TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN Jacobs Pledges "My Entire Future"
Hartford, Conn. Permit No. 1378
Published monthly by Trinity College, except January and June . Entered January 12, 1904, at Hartford, Conn. as second class matter, under the Act of Gongress of July 16, 1894. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 3, 1919.
Alumni to Welcome Dr. Jacobs On Reunion Weekend, June 5-7
Hartford, Conn.
Vol. L New Series No. 4 -
May, 1953
To College Before 1800 at Inaugural
Final details are. being prepared for the Promising to · preserve the character of big alumni welcome to President Albert C. free tennis exhibition by two ranking amathe College, Dr. Albert C. Jacobs was inJacobs at the 127th Commencement weekend teurs, Bill Talbert and Ed Moylan, on a augurated the fourteenth President of TrinJune 5, 6, and 7. Reunion chairman Ed court below the new Library. ity in a most impressive ceremony outside Donnelly, ··o8, and his committee, Syd PinFollowing the Air Force ROTC Comthe Chapel on May 16 before 1,800 disney, '18, Sumner Shepherd, Jr., '19, Ed missioning of new officers at half past tinguished guests, alumni, students and friends. Paige, '33, and Jack Wilcox, '39, have three, President and Mrs. Jacobs will replanned a gala weekend for reunion and ceive all alumni and seniors at their home, Urging a reversal of the trend away from non-reunion classes, and urge all to return 115 Vernon Street. The dinners for the the liberal education Dr. Jacobs said in his 'Neath the Elms to meet the new President reunion classes will be held downtown as address "the twentieth century has inand see the campus with its fine new build- planned and the Class of 1823 dinner for creasingly become the generation of the ings. non-reunion classes will be at Heub's. common man, technically skilled~with Festivities will commence at six-thirty The Very Rev. James A. Pike, Dean of much know how and little know whyon Friday, June 5 with an old-fashioned the Cathedral Church of St. John fhe Diknowing how to manipulate materials but clambake on the football field. Once again vine, New York City, will deliver the open not how to mature as men; how to amass that well-known New England catering air Baccalaureate sermon on Sunday mornwordly goods, but not how to lead helpful firm, Kendall and Company of Fitchburg, ing and Irving S. Olds, retired chairman of and meaningful lives ; how to release atomic Mass., will serve its delicious chowder, the Board of the United States Steel Corpower, but not how to use it wisely." lobster and chicken . The reunion classes poration, will give the Commencement adMay 16 also marked the 130th anniversare sponsoring Open House for all Alumni dress. John J. McCloy, former U.S. High ary of the chartering of Trinity and it was at the tent on the soccer field later Friday Commissioner to Germany, will give the the occasion for the largest convocation ever evening. Anriual fraternity meetings will Charge to the Class of 1953 . to be held on campus. The long procession be held as usual. Be sure and return the reply card on the was headed by a color guard from the unThe Rev. John E. Large, '28, will give Reunion notice to the Alumni Office right Dr. Albert C. Jacobs, right, in the outdoor pulpit of the Chapel, delivers his dergraduate Air ROTC, followed by the the Senior Class Day address on Saturday away. acceptance address just after being inaugurated 14th President of the College. College Senate, the Faculty, the Board of morning at ten-thirty, and Harmon T. BarFellows, the Trustees, and representatives ber, ' 19, National Alumni President, will Hillel Honors O'Grady of the Synagogue, the Roman Catholic call the annual Alumni Meeting to order Approximately sixty Jewish alumni of Church, and the Protestant Churches. Deleat noon in front of Northam Towers. Dr. Trinity, gathering for a dinner at the gates from 145 institutions of higher eduJacobs will speak on the state of the Col- College on April 15 under the auspices of lege. Announcement of the election of a the newly-formed Hillel Alumni AssociaNEW YORK- The annual Spring Frolic Pinney, · 18, gave several amusing remin- cation were led by Professor Mason Hamnew Alumni Trustee and Senior Fellows tion, honored Chaplain Gerald O'Grady for will be held at the estate of Dr. "Dan" iscences of olden days on the Hilltop as he mond of Harvard and Wilmarth S. Lewis introduced President Jacobs to a large and of Yale. At the end of the long line will be made and the Eigenbrodt Cup for his assistance in founding and fostering Webster, '10, Dodge Lane, West 247th St., enthusiastic audience. Club president Ollie came Mayor Cronin of Hartford, Governor the "Man of the Year" will be presented the undergraduate B'nai B'rith Hillel SoRiverdale, New York City on Saturday by the Board of Fellows. A report of the ciety on the campus. Johnson, ' 35, was toastmaster, and Hank Lodge, . Bishop Gray, Senator Prescott S. afternoon and evening, May 30. President Kneeland, '22, acted as dinner chairman. Bush and Earl D . Babst of New York Alumni Fund will be given by George Toastmaster Atty. Frederick D. Neusner, The Club's plans for FAMILY DAY on City, reti~ed chairman of the American SuMalcolm-Smith, '25 . The necrology of '17 !nt!od\lced the followin~ speakers: Albert C. Jacobs plans to attend, and there 1 . rptfs"'bn-sat~-a:y'Loo-were washed' ~e.fi~<Ja.y Dt: Ja cobs ':''aL_ked Alumni wJw have died since ":JUrre- tcn-2··-1'T'\'e::ca:::n::----rn::-:e:-::rrt--,a"'"--.::r.0~a:::n::-::r,.......'::"re:::p=::r;:::;e;-.::-se::;:n;;or.m ':;-g ;;+W'fl,~t!:ra-ll g'aln'¢ between the-Phil will be read. President Jacobs; Atty. Mark Wise Levy, delphia Alumni Whiz Kids and the New out with some of the steady Spring rain. wrth Dr. Rob_ert L. Johnson, the p~rnCI~al Bill Paynter, '37, as chairman of the affair speaker, _p~esrdent of Temple ~mversrty The Alumni Parade will form at Bishop '47, chairman of the Hillel Alumni Asso- York Alumni Bombers. TRINITY CLUB OF HARTFORD- had made plans for the entertainment of and admrmstrator of the International InBrownell's statue and proceed to the Field ciation; Melvin Title, ' 18; Samuel Kellin, formation Administration. House where the judges will award the Hillel Chairman of Hartford's B'nai B'rith The Club sponsored a joint concert with young and old.
new Board of Fellows Bowl for the best costumed class. Alumni and Seniors will be guests of the College at luncheon in the Field House. Prizes will be given to the oldest alumnus present, to the alumnus who has come from the longest distance, and to the reunion class with the best attendance. The Reunion Committee has arranged a •
Ararat Lodge; Richard D. Lewis, '54, president during the past year of the undergraduate Society; Rabbi William Cohen, spiritual adviser of the ~ciety; and Dr. Louis H. Feldman, '46, facuii.~· odviser of the Society, who presented a bronze ;toque to Chaplain O'Grady on behalf of th,><e present. The dinner committee consisted of Chairman Irving Reiner, '49, Melvin Y . GershPI Kappa Alpha Installed -man, '48, Richard H. Lewitt, '47, and Atty. Pi Kappa Alpha was formally installed Neusner. as the College's ninth national fraternity on May 1. Founded in 1868 at the University of Virginia, the new group takes over the four-year-old local Tau Alpha fraternity. Louis Welton Downes, College Trustee, Initiating teams from Rutgers, Rensselaer inventor of the enclosed cartridge fuse and Polytechnic, and the University of New a pioneer in the electrical industry, died in Hampshire came to the Chapter house at 94 Providence, Rhode Island, on April 7 after Vernon Street to organize formally the fraa short illness. Possessing a burning loyalternity's llOth chapter. It is interesting ty for his Alma Mater, Mr. Downes always to note that the Chapter house used to be had time to offer counsel on College matthe President's residence when the College ters and was ever a generous contributor. moved from the old campus in 1878. A frequent campus visitor, his kindly and friendly manner will be missed by his Spring Sports Briefs Sporting an 8-1 record against New Eng- many friends . Mr. Downes was born in Cranston, Rhode land competition Captain Bill Lauffer's nine had some excellent pitching from Island,' on August 17, 1865, the son of Charlie Wrinn who has turned in six wins. Lewis Thomas Downes, Class of 1848, and The victories have been over Springfield, Sarah Maria Hill Chapin. He prepared for Bates, Williams, Yale, Amherst, Worcester college at Cheshire Academy and entered Tech, Tufts and Coast Guard with the loss in 1884 with the Class of 1888. As an undergraduate he sang in the Glee Club, at the hands of Massachusetts. The Freshman nine has turned back was on the Ivy Board, and was elected Massachusetts, Amherst, Monson and President of his class during his Junior Nichols while falling before the Yale Jay- year. His fraternity was the Beta Beta Chapter of Psi Upsilon. vees. After graduation in 1888, he did graduShowing strength in the sprints, hurdles, and field events Karl Kurth's tracksters de- ate work in Engineering at London Instifeated Massachusetts, Coast Guard, Mid- tute, London, England, for one year before dlebury, and Worcester Tech. Captain joining the Narragansett Electric Light Chuck Purdy made consistent wins in the Company as a meter inspector. In two hurdles and Bill Saypalia set a new college years he had been promoted to Manager of record of 47 feet 1:14 inches in the shot the company's electrical equipment. Realizing he needed experience in maput. The yearlings suffered close defeats from chine design, Mr. Downes took a position Choate and Massachusetts before being with the C & C Motor Company of New toppled by Wesleyan. Victory finally came York. After a year he returned to Providence to organize the engineering firm of over Cheshire. Roy Dath's well balanced tennis team Downes and Henshaw. He developed a has scored wins over Worcester, Rhode process of applying asbestos fibre to wire as Island, Massachusetts, Clark, Middlebury, a heat-proof insulation medium. In 1896 Mr. Downes was granted patVermont, and A.I.C. Powerful Amherst turned back the Hilltoppers, with matches ents for the so-called "Enclosed Fuse" for against Wesleyan and Springfield yet to be use in lighting and power circuits which later became the universal type of fuse conplayed.
the College and Bryn Mawr Glee Clubs on March 14 for the benefit of the Club's Scholarship program. Over 350 alumni and friends heard an exceptionally fine concert under the able direction of Lawrence Coulter of Trinity and Robert Goodale of Bryn Mawr. Bill Starkey, '44, was in charge of arrangements and reports $750 has been realized for the Scholarship Fund. The Club gave a WELCOMING DINNER for President Albert C. Jacobs in the College · Dining Hall on April 9. Sid
Dr. Nils A. C. Anderson, '25, is cochairman for the Barbership PARADE OF QUARTETS concert at Bushnell Memorial on November 21 . The Club plans to use its share of the proceeds for its Scholarship Program. PHILADELPHIA - The Philadelphia Alumni held a dinner meeting at the Rolling Green Golf Club on May 22 with Bert Holland, Director of Admissions, and Norton Downs, Assistant Professor of History, representing the College.
A. Northey Jones, '17, chairman of the trustees committee that selected Dr. Jacobs, officially presented the new president who was invested by Newton C. Brainard, chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Brainard in declaring that Dr. Jacobs had been officially elected presented him with the Owen Morgan Mace, the key to Williams Memorial, and the Book which has been touched by every graduate when he receives his diploma.
Pledges of support from students, alumni and faculty came through Raymond C. Parrott, '53, president of the student body, Harmon T . Barber, '19, president of the National Alumni Association, and Profesoperated quietly and effectively-leading to sor Lawrence W . Towle, secretary of the a good contract. faculty. Mayor Joseph V. Cronin brought The inventor also developed a cut-out greetings from the City of Hartford. for high tension Jines to replace the cartGovernor John D . Lodge, delivering ridge type fuse. Tested all over the coun- greetings on behalf of Connecticut, said try, it won final recognition for withstand- that "out of the ideals nurtured on the ing a severe trial at the Toronto Hydro- campuses of America, out of the capacities electric Company in Canada where the cur- for consecutive thought and constructive rent flow reached 5000 amperes . action which are developed in our college Meanwhile Mr. Downes continued his classrooms, the American future will largeexperiments and was granted some 35 pat- ly be fashioned-we do not want a future ents. In 1912 Mr. Downes was awarded in which the draft board and the recruiting the John Scott medal by Franklin Insti- sergeant will be perpetual arbiters of the tute for his original work in the develop- lives of American youth." ment of asbestos wire, and the next year The Rt. Rev. Walter H. Gray, Bishop of Trinity granted him the degree of Doctor Connecticut, declared that in founding of Science. Trinity without church control, the Epis-
Trustee Louis Downes, '88 Dies; Noted Inventor
struction throughout the country. He organized with William C. Woodward the D & W Fuse Co. to manufacture these devices and began operation in a small shop with one employee. The business grew very rapidly and expanded into three mills with 650 employees. When the elevated railway of New York changed from steam to electric drive, it asked for one fuse to handle the entire power supply. Such a severe test of a fuse had never been demanded. Fuses submitted by three other companies all exploded with great violence on test, but Mr. Downes' "cylinder link" device
Mr. Downes sold his business to the copal church had "registered its protest General Electric Company in 1918 and he ! against any theory th-at truth can survive stayed on as a consultant for three years · I. on 1y by coercion or that f reedom of opinHe retired from active business in 1922 1ion and inquiry can ever lead to the deand traveled extensively. Becoming in- struction of religion." Trinity's 130-year terested in the work of early English clock history has "vindicated the church's conmakers, he formed a collection of thirty- fidence," he said . five antique clocks dating back to 1640 and I h . . dd D b r. Ro ert L. . n t e prrnCipa 1 a ress, a 11 res t ore d by h rm. . out that the need of "leadM r. D.ownes was a f oun d er an d' a d'Hector Johnson. pornted ., M t I C ers of liberty was never greater than today. o f th e A u t omo b11e u ua 1 nsurance omThe exercises concluded with Dr. Jacobs pany and the Factory Mutual Insurance Company. He was a member of the conferring the honorary degree of Doctor American Institute of Electrical Engineer- of Laws upon Mr. Babst, Senator Bush and ing; Sons of the American Revolution and Df. Johnson. About 900 official delegates and friends, the Society of Colonial Wars; the University and Agawam Hunt Club of Providence; including Class Agents and Class Secrethe Rhode Island School of Design ~nd the taries representing the alumni, were enRhode Island Historical Society. He wrote tertained at a colorful luncheon in the many technical articles on electrical and Memorial Field House before the ceremony. protective devices. On November 14, 1894, Mr. Downes The full text of the inaugural addresses married the late Miss Mary Lois Seagrave is being printed for distribution to all of Providence. They had no children. alumni in June.
He has bank's Public Utility Department. This is your column so drop me a line if you have news for publication about 1925 the Class. Secretary-Raymond Montgomery, 76 Ca1932 rew Road, Hamden, Conn. Secretar.y-William Boeger, c/o Cowan & Joanne Dubin, daughter of BERNIE, Dengler, Inc., 527 Fifth Ace., New York graduates from High School this June and 17, N.Y. will enter Smith or Wellesley in SeptemI::IUGH CAMPBELL will be the toastber. TAYLOR STONE'S son, Sam M., master at the 45th annual banquet of the III, is entered in the freshman class at Wethersfield Business Men's and Civic AsWorcester Tech. His daughter, Elizabeth, finishes Sedgwick Junior High in June. sociation on May 21. This is another honDick Noble, Jr., a senior at Fairfield Prep. or for Hugh who is general counsel for where he played football and basketball, is Phoenix Mutual Life in Hartford. W ALtouring Central Europe with his sister. TER SIDOR has been appointed by .Gov1916 JACK WALSH, while on vacation in Flori- ernor Lodge as a Judge of the Court of Secretary-Robert Morris, 100 Pearl St., da this winter, bumped into DUTCH Common Pleas for Connecticut. Hartford. SCHMITT, '16, at Miami Beach. Need1933 The Miami Herald of March 15th re· less to say an old-fashioned Trinity reported that the CHARLIE BAKERS will union resulted. GEORGE MALCOLMTWENTIETH REUNION YEAR travel around Europe this summer gather- SMITH appeared on a New Haven TV Secretary-Edward Paige, 80 Beleclen Drive, ing material for a new book on food and program, "Answer Me This." How about Bristol, Conn. drink. Charlie is also buying a new 57- that George? The Grandfather of Our JOHN BUTLER has been elected vicefoot tropical cruiser in Bremen. ELMER Country. DAVID HAD LOW has re- president of the Hartford Aid of the ConTIGER has left Rochester and is living in cently been named a V.P. of the Hartford necticut Junior Republic. Glastonbury. The sudden passing of his Steam Boiler Co. TOM CAREY'S son, wife this winter is a sad loss to their many Michael, has started to follow the old 1934 friends. The REV. JOHN TOWNSEND block's trail. He ' is a freshman in Pre- Secretm·y-John Mason, 17 Arnold ale Road, is now Executive Secretary of the Mission- Med at Yale. Tom still has two boys West Hartford. ary District of the Panama Canal Zone, and and a girl at home to keep him busy. HOFF BENJAMIN is home in Garrison, also Chairman of the Board of Examining Some members of the Class have asked N.Y., recovering froin a severe back· operaChaplains and of the Committee on Canons. for a get-together in June. Off year re- tion. EUGENE GANE married Mrs. Ethel unions are on the increase at most colleges. Carr of West Hartford on April 30. 1917 If you'd like one this June drop me a card CHUCK KINGSTON has been made a Secretary-Einer Sather, 215 North Quaker and let me know your wishes. member of the Million Dollar Round Table Lane, West Hartford. Also this is your column so send me for his 1952 life insurance business . The Class of 1917 is invited to join the the news about yourself, your family, or Class of 1918 at its 35 th Reunion Dinner at other interesting items so that I can keep 1935 Heub's on Saturday, June 6th. your classmates informed. Secretary--Bob Lau, 96 Pennwood Drive, ROGER LADD was Chairman of the South, Trenton, N.J. 1926 recent successful Cancer Crusade in HartJIM WALES, JR., takes his place alongford and HARRY SCHWOLSKY headed Secretary-Ross Parke, 77 Van Buren Ave., side the many other top-notch community up the lawyers section. NORTHEY West Hartford. leaders already developed by our class. He JONES was recently elected a member of GEORGE JACKSON, JR., has been is currently serving a third consecutive the Board of Directors of the Connecticut named an assistant investment secretary of term as president of the Wolfeboro, N.H., General Life Insurance Co. ART RAB- the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Chamber of Commerce, and has been headINOVITZ, our hard working Class Agent, Co. DICK FORD has been made a Life ing a committee promoting tourist interest regretfully reports that 1917 has not, as Trustee of a Charitable Trust for Benefit of in that beautiful Northeastern resort area. yet, met its quota for the Alumni Drive. the Town of Sandwich, N.H. where the We also learn, quite belatedly, of the birth To those members of the Class who have Fords vacation. JOE HUBBARD has of Jane Beach Wales in August 1951. not sent in their contribution, Rab says he realized an ambition of twenty years and BARCLAY SHAW announces th e formawill be mighty glad to receive their checks. has purchased an old home on Cape Cod. tion of a new law firm, Palmer, Series, Let's ail get behind him and put 1917 over The following have reservations to be Delaney, Shaw and Pomeroy, 57 William the top. back 'Neath the Elms on June 5 and 6- St., New York City. TOM IRVINE, whose Red intends to farm and paint. quite a collection of murals.
Notes Honorary MORGAN B. BRAINARD, '32, marked fifty years as a member of the board of directors of the Hartford Steam Boiler Company on February 27. The RIGHT REV. HORACE W. B. DONEGAN has been active in the formation of a group of New York City religious leaders to clean up corruption and crime there. FRANCIS S. MURPHY, '47, was honored by a gathering of over 700 friends at a testimonial dinner at the Hartford Club on May 4. He will retire from the Hartford Times this summer after 55 years of service.
. _ Secretary-Judge Philip McCook, 15 W 11 liam St., N.Y.C.
1901 Secretary-James A. Wales, 345 East 57th St., New York 22, N.Y. CHARLES H. WHEELER and Mrs. Wheeler enjoyed a winter visit to Florida, returning in April.
1902 Secretary-The Rev. James Henderson, 3707 Woodley Road, Washington 16, D.C.
ALLEN R. GOODALE retired from the Travelers Insurance Company on March 1st after 47 years of service. He joined the company shortly after his graduation and in 1909 was placed in charge of a 1913 newly created automobile insurance diviTHIRTY-FIFTH REUNION YEAR sion. He was elected assistant secretary in 1925 and secretary in 1940. The REV. Secretary-Joseph Buffington, Jr., 439 CHARLES HARRIMAN is temporary vicar Maple Lane, Sewickley, Penn. HENRY BEERS completed 30 years of at St. John's, Durant and St. Peter's, Coalservice with Aetna Life Insurance Comgate, Oklahoma . ·pany on April 15. EDDIE CARLSON was 1906 recently re-elected Mayor of West HartSecretary-Fred Hinkel, Jr., 63 Church ford. Among the cold weather dodgers this winter were WALT BJORN, who Ave., Islip, L.I., N.Y. spent some time at Daytona Beach, Florida; JIM CALDWELL, who absorbed the sun1903 shine of Boca Raton; and YOUR SECREFORTY-FIFTH REUNION YEAR TARY, who got in a couple of weeks at Asylum Secretary-Edwin Donnelly, 18 Delray Beach. CHUCK IVES is living at Street, Hartford. 1024 Somerset Road, Grosse Pointe Park 1909 30, Michigan. T he REV. PAUL BARBOUR'S daugh1919 ter, Mary, is engaged to Mr. Field H. Secretary-Sumner Shepherd, 150 MounHobbs of Livingston, N.J. tain Road, West Hartford, Conn.
Secretary-Robert Cross, 208 Newberry St., (Editor's note-ALFRED BOND who Hartford. was the Class Secretary has had to resign RICHARDSON WRIGHT'S new book because of illness.) "A Sower Went Forth" has been recently JOE HARTZMARK represents the Colpublished by Morehouse-Gorham Company. lege at the inauguration of Dr. G. Brooks 1913 Earnest as President of Fenn College in Cleveland on May 9. The REV. WILFORTIETH REUNION YEAR LIAM SPRENGER is director of the New Secretary-Robert Withington, 63 Bigelow York City Mission Society which gives asRoad, West Newton, Mass. sistance and help to over 30,000 people anThe Fortieth Reunion is but a short time nually. The SID WHIPPLES were picaway. Make your plans now to be back tured in the ·west Hartford News as they "'Neath the Elms" on June 5, 6 and 7 for returned bronzed from a West Indies a really memorable occasion and an unusual cruise on the Grace line. opportunity to renew old friendships and ties of college days. Pack up your troubles 1921 and join the merry throng of returning Secretary-Beaufort Newsom, 3 Liberty St., "thirteeners." Clinton, Conn.
1914 Secretary-Robert St., Hartford.
1922 208
1915 Secretary-Ralph Bent, Riverside Country School, New York 71, N.Y. OGDEN BUDD and Miss Mary Elizabeth Town of Utica, N.Y., were married at St. John's Church, Scarsdale, N.Y. on February 14. He is in the insurance firm of Borden Company and is a Lt. Colonel in the Air Force Reserve with service in both World Wars. Congratulatory messages may be sent to 2 50 East 43rd St., New York City. The REV. JAMES A. MITCHELL was the principal speaker at an Interfaith Service in Englewood, N.J., last February. He has been rector of St. Paul's Church there since 1934. HOWARD HILL has moved from Orlando, Florida, to 12 Eton Place, New Britain, Conn., for the summer. YOUR SECRETARY addressed the Directors of the Shield of David Orphanage in New York City on May 13. My topic was "Roads to Peace through Education."
Secretary-Bert Gable, 61 Clearfield Road, Wethersfield, Conn.
1924 Secretm·y-Stanley Kennedy, 133 North Quaker Lane, West Hartford. KEN BLEECKER is now located at Liberty, New York. He is connected with the New York City Board of Water Supply which is building tunnels and dams in that area. He sent his son to the University of Alabama to be under Spud Drew's tutelage, and he was end on the Freshman team last fall. MIKE DALY, who has devoted so much time and effort in connection with his activities as President of the Little League, was honored by a testimonial dinner on May 16th by his many friends of the sports world. RED O'CONNOR has moved to a farm in Forest Hill, Maryland. It is located about twenty miles north of Baltimore. We understand that
1927 Sec,·etary- Frank Conran, 49 Oxford St., Hartford. WINSTON FLIESS has been elected a vice president of Johnson & Higgins, insurance brokers, New York City. JIM CAHILL'S article "Where are Automobile Rates Going?" appeared in the April issue of the Spectator. HOWARD MANIERRE, well-known and popular Connecticut pianist, has retired from the music field and is now manager of Manierre's Assoc.iatecl Food Stores in East Hartford.
1923 TWENTY-FIFTH REUNION YEAR Secretary-Judge John Fitzgerald, Center Road, Woodbridge, Conn. BILL ROSENFELD is living at 4 Arleigh Road, Rockville Centre, N.Y. The following had a luncheon meeting on May 6 to make final plans for the 25th Reunion June 5, 6 and 7-ROY BERGER, RAY BURTON, JIM BENT, LEWIS SMALL, LOUIS RULNICK, HENRY MOSES, and GEORGE SALISKE.
academic achievements were outstanding during our clays 'Neath the Elms, is continuing to carve out a reputation for himself in his chosen profession of insurance. He has just been named executive assistant in the agency research division for the giant New York Life Insurance Co. Formerly in the actuarial department of Metropolitan Life, he takes up his new duties after several years as chief actuary, and an official as well, of the Life Insurance Agency Management Association. Yet another rising young executive is DAN AYRES who doubles in brass as assistant to the vice-president and a mortgage officer for Empire City Savings Bank in N.Y.C. He resides with his wife and two children at suburban Denville, N.J. YOUR SECRETARY wishes to go on record as not being satisfied with the response he has had to his requests for news lately. I cannot write to each and every one of you, but MY address is clearly publicized at the top of this column.
Secretary-John Geare, P.O. Box 536, Cumberland, Maryland. CHARLEY KIRBY, University of Penn Medical School, has developed an instrument for the detection and removal of gallstones. A quartz crystal sounds an alarm when the probe to which it is at1929 Secretary--James White, 22 Austin Road, tached touches a stone that might otherwise go undetected during the surgery. Devon, Conn. Brother BILL is all the way across the 1930 country at Stanford University School of Secretary-Dr. Philip Cornwall, 85 Jeffer- Medicine. SHER RAYMOND has been son St., Hartford. appointed a member of the personnel staff DR. FRANCIS RYAN who grad uated at Fafnir Bearing Co., New Britain, Conn. from Tufts Medical School in 1935 and 1937 has been with the Veterans Administration Medical Service since 1939 has recent- Secretary-George Lepak, 229 Oxford St., ly been appointed Chief Medical Offi- Hartford. cer of the Veterans Administration RegionAt the 15th Reunion last June it was al Office in Hartford. RON REGNIER voted to have an annual class get-together was recently elected vice-president of the in between the formal 5 year rem1ions. Hartford County Bar Association. DR. Accordingly a room has been reserved on AARON BOBROW has discontinued his campus to serve as class headquarters durgeneral practice of medicine in Hartford in ing the reunion from June 5-7. All reserfavor of specialization in Anesthesiology and vations should be made directly with the is at present engaged in a training program General Reunion Committee at the Colin this specialty with the Department of lege, and the Class of '37 will attend the Anesthesia at the Hartford Hospital. scheduled' events in a body. A short busiYOUR SECRETARY has been elected Sec- ness and long social meeting will be held retary-Treasurer of the Hartford County in the class headquarters following the Medical Association. Clam Bake Friday evening, June 5, and
1931 Secretary-Dr. Robert Waterman, Forest Lane, Glastonbury, Conn. LARRY BLAUVELT has been named headmaster of the Milwaukee Country Day School. He has been assistant headmaster of William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia. JOHN CHILDS has been elected vicepresident of the Irving Trust Company in New York City and is in charge of the
announces the birth of his third child and second son, David Mosher. COL. JOSEPH GRECO, air attache to Egypt, made a 10,000 mile trip last winter through all of East Africa in his DC-3 airplane. In Ethiopia he spent one day big game hunting. Result-no big game. AL HASKELL is back with the Aetna Life and living in Rocky Hill, Conn. Representing the Class of '37 at the Hartford Alumni dinner for Dr. Jacobs were JIM EGAN, AL HASKELL, BILL P A YNTER, BART WILSON and GEORGE LEPAK.
Secretary-Frank Jackson, Brooks School, North Andover, Mass. GREGORY McKEE has been named sales manager of the n·ew toy department of Bostwick:Braun Co., Toledo, Ohio. MAJOR JOHN MERRILL is stationed at Camp Pickett, Va.
1939 Secretary-John Wilcox, 57 Glenview Drive, Newington, Conn. · FRANK BARNES is Assistant Regional Historian, Region One, National Park Service. He is residing at 1811 Cornell Ave., Richmond 26, Va. Recent word from BEN BLAKE says he has joined the Boston architectural firm of Somes, Griswold, Boyden, Wylde and Ames. Mrs. WERNER wrote early in April that JOHN received his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from Michigan State College on March 16. He is now on the technical staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. THRASH WRIGHT is President of Crest Laboratories, Concord, New Hampshire, makers of a new type of cleansing sponge. BILL PICKLES has been transferred from Philadelphia by the Aetna Group to its Pittsburgh office's Casualty Department. DICK · Hl\RT is now promotion manager of Printer's Ink, N .Y.C. Two reminders-have you sent in your check for the '52-'53 Alumni Fund? If not, please do so pronto so ED SMITH can make a record report for the Class by Commencement. Next year is our Fifteenth! We should get organized . this June. There's a bang-up program for Friclay and Saturday, the 5th and 6th. Let's get together for dinner at Heub's Saturday night. Drop me a note and I'll take care of reservations.
1940 JACK-CAREY sold more group insurance last year for Loyal Protective Life Insurance Company than any of the company's other agents in the United States. His agency had a 40 per cent premium increase in 1952 over 1951 and ranked eighth in volume in the company. DR. LEO GIARD I is in the Army in Trieste. wALLACE HOWE has been named manager of the Watertown branch of the Colonial Trust Co., of Waterbury, Conn. He had been senior examiner in the State Banking Department. DICK WALES married Mrs. Carmen Attkisson on February 21. They are living at 2 55 East 50th Street, New York City.
1941 Secretary-Cullen Roberts, 111 Pearl St., Hartford. HUGH SOWARDS represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Jay Pearson as President of the University of Miami on May 7. He is teaching at the Law Schools there. From the "Hartford Times" of April 23 we read "DR. PHIL SEHL, co-chairman of the Insurance City Open Golf Championship, had problems other than the $15,000 classic today. He is the daddy of a bundle of joy-number three for the Sehls." DR. HENRY KAPLAN is now living at 282 Wooster St., New Britain. The REV. WILLIAM VanWYCK is at Cave Creek, Arizona. BOB NEILL and Miss Mary Deane were married on April 11 in Wethersfield. Bob is connected with General Electric. RALPH GROVER has been appointed Minister of Music at the First Presbyterian Church, York, Penn. He assumed his new duties April 12, and is conducting three choirs and playing organ recitals. GEORGE COMSTOCK is now m Wayne, Penn. DR. DAVE CUNNINGHAM can be found in Staunton, Va. AL FULLER is at 301 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. DR. JOHN HARRIS is now living in Cleveland, Ohio, while CAPT. AL RANDALL has a Postmaster, San Francisco address. KENT STODDARD is living in Niles, Ohio. Please remember the Alumni Fund. We must all do our share and help out. Either send your contribution to the College or to Dr. Ed Conway, 28 Cherryfield Drive, West Hartford.
th e headquarters will serve as a gathering place throughout the weekend. Special sections for the Class will also be reserved at the Alumni Luncheon and the Class of 1823 Dinner on Saturday, June 6. A wonderful time was had by all attending the reunion last year, and we urge all who 1942 possibly can to send in their reservations and participate in all these events. Secretary-Martin Wood, 157 Woodland BART WILSON has been named Presi- St., Hartford. dent of the Hartford Aid of the C<;JnFRANCIS DONAHUE is engaged to necticut Junior Republic. BOB KELLY Miss Elizabeth L. Fischer of Stamford,
Conn. He is with Niles, Bement and Pond of West Hartford. WALTER FAY, a Major in the U. S. Air Force, is Deputy group Commander of the 3475th Basic Military Training Group at Parks Air Force Base, California. JOE HOTCHKISS who is on the editorial staff of Reader's Digest, was one of three judges chosen to judge the annual News Men Contest sponsored by the Pittsburgh Mover's Press Club. Formerly with Redbook, Joe has been with Reader's Digest si nce 1950. CHARLIE THENEBE has gone into business for himself. The investment firm of Charles E. Thenebe and Associates has opened its offices at 36 Pearl St. Nice going, Charlie.
1943 Secretary-John Bonee, Jr., SO State St., Hartford. CHARLIE JONES joined the Reader's Digest Educational Services upon release from the Marine Corps. KENNY YUDOWITCH will bring his family to Chevy Chase, Maryland, in June, where he is to be Project Chairman for the Johns Hopkins University Operations Research Office. BROOK CUDDY is a television executive in Hollywood, California and enjoying it immensely. TOM ASHTON is cruising the sunny Mediterranean as a Lieutenant in Uncle Sam's Navy. BOB KELLY, Ph.D. (Chemistry) is with U. S. Rubber, General Laboratories, Passaic, New Jersey. AL STAFFORD, D.D.S. is serving in the army as a dentist. LOUIS HASBROUCK is studying for his M.D. at Still College of Osteopathy and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa. RAY CUNNINGHAM is Assistant at Grace Church, N.Y.C., and is Jiving in Stuyvesant Town. RUBE POMERANTZ is working for ad vance degrees in Food Technology and Business Engineering at M.I.T. BOB GUNSHANNAN is Republican Town Chairman in Granby, Connecticut. BOB WOODWARD was recently made Sales Promotion Manager, West Coast Division of The Glidden Company and is living in Mill Valley, California. JARVIS BROWN is Pastor of the Methodist Church in the San Fernando Valley, Southern California and is in the midst of a building campaign. DAVE BAILLY is Jiving in Wollaston, Massachusetts, and meets monthly with other Trinity Alumni in Patten's Restaurant for lunch. CARL WILLIAMS teaches math and physics at the Clark School, Hanover, New Hampshire. BILL HINSON is Assistant General Manager, Ashtabula Hide
a great deal more interesting if you would give me something to write about. I did have dinner with ELLIOTT STEIN recently, and he's a reporter for the Bristol paper, and also runs his own advertising agency. We ta lked about 1944's tenth reunion, and he has agreed to be on the committee. Who else will help? We can have a good reunion if we ali get after this. I do hope as many of you as possible will be back this year on June 6th, we can then start talking about our tenth reunion in June 1954. May I just add one discordant note, last year at this time we had 37 contributors· to our Alumni Fund, this year 23, this is a very sad state, we're out to improve, pick up that check book, it's not so heavy.
1945 Secretm-y-Andrew Milligan, Jr., .113 Cedar St., Wethersfield, Conn. DR. RICHARD C. PETERSON advises that he is located at the University of Colorado Medical Center, 4200 East 9th Ave., Denver 7, Colorado. Our congratulations to the CECIL E. BAKERS on the birth of a son, Peter Eugene, on January 26th in Covina, California. BILL GRAVES is now Executive Secretary for the Delta Phi Fraternity, and has his offices at 15 William St., New York City. KEVIN BRENNAN recently moved to a new home at 36 Braintree Rd. , West Hartford. DR. WALT WILDMAN is out of the Army and is at 3618 Paxton Ave., Cincinnati 8, Ohio. Other changes of address are: BOB FREDRICKSON to 155 Malikowski Circle, New Britain, Conn .; BILL CRONIN to 11 Middlefield Drive, West Hartford; JOSEPH V. AIELLO to 46 Forest MELVIN C. Lane, Bronxville, N.Y. SMITH is now associated with the Rea l Estate and Insurance firm of Loomis and Ely in West Hartford . WALT JOYNER has been transferred to the Boston office of the Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. YOUR SECRETARY met BILL HART recently in Hartford. He is now ass~ciated with the Bond Dept. of the Travelers Insurance Co., in their Buffalo office. Let's hear from some of you other strangers, and remember Reunion, June 5-7·
1946 Secretm·y-Louis Feldman, Trinity College, Hartford. WELLES ADAMS is a supervisor of city mortgages at the Phoenix Mutual Insurance Co., where he is also active as a Thespian. He is married and has a daughter Barbara a ear old. ALBERT AHERN
Pennsylvania, is working for the Soundscriber Corp. in New Haven, while waiting to take some courses in education for certification as a secondary school teacher. FIRST LT. HARVEY KATZ is with the Army Legal Assistance of the Office of the Judge Advocate General in the Pentagon. Exuberant as ever, ATTY. DAVE KAZARIAN has just opened his office for the general practice of Jaw at 487 Farmington Ave., H artford. SIEGBERT KAUFMANN, who covers West Hartford news for the Hartford Courant, recently aided in Prof. Larry Barber's campaign for the West Hartford Town Council. He is secretary of the Conn. Dept. of the Reserve Officers Association. FORREST KELSEY is a lumber man running one of the mills of Joseph T. Rossi . He is Jiving in Haddam with his wife, the former Patricia Kerin, and their chi ldren, Glenn, 5, and Anthony, 4 months. JIM MciNTYRE is vice-president and sales manager of the Laurel Oil Co. in Hartford. Married to the former Nancy Odin of West Hartford, he has two children, Marcy, 5, and Betsy, 2. GARDNER MOULTON is supervisor of the proof department at the Hartford-Connecticut Trust Co. BILL NELSON is a group leader in the Development Dept., working at co lloidal products, in the Naugatuck Chemical Division of the U.S. Rubber Co. He is married to the former Eleanor Nelson of Hartford, and they have two sons, Mark Stephen, 2 and Jonathan Scott, six week;s. CLAY RUHF is a research chem ist with John H. Breck, Inc. He is living in Springfield with his wife, the former Dorothy Opitz of Springfield, and their children, Karolyn, 6, Louise, 5, Thomas, 4, and Robert, 1. ROYCE STIMSON is working in Toledo at a plant which manufactures saccharine tablets. Married, he has two children, Royce, Jr. , 4, and Kenneth, 2. DR. MIKE SHAFER is in the U.S. Air Force Medical Corps for a two-year tour of duty. He is currently stationed in Philadelphia. GEORGE TWITCHELL is with F. Perry Close, civil engineer, on Pearl St. in Hartford. He is married to th e former Anne Barton of West Hartford and has a daughter, Elizabeth Anne, 18 months old. DR. THOMAS WALKER is associated in the practice of general medicine with his father, Dr. W. Bradford Walker. He is living in Goshen, Conn., with his wife, the former Marion Faust of New York City and Summit, N.J. When your secretary last spoke to Tom in mid-April, he was expecting to become a father within three
MOOSE HUTCHINS reports the birth of his first child, Rebecca Collins, on March 14. JOE LITTELL is living at 208 ,East 16th St., New York City. BUD OVERTON wrote from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in February that he hoped to get to Japan this spring. He says he is sure that he belongs to the sma llest Embassy in the entire American foreign mission structure- precisely four people. MARTY ROUSE writes that he is at 72 1 South Bonnie Brae Street, Los Angeles, but gives no details as to his occupation. DICK ROY is engaged to Miss Elizabeth A. Blake of Assonet, Mass. RON URQUHART was a recent campus visitior. WEB SIMONS represented the College at the inauguration of Dr. Alvin Chandler as President of William and Mary College on May 15.
the integrated studies program at West Virginia University, is currently interning in general education under a grant by the Carnegie Foundation at Yale. Bob plans to continue study for his doctorate at Yale in the philosophy of science. He is married to the former Margaret Cowburn of Whitinsvi lle, Mass.
news for other schools in the area but good news to Trinity, Bob. Bob has been at the St. Louis Country D ay School in St. Louis, Mo. JOHN BLAKE is also traveling as the Phoenix-Connecticut has appointed him to the Colorado and Wyoming insurance territories. MILTON BUELL had a son, David Alan, on October 16th. CHUCK CHIDSEY, currently at Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons, is engaged to Miss Muriel-Anne \'V"alker of Syosset, L.I., and the staff of Mademoiselle. The "Young Doctor Kildare" approach never fails, does it Chuck' Congratulations are in order for WALT DAVIS who has been awarded a fellowship in English at Yale. DOUGLAS DONALD was married to Miss Elizabeth P. Kemp at Grosse Pointe Farms on April 11th, administering a blow to the dwindling bachelor contingent of the class. JAY GEIGER writes from the Wright-Patterson AFB to tell me that I am a bum correspondent, mea cupla, that is true Jay. Improvement coming. BRENT HARRIES, who has been rocketing Korea writes that married life, when he is home to enjoy it, makes the bachelor contingent look silly. Brent, what do you know about married life when you're in Yokosuka? CAL HEAP is in politics, part time, in the planning board of Adams, Mass. Cal is teac h.mg science, math and geography at k the Plun ett junior high school, and has a family of wife and child. JOE HYDE has been discharged from the Army and may be happily found in civvies. HARRY KNAPP is also in civvies now and working as a trainee with I.B.M. A very brief note announces thi!t JOHN MACKESSON'S family is larger by a son who can be his little girl's younger brother. FRAN MULLANE is back in Hartford as a civilian. How about some more news, Fran? Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD PAPA started the year out right by having a son Richard Eric, class of 1975. FRANK PATTERSON ended the year about as well as the Papas by becoming "a full fledged civilian." JIM PERRY is working on the Philadelphia Bulletin-from the Tripod great reporters grow. BILL PITKIN has had Bill, Jr. in the family since February-another 1975 man. BOB TSU writes from the Presideo of Monterey, that he is an instructor in the Chinese Mandarin D ept. of the Army Language School. He says that he has to teach 2,000 or more characters (pictographic that is, though I imagine the human variety is plentiful too) and that the cours·e
1950 Secretary-Bob Herbert, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. Spring with the first sunburns, poison ivy, and bad golf has ·arrived and the class of '50 continues actively enough to keep a class secretary away from the above dubious joys. I certainly appreciate the newsletters that helpful classmates have sent in and JULIAN MILLER is this installment's best correspondent. In 1949 seven Trinitarians transferred to R.P.I. in the five-year mutual college agreement and Julian, who is a field engineer for G.E. in Detroit, notes that four of the seven are G.E. men. Julian reports that JOHN CAVANAUGH is a soil expert for the State Highway D ept. in Hartford; that WILLIAMS JETTE is in Arabia as a civi l engineer with the Arabian American Oil Co., and is expected back in the States come August; and JOE KAJOR is with G.E. in Erie, Pa. in the Diesel-Electric Locomotive research clivision. As if Julian had not done enough, he reports that MARSHALL RANKIN is in the second of a three-year hitch in the Army (address PFC, RA13403128, Co. A, 8617 AAU, AHS, Arlington Hall Station, Va.-you know, I sometimes wonder how Napoleon got along without the serial numbers which seem to click so well in our army); and that BILL BOLAND is in his second year of dental school at Northwestern University. Thank you, Julian, if some of the lugs we call classmates would send half as much information we would know something about our class. For the rest of you non-corresponding correspondents that constitutes a hint. BOB BARROWS, wife and child are expected back in the Hartford area as Bob has become the football and baseball coach
takes time. Bob is sti ll in the bachelors' club but sounds to me like an insecure member. Gung ho! Old man. JOE VAN WHY is also teaching and has a fellowship in Classics at Princeton. That is good news, Joe, I'll be seeing you. PRESTON YOUNG'S fam il y now includes young Linda who was born on April 1st. The Youngs are living in Toronto. Via Th e Sta1'S and Stt·ipes we get the story of RON WATSON'S doings with the U.S. Army basketball team in the Counseil International du Sports Militaire, in Amsterdam last March. In the tourney Ron and teammates upset Belgium 67-52 and whipped France 68-45. Sounds like good basketball. BRIDGE GRISWOLD is engaged to Miss Nina H. Bartram of Greenwich, Conn. JOHN HARDWICK was ordained a deacon by Bishop Armstrong in Philadelphia on May 9. ROGER LADD helped his dad, ROGER, ' 17, put the Hartford Cancer Drive over the top. LAWRENCE SMITH married Miss Ellen M. Thomas of Kingston, N.Y. on April 4. He is with Pratt and Whitney. BILL SCHEAR married Mi ss Jane A. Murray of Manchester, Conn., on May 9. I'm off to Europe this summer-from June 20 to September 15. If you do need help on addresses, drop John Mason a line at College. I want help in getting news and julian Miller sets a good example for · those of you who know the doings of fellow Trinitarians. Have a good summer.
SeC1·etary-Richard Garrison, c/o Alumni Office, Trinity College, Hartford. The Spring season brought a mountain of news about '51-lots of new babies, new jobs, and new postmaster members for the servicemen. JIM PICKETT'S new address is US 5-1150244, 304th Sig. O.P.N., B.N. Wire Co., c/o P.M. San Francisco. He is with the 8th Army in Seoul. GEORGE MOORE has been discharged as a 1/Lt. with the USAF and is back in Hartford with the Travelers. WALT JACOB'S new address is R.D. No. 2, East Hampton, Conn. Other address changes are : HORACE CORDY, 345 Cedar St., Hoquiam, Wash. BOB BARRY, 59 Evergreen Ave., Hartford. TOSH ALDRICH, 9 Albert St., c/o Colonial Village, Wallingford, Conn. HARRY YARROW, Thomas Wynne Apts., Apt. A-112, Wynnewood, Penn. BOB WILSON, 8 Stoneleigh Park, Westfield, N.J. NED TAYLOR, 240 Mt. Vernon Place, Newark, N.J. 2/Lt. BILL RICHMOND, 5th Army CML Def. Sch . Class .
~=---•&r.oL'e~a~th~e~r~C~o~m~p~a~n~y~a~n~a~v~er~y~a"'c~t"I~vue~Jn~co~m m-_·~ w~hLo~ is~p~r~a~cLti~ci. n~g~la~w~i~ n~W~a~s~h~in~g~t~o~ n~,~D~.~C~.,~w~e~e~s-.~no.nB~\V~H~On~F!-,-a~f~te~r"'t~e"'ac" ~I"no g-T. In~o-f--~th'e--~K~i-ngswood7-~S~c7h-o~o71.~T ~h~a~ t's ~b~a~d+-A~,~-C ~ am ~p---M ~c~C~o-y~,~~W ~isc~o-n~si~.n~.~L ~O ~U~--~
munity affairs. JOE ROSSI, M.D., is also serving in the Navy aboard the USS Worcester, expects to be released soon and go into residency in New Haven. MUSH GUILLET was transferred from Milwaukee to McKownsville, Albany, New York by the Automobile Insurance Company and reports that he recently met Bill Grey for lunch. CHARLIE RENSHAW was married to Miss Elizabeth Campbell Fly of Memphis, Tennessee on April 11 · HARRY ANDERSON is principal of the new Claflin School in Newtonville, Massachusetts and is working for his Ph.D. in elementary education at Boston University. DAN MILLER announces the b irth of Talbot Day Miller, his fifth child. Dan is with Cooley and Co., Hartford, investment brokers . GEORGE JONES is now with the · New Haven Journal Courier. MAURICE KENNEDY is with the Army Language School in Monterey, California. YouR SECRETARY NOTES '43's TREMENDous ENTHUSIASM FOR A "BIG" lOTH REUNION IN JUNE.
1944 Secretary-William Peelle, 15 Lexington Road, West Hartford. The response to my last communication was so overwhelming that I have hardly had time to sort all of the mail yet. In fact one letter came in that wasn't even addressed to me. It just proves what I had expected ail · along, here is a class of rising young executives, that's a useful word for anyone who is busy, and no one can find time to even tell what he is doing. One of our more faithful members has a very good excuse though, in fact, that is the reason I have agreed to take over this news sheet for a while. Have a listen and see if you can qualify as the second busiest man in 1944: This fella works for a Steel Company, five and a half days a week, long hours, too, then as an added attraction to get the week off right he starts at 2:00 A.M. on Monday to help get the mill roil ing, all told about 60 hours per week; so to take up spare time, he goes to college two nights a week; then he had to move to take this job, so he and family bought an old farmhouse and are renovating it, and of course you guessed it, his good wife had a child on Washington's Birthday, in fact it was their third and a son, David Andrews Toland; our congratulations and best wishes; who else is entering boys in the class of 1974. It goes to show that someone who is busy can find time to write just a note about himself; this column could be
was married on April 25 to Susan Manni ng of Marblehead, Mass., a Smith alumna . FRANK ANDERSON is in the Farm Loan Department of the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Co. He is married and has twin sons, Ronald and Donald, aged six, and a daughter, Bonnie, aged two. JOHN BLAKE, who is with U.S. Rubber in Havana, Cuba, married Miss Waveney ]. MeGough in Havana on D ecember 12. PHIL COOK married Miss Patricia Gillespie of Pittsburgh on April 11. After a trip to Barbados, British West Indies, the Cooks will reside in Wilmington, Del. JIM CUNNINGHAM is sales manager of the organ and piano department of Whiting's, Inc., in Bridgeport, music and appliances. He is married and has two children, Nancy, 3, and Candace, 2. PAUL FASI is an underwriter for the Prudential Insurance Co. in Newark. He is living in Belleville, N.J., with his w1'fe and their three children. YOUR SECRE. TARY addressed the Business and Professional group of the Young People's League of Hartford's Emanuel Synagogue on "The Jewish Attitude Toward Jesus" on March 26. On April 12, he spoke on "The Jewish View of Salvation, Redemption, and Atonement" before the Wesley Foundation at the South Park Methodist Church in Hartford. At a dinner on April 15, sponsored by the Hillel Alumni of Trinity at the College, he was privileged to make the presentation of a bronze plaque to Chaplain O'Grady for his roJe, in founding and fostering the Hillel Society at Trinity. Also present at the dinner were LEO ROSEN, DAVE KLICKSTEIN, and FRED LASCHEVER. BILL FLINT is vice-president of the A. W . Flint Co., manufacturers of ladders. He is Jiving in Woodbridge, Conn., with his wife, the former Carol W. Erskine of Bronxville, N.Y., and their three children, Karen E., 41f2, William A., III, 21/2 , and Ann K., 1. BOB GOLDEN is general manager of Royal Tours, Inc., in Miami, Fla. He is married to the former Helen Saba of Dallas, Texas. EDWARD GREENBLATT, who is married to the former Frances Kravsow of Hartford, is currently connected with G. and G., ice cream distributors. DICK HAAS has sold his interest in the Aetna Laundry and is currently a salesman for the Hartford Club Beverage Co . DR. HERBERT HERR is in the service at Niagara, N.Y. ED HOROWITZ, having received a master's degree in European history from the University of
1947 Secretary-Thomas Egan, 206 Farmington f Ave., Hart ord. is engaged to Miss MarBILL MARR jorie A. Bush of Waltham, Mass. ED FRIENDLANDER sent along a "News Capsule" published by him. He's aboard the Sit koh Bay, b ut apparently had a goo d time in San Francisco according to his report. SPIRO PETERSON received his Ph .D . from Harvard in March. PAUL SHERLOCK has been released from the Navy and is living at 244 McKee St., Manchester, Conn. DR. NATHAN SELTZER is practicing dentistry in Los Angeles. The PAUL KINGSTONS announce the arrival of their second son, James Burke, on March 3. PAUL, JOE STIRLACCI, and IRV POLINER are house officers at the New England Center Hospital in Boston.
1948 Secretat·y-James Manion, Jr., 350 Hoicomb St., Hartford.
1949 The REV. JACK BIRD was ordained to the priesthood at St. James' Church, Texarkana, Texas, by Bishop C. Avery Mason of Dallas on February 2. Jack is curate there. WENDELL BLAKE gave an organ recital at St. James' the day before. He is studying music at the University of Oklahoma. DICK BOWMAN writes that he will be out of service early in 1954. CLIFTON CHERPACK'S "Some Senecan Analogies in the Anonymous-Epistola moral a Fabio" appeared in Modern La11guage Notes, March 1953 issue. LEIGH CORNELL is with A. 0. Smith Co., Minneapolis, Minn. The REV. RAYMOND HOFFMAN was ordained to the priesthood on D ecember 10 at St. George's Church, Lusk, Wyoming, by the Rt. Rev. ]. Wilson Hunter, Bishop of Wyoming. The Hoffmans proudly announce the arrival of their second child, Meredith Lydia, on February 17. JOHN JOPSON has been elected secretary of the newly formed Hartford firm of Barton Electronics, Inc.
RADEN, 9 Carlton Road, Ro chdale, Mass. Ens. COURT NELSON, 10 Gracie Square, N.Y.C. RALPH MARSHALL, 512 State St., Glendale, Calif. NEWT LEO, Bexley Hall, Gambier, Ohio. JACK NETTEL is a supply officer in Washington and living at 1412 North Highland St., Arlington, Va. One of his best customers is a new fellow called "Ike." I suppose he's playing quite a bit of golf, too. The love bug has bitten Jacknothing new- and the lucky girl 's name IS Sally Foster, a United Airlines hostess. BROWNEY DICKEY has completed a six-months' tour of duty off Korea on a destroyer. He should be back in Newport by now and has promised Trin a visit this spring. BOB DICKINSON visited the Hilltop last winter. He expects to be discharged this August . BILL HULSE left Wright Field for Lackland Air Base in Texas for Air Force OCS. BOB JACHENS scored again, but in a little different way. . His family was ·blessed on March 26th with the arrival of Glenn Steven. Someone send a wire to Ray Oosting before Notre Dame moves in. JOHN FRIDAY took a little breather in Florida after being discharged from the Marine Corps, and is now working for Morgan Stanley & Co. in N.Y.C. He is living with DAVE MERCER who is with the Mercer Publishing Co. FRANK FISKE reports the arrival of Thomas Franklin on January 12. BILL GRADY is now stationed at Camp Rucker, Alabama, and would like to hear from some of his Brownell Club buddies. The only news I can get on DICK WARREN is that he is somewhere in the Navy on a sub. STEVE PRESSEY is still Air borne at Fort Bragg and reports the arrival of Stuart Pressey on March 19. BOB MAYES has been in California since he left Trin. He started out teaching electronics at Camp San Luis Obispo, and is now the Nuclear Research Assistant at the Presidio in San Francisco. His family expects him home for Thanksgiving. BOB JONES is in the Real Estate business in Baltimore. If the .Indians had only known, they would have held out on Manhattan until Bob came along. BILL HARDY is raising Angus on Mainbrace Farms, Queenstown, Md. JOE GROVES and Sa ll y Hank of Rutherford, N.J., were married on April 14. DAVE EDWARDS, DAVE MERCER, TRUBEE RACIOPPI., '52, and DAVE CLARK, '53, were ushers. Joe is still with Standard Oil and will live in Houston.
AL BOTTERS is stationed in Munich, Germany, and expects to be home this Fall to see his eight-month-old daughter, Deborah Lee. JACK BOMBERGER is tying together loose ends at Temple Med School about this time. BRAD MINTURN is attending Virginia Theological Seminary and assisting at Trinity Church in Tacoma Park. DAVE BLAIR is in TOKYO with the 96th Machine Records Unit. His job is to compile personnel and organizational statistics and issue reports. NED KULP and Suzanne Glazier have, at long last, made it official. BOB DUNKLE and Joan Osborn announced their engagement recently. He is with Stone and Webster Securities Corp. LeBARON COLT and Joyce Eckerson were married in March. ROB LANDERS and Madge Lawrence were married on March 28 in Pittsburgh. Doesn't leave much hope for the remaining members of the confirmed bachelors club, does it? ENS. · BEN JENKINS left OCS and headed for the West Coast only to end up in the Navy Hospital at San Diego with a cyst. Uncle Sam is rapidly nursing him back to health and promises sea duty soon. Ben expects to tie the knot in Nov. DICK
RICCI writes from Germany where he is in the Army that he had a recent 20 day leave which he spent in Italy . . BILL DOBBS and Marie Shea were married last February 15 in New York. RAY BEIRNE, PHIL NASH, and HOUSE HALE were ushers. The couple's new address is Presidential Apts. A-612, Philadelphia 31, Penn. DON ALLEN gets the award for the deal of the year. After cruising in the West Indies in January and February, he stopped off at Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. At present he is preparing for a round-the-world-cruise. Not too tough! DON McKELVIE. has been appointed a special representative of Arthur Watson Co., Hartford. Yours truly is finished at the 'white bucks' and 'crimson tie' institution and has started a three-year hitch with the Naval Air Intelligence. The next letter might be written from the high seas, so I would appreciate it if all news items for this column were sent directly to the Alumni Office until I get out of my sailor suit.
What has happened to the class of 1952? The Alumni Office reports only two marriages and three engagements. Is the majority of our class destined for a life of bachelothood ? If this keeps up I will have nothing to write about. HOWIE ROGERSON has become engaged to Wynefred Walker of Martinsville, Va. Howie is employed in Martinsville with the DuPont Co. Ah! Those southern belles. GEORGE SMITH became engaged to Mildred Rei] of Tuckahoe, N.Y. on February 13. George is going to be transferred to Camp Pendleton, California in May. BILL CARVER has promised to pledge his troth to Margot Meyer of Poughkeepsie. REID SHAW married Marilyn McCarthy of New Britain on April. 11. LOU BERN4BO married Jean Slimock ·of Meriden, Conn., on May 9. He is at Mitchel A.F.B., N.Y. BOB FORTE married Alberta Vaccaro in Winchester, Mass. on May 2. Now seems to be the time that the services are transferring Trinity men far and wide. TOM DeP ATIE is at Westover Field as a management analysis officer. MAURICE FREMONT-SMITH has left 1952 Dix and is on his way to the Pacific coast. Secretary-Dave Smith, Morris D-33, Har- JOHN TAYLOR has become a member of the American Alpine Club. Jack expects vard Business School, Boston 63, Mass.
THOMAS TERTIUS NOBLE, HON. 1926 Dr. T. Tertius Noble, eminent composer and organist emeritus of St. Thomas Church, New York City, died at his home in Rockport, Massachusetts, on May 4. He would have marked his eightysixth birthday the following day. Dr. Noble leaves his wife, the former Miss Meriel Maude Stubbs of Ely, England, and a son, Philip Raymond. Born in Bath, England, the son of Thomas Noble and Sarah Jefferson, Dr. Noble learned the Preludes and Fugues of Bach while a young boy. When fifteen years old he became church organist at All Saints Church, Colchester. Five years later he won a scholarship at the Royal College of Music and upon completing his course was named assistant organist at Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1892 he became organist at Ely Cathedral and six years later was appointed to the highest place in the Church of England's musical world, organist at York Minister. Af~er -this .appointment he wrote seven a cappella anthems, ineluding the well-known "Souls of the Righteous" and "Fierce Was the Billow." Dr. Noble came to St. Thomas' in 1913 and retired in 1947. During his long tenure there he trained hundreds of singers and organists. Among his pupils were Nathaniel Abbot, '32, William Howard, '41, and George Oberle, '45, and Chaplain Gerald B. O'Grady, Jr. He founded St. Thomas choir school in rented quarters, and later supervised the erection of the school's own buildings. In 1926 Trinity awarded Dr. Noble the honorary degree of Doctor of Music. In appreciation for this Doctorate he composed aTe Deum for men's voices and dedicated it to Trinity College. He helped plan the organ in the College Chapel and played the first recital when it was consecrated in 1932. For many years Dr. Noble brought the St. Thomas choir to the College Chapel on the first Sunday in June. On February 28, 1932, Dr. Noble received the Lambeth Degree of Doctor of Music, an honor given by the Archbishop of Canterbury for the first time to a person outside the British Isles. On that occasion, the T. Tertius Noble window was dedicated in St. Thomas- a most unusual recognition for a living person. Dr. Noble was an examiner and member of the national council of the American Guild of Organists, and a former president of the National Association of Organists. He composed hundreds of anthems, hymns, cantatas and other church music. In the Protestant Episcopal hymnal, his hymns are comparable in number to those of Sebastian Bach. ANDREW KEOGH, HON. 1930
Dr. Andrew Keogh, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Bibliography at Yale University, died in New Haven, Connecticut, on February 13. He was born in 1869 at Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, and studied at Durham College there. Appointed reference librarian of the Newcastle Public Library in 1892, he came to this country in 1899 and was named librarian of the Linonia and Brothers Library at Yale. A year later he was advanced to the position of reference librarian, which post he held for sixteen years. During that time he completed the re-cataloging of the entire library. Fr<;:>m 1916 to 1938 Dr. Keogh served as librarian of the Yale Library. He lee-
in his possession since 1901. The President encouraged him to bring back the old relic. After a search in his attic, it was found and the ninety-year-old veteran came back to its rightful home on the Hilltop. Mr. Humphries leaves his wife, the former Katherine McGrath of Philadel1 phia, and a brother, Romilly, Class of 1920.
tured in bibliography until 1924 when he was appointed Sterling Professor. In 1930 Trinity awarded him the honorary degree of Humane Letters. Dr. Keogh was one of the six origina! founders of Yale's Elizabethan Club and served as its librarian and as a trustee. He was a past president of the American Library Association. One of the founders of the Bibliographical Society of America, he was elected president in 1913. He was also a founder of the American branch of the Institute International de Bibliographic. Surviving is a son, Oswald Keogh. His wife, the former Miss Jessie Sherman Van Vliet, died last year.
DAVID LOUIS SCHWARTZ, 1900 David Louis Schwartz died at his home in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, on Febru' ary 11. He had been in poor health for over a year, but continued to go to Philadelphia every day, where he was a manufacturer's representative. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Georgiana Fuller Gormly, two sons, Peter and Stephen, and a daughter, Mrs. Cornelia B. Meader. Mr. Schwartz was a most loyal alumnus and always retained his interest in Trinity activities. Three years ago he attended his Fiftieth Reunion. A son of the late Rev. David Louis Schwartz and Cornelia Beekman Cox, he was born in Albany, New York, on September 24, 1877. He prepared for college at St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire, and entered with the Class of 1896. In his Junior year he was manager of the Basketball team. His fraternity was the Phi Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi. After his graduation Mr. Schwartz attended the General Theological Seminary until 1903. He received his Master of Arts degree from Trinity in that year, but decided to leave the ministry after a short time. He was associated with several manufacturing concerns in and around Philadelphia as a salesman for many years . Mr. Schwartz was a co-founder of All Saints Church, Wynnewood, in 1911. ARTHUR GEORGE HUMPHRIES, 1904 Arthur George Humphries died at his home in New York City on January 22 after a long illness. The son of Henry Richard Humphries and Mary Jane Keen, he was born on December 5, 1882, in New York City and prepared for college at Trinity School. In 1900 he entered Trinity with the Class of 1904, but left after two years. He played on the football team and was member of the Sophomore Dining Club. His fraternity was the Alpha Chi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. All his life Mr. Humphries was connected with the New York Curb Exchange, now the American Stock Exchange, as a stockbroker. During World War II he was appointed assistant senior administrator of the Plant Production Division, New York Ordnance District, United States Army. Mr. Humphries will be remembered as the alumnus who returned the original Lemon Squeezer to the College. He had received it from Arthur G. Van de Water, '01, and took it home when he left college in his Sophomore year. In 1948 he learned that the "original" had been returned by members of Delta Phi fraternity and immediately wrote to President Funston that there must be an error inasmuch as he had had the real Squeezer
HAROLD EDWARD ROBBINS, 1908 Harold Edward Robbins died at his home in New London, Connecticut on April 14, 1953, after a long illness. Since 1921 he was an agent for the Connecticut General Life Insurance Company in Norwich, but had to retire because of ill health in 1942. Mr. Robbins was born on July 9, 1885, in Worcester, Massachusetts, a son of Edward Henry Robbins and Mary Ella Walton . He prepared for college at the Hartford Public High School and entered in 1904 with the Class of 1908. He assisted as an instructor of Physics in his Senior year. His fraternity was Phi Gamma Delta. After graduation in 1908, Mr. Robbins did graduate work in Physics at Yale and received his Master's degree there: He taught at the University of Colorado and Hartford High School before being appointed an Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts from 1913 to 1921 when he joined the Connecticut General. Mr. Robbins for years was very active in Boy Scout and YMCA work in Norwich. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Mildred A. Judd of West Hartford; a daughter, Virginia; and a son, Harold, Jr.
to serve in Japan with the Air Force soon for a year. WALT GLENNEN is now at Eglin A.F.B. TED WARD is taking a year's course in Czech at the Army Language School, Monterey, Calif. BOB HUNTER was transferred to Parks A.F.B. in Livermore, Calif. He and SAM NAKASO had a reunion in Berkeley where Sam is living with his bride. Sam was married on February 22, and he expects to return to Trinity in the fall. BARRIE CLIFF has been assigned to O.C.S. in Fort Benning, Ga. BILL BECKER has been transferred to Murphy Army Hospital, Waltham, Mass. DUD BICKFORD has been made a squadron adjutant at Forbes A.F.B., Topeka, Kansas. CHET BUFFUM has just finished basic training and is expecting orders to the Far East. WYATT ELDER has been commissioned in the Navy from Newport, · R.I. He is goi ng to C.I.C. School in Boston, and later will be assigned to Norfolk, Va. MARTY FRANCIS is teaching physics lab. to (andidates for Annapolis at Bainbridge Training Station. BOB HUBBARD is stationed at Williams A.F.B., Chandler, Arizona. GREG KNAPP is studying geophysics at St. Louis under the Air Force Civilian School program. BOB .WHITBREAD is at C.I.C. School,
Baltimore, Md. TED THOMAS has been commissioned in the Marines and now is at Fort Sill taking Artillery Training. STUART OTIS is commissioned and is serving in Saulte Ste. Marie, Michigan. HERB NORTHROP finished basic training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and now is at San Morcos, A.F.B. TOM MILLER is at Pope A.F.B., Southern Pines, N.C. JOHN ROSSNER has been transferred from Sandia Base, .Albuquerque, N.M. His address is now A.P.O. 22, cjo New York, N.Y. DOUG LEE is at Fort Dix completing basic training. JACK KILTY has been transferred to Wright-Patterson A.F.B., Dayton, Ohio. Believe it or not we still have a few civilians in our class. VINCI) DIANA has been elected president of his dormitory at University of Chicago. Vince has the Trinity College Scholarship to U. of Chicago Law School. AL MAGNOLI is living at 1635 Kedron St., Toledo, Ohio. AI is with the Owens-Corning Fiber Glass Co. BOB SAWYER is at Cornell Law School. I am still at Harvard with most of the complete addresses of members of our class. I am always willing to send addresses upon request. Don't forget Commencement is June 7 weekend this year.
Posthumous Congressional Meda] Awarded Hero Donn F. Porter Sergeant Donn Fotheringham Porter, "53, has been posthumously awarded the nation's highest decoration, the Congressional Medal of Honor. · He was kiiJed in action near Heartbreak Ridge in Korea on September 7, 1952, after "an incredible display of valor." His medal is th e fiftyninth to be awarded "for heroism beyond the call of duty" during the Korean war. The action took place near a United Nations outpost at Mundung-ni in front of the 2'ith United States Division. Enemy bombardment on the outpost killed two of the five men stationed there and seriously wounded another. Porter and his surviving companion undertook to beat off with rifle and machine guns the foiJowing assault from two Chinese platoons. Their fire killed fifteen of the enemy who withdrew to reorganize. When they DONN F. PORTER came forward again, Porter continued the defense until his rifle ammunition was exhausted, and then began to fling hand grenCalifornia in 1920 where he operated his ades over the parapet. own real estatecand insurance company .in Although now wounded, Porter climbe Pasadena. out and with bayonet fixed to his rifle
rushed into the oncoming Chinese. Dodging and thrusting, he killed six more of SUMNER CLAYTON FORBES, 1919 the enemy and soon routed the rest. As Sumner Clayton Forbes died at his he was coming back to safety, an artillery home in Vernon Center, Connecticut, ·on burst struck and instantly killed him. March 2. He was born in East Hartford The noise of the attack around the outon January 1, 1898, the son of Frank S. post had alerted adjacent outposts and and Mabel Terry Forbes . After graduthe Americans in the main line were ready ating from East Hartford High School, he for the principal Chinese attack which was attended Trinity for two and one-half delivered a few minutes later. years as a member of the Class of 1919. Donn, a member of the Class of 1953, His fraternity was the Phi Psi Chapter of remained at CoiJege for only one year. He Alpha Chi Rho. For many years Mr. Forbes was associ- enlisted in the Army in February of 195 I ated with the purchasing department of and trained as an airborne ranger at Fort DOUGLAS DREW MYERS, 1917 Benning, Ga. He was sent overseas in Word has been received at the Col- United Aircraft Corporation m East November, 1951, and had been transferred Hartford. lege of the death of Douglas Drew Myers Besides his parents he leaves his wife, to the 14th Infantry of the 25th Division. on March 16, 1953, at Newtown, Connecticut. He was born in Bayonne, New Mrs. Sarah Ashworth Forbes; a son, Lt. Jersey, on March 13, 1894, a son of Sam- Frank S. Forbes; and two daughters, Mrs. Specializing in adolescent psychology, uel Irving Myers and Naomi Louise Tay- Richard D. Caldwell and Mrs. Earle W. he contributed numerous articles to eduJo·r. After attending Bayonne High Barry. cation journals. He was a member of the School, he entered college in 1913 with American National Society for Study of the Class of 1917, but only remained for ROBERT MARSHALL HEALEY, 1925 Ecjucation, and Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. one year. His fraternity was the Epsilon Word has been received at the College Chapter of Delta Psi. of the death of Robert Marshall Healey PERCY WILLIAM CLIFFORD, 1944 Mr. Myers graduated from Williams on May 6 in Hartford. It is hoped that Percy Clifford was born in Terryville, College and entered Officer's Training a complete account of his life may be Conn., June 25, 1920, son of Mr. and School at Camp Devens and at Camp Lee printed in the next Alumni Newsletter. Mrs. Charles W. Clifford. His death where he was commissioned a ~econd came on April 2, 1953 as the result of an Lieutenant. He was associated with automobile accident. Surviving, besides JOHN CONDREN FLYNN, 1937 White Motors and Franklin Simon in Word has been received ·at the College his parents, are his wife, Mrs. Norma New York City. For ·some years he Tallmadge Clifford and two sons, Thomas operated a restaurant in Bedford Village, of the death of John Condren Flynn after A. and Philip E. Clifford, and a brother, of several months on May 2, an illness New York, and recently was employed at Earl E. Clifford. 1953. It is hoped that a complete account Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company Percy Clifford entered Trinity in Sepof his life may be printed in the next m Stamford, Connecticut. tember 1940 from Farmington High Alumni Newsletter. School. He remainded here until FebruJOHN DUBOIS BURNHAM, 1918 ary 1942, when he joined the Army Air FRANCIS CHARLES ZAKOLSKI, John DuBois Burnham died last AuCorps. I remember Percy best on the M.S. 1943 gust 1 in South Pasadena, California. He athletic fields because we played basketball is survived by his widow, the former Dr. Francis Charles Zakolski was killed and had a couple of P.E. classes together. Miss Constance Fairchild, and four sons, in an automobile accident at Arlington, He was always most personable, ready John, William, David and Frederick. Vermont, on February 27. He had been with a smile, but at the same time a good Mr. Burnham was born on February visiting his father, Martin Zakolski, at competitor. As a student Percy always 25, 1895, in New York City, the son of Enosburg Falls, Vermont, and on his re- had good marks. He certainly was well John Bird Burnham, Trinity 1891, Hon. turn to New Britain, Connecticut, where known and liked by his classmates. 1938, and Henrietta H. DuBois. He he was assistant professor of education After joining the Army Air Force, prepared for college at Kent School, Kent, and psychology at Teachers College of Percy was commissioner a 2nd Lieut. and Connecticut, and entered in 1914 with the Connecticut, the automobile in which he was an instructor in instrument flying. Class of 1918. As an undergraduate he was riding went out of control. Besides He retained his interest in the service played on his class football, track and his father, three sisters survive him. after discharge, becoming State Adjutant baseball teams. In his sophomore year Dr. Zakolski was born in New Britain o'f the AMVETS. He was also a member he was elected class secretary. His fra- and graduated from New Britain High of the Farmington Grange. ternity was the Phi Kappa Chapter of School and Teachers College. In 1943 After the War, Percy went to Yale Alpha Delta Phi. he received his Masters of Science degree from which he graduated as an engineer. Mr. Burnham left College after two in psychology from Trinity and four years He was employed by I;Iubbard, Lawless years and entered the insurance business later his doctoral degree in education.al and Blakeley Co. of New Haven as an in New York City. He taught for two psychology from the University of Ari- electrical engineer. years at Kent School before moving to zona. W. R. Peelle.