trinity Ivy 1921

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THE IVY 1921 'lhe Year Book ofT rinitY College Published in rg2o by the junior Class

j Volume XLIX


l 1










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1Ebe QI:Iass of 1921 re~pettfullp 'be'bicate~


"Volume of tbe 3lbp to


~bJ'.lB. of ~istorp an'b i)olitical ~cience in grateful recognition of bis 'bebotion to bi~ countrp an'b bis college, respette'b an'b belobe'b as

jfrank 1!}umpbrep,

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27- 58





99- 119








0 0 0


11- 12





121-128 129-143


144- 148




151- 172





0 ~ 0




"lerexp" <!l}gilbp Rev. Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby was graduated from Harvard University m 1902 with the degree of bachelor of arts. After his graduation he was, for a time, master at Groton School, Mass. In 1904 he entered the General Theological Seminary in New York and remained there until1906, when he transferred to .the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge, Mass., where he took his degree of bachelor of divinity in 1907. The same year he received his mater's degree from Harvard. Subsequently Mr. Ogilby was made assistant at St. Stephen's Church, Boston, while the Rt. Rev. Dr. C. H. Brent, some time bishop of the Philippines, and now bishop of Westem ew York, was rector. There he wa also associated with Rev. S. S. Drury, now head master of St. Paul' School, Concord, . H. In 1908 Mr. Ogilby went to the Philippines and organized a chool for American boy , known as the Baguio School. About this school Bishop Brent later said: "The school, due to Mr. Ogilby's able administration and excellent judgment, quickly made a very enviable reputation. Every student who came in contact with him felt the impress of his character and many of the boys have already turned out strong men. In 1916 he was offered the head mastership of one of the leading American schools, but declined because of his devotion to his work in the Far East. He obtained a commission .as chaplain in the army in 1916, and returned to this country with the hope of getting oversea service. Soon after his arrival in this country, he was ordered to West Point where he served a chaplain three months. He was offered the post of permanent chaplain at the United States Military Academy, but declined this place, as he was sti ll seeking and hoping for overseas service. He was at Hoboken awaiting orders to go to France, when the armistice was signed, and was then assigned to duty at Debarkation Hospital I o. 5 at the Grand Central Palace, New York City, where he worked until June, 1919. It is said that, while Mr. Ogilby has the invaluable quality of tact, he is known as a man of fearles ne and large vision. His thoughts in connection with his work among the students has been to develop initiative and encourage them in the direction of leadership. In August, 1919, he married Lois Cunningham, of New York, a niece of Mrs. vVhitlaw Reid , whose husband was for year United State ambassador to Great Britian, and who was editor of the "New York Tribune," succeeding Horace Greeley.


~enatus ~cabemicus QI::orporation The President of the College e:r o.fficio President* The Hon. William E. Curtiss, LL.D. John H. S. Quick, M.A. Sydney G. Fisher, L.H.D., LL.D . William S. Cogswell, M.A. Robert Thorne, LL.B . The Rt. Rev. Chauncey B. Brewster, D.D. The Hon. Joseph Buffington, LL.D . Ambrose Spencer Murray, Jr. , M.A. The Hon . FrankL. Wilcox, B.A. * Edgar F. 'Vaterman, LL.B., Secretary and Treasurer* George Dawson Howell, B.A. William Gwinn father, M .A. John Prince Elton , B.S. * The Rev. Ernest M. Stires, D.D . Shiras Morris, B.S.* William Stimpson Hubbard, l\I.D. t E. Kent Hubbard, B.S.t Charles G. Woodward, M.A.* William H. Eaton, B.S.t Frank C. umner, l\1.A. Samuel Ferguson, M.A. Sidney T. Miller, M.A.

Har(ford New York Chicago Philadelplu路a J amaica, N. Y. .Vew York Hartford Pittsburgh New York B erlin Hartford Pittsburgh Cleveland Waterbury New York Hartford 1Vew York Middletown Hartford P ittsfield, Mass. Hartford Hartford Detroit

*These members o拢 the Corporation Corm the Execu tive Co mmittee. tElecled uy the Alumni.


~'bbisorp ~oar'b

Hartford Hartford Hartford

The Hon. William Hamersley, LL.D. William C. Skinner, M.A. The Rev. Francis Goodwin, D.D.



of jftllobls

Q!:bairman Irenus K. Hamilton, B .S.


jfellol.u ~

William Hammer Eaton, B.S. James Albert Wales, B.A. W. E. A. Bulkeley, B.S . Samuel Ferguson, M.A. Frederick Everest Haight, Ph.D. Walter Stanley Schutz, M .A., LL.B .



Lawson Purdy, LL.D. John Morgan Brainerd, M.A. Murray H. Cogge hall, B.S. Irenus Kittredge Hami lton, B.S. Martin Taylor, LL.B . Jerome P. Webster, M.D.


of tbe


Jacob H. Greene, B.A .. E. Kent Hubbard, B.S. J. H. Kelso Davis, B .A. John F. Forward, B.S ..

. President Vice- President Secretary . Treasurer ~tanbing


Robert H. Schutz, B.S. W. E. A. Bulkeley, B.S.


TRINITY COLLEGE Was founded by the Right Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, D.D., LL.D., who was born at Westport, Mass. , Oct. 19, 1779, and died at Hartford, Jan. 13, 1865. From 1819 to 1865 he was the third Bishop of Connecticut and the Presiding Bishop from 185~ to 1865. From 18~4 to 1831 he was The first President of the College. ~ret5ibent!5

Right Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, D.D., LL.D. Rev. Nathaniel Sheldon Wheaton, S.T.D. Rev. Silas Totten, S.T.D., LL.D. Right Rev. John Williams, S.T.D., LL.D. Rev. Daniel Raynes Goodwin, S.T.D., LL.D. Samuel Eliot, LL.D. Right Rev. John Barrett Kerfoot, S.T.D., LL.D. Rev. Abner Jackson, S.T.D., LL.D. Rev. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, S.T.D., LL.D. Rev. George Williamson Smith, D.D., LL.D. Rev. Flavel Sweeten Luther, Ph.D., LL.D. Rev. Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby, M.A. . 15

18~ 4- 18 3 1

1831- 1837 1837- 1848 1848- 1853 1853- 1860 186Q-1864 1864- 1866 1866- 1874 1874- 1883 1883- 1904 1904- 1919 19~o-



The Rev. George Williamson Smith, D.D., LL.D. Professor of Meta physics, Erneritus B.A., Hobart, 1857; D.O., 1880; D.D., Columbia; LL.D. , Trinity, 1887. Chaplain, United States Navy, 1864: Acting Professor of Mathematics, United States ' aval Academy, Newport, 1864-65; Chaplain at Annapolis, 18M-68; Rector in 路 various places till 1883 ; President of Trinity College, 1883-1904. e Ll.X.

The Rev. Flavel Sweeten Luther, Ph.D., LL.D. President and Seabury Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Emeritus B.A., Trinity, 1870; Ph.D., 1896; LL.D., 1904 ; Professo r of Mathematics and Astronomy at Racin e College, 1871-8 1: Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Kenyon College, 1881-83; Professor at Trinity since 1883; Presid e nt of Trinity College, 1901-1919; M ember of American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Sena t or from Firs t District of Connecticut, 1907, 1909; <I> BK, Ll. T .

Charles Frederick Johnson, L.H.D., LL.D . Professor of English Literature, Erneritus 69 Vernon Street B.A., Yal e, 1855 ; M .A., 1863 ; L.H.D ., 1895; LL.D ., Trinity; Assistant Professor of M a th ematics, U nited States Naval Acad emy, 1865-70 ; Professor a t Trinity 1883-96; Professor Em eritu s, 1896- ; Auth or of " En glish Words;" "Three Englishmen a nd Three Am eri ca ns;" " " El ements of Literary Criticis m;" " What Can I do for Bra dy ?" and other poems; " Outline History of English a nd Am erican Literature; '" " F orm s of Verse ;" "Sha kes peare a nd Hi s Critics, " etc. 'ItT.


The Rev. John James McCook, M.A., D.D., LL.D. Professor of Modern Languages 396 M ain Street B .A., Trinity, 1863; D .D ., 1901 ; LL.D ., 1910 ; studied a t J efferson College, New York Coll ege of Ph ysicia ns and S urgeons, and Berkeley Di vinity Sch ool; Second Lieutenant First Virginia Volunteer Infa n try during t he Civil War ; Professor a t Trini ty, since 1883; R ect or of St. John's Church, East H artford , since 1869. Auth or of rep orts on poor-l a w administration and prison reform ; a lso of numerous magazine a rticles on vagabond age, political vena lity, pauperism, drink, et c. 4> BK, 9 C. X.

Robert Baird Riggs, Ph.D. Scoville Professor of Chemistry 35 Forest Street B .A., Beloit College, Wisco nsin, 1876 ; Ph .D ., Go ttingen ; Chemist for Un it ed Stat es Geol ogical Survey, 1884-87 ; Professor of Chemistry, National Coll ege of Pharmacy, 1885-87. Professor of Che mi stry a t Trini ty 1887- . Contributor to Th e A merican Chemical J ournal, Th e American J ourna l of Science, a nd other journa ls. Ben.

Frank Cole Babbitt, Ph.D. Professor of the Greek Language and L iterature 65 Vernon Street B.A. , H a rvard , 1890 ; M .A., 1892; Ph .D ., 1895; F ell ow of th e Am erican School of Clas ical Stud ies at At hens, 189596. Instru ct or in Greek at H arvard, 1896-98; Professor at Trinity, 1899- ; M e mber of t he Ameri ca n Archaeologica l Insti t ute; M ember of the America n Phil ological Assoc ia tion, Auth or of " G reek G ra m mar ;" a lso of pa pers in American Journal of Archaeology, and in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology . <I> B K, e t. X.


- - - - - - - --

Wilbur Marshall Urban, Ph.D. Brownell Professor of Philosophy 71 Vernon Street A.B., Princeton, 1895; Ph .D ., Leipzig, 1897 ; studied al so at Jena, and was R eader in Philosophy in Prince ton and Professor of Philosophy at Ursinus College. Member of American Psychological Association and American Philosophical Association . Author of "Valuation, Its N ature and Laws," 1909, and contributor to various philosophica l journals and revi ews. Contributor to A llantic Monthly and other literary journals. <I> B K.

Henry Augustus Perkins, M.A., E.E. Professor of Physics 83 Gillett Street B.A., Yale, 1896; M .A., Columbia, 1899; E .E. , Columbi a . 1899. Member of Ame rican Physical Soc iety; Socie te Francaise de Ph y ique; Associa te M e mber of Ameri can Institute of El ectrical Engineers. Auth or of " An Introduction to Genera l Thermody na mics:" has publis hed articles in American Journal of Science, Scient ~ fic A1nerican , Electrical World, Com7Jtes Rendus, Le Radium, Yale Review, and the Physical Retiew. <I> B K, ::!: 2 , A D. <1>.

Gustavus Adolphus Kleene, Ph.D. Professor of Economics 179 Sigourney Street A.B., University of Mi chigan , 1891 ; studi ed a t Berlin and Ttibing<'n, at Columbia University, and th e U ni versity of Penn ylvania, receiving his Ph.D. from th e la ttf' r institution. For two winters with th e Charity Organization Society of New York City; Assistant in E conomics at th e "Cniversity of Wisconsin; Instru ctor in E conomics a nd Social Science at Swarthmore Coll ege, a nd Lecturer a t the l'niversity of P ennsy lvania. Author of " Profit and Wages." Contributor to th e Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Statistical Association Publications, Yale Rerieu:, etc. <I> B K .




Charles Edwin Rogers, C.E., M. C. E. Professor of C1"vil Engineering 11 Lincoln Street llensselaer P oly techni c Institute, 1896 ; M .C. E ., Harvard, 191 5. En gineer a nd Contract or, 1896-1901 ; Instru ctor, Lehi gh U ni ve rsity, 1901 -04 ; Professor of Mathe matics a nd Civil Engineering, Cla rkson M e moria l School of T echn ology a nd Genera l Enginee ring Prac tice, 1904-05 ; Professor of Civil Engin eering, Trinity, 1905-; M e mber of th e R ensselaer Society of En gin eers; Connecticut Society of Civil En gineers, Assoc ia tion of H a rvard E ngineers. ~ 2:.

Horace Cheney Swan, M.D. Prof essor of Physiology and of Physical Training, M edical Director 196 Whitney Street M.D ., Tufts Coll ege M edical School, 1903; B.P.E ., Interna ti ona l Y. M . C. A. College. Instructor Histol ogy , H a r vard umm er School of Ph ys ical Edu cation, 1903-05 ; Director of Gy mnasiu m, Wesleyan Uni ve rsity, 1903-05 ; M edica l Director a nd Director of Gy mnasium, Trinity Coll ege, 1905- ; M e mber of H a rtford M edical Association , Connectic ut M edical Associa tion, F ell ow American Medical Associa ti on, Society of Directors of Ph ys ical Edu cation in Coll eges, American Ph ys ical Edu cati on Society, American P u blic H ea lth Associa tion, Connecticut Pu blic H ealth Associa ti ons, M ember Ameri can Association for the Ad vance ment of Science. <I> 8 X.

The R ev. Arthur Adams, Ph.D . Professor of English and Librarian 73 Vernon Street B .A., Rutge rs, 1902; M.A., 1903; Ph .D .. Ya le, 1905; B.D . Berkeley Di vinity School, 1910 ; S.T . i., Philadelphia Di vinity School, 1916. Instructor in English a t th e Univer ity of Color ad o, 1905-06 ; Assist a nt Profess or a t Trinity, 1906-08; Associa te Professo r, 1908-11 ; Professo r of Englis h, 1911-1 5; Professor of En glish a nd Librarian, 191 5-; Ac tin g Professor of English a t the University of M a ine, Summer T erm , 1912. M e mber of th e Modern La nguage Associa ti on of America a nd of the American Ph ilological Associa t ion. Author of Sy ntax of the Tem poral C'lause in Old English Prose, coll abora tor on the Gray a nd "Yords worth Concord ances, a uthor of notes a nd revie ws in M odern L angu age Notes, a nd contributor t o various other period icals._ <I> B K, t:. <1>. ~0

LeRoy Carr Barret, Ph.D. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature 28 Brownell Avenue B.A., Washington and Lee University, 1897 ; M .A., 1898; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1903 . Instructor in Latin, Johns Hopkins, 1903-07 ; Preceptor in Class ics, Princeton, 1907-09; Ins tructor, Dartmouth 1909-10 ; Professor, Trinity, 1910- ; Editor o£ Kashmirian AtharnaVeda Books 1- V. 4> B K, l: A E .

Archer Eben Knowlton, M.S.* Assistant Professor of Physics 39 Brownell A venue B.A., Trinity, 1910 ; Studied at Columbia Uni versity, 1911 ; M.S. , Trinity, 191~. Power and Illumination Expert £or Connec ticut Public Utilities Commission; Member o£ American Physical Societ y, M ember o£ American Institute o£ Electrical Engineers; M e mber o£ American Association for the Advancement of Science. 4> r !l . *leaYe o£ absence during 1919-1920.

Stanley Leman Galpin, Ph.D . Professor of Romance Languages 902 Asylum Avenue B .A. , Western R eserve U niversity, '01 ; M.A. , Yale U niversity, 190~ ; Ph .D., Yale U ni versity, 1904. Was U niversity F ellow o£ Yale niversity, 190~- 1904. Member o£ the Modern Language Association of America a nd o£ th e New England Mod ern L anguage Assoc iation. Appointed Instructor in the Romance Languages and Latin at Amherst College, 1904; Instructor in the Roman ce L a nguages, 1906; Associate Professor o£ Romance La nguages, 19081913. Professor o£ Roma nce L a nguages, Trinity Coll ege, 1913-. 4> B K, L'1 T .


Frederic Walton Carpenter, Ph.D. J. Pierpont Morgan Professor of Biology 1033 Fa-rmington Avenue, West Hartford B.S., New York niversity, 1899; A.M., Harvard, 1902 : Ph .D ., H a rva rd , 1904 ; Studied a lso at the Universities of Berlin and Munich. Instruc tor, associate a nd ass ist a nt professor of Zoology, University of Illinois, 1904-1913. Director Bermud a Biological Station for R esearch, summ er of 1909 . Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science: Member American Society of Zoologists, American Association of Anatomists; Member, Editorial Board of " F oli a Neuro-Biologica," Amste rdam. Author of various paper on zoological subjects. <I> B K, l: S, Z 'I'.

Edward Collins Stone, Ph.D . Assistant P rofe ssor of Chemistry 40 Allen Place B.A., Yale, 1904 ; M.A., Trinity, 1905; Ph .D ., Columbia . Instructor in Chem istry, Trinity. 1905-11 and 1913-14 Assistant Professor, 1915-; Member of the American Chemical Society. l: 2, <I> fl T.

Edward Frank Humphrey, Ph.D. Northam Professor of History and Political Science 333 Washington Street B .A., U ni ve rsity of Minnesota, 1903 ; M.A., Columbia U ni versity, 1908; Graduate Student l"Ecole pratique des H autes-Etudes, Uni versity of P a ris, 1910-11 ; Ph .D ., Columbia University, 1912. Instructor, Columbi a U niversity, 1911-1 5; Northam Professor of Histo ry and Political Science, Trinity College, 1915-; Author路 " Politics and R eligion in the days of Augustine."' <I> B K , 2: A E .


Odell Shepard, Ph.D. James J. Goodwin Professor of English Literature 14-15 Seabury Hall B.A., University of Chicago, 1907, Ph.M ., 1908 ; Ph .D., Harvard University, 1916. Teacher of English, Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1908-09; Assistant Professor of English, University of Southern California, 1909-10 ; Professor of English, niversity of Southern Calif ornia, 1910-1914 ; Instructor in English, Harvard University, 1916-17; Professor, Trinity College, 1917. Author of "A Lonely Fl1t1e" and of "Shakespeare Questions. A Study of the Chief Plays." Contributor to variou literary and learned journals. Ll T Ll, ew.

Robert Earle Bacon, M.A. Instructor in English 12 Seabury Hall Ph.B., Lafayette, 1917 ; M.A., Harvard, 1918. Instructor in English, Trinity College, 1919- . <I> B K, Ll T.

Charles Albert Fischer, Ph.D. Seabury Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy 17 Columbia Street B.A., Wheaton College, 1905; M.A., University of Illinois, 1910; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1912. Instructor in Mathematics and Physics Wheaton College, Illinois, 19081909; Instructor in Mathematics, Columbia University 1912-1919; Seabury Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Trinity College, 1919-. Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1917. Member American Mathematical Society and Mathematical A sociation of America. Has published papers in American Journal of Math e1natics, Annals of Math ematics, Bulletin of the American Math ematical Society and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2:2:.


Haroutune Mugurdich Dadourian, Ph .D. A ssistant Professor of Physics 284 Washington Street Ph.B. , 1903, M .A., 1905, Ph.D., 1906, Yale U niversity; L oo mis F ellow in Physics 1903-1905 ; Assistant in Physics, 1905-1906; Instruct or in She ffi eld Scientifi c School, and Lecturer a t Gradu ate School of Yal e, 1906-1917 ; Aerona utical En gin eer U. S. Government, 1917- 1918 ; Assistant Professor of Physics, Trinity College, 1919- ; M e mber Ameri can Phys ical Society; a uthor of Analytical M echanics a nd Gutphic Statics; Contributor of papers on ra di oactivity x-rays, ra dio-electri city, electrons, sound ran ging, elasticity a nd d yna mics. l: :=:.

Edward Liffingwell Troxell, Ph.D. A ssi stant Professor of Geology New H a ven, Conn. B .A. , Northwes tern Uni versity, 1908, M .A. , 1911 ; Ph .D. , 路 Ya le 1914. Instruct or U ni ve rsity of Michigan, 1914 . Co mmissioned Captain Infantry, 1917 ; one yea r in Fra nce; stud ent for four month s a t th e Sorbonne ni ve r ity, P a ri s. R esearch Associa te in Verteb ra te P a liontology, Yale 1919; Ass istant Professo r of Geology a nd Physiography, Trinity Coll ege, 1920. H as carried on expl ora tion in the West severa l seasons, a nd has published severa l papers in th e A merican J ournal of Science, Scientific M onthly, a nd Bulletin of the Geological Society . M ember P aleonthological Society, Books and Bond . l: :=:.

Albert Henry Yost, B.A. , LL.B. Instructor in Life Insurance James Edward Rhodes, 2d, B.A. Instructor in Accident and Liability Insurance Charles Barstow Langdon, Ph.B . Instructor in Fire I nsurance


Edgar Francis Waterman, M.A., LL.B. Treasurer Williams Memorial B.A ., Trinity, 1898 ; M.A ., Trinity, 1901 ; LL.B. , Columbia, 1901. '11 T.

Charles Amos Johnson Secretary, The Alumni Council of Trinity College B.S., Trinity College, 189~ . Secretary oÂŁ the Alumni Council oÂŁ Trinity College, 1917- . AKE, <I>BK.





C!Class 速fficers QI:bri~tma~


Frank Raymond Fox James Alfred Nichols Thomas James Keating, Jr.

. President Vice- President Secretary- Treasurer 'Ql:rinitp 'Ql:erm

Robert Greenleaf Bruce George Arthur Boyce John Alfred Ortgies

. President Vice- President Secretary- Treasurer


1918 Edward C. Carroll

East Hartford, Conn

Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Baseball Squad (4); Ensign U . S. Navy; <l>rD..

Ere! Linguiti Guidone

Hartford , Conn.

Entered Trinity in Junior Y ear from Rh ode I land State College; Art Contributor 19181VY, Art Editor 192IlvY; U. S. Army M edical Corps .

William Lionel Nelson

New Bri ghton, Pa

Track T ea m (2, 3, 4); Class Track T ea m (2); Class Baseball T eam (2); Sophomore Smoker Dramati cs; Second Chemical Prize (2); 1st Lieutenant, 7th Di vision

A. E. F.;




Charles Hartness Simonson T ransfe rred from Yale niversity 2d Lieutenant, A. E. F. ; A TK .

India napolis, Ind. 111

Sop homore Year;

1919 Paul Humiston Alling

New H aven, Conn.

Tripod B oard (1, 2); Advisory Co unci l Tripod (4); Class Baseball (2); Assistant Manager Football (2); C lass Se nator (2); Freshman Rules Committee; Sophomore H op Comm ittee: Sophomore Smoke r Committee; Class Basketball (2); Secretary-Treasurer elect Athleti c Association (2); Assistant Cheer L eade r (4); 1st Lieut. 3rd Cavalry A. E. F. (191 7-191 8); 6 cJ>.

Edward Gabriel Armstrong

New Haven, Conn.

Football Squad (1, 3); Football Team (2); Captain C ia s Football (1); Class Baseball (1); Cia s B a ketball (1); Freshman-Junior Banquet Committee; Freshman Rules Comm ittee; Junior Promenade Com mi ttee: Cia s Secretary-Treasurer (2, 2nd term); President (3, 1st term ); Senate; Sophomore Dining Clu b; M edusa ; ':IF T.


Hulburt Allingham Armstrong

New Haven, Conn.

Class Baseball (1, 2); Class Track (1); Assistant Manager Baseball (resigned); J esters (1); Stage Manager J esters (~); President J esters (3); Senate; Sophomore Dining Club ; 'liT.

James E. Breslin

Malden, Mass.

Class Football (1, 2) ; Class Baseball (1, 2); Varsity Football (1, 2, 4); Captain Football (4); ophomore Dining Club ; Senate; J esters (4); M edusa ; 2 nd Lieutenant, A. E . F.; Disti nguished Service Cross; Legion d'Honneur; Croix de Guerre (wit h palm); American Army Citation; French Army Citation; Citation from General Petain (Fr . Army); t>K E.

H a rtford, Conn.

Ri chard Carter Buckley

Cross Country Team (2, 3, 4); .Baseball Team (!t, 3); Class Baseball (1, !t); Clas Track (1, 2); Track Team (1, 2, 3); Sophomore Hop Comm ittee; Junior Promenade Committee; Ensign U. S. Navy; Hartford Club.


Lesli e W. Hodder

N ew York City, N . Y.

Tripod B oard ; Associa t e Editor (2); Alumni Editor (3); Edi tor-in- Chi ef (4); D ebating Association Treas urer (2, 3); Y. M . C. A. Cab in et (2, 3); Vice-President (3); College Sena te (3, 4); Juni or Smoker Committee; 1919 Ivy Board ; Secreta ry of Se na te (4); Sergeant, U . S. Arm y; I:'. <I> .

Stanley Howarth Leeke

N ew Haven, Conn.

Fres hm an Juni or Ba nquet Co mm itt ee; Capta in Class Basketba ll (1, 2); Class Track (1, 2); Class Baseball (1, 2); Class F oot ball (3); Pres id en t 2, I t te rm ); So ph omore H op Co mmittee; Class C hee r Co mm ittee; Baseball Squ ad (1, q); Bas ketb all T eam (4); Two years in Fra nce with lOlst M . G. Bn . A. E . F .; L'.<t>.

Erne. t Emory Norris

H artford, Conn.

Freshma n-Junior Ba nquet Committee; Fres hma n Rul es Co mmittee; Soph omore Smoker Co mmittee; Ass ist a nt in Physics (2); Wagoner, A. E . F .; A TK.


Everett Nelson Sturman

H a rtford , Conn.

Class Vice-Pres id ent (1, 1st term ) ; Class Presid ent (1, !'lnd term ); Sophomore Hop Comm ittee; Sop homore Dining Club; C hairm a n Sophomore Dining Clu b; Gl ee Club (1); M edusa; Senate (4); Pres id ent of Interfraternity Council; J es t ers (3, 4) ; Preside nt J esters (4); Student Me mber of Co mmittee on State of College; 101st Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F .; K B <I>; AX P .

1920 Nelson Fredrick Adkins

H a rtford , Conn.

1920 IvY Board ; <I>BK .

:t .;;路

~ .

Werner Henry Carl Berg


Britain, Conn.

Transferred in Sophomore from l'ni,路ersity of Ma ine; Football Squad (2, 4); ~KE.



Alfred P elton Bond

Windsor, Conn.

C ha irm a n Fresh man-Juni or B a nqu et Co mmittee; Class Secreta ry-Treas urer (1, 1s t term ); C ross Country T ea m (1); 路 So ph omore Dinin g Club ; S~ nate ('l , 3) ; Business Man ager 1920 Jvy ; Ad vertisin g Mana ger T ripod (2); Ass ista nt M a nage r F ootball (2), M a n age r (4); KB<T> ; .t>KE.

George Arthur Boyce

Berkshire, N. Y.

:Foo tb all Squ a d (2); Class Footb a ll T ea m (1); M a nager Track elec t (3); Secretary N e w En gla nd Inter- Collegia te Athl etic Associa ti on (3): Class SecretaryTreas urer (1, 1st t erm ); Vice-Pre id ent (4); K B <T> ; 6KE.

Moses Berkeman

H artford, Conn.

M a ndolin Club (1); B ase ba ll Squ a d (4); T enni s T ea m (3, 4).



Robert Greenleaf Bruce

Berlin, Conn.

Class Football ( I ); Football Sq uad (1, 2,); Football Team (4); Class Track (I ); Basketball Squad (4); Track Squad (2); Baseball T ea m (2, 3); Vice-President (2, flnd term ); Pres id ent (4, 2nd term); P olitical Science Club; ~N .

Francis Raymond Fox

Hartford, Conn.

Captain Class Track (I , 2); Track T ea m (I. 2, 3); Captain (3); Vice-Pres ident (l , I st term ); Sophom ore Hop Committee; Chairman Sophomore Smoker Co mmittee; Junior Smoker Committee; Chairman Junior Promenade Committee; Pres ident (4, I st term); Senate (3, 4); I920 IvY Board ; Sophomore Dining Club ; K B <P; <1>r.1 .

.Joseph Hartzmark

Hartforcl, Conn.

Tennis Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Captain (2); M a nager (3); Runner-up in College Tennis Tournament ( I , 2) ; Sophomore Hop Committee; Sor homore Smoker Committee; Mandolin Club ( I).


Caleb Albert Harding

Hartford, Conn.

Holland Scholar (2); Mary Howard Williams Scholar; Freshman Oratorical Prize: Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Junior Promenad e Committee; <l> r t:J..

Louis Lester Hohenthal

South Manchester, Conn . .


Carl G. F. Holm

Hartford, Conn.

Fres hma n Juni or Ba nquet Co mmittee; Freshman Rules Co mmittee; Vi ce- President (2, 1st term); Assistant Manager Football (3); f a nager elect of Football (4); Political Science Club ; t:J.KE .


Seymour Scott Jackson

Norwich, Conn.

Sophomore Smoker Co mmittee; Football T ea m (1, 2, 4); Class Presid ent (1, 2nd term); Sophomore Dining Club; President Political Science Club ; SecretaryTreas urer Athletic Association (3); Pres id ent (4); Cl.KE.

Thomas J. Keating, Jr.

Centerville, Md.

Mandolin Clu.b (1); Senate (4); Political Science Club (4); Inter-Fraternal Co uncil (4); Cha irm a n of Seni or Assembly Committee; Chapbook Board (4); llOth Field Artillery, 29th Di vision, A. E . F .

George Kolodony

Hartford, Conn.

Rolla nd Scholar.


Benjamin Levin

Hartford, Conn.

Hoadley- Goodwin Scholar (1, 2, 3, 4); T ennis Team (2, 3); Junior Smoker Committee; Pres ident of N e utral Body (4); Senate (4); Senate Union Committee (4).

Harold 路vincent Lynch

Ocean Cit~', N.J.

Football T ea m (2, 4); Captain Baseball (3); Class Track (I ); Senate; Chairman Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Co mmittee; Junior Promena de Co mmittee; Junior Smoker Co mmittee; Glee Club (2); President (3, 2nd t erm) ; J e ters (2, 3); President of J e ters (3); Senior Asse mbly Committee; 1920 Jyy Board ; Sophomore Dining Club; M edu sa ; 'l'T.

Jack Wibble Lyon

Sewickley, Pa.

Class Pres ident (2, 1st term); President Coll ege Body ; Sophomor路e Hop Committee ; Soph omore Smoker Co mmittee; Junior Promenade Committee; Assistant Manager Football (2) ; 1920 IVY Board ; Presid ent of Senate (4); Sophomore Dining Club ; Student M ember of Co mmittee on State of Coll ege ; Senior Asse mbly Co mmittee; K B 4>; At:. 4> .


Leonel Edgar William Mitchell

Bethel, Conn.

Glee Club R eader (1); Junior Smoker Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Class Historian (3); 1920 IVY Board ; Political Science Club; J esters (3, 4); French Club (4); A X P .

James Alfred Nichols

Windsor, Conn.

Mandolin Club (1); Sophomore Hop Co mmittee: T enni s T eam (2); Junior Promenade Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Class Vice-President (3); 1920 IVY Board; Baseball T eam (3); Captain elect (4); 1:


John Alfred Ortgies

Forest Hills Gardens, L. I.

Freshman Juni or Banq uet Committee; Tennis Team (1, 4); Manager (4); Class Baseball (1); Class Basketball (1); Assistant Manager Football (4); Class VicePresident (4, 1st term); Secretary-Treasurer (4, 2nd t erm); Runner-up in Tennis Tournament ( 4); Basketball Squad (4); Political Science Club; lOlst M.G. n., A. E. F., AX P.


Gustavus Richard Perkins

Hartford, Conn.

Second Chemical Prize (1); Coll ege Senate (~, 3); J unior Pro menade Committee; 19~0 IVY Board; Instructor in Chemistry (3); M ettalurgist New D eparture Compa ny (4); A TK.

H all Pierce

Auburn, N.Y.

Gl ee Club (1, ~); Mandolin Club (1, ~); Mandolin Club (4); College Choir (1, ~. Squad(~); Pres ident Y. M. C. A. (~); 19 ~0 Football T ea m (4); Chapbook Staff (4);

Leader of 3); Track IvY Boa rd; Ll K E.

Somerville, Mass.

Randall Edwards Porter

Cro s Country T eam (~, 3); Track T ea m (2); T ennis T eam (~); Fre hman Rules Co mmittee; Sophomore moker Committee; Political Science Club; AXP.


Frank Ripley P oss, Jr.,

New York, N . Y.

Tra nsferred in Jun io r Year from Columbia U ni vers ity; Juni or Smoker Co mmittee ; KB<I> ; Ll.iJt.

Donald Emerson Puffer

Wat erbury , Conn .

Class President (2, 2nd term); F oot ball T ea m (2, 4); Soph omore Dining Club ; M a nager Baseball (3); Chai rma n Junior Smoker Co mmittee ; C ha irm a n Freshm a n Rules Co mmi ttee: Sena te (4) ; Inter-Frate rnity Council (4); KB<I> ; Ll.KE.

Harold Theodore R eddish

Cliftondale, M ass.

Freshman Junior Ba nquet Co mmittee; Class Baseball (1, 2); Class F ootball (1) ; Baseball T eam (1, 2) ; F res hma n Rules Committee ; Soph omore S moker Co mmittee; P oli t ical Science Clu b; <1> r Ll..


Arthur Van Riper Tilton

Hartford, Conn

Freshm a n Junior Banquet Committee; Class President (1, 1st term); Alumni Editor Tripod (1); Associate Editor Tripod (2); lOlst Machine Gun Ba ttalion, A. E . F .; A<J>.

Joseph Wurts Stansfield

Denver, Col

Transferred in Sophomore Year fr om University of D en ver; Vice-President Y. M. C. A. (2); Second Prize Alumni English Contest; First Fra nk W. Whitelock Prize (2); Editor-in-Chief 1920 IVY ; Editor-in-Chief of T ripod (3); Secretary of College Senate (3); Editor-inChief of Chapbook (4); Class Poet (4); l:N.

Phillips Brooks Warner

Bridgewater, Conn .

Y. M. C. A. Cabi net; Secre ta ry of Y. M . C. A.; P olitical Science Club ; 2: .





C!Class C!&fficers l!tbri~tma~

m:rrm . President Vice- President Secretary- Treasurer Senator

Rollin Main R ansom Frederic Lamond Brad!ey Thomas Gallaudet Budd John R ein ha rt R eitemeyer

1!1:rinitp 1!1:trm Thomas Gallaudet Budd Norman Clemens Stron g David J ames Walsh John R einh a rt R eitemeyer

. President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Senator


Frederick H. Ameluxen Hartford, Conn. "The Titan looks as ever, firm not bold." Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Track Team (1, 2); Senate; 1921 IvY Board; Union Committee (3); ATK.

Frederic Lamond Bradley Ozone Park, N. Y. "Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, No winter in thy year." Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Vice-President (2, 2nd term); Vice-President (3, 1st term); Jesters (2, 3); Track Team (1, 2); Political Science Club; 1921 IvY Board; A X P.

Thomas Gallaudet Budd New York City, N.Y. "Sigh no more ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever." Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Football Squad (1, 3); Secretary-Treasurer (3, 1st term); President (3, 2nd term); ~ K E.

44 .

Hartford, Conn. William James Cahill "A sophistical rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance bf his own verbosity." Holland Scholar; <I> BK; l:N.

Arlington, N. J. John Holmes Callen "Ah, who can tell how hard it is to climb The steep where Fame's proud temple shines afar?' Vice-President (1, 2nd term); Freshman Dance Committee; Freshman Rules Committee; Chairman Freshman-Junior Banquet; President (2, 1st term); Assistant Manager Track (2), Manager (3); Circulation Manager Tripod (2); Sophomore Hop Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Chairman Junior Assembly Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Basketball Squad (3); Jesters (1, 2, 3); President Jesters (2); Political Science Club; AX P.

Hartford, Conn. Olin Howard Clark " The world knows _nothing of its greatest men." Secretary-Treasurer (1, 1st term); Senate (3); Chairman Junior Promenade Committee; Junior Cheer Leader; Political Science Club; 1921 IvY Board; ,A..E.F.(1917-8); A.:l<I>.


Tom Thompson Hawkesworth New Britain, Conn. "He thought as a sage, though he felt as a man." Tripod Board (1, 3); Associate Editor (1, 3); A sistant Circulation Manager (1); Advisory Committee (3); Cross Country Team (1,); Jesters (1); Class Historian (3); Junior Promenade Committee; Political Science Club; Freshman-Junior Banquet Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Ll <I>.

Karl Pierce Herzer Hartford, Conn. "Why should a man whose blood is warm within, Sit like a grandsire, cut in alabaster?" Freshman-Junior Banquet Committee; Baseball Squad (1); Sophomore Hop Committee; Vice-President (2, 1st term); Sophomore Smoker Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Junior Smoker Committee.

Milton L. Hersey Randlett, Utah "True as the dial to sun." Football Squad (3); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (2, 3); Political Science Club; ~ N.


William Cleveland Hicks, Jr. Washin gton, D . C. "Who does the best his circumstance allows Does well, acts nobly; angels could do no more." Class Historian (1); Junior Smoker Committee; Football Squad (1) ; Football Team (3); Track Team (I ); Tripod (1); Chapbook Board (3); Y. M . C. A. Cabinet (3); 1921 IvY Board; Union Committee; \[1 T.

Arthur Wayne Hoard Port Merriman , Pa. "Tranquillity! thou better name Than all the family of fame." Transferred from University of West 'irginia in Junior Year; Basketball Team (3); A 1:::!. <1>.

Herman Charles Hoffman Hartford, Conn. "Books are a part of man's prerogat1've."


Claude Zoe] Jette Wauregan, Conn. 路" A pole vaulter, I say." Tra nsferred from Norwich University in Sophomore year; Sophomore Hop Committee; Assistant Manager Baseball (2); Sophomore Smoker Committee; Football Squad (2, 3); Junior Smoker Committee; Political Science Club; ~


Walfred Gustave Lundborg Hartford , Conn. "In the Union there is strength." Junior Promenade Committee; 1921 I vy Board; Junior Smoker Committee.

Arthur Newton Mathews Windsor, Conn. "I do not distinguish by the eye, but by the mind, which is the proper judge of man." Track Squad (1, 2); Cross-Country T eam (1, 3); Political Science Club; ~ .


James Harold M cGee New York City, N.Y. "Let me have audience: I am sent to spealc." President (1, 1st t erm); Freshman-Junior Banquet Committee; Football Squad (1, 3); Assistant Manager Baseball (2); M a nager Ba eball (3, resigned); ophomore Hop Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Choir (1); Political Science Club; AX P.

Howard Arnold Morse Warehouse Point, Conn. " H e is never less at leisure than when at leisure." Political Science Club; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Baseball Squad (3); 2: .

Benjamin Mancall "Love thyself and many will hate thee."


H artford, Conn.

Beaufort R. L. Newsom Clinton, Conn. "I wandered lonely as a cloud." Transferred from Norwich Military University in Sophomore year; Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Political Science Club; Jesters (2) , 3) ; 1921 IvY Board; Junior Smoker Committee; D. '11.

Wilbur Kincaid Noel Danville, Ky. "What blissful hours I once enjoyed." Sophc more Smoker Committee; SecretaryTreasurer (2, 1st term) ; Political Science Club; A D. <I>.

Robert Irvin Parke Williamsport, Pa. "Upon the green in early spring, He might be seen endeavoring. To understand the hooli;s and crooks Of Tacitus and his Latin Boolcs." Assistant Organist (1) ; Organist (2, 3) ; Fre hman Dance Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Class Historian (1) ; Senate (2) ; Lemuel Curtis Scholar; Holland Scholar; 1921 IvY Board; D. <I>. 50

J<tQJ George Rachlin New Britain, Conn. "Men of a few words wre the best thinlcers." Class Baseball (1); Baseball Squad (3) ; Political Science Club.

Rollin Main Ransom Windsor, Conn. " He was not naturally bad, Or viciously inclined, But from his early youth he had A waggish turn of mind." Class Senator (2); Sophomore Hop Committee; Chairman Sophomore Smoker Committee; President (3, 1st term ); Junior Promenade Committee; Secretary-Treasurer of A. A. (3, 1st term); President of A. A. (3, 2nd term) ; Track Team (1, 2); Captain Elect (3); Football Squad (3); Cross Country Team (3); Basketball Squad (3); 1921 IvY Board ; ~N. John Reinhart Reitemeyer Rahway, N.J. "His limbs were cast in manly mold. For hardy sports and contests bold." Football Team (I ); Scrub Coach (3); FreshmanJunior Banquet Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Senate (3); Secretary Inter-Fraternity Council (3); Secretary Debating Association (1); Secretary Press Club (1); President Political Science Club (3); Editor-in-Chief 1921 IVY; 1st Sergeant Tank Corps; Sophomore Dining Club; ~N. 51

Harold Thompson Slattery Bridgeport, Conn. "A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket." Secretary-Treasurer (1, 2nd term); SecretaryTreasurer (2, 1st term); Freshman-Junior Banquet Committee; Freshman Dance Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Chairman Junior Smoker Committee; Inter--Fraternity Council; Political Science Club; Freshman Rules Committee; Junior Cheer Leader; Class Baseball; 1921 IvY Board; <I> r !:1.

Nor man Clemens Strong Hartford, Conn. "Tallc of nothing but business, and despatch that business quickly." Vice-President (1, 1st term); Assistant Advertising Manager of Tripod (1); Advertising and Business Manager Tripod (2); Manager Tripod (3); A sistant Manager Track (2); Vice-President (3, 2nd term); Business Manager 1921 IvY Board; A!:l<I>.

James David Walsh Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "He smoked but in a 1nodest way, B ecause he thought he needed it; He drank a pot of beer a day, And s01netimes he exceeded it." Freshman Dance Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Sophomore Dining Club; Junior Smoker Committee; Baseball Squad (1); Secretary-Treasurer (3, 2nd term ); 1921 IvY Board; K B <I>; !:lK E.



ctela~~ 速fficer~ Q!:bti~tma~ ~erm

. President Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer Senator

Robert G. Reynolds John Bayard Cunningham Thomas Joseph Ahern . John Mitchell England ~rinitp ~erm

. President Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer Senator

McAllister Reynold Mohnkern Edward Buell Hungerford Reinhold Enoch Nordlund John Bayard Cunningham


~opbomore (:la~~ Francis Daniel Ahern, t. <I> Thomas Joseph Ahern, <I> r t. Edward Claren ce Andersen, <I> r t. . Joel Morse Beard, t. TK Wilson Gillette Brainerd, At. <I> George Andrew Brown, A T K William Earl Buckley, A T K Robert Dennison Byrnes, AT K Warren Francis Caldwell, t.K E James Kingan Callaghan, A X P John Josiah Carey, AT K Jarvis Dixon Case, t. <I> . Winfred Ernest Chapin, Jr., A X P Verner Warren Clapp, 1:N Albert Edward Coxeter, AT K Clare Edward Cram, 1: N John Bayard Cunningham, A X p John Emmet Doran, t.K E John Mitchell England, t. <I> . Oscar Harold Eng trom, 路1: N H arry Birch Franchere, t. <I> Francis Strong Oliver Freed Wallace Watt Fuller, AX P Bert Clayton Gable, A X P J acob Henry Gladstein Jacob Joseph Goldenberg Morton D avis Graham, t. <I> Fred Leonard Griffin Alfred Napoleon Guertin, 1: N Robert Irving Gurwitz Louis Michael Guzzo Alfred Henault Theodore Littleton Holden, At. <I> Joseph Bernard Hurewitz H erman Martin Immeln, AT K William Albert Jackson 'li 1' John Hilder Johnson, t.K E Ned Granger Kendall, t.K E

l\oll Springfield, Mass. South Windsor Hartford Saybrook Hartford H artford Hartford Norwich Thompsonville Brooklyn, N. Y. H artford . Hartford . H a rtford Washington, D. C. . Hartford . Hartford Hamilton, Ohio New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. New H aven North Adams, Mass. . Hartford Washington, D . C. Hartford Hartford H a rtford Meriden Waterbury H artford Hartford Hartford Norwich Hartford H artford Hartford Hartford Everett, Mass. Granby

Cyril Streator Kirkby, !::,. <I> Robert Ward Loomis, Jr. David Joseph Loughlin Paul Armand de M a Carty Edward Thurston Bancroft Macauley, William Arthur Mattice, !::,. <I> McAllister Reynold Mohnkern, !::,. K E Merle Stephen Myers, !::,. <I> Nathan N amerovsky Reinhold Enoch Nordlund, 1:N Howard Somerville Ortgies, A X P Sherman Clifford Parker, <I> r t::,. Robert Benjamin Pastor Robert Johnston Plumb, A!::,. <I> Richard Conrad Puels, !::,. K E Elroy David Racine, A TK Robert Gardner Reynolds, !::,. <I> Milton Herbert Richman James Patrick Rooney, A TK Harold George Schumann, A TK Joseph Albert Silver Kenneth Noble Soule, <I> r t::,. . Frederic Talbert Tansill, t::,.K E Horace Albert Thomson, !::,. <I> George Hobson Tracy . Allen Marshall Tucker, !::,. <I> Walter Van Orden, !::,. <I> John Patrick Walsh, A TK Ralph George Woolfson Edgar William Wright, AX P

!::,. '1'


Essex Falls, N. J. East Hartford . Hartford Durham New York, N.Y. Orange, N. J. Waterbury Fort Madison, Iowa . Hartford . Hartford Forest Hills, L. I. Wallingford . Hartford New Milford Brooklyn, N. Y. Bristol Glastonbury . Hartford . Hartford Southington . Hartford Waterbury Kew York, N.Y. . Hartford Waterbury Durham Hartford Hartford Hartford Bethel


ctelass ~fficers q[;bri~tma~


James Ernest Black Stevenson Willia ms Webst er . Robert Flanders .

. President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer

'QJ:rinitp 'QJ:erm Walter William Ca nner George Pom eroy T enney William Gregg Brill

. President Vice- President Secretary- Treasurer



Peter Addiego Earle Berg Anderson, D. K E James Joseph Barry, Jr. James Ernest Black, \If T George Lyle Booth, <I> r D. Frederick William Bowdidge, D. <I> Thomas Spranger Bradley, AX P William Gregg Brill, D. \If Harold Patrick Buckley Angelo Jo eph Calano . Walter William Canner, ~N . Luca Celentano William Wesley Charlton, ~N Harry Hayden Clark, ~ N Francis Bunnell Creamer, D. \If Ernest James Jennings Cullum ," \If T Sydney Alfred Cullum, \If T J ames Walter Dolan Herbert John Ferguson Tom Leffingwell Fitzsimons Robert C. Flanders Joseph Patrick Foley Sereno Bow 路 mmell Fred Leon d yri Gerald Jos. ~h. Griffin Robert Tillotson Hartt, D. <I> Frank Armstrong Ikeler II, D. \If Maurice Harold Jaffer Glover John on, D.K E Kenneth Saul Kaiser Harold Leon Krause Edmund Alden Mackinnon, A X P . Stanley Potter Miller, A D. <I> John Joseph Mitchell Carey Yale Morse, A D. <I> William Francis Murphy Abner Buckingham Newton Clair Milton Nussbaum, AX P

. Hartford New Britain, Conn. J ewett City, Conn. Pittsburg, Pa . . Hartford Brookline, Mass. Ozone Park, L. I. Bloomsburg, Pa. Saranac Lake, N. Y. . Hartford Cheshire, Conn. New Haven Astoria, L. I. Woodbury, Conn. Williamsport, Pa. . Concord, N.H. Concord, N. H. . Malden, Mass. . Norwich Woodbury, Conn. Claremont, T. H. . Hartford . Hartford Waterbury, Conn. Wallingford, Conn. . Hartford Bloomsburg, Pa. . Hartford Plainfield, N. J. Thomaston, Conn. Manchester, Conn. . Hartford Point Marion, Pa. Thompsonville, Conn . Montclair, N. J. . Hartford Durham, Conn. . Lehighton, Pa. 57


William Hargrave Perry, b. <I> Douglas S. Perry . Joseph Poczos John Clinton Rice, AT K Joshua Richman . Daniel Thomas Rourke, <I> T b. Barent Ten Eyck Schuyler, b.'짜 Robert Vincent Sinnott Harold Leonard Smith , Lloyd Edwin Smith George Ernest Stevens, ~ N William Sutherland, Jr., b. <I> Clarence Henry Swan . William James Tate, Jr., ~N George Pomeroy Tenney, '짜 T Arnold Frederik Wallen, b. It E Stevenson Williams Webster, b.'짜 Allen Avon White, <I>T b.

Atlanta, Ga. New Haven . Hartford Montvale, N. J. . Hartford Unionville, Conn. Utica, N.Y. . Hartford Shelton, Conn. New Britain, Conn. New Haven, Conn. . Hartford . East Hartford Yantic, Conn. Claremont, N. H. New Britain, Conn. Bel Air, Md. Short Beach, Conn.




jfraternitp of j!\elta


Founded in 1847 at Columbia College and the University of New York

ll\oll of Alpha Delta . Epsilon Lambda psilon Sigma Tau


Columbia University University of Pennsylvania Trinity College Williams College University of Virginia . Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University . Massachusetts Institute of Technology

60 J


Cfpstlon C!Cbapttr of 11\tlt~


Established 1850


;ffiembers 1918 John McKenney Mitchell

Charles Fenner I ves

1920 Thomas James Keating, Jr.

1921 Beaufo~t R ossmore Lewis Newsom

1922 Edward Thurston Bancroft )\!lacauley Tenison Westenra Lewis Newsom Frank Ripley Poss, Jr.


William Gregg Brill Francis Bunnell Creamer

Frank Armstrong Ikeler, II Barent TenEyck Edward Schuyler Stevenson Williams Webster



mbe jfraternitp of

1!\elta llbi

Founded in 1832 at Hamilton Coll ege ~on

Hamilton Columbia Yale Amherst Brunonian Hudson Bowdoin D artmouth P eninsu lar R ochester Williams Middletown Kenyon Union Cornell Phi Kappa Johns Hopkins Minnesota Toronto Chicago McGill Wisconsin California Illinois Stanford



Hamilton College Columbi a College Yale Un iversity Amherst College . Brown Un iversity vVestern Reserve niversity Bowdoin College Dartmouth College University of M ichigan niversity of R ochester Williams Coll ege Wesleyan University Kenyon College Union College Cornell University Trinity College .Johns Hopkins niversity nive rsity of M innesota Toronto Unive rsity niversity of Chicago . McGi ll Ur.iversity niversity of Wisconsin University of California University of Illin oi Leland Stanford niver ity


1832 1836 1836 1836 1836 1841 1841 1845 1846 1850 1851 1856 1858 1859 1869 1877 1889 1891 1893 1896 . 1897 1902 1908 1911 1916

~bt ~bi J!appa ~bapttr

of ~lpba



Established 1877

~ctib e

.memberÂŁ( 1920

Jack Wible Lyon

1921 Olin Howard Clark, Jr. Arthur Wayne Hoard

Wilbur Kincaid Noel Norman Clemons Strong

1922 Wilson Gillette Brainerd

Theodore Littleton Holden Robert Johnston Plumb


1923 Conrad Herbert Gesner

Stanley Potter Miller Carey Yale Morse


\!r:be jfraternitp of llelta J!appa Qfp!)ilon F ound ed in 1844 a t Ya le Phi Th et a Xi Sigma Ga mm a P si U ps il on Be ta Eta Kappa Lambd a Pi I ota Alpha Alpha Omi cron Ep silon Rh o Tau Mu Nu Bet a Phi Phi Chi P si Phi Ga mm a Phi P si Omega Be ta C hi D elta Chi Phi Ga mm a Gamm a Be ta Th e ta Ze ta Alph a Chi Phi Epsil on S igma T a u . D elta D elta Alph a Phi Tau Lambda D elta K a ppa T a u Alpha. Sigma Rh o D elt a Pi Rho D elta . K a ppa Epsil on

ni versity

Y ale U ni versity Bowdoin College Colby U ni ve rsity Amh ers t Coll ege Va nderbilt U ni versity U ni versity of Al aba ma Brown U ni versity U ni versity of N ort h Carolin a U ni ve r ity of Virginia Mi a mi U ni versity K enyo n Coll ege Dartmouth Coll ege Centra l U ni ver ity .Middlebury College U niversity of Mi chigan . Willia ms Coll ege L a fayette College . H a milton Coll ege . Colga te U ni versity Coll ege of th e City of N ew Y ork U niYersity of R oches ter Rutgers Coll ege D e P a uw U ni versity Wesleyan Uni versity R ensse laer P olytechnic Institute Ad elbert Coll ege Co rn ell U niversity Sy rac use U niversity Columbia U niversity nive r路 ity of California Trinity Coll ege Lni ve rsity or Minn eso ta M as ac hu se tts Insti t u te of T ec hnology l; ni versity of Chicago l;ni ve rsity or T oronto Tulane U ni,路ersity U ni versity of P ennsylYani a M cGill U ni versity Lela nd S ta nford , Jr. , ni versity University of Illin ois ni versity of Wisconsin U ni ver ity of Washington


1844 1844 1845 1846 1847 1847 1850 1851 1852 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1855

1855 1855

18.56 1856 1856 1856 1861 1866 1867 1867 1868 1870 1871 1874 1876 1879 1889 1890 1893 1898 1898 1899 1900 1902 1904 1906 191 2

mbe aipba C!Cbi QCbapttr of




E st a blished 1879 ~ctib t

- tmb trs \918

Lispena rd Bache Phist er

1919 J a mes Edwa rd Breslin

1920 Werner H enry Carl Berg Alfred P elton Bond George Arthur Boyce

Seymour Scott Jackson H all Robin Pierce 路 Donald Emerson Puffer Carl Gust av Frederick H olm

1921 Thomas Galla udet Budd

J a mes D avid Walsh

1922 M cAllist er R eynolds M ohnkern Richard Conrad Puels J ohn Emmet D ora n

Warren Francis Cald well Neil Gra nger K endall Fred T albert T a nsill

1923 J ohn Hilden J ohnson Arnold Frederick Wallen

E arle Bert Anderson Glover J ohnson


\!!:be jfraternitp of Founded at



nion College in 1833

l\.oll of <IC.bapteu Theta Delta . Beta Sigma Gamma Zeta Lambda Kappa P si Xi Upsilon Iota .' Phi Pi Chi Beta Beta Eta Tau Mu Rho Omega Epsilon Omicron Delta Delta Theta Theta

Union College New York niversity Yale niversity Brown niversity Amherst College Dartmouth College Columbia niversity Bowdoin College Hamilton College Wesleyan University niversity of Rochester Kenyon College University of Michigan Syracuse niversity Cornell University Trinity College Lehigh niversity University of Pennsylvania University of Minnesota University of Wisconsin University of Chicago niversity of California ni versi ty of Illinois Williams College University of Washington


tlr:bt jยงeta jยงeta ctCbapter of lagi Wpgilon Established 1880

ยงctibe members 1918 Paul Stephen Parsons

Joseph Buffington, Jr.

1919 Edward Gabriel Armstrong

Hurlburt Allingham Armstrong Samuel Gardiner Jarvis

1920 Harold Vincent Lynch

1921 Karl Pierce Herzer

William Cleveland Hicks, Jr. Phillips Spencer Ramsay

1923 James Ernest Black Sydney Alfred Cullum Ernest James Jennings Cullum William Albert Jackson George Pomeroy Tenney


~bi ~amma

1!lelta jfraternitp

F ounded in 1848 a t Washington a nd J e ffer·son Coll ege


of <tbapters

Alph a . L a mbd a

Wa h ingto n a nd J effer on Coll ege D eP a uw U ni versity Gettysburg College niversity of Virgin ia All egheny College H a nove r College Columbi a U ni nrs ity Wa bas h College Illin ois Wesleyan U ni versity Ohi o Wesleyan U ni ve r·sity Kn ox Coll ege Was hin gton a nd Lee T ni ve rsity Ind iana St a t e U ni ve rsity Ohi o S ta te U niversity Ya le U ni versity nive rsity of P ennsy lvani a K a nsas U ni versity Bucknell ni,·er ity D ennison U ni ve rsity . ·w oost er Uni versity La faye tte College Willia m J ewell College University of Californi a Colgate U nivers ity Lehig h U niversity Co rn ell U ni ver ity l_.;ni versity of T ennessee ill ve rsi ty of !finneso t a

Xi Omi cron Pi Tau Omega P si Alph a D eute ron Th eta D eute ron Gamm a D e ute r·on Zet a D euteron Zet a Omicron D e ute ron T u D e uteron Beta C ha pter Pi D euteron D elta L a mbd a D euteron Rh o D e uteron Sig ma D e uteron Zeta Phi D elt a C hi Th et a P si Bet a Chi K appa N u K a ppa T a u Mu Sig ma



庐amma :1Dtlta jf rattrnitp Richm ond Coll ege P enn sy lvania Sta te College Worces ter P oly techni c Institute U ni on College Amh erst Coll ege rew Y ork ni versity Trinity College . J ohns H opkins ni ve rsity l; ni ve r路sity of Wisconsin Uni versity of Ill inois Witten berg College D a rtm outh Coll ege Brown niversity M a in e Uni ve rsity Massachu se tts Institute of T ec hn ology Ad elbe rt College Syrac use U ni ve rsity Purdue University U ni ver ity of Ala ba ma Uni ve rsity of C hicago U ni ve rsity of Mi chi gan I owa Sta te Un i,路crsity University of Missouri Colorado College U niversity of N ebraska . University of T exas Lela nd St anford , Jr., Uni ve rsity Was hington Sta te U ni versity Uni ve rsity of Orego n . Colorad o U ni versity Willi a ms Coll ege Uni ve rsity of Pi t t b urgh l; ni ve rsity of Okla homa Uni versity of I owa l:ni ve rsity of the Sout h

Rh o Chi Ga mma Phi . Pi I ot a Chi Alph a C hi N u Epsil on T a u Alpha Beta Mu Mu C hi I ota Sigma D elta Tu Pi Rho Omega Mu I ot a Mu Xi D euteron Sigma Nu L a mbd a I ot a Thet a Chi U psilon Alph a Phi Alph a I ota Chi Mu C hi Sigma La mbd a Nu T a u D euteron La mbda Sigma Sigma T a u . Epsilon Omicron Bet a K appa I ot a Pi Sigma Xu Omega Mu D euteron Ga mma Sig ma


t!Cbe t!Cau ~lpba C!Cbapter of ~bi ~amma


Established 1893


:fllembers 1918

Edward Charles Carroll

1920 Francis R aymond Fox

Harold Theodore Reddish

1921 Harold Thompson Slattery

1922 Thomas Joseph Ahern Edward Clarence Andersen

Sherman Clifford Parker Kenneth Noble Soule

1923 George Lyle Booth

Daniel Thomas Rourke Allen A von White


mbt jfrattrnitp路 of


QCbi Rbo

Founded in 1895 at Trinity College

l\oll of Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi


Psi Chi Phi Omega Alpha Beta Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Gamma Iota Kappa . Lambda Mu

Trinity Co llege Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn University of Pennsylvania Columbia Un iversity Lafayette College Dickinson College Yale niver ity Syracuse Univers ity University of Virginia Washington and Lee niver ity Cornell Univer ity Wesleyan University Allegheny College niversity of Illinois Pennsylvania State Coll ege Lehigh University


~be ~bi ~si

C!tbapter of ~lpba

C!tbi Rbo

Founded at Trinity, 1895 ~ctitl e ~emb ers

1918 Sidney Dillingham Pinney

1919 Everett Nelson Sturman

1920 Leonel Edgar William Mitchell John Alfred Ortgies Randall Edwards Porter

1921 John Holmes Callen

Frederic Lamond Bradley James Harold McGee

1922 Bert Clayton Gable, Jr. Edward Buell Hungerford Howard Somerville Ortgies Edgar William Wright

James Kingan Callaghan Winfred Ernest Chapin John Bayard Cunningham Wallace Watt Fuller

1923 Thomas Spranger Bradley

Clair Milton Nussbaum Edmund Allen Mackinnon




jfrattrnitp of 1!\tlta


l\oll of ar:bapters Alpha Beta . Gamma Delta . Epsilon Eta Lambda

Union University Brown University New York ni versity . Columbia Un iversity Rutger 路 College niversity of P ennsylvania R ensselaer Pol ytechni c Institute Lehigh niversity Johns Hopkins University Yale niversity Cornell Un iversity niversity of Virginia Trinity College

Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho I. K. A. (Sig ma)


tlebe ~igma (31. 1!. ~.) C!bapter of Jlelta ~bi

Established 1917

jfratrr in jfacultate Arthur Adams ~ cti\Je


Robert Sabert Casey (Grad. Student 1919)


Paul Humiston Alling

Leslie Walter Hodder Stanley Howarth Leeke

19.20 Arthur Van Riper Tilton

19.21 Tom Thompson Hawksworth

Robert Irvin Parke


Francis Daniel Ahern Jarvis Dixon Case John Mitchell England Morton Davis Graham Cyril Streaton Kirkby

William Arthur Mattice Merle Stephen Myers Robert Gardiner Reynolds Horace Albert Thompson Allen Marshall Tucker

Walter Van Orden I

19.23 Frederick William Bowdidge Harry Birch Franchere William Sutherland, Jr.


Robert Tillotson Hartt 路 William Hargreave Perry


m:be jfraternitp of



F ound ed a t Virgini a Milita ry In stitute in 1869

1\oll of QCbapters Alpha Beta Mu Thet a I ot a K a pp a La mbd a Epsil on Eta Nu Xi Pi Rh o Sigma U psil on Phi P si Beta Phi Bet a Be ta Bet a Th et a Beta Zet a Bet a u Beta Chi D elta Th e ta Bet a Eta Beta I ot a Bet a P si Bet a Mu Bet a Xi Bet a Rh o Ga mm a Rh o Bet a T a u Beta U psil on G a mm a G a mm a Ga mma Alph a Ga mma C hi Ga mma Be ta Bet a Sigma Gamm a D elta Ga mm a Epsil on Ga mm a Zet a Ga mma Eta Ga mma Th eta

Virginia Military Institute U niversity of Virginia U ni ve rsity of Georgia U nive rs ity of Al a ba ma Howa rd College N orth Geo rgia Agri cultu ral College W ashin gt on a nd Lee U ni ve rsity Beth a ny Coll ege M ercer U ni ve rsity U ni versity of K a nsas Em ory College Lehi gh U ni versity U niversity of Miss ouri Va nd erbilt U ni ve rsity U ni versity of T exas Louisia na St a te U ni ve rsity University of N orth Carolina Tul ane U ni ve rsity D eP a uw llniversity Alaba ma P olytec hni c College Ptll'due U ni ve rsity Ohio S ta te niversity Stanford ni ve rsity Lombard College Indi a na ni ve rsity Mt. U nion Coll ege U ni versity or Califomi a Uni versity of I owa Willi a m-Jewell Coll ege Uni versity of P e nnsy lvani a University or C hicago N . C. Coli . of Agr. a nd M ech. Arts R ose P oly technic Insti t ute Albion Coll ege Geo rgia School of T echn ology U ni versity of Wa hin gt on N orthwes tern U niversity U ni ve rsity of Vermont S teve ns Institute or T ec hnology Lafayette College Uni versity of Orego n Colorad o School of Mjn es Cornell U ni versity


1869 1870 1873 1874 1879 188 1 1882 1883 1884 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1886 1887 1888 1888 1890 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1892 1893 1894 1894 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1898 1898 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901

Ga mm a I ota Gamma K a ppa Ga mm a L a mbda Ga mma Mu Ga mma Nu Ga mma Xi Ga mma Omicron Ga mm a Pi. Ga mm a Sig ma Gamm a T a u Ga mm a Upsilon Ga mma Xi Ga mma P si D elta Alph a Delta Bet a Delta Ga mm a D elta D elta D elta Epsilon Alph a Zet a D elta Eta . D elta I ot a . D elta K a ppa D elta La mbda Delta ru D elta Mu . Bet a K a ppa D elta Xi Delta Omicron D elta Pi D elta Rh o Delta Sigma D elta T a u . D elta U psil on D elta Phi D elta Chi . Delta Psi Epsil on Alph a Epsil on Bet a

State College or K entucky Uni versity or Colorado . U niversity or Wisconsi n Uni ve rsity or Illinois U ni versity or Mic higan . Missouri School or Min es Washingt on Uni versity (M o.) West Virginia U ni versity I owa State College University of 1innesot a U niversity or Arka nsas ni versity or M onta na . Sy rac use U ni versity Case chool or Applied Science D a rtmouth College Colu mbia ni ver ity Pennsylvania Sta te College U ni versity or Okla homa Wes tern R eser ve University Uni versity or rebraska Was hingt on St a te College D ela wa re Sta te College . Brown Uni versity ni versity or M a ine Stetson University K ansas Sta te Agricultu ral College University of evada U ni versity or Id a ho George Washingt on Uni versity Colorado Agr. College . Carnegie lnst. or T ech . . Oregon Agricultural College Colgate Uni versity Maryland Sta te Coll ege Trinity College Bowdoin College . Uni versity or Ari zona Drury College




190ft 190 ~ 190 ~

1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1906 1907 1907 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 191 ~

191 3 1913 1913 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1919




1!\tlta C!Cbi C!Cbapttr

of 路 ~igma .11 u

Established 1918 ~ctibe


1918 William Lionel Nelson

1920 Robert Greenleaf Bruce James Alfred Iichols

Jo eph Wurt Stansfield Phillip Brooks Warner


William James Cahill Milton Leonard Hersey Claude Zoe! Jette

Arthur Newton Matthews Howard Arnold Talbot Morse John Reinhart Reitemeyer, Jr. Rollin Main Ransom


Verner Warren Clapp Clare Edward Cram

Oscar Harold Eng trom Albert 1 apoleon Guertin Reinhold Enoch Nordlund

1923 Walter William Canner William Wesley Charlton

Harry Hayden Clark George Ernest Stevens William James Tate, Jr.


m:be 1Locai jfraternitp of ~lpba

m:au J!appa

jfounbeb 1919 ~ttib e ~embers

1918 Charles Hjortness Simonson

1919 Ernest Emory Norris Lester 路Hohenthal

1920 Gustavus Richard Perkins

1921 Frederick Henry Ameluxen

1922 Joel Morse Beard George Andrew Brown Robert Dennison Byrnes John Josiah Carey James Patrick Rooney

Albert Edward Coxeter Herman Martin Immeln Elroy David Racine Harold George Schumann John Patrick Walsh

1923 John. Clinton Rice



r -





jieta JSappa

fSeta of C!Connecticut Chartered 1845

Cle)fficers John James McCook, D.D., LL.D. Frederick William Harriman, D.D. Arthur Adams, Ph.D. . George Lewis Cook, M.A.

. President Vice- President Secretary . Treasurer

~embers ~bmitteb in 1919 Nelson Frederick Adkins Irving Emerson Partridge Wi lliam Jame Cahill Gustavus Richard Perkins Robert Sabert Casey Caleb Albert Harding







1919 Captain

James E. Breslin, '19 George E. Buck \ Thomas Shepherd J Alfred P. Bond, '20 Jack Ortgies, '20 } Carl G. Holm, '20

Coaches Manager Assistant Managers

t!r:be tn:eam J. Ernest Black, '23, Left End Seymou r S. Jackson, '20, Right Tackle John H. Johnson, '22, Left Tackle Frederic T. Tansill, '22, Right End James W. Dolan, '23, Left Guard Harold V. Lynch, '20, Quarterback James E. Breslin, '19, Center Joseph P . Foley, '23, Right Halfback Hall Pierce, '20, Right Guard Samuel G. Jarvis, '19,Left Halfback Robert G. Bruce, '20, Fullback ~ubstitutes

Richard C. Puels R. D. Mazzoni Ray E. Nordlund Stanley P. Miller Thomas G. Budd William G. Brill

Milton L. Hersey Carey Y. Morse John J. Carey William H. Perry Robert V. Sinnott


William C. Hicks Thomas J. Ahern Robert T. Hartt George P. Tenney Claude Z. Jette Werner H. Berg

jfootbaU 1919 Chances for a successful football season loomed very bright at the time Coach George Buck called the first practice of the season. There was a wealth of material on hand; numerous veterans of former varsity elevens reported. Misfortune seemed to be with the outfit continually, though, for injury after injury followed with discouraging regularity. After the first two games had been played, it was merely the ghost of the eleven that might have been which took the field in the remainder of the scheduled games. What might have been accomplished by the Blue and Gold team had it remained intact, was demonstrated in the first game of the season at Princeton on October 4. There Captain Breslin's men played the Tiger to a standstill, holding him to but one touchdown in the first period and but two first downs in the second period. In the second half, though, Coach Roper threw a hoard of reserves into the contest, using an even dozen men in his backfield alone. Against these fresh men the Trinity fighters were at a considerable disadvantage, with the result that three touchdowns followed, giving the Princetonians the game by a 28-0 score. Trinity scored its first victory of the season on Saturday, October 11, when it sent the Connecticut Aggie eleven back to Storrs on the short end of a 6-0 score. There was little or no open play shown, both teams confining themselves to straight football . Only once was the home territory invaded. That time was when Maeir caught Lynch's punt and ru bed back for twenty yards. With a clear field before him, he was stopped by a spectacular tackle made by Lynch. The first quarter ended with the ball in Trinity's possession, fifteen yards from the Aggie goal line. In the next quarter, after a few line plunges, a fumble was recovered by Jackson, which gave Trinity first down. Three more plunges carried the ball to within one-half yard of the goal and Lynch carried it through center for the only score of the game. Although Trinity was defeated by Amherst by a 48-7 score, on Trinity Field October 18, Jarvis had the distinction of being the first man to cross the visitor's goal line. Captain Breslin was injured on the opening kick-off, and although he played for six minutes after receiving the injury, was eventually forced to leave the football field for the remainder of the season. Foley was also injured in the game. With these two stars out the morale of the team seemed to be gone. Jarvis was the outstanding star of the contest. Almost singlehanded, the diminutive halfback fought the sons of Lord Jeffrey. He was in every play, both on the offense and on the defense, and it was his fifteen yard run on an off tackle play which gave Trinity its only score. Worcester Tech proved to be no match for Trinity in the game played at


Worcester on October 25, and lost to the Hartford eleven by a 20-7 score. Bruce was the big ofl'ensive star for Trinity, ripping big holes in the Tech line and tearing around the end for long gains, and taking the ball over for the first touchdown of the game. Trinity's two other scores were of a sensational nature. In the second period, Johnson blocked a Tech kick. Pierce recovered the ball and shaking off many would-be tacklers, rang forty yards for a touchdown. The second came in the final period when Tenny intercepted a Worcester forward and ran fifteen yards for a score. In the last two games of the season the Trinity eleven, hopelessly crippled by injuries, made a game but hopeless fight against New York University and Lafayette. The first contest was lost by a score of 39-0, and the second by a score of 35-0. Breslin, Jarvis, Foley, and Jackson were the outstanding stars of the season, while Lynch, Bmce, Dolan, and Johnson also played good football.


1919 Captain Manager Assistant Manager Assistant Manager Coach

Harold Vincent Lynch, '20 Donald Emerson Puffer, '20 James Harold McGee, '21 Arthur Gustav Larson, '21 James E. Burns

'QI;be 'QI;eam C. E. Cram, '22, Shortstop R. E. ord lund, '22, Catcher J. A. Nichol , '20, Third Base R. G. Bruce, '20, Right Field Harold V. Lynch, '20, Capt., Center Field E. D. Racine, '22, Second Base R . G. R eynold , '22, First Base L. L. Curtiss, '19, Left Field N. A. Shepard, '21, Pitcher ~ub stitut es

A. L. King, '20

T. F. Evans, '19


1\tbitw of tbt t 919

jยงa~tball ~ta~on

Trinity's 1919 baseball team was slow in striking its stride, with the result that some defeats came before any crosses were placed in the win column. By time the Middlebury game came 'round, though, Coach Burns and Captain Lynch had the nine working smoothly, with the result that Trinity led by a 3-1 score. Weak hitting lost the first game of the season with Brown at Providence by an 8-0 score. N. A. Shepard, who bore the brunt of the pitching duty for Trinity throughout the season, was in very good condition, but his support failed him at critical times. Holy Cross was the team selected to open the home season in Hartford on April 12. Holy Cross had a team which defeated all college baseball nines in the east; Trinity had few veterans and three of these were declared ineligible before the game. The result was no surprise, therefore. After the Holy Cross game, defeats followed at the hands of Springfield, Worcester, 'Vesleyan, and Amherst. The schedule follows: April 9 Brown at Providence April 12 Holy Cross at Hartford April 16 Yale at New Haven April 26 Middlebury at Middlebury May 3 Springfield College at Hartford May 21 Wesleyan at Middletown May 24 Storrs at Storrs May 30 Wesleyan at Hartford May 31 Worcester at Hartford June 7 Amherst at Amherst June 14 Middlebury at Hartford


1919=1920 Reinhold E. Nordlund, '22 McAllister R. Mohnkern, '22 Tenison W. L. Newsom, '22 . Horace Albert Thomson, '22 .

Captain Manager Assistant Manager Assistant Manager

t!I:be t!I:eam Left Forward, Stanley H. Leeke, ' 19 Right Forward, Walter W. Canner, '23 Left Guard, Frederic T. Tan ill, '22 Right Gtwrd, Arthur W. Hoard, '21 Center, R einhold E. ordlund, Capt., '22 ~ub~titutes

Wa lter Van Orden, '22 McAllister R. Mohnkern, '22 William G. Brill , '23


~be ;Ba~ketbaU ~ea~on Basketball was revived at Trinity for the season of 1919-1920 after a lapse of several years. The team was made up of green material and faced a difficult schedule. They won three of their twelve games, but among their defeats were two at the hands of the Worcester Tech five which won the Iew England championship, one from New York University, champions of the country and one from Syracuse, one of the best coll ege fives. Taking the season as a whole the showing was an excellent one, and offers great hope for next year. No review of the season would be complete without a tribute to Harry Edwards, of Springfield College, who coached the team. Edwards is a fighter from the word "Go," and the credit for the season belongs in large measure to him. He was never discouraged, and alway held before the team his own ideal of clean sportmanship. His fine sense of honor called forth comment in the editorial column of the paper at Connecticut Agricultural College where he refereed a game in which his own team was playing. The clean playing of his team brought notice from Syracuse that Trinity was the hardest playing and cleanest bunch they had met. The Trinity team played better defensive than offensive basketball. Captain Nordlu nd and Captain-elect Tansill were a very hard combination to dribble through. Canner proved li ght for the center position, but fought gamely throughout the season. Racine was unfortunately lost to the team at mid-years, and Van Orden who took his place did not hit his stride until the end of the season. Leeke, the only member of the team which finished the season who will be lost by graduation played a steady game throughout the season. The season opened auspiciously on December 18 with Middlebury at Hartford. Trinity led for most of an exciting game and won 30 to 22. Connecticut Aggies and Brown were played away from home and the team lost to both 17 to 25 and 17 to 23 respectively. The strong N. Y. U. five was held to the low score (for them) of 20 to 49. This game was played here. Worcester Tech took the next home game 16 to 26 after a hard fought battle. Syracuse came and went carrying with them the long end of a 30 to 14 score, and the memory of a desperate battle that lasted from whistle to whistle. On February 13 the Connecticut Aggies played at Hartford, and won 17 to 24. They got many extra points by their unerring shooting of foul baskets. After over a month playing at Hartford, Trinity journeyed to Middletown on February 19. Wesleyan won the game in the first half. The Trinity cheering section did not arrive until the beginning of the second half. They seemed to put new life into the Trinity team, and the second half was an exhibition of



desperate basketbaiJ, albeit, not good enough to win. The following night a tired team lost 24 to 42 to Worcester Tech. The second victory of the season came on February 27 when Boston University fell before Trinity at Hartford 26 to 16. R ensselaer met a team that had been on the train all day and had a comparatively easy victory 10 to 31. The final game of the season, Boston College at Hartford on March 19, was a victory 36 to 32.

jliasketball Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. J an. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar.

18 10 14 17 ~3

6 13 19 20 27 6 19

Middlebury Trinity Trinity N.Y. U. 'Vorcester Tech Syracuse Storrs Trinity Trinity ' Boston University Trinity Boston College

At At At At At At At At At At At At


Trinity Storrs Brown Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Wesleyan Worcester Tech Trinity R ensselaer Trinity Total


Trinity 30 17 17 20 16 14 17 24 26 10 36

Opponents 22 25 23 -49 26 30 24 25 42 16 31 32





1919 Captain Manager Assistant Manager Assistant Manager Coach

Frank Raymond Fox, '20 Richard Wainwright Wyse, '19 Jack Holmes Callen, '21 C. Norman Strong, '21 Walter Bjorn

Considering the material on hand, the 1918-1919 track season was a really successful one. Meets were held with Massachusetts Aggies and Hamilton, and while the Blue and Gold team lost both of these meets, there were many men produced who gave promise of developing into certain point getters in future years. Some difficulty was experienced at first in getting the season opened, as it seemed almost-impossible to secure a coach. However Walter Bjorn, and Dutch Herman, of Carnegie Tech, offered their services and proved to be capable mentors. Rain and a heavy wind assisted the Massachusetts Aggies in winning the first dual meet of the season by a margin of nine points. The Aggies won seven first places to Trinity's six, but the greater number of Aggie runners gave them a preponderance of second and third places. Goldstein, Easland, and Schultheiss were heavy point winners for Trinity. On Memorial Day, the second meet of the season, the Trinity track team fell before Hamilton by a 85-41 score. Hamilton displayed its best form in the dashes and broad jump. In these events, marks better than any of those of the 1919 New England Intercollegiates at Boston were made. The Blue and Gold team was strongest in distance and weight events, Clapp the only Trinity entry in the two mile run winning first place, and Edsall capturing the discus throw by a throw of no feet 6 inche . The latter mark set up a new college record for this event, the former mark having been 109 feet made by Ted Hudson in 1914. l14

Art Goldst ein a nd P ete R ansom captured first and second places in t he quarter mile. J ohnson a nd H arding who were dark horses in the meet , came through splendidly, J ohnson getting a second in the mile run and H arding pl acing in the high jump a nd high hurdles.



Trinity failed t o win a single one of the three cross co untry meet s las t fall , although they fought h a rd , and in both Springfield meet s secured the first place through T ed Hungerford 's excellent work. Dick Buckley, next t o Hungerford , was the st ar of the t eam. The t eam was ha ndicapped by lack of equipment early in the season, a nd was without a coach for t he entire fall. The record follows:Springfield College at Springfield- Hungerford (T ), E lmwood (S), Leona rd (S), La udry (S) , M et cal (S), R . Buckley (T ), H awksworth (T ), M atthews (T ), P orter (T ), Furch (S). Score-Trinity 31, Springfield 26. Time-28 :50. Wesleyan at Wesleyan- Foster (W), Stimson (W), Hungerford (T ), R. Buckley (T ), M atthew (T ), Graves (W), H awksworth (T ), H adley (W), J ones (W), W. Buckley (T ). Score-Wesleyan 19, Trinity 26. Time-26:26. Springfield at H artford- Hun gerford (T ), Leonard (S), Elmwood (S), M etcalf (S), Tandy (S), Furch (S), R. Buckley (T ), M atthews (T ), Murphy (T ), Moore (S), W. Buckley (T ), Porter (T ).


m:ennis 1919 Captain Manager

Paul Harding, '19 Joseph Hartzmark, '20 .

Harry Drake Henson, '22 Joseph Hartzmark, '20

Paul Harding, Captain, '19 Samuel Harmon Edsall, ' 15 ~ummarp

April May May May May May

26 2 3 8 10 17

At Hartford At Middletown At Amherst At New Haven At Hartford At Williamstown

of jflatcbes

Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity



0 0 0

Springfield College Wesleyan Amherst Yale Holy Cross (rain) Williams (rain)


6 6 5

mennis 1919 =1920 The 1919 tennis season was a successful one, even though the team did not win a majority of the matches played. Springfield Y. M. C. A. College, Wesleyan, Amherst, and Yale were among the colleges on the Trinity tennis schedule, and in the matches against these institution the Blue and Gold racket wielders gave a splendid account of themselves. Tennis is now occupying a place in Trinity athletics, which places it on a par with baseball, football, basketball and the other major sports. There is still much that can be done to assist the tennis team, though. Lack of practice was proven last year to be one of the main factors in the down fall of the team in various collegiate matches. In order for the tennis men to secure the practice they require, it is absolutely essential that new and better courts be built on the college campus. On April 26, in the first match of the season, Trinity scored an easy victory over Springfield Y. M. C. A. College. The Trinity net men won all of the singles matches, and qne of the two doubles. Edsall, Harding, and Hartzmark were in especia lly good form, and had no difficulty in holding their men to one or two games in each set played. On May 2, May 3 and May 8, the Trinity team was defeated by Wesleyan, Amherst, and Yale, in order. Rain made it impossible to play the Holy Cross and Williams matches. In the intercollegiates, Edsall won special distinction because of his remarkable playing against Garland the Yale star . It is said that he was the only player in the tournament who forced the Yale man to extend himself to an extra set in order to win. In the fall tournament, Joseph H artzmark won the college championship, with Jack Ortgies runner-up.


flltn I

~bo ~tar



jfootball James E. Breslin, '19 Seymour S. Jackson , '20 Harold V. Lynch, '20 Alfred P. Bond, '20 Hall Pierce, '20

Samuel G. Jarvis, '19 Robert G . Bruce, '20 John R. Reitemeyer, '21 , John H. Johnson, '22 Frederic T. Tansill, '22 James W. Dolan, '23

jSaseball Stanley H. Leeke, ' 19 Richard C. Buckley, '19 Robert G. Bruce, '20 Harold V. Lynch, '20

James A. Nichols, '20 Donald E. Puffer, '20 C. Edward Cram, '22 Reinhold E. Nordlund, '22 Robert G. Reynolds, '22

'QI:rach William L. Nelson, '18 Samuel G. Jarvis, '19

Rollin M . Ransom, '21 Verner W. Clapp, '22



Jf unior


Held in Alumni Hall, February 2, 1920 JUNIOR PROM COMMITTEE Olin Howard Clark, Jr.

. Chairman John Reinhart Reitemeyer Tom Thompson Hawksworth John Holmes Callen N onnan Clemens Strong Frederick Henry Ameluxen Thomas Gallaudet Budd W alfrid Gustaf Lundborg Beaufort R. L. Newsom Harold Thompson Slattery Rollin Main Ransom, ex-officio






~r ;/~

~~L. -路-- -'Lt,-






( '

\ \

t L


)J'1i ~







Held in Alumni Hall, Friday evening, February 7, 1919 ~opbomor e

}&op Ql:ommittee

James David Walsh

. Chairman

Karl Pierce Herzer Norman Clemens Strong Lionel Alexander Mohnkern Frederick Lamond Bradley Claude Zoel Jette

Beaufort Rossmore Newsom Rollin Main Ransom Frederick Henry Arneluxen Robert Irvin Parke John Holmes Callen, ex-officio


\l!:be Junior


Held at the University Club, April 23, 1920

3J unior

~mok e r

. Chairman

Harold Thompson Slattery Frederick Henry Ameluxen John Holmes Callen William Cleveland Hicks Claude Zoel Jette


W a lfrid Gustaf Lundborg Beaufort R. W. Newsom Robert Irvin Parke Thomas Gallaudet Budd, ex-officio


t!Cbt 1921

~opbomort ~moktr June 7, 1919

SOPHOMORE SMOKER COMMITTEE Rollin Main Ransom Frederic Lamond Bradley David James Walsh Wilbur Kin caid Noel Howard A. T. Morse Frederick H enry Ameluxen Claude Zoel Jette Robert Irvin Parke Karl Pierce Herzer Beaufort R. L. Newsom



jfresbman jfunior JJjanquet Held December 10, 1917, at the Hotel Worthy, Springfield, Mass.

<!r:ommittee John Holmes Callen, Chairman Karl Pierce Herzer Henry James MeN amara Thomas Gallaudet Budd Frank Schofield Hutchison Norman Clemens Strong Harold Thompson Slattery John Reinhart Reitemeyer Eugene David Smith James Harold McGee, ex-officio ~pea ken~

John Holmes Callen, Toastmaster Edward Gabriel Armstrong James Harold McGee Harry William Nordstrom Edward Francis Murray Arthur Morris Goldstein Edward Marshall Hyland, Jr.



ORGAfl.1 ZAT10fiS


The J est ers present

"'QL:be m:raitor" by P ercival W. Wilde ~lumni ~all,

m:rinitp QC:ollege

Saturday even in g, J anua ry 31, 1919 Production under t he direction of Mrs. H enry A. P erkins

Col. Anstruther, K. C .M. M ajor M acL a urin, V.C. Captain Grantha m Capta in Bot es Capta in P arker Captain Willoughby Lieutenant Edwards An Orderly .

J . E . Breslin, L. E. W. Mitchell, B. R. L. Newsom, G. P . T enney, J. W . Lyon, J. Buffingt on, Jr., J . H . Callen , A. F . W allen,

The Scene- Colonel Anstrut her's T ent. The Place-So ut h Africa The Time- Boer Vi' ar

C!&fficers E . N. Sturman, ' 19 E . T . B. M acauley, '22 R. C. Puels, '22

. P resident P roduction M gr. B usiness Mgr.


' 19 '20 '2 1 '23 '20 '18 '21 '23

~en ate Jack Wible Lyon, 路~o Leslie Walter Hodder, '19

President Secretary

James Edward Breslin, '19 Everett Nelson Sturman, '19 Benjamin Levin, '20 Thomas James Keating, '20 Harold Vincent Lynch, '20

Donald Emerson Puffer, '20 Frederick Henry Ameluxen, '21 Olin Howard Clark, Jr., '21 John Reinhart Reitemeyer, '21 Harold Thompson Slattery, 路~1


~enior ~onorarp ~ocietp Established



JlldJusa 1920 Samuel Gardiner Jarvis Harold Vincent Lynch Sydney Dillingham Pinney

Edward Gabriel Armstrong James Edward Breslin Joseph Buffington , Jr. Everett Nelson Sturman




U\ining ctelub

Founded by the Class of '99 on February 15, 1897

1919 Charles Fenner I ves Samuel Gardiner Jarvis Sydney Dillingham Pinney Everett Nelson Sturman

Edward Gabriel Armstrong Hulburt Allingham Armstrong James Edward Breslin Joseph Buffington, Jr.

1920 Harold Vincent Lynch Jack Wibble Lyon Donald Emerson Ruffer

Alfred Pelton Bond Francis Raymond Fox Seymour Scott Jackson

1921 Nelson Addison Shepard James David Walsh

Phillips Spencer Ramsay John Reinhart Reitemeyer

1922 Richard Conrad Puels Elroy David Racine Robert Gardner Reynolds Frederic Talbert Tansill

Thomas Joseph Ahern . Verner Warren Clapp McAllister Reynold Mohnkern Reinhold Enoch Nordlund


JSappa 1itta lebi 1919

Everett Nelson Sturman

Samuel Gardiner Jarvis

1920 Jack Wible Lyon Frank Ripley Poss, Jr. Donald Emerson Puffer

Alfred Pelton Bond George Arthur Boyce Francis Raymond Fox 1921

James David Walsh

Nelson Addison Shepard


Jtnter=jf raternal (:ouncil Organized October, 1919 October,' 1919- February, 1920 February, 1920- ..... ................ . October, 1919- February, 1920 February, 1920- ..

President- Joseph Buffington, Jr. . Everett Nelson Sturman Secretary- Everett Nelson Sturman John Reinhart Reitemeyer

Frederick Henry Ameluxen Jack Wible Lyon William Cleveland Hicks Donald Emerson Puffer Thomas James Keating, Jr. Arthur Van Ripper Tilton Harold Thompson Slattery


mbe ~bbi%orp ((ommi%%ion on ~tubent


速fficers anll ~embers Chairman Curator Treasurer Secretary

Professor Henry A. Perkins Professor Stanley L. Galpin Mr. Charles A. Johnson Donald E . Puffer . Harold V. Lynch


~be ~rinttp


Established 1873


1Soad1 of Qf.bitors Editor-in-Chief Business ~Manager

John R. Reitemeyer Norman C. Strong ~ssociate

Qf.bitots William C. Hicks Robert I. Parke

Frederic L. Bradley Olin H. Clark D. James Walsh ~ss istant


~a n a ge u

B. D. F. Newsom Rollin M. Ransom

F. Harry Ameluxen Walfrid G. Lindborg Harold T. Slattery




Established 1904. Incorporated 1913 Published weekly throughout the College year

1fjoar"b of 1Directors Frank L. Wilcox, '80 Shiras Morris, '96, President Edgar F. Waterman, '98

Paul M. Butterworth, '09 C. A. Johnson, '92, Treasurer Lesl ie W. Hodder, '20

~"bbisorp ~ouncil

Paul H. Alling, '19

Tom T. Hawksworth, '21 ~"bitotial


Leslie W. Hodder, '19 Arthur V. Tilton, '20 Robert D. Byrnes, '22

. Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Associate Editor

1fjusine55 1Depattment Norman Clemens Strong, '21 Tenison W. L. Newsom, '22 Richard C. Puels, '22

Business Manager Ass't Business Manager . Circulation Manager 140

A Literary Magazine published Quarterly at Trinity College

(!Ebitotial Jl)oatb Joseph Wurts Stansfield

Paul Stephen Parsons Hall Pierce

Jl)usiness Jl)oatb William Cleveland Hicks ~bbisotp

Thomas James Keating, Jr.

Jl)oatb of tbe .1facultp Wilbur M. Urban, Ph.D. R obert E. B acon, M.A.

Odell Shepard, Ph.D. Edward F. Humphrey, Ph.D.


~bt ~olitical ~titnct


Member of the Federation of International Polity Clubs Edward F. Humphrey, Ph.D. Seymour S. J ack on, '20 John R. R eitemeyer, '21 J ames K. Callaghan, '22

. Adviser and Director President (May, 1919- Feb., 1920) President (Feb., 1920 ......... .. ... ... .... ... ) . Secretary

:Meetings November 11, 1919, in the Public Speaking Room. Speaker-Dr. Arthur P. Newton of the University of London. Subject-"The Problems of the British Empire." December 8, 1919, at St. Anthony Hall. Speakers-Professor Ananikian of the Hartford Theo. Seminary. Professor Dadourian of Trinity College. Subject-"The Near East." February 9, 1920, at the Delta Phi House. Speaker-Mr. George B. Chandler. Subject-"The Coming Elections. " February 16, 1920, in the Public Speaking Room. Speaker-Dr. Edward E. Slos on of " The Independent." Subject-"The Fight for the Food and Fuel of the Future." The Club has had an especial ly interesting and profitable year under the guidance of Professor Humphrey. The meetings have been largely attended and those open to the public have attracted many outside the student body. Through the agency of the Club many books on political science and kindred subjects have been added to the college library.



The R ev. Arthur Adams, Ph .D ., Chaplain As i ted by the clerical members of the faculty




Holy Communion, 8:45 A.M.

Morning Prayer, 8:30A.M. Sunday 10 :30 A. M.

((boit R obert I. P a rke, '21, Organist Morton D. Graham, Ass't Organist jfir~t ~a~~e~



E. J . J.

H all Pierce H. B. Franchere

C ullum S. A. Cullum


~econl:J ~a~~e~


F. W. Bowdidge W. G. Brill

R. C. Puels T. S. Bradley ~onitor~

J. W. St ansfield, '20 J. H. Callen, '21 L. W. Hodder, ' 19


j}inetp= ~birb

ctr:ommencement of ~rinitp ctr:ollege ~togtam

6:30P.M. 8:00P.M. 8:30P.M.

of tbe m!leek

jftibap, JJune 20 Annual Meeting of the Board of Fellows, at the Hartford Club, Prospect Street. Annual Meeting of the Corporation. Fraternity Reunions. ~aturbap,

9:15A. M. 9:30A.M. 10:00 A.M. 12:00 M. 1:00 P . M . 3:00P.M. 5:00P.M. 7:00P.M.

jfune 21 ALUMNI AND CLASS DAY Prayers in the Chapel. Annual Meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa in the History Room. Meeting of the Corporation in Williams Memorial. Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association in Alumni Hall. Luncheon for the Trustees, Alumni, and friends of the College in Gymnasium. Class Day Exercises on the Campus with address by Major Philip J. McCook, '95. Meeting of the Tripod in Tripod Room, Seabury Hall. Class Reunions and Reunion of the Class of "1823." ~unb ap,

9:30A.M. 11 :00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. 7:45 P . M.

9:15A.M. 10:00 A. M. 10:30 A.M. 3:00P.M. 9:30 P. M.

Jfune 22 Holy Communion in the Chapel. Open Air Service on the Campus with address by the Honorable Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior. to 5:00 P. M. Fraternity Houses open to Alumni and Visitors. Evening Prayer in Christ Church with Baccalaureate Sermon . .ff(onbap, JJune 23 COMMENCEMENT DAY Morning Prayer in the Chapel. Academic Procession forms in front of Northam Towers for the Commencement Exercises. Ninety-Third Commencement in Alumni Hall. Address by the Hon. Elbert H. Gary. to 4:00P.M. Informal Reception by President and Mrs. Luther in the President's House. Senior Assembly in Alumni Hall. 144

m:rinitp cteolltgt ~attfotb ,


Ninety-Third Annual Commencement, Alumni Hall, June 23, 1919

C!!'rber of

lfxe rci~e~

Music Salutatory . Announcement of Prizes Conferring of Degrees, in Course Valedictory Address

Samuel Nirenstein, Connecticut

Evrald Laurids Skau, Connecticut Music Hon. Elbert Henry Gary, LL.D.

Address Music Conferring of Honorary Degrees Doxology Benediction

C!lass J.lap


of tbe ÂŤ:lass of 1919 Saturday, June Twenty-First President's Address

Irving E. Partridge Music

Class History

Austin A. King Music Presentation of Athletic and Tripod Awards President Luther Music Class Poem . Edward M. Schortmann Statistics Henry M. Valentine Award of George Sheldon McCook Trophy President Luther To Myron Jackson of the Class of 1918 Harry Nordstrom of the Class of 1919 Address, "German and Americans" Major Philip J. McCook, '95 Class Prophecy Everett N. Sturman " 'Neath the Elms"




JSacbdor of ~rti, tn €ourit To ten members of the Class of 1919.

Jllacbtlor of 6dtnct, in «:ourit To twenty-three members of the Class of 1919.

Jllaittr of


in €ourit

Samuel Harmon Edsall of the Class of 1915. Russell Zievel Johnston of the Class of 1916. Herbert Livingston, B.D., Pacific Theological Seminary. ~aittr

of •citnct, tn ({

Frederick Thomas Gilbert, of Class of 1909. ~rti, ~onort.s


moctor Of JI{Ui(C,



moctor of lLttttri,



Jllasttr of Calvin Duvall Cowles. George Seymour Goddard. Arthur Foote. Bliss Carman. William Bowie. Frederick Perry Fish. Franklin Knight Lane.

moctor of JLawi,



William Scoville Case. Percival Wood Clement. Thomas Garrigue Masaryk (in absentia). Elbert Henry Gary. Clarence Ransom Edwards.

moctor of mtbinftp,



Charles Otis Scoville.

$ctobtt 2. 1919 moctor of JLatui,


Desire Joseph Cardinal Mercier.






jfot tbe !Jtat 1919

Valedictorian :-Evrald Laurids Skau Salutatorian :-Samuel Nirenstein

Tuttle Prize Essay: (Not awarded) Goodwin Greek Prizes:

First Prize: (Not A warded) Second Prize: Samuel Nirenstein Prizes in History and Political Science: First Prize: Irving Emerson Partridge, Jr. Subject: "The Political History of Alsace and Lorrains as affected by the Peace Terms of 1871." Second Prize: Jasper Edward Jessen Committee of Award: Professor Walter Phelps Hall, of Princeton University The Alumni Prizes in English Composition First Prize: Rufus Colfax Phillips, Jr. Second Prize: Harmon Tyler Barber Third Prize: Benjamin Silverberg Committee of Award : Mrs. Henry A. Perkins The Frank W. Whitlock Prizes: (Not awarded) The Douglas Prize: (Not awarded) The F. A. Brown Prize: (Not awarded) The Holland Scholarships for the Year 1919-20 In the Senior Class: William James Cahill, '20; George Kolodny, '20 In the Junior Class: Robert Irvin Parke, '21 In the Sophomore Class: Verner Warren Clapp, 22



Q})ptimi Samuel Hart, '66 George Otis Holbrooke, '69 Lucius Waterman, '71 Leonard Woods Richardson, '73 Hiram Benjamin Loomis, '85 Herman Lilienthal, '86 Willard Scudder, '89 Harold Loomis Cleasby, '99 Francis Raymond Sturtevant, '01 William Perry Bentley, '0~ Edward Henry Lorenz, '0~ Anson Theodore McCook, '0~ Karl Philip Morba, '0~ Marshall Bowyer Stewart, '02 Bayard Quincy Morgan, '04 Edward Samuel Carr, '05 Gustave Alexander Feingold, '11 John Howard Rosebaugh, '11 Allen Northey Jones, '1 7 Abraham Meyer Silverman, '18 Evald Laurids Skau, '19


~\\STOJ' •••

• • • •••

t!r:be JLtmon

~qutt?tt l\eceiber

t)resenter '57

G. R. Hallam, '59

W. H. Benjamin , '57 '59

G. R. Hallam, '59 W. H. Webster, '61 R. F. Goodman, '63

Inveniam vimn autfaciam '61 Per aspera ad astra '63 N e tentes aut prefice

W. S. Cogswell, '61 N. D. Dayton, '63 C. W. Munro, '65


H. G. Gardner, '65 F. L. Norton, '68 Jacob LeRoy, '69 William Drayton, '71

Facta non verba '68 Semper crescens '69 N umquam non paratus '71 Nulla vestigia retror sum '73

Robert Shaw, '68

E. V. B. Kissam, '69 D. P. Cotton, '71 F. 0. Grannis, '73

C. E. Craik, '74

C. E. Woodman, '73 '74

H. V. Rutherford, '76

R. M. Edwards, '74 149

m~a C. E. Moore, '76 J. D. Hills, '78 W. R. Leaken, '80 A. P. Burgwin, '82 A. D. Neeley, '85 A. H. Anderson, '87

E. C. Johnson, II, '88 T. A. Conover, '90 G. Hall, '92

J. W. Edgerton, '94 E. P. Hamlin, '95


11Qj JJVJ '76 I nservit honori '78 '80 '82 Respice finem '85

Duris non frangi '87 M ulta in dies addiscentes '88 Per angusta ad augusta '90 Semper ages aliquid '92 '94 Agere pro viribus '95

En avant! '96 (Keepers of the Lemon Squeezer) '97

W. C. Blackmer, '78 D. L. Fleming, '80 A. P. Burgwin, '82 S. H. Giesy, '85 G. S. Waters, '87 E. C. Johnson, II, '88 E. McP. McCook, '90 I. D. Russell, '92 F. F. Johnson, '94

J. Strawbridge, '95 C. E. Cogswell, '97

'99 Fortier, fideliter, feliciter '01 N ovus ordo saeclorum '04 '06

- - - --- - -------

'08 '10 '11 '14

- - -- - - -



'15 '16 -------

'18 -------

'20 150






A Musical Comedy in Two Acts and a Headache Book and Lyrics By Boila Makah Libretto (Whatever that is) By Ha Tchu

J)ramatis t)ersonre A High Diver Vamp Summer Boarders Mr. Board Wawk Mrs. Board Wawk A Social Climber Alonzo Alonzo A Life Guard, Bathing Girls, Men in Swimming Suits, Waitresses, Maids, Society Men and Women


ACT I Scene 1: Ocean Beach. A broad, sandy beach. Ocean drop, cottages at left. Bathers are discovered lying about beach. Opening Chorus: 1-2, 1-2. We love to sit upon the beach And watch the waves come in The life guard's here to swim us teach But we don't care for him. Cho. Break, break, break, On thy cold, gray stones, 0 sea. But on the beach I love to bake So do not break on me. Enter Alonzo. Alonzo: Oh, girls, I've got the greatest news! Chorus: What? Tell us! Alonzo: Why Mr. and Mrs. Board Wawk are coming this morning. He's worth a million dollars, and they're just married! Chorus: Just married! Alonzo: Yes, isn't it killing? Now I'll tell you what we'll do. Chorus: What? Alonzo: We'll play a little joke on them, just to make them feel at home. Shall we? Chorus: I'll say we will. Alonzo: All right, now look here. We'll get Vamp to pretend she's drown" ing. They'll come walking along the beach to their cottage. There'll be nobody else around, and he'll just have to go in after her! Chorus: Great! Alonzo: Hurry now and get Vamp. They'll be along any minute. Exit Chorus, (laughing). 152


Alonzo: Fine. Now if that works out as I intend it to Mrs. Board Wawk will think her husband's in love with Vamp. She'll be mad with jealousyand that's where I come in. Song: 1-2, 1-1. For I'm a bad man with the women I'm a bad man with the girls I'm a de-dare-devil with a flirt And a Bengal tiger with most any old skirt. But give me a jealous husband And a wife with a sense of wrong And I don't need a big brass band To help me sing this song. Cho: Jealous wives, pettish wives They are all the same Angry wives, loving wives They are not to blame. For who can meet temptation In the marital relation When the tempter is a man like me. Exit Alonzo (hurriedly). Enter Mr. and Mrs. Board Wawk. Mr. Board Wawk is carrying two heavy suit-cases. Mrs. B. W.: Oh, what a delightful place. Mr. B. W. (Settiug down suit-cases, and mopping his face ) : Lovely. Mrs. B. W.: You don't sound very enthusiastic. Mr. B. W.: Oh, there, I'm sorry, dear. I didn'tA scream is heard out in the bay. Mrs. B. W.: Oh, look out there! Someone's drowning! (Mr. B. W. tears off his coat and plunges in). Mrs. B. W.: Oh, he'll be drowned. I know it! Enter Chorus (running). Chorus: What is it? Mrs. B. W.: Someone's drownjng! My husband's gone out. Chorus exclaims and gazes anxiously out to sea. Enter Alonzo (running). Alonzo: What's up? Mrs. B. W.: Oh, my husband! He'll be drowned! Alonzo (struggling with coat and tie): Where? Mrs. B. W.: In the water. Alonzo: How careless! Mrs. B. W.: Aren't you going to do anything? Alonzo (stalling for time): Yes, sure. I've got a knot in my shoe lace. Enter Life Guard. Takes in situation at a glance, and plunges into water. Mrs. B. W., overcome with emotion, falls weakly into Alonzo's arms. Enter Vamp (carrying Mr. B. W. in her arms. She sets him down gently, smoothing his hair) . Mrs. B. W. (recovering): Oh, the hussy! Alonzo (soothingly): Don't you mind. Mrs. B. W.: Don't mind! I'd like to know why not! Alonzo: Why not? I'll tell you why not. 153

Song l-2, l-2. Alonzo and chorus: If your husband finds attraction In a female dark or fair Do not start in court an action This advice i on the square. Cho. Make him think he's lost all your affection :lVIake him think for him you do not care Make him think you don't need his protection Of handsome males you've got more than your share. I've known many, many women When they thought their husband's lost Just rely on penetration And they soon found out who's boss. Cho. Mrs. B. W.: But what if husband really loves another? What if husband doesn't care a care? What if husband just thinks you a bother? That's a state I really could not bear? Alonzo: My advice once more I'll have to give For I see without it you can't live. Make him think he's lo t all your affection. Make him think you do not care a care. That's the way to give him sound correction Let him truly love another if he dare. Dance, Alonzo, 1rs. B. \V., l\1r. B. W ., Vamp, and chorus. CURTAIN ACT II Scene: Ball Room, Ocean Beach Hotel. At left a small corner of the porch is visible. It is in shade. The ball room is brightly lighted. As curtain rises chorus is seen dancing a waltz, and singing popular refrain: Love, love, love, love, Love in every sphere, But I'd trade all the love there is For one good glass of beer. Enter (on porch ) Alonzo and Vamp. Alonzo: They'll be here any minute now. I'll ask her for a dance and you hang around and get him to dance with you. Vamp: But what's the idea? Alonzo: Why she's jealous of you already. If she ees you two dancing together she'll sue for divorce. That's where we come in. Enter Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Music begins and they dance. Alonzo cuts in. Mr. B. vV. retires to side of hall, sees \amp and asks her to dance.





-- ~-

Vamp: But it's so warm dancing. Mr. B. W.: Shall we sit on the porch? Vamp: I'd be delighted. (They go to porch. Dance stops). Mrs. B. W. (looking around): Where's my husband? Alonzo: I don't see him. Shall we go out on the porch? Mrs. B. W.: Yes, perhaps he's out there. (They go to porch and get there just in time to see Mr. B. W. arranging shawl over Vamp's shoulders.) Mrs. B. W . : Oh, I guess we're not wanted! (They return to hall). Alonzo: Base wretch. Mrs. B. W.: Oh, we ought not to call him hard names. Alonzo: No, I suppose not. Mrs. B. W.: But what can we do? Alonzo (darkly): Get even with him. Mrs. B. W.: How? Alonzo: Why, just pretend you're in love with me. Mrs. B. W.: Oh. Alonzo: Why not? Hasn't he gone off with her? Mrs. B. W . (beginning to weep): How could he! Song, Alonzo and Mrs. B. W . 1-2, 1-2. 1st encore 2, 2nd encore 1-2, 3d encore 1-1. 4th encore dance anJ 1. Exit. 5th encore dance and exit. 6th encore, speech by Mrs. B . W. How could he be so faithless? How could he leave me so? How could he leave my fond caress? That woman wants only his dough. Cho. Only, just only, your dough, my love, That woman wants only your dough. Oh, how could you leave me so, my dove, For a woman whose brow is so low? Repeat for dances by Alonzo and Mrs. B. W . Exit, Alonzo and Mrs. B. W. Enter, Mr. B. W. and Vamp. Vamp: You know I've a confession to make to you, Board. Mr. B. W.: What is it? Vamp: Well, you know this morning, when you thought I was drowning? Mr. B. W. (breathlessly): Yes? Vamp: I wasn't at all. Mr. B. W.: You weren't! Vamp: It was just a joke. Mr. B. W. (menacingly): Just a joke! Vamp: Yes. (laughs). Enter, Mrs. B. W. (Unseen by the others, she stands listening). Mr. B. W . : You mean to say you allowed me to lose a brand new Panama hat, just for a joke? Vamp (beginning to be afraid): We didn't think you'd mind. Mr. B. W.: No? (sarcastically). Vamp: No. You've got lots of money. 155



Mr. B. W.: So that's your game, is it? After my money. Well, that's good. I haven't got any money. Alonzo has sneaked on in time to hear this. He sneaks off. Vamp: You haven't got any money! Mr. B. W . : No. It's all in my wife's name. Vamp: Oh, how careless! Enter, Alonzo and chorus Song. Alonzo: You mean to say you haven't any money? Mr. B. W.: Every cent I own is on my back. Vamp: How could he pay a cent of alimony? Mrs. B. W. : I'll tell you how he'll make up for that lack. If he never goe a-flirting with strange women If he never has another 'faire de coeur If he never, never, never Our sweet bonds of love does sever Then he may be wise and wealthy some sweet day. Dance-Chorus and Leads. Closing chorus: Love, love, love, love etc. lst curtain tableau, 2nd curtain, dance. No third curtain. The audience will have left long ago.

Jf. Jf.'s Lonely the tavern now, And desolate. Saddened are we, Disconsolate. The old clock ticks away the hours Forgetful of the joys that once were ours. Comes the clink of empty glasses To the grieving one that passes, And he pauses for to see the change that's come. Heavy his heart, Tears fill his eyes. Poorly we play our part When Jollity dies. Tick, Tick, Tick, says the clock, And the hours pass away. Tick, Tick, Tick, sobs the clock, A sorrowful lay. 156



Oh tell me what are the whisperings That come from the earth and the sky, When the lone shades call in the twilight's fall And the night winds gently sigh. Sometimes they breathe a song of the days In the dreamy long ago, When the soft June breeze in the quivering trees Made music sweet and low; When the orioles sang in the orchard bloom Till the close of the summer's day, And the sun, grown old, sank tinged with gold In the West and far away . Sometimes they speak of whitened slopes And of fettered woodland streams, When 路winter's glory unfolds the story Of snow-and ice-time dream . Yet tonight their whispers are changed to the song Of the swelling brooks and the rills, For the song they sing is a ong of Spring And of emerald vales and hills. Oh are they the whispers of Nature, of God, Or the soul of the twilight's fall That come to me from out of the deep With their haunting, haunting call?


George Booth

Cfbentuallp== Jlot J}ow "Dear Jack, "Will be married next Saturday. diately.

Want you for best man.

Reply imme"Bill."

Thus ran the telegram received on Sunday, October 27, by John C . Brice, of Hackensack, N. J., a member of the junior class of Trinity College. Brice and his brother had been pals during their grammar and high school days. It was not until one had decided to go to college, and the other had declared his intention of going to work immediately after graduation from high school, that the two had been separated. Of course, the Trinity man wanted to be present at the wedding; he believed that it was his duty to be there. Upon receiving the Western Union notice, Jack immediately made plans for visiting New Jersey over the week-end. As the wedding was to be on Saturday, and as he had but one class on that day, he saw that he could go without running any danger of receiving an "ad" notice upon his return. On Friday afternoon, he packed his "soup and fish" attire in his bag, and floated out of Northam on a bee line to the New Haven station. He had not gone very far, though, before a classmate hailed him with the inquiry, "Going Away?" "Yes," said Brice. ''I'm going home over the week-end." "Have you secured permission from the president?" this friend asked . "Is that necessary?" the New Jersey man queried. "Why certainly," came the reply. "According to the rules of the college, adopted back in the early part of the nineteenth century, any man who desires to leave the city must first obtain permission from the powers. If he fails to do this, he is liable to suspension from college. Best get permission, Jack." "Glad you told me, old man," said Jack. " I'll see Perky immediately and get permiSSIOn." Permission did not come so easily, though. Mr. Brice was informed by the president that while he, the president, would certainly like to see this undergraduate attend his brother's wedding, it was necessary to send a formal petition to the faculty before any action could be taken. Brice returned to his room, and hastily transcribed a brief note to the faculty. This note he carried personally to the office, asking that it be sent into the faculty meeting on Friday afternoon. Although he haunted the vicinity of Williams Memorial, the undergraduate from the Garden State noticed few professors on their way to the building. In half an hour, Professors Humphrey, Perkins, Shepherd, and Swan were seen com-


ing from the office. Rushing up to Professor Perkins, Brice asked breathlessly, "Did you act on my petition?" "I am very sorry, Mr. Brice," came the reply. "You see the daylight saving law was repealed here today, and apparantly some members of the faculty forgot to change their watches accordingly. There was no quorum at the meeting. Your petition cannot be acted upon until the next meeting, two weeks from today. And remember, you cannot go home without permission if you desire to remain a student at Trinity." Not having any desire to be dismissed from college, Brice wired his brother stating the circumstances, and advising him to get another best man. He still hoped, though, to go home as soon as he secured the faculty permission, as he had an ardent desire to see both his brother and his brother's bride. When the petition was acted upon. Brice does not know yet. At any rate, immediately before the Ea ter vacation, he received a letter from the president telling him that he might go home, if he still desired to do so. He desired to go, all right, but the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen had a different desire. Strikes on all railroad lines made it absolutely impossible for him to reach Hackensack. It was not until the latter part of the month that traffic conditions were such that he might travel. By that time he was on "ad" and could not take the cuts which would be necessary. So it was not until June that J ack arrived at his brother's home. His brother greeted him at the door, and hurriedly drew him into the home with the remark, "I've something here to show you." Up the stairs and to a miniature bed in a blue and white room the brother led the Trinity man. Radiating pride, the brother leaned over the crib, and in a somewhat hushed voice said to the occupant, "Say 'goo' to Uncle Jack."



1-"How old was Methusalah?" !2-"I know John Mitchell's son. He didn't make two millions." 3-"0h how she can dance!" 4-"When I was sporting editor on the Norwich Bulletin." 5--'-"Why, millions of them." 6- "Mr. Johnson and I have decided-." 7-"The man whom Mr. Grenville hired to work these problems." 8-"When my uncle was building the Metropolitan Tower-." 9-"I secured the second highest mark in the mid-year Latin III exam." 10-"Bruce, where in h- I are you?"






)Jovember 5, 1919.

Dear Sir:I am informed. that you are residing outside the College with·

out permhaion which 1a neceea.ary in the case of all out-of-town men. Thh permiadon muat be applied :f'or at once or some disciplinary a.cti'on

will have to be -taken in your •ase.

P/11 Taunrr COLLI'!OC

T•t:••tt•s••·•orr• c a

IIARTJ'ORb. CoS t~".

April 28 , 1920.

Trinity College Hnrtford., Conne cticat Dear Sir : -

'lou have toda7 been euapended from College exer e ilea until aueh tioe aa your term bill 1e pa id.




TIHNITT COLLZO& t'otlt • lll tl<T" •Or,.l c •

R.t..RTFo Ro, co:n~·.

December 4, 1919.

Dear sir:-

According to our recorda you are liable for admonition. Kindly call at my office tomorrow (Friday) b etween twelve and one o'clock. Yours very truly


&RP~ Actin~~eeide nt

TRUfiTT CoLLI:OC ~·•ll • ~< r"•Or" Cl!:



!f.arch 20, 1920

Dear Sir: .. It h

contrary to the policy of the CQI'm\ittee on Scholara h ipa

to gra..,t any aaaistance whatever to men on probation, nnd


oakes you

ineligible for the loan you applied for. Ho ping you will bring your s tand fore next !all I am


Sincere~ For


te the requieite level be-


t~"'~i ttu on Seholarohips.

~bt ~ripob The other day. A freshman asked me. "Why is the Tripod? " And I confess. I knew not. What to answer. I endeavor. To be a man of truth. So. I could not tell him. It gave. The news of the college. I did say. That the paper filled. A long felt want. He did not know. That this want. Was a hole. Which had been made. In a window. In my room by. A carefully aimed. Snowball.


lLuciUa, tbt 3Bon 3Bon <!auttn or

enip a Working





Lucilla was only a working girl. That is, she worked for a living. And as she was working she was living. Lucilla's main hangout was the Gargle Soda Shop. Here she could be found daily between the hours of 10 a. m. and 8 p. m., passing glasses filled with red paint over the counter to fur-coated young women from the insurance and telephone offices, and to bespatted youths who sold stocks and bonds and therefore were forced to sati fy the inner man with a nut sundae at noon. Although she too had a fur coat- only half paid for- and managed to find dancing partners a p lenty at the terpsichoreal bouts at Foot Guard Hall on her night off, Lucilla was not happy. An unconquerable passion burned within her. This passion burned so fiercely that she could not even buy life insurance from the Hartford Fire. Lucilla longed for romance. She could have loved anyone, even a Trinity sophomore. Lucilla's passion must have been of the fireless cooker order, though. For although she sighed and sighed, cried and cried, and tried and tried, never did any fuel come to replenish the Vesuvius of her soul. She tried every method known to the dangerous pecies in an effort to focus attention upon herself, such .as wearing skirts of Sinbad proclivities, and affecting a Mrs. Vernon Castle hair cut. All to no avail though. Each advance she made was met by a look as cold as any room in Jarvis Hall during the month of January. So she continued to yearn and burn, always reading the Cosmopolitan in order that he might not get out of training, and always hoping that the prophecy of the Ouija board, that she should one day meet her soul mate, a handsome, dark man from Windsor with the initials A. P. B. would be fulfilled. Then just as the sky seemed blackest, although the sun was shining brightly, there came an event which changed, yes short changed, her _life. He- or it- entered the Gargle shop as Lucilla was serving raspberries one day. (She was always being served raspberries, so she delighted in serving the same jazz whenever the opportunity offered). As 路was before stated, she was serving raspberries. As she was picking the berries up one by one and delicately dropping them into the wash basin (so absorbed was she) she felt her cosmos tingling. A shiver ran up her spinal column, covered as it was by a blanket of


Djer Kiss. Lucilla's mind worked slowly, but it did not take her long to come to the conclusion th::tt there must be some cause for these atmospheric revolutions. Dropping a handful of the choleric fruit upon the floor, she looked up and beheld before her a veritable Paul Swan, whose searing eyes seemed to be scorching into her burning soul. (The fire in her soul was thus neutralized, and cold with apprehension and expectation she waited). He ordered "coke" and as he gulped the beverage up through two straws, with a sound which rang in Lucilla's ears as sweet as the harmony of Macinelli's Singing Orchestra, the gaze remained focussed on our unhappy little bonbon queen. Yea, it even remained while he wiped the residue from his dark brown beard on the dusty, chinchilla collar of his black and white overcoat. Luc ilia was hypnotized by the beauty and grace of the man. Even his livid, red nose seemed to lend color to his expression. He placed the empty "coke" glass upon the bar. He stood and she stood, neither speaking a word. She was fluttering with emotion, and she knew that he too was moved by the feeling way he searched in his long, bushy hair with the 路 crepe-bordered fingernails of his right hand. Thus their courtship progressed. Finally he leaned across the counter, and in deep melodramic tones whispered to our heroine, "Fly with me. I am a manufacturer of sun dials. I read The Chapbook . We shall be happy." Lucilla vau lted the marble slab into the waiting a rms of her hero. Tightly grasping her lon gshoreman's wrist in his bell-hop hand, he dragged her to Main Street. Lucilla kne路w not where she was going-(she wa blinded by love ; by the affection of the man) but she felt the vibration of a street car; she knew later that they were on the street car no longer (two zones were his limit). Vi' hen the blindfold of love was removed from her eye , Lucilla found herself in an abandoned street car, the home of her lover. Green transfers served as wall paper. So closely, in fact, was the color scheme of green carried out, that he looked green with envy because she merely glanced at a cockroache reposing in a wash basin. But at last they were alone. He; she. This was the moment for which she had been waiting ince the day she had first applied p eroxide to her hair, fifteen years ago. He removed his hat, his chinchilla overcoat, his coat, his waistcoat. He outstretched his arms toward her. She darted forward; opportunity had knocked at last. She wrapped herself completely around him; her rouged lips found their way through the wilderness of his tangled beard to his mouth. Thus they remained until the first streaks of dawn showed above the Zion street rocks. Then he tore her from him (what the rent was is not stated). "Bah! You


think I love you?" he said. "You are only a tool. You are in my power. I shall be rich. I shall be able to buy sugar. You must tell me why one can suck soda through a paper straw." Poor Lucilla! At last she was disillusioned, just as she had planned Alladin portable castle in the azore. He did not love her. All he wanted was the secret of the Gargle Shop busine s. Her harried soul was torn with a conflict of emotions. Should she give the secret would he allow her to sweep the floor of his home each day, or would he set her adrift in the lovele s world, as he would do should she not surrender her knowledge. . Loyalty to the Gargle Shop won (she had not yet received her back pay) . "I will not tell you why one can suck soda through a paper straw," she replied in Henry Cabot Lodge voice. Without further ado- or undo- he bound the poor girl, hand, feet, and tongue with Tanglefoot fly paper. Completely wrapped in the devilish substance, and unable to move either hand or foot she was to ed into a corner of the roomone of the four corners of the room. "Death is yours if you stick to it," he said as he slammed out of the abode. Lucilla's tears began to flow as soon as he left the room. So great was her sorrow, so many were her tears, that the floor received its first flushing since its abandonment by the Connecticut Company. Anger soon replaced sorrow, though, and Lucilla truggled to free herself. It was useless though, she could not unwind herself from the toils of the flypaper. Soon a solution came. She was always a hot-tempered girl, and under the thoughts of the treatment received her temper became hotter than ever. As her temper mounted the Farenheit ladder, it served to melt the flypaper so that it fell from her, and at las~ she was free. From 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. the following day Lucilla mixed drinks at the Gargle Soda Shop. Because of her devotion, her employer had taken her back. (This means that he had reemployed her, nothing else). Hm路 passion still smouldered and after a time it again broke into flame. Thus she waited (on the patrons of the Gargle Shop). The only time her passionate nerves were deadened was when, into a tall, slender glass, she dropped round, red, raspberries.


~unb ial~ As soon as it is possible to secure a picture of the new sundial, the "Tripod" will print it. (The new sundial, of course, the one at the north end of the campus.) Since its erection last month, weather conditions have been such as to warrant a photograph impractical. This sundial has attracted a great deal of attention. People interested in sundials have come many miles to see it. The "Tripod" is planning to start a fund very soon, with which we will build another and larger sundial at the corner of the athletic field to complete the triangle. We hope to surpass even this one in artistic beauty, that is, if such a thing is conceivable. There is one thing we can not help commenting upon. That is the marked increase in punctuality at chapel exercises. Dr. McCook thinks that the boys have put a little "ginger" into their religion. But we have gone quite deeply into the matter, and we find that the cause of this strange occurrence may be traced directly to the new sundial. An innocent freshman thought it might also explain the presence of five members of the faculty in chapel Saturday morning. But we were not willing to go that far, especially in view of the fact that exams are coming in a couple of weeks.-From The Tripod, June 1919. The 1921 IvY has succeeded where the Tripod failed. We here present the sole, only, and exclusive picture of the latest campus sundial. While the craze for daylight saving has decreased its utility somewhat, nevertheless it still serves many practical purposes-all too well known to require repetition. Members of the student body have had to fight strenuously to preserve this relic for the Trinity campus. Paul Alling's "America's Gift to France" committee, was prevented from sending the sundial as this gift only by the joint protests of several patriotic Hartford Frenchmen. The proprietor of the Walla Walla outfit offered to purchase this curio, in order that he might place it in the tent with the bearded lady, the snake charmer, and Fatima. This desecration was prevented only by an undergraduate mass meeting at which there were firey oratorical outbursts by James E. Breslin, Joe Stansfield, Everett N . Sturman and others. Unfortunately, the 1921 IvY will be off the presses before the 1920 commencement arrives. It will thus be impossible for us to show pictures of the two new sundials which, it is rumored, are to be presented to the col1ege. If they are still unplaced when our volume appears, we suggest that they be fixed somewhere in Rocky Ridge Park, where they may be of some assistance to the Zion Street line conductors in running their cars according to schedule.


~op, ~age

;ilflr. lLpon

February 4, 1920 Dearest Stella, I had the most spiffing time of my life last Monday at the Junior Prom at Trinity College. There were so many nice boys, and my gown was so much more costly than any other that I enjoyed every minute of the time. Wittstein's orchestra furnished the most delightful dance music I have ever beard. We foxtrotted until 1 o'clock when lunch was served. The lunch was served by real Jap waiters, all of whom looked as though they might be brothers of Hashimuro Togo. The man who directed the serving was an important looking man named Collins, whom Jack- Jack Lyons, you know-said was maiter d'hotel at the Biltmore. I guess he is, for he certainly looked the part. Jack had arranged dances with some of the nicest boys in college. Mr. Puffer was especially darling. He comes from Waterbury, but aside from that I think he's wonderful. He "dragged" a girl named Hazel whom I certainly did envy. Mr. Ransom showed me how to do the Windsor one step. I have never done anything like it before. "Tom" Budd wore a blue ribbon across his shirt front. I asked him what the ribbon meant and he said his mare, "Whiskey," had won the first prize at the New York horse show and that he was the owner was therefore entitled to wear the blue ribbon on all state occasions. During the evening, I noticed many of the boys going down to the basement of the building. I asked Jack where they were going, and he said they were all followers of Sir Oliver Lodge and were going down to commune with the spirits. I wanted to go too, but Jack wouldn'nt hear of it and told me that I could play with the Ouija board at the Alpha Delt house while I was waiting for breakfast after the dance. Jack brought me in to look at the running track during the evening-or rather the morning. I didn't want to go at first, but he said "You must see it." When we reached the track, I saw Mr. Lynch and Mr. Breslin sitting with their partners in corners of the place. They all appeared to be somewhat startled when we entered. They must be very interested in the gymnasium," I said to Jack. Jack wanted me to sit down and study the architecture of the building too, and promised that we also would soon be too absorbed to think of anything else. But I told him that I was not that kind of giri- I care nothing for rings, basketballs, high horses and mats. So we returned to the dance. After the "prom" we had breakfast at the Alpha Delt house, and after that to bed. Jack wanted to go with me back to Meriden, but I was afraid Dad would disapprove. It was certainly a great party! Lovingly, Sappho. P. S. I think I shall spend the summer at Sewickly.



to tbe


To enable students to select courses intelligently. l. Greek A. :- A thorough knowledge of Latin and mathematics required. Frequent drills in simple addition, in which the professor will test the student's knowledge by adding the sums himself, giving an incorrect total, and asking the student if the an wer is correct. Only if> B K men and those who believe in the League of Nations will take this course. 2. Mathematics III. :-Differential and Integral Calculus. Students secure practical training in the art of invective. Thesis required at end of term. Subject :- "Is Murder Justifiable?" 3. Mathematics I. :-Intensive study of the lives of the men whom Mr. Grenville hired to work his problems. Lectures in contemporary humor given throughout the year, but student is advised that he is not required to laugh when professor does. 4. Economics I. :- Recommended for insomnia sufferers. D etailed study of the laws of repetition. Novel marking system used in which the stairway leading to the room figures prominently. Archaic humor discu sed at length. 5. Biblical Literature : -Required of all men who through necessity are forced to remain awake at Sunday chapel. The Hi tory of the Formation and Transmis ion of superfluous knowledge. Recommended for athletes and others who must pass some course. 6. History I. :-ArC'hitecture of the ancient Roman house. The theory of figures and land values in the western agricultural regions. Personal glimpses of Catherine I., Marie Antoinette, Lucretia Borgia, and Anne of Austria. 7. English II. :- Lectures by the Professor on the approved methods of preventing pneumonia following exposure while communing with nature on a damp hill top. Text book to be used: "Modern Newspapers, or Why I Read either The Courant, The Times, or The Post." 8. French I . :-The life and family of Louis XIV., and the remarkable energy and activity of the Grand Monarch. Pleasing an~cdotes of the flight to Varennes and the Reign of Terror told in a cheerful way.


;fflemorte~ Man y, many years ago, when I thou ght the greatest man in the world was J ohn L . Sulli van a nd the next great est a newspaper editor, I decided to be a newspa per editor as I stopped growin g before I reached the proportions of John L. And sometime I got a job on a newspaper, I wrote a n article a nd it was a description of a room occupied by two Trinity students a nd that is why I a m now writin g a few notes for The I vY. The idea was wholly my own. Just why I imagined the Hartford reading public would be interested in the deco ra tions of students' rooms at Trinity I do not know at this time. But I prob ably had reason t o believe tha t the public wo uld eagerly read about the pi ctures on the wall , the pipes in the racks, the embroidered dressing-gowns, a nd those other things which are seen in the room of the movin g pi cture undergradu a tes. And th ere were lot s of books. I do not recall the na mes of the students who occ upi ed this room at the time, but one received in th e mornin g ma il a prospectus of the Berkeley Divinity School. He gla nced at the cover and then threw the book into t he fireplace. The article was published. It did not set the Connecti cut river on fire but it paved the way for a n invitation t o dinner a t co mmons. It was on a Sunday . At that tim e, the supreme deli cacy a t the Wethersfield priso n for Tha nksgiving or Christm as dinn er was roast p ork . The ma itre d ' hot el at the Trini ty co mmons mu st have kn own a bout this for he provided a feast for the Sunday dinner and it was breaded pork chops with toma to sauce. But the chops were cooked on Saturday night or the students with me were late. Any way, they were cold. L a ter, there 'vas ice cream and it was mostly melted . " I'm glad we have at last got so mething hot ," one of th e stud ents said . M e thu selah was so mething over 600 years old when he died a nd if I li ve to b e as old as he I will never forget the time I interviewed President Luther. The Trini ty track t eam had returned fro m a victorious trip, bringing home enough prizes t o cover th at Chri stm as tree in front of the 路M uni cipal Building in D ecember . Present day students may mar vel at this, but it was a fact , and it was also a fact t hat th e team had a rin ger, a yo un g man who was a student only because he wore th e Trinity colors. vVhen this fact became known, th e p rizes were returned an d an ap ology was ma de. It was my p leasant duty t o get ome informa tion a bout the ma tter from Pres ident Luther . It was at a lat e h our at night when I reached his house. I ha d always upposed th at a college president wore paja mas but President Luther did not for he wore a ni ghtgown th at came down t o his a nkl es. H e t alked about the matter in such a way that I did not know much more about it than I did before I went t o hi s h ouse. At thi s time, if the president of Trinity is t o be interviewed,


the city editor of The Courant is apt to send a girl reporter, or lady journali t, as they prefer to be called, to see him. I was thinking, the other day, about the time I interviewed President Luther and I wondered if at that time a girl reporter had been ent, whether there might have been some embarras ment, on the girl's part at least. E. Kent Hubbard, now a very dignified president of the Connecticut Manufacturer 's Association, and pointed out in :Middletown as "our leading citizen," was very active on the baseball, football and track teams and he was also interested in the team of horses that drew one of the street cars patr路onized by Trinity students. Hubbard was the stronge t man on the football team but I believe it was his ambition to be powerful enough to push the horse car off the tracks. This was the favorite diver ion of the tudents on what they called a "wild night." There was something about Hubbard in the paper about every day and just as soon as it appeared some kind friend clipped it and mailed it to his relatives. The relatives must have had queer ideas about what the young man w:ts doing towards acquiring an education. Professor Pynchon was a typical old-style college instructor, a ll brain. He was at a meeting one night and stopped for a few minutes at the entrance hallway to the gymnasium, where the students were having an inter-class track meet. He looked with amazement at a spindle-shanked, long-legged man who wore a runner's costume. The expression upon the elderly and scholarly professor's face would indicate that he was thinking that the young man had better be at hi studies rather than wasting his time running around a track. The young man is now Colonel W. E. A. Bulkeley, often referred to a a "distinguished alumnus." Ansel McCook was always active in the athletics at the college and I secured a great deal of information from him. Once, when I was anxious to learn something about one of the teams, I wrote to him and suggested that I could call upon him at hi office but I did not want to in terfere with his law business. He replied that the law business would never interfere with anything he could do to assist me in securing information about Trinity's athletes. There spoke the true Trinity man. Hi esteemed father, Professor McCook, has for a great many years been of great help for everything that concerned the college and the city, not forgetting the athletic teams, and once he recommended some accounts of baseball games to be read to certain classes. Probably most Trinity men have forgotten that there was a murder out there once. There was a tough gang from over the rock that congregated near the college buildin gs and there had been some thefts. The athletic trainer had threatened some of the rowdies and one night he was in a college building and feared a combined attack from the gang. There was a rush and in order to frighten the men he fired a shot. The result was that a man was killed and the 173

trainer was tried for murder and acquitted. The criminal side of the superior court room was crowded with students at the trial and when the foreman of the jury reported that the verdict was "not guilty" a great Trinity cheer rang out through the court room until, the court rapped for order and called upon the sheriff to stop the applause. This was the only time that " 'Neath the Elms" was sung about the court house. The trainer i . now living in Bridgeport and is employed at the Remington Arms factory. Ladd, who died in the West, aud Page, who "went West," were well known in the Courant office and no finer fellows ever lived. Ralph Wolfe, still happily in the land of the living, once described the frost on the trees in Bushnell Park so vividly that people journeyed from all over the state to see it. And so we will close these notes with a long Trin. William D. Freer

mbe rJjarker



President- Paul Alling. Vice President- Jack W. Lyon. Secretary- Robert G. Bruce. Treasurer-Merle S. Myers.

Ql:barter ;i!flembeu Rollin M. Ransom Stanley H. Leeke Claude Z. Jette

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JETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. JETNA CASUALTY & SURETY CO. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN. We occasionally have excellent opportunities for young college graduates who ca n develop into sala r ied special agen ts. For full particulars, a ddress W . L. M ooney, A gency Secretary, H artford , Conn.


Compliments of

Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. HARTFORD, CO N.

Correct Footwear for Men

The W. G. Simmons Corporation 48 to 58 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn.


Jtlen of mrtnitp



Watch Our Ads In the Daily Papers For Special Bargains Our Men's Shop is nicely located, directly at the north entrance, where men can easily find it and there is no need of going through the entire store unless you want to. We are constantly supplied with the best furnishings obtainable and we offer greater special price inducements at different times than any other store in Hartford. We are constantly on the alert to secure special bargains for our customers. We especially invite the young men of Trinity College to favor us with their patronage and we will try to make them feel at home.

~age, ~lien

& cto., 1Jnc. /

For Recording Production - checking up the work of machines, holding production to a standard VEEDER COUNTERS tell what goes on at machines; what the workman has to show for his time; what should be the standard for a fair day's work. They count production automatically and accurately, giving you figures for basing plans and backing measures for increased output. The Set-Back Rotary Ratchet Counter shown at left registers one for each oscillation of the lever, as required in counting the product of punch presses. Besides Counters, there are Veeder Cyclometers, Odometers , Tachometers, Speed C ounters and Fine Die Castings.

Illustrated booklet sent on request

The Veeder Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn.

G. FOX & COMPANY SPORTING GOODS In ever y r eliabl e make. Fifth Floor Let us save you money on these :

Baseball Outfits

Wh y wait ~hree weeks or more fo r Unifor ms when we can deliver t hem at once? We have the outfi ts for a mat eur teams and semi-profes ionals at prices to suit.

Baseball Shoes Baseball Shoes are h ard to secure- but we have a most complete st ock in all sizes. All at right pri ces. Baseball Bats all Oil soaked L ouisville Slu gger Baseball Bats-used by bi g league teams. We h ave the m-all kinds.

Golf Bags and Balls

Look over our assortment of Golf Clubs a nd t here's no doubt about your findin g th e very clubs you want . We h ave the bes t bra nds- Spaldin g's, Wri ght & Di tso n's, Hillerick & Bradsly' a nd Burke's a nd others. Golf Bags at Special Prices.


Electric Switches of Distinction ')'COR over

thirty years "H & H" switches have been insisted upon by particular people. During all these years they have given the best of service and satisfaction and many of the first "H & H" Switches installed are still operating as faithfully as ever.


The switch is really the most important part of an electrical installation. If it fails, you will be seriously inconvenienced and your guest perhaps very much embarrassed. You can depend on "H & H" Switches to serve you well in every emergency. To make sure of quality wiring devices in your home, office or factory, have your architect specify and insist upon the "Old Reliable" H & H Switches of Distinction.





Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. Hartford, Connecticut ~'[0


Hartford's Leading


Eighty~ Two



Bryant & Chapman Company 3 3 0~ 3 40 Woodland Street

Wholesalers and Retailers of perfectly

Pasteurized Milk & Cream Telephone Charter 264


William H. Post Carpet Co. Decorators

G. F. Warfield & Co.

Carpets, Rugs, vVall Papers and Upholstery

Booksellers and Stationers 77

os<c<3 ~.s2



79 Asylum Street Hartford, Conn.

Asylum Street

Hartford, Connecticut


Tunnel Coal Corporation WHOLESALE




COAL Bituminous

Lehigh and Free Burning All Rail Coal

Office 路3-5 Albany Avenue Telephone Charter 1436

Hartford, Connecticut

Kolb's Pan-Dandy Bread On Sale By All Grocers

Kolb's Bakery Broad & Jefferson Streets

Compliments of

M. W. BASSETT Jeweler Hartford, Connecticut

The Joseph L. Besse Co. Caterers French and American Ice Creams, French Pastry, Confectionery, etc.

701 Main Street, Hartford, Conn. Telephone, Charter


Compliments of

E. S. FRANCIS Electrical Supplies Electrical Contractor

169 Pearl Street, Hartford, Conn.



OPTICIANS Oculists' P1路escriptions Accumtely Filled 11 Asylum Street





Hartford, Connecticut

EAGLE PRINTING AND BINDING Co. W e Make a S pecialty of


Fla tiron Building - E agle Square

Pittsfield, Massachusetts

We Printed and Bound This Book



Designers and E ngraving of Advert ising Our Co llege Engraving Department is experienced in the making of Engravings for the leading College of New England An unexcelled Corps of D esigners, Letterers and R eto uchers and Master Halftone Engravers and Color-Plate Makers in the best eq uipped Engraving Plant in America

Mail m路ders 1路eceive cw路eful attention



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