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An Invitation

Another Dormitory

In appreciation for the loyalty and generosity of alumni in making possible the construction of the Woodward-Goodwin dormitory, the College invites the donors to be present at a formal dedication of the building on Saturday afternoon, December 14, 1940, at half past he. :\ buffet supper will be served in the Common Room of the new dormitory at six o'clock. For the benefit of a lumni who may desire to spend that weekend at the College, notice 1s given that on Saturday morning and afternoon there will be held at the Coll ege a conference on "Language and Democracy" with discussions led by Professor I. A. Richards of England and Harvard , Professor Max Lerner of \Yilliams, Professor R. B. Perry of Harvard and Professor Theodore Greene of Princeton. ln the evenin_g our basketball team will play Yal in the Hopkins Street gymnasium. Alumni donors who expe~t to be present for the supper are asked to notify the Alumni·Secretary in advance so that proper provision may be made.

A new dormitory costing approximately $150,000 will be erected at the College before the opening of classes next September. This building, the gift of an anonymous donor, will be con tructed at the north-east corner of \ 'ernon and Summit Streets. It will provide housing for 26 students ancl two faculty members and their wives. Plans for the building, .which will be of brick construction, are being prepared by two Alumni. Robert B. O'Connor '16 and C . B. F. Brill ' 19, New York Architect .. There will be 13 double suites for Juniors and Seniors who are unable to secure rooms in fraternity houses. Dr. Ogilby says the number of men from any one fraternity livin g in the dormitory will be limited. There will also be a dining hall which will be rented by the College to the Delta Psi Fraternity. It is understood that additions to this building could be made in the future shou ld it become necessary. The lot, approximately 190 feet square, was purchased by the College in June , 1939.

Alumni Associations BERKSIIIRE

HUDSON VALLEY l'rrs. : \\'m. R. O'Uryon. '37

Prl':..: Geo rge.~ . l! (.·y . ':W -'t'r .. Br) ant \Y. Grcf' n , ':j I

.'•ia.: Rev. Paul Armstrong, '30

PITI' SBURGH Prr.'i.: II ill UurJ,twin. 'Oti

l'ia -l'res.: John ll.


' I:!

Src.: joseph lluffington. Jr .. ' I~

1'reas.: j. G. ;\larks, Jr .. '33 BOSTON l'ro.: ~athanit.• l T. Clark. ';3 I \ 'cry Rl'\". j. :\1. :\h:Gann.

\ l ~t -Prt.\ . :


·"t't.: ~1onon S. CrchorC', '14

CIIICAGO l'rf,, , : t'harlt·s T. King:"ton, Jr ..


DETROIT h·es, ·w Src. : j anll'S B. \\'t•bher. jr .. '34 fJrt'S.: ~onon

IIARTFORD l'rn. : Jwlgl' Alex . \\'. CrccOon, 'fY.I I itt·- l 'ro.: Raymond .-\. 1\lonlgomcry, '1,) ."H't.: I larry j. ~h:Kniff, 'lfi

NAUGATUCK VALLEY Prt>s. : B. B. Hailey, 't.i S rc. : E. S. \\'otkyns. '2!) Trea s.: P. E. Fenton. ' 17

RHODE ISLAND l'rrs.: Louis \\'. Downes. ' :;u. : Stunner \V. Shepherd. ' l!J

NEW HAVEN l'rrs.: E. G. Schmitt, 'Hi S ec.: . \. Onderdonk, '34

ROCHESTER Prts.: C . Edward Cram. ' :l:l l'ict-Pres.: F. C. Ouennebier. 'J,j :;ec.: llarry C. Olson. ':J.j

NEW YORK Pres.: F. T. Tansill. '22 l 'ice-l'res.: .\. j. L'Heureux. '13 Dr. jerome P. \\'cbster. '10 Stanley P. ~Iiller, '23 Robert 0. l\luller, '31 Sec.: Fred C. Hinkel, jr.. '00 PIIILADELPHIA Pres.: R. E. Kinney, '15 'Hi

:;ec.: C. T. Easterby.


SPRINGFIELD Prrs.: Paul F. H errick, '12

Src.: Kenneth ll. Case. '13

W ASIIINGTON BALTIMORE !'res. : Paul 11. Alling. '20 l'ict-Pus .: I. Laucks Xanders, 'OY Sec.: Theodore C. ll udoon. · LL

Gutenberg Celebration

Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach showin~ his first edition of the Bay Psalm Book to Dr. Ogilby and three lineal descendants of the :.1en who prepared it. Left to right: Dr. Rosenbach, President Ogilby, William G. Mather, Professor Herbert Weld and John Eliot.

One of the most important days in the history of Trinity College was November 3rd when a special 路service was held in the Chapel to commemorate the SOOth anniversary of printing. With ritual befitting the occasion, che service was conducted from original copies of the Gutenberg Bible and the Bay Psalm Book. It was a fitting climax to the series of nation-wide celebrations which began last January at Columbia University. Following President Ogilby's invocation, Dr. :\. S. W. Rosenbach presented a copy of the Bay Psalm Book to Mr. William G . Mather, a lineal descendant of Richard Mather its editor and chief compiler. Mr. Mather then gave the Book to Dr. Ogilby who began the ceremony of lining out the verses half a stanza at a time. The process of alternate lining and singing continued thoroughout the First Psalm. The first volume of the Gutenberg Bible, with a fanfare of trumpets, was brought from the Sacristy to the hancel and down to the Lectern. Professor Edward K. Rand of Harvard read from

its pages. During the removal of the volume a hymn was sung from Day's Psalter of 1562. Then Professor Charles G. Osgood of Princeton read from the second volume of the Bible. Mr. Richardson Wright '10, who gave the address of the day, spoke on the history of books, their aesthetic qualities and their significance in character building. Seated near the choir stalls were William G. Mather of Cleveland, Professor Herbert Weld of Cornell and John Eliot of Clinton, Connecticut, descendants of the co-authors of the Bay Psalm Book. This book and the two volumes of the Gutenberg Bible were lent to the College for the occasion by Dr. Rosenbach and Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan respectively. l\.Jargaret B. Stillwell, curator of the Annmary Brown Memorial in Providence wrote in the New York Herald Tribune that such an experience as she had at this service was one of those rare times when "those who are present at a ceremony realize even as it progresses that history is in process of being made." 3

Degrees Awarded tn



Edward G. McKay '17 Eliot L. Ward '13 Ronald E. Kinney ' 15. Received Bachelor Degrees at Commencement, 1940, nunc pro tunc.

Doctor Of Laws

Master of Arts

The Honorable Raymond Earl Baldwin. Governor of the State of Connecticut. Under Governor Baldwin, a graduate of Wesleyan University and a resident of Stratford, Connecticut has had a notably forward-looking business-like administration. The Governor's personal integrity, ability and vitality have made him an outstanding example of the type of leader we need in public office.

Philip Bartlett Gale of Bloomfield , Connecticut, a civic leader in Hartford. Much of his time has been spent reviving the Old People's Home and the Hartford Hospital. He is also an amateur in the field of the fine arts. He is chairman of the board of the Hartford Machine Screw Company and the Standard Screw Company. John Gregory Wiggins of Pomfret, Connecticut. In woodcarving Mr. Wiggins has attained pre-eminence. His work in the Chapel at Trinity College is considered by experts the best carving in the United States. His skill has also been shown at St. Paul's School and elsewhere.

Doctor of Divinity The Rev. Roelif Hasbrouck Brooks, the class of 1900 of Trinity College. The Reverend Dr. Brooks is the Rector of St. Thomas Church - in New York City.

William A. Bird '12 was awarded an honorary Master of Arts degree after giving the address to members of the class of 1944 at matriculation exercises in the College Chapel, October 30th. Mr. Bird has recently returned from France where he was foreign correspondent for the New York Sun. He is now on the editorial staff of that paper in New York City.

The Rev. John Fields Plumb. Dr. Plumb, a member of the class of 1891, is Executive Secretary of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut and Treasurer of Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford. 4

Trinity College Ambulance

Louis Schuler

Professor Perkins

The students of the College, under the informal leadership of William G. Wendell, Instructor in French, are endeavoring to raise in various ways the sum of $1350.00 for an ambulance to be given to the British American Ambulance Corps which has already equipped over 250 of these vehicles. The cost of the ambulance is $1050.00 with full equipment. The additional $300.00 is to be placed at the disposal of the British Red Cross to keep it in the field one year. In the case of an ambulance coming from one group of donors, a plaque is attached to it showing it is a single gift. With the approval of the Senate a campaign was started by which contributors buttons were sold to undergraduates and faculty members for one dollar each. In addition Mark Rainsford '41 an artist of considerable talent, has undertaken to make portrait sketches of crayon or charcoal which are sold to the sitters at moderate pricesten to twenty-five dollars - considering how admirable are both the likeness and the technique. (See reproductions above.) The fund has been further augmented by the proceeds of two concerts: an Organ Recital by Joseph Bonnet, famous French organist; and a Theremin and Organ Recital by Madame Lucie Rosen and Prof. Clarence Watters.

The fund is now approaching $800 and it is hoped that the balance can be raised from proceeds from the Jesters' play. They are presenting Ten Nights in a Barroom at the Avery Memorial Tuesday Dec. 17 and Thursday Dec. 19 at 8:15. The Senate has underwritten the expense of the performance so that every dollar received from the sale of tickets will go to the Ambulance Fund. Alumni will find this an evening of full enjoyment as well as one devoted to a noble cause. Trinity College Jesters Hartford, Connecticut. Please send me _ _ tickets at $1.50 for the presentation of Ten Nights in a Barroom qt the Avery Memorial Tuesday Dec. 17


Thursday Dec. 19


Name Address


Judge Buffington's Address Dedication of Truby Pew End We have gathered on the Trinity College Campus at this commencement season when joy reigns supreme - joy of the assembled friends of graduating men over the accomplishments of their collegiate courses and hope for the future of these young folks who leave these quiet, educational surroundings and enter on the busy sphere of life's work. But I venture the thought that there is a minor strain in every university and college commencement season in the Country, for in each of them there are some students who have passed the River of Death in the midst of their collegiate course. Such was the fact with reference to Joseph l\1osgrove Truby, in memory of whom this beautiful pew-end is now dedicated. Young Truby came from my home town, a small community where he was known by all his fellow townsmen. His successful course at school, his industry, his modesty, his unusual ability, his kindly ways and his friendship had commended themselves to the town folk. He entered Trinity in the Fall of 1879 and his friends looked forward with great pride to what they felt ~路ould be his accomplishments in collegiate life. He at once attracted the attention of Dr. "Sammie" Hart, the then professor of Latin, and it almost seems as though he had really adopted young Truby as his son. In point of fact, ''Sammie" Hart had no children of his own, and his great heart went out to, and made a son of, every Trinity man. I always felt that he had it in mind to teach young Truby his much loved Latin tongue and that Dr. Hart hoped in time to make him his successor. But the boy was stricken down with a mortal disease that in a few days, indeed in a few hours, ended his life. Last year when it was suggested to one of his aunts that the College would be pleased if she would place a memorial pew-end in this glorious chapel, she at once signified her pleasure in doing so. And so it came about that sixty-odd years after his death, the memory of this brilliant young student was perpetuated in this beautiful JWw-end whi ch is now unveiled, but which his aunt did not live to see.

The artist carver has happily seized on a real picture in oak which will perpetuate the story of the death, during hi college course, of a student which. as I have said, occurs in hundreds of instutitions of learning all over the Country. The major figure, as you will observe, is the student seated at a desk with an open book before him . On the right side of the desk stands an hourglass whose sands are nearly run, and on the left a candle burned to the socket but all unknown to the student. Before him, in heraldic armor, stands the inexorable Angel of Death with outstretched wings, who lays his hands on the student, typifying his early death . In the finial above with outstretched wings, is the eagle, signifying eternity. At the base is a figure of St. Acca, the patron of British learning, who was a contemporary and friend of the Venerable Bede. It is a touching thing that in this memorial this young student is now remembered after these manyeven more than three score-years. ORGAN RECITALS

On October 10, M. Joseph Bonnet of Paris, recognized as one of the two greatest living organists in the world, played a brilliant recital before a large audience of students and Hartford music lovers. On the four Monday evenings in November the following organists played: Grover J. Oberle, New York; Harold Fried ell, New York, Paul Callaway, Washington, and Luther Noss, Yale University. \VOOUWARD

Mrs. P. Henry \\ioodward, mother of Charles C . Woodward '98 and wife of the late P. Henry Woodward, Tru stee of Trinity College from 1896 to 1917, died October 12th in Hartford . Dr. Ogi lby conductt'cl the funeral servi ce held at her home. One of the IH'W dormitory section s was n a med for her husband in recognition of ma ny years of faithful servi ce to the College. 1\lrs. \\'oodwa rd gave a room in th e building in th e memory of her father . Cuilford Smith of \1\'indh a m, Conn ect icut, banker, industri a list a nd hiiJli ophile. 6

Alumni Who's Who

WALTER A. jAMIESOK '12 Walter A. Jamieson, Director of the Biological Division and Biological Research, Eli Lilly and Company, was recently called to ew York by the Blood Transfusion BettermPn t Association as advisor on preservation of blood plasma being supplied through the American Red Cross to Great Britain for transfusion use . He has also been appointed recently a trustee of the newly organized American Foundation for Tropical Medicine, Inc., and member of the Biologica l Subcommittee of Drug Resources Advisory Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board. He is Treasurer-elect of the Diocese of Indianapolis.

S. ST. joHN MoRGAN '03

S. St.John Morgan, vice-president of the State Street Trust Company, will become chairman of industry and finance in the Greater Boston 1941 Community fund campaign. Mr. Morgan was formerly head of industrial solicitation for the Red Cross campaign. The new industry and finance chairman is a director of several companies, including the Bigelow & Dowse Company, H. & B. Machine Company, Loyal Protective Life Insurance Company, Merrimac Hat Corporation, Nashua Manufacturing Company, ational Protective Companies and Russell Manufacturing Company. He is also chairman of the board of the Pelzer Manufacturing Company. :'\ltCHOLAS


Ru ssELL Z. joHNSTON '16 In a district where the vote was overwhelming for Democratic candidates, Judge Johnston was the onl y Republican to gain a high office. On Nov. S he was re-elected Judge of Probate for the Hartford Probate district. His re-election is a high tribute to his character, ability and popularity.


Having been identified with the Community Chest Campaign in Hartford a number of years, Mr. Manocchio this year has been Campaign Manager. He is connected with the Hartford office of Paine. \\'ehl>er and Company, members of the . ew York Stock Exchange. 7



The Class of 1944 is the first Freshman Class in years to have a numerical balance in favor of resident students. This happy situation was made possible through the generosity of those Trinity Alumni and friends who contributed to the new dormitories, Goodwin and Woodward.

Trinity is doing its part in connection with the ·National Defense Program. At a meeting of the student body September 20 Dr. Ogilby outlined Trinity's plans to correlate college training with the national program of defense. He said that it would be an important step if all co~lege studdents would obtain drivers' licenses so as to be better prepared in the event they are called for military service to drive army automobiles or tanks.

The following members of the class are sons of Alumni: Edward W. Dexter Richard H . MacGuyer Reuel F. Stratton Stewart S. Barthlemess Peter A. Sage Charles J. Harriman, Jr.

At the same meeting the President spoke of the courses at the. college which would be offered in army sanitation, radio communication and similar engineering subjects, as well as ground school and flying courses.

Freshmen have been pledged to fraternities as follows : Delta Psi - 15 Alpha Chi Rho - 9 Alpha Delta Phi - 8 Sigma Nu - 15 Delta Kappa Epsilon - 12 Psi Upsilon- 16 Delta Phi - 5 • Alpha Tau Kappa - 2 Commons Club - 9

To give the student a better knowledge of the need for integration in all fields for national defense, a series of talks on various aspects of defense was arranged. These talks are given by experts Tuesday evenings. To date the speakers and their subjects have been: Colonel Clarence W. Seymour on "Mechanized Warfare"; Mr. H . A. Stevens and Mr. Carlton Nelson '39 of Colt's Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Company, Inc. on "The Manufacture of Machine Guns."; Commander Robert H . Barnes USN of the U. S. Submarine Base in New London on "The Development of the Submarine"; Mr. Philip B. Gale, President of the Standard Screw Machine Company, on "Fuses"; Mr. S. B. Williams, editor of the Electrical World, on "Power in National Defense"; Mr .H. B. Dill, special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation·, on "Protection Against Subversive Activities."

With keen competition Samuel B. Corliss of Central High School, Philadelphia, won the Converse Schola rship of $500. The class in general shows average scholastic ability. The Freshman football squad of forty swept through the season undefeated with twenty-four men playing in games. They defeated Wesleyan 27-6, Suffield 12-0, Amherst 19- 0. The Suffield and Amherst teams had been undefeated. When Dr. Jaquith was appointed Dean of Freshman last spring he immediately made provision for the enlargement of the Board of Counsellors to cover all Freshman whether or not they show signs of needing special guidance. The Board of Freshmen Advisers, as it is now called, consists of thirteen members of the faculty who take on the average fourteen men each for weekly conferences. Problems regarding schedules, extra-curricular activities, living and study conditions, and methods and hours of study are thoroughly discussed . Dr. William Helmbold , Chairman of the Committee on Registration in Course, and Coach Daniel Jessee, representing the Physical Education Department, meet with the Advisers for consultation .

In addition to this a course is being offered by Professor Doolittle as Civil Engineering 1, which fulfills the requirements for the Civil Aeronautics Authority as a course in ground flying. They meet part of the time with Professor Doolittle at the College and the rest of the time at Brainard Field where the eleven who have passed their medical examination fly as members of the Civil Aeronautical Association. 8

records under Mr. Oosting having won 122 games out of 213. With 7 lettermen returning the team looks forward to another good season having won 6 out of 12 last year.


The Smith Fund, established for the purpose of bringing visiting lecturers to Trinity, has enabled the College to present before its students various scholars and men of distinction in their pa rticular fields. The first guest of the College this fall路 was Willia m Bird IV, '12, formerly representative of the ew York Sun in Paris. Bird spoke on October 30 at the M a triculation Day exercises and was presented with an honorary degree at the close of the service. On October 23, the Rev . A. Palmore Harrison '32, of Parkesburg, W . Va. , spoke in the Chapel at the morning services. The Rev. N . R . High Moor, Dean of Pittsburgh Cathedral, spoke at the Chapel service on ovember 6. On November 13, Father Alan Whittemore, Superior in the Order of the Holy Cross, spoke in Chapel. Rev. Gerald G. Walsh, S. J. spoke to a large audience of Hartford intellectuals on the evening of ovember 18. His subject was " Dante As A Medieval Humanist." On November 20 Father Walsh addressed thestudent body, gathered in the Auditorium, on "The Jesuit Idea of Education."


Among the projects supported in recent years are: lamps along the main building, athletic field flood lights, moving picture equipment, the senior loan fund, scholarship endowment, alumni publications, the new college fence, football training camp, the field house fund, reunion class projects, office and travel expense, alumni reunions. Here is how the Fund has grown to meet needs: College Year No. of Donors Amount 1935- 36 159 $1,486.00 1936--37 412 4,071.15 1937-38 444 3,648.46 1938- 39 559 5,039.60 1939-40 342 3,439.50 *Discontinued because of dormitory Drive. This year's proposed budget calls for the raising of ........ .. .... . . . ... . . .... .. .. .. $7050 . 00 1) Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 . 00 To increase the effectiveness of our News Bureau by employing part-time an experienced newspaper man. 2) Fence . ..... . .... . . . ... .. .. .. . 1500 . 00 At least $1000 for additional fence along Summit St., and the balance to help pay for fence already erected. 3) Alumni Scholarships .. .... .. .... 1000.00 To be granted to needy students of good scholastic standing who are prominent in extra-curricular activities. Such scholarships are to be granted by Dr. Ogilby with the approval of Alumni Fund Council members who live near Hartford. 4) Athletic support .. 路..... .. . . .. .. 1200 . 00 $200 is to be used towards the pre-season training table (football) and $1000 for additional flood lights on the practice football and soccer field. 5) Office Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2550. 00 The printing and mailing of five issues of the Alumni News ($1750). Travel ($200) . General and miscellaneous ($200). June reunions ($100). Office equipment ($400). 6) Field House Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 . 00 - Donations always welcome -


After coaching the varsity basketball team 16 years, Ray Oosting is retiring from that work in order to devote more time to his duties as Director of Physical Education. The new coach will be Ralph Erickson, a graduate of Springfield College who for three years has shown much ability as freshman coach of football, basketball and baseball at Trinity. Mr. Erickson has been extremely popular with the students and has been largely responsible for the development of inexperienced players for varsity competition . Walter McCloud, whose perseverance and personality have enabled him to make soccer one of the most popular sports on the campus, will take over the freshman basketball team. Walt, as he is familiarly called by undergraduates, received his B .A. at the University of Washington and his M.A. at Columbia. He has been a 路member of the Physical Education Department since 1934. Trinity basketball teams have had excellent 9

Alumni Meetings ..

Rev. W. A. Beardsley '87 Rev. C. B. Hedrick '99 R. L. Eaton '05 C. G. Chamberlain '07 Douglas Gott '10 J . F. Townsend '10 Dr. F. P. Carroll '11 Dr. H. C. Jaq uith '12 A. A. N. Fenoglio '14 Rev. R. H. Johnson '14 Dr. E. W. Ludwig '15 J. T. Jennings '16 Robert S. Morris '16 E. G. Schmitt '16 ]. S. Gummere '17 E. G. Armstrong '21 Claude Z. J ette '21 W. C. Calabrese '25 F. J . Cronin '25 R. Montgomery '25


The fourth meeting of the New Haven Trinity College Alumni Association was held on November 14th at the Hof Brau Haus. After dinner President E. G. Schmitt '16 called the meeting to order. The Secretary-Treasurer read the minute's of the previous meeting and gave a report on the finances of the Association. Dr. Jaquith gave a timely and interesting talk on his experiences in Albania and Greece after the First World War. Bob Morris '16, President of the National Association, gave some highlights of the History of Football at Trinity. Dan Jessee and Joe Clarke reported on the progress made by the football team this fall and discussed the coming game with Wesleyan. Joe Clarke also reported on the prospects of the swimming team and the accomplishments of the Freshmen football team. Tom Wadlow showed pictures of the 1939 Wesleyan game and the 1940 game with Amherst. The Pipes added much to the meeting with their excellent singing.

R. B. Talcott '26 W. F. Even '28 J. C. FitzGerald '28 G. T. Ward '28 W. L. Beers '29 A. C. Brown '29 H. Lommis '29 R. B. Noble '29 L. S. Sternschuss '29 G. A. Mackie '31 Rev. W. Kibitz '32 T . S. Wadlow '33 A. Onderdonk '34 D. A. Sanders '38 Paul Jasperson '39 John Slowik '39 John V. Dimling '40 C. B. Grandahl '40 Dan Jessee Joe Clarke


Through the efficient.services of George Mackie, '31 a summary of Dr. Jaquith's talk on Albania was sent out over A. P. wires and consequently printed in many newspapers.

President Bertram Bailey called a meeting of the Naugatuck Valley Association for November 13th at the Hotel Elton in Waterbury.

According to the A.P. dispatch, Dr. Jaquith said "Nobody but a fool, unless he were under severe pressure or unless he expected to conduct a successful blitzkrieg in a week's time, would start a campaign agains. Greece from Albania in mid-October."

Brief talks were given by Mr. John P. Elton on the good old days, by Freshman Coach Ralph Erickson on the undefeated team, by Coach Joe Clarke on scouting, and by Alumni Secretary Tom Wadlow on a proposed plan for regional scholarships. There were moving pictures of several recent games.

Recounting experiences as a former director of Near East Relief, he went on to say the winter in the mountainous region on the AlbanianGreek frontier was considerably more severe than in northern New England, making the mountains virtually impassable from November to early March. He said, too, that the prowess of the Greek Army had been very much under estimated and predicted that it would prove "very annoying to the Italians for some time to come."

Although a few regulars were unable to attend, there was a happy little gathering full of the best Trinity spirit. The following braved the stormy night: John P. Elton '88 Arthur Lake '08 Karl W. Hallden '09 Harold T. Slattery '11 Bertram B. Bailey '15 Nathan M. Pierpont '16 Paul E. Fenton '17 Ellery A. Wilcox '17

In spite of very unpleasant weather the following found their way to the Hof Brau Haus: 10

Kenneth E. Johnson '18 Francis R. Fox '20 A. Dale Mitchell '24 George DeBonis '34 Charles J . Sutherland '34 Ralph Erickson Joe Clarke Tom Wadlow '33

Eddie Cram ' 22 President of the Rochester Association, is seated at the near end of the table while Bob Morris't6, President of the Alumni Body is at the far end. A photograph of the Rochester Association meeting held at the Hotel Seneca in Geneva.

From Pittsburgh : Mr. & Mrs . ]. Buffington , Jr .. Mr . & Mrs. Thayer Lyon, Mr. & Mrs . Alvord C hurc hill , Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Moore. From W estern 'ew York : The Rev . J . Moore, Mr. & Mrs. H . Bell, Mr . \\" . T a yl or a nd son Sta rk , Bob "chrec k. Dr. & Mrs. D . J ewett , J ack Zi t low, F . Due nn ebi er , Mr. & Mrs . Phil Scha rf, Mr. & Mrs. J a mes C . Ic~ a lly. Rev . J ohn \\" . \\"oesnser, his so n and fri end. M r . & M rs. Elmer Tiger and d a ught e r. Mr . & l\'lrs. T. C. J ones .


Th e firs t Alumni mee tin g of the season was held unde r th e lead e rs hip o f the R oches ter Associa ti on a t the H o tel Se neca in Ge ne va a ft e r the Trini ty- Hoba rt game. October 19th . Sonw of t he Alumni a nd their wives a rrived the ni ght befo re t he ga me a nd h y the ti me t he ga me s ta rted th ere was a la rge ga th erin g which und e r th e direction of ch e r lead er S ta rk T ay lor ga ve th e tea m s upport which so me peopl e say was co mparable to wh a t it rece ived a t home games. A new pl a n of ha vin g bo th Alumni and their wives at the ba nqu e t worked out most su ccessfully T hose wh o a t tended agreed that we sho ul d p lan a si mila r pa rt y next y<'a r whe n th e team play:; Hoba rt aga in in Cc ne,·a Oct I K.

N E \\"


The a nnu a l winter mee tin g of the New York .\lumni .-\ ssocia ti on took pl ace at th e Town Hall Clu b \\"(•dn esday, Dece mber .tth . Professor Ed ward F. Humphrey , 1'\ ort ha m Professor of Histo ry a nd Politi ca l Science. was the prin cipal spea ke r. Pre ·iden t ()gil by spoke a !Jou l progress a t the College a nd Dr. J aquith , Provos t, ga ve a word of gree tin g. T om \\"acll ow , :\lumni Secre tary, showed movin g pict ures . Tlw up-town New York lun cheon s co ntinue to he hel d rvg ul a rl y every Tu esd ay at I 2:3 0 a t tlw Firl' n ze Resta ura nt , 6 \\". .f(Jth Stree t , whil e th e d ow nt own lun cheo ns a re held th e fi rs t Thursday of e\·e ry mon t h at I 2 :.t.'i in I !Lu lt <•r's Restau rant. I 2-t <;reen wi ch St rel't.

Those w ho attended: Eddie Cram , fo rmer preside nt o f th e Roc h\'Ste r :\ :;sucia tio n . Harry 01 on , Secreta r y of th e .\ ssc l\"i a t ion . From H art ford : Rolwrt S. Morris, P resi den t of t hl' .-\lumn i. :\ lr. & f r~. T om \\"ad low , l\lr . & \Irs. Ku11wth ~tll<'r . L. i\l ctyrwn l. \ "ic Bon, uHier. CoJ.ch Dan Jessee a nd .\ ssis tant .J ac k <·an·y. 11

Odell Shepard Judge Creedon Jack Blott Dan Jessee Dr. Ogilby At the Hartford Alumni meeting and rally, Dr. Ogilby lights Jack Slott's pipe just presented by Judge Creedon while Dan Jessee seems to consider blowing out the match. Mr. Blott, retiring football coach at Wesleyan, was guest of the Hartford Alumni Association the night before the Wesleyan game.




Judge Alex Creedon, '09 and Harry McKniff, '26, President and Secretary respectively of the Hartford Alumni Association, got off to a good start with a dinner-rally held at the College Dining Hall Nov. 15 . Professor Odell Shepard, Lieutenant-Governor elect, was the principal speaker. He spoke very effectively on the benefits of organized sport and strong rivalry. Dr. Ogilby and jack Blott, Wesleyan football coach, also spoke, and a few Alumni and members of the press were called on for a few words. There were moving pictures of recent games shown to the ninety-nine who attended the meeting. It is. believed that the tribute paid Mr. Blott the night before the game between two old rivals was without precedent . jack, as he is called even by Trinity men, has been one of the most popular of rival coaches.

Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity

7 8 19 14 20 6 0

R. P. I. 13 Vermont 3 Worcester Tech. 0 Hobart 6 Coast Guard 14 Amherst 0 Wesleyan 13 1941

Sept. Oct.

27 4 II 18

25 Nov. 8

IS 12


Union Vermont Wor Tech Hobart Coast Guard No game Amherst Wesleyan

at at at at at

Hartford, Conn. Burlington, Vt. Hartford, Conn. Geneva, N.Y. Hartford

at Amherst, Mass. at Hartford, Conn.

Alumni Notes 1882.- 1934 1916- A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Thorne, Jr. on September 18th.

1882 - James Remsen Stron~, former president of the Tucker Electrical Construction Co. and a leader for many years in the electrical contracting field died Ooct. 25 at his home in Short Hills, N.J. Mr. Strong leaves a wido.w, Mrs. Lavinia Riker Strong, two daughters and two s1sters.

1922 -Francis S. 0. Freed died July 31, 1940. 1922- Frederick C. Beach died May 2 1940 at the Bridgeport Hospital. ' '

1890:- Col. W. E. A. Bulkeley, vice president, auditor, a~d a d1rector of the Aetna Life Ins. Co., having celebrated h1s 50th reunion last June, immediately began receiving congratulations on fifty years of service to the Aetna.

1922 - C. E. Cram has resigned as president of the Rochester Alumni Association because he moved to Buffalo last summer .

. 1892--:- Har~on S. Graves, of New York, after a long 1llness, d1ed at h1s summer home in Vermont Sept. 13. A member of the N. Y. Bar, he had been a member of the firm of Graves Yawger, 20 Pine St. Having been a great football player, Mr. Graves became coach at West Point in 1892.

1927 -F. J. Eberle of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. has recently been made vice president in charge of mortgage loans. Mr. Eberle has recently finished a two year term as President of the Hartford Alumni Association. 1928- The Rev. John E. Lar~e, formerly a Chaplain and teacher at St. Andrews School, Delaware, is now Rector of St. Andrews Church, Wilmington.

1893 - William Bowie, retired head of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, died Aug. 28. He had been awarded an honorary Sc. D. at Trinity in 1919.

1928- The Rev. John M. Youn~, Jr., Rector of St. Bartholomew's Church in Chicago, was married to Miss Mary lngley last October. Miss lngley, a graduate of the ~niversity of Colorado with a Masters Degree from Columbia, has taught at Kemper Hall Kenosha and is the daughter of Bishop lngley of Den'ver. '

18~ ---: Howard Greenley, having retired from his work m Fme Arts and French at Trinity is now traveling a good deal and spending some time with his daughter at Santa Barbara, Cailfornia.

1895 July 22.

Harrie R.


of Ogunquit, Maine, died

1929- Frederick W. Read, Jr. a practicing attorney of the Bar of Massachusetts and New York is engaged to marry Miss Evelyn Avery, a graduate of Mount Holyoke College.

1896 The son (John) of Murray H. C~~eshall has recently been married to Miss Barbara A. Bredt, a graduate of Master's School, Dobbs Ferry, and a member of the Junior League of the Oranges, N.J.

1931 - E. W. Ljonquist, formerly at the Indian Mountain School, is now teaching at Westminster School in Simsbury.

1899 - The Ri~ht Rev. John W. Nichols, retired Shanghai Suffragan Bishop, died in Palo Alto, California, Sept. ~0. Before entering the missionary service he served as ass1stant at Grace Church, San Francisco. His father the late Rev. William F. Nichols, former Bishop of Cali~ fornia, had been rector of St. James Church West Hartford, and Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford. The funeral was held at All Saints Church, Palo Alto, California.

1931 -Capt. Dan B. McCook is now with the 27th Division, N. G. N.Y. 1932 - Dr. Harry E. Crimm of Cleveland was married to Miss Helen Fox ~ast August. Dr. Crimm has just completed fi~e yea~s res1denc~ at St. ~uke's Hospital and plans to estabhsh pnvate pract1ce at S1dney, Ohio. His bride is a graduate of Ohio State University and has been Secretary of the women's committee of the Community Fund.

1906 -The Rev. Dr. D. W. Gateson of Haverford Penna., performed the ceremony at the wedding of hi~ daughter to Mr. R. S. Neely of Merion Penna. November 8th. ' '

1933 - Mr. & Mrs. William McK. Reed have announced the marriage of their daughter, Rachel Miller, to James G. ~ar!'s, Jr. on Septem.ber. 21st. The wedding took place m P1ttsburgh where J 1m 1s working for Price, Waterhouse.

'1911- Harold C. Jaquith, now Dean of Freshmen and Provost of Trinity, has been appointed Trustee of Wilbraham Academy and has been elected President of the Kiwanis Club of Hartford.

1933 - Charles H. Mortimer, M. D. announces the opening of his office for general practice of medicine and surgery at 30 East 40th Street, New York, N.Y.

1911 - Paul H. Taylor has recently become secretary of the New England ~dvisory Board of Insurance Agents. He has served as pres1dent of the New Haven Association and as a member of several state committees.

1933 - Richard Eichacker was married to Helen E Halliday in Portland, Conn., October 12. 路

1911 - Miss Margaret Murray, daughter of Herman S. Murray of Woodmere, L. 1., on November 17th became en,gaged to Charles T. Lovering III of Hewlett.

1934- E. G. (Bud) Gallway was married to Theresa Rutledge July 12th in New York City.

191~ -.John F. Reddick ~as successful in getting a news 1tem m the Los Angeles T1mes regarding the election of Prof. Odell Shepard as Lieutenant Governor of Connect.ic~t. He .w.rite~ that.many Alumni could help improve Tnmty pubhc1ty m the1r home town if they made a real effort.

1934 - On October 5th, Gus Uhli~ was married to Irene Bonotaux in Forest Grove, Pennsylvania. 1934 - Ed Ely has been a recent visitor on campus. He is now living in Newark, N.J.


Alumni Notes 1934 -


1934 - Karl Holst, having got his Ph. D. in Chemistry at N.Y .C., is worki ng for a baking powder Company in Rhode Island.

1938 - Clem Motte n , now teaching in Litchfield at the Forman School, is enga~-;ed to l\1 iss Lou ise E. Fewell of Phi ladelphi a.

1935 - Wal ter Heyd e nre ich was married last August to Miss Bertha l\1. Branche of Rockvi ll<', Conn. Heydl'nrcich is employed as C hemist at Pratt & Whitnl'y .\ ircraft, East Hartford, and now lives at 66 Retreat Avenu<•, Hartford.

1938 - Roswell M. Crane was married to Miss Angelina Tangarone Sept. 30th. Roswell is a chemist at the Hartford Empire Co. 1938 - .\ nnouncement has been made of th<• engagement of Priestly Blake to Miss Dell a E. Deming of pringlil' ld, Mass. Pricsth · and h is brot her havl' ren·ntlv announced the opening of a tine new Icc Cream Parlor in Springfield, Mass. The~· run t h<• Friendly Icc Cream plants.

1935 - S t anl ey Fishe r is still with the. D .. \ ppletonCent ury Company in 1\:ew York City whC're he is making a rea l place for himse lf. 1935 - W m . R . C urtiss of :\orwalk is enrolled at the Hartford College of Law.

1938 - E. Townse nd Wroth was married to Miss Jean l'orter at th<• Church of Transfiguration in 'c w York City, Sept. 7th.

1935 -Terry Mow bray is now a Corporal in th<· B.l'. R .C. in Berm uda. What's more, he ha · recently become a father.

1939 - J . P. Merrill , II, was married to Miss Catht•rirw McCloskey at St. .-\ndrews-by-th<•-Sea, Hyannisport, Mass., .\ugust lOth.

1935 - F. L. Higginson , Jr., has received a commission in the Na.v al Reserve.

1939 - R. P . H ic k ey has been named statistician and secretary of the Board of Health for a six months period of approva l in Hartford. He wi ll succeed J a m es F. Do na hu e , '37, who has recent ly resigned to join the \'enereal Disease Statistics Bureau of the l'nited State Public Health Deptarment in Washingto~. Since graduation Hickey has been doing ubstit u te teaching in the Hartford High Schools and has been working with the Park Department.

1936 - L loyd R ogers, fourth year medical tudent at the University of Rochester, has a lready been accepted for next year at Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochest<•r, as intern in Surgery. 1936 - Jim Heath is a chemist with the Ciba Dye Company in New York City. 1936 - D r. Sal Piacente, having grad uated at t he top of his class from Rochester School of Medicine, has accepted an internship at the New Jersey Medical Center.

1939 - Mr. & Mrs. E. J . Cornwell have announced the engagement of their daughter Marion to Be n G. A pple by who is now in the Real Estate and Insurance business at Saginaw, Michigan. They will be narried December 7th.

1936 - D r . Art H azen bu sh is now an intern in Surgery & Obstetrics at the Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester.

1939 - Ar thur Olson is now with the Hartford Steam Boi ler Insurance Co.

1936 - P eter F ish returned from Bermuda in September and is living in Old Lyme, Conn.

1939 - Last April, Paul Harris became the father of a son. Pa ul is now living in J ersey City.

1936 - T h e R ev. Oliver Ca r be r ry was married to Lou ise L. Harder at St. John's Episcopa l Church, Kingston, N. Y. J uly 14th.

1939 - Rog er S chmuck has recently entered the Seab ury-Western Theological Seminary at Evanston, lllinois.

1937 - John C. Fly nn was married to Marie Jane Ha nra han on the 14th of October at the Church of St. J ohn t he Evange list in ew Britain, Conn.

1939 - Tom Heath got highest entrance grades when he entered orth western University as a ~rad. student in Chemist ry where he is working for his Ph. D.

1937 - Wilson Haight was married to Miss Isabelle Taylor Adie, August 24th, at the Fi rst Congregationa l C hurch in Blanford, Mass.

1940 - Donald R . Zito is a second year student at the niversity of Pen nsy lvania Dental School. 1940 - Bill Harrisop is now em pl oyed by t he firm of Sigma n-Wa rd, ew York Archi tects.

1937 - F . L. Smith was married to Miss Margueri te Reilly, Sep t. 14th , at the Ch urch of t he Immac ulate Conception in Ha rt ford. Miss Reill y grad uated from St. J oseph College, Hartford, in 1938.

1940 - Wm. F . Kelly is now employed by t he At lantic Refi nin g Co. in Ha rt ford.

1937 - Ted Musgrave, teac hin g at South W indsor High, became fat her of a boy, Th eodore T a lcott , Friday, Sept. 13th.

1942 - Dick Hanley is now at West Point. H e will be remembered as one of T rinity's best ends, havi ng played o n t he team in 1939.

1938 - Cresson Pugh was ma rried Sept. 21 st to Grace L. Huntley at th e C hurch of th e Ascension, Rockvi lle Center , N .Y.

All Alumni - Please send notes about yourself and others to Tom Wadlow, Alumni Secretary, to help keep these pages alive. 14

Letters in Guatemala City except cinemas and restaurants where one may dance while eating. This is a refreshing contrast with the brawling cantinas of Panama. There were no bull-fights or cock-fights, which one would except in LatinAmerican countries. Sunday morning we drove some two hundred miles to the sacred Mayan city of Chichecastenango on a broad, winding road, whose every curve provided a separate thrill, negotiated at extreme speed by our taciturn Indian driver. Many ravines dropped sheer from the road for hundreds of feet. Along the road trudged hundreds of Indians at their habitual dog-trot. Many were cargadores, travelling endless miles under burdens of pottery, tile, vegetables, fruits, and miscellaneous sundries that frequently nearly concealed the bearer. Each tribe has a distinct hand woven costume of great beauty much on the order of the clan plaids of Scotland. Indian shacks and fincas dotted the hillsides. Some maize was growing on nearly vertical slopes. Indian trails ran in straight lines regardless of depression or -elevadon. Water is scarce and obtained in jars or ollas from commul)ity wells. The females, large and small, carry these jars balanced gracefully on their heads. At the wells it is not unusual to see people filling jars, laundering, bathing, a nd animals drinking. We arrived at Chichecastenango shortly before noon and wandered thru the great out-door market of nearly 10,000 assorted Indians, selling every product native to the country. In some cases sales were so small that corn and beans were counted by the piece. The Indians were worshipping at the Church, using a profusion of incense and flowers. Many of them inched their way, prone, to the altar and all were chanting in a monotone. We then drove to lovely Lake Atitian, where blue waters rest in a bowl of volcanic hills. On the lake, reached only by boat, arc several primitive villages. From Atitlan we returned to Antigua, which we had passed thru in the early morning. This was once one of the largest cities in .\merica. It was destroyed by earthquake and abandoned for Guatemala City, as a capital. The latter has since suffered an even worse earthquake itself. In Antigua are the ruins of dozens of religious edifices, very massive and often covering from ten to twenty acres of ground. Needless to say, they are of magnificent architecture. We arrived back in Guatemala City shortly after dark. Our car cost the four of us $20.00 for the entire day. Monday, 48 hours after leaving the Canal Zone, we took off for home, stopping at Managua. Here we made a thorough inspection of the military academy and saw the spot where Sandino met his end by gangster assassination. He was eliminated by met~ods used so effectively in New York and Chicago. Managua is hot, dirty and unprogressive. We landed without incident about four P.M. at France Field, having travelled 2000 miles by plane and 400 miles by auto and seen much of six countries in three days. Best regards to President Ogilby and my Trinity friends.


CoL. CHAs.



14th In£. Fort Wm. Davis, C.Z. 18 Oct., 1940. I note the Trinity football games in the New York Times some two weeks after they occur. Have just read of the victory over Vermont. :\pparently you arc headed for a successful season. Bravo! I am under orders to report to the 9th Division, Fort Bragg, ·.C., landing at Charleston, S.C., about Nov., 24. Previous orders to California and to Albany, N.Y. were revoked. Am still doing engineering work, including liaison work with the Third Set Of Locks. We arc fn•quently amused about the various allusions to the Canal in l'.S. publications and the frequent misinformation conveyed. To us the Canal becomes a routine and humdrum matter of work and responsibility. We see ships of all nations, by dozens and hundreds. Occasionally there is somethin g of unusual interest such a:s the Byrd Expedition, warships, refugee ships, prizes of war, dry docks or Chinese junks. So far there . is no apparent decrease in British shipping. The same boats adhere to their regular schedules. . I made an a non-stop flight to Guatemala City. by B-18 bomber in April. We passed over the six Central American republics and flew lOOO miles in six hours. (The Pan-American clipper flies the round trip from Miami in the hours of daylight of a single day.) We flew across Gatun Lake and generall.y up the Pacific coast. It was all intensely interesting. We passed oyer Lake Managua and the volcanic chain of icaragua and Salvador, commencing with Mt. M~mbotombo. We flew low and circled the erupting vents of active volcanoes observing their craters and molten discharge. Vast areas of jungle are scarred by the lava and hot debris and gasses. Mt. Tellico was the most active. Just before crossing the Gulf of Fonseca to Salvador was beautiful Mt. Caseguina with a cobalt lake thousands of feet down in its interior. We spent some time circling low and marvelling at this inaccessible gem of nature. The ceiling was high near Guatemala City. Mts. Amatitlan, Acatenango and Fuego, all approaching 13,000 feet were obscured, except for their peaks, which sat like islands on the white fleeces of the cloud platform. We finally found a hole and dove thru to a perfect landing at the splendid Guatemala airport. Guatemala is a lovely country with a magnificent, modern capital and an average temperature in the low 70s. It was necessary to wear a top-coat in the early morning. There are wide modern streets, numerous magnificent buildings, and a swarming population which is mainly Indian. Indians in tribal costume are everywhere. Soldiers also abound. The country is nearly 100% Indian. The natives are very industrious and their handwork, particularly textiles, is artistic and fascinating. Flowers were abundant. We purchased armfuls of roses, carnations and gladiolas for twenty-five cents. There is no night life

Sincerely, Charles T. Senay, Lt. Co., 14th In£.


Winter Sports Schedule 10 14 17 10 Jan. 15 18 Feb. 8 12 14 21 22 Mar. 1 Dec.

Mass. State Yale Wesleyan Swarthmore Coast Guard Worcester Tech Haverford Williams Vermont R.P.I. Union Wesleyan

BASKETBALL Hartford Hartford Hartford Hartford ew London Worcester Hartford Williamstown Hartford Hartford Schenectady Middletown

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL Dec. 10 Mass. State Jr. Varsity Hartford 14 Trinity Church, N.H. Hartford 17 Wesleyan J. V. Hartford Hartford Jan. 10 Willamantic State Teachers Worcester 18 Wore. Tech Jr. Varsity Feb. Hartford 8 Westminister 14 Morse Hartford 21 Junior College of Commerce Hartford 22 Monson Monson, Mass. Mar. 1 Wesleyan Frosh Middletown

Jan. 10 11 Feb. 8 11 20 26 Mar. 1 7 14-15

SwiMMING M. I. T. Boston Boston University Boston R. P. I. Hartford Union Hartford Worcester Tech Hartford Williams Hartford Coast Guard New London Wesleyan Middletown New Eng. Inter. (M . I. T.) Cambridge

14 H. P.H.S. 7 Bristol 15 Mt. Hermon 20 Canterbury 28 to be arranged Mar. 7 Wesleyan

Jan. Feb.

FRESHMAN SWIMMING Hartford Bristol Hartford Hartford away Middletown

SQUASH RACQUETS Williams Williamstown Jan . Feb. 9 Amherst Hartford 22 M. I. T. Cambridge, Mass. (Other matches to be arranged.) 11

8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:00 8:30 8:30 8 :00 8:00

7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 3:00 7:00

8:00 3:00 3:00 4:15 8:00 4:15 3:00 8:00

4:15 4:00 3:30 4:15

3:00 3:30 3:30

Litho. m U. S. A.

. . ; ·~


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