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The College Chapel, one of the outstanding Gothic struc• tures in America, a high point of Trinity's campus life.

The Bishop, in a perpetual blessing to Trinity College.

New England fall adds beauty to arched entrance of Library.



Heartbeat of Trin's scholastic endeavoring is the "long walk."

A recent edition to dormitory existence is simple, quiet beauty of Elton Hall.

grades and cuts recorded, and minute library study accomplished.

With· funds from a gift of $650,000 and other donations, the construction of a building to house both the Trinity and Watkinson collections was begun in 1950. The latter, a 130,000 volume c •' ...... ! ... .~ • . \.... -. - . content, along with the pr ~·o;..;.JI~·~::· . .. . ·collection, will make the -~w England center for scholars. !

... . .




ARTHUR ADAMS, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., B.D., S.T.M. Dr. Adams, known affectionately to undergraduates as "Putty," repre路 sents more of Trinity than anyone now on campus. He came to Trinity in 1906 as Assistant Professor of English in charge of Freshman work, teaching electives in Anglo-Saxon and Public Speaking. The college, under Flavel Sweeten Luther, had 185 students, 25 faculty members and five buildings. Dr. Adams has been a full Professor of English since 1911, Librarian since 1915, and Registrar since 1919. Dr. Adams was a collaborator on the Wordsworth and Gray con路 cordances and he has made numerous contributions to the Modern Language Association publications and the Dictionary of American Biography. He has done extensive work in American genealogy and is President of the American Society of Genealogists and Editor-in-Chief of the )\{ew EnglanJ Historical and Geneo1ogica1 Register. He is a member of over 90 genealogical and patriotic organizations. It is fitting that upon his retirement, a new Library, one of his fondest dreams, is nearing realization. In one sense Dr. Adams can never retire from Trinity. He has been too much a part of its growth and tradition. He has truely lived up to the college's motto, "Pro Ecclesia et Patria."


Jrwin aUrtb


B.A., M.A., Ph.D. June 8, 1896-May 1, 1950

Dr. Buell devoted twenty years of his life to Trinity as Director of Extension and Summer Schools. Under his supervision, those divisions of the college grew considerably in size and importance and made significant contributions to adult education in the community. As head of th~ Education Department in the undergraduate school he was ever available for friendly counsel. He gave of himself unstintingly to his students and to the college.


3Jn memoriam

~ arolb l\u~sell


B.S. Sept. 18, 1923 -May 3, 1950

Those of us who knew "Hal" Shetter could not fail to be inspired by his contagious humor, spirit, and determination. He gave us a greater respect for hard work, courage, fair play, and for humility. The last soccer team he coached won five games, tied one, and lost one. It was largely due to "Hal's" efforts that soccer became a major sport at Trinity.




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Youth, ambition, and spirit are the three main characteristics of Trinity's president, G. Keith Funston. These are the characteristics that have endeared him to the heart of each and every Trinity man. With the wholehearted support of the undergraduates, as well as the alumni, President Funston, valedictorian of the class of 1932, has made such dreams as the Memorial Field House, Elton

Hall, and the new Library become realities. In addition, the scholastic average of Trinity students has increased and the school's sports status has greatly improved. President Funston believes that the quality of leadership is inherent in every student, and that it is the duty of the college to bring this quality to the fore.

DEAN OF THE COLLEGE ARTHUR HUGHES Arthur Hughes, besides being the Dean of the college, is also a professor of modern languages. A very familiar figure on the Trinity Campus, Dean Hughes has resumed teaching German this year. He is a perfectionist, a glutton for work, and a very able teacher. His friendly manner makes him an easy person to know and a sympathetic advisor to all the students. A brilliant student, he graduated ftom John Hopkins College in 1927, earned a Master's Degree in 1929, a Ph.D. in 1931, and has recently received an honorary Doctoral Degree from Trinity. Dean Hughes served as Acting President of Trinity from 1943 until 1945.


tddihas :atly ality that y to

Dean Clarke, better known as Joe Clarke, has been the Dean of Students for the past two years. A tireless worker, he devotes much of his time listening to the problems of the students. Switching majors, dropping courses, over-cutting, and similar student problems are taken in stride by Dean Clarke. He graduated from Springfield College in 1929 and came to Trinity to coach the swimming teams. In 1932, he received his master's degree from Trinity. Later, he was appointed Dean of Students, but continued to coach the tankmen. He is one of the most well-liked members of the Trinity faculty.

( 17}

A. Holland

R. Bishop

W . Peelle

]. Butler

A [18)


]. Mason



I s

]. Getzendanner

R . Brenner

N. Walker

L. Wallace



I 0 (1 9)

ECONOMICS ]. E. Candelet

R. W. Tucker

L. W. T owle

"What do you think of that, Dean?" "That must have been a major operation." "Does it balance?" "Conserve your strength for the final, Boots." "Now at Princeton--"

R. ]. Chances

R. Scheuch



K. W. Cameron

M. S. Allen

"Living is an art." "Horsefeathers !" "If you had to get this at the bookstore ... " "Are you ready to take notes, Teichman?" 'Til have your tests corrected next week." "I run this class on a democratic basis."

R. M. Vogel

R. M. Williams

]. B. McNulty


M. Savin

D. B. Risdon

]. A. Dando

ENGLISH "Know your sets of related terms!" "It's just a faaarce!" "Here are your marks, Berseth." 路'--so Clytemnestra said ... " ''My feelings are as hard to hurt as those of a rhinoceros taking a ... " ''That is funny."

]. N . Egan

G. E. Nichols


N. Brown

F I NE ~


M. N. Pappas

"Only ten seconds per slide, please." "Wait till we get to the nudes!"

]. C. E. Taylor

C . E. Watters

"Sound your 'A'." "Let's have a little rag."

]. L. Coulter

MUSI C ( 23)

G. W. Andrian

A. R . Bangs

L. H . Naylor

]. A. Notopoulos

LANGUAGE 'Tm literally overjoyed ... " "The Greek classics will never die." "Mais les femmes en Espagne!" "Words, words, words-boys!" "Now for Rousseau .. ." "Howdy!" "The Phonetic symbols for this word are ... " "That's the Greek way." "Mr. Wollenberger did his homework."

R. P. Waterman

A. D. Merriman

A. ]. Wright

H. E. Holmdohl W. D . Leavitt


G. B. Cooper

N. Downs

D. G. B. Thompson

R. Shaw


E. W. Davis

"During the Teapot-Dome scandal, I . "That's me on the right, you know." "Gentlemen, this, is a map." "The Phillies didn't win because ... " "The non-essential fact of the day is .. ." "So the czar said ..." "Islam and R amadan--" "Now the French system .. " "Congressman Zilch from Lower Slobbovia ... "

J Ponturo L. L. Barber


M. Spinka R. C . Black


H. T. Costello

B. W. Means

S. A. Nilson

PHILOSOPHY-EDUCATION RELIGION "Hey Abbott ... " "All things being equal .. ." "You don't have to believe me, but ... " "Now from the philosophic point of view "To be a good teacher (ahem) ." "A professor must ... " "To use the marriage illustration again . A. A. V ogel

G. B. O'Grady


H. H . Benjamin

D. L: Herdman

]. W. Burger

T. H . Bissonnette



"The esophagus in the trachea . . ." 'Tm a Phi Beta Kappa!" "I wonder what these are." "I must rush down and look at the seismograph." "Let's take a field trip to Elton Hall." R . W. Harrington

E. L. Troxell

S. W. Stone


H. L. Dorwart E. N. Nilson

A. G. Grace

MATH-ENGINEERING "That problem was right from the book." "Now, raise it to the fourth power." "Okay?" "DYj DX equals infinity." "A top-flight engineer is hard to find." "See, you use the surveying instrument just like a telescope."

R. C. Stewart

H . ] . Lockwcxxl


]. Williams

V. K. Krieble

S. B. Smith

Q. P. Cole

CHEMISTRY " When I was at McGill . . ." "This looks interesting." "Now, to balance the equation." "This is a simple instrument called a spectrophotometer." "It's an easy multiple choice test, boys."

R. H. Smellie

D. F. M owery


W. S. Ray

R. F. McCune

A. L. Souerwinc

R. F. Kingsbury

F. W. Constant

F. Ferguson

PSYCHOLOGY-PHYSICS "How many want a test next Wednesday?" "Just call me Andy." ''So with leverage ... " "Another way of putting it ... " "This is the life!" 'Tm not as steady as I used to be." "What am I doing on this page?"

N. F. Pederson


D. Jessee

F. Booth

S. Parks

A. Christ

L. McDonald

F. Lundborg

PHYS I CAL EDUCATION "Bread and butter maker." "You need 2.4 more P .E. credits!" "Wull, I've unla gut eluven gud man." "Dan wants it this way." "Who missed that block, Pat?" "Here's an aspirin." "Jachens made some good ones."

R. Oosting



"School is in session till 4:00." "See the bulletin board!" "We need a fourth for a quartet." "Golfing at 3:30, Sarge?" "I still think a girl would be better in this job." "Pass in Review!" "This stuff is hard!"


N . W. Hamilton

R . Croshaw

W . S. Gray

A. Stone

). B. Folan


L. Dellaera

G. W . Adams

D. B. Engley

L. B. Schatz

E. N. lves

LIBRARY STAFF After successfully running the Trinity College library, one of New England's finest, these workers shall now be intrusted with the task of continuing their excellent work in the surroundings of a new and more modern library.



Left to right: VanLanen, Klinger, Garrison.

CL AS S HISTORY In many respects the Class of 19 51 has en joyed a unique career at Trinity College. Many of its members have been or are now on the fringes of . national military crisis. At Matriculation, there were 67 veterans of World War II in the class. At Graduation, more than a score of the members of the Class of 19 51 will have served in both wars before the new war is brought to an end. The almost certain advent of Universal Military Service will surely encroach upon the lives of the majority of the class, though perhaps not until after Graduation. Having enjoyed a reasonable normality, therefore, the Class has responded and contributed in good measure to the revival of normality and the furthering of traditional institutions at Trinity College. Sports teams on all levels have met with a consistent string of victories which has SOU!1ded throughout New England. There has been a revolution in the field of that intangible known as "School

Spirit." Participation in sports and in all other extracurricular activities is no longer merely passive, but is now fired with the flame of enthusiasm. New organizations have been formed, new fraternities have been accepted on campus, the old ones have been revitalized, and membership in all these is at an all-time high level. The plan of delayed rushing has resulted in a marked improvement in the fraternity system, and the freshmen somehow have become fully indoctrinated with the new Spirit, as evidenced by the Dinks, the parties, and the annual bout with the Sophomores. As with our career at the college, so too with the college itself. Between the times of our Matriculation and Graduation, we have seen the completion of Elton Hall and the Memorial Field House. Further, we have watched the construction of the new College Library, and we have seen our College respond to the needs of the nation by incorporating into the curriculum an Air ROTC program. We are proud, therefore, of the spiritual and physical growth of our College during this time, and to have been a part of it.

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of 1951

MACINTOSH ALDRICH 154 No. Pleasant Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey Major : History Freshman Football ; Freshman Baseball; Campus Chest, 2; Intramural Board, 2,3,4; Sophomore H op Committee, 2; Alpha Chi Rho, Vice President, 4. Prepared at Ridgewood High School

WILLIAM JOSEPH ALDRICH 1 3 5 0 live Street, Meriden, Connecticut Major: Engineering Prepared at 'T homaston High School

DONALD EDWARD ALLEN 36 Cross hill Road, West Hartford, Connecticut Ma jor: Psychology Varsity Soccer, 2,3; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4. Prepared at William Hall High School






971 West Verda Lane,

Keiserscracht 473-479,

Lake Forest, Illinois

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Major: English

Alpha Phi Omega, 4; Ivy, 2,3,4; Delta Phi. Prepared at Lal{e Forest Academy

WILLIAM PAUL AUSTIN 3 Remington Street, Dorchester 24, Massachusetts Major: English Varsity Soccer M anager, 2; Republican Club, 3; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Chapel Acolyte, 1,2, 3,4; Chapel Choir, 1,2,3,4; Chapel Carillonneurs, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, 1,2, Librarian 3; Ivy, 3; Rue! Crompton Tuttle English Prize, 3; Theta Xi. Prepared at th.e Boston English High School


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f 19s1

Major: Economics Alpha Delta Phi . ~, Prepared at th e Foreign Service School, Netherlands .



58 Glenb rook R oad,

West Hartford, Connecticut

West Hartford, Connecticut

Major: English

Major: L iberal Arts

Cheerleaders, 1,2, Manager, 3; Flying Club, 1; I.F.C., President, 4; Jesters, Business M anager, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 3,4; W RTC, 1,2,4, M anager 3; Protestant Fellowship, 2; I vy, Business M ana路 ger, 4; Interfraternity Ball Committee, 4; Sopho路 more Dining Club, 2,3,4; Class Marshal, 4; Alpha Delta Phi. Prepared at William Hall High School

Alpha Chi Rho.

CHARLES H ARVEY BARBONI 27 Quinnipiac Avenue, North Haven, Connecticut Major: General S cience



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f 1951_ _ _ _

LAWRENCE GLENN BARRETT 80 P ennsylvania Avenue, New Britain , Connecticut Ma jor: Ph ysics

Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Physics Lab I nstructor, 4; Si gma Pi Sigm a, 3,4. Prepared at N.ew Britain Senior H igh School

ROBERT BURNS BARRY 276 Cotswold Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major : General Science

Varsity Track, 2; Cross-Country, 2; Varsity "T" Club, 2; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Brownell Club. Pre pared at Bu.l~ele y Hi gh Scho ol

THOMAS H. BARRY Station 31, South Windso r, Connecticut Ma jor: Economics

Campus Chest, 2; Intercollegiate Legislature, 2,3 ; Jesters, 2,3; Political Science Club, 2,3,4; WRTC, 2; Band, 1,2,3,4.



RICHARD ALAN BARTOES 711 Wolcott H ill Road, Wethersfield , Connecticut Ma jor: Geology Soccer, 2; Alpha Phi Omega, Vice President, 4. Prepared at Wethersfield High School

GEORGE EDWARD BECKER, JR. Huckleberry Hill Road, Collinsville, Connecticut Major : Pre路 Medical Varsity Track Manager, 3; Campus Chest, 4; Glee Club, 1,2,3, President, 4; Chapel Carillon路 neurs, 2,3,4; Chapel Organists, 3,4. Prepared at Mount Hermon School

WARNER WILSON BEHLEY 55 Dover Road, West Hartford, Connecticut Major: Economics Athenaeum Society, 4; Intercollegiate Legislature, 2,3,4; Intramural Board, 3; Political Science Club, 1,2, Secretary, 3, Vice President, 4; Protestant Fellowship, 1,2, 3; Band, 1,2,3,4; Theta Xi. Prepared at William Hall High School



KARL JOSEPH BERG 135 Giddings Avenue,

River Oaks,

Windsor, Connecticut

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Major : Ph ysics

Major: Philosophy

Physics Club, 1,2; Sigma Pi Sigma, 2,3, Treas• urer, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Weaver High School

Freshman Cross Country, Swimming; Varsity Swimming, 2,3,4; French Club, 2; Jesters, 2,3, President, 4; WRTC, 1,2; Medusa, Secretary, 4; Sophomore Dining Club, 2,3,4; Alpha Delta Phi, President, 4. Prepared at Washington Hi gh School

ROBERT TEN EYCK BISHOP Chatham R oad, New Britain, Connecticut Major: Pre-Medical Varsity Track, Manager, 4; Campus Chest, 1; Pre-Medical Club, 2,3,4; Glee Club, 2,3; Band, 2,3,4 ; Brownell Club. Prepared at Brewster Academy


1- - c I ass of 1951


DAVID MURDOCH BLAIR 79 Bridle Path R oad,

5021 Pine Street,

Springfield, Massachusetts

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Major: Economics

Major: Pre-Medical Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 2,3,4; Canter• bury Club, 2,3,4; Sophomore H op Committee, 2; Sigma Nu, Secretary, 2, Treasurer, 3,4. Prepared at the Episcopal Academy

Freshman Track; WRTC, 2; Glee Club, 3; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Alpha Chi Rho, Treasurer, 3.

SAMUEL BABCOCK BOOTH Damariscotta Mills, Maine Major: Liberal Arts Prepared at Groton School



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of 1951

ALBERT SIDNEY BOTTERS 214 Clearfield Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut Major: General Science Freshman Track, Soccer. Prepared at Wethersfield High School




56 Kelly Street, Bristol, Connecticut Major: Liberal A rts Freshman Football, Basketball, Baseball; Va rsi~y Basketball, 2,3; Football, 2; Tennis, 4; Varsity "T'' Club, 2,4; W RTC, 1; Chapel Choir, 2; Glee Club, 2,3. Prepared at Bristol H igh S chool

EDWARD NOEL BRENNAN 1805 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford, Connecticut Major: Pre-Medical Fencing, 2,3, Co-Captain, 4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at St. Thomas Se"!inary


BYARD PENROSE BRIDGE 7432 Devon Street, Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania Major: English Senate, 4 ; WRTC, 2, Chief Engmeer, 3, Station Manager, 4; Protestant Fellowship, 2; Review, 3; Tripod , 3; Deita Phi, President, 4. Prepared at Penn Charter School

WILLIAM C. BROWN 57 Chamberlain Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut Major: Economics Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 2,3,4; Cross• Country, 2; Alpha Phi Omega, 3,4 ; Campus Chest, 3; Outing Club, 1,2; Political Science Club, 3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 3,4; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Wethersfield High School

HARRY HERBERT BROWNE 27 Girard Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut Major: Pre-Medical Pre-Medical Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Glee Club, 4; Brownell Club, Treasurer, 4. Prepared at Williston Academy



) _ _ _ TRINITY



West Winds Farm,

20 Walbridge Road,

WoodEtock, Vermont

West H artford, Connecticut

Major: General Science

Major: Economics

Freshman Baseball, Squash; WRTC, 2,3; Alpha Delta Phi. Prepared at Loomis School

Freshman Baseball, Squash ; Golf, 2,3,4; Squash. 2,3, Captain, 4; Senate, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 3,4; Delta Psi . Prepared at Middlesex School

HOLLIS SEGUR BURKE 717 Stelle Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey Major: Freshman Swimming; Campus Chest, 3; Glee Club, 1; Harlequin, 1; Iv y, 1,2,3, Editor, 4; Review, 2,3,4; Tripod, 1,2; P si Upsilon. Prepared at Taft School


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19 51 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



Canaan, Connecticut

11 Morrison Avenue,

Major : Liberal Arts

Wethersfi eld, Connecticut

Freshman Lacrosse ; Golf, 3,4; Campus Chest, 3,4 ; Outing Club, 1,2; Canterbury Club; Psi Upsilon, President, 4. Prepared at Cranbroo~ School

Major : Economics

Tripod , 1,2. Prepared at Wethersfield High School

JOSEPH ANGELO CAMILLERI 207 Standish Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major : Pre-Medical

Physics Club, 1,2; Pre-Medical Club, 2; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3. Prepared at St. Thomas Seminary


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of 1951 _ _ _


JOHN J. CAREY 771 Farmington Avenue, West H artford, Connecticnt Major: History 'Transfer from U niversity of Cincinnati

RALPH JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN 2 1 Clavelly Road, Stamford, Connecticut Major: Chemistry

Chemistry Club, Vice Chairman, 3,4. 'Transfer from U. S. Merchant Marine A cademy

DAVID EDWIN COLLIER 317 South 46th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Major: Histor y and English Freshman Soccer; Varsity Soccer Manager, 2,3,4; Jesters, 3,4; Protestant Fellowship, 1; 'Tripod, 1; Sophomore H op Committee, 2; Commons Club, Secretary, 4. Prepared at Friends' Select School


JAMES WYNN CONDON 108 Thornton Street, Hamden, Connecticut Major: Chemistry Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 2,4; Chemistry Club, 3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Band, 1,2; Sigma Nu. Prepared at H amden High School

ROBERT WILSON CONRAN Avon, Connecticut Major: General Science

Jesters, 3,4. Prepared at Cardinal Farley Military Academy

JOHN WOLFE COOTE 749 Farmington Avenue, West H artford, Connecticut Major: English

Harlequin, 2, Editor, 3; R eview, 1,2,3,4; 路[ ripod, 1, News Editor, 2, M anaging Editor, 3, Editor路 .n-chief, 4; Sophomore Dining Club, Secretary, 2; Who's Who, 4; P si Upsilon. Prepared at Loomis S chool





111 Talcott Street,

92 Arvine Heights,

H artford, Co nnecticut

Rochester, New York

Major: Liberal Arts

Major : Mathematics

Freshman Swimming ; Varsity Swimming, 2,3,4; Varsity Track, 3; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4 ; 'Tripod, 1. Prepared at Hartford Public High School

Freshman Cross-Country; WRTC, Chief Announcer, 1; Sophomore Dimng Club, 2,3; Theta Xi , Treasurer, 1,2,3,4. Prepared at the Harley School

JAMES BERNARD CURTIN 393 Campfield Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut Major : Engineering


Freshman Basketball, Golf ; Basketball, 2,3,4; Golf, 2, 3,4; Campus Chest, 2,3; Intramur.!l Board, 3,4; Senate, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4 ; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Sophomore Hop Committee, Chairman, 2; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Senior Ball Committee, 4; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Class President, 2,3 . Prepared at Bul~eley High School

_ _ class of 1951





Wel sh Road,

58 Redding Street,

Essex Falls, New Jersey

H artford, Connecticut

Major : History

Major: Liberal Arts

Freshman Swimmmg, Golf ; Varsity Golf, 2; Swimming, 2,3, Co-Captain, 4; Republican Club, 3,4; Varsity " T'' Club, 2,3, Secretary, 4 ; Canterbury Club, 3: Sophomore Dining Club, 2,3,4; Sigma Nu. Prepared at the Lawrenceville School

Freshman Football, Squash, Baseball ; Varsity Football, 2,3,4 ; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4 . Prepared at Kin gswood A cademy

PAUL BROWNING DICKEY, JR. 414 Glen Arden Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Major: Liberal Arts

Freshman Soccer; Varsity Tennis, 3,4; Spanish Club, 2,3 ; Harlequin 2,3; Delta Psi. Prepared at Shad yside Academy





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of 1951 _ _ _~

ROBERT WINSTON DICKINSON 20 Kellogg Street, Windsor, Connecticut Major: Liberal Arts Varsity Baseball, 2; Delta Phi . Prepared at the Mount Hermon School

BILL DENNY DOBBS 13 5 East 74th Street, New York, New York Major: Liberal Arts Freshman Swimming; Varsity Tennis, 2,3; Review, 2,3; 'Tripod, 2; Psi Upsilon, Treasu rer, 3, Vice President, 4. Prepared at the Ber~shire School

ROBERT BURNS DOING 3413 Tulane Street, West Hyattsville, Maryland Major: History Lacrosse, 1,2,3,4; Alpha Phi Omega, 3, His路 torian, 4; Spanish Club, 2; Canterbury Club, 2,3,4 ; Chapel Acolytes, 2,3. Prepared at Garden City H igh School


BRIAN ALBERT DORMAN 12 Hawkins Street, Danielson, Connecticut Major: Pre-Medical Boosters, 2,3 ; W.R.T .C ., 2,3 ,4; Glee Club, 2,3; Band, 2; Junior Prom, 3; lnterdormitory Coun路 cil, 2,3, Chairman, 4; Tau Alpha. Prepared at Killingly High School

GEORGE CHARLES DREYER Died February 10, 1951 Ma jor: His tory 'Transferred from 'Teachers Britain, Connecticut

THEODORE G. DUNCAN 620 Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ma jor: Pre-Medical

Sigma Nu, H ouse M anager, 3. Prepared at Episcopal Academy



of N.ew



32 Old Farm Road,

101 Grandview Terrace, Hartford, Connecticut

Dedham, Massachusetts Major: His tory

Majors Economics

Campus Chest, 1; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2, 3,4; 'Tripod , 1. Prepared at ]'{oble and Greenough School

Prepared at Cheshire Academy

DWIGHT N. EAMES 44 Forster Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major: Fine Arts Varsity Football, 2; Alpha Chi Rho. Prepared at Bul~eley High School


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19 sl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



St. George's School,

Chappaqua, New York

Newport, Rhode Island

Major: English

Major: History

Varsity Swimming, 2,3,4; Corinthian Yacht Club, 2,3; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3; Glee Club, 1; Harlequin , 2,3; 'Tripod , 1,2; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared at 'Trinity Schooi

Freshman Soccer, Basketball, Baseball ; Varsity Basketball, 2,3; Varsity Soccer, 2,3,4; Campus Chest, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Class Secre路 tary, 2; Sigma Nu. Prepared at Mount Hermon School

WILLIAM SABIN ELLSWORTH Massaco Street, Simsbury, Connecticut Major : Economics Prepared at Williston Academy


-------1.,....._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 RI NI TY COLLEGE_--~

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of 1951 _ _ _ ___

NORMAN JOSEPH ELMES 927 Field Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey Major: English Freshman Tennis, Squash; Varsity Tennis, 2; WRTC, 2,3; Glee Club, 1; Band, 1; Alpha Delta Phi, Secretary, 4. Prepared at Saint Andrews School

GERALD I. ELOVITZ 249 Sisson Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut Major: Economics Freshman Tennis; Hillel Society, 2,3, 4. Prepared at Weaver High School

LYMAN RANDLETI EMMONS 8 Stratford Road , Andover, Massachusetts Major: Pre-Medical Outing Club, 3,4; Pre•Medical Club, 2,3; Alph.1 Delta Phi. Prepared at Ponchard High School


FRANKLIN S. FISKE, III 4414 Wickford Road, Baltimore, Maryland Major: Philosophy-Economics Lacrosse, 1,2,3, Captain, 4; Flying Club, 2; Rifle Club, 2; Protestant Fellowship, 1: Sophomo re Dining Club, Secretary, 2; Sigma Nu. Prepared at Baltimore Friends Schoo!

WILLIAM WARREN FISKE, IV 254 Forrest Road , Merion, Pennsylvania Major : Liberal Arts Corinthian Yacht Club, 3; Flying Club, 1. Prepared at Episcopal Academy

JONATHON WHITEHOUSE FREEMAN, JR. 502 3 Castleman Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Major : Liberal Arts Varsity Squash, 3,4; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1; Republican Club, 4; Spanish Club, 1,2,3,4; Ivy, 4; Delta Psi.




257 East Center Street

120 First Street,

Manchester, Connecticut

Pelham, New York

Major: English

Major: Mathematics

I.F.C., Secretary, 3; Senate, 4; Interfraternity Ball Committee, 3; Rue! Crompton Tuttle Eng• )ish Pri~e ; Tau Alpha, President, 3. Prepared at Manchester High School

Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 2; Sigma Pi Sigma, 2,3,4 ; Sigma Nu.

JOHN ERNEST FRIDAY, JR. 1130 South Negley Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Major : Economics

Freshman Swimming; Lacrosse, 1,2,3,4; I.F.C., 4: Harlequin, Business Manager, . 3; Ivy, 3; Sopho• more Hop Committee, 2; Junior Prom Com• mittee, 3; Pi Gamma Mu; Psi Upsilon. Prepared at Phillips Academy ·


_ _ class of 1951




Church Road ,

13 3 Barker Street,

Wayne, !Pennsylvania

Hartford, Connecticut

Major: Economics

Ma jor : Pre-Medical

Freshman Football, Basketball, Track; Campus Chest, 3; I.F.C., ~ ; lnterdormitory Council, 4; Protestant Fellowship, 1,2; Glee Club, 1; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Sigma Nu, President, 4. Prepared at the Haverford School

Golf, 1,2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4. Prepared at Bul~eley High School

RICHARD LEE GARRISON H .I.S. Unit II 53, Hershey, Pennsylvania Major: Economics

Freshman Track, Football ; Football, 3,4; Track, 2,3,4; Boosters Club; Senate, 4 ; Varsity "T" Club, 1,2,3,4; Pipes, 1,2,3,4, Director, 4 ; Senior Ball, 4 ; Medusa, 4; Sophomore Dining Club, 2,3 ,4; Who's Who, 4; Class Vice President, 4; Sigma Nu. Prepared at Hershe y H igh School


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WILLIAM EDWARD GRADY, JR. 44 Olcott Drive, Manchester, Connecticut Major : Economics Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4 ; Brownell Club.

GORDON GREENWOOD Newton Square, Pennsylvania Newton Square, Pennsylvania Major: Fine Arts Freshman Football, Track; Art Club, Tripod , 1,2; Delta Phi. Prepared at the Haverford School


AUSTIN P. GREER 749 Ridge Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut Major : Economics Freshman Cross Country. Prepared at Hartford Public High School


WILLIAM PATRICK GRIFFIN 32 Bishop Road, West H art ford, Connecticl:;; Major: Histor y Freshman Football, Swimming ; Swimming, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Glee Club, 2. Prepared at the Kingswood Academy

JOHN GEORGE GRILL, JR. Elka Park, Greene County, New .York Major: Geological En gineering

Freshman T ennis, Football, Swimming; Varsity Swimming, 2,3,4; Tennis, 2; Varsity "T' Club, 2; Alpha Delta Phi.


25 Overbill Avenue, New Britain, Connecticut Major : Pre -Medical Pre-Medical Club, 2,3; Glee Club, 1,2,3,4; Caril• lonneurs, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at the Mount Hermon School

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539 Linwood Avenue,

43 Eli Road,

Buffalo, New Y.ork

Harnden, Connecticut

Maj or: Histor y

Ma jor: Histor y

Spanish Club, 2,3 ; Canterbury Club, 2,3; Harlequin, 3; Delta Kappa Epsilon . Prepared at the Kent School

Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 2; Intramural Board, 2,3; Political Science Club, 2,3 ; Republi路 can Club, 1,2 ; Protestant Fellowship, 1, Treas路 urer, 2, Vice President, 3; Junior Prom Com路 rnittee, 3; Tau Alpha, President, 3. Prepared at Hamden High School

GERALD JOSEPH HANSEN 409 Sycamore Avenue, Merion, Pennsylvania Major : Economics

Freshman Squash, Basketball ; Varsity Lacrosse, 2,3,4 ; Varsity Squash, 2,3,4; Flying Club, 2,3 ; Intramural Board, Secretary, 2, President, 3; Senate, 3; Psi Upsilon, President, 4. Prepared at the Haverford School


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162 Hilliard Street,

Bellehaven, Greenwich, Connecticut

Manchester, Connecticut Major: Physics

Major: Liberal Arts

Physics Lab Instructor, 4; Sigma Pi Sigma, Vice President, 3; President, 4. Prepared at East Hartford High School

Freshman Track; Art Club, 2,3; Corinthian Yacht Club, 3,4; Outing Club, 2,3,4; Spanish Club, 2,3; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared at the Choate School

FREDERICK BRUCE HINKEL 63 Church Avenue, Islip, New York Major: General Science


Basketball, 3; Varsity Soccer, 3,4; Varsity Track, 2,3,4; WRTC, 2,3,4; Delta Phi. Prepared at Islip High School



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JAMES HOLLYDAY Bedford Hills, New York

Major: Engli.1h Lacrosse, 3,4 ; Swimming, 2,3 ; I.F.C ., 4; Harle路 quin , 1, 2,3 ; Iv y. 3; 'Tripod , 1; Sophomore Hop Committee, 2 ; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Inter路 fraternity Ball Committee, 4; Delta Psi. Prepared at Saint Paul's School

WILLIAM FRANCIS HORAN 18 Hartland Street, Hartford , Connecticut

Major: Economics Freshman Track ; Varsity Track, 2; Political Science Club, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 2; Cardinal Newm an Club, 2,3; Pi Gamma Mu, Brownell Club. Prepared at Weaver High Schoo!

WILLIAM M. HORNISH 17 3 Greenfield Street, Hartford, Connecticut

Major: General Science Freshman Track; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4 ; Band, 2,3,4 ; Brownell Club, Treasurer, 4 . Prepared at Weaver High Schoo!


WILLIAM HOWELL HULSE, JR. 54 Beechwood Terrace, Yonkers, New York Major: Economics Intramural Board, 4; Outing Club, 3,4; Alpha Chi Rho. Prepared at the Charles E . Gorton School.

DONALD NEWELL HUNGERFORD 20 Niles Street, hartford, Connecticut Major: Liberal Arts

Delta Phi. Prepared at the Mount Hermon School

WILLIAM G. IRONS 4 Southway, Bronxville, New York Major: Liberal Arts Freshman Soccer, Swimming, Baseball; Varsity Track, 2; Republican Club, 3,4; Canterbury Club, 3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared at the Hill ,School




254 South Street,

Leonia, N ew Jersey

Oyster Bay, New York

Major: Education

Major : Histor y

Varsity Basketball , 3, Captain, 4; Varsity Track, 3,4 ; Varsity "T" Club, 3,4. Prepared at 'Trinity School

Freshman Soccer; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2, Fleet Captain, 3, Commodore, 4; I.F.C., 3; Political Science Club, 1; Inter-Fraternity Ba:l Committee, 3; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared at O yster Bay High School

JAMES JACKSON, III Meadow Brook Road, Dedham, Massachusetts Major: Engineering Corinthian Yacht Club, 2,3,4; Engineering Club, 2,3,4 ; Physics Club, 2; Intramural Board, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at the Westminster School


__ class of 1951


MACLEAR JACOBY, JR. 12 Applctree Lane

121 5 Webb Road,

Westport, Connecticut

Lakewood 7, Ohio

MaJor: History Freshman Tennis, Squash; Squash, 2,3, Manager, 4; Tennis, 2,3, Captain, 4; Corinthian Yacht Club, 2,3,4; Flying Club, 2; P si Upsilon, Vice President 4. Prepared at the Holderness School

Major : English Freshman Football, Baseball; Senate, 4; WR TC, 1,2,3,4; Chapel Lay Readers, 3; Review, 4; Tripod . 1,2,3; Medusa, 4; Sophomore Dinin g Club, 2, 3,4; Who's Who, 4; Alpha Chi Rho, President, 4. Prepared at La~ewood Hi gh School

LAWRENCE ELIJAH JENNINGS 37 8 Main Street, Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Major: Engineering Engineering Club, Vice President 4; Brownell Club, President, 3. Prepared at Wethersfield High School


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1951_ _ _


ARNOLD BURR JOHNSON The Fessenden School, West Newton, Massachusetts Major: Libera! Arts Freshman Football, 1; Flying Club, 1,2,3 ; Outing Club, 3; Rifle Club, R .O.T.C. Rifle Team, 3; Military Ball Committee, 3; Sigma Nu . Prepared at Saint Marl(.'s School

HOBART STANLEY JOHNSON, II 639 Summit Road, Madison 4, Wisconsin Major: Histor y

Freshman Football, Manager, 1; Iv y, 4; Football Manager, 2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at the Middlese;~; School

ROBERT ELLSWORTH JONES, JR. 224 East 39th Street, Baltimore, Maryland Major : Economics

Freshman Tennis, 1; Tennis, 2,3,4; Iv y, 'Tripod , 1; Sigma Nu. Prepared at the Gilman Country School


JOHN JOSEPH KANE, JR. College Highway, Simsbury, Connecticut Major: Psychology

Political Science Club, 3, President, 4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu; Director of Rules, Connecticut Intercollegiate Student Legislature ; Brownell Club, Vi ce President, 4. Prepared at Simsbury High School

MARTIN DANIEL KAUFMAN 43 Edgewood Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major: History Hillel Society, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Weaver High School

RONALD PAUL KAUFMAN 17 5 North Quaker lane, West Hartford, Connecticut Major: Pre 路Medical Tennis, 2; Pre-Medical Club, 2,3,4; Hillel So路 ciety, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at William Hall High School



JOHN F. KEARNS, JR. 73 R id gewoo d Road,

123 Park Road ,

West H artford , Co nnecticut

West Hartford, Connecticut

Ma jor: En glish

Major: Mathematics

Freshman Swi mmin g, Track ; Varsity Swimming, 3,4; Track, 2, 3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Iv y, 3,4. Prepared at William Hall High School

Freshman Soccer.

FREDERICK KIRSCHNER, JR. 538 Flat Rock Drive, R .F.D .# 1, Bridgeport, Connecticut Major: Economics

Freshman Soccer, Swimming ; Soccer, 2; Swim· ming, 2,3,4; Campus Chest, 3,4; Senate, Presi• dent, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3, President, 4; Sophomore Hop, 2; Medusa, 4; Sophomore Dining Club, 2, 3,4; Who's Who, 4; Class Vice President, 2; Alpha Delta Phi. Prepared at Warren Harding High School


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14 70 Broad Street,

South Broad Street and Allentown R oad, Lansdale , Pennsylvania

Hartford , Connecticut

Major: Education

Major: General Science

Democratic Club, 1,2,3, Treasurer, 4; Ivy. 3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Ring Committee, 3; Brownell Club, 2,3, Treasurer, 4; Cardinal New路 man Club, 1,2,3, President, 4.

Prepared at


Campus Chest, 3; Cheerleaders, 1,2,3, Captain, 4 ; P re-M edical Club, 1; Varsity "T' Club, 3,4;

W.R.T .C, . 1,2; Choir, 1,2; Glee Club, 1,2,3, Manager, 4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Sopho路 more Dining Club, 2; Who's Who, 4; Class Vice President, 3; Alpha Chi Rho. Prepared at Lansdale High School

High School

ROBERT THORNTON LANDERS 20 Jenkins Avenue, Whitman, Massachusetts

Major : General Science Sigma Nu.

Prepared at Whitman High School


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RAYMOND BARACLOUGH LANG 80 Beech Street, Clinton, Massachusetts Major : General Science Campus Chest, 3; Senate, Secretary, 4; Canter• bu ry Club, 1,2,3,4 ; Band, Manager and Drum M ajor, 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Com• mons Club. Prepared at Clinton High School

GEORGE WESLEY LAUB Buffalo, New York Major: Philosophy

Lacrosse, 1,2,3,4; O uting Club, 4; Glee Club, 2,3. Prepared at the D eerfield A cademy

THEODORE LAUTERWASSER 85 Edgemere Avenue West Hartford, Connecticut Major : Engineering

Freshman Soccer; Varsity Soccer, 3,4 ; Sigma Pi Sigma. Prepared at Chatham High School


EDWARD LAWRENCE, JR. 2 26 Dudley Street, Brookline 46, Massachusetts Major: Government

lacrosse, 2; Swimming, 2,3,4; Campus Chest, 1; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2,3,4; Varsity " T " Club, 2,3,4; Canterbury Club, 2,3; 'Tripod, 4; Delta Psi. Prepared at ]l{oble and Greenough School

JOSEPH NEWTON LEO, JR. St. Davids Avenue, St. Davids, Pennsylvania M ajo1路: Economics Freshman Soccer, Track; Vars:ty Soccer, 2,3; Varsity Track, 2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 3,4; Canterbury Club, 3,4; Chapel Acolytes, 3,4; Sigma Nu. Prepared at the Haverford School

WAYNE WILLIAMS LOVELAND 107 Chapel Street, East Ha rtford, Connecticut Major: Pre-Law

Cross-Country, Manager, 2; Chapel Choir, 1; Glee Club, 1,2; Brownell Club . Prepared at Hartford P ublic High School




N ew Canaan, Connecticut Major: Pre-Medical

Tariffville, Connecticut Major: Economics

Freshman Swimming ; Varsity Swimming, 2,3,4; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2,3, Treasurer, 4; l.F.C., 4; Choir, 1; Glee Club, 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Delta Phi. Prepared at Millbrool{ School

Freshman Football, Basketball, Baseball; Varsity Baseball, 2,3, Captain, 4; Varsity Football, 2,3,4; Senate, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Medusa, 4. Prepared at Simsbury High School

WILLIAM DICKINSON MacDONALD Ogunquit, Maine, Major : English Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2; Review, Business Manager, 4; Alpha Delta Phi. Prepared at Saint Andrew's School


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"Overbills" Rollins Road,

3 4 Chester Street,

Catonsville, Maryland

Hartford, Connecticut

Major: General Science

Major : Psychology

Athenaem Society, 1,2; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2; I.F.C., 4; Pre-Medical Club, 1,2,3; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Interfraternity Ball Committee, 4; Alpha Chi Rho. Prepared at the Gilman Country School

Campus Chest, 1; Senate, Treasurer, 4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4 ; Ivy , Advertising Manager, 3; Assistant, Psychology Department, 3,4; CoChairman, Blood Donor Program, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Bul~eley High School

RALPH ALLEN MARSHALL 245 Brimfield Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut Major : Economics Soccer, 1,2,3, Co-Captain, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4. Prepared at Mortson Academy .


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195] _ _ _ ______.

MAURICE HERBERT MARTEL 10 Dallas Street, Worcester, Massachusetts Major: General Science Campus Chest, Treasurer, 4 ; Canterbury Club, 2,3,4 ; Band, 3,4; Commons Club, President, 4. Prepared at Worcester Junior College

ROBERT EDWARD MAYES 3 2 Cedar Street, New Britain, Connecticut Major: Chemistry Pre-Medical Club, 2,3,4. Prepared at )'{ew Britain Senior High School

JOSEPH CHARLES MAYO 24 Fernwood Road, M ajor:

West Hartford, Connecticut General Science


Club, 2,3,4; Ivy, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Kingswood Academy


DAVID JOSEPH McAULIFFE 18 Charter Oak Terrace, Hartford, Connecticut Major: Economics 'Transferred from Providence College

DEAN AMER McCALLUM 560 Ridge Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut Major: Economics Campus Chest, 4; Rifle Club, 1,2,3,4; Choir, 1,2; Glee Club, 1,2,3,4; Band, 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi

Rho. Prepared at the Loomis School

ALLAN DAVID McCUE 509 Hillside Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut Major: Economics

Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Bul~eley High School




130 Sisson Street,

1635 San Pascunl Street,

East Hartford, Connecticut Major: History

Santa Barbara, California Major: Liberal Arts Republican Club, 4; 'Tripod, 1, Advertising Manager, 2, Business Manager, 3,4; Theta Xi. Prepared at 'Trinity School

GRANT THOMAS MciNTOSH 58 Caryl Avenue, Yonkers, New York Major: Liberal Arts Flying Club, 1; I.F.C., 3; Jesters, 1,2,3,4; Politi路 cal Science Club, 4; Senate, 3; WRTC, 2; Inter路 fraternity Ball Committee, 3; Military Ball Com路 mittee, 3,4; Theta Xi. Prepared at Barnard School


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of 1951

Tau Alpha. Prepared at Weaver High School


WILLIAM ROULSTON McKEAN 1731 W esirard Avenue,

16 Boardman Terrace,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Wethersfield, Connecticut

Major: Economics Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 3,4; Intramural Board, 4; Political Science Club, 2,3; Republican Club, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 4; Canterbury Club, 2,3,4; Sigma Nu. Prepared at Episcopal Academy

Major: History Freshman Track, Basketball ; Varsity Football, 2,3 ; Political Science Club, 1; Varsity "T" Cluo, 2,3,4; Class Secretary, 1; Sigma Nu. Prepared at Wethersfield High School

RICHARD GARDNER MECASKEY 601 Walnut Lane, H arve rford , Pennsylvania WRTC, 1, 2; Protestant Fellowship, Club, 1; P si Upsilon. Prepared at Episcopal A cadem y





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of 1951 _ _ __

LAWRENCE ROBERT MEHRINGER 12 Burton Street, Malverne, New York Major: History

Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 3,4; Spanish Club, 3; Canterbury Club, 3; Delta Kappa Epsi• Ion, Treasurer, 4. Prepared at Riverdale Country Day School

DAVID McCALL MERCER 3 East 69th Street, New York, New York Major: Liberal Arts

Freshman Soccer, Basketball, Tennis; Pipes, 1,2; Bishop's Men, 3,4; Sigma Nu. Prepared at the Westtown School

B. BRADSHAW MUNTURN 34 3 \\'est 8th Street, Florence, Kansas Ma jor: Liberal Arts Canterbury Club, 1; Choir, 1,2; Bishop's Men, 3,4; Sophomore Hop Committee, 2; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Delta Phi. Prepared at Memorial High School


DAVID MICHAEL MITCHELL Norfolk, Connecticut Major: Economics Lacrosse, 2,3,4; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1, Com• modore, 2; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Psi Upsilon.

LEONEL LAKE MITCHELL 4 23 West 46th Street, New York, New York Major : Classics

Democratic Club, 4; Jesters, 1, 2,3,4 ; Canterbury, 1,2,3, 4; Chapel Lay Readers, 1,2,3, 4; Chapel Acolytes, 1,2,3, 4; Ivy , 4; 'Tripod, 1, M anaging Editor, 2, Associate Ed itor, 3, Member-at-large, 4; Alpha Chi Rho. Prepared at 'Trinity School

GEORGE EDWARD MOORE, JR. 47 Tobey Avenue, Windsor, Connecticut Major: Mathematics

Outing Club, 3; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Commons Club. Prepared at Loomis School

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DUANE HYDE NEWTON Simsbury, Connecticut Major: Fine Arts

Freshman Football, Squash, Tennis; Varsity Football, 3; Varsity Squash, 2,3 ,4; Varsity T ennis, 2,3,4; Art Club, 4; Alpha D elta Phi. Prepared at South Kent Schoo!

HOWARD BURTON NORDEN 182 Columbia Street, New Britain, Connecticut Major: Engineering Engineering Club, 1,2,3, Secretary, 4; Physics Club, 1; Sigma Pi Sigma, 2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at New Britain Senior High Schoo!

CLARENCE FORREST NORTON 4 Edison Street, East Hartford, Connecticut Major: Psychology

Freshman Swimming, Track; Athenaeum So路 ciety, 3. Prepared at Bul/teley High Schoo!




197th Street ,

H ollis, New York Major: Liberal Arts Freshman Swimming ; Lacrosse, 2,3,4; Jesters, 1; W RTC, 2; Harlequin , 2; I v y, 4; Interfraternity Ball Committee, 3; Military Ball Committee, 4; A lpha Delta Phi . Prepared at A ndrew Jack._son H igh S chool

LAMBERT RAYMOND OBERG 36 Flatbush Avenue, H artford, Connecticut Major: Economics

Varsity Football, 2,3, Captain, 4; Varsity Golf, 2,3, 4; Senate, 3; Varsity "T" Club ; W ho's Who; D elta Kappa Epsilon .

JAMES DENNIS O'CONNOR 110 North Beacon Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major: History

Football, 2; Soccer, 1; Intercollegiate Legislatu re, 4; Political Science Club, 3; Spanish Club, 2: Cardinal Newman, 1,2,3 ; Brownell Club, 3.



ARTHUR FRANOS O'HANLON 767 O swego Street,

316 Church Street,

Utica, New York

W ethersÂŁeld, Connecticut

Major: Hi story and Music

Major: Economics

Canterbury Club, 1; Choir, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, 1,2,3 ; Bishops Men, 3; Director, 4; Theta Xi, Advi sory Vice President, 4. Prepared at Utica Free Academy

Varsity Soccer, 3. Prepared at Wethersfield High School

RICHARD WARE OSBORNE 9 Olin Street, Windsor, Connecticut Major : Engineering Engineering Club, President, 2,3, Member, 4; Rifle Club, President, 2,3, Member, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at the Loomis School


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CHARLES PAUL 69 Salem Road ,

6 2 Yale Street,

East Hartford , Connecticut

Hartford, Connecticut

Major: Education

Major: Pre-Medical Pre-Medical Club, 2,3 ; Brownell Club; Epsilon, 2, Vice President, 3, President, 4.

Ivy. 3, Advert:sing Manager, 4; Young Demo路

crats, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Clinton High School

JAMES VINCENT PICKETT 16 Adams Street, Waterbury, Connecticut Major: Histor y

Freshman Football, Baseball ; Varsity Football, 2,3,4; Spanish Club, 1; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4. Prepared at Crosby High School



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_ class of 1951 _ _ __ DONALD BUCKLEY PIERCE 626 County Street, Fall River, Massachusetts Major : Philosophy Flyin g Club, 1,2; Chapel Lay Readers, 4; Chapel Acolytes, 2,3,4 ; Chapel Choir, 1; Band, 2,3,4. Prepared at B.M.C. Durfee

STEPHEN PALMER PRESSEY 304 Ocean Avenue, Lawrence, New York Major: Government Varsity Track, 2,3; Jesters, 3,4; Varsity "T'" Club, 3; Alpha Chi Rho. Prepared at Lawrence High School

FRED PROSIATKOWSKI, JR. 50 Englewood Avenue, Bloomfield, Connecticut Major: Liberal Arts Freshman Basketball, Baseball; Varsity Baseball, 2,3, 4; Varsity Soccer, 3,4. Prepared at Suffield Academy



LOUIS RADEN 131 Pennsylvania Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Major : Economics Freshman Soccer, Squash ; Varsity Soccer, 2, 3,4; Varsity Squash, 4; Varsity Track, 3,4 ; Alpha Phi Omega, Vice President, 3,4; Flying Club, 1; I.F.C., 2; Intramural Board, 2; Political Science Club, 4; Senate, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 3,4 ; Iv y, Feature Editor ; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Se nior Ball, 4; Theta Xi, Vice President, 2. Prepared at Episcopal Academy

ROLLIN MAIN RANSOM, JR. 109 Preston Street, Windsor, Connecticut Major: General Science Freshman Track; Varsity Track, 2; Captain, 3,4; WRTC, 3,4; Dixieland Band, 3,4 ; Ivy, Sports Editor, 4; Sigma Nu, House Manager, 3. Prepared at the Loomis School

DONALD REYNOLDS 115 Main Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut Major : History Jesters, 1, Business Manager, 2; Ivy, 2; Alpha Delta Phi. Prepared at Wethersfield High Schoo! Now Serving with the U . S. Army






211 Roberts Road,

20 Treadwell Avenue,

Ardmore, Pennsylvania

New Milford, Connecticut

Major: Geolog y

Major : English

Freshman Football, Squash, Track; Varsity Track, 2,3,4; Senate, 4; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared at the Haverford School

Campus Chest, 3; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3, Presi路 dent, 4; Chapel Choir, 1; Glee Club, 1,2,3,4; Band, 1,2,3; Carillonneurs, 1,2,3,4; Theta Xi. Prepared at New Milford High School

ARTHUR F. ROCHE 69 Newport Avenue, West Hartford, Connecticut Major: Economics Freshman Track; Intercollegiate Legislature, 2,3, 4; I.F.C., 4; Outing Club, 3; Republican Club, 4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3 ; Band, 1,2,3,4; Sophomore Hop Committee, 2; Interfraternity Ball Committee, 4; Theta Xi, Vice President, 4. Prepared at William Hall High School

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67 Linbrook R oad, West Hartford, Connecticut

400 Prospect Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut

MaJor: Geology Commons Club. Prepared at Cheshire A cademy

Major: Pre路 Medical

Corinthian Yacht Club, 1; Political Science Club, 3,1; Pre-Medical Club, 2; Republican Club, 2; H illel Society, 1,2,3,4; Band, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at William Hall High School

MORTON MERVIN ROSENBERG 555 Albany Avenue, H artford, Connecticut Major : History Freshman Soccer; H illel Society, 1,2,3, President, 4; Brownell Club . Prepared at Weaver High School





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of 1951 _ _ _~

EDWARD ARNOLD ROTH 7836 Flourtown Avenue, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania Major: History Freshman Cross Country; Sigma Nu, Steward, 3,4. Prepared at Springfield High School

JOHN AMERMAN SAUMS 26 Jefferson Street, Garden City, New Y.ork Major: General Science Boosters Club, 2,3; Campus Chest, 3,4; Student Food Committee, Chairman, 3.

ROBERT SCHORK 66 Carew Road, Hamden, Connecticut Major: Liberal Arts Varsity Baseball, 2; French Club, 2,3; Infirmary Attendant, 2,3,4; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared at Hamden High Schoo!



59 Cooper Street, Manchester, Connecticut Maj o路r : Mathematics Alpha Phi Omega, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Manchester High School

WILLIAM MARTIN SHAUGHNESSY 213 Sargeant Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major: Ph ysics Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Sigma Pi Sigma, 1,2, Secretary, 3; Brownell Club. Prepared at Hartford Public High School

ROBERT GOULD SHAW Tuxedo Park, New York Major: History Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Psi Upsilon. Prepared at the 路Noble and Greenough School





624 Arch Street, New Britain, Connecticut

Swarthmore, Pennsylvania

Major : Histor y J.V . Basketball, 3,4 ; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3 ,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at N.ew Britain High School

Major : General Science Freshman Football, Lacrosse; Varsity Lacrosse, 3,4 ; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Alpha Chi Rho. Prepared at Swarthmore High School

307 South Chester Road,

PHILLIP BELL SIMONI 144 Loring Avenue, Pelham, New York Major : Engineering

Freshman Track; Varsity Football, 3,4; Varsity Track, 3; Engineering Club, 3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 3, Treasurer, 4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4 ; Sigma Nu. Prepared at Pelham Memorial High School


of 1951



86 Oakland Terrace,

Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Hartford, Connecticut

Major : History Athenaeum Society, 1; I.F.C., 4; Interfraternity Ball Committee, 4; Delta Kappa Epsilon.

Major: Fine Arts Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. 'Transferred from the Whitney School of Art

Prepared at the Berl(_shire School

ARTHUR DAVID SINGLE 3 3 Cumberland Road, West Hartford, Connecticut

Major : Geology Corinthian Yacht Club, 4. Prepared at William Hall High School



of 1951


GERALD NORMAN SMITH 9 Overhill R oad, West H artford, Connecticut

Major: General Science H illel Society, 2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at William Hall High School

HARRY STAHL Lovely Street, U nionv1lle, Connecticut

Major : Mathematics Physics 路club, 4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Richmond Hill High School

ROBERT ARTHUR STANGER Concord Arms, Haverford , Pennsylvania

Major: Economics Freshman Track, Swimming, Soccer; Varsity Squash, 2, 3; Varsity Swimming, 4; Varsity Track, 2,3,4 ; Flying Club, 1,2,3; Rifle Club, 3; Sigma Nu.


CLIFFORD DEWITT STARK 115 Prospect Street, Bloomfield, Connecticut Major: Economics Varsity Soccer, 3,4; Varsity "T' Club, 4.

MARSHALL PRESTON STUART 22 Woodland Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major : Economics

Spanish Club, 2,3 ; Brownell Club, 3. 'Transferred from Michigan State College

FRANCIS LEO SULLIVAN 581 Prospect Avenue, West Hartford, Connecticut Major: Mathematics Freshman Basketball; J .V . Basketball, 2,3 ; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at William Hall High School




'i4 Stancliff Road,

1903 N orth Street, N.W ., W ashington, D . C.

Glastonbury, Connecticut M ajor: Chemis try

Major: H istory

Freshman T rack; Varsity Track, 2; Brownell Club. Prepared at Glastonbury H igh S choo l

Senate, 4; l nterdormitory Council, 4 ; M edusa, 4; Who's Who, 4; D elta Kappa Epsilon, Secretary, 3; Presid ent, 4.

DONALD MALVERN THOMAS 49 Lyons Place, W estwood, N ew Jersey M ajor: Pre -Medical

Senate, 3; WRTC, 1,2, 3,4 ; Sophomo re H op Co mmittee, 2; T au Alpha . Prepared at W estwoo d High S chool


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98 West Morningside Street,

91 Crestwood Drive,

H artford, Connecticut

M anchester, Connecticut

Major : Mathematics

Major: Eco nomics Prepare d at Hartford Public Hi gh S choo l

EDWARD KELSEY VAN H ORNE, JR. 11 R ichbell Road, Scarsdale, New York Major: Economics

Freshman Soccer, Track ; Corinthian Yacht Club, 3,4; Intramural Board, 2,3,4 ; Outing Club, 1,2,3 ; Alpha Delta Phi. Prepared at Scarsdale High S choo!


,____ _ _ _ _ _ TRINITY C0Ll EGE •

cI a s s

of 1951 _ _ _~

WILLIAM HIRSCHY VAN LANEN 6 2 7 South 2nd Street, Mankato, Minnesota

Major: English Freshman Basketball ; Varsity Basketball, 2,3; Campus Chest, 3; Flying Club, 1; I.F.C., 3; Intramural Board, Chairman, 3; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Senior Prom Comittee, 4; Interfraternity Ba~l Com• mittee, 3; Class President, 3,4 ; Alpha Delta Phi, Vice President, 3. Prepared at Red Wing High School

MAURICE WILLIAM VILLANO 248 South Street, Hartford, Connecticut

Major: Economics Camera Club, 2,3,4. Prepared at Bul~eley High School

MAX VON SCHRADER, JR. 1556 North Elm Street, Ottumwa, Iowa

Major: HiHory Golf Team, 1,2,3,4. Prepared at Ottumwa High School


WILLIAM VOUNATSO 617 Broad Street, Hartford, Connecticut Major: Pre -Medical

Pre-Medical Club, 3; Glee Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club. Prepared at Hartford Public High School

NORMAN LEWIS WACK 2877 Grand Concourse, New York, New York Major: General Science

Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2; Flying Club, 1; I. F.C., 3; Protestant Fellowship, 1; 'Tripod , 3, Advertising Manager, 4; Theta Xi, Marshal 3. Prepared at 'Trinity School

RICHARD PERKINS WARREN Green H ollow R oad, Danielson, Connecticut Major: History and Philosophy Varsity Track, 2,3 ; C ross Country, 2,3 ; Campus Chest, 3; Ivy , 2,3 . Prepared at the 'Taft S chool



JOHN HENRY WEIKEL, JR. Residence Park,

1220 Park Avenue,

Palmerton, Pennsylvania

New York, New York

Major: Chemistry

Major: Liberal A rts

Alpha Phi Omega, 3,4; Chemistry Club, Chair• man, 3,4; Sigma Pi• Sigma. Prepared at S.S. Palmer High School

Lacrosse, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Glee Club, 1,2,; Ivy, 2; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Psi Upsilon. Prepared at St. Paul's School

GALEN HENRY WHITE 239 South Columbus Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York Major: Science Freshman Track ; Varsity Track 2. Prepared at Bronxville Hi gh School


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19 sl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________


JOHN STEW ART WILSON 67 Sycamore Road,

953 West Boulevard,

West Hartford, Connecticut

H artford, Connecticut

MaJor: Pre-Medical Jesters, 2,3; Pre-Medical Club, 2,3,4; Chapel Choir, 1,2,3; Glee Club, 1,2,3. Pupared at Loomis School

Major: Hi story Freshman Footba ll M anager; Pre-Medical Club, 1; Glee Club, 1,2: Brownell Club, Secretary, 2, Vice President, 3, Presi dent, 4. Prepared at Loomis School

GEORGE HAROLD WITTMAN, JR. 648 Belvidere Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey Major: Government and H istory Art Club, 2, President, 3; Democratic Club, 3; Political Science C lub, 2; Rifle Club, 1; WRTC, 1: Glee Club, 1; Delta Phi. Prepared at the Wardlaw School


,.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ TRINITY COLLEGE _ _.

THOMAS JOSHUA WOODS 456 Main Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut Major: Ph ysics I ntramural Board, 3; Physics, 1; Physics Lab I nstructor, 4; Sigma Pi Sigma, 1,2, Treasurer, 3, Vice President, 4; Brownell Club, Treasurer, 1. Prepared at Wethersfield High School

DONN DAVID WRIGHT 2 Princeto~ Street, H olyoke, Massachusetts Major: Fine A rts Art Club, 2,3,4; Corinthian Yacht Club, 4; Protestant Fellowship, 1,2; Harlequin, 1,2,3 ; Alpha Delta Phi, Treasurer, 4. Prepared at the Lawrenceville School

CHARLES FREDERICK YOUNG 114 Washington Street,

Manchester, Connecticut Major: Economics Prepared at Williston Academy





Wilkinso nville, Massachusetts

124 Massachusetts Avenue, New Britain, Connecticut

MaJor: Modern Languages Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, 4路 'Tripod, 2; Alpha Chi Rho, Secretary, 4. Prepared at Sutton H igh School


Major: Physics Outing Club, 2,3,4; Physics Club, 2,3,4; Physics Lab Instructor, 4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Sigma Pi Sigma. Prepared at New Britain Senior High S chool









Only th e husky Juni ors sh own below were able to brave th e elements and make Alumni H all in ti me to have th eir pictures taken.

The Junior Class, proud owners of the Lemon S4ueezer, spent the year trying to forget that Local Board 21 was breathing down their necks. The Junior Prom was a success and other social activities received their wholehearted support. On the athletic fields , they con路 tinued to be an asset to the H illtoppers. Intellectual endeavor soared to new heights under the stimulus of the d raft. A ctivities were another field trampled upon by the J uniors and the Class considers its year a success.

P . Trowbridge, T . D ePatie, C. McElwee


Accounting sure can be rough!

With a minute to go before classes.

T hen there are the big things in life.

You asking her to the Senior Ball, M ac?


The Class of ' 53 is the first class since the war to be made conspicuous by the absence of veterans from its ranks, marking the college's return to its pre-war level. Though the Class of '53 lost the traditional Frosh-Soph Tussle both years in which they were involved, the Sopho路 mores have the distinction of holding the highest scholastic average in college for the past year. As freshmen, mem路 bers of the class were chosen to participate in a voluntary extra-curricular seminar, the first of its kind to be insti路 tuted in an undergraduate school, in which students and faculty alike discussed the merits and limitations of freedom.

P. Keller, W. Hayward, R . Parrott.

( 108)

Why don't you try out for the Jester's son?

Would you mind if I brought a friend or two?

Going somewhere?

Who're you trying to kid?


The Class of '54 entered Trinity as the fourth post-war class, but soon found themselves in somewhat the same position as the frosh group of 1941. Well over half the class recognized the imminency of the draft by signing up for ROTC. The frosh entered wholeheartedly into college activities, however, and soon proved their athletic prowess by developing an undefeated soccer team and a basketball squad that upset mighty Holy Cross in the season's most thrilling game. The spirit of the freshmen was also shown in their victory in the annual frosh-soph tussle and in several informal snowball fights. Barring the路 interference of Uncle Sam, the Class of '54 should set a fine record at the college.


It was only a penny fellows, don't bother!

Smile boys, it can't be that bad.

Guess I'd better take fine arts with Mitch.

Just like home.




>. · .


First Row: Brown, ]. B.; Hoisington, F. R. ; Freeman, ]. N.; Stanley, ]. S.; Drew·Baer, R.; Hollyday, J.; Burbank, ]. F.; Seeber, D. L. Second Row: Lawrence, E.; MacArthur, D.; Michie, T. ].; North, ]. A.; Lu· quer, L. S.; Sladden, C. E.; Astlett, H. A.; Plum,


The Epsilon Chapter of the fraternity of Delta Psi was founded in 1850, the first national fra· ternity at Trinity. In 1878, the chapter house, which dominates the campus' highest ground, was completed. The chapter celebrated its first hundred years at Trinity on the weekend of October fourteenth, with the return of many loyal graduate brothers. Having completed a very successful rushing period in which twenty sophomores were pledged, the Epsilon chapter begins its next century with pride in its ideals. Besides having won the Alumni Cup for intra· mural sports, we have many brothers active in foot· ball, squash, baseball, lacrosse, swimming, and track. Our increased interest in extra-curricular activities is a source of satisfaction to us because through loyal participation in college life the brothers best serve the interests of their college and fraternity.

S. H.; Thomas, E. B. 'Third Row: Smith, B. H .; Bow· ring, W. B.; Haugan, R. D.; Larsen, ]. H.; Bern• hard, W. N.; Joslin, B. R.; Martin, B.; Barhydt, D. Fourth Row: Shriver, B. R.; Smith, R. H .; Skinner, R. S.; Muir, W. H .; Carver, W. B. ; McCandless, S. R.

Alpha Delta Phi, founded in 1832 at Hamilton College, is one of the oldest national college fraternities in the United States. It has been a pioneer fraternity in eleven colleges and was the first to estab.lish a chapter in the Middle West. The fraternity has followed a conservative policy of expansion, entering only the leading colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, until now it has twentyseven active chapters. The alumni body of Alpha Delta Phi includes many distinguished leaders, among whom are Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller and Henry R. Luce. Alpha Delta Phi is also proud of its brothers on the Trinity faculty. In addition to President G. Keith Funston, there are Henry A . Perkins, Professor Emeritus of Physics; Edward L. Troxell, Professor of Geology, and J. Bard McNulty, Assistant Professor of English.



First Row : Lally, R. W.; Nurge, H . C.; Wright, D. D .; Elmes, N . ].; Billingsley, H. M.; Van Lanen, W . H .; Bacon, R. W.; Bulmer,]. W. Second Row: Elder, W . N.; MacDonald, W. D. ; Adams, J. H. ; Walker, J. W. ; Andre路de路la路Porte, C. A .; Emmons, L. R.; Pollock, W. G. 'Third R ow: Toole, W. D. ; Purdy, C. E.; Zuver,

R. ; Bleecker, E. W. ; Mciver, J. K.; Moyer, P . T.; Faulkner, W . W. ; Kell<!r, P .; Marden, 0. S. Fourth Row: McGarvey, D. K. ; Parrott, R. S. ; Mason, A.; Humphries, R. A. ; Grill, J. G.; Lee, D. W .; Kirsch路 ner, F.; Ramsey, S. H .; Crozier, R. E. ; Crawford, R . E.

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Founded in 1844 at Yale, Delta Kappa Epsilon now comprises fifty chapters in colleges and universities throughout the country. D .K.E. established its fifteenth chapter at Trinity College in 1879. This year's sterling football team sported six Dekes on the squad. The Hilltoppers were cap-


路tained by " Whitey" Oberg, a member of the Senate and the president of Alpha Chi. At present the house is composed of thirty-five brothers and pledges in sundry draft classifications, actively participating in various activities "around the quad."

First Row: Whitbread, R. M. ; Larso n, W. P .; Mehringer, L. R.; Oberg, L. R .; Naud , T. H.; Simpson, A. E.; Kinner, K. H .; Carver, R . A . Second Row : ]ones, B. F.; Hubbard, J. S. ; Ratcliffe, L. H .; Ahern, R. I.; Taylor, N. ; Sanger, R. C.; Farrell, R. R .; Pratt,

L. C.; Racioppi, T. G . 'Third R ow: Lyford, R. T. ; Barnett, K. G.; Moskow, R .; Ricci, A. T.; Jackson, F. W. ; Keady, W . L.; Edwards, D . F.; Hardy, W. A.; Carver, R. C.; Groves, J. M. 'Top Row : Barrett, W. F.; Barnett, T. A. ; Carroll, J. E .


In 1842, when Trinity was situated where the State Capitol now is, and was known as Washington College, a society called Beta Beta was started. The founders, a small but enthusiastic group, agreed that the Beta Beta should, as its primary endeavor, strive to further the scholastic, intellectual and literary talents of its members. Forty years later, the national fraternity of Psi Upsilon incorporated the Beta Beta as an active chapter. When Trinity moved to its present site in 1878, the chapter purchased its house at 81 Vernon Street, and today, has b~come firmly established as one of the twenty-nine active chapters in the United States and Canada. At present, as a result of deferred rushing and the demands made by the armed forces, the Beta Beta's normal complement of forty-five men have been reduced to thirty-eight.


First Row: Mitch.ell, D . M. ; Dobbs, B. D.; Medford,

C. B.; Jacoby, M.; Hansen, G. J. ; Nash, F. P., Jr. ; Byers, B. D. ; Coote, J. M. Second Row : Hale, R. H. ; Hastings, F. M .; Oilver, H. ; Hunter, R. E. T. ; Fremont路 Smith, M., Jr. ; Burice, H . S.; Shaw, R. G.; Phelps, G. S.; Whelan, S. S.; Otis, S. H .; Fnday, ]. E., Jr.

'Third Row: Parsons, I. M. ; Crocker, E.; Hutaff, R. V.;

Minot, C. S.; Hopkins, B. B.; Mecaskey, R. G.; Ever路 son, V. H .; Buhl, H. L. Fourth R ow: Winslow, P. L.: Parsons, J. B. ; Tildesley, .'\. H .; Adams, P. R.; Merri路 man, D. C.; Chew, B. C.; Arias, R. M.


First Row: Northrop, J. N. ; Hooper, R. K.; Bickford, D. V. ; Rowen, R. L.: K~ith, R. D. ; McLaughlin, C. E. ; Shelly, R. R.; Stewart, J. C. Second Row: Sawyer, R. S. ; Norris, R. A.: DePatie, T. C.; Aldrich, M .; Jenkin s, B. W.; Young ; G. T. ; Blair, D. M.; Mitchell, L. L.; Parker, J. H. ; Kulp, N. K. 'Third Row: Os路 borne, R. C. ; Burton, J. ]. ; Knapp, G. A.; Maher, R. P.; Banks, P. D.; Smith, D. R.; Eames, D. N. ;

Shaw, R. L. ; Cahalan, P. N.; Scott, P .; Wentworth, ]. L. ; Hulse, W. H. Fourth Row: Romaine, W. E.; Blank, E.; Tryon, W. S.; Murray, D. Q.; Asher, T. E.; Berdick, M. L.; Hayward, W. L. ; Newell, I. L. 'Top Row: Pressey, S. P.; Miller, S. B.; McCallum, D. A.; Valentine, E. H .; Brennan, L. T.; Young, A . N.; Karasek, E. R.

The fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho was founded here at Trinity College in 1895. Since that time, the fratunity has grown to its present size of nineteen active chapters at leading colleges and universities all over the country. Phi Psi chapter has the honor of being the only national fraternity ever founded at Trinity College. The aim of Alpha Chi Rho is to secure a membership of the highest standard, thoroughly homogeneous in quality, and permanent in 1ts allegiance and effort both for the fraternity and the college, not merely during college days, but throughout life. The fraternity also urges good scholarship, and has been high on the list of fraternities here at Trinity in that field.



O(LTA PHI First R ow: \l</ilmot, B. D. ; Currie, A . G .; Bridge, B. P .; Dickinson, R. W .; Laub, I. A. ; Mandery, J. C. Seco nd R ow: Dean, D . J.; Phillips, ]. P.; Bennett, E. W .: Minturn, B. B. ; Witt man , G. H. ; Hinkel, F.


Founded in 1827 at Union C ollege, Delta Phi clai ms the distinction of being the third oldest American college fraternity. The nine founders, five of whom were members of Phi Beta Kappa, stated that their objects and purposes were t o "consolidate their interests and at the same time mutually benefit each other," to maintain a high standard of scholarship and gentlemanly conduct, and to foster amicable and fraternal relations. When, in 19 17, eighteen men were granted a charter to form the Sigma Chapter at Trinity, the fraternity merged with the oldest local fraternity in the country-the I.K.A. Society, formed here in 182 9. In the course of its career at the college, Delta Phi has been well noted for its literary and scholastic achievements, and is at present represented on the faculty by Dr. Arthur Adams.

B.; Porteu s, E. F.; Gross, E. D . P. Thi rd R ow: Lud low, G. C ., Jr.; Cliff, S. B.; Becker, W . G.; Couden, R. M .; Lee, R. E. ; Butler, R . G. ; H ale, T. R . C.; Greenwood, G .


The fraternity of Sigma Nu was founded at Virginia Military Institute in 1869, and established at Trinity in 1918. Sigma Nu is one of the largest fraternal organizations in the country, having at present one hundred and five chapters in fortyseven states. It is the largest national fraternity on the Trinity campus. This year has been a busy one at Delta Chi. Socially, there have been three big week-end

..,,, .



parties, supplemented with several stag and initiation parties, where alumni and brothers mixed. Athletically, Sigma Nu is represented in almost every field of endeavor. There are seventeen lettermen in the house, having attained thetr awards in every major sport at Trinity. Intramural prospects are looking good at present with high positions in all sports that have ended to date.

First Row: Morehead, J. H.; Lauffer, W. G., Jr.; Moses, A. A. ; Barber, T . H.; Clark, D. R. ; Vogel, F. G. Second Row: McElwee, C. B.; Vaile, H. S.; Bomberger, J. H. A.; Fritz, W. H., Roth, E. A.; Bolinger, A. S.; McKean, W. R. Third Row: Johnson, A. B. ; Grant, J. A.; Steck, W. F. ; Condon, J.; Duncan, T. G.; Schaef, F.; Corwin, N., Jr.; Clipp, S. W.; Mallon,

P. J. Fourth Row: Nettel, J. P.; Huhbard, R. G.; Ranson, R. M., Jr. ; Jones, R. E., Jr. ; Garriso n, R. G.; Hunter, R. N. ; Elliot, R. S.; Morse, W. S.; Fitzgerald, D . E. Fifth Row: Landers, T. R.; Fiske, F. S.; Cutting, T. K. ; Mercer, D. M. ; Leo, J. N. ; O'Brien, R. S.; Wills, W. E.


Trinity C ollege was called to the attention of Theta Xi in the fall of 1946. The first man was pledged on March 25, 1948, and the first eleven founders of the chapter were initiated in May, 1948. Starting the fall term with eleven actives and three pledges, the colony pledged fourteen freshmen. A furnished house at 84 Vernon Street was vacated and the colony moved in during October, 1948. By February, 1949, the colony had satisfied the national requirements for chapter status, and on May 21, 1949, the group received its charter as the Alpha Chi chapter of Theta Xi. Alpha Chi moved into a college owned house at 79 Vernon Street in September, 1950.



First Row: Bishop, S. B.: Trowbridge. P . E.; Hatfield, D . M.: Partridge, G. L.; Roche, A . E.; Behley, W . W. ; Raden , L. Second Row : Cohen, J. H. ; Wa ck, N . L. ; O'Hanlon, A. L.; Crittenden, R . W. : Mcintosh, G. T. : Forte, F. R .; Krogman, R. A. ; McG aw, J. B. 'Third Row : Christakos, N. J. ; McAlpine, ]. P .; Holland, ]. D .: Gurwitt, A . R.; Ri chmond, W . R. ; Stever,


C. A. ; Northrop, H . H .; Austin , W. P .; Smith, W . W. ; Taylor, J. E. Fourth Row: Rigopoulos, C. N. ; South, E. P .; Foster, J. R. ; Ormered, D. S.; Ulrich, J. R. C.; T aylor, D. E. : Shapiro, E. S.; Richards, N. F.; Thom a, W . P .; Plumb, 0. T . 'Top R ow: Heller, C. M. ; Rick路 ert, J. H. ; Douglas, R. 0.; Burns, D . T .; Rogerson, H. T .; H ambly, D. C.; Wall ace, J. S.


Tau Alpha was organized at Trinity College in M arch of 1949. Since then it has expanded rapidly until now it is one of the most prominent houses on campus. With spirit and good fellowship as its watchward, T au Alpha has quickly shown that it intends to speedily reach its goal. Its members, all working hard at the difficult task of starting a new fraternity, have made great strides towards t~e fulfillment of this plan. In the immediate future Tau Alpha hopes to be affiliated with one of the larger national fraternities. H aving the strong backing of two highly enthusiastic alumni groups of Alpha T au Kappa and Phi Gamma Delta, fraternities formerly located at Trinity, T au Alpha has high hopes for the future. Big strides hav~ also been made in other directions. This year a house was purchased, but since it is being remodernized, the fraternity has taken up temporary quarters in another house.


First R ow: Dorm an, B. A. ; Nicholso n, R. E.; Wynne,

J. B.; Dubuque, R . J.; Fo ter, G. V. ; Ferguso n, T . F. Second R ow: MacClea n, P . S.; Blank, P . H .; Vibert,

Cowdery, A. R. 'fhird R ow: Frost, W . W .; Tuttle, E. A. ; H an dy, R . M .; Whitelaw, W. R.; Lee, S. P. ; W oodhouse, C. F.; Ganey, A. B.; Sten berg, C. H .

W. M .; Glennen, W. F.; Thomas, D . M .; Lee, D . C .;


its it

all tew the [ au

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The Trinity Commons Club, founded in 1931, has gradually become a part of Trinity tradition, stressing participation in college affairs, a spirit of cooperation, and the ideals of brotherhood. The club as a whole has ranked high in scholastic achievement, and has played a part in college activities, including intramural sports and the interfraternity sing. This year the emphasis has been on the consolidation and improvement of the club's recent gains, in redecorating the lounge and refurnishing th:: "house" obtained last year in the third section of Jarvis. As in the past, C.T.C. has contributed to the customary round of dances, parties, and banquets and has welcomed back many recent alumni who frequently reappeared throughout the fall upon the usual occasions.



First Row: Ellison, R. Rossner, J. Forster, R.

Davis, E. W .; Lewis, R. M. ; Martel, M . H. ; P.; Petro, A. ].; Lang, R. B. Second Row : L.; McCracken, E. R.; Sencabaugh, M . R .; I.; Gilliland, S. A.; Collier, D . E.; Thayer,

D. C.



First R ow: Berg, K. L. ; Wollenberger, J. B. ; Moss· berg, S. M .; Rosenbe rg, M. M .; Rome, D. L. ; Lewis, P. ; Bishop, J. A. Second R ow: Donahue, R. J.; Mans• bach, R. E. ; Hornish, W . M .; T alboon, F. P., Jr.; Wil· son, R. H ., Jr. ; Kane, J. J. ; Jackson, J., III ; Miller, A. 'third R ow: Rogers, S. L. ; Schild, W. S. ; Sinaguglia, G. ; Butler, W. J. ; Maradie, L. J.; .Brennan, E. N .;


In the fall of 1948 five sophomores decided that some organization for the benefit of non-fraternity students was needed at Trinity. In January of 1949 these five students formed a constitution and called a meeting of all neutral students interested in a club. Thirty-eight boys attended this meeting and accepted the constitution. In the spring of 1949 the club obtained the use of the corner room of Cook "B" dormitory and in the fall Goodwin Lounge was turned over to the club. During this period, the enrollment increased to over fifty and then to ninety-eight. In June of 19 50 the club obtained Senate representation and was promised the Campus Cottage, into which the club moved in September of 19 50. H aving gai ned Senate representation and placing high in intramural competition, the club has firmly established itself in campus activities and will con· tinu e to foster the interests of the non-fraternity students.

Johnson, H . S. ; Vounatse, W .; Smith, M. L. Fourth Row : Horan, W . F.; Nelson, J. W .; Welch, R. P.; Paul C. ; Scherk, P. W.; Woods, T . J.; Osborne, R. W .; Schubert, R. M. Fifth Row: Klinger, J. F.; Ed· wards, D . E.; Zito, E. A .; Bernabo, L. A .; Brown, W. C.; Berseth, J. T .; Kurland, A. E.; Jennings, L. E.; Mayo, J. K.


Front Row: Ransom, R . .; Berseth, ]. T. ; Miller, A.; Rad en, L.; Paul, C. Second Row: H ooper, R. K. : H ayward, W. L. ; Jenkin s, B. W., Jr. ; Mitchell, L. L.: Wollenberger, ] . B. ; Snow, ] . H .; Stewart, J. C. 'Third Row: Anderson, S. E. ; Klin gler, J. F.; Spagnoli, J. D. ; Kurland, A. E .

Staff Writers


Editor-in-Chief .. . .. .. .. ... .... .. . . Allan Miller Managing Editor . .. . .............. John Berseth Fraternities . .. . ..... . ........... . Stan Anderson

Activities .................... . ... John Stewart Athletics .. . .. ... . .... ... . ...... Rollin Ransom Features ............. .. . . ......... . Lou Raden Advisor .. . . .. ...... . ............. John Mason (138)

John Hanford Roger Douglas Robert Sawyer Richard Hirsch Marland Berdick Alfred Koeppel Gregory Knapp William Hayword Richard Sanger Eugene Karasek

Allan Kurland Jim Spagnoli Joe W allenberger John Craig Ronald Peppe John Snow William V ernon William McDonald Richard Hooper Benjamin Jenkins Business Manager . ................ Robert Bacon Advertising Manager . ... ... . .. . .... Charles Paul Advertising StAff John Klingler Jim Leigh Allan Kurland Jack Kearns Hobart Johnson Joseph Mayo Henry Nurgt:


This year saw the Glee Club under the direction of newly appointed ]. Lawrence Coulter. Inheriting the organization which had sung in an inspiring performance of Bach's Magnificat with the Radcliffe Choral Society the preceding year, Mr. Coulter proceeded to introduce some modern radio and theatrical techniques to the club. The organization was fortunate in having, for the first time, Presi路 dent Funston's guarantee that no financial obstacles would stand in the way of the club's success. The songsters were given a tape recorder and necessary sound equipment. For its first performance of the year, the club sang in the "Songs from New England Colleges" series sponsored by the M onsanto Chemical Company and broadcast over the New England Regional Network. The newly acquired repertory of Fred

Waring arrangements was warmly received. Other concerts of the year included performances at Hall, Bulkeley, and Hartford High Schools, and concerts with M ount Holyoke and the Sophomore Choir of Smith. The club numbers fifty singers, over half of whom were freshmen. Soloists included James A. Huck and Donald W . Kimmick. Officers for the year were: President, George E. Becker; Business Manager, Ned K. Kulp ; A ssistant Business Manager, James A. Huck, and Secretary, Gordon H. Clem.

First Row: Kulp, N . K.; Clem, G. H. ; Coulter, Mr. ). L. ; Becker, G. E.; Northrop, H . H .; Smith, W. W. Second Row: Duff, J. S. ; Groth, J. F.; Anderson, J. R. ; Searles, F. H. ; Dean, D . J. ; Avitabile, S. H. ; Jelliffe, G. ; Mackay, D. D. Third Row: Lecrenier, G. P .; De Bruin, N . M .; Luquer, L. S., Jr. ; Von Thaden, A. G. ; Michie, T. J.; Jones, B. F.;' Libby, R. A.; H enningar, R. A. ; Knapp,

G. A. ; Campbell, A. J. ; Rowen, R. L. ; Holmes, ) . E., Jr. ; Fowler, S. R. , Jr. Fourth Row : Floyd, D. K. ; Conner, W . B.; Rippie, W. L. ; Holmquist, H . F.; Berdick, M . L. ; Farnham, C. R .; Mease, C. L. ; Green, D. S. ; Hayward, W . L. Fifth Row : Kaelber, J. H .; Carlaugh, W. A.; Sivaslian, K. P.; McCallum, D . A.; Ludlow, G. C.; Newell, I. L.; Pinney, W. G.



Kneeling: Currie, A. G.; Huck, J. A. Standing: Garrison , R. L. ; Shaw, R. L. ; !-ee, D . W .; Har路 vey, D. G.; Coholan, P . M. ; Kimmick, D . W .

The Pipes of 1951 have sung their way through another successful year. Under the leadership cif Dick Garrison, the . group added to its enviable record which has been building since 1938 when the octet was formed. Throughout the year the Pipes fulfilled many engagements, delighting audi路 ences all over N.:w England. This is a group that can and does sing any type of song with an equal degree of professionalism.

Bishop's Men


This year the Bishop's Men, directed by Arthur O'Hanlon, continued to present a colorful selection of college songs, Negro spirituals, humorous numbers, and modern barbershop harmony. The octet is a vital part of the tradition of Trinity, and has earned a reputation for fine singing in Hartford and on other campuses. The Bishop's Men have helped to gain for Trinity a reputation among singing colleges. Mercer, D. M. ; Medford, C. B.; Tuttle, E. A. ; West, G. A .; Minturn, B. B.; Ormerod, D. S.; Raftery, W . F .; O'Hanlon, A. F.

Kane, J. J.; Horan, W. F. Absent: Friday, ].; Thomas, K.

Pi Gamma Mu, a national social science honor society, was founded in lS/24. The Trinity Chapter, Alpha of Connecticut, was chartered in 1936. Candidates must be Juniors or Seniors, and have at least 87% in the Social SCiences with diversification. The officers are: President, George Brinton Cooper, Ph.D.; Secretary, John Edward Candelet, LL.D.

Sigma Pi Sigma, a national physics honor society, was chartered at Trinity last year. The object of the society is to serve as a means of awarding distinction to students having high scholarship and a promise of achievement in physics. The officers include Karl Berg, Douglas Lee, Thomas Woods and Robert Harding.

J.; Lee, D. C.; Harding, R. S. ; Woods, T. S.; Constant, Mr. F. W. Second Row: Wilberg, J. S.; Zawalick, E. J.; Troxell, Mr. E. L.; Barrett, L. G. ; Schaef, A. F.; Bennett, E. W.; Norden, H . B. ; Weikel, J. H.

Front Row: McCune, Mr. R. F.; Berg, K.

Sigma Pi Sigma



The Trinity 'Tripod inaugurateJ several new policies this year. The newspaper has increased its circulation, eliminated "Down Fraternity R ow," and expanded the sports coverage. The executive board was composed of John Coote, John McGaw, Dick Yeomans, Lee Mitchell and Jacque Hopkins. D epart ment heads are: Ed Shapiro, news editor; R oger Harm on, feature editor; John McG<tw, husiness n~anager; N orman W ack, advertising manager.

Front Row: Wiberg, J. S.; South, E. P.; Foster, G. V. ; Kreible, Mr. V. K. ; Chamberlain, R . J.; Weikel, J. H . Second Row: Condon, J. W. ; Sauv• age, J. F. ; Kn app, G. A.; Stark, 0. F.; Rowland, R. H .; Petro, A. J.


Front Row: H opkins, J. ; M cGaw, J. B.; Coote, J. W.; Yeoman s, R . P. ; Mitchell, L. L. Second Row: Rippie, W. L. ; H armon, R. J.; Shapiro, E. S. ; Fuller, B. S.; Krogman, R. A. ; Wack, N. L.; Wollenberger, J. B. ; Berseth, J. T . Third Row: Ulrich, J. L. C.; Davenport, J. .; Hirsch, R. L.; H ooper, R. K. ; Kurl an d, A. E.; Schechtma n, M . L.; Dwight, S. A.

The Chemistry Club of Trinity College was formed to give the students interested in chemistry the opportunity to become better acquainted, to foster a spirit of fellowship, to bring to their attention current topics of chemical interest, and to promote interest in the chemical field. Guest speakers were provided and discussions were held within the group.

Last fall, the band was reorganized under the direction of Assistant Professor ]. Lawrence C oul ter, with Raymond Lang as manager, and Donald Pierce and Justin N orthrop as librarians. In previous years the band was a part-time club which played only during football seasons. During the past year, since its was directed by a regular faculty member, it played as a concert band throughout the remaining months. The band marched at the first football game of the season, and at the following games, it presented several novel shows, includ ing the humorous skits which were applauded at Middlebury and at home. Immediately after the footba ll season, an inten sive training course bega n, w hich consisted of indi vidual lessons given by Mr. Coulter, sectional practices, and ensemble rehearsals. Shortly after the first

Fro nt Row: Martel, M . H .; Lang, R. A .; Coulter, J. L. ; Pierce, D. B. ; Cowdery, A . R. Second Ro w: Rickett, J. H .; Hayward, W. L. ; Miller, W. S.; Hooper, R. K.; Behley, W. W. ; Roche, A. F., Jr.


of the year, the ba nd waged a vigorous campaign to recruit members and thereby ex panded its size to concert proportions. The remainder of the year was spen t in building a strong foundation for a future Trinity hand. Due to rapid progress, the band was able tu present a number of public performances in which it played both concert and modern music. Furthermore, on several occasions, the organization fur nished instrumental accompanimen t for the Gl ee Club.

First R ow : Goodrich , J. H .; o路Hanion, A. F. ; A. G. : V alentine, E. H.: Ormerod, D . N.: Clem, Hennigar, R. A.: Au stin, W. P. Second Row: E. A .; Rowland, R. H.; Jelliffe, G. ; Sullivan, Kayner, D. S.: Watters, C. E.: O'Grady, Rev. G.

Currie, G. H.; Tuttle, D . K.; B.

Chapel Choir The Carillon of thirty bells, one of fiftynine in the United States, is played before most chapel services each week by George Becker and Dan Sullivan. Several times each year recitals are played by outstanding visitors, members of the Guild of Carilloneurs of North America. A traditional recital of Christmas Carols, played Christmas Eve before the midnight service, was established by the late President Ogilby when the bells were first installed, and is now played by Chaplain O'Grady. Apprentices, generally confined to the less public practice clavier, try their art on the big instrument before Compline during Advent and Lent.

Carilloneurs [144)



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of st-

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The Cardinal Newman Club, an organization which fosters the spiritual, intellectual, and social interests of the Roman Catholic students, celebrates its eleventh anniversary as a religious club at Trinity. Under the ahle direction and guidance of the

Reverend Robert A. Callahan, of St. Thomas Sem· inary, Bloomfield, two clerical speakers and nine lay speakers, engaged in various professions, gave speciali:;;ed lectures on "The Christian in the W orld Experiences of Integration." In addition to these lectures, the Newman Club's activities for the year included two dances at St. Joseph's College, two communion breakfasts, anci a week-end retreat, held in the spring.

Front R ow: Welch, R . P. :

Johnston, D. F.; Tho mas, M . P.; Karasek, E. R .; Young, G. T. ; Horan, W. F.; Ber· rone, L. Second R ow: Ran· cati, D .; Callahan, Rev . R. L.; Wynn e, J. B.; Goralski, W.; Klingler, ]. M. ; Fremont· Smith, M .; Griffin, W. P.; Kearns, J. F. 'Th ird R ow: Ahern, R. I .; Donahue, R. ].; Breton, J. A.: M aradie, L. ].; Glennen, W . F.; Smith, D . R .; Curtin, ].: Brown, W. C.; H orne, H .; Wolff, R. A. Fourth R ow: Gannon, W . M.; H ornish, W. M.; Piz· zella, E. G. ; Herrmann, T . S.; Paris, D . P. ; Dillon, ]. C.; Burton, J. J.; Mayer, D . . A.; Diana, V. L. ; Grad y, W. E. ; Campbell, A. R. Fifth R ow: McMehon, W. T .; Ze mbko, A. F.; Girard , R. G .; Edwards, D. E .; Mayo, J. C. Sixth Row : Milliot, R . J.; Swain, N . C.: Browne, H.; Brennan, L. M. ; Kane, J. J.

Front Row: Miller, A.; Katz,

R. H .; Rosenberg, M. M .; Schechtman, M . L.; Mittie· man, E.: Schneeberg, J. M . Second Row : Shapiro, E. S. ; Cohen, J. H .; Gurwitt, A. R.; Hirsch, R . L. : Kurl an d, A. E.

B'nai B'rith Hillel Society The Hillel Society has as its aims the fostering of the reli gious, cultural, and social aspects of college life among students of the Jewish faith. Since its founding in 1947, Hillel has become a permanent part of the college activities. Sponsored by the Hartford B'Nai B'Rith, the society has, during the


year, had many speakers of national as well as local prominence. Dances, interclub discussions, and teas for distinguished guests were also held. This year's officers were Morton Rosenberg, Presi· dent; Paul Norman, Vice-President; Eugene Schloss, Secretary· Treasurer; Alan Gurwitt, Corresponding Secretary, and Sheldon Sidrane, Program Chair· man. R abbi William Cohen was the society's advisor.

Front R ow: Hale, T. R. C.; McCracken, E. R.: M andery, ]. C.; Richmond , W. R. ; Libby, R . A.; Kinner. K. H.: Leo, ]. N. Second Row: Berdi ck, M . L.; Hayward, W. L.; Sawyer, R. S.; Dwight, S. R. ; Farrar, P. S. : Winner, E. E.: Oxholm, T.: Ha1<tings, F. M .: Holmes, ]. E., Jr. 'Third Row: Raube, .T. H .; Duff, J. S.; Pattison, F. W .: Sauvage, J. F.: Hennigar, R. A.; Potter, F. R.; Jelliffe, G .; Brown, F. A. Fourth R ow: Spaes, J. E. ; Kayner, D . S.; Bowen, G . H .; Austin, W. P. ; Sullivan, D. K.

Canterbury Club

The Protestant Fellowship was form ed in 1947 to fill the need of those of Protestant beliefs. Its members dedicate themselves to the study of Protestantism, its influence, and its duties in contemporary society. It hopes to broaden the cultural background and college life through lectures and discussions. The officers are: Hank Kipp, President; Irvin~ Hamilton, Vice-President; Ed Simmons, Secretary, and Wallace Rippie, Treasurer.

The Canterbury Club is a chartered organization for the Episcopal and Eastern Orthodox students. The club's purpose is to fulfill a program of Worship, Study, Service, Prayer, Giving, and Evangelism. This program is carried out by the members through corporate communions, discussions with prominent speakers, assisting at local parishes, leadership in the Advent and Lenten Compline services, and donatiom to charitable church organizations.

Protestant Fellowship

Front Row: Franchere, G. E. ; Berseth, J. J.; Simmons, E. M. ; Kipp, H. W .; Conner, W. B.; Anderson, J. R . Second Row: MacKimmie, A .; McElwee, C. B.; Harmon, R. J.; Rippie, W . L.; Knutson, D. S.; Pearson,

R. P.


J. ; Behley, W. W. ; Roche, A . F.; Foster, J. R. Second Row: Ulrich, ]. L. C.; Cohen, J. H. ; Horan, W . F.; Raden , L. ; Douglas, R. 0. 'Third Row: Shapiro, E. S. ; Kinner, K. H .; Barrett, W . S. Front Row: Johnson, H. S.; Kane, J.

The Political Science Club is designed to discuss current events, to hear guest speakers, and to coordinate all political activities on the campus. From its nude· us, members are chosen to participate in the annual Intercollegiate Student Leg· islature in which all Senior colleges of Connecticut are represented. T he club has Dr. Lawrence L. Barber, Assistant Professor of Government, as its advisor.

Political Science The Athenaeum Society, founded in 1827 , is one of the oldest of Trinity orga ni~ations and has carried on inter· collegiate debating steadily since that time.


J. V. ; W ynne, J. B. ; H ar· mon, R. ].; Dando, Mr. ]. A. Second Row: De Bruin, N . M .; Hulbert, E. ; Fox, G. B.; Johnson, H . S.; Schechtman, M. L. FITSt R ow: H opkins,


Encouraging work in forensics on the part of all undergraduates, the Athen· aeum this year has had a most active schedule whi: h included debates with Amherst, Wesleyan, the Universi ty of C onnecticut, and New Haven State Teachers' Coilege.

Front Row: Marden, 0. S. ; Osborne, R. C. ; Thomas, D. M. ; Bridge, B. P.; Stanley, J. S. ; Campbell, J. P. Second Row: Lewis, R. M. ; Krogman, R. A. ; Becker, W. G. ; Ramsay, S. H .; Plum, S. H .; Goodhart, W. H .; H inkle, F. B. ; Sauvage, J. F. 'Third Row: Ellison, R. P.; Bradford, C. S.; Pearson, R. P. ; Davenport, J. N.; Woike, R. E.; Redfield, M. B. ; McGarvey, D. K.; Price, R. C.

W. R.T. C.

WRTC, Trinity's campus radio station, had the most successful year in its history. Guided by Station Manager Byard Bridge, assisted by Program Director Don Thomas, W R TC expanded its hours of operation from a previous 40 to 73 hours a week. Although remaining a non-profit organization, needed operating revenue was obtained by Advertising Director Bob Osborne. During the second term the station offered its listeners a complete news service from two teletype machines installed in its own news room. They were particularly blessed with an enthusiastic staff and the exceptional talent of disc-jockeys from the Freshman and Sophomore classes.


The Engineering Club was organized to enable engineering students to become better acquainted and to promote interest in the field of engineering and in current topics. All engineering majors are

members of the organization, but membership is open to all interested students. Professor H arold ]. Lockwood is the club's advisor.

First R ow: Lockwood, Mr. H. ].; Norden, A. B.; Osborne, R . W .; Jenni ngs, L. W.; Jackson, J. Second R ow: Franchere, G . E .; H ampson, R . G .; Simoni, R . B.; Lewis, R . M .; Werner, D. L. ; Oxholm, T.



Woods, T.

J. ; Kane, J. J.

(Missing is Irving Hamilton) .

The Trinity Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity, Beta of Connecticut, was chartered in 1845 and is the eighth oldest chapter in the country. An average grade of 89% in the Junior year, or 86 % in the Senior year is necessary for election.


Officers: President, James W. Burger, Ph.D.; Vice-President, Anson T. McCook, B.A., LL.B.; Secretary, Arthur Adams, Ph.D., and Treasurer, F. Woodbridge Constant, Ph.D.

----------------------------------------------------------T he V arsity T Club represents varsity athletic lettermen of T rinity College. Membership is obtained by winning one major T or two minor letters in a varsity sport. The club's main purpose

is to represent the student body in dealing with the administration in athletic matters. Officers for the year 19 50- 51 are: Ed Ludorf, President ; Fred Kirschner, Vice-President, and Tim Cutting, Secretary.

Front R ow : Raden, L. ; Garrison, R . L. ; Cuttin g, T . R .; Ludorf, E. S.; Kirsch ner, F. ; Van Lanen, W . H. ; M cElwee, C. B. Second R ow: Hunter, R . N .; V aile, H . S.; D ePatie, T. C.; Oberg, L. R.; Schaef, A . F.; Kearns, }. F.; Wen two rth, J L. ; Griffin, W . P. 'Third R ow : Curtain, J. B. ; Drew- Bear, R .; Jacoby, M .; H ale, R. H .; Kulp, N . K.


wh0 's Who

First R ow : Coote, J. W .; Garrison, R . L. ; Oberg, L. R .; Curtin, J. ; Kulp, N . K.; Kirsch!,ner, F. Second R ow : Van Lanen, W . H .; Baco n, R . W .; Jenkins, B. W., Jr.; Billingsley, H . M. Absent: Howa rd, K. L. ; Burke, H . S.; Ludorf, E. S.

The names of thirteen members of the Trinity Student Body appeared in Who's Who in Amer• ican Colleges and Universities this year. These stu¡ dents, selected by an anonymous committee of

Trinity undergraduates, were choS;en on the basis of character, scholastic and athletic ability, and extra-curricular activities. It may be said that these men represent the goal of a liberal arts college.



First Row: Berdick, M. L. ; Ramsey, S. H .; Mitchell, L. L. ; Stanley, J. S. ; Billingsley, H . M .; Bacon, R. W .; Parrott, R. C. Second Row: Franchere, G. E.: FitzRandolph , R. H. ; Jellif!e, G.;

Hooper, R. K. ; Rowland, R. H .; Collier, D . E.; Keller, P.; Sawyer, R. S.

Continuing the policy of last year, the Jesters again presented their plays on campus in the "arena" style at Alumni Hall. For the first time, Jesters tickets were distributed free to the student body. By this combination, the Jesters wish to establish themselves as a college activity.


The plays of the season were 'The Male Animal, 'The Hairy Ape, and 'The Hasty Heart, all under the direction of Mr. George E. Nichols, III, the new coach of the group. The officers were Michael Billingsley, President, and Grant Mcintosh, VicePresident.

MEDUSA Front Row: Jenkins, B. W .; Ludorf, E. S.; Billingsley, H . M . Second Row: Garrison, R . L.; Kirschner, F. Absent : Taylor, E.


Front Row : Maher, R. P .; Bacon, R . W. ; Vaile, H . S. Suond Row: Simpson, A. E.; Dubuque, R . J.; Friday, J. E., Jr.; Roche, A. F., Jr.; Hollyday, J.

The Interfraternity Council is composed of one undergraduate and one graduate member from every fraternity. Its purposes are to improve ·the fraternities' contribu· tions to college iife, to enforce rules in regard to fraternity conduct on campus, and to act as spokesman in any relations between the fraternities and the college.

Sophomore Dining Club

First Row: Fiske, F. S. ; Gar• rison, R. L. ; Vaile, H . S. ; DePatie, T . C. ; Mason, A. ; Kirschner, F. Second Row: Lally, R . W.; Bacon, R . W.; Van Lanen, W. H .; Larson, J. H. ; Stanley, J. S. ; Billings· ley, H . M .; Curtin, J.; Schaef, F. 'Third Row : Hay· ward, W. L. ; Parrott, R . C.; Hunter, R. A. : Jenkins, B. W. ; Kulp, N . K. ; Coote, J. W .; Berdick, M. L. Fourth Row: Wills, W . E.; Lauffer, W. G:, Jr. ; McElwee, C. B.; Cutting, T . R .; Miller, S. P.; Keller, P .; Lee, D . W.


Interfraternity Council The Sophomore Dining Club, one of Trinity's honor societies, was founded in 1897 by a group of students and faculty interested in furthering the college's public relations. The principal function of the club is to act as host throughout the year for the college by entertaining o.fficial visitors on the campus.


The Senate is composed of 13 representatives elected annually by the student body and it is the main organ of student government. It supervises the appropriation of all money to student activities, acts to improve facilities for the students, and recommends to the faculty and the Administration. The Senate, according to its constitution, is responsible for maintaining a high level of conduct among the students of the College and has the authority to deal with violations of College regulations. In the performance of this duty, the Senate is in close contact with the Dean of the Student Body.

Front Row: Garrison, R. L. : Raden, L.; Maradie, L. J.; Kirschner, F.; Lang, R. B.; Ludorf, E. S. Second Row : Ricci, A . T .; Ferguson, T . F.; Jenkins, B. W .; Curtin, ].; Bridge, B. P.;

Burbank, J. F.; Hansen, G. F.


The Trinity Corinthian Yacht Club provides an excellent opportunity for sailing and enthusiasts to compete with other colleges in dinghy racing. With two boats, a local place to sail, and an active pro·

gram to raise the funds necessary for more boats, the club expects to bring sailing to this campus soon. The officers are: Frederick Jackson, Com· mander; Phillip Nash, Secretary, and Craig Ludlow, Treasurer.

Front Row : Marsden, W. W.; Jacoby, M.; Jackson, J.; Oliver, H.; Jackson, F. W.; Parsons, J. B. Second Row: Shechtman, M . L.; Higinbotham, J. P.; Butts, H. A.; Pearson, A. P.; Row• land, R. H. ; Libby, R. A.; Koeppel, A. J.; Everson, V. H.


The Trinity Colony of Alpha Phi Omega, Na· tional Service Fraternity of former Boy Scouts, was founded in 1950. During the year, it spon· sored a freshman trip to Vassar and prepared the Watkinson books for the new library.

Officers are: President, Art Cowdery; First Vice· President, Chip Vaile; Second Vice-President, John Hubbard; Secretary, Dick Schubert; Treasurer, Chuck McElwee; Historian, Bob Doing.

Front Row: MacLean, P. D.; McElwee, C. B.; Vaile, H. S.; Cowdery, A. R.; Hubbard, J. S.; Doing, R. B. Second Row : Blank, P. H.; Weikel, J. H.; Roland, R . H.; Marsden, W. W.; Backenstoe, J. E.; Ellison, R. P.; Schubert, R. M. Third Row: Trowbridge, D. E.; Northrop, H . H.; Brown, W . C.; Libby, R. A.; Raden, L.






Intramural Board Front Row: Hansen, G. J.; Hubbard, J. S.; Hulse, W. H.; Aldrich, M. Second Row: Hatfield, D. M.;

McKean, W. R.; Greenwood, G.

The Intramural Board consists of representatives from every fraternity and organi4ation at Trinity which take part in intramural sports, and keen competition between the leagues is always present. The board meets to discuss and regulate problems which arise during the year. The officers are: Tony Mason, President; John Hubbard, Secretary, and Stu Parks, Advisor.

The moans and screams which permeated Hamlin Dining Hall and vicinity were discovered to be the deadly "Dixieland Five," consisting of "Lucky" Ransom, trombone; "Tex" Coulter, trumpet; "Cam" Bleloch, clarinet; "Rocky" Fiske, piano, and

"Bumper" Jones, drums. Practice began last fall, and in due time, the group was playing at fraternity parties; it also took part in the entertainment at the Junior Prom.

Jazz Band


Ou ting Club Front Row: Farrar, P. S.; Winner, E.; Luquer, L. S.; Taylor, J. E.; Jelliffe, G.; MacKimmie, A. Second Row: Spaes, }. E. ; Schecht· man, M. L. ; Plumb, 0. T.; Newell, I. L. ; Dwight, E. F. ; Brunn, W. C.; Bernhard, W. N. 'Third Row: Dwight, S. A.; Kipp, H . W.; Libby, R. A.; Oxholm, T.; Hamblett, K. B. ; Raube, }. H.

The Trinity Outing Club offers various activities appealing to the skier, climber, hiker, and canoeist. It also has in the past sponsored movies and lectures open to all Trinity students. The officers for 1950· 51 are John Taylor, President; Lea S. Luquer, Vice-President; John Hubbard, Secretary; Professor Constant, Advisor.


The Review iJ the student liter· ary magazine and it is issued three times a year to students and alumni. Under its editorship it has enjoyed a leadership by one well founded in creative taste with fa· vors no particular tradition or cur· rent literary movement, but rather attempts evaluation based on abso· lute criteria.

Front Row: Plumb, 0. T.; Hopkins, }. V.; Mac• Donald, W. D. Second Row: Coote, J. W.; Burke, H. S.; Hunter, R. E. T.; Wynne, }. B.


Democrats Promoting interest in the principles of the Democratic Party and backing the present Administration, the Young Democrats have worked enthusiastically throughout the year. Staging a debate in support of President Truman's Fair Deal policy, the organiz.ation argued affirmatively against the Young Republican Club, for a program of socializ.ed medicine.

First Row : Wynne, J. B.; Mandery, J. C.; Klingler, J. F.; Rossner, J. L. Second Row : Grady, W. E.; Paul, C.; Brown, W. C.; Butler, W. J. 'T.h ird

Row : Berseth, J. T .; Sauvage, J. F.; Davis, R. ; McCue, A. D.

During the election period last fall, the Young Repubiican Club worked for the Hartford Republicans by distributing pamphlets, counting votes, and transporting voters to the polls. After the election of Governor John Lodge, the club felt that it had contributed satisfactorily to the success of the Republican Party.


Front Row: Ormerod, D. S.; Hanford, J. B.; Douglas, R. 0 .; Ulnch, J. L. C.; Foster, J. R.; Stever, C. A. Second Row: Roche, A. F., Jr.; Behley, W. W.; Bird, J. B.; Carlson, F. W.; Johnson, H. S.; Anthony, G. M. 'Third Row : Craig, J. G., Jr.; McGaw, J. B.; Stevens, W. G.





Vibert splits the uprights again.



u L E (162]

T. September October October October October November November November


7 14 21 28

11 18 23

University of the South ... . .......... .40 Coast Guard ....................... 41 Hobart ............................. 21 Colby . . ...... . ... .. ............... 0 Middlebury ......... . .............. 3 5 Amherst ......... . ..... . .. ... ...... 47 Wesleyan ... .... ...... . .. . .. . ...... 24 Tufts . ... ....... . ... . .............. 48

0. 0

0 6 6 19 13

7 6

First Row: Head, T .; Lawlo r, B. ; Gannon, W.; Goral ski, W .; Captain Oberg, L.; Ludorf, E .; Nissi, R .; DePatie, T.; Wynkoop, H. Second Row: DelMastro, U. ; Ahern , R.; Ratcl iffe, L. ; McElwee, C.; Garrison, R .; Lauffer, W. ; Farrell, R.; Vibert, W .; St. Pierre, R .; Fren : h, A. 'Third Row: Assistar.t Coach Christ; Head Coach Jessee ; Young,

A. ; Adams, T. ; Simoni, P.; Smith, D .; Walker, ].; We ·· t· wo: th, ].; Nicholson, R.; Kulas, E.; Manager H . John· son . 'Top Row: Pickett, J.; Hoisington, R. ; Rathbone, D .; DePaol's, R .: Smith , G. ; Bogoslofski, B.; Hunter, R .; Petit, D.; Minton, F. ; Naud, T. ; A ss:stant Coach Parks.

The Trinity College football team came close to completing its second consecutive undefeated-untied season this year, bowing in defeat only to Colby by the score of 6·0. Despite this upset the team was considered to be one of the best in the Eastern area. Its attack was the most versatile in New England; the team could pass, kick, run outside or inside at any time without tipping its hand. On the field and in practice it was really a team proposition rather than an individual one, although there were several outstanding performers. Whitey Oberg, team captain and center, was invaluable in leading the team to the victories they gained. As a defensive line backer he stopped many plays which might have gone for long opponents' gains. He received All New England, All Connec· ticut, and All East honors at center. Ed Ludorf, the "T" man, one of the best quarter· backs in the country, displayed deceptive ball handling, brill:ant strategy and team handling. He was named to the All New England and All Connecticut teams. Dick Garrison was an outstanding receiver, nabbing nine touchdown passes, making him one of the leading scorers in the country. Simoni, DePaolis, Ratcliffe, and Kulas were all instrumental in helping the team's line make way for the backs. Bill Goralski, pace setting junior and next year's captain, was probably the most spectacular back on the team to watch, his speed and elusive running, making and setting up touch· Jowns time and time again. Billy also took All Connecticut honors, All New England and honorable men~ion on the Little All American teams, along with Ed Kulas. Rat· cliffe, Nissi, Wentworth, and Kulas received mention on the All Connecticut teams also.






SE:NlOR VARSITY MEN The men pictured here played their last game for Trinity on November 23, against Tufts. T hey graduate in June, 1951, and leave great memories behind them.






Top Row: Scott, P.; Hinkel. F.; Lewis, R.: Coach Mac· Donald: ProEiatkowski, F.: Elliot, R.; Raden, L. Center Row: A ~ sistant Manager Sanger ; Gross, E.; Stark, C.; Co-Captain Marshall: Co-Captain Nelson; Almqu;st, R .; Lee, R.: Manager Collier. Bottom Row : Hatfield, D.: Freemont·Smith , M. ; Faulkner, W .; Partridge, G .; Schaef, F.: Almquist, Robert.

The soccer team, sparked by its co-captains, R alph Marshall and Courtland Nelson, and playing its first year as a major sport, turned in a 6·2 re~o rd, heJting W.P.I., M.I.T., Tufts, Ma -s. U., Cla ··k U., and Wesleyan, while losing to Yale and Amhers ~ . The Peter S. Fish trophy for the outstanding soc· cer player of the year was awarded to Ted Lauter· wasser, while a new award, the Harold R . Shetter troph y, for t'-1e most improved player of the year, went to Finley Schaef.



fRlSHMAN fOOTBALL October October October November November

14 20 27 4 17

Top Row: SivasFan, P.; Jones, G.: M ease, C.: Carroll. R.; Assistant Manager Eggert: As~istant Manager Windeshiem; Coach Booth: Assistant Coach H aggerty; Manager Bradfo rd , Assistant Manager Farnham: Farrar, P.: MacColl, F.; DeBruin, N.; VanLanen, C. 'Third Row: Fowler, R.: Arcari, P.; Conner, W.: Logan, ]. ; Searles, T.: Johnston, D.: M oylan, R .; Smith, R.: Clemmer, D.; Ford, D .; Palmer, E.; Schenker, P. Second Row: Benton, A.; Porto, M.; Esler, C.; Moore, N.; Bruce, W.: Tucker, T.; Floyd, D.; Anderson, R.: H ennigar, R .: Wheeler, R. ; Crosier, D.: Sm;th, A. Bottom Row: Mayer, D.: Anhonv, G.: H oma, H .: Griffith, H .; Hill, T.; Alex· ander, E.; Crenson, W.: Thomas, P.; Cresse, 0.; Stevens, W.

T. 0. Cheshire •••.... . . 0. 0-19 0-19 W esleyan M onson ............ 14· 12 Amherst ........... 0·1 5 Massachusetts U. . . . . 6-20 0




O ctober October October November November

11 18 25 9 16

T. M .I.T. ............ 2 Choate ............ 3 Monson ........ . .. 7 Cheshire ......... . . 6 Wesleyan .. . ....... 3

0. 2 0 2

fRlSHMAN SOCClR First Row: Kenned y, P.; Bowen, C.; Mutschler, N .; Ca rlough, W.; MacKimmie, A. Second R ow : Vanderbeek, R .; Butts, H .; H ines, R .; Marshall, R. ; An· derson, W .; Smith , E. 'Third Row: Coach Stolzfus; Michel, J .; Perry, R .; Tansi, T .; Aik en, W. ; M acKenzie, D.; Manager Koeppel. 'Top Row: Morrison, H .; M ylchrcest, W. ; Mazzarell a, ].; Anderson, ]. ; Avitabile, S.; Anderson, P .; Nahas, E.; Libby, R.



As of IVY press time the Trinity basketball team had given us a good idea as to what kind of a team we were going to have this season. They had played eight games and had won six of them. Although the latter half of the schedule seems a bit tougher than the front half, the record so far leaves little doubt that this year's record, when finally entered. i!lto the books, will be one of the best turned in by a Trinity basketball team in many a moon, perhaps coming mighty close to last year's record of 14-3. The team lacks height, having only three men uver the six foot mark. But what they lack in height they more than make up for in speed, aggressiveness, and deception. The ball handling is quick and easy and throws many a formidable opponent off guard for just the instant needed to drop the ball through the hoop.

Coach Costing

BASKlTBALL First Row : Chistolini, B.; Novak, W. ; Geralski, W.; Captain Jachens; DelMastro, U .; Nakaso, S. ; Teichmann, D . 'Top Row : Coach Oosting; Bogoslofski, B.; Whitbread, R. ; Wrinn, C.; Downs, R.; Lee, R. Smith, D .; Curtin, J.; Manager Frost.


December December December January January JanuaTy Janua1路y January January January January February February February February February February March March

9 15 19 5 6 12 12 13

5 16 20 8 14 17 22 24 28 3 6



M . I. T. ............. 66 Hamilton ............ 77 Williams .... ......... 55 Bowdoin ............. 45 Bates ................ 66 Mass. State . .......... 74 Dickinson ............ 70 Wesleyan Tech ....... 70 Bowdoin ... ..... ..... 45 M.I.T. .. ......... .... 62 H oly Cross .. .. . . ..... 64 Wesleyan ............ 75 Amherst ............. 70 Middlebury ........... 89 Tufts ........ ..... . .. 75 Yale .. ........... . ... 75 Wesleyan . .. .... .. . .. 74 Union .... ..... .... . . 73 Coast Guard ......... 83

54 58 80 58 51 60 56 66 58 64

80 01

c4 72

70 86 60 60 71

New England Runner Ups

Bob Jachens, who captains the team, is about the best running guard ever seen at Trinity. He is a great play maker and rebound man. Wallie Novak and Bruno Christolini make a great pair playing together, with Vv'allie making the set shots, and Bruno taking the lay-ups. Charles W rinn, playing his first varsity year, looks like another Ron Watson out on the floor. Bob Whitbread, a transfer from N ew Haven Teachers, is a left-handed player and greatly enhances the versatility of the group. Bill Goralski, "Moon" Curtin, and Dan Smith are the top three substitutes and see 路action in every game.


First Row: Mutschler, N.; Berrone, L. ; Ains·

worth, R.; Woodward, J.; Searl es, F.; Crosier, D.; Johnston, D.; Redmond , J. ; Leigh, J. Second Row: Coach Booth, Porto, M .; Paris, D.; Rath· bun, A.; Carlson, F.; Smith, A.; H er rman, T.; Mazurek, C. ; Manager Farnham.

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL M .I.'f. . .... ... ....... . .... . .. . 69 ]\,[. B. 'f eachers . .. . .......... ... 71 Massachusetts U. . ... ... ........ 76

W.P.I. ..... . . . .. . .. ... . ....... 73 Yale ......................... 45 Holy Cross .......• .... ........ 71 Wesleyan ..................... 53 Amherst ...................... 49 Cheshire .................•.... 72 Monson ............... ........ 89


51 55 67 69 70 33

64 61 71

First Row: Parrott, R.; Huck, J.; Co-Captain Kirschner and Cutting, Edwards, D.; Griffin, W. Second Row: Manager Brown; Hill, G.; Mason, A. ; Toole, W .; Grant, J.; Fit~gerald, D.; Coach Clarke. 'Top Row: Manager Kearns; Scheide, J.; Roback, R. ; Vaile, H .; Ward, T.; Clifford, P. ; Assistant Coach Christ.

Parrott caught in the act.


VARSITY SWIMMING New England Champions So far this season the swimming team has fin路 ished 50路50 with their opponents taking one from M.I.T. and dropping the opener to Bowdoin up in Maine. Fred Kirschner, co-captain, broke his 200-yard breastroke record with 2:30.4. Grant, Parrott and Co-Captain Cutting have. broken the 300-yard med路 ley relay with a time of 3 :03.1. Grant broke the 200-yard backstroke record with a 2:25.1 sprint.

December January February February February February February March

16 13

10 14 17 21 28 7

T. Bowdoin ...... 35 M.I.T. . ...... 47 Tufts ......... 53 Amherst ...... 36 W.P.I. ....... 59 Boston U. ..... 53 Wesleyan ..... 53 c. Guard .... 54

0. 40 28 21 39 15 21 21 20

Parrott takes over where Grant leaves off.


Cutting splashes home in the free-style.


First Row: Bunnell, D. ; MacKedon, M .; Anderso n, R. ; Anthony, G .; Engelhardt, B. Second Row: Coach Christ ; Taft, L. ; Carroll, R .; Tompkins, R .; M anager Koeppel. 'fop Row : Moylan, H.; MacLea, H .; DeBruin, N .; Godfrey, W .; Thomas, G .; Price, R.





First Row: Drew·Baer, R .; Burbank, J.; Douglas, R.; Raden , L. Top Row: Jacoby, M.; Free·

man, J.; Buffum, C.; Coach Jessee.

First Row: Mylchreest, W.; Read, D. ; Hunter, A . Top Row : Clemmer,

D.; Coach Jessee; Morphy, M.


........ ......... .........


The squash team had only played two matches when the Ivy went to preos and had the misfortune of losing to two strong teams: Navy and W esleyan. Of the three top men on the squad, John Burbank, captain of the team, is the only one who played the game before corning to Trinity. Dick Stewart played very little, and Bob Drew· Baer never even saw a squash court before coming to college. Judging from the way these boys are coming along it is a great trib· ute to their ability and to the coaching of Dan Jessee. The squash schedule takes in some of the biggest colleges in New England and even if the record at the end of the year shows more losses than wins the team will still be a good one. And again, as of IVY time, the Fresh· man squash team had won both of their starts against worthy forces.


First Row: Friday, }.; Thomas, T.; Doing, R .; Kinner, K.; Laub, G. Second Row: Hanford, J.; Hansen, G. ; Captain Fiske ; Mitchell, D.; Phelps, G. 'Third Row: Medford, C. ; MacArthur, D.; Kennedy, R. ; Whelan, S.; Dubuque, R. ; Schaef, F.; Shelly, R.

The Lacrosse team, although still an informal sport, managed to turn in a 50% win record, taking four and dropping four. T he net slingers were hampered somewhat by wet grounds and rainy days but, nevertheless, managed to beat such teams as A mherst, Nichols Junior College, New England College, and Kingswood.



The fencing team, another of the Trinity informal sports, turned in an admirable record, considering that it is entirely undergraduate operated. Last year at the national meet they ranked above such teams as Notre Dame, Navy, Yale, Indiana and Columbia.


FirSL Row : Rowland, R.; Fisher, D. ; Schneeberg, M .; Bishop, J.; Michel, J.; Avitabile, S.; Mazzarella, ]. Second Row: Bennett, E.; Foster, G. ; Co-Captains Bren• nan and Ellison; Chamberlain, R.; Gross, E. ; Lewis, R .

(175 }


Captain Barrows at home behind the plate.

Dan Jessee's 1950 varsity squad opened the season with one of the most successful Southern trips the Hilltoppers have ever had, winning four out of five games. Returning North, the squad carried on the victory trend with an impressive 15-4 record for the season. Jack Scully carried most of the load on the mound, winning nine games and losmg only to Brown. Behind his impressive hurling boomed the big bats of Bill Goralski, who batted an even .400; Larry Hutnick, and Captain Bob Barrows, who also did a brilliant job behind the plate. Trinity took both games in the Wesleyan series, a fact that makes any season successful. This year, captained by Ed Ludorf, the Jesseemen again swung South to open the season. From there on in, the line-up called for the top teams in the East, and behind the steady pitching of Fred Vogel and Pro, the fine play of last year's returning infield, and several valuable additions from the frosh squad, the prospects for the '51 season were bright at Ivy press time.

Safe on a fielder's choice.


Vogel gets the sign.

"Four· Bagger" "Courtesy of the Courant"

First Row: DePatie, T. ; Drew·Baer, R.; Hale, R .; Vibert, W.; Everett, R. Second Row: Manager Woolacott; Gan· non, W. ; Ludorf, E.; Captain Barrows; Prosiatkowski, F.;

Hutnick, L.; Goralski, W. 'Top Row: Coach Jessee; Vogel, F.; McCrehan, R.; Smith, D.; O'Brien, · R.; Assistant Man· agers Dickinso n and Yeomans.




s First R ow: Fremont-Smith, M .: M ercer, D.: Captain Donald ; Torrey, B.; Newton, D. 'Top Row: Coach Ecklund ; Stewart, G. ; Blum, R. ; Jones, R .; Woods, R. ; Jacoby, M .

The 1950 varsity tennis team, coached by Norman Ecklund and captained by Douglas Donald, finished the season with a "one won, six lost" record . The netmen lost to Springfield College, Amherst, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts

University before defeating American International College, 6-3. The Wesleyan encounter proved to be an unhappy ending to a singularly unsuccessful season; Wesleyan won, 9-0.

Callan, F. ; Burbank , ].; Van Schrader, M. ; North, J .; Pappas, M., coach.

c 0 L



First Row : Brown, W.; Leo, J .; Hinkel, F., Hunter, R. ; Raden, L. ; McKean, W. Second Row: Daly, M. Maurer, J .; Garrison, R .; Captain Ransom ; Robin s, J. ; Carroll, E .; Norris, R . Top Row: Coach Parks ; Manager MacKesson; Katz. M.; Jachens, R. ; M cKelvie, C.; Lee, D. ; Spurdle, R.; Assistant Coach Christ,

The 1950 track team completed the best season a track team had had since 1947, winning three of their meets and dropping the same number. The team bowed to Wesleyan, Coast Guard, and Union, while coming out on the long end against Middlebury, W .P.I., and the University of Massachusetts. The first indoor meet in the history of the college was held in the Memorial Field House on March

18 when Trinity played host to W or. T ech. It was a close meet all the way and the T rinity cinder men lost this one by the slim margin of two points ( 44-42). The most outstanding individual record was chalked up by Bob Jachens who continually broke the high jump mark. At the beginning of the season it was 6' 1". Now the bar stands at 6' 6" and it's a good bet that Bob will soon raise this too.


TRACK Ransom takes the lows against Coast Guard


At the gun it's Leo in front

Garrison makes a winning leap.

"Lucky" Ransom, who captained the squad, was another standout performer of the year, never losing a low hurdle race in dual competition. He, along with Jachens, were the two Bantams who placed in the New England lntercollegiates at Springfield. Other men, such as Ben Wilmot, "Mountain" Brown, Newt Leo, Bill McKean, and Dick Garrison helped round out the squad and make it a feared adversary.

Bob Jachens clears 6'4" in a practice jump m preparation for the NCAA meet.



First Row: McLaughlin, }.; Libby, R .; Kulp, N . 'Top Row: Hamblett, K. ; Berdick, M. ; Holmquist, H.

This year the cheerleaders led by acrobatic Ned Kulp caught everyone's attention. Marl Berdick, with a multi-colored rooster perched atop his hat, and Jerry McLaughlin, a mastermind at dreaming up new stunts, have kept the cheering sections on the ball. Herb Holmquist, "the Swede," and Pete Traver, have added greatly to the entertainment of the crowds. Recently Ken Hamblett and Dick Libby have increased the squad's ranks to seven.


"Beat Amhoist!"

Returning from the Brink's robbery.



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