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IDrtnity Qlollrgr路B l.SUt11 lrnr

\ltrinitp 3lbp 1973

Wrinity 1Juy!l lDDtq 1.Ebitton


ENTERING ····················10 LEARNING •.•.••••••.••.•••••• 20 SPEAKING •••••••••.•.•..•••••.64 CREATING •••••••••••••••••••• 72 PLAYING ••••••.••••.••••••••••• 80 COMPETING ··············104 CELEB RAT I N G .•.•.•.••.• ·128 GRADUATl NG ···········140 FACULTY ••••.•••••.•.•••••••32 SEN I 0 RS •••••••••••••••••••150







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We enter a small, private, liberal arts college seeking many things that are the invariable consequence of the elusive "personal touch". Will Trinity be small enough so that we will not be lost in a crowd of faces and numbers; will Trinity be large enough so that we will not be stifled as we grow? Will Trinity offer the security so that we can dream our hopes for the future; will Trinty be enough of a reflection of reality so that we can test our ideas? Will Trinity be personal enough so that we can make the friends so important to college life; will Trinity be so intimate that we are merely invited to a return to Peyton Place? But most important will Trinity alow me to ask not only whether Trinity is right for me, but also to ask what is right for me.








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To learn is to be open to new ideas, to changes, even to the resistance of others to be open. To learn is to move from being self-centered to a realization of worth of others. To learn is to know the easy road of wrong and the difficult road of right. But this challenge is made easier at Trinity by the commitment of what we are to its accomplishment. The sesquicentennial celebrates the achievement of that challenge where we have succeeded, and guides in where we have failed.










Trinity is a community in the ultimate sense: it is a community of thought and action between students and faculty. Through this unique relationship we both grow and develop within the college community. We build this relationship upon the foundations of the past, and it matures during our college years. And this maturation hopefully continues throughout our lives. To expand the community, beyond college, therefore, is a most important aspect of the relationship between teacher and student.


Theodore lockwood

J. Ronald Spencer Thomas A. Smith


Gerald S. Fasano

Judson Rees

James K. Robertson Harry 0. Bartlett


L. Barton Wilson

John A. Williams

John l. Heyl


Robert A. Pedemonti Alfred C. Burfiend

Robin J. Wasserug


Del A. Shilkret

Ralph L. Maddry

Mohamed Jibrell W. Howie Muir lewis J. Goverman


Paula E. Robbins

Edwin P. Nye Alfred A. Garofolo

Robbins Winslow

Ralph D. Arcari

Ralph S. Emerick Peter




Donald B. Galbraith Frank M. Child 111

Richard B. Crawford

BIOLOGY James M. Van Stone


Ralph 0. Moyer, Jr.

J. Emmett Simmons

CHEMISTRY Edward Bobko


Thomas J. Steffanci

ECONOMICS Judy Dworin Dance Instructor


Francis J, Egan Ward S. Curran

Richard Scheuch

Robert A. Battis 43

James R. Bradley John C. Williams


Mona L. Rabineau

Anthony 0. Macro

Mark Majid Shamamy


Richard A. Shipe

August E. Sapega

EDUCATION Charles B. Schultz


Bard McNulty


Paul Smith

Dirk A. Kuyk, Jr.

Hugh S. Ogden

james L. Potter

James H. Wheatley Ralph M. Williams

John A. Dando

Stephen Minot

ENGLISH James A. Miller

Lawrence R. Stires, Jr.

Robert A. Cale


Thomas P. Baird

George E. Chaplin Michael R. T. Mahoney


Norton Downs

H. McKim Steele, Jr. Edward W. Sloan Ill

Philip C. F. Bankwitz


George B. Cooper Glenn Weaver

HISTORY Robert B. Oxnam Eugene W. Davis


Borden W. Painter, Jr.

HISTORY Samuel 0. Kassow

James L. West


Robert C. Stewart







Robert B. Grafton

Ralph E. Walde


Arnold L. Kerson Gustave W. Andrian

Nicole S. Destrosiers


Raquel C. Flores-jenkins

Donald D. Hook Oori Katz

Michael R. Campo Carl V. Hansen

Michael J. Pretina, Jr.


Karl Kurth, Jr. Jack Daniels Roy A. Oath

Norman T. Graf William P. Sferro

Robert D. Slaughter

Frank J. Marchese

Jane E. Fox Robert Shults

PHYSICAL EDUCAT ON Whitney M. Cook Jane A. Millspaugh Chester H. McPhee

leo J. Hamel


Drew A. Hyland Michael P. Lerner Sue P. Stafford

PHILOSOPHY W. Miller Brown


Richard T. lee

Clyde D. McKee, Jr.

Gary C. Jacobson


Albert L. Gastmann


Robert Lindsay

Eugene Frankel

Albert J. Howard, Jr.

Brooke Gregory



Charles R. Miller

George E. Nichols Ill

THEATER Harvey S. Picker

ARTS David F. Eliet

John D. Brewer

Karl F. Haberlandt David Winer

Alan M. Fink

PSYCHOLOGY Michele Toomey

George C. Higgins, Jr. George W. Doten

J 62

Theodor M. Mauch

Edmond Cherbonnier

John A. Gettier

Alan C. lull


Donald A. Braue

Susan F. Pomerantz

Frank G. Kirkpatrick

路' '




. .. . ..

To speak is to bring to our commitment the defense of new or old 1deas. The foundation of Trinity was based on the minority's right to be heard and defended. But more important then this is the respect for and encouragement of the individual who acts on his beliefs, testing his hypotheses. By acting, we establish what it is we believe in and to what extent those beliefs will become a part of our lives.







When we create we do more than merely assemble pieces into a whole. To create is to build an extension of ourselves that is as much a part of us as we are of it. Yet this creation, once completed must be set free and allowed to stand on its own, to be shared with others, to put forth its own ideas, and ultimately to be judged on its own merits. At Trinity we respect the creations of others, and the efforts made, and judge as if we have a stake in the final product, which in fact we do.





Play is more than an escape from work at Trinity. It is the manifestation of emotional feelings in physical actions. It is truly self-expression at our freest. The freedom to play is more than a privilege at Trinity. The freedom to play is an integral part of growing up and establishing an identity which is uninhibited and shows all ourselves.

















Competition has always been a large part of Trinity life. It invites us to apply all that we have learned to cooperate with others, to take a stand, to be creative with what we know, and to expre s ourselves through a single activity as we move towards a goal. Competition is important to growing because it demands that everyone, winner and loser alike, performs at his best. It is constructive because it challenges us to meet a standard that we never thought we could achieve. Competition is still and always will be a learning experience.





• 112

11 .5

I ~






Williams Bates RPI Colby RochestN CoaS"t Guard Amherst We teyan


21 0

Wesleyan Central Conn. Amherst

25 7 14 28 3S 7 28



MIT Tufts U. Hartford


VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY Williams Amherst & Bates Coast Guard Union Quinnipiac Wesleyan WPI Southern Conn.

0 34

6 9 34 33

MIT Brandeis Yale NYAC Middlebury Coast Guard Union Williams Wesleyan kings Point WPI Bowdoin U. Hartford Tufts Coast Guard








73 77

89 85


66 93


72 63 55 66 88

92 78





83 48 6J


67 69 56









105 74



RPI Tufts Amherst Holy Cross Union Bowdoin Coa tGua.rd MIT WPI Babson Wesleyan Yale JV keene State

61 49 82


57 43 47 41 50


22 33

17 55

70 66


6J 91 62 86



3 3

T 50

47 48 30


15 15 15


21 _,....



39 45



MIT Navy Anny Colby Toronto Amherst Bowdoin w leyan Hobart

0 0 0

9 9 9




9 8 3





Franklin & Marshall Cornell Stonybrook Wesleyan Amherst Rochester Williams MIT


0 2 8 3

4 7

5 2

9 7




7 6 6 3


3 6

5 2

Wesleyan Wesleyan owdoin Colby Colby Springfield






4 2 0 2


3 7 18





Conn. College

U. Hartford URI WPI Williams

3 3

4 4

Wesley.in Bridgeport




Rosemo1ry Hall



7 2Y.z 5 4Y.z 0 3 3 0

0 SY.z 2

Smith Chaffee Miss Porter's Volle

Bates Bowdoin Wesley.1n Amherst Dartmouth Springfield AIC Harvard MIT



7 4 4

7 5





Vassar Yale Conn. College Smith Radcliffe


TRACK Union RPI Amherst Williams Wesleyan Coast Guard

T 72

52 52 66%

76 53

0 62 70 70 86Y.z

76 101

Wesleyan Conn. College Mt. Holtoke Yale Western Conn. Univ. Bridgeport





7 5


2 9 3

0 2

1 5

WRESTLING-INFORMAL Wesleyan U.Conn. Amherst U. Hartford WPI


6 12 6 3 6

0 38 36 44

43 50

Four years at Trinity brings considerable personal growth. A with those before us, we reach the point of being individuals. When we look back at the progress that we have made, we see a well a Trinity that has been influenced by our growth. Each of u affect Trinity, and in way that aft ct tho e who come after us.









The sesquicentennial celebration is a time to look back at our achievements, the goals we set for ourselves and reached-but only briefly. For the real importance of the celebration of one hundred fifty years is to establish new goals for ourselves and Trinity and look toward the future.












As we incorporate the past into the present, we realize that education exists to identify the strategies we need to follow in the future, to clarify those values according to which we shall live. It seems to me that a college like Trinity must help us all to appreciate the range of choices we shall face, both as individuals and as members of society. It must place the perennial questions in the perspective of tomorrow's needs, for we are going to require extraordinary imagination, combined with tough-mindedness, in reinvigorating our society. And finally, Trinity must hold itself to the highest standards, for only then shall we be faithful to those who have contributed so much over 150 years. From the President's charge to the graduating class, May 20, 1973





1.. 8



William B.arry Ahearn

Kenneth James Andrien

lambrine Artas 152

Kathleen Alling

James Waters Allison Ill

Jean Meredith Ashburn

Thomas Steven Ashford

Mary Taylor Aspinwall

George Andrew Bachrach

Jonathan Percy Baird 153

Authur Lamkin Baldwin Ill

Nancy Plekan Baldwin

Robert Harvey Baldwin

David William Bargman

Steven Edward Barkan

David Hitchcock Barnes

Harry Livingston Barrett Ill

Nancy Jane Battista

Michael Anthony Battle

Jane Hildreth Bayard 155



Richard Seth Beaser

James Scott Bedingfield

Donald Jeffrey Belmont

Peter Arthur Bileckyj

Benjamin John Bock

Marcy Celia Bonola

Susan Lynn Brechlin

Margery Brown

Quay Brown

Barbara Lois Brown

David Ingalls Brown

Alfred Joseph Brunetti

Sarah Bell Bullard

Donald Peck Burt, Jr. 158

Virginia Fabbri Butera

Robert Dana Butters

Susan Katherine Calabro

Victor Thomas Cardell

Elaine Magdalen Cirdenas

Elizabeth Jane Chamish

Susie Chen 159

Steven R. Chernaik

Alison Kiersted Campbell Clark

Gregory Edward Cogoli 160

Burton Bartlett Cohen

Robert LaHuis Coith, Jr.

Diane lee Colasanto

Craig Colgate Ill



John Michael Conte

Gene Coney

Andrew Jerome Connolly

Stuart Vincent Corso

Susan Hammond Coverdale 161

John Joseph Coyne

Anne Bernard Crichton

Eleanor latrobe Crosby

Philip Carmein Daley

Bruce Skiles Danzer, Jr. 162

Alan lee Dayno

Mark Alan DeMeulenaere

lynne Cushman Derrick

Peter Anthony DiCorleto

Dorothy Cushman Dillon 163

Larry Richard Dow

Burt Richard Downes

Dirk Robert Dreux IV

David James Dubicki

Paul Henry Dumont 16-4

Carroll Dunham, Jr.

Kathryn Louise Eklund

Dorcas Mary Vaughan Durkee

John David Eckelman

JoAnne Adrienne Epps

James D. Evans Ill 165

Jay Steward Fagan

Raymond Eugene Fahrner

Robert Cooney Farrell 166

Francis C. Farwell Ill

Barbara Ann Fay

Martha Field

Diane Fierri

Karen Frances Fink

James Thomas Finn

Scott Andrews Fitzpatrick 167

Daniel Hillel Freelander

Pierce Symmes Gardner

Alfred James Garofolo 168

Penny Riihiluoma French

Lawrence Malvin Garber

John Oawless Gatsos

Harold Robert Gaw

Robert Kibrick Gershenfeld

Carlota Patricia Geyer

Robert George Ghazey 169


Patricia Gibbons

Jan Campbell Gimar

Neal Moses Goff

George Herbert Gonyer

Jonathan Louis Gould

Samuel Welldon Graham

Demetrios George Glinos

Kenneth Assoh Grass

George Wallace Graves

Charles Lanier Griswod, Jr.

Michael Jon Gross

Robert Patterson Haff 17 1

Alice Child Hamilton

Gertrude Mary Harhay

Kenneth Wayne Harl 172

William Balber Harris

David Alan Harrold

Elizabeth Adams Harvey

David Joseph Heinlein

leonard Robert Heinrich

Robert John Hecht

Guy Carroll Heckman

Alan Stuart Henson

Bruce David Hettleman

Wayne Bradford Hickory

Steven Laurence Hoch

David I. Hoffman 174

Stephen louis Hoffman

Susan Jane Hoffman

Michael Peter Holverson

Holly Hotchner

Lawrence Steven Hotez 175

Kent Eton Howard

Clare Julie Hudson

Elizabeth Thompson Hunter

Edward William Huntley

Abby Elizabeth Huntoon

Charles Gray Hurd, Jr.


Peter Louis lppedico

Rod Murray Jacobsen

Anthony William Jenney

Thomas Bennett Jensen

Jocelyn Anne Jerry 177

Richard William Johansen

Julie Therese John on

Eric Herbert Joosten 178

Karen Barbara Kahn

Alan Stuart Kannof

Herbert james Keating Ill

Marjorie Voorhees Kelsey

Patricia Johnston Kiesewetter

Malcolm Alexander Kirkland

Lucinda Cochran Kittredge 179


David Perry Kleeman

Keith Alan Klevan

John E. Knapp

Michael Robert Knapp

)uergen Koerber

Daniel lynn Korengold

Natalie Korsheniuk

James August Kowalski

Kay Keapick Koweluk

Janice Marie Kozovich

Joyce Ann Krinitsky

John William Krysko 18 1

Josh Philip Kupferberg

Lenn Carl Kupferberg

Peter George Lacy

Sara Martha Laden

Richard Michaelis LaSalle

Nicholas William Lazares

Michael Samuel Lederberg

Antoinette Lucy Leone

Robert Lawrence Liebross

Ethan .Anthony Loney

Janet Breese Loveland 183

Steven Mark Lozanov

John Francis Luby

Malcolm MacColl

Barry Thomas Madden

Frank Kerr Mahan, Jr. 184

Joan Louise Malatesta

Patti Ellen Mantell

Rosamond Mary Mancall

Lewis Sheer Mancini

Richard Tyler Markovitz

Richard Heeman Marshall 185

Mark Frederic Matthews

George Horner Maxted

lance Robert Mayer 186

Joseph Edward McCabe

Michael McGuirk

Helen Martin McMahon

Ruth Anne McSorley

John Bulkley Meacham

Robin Bea Messier

Jean Margaret Miley 187

Ellen Erpf Miller

Michael Christian Mitchell

Ira Jeffrey Mowitz 188

Neil Francis Mullarkey

Latham Brundred Murray

Charles Levon Nazarian

Karen Courtney Netter

Jonathan Clare Neuner

Charles Morgan Norris, Jr.

Michael William O'Melia 189

Megan O'Neill

Nancy Ann Osterom

Victoria C. G. Oscarsson 190

Richard James Papanos

William White Parish, Jr.

Russell Harold Parmelee

Cynthia Mary Parzych

Aron lee Pasternack

Thomas Steven Perakos

Nancy Jean Perugini

Lawrence Turner Pistell

Garry Alan Plagenhoef

Eugene Lester Pogany

Malcolm Frederic Poole

Patricia Anne Powell

Stephen Brooks Prudden 192

Linda Jeanne Raciborski

William Edwin Raws

Donald Barney Reder

路 Leonard Thomas Reed

Sterling Reese 193

Richard John Reinhart

Christine Gail Reynolds

Richard Claude Ricci

Stephanie Jean Robiner

Claire EBanks Robinson

Carlos Eugenio Rodriguez


Marie Antonia Rogers

Susan Lancaster Rogers

Robin Eric 路Rosenberg

Daniel Michael Roswig

Mildred Theresa Ross 195

Stephen Robert Roylance

Daniel Paul Russo

Crissey Ann Safford 196

Mary Barbara Salter

Nancy Jean Sarubbi

Jonathan Christian Sauer

Michael Thomas Saunders

Phyllis Hinda Scheinberg

David Austin Schirmer

Matthew David Schor 197

Patricia Jeanne Scott

Judy Sello

Robert Franklin Shapiro

Marc Sherman

David William Shively

John Thomas Shortell

Richard Paul Sieger

Richard Evans Siegesmund

Murry Allen Sigman

Owen Mercer Snyder 199

James Franklin Solomon

George Edward Spencer Ill

Mark Louis Splaingard

Andrew Nelson Squaire

Margot Elaine Stage

Harry Robert Stahl


Richard Trueblood Steere


Wendy Jill Stein

Jonathan Ames Stevens

Douglas Kohler Stewart

Kenneth Maurice Stone

Joel Benjamin Strogoff 201

Aletha M. Strong

James Lawrence Sullivan, Jr.

John Raymond Suroviak

George Sutherland

Herbert 0. Symmes

Andrew Richard Taussig

Gary P. Taylor

John Taylor

Charla Jane Thompson

Robert Arthur Towner 203

Nancy Avis Townshend

Patricia Anne Tuneski

Stanley Albert Twardy, Jr. 204

John Waples Tyler

Richard V. Vane

Nancy Welles Vignone

Michael Anthony Vitale

Mark von Mayrhauser

Robin Wagge

Durward Allen Watson

James Garrison Webster

Marcia Lynne Weiner

Martha Elizabeth Wettemann

Virginia L. Wheeler

John Gustaf White

Ruth Baldwin Wiggins

Leonard Lawson Wiliams

Lewis Williams

Eric Rushmore Winter

Andrew lan Wolf

Mark P. Wolff 207

Erich James Wolters

Larry James Woods

Dirk Johannes Wybenga 208

Thomas Widdell Wynne

Sandra Ann Yurchyk

James Edmond Zaccaria

Gina Marie Zarrilli

Gregory Nicholas Zec

Mark Allen Zivin

Paul Bennett Zolan 209

SENIOR ACTIVITIES Willi•m Barry Ahearn Gr nfield, Ma sachu Us Deerfield Academy English ~•thleeo Marg.uet Alling Milford, Connecticut Northfield School Urban Studies Legal As i tant - Neighborhood legal Services; Legislative Intern-State Capital; Governing Board- Trinity Women' Org•nization; Camera Club lame Waters Allison Ill Wilmington, Delaware Tower Hill School Engli h and Theater Je ter Kenneth James Andrien Springfield, Pennsylvania Springfield High School History Lambf'ine Artas Hartford, Connecticut Psychology Circulation Manager-Tripod William Arthur Hartford, Connecticut Coronado High School Art Hi tory Jean Meredith A hburn Gladwyne, Pennsylvania Harriton Senior High School English Tennis; Acting; Tripod Thoma Steven Ashford ttinsdale, Illinois Hinsd.tle High School Economics and Pofitical Science Chairman- Student Budget Committee; Stu· d nt Activitie Committee; Student Executive Committee M.try Taylor A pinwall Philadelphia, Pennsylvani.t Springside School Philosophy and fr nch George Andrew 8.t hrach larchmont, New York Mamaroneck High Sc'hool Ameri an Studies Tripod; El mentary School Tutoring Jonathan P. Baird Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Epi copal Academy History Arthur Lamkin Baldwin Ill Milford, Connecticut Hopkin Gr.tmmar School Mathem.ttics Revitalization Corps 1,2,3; Pi Kappa Alph.t Fr.t· ternity-Trea urer 4; Folk Dance 2,3,4- Trea· surer 4; Chess Club 1 Nancy Pl.ek.tn Baldwin Hartford, Connecticut Wamogo Regional High School Psychology Women's Varsity field Hockey Robert Harvey Baldwin New Canun, Connecticut Cho.tte School Engljsh Deltll Kappa Epsilon 2,3; WRTC 1,2,3; Mather Hllll BO.trd of Governors 2; Sloth Band 1,2,3,4 David W. Bargman Great Neck, ew York South Senior High School Philosophy OD SquAd; Je ters; St. Anthony Hall Steven Edw.trd Buhn Glen ide, Penn ylvania Chelten!Qm High School Sociology Curriculum Committee; Trinjty College Coun· cil; Trinity Drillft Counselors, Co-ch.tirperson; Trinity Phone T.vc Resi lance, founder; Trinity

Wom n' Organiution; Tripod columnist; Young Democr.tts, Director of Publi ity; .td hoc groups-Cambodia 'strike'; lettuce boy· cott, etc.; ch ss club 1; tutoring in Chart r Oak 1; Student Enterpri e in Sociology; Sociology lab assistillnt; Pi Gamma Mu David Hitchcock Barnes Welle ley, Massachusetts Wellesley High School History Golf 1; Pi Gamm• Mu; Subury Giilnt H•rry Livingstone B•rrett Ill Wayland, Mas achusetts Theater Arts and English St. Anthony Hall ancy Jan Ratti ta Quincy, Ma sachusetts Quincy High School History Cerberus Michael Anthony Battle St. louis, Missouri Soldan High School Religion Religion Department Student A si tant J;me H. Bayard Wilmington, D lillware St. Timothy's Art History Richard Seth Beaser Newton, Mas <tchu Its Newton South High School Biology WRTC; Band J. Scott Bedingfield Coos Bay, Oregon Marshfield High School Religion Seabury Giants; Crew Donald Jeffrey Belmont Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Cheltenh•m High School Biology Peter Arthur Bilec;kyj Williamutic, Connecticut Windham High School History Pi Kappa Alpha 2; Chapel Read rs; Chapel Acolytes; Senior Crucifer William Edward Bilodeau Milton, Massachusetts Roxbury Lali'n School Hi tory Ivy Senior Section editor 72; Pi Gamma Mu Barbara A. Blank Sca.rsdale, New York Edgemont High School Psychology Benj.lmin J. Bock Tiffin, Ohio Tiffin Columbian High School Mathematics Che s dub; Band; Phi Bet• Kappa M.trcy Celia Bonola Plainville, Connecticut New Britain High School P ychology Susan lynn Brechlin Meriden, Connecticut Francis T. MAloney High School C~s ics Barbara Lois Brown West H•rtford, Connecticut Willi~m H. Hall High School Modern languages D•vid Ingalls Brown Chagrin Falls, Ohio Culver Military Academy Biology Cros country; Swimming; Crew Marjorie Carpenter Brown Wayne, Pennsylvaniz Agnes Irwin School Religion

Hockey- 71 Qu.ty Brown Madi on, Connecticut Day Prospect Hill School Economic Trinity College Concert Choir cretary and tour manager; R ident Assi tant Alfred Joseph Brunetti Orange, Connecticut Amnily Regional High School History Student Activities Committee- co-chairman, secretary 1; Mather Hall Board of Governors; Student Executive Committee; Student Body Schol.tr hip Fund; Atheneum Society; Eco!ogy Action Group; wm n Oub Donald P. Burt Morri town, ew Jer ey Pingry School Biology Soccer; Resident Assistant; SIMS Virginia Fabbri Butera orristown, Penn ytvannia The Baldwin School Renaissance Studies T am; Junior year Poetry Center; La ro abroad in Florence Robert D. Butt rs <ile11 El!yn, llliooi Glenbard West High School History Illinois Schol.u 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; football m.tnag r 1,2,3 Susan K. Calabro Simsbury, Connecticut Simsbury High School Modem languag Vidor T. Cardell W thersfield, Connecticut South Catholic High School Mu ic History Trinity College Concert Choir 1,2,3,4 Ewne M. ardenas San Antonio, T xas Incarnate Word High School Psychology and Spani h Trinity College Concert Choir Elizabeth J. hami h ew York, New York Cathedral School of St. Mary English Susi Ch n Qr~oge, Conne ticut Hillhouse High S hool Mathematics St ven R. Chern•ik bsthampton, Maryland Alpha Delta Phi; Tripod columni t Alison Kiersted Campbell Clark Scarsd.tle, New York Edgemont High School Spanish Mather H•ll Board of Governors 70 Gregory Edward Cogoli Wethersfield, Connecticut P ychology WTRC 1; lab Assistant in Astronomy 3 Burton B. Cohen West Haven, Connecticut West Haven High School History freshman Football; Varsity football; Alpha Chi Rho fr•ternity Robert laHuis Coith Cincinnati, Ohio Wyoming High School Biology AXP; Freshman Football; Freshm.u~ lacro e; Varsity Football 2,3; Cerberu Diane lee Colasanto Hartford, Connecticut Morgan G. Bulkeley High School Sociology and P ychology Sociology lab assi tant; Pi Gamma Mu; Tr;~ffic



Cr~ig Colg~te Bethesd~, M~ryl~nd

Holderness School Psychology ~nd English AXP; Footb~ll1; Squash-freshman ~nd varsity; l.acrosse-freshm~n ~nd varsity Gene Coney Philadelphi~, Pennsylvania West Philadelphi~ High Economics Cerberus; Freshman football .-nd lacrosse; Varsity foot~ll and l~crosse-capt~in of l~crosse 72,73 Andrew Jerome Connolly Devon, Pennsylvania The H~verford School Psychology Tripod Advertising man~ger md business man~ger; Freshman ~se~ll John M. Conte H~mden, Connecticut Hopkins Gr~mmilr School Psychology President of Trinity Cycling Club- '71, '72; Yeubook photogrilpher-71, '72; WRTC-FM ilnnouncer-70, 71; Concert Choir-71; Jilu ~nd St~rt

Vincent Corso Hilrtford, Connecticut Bulkeley High School Biology SuSiln Hilmmond Coverd~le Brookville, New York friends Acildemy Psychology Junior Vilrsity Field Hockey; Trinity Women's Orgilniziltion; Milnager Freshman and Vilrsity Swimming Team-70, 71 John J. Coyne Cheshire, Connecticut Cheshire High School Engineering Crew 1,2,3,4; WRTC-FM 1; Sigma Pi Sigmil Anne Bern~rd Crichton Pillm Beilch, Florida Miss Porter's School Religion Eleilnor latrobe Crosby McLeiln, Virginia The Shipley School Politicill Science Field Hockey Philip Cumien Dilley Hilrtford, Connecticut Suffield Acildemy Physics Fencing-co-uptain 71, '72 Bruce S. Danzer ~ltimore, Marylilnd Gilman School English Se~bury Giilnts; Ivy Alan Lee Dayno Philildelphiil, Pennsylvania Cheltenham High School Politic~! Science Basket~ll1; Draft Counselors-co-ch~irman 3; OD Squad 2,3; Student Tutor 2; Cerberus 3 Muk Alan DeMeulenaere ShBer Heights, Ohio University School Psychology Foot~ll 2,3; Lacrosse 1,3; Alpha Delta Phi 2,3,4 vice president 3; Cerberus 2,3,4 Lynne Cushmm Derrick Manchester, Connecticut Milnchester High School English and Thuter Arts Jesters; The Portable Circus Peter Anthony DiCorleto Bloomfield, Connecticut Bloomfield High School Biology Engineer WRTC 1,2; Revitttlization Corps 3 Dorothy Cushman Dillon Oldwick, New Jersey Concord Audemy

Studio Art Larry Richard Dow Hanover, New Hampshire Hanover High Psychology Cerberus 2,3 Burt Richard Downes East Williston, New York The Wheatley School Psychology WRTC-FM Dirk Robert Dreux West Simsbury, Connecticut Westminister School English St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; Crew 1,2,3,4 David James Dubicki Morton, Illinois S~ulding High School Economics Theta Xi; Golf 1 Paul H. Dumont Windsor, Connecticut Windsor High School English Theta Xi Fraternity; Tripod; WRTC stilff member Carroll Dunham Old Lyme, Connecticut Phillips Academy Studio Arts Mary Vaughan Durkee New York, New York Sidwell friends English John David Eckelman Spring Church, Pennsylvania Wyoming Seminary Psychology Kathryn Louise Eklund Westwood, MasSilchusetls Westwood High School English Ivy Joanne Adrienne Epps Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cheltenham High Psychology Cerberus secretary; TCB-corresponding secretary; TCB Cultural Committee; Mather Hall Board of Governors; Concert Choir Secretary; Board of Inquiry James D. Evans Ill Villanova, Pennsylvania Haverford School Studio Arts Sloth ~nd JayS. Fag~n Wyncote, Pennsylvania Cheltenham High School Psychology Raymond Eugene Fahrner fort Washington, Pennsylvania Upper Dublin Senior High School Mathmatics and Music Ivy; WRTC; Fencing Robert Cooney Farrell Hartford, Connecticut Saint Thomas Semin~ry Classics Francis Cooley Farwell Ill Lake Forest, Illinois Saint George's School English ilnd History Soccer 1; Hockey 1; Crew 1,2,3,4; Trinity Nordics Ba~ra Fay Wellesley, MiiSSilchusetts Wellesley Hegle American Studies Milrthil Field Barrington, Rhode Island Rosemary Hall Asian Studies, Non Western Studies Choir; Squ~sh Diane Fierri Simsbury, Connecticut

Simsbury High School Psychology Theta Xi Fraternity; Cine Studio; Lacrosse manager Kuen Frances fink Glastonbury, Connecticut 路John Dawless Gatsos Harvard, MasSilchusetls Hudson High School History Saint Anthony Hall; Crew 1,2,3,4 Harold Robert Gaw Manchester, New Hampshire Manchester High School Central English Pi Kap~ Alpha Robert Kibrick Gershenfeld Jenkintown, Pennsylvania Abington High School Economics WRTC-FM; Hillel-president; Atheneum Society-Vice president; Ivy; Varsity Track; Fencing-Co-captain; Chapel Committee; Pi G禄nma Mu Society-president Carlota P. Geyer Darien, Connecticut Darien High Psychology Robert G. Ghazey Teaneck, New Jersey Bergen Catholic High School Economics foot~ll 1,2,3,4; Base~ll 1,2,3,4; Delta Kap~ Epsilon 2,3,4 Patricia Catherine Gibbons Hartford, Connecticut Hartford Public High School English Tripod 1; Mather Hall Board of Governors 2,4 secretary 4 Jan C. Gimar Hutchinson, Kansas Hutchinson Senior High Political Science Chapel Committee-Acolyte, Lay Reader, Crucifer; WRTC-FM-News Director, Executive Producer; Tripod-Managing editor; Undergraduate Representative to the Political Science De~rtment; Pi Kap~ Alpha-Secretary and President Demetrios George Glinos Great Neck South Senior High School Physics and Mathematics Fencing 1,2,3,4; Theta Xi fraternity Neal M. Goff Wyncote, Pennsylvania Cheltenham High School U~n Studies Trinity Pipes George Herbert Gonyer South Portland, Maine Cape Elizabeth High School Economics Freshman Soccer; Freshman ~seball; Varsity Soccer; Varsity ~seball; WRTC; Pi Gamma Mu; Phi Beta Kap~ Jonathan Louis Gould Orange, Connecticut Amity Regioml High Glastonbury High School Mathmatics Ivy; Woman's Advisory Committee James T. Finn North Quincy, MaSSilchusetts Boston Latin School Economics Footbilii-Freshman and Varsity; LacrosseFreshman and Varsity; Alpha Chi Rho fraternity-steward Stephen Ch~rles Fischer North West Atlanta, Georgia The Lawrenceville School Religion Maison de Sade; Seuss Repetory Theater Scott Andrews fitz~trick Westwood, MasSilchusetts Noble and Greenough Psychology

Alph~ Delt~ Phi- treasurer 4; Soccer-Freshm.tn ~nd Varsity; Golf-freshm;m md Y~r ity; Squash 1 Daniel Hillel Freel~nder Worcester, Mass~chusetts Doherty Memorial High School Religion and Music Cerberus; Trinity College Concert Choir; Trinity College Hillei- Pr sidenl 71-72; Trinity Pipes; Tripod; Trinity Coli ge Councii-Cha.ir· m.tn '72·'73; Curriculum Commitlee; Human Relations Committee-Co-c:h~irmm '11 -'72 Penny RiihiJuoma French Southampton, Bermud~ The Baldwin School Religion Revitaliz~tion Corps; Tutoring; Ch~pel Ulyreader Lawrence M;llvin Garber Woodbridge, Connecticut Amity RegioNI Senior High School Religion Varsity Swimming; Seabury Ci~nts; Jerusalem neighborhood tutoring; Tripod ,Jhotography Pierce Symm Gardner W~wa, Pennsylvania Haverford School English Delta kappa Epi lon; Milther Hall Bwrd of Governors 3,4; Northilm Fine Arts 3; WRTC 1,2,3 Alfred jil.mes Garofolo Hilrtford, Connecticut Bulkeley High School History Sigma Nu History Saint Anthony Hil.ll Samuel Welldon Grilham CJ vel.l.11d tits., Ohio The latin School of Chi ago Music and History Sloth ~nd Kenneth A. Grass Solon, Ohio University School Psyc hology George W. Graves Norfolk, Virginia NorfoJk Academy English Chilrles Lanier Griswold Jr. Hillsborough, California St. Stephen's School Philosophy Curriculum Committee; hperimental Programs Committee; S.E.C. Michael Jon Gross Cranford, New Jersey Cranford High School Philosophy Trinity Review; Poetry Center Robert P. Haff Ry, N w York Suffield Academy Economics Cross Country-Freshmiln and Varsity Citptain; Fr shman ~nd Var ity Tr.tc k Alice Child Hamilton Newtown, Connecticut Northfield· Mount Hermon School Studio Arts Doo Da Production kenneth W~yne Harl GJen Cove, New York Glen Cove High School History il.nd Cl~ssics Phi Beta kappa; Pi Gamma Mu Jeffrey Phillip Harris Cincinnati, Ohio Wyoming High School Economics fresh miD md V.trsity Tennis- Captain 4; freshm.tn Ba ket~ll ; Draft Counseling OtlVid Al.in H;trrold Mentor, Ohio Mentor High School


Track 1,2; Cross Country 2 Elizabeth Adam Harvey Stonington, Connecticut Mis Porter's School Psychology Robert John Hecht Garden City, New York Garden City High School History Guy Canoll Heckman St. Louis, Missouri St. George's School English Freshman Crew; Fre hmiln Squash; Vusily Squash 2; Saint Anthony Hall 2,3,4 David Joseph Heinlein New London, Connecticut New London High School P ychology Freshm~n Basketball; Freshman and Varsity Golf; 00 Squad; Phi P i Fraternity Leonilrd Robert Heinrich le"inglon, Massachusetts lexington High School P ychology and Political Sci nee Delta Kapp.t Episilon; fre hman Crew; WRTC Alan Stuart Henson CLlwson, Michigan Detroit Country Oily School Biology Freshmiln and Varsity Football; Freshman ~nd Varsity Wrestling; Freshman U:crosse; Varsity TriiCk; Alphil Chi Rho; .Big Brother Bruce Dilvid Hettleman Baltimore, Marylilnd Milford High School Chemistry and Biology Hannilh Susannah Heschel ew York, New Yoric The Dalton School Relig.i on Tripod-editor; Acild mic Affairs Committee; Lecture Committee; Student hecutive Committee; Hillel Society Wayne Bradford Hickory Windsor, Connecticut Windsor High School Biology md Psychology Dr~fl Counseling; Bilnd; Pi Ki1ppi1 Alpha Fraternity Steven L Hoch Sw~mpscott, Massachusetts Swampscott High History David Irwin Hoffman Philadelphia, Pennsylvmi.t Central High School Biology Swimming 1,Z,3,4 Stephen Louis Hoffman Dayton, Ohio O.tkwood High School Engli h Alph~ Delta Phi Susan Jane Hoffman West Hartford, Connecticut Williilm Hilll High School Studio Arts President of Folk Dilnce group 2,3,4; Hillel 1,2,3,4; Ivy 3,4 Mich.tel Peter Holverson Pekin, Illinois Champaign Centennial High School History a.n d English Freshman Baseball; Football; Cereberus; llli· noi cholar; Pi Kappa Alphil-m.c. ilnd president Holly Hotchner ew York, ew York The Dalton School Art History and Studio Art Lawrence S. Hotez West Hartford, Connecticut Conard High Biology Varsity and Freshman Crew; ~ther Hall Bwrd of Governors; Ivy photographer; Cerberus; Tutoring

Kent uton Howard WeUesl y, MasSiJ.chusetts Wellesley High Psychology Band 2,4; Stage ~nd 2.4- president 4; Squash 1,.2,3,4 Clare Julie Hudson Great F~lls, Virginia Madeira Politicill Sci nee Cerberu ; WRTC Edward William Huntley Springfield, Illinois Springfield High School Political Science Phi . Bet~ Kap~; Pi Gamma Mu Abby Elizabeth Huntoon Providence, Rhode Island lincoln School Psychology Ce1berus; Phi Kappa Psi Ch.trles Grily Hurd, Jr. Chevy Chase, Muyland U:ndon SchooJ Economics Basebilll 1,2,3,4; Freshman Squash; Cerberus; Alpha Chi Rho fraternity · Peter Louis lppedico West Hartford, Connecticut The Robinson School Psychology Freshman Soccer; Delta Kap~ Epsilon Rod Murray Jacobson Ridg field, Connecticut Ridgefield High School English Freshman Track; Seabury Ciants; 00 SqLYd Anthony William Jenney Cazenoviil, New Yoric k nt School Engineering Thomas B. Jensen ~It uke City, Utah Rowla.o d Hall- St. ~rk's School History Assistant Chapel Organi t; Chapel Verger Jocelyn Anne Jerry Delmar, New Yoric Bethlehem Centr.tl Senior High School History Synchronized Swimming Richard William Johansen Allendale, New Jersey Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Biology and Psychology fr hmm Football; Llcro e 1,2,3,4; fencing 1,4; Alph.a Chi Rho Julie Therese Johnson Racine, Wisconsin St Catherine High School Sociology Eric H. Joosten Duien, Connecticut Darien High School Chemistry ilnd Economics Kar n ~ra Kahn

Westport, Conn«ti ul Staple High School Psychology Squilsh; Psychology A istant Alan S. Kannof West Hartford, Connecticut Weii.Ver History Herbert James Keating Ill Springfield, Penn ylvilnia Springfield High School Chc.mistry New Collegiate Jazz B.tnd Marjorie Voorhees kelsey West Ormge, New jersey Kent Gi.rl ' School P ychology Patricia Johnston Kiesewetter Pittsburgh, Pennsylnniil Madeira School English

Alphol Delta Phi; Varsity Field Hockey 3,4; Photography Club Malcolm Alexander Kirkland Westwood Paget, Bermuda St. Paul's School Spanish St. Anthony Hall; Corinthian Yacht Club lucinda Cochran Kittredge Boxford, Massachusetts Dana Hall Psychology Mather Hall Board of Governors; WRTC; lacrosse; Squash David Perry Kleeman Bethany, Connecticut Salisbury School Art History and Studio Art Phi Kappa Psi fraternity K芦>ith Alan Klevan l'hiladelphia, Pennsylvania Central High Religion Varsity Basketball- co-captain John E. Knapp Ansonia, Connecticut Ansonia High School Psychology Football Michael Robert Knapp Tenafly, New Jersey Northern Valley Regional High School Biology Seabury Giants Juergen Koerber Hartford, Connecticut Hartford Public High School Biology and German Daniel lynn Korengold Chevy Chase, Maryland Landon School Psychology Alpha Delta Phi 2,3,4-Corresponding secretary 3,4; Freshman Football; Freshman Baseball Debra L Koret Hartford, Connecticut Weaver High School Ancient Near Eastern Studies-Religion dept. Delta Kappa Epsilon Natalie Korsheniuk Simsbury, Connecticut Simsbury High School Modern languages James August Kowalski Willimantic, Connecticut Windham High School English Ivy-senior section editor, co-editor-in-chief; Chapel Committee-acolyte; director of layreaders; Pi Kappa Alpha-vice-president, national board of directors; Pi Gamma Mu; Hartford Insurance Group Trinity Scholar Kay K. Koweluk Anchorage, Alaska Kailua High School Economics Photography Club 1; Tripod 2; L ... ~berus 2,3 Janice Marie Kozovich New Britain, Connecticut New Britain High School Modem languages WRTC Joyce Ann Krinitsky Terryville, Connecticut Terryville High School History Big Sister; Mather Hall Board of Governors; WRTC; Subcommittee Residence Selection John W. Krysko Fresh Meadows, New York Francis lewis High School Psychology Fencing; Cross Country; Mather Hall Board of Governors Josh Philip Kupferberg Great Neck, New York Garden School Biochemistry and Biology Hillel Society; Tripod; Theta Xi; Mather Hall

Board of Governors; Phi Bela Kappa lenn Carl Kupferberg Great Neck, New York Garden School Physics and Math Peter G. lacy South Carolina Conard High School Mathematics WRTC; Cinestudio Sara Martha laden Bridgeport, Connecticut Central High School Psychology and Religion Synchronized Swimming; Board of Reconsideration-Student Executive Committee; Tripod Alan S. Landry Andover, Massachusetts Phillips Academy History Freshman and Varsity lacrosse; Hockey-captain; Pi Gamma Mu; St. Anthony Hall Richard M. LaSalle Venice, Florida Westhampton Beach High School Modem languages Nicholas William Lazares Haverhill, Massachusetts Haverhill High School Economics Trinity Pipes 1,2,3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4 Michael S. lederberg St. Thomas, Virgin Islands Oyster Bay High School Philosophy Antoinette Lucy leone Hartford, Connecticut Bulkeley High School Modem languages Trinity Chamber Players; Pi Kappa Alpha Albin B. Leong Astoria, Oregon Astoria High School Biology and Biochemistry Robert lawrence Liebross Westbury, New York West Tresper Clarke High School Economics Chess Club; lntramurals Ethan Anthony Loney Jamaica, New York St. Mark's School Psychology Freshman and Varsity Basketball; Track; OD Squad Janet Breese Loveland Cincinnati, Ohio National Cathedral School Psychology WRTC 4; Jesters 1 Sleven Mark lozanov Bridgeport, Connecticut Central High School History WRTC; Cerberus; Hillel; Kappa Ana Difounder and president; Tripod; Soccer; Foreign legion John Francis Luby Windsor, Connecticut Northwest Catholic High School History Freshman Golf; Varsity Golf 2,3,4; OD Squad 2,3-co-chairman 3; Intramural Basketball 2,3,4 Malcolm MacColl Ambler, Pennsylvania Chestnut Hill Academy English St. Anthony Hall; Cerberus; Varsity Squash 1,2,3-captain; Varsity Tennis路1 Barry T. Madden Boston, Massachusetts Roxbury latin School Classics Mather Hall Board of Governors; Seabury Giants Frank K. Mahan Fayetteville, West Virginia

Woodberry Forest School History Theta Xi; Alpha Delta Phi-secretary; Jesters Joan Louise Malatesta Arlington, Massachusetts Arlington High School French Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Chapel singer Rosamond Mary Mancall West Hartford, Connecticut Germantown High School English Lewis Sheer Mancini Buffalo, New York Park School Psychology Volunteer tutoring 1,2; Tripod 1; Donated personal painting to Life Science; Curriculum Committee 3; Mather Hall Board of Governors 3 Patti Ellen Mantell Stamford, Connecticut Rippowam High School History Varsity Tennis; Theta Xi Richard Tyler Markovitz Philadelphia, Pennsylvania William Penn Charter English Tripod Richard Heeman Marshall Shaker Hts., Ohio University School Psychology Alpha Delta Phi; Varsity Soccer; Photography Club Mark Frederic Matthews Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati Country Day Psychology 1\lpha Chi Rho; Freshman Basketball; Freshman and Varsity Tennis George H. Maxted Birmingham, Michigan Detroit Country Day School Biology Cerberus; Freshman and Varsity Soccer; Lacrosse; Resident Assistant 4 lance Robert Mayer West Hartford, Connecticut Conard High School Art History Revitalization Corps Joseph Edward McCabe Middletown, Connecticut Xavier High School Economics Freshman and Varsity Baseball; Freshman and Varsity Football-co-captain; Alpha Chi Rhorush chairman and president Michael McGuirk New london, Connecticut St. Bernard's Boys High School Biology Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4; Alpha Xeta Pi vice president 3,4 Helen Martin McMahon West Plandome, New York The Masters School Modern Languages Chapel Committee 1,2 Ruth Anne McSorley lafayette, Indiana Kingswood School Cranbook Psychology John Bulkley Meacham Cleveland, Ohio University School Psychology Robin B. Messier RRJ Box 60 Connecticut Coventry High School Psychology and Fine Arts Dance Productions Jean Margaret Miley Lexington, Massachusetts lexington High School Urban Studies

Urb.J.n Enviromentill Studies Committe; OD Squ.ld; CoUege AffOJJrs Committee; President's Commission on Community Life; Cerberus; Ril$ketbilll ~ilnilger Bien Erpf ~iller Hilrtford, Connecticut The Fieldston School Art History ~khilel Christian ~itchell Dre•el Hill, Pennsylvilniil The Hilverford School History LiKrosse 1; Concert Choir 1,2,3; Bra s Choir 3,4; Cerberus 2.3- president 3; Resident Assistilnt 4; Teilching Assistilnt 4; Seilbury Giilnts 4 lril ~owitz Teilneck, New Jersey Teilne<k High School ~usic

Neil frilncis ~uUarkey Hilrtford, Connecticut Hilrtford Public High School Psychology R. Lilth.m B. Munily EilrlysviiJe, Virginiil Albernilrl High School P ychology Seabury Giilnts, Ha.rtford Rugby Club Chilrles Levon Nuuian Wiltertown, ~ .. siiChusettes The Browne and Nichol School English ilnd Psychology Concert Choir; Orgiln; Resident Assist•nt kilren Courtney Netter kingston, Rhode lslilnd . Cherry Hill High School East Philosophy Trinity Womens' Organiution; Cheerlead r Jonilthan Clare Neuner Cheektowilgil, New York Bishop Turner High School Economics Bilsebilll 1,2,3; Footb.tll 1,2 Chilrles ~- Morris Jr. Philiidelphi<t, Penn ylnn i<t Che tnut Hill Audemy Biology Hockey; St. Anthony Hilll; Phi Betil K<tppii Michilel Williilm O'Melia Rock lsl<tnd, Illinois Rock lslilnd High School Psychology Revitaliution Corp 1; Tripod 1 Megiln O'Neill Wet H<trtford, Connecticut Chilffee School English Jesters; founder of Co-op Book Exchilnge Nilncy Ann Oosterom Gillden City, New York Gilrden City High School Psychology Victoriil C.G. Osur son Cro River, New York King' s Hi111 History of Art Dolores Ann Pilliochil Hilrtford, Connecticut MilCDuffie School Psychology IVY senior section editor '72; Concert Choir Richilrd Jilmes Papanos CO\Ientry, Connecticut Coventry High School Economics William W. Pil.rish Jr. New York, ew York Trinity School Religion Theta Xi; Alphil Delta Phi; IVY photography editor 3, editor 4; photogrilphy dub founder ilnd president 4; Re ident Assistant 4 Russell Hillold Pumelee Middletown, Connecticut Middletown High School ~odem Languages Cynthiil ~ary Pilfzych

New Britilin, Connecticut New Britain Senior High School Studio Arts MiiOilger Men's Tr<tck Team 1,2; Orchestril 1 Aron lee Pasternack West Hilrtford, Connecticut Conard High School English and Th ilt r Arts Jest r ; Tripod Thomas Steven Perakos New Brita.in, Connecticut The Gunnery School Psychology and Sociology Nilncy Jeiln Perugini Oilkville, Connecticut Watertown High School History IVY; Pi Gilmma Mu Lawrence Tumer Pistell Rumson, New Jersey Brentwood School Essex, England English G<trry Alan Plagenhoef Amherst, MasSilchusetts Amher t Regional High School Phy ic Squash; Tennis Eugene Lester Pogany Union, ew Jers y Hillside High School Psychology <tnd ReHgion Tripod ~a.Jcolm Fr deric Poole Portland, ~aine Kent School Economics Alphil Della Phi- presid nt; Crew- fre hm<~n captain, varsity; Cheerleader; Cerberu Piltriciil A. Powell Chk ilgo, lllinoi Central High chool Politicill Scienc Stephen Brooks Prudden Concord, New Ha.mpshire Groton School Compilriltive Literilture Sq~RSh 1; Crew- freshman 01nd Vilr ity; Cerberus; Alph<l Chi Rho Unda Jeanne Ra iborski Springfield, Ma SiiChu tt Cwsicill High School English IVY; Trinity Women's Organiution Williilm Edwin R01ws Ya.rdley, Penruylvotnia Penn bury High School Economi Sigrnil u; Track-captain; Footbilll; Bridge club Donald 8. Reder West Hilrtford, Connecticut Hilll High School Sociology leonard Thomu Reed Alendille, New Jersey Northem Highlands Regionill High School Psychology Connecticut Intercollegiate Stmlent Legislilture '6.,_72; Sena.te president '72; Institute For Human Development; Reseuch Assistilnt '71 ; P y hology Club '69- 71 Sterling S. Reese Jr. New York, New York DeWitt Ointon Economics a.nd English Basketball team 1,2,3,; Footbilll team 1,3 Richud john Reinhart Milford, Connecticut Milford High School Religion Jesters Christine G01il Reynolds Ashlilnd, MasSilchusetts Ashl.1nd High School English Richilld C. Ricci Plea!Wlt Villley, ew York

Artington Senior High School Philosophy Crew 1,2,3,4 captain 4; Cros Country 1,2,3,4 Stephanie jean Robiner Brooklyn, New York Midwood High School French Thet01 Xi; IVY C~ire Ehilnks Robinson New Haven, Connecticut Northfield School Psychology Concert Choir Ca.rtos Eugenio Rodrigu z New York, New York Brooklyn TechniCill High School Inter Culturill Studies Freshman Basketbilll; WRTC- equipment room iiSSistilnt, Progrilmmer in Free Spirit Radio Sta-tion Progr.m; Trinity Coalition of 81ilcks; Latin Students Orga.niZiltion ; Poetry Center; Cinestudio ~arie A. Rogers f.armington, Connecticut New Britilin Senior High Psychology Susan L Rogers Dedham, ~assachusetts ~iss Porter's School History of Art Robin Eric Rosenberg Jenkintown, Pennsylvilnia Abington Senior High Biology Alpha. Delt<t Phi; Crew M. ThereSil Ross New London, Connecti ut New london High Spani h <tnd Intercultural Studies Trinity Coalition of Blacks; T.C.B. tutoring program Daniel ~ichael Roswig ew Haven, Connecticut Richard C. Lee High School Biology Senilte; Tripod; Cerberus; Theta. Xi- ils istant treasurer; Alphil Chi Rho; Hillel; Resident A istant Stephen R. Roylance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvilni<~ Fo• Ch..pel High School Theater Arts jester ; ~Olther Hilll Board of Governors 1,2 Dotniel Pa.ul Russo Hartford, Connecticut loomis School History St. Anthony H.a.ll; Athletic Triliner 1,2,3,4; Lawren e J. Siver Awud for contributions to ilthletics-'72; Hockey triliner; Clement leildership Committee '71-'72 Cri ey Ann Silfford Keene, New Hamp hire Keene High French ~ilry B. Sillt r N wport, Rhode I la.nd S.t . Ca.therine Academy Religion N.ancy JeiiO Silrubbi Newington, Connecticut Newington High School English Mich.ael Thomas Saunders Ha.rtford, Connecticut Bulkeley High School Sociology Freshm.._n ilnd Varsity Footbilll; Freshmiln ilnd Vilrsity Lacrosse; Vilfsity Ba ketbilll; lntramura.l Boilld Phyllis H. Scheinberg Brooklyn, New York Midwood High School Religion <tnd Psychology Tripod; Resident Assista.nt David Austin Schirmer Jr. New CiiOun, Connecticut

Choate Economics Alpha Delta Phi; Varsity Soccer 2,3,4; Varsity Squash 2,3,4; Varsity Golf 2,3 Mathew D. Schor Cleveland, Ohio Shaker Hts. High School Religion Patricia J. Scott Weston, Massachusetts Beaver Country Day School Modem Languages St. Anthony Hall Judy Sello Cedar Grove, New Jersey Memorial High School Psychology Revitalization Corps; Phi Beta Kappa Robert Shapiro New York, New York Kew Forest School Intercultural Studies Tripod-art editor '7()-'71, managing editor '71 72; Jesters '69-71, '72-'73; College Affairs Committee '7()-'71 Marc Lee Sherman East Meadow, New York East Meadow High School Engineering Band-president; Pi Kappa Alpha; Mather Hall Board of Governors; IVY; Jazz Band David William Shively Gates Mills, Ohio Hawken School History WRTC 1, technical director 2,3; Guild of Carillonneurs 1, Master 2,3,4; Cinestudio 1,2,3,4; Theta Xi 2; Audio Visual Staff 3,4 John Thomas Shortell Newark, Delaware Tatnall School Psychology Alpha Delta Phi; Freshman and Varsity Football; Freshman Baseball Richard Paul Sieger New York, New York George Washington High School English Richard Evans Siegesmund Birmingham, Michigan Seaholm High School Studio Art Murry Allen Sigman Evanston, Illinois Evanston Township High School Psychology Freshman Lacrosse; Intramural Football Owen Mercer Snyder South Orange, New Jersey Columbia High School Political Science WRTC; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Gamma Mu James F. Solomon Cincinnati, Ohio Wyoming High School Psychology Seabury Giants; OD Squad; Tutor; Research Assistant George Edward Spencer Ill Shaker Hts., Ohio University School Psychology Soccer 1,2,3,4; Alpha Delta Phi Mark Louis Splaingard Collinsville, Illinois Collinsville High Chemistry Phi Kappa Psi; Sigma Phi Sigma; Freshman Baseball Andrew N. Squaire Rosyln Hts., New York St. Paul' s School Psychology Soccer 1,2,3,4; WRTC 1,2,3 Margo Elaine Stage Pleasantville, New York Pleasantville High School

Psychology Resident Assistant Harry Robert Stahl Avon, Connecticut Avon Junior-Senior High School Political Science Pi Kappa Alpha- secretary 3; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Band 2,3,4; New Collegiate Jazz Band 1; WRTC 3,4; Chapel Singers 4; Fencing 4 Richard T. Steere Philadelphia, Pennsylvania William Penn Charter School Theater Arts Freshman Soccer; Jesters; Northam Fine Arts Society Douglas Kohler Stewart Buffalo, New York St. Paul's School English St. Anthony Hall; Lacrosse 1; Hockey 3,4; Wendy Jill Stein Pittsfield, Massachusetts Miss Hall's School English and Religion Jonathan Ames Stevens Andover, Massachusetts Phillip' s Exeter Academy Intercultural Studies Freshman and Varsity Soccer; Freshman and Varsity Lacrosse, Student Senate; Trinity Coalition of Blacks; Junior year in Uganda Kenneth Maurice Stone Chicago, Illinois Lindblom Technical High School Economics Freshman and Varsity Football; Freshman Lacrosse; Varsity Track; Freshman BasketballManager; Co-chairman College Affairs Committee; Student Activities Committee; Student Executive Committee; Mather Hall Board of Governors; OD Squad; Cinestudio Joel Benjamin Strogoff Worcester, Massachusetts Worcester Academy History Freshman Basketball; WRTC-sports director; Tripod-sports editor, contributing editor Aletha M. Strong Chicago, Illinois Forrestville High School Psychology Cerberus; OD Squad; Tripod James Lawrence Sullivan Jr. Nashua, New Hampshire Governor Dummer Academy Classics Cross country 1; Track 2; Fencing Club 2,3,4co-captain 4; Tripod photography editor John Suroviak Colchester, Connecticut Watkinson School Economics Freshman Soccer; Varsity Soccer 2,3,4- captain 4; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Baseball; Varsity Baseball 2,3,4-captain 4 George Clayton Sutherland Ottawa, Illinois Ottawa Township High School Psychology Freshman and Varsity Football; Freshman Tennis; Varsity Tennis 2,3,4 co-captain; Cerberus; Resident Assistant; Alpha Chi Rho Herbert 0. Symmes East Hartford, Connecticut Penney High School Sociology and Psychology Pi Gamma Mu; Intramural Basketball Andrew Richard Taussig Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Cheltenham High School Economics Phi Bela Kappa; Pi Gamma Mu; Resident Assistant; lntramurals; Revitalization Corps Gary P. Taylor West Islip High School English Freshman and Varsity Soccer; Phi Kappa Psi John E.F. Taylor

Hempstead, New York Canarsie High School Psychology Trinity Coalition of Blacks; Wrestling Charla Jane Thompson Narberth, Pennsylvania Baldwin School Biology Theta Xi, Cinestudio; Resident Assistant; Carilloneur Robert Arthur Towner Wilmette, Illinois New Trier Township High Schc;~ol Philosophy Nancy Axis Townshend Baltimore, Maryland Roland Park Country School Religion Student Dance Performances Patricia Anne Tuneski New London, Connecticut St. Bernard Girl' s High School Psychology Cerberus; Tripod; Alpha Delta Phi; Dance Performances Stanley Albert Twardy Jr. Stamford, Connecticut New Canaan High School Physics Freshman Football; Basketball; Lacrosse; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Varsity Lacrosse 2,3,4; Sigma Pi Sigma; Acolyte, Lay reader; Phi Beta Kappa; Intramural Board; Tripod John Waples Tyler Wilmington, Delaware MI. Pleasant High School History Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Gamma Mu; Tripod- assistant editor; Pi Kappa Alpha; Chapel Layreader; Trinity Yacht Club Richard Vincent Vane Stamford, Connecticut Stamford Oatholic High School English Phi Kappa Psi; Mather Hall Board of Governors; Freshman Football; Freshman Baseball; Sports editor of Tripod; Sports Director WRTC Nancy Welles Vignone Wellesley, Massachusels Wellesley High School Art History Andrew Warde High School English Gregory Nicholas Zec New Canaan, Connecticut Tenafly High School History /Economics Band; Big Brother; Cerberus Mark A. Zivin Highland Park, Illinois Highland Park High School Religion Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3; Mather Hall Board of Governors- treasurer 4 Paul Bennett Zolan Fairfield, Connecticut Roger Ludlowe High School English Freshman Football; Freshman Baseball; Dramatics; WRTC Phi Kappa Psi Michael Anthony Vitale Madison, Connecticut Daniel Hand High Mathematics Freshman Baseball; Trinity Band 1,2,3; Trinity Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Pi Kappa Alpha-secretary 4; Trinity Intramural Council 3,4 Mark Von Mayrhauser Worcester, Massachusetts Doherty Memorial High School History Freshman Basketball; Tripod Robin Wagge Waterbury, Connecticut Wilby High chool English Durward Allen Watson


Eric E. Aasen Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Abrams David J. Agerton Mr. & Mrs. Russell Alling Richie Ashburn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Aspinwall Bertram B. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Barison Mr. & Mrs. David T. Blake Dr. Paul Bock Dr. & Mrs. louis A. Breglio Solomon Z. Bromberg Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Q. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Donald Burt George C. Capen Vic Cardell Lu Yin Chen Dr. & Mrs. Donald G. C. Clark Mr. & Mrs. George J. Clark James W. Cobbs The Rev. & Mrs. Robert B. Cook Dr. & Mrs. Simon Dack Joseph A. DeGrandi F. L. DeMeulenaere Dr. George H. Dickinson Frank J. Dubicki Mr. & Mrs. David B. Eckelman Ostrom Enders Mrs. Charles W. Englehard Edward A. Fahrner Mr. & Mrs. Phillip F. Faneuil George M. Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Morton H. Fetterolf Dr. Garland M. fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Earl Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Force Dr. James Gamble Philip Garnick Mr. & Mrs. John S. Gates John P. Gatsos


Conrad H. Gesner George D. Glinos Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gomberg Mr. & Mrs. Elias Gottlieb Mr. & Mrs. John MacD. Graham Eugene M. Grant Mr. & Mrs. Dudley H. Grape Mrs. Ralph Graves The Rt. Rev. Walter H. Gray,

D.O. joel R. Greenspan Dr. & Mrs. Harry Harhay Mrs. Vivian Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Martin l. Hoffman Dr. Robert l. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. S. Knox Hunter Dr. Charles E. Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Johansen Merritt Johnquest Glover johnson Robert R. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Kalikow Dr. Henry M. Kaplan Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Katzka Mr. & Mrs. Morris Kindl Dr. Paul A. Kirschner Mr. & Mrs. George Knapp Dr. M. L. Kobrosky Rev. Arthur Koret Mr. & Mrs. John Krinitsky Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Krusz Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kupferberg ee A. Lahey Mr. Gerald A. LaPlante Mr. & Mr . William N. Lazares Mr. & Mrs. Richard l. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Linehan Mr. & Mrs. R. Schuyler Lippincott Mr. Morris I. Lloyd Rev. James R. MacColl Ill

Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Mack john S. McCook Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Mahan Alan Marchisotto Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marvonek john A. Mason Thomas M. Meredith Rudolph Montgelas E. A. Montgomery A. Henry Moses Mr. & Mrs. johan Natvig Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Netter Mr. & Mrs. Clarence L. Neuner Dr. Edward A. Newman Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Norris Mr. & Mrs. R. F. Obrock C. G. Ognelodh Dr. Robert D. O'Malley Andrew Onderdonk Mr. & Mrs. john R. Orrick Mr. & Mrs. N. Ross Parke Dr. & Mrs. John F. Pember Steven E. Perakos Mrs. john Picone Sydney D. Pinney Norman D. C. Pitcher Mr. & Mrs. Parker Poole, Jr. Mrs. Tom Randolph Potter W. Benfield Pressey Paul S. Prevey Mr. & Mrs. Converse Prudden Alfred Raws, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Resnick Mr. & Mrs. William A. Reynolds Dr. Irving Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. john C. Rosati Mrs. Geneva E. Ross john Sarubbi Robert H. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Gordon T. Schofield Maj. & Mrs. Richard R. Shelly

Mrs. john j. Shortell Col. & Mrs. Charles U. Shreve Ill

Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Solomon, Jr. Leighton L. Smith Beverly A. Southworth Mrs. William W. Stahl Dr. & Mrs. Harold Stein Wendell Scott Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. joseph T. j. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Frank Suroviak Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Sutton, Jr. Douglas T. Tansill Robert B. Thiel George H. Tilghman Mr. Robert E. Toomey Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred H. Townshend W. james Tozer, Jr. John B. Traino, Sr. George M. Traver, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tulcin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Tuneski Mrs. Charles Twichell Dr. Gene Usdin Mr. & Mrs. Antone Vieira Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Vignone Charles S. Walker Raymond J. Wean Mr. & Mrs. Towner K. Webster Jr. Charles B. F. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Edward Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wender John G. Wendler Howard M. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm F. Wheeler Herbert P. Williams Palmer Williams Mrs. R. D. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Richard G. Wyland Donald T. Wynne, Jr. Edmond A. Zaccaria


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\[rinitp 3Jbp 1973 WILLIAM W. PARISH, JR., Editor LYNDA WYLAND, Business Manager SARAH DETWILER. Associate Editor SAMUEL GIDDING, Photography Editor SARAH HUNNEWELL, Faculty Co-ordiantor PETER SPIELMAN, Faculty Photographer JAMES KOWALSKI, Copy Co-ordinator BETSY BECKER, Senior Activities Co-ordinator STAFF: Abbie Collier, Janey Dickinson, Rebecca Dunn, Karen Fink, Gail Inger, James Kerschner, Linda Landon, Kathi Marks, Kigoshi Matsumi, Charlie Stewart, Melissa Wender, Laurel Zeidman. Our special thanks to: Peter Knapp, Reference Librarian David Lowe, College Photographer James findley, Bradbury-Keller Representative

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