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VOLUME LV No. 5 • JULY 1958



VOL. LV July 1958

Program of Progress Over The Top: $4,66o,gg8

o. 5

Edited by Kenneth C. Parker Associate: Dale W. H artford Editorial Board: James R. Brainerd '50 F . Gardiner F. Bridge John F . Butler '33 Albert E. H olland '34 John A. Mason '34 Richard K. Morris '40 Advisory Council: Royden C. Berger '28 George H. Malcolm-Smith '25 William K. Paynter '37

Trinity College will always be grateful to you for makin g the Program of Progress such a success. The amount is a record for a college of Trinity's size. H ere are the fi gures:

Program of Progress by Groups: Alumni Greater Hartford . . .. Trustees Parents ...... .... .. ••


Contents The World- 1990 ........... .......







Goals $4,570,000

Ra·ised $4,660,998

$1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 250,000

$1,038,797 1,733,536 801,764 264,313


The End of An Era ------ --- -- ----- 4 Illinois Scholarships --- ----------- 6 The Lively Arts, Hamlet- ---- --· 7 Educational Maturity----------- - 8 Commencement & Reunion 9-12 Association Notes---- ------------ -- 13 Sports -------------------------------- ·- -- 14 Campus News ______ , ________ 15-16

On The Cover . .. Five outstanding alumni were honored at the Luncheon this year with Alumni Medals. Clockwise, they are Clarence I. Penn '12, Philip DeWitt Phair '94, William P. Barber Jr. '13, Russell Z. Johnston '16, and Frederic T . Tansill '22 : Further details on page 12.

Your gifts have made possible substantial F aculty salary increases, many additional scholarships and increased book purchases. Ground for the Student Center will be broken in the Fall. These and many other goals you have accomplished . While I wish that I could say that this victory entitled us all to a nunc dimittis, I know-and you know, too- that many goals remain to be achieved. Still, we can talk about these later. Almost one hundred years ago the College Treasurer had this to say about contributors in his annual report: "Not unto us, 0 Lord, but unto Thy Name be the praise, for that Thou didst put these good deeds into the hearts of Thy faithful servants." Let me echo his words and extend to you all the everlasting gratitude of Trinity College. Sincerely yours,

Publ ish ed monthly except April , June, and December by Trinity Co ll ege. E n tered Janua ry 12, 1904, at H a r tford, Connecticut, as second cl ass matter, under the Act of Cong r ess of July 16, 1894. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for ln section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 3, 1919.


THE WORLD- 1990 Commencement Address By John Ray Dunning, Hon.Sc.D. '58 A "somewhat optimistic" picture of the year 1990 by Dr. John Ray Dunning, dean of Columbia's engineering faculty and Trinity commencement speaker, sent shivers down many a spine and envisioned a land bankrupted by a "neglected and slovenly" educational system, cowering behind "obsolete defenses ... muttering empty threats of retaliation." Although Dr. Dunning's vision was set 32 years hence, it is not difficult to find the foundation for his view. He described America in 1990 as "a society transformed. Without quite intending to, it long ago made its choice and became a consumer-oriented economy. Automation has now carried this to the point of caricature-or nightmare." The result: industrial jobs are primarily for highly trained technicians and engineers, with unskilled and much skilled labor abolished. Consumption is no longer based on productive labor. The lead in military technology was lost, he said, in the years from 1946 to 1956. The country "neglected research, bickered over power and protocol, developed weapons which were already obsolete when manufactured." Crash programs in the Sixties proved to no avail. By 1990, space ships ... "travel to distant planets and beyond. Most of them are Russian , some Chinese, a very few American ... the consequences . . . for good or evil" remain unknown. "But in 1990 it is clear that if any men control those consequences, it will be the Soviets ... " The world scene has changed, too, in Dr. Dunning's projection. It is largely Communist-dominated, a world which has lived with the threat of nuclear war for 40 years. In the Sixties South Africa fell into Communist hands. At that time North Africa and the Levant were fully integrated into the Soviet economic community. Russian technological imperialism overcame Tunis, Baghdad, Beirut and even Cairo. Europe, he said, has been "neutralized by fear." When ehru died, a ruthless communist regime took power and Soviet power became consolidated in Asia. A lively Communist movement flourishes in South America. The West has been saved from the overwhelming communist threat only by the stresses within the Communist movement itself. The Chinese "have been brou11;ht by Russian technological imperialism to a respectable level of productivity, and, with their immense human resources and with their own educational system advancing under forced draft, they have lately claimed a larger and larger influence on the svstem ." Population has proved to be the divisive issue. A biological bomb has exploded in the East. "In India and China antibiotics and strong central governments have removed the traditional checks on population growth-all except war and hunger." Orientals are breeding up to and beyond th.e food supply ... "the brilliant efforts of the scientists have merely postponed famine." Result: the Chinese plan to burst out into Australia and the Western Hemisphere; they are willing to risk a war of extermination. "The Russians. on the contrary, urged a policy of birth-restriction on their Communist partners. But their proffered sterility pills and food additives have less appeal to the Chinese leadership than absolute power does. It is this division which hasfor the time being-saved the West."

If this all sounds far-fetched, Dr. Dunnin g asks that we consider these facts, of the present, not the future: excellent and inexpensive Russian lathes have swept the European machine-tool market; a Russian reactor has been assigned to Egypt; Russian technical missions have gone to India; our best rocketry has been outshot by the Russian satellite and missile programs; we are on the prol?,aganda defensive in Europe; already "the Malthusian bomb' is ticking in Asia. "That is one of our futures," he continued, "I apologize for not making it more interesting. I have deliberately confined myself to a conservative-in fact, a somewhat optimistic-vision." There seems to be a ''bias in our educational system-in our society-a bias against science. Our schools very properly insist on teaching everyone history, so that every citizen can understand the past; but do not insist on teaching sciences so that every citizen can understand the present and future." It is in this realm of attitudes and educational biases that the future will be won or lost. "It is possible that this nation will resume its old habits of daring and vitality-support research-honor its brainsteach its people about science and its scientists about people-build its educational system all the way to the top -put its resources into the great adventure in space-and discharge its debts not only to its bondholders but also to the fathers who gave it liberty and to the children who will inherit." "In short, we can become creative once more. It is our only national alternative to decay and death . Our people can invent, improve, dream and aspire in a way no other population in the world yet can do. "The real and dismaying question is this: Is the United States mentally and morally prepared to make the change? Most of us are not really facing the necessity for the change. Not that anyone consciously says, 'Let us become secondrate-it is cheaper and quieter that way.' "But that is precisely the effect of our national habit of putting second things first-of valuing the product more than the productivity. "I shall make no attempt," he concluded, "at a peroration. Instead, let me make two simple statements of factand I now speak in language of studied moderation: "First, America is behind the despotisms in weaponry and is fast slipping behind in all else that makes a nation durable and independent. "Second, if America is not to fall, we must keep vi~ilant watch not only on the geographical frontiers of our land, but on the frontiers of human knowledge; and this country will be saved from literal desolation and conquest only bv a personal and collective re-dedication of our minds such as few nations have ever achieved in history.''


The End of An Era Dean Clarke Leaves Campus After 29 Tears

of Memora ble The Editorial Staff of the Bulletin was as deeply moved as all other members of the Trinity family to learn of the resignation of Dean Joseph C. Clarke, M.A. 1932, Trinity. In his twenty-nine years at Trinity he has endeared himself to students, faculty and staff alike by his pleasing personality and the effective fulfillment of his many duties. We are sure that he had to make one of the biggest decisions in his life when faced with the dilemma: to take advantage of the marvelous opportunity to return to his native home in Westfield, New York, where not only would he live on his newly acquired farm, but also where he had been offered an administrative position in the Westfield Academy and Central School; or to remain at Trinity with many friends and where one of his fondest dreams was about to become a reality-the building of a Student Center. To joe, Lucille and Cindy, their daughter, we extend cordial wishes for great happiness, as we present here the documentation of a few of the many fine things that have been said and written about them in the past few weeks.


Dean Arthur H. Hughes was called upon at the same party and we quote a few of his remarks: ... I wonder what all of you will remember as typical of Joe's ubiquitous activities here at the College. What is the background, the setting, for your favorite snapshot of Joe Clarke? Many pictures come readily to mind .... A Saturday in early December. The first snowfall. A snowball fight. Windows are broken at the Freshman Dormitory. Who shows up to keep the affair from getting out of control? Elton Lounge or Cook Lounge. The Senate is meeting or perhaps the I.F.C. Who appears at seven P.M. without having had time to finish supper and spends the evening discussing student problems? A Friday evening in the fall. The leaves have turned. Music. The band is assembling under the Bishop. A rally begins. Who is out there running the show? A gray February morning. Nine o'clock. Alumni Hall. Exams are commencing. Who is standing at the door and writing directions on the portable blackboard? The Field House in June. Exams again, and once more someone has made all the arrangements in advance. The same thing happens three times a year at registrations, too . Few know the work that precedes these events. The Hartford Club. The Senior Ball. Music and gayety. The sparkling merriment of carefree youth. But who opens the ballroom and closes it up after the dance? The Police Station. 3 A.M. What shepherd appears to bail out the lost sheep? Trinity Field or Trowbridge Memorial or the Field House. Whom do you see there at the game sitting in the front row among the most loyal Trinity fans? The Dean's Office. "May I see Dean Clarke?" "Is the Dean busy?" Reminiscent of the Information Booth at Grand Central-before all the passenger service was dropped. The swimming pool. Joe in white trousers and a tee shirt with a whistle hanging around his neck. The meet is about to start. Trinity vs. Wesleyan .... ... Consider this Dining Hall where we are assembled tonight ... I can close my eyes-and Joe can close his eyes-and we can see this room full of people who have sat with us here in the past and whom many of you do not know, even by name. We can hear voices you have never heard. And what is more, we can close our eyes one time after another, and each time we can recall different faces. Joe can keep this up longer than I can-indeed, he will remember this spot as it looked before the Dining Hall was built. ... ... Memories rush into my mind, hundreds of them, and so fast that each new one quickly crowds out its predecessor. Yet no single one of these transitory and fleeting moments is important in itself. Our meeting this evening is no more important than the other moments we have shared with Joe.

Dr. Jacobs was toastmaster at a party given for the Clarkes by the Faculty. The following are excerpts from his remarks. "My friends, we are gathered tonight to express our lasting devotion and gratitude to two dear and wonderful friends, Lucille and Joe Clarke, and to wish them Godspeed as they wend their way westward. There have been so many farewell parties for the Clarkes and so many tears have been shed over their departure that we must admire both their durability as well as their immunity to sentimentality. "I express, I know, what is deep in the hearts of all of us when I say that your departure, Lucille and Joe, is a tremendous loss. It will be impossible ever adequately to fill your places. We rejoice, however, that the College has for so many years been strengthened, and greatly strengthened, by having you on the team. Your contributions to the College you have served so well will long remain. You have done much to shape the Trinity of today ... " "Lucille and Joe, we all wish you in your new endeavors continued success, prosperity and happiness. May God's blessing always be with you and your family. "It is our fervent prayer that you will find Westfield a community utterly devoid of fire alarm boxes, of pay telephone booths, a utopia where there are no bottle nights, fraternity house parties nor college balls. It is our sincere hope, Joe, that in your new role as a country squire you will find the consumption of grape juice and of milk increasing by leaps and bounds. You are, I am sure, doing all that you can to have them declared the college beverage here at Trinity. "Lucille and Joe, we are not going to say 'good bye,' but merely 'au revoir.' We hope that you will return frequently to our campus' 'Neath the Elms.' Godspeed to you!"


An excerpt from the minutes of the Board of Trustees, prepared as a Scroll, was given to Dean Clarke. WHEREAS the Trustees of Trinity College have received and accepted with regret the resignation of Joseph C. Clarke, Dean of Students and Registrar, be it RESOLVED, that the Trustees express herewith their grateful appreciation of the twenty-nine years of loyal service rendered to the College by Dean Clarke and their tl1anks for his outstanding contributions to athletics and Physical Education at Trinity, for his inspirational leadership and patient guidance of many college generations of young men, for his zealous and unflagging attention to the duties of the Office of Registrar, and for a devotion to Trinity which could not have been surpassed. "Joe" and Lucille Clarke and their daughter Cindy will carry with them as they leave the campus our heartiest good wishes for success and happiness in their future activities.

Mrs. Clarke and Dean Joe examine set of dishes picturing Trinity scenes as Mrs. Arthur H. Hughes looks on (left). Gift was presented at party given Clarkes by faculty and administration.

THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF TRINITY COLLEGE to JOSEPH C. CLARKE When Joe was a little boy there was a song "How are you going to keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree." But now that he is a man, he is weary of the bright lights of Vernon Street, and prefers to sow his own oats rather than supervise this intra-mural form of agriculture in Hartford. His major crop, however, presents a curious contrast. On one hand (or between fingers) will be milk, a fluid acknowledged to be salubrious and fit for students and alumni alike. On the other hand is the grape which in the pressed state is scarcely the botanical counterpart of milk. One can visualize this erstwhile coach working out his bovine squad before the 440 quart milk relay or teaching on the field his bull to charge. Then in the evening in the quiet lounge of the barn, he judiciously aids his cow-council to reach fair and far-sighted decisions, or perhaps counsel some bewildered freshman calf. It is often said that no man is irreplaceable. While each of us is proud of the development of Trinity, our own Trinity will be the Trinity we knew for our four years. For most of the living Alumni of the College, Joe Clarke is and will be a part of our College. A small and almost inhumanly dedicated group of swimmers will remember Joe's tireless coaching and sagacious juggling of starters. Perhaps some will remember that wonderful team feeling that comes in the midnight bus in the dark of winter. Others will remember the patient line practice that ended each Saturday in a frequently victorious sweaty surge against usually potentially stronger opponents. Less well-known is that on Saturdays Joe was the canny scout with a remarkable skill at diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses. This skill was not lost when Joe moved to become Dean of Students. Why was Joe picked to become Dean of Students, certainly one of the most important posts in the College? Because as a coach he had shown rare ability to handle men and boys; because he earned the right to be respected; be. cause nothing was too much trouble for him where his boys were concerned; and because he could give constructive and positive leadership. These characteristics so evident in his coaching days matured and ripened in his days of Dean of students. Each of us has his memories of Joe which can not be changed by a public oration, and these memories say the greatest of all tributes "We wish you would stay." But since go you must "Godspeed to you and yours."

What is truly important is hardest of all to comprehend-the cumulative effect of all these years of service. Twenty-nine years! Why, there are some here, I think, who do not even begin to know what that means ... Yet if you believe it means that Joe is old and decrepit, I'll lay you a wager that he can swim from one end of the pool to the other faster than half of the younger men present tonight .. . . ... I wish sincerely that some circumstance had obliged me to stand up and testify to Joe's stalwart backing of me long before this. I wish I had had to acknowledge in public how much he has helped me and how much work of mine he has shouldered without a complaint, and I wish I could really explain how much he has meant to me. But on an occasion like this I have to try not to become maudlin. I come to praise Joe Clarke and not to bury him. Would that I had the words to pay a fitting tribute to so much unselfish service, so much unswerving loyalty, so much warm-hearted friendship , such a store of wise counsel and good common sense .... ... It is fitting that, as he leaves us, one of Joe's fondest dreams, a Student Center, is nearing realization. It is typically unselfish that his dearest wish has been for the establishing of a Center designed for the use and welfare of the young men who are our students ... No, my friends, Joe is not retiring from Trinity. He cannot. He can never do that, for he has been too much a part of Trinity's growth and tradition. He has truly become an integral part of this campus. Inevitably, he will leave behind something of himself which will remain forever immured in these ivied walls. The thought of Joe Clarke will always wave in the blue and gold flags that flap in the sunlit autumn breeze on Trinity Field. And no one has ever earned a better right to be remembered in the memories of twenty-nine vintages of Trinity men when they gather in the fresh, sweet greenness of June to greet their classmates" 'Neath the Elms."

Barclay Shaw '35, president of the National Alumni Association, presented Dean Clarke at the Annual Meeting, June 7, an illuminated scroll inscribed as follows:


A Mark of Distinction The Story of Illinois Scholarships By Alfred N . Guertin '22

Alfred N. Cuerlin '22 has for the past ten years been the guiding light of the Illinois Scholarship Program. His loyalty to the College and his deep interest in young men has been an inspiration to all who have worked with him. To him and to his able helpers great credit is due for the phenomenal growth and excellent record of this unique scholarship program made possible by generous contributions from friends of the college in the state of Illinois . This June ten Illinois Scholars were graduated from Trinity- five of them with honors and all of them active in college life. We have asked Mr. Guerlin to prepare a general history of the first ten years of the Illinois Scholarship program. W e are happy to publish it at this time.

figures indicated are taken at book value. As of the time that this article is written, the stocks held have an excess of market value over book value of over $300,000, not reflected in the foregoing figures. In other words, there is about one and-a-quarter millions of dollars producing income with which to finance the scholarship program. Only income can be used for this pmpose; the endowment funds must be maintained intact. Judged by many standards, the awards made by the foundation may be looked upon as generous. Ordinarily, no award in excess of $1500 per year is made. Amounts are fitted to need. There is no inclination on the part of the foundation to assume any of the obligations of a parent for the education of his son to the fullest extent he is able. It is not intended that the award will cover all of the expenses of a student. It is anticipated that in order to meet all his expenses, an Illinois Scholar will find it necessary to work during his summer vacation at some form of gainful employment. He will be willing, if necessary, to do such supplementary tasks during the college year to meet such additional ell:p enses as he may wish to incur over and beyond the recognized cost of attending Trinity College. The Directors are convinced that these limitations on awards are wise. It is quite obvious that the operations of an organization having an investment portfolio now aggregating more than one and-a-quatter million dollars in value, which is responsible for the annual selection of ten to twelve awards out of many times that number of candidates, which must follow up on continued eligibility for awards, and which must carry out man y other related administrative functions, will develop a heavy load of administrative work. The foundation has found solution to this problem by an arrangement with Trinity College whereby certain college officers perform specified duties for the foundation. The college is modestly compensated by the foundation for the time these men and their staffs devote to its work. The question is often raised as to what kind of procedure can be established to select from the many scores of candidates the best ten or twelve individuals who will have exactly the qualifications which are sought by the foundation. How is it possible for the foundation to be reasonably sme that the expenditure of funds on behalf of a particular young man to the extent of thousands of dollars over a four-year period will be justified? Cmrently, there at路e ann ual visits by the director of admissions of Trinity College to va1路ious secondary schools in Illinois. The groundwork for these visits is laid by circularization of all the secondary schools in the state with announcements regarding the scholarship program. There is dissemination of promotional literature and correspondence with secondary school faculty advisers and principals. These are the p eople who have the best acquaintance with potential candidates. It is through them that qualified young men are encouraged to inquire about Trinity College, about the foundation and thus develop a basis for later personal contact wi th a representative of the college and the foun dation .

Ten years have elapsed since four young men, the first to be selected as Illinois Scholars from among candidates from all the secondary schools of Illinois, entered Trinity College in September 1948. They had been designated to receive Illinois Scholarships awards to attend Trinity College by Scholarships for Illinois Residents, Inc. This is a non-profit educational foundation, which had been incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois just fourteen months earlier. Their arrival on the campus heralded the start of a program that has grown in size and developed in usefulness. During the elapsed ten years, 32 Illinois Scholars have earned their bachelors degrees from Trinity College and have gone on to broader fields of endeavor. Currently there are on the campus as resident undergraduate students more than 40 such young men, whose education is being financed in large measure by the foundation. It was in the late spring of 1947 that notice was received by Trinity alumni in Illinois that a friend of the college was ready to finance a scholarship program for Illinois boys at Trinity. It was announced that such a program would be financed to the extent of an endowment of two hundred thousand dollars from an anonymous donor. The income from such endowment would be used to provide Trinity educations to young men of high purpose, superior academic abilities, demonstrated character and potential qualities of leadership. After the exploration of several different approaches to the organization of such a program, it was decided that a corporation would be formed under the laws of the State of Illinois to administer the funds and to operate the program. The foundation was incorporated in June 1947 under the General Not for Profit Corporation Law of the State of Illinois. It operates as a membership corporation with membership limited to fifteen and with a Board of Directors of five members. The foundation's scope was increased by an additional gift of $100,000 on May 18, 1948 and one of $500,000 on May 10, 1951, bringing the total endowment up to $800,000. As of the end of the last fiscal year, June 30, 1957, the foundation had assets of $918,000, of which $540,000 was invested in bonds, and $337,000 invested in stocks. The


The scholarship program has been eminently successful. It is generally recognized on the campus that Illinois Scholars have fitted into the college community admirably. They have distinguished themselves in scholarship and in extra curricular activities, both athletic and otherwise. Their abilities have been recognized by their classmates through election to many college posts of honor and distinction. Many have graduated with honors, and the coveted Phi Beta Kappa key is held by a large proportion of senior Illinois Scholars and graduates. There was available at the writing of this article considerable information about more than twenty Illinois Scholars who had graduated in the years 1952 to 1957. More than one-third had been admitted to Phi Beta Kappa, two-thirds were attending or had attended ten well-known graduate schools ranging as far east as Harvard and M.I.T. and as far west as No1thwestern. Graduate studies have included medicine, law, divinity, chemistry, English and mathematics. A surprisingly large number of these men hold associateships or teaching fellowships. Some have had the experience of foreign study. Of the cme-third not engaged in graduate study, about half are in military service. Many of these men look forward to graduate study after release. Others will return to business connections made prior to attachment to service. Because of the large number in graduate schools or in military service, the number of Illinois Scholars who have found their places in business is small. The few men that are now in the business world are all connected with large nationally k.'11own corporations ranging from steel to pharmaceuticals. Several are in the public relations activities of their companies. One is in engineering construction. The field of divinity is not without its share of men. Two former Illinois Scholars are church ;astors and one is in the field of foreign missions. One o these, the Reverend Robert A. Krogman, '52, a member of the first Illinois

''The Lively Arts- (Dig

Scholarship del€gation, is now, it will be noted, a member of the Board of Directors of Scholarships for Illinois Residents, Inc. · As a result of the records made by Illinois students on the campus, and their own high standings in their local communities, Illinois people have come better to know Trinity College. Its fine reputation is being spread throughout the state at a very rapid rate. Scholarships for Illinois Residents, Inc., in some ways is a unique institution. It is neither a subsidiary of nor is it operated by Trirlity College. It is a completely independent corporate vehicle for the education of Illinois youth, working in cooperation with the Trinity administration. The pattern of the setting up of a separate and independent corporate entity has much to recommend it. It could have special interest to individuals or groups of persons in other geographical areas who might wish to set up scholarship programs of substantial size. It generates local interest, it encourages its alumni to take an interest not only in their college but in their communities and the potential leaders in the next generation. The combination of interests is a sound one. To be an Illinois Scholar is a mark of distinction. It is evidence that the holder is a young man who has been selected by a group of interested people as having potentials of great value. It will continue as a mark of distinction so long as the standards of selection remain high and the Illinois Scholars themselves treasure their designations as of importance. Honorary scholarships of modest amount make it possible for the distinction to be given to young men not needing substantial financial assistance as well as to those who do. The officers of the foundation are proud of the Illinois Scholars it has assisted and is assisting in procuring a Trinity education. It is a pride based on sound achievement and great potentiality.

That Hamlet'"

T. H. Parker, Drama Critic of the Hmtford Courant, has been reviewing Trinity!roductions for many years. The ]esteTs underlook a hm· assignment in the production of Hamlet pTesented in Alumni Hall dw·ing the fiTst week in May. With permission of the author we Teprint here a portion of his column reviewing the production. The ]esteTs justly deserve the praise he extends in theiT diTection. "Those amateur innocents who undertake to perform 'Hamlet' simply because it is great theater are looked upon as rash and foolhardy." So wrote George Nichols III, who directed the Trinity Jesters' production given 'neath the local elms last week. As it turned out, Mr. Nichols' somewhat defensive pronouncement was entirely unnecessary. Accurate though it doubtless is as a general observation, Mr. Nichols, John Toye who played the title role handsomely, and the rest of the fine cast rendered it null and void at least on this occasion. Their mutual endeavor was quite the opposite of rash or fooll1ardy. In fact, it was its very good sense, ·as well as its sound entertainment that made it so excellent .•. Mr. Nichols was not traduced by the too frequent example of his hornrimmed colleagues in play-directin~ or the tinkerers in search of novelty. He gave us "Hamlet' at its face value, and by comparison what more is there? He laid the performance out along strong, romantic lines and he encouraged his actors to give a clarion ring to its emo-

tions and its rhetoric alike. What was ever more wrong than the sotto voce soliloquies by Laurence Olivier in his version of "Hamlet"! What a confusion of naturalistic and romantic theater was there! Only a person interested in gimmicks would sacrifice those great arias for such paltry effects. The Jesters' "Hamlet" was both sensible and sensitive. In the technical point, a clear understanding and lucid delivery of the lines themselves were the foundation of their performance. In the artistic, it was the players' willingness to declaim. One of the most deplorable trends of modern Shakespearean direction and acting is the attempt to reduce verse to the semblance of realistic speech, a cowardly compromise with today's audiences. This was an enlightened presentation because it was primarily faithful to the script, accepting it without perceptible question. There is no doubt that "Hamlet" has its interior problems, but at most they are tantalizing rather than important. You don't have any b·ouble seeing the forest if you will just stop counting the trees. That's why Mr. Nichols and the Jesters came out so well. They went at "Hamlet" like artists, not like a crew of loggers. Nothing innocent or foolhardy about these amateurs.-T.H.P.

It is true that in a good high school Latin course a student will cover a good bit of ground in two years; however, the English nine- to thirteen-year-old will have acquired a language while his American friend may find that the long summer vacation almost wipes the slate clean. (How many of us dropped Latin-or another language-after the compulsory two years of rushed grammar, only to discover that we had burned our fingers without tasting the stew?) In many good American schools a student is discouraged from taking Physics until the eleventh grade simply because he has not had enou~h mathematics; in England, for the able youngster, early ' Maths" do away with such inhibitions. A bright fourteen-year-old in one of my history classes had, among other reasonably advanced materials, a text on statics; in the States it would have been the catchall, "general science". At seventeen, the able English youngster is doing work which would challenge many American college sophomores; "Scholarship" level in England is, frankly, university level in the United States.

Educational MaturityThe English School System Robert W. Herbert '50, a master of history at the Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., has served as an exchange teacher at Clifton College, Bristol, England, during the past year. The Herberts have passed a most interesting year with study during the summer of 1957 at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece. The first day of any school term is, for a teacher, an exciting time of new possibilities and new questions. This year the experience was heightened by first classes in Clifton College, an English Public School, where the year began and continued in academic dress for masters, the gray-suited uniform of the boys and an entirely new terminology of blocks, sets, forms and groups. The object of the exchange year was to teach and learn (truly, the object of any school year for teachers) and 1957-58 turned out to be a good year for the study of a vigorous and mature system of education. A nation born to wealth has been, in the American experience, a nation prone to waste, and while we admit that even our generous resources do have a limit, waste of time, talent and direction is too frequently the fault of our educative process. The English system at its best fits the educational process to the abilities of the student, rather than merging the talents of all students in a non-existent democracy of ability. The able student must meet stiff demands in England where the Public and Grammar Schools are not afraid to admit the differences in ability. By cutting the academic cloth to the breadth of the student, the English school may help a youngster to move along as quickly as he can without neglecting any range of talent. In America it is, too often, the bright student who is underprivileged as he must mark time while less able classmates are getting on, and in that misreading of "equality of opportunity" (quantitative rather than qualitative) interest and genuine opportunity may be lost. With some honorable exceptions, that could be the main indictment of American public education. In England both the Public Schools (roughly equivalent to our preparatory schools) and Grammar Schools (like our better academic high schools) provide a challenging academic fare which puts the English student a year or two ahead of his American contemporary.

Quality from Quality How is it done? An early start with serious work based on the student's ability to cope with it. Enforced leisure simply wastes and discourages the talents of able children while missing skills peculiar to their earlier years. Memorization and imitation, both useful in learning languages, are easier for pre-adolescents than adolescents. The English demand of quality from quality, though stem by usual American practice, is no more demanding than most European systems including the Soviet. The increasing recognition of "advanced standing" in many American colleges (with no obvious damage to the average student who does regular freshman work) is a tacit admission that good students in good schools do go further and profit from sensible selectivity of talent. Our democratic ideal of equal opportunity is made a hopeless distortion by those who refuse to recognize that all students are not intellectually equal and follow that mirage into unselective schooling. "Final exams", as they exist in American schools, do not have the same meaning in England. Advance in form is much more a matter of individual work and readiness. At around sixteen students take the G.C.E. Ordinary Level tests which are given nationally. Abler students may take these a bit earlier and slower students may have several cracks at them, but when these tests of general proficiency in general education are passed, the student may specialize. University candidates (and, refreshingly, there is not the same "social" as distinct from academic motivation towards the universities) move on toward the Advanced and Scholarship Level G.C.E. exams. These are used in much the same way as our College Boards, though they are considerably stiffer as exams. To an American accustomed to the grade system, the English way seemed at first just a bit chaotic in its many form distinctions ; however, growing familiarity revealed an approach which is both flexible and mature. A greater accommodation to the differences of talent seems to make the most of individual strengths. The result is not a set type of student, but rather an approach to the education of a person. This has been a very limited view of the experience at an English school. Much must remain unsaid: the mysteries of rugger and cricket, training for responsibility and the universal good-natured fun of a school community. The tone could not be Mr. Chipsian in the Sputnik year, but, from the strictly professional view, the English school has been a lesson of real value for this American teacher.

Latin at eight "A year or two ahead" is really a modest statement of relative standings in academic education but may, to Americans, be one which needs proof and explanation. This is the kind of work an able English youngster will have: at eight he will usually start Latin and by thirteen he will have had two years of a second language, probably French. Also by thirteen he will have had several years experience with "Maths" of the elementary Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry sort; and he will write a legible and coherent English sentence-an art not mastered by all U.S. college freshmen. The English thirteen-year-old starting at the Public or Grammar School is not a finished product in those disciplines, and indeed will con~inue his _work. in th~m, but h_is early initiation coupled with practice gives him a sohd foundation for mature work rarely available to the American secondary school student. It is not a diet for average minds but it does save the talented child from a dulling routine which can so easily breed bored mediocrity.



Ten Receive Honorary Degrees; Jones '1 7 Honored Posthumously Ten nationally respected men stepped forward at Trinity's 132nd Commencement exercises to receive honorary degrees. The citation for one degree awarded posthumously was followed by a quiet prayer. Degrees went to: Roger M. Blough, chairman and chief executive officer, United States Steel Corp.; Dr. Francis J. Braceland, psychiatrist-in-chief, Institute of Living, Hartford; the Rt. Rev. Charles ew F. Boynton, Suffragan Bishop of York; the Rt. Rev. Thomas . Carruthers, Episcopal Bishop of South Carolina; Dr. John Ray Dunning, dean of the engineering faculty, Colw11bia; Dr. Robert F. Goheen, president of Princeton University; Allerton C. Hickmott, vice president, Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., Hartford; Harold L. Smith '23, New York City lawyer; Edgar F. Waterman '98, M.A. '01, former College treasurer; and Thomas J. Watson, Jr., president and director, International Business Machines Corp. The late and beloved Allen Northey Jones '17, Life Trustee, received the honorary doctor of laws degree posthumously. (See Bulletin, April 1958). Blough and Braceland

Mr. Blough received the honorary doctor of laws degree. A graduate of Susquehanna University, where he is now a director, Mr. Blough is a member of the American Bar Association, the Allegheny ( Pa.) County Bar Association, the American Iron and Steel Institute, and the Yale Law Association. He is also a trustee of the ational Industrial Conference Board. Dr. Braceland, after a long and successful career, was appointed psychiatristin-chief of the Institute of Living in 1953. He is president of the American Psychiatric Association, and, at 56, is one of the youngest men ever to hold that post. He was elected president of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in 1951, and was appointed by President Eisenhower to the Health Resources Advisory Committee of the Office of Defense Mobilization in 1953. He received the honorary doctor of science degree from Trinity. Bishops Boynton and Carruthers

Bishop Boynton, the Baccalaureate speaker June 8, received the honorary doctor of divinity degree. He was appointed to his present post in 1951 after service as Bishop Coadjutor and Bishop of Puerto Rico. An alumnus of Williams College, he holds the S.T.B. and S.T.D. from the General Theological Seminary. He was a Fellow there in 1932-33. He is the father of Charles F. Boynton '58. Bishop Carruthers received the honorary doctor of sacred theology degree. He holds three degrees from the University

HONORARY DEGREES-recipients pose with the President, Back row, from left, Mr. Smith '23, Bishop Carruthers, Mr. Watson, Mr. Blough, Dr. Braceland, Mr. Waterman '9 8. Front row: Mr. Hickmott, Dr. Dunning, President Jacobs, Dr. Goheen, Bishop Boynton.

of the South, which he now serves as Chancellor. He is as well president of the board of trustees of Voorhees School and Jm1ior College and Porter Academy, and is president of the Fourth Province. He has served on numerous committees of the House of Bishops and the General Convention. Educators Dunning and Goheen

Dr. Dunning, Commencement speaker and dean of Columbia's engineering faculty, received the honorary doctor of science degree. He is internationally known as a pioneer in experiments with the atom, performing some of the first neutron experiments in this country. He was among those most closely identified with the historic "Manhattan District" project, which was initiated at Columbia and culminated in the first atomic bomb. He has been dean at Columbia since 1950. At 39 Dr. Goheen is one of the youngest presidents in Princeton's history. Trinity honored him with the honorary doctor of letters degree. He holds three degrees from Princeton, and in 1948 was appointed instructor in classics. Nine years later he was named full professor, and became Princeton's president in 1957. From 1953 to 1956 he was director of the National Woodrow Wilson Fello.wship Program. ' Hickmott and Smith >23

Allerton C. Hickmott, new Life Trustee of Trinity, received the honorary degree of doctor of letters. A native of Hartford, he joined Connecticut General in 1917 after receiving his B.S. magna cum laude from Dartmouth. He is active in Con-


necticut business, civic and philanthropic life, and is noted as a distinguished book collector, particularly of the Elizabethan period. After graduation from Trinity, Mr. Smith went on to receive his LL.B. degree from Harvard. Trinity honored him with the honorary doctor of laws degree. Holland Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa and salutatorian at Trinity, he has remained active as an alU111nus, formerly serving as an Alumni Trustee. He is now with the firm of Hughes, Hubbard & Ewing, New York City. Waterman '9 8 and Watson

Mr. Waterman added the honorary doctor of laws degree to his two other Trinity degrees at the Commencement exercises. In 1901 he received his LL.B. from Columbia, and practiced in New York City until 1903. He then returned to his alma mater as assistant treasurer, and in 1906 became treasurer, remaining in that post until June 1, 1929. He has also been active in the business and civic life of the Hartford community. He is past president of the Historical Society, and of the Watkinson Library. He published in 1941 for the Society of Colonial Wars of Connecticut the "Register of Pedigrees and Services of Ancestors." Mr. Watson, chief executive at I.B.M. since 1956 and a member of the firm since 1937, received the honorary doctor of science degree. An alumnus of Brown University, he is now a member of the corporation there and at M.I.T. He is a trustee of the Air Force Aid Society, and is on the committee for Economic Development.


94 R eceive Bachelor's Degrees at


32nd Commencement The regular Saturday morning Chapel Service was held . Later paTen ts and friends of 14 ROTC seniors watched them receiv e their commissions as second lieu tenan ts in th e Air Force. Edgar Lorson was commissioned as a Distin guished ROTC Cadet. Principal speaker was Lt. Col. George M. Manning, professor of Air Science a t Trinity. Two Alumni Seminars were held th is year, one by Dr. Richard Scheuch, assistant professor of economics, on "Labor Union Monopoly- Fiction or Reality", and th e other by Dr. Rob ert Lindsay, assistant professor of physics, on "Shooting for th e Moon." Both were extremely wellreceived , an d the seminars th emselves grow in popularity each year.

Trinity Vice Presidents Earn Masters D egrees Crystal clear skies for most of the weekend and a fully blossomed ca mpus provided a perfect setting for Trinity's 132nd Commencement June 8, and for th e numerous Alumni activities during the weekend . Trinity enrich ed its alumni body by 191 young men, and in addition awarded 38 mas ters degrees- two to its vice presidents -and 11 honorary degrees. Honor Stu dent s

David A. Smith of Pocomoke City, Mel., va ledictori an of th e class, was graduated with honors in general scholarship and mathematics. Remington E. Rose of Ruth erford, N.J., salutatorian, received honors in general scholarship and English. Smith maintained a 92.675 average for four years; Rose had 92.550. Others who were graduated with honors include Durstan R. McDonald, New York City, classics and philosophy; Ma nown Kisor, E vanston, Ill. , economics ; and Ronald E. Gocht, Newington, Edgar W. L orson, Staunton, Ill., Joseph Trau t, Jr., Wethersfield, and Nicholas Zessoules, New York City, all with honors in engineering. Honors in English went to Clifford L. Terry, Evanston, Ill., and David W . Wright, Hartford. George J. Baxter, W es tbury, N.Y., and Michael A. Schacht, Cincinnati , received honors in fine arts. Neil M. Larkin, West Hartford, won honors in French, while honors in history went to Borden W . Painter, Stamford. Joel H . Kidder, Chapel Hill, N.C., and Lawrence M. Bouldin, Aurora, Ill., won honors in philosophy. H onors in physics went to Roy S. Tucker, Champaign, Ill. , and honors in psychology to Mark A. Berkl ey, Colches ter. Judge McCook '9 5 registers .

Dr. Arthur H . Hughes, dean and vice president, received the master of science degree-after having th e credits for 20 years-and Albert E . Holland , vice president, received the mas ter of arts degree. Honorary degree recipients are reported elsewhere in The Bttlletin. Alumni A rrive

Alumni registered for the weekend activities on Friday afternoon, with about 300 returning. The Class Day festivities bega n at 5 p.m. , with Fred C. Foy, president of Koppers Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, as principal speaker. H e is the father of F1路ed C. Foy Jr. '58. At th e exercises John L. Thompson , Pittsfield, Mass., received th e George Sheldon McCook Trophy as the outstanding athlete in the class, presen ted by the venerable Judge Philip J . McCook '95. The 1935 Football Players Award went to Edgar W. Lorson, Staunton, Ill. It was presented by Albert W . Baskerville '35. The evening saw a large crowd enjoying th e smorgasbord on th e athletic field, follow ed by fraternity alumni meetings a nd an open house in H amlin Dining H all.

Parade and Awards

Following the annual business meeting of the Association-reported elsewhere in these pages-the always colorful and spirited Alumni Parad e form ed by the Bishop's statue. The Esky Men of '18, with their pop-eyes and moustaches, proved a d elightful spectacle, and the space-helmeted gentlemen of '28 had to be discouraged from a ttempting to fly th e route to th e Field H ouse. And the men of '33, bedecked as butchers, were a jaunty and imposing lot as th ey tripped easterly in their fin ery. But the space helmets won. The coveted Board of F ellows Bowl went to '28, a tribute to their splendid spirit and contribution to tl1e weekend program. Presentation was by Stewart M. Ogilvy '36, representing th e Board of Fellows. The Jerom e Kohn award, given to th e class witl1 th e high est percentage in attendance, went to 1913, with 54%. The class of 1918 was a close second. The award to th e alumnus traveling the farthest distance to attend the reunion weekend went to E. Talbot Smitl1 '13, of Fin-

Seniors l is t en t o M r . Foy at Class D ay.

At left, 14 men receive commission as second lieutenants in Air Force. Center, John L. Thompson Judge Philip McCook '95. At right, Dr. Scheuch conducts an Alumni Seminar.

don, Sussex, England. A classmate of Mr. Smith's, who journeyed from Hawaii, was disqualilied when it was learned that his trip had taken "about nine months." Saturday's activities drew to a close with the President's Reception followed by Reunion Dinners. Sunday, clothed in brooding overcast skies, saw a quickening of tempo as the hour of graduation approached. Holy Communion was celebrated by the Rt. Rev. Robert F. Gibson Jr. '28 followed by the open air Baccalaureate Service. The sermon was delivered by the Rt. Rev. Charles F. Boynton, Suffragan Bishop of New York, who also received an honorary degree in the afternoon. The Bishop based his address on Christ's description of the final judgment, according to the Gospel of Matthew. The Bishop said the men of his generation are now old enough to have learned that "failures in love, rather than failures in thinking" are regretted most. Commencement Exercises

Commencement time brought a glimpse of the sun, and with this light came the light of a stirring address by Dr. John Ray Dunning, dean of Columbia's engineering faculty. It is reported at length elsewhere in this issue. President Jacobs also spoke movingly to the graduates, warning them against "two very serious mistakes"complacency on one hand, and panic and hopeless depression on the other in respect to present world conditions. Yielding to the temptation of accepting two illusions: "first, that the world of slave labor cannot possibly compete on equal terms with Free Men; and second, that in the end we cannot lose because we are in the right" is "largely responsible for our present postion in the all-out struggle in which we are engaged," he said.

But, he warned, "you must be careful not to veer too far in the opposite direction ... of hopeless depression and panic." Such situations of apparently equal hopelessness have been conquered in tl1e past, he said, and "as you marshal your every resource to do your part in meeting with intelligence and with courage these situations, you will be continuously buoyed up by the realization that there is a Divine Being who will be watching over you ever ready to provide, if you will but ask 路 for it, the strength necessary effectively to meet your responsibilities."

From England

The Purdys

A significant milestone was reached by the College and by Lawson Purdy '84, when the dignified and beloved Life Trustee was on hand to receive for the tenth consecutive year the award given to the oldest alumnus returning for reunion, Now 94, and the oldest living Trinity alumnus, Mr. Purdy began his long and devoted service to alma mater as Class President. He holds the Trinity M.A., '87, and the LL.D., '08. In 1940 he received the Eigenbrodt Trophy, token of the great esteem in which he is held.

Space Men <>f '2 8

Eigenbrodt Awarded A. E. Holland '34 Highlight of the annual Association business meeting June 7 was the awarding of the Eigenbrodt Trophy to Albert E. Holland '34, vice president of the College. Henry 0. Phippen '32 spoke for the Board of Fellows. Mr. Holland was appointed vice president in December, 1957, culminating many years of service to his alma mater. He received his degree from Trinity in 1946, after returning to this country from long internment in a Japanese concentration camp in Manila. Immediately after his graduation he was appointed Director of Admissions and Freshman Adviser, and soon after became Assistant to the President. In 1947 Mr. Holland became Director of Alumni Relations, and in 1953 he was chosen to organize and head Trinity's first development office, with the title of vice president in charge of development. He was eminently successful in this work, with gifts to Trinity exceeding $1,000,000

every year after his aJ?pOintment. When the College received close to $1,800,000 in gifts and bequests during 1957, it placed first among leading small colleges in the country. In his new position of vice president, Mr. Holland directly SUJ?ervises and coordinates the work of the Alumni, Admissions and Development offices. Mr. Holland's many contributions to the civic life of Hartford include a term as president of tl1e Symphony Society of Greater ,Hartford; past president of the Charter Oak Council, Boy Scouts of America; service on the advisory council and as chairman of the 1958 fund drive for the Hartford Association for Retarded Children; a term as chairman of Recreation and Group Work Division of the Greater Hartford Community Council; and past directorshil? of Mitchell House and of the North End Community Center. He served as chairman of the Hartford Gommunity Chest Campaign in 1951.

Five Win Alumni Medals for Service Trinity honored five of her sons by the conferring of Alumni Medals at the annual Alumni Luncheon June 7. Medals went to William P. Barber '13, Russell Z. Johnston '16, Clarence I. Penn '12, Philip DeWitt Phair '94, and Frederic T. Tansill '22. All have records of long service to Alma Mater. Judge Johnston has served as president of the Alumni Association ( '55-'56); past treasurer of the Athletic Association;. and, from 1941 to 1947, on the Board of Fellows. Holder of an LL.B. degree from Harvard, he has been Judge of Probate Court in Hartford since 1938. He was valedictorian and Phi Beta Kappa at Trinity. Mr. Barber, also Phi Beta Kappa and salutatorian, holds an M.A. from Cornell. He has been vice chairman of class agents for the Alumni Fund, 1949-50; chairman of the arrangements committee for the Fall Convocation, 1955; member Athletic Advisory Committee; and treasurer of the Alumni Association, 1930-32. He was a Junior Fellow and secretary of the Board of Fellows from 1926 to 1938. He resides in East Hartland, Conn. Mr. Penn, of New York City, is a past treasurer of the Association; past member of the Bequest Committee; a member of the Hll2 Reunion Committee; and chairman of the New York Special Gifts Committee for the 1952-53 Alumni Fund. He was a Senior Fellow from 1950 to 1957. He is an importer of Far East merchandise. Mr. Phair was an instructor in economics at Trinity from 1897 to 1899. He holds the Trinity M.A. and an LL.B. from George Washington University. After service with the Library of Congress he established his own practice in his native Presque Isle, Maine, where he has since remained.

Mr. Tansill, also of New York City, holds the LL.B. degree from the New York Law School. Captain of his basketball and football teams, he has, since graduation, served as a member of the Executive Committee, 1951-52; Junior Fellow, 1942-45; and Senior Fellow, 1946-48. His son, Douglas, is a rising sophomqre and wirrner of the Donn F. Porter award for character and manliness. Mr. Tansill is an executive with the Federal Nut Co.

Alumni Trustee Adams '3 5

Life Trustees Ferris '16 and Hickmott


Mr. Holland (left) receives the Eigenbrodt Trophy.

Adams, Ferris, Hickmott Named College Trustees Election of two Life Trustees and an Alumni Trustee was announced during the Commencement weekend. Life posts went to George M. Ferris '16 and Allerton C. Hickmott. Mail ballots from alumni elected Paul W. Adams '35 Alumni Trustee for a three-year term. Mr. Ferris is president of the Ferris & Co., brokerage, in Washington, D.C. During the "Program of Progress" development campaign, he endowed the George M. Ferris Lectureship in Economics at the College, at a cost of $100,000. Mr. Ferris served as an Alumni Trustee for the past three years, and was on the Board of Fellows 12 years ago. He is a past president of tl1e Washington Stock Exchange. Mr. Hickmott, vice president of Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., received the honorary doctor of letters degree from Trinity at the Sunday Commencement exercises. He joined Connecticut General in 1917 after having been graduated magna cum laude from Dartmouth, and was named to his present post in 1949. He has long expressed especial interest in the Trinity Library, and is a trustee of the Watkinson Library. Mr. Adams, chairman of the Medusa and secretary of the Senate as a Trinity tmdergraduate, holds the LL.B. degree 路 from Yale, where he is now assistant dean of the Law School. He is also senior partner in the law firm of Adams, Blanchette & Evans, of New Haven. He has served on a number of committees including the Executive Committee of the Association.

ASSOCIATION NOTE§ The Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association of Trinity College was called to order by President Barclay Shaw at 11:10 A.M. June 7, 1958 in the Chemistry Auditorium. The Rev. Henry R. Coleman, father of H. Douglas Coleman '58, gave the invocation. It was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes. The necrology of members of the Association from June 1957 to June 1958 was read by the Secretary. President Shaw presented his report on the year's activities of the Association. In his report he covered the following points: • The Executive Committee was recommending an amendment to the constitution of the Association to create an Alumni Council. Among the purposes of the Council would be to give broader representation to alumni in alumni affairs and to give more alumni an active interest in the college. • The Executive Committee was recommending an amendment to the constitution to provide a six-man nominating committee with staggered terms. • The Executive Committee has recommended to the college administration the creation of visiting committees of alumni to wqrk with the faculty and administration on the problems of each academic department. • The Executive Committee has created a manpower committee to work with the alumni secretary in preparing a list of alumni willing and able to work for the college. • Alumni were urged to assist their area association in interviewing candidates for admission to Trinity. • The appointment of James R. Brainerd '50 as Alumni Secretary was announced. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following amendment to the constitution was adopted: RESOLVED that Article VI of the Constitution of the Alumni Association of Trinity College be amended to read as follows : uNominating Oom ·m it'tees

"Section 1 The Nominating Committee shall consist of six members of the Association . At the 1958 annual meeting of the Association there shall be elected two members to serve for a term of one year, two members to serve for a term of two years. and two members to serve for a term of three years. At each an nual meeting thereafter there shall be elected two members to serve for a term of three years. The Committee shall elect a chairman each year at the first meeting of the Committee following the annual meeting of the Association.

"Section 2 It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to make nominations for the following offices: 1. Junior Fellows 2. Officers of the Association 3. Alumni representative on the Athletic Advisory Council 4. Elected members of the Executive Committee 5. Members of the Nominating Committee 6. Other offices which may be created by the Association 7. Alumni Trustee The names of the candidates for Alumni Trustee shall be certified to the Treasurer of

the College in writing by a majority of the members of tb.is committee not later than February 1st in each year. The provisions for the nomination of Alumni Trustee shall at all times conform and be subordinate to the Standing Rules of the Board of Trustees of Trinity College. The list of nominees for the remaining offices shall be sent to the President of the Association on or before April 1st in each year, and shall be mailed to all members of the Association at the time of the regular Commencement mailing."

Upon motion duly made and seconded, and after considerable discussion, the following amendment to the constitution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the Constitution of the Alumni Association of Trinity College be amended by renumbering Articles V, VI , VII , VIII and IX as Articles VI, VII, VIII, IX and X, respectively, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that a new Article V to follow immediately after Article IV of said Constitution be and the same is hereby adopted, to read as follows :

Alumni Trustee Harmon T. Barber announced the election of Paul W. Adams '35 as Alumni Trustee for a term of three years. The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of candidates: Officers (for one year): President Charles T. Kingston '34, Hartford; Vice President Glover Johnson '22, New York City; Secretary Andrew Onderdonk '34, Hartford; Treasurer George W. Guillard '25, Hartford.


usection 1 "There shall be an Alumni Council composed of the following members : (1) the members of the Executive Committee of the National Alumni Association of Trinity College who w!ll also comprise the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council; (2) a designee from each Area Association to serv.e for a term of one year; and ( 3) a member of each class graduated from Trinity College, such member to be elected at a regular class reunion to serve until the next regular r eunion of his class. The officers of each class shall appoint a member of the class to fill a vacancy existin!'; for any cause whatsoever during the intervals between regular cl-ass reunions, so that the membership of the Alumni Council shall at all times be filled . usection 2

"A class representative on the Alumni Council shall not be eligible to serve for more than one term consecutively. A det!ignee from an Area Association may serve consecutive terms without limitation . ((Section 8 "Meetin!';s of the Alumni Council shall be held annually in the early fall, on a date to be designated by the Executive Committee. The officers of the Alumni Council shall be the officers of the National Alumni Association of Trinity College elected by the members of the Association at its annual meetin!'; in June. Twenty (20) members of the membership of the Alumni Council shall constitute1 a qaorum for the transaction of business.



" The Alumni Council shall have the duty of recommending to the College Administration through its Executive Committee such matters concerning alumni activities as it deems in the best interests of the Alumni and the College."

Victor Morgan '99 suggested that the provision in the amendment creating an Alumni Council to the effect that class representative on the Alumni Council shall not be eligible for more than one year not apply to classes which have been out of college for more than fifty years. President Shaw stated that this matter would be referred to the Executive Committee and that he expected that an amendment along these lines would be prefared for consideration at the next annua meeting of the Association. Henry 0. Phippen, Jr. of the Board of Fellows made the presentation of the Eigenbrodt Trophy to Albert E. Holland '34.


President Elect Kingston '34

Executive Committee (two years): Elliott R. Mayo '34, Waterbury; Henry M. Fuller '38, New York City; Robert A. 'oland Jr. '44, Holyoke, Mass. Junior Fellows (three years): Lloyd E. Smith '23, Racine, Wis. Oliver Johnson '35 (re-elect), Hartford Athletic Advisory C~mmittee (three years): Nelson A. Shepard '21, Hartford Nominating Committee: (One year) Alexander W. Creedon '09, Hartford Arthur T. Chambers II '44, Yonkers, N.Y. (Two years) David M. Hadlow '25, Hartford Robert A. Gilbert '38, Lawrenceville, N.J. (Three years) Samuel C. Wilcox '25, New Britain Richard D. Sherman '49, Auburndale, Mass. The meeting voted unanimously to direct the Secretary to cast one ballot for this slate and they were elected. Secretary Bassford read a scroll of appreciation to Dean Joseph C. Clarke upon his retirement from the college. After the singing of" 'Neath The Elms" led by William C. Bendig '53 the meeting was adjourned by President Shaw at 12:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, E. F. Bassford, Secretary

Nine Loses Three To Wes, 7-7 Season A double Commencement weekend loss to Wesleyan extended a Trinity losing streak to four, and brought the varsity baseball squad home with a 7-7 record. Overall, they were defeated three times by the Cardinals, who had the best year in Wesleyan history. Trinity started the season, after extremely limited practice outdoors, like the hottest team in lew England baseball, and indeed they were as they swept to quick wins over Amherst, Worcester Tech., Yale and Coast Guard. Springfield, who twice defeated the Bantams, once in NCAA tournament play, ended the skein. In the opener Jim Canivan of Hartford was in mid-season form as he held the Lord Jeffs to four hits for a 3-1 win. Cocaptain Jack McGowan supplied the big blow, a long two-run triple in the eighth inning which accounted for the winning margin. McDonough Whiffs Eleven

Myles McDonough of Bolton struck out 11 as Trinity dumped Worcester Tech., 5-2. The lanky right-hander gave up seven hits but walked only one in an impressive performance. In addition, he singled home a pair of runs in the second inning and doubled home another in the eighth, scoring also in the inning following two errors. Canivan threw his southpaw slants at Yale, and the Elis could muster only two hits while Trinity took advantage of two errors and six hits for a 3-0 win. Trin scored twice in the first, largely on errors and wildness, and once in the second to sew up the contest. Coast Guard fell, 5-0, with McDonough applying the whitewash and catcher Rog LeClerc supplying a two-run circuit blast in the big third inning, when Trinity scored four tin1es. McDonough was touched for eight hits but stranded a dozen Cadets. Mighty Bill Sullivan gave up only one hit, to Jack McGowan, as he defeated the Hilltoppers, 6-l. Canivan took the loss, giving up three walks and a single in the first inning as a Springfield double steal led to four runs. He gave up another run in the second, and reliefer Al Perlman was touched for one in the eighth. Trinity's defense committed three errors. McDonough made his record 3-0 when he hurled Trinity to a 6-2 win over M.I.T., while his mates, John Kenney, Bill Abeles and Rog LeClerc rapped out two hits apiece. Again McDonough gave up eight hits, but continued to show masterful control, walking only one and striking out 12. A trip to Maine to engage Bowdoin and Colby proved disastrous for Trinity, who went orth with a 5-l record and returned home 5-3. They lost the first against Bowdoin in 10 innings, with Perlman taking the loss in relief. The next day, against Colby, McDonough was soundly buffed, but escaped the loss when Barry Royden, a pitcher-out-

Track men break 3 records: Segur (left) in the 880 and Scharf (right) in the mile and two mile.

Two Trinity men proved in the last several months that an old axiom, a little overused to be sure, is really so. The axiom: "hard work pays off." The men: track captain Hub Segur of Wethersfield, and Bob Scharf of Chevy Chase, Md., both recent additions to the alumni body. When Scharf entered Trinity as a lanky freshman, he had never seen a track meet. He stuck with tlle squad, altl1ough considered in those days 'a rather poor prospect," and today holds Trinity records in the mile and two-mile, as well as tl1e mile record for the Eastern Intercollegiates. Segur came up with a bit more experience, serving as captain of the Wethersfield High squad. But since coming to Trinity, he's been just as diligent as Scharf

in his training. Both boys train year around, and held double sessions daily before each season. Scharf's record in tl1e mile is 4:25.6. In tl1e race in which he set this mark, Segur came home second in 4:27.2, which also eclipsed the old mark. In tl1e two-mile, future Trinity rwmers will be aiming at Scharf's 9:44.6 mark, and 880 men will face a tough 2:00.4 by Segur. Top performances by tl1ese two seniors, plus solid support from Hal Drinkhaus and Bob Langen in tlle dashes and Bill de Coligney in tl1e shot, gave Trinity a 4-3 mark on tlle year, witll wins over Middlebury, Coast Guard, tlle University of Vermont and Worcester Tech. They fell before Wesleyan, UMass, and Amherst.

fielder-first baseman, lost in relief. Final score was 6-4, Colby. The opposition collected 11 hits, including a 380-foot horner by leftfielder Gignon. Canivan returned to form as Trinity eked out a 4-2 win over Massachusetts, back on home ground. When Trinity traveled to Tufts, coach Dan Jessee found his top hurlers, Canivan and McDonough, both nursing sore arms. Abeles, fine young ball player from Pelham, .Y., was tapped for the job, and tmned in a sparkling tllree-hitter. He walked but two and struck out five, and picked up one of 11 TC hits. Trinity, trailing 1-0, exploded for three runs iJl the seventh to provide the cushion . Trinity had a fine 7-3 record when it met Wes for the first time, but succumbed to Cliff Hordlow's fine 5-hit pitching for a 7-3 loss. The win made Wes 9-1 on tl1e year. They ended 12-2, 15-5 counting their Southern trip. Canivan took tlle loss, but pitched a fine game until weakening in the seventh, when three Wesleyan runs broke a deadlock and provided the margin of victory. Abeles was 3-for-4 for the losers, including a triple. Trin's next game was at Springfield, in the first NCAA Division Baseball Tournament. Otl1ers in tlle two-day affair were Springfield, St. Lawrence and Gettysburg.

Trinity was eliminated by Springfield, 3-1, with Bill Abeles losing tllis one, after allowing only seven hits and two runs over eight innings. Jack Kenney and Abeles had a pair of hits apiece for tlle Bantams, but Trin could only score in the bottom of the ninth. Wesleyan added two more victories to its list and extended Trinity's losing streak to four witll a 5-4 win at Middletown on Friday, Jw1e 6, and 3-1 win on Trinity Field Saturday before an overflow Commencement and Reunion crowd. Canivan became 3-3 on the year by losing the first game, walking five and giving up nine hits. Wesleyan scored two in the tllird inning and led tl1e rest of the way. Dave Darling supplied the big blow with a two-run homer. McDonough pitched four-bit ball in the season's finale, but was nicked for a run in the fifth and ran into another two-run blast by Darling in the sixth. His mates knocked out seven hits and loaded up the bases in the sixth with none out but could only score a single tally. Catcher Rog LeClerc had a brilliant day in the last game, getting 4-for-4 at the plate while throwing out three baserunners and completing a double play with a jarring tag of outfielder Marty Weil at the plate.


Spring Sports Roundup

67 Students Win Honors


J. Mayer, freshman from Cincinnati. He

The lacrosse team came up with its best season in history, posting a 3-4 mark. Still an informal sport at Trinity, it had its first full time coach this year in Chet McPhee, who at one time coached th e Ohio State lacrosse varsity. Most notable about the season, aside from the wins over Brown, Worcester Tech., and Siena, was the tremendous spirit and enthusiasm shown by the players themselves-numbering close to 40-and a small band of loyal rooters. Lacrosse gives every indication of being on the Hilltop to stay. Jon Widing of ewton Square, Pa ., was elected captain of next year's squad.

led the frosh squad to a 5-1 season, and should shine for Trinity in the years ahead. The frosh were upset only by Choate, while notching wins over Kent, Amherst, Westminster, ichols, Loomis and Wesleyan.


路The varsity tennis team , playing only seven matches and participating in th e New Englands at Brown, ended the season 4-3 under the captaincy of Dodd Miles and the coaching of Roy Dath. With Miles, Bob Morgan, Charlie Bergmann and Bill Ward showing fine form , the squad scored consecutive victories over Rhode Island and Worcester Tech. by identical 7-2 scores. The Coast Guard match, rescheduled by the adverse weather which plagued all Spring sports teams, proved a closer shave, but th e Bantams pulled out a 5-4 victory. Springfield ended the happy state of things, however- as they had in baseball -with a sound 7-2 drubbing. Trin bounced right back with a near-whitewash job of Holy Cross, winning 8-1, but ended the season on the sour note of losses to Amherst, 9-0, and Wesleyan, 8-1. The Cleveland Tennis Tournament Champion, awarded to the top player on campus, went to near-unbeatable Albert


Back on the varsity scene, th e golfers tumbled from their lofty perch of th e past and ended with an unexpected 3-5 mark. "One of those seasons," explained coach Mitch Pappas, "when th e roughs were rougher, the putts longer, the holes smaller." Wins came over Rhode Island , Worcester Tech., and A.I.C. Charles Cerrito of Watch Hill, R.I., was named successor to captain Gordie Prentice. Awards at Spring Banquet

At tl1e SJ;>ring Sports Banquet Miles was selected "Most Improved" tennis player, and Bill Ward of ashville, Tenn., and Frank Williams, Cohasset, Mass., were selected co-captains for next year. Otl1er happenings that came out of the annual Spring Sports Banquet were th e selection of John Kenney, hard-hitting second baseman from Mamaroneck, N.Y., as tl1e Dan Webster most valuable baseball player; Bob Scharf as winner of th e Robert S. Morris "Outstanding Track Perform er" award; and Nelson C. Holland tl1e Pappas "Most Valuable Award" in golf. Holland is from Grosse Pointe, Mich. Co-captains in baseball elected were Jim Canivan of Hartford and Ron Reopel, Westfield, Mass. Bob Langen was named ca ptain of track. He is from T eaneck, .J.

Honors Day, an important date on th e Trinity calendar, saw the presentation of awards, prizes and fellowships for graduate study to outstanding undergraduates . It was held May 15, in th e Chapel. Awards to seniors for advanced study went to Borden W. Painter, Jr. , Stamford , Manown Kisor, Jr., Evanston, Ill., Robert W . Back, Wheaton, Ill., David A. Smith, Pocomoke City, Md., and Remington E. Ros e, Rutl1 erford, .J., all Woodrow Wilson Fellows. In addition, Smitl1 was named th e Mary A. Terry F ellow, Rose th e H. E. Russell F ellow, and icholas Zessoules, ew York City, tl1 e W. H . Russell F ellow. Carl H. Shuster of Teaneck, N.J. was tl1e recipient of tl1 e Trinity College-University of Chicago Law School Scholarship.

High Percentage Graduate An amazingly high percentage of men who enter Trinity stay around to claim their degree, a recent surv~y shows. According to a U. S. Office of Education survey, fewer than one-third of the 1.2 million 1950 high school graduates became college students, and of those that did, only 38.8 per cent of the men and 40.5 per cent of the women completed th e work for tl1 e degree. According to Dean Arthur H. Hughes, Trinity, by comparison, graduates from three-quarters to four-fifths of its enterin& freshmen. 'Greater selectivity," the dean noted, "is the basis for the College's comparatively large percentage of graduates. The quality which results from this selectivity is our only justification for remaining a 'small, personal' College, where concern for the individual remains our primary concern."

Cruikshank Collection Received from Haights

Memory of Mrs. Griffith Honored by New Pew End

Trinity's Library has received a fine collection of 285 items and many more volumes all illustrated by George Cruikshank, English artist of th e 19th century. The collection was donated to th e Library by Mr. and Mrs. Sherman P. Haight, of New York City. Both have long been interested in th e Trinity Library, and Mr. Haight is a member of the Class of 1911. Among the more generally known volWlles included in th e collection are "The Humorist," Bentley's Miscellany, 0' leill's "The Drunkard," and the "Ingoldsby Legends." Mr. and Mrs. Haight bought their first book illustrated by Cruikshank in 1914, and have spent th e years since in building th e fine collection. They have also done extensive research on Cruikshank, particularly in th e Weidner Collection a t Harvard and the Meirs Collection at Princeton. Much of tl1e results of this research was embodied in A. M. Cohn's "George Cruikshank," a catalogue resume published in 1924.

J. E. Griffith, Jr. and George C. Griffith, both of West Hartford, brothers and Trinity '17 and '18, respectively, have presented tl1e Chapel and the College with a fin e new pew end in memory of th eir mother, the late Elizabeth Patterson Griffith. The pew end, designed by Prof. John C. E. Taylor of the fin e arts department witl1 carving by Irving Dressel of C. H. Dresser & Sons, was dedicated May 25. On the finial, the eagle represents the symbolic eagle of St. John the Evangelist. At th e top of the side panel is tl1 e coat of anns of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, to which both Griffifu brotl1ers belong. It is no longer active at Trinity. Below the coat of arms is


a representation of a Star Class sail boat. This is symbolic of the Sachem Head Yacht Club, in Guilford, in which the Griffith family has long been interested and active. Below this is a pensivelooking cocker spaniel, described as a beloved member of th e Griffith family. Below the cocker, and spreading across to the arm rest, is a group of flowers: two Christmas roses and a sheath of lilies. These are symbolic of Mrs. Griffith's interest and proficiency in gardening. On the panel, above the lilies, there is a three-lobed figure, which is called the Triquetra, one of the old symbols for the Holy Trinity. An angel is carved on the arm rest.


Dr. Lacy Na med Dean of Students) Mr. Smith )44 Registrar Two major administrative appointments were announced at the June Faculty meeting. Assistant Professor 0. Wilson Lacy was named Dean of Students and Thomas A. Smith '44, associate director of admissions, was named Registrar and assistant to th e Dean of the College, Dr. Arthur H . Hughes . In a realignment of administrative duties at Trinity, Mr. Smith will take over th e work of th e registrar which is now performed by Dean Clarke. H e will also assist th e D ean of the College with th e financial aid program and academic counselling, and continue as chief adviser to the freshman class. "Both these men," said Dr. Jacobs in making the announcement, "are well suited for the positions they will assume on our administrative staff. Dr. Lacy's experience in both industry and guidance as well as his teaching career will be of value in the important work as D ean of Students . "Mr. Smith, a Trinity alumnus and member of the admissions department the past fiv e years, brings to his new work a wide knowledge of college procedures and excellent experience in working with boys as freshman adviser." Professor Lacy, a native of Glade Spring, Va., and the son of th e Rev. C. R.

Dr. Lacy

Mr. Smith

Lacy and Sallie W. Lacy, is presently assistant professor of psychology at Trinity, a post he has held since 1955. He holds a B.A. degree from Hampden-Sydney College, and the A.M. and Ph.D. degrees in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Trinity he was assistant professor of psychology and associate director of guidance at HampdenSydney College. Dr. Lacy has also been psychological intern at th e University of Virginia Hospital and U. S. Public H ealth Service Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Lacy has published many articles in the psychological fields of learning

theory, perception, personality, and behavioral correlates of neurology. H e is a member of th e American Psychological Association, the American Personnel and Guidance Association, the American College Personnel Association, and the American Association of University Professors. He is a certified psychologist in the State of Connecticut and is listed in "American Men of Science." Dr. Lacy is married to the former Lucy G. Garnett. They have two children, Sallie and Lucinda. Mrs. Lacy, a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Virginia, is a consultant in th e Division of Community Services, Connecticut State D epartment of Public Health. Mr. Smith, a native of Hartford, is the son of Thomas S. and Kathryn Smith. H e holds a B.A. degree from Trinity College and an M.A. from Columbia. Prior to coming to the Trinity admissions department in 1953 he had ta ught English at Dean Junior College, Franklin, Mass. During the war he was with the American Field Service in orth Africa and with th e U. S. Army Medical Department in th e United States and Europe. H e is married to the former Marion Brynga. They live at 53 Meadowbrook Road, West H artford, a nd have three children, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Georgiana.

Frederick Gwynn Chairman of English Department Frederick L. Gwynn has been recently appointed Professor of English at Trinity College. Dr. Gwynn is associate professor of English at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, where he teaches American Literature. H e is editor of "College English," a monthly journal of the National Council of T eachers of English . In making the announcement Dr. Jacobs said, "He will assume the chairmanship of the English Department, a post so ably filled for the past 12 years by Dr. Morse S. Allen. Dr. Allen, James J. Goodwin Professor of English, will continue his teaching duties at Trinity." Concerning the appointment, Dr. Allen said: "I consider Trinity College very fortunate in acquiring for its faculty as full professor Dr. Frederick Landis Gwynn, who will succeed me in the headship of th e Department of English. He has my full support, as well as that of the others in the department with whom he h!ls conferred. I am looking forward to a harmonious continuation and improvement of the department's successful part in Trinity's educational responsibilities." Dr. Gwynn was born in Tampa, Fla., the son of Frederick D. Gwynn of Fort Worth, Texas, and Mrs. Frances Mary

Ball Gwynn of Minneapolis. H e received his schooling in th e public schools of Melrose, Mass. He was graduated from Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, summa cum laude in English literature and holds his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees . from Harvard. During World War II Dr. Gwynn was a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve on the U.S.S. Lexington in the Pacific area and served as Executive Officer of a torpedo bomber squadron. H e also served as public relations writer for the avy D epartment in Washington, D.C., and became Aide to Fleet Admiral William F . Halsey, Jr. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. At th e close of his active duty he returned to Harvard as Instructor in English and senior tutor at Adams House. Later he became associate professor of English at Pennsylvania State College. He was named associate professor at the University of Virginia in 1955. The author of two books, his interest in a wide variety of subjects is shown in the large number of articles and reviews which have been published both here and abroad. H e has been editor of "College English" since 1955. His first book, "Sturge Moore and the


Life of Art," was published by the University of Kansas Press in 1951 and by the Richards Press, London, in 1952. H e has contributed numerous articles to such learned publications as the "Journal of English and Germ anic Philology," "The Philological Quarterly," and PMLA ( Publications of the Modern Language Association). H e is married to the former Miss Anne Shortlidge, Keene, N.H. They have two children, Landis, age 5 and Ellen, age 4.

1958 TRINITY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 "Home Game

Denison "Williams Tufts Colby "Alfred "Coast Guard Parents Day "Amherst Homecoming Wesleyan

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