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trinity ivy

Presented by the class of 1952

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Lut breathe of Indian SuDlDler deposits leaves at foot of Ogilby.

""'Winter snows bless Hamlin Arch with dignified solitude.

Arched entrance to Boar"dman beautified by New England spring.




d@dication George Keith Funston, both as student and president, has contributed much to Trinity College in his forty-one years. As a member of the Class of 1932, he was Valedictorian, President of the Medusa, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. His accomplishments as president could not be confined to one paragraph. The construction of Elton Hall, Memorial Field House, and the new library, together with innumerable other things have marked his administration as one of the most fruitful in the college's history. But more than these material successes, he was a man whom the students could respect and take pride in. The friendly, alwaysgrinning man we called "Prexy" on the walk had something about him which personified "success." With his inordinate way with people, he will certainly succeed as President of the New York Stock Exchange. His future presence on the Trinity Board of Trustees will indeed be a valued one. We respectfully dedicate this volume, then, to one of Trinity's most distinguished alumni, Keith Funston, Class of '32 and '51.

Jn ,.tmoriam

RICHARD CONWAY CARVER Richard C. Carver originally attended the University of Connecticut; in September, 1949, he transferred to Trinity. He showed a keen enthusiasm for college activities, but also found time to rank high in our class scholastically. An active member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Dick was also a veteran of the Marine Corps. He was married in 1950 to Miss Natalie Ford of Milford. Richard C. Carver died in 1951 as a result of injuries suffered from a fall from a tree while working for a local tree surgeon. He and his nimble wit will long be remembered by those of us who knew this gentleman and scholar.

JJn :JMemoriam THOMAS HUME BISSONNETTE The college community as well as a host of friends and students the world over will ever mourn the passing of Dr. Thomas Hume Bissonnette last December. " Biss" as he was affection-' ately known to his students, was more than an instructor to them-he was a tradition. His inspiringly spirited teaching of the search for scientific truth gave to men in his courses an intangible something which led them to become better doctors and biologists, The sparkle in his eyes and the enthusiasm in his voice as he lectured spread to his students and each man worked a little harder to master the material. His death leaves a void that can never be filled.

ARCHIE ROY BANGS Professor Bangs came to Trinity in 1926 after serving previously as an instructor in the German departments at Colgate University and Williams College. Twenty-five college classes were graduated during the years in which Dr. Bangs' name became synonymous with the subject he taught in the minds of Trinity students. None of his former students will maintain that he was an easy taskmaster nor will they fail to appreciate the benefits that they derived from his meticulous insistence on high standards in the classroom. We shall long remember his dry Yankee humor, his store of amusing anecdotes, his love for the German language, his impatience with carelessness and indolence and, above all, his kindly willingness to give freely of his time and counsel to students who came to him with their problems. The Class of 1952 ventures to speak for its predecessors and for the student body in expressing deep regret at the loss of a respected and well-loved teacher, scholar, and friend.


fraternities activities athletics

P A G ES 138 - 161

PAGES 12-27

• seniors

PAGES 28-84

P A G ES 92-115

P A G ES 116-137

spot shots

P A G ES 162-172



ARTHUR H. HUGHES When President Ogilby died in 1943 the Trustees began a search for a new man to head the administration. While they were looking, it was necessary to have a capable leader act as interim president. They chose Arthur Hughes. In 1951, when President G. Keith Funston left Trinity to become head of the New York Stock Exchange, the Trustees again found themselves without a president, and once again they selected Dean Hughes. Looking over the record of Dean Hughes, it is not difficult to perceive the reason why he has twice taken over the college presidency. In Arthur Hughes we find a rare combination of the scholar-administrator. Since he has been at Trinity, Dean Hughes has developed a reputation for willingness to do any job, no matter how difficult, with competence and zeal. It is therefore no wonder that we students at Trinity consider ourselves fortunate to be associated with Arthur Hughes. His patience and eagerness in counseling have pulled us through many a mental storm, and his friendly and cheerful manner has brightened a number of otherwise

gloomy days.

DEA N OF STUDENTS JOSEPH C. CLARKE "Joe" Clarke has become more and more popular with the students ever since his appointment as their Dean three years ago. His interest in the individual student causes his office to be crowded with undergraduates trying to iron out such difficulties as dropping courses, switching majors, etc. He also serves as a liaison between the administration and student organizations. Besides his position behind the desk, Joe has been Swimming Coach since 1929.

J. Kenneth Robertson came to the college in September from Taft School, where had been Business Manager since 1943. After much searching, he was selected to replace Joseph Getzendanner. Mr. Robertson, a graduate of Harvard business School, has already spread much good will throughout the student body by his willingness to help with their financial problems and his efficient management of the college.

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A. E. Holland

J. A. Mason R. M. Bishop

W. R. Peelle

R.N. Vogel


N. A. Walker



T. L. Hood

K. W. Cameron

J. B. McNulty

D. B. Risdon

R. M. Williams

G. E. Nichols

J. A. Dando

S. F. Morse



J. A. Notopoulos

H. W. Frese

G. W. Andrian

R. P. Waterman

W. D. Leavitt

A. E. Merriman

A. J. Wright

A. E. Holmdohl

L. H. Feldman

HISTORY D. G. B. Thompson

G. B. Cooper

R. Shaw

E. W. Davis

N. Downs

R. Black

M. Spinka

A. W. Fanta



F. W. Constant

R. F. McCune R. C. Stewart

J. Williams

R. F. Kingsbury



F. A. Ferguson

H. J. Lockwood

A. E. Sapega


E. L. Troxell

G. V. Carroll

J. W. Burger

R. W. Harrington

V. K. Krieble

S. B. Smith

R. H. Smellie

D. F. Mowery



J. E. Candelet

C. E. Watters

R. W. Tucker

R. Scheuch

R. J. Chances


J. L. Coulter


H. T. Costello

B. W. Means

Rev. G. B. O'Grady

A. W. Vogel

A. H. Souerwine

B. L. Bloom



J. C. E. Taylor

M. N. Pappas

D. L. Herdman

R. K. Morris

J. L. N. Egan

M. Fi·ne

E. H. Gallagher

S. Ladny


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R. (;roshaw

1'. G. Hallam

J. B. Folan

W. S. Gray

R. J. Levine

N. W. 路Hamilton R. L. Schmidt

M.A. McLain

L. N. Leuzzi


R. Oosting

D. E. Jessee


L. G. McDonald

S. L. Parks

A. H. Christ

F. H. Booth

F. L. Lundborg


LIBRARY _ _ __

D. B. Engley

G. W. Adams


down as the most conservatively d freshmen to enter Trinity since its It was the year before the dinks and rushing, so that it will also stand out as last class which won't be able to take grandchildre!l on its knees and tell tales freshman hazing. General consensus ......v"A• the '52's seems to lean towards the theory that this is a good idea.

Senior Class Officers

But despite the head shaking of its elders and self-appointed betters, the class assimilated itself into the college routine with ease. Freshman sports began to interest the whole student body as it became evident that '52 was producing impressive records in all sports. Nor was the class content with the sports already available-largely due to the backing of the freshmen, both lacrosse and fencing found their ways into the schedule. In the three subsequent years (now referred to nostalgically as "The Golden Age"),. the class has participated in all sports, and has gained an enviable, indeed, an almost unmatchable record in athletics. A sampling of that record may be found on several other pages of this volume.

CLASS HISTORY On that long ago September morn in 1948, the upperclassmen looked forth from the windows of Cook, Woodward, and Goodwin and shook their hoary heads. What was Bert Holland up to with all this ill-assorted gathering of idiots and juvenile delinquents? Especially did the heads shake in the Class of 1949, the old men who had seen nothing but a succession of veterans passing through the portals; this new crew was certainly different, and not many were so sure they liked it:¡ As a penalty for extreme youth, the members of the freshman class were required to wear black knit ties (remember?). If nothing else, this year's graduating class should go (30)

But no class can feel proud of itself if it must be known for only one thing. It is equally important to note that '52 has consistently had an overall high scholastic average, either tops in the college, or else second by a fraction. It has supported the activities, both s~cial and intellectual, with the same zeal so obvious on the playing fields. It is significant that in the spring of 1950 the graduating class of that year saw fit to bestow the coveted lemon squeezer, symbol of general class distinction, on this year's seniors.

We can justifiably hope that the "youngst.e rs" now under the scrutiny of the hoaryheaded seniors may turn out as well as their counterparts of four years ago did.

RICHARD IRVING AHERN 54 Centre Avenue New Rochelle New York Major: HISTORY Football, 1,2,3; Varsity "T" Club; Cardinal Newman Club; Inter-dorm Council, 1,4; Senior Prom Committee; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Iona Prep.

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.d RICHARD TURNER ALMQUIST 63 Wells Farm Drive Wethersfield Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Soccer, 2,3,4; Prepa,路ed at Wethersfield High School.

Class of 1952

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ROBERT FREDERICK ALMQUIST 63 Wells Farm Drive Wethersfield Connecticut Majm路: ECONOMICS Soccer, 4; Prepared at Wethersfield H igh School.

ANTHONY WILLIAM ANGELASTRO 167 Standish Street Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Cardinal Newman Club, 3, 4; Brownell Club, 4; Prepared at Bulkley High School.



AARON HAROLD ANTO N 551 Hudson St reet Hartford Connecticut Major: PRE-MEDICAL Tr ansfm-red from the Unive1路sity of Conn ectiCtl 路.t.

JOHN ARTHUR AUGUSTSON 143 Thomas Street West Hartford Connecticut Major: MATHEMATICS Basketball, 1; Baseball, 1,2; Spanish Club; Prepared at W illiam Hall H igh School.


RAYMOND MANUEL .ARIAS Avenue A, No. 9 Panama Republic of Panama Major : ENGINEERING Soccer, 1,2; Swimming 1; Tennis, 1,2; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Engineering Club, 1,2,3,4; P si Upsilon; Prepar ed at Cu lver Military Academy.

WALLACE SCHOULER BARRETT 271 Bay A venue Glen Ridge New Jersey Major : GOVERNMENT Football, 1; Track, 1,2; Tennis, 1,2,3,4; Canterbury Club, 3,4; Spanish Club, 1; Political Science Club, 1,2,3,4; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Trinity Pawling School.


DAVID MICHAEL BARRY 32 Scarborough Road Connecticut Manchester Major: GOVERNMENT Tau Alpha; Transfen·ed front Geo1·getown University.

WILLIAM GEORGE BECKER 33 Sprague Street Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL ARTS Protestant Fellowship, 1,2; Jesters, 2; WRTC, 2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee; Delta Phi; P1·erx:u·ed at Bulkeley H igh High School.

LOUIS ANTHONY BERNABO 134 Chester Street Hartford Connecticut Major : ECONOMICS Football, 2; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club; P1·epared at Bulkeley High School.

DUDLEY V AILL BICKFORD 22 Greenhill Street Manchester Connecticut Majo1· : GEOLOGY Glee Club, 1,2,4; T1"ipod, 1,2; Harlequin, 1; Sophomore Dining Club; Art Club; Alpha Chi Rho; PTepared at Phillips E xeter Academy.


JOHN ALLAN BISHOP 37-61 - 64 Street Woodside 77 New York Ma.ior: FINE ARTS Brownell Club; Fencing Team, 3,4; P1路epared at Stuyv esant H igh School.

EDWARD BLANK, JR. 8 Crown Street Plainville Connecticut Major: HISTORY Alpha Chi Rho; Prepared at Plainville High School.

EDWIN WHITE BLEECKER 55 Mt. Lebanon Blvd. Pittsburgh 28 Pennsylvania Major: ECONOMICS Jesters, 2,4; WRTC; Corinthian Yacht Club, 3,4; Engineering Club, 2,3; Alpha Delta Phi, President, 4; Prepared at M t. Lebanon High School.

PETER HALSTED BLANK 107 Gordonhurst Avenue Upper Montclair New Jersey Major: FINE ARTS Canterbury Club, 2; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3; Tau Alpha; Prepared at St. George's School.


ALLEN SLAWSON BOLINGER 214 Woodlawn Avenue Merchantville New Jersey Major: CLASSICS Glee Club, 1; Choir, 1,2; Senior Ball; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Merchantville High School.


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CAMERON BLELOCH 23 James Street Greenfield Massachusetts Major: ECONOMICS Glee Club, 1,2; Tripod, 1; Flying Club, 1; Prepared at Deerfield Academy.

HENRY JOSEPH BORAWSKI <!02 Jefferson Street Hartford Connecticut Maj01· : ECONOMICS Swimming, 4; Glee Club, 4; Brownell Club; Prepxred at Hartford Public High School.

GEORGE EMERSON BREWER, III 587 Gay Street Westwood Massachusetts Major: ECONOMICS· Swimming, 1,2,3,4; Tennis, 1,4; Varsity "T" Club; Flying Club, 1; Alpha Delta Phi; Nautical Club, 1,2,3.


WILLIAM GATES BROWN 469 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford Connecticut Major: ENGINEERING Soccer, 1; Chemistry Club, 4; Prepared at William Hall High School.

CHARLES COTTRELL BUFFUM R.F.D. No.1 Weekapaug Rhode Island Major: HISTORY Squash, 1,2,3,4; Tennis, 1; Canterbury Club~ Corinthian Yacht Club; Alpha Delta Phi; Prepa:red at Pom fret School.


R.F.D. No. 1 Southbury Majo1路: PRE-MEDICAL Brownell Club; Transferred from the v ersity of Connecticut.

ROBERT GRANT BUTLER Quid net Nantucket Massachusetts Major: PSYCHOLOGY Campus Chest; Delta Phi; Prepared at Noble and Greenough School.

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FELIX JAMES CALLAN 56路9 Blue Hills Avenue Hartford 22 Connecticut Ma j01路 : PRE-MEDICAL Golf; Sophomore Class President; Newman Club, President, 4; Sophomore Hop Committee Chairman; Junior Prom Committee; Brownell Club; Prepared at W eaver High School.

EDWARD ANTHONY CARROLL 424 Main Street East Hartford Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Track, 1,2; Newman Club; Prepared at East Hartford High School.

FRANK JOSEPH CALLAN 569 Blue Hills Avenue Hartford 12 Connecticut Majo1路 : GENERAL SCIENCE Golf, 1,2,3,4; Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Campus Chest Committee; Brownell Club; Prepared at W eaver H igh School.

ROBERT ANDREW CARVER 279 McKinley Road Michigan Grosse Pointe Farms Major: HISTORY Soccer, 2; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepa1路ed at Hwmden H igh School.


WILLIAM BENJAMIN CARVER The Kenilworth, Garth Road Scarsdale New York Major: LIBERAL ARTS Baseball, 1; Campus Chest Committee; Delta Psi; P1路epm路ed at Woodbury FoTest School.

SYDNEY BARRIE CLIFF Flanders New Jersey Major: LIBERAL ARTS Track, 2,3; Soccer, 1,3; Glee Club, 1,2; Delta Phi; Prepared at Coles hill School.


HUMBERT RICHARD CASTELLANI 181 Ashley Street Hartford Connecticut Majot路: LIBERAL ARTS Football, 3,4; Varsity "T" Club; PTepared at Hartfor d High School.

NICHOLAS JOHN CHRiSTAKOS 21 Sullivan Street Cazenovia New York Majo-r: CLASSICS' Football, 1; LaCrosse, 2,3,4; Tennis, 1; Senate, 4; Inter-Dormitory Council, 1; lntra"mural Board, 2; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Jesters, 2,3,4; Tripod, 2; Review, 2; Sophomore Hop Committee, 2; Campus Chest, 2; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Trinity Outing Club;- Theta Xi; Prepared at Cazenovia High School.

SAMUEL WILLIAM CLIPP 172 Whitemarsh Road Ardmore Pennsylvania Major: PRE-MEDICAL Glee Club, 1; Choir, 1; Sigma Nu; Prepa1路ed at Episcopal Academy.

JOHN HAGEDORN COHEN, JR. '5255 Fair Oaks Street Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Major: GOVERNMENT Republican Club, 1,2,3,4; Hillel Society, 1,2,3,4; Political Science Club, 2,3,4; Band, 1,2,3; Theta Xi; Prepared at Shady Side Academy.

CLAYTON RICHARD CLOUGH 19 Frederick Street Hartford Connecticut Major: HISTORY Prepared at Thay er Academy.

NORMAN EDGAR CORWIN, JR. 29 Powder House Terrace Somerville Massachusetts Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Pipes, 1,2; Bishop's Men, 3; Sophomore Dining Club, 2,3,4; Sigma Nu, 1,2,3,4, President, 4; Prepared at Belmont Hill School.


DONALD CHARLES COUSI S 95 Howard A ven ue Ansonia Connecticut Mnjo1·: PSYCHOLOGY Spanish Club; PrepaTed at Central High School.

ARTHUR ROOT COWDERY, JR. 158 Winton Road New York Rochester Major: PHILOSOPHY· Swimming, 1,2; WRTC, 3 ; Political Science Club, President, 4; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3 ; Band, 1,2,3; Glee Club, 1; Tau Alpha; Prepa?·ed at MonToe High School.

TERENCE MICHAEL CROWLEY 86 Higbie Drive East Hartford Connecticut Major: LIBERAL ARTS Newman Club; P1·epared at East Hartford High School.


AN'DREW GEORGE CURRIE, JR. 21 Santa Fe A venue Hamden Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Senate, 4; WRTC, 1; Pipes, 1,2,3,4-; Glee Club, 1,2; Choir, 1,2,3; Senior Ring Com-· mittee; Delta Phi; Prepared at Tabor Academy.

MICHAEL LEONARD DALY, JR. 341 Lyme Street Hartford Connecticut Majo1路 : CLASSICS, PRE-MEDICAL Football, 3 ; Track, 1,2,3,4; Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Chemistry Club, 1,2,3,4; Tau Alpha; Prepared at W eav er High S chool.

THOMAS CLARK DEPATIE 114 Garfield Road West Hartford Connecticut Ma jor : ECONOMICS Football, 1,2,3,4; Baseball, 1,2,3,4; Class President, 1,3; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Junior Prom Chairman; Senior Ring Committee; Medusa, 4; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Univ ersities; Sophomore Dining Club, President, 2; Alpha Chi Rho; Prepa1路ed at Loomis School.

VINCENT LEO DIANA 56 Clinton Street Manchester Connecticut Major: PHILOSOPHY Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club, 2; Tau Alpha; Prepared at Manchester High School.


ROBERT CHARLES DOWNS 47 Smallwood Road West Hartford Connecticut Major: ENGLISH Basketball, 1,2,3,4; Prepared at Admiml Billm路d Academy.

ROBERT DREW-BEAR Apartado 36E Caracas Venezuela Major: LIBERAL ARTS Football, 1; Squash, 1,2,3, Captain, 4; InterFraternity Council, 4; 路Intra-mural Board, 2; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Newman Club, 4; Jesters, 3; Sophomore Hop Committee, InterFraternity Council Ball Committee; Sopho" more Dining Club, 2; Delta Psi; Prepared at Haverford School.


WILLIAM ERNEST DUBE 163 Pleasant Street North Adams Massachusetts Major: LIBERAL ARTS Newman Club; Camera Club; Prepared at Drury High School.

ROBERT JOHNSTON DUBUQUE, III 34 State Street Skaneateles New York Majo1路: HISTORY LaCrosse, 1,2,3,4; Inter-Fraternity Council, 2.,3; Inter-Dormitory Council, 1,2; Cheerleaders, 2,3; Tau Alpha, Vice President, 2, President, 3; Prepared at Skaneateles High School.



DONALD EUGENE EDWARDS 30 Colonial Street Connecticut Hartford Major: ENGLISH Newman Club, 3,4; Alpha Phi Omega, 3; Tripod, 3,4; Brownell Club; Prepared at Bulkeley High School.

RICHARD PERHAM ELLISON 915 North Wayne Street Arlington Virginia Majo1路: HISTORY Fencing, 1,2,3,4, Co-captain; Senate Secretary; WRTC, 1,2,3,4; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3; Sophomore Hop Committee; Junior Prom Committee; Campus Chest Committee; Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Trinity Commons Club, Secretary, 3, President, 4; Prepared at St. Albans.

WYATT NORRIS ELDER Maryland Major: CHEMISTRY Tenni.s, 1,2,3; Sophomore Hop Committee; Alpha Delta Phi, Vice President; Prepared at St. James School. Hyde

RICHARD STANLEY ENBURG 2412 - 13th Street Moline Illinois Major: PRE-MEDICAIJ Football, 1; Newman Club, 1,2; Commons Club; Prepared at Rock Island Senior High School.


ROBERT REED FARRELL 694 Timpson Street Pelham Manor New York Maj01路: ECONOMICS Football, 1,3; Baseball, 2; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Pelham Memorial High School.

VALENTINE HALL EVERSON, III 68 Patterson Avenue Greenwich Connecticut Major: GOVERNMENT Football, 3; Republican Club; Harlequin, 1,2; Nautical Association, 1,2,3,4; Sailing Team, 1,2; Outing Club, 2,3; Psi Upsilon; Prepared at Choate School.

DONALD HENRY FETTERS 400 Bellevue Avenue Penndel Pennsylvania Major: MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS Camera Club, 1,21 3,4; Prepared at Langhorne High School.

DAVID EARLE,FITZGERALD 110 Marvel Road New Haven Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS, HISTORY Swimming, 1,2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Sophomore Hop Committee; Campus Chest, 3,4; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Hopkins Gra'Tflr nw;r School.


FELIX ROBERT FORTE 163 Summer Street Somerville Massachusetts Ma,jo1路: ECONOMICS Band, 1,2,4; Vice . President, 3; President, 3,4; Theta Xi; Prepared a.t B elmont H igh School.

GIRAUD VERNON FOSTER Centreville Maryland M~Ljor: PRE-MEDICAL Fencing, 1,2,3, Coach, 4; Chemistry, 2,3, Secretary and President, 4; Junior Prom Committee, 3 ; Tau Alpha; Prepared a,t St. Paul's School.

MARTIN HENDRICK FRANCIS 250 Homestead A venue Hartford Connecticut Ma,jor: GEOLOGY Prepared at Weaver High School.

JAMES REUBEN FOSTER 128 Vine A venue Highland Park Illinois Mp,jor: GOVERNMENT Tennis, 1; Republican Club, 2,3, Vice Presi-路 dent, 4; Political Science Club, 1,2,3, President, 4; Inter-Fraternity Council Ball Committee, 4; Campus Chest, 2,3; President of the Intercollegiate Legislature; InterFraternity Council; Theta Xi; Prepared at Lake Forest Aclkdemy.


MAURICE FREMONT-SMITH 12 Hereford Street Boston Massachusetts Majo1路: GENERAL Soccer, 1,2,3,4; Tennis, 2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club; Outing Club; Cardinal Newman Club; Campus Chest; Psi Upsilon; PTepared at Milton Academy.

ARTHUR BROOKS FRENCH 47 Puritan Drive West Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL Football, 1,2,3,4; Baseball, 1,2,3,4; Senate, 3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Prepared at Kingswood School.

WILLIAM WALTER FROST, JR. R.F.D. No. 3, South Street Concord New Hampshire MajoT: PRE-MEDICAL Football, 1; Basketball Manager, 1,2,3; Intra-mural Board, 2; Varsity "T" Club; Chemistry Club, 4; Tau Alpha; Prepared at Concord High School.


BIDWELL SIMMONS FULLER 22 Olin Street Windsor ConnecticuF Major: HISTORY Tripod, 2,3,4; Prepared at Loomis Institute.

WILLIAM MICHAEL GANNON 43-10 - 48th Avenue Woodside Long Island, New York Major: ECONOMICS Football, 1,2,3; Baseball, 1,2,; Varsity "T" Club; Cardinal Newman Club; Prepared at Pow e1路 M emorial Academy.

EDWARD DAVID GEARY, JR. 93 Westbrook Street Hartford Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Cardinal Newman Club; Brownell Club; Prepared at Bulkely High School.

SAMUEL ALEXANDER GILLILAND 6623 Kinsman Road Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Major: CLASSICS Soccer, 1; Tripod, 1; Commons Club; Prepared at St. Jam,es School.

ROBERT GEORGE GIRARD 79 Linnmoore Street Hartford Connecticut Major: HISTORY Cardinal Newman Club; Brownell Club; Prepared at Hartford Public High School.


WALTER FRANCIS GLENNEN 23 Salem Road East Hartford Connecticut Majo1路: ECONOMICS Democratic Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club; Atheneum Society, 3,4; Spanish Club, 2,3; Ivy, 4; ROTC Ball Committee; Campus Chest, 3; Tau Alpha; .Prepared at East Ha1路t!ord High School.

WILLIAM GORALSKI 16 Climax Heights Avon Conneeticut Major: HISTORY Football, 1,2,3, Captain, 4; Basketball, 1,2.,3; Baseball, 1,2,3; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club; Campus Chest; Who's Who in Amerioan Colleges amd Universities ; Prepared at Trinity School.


BENJAMIN CHENEY GOODWIN 84 Scarborough Street Hartford Major: ECONOMICS Camera Club, 3; Prepared at St. School.

JAMES ALLEN GRANT Box 725 Paoli Pennsylvania Major: HISTORY Swimming, 1,2,3,4; Track, 1,2; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Glee Club, 1; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Haverford School.



EDWARD DURKEE PERRINE GROSS, JR. 38 Linnard Road West Hartford Connecticut Major: GEOLOGY Soccer, 3; LaCrosse, 4; Fencing, 3,4; Delta Phi; Transferred from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

ALAN RICHARD GURWITT 19 I den A venue Larchmont New York Ma jor : PRE-MEDICAL Inter-Fraternity Council, 2; Hillel Society, Corresponding Secretary, 3, President, 4; Band, 1,2,3; Theta Xi; Prepa1路ed at Mamaroneck Hi gh School.

RICHARD CARL HALE 151楼.! South East 7th Avenue Delray Beach Florida Major: HISTORY Canterbury Club, 2,3,4; Tripod, 1; Senior Ball, 4; Delta Phi; Prepared at Noble and Greenough School.

RUFUS HOUSTON HALE 285 Reservoir Road Chestnut Hill Massachusetts Majo r : ECONOMICS Baseball, 1,2; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3;4; Canterbury Club; Intra-mural Board; Psi Upsilon, Vice President, 3, President, 4; Prepared at Milton Academy.


RICHARD CLAYTON HALL Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Major: PSYCHOLOGY Glee Club, 1,2; Choir, 2; Jesters, 1; Athen-路 eum Society, 4; Delta Phi, Secretary, 4; Prepa1路ed at Shady Side Academy.

RAYMOND GRIFFITHS HAMPSON, JR. 108 Pleasant Street Windsor Connecticut Major: ENGINEERING Engineering Club; Delta Phi; Prepared at Loomis Institute.

FRANCIS MURRAY HASTINGS 820 Hale Street Beverly Farms Massachusetts Maj01路: ENGLISH Inter-Fraternity Council, 4; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, 2; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Inter-Fraternity Ball Committee, 4; Psi Upsilon, President; Prepared at Phillips Academy.

DOUGLAS GARIDEL HARVEY 117 Vine Street Hartford Connecticut Major: CHEMISTRY Pipes, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, 1; Choir, 1; Sigma Pi Sigma; Delta Phi; Prepared at Holderness School.


THOMAS FRANCIS HEAD, III 98 Garden Street Hartford Connecticut Major: HISTORY Football, 1,2,3,4; Track, 1,2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 2,3,4; Sigma Nu; Pre pared at Gilbert School.

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DAVID MORRIS HATFIELD Pennsylvania Hospital 8th and Spruce Streets Philadelphia Pennsylvania Major: HISTORY Soccer, 1,2,3,4; Intra-mural Board, 1,3; Varsity "T" Club; Theta Xi; Prepared at Friends' Select School.

GEORGE MARSHALL HILL 17 Pelham Road West Hartford Connecticut Major: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Soccer, 2,4; Swimming, 2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club; Sigma Nu; P1·epared at Williston Academy.

ALBERT JAMES HOLMES 57 Center Street Windsor Lock1! Connecticut Major: HISTORY P1·epared at Windsor Locks High School.


BERTRAND BALDWIN HOPKINS 33 Highland A venue Ayer Massachusetts Major: PRE-MEDICAL Canterbury Club; Psi Upsilon; Prepared at Groton School.

JOHN STIMPSON HUBBARD 748 East Broad Street Westfield New Jersey Major: GEOLOGY Basketball, 1; Tennis, 1; Intra-mural Board, 2, Secretary, 3,4; Alpha Phi Omega, 2, President, 3,4; Campus Chest, 3; Outing Club, Secretary, 2,3; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Westfield Senior High School.


8 Farnham Road West Hartford M'ajor: GENERAL SCIENCE Soccer, 1; Intra-mural Football; Prepared William Hall High School.

ROBERT GUY HUBBARD 100-20 Bellaire Place Queens Village New York Majo1路: FINE ARTS Swimming, 1; Corinthian Yacht Club; Tripod, 1; Review, Art Editor; Campus Chest, 1; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Andrew Jackson High School.

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RICHARD EDWARD THOMAS HUNTER East Hill Farm New Hampshire Canaan Ma jo1路: HISTORY Soccer, 1,2,3,4; Senate, 4; Inter-Dorm Council, 1; Canterbury Club; Review, Executive Editor, 1,2,3,4; Sophomore Dining Club, 2,3,4; Psi Upsilon; Prepared at Avon Old Farms.

SEBASTIAN RICHARD ITALIA 666 Franklin A venue Hartford Connecticut Major: PRE-MEDICAL Football Manager, 2; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, '1; Choir, 1; Brownell Club; Pre-Medical Club, 1,2; Prepared. at Bulkeley High School.

ROBERT NELSON HUNTER 398 Power Road Pawtucket Rhode Island Major: ECONOMICS Football, 1,2,3,4; Track, 1,2,3, Captain, 4; Intra-mural Board, President, 4; Sigma Nu; P1路epared at Mount Hermon School.

MACEY HIRSCH KATZ 129 Oakland Terrace Hartford Connecticut Major: PRE-MEDICAL Track, 1,2; Hillel Society; Brownell Club; Prepared at Weaver High School.


WILLIAM LEO KEADY, JR. 910 East Forest A venue Neenah Wisconsin Majm·: GENERAL SCIENCE Football, 1; Baseball, 1; Engineering Club, 1; Delta Kappa Epsilon; P1·e1Jared at Lake Fo1·est Academy.

JOHN EDWARD KILTY 81 King Street East Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Cardinal Newman Club; Chemistry Club; French Club; P1·epa1·ed at East Hart!o1·d High School.

KENNETH HARRISON KINNER Branchville Road Connecticut Ridgefield Major: PSYCHOLOGY LaCrosse, 1,2; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Band, 1,2; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Danbu1-y High School.


EDWARD HARRY KIRSCHBAUM, JR. 55 Eastfield Road Waterbury Connecticut Ma,jor: ENGINEERING Sophomore Hop Committee, 2; Engineering Club, 2,3,4; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at St, George's School.

GREGORY ANTHONY KNAPP 45 East 42nd Street Bayonne New Jersey Majo1·: GEOLOGY Basketball, 1; Cross-Country, 1; Tennis, 1,2,3,4; Chemistry Club, 2,3,4; Glee Club, 1,2,3,4; Ivy, 3,4; Tripod, 2,3; Alpha Chi Rho; P1·epared at Trinity School.

EDWARD FRANCIS KULAS, JR. 99 Grove Street Glastonbury Connecticut Major: ENGINEERING Football, 1,2,3,4; Track, 1,2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club· Cardinal Newman Club; Sophomore Hop 'Committee; Brownell Club; P1·epared at Glastonbury High School.

ROBERT ALLEN KROGMAN 216 South Maple A venue Oak Park Illinois Major: ENGLISH Jesters, 3; WRTC, 3,4; Tripod, 1, Advertising Manager, 2, Business Manager, 4; Review, 1, Business Manager, 2; Campus Chest, 2; Senior Ring Committee, 3; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, 4; Theta Xi, Treasurer, 2, Secretary, 3, Vice President, 4; P1·epa1·ed at Oak Park Township H igh School.

WILLIAM TRACY KUNKEL 33 Mountain Brook Road West Hartford Connecticut Major: PRE-MEDICAL Squash; Canterbury .Club, 4; Camera Club, 4; Alpha Chi Rho; Transferred from Kenyon College.


RICHARD WALKER LALLY 31 Foster Circle Andover Massachusetts Major: HISTORY Class Secretary Treasurer, 1; Jesters, 1; Senior Ball Committee, 4; Alpha Delta Phi, Secretary; Prepared at Lenox School.

BAYLIS HARRISS LARAMORE 116 Woodron Street West Hartford Connecticut Major: BACHELOR OF ARTS Soccer, 1; ROTC Rifle Team; Psi Upsilon; Prepared at Kingswood School.

WALTER PAUL LARSON 30 Hughes Street Hartford Connecticut Major: BACHELOR OF ARTS Football, 1; Inter-Fraternity Council, 3,4; Junior Prum Committee; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Treasurer; Prepa;red at Hopkins Grammar School.

IRVING ARTHUR LAUB 1051 Clinton Street Buffalo New York Major: GENERAL SCIENCE LaCrosse, 1; Glee Club, 1,2; Campus Chest, 1,2; Outing Club, 1; Delta Phi, Treasurer, 3,4; Prepared at St. Paul's School.

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DOUGLAS CLARENCE LEE 35 Shady Glen Court New Rochelle New York Major: PHYSICS Basketball, 1; Track, 1,2,3,4; Cross Country, 1; Senate Treasurer, 4; Tripod, 3; WRTC, 1; Sigma Pi Sigma; Tau Alpha; Prepared at Trinity School.

JEROME WARNER LEHRFELD 2035 - 70th Street Brooklyn New York Majo1路: PRE-MEDICAL Hillel Society, 1,2,3,4; Camera Club, 1; Ivy, 1,2; Tripod, 1,2,4; Fencing, 1,2,3; Co-Captain, 4; Pre-Medical Club, 1,2; Brownell Club; Prepa1路ed at Lafayette High School.

PETER DUNCAN MacLEAN 152 Kilburn Road Garden City New York Major: CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Track, 1; Inter-Fraternity Council, 3,4; Inter-Dorm Council, 1,2; Intra-mural Board, 1; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3,4; Glee Club, 1,2; Choir, 1,2,3,4; Campus Chest, 3,4; Tau Alpha; Prepared at Riverhead High School.

ALBERT LOUIS MAGNOLI 13 Armistice Street New Britain Connecticut Major: GENERAL ARTS Football, 1,2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club; Cardinal Newman Club; Prepared at New Britain High School.

RICHARD EDWARD MALKIN 211 North Whitney Street Hartford Connecticut Ma.jor: ECONOMICS P1·epared at DeWitt Clinton H igh School.

ROBERT EARL MANSBACH 79 Nilan Street Hartford Connecticut Major: ENGLISH Jesters, 2; Review, 3,4; Brownell Club; Prepa1·ed at Bulkeley High School.


JOHN CLYDE MANDERY Deaddog South Dakota Major: GENERAL ARTS Track Manager, 2,3; Inter-Fraternity Council, 1,2; Inter-Dorm Council, 1,2; Democratic Club, 1,2, President, 3,4; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3; Atheneum Society, 4; Delta Phi; Prepared at United States Military Academy Prepara·tory School.

ANTONY MASON 2301 North Uhle Street Virginia Arlington Maj01·: HISTORY Swimming, 1,2,3, Captain, 4; Senate, 4; Intra-mural Board, 2, President, 3; Junior Prom Committee; Campus Chest, 1,2,3 ;· Medusa, Secretary-Treasurer, 4; Who's Who . in American Colleges and Universities;Sophomore Dining Club, 2, Treasurer, 3,4; Alpha Delta Phi; Prepa1·ed at Haverford " School.

JOHN JOSEPH MAURER 21 Seymour Street Hartford Connecticut Major: CHEMISTRY Track, 1,2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club路 Cardinal Newman Club; Chemistry Cl~b; Cross Country, 2; Brownell Club; Prepared at Bulkeley Sclwol.

CHARLES BRYSON McELWEE. JR. 56 - 1st Avenue Mantua New Jersey Major: HISTORY Football, 1,2,3,4; Track, 1,2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club; Protestant Fellowship; Alpha Phi Omega; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Ball Committee; Campus Chest; Wlw's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Sophomore Dining Club; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Frankfort High School.

RlGHARD EMERSON McCREHAN 29-37 - 212 Street Bayside New York Major: GEOLOGY Basketball, 1,3; Baseball, 1,2,3,4; Cross Country, 1; Camera Club, 3; Spanish Club, 1; P7>ePa,red at Trinity School.

GERALD CHARLES McLAUGHLIN 65 King Philip Drive West Hartford Connecticut Major: ENGLISH Basketball, 2; Intra-mural Board, 3,4; Cheerleaders, 2,3,4; ROTC Ball Committee; Secretary, ROTC Military Council; Alpha Chi Rho; Prepared at Kingswood School.


JOSEPH JAMES MIANO 71 Franklin A venue Hartford Connecticut Major : HISTORY Phi Kappa; Transferred from Massachusetts Institute of T echnology.

CHARLES BRINTON MEDFORD ,514 South Chester Road Swarthmore Pennsylvania Major: ECONOMICS Football, 1; Squash, 2,3,4; LaCrosse, 1,2,3,4; Bishop's Men, 2,3; Sophomore Dining Club, 2,3,4; Psi Upsilon; Prepared at Episcopal Academy.

ALLAN MILLER 312 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford Connecticut Major: ENGLISH, HISTORY Senate, 4; Hillel Society, 2,3, Corresponding Secretary, 4; Glee Club, 2; Ivy, 2, Managing Editor, 3, Editor-in-Chief, 3,4; Senior Ball Committee, 4; Campus Chest, 2; Who's Who in American Colleges and Un'iversities; CoChairman, Blood Volunteer Campaign; Tripod, 2; Brownell Club, Vice President, 3; Prepared at Bulkeley High School.

RICHARD JOSEPH MILLIOT 43 Argyle A venue West Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club; Prepared at Kingswood School.


FREDERICK TAYLOR MINTON 82 Four Mile Road Connecticut West Hartford Major: ECONOMICS Prepared at William Hall High School.

CHARLES EDWIN MOLLER, JR. R.F.D. No. 2, Bolton Center Road Bolton Connecticut Major: HISTORY Soccer, 1; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Gamma Mu; • Prepan-ed at Manchester High School.

WILLIAM STANLEY MORSE, JR. Mill Plain Road Danbury Connecticut Major: GEOLOGY Football, 1; Basketball, 1; Baseball, 1,2; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Hackley Preparatory School.

JOSEPH HYDE MOREHEAD, JR. 83-05 - 170th Street Jamaica New York Major: ENGLISH Baseball, 1; Protestant Fellowship, 1; WRTC, 1; Tripod, 1; Review, 3; Sigma Nu, Secretary, 3; Prepared at JU!I'YlJaica High School.


GEORGE WALTER MULLER 233 Oakwood Avenue Connecticut West Hartford Major: GEOLOGY' Chemistry Club, 2; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3; Engineering Club, 2,3; Delta Phi; Prepared at William H all High School.

FRANCIS WILLIAM NAVIN 203 Brightwood Avenue Torrington Connecticut Major: GOVERNMENT Prepared at Torrington High School.

JOHN WILLIAM NESTERUK 15 Grand Street Hartford Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Swimming; Brownell Club; Prepared oa.t Ha1路tjord Pu blic High School.


JOHN PAUL NETTEL 16 Grove Terrace Leominster Massachusetts Maj01路: ECONOMICS Track, 1,2; Republican Club, 3; Canterbury Club, 2,3,4; Sigma Nu; Prepwred at Tabor Academy.

ISAAC LAIRD NEWELL, JR. 209 Brimfield Road Wethersfield Connecticut Ma jor: GEOLOGY Inter-Fraternity Council, 4; Glee Club, 1,2,3; Inter-Fraternity Ball Committee, 4; Outing Club; Ski Team; Fencing Team, 2,3,4; Alpha Chi Rho; Prepared at W ethersfield H igh School.

RICHARD ECROYD NICHOLSON 60 West Lake Road New York Skaneateles Major : GENERAL ARTS Football, 1,2,3; Basketball, 1,2; Assistant Coach for Freshman Football, 4; Senior Ball Committee; Varsity "T" Club; Tau Alpha; Prepared at Loomis Institute.

JOHN DAVID NIKOLAIS 16 Vincent Road Bristol Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE WRTC, 1; Camera Club, 1,2, Vice-President, 3, President, 4; Tripod, 1; Commons Club; Prepared at Bristol High School.

JOHN EDWARD NOLAN 143 Jefferson Street Hartford Connecticut Major : HISTORY Cardinal Newman Club, 4; Brownell Club; Prepared a t Hartford Pu blic High School.


PAUL STUART NORMAN 139 Griswold Drive West Hartford Connecticut Majo1路: PRE-MEDICAL Tennis, 1; Hillel Society, 1,2, Vice President, 3,4; Brownell Club; Prepared at WiUimn Hall High School.

HERBERT HOuVER NORTHROP Rural Route No. 2 Delhi New York Maj.o1路 : ENGLISH Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Camera Club, 1; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3; Glee Club, 3; Cross Country, 1; Acolytes, 1,2,3,4; Theta Xi; Prepared at the Delaware Academy.


RICHARD ALFRED NORRIS 30-14 Crescent Street Astoria Long Island, New Major: HISTORY Track, 1,2,3,4; Cross Country, 1; "T" Club, 2,3,4; Canterbury Club, President 4; Alpha Chi Rho; Prepared Trinity School.

ROY NUTT 1796 Main Street Glastonbury Connecticut Major: MATHEMATICS Protestant Fellowship, 4; Brownell Club; Trans!e1路red from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

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ROBERT STEPHEN O'BRIEN 147 Pine Street New Haven Connecticut Major: CLASSICS Football, 1,2,3,4; Basketball, 1; Baseba11, 1,2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 4; Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Sigma N u; Prepa1路ed at Hopkins School.

HEATH OLIVER 121 Reverly Street West Hartford Connecticut Major: ENGINEERING Psi Upsilon; P1路epared at Western R ese1路ve Acade1ny.

DOUGLAS STUART ORMEROD 98 Goodwin Terrace Westwood New Jersey Major: HISTORY Republican Club, 2,3,4; Political Science Club, 1,2,3,4; Bishop's Men, 3,4; Glee Club, 1,2; Choir, 1,2,3; Theta Xi; Prepared a.t Westwood High School.

STUART HUNTINGTON OTIS, JR. Route 1 Libertyville Illinois Major: HISTORY LaCrosse, 3,4; Psi Upsilon; Prepared o.t Governor Dummer Academy.


IRA MANNING PARSONS, III 800 St. Georges' Road Maryland Baltimore Majo1路 : LIBERAL ARTS Glee Club, 1,2 ; T1-ipod, 1,2; R eview, 3; P si Upsilon; Prepa1路ed at St. J ames Sclwol.

JOHN BRADFORD PARSONS 49 East 96th Street New York New York Majo1路 : ECONOMICS Tennis, 1; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2,3,4; Psi Upsilon; Prepared at H un School.

ULYSSES PAUL 128 Vine Street Hartford

Connecticut Major: CLASSICS R eview, 2; Brownell Club; P1路epared at Rhodes School.

GORDON LELAND PARTRIDGE 100 Center Street Wethersfield Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Soccer, 1,2,3,4; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3; Theta Xi; Prepared at Weth ersfield High School.


THOMAS LOWE PETERSON 42 Oakland Street New Jersey Summit Major: GEOLOGY' Track, 1,2,3; Camera Club; Outing Club, 2; Pre pared at Summit High School.

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JOSEPH SALVATORE PEREZ 552 Franklin Avenue Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Baseball, 1; Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Prepared at Bulkeley High School.

ANTHONY JAMES PETRO 90 Sperry Street Waterbury Connecticut Major: CHEMISTRY Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Chemistry Club, 3,4; Commons Club; Prepared at C1路osby High School.

GORDON STUART PHELPS 16 Evergreen Avenue Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Soccer, 1; LaCross~, 1,2,3,4.; Corinthian Yacht Club; Psi Upsilon; Prepared at Kingswood School.


OGDEN TRUESDAL PLUMB Marlla Park Streator Illinois Major: ENGLISH Soccer, 1; Fencing, 2,3; Track, 4; Tripod, 3; Review, 1,2,3,4; Outing Club, 3,4; Art Club, 2,3; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2; Theta Xi; Prepared at Lake Forest Academy.

LORING CHANDLER PRATT Casey Key Nokomis Florida Major: LIBERAL ARTS Basketball, 2,3, Junior Varsity, 4; Canterbury Club, 2,3,4; Rifle Club; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Mt. Hermon School.


15 Fu11er A venue East Hartford Major: PRE-MEDICAL Hillel Society, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club; pared at East Hartford High School.

FREDERICK VINCENT QUINLIVAN 39 Franklin Avenue Hartford Connecticut Major: HISTORY Prepared at Bulkeley High School.


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TRUBEE GIBNEY RACIOPPI 213 Courtland Hill Bridgeport Connecticut MrLjor : LIBERAL ARTS Soccer, 1,2,3,4; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, 1; Corinthian Yacht Club; Harlequin; Delta Kappa Epsilon; PreprLred CLt Kent School.

DONALD BOWDOIN RATHBONE, JR. 170 Broadway Street Norwich Connecticut Maj01路: LIBERAL ARTS Football, 1,2,3,4; Track, 1,2,3; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Sigma Nu; Prepared CLt Suffield AcrLdemy.


LYNDON HAINES RATCLIFFE 19 Cottage Street Plainville Connecticut Maj01路 : ECONOMICS Football, 1,2,3,4; Swimming, 1; Track, 1,2; Senate, 4; Inter-dorm Council, 2; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Republican Club, 3; Tripod, 2; Senior Ring Committee, 4; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Delta Kappa Epsilon, President 4; PrepCLred at Plainville High School.

WILLIAM FRANCIS RAFTERY, JR. 70 Oak Street Glastonbury Connecticut Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Bishop's Men, 3; Glee Club, 1,2; Brownell Club; p,路epared rLt Glastonbury High Sclwol.


ROBERT EDWARD RENTZ 130 Vera Street West Hartford Connecticut Major: PRE-MEDICAL Track, 1; Protestant Fellowship, 1,2,3,4; Alpha Phi Omega, 3; Pre-Medical Club; Rifle Club; Theta Xi; Prepared at W illiam Hall High School.

VINCENT PATRICK RINGROSE, JR. 13 Woodland Street Plainville Connecticut Major: BIOLOGY Cardinal Newman Club, 4; Brownell Club; Prepm路ed at Plainville H igh S chool.


CHRISTOPHER NICHOLAS RIGOPOULOS 235 Beecher A venue Waterbury Connecticut Major : BACHELOR OF SCIENCE F ootball, 2,3 ; Inter-dorm Council, 2; Republican Club, 4 ; Spanish Club, 3,4 ; Political Science Club, 4; ROTC Ball Committee, 2,3; Senior Ring Commit tee, 3,4; Theta Xi; P?路epa.red at Cros by H igh S chool.

HOWARD WESLEY ROGERSON 23 Barbour Road New Britain Connecticut Major: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Outing Club, 2; ROTC Ball Committee, 3; Theta Xi; Prepared at Central High School.

ALBERT EDWARD RONDEAU, JR. 230 South Main Street Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Soccer, 2; Track, 2,3; Delta Phi; P1路ewrrerl at Cheshir e Academy.

JOHN LESLIE ROSSNER 16 Walnut Street Dedham Massachusetts Major: CLASSICS Inter-Fraternity Council, 4; Intra-mural Board, 3; Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; ROTC Ball Committee, 3; Commons Club, 1,2,3, Vice President, 4; Prerxw ed at B ot路dentown Mili tat路y Institute.


HILTON ANDREW ROTH Bloomfield Connecticut Jvlajor: CHEMISTRY Chemistry Club, 2,3,4; Prepared at Bloomfield High School.

RICHARD CALVIN SANGER Lime Rock Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Soccer, 2,3,4; Track, 1; Republican Club, 3; Proh::stant Fellowship, 1; WRTC, 1; Glee Club, 2,3; Iv y, 2,3; Tripod, 1,2,3,4; Sophomore Dining Club, 2; Cross Country, 1; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Stony Brook School.


ROBERT SCOTT SAWYER New York Major: HISTORY Football, 1,2; Canterbury Club; Jesters; Iv y, 3; Pi Gamma Mu; Alpha Chi Rho; Pn pared a,t Delaware Academy. Delhi

ALEXANDER FINLEY SCHAEF 229 Harvet Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania Majm路: PRE-DIVINITY Soccer, 1,2,3, Co-Captain, 4; Squash, 1; LaCrosse, 2,3; Secretary-Treasurer, Sophomore Year; Varsity "T" Club; Inter-Fraternity Council, President, 4; Cheerleaders, 2,3; Bishop's Men, 2,3; Glee Club, 1,2; Choir, 1; Tripod, 2,3,4; Sophomore Hop Committee, 2; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Pi Sigma; Medusa; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Sophomore Dining Club; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Central High School.

WERNER SIGMUND SCHILD 115 North Beacon Street Hartford Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Track, 3,4; Tennis, 1; Hi~lel Society, 1,2,3,4; Glee Club, 1,2; Sophomore Hop Committee,. 2; Brownell Club; Prepared a,t Hartford Public High School.


DONALD MARTINDELL SCHLIER Long Hill Road Millington New Jersey Major: GENERAL SCIENCE路 Prepared at Bernard's High School.

PUTNAM SCOTT 560 Mountain Road West Hartford Connecticut Majo1路: ECONOMICS Soccer, 1,2,3, Co-Captain, 4; Basketball, 1; Intra-mural Board, 3; Varsity "T" Club, 3 ,4; Alpha Chi Rho, Vice President, Social Chairman; P1路epared at W illiam Hall High S chool.

EDWIN STANLEY SHAPIRO 1838 East 17th Street Brooklyn New York M ajor: ENGLISH Hillel Society, 1, Vice President, 2,3,4; Political Science Club, 3,4; Tripod, 1,2; News Editor, 3, Editor-in-Chief, 4; Theta Xi; Prepared at Jam es Madison High Schoffl.

REID LONSDALE SHAW 16 Brookside Circle Bronxville New York Majw: ENGLISH Inter-Dorm Council, 1; Intra-mural Board, 1; Pipes, 1,2,3, Director, 4; Glee Club, 1,2,3; Tripod, 1; Alpha Chi Rho, Correspondent, 3; P1路epared at Bronxville High School.

DAVID WESTON SIMMONS 407 Palisado A venue Windsor Connecticut Maj01路 : ECONOMICS Football, 1,2,3,4; Swimming, 1,2,3; Varsity "T" Club; Spanish Club; Sigma ~u; Campus Chest; Prepared at Mt. Hermon School.

ROBERT STANSBURY SKINNER, JR. 4701 Roland Avenue Baltimore

Maryland Major: ECONOMICS Tra(!k, 1; LaCrosse, 3; Protestant Fellowship, 1; Senior Ball Committee, 4; ROTC Ball, 2; Delta Psi; Prepared at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute.

GEORGE EDWARD SMITH 65 Ramsey A venue Yonkers New York Major: GEOLOGY' Football, 2,3,4; Basketball, 1,2; Varsity "T" Club; Track, Captain, 1,2; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Roosevelt High School.


ROBERT HOOPER SMITH 6425 Murray Hill Road Baltimore Maryland Major: FINE ARTS Squash, 1; Track, 1; Delta Psi; Prepared at Gilman School.

DAVID ROGER SMITH 1158 Longmeadow Street Longmeadow Massachusetts Major: HISTORY Football, 1,3,4; Basketball, 1,2,3, Captain, 4; Baseball, 1,2,3; Senate, 4; Class Marshall, 4;路 Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Who's Who in American Colleges a-nd Universities; Alpha Chi Rho, President; Prepared at Classical High School.

RONALD McDONALD SMITH 10 Rutland Street Hartford Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Transferred from University of Connecticut.

EDWARD PLUMSTEAD SOUTH 402 Anthwyn Road Narberth Pennsylvania Major: CHEMISTRY WRTC, 1; Chemistry Club, 3, Secretary, 4; Glee Club, 4; Campus Chest, 2; Theta Xi; Prepared at Haverford School.

WHITNEY WELLS SMITH 663 Happ Road Illinois Northfield Major: ENGLISH Canterbury Club, 1,2; Jesters, 2,3,4; WRTC, 1,3,4; Glee Club, 1,2,3,4; Choir, 1,2; Tripod, 1,3,4; Theta Xi; Prepared at Lake Forest Academy.

EDWARD FORD SPEARS 231 Stoner A venue Paris Kentucky • Major: GENERAL ARTS Tennis; Tripod; Corinthian Yacht Club, 3,4.; Prepared! at Woodbury Forest School.


CARL ANTHONY STEVER 1312 Balfour Road Grosse Pointe Michigan Major: ECONOMICS Tennis, 1; Vice-President, Sophomore Year; Canterbury Club; Alpha Phi Omega, 2; Cheerleaders, 1,2, Business Manager, 3; Senior Ball Committee, 4; Campus Chest, 3; Theta Xi; Prepa1路ed at Detroit University School.

JAMES SETON STANLEY 315 Beech Wood Orange New Jersey Maj01路: GENERAL ARTS Jesters, 1,2, Secretary-Treasurer, 3, President, 4; WRTC, Chief Announcer, 1,2,3, Station Manager, 4; Glee Club 1,2; Campus Chest, 3, Chairman, 4; Chairman, Crusade for Freedom, 4; Delta Psi; Prepm路ed at Newark Academy.

JOHN CONYNGHAM STEWART Box No. 670 Princeton New Jersey Major: HISTORY Fencing, 1; Intra-mural Board, 4; Iv.y, 3,4; Tripod, 1,2; Alpha Chi Rho; Prepared at Middlesex School.

DONALD BRYCE SYLVAIN 65 Sargeant Street Hartford Connecticut Major: GENERAL SCIENCE Track, 1,2; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Camera Club, 2; Chemistry Club, 2,3; Brownell Club; Prepared at Hartford Public High School.


JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR 1 Walter Avenue Wakefield Massachusetts Majo1路: ECONOMICS Glee Club, 1; Choir, 1; Outing Club, President, 3; Theta Xi, Secretary, 2, Trea sur er, 3,4 ; Prepand at Wakefield H igh School.

WILLIAM PROVOOST THOMA 128 Orchard Street Mt. Vernon New York Major: ENGLISH Soccer, 1, Manager, 2; Camera Club, 1,2; Harlequin, 2,3; Rifle Club, 2,3; Theta Xi; P1路e pa1路ed at A. B. Davis High School.

WILLIAM TOMKIEL 91 Crestwood Drive Manchester Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Pi Gamma Mu; Prepared at Hartford Public High School.

EDWARD BALDWIN THOMAS 6 Club Road Maryland Baltimore Major: ECONOMICS LaCrosse, 1,2,3,4; Senate President; Campus Chest, 3; Medusa; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Delta Psi; Prepared at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute.


PHILLI.P EDMUND TROWBRIDGE 248 Fairfield A venue Hartford Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Tennis, 1,2,3,4; Class Secretary-Treasurer, 3,4; Republican Club, 2,3; Protestant Fellowship, 1,2,3,4; Camera Club, 1,2; Alpha Phi Omega, 2,3; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Senior Ball Committee, 4; Outing Club; Theta Xi; Prepared at Bulkele.y High School.

WILLIAM SEYMOUR TRYON 298 Wolcott Hill Road Connecticut Wethersfield Majo1路: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Soccer, 2,3,4; Senior Ring Committee, 4; Alpha Chi Rho; Prepared at Wethersfield High School.

EVERETT ALDEN TUTTLE, JR. 248 Belmont Street Manchester New Hampshire Major: PRE-MEDICAL Bishop's Men, 2,3,4; .Glee Club, 1,2; Choir, 1,2,3,4; Sophomore Hop 'Committee; Flying Club, 1; Pre-Medical Club, 1; Tau Alpha, Corresponding Secretary, 2,3; Prepared at Central High School.


JOHN LeROY CARRE ULRICH, JR. Cushman Road Pennsylvania Rosemont Major: HISTORY Tennis, 1; Republican Club, Secretary, 2, President, 3,4; Protestant Fellowship, 1,2,3; Political Science Club, 2,3, Secretary, 4; Glee Club, 1,2; Tripod, 路 2,3,4; Junior Prom Committee, 3; Outing Club, 3; Theta Xi; Prepared at Haverford School.

HORACE SNYDER VAILE, JR. 212 Maple A venue Illinois Highland Park Major: HISTORY Football, 1; Swimming, 1,2,3,4; Senate, 4; Inter-Dorm Council, 1,2; Class Vice President, 1, Class President, 4; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Alpha Phi Omega, Secretary, 2, Vice-President, 3; Glee Club, 1,2; Corinthian Yacht Club, 1,2,3; Tripod, 2,3; Senior Ball Committee, Chairman; Inter-.F raternity Council Ball Committee, 2,3; Campus Chest, 1,2,3,4; Medusa, 4; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities,路 Sophomore Dining Club, 2, Secretary, 3,4; Sigma Nu; Prepared at Lake Forest Academy.

JAMES VanSANT, III 834 Court Street Missouri Majo1路: ENGLISH Democratic Club, 3,4; Tripod, 3,4; Review, 3, Editor-in-Chief, 4; Senior Ring Committee, 3; Phi Delta Theta; Transferred from Westminster College. Fulton

WILLIAM MONTEITH VIBERT 90 Main 路 Street Unionville Connecticut Major: HISTORY Football, 1,2,3,4; Baseball, 1,2; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Tau Alpha; Prepared at Loomis Institute.

EDWARD PATRICK WARD 156-03 Northern Boulevard Long Island, New York Flushing Major: ENGLISH Swimming, 1,2,3,4; Cardinal Newman Club; WRTC, 1; Campus Chest; A;lpha Delta Phi; Prepared at Blair Academy.



JOSEPH ANTHONY WELNA 176 Smith Street New Britian Connecticut MajoT: PRE-MEDICAL Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2,3,4; Band, 1; Pre-Medical Club, 1,2; Prepa1·ed at New B1·itian H igh School.

ROBERT ALAN Wi!:RDELIN 172 George Street Hartford Connecticut Majo1·: MATHEMATICS Kappa Sigma; Pre7XLred at Berlin High School.


LORD WENTWORTH 64 Van Buren Avenue West Hartford Connecticut M'ajoT: HISTORY

Football, 1,2,3,4; Basketball, 2; Track, 1; Varsity "T" Club; Cardinal Newman Club; Spanish Club; Alpha Chi Rho; Prepared a! William H all High School.

ROBERT MILLER WHITBREAD 1'53 Bassett Street New Haven Connecticut Majm·: EDUCATION Basketball, 2,3,4; Varsity "T" Club, 3,4; Canterbury ·Club; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Prepared at Hillhouse High School.

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HERBERT VINCENT WHITE, J R. 17 Henry Street Hartford Connecticut Major: FINE ARTS Glee Club, 2; Commons Club.

JOHN SAMUEL WIBERG 33 Montague Street Worcester Massachusetts Majo1·: CHEMISTRY Track, 1; Camera Club, 3,4; Chemistry Club, Treasurer, 3, Chairman, 4; Sigma Pi Sigma, 3,4; Brownell Club; Prepa·r ed at East H art[o1·d High School.

BENNEVI LLE DAYTON W ILMOT, JR. 2427 Hollie Road Havertown Pennsylvania Major: PRE-MEDICAL Tr ack, 1,2; Varsity "T" Club, 2,3,4; Delta Phi, President, 4; Prepared at Episcopal Academy.

CARLTON F R ED WOODHOUS E 19 Benton Street Manchester Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS Tau Alpha; Prepa1·ed at Williston Academ.y.


JOHN BENEDICT WYNNE 68 Hope Street Stamford Connecticut Major: ENGLISH Democratic Club, 1,2,3, President, 4; Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2, Secretary, 3,4; Atheneum Society, 1,2, President, 3,4; Political Science Club, 3,4; R eview, 3,4; ROTC Ball Committee, 4 .: Senior Ring Committee, Chairman, 4; Rue! Cromptan Tuttle Prize; Tau Alpha; P1·epared at Stamforrl High School.

RICHARD PARKER YEOMA S Andover Connecticut Major: ECONOMICS. Baseball Manager, 1,2,3,4; Camera Club, 1,2,3,4; T1·ipod, 1,2, Managing Editor, 3,4; P·r e]Jared at Windham High School.

RUSSELL . MacLEAN LEWIS 1511 Albemarle Road Brooklyn New York Majo1·: PRE-ENGINEERING Soccer, 2,3; Protestant Fellowship, 1, Stcretary, 2; WRTC, Chief Engineer, 1, Tech· nical Director, 2,3; Glee Club, 1; Fencing, 3; Commons Club, Corresponding Secretary, 2, Vice President, 3; P1·epwred at Garden Count?·y Day School.

WILLIAM BEEKMAN YOUNG Indian Harbor Greenwich Connecticut Major: BACHELOR OF ARTS Trinity Nautical Association; Delta Psi; Tmnsferred from Champlain College.


JOHN HOOVEH :\ULLER 25 Gra nd view Terrace Hartford Connecticut M a j or : ENGINEERING Cardinal Newman Club , 1,2,3,4; Si g ma Pi Si g ma , 2,3 ; Engineering Club, 1,2,3 ; Physics Club , 2,3 ; American Society of Civil Eng in eers, (R.P.I.) , 4; Prepar ed o l Rulkl' le y H igh S chool.




Cardinal Newman Club, 1,2; Sigma Tau Sigma Physics Society.




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MARVIN L. SMITH 235 Colebrook Street Hartford Connecticut Mo:t jor : ENGINEERING Hillel Society, 1,2,3,4; Engineering Club, 1,2,3,4; Brownell Club; Prepared at Weaver High School.

STEW ART ALBERT SPRAGUE 14 Washington Street . Ro: ky Hill Connecticut Major : CIVIL ENGINEERING Si gma Pi Sigma, 2,3; Engineering Club, 1,2,3 ; Physics Club, 2,3; American Society of Civil Engineers, (R.P.I.), 4; Prepared at W eth ersfield H igh School.


EDMUND CHAPIN MORRISEY, JR. 38 Vineyard Road North Haven Connecticut Ma-jo1路 : LIBERAL ARTS Freshman Swimming, 1; Varsity Swimming, 2; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Pre11ared at T'V01'CCRtrr Academy.

ROBERT LEE RUSSEL 3708 Manchester A venue Baltimore Maryland Prepared at Forest Park High School.


JOHN PRESTON PHILLIPS, JR. 95 Kane Drive West Hartford Connecticut Delta Phi; Tmnsferred from Franklin and Marshall College.

KENNETH DANA THOMAS 110 Coleman Street Bridgeport Connecticut MajoY: HISTORY Canterbury Club, 1,2,3,4; Prepared at Bassick High School.

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The Class of '53 was the "victim" of two innovations put forth by the Administration in their Freshman year. They were the first class to see the deferred rushing system, and therefore saw many trial and error attempts to provide a social life for neutral frosh. Much of the success of the system is due to the well-laid groundwork accomplished by these Juniors in trying to develop a sound social program for themselves. Secondly, they were the first class to enter under the new and less stringent degree requirements, and thus have been the brunt of many an envious upperclassman's ire. A goodly number of the class finds itself worrying about the draft, since the

'53 ROTC enrollment totals only one half of its sister classes, '54 and '55. Many a laggard Junior has wished that he had had the foresight to enter the Air Corps' program, a lieutenant's life far exce路eding that of a private. The Seniors-to-be sponsored one of the finest Junior Proms held at the college; they added considerably to the high scholastic level of Trinity; they successfully met the challenge on the athletic field in the gentlemanly yet rugged tradition of the school; and during the spring they have assumed the responsible positions vacated by the present graduation class. The school year 1951-2 was good to the Juniors-they expect to make 1952-3 even better.



The men of the Class of '54 their Sophomore year with a good and extra-curricular record and, most of an impressive string of athletic v behind them. Their thrilling, triumph over the Holy Cross frosh to the Crusaders' thirty-eight-game streak will long be remembered. The Sophs came right back in and came up with another near '''"""'"over one hundred and thirty of them fraternities after rush week, and a number joined the Brownell Club at the time. In the Fall and Winter, representatives of the class held down important ""c't."路"路 on the college's athletic teams. The only "defeat" suffered by the class came at the hands of some two hundred and fifty eager freshmen in the annual FroshSoph Tussle, an event which '54 won last year. The Sophs are looking ahead to the next two years, and can feel fairly confident that the majority of their class will temporarily stay out of the armed forces.




The Class of '55 will long be by the college as being the largest freshmen ever accepted into Trinity. About fifty of class started in June under the new th••oo_corna ter plan, and all appeared to be pleased with results. In September when the rest of classmates arrived, however, things were not roomy as they had been in the summer for was a good deal of crowding into the rooms give everyone a bed. Gradual attrition eased situation, and by January there was no crowding. Even though the class got off to a bad as a whole they did well scholastically. The men teams were all crowded with eager athletes, most of whom give promise of success in varsity competition. All of the curricular activities found themselves with freshman talent, and for once, the cries "We need men" did not come forth from various organizations. The frosh also took full advantage of Air Corps ROTC program, for more than · percent of the class was in khaki by -..:an+o.l'\"'h,... It looks like Trinity's biggest class is going to even bigger things.




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Fi1路st Row, left to right: Campbell, A. J.; Godfrey, W. G.; MacLea, H. B.; Plum, S. H. Second Row: Bernhard, W. N.; Smith, R. H.; Stanley, J. S.; Seeber, D. L.; MacArthur, D.; Hoisington, F. R.; McCandless, S. R. ThiTd Row: Young, W. B.; Smith, E. C. M.; Gordon, G. R.; Green, D. G.; Larson,


J. H.; Drew-Bear, R.; Muirhead, S. N.; Read, D. B. Fourth Row: lgleheart, J. D.; Luquer, L. S.; Bowring, W. B.; Mylchreest, W. B.; Martin, B.; Skinner, R. A.; Schoyer, W. A.; Thomas, E. B.; Bowen, C. C.; Shriver, B. R.


The Epsilon chapter of the Fraternity of Delta Psi was founded in 1850. It was the first national fraternity to come to Trinity College. Now in its one hundred and first year, it continues to take an active part in campus affairs. Having completed a successful rushing season in which twelve men were pledged, the chapter immediately got into the full swing of the college year. Many brothers are active in such sports as squash, track, baseball, lacrosse, and swimming. Also, the brothers have participated in other extra-curricular activities, keeping the chapter represented in a wide variety of campus functions. The Epsilon chapter strives to develop its members for their future careers by combining this interest in campus life with their academic work. In this way, the brothers best serve themselves, their college, and their fraternity.

PSI [95)



Alpha Delta Phi, founded in 1832 at Hamilton College, is one of the oldest national college fraternities in the country. It has been a pioneer fraternity in eleven colleges, and was the first to establish a chapter in the Middle West. The fraternity has followed a conservative policy of expansion, entering only the leading colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, until now it has twenty-seven active chapters. The alumni body of Alpha Delta Phi includes many distinguished leaders, among whom were Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Henry R. Luce. Alpha Delta Phi is also proud of its brothers on the faculty. In addition to former President G. Keith Funston, there are Henry A. Perkins, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Edward L. Troxell, Professor of Geology, and J. Bard McNulty, Assistant Professor of English.

Fi1路st Row, left to right: Mciver, J. K.; Tansi, T. T.; MacKimmie, A. A. ; Purdy, C. E.; MacKay, D. 0.; Aiken, R. L. Second Row: Brewer, G. E.; Lally, R. W.; Humphreys, R. H.; Bleecker, E. W.; Elder, W. N.; Crozier, R. E.; Mason, A.; Faulkner, W. W. Third Row: Marden, 0. S.; Woodford, K. N.; Toole, W. D.; McGarvey, D. K.; Mortell,


.l1.f OUT 0 F MlllllLEBUHY 路s

P. A.; Murray, W. B.; Van Lanen, C. H. Fourth Row; Craig, J. G.; Aiken, W. M.; Von Thaden, A. G.; Parrott, R. C.; Crawford, R. E.; Ramsay, S. H.; West, G. A.; Hodges, J. H.; Pollock, W. G. Fifth Row: Searles, F. H.; Howard, R. S.; Burroughs, W. G. ; Redmond, J. P.; Kennedy, D. K.; Keller, P.; Ward, E. P.


The Alpha Chi chapter of Delta Epsilon was founded at Trinity College 1879. The fraternity was originated at University in 1844 and has grown in size fifty active chapters today. In 1901, Chi moved to its present location at Vernon Street. The functions of Delta Kappa are many and varied. DKE promotes consistent with good morals and good It also creates an atmosphere which lates substantial intellectual progress superior academic achievement. Alpha gives its members a home, congenial ciates, and sets before each man noble of manhood and high incentives which to draw out the best in him. DKE's intercollegiate character ens the students views of the educational world and renders doubly pleasant his visits to sister colleges and his meetings with college men all his life. Thus we say that the prime function of Delta Kappa Epsilon is to prepare its men for effectual learning and for usefulness to the community. A thoroughly qualified member has a zest for living, takes satisfaction in serving, and is proud in the completion of a job well done.



First Row, left to 1路ight; Scheide, J. G.; Conner, W. B.; Ba r rett, W. S.; Ainsworth, R. Second Row: J ones, B. F.; Hubbard, J. S.; Larson, W. P.; Ratcliffe, L. H.; Carver, R. A.; Moskow, R.; Whitbread, R. M.; Kinner, K. H. T hiTd Row: Carroll, R. M.; Dillon, D. C.; Esquirol, J. A.; Cherouny, R. S.;

Lyford, R. T.; Keady, W. L.; Austin, R. C.; Backenstoe, J . E . Fourth Row: Pratt, L. C.; Homa, H. L.; Snow, J . H.; Smith, G.; MacKedon, M.; Brown, F. A.; Budd, D. J.; Smith, R. H.; Moylan, R. J.; Eggert, G. D.



In 1842, when Trinity was si where the Connecticut State Capitol is now, and was known as Washington College, a society called Beta Beta was formed .. The founders, a small but enthusiastic group, agreed that the Beta Beta should, as its primary endeavor, strive to further the scholastic, intellectual, and literary talents of its members. Forty years later, the national fraternity of Psi Upsilon incorporated the Beta Beta as an active chapter. When Trinity moved to its present site in 1878, the chapter purchased its house at 81 Vernon Street and today, has become firmly established as one of the twenty. nine chapters of Psi U in the United States and Canada.

First Row, left to right: Hopkins, B. V.; Arias, R. M.; Hastings, F. M.; Hale, R. H .; Medford, C. B.; Hunter, R. E. T.; Otis, S. H. Second Row: Smith, F. C.; Minot, C. S.; Oliver, H.; Crocker, E.; Merriman, D. C.; Winslow, P. L.; Stewart, R. R.; Sproul,

E. E.; Hutaff, R. V.; Parsons, J. P.; Farrar, P. S. Third Row: Ward, P. C.; Adams, I. R.; Hunter, A. S.; Morphy, M. A.; Fremont-Smith, M.; Tompkins, R. L.; Chew, B. C.; Parsons, I. M.; Morrison, H. M.






First Row, left to right: Kimmick, D. W. ; Ander路 son, M. L.; Fowler, S. R.; Burrill, J. R.; Sivaslian, P. K.; Potter, F. R.; Adams, R. J.; Wilson, A.M. S econd Row: Miller, S. P.; Osborne, R. C.; Valen路 tine, E. H.; Scott, P .; Smith, D. R.; Norris, R. A.; Sawyer, R. S.; Tryon, W. S.; Hayward, W. L. Third Row: Blank, E .; Keith, R. D.; Rowen, R. L.; Smith, A. L.; Knapp, G. ; Bickford, D. V.; Newell, I. L.; Shaw, R. L.; Wentworth, J. L.; Hooper, R. K.; Dwight, S. A.; Logan, J. P.; Crosier, C. D. Fourth Row: Romaine, W. B.; Kunkel, W. T.; Depatie, T. C.; Brennan, L. T.; Fitz-Randolph, R. H.; Berdick, M. L.; McLaughlin, G. C.; Winner, E.; Young, A. N.; Brenner, K. H. Fifth Row: Hennigar, R. A. ; Stewart, J. C.; Mazzarella, J. A.; Floyd, D. K.; Mitchell, J. H.; Sauvage, J. F.; Tucker, T. R.; Avitabile, S. H.; Mutschler, N. S.; Karasek, E. R.; Johnston, D. F.

The fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho was founded here at Trinity College in 1895. Since that time, the fraternity has grown to its present size of nineteen active chapters at leading colleges and universities all over the country. Phi Psi chapter has the honor of being the only national fraternity ever founded at Trinity College. The aim of Alpha Chi Rho is to secure a membership of the highest standard, thoroughly homogeneous in quality, and steadfast in its allegiance to the fraternity and to the college, not only during undergraduate days, but throughout later life. The fraternity also urges good scholarship and has been high on the list of fraternities at Trinity in that field.


Founded in 1827 at Union College, Delta Phi claims the distinction of being the third oldest American college fraternity. The nine founders, five of whom were members of Phi Beta Kappa, stated that their objectives and purposes were "to consolidate our interests and at the same time mutually benefit each other," to maintain a high standard of scholarship and gentlemanly conduct, and to foster amicable and fraternal relations. When in 1917, eighteen men were granted a charter to form the Sigma chapter at Trinity, the fraternity merged with the oldest local fraternity in the country-the I.K.A. society, formed here in 1829. In the course of its career at the college, Delta Phi has been well noted for its literary and scholastic achievements.


First Row, left to right: Phillips, J. P.; Gross, E. D. P.; Hall, R. C.; Raybold, A. W.; Wilmot, B. D.; Laub, I. A. ; Currie, A. G.; Hale, T. R. C.; Dean, D. W. Second Row: Cliff, S. B.; Harvey, D. G.;. Bennett, E. W.; Oxholm, T.; Hunt, R. E.;

Jager, E. C.; Franchere, G. E . ; Spies, J. E.; Woodruff, S.C. Third Row: Holmes, J. E.; Dillon, R. J.; Duff, J. S.; Rippie, W. L.; Laub, R. B.; Butler, R. G.; Hampson, R. G. Fourth Row: Jelliffe, G.; Clark, T. E.; Bowen, G. H.; Clem, G. H. ; Oberender, F. G.


The fraternity of Sigma Nu was founded at the Virginia Military Institute in 1896, and established at Trinity in 1918. Sigma Nu is one of the largest fraternal organizations in the country, having at present one hundred and five chapters in forty-seven states. It is the largest national on the Trinity campus. This year has been a busy one at Delta Chi. Socially there have been three big weekend parties supplemented by several stag and initiation parties where alumni and brothers mixed. Athletically Sigma Nu is represented in almost every field of endeavor. There are many lettermen in the house, having attained their awards in every major sport at Trinity. Intramurally, the house has also done well.

First Row, left to right: Lauffer, W. G.; Schaef, A. F.; Clipp, S. W.; Grant, J. A.; Corwin, N. E.; Shigo, J. J.; Clark, D. R. ; Mallon, P. J . ; Hunter, R. N. Second Row: Barrows, R. A. ; Cresse, J. 0.; Wills, W. E.; Hill, G. T.; Barber, T. H.; Bolinger, A. S.; Carlough, W. A.; Mease, C. L.; Schenker, P. G.; Benton, A. E. Third Row : Anderson, J. R.;

Braskamp, B.; Engelhardt, B.; Jones, G. E.; Clemmer, D.; Anderson, R. C.; Kennedy, P. E . ; Hill, G. M.; Head, T. F.; Vaile, H. Fourth Row: McElwee, C. B.; Moses, A. A.; Coulter, J. C. ; O'Brien, R. S. ; Morse, W. S.; Smith, E. H .; Fitzgerald, D. E .


First Row, left to right: Northrop, H. H.; Foster, J. R.; Douglas, R. 0.; Thoma, W. P.; Partridge, G. L.; Trowbridge, P. E.; Hanford, J.P.; Ormerod, D. S. Second Row: Plumb, 0. T.; Richards, N. F.; Heller, C.; Ulrich, J. L. C.; Rogerson, H.; Taylor, J.; Bird, J. B.; Smith, W. W.; Christakos, N. J. Third Row: Butts, H. A.; Rigopoulos, C. N.; Taylor, D. E.; Burns, D. T.; Bishop, S. B.; Stever, C. A.;


Hatfield, D. M.; Hambly, D. C.; McAlpine, J. P.; Cohen, J. H.; Krogman, R. A.; Nahas, E. A.; Shapiro, E. S. Fourth Row: Forte, F. R.; Thomas, G. M.; Koeppel, A. J.; Parker, J. M.; Hirsch, R. L.; Hamblett, K.; Raube, J.; Davis, D.; Lescure, W.; Nieman, K.; Gurwitt, A. Fifth Row: Christakos, L. J.; Kaelber, J. H.; South, E. P.

The Theta Xi Fraternity was founded in 1864 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and now embraces some fifty chapters throughout the United States. Theta Xi first appeared on the Trinity campus in 1946 as a colony, and in 1949 was installed as the Alpha Chi chapter, moving to its present location at 79 Vernon Street. The Alpha Chi chapter has moved forward rapidly during the past three years. Her participation in all college activities and the introduction of her high ideals have firmly established the fraternity at Trinity. Her strong position on the campus was noted by the national organization when, in 1950, Alpha Chi was awarded the General Improvement Trophy for ranking second in general excellence among all the chapters of Theta Xi.



Ever since its formation over four years ago, the local fraternity of Tau Alpha has made steady progress with each year. Backed by strong alumni support from the graduates of the inactive Trinity Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha Tau Kappa chapters, the undergraduates have moved from a small lounge room into Seabury Hall to a rented house at 84 Vernon Street and finally, this year, to their own reconditioned home at 94 Vernon Street. The chapter hopes to culminate its progress this summer when they petition for the re-chartering of the Tau Alpha chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. Ever since its inception, the local house has been a leader in extra-curricular activities and in scholarship. For the past two years, TA has won the fraternity scholarship trophy. The past year has been a big one for the house. Starting work two weeks before classes began, the brothers painted and furnished their new house from top to bottom. Then, in the rush week that followed, they pledged the largest single pledge class in the history of the chapter. Tau Alpha looks forward to continually bigger and better years in the future.

First Row, left to right: MacLean, P. D.; Hulbert, E. M.; Lee, D. C.; Wynne, J. B.; Diana, V. L.; Whitelaw, W. R.; Barry, D. M.; Ganey, A. B. Second Row: Woodhouse, C.; Whitlock, H. R.; Seufert, D. M.; Harmon, R.; Berseth, J. T.; Dubuque, R. J.; Windesheim, P. K.; Campbell, J. F.; Nicholson, R. E. Third Row: Redfield, M.; Blank, P. H.; Cowdery, A. R.; Vibert, W. M.; Daly, M. L.; Glennen, W. F.; Handy, R. M.; Stenberg, C. Fourth Row: Frost, W. W. ; Woodbury, J.; Fawley, J. R.; Peppe, R. W.; DeBruin, N. M.

The Trinity Commons Club is a non-Greek letter fraternity founded in 1931 This year CTC was fortunate to obtain house which has enabled the club to achieve greater coordination and centralization of its activities. The house has been redecorated and an eating club has been initiated. This, along with the additional advantages afforded by a house, offered CTC a highly successful year. The Club has always prided itself on its homogeneous, well-rounded membership, stressing scholarship and spirit. CTC's success during the twenty years at Trinity dwells in the definite need for a local fraternity on campus and the allegiance of its brothers to both the club and the college, which were the ideals envisaged by CTC's founder, the late President Ogilby.


FW.st Row, left to rigkt; Merrill, R.; Sencabaugh, M.; Ellison, R. P.; Rossner, J. L.; Petro, A. J. S econd Row : Godsick, S. J.; Gilliland, S. A.; Forster, R. I.; McCracken, E. R.; Lecrenier, G. P. Tkird Row: Lewis, R. D.; Mittleman, E.; Fierburg, P. ; Fisher, D. ; Schneeberg, M.


The successful rise of the Brownell Club has been one of the brighter happenings on Trinity's social front in the past four years. Established in 1948 by five sophomores who felt the need of a non-fraternal organization on the campus, the club has grown into one of the necessary units on the Hilltop, and now numbers close to one-hundred mem-

First Row, left to right: Ringrose, V. P.; Wiberg, J. S.; Paquette, G. A.; Bernabo, L. A.; Nesteruk, J. W.; Schild, W. S.; Miller, A. Sloane, H. J.; Swain, W. C.; Nolan, J. E. Second Row: Taft, L. G.; Pizzella, E. G.; Silverberg, J. S.; Bissonnette, D. K.; Holmquist, H. E.; Wollenberger, J. B.; Kulas, E.; Callan, F.; Callan, F. J.; Pado, C. Third


hers. Counted in this group this year were letter winners in almost every sport, seven Phi Beta Kappa men, and other leaders of campus life. This year the Brownell Club won scholastic honors, mention at both variety and sing "nights," and a high place in intramural athletics. Internally the project of renovation of the Campus Cottage occupied most of the semester activity.

Row: Brigham, J. C.; Brewer, A. C.; Miller, W. S.; Edwards, D. E.; Paul, U.; Nutt, R.; Lorenson, E.; Norman, P. S.; Spagnoli, J. D.; Mattus, S. S.; Shechtman, M. L.; Angelastro, A. W. FouTth Row: Condron, E. F.; Zembko, A. F.; Miller, G. W.; McMahon, W. T.; Geary, E. D.; Pattison, F. W.; Post, P. A.; Nelson, J. W.; Mansbach, R. E.


STAFF Editor-in-Chief ..... .............. .. .. Allan Miller Managing Editor .... .. ..... . .... . ... John Berseth Senior Editor ........ ............. Roger D Activities ........ .. ................ Ronald Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph Wollen Fraternities ........ .. . ..... .... .. William Lescure Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alfred Koeppel Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John A. Mason STAFF WRITERS Richard Hirsch Robert Hodes Gerry Heidrich Samuel Dachs James DeKay Business Manager ADVERTISING SOLICITORS Morton Schechtman Paul Neal Peter Haeberle Donald Penfield


First Row, left to 1-ight: Koeppel, A. J.; Berseth, J. T.; Miller, A.; Kurland, A. E . ; Douglas, R. 0. S econd Row: Dachs, S.; :scn,ecttnan, M.; Lescure, W.; Peppe, R. W.; Wollenberger, J. B.; Hodes, R.


Fi1路st Row, left to l"ight: 路Mason, A.; Ellison, R. P.; Thomas, E. B.; Christakos, N. I. ; Gannon, W. M. S econ d Row: Currie, A. G.; Hunter, R. E. T.; Smith, D. R.; Vaile, H. S.; Miller, A.; Ratcliffe, L. H.

The Senate, composed of thirteen representatives, is elected annually by the student body. As the main ol'gan of student government it appropriates all funds for student organization and supervises their operations. Duties of the Senate include : the supervision of elections; the role of mediator between students and college authorities; formulation of student policies; and it also serves as a suggestion board to the faculty and administration. The Senate is the seat of discipline for undergraduates, but traditionally delegates this power to the Medusa each term, retaining its authority only as the final court of appeals. Meetings are open to the student body, affording an opportunity to all students to express their opinions or appeals.

路SENATE路 [119]

路MEDUSA路 (120)

First F . Ro w, lef t to 1'ight: Smith E 路' Mason ' A . S econ d R ow. D p ' D. . R.; Schaef , A . . B.; Vaile, H S I nS .. e atle, T. C.; Thomas . . ermce: N akaso, S. '

Each year an anonymous committee of r epresentatives from both the faculty and student bodies meet to select the outstanding men of the senior class. This yea r fourteen Trinity Seniors were selected on the basis of character, scholastic and athletic ability, and extra-curricular activities. It may be said that these men represent the goal of a liberal arts college. Who's Who A m ong S tudents in A rne-rican Colleges and Unive1·sities, published during the summer, carries the biographies of the honored Trinity men.

·Who's Who·

First Ro w, left to Tight: Krogman, R. A.; Thomas, E. B.; Miller, A. S econd R ow : Shapiro, E. S.; McElwee, C. ; Wynne, J. B.; Ellison, R. P . Missing: DePatie, T.; Goral ski, W.; Mason, A.; Schaef, A. F.; Smith, D.; Stanley, J.; Vaile, H.

FiTs t Row , left to 1·ight: Detzler, J. E.; Livingston, I. R.; Storms, R. F.; Rober ts, D. A.; Cardwell, M. R. S econd R ow : Sind, R. L,; Dimling, D. S.; Allocco, T. J.; Ramsay, C. G.; Hatfield, J. E.; McGowan , R. E.

The Freshman Executive Council, made up of eleven men in the class chosen by the Admissions Office for their outstanding high school records, has had one of its most successful administrations this year. In the fall, they planned and executed successfully the first completely freshman formal dance the college has seen in many years. The success of the first one led to a second one in the spring. They also planned many things to benefit the lives of the Class of '55 whom they governed.

· Freshman Executive Council • [121}

Around The Table, to right: Humphries, MacLean, P. D.; K.; Newell, I.; Schaef, F . ; Drew-Bear, R.; ter, J .; Hopkins, B. V.; Raybold, A.

The Trinity Inter-Fraternity Council is composed of a graduate and undergraduate member from each fraternity on campus. Amicable relationships among the Vernon Street houses and the promotion of the standards expressed in the Fraternity Criteria of the National Inter-Fraternity Conference are the main goals of the council. Each year the representatives sponsor an Inter-Fraternity Ball as part of the overall goodwill program.

• Cheerleaders • The cheerleaders, under the excellent leadership of Captain Marl Berdick, carried on the "Kulpian" tradition by appearing in full regalia during all of the football games and some of the home basketball games. Several new cheers were developed and wellreceived by the crowds, and of course the old stand-bys like " '52" and the locomotive were effective. This year the men with the sweaters tried out something comparatively new; the acting out of humorous skits between halves of the football games. Sometimes this was done with the band and sometimes by the squad itself, but each time it was wellreceived. (122}

• Inter -Fraternity Council•

First Row, left to right: Sloane, H.; Petro, A. J.; Robak, R. J.; Lee, D. C.; Rotondo, C. P.; Handy, R. M.; McCune, R. F. Second Row: Kingsbury, R. F.; Washington, A. J.; Brennan, L. T.; Paquette, G. A.; Wiberg, J. S.; Harvey, D. G.; Ganey, A. B.; Constant, F. W.

• Sigma Pi Sigma •

Sigma Pi Sigma, a recent arrival to the Trinity campus, is the national physics honor society. Membership in the fraternity is a mark of distinction awarded students having high scholastic rating and definite promise of achievement in physics. Sigma Pi Sigma has made several contributions to the school with its program of assisting students in physics research. A cyclotron was constructed under the supervision of its advisors and a long inactive ham radio station is now being rebuilt, to spread the name of Trinity to far flung corners of the world.

The Engineering Club was formed for the following purposes: to acquaint Trinity students with the current need for engineers in our industrial economy; to bring together all campus men with the desire to serve in the capacity of designers and builders; and to keep abreast of current developments in allied fields of study. Engineering majors are automatically members of this organization, but an interested student may apply for membership.

·Engineering Club • First Row, left to right: Handy, R. M.; Sapega, A. E.; Oliver, H. Second Row: Kirschbaum, E. H.; Paquette, G. A.; Hayward, W. L.


The Trinity T1路ipod has continued its policy of expansion and improvement under the leadership of Ed Shapiro, '52. The new appeal of the paper to all Trin men is due in good part to the many fresh columns and features. A training course for novice reporters has been introduced to better the quality of the writing. This past year the success of this move was demonstrated by the Wesleyan edition, which scooped all wire services and local papers, by giving the outcome of the Trinity-Wesleyan football game.

First Row, left to right: Fuller, B. S.; Berseth, J. T.; Yeomans, R. P.; Shapiro, E. S.; Krogman, R. A.; Hooper, R. K.; Harmon, R. J. Second Row: Hirsch, R. L.; Schechtman, M. L.; Sind, R. L.; Fawley, J. R., Jr.; Miller, S. P.; McAlpine, J. P.; Schaef, A. F. Third Row : Rippie, W. L.; Kemper, B. V.; Plumb, 0. T.; Woronoff, R. N.; Kozlin, J. R.; Oxholm, T. Fourth Row; Burton, J. D.; Ralph, J. I.; Karasek, E. R. J.; Ullmann, T. S.; Wainman, R. A.

路TRIPOD路 (124]

The Pipes of 1952 have closed another chapter in the history of Trinity's famous octet. Reid Shaw in the dual role of manager and singer led the group in its engagements at various New England Colleges and gatherings.

Not content to rest on the laurels of previous Pipes, the group gave concerts in Cleveland and Buffalo prio1· to the closing of school last year. As a vital part of Trinity's tradition all students have a right to be proud of the Pipe's accomplishments.


First Row, left to right: Hershkowitz, W. H.; Currie, A. G.; Moss, R. E.; Hennigar, R. A. Second Row: Harvey, D. G.; Marvin, M.; Shaw, R. L.; Green, D. S.; Kimmick, D. W.

During the past year the Bishop's Men have continued their great rise to popularity.

Recently, the group changed from the octet to a twelve man set up in the interests of better and more modern music.

·Bishop's Men·

Fi1·st Row, left to right: Aiken, R. L.; Gleason, J. S.; Ormerod, D. S.; Mackay, D.; Aiken, W.; Hodge, J. J . Second Row : Champenois, C. E . ; West, G. A.; Stretch, P.; Walther, C. R.; Tuttle, E. A., Jr.; Moylan, R. J ., Jr.; Aiken, R.



The past two years have seen the .t1.LIItt:u.~::wa Society become progressively stronger as a activity. During this period of time, John has served as president and John Dando of English department as advisor. An increased emphasis was put upon 路 club debates the past year, the club holding one every week. This gave the tut:tuu1:11 more opportunity to prepare themselves for increased inter-collegiate schedule which had. The mooters participated in two tional tournaments during the year, one at and the other at the University of Com1ec1;Jcut. This gave the club the opportunity to take colleges which they might not otherwise room for on the schedule. Three members of the team also took an extended trip into the Middle Atlantic during the winter, and were so pleased with results that already another long trip is in the works for next year.

First Row, left to right: Shechtman, M.; Hall, R. C.; Burke, W. M. ; Black, K. Row: DeBruin, N. M.; Hulbert, E. M. ; Wynne, J. B.; Dando, J. A.; Harmon, R. Martin, A. A. Third Row: Michel, J. C.; Hyde, F. T.; Seufert, D. N.; Berseth, J. Fox, G. B.; Schrieber, M.; Handy, R. M.


Left to right: Pearson, R.; Campbell, P.; Stanley, J. S.; Ramsay, S. H., Jr.; Ellison, R. P.; Davenport, J.; Osborne, R. C.; Marden, 0. S., III; Redfield, M.

First Row, left to 1·ight: Davenport, J.; Pearson, R.; Osborne, R.; Campbell, P.; Stanley, J. S.; Ellison, R. P.; Redfield, M. B.; Ramsay, S. H., Jr.; Marden, 0. S., III. Second Row: Seeber, D.; Rosow, E.; Paquette, G.; Windesheim, P.; Freytag, R.; Smith, S. W.; Miller, S., III; Plumb, 0.; Miller, D. T., Jr. Tkird Row: Roat, R.; Palshaw, J.; Dluhy, J.; Bolger, T.; Pike, G. H., Jr.; Kemper, B. V.; vonAilman, W. K.; Keller, P.; Sauvage; J. Fourth Row: Fisher, B.; Handy, R.; Stivers,


ond J.; T.;

~~-... •

W.R.T.C. started its fifth consecutive year on the air as one of the country's leading small college stations. Broadcasting over fifteen hours daily, the station supplies its audience with a wide variety of programs, with particular emphasis on music and news. This year under station manager Jim


RT •


• •

Stanley, '52, the record library has grown to include some ten thousand selections, with an average of forty new releases being shipped free to the station weekly, and the United Press Teletype has been added to improve news service over the INS machine.


Under the direction of G. B. O'Grady the Carilloneurs tinue the traditional ringing of bells before each service. Ask Trinity man what he most about his freshman year the answer is bound to be: Chapel Bells every morning." only thing that changes at are the students. Trinity life always be enriched by the concerts.

Left wright: Sullivan, D.; O'Grady, Rev. G. F.; Hibbs, R.; Clem, G.

• Carilloneurs • · Chapel Choir •


Led by Professor Watters, the Trinity Chapel Choir has many functions, which includes their sing· ing every Sunday at the of Morning Prayer and Vespers Among interesting highlights joint concerts with visiting and glee clubs in the college

First Row, left to right: Watters, C. R.; Goodhart, W.; Valentine, E. H.; Moss, R.; Merriman, J.; Gleason, J.; Clem, G. H.; O'Grady, Rev. G. B. S econd Row: Kimmick, D.; Hatfield, J.; Simons, C. B.; Samoylenko, J.; Hewson, D.; Tuttle, E. A. Third Row : Bowen, G.; Sullivan, D.; Goodwin, J.; MacLean, P. D.


• Newman

Club· First Row, left to right: Gillooly, R. J.; Bernabo, L. A.; O'Brien, R. S.; Angelastro, A. W.; Johnston, R. J.; Chistolini, B. A.; O'Hara, W. T. Second Row: Paquette, G. A.; Filewicz, S. P .; Zembko, A. F.; Pizzella, E. G.; Spagnoli, J. D.; Callan, F.; Goralski, W.; Gannon, W. M.; Callan, F.; Kulas, E. Third Row: Breton, J. A.; Bissonnette, D. K.; Zampiello, R. S.; Pado, C. G.; Saunders, A. F .; LaPorte, W. F.; P etro, A. J . ; Taft, L. G.; Driscoll, J . D.; Gagosz, R. M. Fou1·th Row: Condron, E. T.; Geary, E. D.; Ogden, R. P .; McMahon, W. T.; Edwards, D . .E.; Brett, T. E.; Galvin, R. J.; Riccardo, J . F., Jr.; Nolan, J. E. Fifth Row: Peppe, R. W.; Glennen, W. F.; Wynne, J. B.; Diana, V. L.; Maher, J . B.; Palshaw, J. L.; Barry, D. M.; Ringrose, V. P .; Daly, M. L.

The Newman Club is an organization that fosters the religious and intellectual interests of the Roman Catholic students of Trinity. This year's activities included a series of interesting lectures, two communion breakfasts, and dances at St. Joseph's College. Father Robert A. Callahan of St. Thomas Seminary is the chaplain and advisor of the club. Felix Callan has been president during the past year.

• B'nai B' rith Hillel • F irst Row, left to 1·ight: Sind, R. L.; Feldman, L. H.; Miller, A.; Lewis, R. D.; Gurwitt, A. R.; Katz, M. H.; Moskow, R.; Schneeberg, M.; Cohen, W. (Rabbi and Advisor). Second Row: Shapiro, E. S.; Silverberg, J . S.; Rudy, S. M.; Sloss berg, S. A.; Goldberg, N. W.; Horrow, B.; Post, P. A.; Katzman, H. ; Newman, S. L.; Kozlin, J . R. Third Row: Finesilver, J. F.; Geeter, D. H.; Dachs, S.; Scharr, J.; Scheinberg, H.; Michelson, J.; Schuman, A. N.; Y ood, H. L. ; Koeppel, A. J.


The Trinity Hillel Foundation, for Jewish students, carries on a three point program designed to enhance the religious, cultural and social aspects of college life. Guest speakers, debates and social gatherings were included in the past year's activities. B'nai B'rith of Hartford sponsors Hillel with Rabbi Paul Siegal of Rockville as the advisor. Alan Gurwitt has been president during the past year.

The Canterbury Club is composed of Trinity students who are members of the Episcopal Church and affiliated branches of the Anglican Communion. A program of worship, study, service, and prayer is followed, through which it is hoped that the spiritual life of its members will be enriched. Chaplain G. B. O'Grady advises the club; Dick Norris has been this year's Senior Warden.

• Canterbury Club • Fi1·st Row, left to Tight: Hayward, W. L.; Kinner, K. H .; Norris, R. A.; Bendig, W. C.; Berdick, M. L.; Fedden, G. L.; Hibbs, R. B. Seconcl Row : Cerveny, F. S.; Golledge, R. W .; Shea, G. R.; Sauvage, J. F.; Potter, F. R.; Sibley, H. W.; Hatfield, J. E. Thircl Row : Ross, W. D.; Dickinson, D.; Hooper, R. K.; Stretch, P.; FarJ!ham, F. L.; Roman, A. R.; Archer, M. T . Fourth Row: Morgan, W. C.; Samoylenko, J. G.; Catir, N. J.; Mechling, J.D.

• Corinthian Yacht Club •

During the past year the Trinity C.Y.C. competed in regattas at Brown, Tufts, University of Rhode Island, and the Coast Guard Academy. The Yacht Club was invited to compete for the Fowle Trophy at M.I.T. which is the second highest title event in New England Intercollegiate Racing. The recent acquisition of a third dinghy will enable Trinity to be host to other colleges at Triangular Regattas.

First Row, left to Tight: Hopkinson, J. N.; Stebbins, J. T.; Wright, T. P.; Ousler, G.; Bleecker, E. W.; Colt, J. D.; Ives, P. A.; Leach, B. M.; Hunter, A. S.; Higinbotham, J.P.; Ward, P. C.; Snyder, G. C. S econd Row: Minot, C. S.; Crocke1·, E.; Parsons, J. B.; Oliver, H.; Winslow, P. L.; Cunningham, H. G. Thi1·cl Row: Schechtman, M. L.; Koeppel, A. J.; Kempe{, B. V.; Freytag, R. A.; Smith, S. W.; Gardiner, W. C.; Penfield, D. W. Fourth Row: Haeberle, P.; Neal, P.; Kennedy, D.; Toole, W. B.; Humphries, R.; Woronoff, R.; Muirhead, S.; Luquer, L. S.; Babcock, R. W.


First Row, left to · Adams, P. R.; Cliff, S. Seeber, D. L.; lin, G. C. Second Purdy, C. E., J r.; raine, S. G.; C.; Cohen, J. P ollock, W. G.

Trinity maintains a sports progmm to fit the capabilities of all its students. Outstanding athletes participate intercoll egiately and the average Trin man · partakes in the extensive intramural prograll).. Every organization participating in intramurals is r epresented on the intramural board. This board establishes leagues, schedules games and provides referees for all official events. When college is in session the board meets frequently to handle questions of forfeit or of disputed games.

• Political Science


Designed to participate in the Connecticut Inter-collegiate Student Legislature, the Political Science Club also discusses current events and plays host to guest speakers. This year the Political Science Club laid the groundwork for a Political Union which would unite the Young Republican and Democratic Clubs with the Political Science Club in order to centralize and stimulate political interest on campus.





First Row, left to right: Berlow, S. M.; Larson, J. H.; Keller, P.; Stanley, J. S.; Gurwitt, A. R.; Smith, W. W.; Stivers, J. W. S econd Row: Stephens, C. G.; Sawyer, R. S.; Shea, G. R.; Avitabile, S.; Mitchell, J. H.; Mazzarella, J. A.; Ogden, R. P .; Nichols, G. E., III. Third Row: Dickinson, H.; Kemper, B. V.; Krogman, R. A.; Hooper, R. K.

With the aid of new lighting and sound systems the Jesters continued their excellent work with the arena stage in Alumni Hall. Command Decision and Room Service were productions, each achieving audience acclaim. This year's officers were Jim Stanley, President; Alan Gurwit, Vice-President; Pat Keller, Secretary-Treasurer, and Ray Parrott, Business Manager. Mr. George E. Nichols, III, is the director of the Jesters.


The Young Republican Club promotes interest in the p of the Republican party and assists the local Republican by the distribution of pamphlets, counting votes and transporting to the polls. Several debates have been held with the Young Democrats with the national administration being the main topic. Since 1952 is a campaign year the club proper is split into fractions of supporters for different presidential candidates.

• Republicans • First Row, left to right; Lescure, W. V.; Douglas, R. 0.; Bird, J. B. Second Row : Ulrich, J. L. C.; Stever, C. A.; Koeppel, A. J .

First Row, left to right: Handy, R. M.; Mandery, J. C. ; Wynne, J. B.; Van Sant, J. A. Second Row: Catir, N. J.; Peppe, B. S.; Berseth, J. T.; Dubuque, R. J.; Glennen, W. F.

• Democrats • Enthusiastic support of the administration has been the keynote of this year's Young Democrats Club. An autographed picture of President Truman wishing the Trinity Young Democrats' Club success is the prize possession of the organization at the present time. The club as a whole is looking forward to the next presidential term in confidence that a new picture of a democratic president will occupy the place of honor at their meetings. (134]

Under the direction of Professor J. Lawrence Coulter and the student leadership of Bob Forte, the band had one of its most successful years. They played at all the home football games, and between the halves gave either an amusing skit or an exhibition of formation marching. In the spring Coulter and Forte organized from the nucleus of the marching band a concert orchestra, which they hope in future years will develop into a strong organization, possibly branching out into the dance orchestra field.

·Band· " . .. and shout the praise of TRIN-I-TY!"

First Row, left to right: Windesheim, P. K.; Hensel, L. B.; Van Petersilge, J. C.; McGrew, B. L.; Hoag, D. S. Second Row: Niemann, K. W.; Killip, C.; Marvin, M.; Pratt, L. C.; Laramore, B. H.; Croshaw, R., Sgt. (coach).

• Rifle Club • The Rifle team had its first year of League competition as a member of the New England Intercollegiate Rifle LeagUe. They fired against such teams as M.I.T., Coast Guard, Boston College, Boston University, Harvard, Brown, Rhode Island, and Yale. The team wound up the season by leading the second division. Trips away included one to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and one to the finals of the New England League on the B.U. Range. There was also a competition for the Colt Trophy, which was awarded in May to the team's high scorer. (135]



Fi1·st Row, left to 1·ight: Kimmick, D. W.; kowitz, W. H . Second Row: Green, D. S.; man, P. E.; Babcock, R. W.; Berdick, M. Clem, G. H.; Knapp, G. A.; Kent, R. H.; W. W. Thi1·d Row : Nash, P . W.; Burns, W. Stretch, P.; Bickford, D. V.; Smith, P.; G. S.; Riccardo, J. F.; Maher, J. B. , Jr.; F. S. Fou1·th Row: Archer, M. T.; uu<uH!J<liiJIJ C. E .; Diamond, R. S.; Henderson, R. G.; C. F.; Bartlett, H. F.; Burdon, H. C.; J. F., IV.

In the 1951-52 season, the Glee Club once again was one of the top college glee clubs in New England. The concert began with a broadcast over the New England Regional network on the series, "Songs from New England Colleges."

The Glee Club had two aims. started the season: first, to revive some of Trinity's songs to a place where they would be well known on campus; and secondly, to present a wide variety of music, everything from Bach to Boogie.

The high points of the season were the joint concerts with Connecticut College for Women, Pembroke, and Skidmore. Each of these was a double engagement, a concert in Hartford and one at the girls school. The Club sang with the Bel Canto Chorus in the Bushnell Memorial Auditorium. Concerts for civic and church groups about the greater Hartford area completed the schedule.

J. Lawrence Coulter, Director, chose for his soloists for the year Ronald E. Moss, Donald W. Kimmick, Peter Stretch, C. E. Champebois, and W. W. Smith. Officers for the year were: Gordon Clem, President; Elliott H. Valentine, Vice-President and Business Manager; Thomas J. Michie, Secretary; Carl L. Mease and Harold M. Morrison, Librarians.

·Chemistry Club· F i1·st Row, left to right: P edeviii, R.; Sauvage, J. F.; Petro, A. J.; Wiberg, J . S.; South, E. P.; Ganey, A. B. Second Row: Neal, P.; Vanderbeek, R.; Roth, H. A.; Harvey, D. G.; Knapp, G. A.; Forester, G. V.; Rippie, W. L. Third R ow: Volpe, W. B.; Stark, F. W.; Bissonnette, D. K.; Wilson, A. M.; Roman, A. R.

The Chemistry Club of Trinity College was formed to bring together a~l students interested in chemistry, to foster a spirit of fellowship with their work, to provide insight into new chemical research, to bring current topics in the chemical and allied fields to their attention, and to promote general interest in this science. The aims of the organization are brought about through guest speakers, films, field trips, and vocational guidance sessions.

The Review, the student literary magazine, is published three times during the school year. No particular tradition or movement governs the selection of published works. Material is accepted on the basis of an absolute criteria, regardless of style or manner. Not content with publishing the best in written works of the student body, the Review also carries brilliant art work. The many outstanding cover designs are due in good part to the brilliant work of Art Editor Robert Hubbard.

First Row, left to right: Hunter, R. E . T.; Van Sant, J. A.; Plumb, 0 . T. Second Row: Faulkner, W. W.; Wynne, J. B.

• Review· (137]

Front Row, left to 't i ght: Trainer, Slaughter, Assistant Coach, Ludorf; Griffith, Rancati, Hills, Sivaslian, Mayer, DePatie, Searles, Thomas, Crosier, Simmons, Manager , Lecrenier. S econd Row : DelMastr o, Head, Wyncoop, French, Magnoli, Captain, Goralski; Moylan, Rathbone, Vibert, Crenson, Me-


Elwee. Third Row : Coach, Booth; Coach, Parks; St. Pierre, Aiken, Anderson, Wentworth, Minton, Lauffer, Arcari, Palmer, Kulas, Petit, Smith, G. ; Coach, Christ; Head Coach, Jessee. FoU?路th Row : Johnson, Logan, Bogoslofski, Jones, Mease, Smith, A. ; O'Brien, Smith, D. ; Ratcliffe, Young, Hunter.

The 1951 edition of the Trinity football team had a very successful season despite a disappointing 6-3 loss to Wesleyan. The Bantams compiled a record of six won and two lost, as they finished another season under Head Coach Dan Jessee well over the .500 mark. On September 29th at Trinity Field, the team beat a much weaker opponent from Pennsylvania, Dickinson, 27 to. 7. The following Saturday the Coast Guard Academy ran wild in the first half to club the varsity 27 to 19. In the thrilling second half, Dan's boys closed the gap to 20 to 19 but a last minute C.G. T.D. provided the crusher. In the next three games played against Hobart, Colby, and Middlebury, the team bounced back, and led by Captain Goralski, Backs Vibert and DelMaestro and an everforward moving line, took these three games by 26-0, 41-0 and 42 to 19 respectively. In the Colby game, the team put on a thrilling scoring show as they rolled up 27 points in the first five minutes to avenge last year's ignominious defeat 41-0. Amherst was the

L. Ratcliffe

H. Castellani

next victim of the list, and was beaten in a wild scoring affair, 40-27. The most disappointing factor in the entire season was the 6-3 upset scored by Wes. The game was an even match, with vicious blocking on both sides. As the game moved into the third quarter still scoreless, the team drove deep into Cardinal territory. When Wes finally stalled the attack, Vibert split the uprights from the 30 yard line for three big points. It looked like this lead would be enough, but a desperation pass in the fading minutes pulled the game out of the fire for Wesleyan and left Trinity with a heart-breaking loss. In the closing game that was a bit anticlimactical, the Bantams re-awakened to pummel Tufts, 42-6. Trinity's All-Star back, Bill Goralski, received a serious spine injury which hospitalized him. The team ended up with three men on the All-Connecticut squad; Ed Kulas and Red Ratcliffe of the line, and Goralski. Hum DelMastro was elected captain of next year's team at the annual Fall Sports Dinner.

W. Vibert

D. Rathbone


Dusk desce nds on the Middlebury game.

TRINITY ... . . . on the gridiron Aiken and McElwee watch a completed pass.

G. Smith


J. Wentworth

R. Hunter

G. Simmons

T. Head

T. DePatie

D. Smith

Magnoli coming through.



schedule and scores

T Dickinson • . • . • • • . • 0. Coast Guard ........ Hoba1't Colby Middlebury .......... Amherst Wesleyan . . . . . . . . . 0. Tufts ............. . . ••••••••















27 19 26 41 42 40 3


C. McElwee

Magnoli gets the treatment.

R. O'Brien F. Minton

0 7 27 0 0 19 27 6 6


T Cheshire . . . . . . . . 6 Wesleyan . . . . . . . 7 Monson . . .. . ... 20 Amherst . . . . . . . . 6 Mass. . . . . . . . . . . 6

0 37 13 6 19 13

Setting up a score in the Monson game .

M.I.T ............. Choate .... .. . .... Wesleyan . . . . . . . . . Cheshire . . . . . . . . . .

T 6 3 6 6

0 1 3 2 1


[ 145 ]

The boys rack up another win.

Carlough digging the ball out.

First &w, left to right: Ganey, MacKimmie, Faulkner, Carroll, Hill,路 Kennedy, Anderson. Second Row: Ass't. Manager, Berlow; Mutschler, Fremont-Smith, Almquist, R.; Co-Captain, Scott; Co-Captain,


Schaef; Tryon, Hatfield, Almquist, R.; Manager, Koeppel. Third Row: Smith, Nahas, Fowler, Anderson, J.; Marshall, Mackenzie, Carlough, Butts, Michel, Coach, MacDonald.

M.l. T. tries to score.

T Worcester Tech M.I.T . Tufts Massachusetts Clark Amherst .............. Yale Wesleyan •••••
















Dick Hunter sending it a long way.

















3 4 1

5 0 0 1

0 1 1 1

0 2 3 1 1

The Blue and Gold turned in another successful fall on the soccer field this year. The record shows victories by Lloyd MacDonald and his team over M.I.T., Tufts, Clark, Mass., and Worcester Tech, while losing to Amherst and Yale. In a thrilling contest, they tied Wesleyan, but the best game of the season when Yale squeaked through to a win by one goal. The Harold Shetter Trophy for the most improved player was awarded at the end of the season to Bill Tryon. The Most Valuable player on the team was goalie and Co-Captain Put Scott. Fin Schaef was the other co-captain. Coach MacDonald's team placed fourth in the New England Intercollegiate Soccer League. Captain-elect Mutschler was selected to play in the North-South game which served as a try-out camp for this year's Olympics. The hooters lose many veterans through graduation this June, but expect a strong combination back next year as a powerful frosh team will join forces with the remaining varsity stars. (147]

The Record M.I.T . . . . . . ........... Yale .................. Norwich ........ . ..... Bates ................. St. Lawrence .......... VVagner ............... Bowdoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass. U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . Colby ................. Amherst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VV esleyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middlebury . . . . . . . . . . . . VV.P.I. ................ Upsala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union ................ Tufts ................. VV esleyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coast Guard . . . . . . . . . . .

The Coach (148)

64 59 76 72 66 73 72 50 73

45 75 42 65 50 66 71 63 74 74




61 86 75 73 95 69 73

63 68 50 64 67





The Team

First Row, left to right: Floyd, Pratt, Novak, Chistolini, Whitbread, Mazurek. Second Row: Coach, Oosting; Smith, A.; Wrinn, Downs, Captain, Smith, D.; Rathbone, Paris, Manager, Whitmarsh.

Featuring speed, phenomenal accuracy, and plain old-fashioned hustle, the 1951-2 Trinity basketball team completed the season with a handsome 14-5 record. One of the most popular and colorful quintets ever to play the Hilltop boards, the squad reached its potential heights late in the year only to be thwarted in its hope for an invitation to the New England Tournament which was finally cancelled. The outlook for the next two years shines brightly indeed, for only Captain Dave Smith of the starting five will gradu-

ate. Smith, a courageous and hard-working athlete, was ever the inspirational leader that a captain should be. His clutch foulshooting and stellar rebounding featured many of the year's closer battles. Bob Whitbread, Senior sub, also had his share of the glorious season. Against the toughest of all opponents, Holy Cross, Bob hooped 15 points in only five minutes of play. The only other senior, Bob Downs, helped break the school scoring record with a 20 point effort in a 95-67 win at Union. [149)

Invitational. Trailing 9-11 at the quarter, fantastic barrage featured by Bruno Chistolini and Charley Mazurek brought Trin a 42-21 half-time lead, and the game. An big one, though with a sadder outcome saw the club blow a 23 point lead to vastly under路 rated Wesleyan. A last minute basket by


Marring the record were expected losses to Yale and Holy Cross, a one-point heartbreaking thriller to Colby, a tournament loss to Wagner, and an upset defeat at the hands of-you guessed it-Wesleyan. Wesleyan, only one of the five played twice this year, was convincingly beaten in a return match. With opportunities to replay the other clubs, its more than likely that all but the Cross game could result in a Bantam victory, as they won nine of the last ten played. Highlights of the year included a 66-50 triumph over St. Laurence in the Hofstra


Wes' Rack ended Trin hopes, and pushed into the background a superb performance by Chistolini, who netted 28 points, the season's individual high. In the very next outing at Middlebury, Chisty hit for 25. Most thrilling game to be played at the Field House saw underdog Trinity barely miss clubbing a fine Colby team, 73-74. Lead-


ing till late in the last quarter, the boys just couldn't hold on, and lost out on the "big one." It was a fine team effort, and a tough one to lose. Chistolini led all scorer for the year, edging Wrinn by only three points. He was also top man with foul shots and percentage

... on the court



of all shots taken. Novak won the foulshooting with an average of 67.2 % . Most coveted of all accomplishments for the year went to Wrinn, however, as he was 11amed top rebound man in the entire nation averaging close to 27 per game. Mazurek, a high school scoring phenom, surprised all by displaying the finest defensive ball while still averaging ten points a game. (151)

B. Chistolini

W. Novak

C. Wrinn

D. Smith

C. Mazurek

VARSITY SWIMMING Joe Clarke's swimmers looked impressive this year, scoring victories over Tufts, M.I.T., Worcester Tech, B.U., Coast Guard and big rival Wesleyan, while losing only to Amherst and Bowdoin. With this impressive 6 and 2 record, the strokers were in good shape for the intercollegiates in March. The squad showed most of its strength in the relay: the medley team of Grant, Parrott and Mason was undefeated for the second straight year and in the 400 yard freestyle, Roback, Anthony, Toole and Mason again have been top point collectors. Bill Godfrey, spectacular sophomore, heads the divers. For individual honors, Jim Grant broke the record he set last year in the backstroke and Tony Mason set a new college record with a 5:10 440 yd. freestyle against Coast Guard.

Tufts ................... M.I.T . . ................. Bowdoin . ........... .... Amherst ... ............. W.P.I. ....... . .......... B.U . .... .. . .. . ... ..... .. Wesleyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . Coast Guard .... .. ... : . . .

T 45 38 35

26 42 45 43 56

0 30 30 40 42 32 30 32

19 (153)


Williston ............ Deerfield Amherst Canterbury ... ...... . Mt. Hermoo Hopkins Wesleyan •























33 43 37 31 39 44 44

0 33 32 38 44 36 42 31

Freshman Swimming

First Row, left to right: Hall, R.; Maitland, G.; Roman, G.; Rose, S.; Burbank, B. Second Row: Cardines, R.; Eberle, C.; Booth, A. ; Vais, C.; Gladwin, W. Third Row: Coach Christ; Mehldau, C.; Gillooly, R.; Fyfe, J.; Pike, G.; Scharr, T.


F i1·st R ow, lef t to Ti gh t: Bernhard, Minot, Buffum, Hewson . Row: Medford, Morphy, Drew-Bear , Hunter, Coach J essee.




Navy .... . . Wesleyan . . Harvard . .. Yale ... . ... Army ..... . Amherst . . .


1 4 0 0 1 4 M.I.T. .. . . . 6 Williams .. . 1 Wesleyan . . 6 Fordham ... 9

S econd

0 5 8 5 9 9 8 5 3 8 3 0

FRESHMAN SQUASH Wesleyan .. Williston ... Choate .... . Deerfield . .. Wesleyan .. Williston ...



7 5 0 0 5 7

2 2

7 5 2


Second Row , left to right : Fuger , McCrea, Reed, McDonald. F i1·st Row : Ullmann, Gleason, Close, Humphreys.

[ 155)

First Row, left to right; Anthony, G.; Higginbotham, J.; Christakos, Medford, C.; Thomas, E.; Bowen, C.; MacLea, H. S econd Row : Green, Hanford, J.; Muirhead, S.; Esler, C.; Larson, J.; Dubuque, R. ; Phelps, Skinner, R.



Adelphi ... Worcester . Brown .... Hofstra ... Amherst .. Boston ....

Clark ..... Hopkins .. Wesleyan Stevens ... Harvard .. Boston U .. M.I.T. ....

T 21 19 14 11 7 36 36

2 1 1 1 1 6

0 6 8

13 16 20 20 25

' First Row, left to right: Schneeberg, J.; Lehrfeld, J.; Ellison, D.; Foster, G. Second Row: Fisher, D.; Bartlett, H.; Mazzarella, J.; Hodges, J.; Greenleaf, J.; Kramer, G.



The Varsity racquetmen, coached by Lloyd MacDonald, were victorious in five of their nine encounters last season. They triumphed over Amherst, 9-0, Rhode Island, 6-3, A.I.C., 8-1, and Worcester Tech, 5-4, while dropping matches to Springfield, 5lj2-31f2, Amherst, 9-0, Middlebury, 8-1, and Wesleyan, 8-1. Lettermen were Stewart, Mallon, Boyko, Jacoby, Douglas, and Brown. Two members of the team, Don Boyko and Roger Douglas, competed in the intercollegiates at Brown.


First Row, left to right: Knapp, G.; Plum, S.; Boyko, D.; Mallon, P. Second Row: Bernhard, F.; Stewart, R.; Coach MacDonald; Douglas, R.; Faulkner, W.; Jacoby, M.

First Row, left to right: Vernon, W.; Hawkins, D.; Callan, F. Second Row: Berrone, L.; Burrill, J.; North, J.; Coach, Pappas.


The Golf team, existing informally under the tutelage of Mitch Pappas, has nev~r gone below the five hundred mark. They managed to compile a final score路 of four wins and four losses in 1951, and anticipated even better results in '52. Captained by Freshman Jack Burrill, the squad bested Hiillyer, Wesleyan, Nichols, and Massacvhusetts. Contests were dropped to Amherst, Rhode Island, Worcester Tech, and A.I.C. (157]

A no-hitter by Fred Vogel against Tufts, a ninth inning win over Holy Cross, and two victories over Wesleyan were the highlights of the 1951 Trinity baseball season. The over-all record was 10-7. The team consisted of Rick Parsons, Bob Drew-Bear, and Hum DelMastro in the outfield, Captain Ed Ludorf at third, Bill Goralski at short, Bernie Lawlor at second, and Bill Lauffer around the first sack. Bob O'Brien received the varied pitching of Vogel, Charlie Wrinn, Fred Pro, Dick McCrehan, and Jack Burton. Wrinn was the leading moundsman with a 5-3 record, while Drew-Bear paced the hitters with a .304 average. Coach Dan Jessee was having a difficult time as of I vy press-time trying to replace his keystone combination of Lawlor and Goralski. To make matters worse, Dick Bentfield, classy shortstop of last year's freshman nine was signed with the Detroit Tigers. Dave Clemmer, AI Smith, Jim Bloodgood, and Dick Rancati are the leading sophomores in the race for varsity positions. The southern trip usually scheduled around Easter was cancelled this year.

First Row, left to right: Coach Jessee; St. Pierre, R.; Del M~stro, H.; Lawlor, B.; Ludorf, E.; Chistolini, B.; Goralski, W. Second Row: Drew-Bear, R.; Parsons, F.; Gagne, R.; Naud, T.; Lauffer, W.;


DePatie, T.; Wrinn, C.; Yeomans, R. Third Row: Vogel, F.; O'Brien, R.; Pro, F.; Smith, D.; Augus. ton, A.; McCrehan, R.; Burton, J.; Dickinson, R.

f!JII!ll짜 !IIJt

Last year's Track Team, coached by Stu Parks, finished its season with a record of 3 won, two lost, and one tied. Captained by "Lucky" Ransom, the runners opened their season with a single indoor meet in the field house against Worcester Tech. They wound up on the short end of a 49-45 count. Moving outdoors, the team triumphed over Massachusetts, 951/2-301/2, tied the Coast Guard Academy, 63-63, outran Worcester Tech in the rematch, 721f2-631f2, and easily downed Middlebury, 81-45. In the last meet of the season, Wes eked out a 65 2/3-60 2/3 victory in the most thrilling meet of the season. Captain Ransom set a new low hurdles


record of 24.5 seconds and equalled the mark for the high hurdles of 15.6 seconds. In the Eastern Intercollegiates, the team collected eight points: two by Bob Hunter throwing the javelin, two by Ransom in the low hurdles, and four by Bob Jachens, who won the high jump. In the New England Intercollegiates, Jachens was the team's only point collector, getting five for winning the high jump. In 1950, Jake won the IC4A high jump by setting a college record of six feet, six and two-thirds inches. Standouts on the team were Newt Leo, veteran distance runner, and Chuck Purdy, sophomore hurdler.




First Row, left to Tight: Ganey, A.; Woodford, K.; Bird, J.; Norris, R.; Daly, M.; Brown, W.; Blackler, T. Second Row: Mandery, J.; McKean, W.; Seeber, D.; Rowland, R.; Garrison, R.; Rondeau, A.; Coach Parks. Third Row: Simoni, W.; Hunter, R.; Jachens, R.; Ricci, A.; Kipp, H.; Leo, N.


spot shots I


(165 ]










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[ 183 ]



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Compliments of C lassic Monogrammed Matches A Friend Hawkinson Sign and Display Co. Hartford Stamp Works Washington Pharmacy City Glass Co. Maxwell Drug Stores Peter Cascio Nursery Capitol City Woodworking Co. Waldman's Pen Shop W. A. Pike Florist Silliter-Holden, Inc. Hostess Beverage Co. W. A. Crosscup Co., Inc. John Hoye & Son

B. H . Kurland & Son Park Street Laundromat Psi U psilon College Pharmacy Sherwin-Williams Co. R ockledge Country Club

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