always look for a job earlier than you think you should, watch what you post on social media because employers do check applicants’ social media, and when you turn in your job application, be presentable and try to introduce yourself to the manager.” -Dawn Gildersleeve, GM of Traverse City Cherry Republic


Students to the


As colleges become more and more competitive, students are forced to spend their time studying for classes rather than enjoying life as a teenager

BGQ // January 2017

Photo: courtesy of R. Ferguson



While the average teen unwinds after a day of school by hanging out with friends and participating in activities they enjoy, Sage Ringsmuth ‘17 has something else in mind--studying and completing hours of homework. Three AP classes and a college class are more than some high school students can imagine taking on, but it’s not too much for Ringsmuth. “My parents have always pushed me, and along the way I learned to push myself,” Ringsmuth said. “I know when I have taken on too much, but I enjoy all my classes even though they challenge me.” Although Ringsmuth may like her classes, her busy schedule, filled with homework and studying, leaves little time to relax. Taking on AP classes requires large amounts of time, dedication and organization. By pushing herself to her limits, she is preparing herself for her life after high school. “In the real world,” Ringsmuth notes, “you always have a lot of work to do, and there is never going to be only one thing going on . I think having a lot of things happening at once will really prepare me for college and life after.” The need to include meaningful activities as part of a hectic schedule demands flexibility. Meredith Allen ‘17 is taking four AP classes and is the co-captain of the debate team. Her time is stretched to the max, but she has learned to manage. “There are definitely ups and downs to my workload,” Allen said. “Some days I don’t have time for friends, but that pushes me to make enough time.” Other students like Ru Ferguson ‘18 are also stretched to their limit with academics and extracurriculars. Ferguson dances five to six days a week for hours, all while juggling her three AP classes and homework. “I frequently stay up late and it’s very difficult to manage everything,” Ferguson said. “Earning good grades is really important to me and dance also takes up a lot of my time. That kind of lifestyle is worth it because having a high GPA is important for getting into a good college or university. With a career, I’m definitely going to find myself in situations like I’m working a lot later than usual so being able to work under less sleep is something I need to learn.” Staying up until three am to do homework has become the new norm for some high school students. They are rewarded for coming to school the next day with their homework finished with the grades they earn. This begs the question - does society encourage or, perhaps, demand that high school students burn the candle at both ends in order to meet the demands of teachers, coaches as well as parents in order to be deemed successful? Teachers, college admissions boards, and society in general pressure students into participating in challenging classes, athletic programs, clubs, or any other extracurriculars under the guise of becoming a “well-rounded applicant” when applying to schools. However, once a student attempts to satisfy these demands, they often find themselves lacking any time to unwind, and rushing from school to practice. When they finally get home, instead of being able to sleep, the student often ends up completing assignment after assignment until they fall asleep at their desk with the lights still on. “I don’t think that we should encourage students to be sleep deprived,” Ferguson said. “That is an unhealthy lifestyle. However, I think we should definitely find a way to be more understanding towards those who challenge themselves both academically and extracurricularly. In many cases it seems like difficult academic classes basically punish students who are involved in extracurriculars because they are spending more time on their schoolwork which leaves less time for extracurriculars.” Are the students who have the most drive really punished, as Ferguson suggests, or are they just more aware of rewards reaped later in life? The real punishment might just be the loss of those youthful experiences like hanging with friends or other leisure endeavors that were once the stock and trade of high school students.

It is not surprising that many students choose not to work during the school year in fear their academics will suffer. “There just isn’t enough time to do it all,” Allen said. Other students like Alex King ‘17 don’t have the option not to work all year. He has two jobs plus his own photography business, all of which demand an enormous amount of time. Add to that other facets of his life that seem to demand the income provided by holding down a job and it is obvious that something has to give whether it is academics or time spent with friends. “I don’t spend time with my friends very often,” King said. “I hate that I’m not able to see my friends as much as I want or just relax.” Everyone has to analyze their abilities to handle advanced academics, extracurriculars, work and a social life with the final outcome of being accepted and able to attend the college of their choice. However, this extremely busy, draining lifestyle often costs students their social lives, time to sleep, and overall positive, enjoyable high school experience.//

Standing with students

Photo: O. Wilson

Student sections are a popular phenomenon across American high schools. Throughout Central’s lengthy history, the student section has always been a place for students to cheer, come together, and represent their community


Student sections are a symbol for school spirit and community in high schools across the country. Student sections drive competition amongst other schools through energetic cheers and encouragement from spirited students. The multi-generational student section at Central High School is well known. The BGQ staff wanted to take a look at just what makes the Central Student section such an integral part of athletic events over the years. We set set out to answer two questions: what makes an impactful student section and what role does a student section play in the Trojan sports world? Over the years, the student section at Central has held different meaning for every graduating class. In its heyday, the student section was so raucous, loud, provocative and entertaining that it was referred to as The Zoo, particularly at home hockey games held at Howe Arena. CHS Assistant Principal and former CHS graduate Ben Berger ‘05 recounts memorable experiences in the student section. “The student section did some crazy things. They would hang things from the rafters, like a dummy in an Alpena outfit. Tailgates would occur for four to five hours before the game started, and there would be a cook-out outside Howe arena in the dead of winter.” Berger was also a former member of the Trojan Hockey Team. He remembers a particular incident during a game against Alpena. “I remember a hockey game we were playing against Alpena, who was a huge rival before the schools split

into Central and West. When Alpena would score a goal, they would have a person with a huge flag run up and down the aisle. One time, one of my friends tripped him when they scored on us, and he fell in front of everyone.” Staff and students alike consider participating in the student section as one of their most memorable experiences at Central. With the face paint and battle cries that have echoed through Thirlby Field, Howe Arena, Coast Guard Soccer Field and the CHS gym over the years, the student section is an indelible part of Trojan culture and lore. It is also a significant proportion of the present as it continues to take a new shape every year. The themes people see today in Central’s student section have not always existed. The black and gold theme has been a constant over the years, but there have been other extravagant and fun themes such as Joutfit (an outfit consisting of all jean), lumberjack, and sleep over. These themes have attracted more and more students to participate in the student section. “Overall, more people are coming to more events,” Berger said. “I think people love getting ready for the themes.” The student section has been vital encouragement for Central’s sport teams as well. During the 2016 football season, the TCC Varsity Football team relied on the student section for support. “The student section helps the football team out when someone has a big play and then they start chanting the player’s name. It’s very encouraging,” varsity football captain Terrell Solberg ‘17 said.

The intense energy radiates from the Central and West sections during a crosstown showdown for any sport or event. Both sides exert extreme efforts to rally their teams and match the excitement of the opposing crowd. The intensity of a student section reflects on a school’s spirit and its public support for athletics. Despite the rivalry, a common goal is established on both sides of Traverse City; the ambition towards positivity, community, and encouragement. Support and respect are values that Central doesn’t lack. Each game, students share the mission of cheering on their school without rude behavior being part of it. “We don’t cheer negatively,” Berger said. “Our students have been excellent at being appropriate at knowing where the line to stop is, so no one yells at the ref or singles out an opponent. We have top-notch sportsmanship, which represents that Central likes to have fun and we are not disrespectful.” The student section brings fun, friends, crazy ideas, chants, and a sense of belonging to the students and the teams experiencing it firsthand. It is a place where students can bond with friends and celebrate a part of the school community and shared history through a long line of Trojans stretching throughout the decades. As Carly Laird ‘17 puts it, “my favorite part of the student section is that I can spend time with my friends, especially as a senior. The student section feels like a big family.”//

BGQ // January 2017



BGQ // January 2017


inside the


BGQ // January 2017

The BGQ visited local coffee shops around Traverse City to rate and review popular winter drinks. We found the best of the best; these are all good drinks to warm up with for an evening study session in town.


All photos: O. Wilson and A. Vannatter


gingerbread latte 3.5/5

medium roast The Gingerbread Latte has a light coffee taste as the gingerbread itself pops. These two flavors swirl together creating a light and comforting holiday taste. While enjoying this winter drink, grab a few morsels for a deliciously simple treat.


peppermint coconut mocha 4/5

BGQ // January 2017

light -medium roast


From our local co-op, this Coconut Mocha with Peppermint is the ideal winter-holiday drink. The peppermint pops, followed by creamy coconut to tie together the smooth flavors. While less festive than the other drinks, this one is sure to please both coffee and tea drinkers.

blk mrkt

je-lon latte 4.5/5

medium roast A blend of honey and cardamom creates a unique balance between sweet and subtle flavors. In this modern coffee shop located in the Warehouse District, this drink is the perfect suitor for coffee and tea-lovers alike, as the coffee is not too pronounced.


white chocolate cinnamon mocha 3/5 medium-dark roast

All photos: A. Vannatter & O. Wilson

BGQ // January 2017

Topped with whipped cream and ground cinnamon, this drink is uniquely sweet, however, the coffee is more prominent. The flavors create a holiday blend ideal for a cozy study session at Brew, especially with exams right around the corner.


Working as one: the rowing team increases in popularity


Kate Norgaard ‘19 swiftly pulls her paddle through the dark blue water as beads of sweat roll down her face. Her initial anxiety for the 3,000 meter sprint melts away with the support of her teammates. “I love rowing because when you get in the boat, everyone is the same,” Norgaard said. “Everyone is equal because no one person is in the spotlight. If one person slacks off then the whole boat doesn’t do well, so it’s a very team-based sport.” The rowing team is not limited to girls from TCC, an advantage from Norgaard’s perspective. “We have girls from five different schools on the rowing team and it’s so great to be able to make friends from other places around Traverse. We are all on the same team and we don’t care what school you are from. All that matters is that we are all in this together as one team.” Like many of her teammates, Norgaard has a deep love for this sport. The increased popularity of rowing has increased participation in the sport by more than a 65 percent in the past 20

years. It comes as no surprise that colleges are constantly seeking out female rowers and resulting in 33 percent of these rowers being offered full ride scholarships. For Norgaard and her teammates, it means the possibility of continuing to row and earn a college degree. Colleges look at overall speed and consistency over your career,” according to Maggie Dupuie ‘17. Dupuie plans to attend the University of Kansas next fall and is on the lookout for potential college offers in the hope of continuing her rowing career after high school. Practices for the girls rowing team focus on increasing endurance for important races as well as potential scoutings. Generally practices begin with a 3,000 meter warm up, leading to a 5,000 meter cruise across the bay and back. During winter months, the athletes use ergometers, rowing machines that mimic the rowing motion, to keep maintain their skills and timing for the upcoming spring season.

AllPhoto: photos: courtesy Kim Kelderhouse courtesy of of Kim Kelderhouse

Hendrix channels Stephen King in first novel Dave Hendrix may seem like an enthusiastic and mild mannered English teacher here at Central High School, but once he leaves the halls of TCC he becomes Dave Hendrix, the author. His alter ego comes up with some interesting ideas, many of which evolved into The Fifth Finger, Hendrix’s first novel. Self-published last summer, the book is a story about Bethany and Michael Sure, their young family and that of a magnetic and psychopathic cult leader Doylen set in the Grand Traverse Region. The novel is filled with intrigue, betrayal, loyalty, and asks some fundamental questions about safety in our increasingly unsafe world, while also providing an underlying commentary on the susceptibility of conformity and subservience in the world today. What follows is an exclusive BGQ interview with Dave Hendrix and an excerpt from The Fifth Finger.

BGQ // January 2017


Graphic: O. Wilso

Can you give me a brief summary of your book? It’s a story that takes place here in Traverse City, and it is a story about a husband and his family. His wife is abducted from a local store and she is taken by a group that has a plan for her. They have this idea that she is more than just a person, they think she is a glorious figure. With help from some people around him, he has to decide how far he is willing to go to take his wife back. When did you decide you wanted to write a book? I think I initially had this idea five years ago, and it was this idea of what would a person do if they had to be purposefully mean to someone they love? If you had to do that, I just thought that was really interesting. While I was teaching and having children, I spent about three years putting this story together and it took me a while to fill in the blanks. It was a story I was always adding onto, and sometimes it was at the beach with my toes in the sand, or it was a smell, or a really cool word, or I’d see something and I’d think that it would be a great location for part of my story. I think it took me three years until I finally said that I would regret it if I don’t sit down and at least try to write a book. I’d never written a book before, but I’ve written a lot of research papers getting through my undergrad and later on my graduate and master’s degree. I finally decided I put enough of the story together to write it. It took me a while to do it, but I was able to carve out time in my day to do it. What kept you writing your book? I have to say that the number one thing that motivated me was the fear that I would never bring it to life myself, and that I would see some version of my story somewhere else: a movie, TV show, or another novel. I had the story mapped out and fear helped me follow through. Can you describe the process to create your book? The process was piecing together ‘how do I write a book,’ ‘how do I format it,’ ‘how do I get it out to people?’ It was really like a mini research project and in some ways it was like starting a business. My plan the entire time was to self publish, which you can do through Amazon and I never sent it off to literary agents or a publisher. I just had to do a lot of legwork in regards to ‘how do I do this’ and ‘how do I make it available to people that buy books?’ There was quite a bit of research, lots of YouTube videos and blog articles, as I was writing I was learning how to do it. What message does your book portray to readers? I think there are lots of little things, but I think central to the theme within in this book is how do we become who we are? How do we decide our likes, our dislikes? What happens when life turns upside down? We easily move through life and we have to put up with adversity, but what happens when something traumatic happens to people, how much of a push do people need before their lives start to unravel? I think it is this light and darkness of light meaning the good, and darkness meaning the danger. Everywhere we go the light and dark are all around us, and what happens when life goes sideways and how do we recover from some of the trauma? Do you have new book ideas currently? I have four different ideas that I’ve written down. I haven’t fleshed them out yet, but I have four different books that I would like to write. I’m pretty sure that I’m going to write another book, but being a dad my family comes first. I have to make sure that everything I’m doing is for my family and in order for me to spend that much time writing a book, I’m hoping that it would benefit my family. I’m hoping the first book benefits my family in some way that will make writing books two, three, and four easier.


JACK MYERS You are currently editing your book, can you describe the process? For the most part, the book is edited and available, and I don’t know if it’ll ever be completely done. Everytime I pick it up, I’ll just randomly open to a page and I’ll think that somethings could sound better, but for the most part the story is done. It’s the cover that is being worked on. Mrs. Sandy and I sat down in the middle of the summer and we put together a book cover, but I wanted to change it, so I hired a local designer to do that. That’s really the next step, to change the cover and figure out how I get the word out, how do I advertise it? Who do you look up to

for inspiration in your writing? I don’t think there is an author that I really enjoy or emulate. I found inspiration everywhere. It would be a smell, a name, a really cool historical event, or a location that I would drive by or go to. I found inspiration everywhere rather than from a person. Living in Traverse City, it was everywhere. There are lots of me and Traverse City in this book. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? Sit down and write it. It is just that simple. If it is a story that you believe in and that it will pull people in, sit down and write it. Be happy with that book, even if it does not make you any money. You may only sell a few copies to family and friends, but there is immense satisfaction in doing something a lot of people don’t do which is writing a book, writing a significantly original piece of fiction. How do you balance being a teacher and author? Going into this I knew I had to write it before my kids got out of bed. I looked at it and thought if I do this I’m going to have to get up early. When my kids roll out of bed either on the summer or the weekends, then I’m dad, my priorities change. I primarily wrote my book between five and seven a.m. and there were probably only three or four times when I had to say, ”hold on a second, let me finish this before we go outside and play catch with a football.” I’m a dad and a husband first, that comes before anything. I wasn’t going to let writing my book come before that. As far as being an author and a teacher, they are both activities that I enjoy immensely and they really do go hand in hand. I think going through that process has made me a better teacher in regards to reading and analyzing books other people have written, and it has made me a better teacher in regards to writing. Where can readers buy your book? It is available on Amazon. If you search The Fifth Finger or my name on Amazon you will be able to find it.//

Chapter 1 Bethany and Ronny Sure are singing in the car because that’s what they do. The most popular songs are all fair game and although their efforts are good, the singing usually isn’t. Today is no different. “This one! This one is my favorite!” Ronny’s legs bounce up and down with the beat while her pointed toes brush up against the back of the passenger seat. She is lost in her singing as the car backs out of the driveway. Mother and daughter are headed to Oleson’s Food Store, only a few blocks from home. The warm smile and free sugar cookie she gets whenever Ms. Connie is working in the bakery has Ronny excited. Bethany turns right onto Front Street just as one popular song ends and another begins. “Mommy! Don’t change it! This one … this one is really my favorite.” Bethany looks in the rearview mirror and cannot resist joining her daughter who is instantly taken by the music. Each song is familiar as they seem to celebrate the same things – finding love, losing love, regret and living for the day. The singing is fun, but it is the laughter that pulls them together. Their attempts to match the current artist (who is sorry for everything) brings even more giggles. The outside world would cringe at the noises they are creating. Bethany smiles, remembering her middle school band director, Mr. Wilson, and how his lips used to tighten when a student’s instrument made a wounded animal sound. She shakes her head and continues smiling as she recalls how laughter would roll throughout the class. In life, Bethany hopes that Ronny never stops singing her song, regardless of whether she finds approval from others or not. She also knows Ronny must learn that acceptance from within is paramount to finding it in others. They park in their usual spot and hold hands. Ronny hops from side to side, trying to miss every crack in the pavement. Bethany squints against the strong sun, glad she dressed her daughter in shorts. It’s already a warm day. She also notices the red and white National Cherry Festival banner that hangs on the front of the store. In just a couple weeks, peaceful Traverse City will fill up with vacationers from all over the country. Traffic will increase, the air show above their house will rattle the windows and parking spots close to town will be impossible to find. At the same time, smiles and sunshine will be everywhere. Faint screams from the carnival rides at the Open Space will fill the air, along with the sweet, deep fried smell of elephant ears – a family tradition right after the Junior Royale parade. For the Sure

family, the Cherry Festival serves as the start of summer vacation. After a short stop at the bakery, Bethany takes charge of the grocery cart and is both focused and efficient: paper towels and bleach, eggs, milk, graham crackers, corn on the cob and a six-pack of the local craft beer Michael loves. The smile on his face will be thanks enough. As they move through the store, Ronny goes quiet and doesn’t return the smile from the stock boy in aisle seven. She is no longer interested in eating the rest of the cookie that is crumbling in her soft hand. Ronny doesn’t feel safe. Someone’s eyes are following her around the store. Bethany fails to notice, mentally reviewing her endless list of errands. The quiet of her joyful daughter finally sets in when they head to the self-checkout lane. “Ronny Girl, what’s wrong? Why did you stop singing?” Bethany swipes the bleach and places the container in a white plastic bag with the buffalo on the side. Next is the milk. She pauses, touching her daughter’s clenched fist. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” “Him.” Ronny, with her head low and eyes up, looks past her mom and over the magazine rack with perfect people on every cover. “He keeps looking at us.” Bethany lifts her head. A man who is about thirty years old with medium brown hair tucked neatly behind his ears is standing not far away. She studies his back and, for a brief second, the side of his face. He doesn’t look like he’s paying attention to either of them. Obviously, Ronny feels differently. Bethany winks at Ronny and continues to scan her groceries. “He looks like he’s just trying to get out of here as quickly as we are.” She lifts a bag to her cart and asks quietly, “Is he looking at you now?” “No, now he’s looking at you.” Bethany holds the eggs she just bagged in front of her without putting them in the cart. She is momentarily paralyzed as her daughter’s unsettling words threaten to overwhelm her. Breathe, she reminds herself. The plastic bag shakes as Bethany glances at the man. He’s still there, yet looking the other way. Bethany turns back to Ronny and forces a smile in an attempt to reassure her daughter and herself. “I’m almost done,” she says. “Let me swipe my card and we are out of here. Only three more stops and then we go see Grandma Dolly.” “Good. I don’t like this place, and

by Dave Hendrix I don’t like his eyes.” Ronny leans closer to Bethany as the man walks by. “I don’t like his eyes,” she whispers, her voice quaking. Bethany pats her daughter’s hand and pushes the cart toward the car, wishing she didn’t have any more errands to run. For a moment, she feels an irrational desire to abandon her groceries and head straight for her mother-in-law’s house, but she pushes the thought away. Popping open the back hatch, she unloads her groceries. When she leans forward to buckle Ronny’s seatbelt, she notices a dark patch on her daughter’s shorts. “Ronny, what happened?” “I had an accident, Mommy.” “In the store?” Ronny ducks her head and nods, clearly embarrassed. “I’m sorry sweetheart. Mommy will fix it.” She leans in again and kisses Ronny on the cheek while reaching for the big girl bag. Bethany is just straightening up when she sees Ronny’s eyes shift behind her then widen in horror. Before she can turn around, Bethany hears the sound of a van door snap open behind her as hands grab and tug her backward. “No!” Bethany’s cry is immediately muffled by a sweaty hand clamped over her mouth. She fights back, wildly swinging her elbow, but only loses her balance and one of her shoes. With one free hand, she reaches frantically toward Ronny, but finds nothing but air. Her daughter’s terrified silence is the last thing she sees as grasping hands multiply on her body, clawing and twisting her like a rope. Bethany pumps her legs, desperate to escape, but nothing works. Her captors are too many and too strong. With one last heave, they jerk her into the van, snapping her head back like a whip. The van door slides shut, cutting out the light of day, uprooting Bethany from her daughter and her life. Pressed against the rough floorboard, Bethany sobs against the earthy hand that still covers her mouth. In the darkness, she sees nothing but the permanent impression of her little girl left terrified and alone in the grocery cart. The van never breaks the speed limit, never takes a corner fast and never draws attention to itself. The hands that ripped Bethany away from her daughter now hold her down, pressing her against the van’s cold metal floor. She barely feels it. Instead she focuses on the image of Ronny sitting alone in a parking lot, scared and confused. Dear God! What will happen to my daughter? Warm saliva pools in the back of her throat and her stomach turns to stone. Bethany tries to turn to avoid her own vomit, but her

BGQ // January 2017

The Fifth Finger


captors are determined. Everything fades to black. Bethany wakes up and immediately gags as her chin is being pressed into a putrid puddle that includes the front of her shirt and the tips of her hair. She tries to move her face away from the sharp smell, but one of her captor’s hands restrict her. The depth of their hold brings about tears and a question: What do they want from me? Bethany takes shallow breaths through her nose in spite of the burning smell of her insides. She tries to settle her thoughts so she doesn’t lose consciousness again. The need to assess her situation requires her world not to turn dark again. One of her captors is kneeling on her hands and squeezing her arms. The pain is excruciating. She tries to shift away, but someone else digs their knees into her calves while tightening the length of rope wrapped around her thighs. She tries to rotate her head, but another hand holds her down. Bethany is overtaken with the profound fear that she will be in this position for some time. It could be hours before she is allowed to lift her head. Bethany feels tears drip down her face and fall to the vomit below. The edges of her consciousness are fading again and, though she tries to fight it, her fear is too strong. How will Michael know to get Ronny from Oleson’s? Then her terrifying reality gives way to merciful sleep. Chapter 2

BGQ // January 2017

The success of the sales meeting surrounds Michael Sure along with the sound of a seductive violin. “Perfection,” he says aloud. His victorious smile stretches from ear to ear after turning onto Grandview Parkway and crossing over the mouth of the


Graphic: courtesy of D. Hendrix

Boardman River that is alive with boats spilling into West Bay. He smiles at the world while his wrist rests atop the steering wheel holding a cell phone that displays a picture of his angelic wife. Michael loosens his navy blue tie that he believes projects power. Bethany says it’s his good luck charm – he always wears it on closing days. People at the crosswalks are headed to the beach. They pass in front of him holding towels, bags, colorful chairs and the hands of small children. With a pervasive smile on his face, he continues to take in Vivaldi’s Summer, yet turns down the volume just as the storm of the third movement is about to begin. Michael snaps out of his contentment and speaks into the cell phone that keeps him connected to the person he loves most. “Call Bethany.” Michael loves being an advertising executive. His plan is to ride the passion he has for his work all the way to the corner office. With a view of both bays, along with Old Mission Peninsula that splits them, that office is a reward within reach. He understands that advertising is about making people believe that the product on display is different and essential to improving their lives. It’s a mind game. A game that revolves around that split second when someone allows their eyes and emotions to consider something different. It happens in an instant – that barely noticeable, yet profound moment when someone becomes convinced that they need what you are selling. Advertising can be colorful, loud, and intentional. Images, tag lines, jingles and beautiful faces bombard the senses, telling people what they must have. What they simply cannot live without. Advertising can also be subtle, yet deliberate. Manipulation is deceitful – an uncomfortable, yet necessary evil that is everywhere. Most find comfort in routines. They bring about familiarity. The key is to get the individual to allow a new idea to become familiar, therefore altering a routine or mindset. A person’s identity is both permanent and, in an instant, fragile. Michael understands that the unspoken goal of advertising is to take hold of the opportunity to crawl into a person’s head and move things around, to plant an idea in order to change a person’s thinking. Doing so can be dangerous, but Michael is good at it. He knows how to push someone’s comfort zone just out of reach. Crafting a desire is exhilarating, harmless and menacing all at once. There is danger and joy in every minute of every day. A honk from behind pulls him from the memory of his new clients. He laughs aloud after passing the Dairy Lodge where people have lined up to get ice cream. A mischievous smile flashes on his face as Michael claims victory in successfully convincing his new clients that he knew best. For Michael, control is intoxicating. His fear of losing it much more intense. “Call Bethany.” His phone rings too long, pulling his thoughts away from the joy of his meeting. He

waits impatiently, growing more uncomfortable every second while Bethany’s image smiles back at him. How is it that her angelic face is suddenly unsettling? He frowns when her voice mail message begins. Her soothing voice brings no comfort: “This is Bethany. Leave your name and number and I’ll call you back.” The phone beeps and Michael tries to speak, but nothing comes out. He clears his throat and tries again. “Call me, please. You always answer and it—” The phone slips from his hand and lands between his feet with a thud. Without thinking, he looks down, inching the phone backwards with his heel until he can reach it. Meanwhile he has turned the steering wheel, pulling into oncoming traffic. In a panic, he straightens up, violently tugging at the wheel. He checks his side mirror, but the white van he almost hit is already speeding past, its windows too dark to reveal an angry driver. Michael turns right onto North Elmwood Avenue and ends the message. As he reaches to turn off the magnificence of Vivaldi, he whispers to no one, “Holy shit. That was close.” Chapter 3 Michael pulls into his driveway two minutes later and finds comfort in being home even without Bethany’s car in its usual spot. The modest sandstone and antique white house could be found anywhere, but it is a sanctuary for Michael and his family. There are two strong oak trees in the front yard and three small pines planted along the property line in back near the swing set. The front yard is a blanket of perfectly manicured grass that is not entirely separate from that of his neighbor to the south, Roy Booth. Michael steps out of his car and sees Roy walking along the sidewalk headed towards West Bay. Michael raises his hand, offering Roy a friendly wave. Roy doesn’t smile, but nods his head in response – just the sort of noncommittal greeting Michael has learned to expect from his eccentric neighbor. “I wonder what his story is?” Michael has often asked Bethany. “Oh, he’s strange, but harmless, I suppose,” Bethany said. “Every neighborhood has someone like him.” After Michael’s initial moments at home, an unsettling feeling sets in. It never takes long for him to feel alone. There is anxiety in waiting for his family to arrive, and he is often unsure of what to do without them near. He starts by shuffling through the mail and then spends time bent over in the front year picking the weeds that dare to grow. He then thumbs through his phone while talking aloud to himself. “What is she doing? What good is a cell phone if you don’t use it? I bet … I bet her battery is dead. Maybe she’s with my mom already. She’s not real good at answering her phone either. I wish she would return my call.” Michael shakes his head while tossing a handful of weeds in the garbage container on the side of the house. He reaches for the

Chapter 4 Red and blue lights flicker in the rearview mirror and into the eyes of both

Michael and Sammy, who is in the backseat. “Come on, Dad! We can’t miss the first pitch.” Sammy puts down his glove and takes off his navy blue and gold Beach Bums baseball hat and throws it to the seat next to him. Michael knows he’s done nothing wrong and is even more disgusted than his son. “You can’t be serious! I haven’t done anything―” The police officer interrupts him. “Are you Michael Sure?” “Yes, I am.” “Mr. Sure, my name is Officer Taplin and that is Officer Wood from the Traverse City Police Department. We need you to come with us. Immediately.” “Why?” Michael swallows a spark of indignation. Officer Wood is circling the car, shining his flashlight into the passenger window. Michael’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. “What’s happened?” “Sir, we just need you to follow us to the station on Woodmere.” “Not until you tell me what this is about.” “Please follow us, sir. We’ll tell you everything we know. Keep close to my vehicle.” Michael nods. “What’s going on, Daddy?” He looks in the rearview mirror and sees that Sam’s eyes are full of tears. Reaching back, he squeezes his knee and tries to smile. “I don’t know.” A police vehicle pulls abruptly in front of Michael’s car, creating instant havoc with its lights and siren. Michael buries his gas pedal to keep up as another police car falls in place behind him. The red and blue lights of both police cars reflect everywhere within the car and, with each passing second, mix even more with the dread both are feeling. Michael knows that an escort like this means someone important is involved. Without telling Sammy, he is certain that the person is most likely his wife. *** Bethany’s senses come alive to the clanging of tools against the side of the van. The road they travel is no longer smooth. Her dread returns full force. She knows that dirt roads in northern Michigan can quickly lead to nameless places that make some feel uncomfortable, yet others right at home. When a person gets too far from the pavement, it’s easy to get turned around and you start to lose your eyes. Losing your eyes leads to confusion. She has seen countless news reports about people getting lost after walking away from a back road or two-track and finding their bodies months later – prey for whatever might be wandering these woods. Bethany’s arms and legs are so numb, she can’t tell if she’s still being held down or not. To make sure, she tries to lift her head but is met with immediate resistance. She has been taken by determined, faceless strangers and it is impossible to move. Few people ever experience such a loss. Few people ever go without being in complete control of their bodies. The tears in her eyes come from the

fear of what might be taken from her next. *** Michael usually enjoys the rumble of Eighth Street. The bricks were laid years ago to complement the large lumber baron houses that were built back in the 1890s. The once enjoyable hum of the tires is now an unsettling vibration that overtakes his car along with the intrusive sound and lights of the escort that reflects off large bay widows. The world around the passing vehicles comes to a stop. Although his mind is racing, Michael can feel the prying eyes of onlookers who try to figure out who the man and boy are, and why the police are involved. *** Everything is still black. The fabric covering Bethany’s eyes reeks of musty outdoor gear. The dank smell reminds her of the basement closet her Grandpa Joe used to have that held all of his hunting stuff. That particular smell came from camouflage and bright orange clothing that he wore two or three times a year to go deer hunting. The rest of the time it was left hanging in darkness. Handling the hunting rifles that were stored in flimsy cases that could easily be unzipped scared Bethany, but the potential for permanence enthralled her. She was spanked multiple times before he installed a lock on the door. Bethany and her cousins simply could not resist Grandpa’s closet. . .

BGQ // January 2017

weathered basketball that has been with him since college. With the ball tucked under his arm, he moves his suit coat and briefcase off to the side and begins to dribble. The beat of the ball on the pavement reminds Michael that there is a rhythm to life: a rhythm that demands balance – family, work and fitness. He finds solace and distraction in the sound and feel of the ball as it returns to his fingertips with a slight spin caused by the pavement. Michael’s fingers and palms get dirty and he welcomes the contrast with his now wrinkled dress shirt and tie. He starts close and directly in front of the basket. He bends his knees, holds the ball waist high in front of him and, in one motion, brings it up, centering it with his body and face and finishing with the same high follow through he learned back in elementary school. “Act like you are waving at your mom in the stands!” The ball goes up with perfect backspin and drops through, barely touching the net. He then moves to the side and shoots a little farther away. He enjoys hitting the top right corner on the backboard while trying to recreate the same shot over and over. The last spot is the free throw line that is marked by faded white paint. He repeatedly snaps the net while remembering that shooting a basketball is another example of the balance his life requires. Shooting is an art form. Someone who can truly shoot a basketball has, on some level, grown familiar with their mind, body and – after that – their soul. Michael has mastered the jump shot, dress shirt and all. The balance it requires and, therefore, life is imprinted on his soul. A yellow school bus rumbles down the street. Michael turns and smiles in anticipation. The bus is filled with energetic voices and carries his most precious son, Sam, who is seven, has completed first grade today. He scrambles quickly from the bus, earning a smile from the bus driver as he skips the final step with an enthusiastic jump to the driveway. Michael pulls Sam into a hug and he responds by wrapping his arms around his dad’s waist and squeezing tight. “How was school, my boy?” “Fine. Are we still going to the baseball game? Just us right? The boys?” “Yes, just us.” “Good. Where are the girls?” “Mommy and Ronny are out running errands. They are going to see Grandma Dolly later. Can you believe it? Is there anything better than summer break?” “Yes, there sure is – being at the ball park in time to see the first pitch.” Sam reaches for his father’s cell phone. Michael smiles and hands it over. “Okay, wise guy. I’ll go change.” As Michael turns to head inside, his son drops his backpack, sits on the front step and sends a text because he misses his mom’s face: its me sam were r u at?



Battlefield I Release date: October 21 2016 Platforms: Xbox One, PC, PS4 Price: $59.99 Type: First person shooter The Battlefield 1 campaign is a WWI-based adventure set through separate war stories. Players have the opportunity to choose seven different characters throughout the campaign. These characters include a hardy, crack-shot Australian named Frederick Bishop who is an old time war hero that takes a new soldier under his wing and keeps him out of harm’s way as they go through objectives. There is also a part of the single player where the player is immersed in the Middle East and gets to play as one of Lawrence of Arabia’s closest companions. The multiplayer mode of Battlefield 1 is unrivaled. There are nine maps to choose from, all of which are true to the history of WWI. These maps simulate WW1 warfare such as Monte Grappa, Empire’s Edge,

Argonne Forest, Sinai Desert, the Suez Canal, St. Quintin, FAO Fortress, Amiens and Ballroom Blitz. The overall quality of these maps is incredible. The realism of the weapons in Battlefield is perfect. The guns and melee weapons are historically accurate to the WWI time period with the accuracy, recoil and quality of weapons of the pre 1920s era. There are also vehicles that any player can acquire during the campaign that range anywhere from horses to large machinery. In multiplayer mode, each player has the opportunity to add attachments to tanks and planes, like side flame throwers and extremely high-powered front-mounted sniper rifles on tanks that can eliminate the enemy with amazing precision. The game is still fairly new and downloadable content has yet to be released. It is mainly speculation, but it is possible that there may be a purchasable DLC that will be released in February 2017. Within this rumored DLC the French and Russian

armies may be introduced along with many new weapons, vehicles and maps to go along with new characters.With most games, the graphics tend to deteriorate when it comes to the multiplayer gameplay, but that is not the case with Battlefield 1. The incredible, eye-popping graphics are consistent with both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. Battlefield 1 logged in over 59 million hours the opening week of gameplay stated by developer DICE. According to metacritic. com, the majority of reviews are 90% positive. This is no surprise because the game was first announced back in May of 2016 giving developers plenty of time to perfect the game. The overall feedback on the quality of the game is great with incredible graphics, an incredible multiplayer, and an unrivaled campaign. This game is one of the best first person shooters around and it is a must-buy for winter 2017.//

Other supplies and items you can scavenge for and collect include something as simple as copper and as unique and rare as lithium. The graphics in the game are so immersive, it as if the player is looking through a camera lense into a breathtaking underwater world. The creatures of the planet are far different than anything I have seen in my gaming experience. The bottom can reach to unknown depths in the world of Subnautica. The biomes of this world range from giant underwater mushroom forests to bone fields of the monsters that have died and sunk to the sea floor. With all of the various biomes comes various creatures such as the River prowlers and Crab-snakes to name a few. This game already has great ratings despite

the fact it is only an early release. The game was started in 2013, and in 2014 it became an early release. The game grew in popularity thanks to YouTube and its gaming community. Big YouTubers like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are playing and loving this game. With so many people watching these two guys play the game, made players love it even more. In 2017, the game will be officially released. Even with the official release date being next year, it’s incredible features and graphics have saved it a seat on best game list of 2016 for BGQ.//

Subnautica Release Date: May 17, 2016 Platforms: Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and Macintosh operating systems Price: $19.99 on steam Type: Sandbox The game Subnautica is an underwater sandbox survival game that requires the player to hunt for food, search for freshwater and scavenge for supplies to build a shelter. While gathering these supplies, the player has to defend themselves against giant alien sea monsters. At times, this game can become challenging because it demands the player to risk their life to get the last piece of metal to complete a seamoth (a device that allows you to go farther and faster though the water).

No Man’s Sky

BGQ // January 2017

Release date: August 9, 2016 Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PS4 Price: $59.99 Type: First person exploration and survival


I found myself many times whilst playing this game asking, “what do I do now?” Unlike a lot of other modern games, there is no “go here” or “find this.” Having no solid objective in the game is not something a lot of people are used to, so I think a lot of the players failed to really understand that there is no objective. I feel that for sure, this can throw players off, it is not something that is done often in modern games. No Man’s Sky’s exploration system is at-best

mediocre, which is not a good thing when the entire game is based off of it. As is the case in many other games where exploration is the main attraction, No Man’s Sky’s exploration system appears to have been randomly and procedurally generated. This roughly equates to meaning that while you are exploring the game’s universe, you will constantly be running into content different from anything else in the game universe. While on paper this may seem like the short cut to having an infinite stream of content for your game, the game crashes and burns when everything is based off it. In No Man’s Sky’s case, it still works ever so slightly. I can totally understand why a majority of the players hate the game because of this. It

does sometime feel a little repetitive especially if the player is not fully immersed in the game. Even still, this title has provided me with some of my favorite gaming experiences this year. Even just walking around the alien planet was stunning. So there is no gameplay or objectives, you just endlessly explore. You are not really looking for anything, you are just finding new places to go within the game. It is understandably boring to a lot of players, but I am still having a blast with the game. If you enjoy the idea of not having any solid objective or like the idea of just pure exploration, No Man’s Sky can be very enjoyable.//

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