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OCTOBER 1941 No. 10


President . Vice President Treasurer . Secretary . Assistant Secretary

RoBERTS. MoRRi s , .



BERKSHIRE President: George A. Hey, '29 Secretary: Spence~ P. Kennard, Jr., '38

President: Bertram B. Bailey, '15 Secretary : EdwardS. Wotkyns, '29 Treasurer: Paul E. Fenton, '17



Hon . Pres: Edward D. Appleton, '80 President: Nathaniel T. Clark, '34 Vice President: The Very Rev. John M. McGann, '95 Secretary: MortonS. Crehore, '14 Executive Committee: George R. Almonq, '24 John A. Mason, '34 Dr. C. H . Pelton , '05 Henry 0. Phippen, '32 Lispenard B. Phister, '18 Ralph R . Shelly, '40

President: Russell C. Noble, '13 Secretary: Andrew Onderdonk, '34

NEW YORK President: Frederick T. Tansill , '22 Vice President: Alfred]. L'Heureux, '13 Dr. Jerome P. Webster, '10 Stanley P. Miller, '23 Robert 0. Muller, '31 Sec. Treasurer: Fred . C. Hinkel, Jr., '06 Executive Committee: Harold C. Green, '10 G. Keith Funston, '32 E. G. Gallaway, '34 John E. Geare, '36 F . R. Connor, '38

CAROLINAS Acting Officers: Arch W. Walker, '14 Chester D . Ward, '13



President: Charles T. Kingston, Jr., '34

President: Ronald E. Kinnev, '15 Secretary: Charles T. Easterby, '16



President: William G. Mather, '77 Secretary: David S. Loeffler, '26

President: Hill Burgwin, '06 Vice President: John B. Moore, '13 Secretary: Joseph Buffington, Jr., '18 Treasurer: James G. Marks, Jr., '33

DETROIT President: Norton I ves, '16 Secretary: James B. Webber, Jr., '34

RHODE ISLAND President: Louis W. Downes, '88 Secretary: Sumner W . Shepherd, '19



President: Alex. W. Creedon , '09 Vice President: A. Henry Moses, '28 Secretary: Kenneth W. Stuer, '26

President: Elmer S. Tiger, '16 Secretary: Edwin J. Nugent, M.D., '28



President: William R. O'Bryon, '37 Secretary: Edward L. Sivaslian, '33

President: Kenneth B. Case, '13 Secretary: Sydney R. Hungerford, '17

WASHINGTON- BALTIMORE President: Paul H. Alling, '20 Vice President: Theodore D. Hudson, '14 Secretary: John F. Walker, Jr., '30 2

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE To the Alumni of Trinity College You might reasonably expect that the first paragraph of a report by a college president to his alumni, would state that the College is facing uncertain days and that we are gallantly doing what we can to train our young men to go forth into a cock-eyed world. Suppose we leave out any such sentiments. You are probably as weary of them as I am. It is a problem every year to train young men, and we should not get into the frame of mind of discussing acute difficulties today as an excuse for not doing our regular job as we should. 路 Back in 1917 Trinity College made an attempt to abandon temporarily its academic function and became something in the nature of a training institution for army officers. I regard that as a mistake. The job was not particularly well done. What we need today is to have our colleges continue as going concerns to maintain the high idealism of our civilization and to conserve the cultural values which have been held precious in this country for generations. In all probability we shall have a smaller student body this year as the Selective Service Act has taken out upperclassmen and as there have been heavy calls upon young men of college age for defense work. This will make it difficult to maintain our balanced budget, but we must insist upon maintaining our standards. The last few years we have been increasing our physical plant by new buildings, the latest being the upperclass dormitory , completion of which has been exceedingly difficult due to the delay in getting certain building rna-

terials. Much as we should like to start soon our new field house, we must postpone any thought of more buildings until construction returns to a normal basis. While we may be making certain changes in some courses to gear them to the demands of the day and while we may be making some addition to our teaching in fields relating. to preparation for national defense, the main task of the faculty at Trinity College is to encourage our students to come to grips with problems of the day in the light of the wide experience that the human race made available to them through a college curriculum. It is the duty and the privilege of a teacher in peace time or in war time to vivify the prosaic, to ennoble routine and to kindle the search for truth. The relations of Trinity alumni to their College should be close. The Alumni Fund is for some an opportunity to be generous to meet academic needs and for all is a means of making a gesture of loyalty. Many alumni are able to show their pride in their College by directing new students to us. Others will find opportunity for making the College better known in various sections by the spoken or the written word. For some alumni who are making plans for a final disposition of their worldly goods, there is a chance to make a bequest, large or small, to their Alma Mater to help her to carry on.

The Freshman Class With approximately 161 preparatory and high school graduates arriving September 15 for Freshman Week, the College welcomed another large freshman class - a few more than last year's. Slightly more than half of the freshman are resident students. In addition, 16 transfer students, a rather large number, have been admitted. Besides Connecticut there are 13 other states, 8 of which are eastern and 5 western or mid-western, that are sending students, as well as Washington, D. C., and England. But this year the British representation numbers

one, whereas last year there were three from England and one from Italy. The thirteen states are as follows: Delaware, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland. Among the well-known preparatory schools listed are Germantown Academy, Mount Hermon, Brooks, Choate, Kent, Barnard, Trinity School, Taft, St. Paul's, Episcopal Academy, Groton, and the local schools including Loomis and Kingswood .


CONNECTICUT PLACE NAMES Dictionary being compiled by Professors Hughes and Shepard Place names like Cos Cob and Yelping Hill (in Cornwall) bear romantic legend within them much more interesting than the actual facts of their origin. In several instances these titles are veiled by popular misconception the clarification of which is expressly the task of Professors Hughes and Shepard. Cos Cob more probably finds its beginnings in "Coe's Cob or Cove," where the Coe family once owned land and is not named, as is thought, after an Indian chieftain. No den of yelping foxes, so far as is known, ever existed in Cornwall, but Yelping Hill was once a part of the property of a man named Yalpin.

Samuel Johnson really started something with his dictionary. When Dr. Arthur H. Hughes came across Naromiyocknowhusunkatankshunk (a brook in Sherman, Connecticut) and other fascinating Connecticut names, the challenge was accepted. As a spare time avocation Dr. Hughes began a study of Connecticut place names. He soon found the limitless possibilities of the job and was glad to accept Professor Shepard's offer of collaboration. [Professor Shepard is one of the greatest authorities on Connecticut History.] With only 2,000 already catalogued items, the compilation of this dictionary now promises to contain the key to 20,000 mystery-shrouded Connecticut names.

The dictionary compilers do find, hnwever, authentic cases of historical and commem::>rating names, the truth of whose origins does not matter so much, for the underlying tales are often "so interesting that one would hesitate to discard them." An example of such a case is seen in the origin of the name of the Byran River. As Indians used to paddle up that river to "buy rum," the corruption is easily understood.

Early in their monumental task, Professors Hughes and Shepard perceived the several categories, at least six, into which town names fall. Th'ere are names adopted from European cities and counties, mostly English ones; descriptive names (Rocky Hill); biblical names (Canaan); prefixed names. (New Canaan); towns named for people (Sterling); and "combination" names.

Other examples, historically alluring, are "Dumpling Pond" and "Mohawk Mountain." The former is a mill pond into which were tossed the fresh-cooked dumplings of a patriotic wife who did not wish to see foraging British soldiers get possession of them. Mohawk Mountain was a look-out of the Connecticut Indians where vigil was kept in case of a Mohawk invasion from the west.

It is especially in the last case, the combination names, that the dictionary will be interesting in its detailed explanation of their origin. Winsted, for instance, comes from Winchester and Barkhamsted, while Middlebury finds its origin in its location; it is in the 路 middle of Waterbury, Woodbury, and Southbury.

When all the oddities are exhausted, there will be many commonplace names such as Chestnut Hill, which, at this stage in the dictionary's progress, has sixteen sister hills in Connecticut, and, as Dean Hughes believes, perhaps many more.

Like an Ellery Queen mystery, Indian names, with their disguised syllables (due the inventive genius of the colonial scribes, who had a dozen different English spellings for a name) have offered an extremely difficult problem, in some cases impossible to solve. But that is a great part of the fun for the name-explainers - in knowing, for instance, that Connecticut probably means "land on a long tidal river," that Norwalk, a seemingly English word, means "point of land," and that Mystic is "great . " nver.

To match the colorful western names like Devil's Gulch, the Trinity compilers list in their catalogue, among other names, the following: Above All, Bill Hill, Boom Bridge, Cat Swamp, Delectable Mountain, Devil's Backbone, Devil's Hopyard, Hartdcrabble, Johnny Cake, Lull Nod, Puddletown, Purgatory, Roast Meat Hill, Satan's Kingdom, Sodom, Success, and Whistletown.

For more picturesque titles the dictionary will contain names like Poquonock, "place of slaughter," Quinnipiac or Kennebec, "long water place," Wangumbaug, "crooked pond," and Higganum, "at the tomahawk rock." There are several names honoring Indians, such as Moosup, after a great sachem.

Thus Connecticut, we see, finds enrichment in the history, legend, and romance of its very names.


FACULTY AND CAMPUS NOTES DR. LESTER v. CHANDLER To fill the place of Dr. Edward D. W. Spingarn, now an Army officer, Trinity is particularly fortunate in securing the services of Amherst's associate professor in Economics, Dr. Lester V. Chandler. Dr. Chandler, whose coming to Trinity was graciously approved by President Stanley King of Amherst, is recognized as one of the outstanding younger men in the field of Money and Banking. Co-author of "Money, Credit, and Finance," which was published by Little, Brown in 1938, Dr. Chandler is also the author of "An Introduction to Monetary Theory," published by Harpers in 1940. He is a contributor to economics periodicals. Having received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree at Yale in 1934, Dr. Chandler taught at the Universities of Missouri, Dartmouth, and Princeton, prior to his going to Amherst. He is now in charge of Economics II, Money and Banking, given as a two-hour seminar course for which he makes the trip from Amherst every Wednesday afternoon.


DR. MAURICE E. BATES Dr. Maurice E. Bates, who for the past year has been assistant professor and head of Mechanical Engineering at Antioch College and consulting engineer for the college and the municipal power plant, has been appointed head of the Engineering Department at Trinity. A graduate of the University of Michigan in 1934, Dr. Bates, as Phi Kappa Pi Fellow, received his Masters Degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology the following year. Then returning to Michigan with a doctoral fellowship, he received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 193 7, and while studying there, taught parttime. His doctor's dissertation is being used at the university in the teaching of advanced thermodynamics. Upon receiving his Doctor's Degree, he was appointed associate professor at Peiyang University in Tientsin, China, which position he had to give up because of the Sino-Japanese War. He became head master of science and mathematics at the Brent School, Baguio, P. I. Before leaving China, however, Dr. Bates had been present for the unique experience of the bombing of Shanghai which he described, among other topics, as lecturer in 1939 with the Michigan University Extension Division. Later he taught at Lehigh University for a semester before becoming assistant technical engineer of the Delray Power Plant of the Detroit Edison Company where he gained valuable experience for his teaching.

DEAN ARTHUR H. HUGHES The executive committee of the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of President Ogilby, has appointed Dr. Arthur H. H ughes dean. Having come to Trinity in 1935 as an instructor in German, Dr. Hughes was promoted to assistant professor in 1937. Though he is giving special attention to his administrative duties, he has a class in Scientific German and a survey course in German Literature for advanced students. Dr. Hughes has been a member of the faculty of Johns Hopkins University and George Washington University, instructing as assistant professor at the latter institution from 1930 to 1935. Previous to this, he attended the University of Vienna in 1928 and 1930. His Bachelors Degree in 1927, his Masters in 1929, and his Doctor of Philosophy in 1931 were attained at Johns Hopkins where he also taught summer sessions in 1936 and 1938. A member of the Modern Languages Association and the Goethe Society of America, he is also the author of many articles published in "Modern Language Notes" and the "Germanic Review." Unable to obtain material from German libraries, Dr. Hughes has been forced to interrupt his work on a book on Hans Sachs, 16th century minnesaenger. Of more recent interest is his collaboration during a part of the summer with LieutenantGovernor Odell Shepard on a dictionary on Connecticut place names. (See opposite page.) Last year Dr. Hughes was married to Miss Laura Ellen Kenealy of Richmond, Virginia.


PRoFEssoR HooD


Professor Thurman L. Hood, who since 1928 has served in the capacity of dean and assistant professor of English, resigned this summer to devote his work to the teaching of English as full-time associate professor, a rank to which he was recently promoted. He will continue in charge of Freshman English and will conduct a special class for the advanced freshman students as well as a seminar course. Professor Hood, having studied at the Universities of Wisconsin and Harvard, received at the latter his Bachelors, Masters, and Doctor of Philosophy Degrees. He taught English at Harvard from 1912 to 1928 and helped Professor Charles T. Copeland in the preparation of the Copeland Reader which was published in 1927. In 1933 Dr. Hood's Letters of Robert Browning was published - a work recognized as an important contribution to the field of literature. Professor Hood has contributed many literary articles to periodicals.

It was on the crest of Avon Mountain, in a 200 million year old lava bed, that Dr. Edward L. Troxell, professor of Geology and Connecticut's State geologist, found a deposit of resonant rocks. These rocks he felt to be ideal for an xylophone made of stone, a thought which came to him one day as he was proceeding through the Shenandoah Caverns of Virginia and found that a stalactite, when properly tapped, would produce a beautiful, resounding tone. Thus the idea for the stone xylophone was createCI. This musical oddity is the latest result "of a lifetime spent thinking about rocks," as Time Magazine (August 25th) phrased it in describing Professor Troxell's achievement. After a bit of musico-geological research on Avon Mountain, near which is his residence, Professor Troxell carted home " a load of particularly clangorous cobbles." Procuring a 10 cent pitch pipe, Trinity's geologist used a chisel to chip his rocky arr"'ay into tune. The results of this effort were a complete Major C scale consisting of three octaves. The write-up in Time then related the story of Professor Troxell's search for a name for his home-made instrument which could not be called a xylophone, as that terminology indicates wood composition. Greek equivalents for "rock" and "stone" were thought of in combination such as "lithophone" and " petroeuphonium," but were rejected. Finally, " petrophone" was accepted. Thus Time headed its story- "Petrophonist Troxell." The interview in the periodical ended as follows: "No virtuoso, Petrophonist Troxell confines himself to scholarly renditions of such well-known compositions as 'Chopsticks,' but occasionally rattles off a more ambitious classic. Says he: 'People are impressed when I say I can play the Largo from Dvorak's "New World Symphony," but you know, that is really very simple.' " Another interview quoted Professor Troxell with regard to his "Stone Age Steinway" thus : "There is no doubt that 'I Love Mountain Music.' "



Mr. John C. E . Taylor, who has taught at the Lawrenceville School, is now teaehing Fine Arts at Trinity. A graduate of Yale, he received his Masters Degree in the History of Art in 1940. Previously he studied drawing and painting for two years in France at the Academie Julian and in Southern France. In this country he has painted in Hartford and in Rockport, Massachusetts. Mr. Taylor's pictures have been exhibited from Maine to Florida, and he has sold many oil paintings. He is a member of several art organizations. THOMAS B. CooPER Mr. Thomas B. Cooper, who was elected to a Yale University Fellowship in 1939 and has been studying there since, is now a member of the Trinity history department. He was graduated from Swarthmore College in 1938 with highest honors in the division of social science. During the following year he attended the University of London as John Lockwood Fellow of Swarthmore, and in the autumn of that year was admitted to the London Institution of Historical Research. He is a member of the Religious Society of Friends, and a Phi Beta Kappa of Swarthmore. EARL



Among the eight to whom were awarded honorary degrees at Boston University's 68th annual commencement, on June 9, 1941, was Lieutenant-Governor Odell Shepard, "a politarch among literati and a literatus among politicians." Dr. Daniel L. Marsh, president of Boston University, conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities.


Mr. Earl S. Garver, of the Yale Graduate School, is part-time instructor in elementary economics, in the absence of Dr. Spingarn. He is offering Labor Economics for the first terrn. A graduate of Manchester College, Indiana, Mr. Garver became assistant professor at Yale. During the coming year he expects to complete his thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree. He comes from New Haven Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for his classes. 路


The extension course in Economics is in charge of Mr. J. Ralph Spalding, M.A., who is instructor of social science at Bulkeley High School.


Section one of Jarvis is the new home of several of the College's offices. The rearrangement brings all the administrators to the north end of the campus: Dr. Jaquith, Dean of Freshmen - Jarvis 1 ; Dr. AI tmaier, Secretary of Admissions - Jarvis 2; Dr. Buell, Director of Extension Courses - Jarvis 3; and Mr. Wadlow, Alumni Secretary - Jarvis 4. Trinity students cannot help noticing the vast improvements, the reparations, and the installation of new equipment in the various buildings and the betterment of the athletic and scenic acreage of the College - this being work done in the summer recess. They undoubtedly first noticed their newly painted rooms as well as the shinier appearance of several familiar chambers. The most important summer work was, of course, the erection of the new dormitory at the northeast corner of Summit and Vernon Streets. This unit, comprised mainly of threeroom suites, includes its own dining room, which has been rented to the Delta Psi Fraternity. The building accommodates twenty-six students and two married members of the faculty, Dean Hughes and Dr. Lothrop, and their wives. Built-in wardrobes and bureaus are among the modern features , while 16th century paneling in the dining hall creates an atmosphere of days past. Summer work has improved the twelve tennis courts of which Mr. Oosting is somewhat proud. In addition, the alumni donation of $300 to the Athletic Association made possible the resurfacing of the single hard-surface court, a great help to both player and coach in bad weather and in the early spring and late fall when the clay courts are not available. The baseball diamond has had its face lifted. An expensive job was done on the infield making it a modern turtle-back affair without the oldfashioned pitcher's mound. Alumni Hall was also subject to some modernization. The trainer's room was completely renovated, including in its up-to-date make-up, venetian blinds, a bit of desirable shading for the athletes. The more studious undergraduates will appreciate the newly installed lighting equipment in the library, a sorely needed adjustment. New fixtures have been hung and the table lamps have been repaired. Another successful session of summer courses ended with an enrollment of 155 students, nearly the same number as lflst year. About twelve Trinity students were included among them. With the exception of the Spanish course, which was taught by a Wesleyan professor, Trinity faculty members gave thirteen courses as follows: Elementary Physics, 2 courses in Chemistry, 3 in Psychology, 2 in Mathematics, 2 in History, 3 in English, 1 in Education, Sociology, and Economics.

When Trinity Extension Courses started September 24, the schedule listed 33 classes, offering for the first time Mathematics II, Calculus, and two advanced courses in Engineering, one mechanical, another structural. The catalogue lists 3 courses in Fine Arts, 1 in Biology, Economics, Mathematics, Music Appreciation, Philosophy and Phsyics; 2 courses in Geology, Sociology and Spanish; 3 in History and in Education; 4 in Psychology, and 5 in English . Mr. Henry M. Wing has assumed the management of the dining hall this year. Mr. Wing, who comes to Trinity from Harvard University, will also be in charge of the dining hall in the new dormitory at the northeast corner of Vernon and Summit Streets. The auditor's report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, shows that the College has managed well, with a surplus of income over expenditure amounting to $542.80. According to the report, the total value of the land, buildings, and equipment is over four million dollars. The total value of the endowment is upwards of three and one-half million, an increase of $51,000. Gifts for the various buildings this past year have amounted to over $200,000. Streamlined cars and cars of model T vintage now find smooth sailing on the chapel driveway as the result of a $1200 labor expenditure in August to make the surface permanent. This new topping, the property manager asserts, will last indefinitely if careful driving is practised. A quarter inch of chipped stone covers the driveway over an amesite base. A tributary of the chapel driveway, an amesite path, cuts across the campus connecting the new dormitory with the College proper. On campus a surface gutter from Northam to Cook, with new catch basins, has been installed. This, coupled with other repairs and the widening of the sidewalk to 772 feet, amounted to $600. The surface of the gutter is so curved and rounded as to permit walking upon it. Among items likely to go unnoticed, there is new heating equipment in the central plant in Jarvis Physics Building, and in Boardman Hall. A semi-automatic oil burner with automatic draft control replaces the old installation in the central plant and is capable of burning the heaviest oil. One-half of the Chemistry Building interior has been freshly painted. Cook Dining Hall has been sanded and refinished, with like treatment and a built-up oil finish for the tables. As usual there was a general pruning of the trees, but with a double quota of food for them this year. At a cost of over $2500 the serious ravages of the Japanese Beetle were met with the stout resistance of grub-protection on 25 of the College's 40 acres. This method of extermination is said to be effective for 4 or 5 years.



SAMUEL FERGUSON, 1896 Twenty-eight years after receiving his bachelor of science degree, Samuel Ferguson became president of the Hartford Electric Light Company. But it is not this office alone that marks him as a leader in the community, because his offices are many. Mr. Ferguson came to Trinity long before he ,entered as a student for his father, the Rev. Dr. Henry Ferguson, was Northam Professor of History and Political Science for many years. After receiving his B.S., Phi Beta Kappa, from Trinity Samuel Ferguson went to Columbia University and in 1899 got his M .A. In 1936 Mr. Ferguson was honored at R. P. I. with the degree of Doctor of Engineeriog. His career in public utilities started in 1900 when he entered the research laboratories of the General Electric Company. By 1912 he had earned for himself the position of vice president of the Hartford Electric Light Company, and twelve years later was chosen president. In addition to being the chairman of the board of directors of his own company he is also a director of Arrow Hart & Hegeman, the Conn. Chamber of Commerce, Colt's Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co., Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co., Hartford Electric Steel Corp., Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Hartford National Bank & Trust Co., Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., Manufacturers' Association of Conn., Hartford Gas Co., and Columbia & Rensselaer Telephone Co., Lebanon, N . Y. Besides being a trustee of Trinity College he also serves in that capacity with the Edison Electric Institute of New York, the Society for Savings of Hartford, and the Western Massachusetts Companies. Trinity may well be proud that such a brilliant career had its beginning within her halls.

OWEN MoRGAN, 1906 Owen Morgan is another Trinity man who continues active service for the College. In 1939 the Trustees appointed him Treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Motten. While at Trinity Mr. Morgan was a fine athlete. He was captain of the football team and center fielder for the Trinity nine. That he was a leader among his classmates is indicated by the fact that he was elected to the Sophomore Dining Club, the Junior Prom Committee, and the Medusa. For his athletic prowess and his general all-round leadership he was awarded the George Sheldon McCook Trophy on Class Day. Upon his graduation from Trinity he entered the employment of Brown-Durrell & Co. of New York. After three years he left that company to go with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. where after a short time he became an assistant secretary. In 1930 he became affiliated with the Society for Savings where he is now vice president and secretary. Mr. Morgan is also a director of the First National Bank of Hartford. Mr Morgan's interest in public institutions is not limited to his college for he is the treasurer and a vestryman of Trinity Church, Hartford, and a trustee of the School for the Blind and of the American School for the Deaf. He is a director of the Hartford Chapter of the American Red Cross and was formerly Police Commissioner of Hartford. He is a member of the Hartford Golf Club, the Twentieth Century Club, the University Club of Hartford and of the Delta Psi Fraternity. In addition to being treasurer of the College he is also a trustee and is an active member of the executive committee and the finance committee of the Board of Trustees.



THE REVEREND ]AMES F. ENGLISH, 1916 Among the members of the Class of 1916 who met for their 25th reunion last June, there were many prominent persons. One of them was the Reverend James F. English, Superintendent of the Connecticut Conference of Congregational and Christian Churches since 1936 and the Editor of Congregational Connecticut. With uninterrupted progress Mr. English has become a leader in the church in Connecticut. He began his theological training at the Hartford Seminary, but his education soon yielded to the U. S. Army in which he was a Sergeant in the Medical Corps of the A.E.F. Later he served as chaplain in the Organized Reserves of the army, with the rank of Captain. Returning to the Seminary after the war, Mr. English resumed his studies and, in 1921, received his B.D. degree. That year he became the first minister of the Elmwood Community Church, West Hartford. But after four years there, Mr. English was called to the Congregational Church at Putnam, Connecticut, and in 1930, to the First Congregational Church of Manchester, New Hampshire. In addition to his official duties, many more activities claim the in~xhaustible time of the Reverend Mr. English. He is the superintendent and treasurer of the Missionary Society of Connecticut and the Trustees of the Fund for Ministers; an instructor at the Yale Divinity School since 1939; and a member of various ministerial, theological, and other organizations, too numerous to mention. He is an occasional contributor to Advance. He has been president of the New Hampshire Congregational Conference and chairman of its Board of Directors. A trustee of the Hartford Seminary Foundation, Mr. English is also a leader in several other organizations.

FREDERICK J. EBERLE, 1927 The editor of the 1928 Ivy found that he needed more than the average amount of space for listing the achievements of Frederick J. Eberle. A glance at Mr. Eberle's record since leaving Trinity shows that he has continued to take part in many activities successfully. At Trinity "Pete" Eberle was successful in many extra-curricular activities. His position as president of the Athletic Association was well earned for he played on the varsity basketball team in his sophomore year and on the varsity football and baseball teams for three years. He was president of his class both terms of his senior year and was a member of the Senate. In addition, he was a member of the Sophomore Dining Club and the Medusa. Employed by the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company in the City Loans Department immediately after his graduation from Trinity, he has been largely responsible for the expansion of that department. His fourteen years of service with the Connecticut Mutual are marked by a succession of promotions. In 1933 he was made supervisor of the department in which he worked, and four years later was appointed an assistant secretary of the company. In 1940 he was advanced to the position of Second Vice President in charge of Mortgage Loans. Mr. Eberle continues to be an active alumnus. He has been president of the Hartford Alumni Association and a member of the Alumni Athletic Council. Last June he was elected to the Nominating Committee for the nomination of Alumni Trustee. A member of Sigma Nu, Mr. Eberle lives in Windsor with his wife and two sons, Charles and John, age 8 and 6 respectively.


FOOTBALL HISTORY After graduation Mr. Graves entered Yale Graduate School and played on the Yale Varsity with great success. Still later he coached the West Point (Army) team. His graduation from Trinity ended the first of Trinity's four golden eras of football. The second came in the period from 1894 through 1896 under the leadership of the Langford brothers (W. S., Jr., '96, and Archibald M ., '97). William Langford later became a member of the Rules Committee and officiated at the important games in the East. These were days when a team averaging 160 pounds played schedules as large as eleven games, rarely substituting for a player. The next good season for Trinity came in 1900 with victories over the Amherst Aggies, Wesleyan, Conn. Aggies, and N. Y. U. Games were lost to Yale and Hamilton and the games against Amherst and Army were ties. This season was followed by five lean years. The third golden era started in 1906 and ran through 1915. J. Clinton Landefeld, '07, who had played brilliantly as a tackle and captain of the team in 1905, coached the teams successfully in 1906 and 1907. During his second year he was assisted by a young professor of history, formerly captain of the Ursinus College team, Raymond G. Gettel!. During Landefeld's career as coach the teams won nine games, lost three, and tied two. The only defeats were two inflicted by Army and one by Amherst. When Mr. Landefeld retired, Professor Gettell was urged to assume coaching duties which he was willing to do provided that he be permitted to give his services without pay. Professor Gettell's record over a six year period- 1908 through 1913- was phenomenal. The game of football was just emerging from the era of heavy mass plays with the legalizing in 1906 of the forward pass. Professor Gettell was always one jump ahead of rival coaches. He dared to use the forward pass as well as the onside kick at a time when most of the opponents were still sticking to straight football. In this respect, therefore, he was an outstanding pioneer of the modern open game and consistently outsmarted larger and more formidable opponents. The records of his teams will stand as a glorious monument in Trinity football history. In six seasons he lost only ten games out of fifty, three of them to Army, two to Colgate and one each to Cornell, Worcester, Amherst, Wesleyan and Rutgers. He defeated the famous Colgate team of 1911, 9-0. During this period of six years Trinity enjoyed five victories over Wesleyan and for two seasons lost only to Army. In 1911 Professor Gettell produced Trinity's first undefeated team with victories over Wesleyan, Amherst, Colgate, Worcester, Mass. State, and Haverford, but games were tied with Brown and N. Y. U.

The following article on football at Trinity College is a brief summary touching only some of the principal facts in the complete history of football at Trinity College which is being prepared by Robert S. Morris, '16.

When Columbia, Harvard , Princeton, and Yale formed, on November 23, 1876, the Intercollegiate Football Association by establishing a uniform code of rules, American intercollegiate football got its start. The new rules adopted by these teams adhered so closely to the rules of the Rugby Union Code that there were only four points of difference between the two. One year after the beginning of football in this country, Trinity played its first intercollegiate game losing to Yale by seven goals and eleven touchdowns to nothing. Thus Trinity was one of the first dozen colleges in the country to engage in official intercollegiate football. In 1878 Trinity again played Yale two games and lost them both. There followed a period of five years during which interest in fall sports subsided. In 1884, however, interest was revived under the leadership of W. W. Barber, '88, the first brilliant field general to wear the blue and gold for Trinity. It is generally agreed that Mr. Barber did more for the game at Trinity than any other man of his day. A halfback weighing only 140 pounds, he was a spectacular player. During his freshman year Trinity lost to Williams and Harvard by large scores. The following year Trinity lost to Wesleyan but crossed a rival goal line for the first time. In 1886 the team showed vast improvement but lost to Amherst, 20-4, to Lafayette, 12-0, and again to Amherst, 16-8. In Mr. Barber's last year (1887) the first really successful season brought forth a victory from the Amherst Aggies, Amherst College, and Stevens while games were lost to Wesleyan, Mass. Tech and Dartmouth with a tie against Boston University. Playing for two years on Mr. Barber's team was a star lineman named E . M. McCook, '90, who took over where Mr. Barber left off and carried the team to even greater heights. In 1888 they played a seven game schedule with five victories, one defeat and one tie, for the first time winning a majority of the games. The following year the team won five games including the first defeat of Wesleyan, lost three and tied one, scoring 130 points against 87 by the opposition. With Mr. McCook's graduation Trinity was again fortunate in finding a worthy successor in Harmon S. Graves, '92, who had played in the backfield for two years while R. McClelland Brady, '90, was starring as fullback. Mr. Graves was unsurpassed as a tactician. In 1891 his team won six games and lost four with victories over Brown, Wesleyan and Columbia.


• • • :.Wt.·.

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Daughter Charlene looks on as Dan Jessee illustrates one of his new applications of visual education to football coaching. Dan is never satisfied with the same systems and the same methods from year to year. This is one reason why he is always a jump ahead of rivals. It is particularly interesting to note that during the six seasons of Professor Gettell's coaching letters were awarded to only thirtyeight men- an average of scarcely more than six to a season. Among the stars who received national prominence were E. B. Ramsdell, '11, and T. C. Hudson, '14, both of whom were chosen on Walter Camp's All American backfield. Professor Gettell was succeeded by Dr. John B. Price, also a graduate of Ursinus. With limited material Dr. Price turned out two good teams including a second undefeated eleven in 1915. This season's record brought victories over Wesleyan, Amherst, Williams, Bates and Norwich as well as scoreless ties with Brown and Tufts. The War depleted Trinity's ranks and started her on a string ·of sixteen indifferent seasons. Then there appeared on campus a new coach named Daniel E. Jessee who started right in from the very beginning to give every one of Trinity's opponents something to think about. In nine years his teams have gained forty victories against eighteen defeats and there have been only two tied games. In 1934 his team was the first in the history of Trinity

College to stand undefeated and untied. Having won the last four games in the 1933 season, Dan Jessee's team went undefeated until the last game in 1935 - a phenomenal record of 17 un-interrupted victories which will probably stand forever as the highest peak .in the history of Trinity football. Close examination of Dan Jessee's record shows that he has been working under the same difficulties met by Professor Gettel!. There have been very few new letter-men from year to year and the squads have been limited in number. Usually there are not two teams to pitch against each other in practice. There are some who say that Mr. Jessee's greatest assets are his ability to influence young men and to make good players out of raw material. Many of his stars have never played football before entering college or have been converted from one position to another. Now as Dan begins his tenth season at Trinity with a small squad including many sophomores, the alumni, with confidence that his team will win their share of games, wish him luck.





Trinity has 7 lettermen available: Joe Beidler, back; Frank Fasi and Jack Fay, center or guard; AI Will, guard; Frank Steers, tackle; Don Viering, tackle; and Dave Tyler, end. In addition , the squad includes senior AI Granatek, tackle; juniors Art Heubner, guard ; Stan Knowles, back; Dan Miller, end; and Carlos Richardson, back. The rest are sophomores: ends Dave Bromberg and John Fink; tackles John Dolan and Phil Jacobs; centers Ed Kelly and Bill Starkey; backs Rog Conant, AI Dubovick, Charlie Foster, John Ghent, Goose Gossling, Matt Hogan, Paul White, and Bill Black who has lost his appendix but will be able to play by mid-season. Coaches Jesse, Clarke, and Carey say this is a hard-hitting gang that can mow 'em down and will show you plenty of action. FRANK FASI






During football season several alumni associations will hold their first meeting of the year. The Rochester Association, in cooperation with Joe Buffington, Jr. , in Pittsburgh, will take charge of a party to be held at the Hotel Seneca in Geneva after the Hobart game, October 18th. It is also expected that a group of alumni will meet at John Moore's cottage near Geneva the night before the game. The Hartford Association will hold its usual meeting and rally the night before the Wesleyan game and the New Haven Association is planning on a dinner a day or two before the Wesleyan game, probably November 13th. Notices to all alumni near these localities will be sent in good time. Others who may wish to travel some distance for the occasions should write to the Alumni Secretary at the College for details.

1891 - The Rev. Dr. Herbert Parrish died August 8th after an illness of one month. He had been rector of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, New Brunswick N . J., from 1916 until his retirement in 1928 when h~ was given an Honorary D.D. at Trinity. Dr. Parrish leaves a widow, Mrs. Mary Mayo Parrish, and two sisters. 1892 - The long career of public service by E. Kent Hubbard ended with his death at his home in Middletown, August 7th. He had been president of the Manufacturers' Association of Connecticut since 1917, a member of The Connecticut Board of Finance .for thirteen years, a member of the State Defense Councll and a trustee of Wesleyan University. Miss Juliet S. Bacon, daughter of John R. Bacon of Danbury, was married to Dr. Henry L. Smith , August 2nd. The couple now live in Philadelphia. 1899 - The Rev. Dr. Charles B. Hedrick has been appointed acting dean of the Berkeley Divinity School. Dr. Hedrick has been at Berkeley since 1911 and is now professor of Old Literature and interpretation of the New Testament. 1900 - Dr. David B. Jewett, according to the Journal of The American Medical Association, was awarded on May 6 the Albert D. Kaiser medal of the Rochester Academy of Medicine "for distinguished service to the medical profession." Dr. Jewett was particularly honored for his success in building up the Academy's library. 1902 - Last May 1st the Rev. John W. Walker resigned as headmaster of the Meadowbrook School, Meadowbrook, Penna. For twenty-two years he has served the community in the dual capacity of headmaster and of vicar of the Huntington Valley Chapel. Because of the growth of the parish, Mr. Walker will devote all of his time to the Chapel and the Diocese. 1903 - Jarvis McAlpine Johnson, son of the late Professor Charles F. Johnson, died in Boston, July 12th. Mr. Johnson was a former member of the State Senate (Connecticut) .. He was a .de~cendant of Samuel Johnson, the first pres1dent of Kmg s College (now Columbia) and William Samuel Johnson, president of Columbia a member of the Continental Congress, the first senator from Connecticut and one of the framers of the Constitution of the United States. Presidents Woolsey of Yale and Jonathan Edwards of Princeton were also among Mr. Johnson's ancestors. Mr. Johnson was a member of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity and the University Clubs of Hartford, Boston and New York. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Agnes (Stark) Johnson and a daughter, Miss Gloria Johnson of Boston. It was reported last May that the Rev. Edmund C. Thomas, for thirty years rector of St. James' Episcopal Church, Zion Street, Hartford, had resigned. The parishioners, however, objected strenuously with the result that Mr. Thomas has reconsidered his resignation for the time being. 1907 - Harold G. Hart has recently become connected with Eddy Brothers, Investment Securities, Hartford, Conn. Prof. Philip Dougherty of Baltimore, Maryland, died April 8, 1941. 1908 - Paul H. Guilfoil died at his home in Maplewood, N. J., July 16. He was vice-president and general counsel of the Bankers Indemnity Company of Newark, N. J. Mr. Guilfoil got both his bachelor's and his master's degrees at Trinity and was graduated from the Columbia College of Law. He leaves his parents in Hartford, his wife Mrs. Linda (Nolan) Guilfoil, and two sons, Paul H. and Philip J ., of Maplewood. 1910 - Richardson Wright, recently awarded the Eigenbrodt Cup, was married to Mrs. Gertrude MacCormick August 28th in New Canaan, Conn. The Commencement number of the Alumni Magazine contained an error in the rtote regarding Fred Kedney. His daughter, Janet, is at Smith College, Northampton, not at Mount Holyoke. Fred writes that he has had an interesting summer and has dared to take up the sport of roller skating and is still playing tennis regularly.

Additional Contributors to the Alumni Fund The Rev. William F. Bulkley, 'OS Stephen W. Green, '10 Howard R. Hill , '15 Samuel Nirenstein, '19 FrankS. Jones , M.D., '24 Norbert B. Lacy, '28 William W. Jackson, '34 William H. Decker, Jr. , '39

Alumni Notes 1877-1889 Professor George Lyman Kittredge, who was given an honorary LH.D. in 1939, died July 23, 1941. Dr. K ittredge, professor emeritus of English at Harvard, was one of the world's foremost interpreters of the works of Shakespeare and Chaucer. 1877- To the many and noteworthy incidents of William G. Mather's career one more honor was added August 1. The new property of the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company northwest of Ishpeming was formally named the Mather Mine in honor of Trinity's loyal alumnus and trustee who has been president of that company since 1890. 1881 -A number of photographs of Trinity College groups which belonged to the Rev. Louis C. Washburn, '81 , who died in 1938, were sent to President Ogilby this summer by Dr. Washburn's daughter Helen C. Washburn of Philadelphia. The College is glad to have these photographs as a record of the College and college life of sixty years ago and as a reminder of Dr. Washburn who was always an active, loyal alumnus. 1889 - Benjamin F. Comfort died while visiting near Belleville, lllinois, June 20th. Mr. Comfort, a pioneer in vocational education and one of Detroit's leading citizens, entered the school system in 1890 and became principal of the Cass Union School in 1904. As a result of his study of vocational teaching abroad, Mr. Comfort founded Cass Technical High School which he headed until 1934. He has been WPA administrator in Wayne County and has been in charge of NY A there. He was author of Arnold's Tempter, a Revolutionary War novel, and Lewis Cass and the Indian Treaties.




1920- Louis L. Hohenthal received his M.S. in education at Teachers' College of Connecticut last June.

1936 - Robert L. Curtin was married in the College Chapel Sept. 15th to Miss Alice E. Metz. Dr. Ogilby performed the ceremony. Harry C. Olson has j ust moved from Rochester to Hartford where he is now at the home office of his company, the Two Hartfords. He is also studying law on the side. Private Pete Gilfillan is located at Camp Wallace, Texas, Battery B, 32nd C.A.T.B. Many alumni will be glad to know that the new addresses of the Kirby twins have been received. Both got M.D.'s in 1940. Charles is at the New York Hospital, Department of Surgery ; William is in the Department of Bacteriology of Stanford University Medical School, California. 1937 - The famous Kobrosky-O'Malley combination are fast on their way to becoming doctors. Bob, '38, is at Columbia and Mickey is at Middlesex. Yeoman Bill Paynter, formerly assistant state editor of the Courant, now works on publicity for the Connecti. cut Recruiting Office of the U. S. Navy in New Haven . Congratulations to Bart Wilson who has been promoted to the position of advertising manager at Colt's Patent Firearms, Hartford. Bruce Onderdonk has just moved to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where he is a civil engineer in the Navy Department. Joseph Greco has been selected by the Air Corps to take an active part in the air defense of this country. Joe has recently done well in examinations and hopes to become a permanent officer in the Air Corps before his term as reserve officer is concluded . C. C. (Ozzie) Nelson has just finished work in English at the Columbia Graduate School. After getting his master's degree he expects to go into teaching and eventually to get his doctor's degree. 1938 - Pat Culleney, having graduated from Berkeley Divinity School Cum Laude, was ordained to the diaconate June 15th at Old St. Ann's Church (1705) Middletown, Del. He is due in Conway, Arkansas, October 1st to take charge of all activities of the Episcopal Church in that city. In addition to acting as rector of the Episcopal Church he will be chaplain at the State Teachers College, Hendrix College, and a junior college for girls. John M. Parsons and Audrey F. LaCourse were married August 30th in Bristol , Conn. 1939 - Dick Hill, ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve, was married to Margaret E . Stevens August 5th in Washington, D. C. Guy Maynard, now in his third year at the Cornell Medical College, is engaged to Miss Margaret Bradley of Haverhill , Mass., according to announcement made July 9th. Miss Bradley is a graduate of Dana Hall School and Vassar College. On July 15th Shed McCook announced the opening of an office for the general practice of law at 25 Broad Street, New York. Bill Decker was married in June, 1940, and has been working for the Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Co., where he has recently been promoted to special agent. Bill now lives at 162 Park Ave. , East Orange, N. J . Ron Mertens is serving an internEhip at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathy. George Greenleaf was called last March and is now attached to the Personnel Classification Bureau at Camp Wheeler, Georgia. 1940- Lieutenant Bill Sandalls is stationed at Fort Terry, N. Y., with the 242nd Coast Artillery. Lester 'Tibbals has recently become a physical instructor in the Navy where he expects to work with Gene Tunney.

19ll - Walter Van Orden was killed in an airplane crash near San Diego July 19. 19l4 - A. Dale Mitchell has been appointed (] uly, 1941) resident manager of the Waterbury office of Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co., Accountants and Auditors.

Sereno B. Gammell, who has been a member of the editorial staff of the Hartford Times for seventeen years, has recently been appointed director of news of radio station WTHT. For nearly eight years Mr. Gammell was assistant city editor of the Times and for five years has been State Capitol reporter. 19l5 - Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Morris announce the birth of a daughter, Christina, June 19th, at Richardson House, Boston. Chuck is teaching at Milton Academy. 19l8 - Judge John C. Fitzgerald was honored at a dinner Sept. 11th in New Haven by the New Haven Bar Association. As Common Pleas Judge he was presented with a desk set. His father and Governor Hurley were among the prominent persons present.

Bill Orrick has had charge of the summer school at the Solebury School, New Hope, Penna., along with Mr. R. W. Shaw. 19l9- Louis Rulnick has recently announced that he is engaging in the practice of law with offices at 190 Trumbull Street in association with Attorneys Morris J. Cutler (also Trinity, '29) and Charles N. Rodens. Rulnick has been a supervising interviewer in the Employment Service Department of the Unemployment Compensation Division , State Labor Department. He attended the Hartford College of Law and was admitted to the bar in January, 1938. 1934 - Bill Jackson is stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Corporal Bryant Green has been at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, for some time where he has been instructing new recruits. He plans to attend the Officers Training School and remain in the Army. Eugene Gane, D.D.S., had his appendix removed last summer but is again back in his office fully recovered. Joe Merriam will be married to Miss Isabel A. Crystal, Sept. 27th, in the Chapel of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Governors Island. Joe holds down an important job with the Fuller-Merriam Co. (abrasive wheels) in New Haven. Andrew- Onderdonk is to be congratulated on an excellent promotion with the .tEtna Life. He has left New Haven and is now living in Washington, D. C., where he is cashier of that agency at the Investment Building. The New Haven Alumni Association has lost a good secretary. Arden Shaw announced on July 15th the opening of an office for the general practice of law at 25 Broad Street, New York. 1935 - Gardner Boothe and Miss Helene Klotz were married in the chapel of St. James' Episcopal Church, New York. June 17th. Keith Funston, '32 , and his wife were among the ushers and bridal attendants. Gardner, a member of the Racquet and Tennis Club of New York, is associated with the firm of Betts and Betts, insurance brokers Leroy C. Roberts, Jr., died July 7th when he was struck by lightning in New Hampshire. Jack Zietlow who works for the Bell Aircraft Corporation in Buffalo, was married to Miss Frances Warner Armstrong July 19th in Christ Chapel of Trinity Church, Buffalo, New York.


Class of 1941


Gerard A. BarnabyRichard H. Barnes - 1Etna Life Insura nce Co., liability underwriter Charles Bayer Ivan F. Bennett - Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia Richard T. Blaisdell - Pratt and Wh itney Training School , married Morris L. Borstein Robert E. Broatch, Jr. - Pratt a nd Whitney Training Course, ma rried Louis E. Buck James M. Caffrey, Jr. - Graduate study in Chemistry, Trinity College ' David E. Callaghan - Pratt and Whitney Training School, ma rried John T. Carpenter - Thomas School, Tucson, Arizona Herbert I. Chauser - Pratt a nd Whitney Joseph A. Clapis - Mary A. Terry Fellowship, Harvard Warren E. Clough - American Optical Company, Southbridge, Mass. Frank W. Clow- U.S. Army, Fort Bragg, No. Carolina George S. Comstock, III - Army Edward J. Conway - Yale Medical School Charles T. Cook- The Fay School, Southborough, Mass. Joseph R. Cormier - Pratt and Whitney John F. Crockett- R. H. Macy & Co., New York David H. Cunningham - Flower Hospital, New York Medical College Prospero DeBona, Jr. - Army Martin J. Desmond - Hamilton Standard Propeller Co., Engineering Dept. William B. Dexter - General Electric Co., Bridgeport Ernest N. Dickinson - The Hartford Courant, Middletown District Francis J. P. Donahue - Pratt and Whitney Herbert B. Feldman- H. E . Russell Fellowship, Chicago John G. Fitzgerald - Colt's Patent Firearms Allen Flanagan - Harvard Business School Walter L. Flanders, Jr.- Bell Aircraft Corporation, Buffalo. Edward M. Foley, III - The General Electric Co., Schenectady Rocco A. Franchi- Pratt and Whitney Alfred E. Gavert- International Harvester, Hartford Roy F. Gilley, Jr.- State Department of Health, chemist Lee D. Goodman- R. H. White's Co., Boston, book department Charles B. Goodrich Albert Gorman, Jr. Ralph S. Grover - Army, Camp Davis, North Carolina Rodney D. Hall, Jr. - Army, Ordnance Dept. Norman Hapgood, Jr.- Army John W. Harris- Harvard School of Medicine Robert P. Harris- Naval Reserve O.T.C. Stephen D. Hart - Assistant in Physics at Rutgers University William A. Haskell, Jr. Harold A. Heap- Army, Fort Bragg, No. Carolina William J. Hollman - Government Inspector at Colt's Seth P. Holcombe - Insurance in Hartford William E. Howard - General Theological Seminary Paul J. HoylenCharles R. Humphreyson - Harvard School of Business Herbert E. Hungerford - The Brent School, Bagio, Philippines Edward J. Hurwitz- Army, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, chemist Thaddeus F. J esionowski Alden V. Johnson- Air Corps, Pensacola Harry W. Johnson - Army, Fort Dix, New Jersey Henry M. Kaplan- Flower Hospital, New York Medical School

John J. Karp- Pratt and Whitney Thomas A. Keenan- State Highway Dept., Hartford Francis A. Kelly- Hartford College of Law Kenneth J. Kelly- Pratt and Whitney, chemist, also doing graduate work John C. Kiley, Jr.- Naval Reserve O.T.C. Edward F. Killian, Jr.- Pratt and Whitney, Metallurgical Dept., also continuing studies Ronald E. Kinney, Jr.- U.S. Navy, ensign Edward T. Knurek - Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, Northwestern John H. Lancaster - The Torrington Co., Torrington Adrian K. Lane- Under Inspector of Ordnance Materials, Civil Service, War Dept. at American Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn. Joseph L. Lavieri - Colt's Patent Fire Arms Co. Thomas J. Malley- State Highway Dept., Conn. Irwin T. Mancall- University of Pennsylvania Medical School Lawrence B. Marshall- Pratt and Whitney Training School Ronald R. Merriman- The Hartford Machine Screw Co. Sidney A. Mills- Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. Paul E. Molumphy- Yale Medical School Richard F. Moran- Automobile Club of Hartford Francis W. Mulcahy- Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Marshall Nead - Graduate work in English at Columbia Robert R. NeillRichard A. Nolf- The Two Hartfords (Insurance) Daniel F. NorthWalter J. Pedicord, Jr.- Harvard School of Business G41orge J. Prendergast, II - Pratt and Whitney Trainmg School Mark Rainsford- Army Air Corps (rumor) Alan D. Randall- Assistant Zoology Dept., U. of Conn., and graduate work Robert J. Rebman - Pratt and Whitney Charles C. Roberts, Jr.- Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, Northwestern University Joseph N. Russo- Graduate Work in Psychology, Trinity College William J. Ryan, Jr.- Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Lewis B. Sheen - Army Edward A. Smith Edwin S. Smith- The American Cyanamid Co., Plastics Division, Wallingford Frank K. Smith - Married Philip C. A. Smith - City Engineering Department, Hartford Hugh L. Sowards, Jr.- The Two Hartfords John L. Spangler, Jr.- Harvard Business School James C. Spencer- Army, Camp Devens Paul S. Stenbuck - Working in New York George K. Stoddard, Jr.- Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts Theodore A. Swiderski -1Etna Life Insurance Co., automobile underwriter Joseph A. Tedesco- Ratheon Production Co., Newton, Mass. Raymond E. Thomsen - Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Maryland Adrian J. Tyler, Jr.- Fort Eustace, Virginia William B. VanWyck- Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va. Alton J. Wallace - The Ratheon Production Co., Newton, Mass. Edward D. Walsh- Lieutenant Walsh is giving a splendid account of himself as . recreational supervisor at Camp Blanding, Florida Richard P. Welcher- Massachusetts Institute of Technology William G. Wiley - Pratt and Whitney Chemistry Laboratory Raymond W. Williamson- New Departure Mfg. Co., Bristol




Manager: Robert B. Dilts

Captain: Richard C. Bestor

Head Coach: Daniel E. Jessee

Manager: William G. Oliver, Jr.

Assistant Coach: Joseph C. Clarke

Coach: Walter E. McCloud

Assistant Coach: John H. Carey, Jr., '39






Union ....... .. ......... . .



4 *Vermont ..................


Oct. 11

Worcester Tech . ... . . ..... .


Oct. 18 *M. I. T ..

Oct. 18 *Hobart . ... ... ... ....... .. Oct. 25 U. S. Coast Guard .........

2:00 2:00

Sept. 27 Oct.

Oct. 11




Nov. 8 *Amherst ..... . ............ Nov. 15 Wesleyan ... ......... ... ..










Worcester Tech . ..........


..... ... . . . .


Oct. 21 *Yale ........... ..... . . . . . .


Oct. 25




Mass. State.

..... ....

u. s. Coast Guard .



Nov. 8 *Amherst .


Nov. 14 *Wesleyan... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Coach: Ralph W. Erickson

Coach: Alvin Reinhardt





11:00 3:00



Wesleyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Oct. 18

Taft ... ...... ....... ... ...



1 *Suffield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Oct. 24 *Choate . ................. .

3 :30


7 *Amherst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 :30

Oct. 27

Wethersfield ...... .... .....


Nov. 4 *Kingswood . . .... ..........


Nov. 13 *Wesleyan .................

3 :00


Date Oct. 18

• Games away

THE NEW TRINITY COLLEGE SONG BOOK contains 47 songs: 17 songs of Trinity, 9 of the most popular songs of other colleges and 21 old favorites. Covered in blue with gold lettering, this is a book you should own. Send your order now to T. S. Wadlow, Alumni Secretary, and enclose $1.00 (full cost).


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