School of Mathematics Newsletter 2017/18

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2017/18 SCHOOL OF


WELCOME Welcome to the fourth edition of the School of Mathematics newsletter. As ever in the School we are happy to keep you abreast of the recent news and developments of which there have been many. Firstly, I must mention the sad passing of Professor David Simms in June at the age of 84. Professor Simms inspired generations of mathematics students and played a pivotal role in the development of the School over many decades. He was active in the School until recent times and will be missed by all.

Our annual masterclass in particle physics for secondary school students continues to open their eyes and minds to what researchers actually do in one of the most important fields in science. I hope that you enjoy catching up with events in the School from the past year. We always welcome news from our alumni and friends so please keep in touch. You can find recent news and events on our website or twitter @MathsTCD

Earlier this year we welcomed Dr Jim and Dr Marilyn Simons to Trinity College Dublin for the award of an honorary degree to Dr Jim Simons, who supports the Hamilton Mathematics Institute (HMI) through the Simons Foundation. Over the last 12 months, the HMI has organised many lectures and workshops through the Simons Foundation Visiting Professors, Scholars and Postdoctoral Programmes. We were delighted to welcome our new staff member, Professor Kirk Soodhalter who is the new Ussher Assistant Professor in Number Theory. He joins us from the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics. Congratulations were in order for Professors Jan Manschot and Andrei Parnachev, who were two of the thirteen researchers to receive an Irish Research Council Laureate Award. The School was also awarded EU funding for two PhD scholarships through the Scattering Amplitudes: from Geometry to Experiment (SAGEX) Innovative Training Network. There is also an ITN funded in computational particle physics which will support another two Ph.D. candidates. This year, twenty-one undergraduate students participated in the Hamilton Trust Summer Internship Programme designed to give them a taste of research in mathematics and theoretical physics, and to provide the opportunity to lead investigations into unsolved problems.

Associate Professor John Stalker Head of School

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