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Because I know that time is always time And place is always and only place And what is actual is actual only for one time And only for one place I rejoice that things are as they are ...







The jesters present two one act plays: "Gallows Humor" and "Chamber Music". NEW ORLEANS-Hurricane Carmen grew steadi ly stronger today as its winds buffeted the Louisiana coast. Forecasters ca lled it extremely -dangerous with wi nds gusting to 180 miles per hour.


450 freshmen arrive on campus for orientation.

MHBOG sponsors "Beer and Football" on the Quad.

WASHINGTON (AP)-Presiden t Ford signed into law today a mammouth pension reform act that is aimed at protecting the retirement benefits of 23 million workers from bankruptcies of employers and looting by union officials.


~(1 Faulty wiring in a

u~ clock radio cau~es



WASHINGTON, NEW YORK TIMES-President Ford granted fo rm er President Richard M. Nixon an uncond itional pardon today for all Federal crimes that he "committed or niay have committed or taken part in" while in office", an act which Mr. Ford said was intended to spare Mr. Nixon and the nation further punishment in the Watergate scandals.

an early mornrng fire in Jarvis. Firefighters were on the scene promptly and doused the blaze before it did any extensive damage.

f:) Matricualtion Q



~ Lockwood addresses

the college at the annual All-College convocation. Speaking on the Quad, Lockwood said that he was "cautiously optimistic" about Trinity's future as a progressive intellectual institution.



in the Wash~ mgton Room sponsored by MHBOG and featuring RAGS.

WASHINGTON (AP)President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger said yesterday that continued hi gh oil pri ces set by produ cing countries involved th e risk of a world depression and the President added, the " breakdown of world order and safety".



ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA (UPI)-Emperor Haile Selassie was deposed peacefully by the military today after having ruled this East African Country for 58 years.

{;)(.) "The Dead End Kids" play in the Washington Room-dance and music sponsored by MHBOG.



~ Dr.

Richard Goss of Brown University lectures on "Generation in Mammals".


WASHINGTON (AP) The trial of the Watergate cover-up case began today, bringing to a court of law the events that caused a twoyear national trauma and then on August 9, forced Richard M . Nixon from the Presidency.


WASHINGTON (AP) President Ford, urging a " new mobilization" against inflation, proposed today a broad basically conservative program ranging from reducing oil imports to a one-year tax increase for corporations, as well as many private citizens.


WASHINGTON (UPI) Vice President-designate Nelson A. Rockefeller provided a more detailed look at his gifts and loans last night making public a list of 20 present and former public officials and staff assistants to whom he had given approximately $2 million over the last 17 years.

~(.) Op~n Period u~ BeginS

NEW YORK TIMES-Secretary of State Kissinger said today that he had reached agreement with Israeli leaders on "the principles and procedures" that might be followed in the next round of Arab-Israeli negotiat ions toward a Middle East settlement.


NEW YORK TIMES-Anthropologists said today that they had found fossilized human remains three million to four million years o ld that they predicted would revolutionize thinkitlg on the origins of man.



TABAT, MOROCCO (UPI) Arab heads of state, in• eluding King Hussein of Jordon, called unanimousl'y today for the creation of an independent Palestinian state "on any Palestinian land that is liberated from Israeli occupation." Poet i11 residence George Chambers reads from his works.

Thomas Jarriel, ABC News White House correspondent, speaks in Wheaton Lounge.

"Inflation and Current Economic Policy", the Annual Mead Lecture is presented by James Tobin of Yale University.


(;)(;\Lecture-Getting Straight in Jailsponsored by the Philosophy Department

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WASHINGTON (UPI) John D. Erhlichman opened his defense at the Watergate cover-up trial today by placing the blame for the cover-up and for his own disputed actions squarely upon former President Richard M. Nixon.


Outerspace Blues Band

Halloween Boogie with Mitch Chakour and the Mission Band.



WASHINGTON (AP) Unemployment increased to 6 per ce nt of the work force in October, its highest level in nearl y three yea rs, accord ing to labor Department figures made public today.



(.)ALUMNI ~WEEKEND (;\Trinity Bantams defeat a tough Amherst team 24-19 to become number one in their conference.


~(] Trinity Coalition of U~ Blacks and Mather

Hall Board of Governors sponsor a Cabaret in the Washington Room. UNEMPLOYMENT LINES LENGTHEN IN DETROIT AS RECESSION DEEPENS


SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA (UPI) President Ford arrived here today for a oneday visit intended to affirm American-South Korean friendship, and "give it new meaning and life."





WASHINGTON (AP) The United ~tate~ now appears to be mov1ng mto a recess1on, President Ford's press secre tary, Ron Nessen, said today.

RAMSEY LEWIS plays at the Club 'T' VLADIVOSTOK, U SS R (UPI) President Ford and leonid Brezhnev, th e Soviet leader, were reported today to have made progress toward reaching a comprehensive ten-year agreement next year for curbing offensive nuclear weapons.


Mr. Allen on Eugenics


HARTFORD, NEW YORK TIMES-United States Representative Ella T. Grasso was elected Governor of Connecticut today. The 55 year old Representative, who has not lost an election in 22 years of political life, is the first woman to be elected Governor of any state in the Northeast.

RAPE PREVENTION AND SELF DEFENSE sponsored by TWO ~R Trinity Folk ProU~ gram-An Evening

of Soulful Blues and Dynamic Jazz in Hamlin Hall

Dona Salmon, British Artist, lectures on "Portraits and Biography".



r;lr;-1 MHBOG

NEW DELHI (UPI) India and Pakistan decided today to end their tenyear-old ban on trade.

last day of Dance with GOEBEL and LANG




n L[J

Watkinson Library Open House-Mark Twain 200th Anniversary Lecture, "Charles Dudley Warner's World"

Leo Hammel gives a lecture-demonstration on self-defense.



WASHINGTON (UPI) President Ford travels to Martinique today for talks with President Valery G is cad d'Estaing of France.



The annual Lessons and Carols offered by the Concert Choir is taped by CPTV.






Reverend William Sloan Coffin speaks on the world food crisis. WASHINGTON, NEW YORK TIMES-The nation's unemployment rate shot up in November for the third consecutive month and reached 6.5% of the labor force, the highest rate in 13 years, the Labor Department reported today.


Red Cross Bloodmobile returns to campus.


WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate approved today the nomination of Nelson A. Rockefeller to be Vice President, by a vote of 90 to 7. •


(AP) The Central Intelligence Agency, directly violating its charter, conducted a massive illegal domestic intelligence operation during the Nixon Administration against the anti-war movement and other dissident groups in the United States, according to well-placed Government sources.


CANBERRA AUSTRALIA (UPI) A cyclone devastated the city of Darwin yesterday, leaving about 50 persons dead and half of the 35,000 inhabitants homeless.




WASHINGTON (UPI) Four men who under President Nixon were among the most powerful officials of the nation-john N. Mitchell, H.R. Haldeman, john D. Ehrlichmen and Robert C. Mardian-were convicted today on all cou nts in the Watergate cover-up trial.

Trinity hosts a lJ~ two-day colloquium on the philosophy of Rene Descartes. Guest lecturers from six universities speak.


n Ford Sets Up L[] Commision to Investigate CIA DANCE KING




NEW ORLEANS (AP) The ninth Super Bowl game today had a lot of firsts as the Pittsburgh Stealers won 16-6, to become the champions of the National Football League for the first time.


UV Launches

A $12 Million Fund Raising Drive


ALGIERS (UPI) The major oil-exporting countries adopted a political and economic strategy today to counteract what they have regarded as a United States policy of confrontation and military threats.


WASHINGTON (AP) President Ford, announcing a drastic turn in his economic policies in a nationally televised address, proposed tonight a $16 billion income tax cut that would incl ude a rebate to individuals of up to $1,000 from their payments on 1974 income.

(;} n Dance sponsored LJL[Jby


~G) Registration


For Term

Washington Room




WASHINGTON (UPI) William E. Colby acknowledges that his agency had infiltrated undercover agents into dissident political groups inside the U.S. as part of a counter intelligence program that led to the accumulation of files on 10,000 Anerican citizens.


The Trinity Stage Band offers its first concert.



PHNOM PE NH, CAMBOD IA (UPI) President Ford has asked for $497 million in military ai d for Cambodia, bu t figures obtained here and fro m the Administration's own estimates show that as recently as a few weeks ago American officials believed a far lower amount would be sufficient.




U.S.-SOVIET DETENTE, a seminar with Rudolph Tokes, Professor of Political Science, UCONN, as speaker

Seven Hour Backgammon Tournament


r;lr;l Kissinger Begins

UU Talks

With Is-

raeli Leaders W ASHINGTON (AP) President Ford submitted a budget of $349.4 billion to Congress today and disclosed his Administration's forecast that th e nation's unemployment rate will hover at about 8 per cent of the labor force for the rest of th is year.

James Essey speaks before the Hartford City Counci l in favor Of a beer license for Trinity.



Don West lectures on " The Cultural Heritage of Appalachia"


BOSTON (AP) D r. Ken neth D. Edelin was found guilty of manslaughter in the death of a male fetus after a legal abortion that he performed at the Bosto n City Hospital on October 3, 1973.

Controversy over marine recruitment in Mather Hall


r;lD Period U Beg1ns Op~n

Theatre Arts presents Henrik Ibsen's The Wild Duck.



PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA (UPI) An American Congressional delegation visited Cambodia for less than eight hours today and spent much of the time travelling in heavily guarded motorcades and surrounded by television camaras.

PARIS, NEW YORK TIMESAristotle Onassis, Greek shipping magnate and husband of jacqueline Kennedy, died today in an American hospital near Paris.



f7 All-College Meet~ ing

Concerning U.S. Actions In Indochina

NEW YORK (AP) Zionists called today for more immigrants to Israel. Due to the recent sharp decline in immigration Israel is in urgent need of American jewish youth and adults to help develop the country's economic, cultural, spiritual, and communal life.

Lecture by Reverend Ben Chavis




The Nia Ensemble presents the history of Africa through religious music and dance.


SHEEP CREEK CAMP, e ALASKA-The Alaskan oil pipeline has begun. After six years of litigation, controversy, research, planning, and purchasing, more than 10,000 people have begun hacking out the route for the pipeline, which will cost more than $6 billion.


TWO sponsors THE DEADLY NIGHTSHADE Dr. Anthony Downs: Basic Issues in Land Use Policies

n UL[]


CABARET with music by STREET PEOPLE in the Washington Room


BOMBAY, INDIA (UPI) Mrs. Indira Ghandi, Prime Minister of India, today appeared in court to defend herself against charges of having won her seat in Parliament by corrupt means.








SAIGON, SOUTH VIETNAM (UPI) Communist troups met little resistance as they moved into chaotic Da Nang. Some fighting was reported, but for the most part the army and marine units crumbled and fled, swelling the frantic mobs of refugees.


OAKLAND, CALIF. (AP) A plane carrying 57 orphaned Vietn.amese children to new homes 1n the United States landed here tonight after leaving Saigon without official clearance.

TAIPEI, TAIWAN, NEW YORK TIMES-Chiang Kai-shek, the President of Nationalist China and the last survivor of the Big Four Allied leaders of World War 11 , died of a heart attack here last night. He was 87 years old.

Concert with THE FABULOUS RHINESTONES launches Spring Weekend.

Student strike protesting military aid to Indochina

(;)f.:\ CHRIS



Annual Clement Memorial lecture by Donald M . Kendaii-"Trade and Detente"


WASHINGTON, NEW YORK TIMES-President Ford made an impassioned appeal to Congre~s tonight not to allow its investigations of the United States intelligence community to destroy national security or harm the effectiveness of the Central Intelligence Agency.


Room selection begins. ALL-SCHOOL BARBEQUE


(;)(;)Thomas KinLJLJ sella, Irish Poet, Reads From His Own Works.

NEW DELHI (AP) Citizens of the Himalyan- kingdom of Sikkim voted overwhelmingly today in favor of abolishing their 300-year-old monarchy and merging the country with India.


PHNOM PENH (UPI) The Cambodian Government surrendered to insurgent forces today, the Cambodian radio announced. The Phnom Penh Government ordered all its troops to stop firing and lay down their arms.

LJD 20



Country Music and Square Dancing on the Quad

Sydney Ahlstrom speaks on "The Making of a Redeemer Nation"-5th Annual Michael P. Getlin lecture in Religion.

SAIGON (AP) President Duong Van Minh announced today the unconditional surrender of th e Saigon Government and its military forces to the Viet Cong.

®8 •










(;) BUTTONDOWN lJ SOUNDS-The Trinity Pipes





James J. Gibson, noted perceptual psychologi st , speak s in McCook Auditorium.

HONORS DAY Student faculty two-day marathon begins.




~(;)White TCB Benefit for Atrica: Stratton, Skinner and Gault perform.

WA SHIN GTO N, N EW YO RK TIMES- Form er Secretary of Commerce M aurice H. Stans was fined a total of $5,000 by a federal district judge today for five admitted mi sdemeanor violations of Federal campaign laws in Ri chard M . Nixon's re-electi on campaign.

House UlJ Says Cambodia Seized A U.S. Cargo Ship



W A SHI NG TO N , NEW YORK TIMES- The Rockefeller commission has learned of documents supporting the charge that the Central Intelligence Agency contracted with the M afia in a plot in 1961 to kill Cuban Premier Fidel Castro, authoritative sources reported today.

Saigon radio announced yesterday that North Vietn am had updertaken a vast reconstruction program in South Vietnam to provide jobs and to begin reversing th e devastation of 30 years of war.

WASHINGTON (AP) President Ford today asked Congress for $507 million to pay for th e resettlement of 150,000 refugees from Vietnam over the next 28 mo nths. The Administration had already commited $98 mill ion taken fro m oth er programs, for air and sea evacuati on of refugees who fled the Communist take-over in South Vietnam.

Dr. James Wendell Burger teaches his last classes before entering retirement.

Commencement for the 152nd academic year.


THE TICKET On a gray Trinity Sunday, 1975, 357 men and women gathered on the Quad to receive degrees and say farewell to each other and to the school which most of us had entered as adolescents nearly four years earlier. The world in which we live had changed a great deal in those four years, as leaders fell from power, wars began and ended, famine spread through much of the land, and nations which had been dismissed as inconsequential began to assert themselves through the power which lay in their precious resources. We, too, had changed, four years having made us not only older, but, hopefully wiser as well. Our diplomas attested to this fact: we had been liberally educated. But how does this education, this change in ourselves, relate to the greater changes going on all around us? The "Purpose of a Trinity Education" as outlined in the current college catalogue, differs little from that embodied in the statement which appeared in the IVY for the academic year 1881-82. There it

By Jim Gomes is stated: "The College has no medical, law, divinity or other professional school or department connected with it; but is intended to give a Liberal Education, adapted to fit young men to enter most advantageously upon the study of the Learned Professions after graduation. By a Liberal Education is meant a non-professional education conducted without reference to any future particular profession ... but so as to train and educate the mental faculties as to put them into their most efficient condition, and to qualify a student to enter with success upon the study of any of the professions, or upon any other pursuit in life." Many members of the Class of 1975, as well as those of upcoming classes, have become disenchanted with the ideal of a liberal education. This "non-professional education conducted without reference to any future particular profession" is falling short of many students' expectations as a ticket to entry into a career. For many years, a college degree-any college degree-was enough to assure its holder of a place in the job market. This conjunction of educational attainment with employment security became so fixed in the mind of a generation that we have reached a stage in which the value of education in and of itself has been forgotten. It would be easy in the present economic recession to believe that the inability of our recent liberal arts graduates to find suitable employment is a temporary phenomenon. But, I doubt that this is the case. There is, quite simply, a limited number of the kind of positions to which liberal arts graduates have traditionally gravitated, and, at present, the supply of graduates quite exceeds the demand for them in the job market. Students, sensing this dilemma, have begun to call for more relevance in their undergraduate education. But it is not the social relevance of the late 1960's they crave; it is, instead, an economic relevance-an education which will lead to a job directly out of the undergraduate years, or one which will provide a jump on the competition for the ever-dwindling places in the professional schools. Thus we see the growing concern among students about grades, the greater incidence of


cheating, and the increased demands of students for pre-law, pre-med, and pre-business courses. We have come a long way in three years: from calls for a campus strike over the bombing of Haiphong Harbor in 1972 to student disenchantment over the non-availability of accounting on the Trinity campus in 1975. The ideal of a liberal education has become somewhat lost in the shuffle, and many do not feel the loss to be an important one. It has been said that there are too many people in college. If by this it is meant that many of those who have come to colleges, especially to liberal arts colleges, in the hope of later landing a job with their degree will be disappointed in their endeavor, then there is much truth to the statement. However, the purpose of a liberal arts education, and more particularly, a Trinity education, is not to prepare people for jobs. It is, instead, to prepare people fqr life-a life whose greatest certainty is change, a life in a world whose best security lies not in any particular career, but in the knowledge that one has acquired the wisdom to deal with a variety of circumstances and the equanimity to adapt to a variety of situations. Anyone in 1975 who believes that by merely investing

enough time to become doctor, lawyer, or indian chief, he has conquered life's challenges, is fooling himself. For those who would shape the changes in our world, and for those who would deal with the changes shaped by others, the only adequate preparation is one which takes careful note of where mankind has been. This knowledge provides an understanding and an appreciation of our culture, and, most importantly, fosters an ability and a predisposition to analyze and to evaluate means and ends. This preparation will not come from the study of corporate finance, or human physiology, or any one subject or discipline. Rather, it is the product of a diversified and dedicated quest for knowledge of one's world and oneself: a liberal education. It would be a great tragedy if Trinity were to cease to provide this kind of education. If the day ever comes when Trinity and institutions like it resort to skills training and pre-professionalism out of economic expediency, then these institutions will have truly lost their reasons for existing.



John Carl William Adamec, 1217 Viewmont, Schenectady, New York 12309; B.A. History; Band 1,2; WRTC 1,2,4; 12 College Exchange 3; Crucifer 4. Douglass S. Adams, Box 406, York, Maine 03909; B.S. Engineering; Psi Upsilon 2,3,4; Cook 8 Club 2,3,4. Robert Christopher Adams, 6 Walker Street, Milford, Connecticut 06460; B.S. Biology; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Lacrosse 2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 1; WRTC 4. Clarkson Addis Ill, 1509 Sweetbriar Road, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania 19035; B.A. Economics; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Alpha Delta Phi 3,4; Project Goya-Big Brother Program 4. Michael Winston Ahlers, 7 Oak Glen Court, Simsbury, Connecticut 06070; B.S. Biology. Elizabeth Joan Alden, 380 Grove Street, Needham, Massachusetts 02192; B.A. Philosophy. Beverly Bonnie Alexandre, 590 Cricket Lane, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087; B.A. American Studies; Varsity Field Hockey 1,2; Varsity Tennis 1; Varsity Squash 1. Peter Anthony Allegra, 67 Melrose Street, Bristol, Connecticut 06010; B.A. Biology; Mather Policy Board 4. Elizabeth Ann Allen, 16 Wells Farm Drive, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; B.A. History; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4; Phi Beta Kappa 4. Peter Sebastian Amenta, 2 Eastwood Road, Cromwell, Connecticut 06416; B.S. Biology. Paula Ann Ames, 2942 Fontenay Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44120; B.A. Economi cs. Robert Sitterly Amidon, 3425 Stettinius Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208; B.S. Psychology. Harold William Anderson Ill, 177 Thackeray Lane, Northfield, Illinois 60093; B.A. English; Freshman Crew; Resident Assistant 2; Varsity Crew 2,3,4. Robert Kemp Andrian, 94 Midwell Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; B.A. History; Squash 1; Soccer 1,2,3,4, Captain 3,4; Baseball 1 ,2,3,4; Psi Upsilon 2,3,4; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4. Burton Luke Apfelbaum, 17 North 1Oth Street, Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033; B.A. Psychology; Football 1 ,2; Crew 1,2,3,4; Tripod 3. John Charles Appler, R.R. 2, Oregon, Illinois 61061; B.S. Economics and Psychology; Baseball 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Alpha Delta Phi 2,3,4. Leila Raquel Arjona, 108-51 44th Avenue, Corona, New York 11368; B.A. Psychology and Spanish; Cerberus 2,3. Karen Elizabeth Armstrong, 483 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island 02906; B.S. Psychology; Resident Assistant 3; Head Resident 4; Teaching Assistant 3; Admissions Office-summer; Academic Dishonesty Appeals Board 4; Volunteer at CPTV 2; Phi Beta Kappa 4. Arthur Edgar Arnoff, Jr., Indian Head Road, Riverside, Connecticut 06878; B.A. Theatre Arts; Jesters 1,2,3,4.


Bradley Earl Bacon, 1511 Tennell Road, Pekin, Illinois 61554; B.S. Chemistry and English; Jesters 1,2,3; Pi Kappa Alpha 2. Ann Victoria Baker, 47 East Church Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018; B.A. Psychology and F,rench; Od Squad 2; Cerberus 2,3; MHBOG 2; President's Fellow 4. Kevin Charles Baker, 10945 Lakeview Drive, Whitehouse, Ohio 43571; B.A. Economics; Varsity Crew Manager 2,3,4; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4; President's Fellow 4. Sandra Stockton Baker, 605 West



Joppa Road, Towson, Maryland 21204; B.A. English. Emily Barron, 10 Glenridge Road, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026; B.A. American Studies; Tennis 1,3,4; Field Hockey 2. Michael John Barry, 130 Firetown Road, Simsbury, Col!: necticut 06070; B.S. Biology; Pi Kappa Alpha 2,3,4, Presi~ent 3,4; Physics teaching assistant 3,4; Biology teaching assistant 2; Biology administrative assistant 4; Archery 1; pre-med. Mark Edward Bartelt, 6412 Potomac Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22307; B.A. Art History. John Carver Bayer, Jr. West Street, Thompson, Connecticut 06277; B.A. Studio Arts . John Curtin Beaudouin, 7 Singing Woods Road, Norwalk, Connecticut 06850; B.A. English. Lisbeth Richards Bensley, Peachcroft Road, Morristown, New Jersey 07960; B.A. English; Delta Kappa Epsilon 3,4; Rugby 1. Edward Justus Berghausen, 20 Wood Avenue, Glendale, Ohio 45246; B.S. Biology; Soccer 1; Crew 1,2,3,4. Jane Louise Bergman, 4800 Chicago Beach Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60615; B.A. Psychology; Draft Counseling 1; Psychology teaching assistant 3,4. Amy Ward Bernardin, 22 Reservation Road, Andover, Massachusetts 01810; B.A. Psychology. William Thomas Blake, 5 Mount Pleasant Road, West Haven, Connecticut 06516; B.A. Philosophy. Victoria Blank, 136 Seacord Road, New Rochelle, New York 10804; B.A. Comparative Literature; Jesters 2,3,4. Pamela Sue Bloom, 2433 Maroneal, Houston, Texas 77025; B.A. Comparative Literature. Robin Aldred Bodell, 184 Upton Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island 02906; B.A. Art History; Field Hockey 1,2,4; Lacrosse 1,2,4; Paris 3; c.c.b. 4. Donald Roger Bodner, 10545 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46290; B.S. Biochemistry; Cerberus 2,3, president 3; Chemistry laboratory assistant 4. Stephen Miles Botkin, 33 Lockwood Lane, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851; B.A. Theatre Arts; Jesters 1,2,3,4; Concert Choir 1. Thomas Andrew Bray, 443 Franklin Avenue, Palmerton, Pennsylvania 18071; B.A. History; Tripod 3; Delta Kappa Epsilon 2,3; Young Democrats 1,2. Elizabeth L. Breglio, 1566 Argyle Road, Wantagh, New York 11793; B.A. Comparative Literature. Benjamin Brewster, Bond Road, Kittery Point, Maine 03905; B.A. History; Freshman Crew; Varsity Crew 2,3,4; Psi Epsilon 2,3,4. Sylvia Fallow Brewster, 123 Cove Circle, Marion, Massachusetts 02738; B.A. Art History. Eileen Mary Bristow, 11 Federal Street, West Hartford, Connecticut 06110; B.A. English and Theatre Arts; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4, Publicity Manager 1,2; Chapel Singers 2,3,4; Jesters 2,3,4; Tripod 4; Trinity Christian Fellowship 3,4; Chapel Lay Reader 4, Crucifer 4. Thomas Allan Britton, 2517 Fowlk Woods Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19810; B.A. Economics; Psi Upsilon 2,3,4; Cook 8 Club 2,3,4. Nand Fran Brodie, 350 First Avenue, New York, New York 10010; B.A. Spanish. Cynthia Eleanor Bromberg, 3 Karen Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; B.S. Engineering. Constance Whitney Brown, 21 East Gate Road, Lloyd Harbor, Huntington, Long Island, New York 11743; B.A. Comparative Literature. Jeffrey Philip Brown, 25 Scott Dyer Road, Cape Elizabeth, Maine 041 07; B.A. Economics; Soccer 1,2,3,4. Selbourne Godfrey Brown, Mo Bay, Jamaica, West Indies; B.A. Intercultural Studies; Intercultural Studies Activities Committee 4; WRTC 1,2,4; Tripod 1; Cinestudio 1 ,2,4. Steve Gary Brown, 3405 Old Post Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21208; B.S. Biochemistry; Choir 1,2; Resident Assistant 3,4. Barbara Ann Brucker, 76 Merriweather Road , Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48236; B.A. Psychology; Varsity Hockey 1; Varsity Tennis 1,2; Varsity Squash 3; Resident Assistant 3. 29

Joseph Anthony Calabro, 49 Pine Glen Road, Simsbury, Connecticut 06070; B.S. Engineering; ,\~~~~ Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Varsity Spring Track 1,2,3,4; In~ door Track 2,3,4. Thomas Anthony Cangelosi, 2345 West Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612; B.A. Political Science and English; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4. Laurie Jane Cannon, 17 Mill Street, Cazenovia, New York 13035; B.A. Studio Arts. David Millar Cass, 24 Byron Road, Short Hills, New jersey 07078; B.A. Philosophy; Fencing 2; WRTC1,2,3,4, Assistant Program Director 4. Patrick Dalton Centanni, 60 Sixth Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141; B.S. Urban Studies; Conn PIRG 3,4; Wrestling 3. Paul W. Charow, 45 Woodlawn Avenue, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181; B.S. Biology. Charlie Charuvastr, 48501 Sawabi, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok, Thailand; B.A. Economics and Political Science. Patricia Rose Ciaccio, Box 351, Windsor, New jersey 08561; B.A. Classics. Douglas Wise Clark, Box 14, Oldwick, New jersey 08858; B.A. Psychology; Trinity Women's Organization 1,4. Frederick Paul Clark, 114 Foxcroft Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; B.A. His tory; Cross Country, Indoor Track Club, Track 3,4. Jeffry Russell Clark, 282 Oceanport Avenue, Oceanport, New jersey 07757; B.S. Psychology and His tory; Course Evaluations Committee, Assistant Editor 4; Cerberus 2,3; Varsity Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2; Cross Country 2; Student Government Association 3,4; President 4; Student Executive Committee, temporary President 3; Trinity College Council 3,4; Student Activities Committee, Vice-Chairman 4; Athletic Advisory Council 4; Soccer, Football, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball lntramurals 2,3,4; Tripod 4; Ivy 4. Mark Robert Cleary, 3341 Princeton-Lawrenceville Road, Princeton, New jersey 08540; B.A. Spanish; Varsity Hockey 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Lacrosse 1,3,4, Co-Captain 4; Psi Upsilon 1,2,3,4, Social Chairman 3,4. Paul Raymond Cleary, 4107 Ivanhoe Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 2231 0; B.S. Biology; Football 1,2; Lacrosse 1; Delta Kappa Epsilon 3,4, Treasurer 4. Eleanor Clements, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833 B.A. Economics; Crew 2,3,4. Kathryn Frances Cogswell, Nut Meadow Crossing, Concord, Massachusetts 01742; B.A., History; Fencing 2,3,4, Captain 3; Chase Memorial Fencing Award 3; Cheerleaders 2,3; MHBOG 2,3, Secretary 3; Alpha Delta Phi; Exchange Liaison 3,4. Teresa Collado, 422 East 169th Street, Bronx, New York 10456; B.A. Psychology and Spanish; Admission Liaison for Latin American Association 1; Rome Campus 2; Project Goya 3; La Voz Latina, Vice-President 4. Frances Clark Congdon, Old Harbor Road, North Chatham, Massachusetts 02650; B.A. Psychology; Tripod 1,2,3,4; Ivy 3; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4. John Anthony Connelly, 46 Bristol Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; B.A. Political Science; Trinity Young Democrats 3,4; Political Science Advisory Board 4. Marlene Kim Connor, 501 West 121st Street, New York, New York 10027; B.A. English and Intercultural Studies; Editor of FREE Spirit 1,2,3,4; President's Fellow 4. Anne Bradley Cook, Box 153, Kulpsville, Pennsylvania 19443; B.A. Psychology; Rome Campus 3; Intern at CCAG 4. Henry Cushman Copeland, 4001 Lakeview Drive, Greenville, Delaware 19807; B.A. Sociology. Susan Mara Coyne, 1333 East 4th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11230; B.A. English and Psychology; Conn PIRG 3; Cinestudio 3,4; Volunteer at Whiting Forensic Institute 4. Robert Ernest Crabill, 20 Willow Road, Riverside, Connecticut 06878; B.A. English. John Lee Cracovaner, 130 30

Circle Drive, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577; B.A. Psychology. Susan Hamilton Crimmins, 176 Long Neck Point Road, Darien, Connecticut 06820; B.A. Urban Studies and Sociology; Trinity Women's Organization. james William Cuminale, 1 Winterset Road, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; B.A. History; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4. Ellen Stoddard Cunningham, 61 Salisbury Street, Winchester, Massachusetts 01890; B.A. Philosophy. William Daniel Curren, 120 Hubinger Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; B.A. History; Trinity College Council 4; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4, Social Chairman 4, Film Society 3; Blood Drive 4; Northam Fine Arts Society 4; Football 1,2,3,4, Captain 1,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4. David Blakeslee Curwen, 21 Wickeow Drive, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; B.A. Intercultural Studies.

Ronald F. Daley, 259 Preston Street, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; B.S. Psychology. Susan Jane Dansker, 132 East 72nd Street, New York, New York 10021; B.A. English. Hugh Frederic d'Autremont, Beaver Pond Road, Lincoln, Massachusetts 01773; B.A. English. Malcolm Lincoln Davidson, 165 East 94th Street, New York, New York 10028; B.A. History. Damien Thomas Davis, 72 Rockledge Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; B.A. History; Varsity Football 2,3,4, Captain 4; Track 2; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4, Steward 3. Albert Clay Debevoise, RFD #1, Woodstock, Vermont 05091; B.A. English; Delta Kappa Epsilon 1,2,3,4, Treasurer 2, President 4. lyman Delano, Gerrish Island, Kittery Point, Maine 03905; B.A. Art History; Psi Upsilon 4. lisa G. Demartini, 1500 Palisade Avenue, Apt. 27 A, Fort Lee, New jersey 07024; B.A. History; Rome Campus 3. Clifford Scott Deutschman, 239 Central Park West, New York, New York 10024; B.S. Chemistry. janice leigh Dickens, 43D Marshall Road, Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067; B.A. English . janet Belle Dickinson, 65 Winthrop Terrace, Meriden, Connecticut 06450; B.S. Biology; Pi Kappa Alpha 1,2; Ivy 1 ,2, Underclass Editor 2. Martin Henry Dodd, Sunset Hill, Norfolk, Connecticut 06058; B.S. Biology. Donna Mary Dolin, 89 Nepas Road, Fairfield, Connecticut 06432; B.A. Religion. Deborah Anne Donahue, 469 Esplanade, Pelham Manor, New York 10803; B.S. Psychology; Community Service 3,4; MHBOG 3; Advisor to Exchange and Visiting Students 4. Peter Francis Donovan, 8 Webster Lane, Wayland, Massachusetts 01778; B.A. History; Spanish School Tutor 1; Rome Campus 3; Cerberus 3; Project Goya-Big Brother Program 3,4; Lacrosse 1; Soccer 1,2,4; lntramurals 1 ,2,3,4. Kristina Benson Do路w, 249 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; B.S. Chemistry. Aetna Katherine Dowst, 318 Alpine Drive, Peekskill, New York 10566; B.A. History. Gregory Brian Duffy, 424 West 12th Street, Linden, New jersey 02036; B.A. Philosophy and Economics; Football, Lacrosse 1; Pipes 2,3,4, Treasurer 4; Resident Assistant 2,3; President's Fellow 4. Edward Wood Dunham, Saunders Hollow Road, Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371; B.A. History; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; WRTC 1,2,3,4; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4.


Agustin Jorge Edwards, North Stanwich Road , Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; B.A. Economics. Ann Breadon Egbert, 22 Club Road, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043; B.A. Theatre Arts; Jesters 1,2,4. Elizabeth Halsted Egloff, 78 Gardiner Road, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543; B.A. English; Trinity Review 3,4, Editor; Poetry Center 3,4. Katherine Barham Epes, Mole Point, Susan, Virginia 23163; B.A. His tory; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Varsity Sqaush Manager 2,3. Donna Epstein, 4950 Chicago Beach Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60615; B.A. Sociology; Hillel 1,2,3,4, Vice-President 3, Secretary 4; Young Democrats 1,2; Sociology Lab Assistant 2,3,4; Phi Beta Kappa 4. Margaret Huntington Erhart, 149 East 73rd Street, New York, New York 10021; B.A. Twentieth Century Italy. Jonathan M. Estreich, 25 East 86th Street New York, New York 10028; B.A. History; Football 1.

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Kathryn Sayr Falk, 150 Beethoven Avenue, Waban, Massachusetts 02168; B.A. Theatre Arts. ' Hassan H. Farah, Erigauo, Somalia, East Africa; B.S. Engineering. john Farrenkopf, 183 Johnson Avenue, Teaneck, New jersey 07666; B.A. History. Victor Alan Feigenbaum, 56 Berwyn Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; B.A. Economics. Ann Betra Fein, 31 Pocahontas Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; B.S. Psychology. Christopher Andrew Ferrante, 1789 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; B.S. Mathematics. Beth Alison Ferro, 3390 Eager Road, jamesville, New York; B.S. Biology; Jesters 1. Mary Temple Fish, 12 Canoe Brook Road, Short Hills, New jersey 07078; B.A. Psychology; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Hockey 2. John Noble Fisher, Jr., 75 Brook Road, Weston, Massachusetts 02193; B.A. Economics; Lacrosse 1; Hockey 1,2,3,4; Crew 3; Psi Upsilon 2,3,4. James Sean Fitzpatrick, 20 Northwood Road, Newington, Connecticut 06111; B.A. Philosophy. Jeffrey Sloane Ford, 2313 Devonshire, Ann Arbor, Michigan 481 04; B.A. Economics; Hockey 1,2,3,4, Co-Captain 4; Soccer 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Psi Upsilon 1,2,3,4; Rome Campus 3. Rand Foreman, 160 Puritan Drive, Scarsdale, New York 10503; B.A. Political Science; MHBOG 2; Hillel 2; Trinity College Council 4; Student Government Association 4; Board of Reconsideration 4; Legislative Internship 4. Gail Donahue Freeston, 48 Lancaster Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; B.A. English. Jameson Stevens French, 111 Highland Road, Andover, Massachusetts 0181 0; B.A. His tory; Zero Population Growth 1,2; Cerberus 2; University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Stephen Lewis Gardner, 15 Middle Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002; B.A. Philosophy. Peter Mark Garnick, Honey-Brook Drive, Prince~~§§§§ ton, New Jersey 08540; B.S. Physics and Astronomy. Gregory Grant Garritt, ~egan Lane, Dover, Massachusetts 02030; B.S. Biology; Varsity Football1 ,2; Varsity Baseball1,2,3; WRTC 1,2,3,4, Traffic Director 4; St. Anthony Hall 3,4. Suzanne Gates, 108 Westmont, West Hart-





ford, Connecticut 06117; B.A. Music; Concert Choir 1 ,2,3,4; Carillonneur 1,2,3,4, Master Carillonneur 3,4; Students for Music at Trinity, Officer 4. Lorna Knowles Blake Gatsos, Calle 1 #4 La Rambla, Ponce, Puerto Rico 00731; B.A. Comparative Literature. James Bateman Gayley, 225 Sycamore Drive, Naperville, Illinois 60540; B.A. Studio Arts. Thomas Francis Gerchman, 83 Burnham Road, Avon, Connecticut 06001; B.S. Mathematics; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Cerberus 2,3; Golf 1. John Michael Getz, 1119 Buckingham, Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230; B.A. Economics; Football1; Baseball1,2,3,4; Psi Upsilon 1,2,3,4; Daniel Webster Award for Baseball 3. Janice Herlth Gifford, 105 Farmcliff Drive, Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033; B.S. Psychology. Mitchell Lance Gittin, 1500 Holiday Park Drive, Wantagh, New York 11793; B.A. Philosophy; Berkeley semester 4. Neil Benjamin Glassman, 4602 Simon Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19803; B.A. Intercultural Studies. Allen Lewis Glater, 6 Elrin Place, New London, Connecticut 06320; B.S. Biology; Theatre 1. Peter Gleysteen, 4 Grodnensky Pereulok, Leningrad, USSR; B.A. History. Alan Harrison Gluck, 42 Cotton Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02158; B.A. History. Bruce Howard Godick, 408 Hawthorne Lane, Wallingford, Pennsylvania 19086; B.S. Biology; Squash 1; Golf 1,2; Alpha Delta Phi, Assistant Steward 3. Thomas Wilton Goldberg, RR 2, Box 194, St. Charles, Missouri 63303; B.A. Economics; Crew 2,3,4. Howard Goldstein, 87 Sanford Lane, Stamford, Connecticut 06905; B.A. Psychology; WRTC 1,2,3,4, Executive Producer 3,4. James Robert Gomes, 36 Canton Street, Lowell, Massachusetts 01851; B.A. Political Science; Chess Club 2; Trinity Young Democrats 1 ,2,3, ViceCoordinator 4, Coordinator; Political Science Department Student Representative 3; Ivy 3. Charles Edward Gooley, 7748 South Marquette Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60649; B.A. Political Science; Od-Squad, Director 3,4; Student Executive Committee 3; Financial Affairs Committee 3,4. Peter Ashton Grape, 1100 Brookside Drive, Fairfield, Connecticut 06430; B.S. Chemistry and Biochemistry; Community Affairs Program 1; Concert Choir 2,3; Cerberus 2,3,4. Terry Ellen Grant, 839 Orienta Avenue, Mamaroneck, New York 10543; B.A. Classics. Frederick Francis Graves, 964 Woodrow Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia 23517; B.A. French; Dance, Music 1,2,3,4. Mark Coleman Graves, 611 West Cliveden Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119; B.A. History; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Chapel Singers 2,3,4. Dorothy Brailsford Greene, 34 Spencer Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; B.S. Psychology and Philosophy. Edith M. Greene, 144 West Barnard Street, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380; B.S. Psychology; Od-Squad 1,2,3,4; Trinity Coalition of Blacks 1,2,3,4; Trinity Coalition of Blacks Women's Organization 3,4; Cerberus, 1,2,3; Cinestudio 2,3,4; Resident Assistant 2; Freshman Minority Adviser 4; FREE Spirit Editor 1,2,3,4; Upward Bound 3,4; Volunteer Department of Children and Youth 2,3,4; WRTC 3,4; Project Goya-Big Sisters Program 3,4. Brian Jeffrey Greenfield, 16 Belmont Street, White Plains, New York 10605; B.S. Biochemistry; Pre-Med Advisory Committee; Spring Weekend Organizer. Sarah Jameson Greve, 5425 Aylesboro Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217; i3.A. Psychology; Synchronized swimming 1; Lacrosse 3,4; Track 1,2. Elizabeth Ann Grier, 2200 West Boston Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan 48206; B.A. Intercultural Studies; FREE Spirit staff 1 ,2,4; Trinity Coalition of Blacks 1,2,4; Trinity Coalition of Blacks Women's Organiza37

tion 1,2 Secretary 4; WRTC 2,4; Upward Bound 4; 12 College Exchange at Wesleyan 3. Robert Joseph Griffin, 29 Stamford Drive, Hingham, Massachusetts 02043; B.A. Political Science; Young Democarts 3,4; World Affairs Association 4; Legislative Internship 3. Royden August Grimm, Hearthstone Drive, Riverside, Connecticut 06878; B.A. History; Soccer 1,2; Tennis 1,2; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; Rome Campus 3. Eli.zabeth Beach Grover, Wooster School, Danbury, Connecticut 06180; B.A. French. Paul vonRyll Gryska, 234 Boston Post Road, Weston , Massachusetts 02193; B.S. Biology; Football1; Crew 1, Captain, 2, Henley Oarsman, 3.

Larry Herbert Haas, 3478 Primrose Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114; B.S. Psychology; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi Rho Film Society, Vice-President 3. Dean Edward Hammer, 7715 Morgan Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; B.A. Psychology and Religion; Research Assistant at the Institute of Living 3,4; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4; Phi Beta Kappa 4; Basketball lntramurals 3,4. John Freeman Hampson, 827 Beverly Avenue, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018; B.S. Biology and Psychology; Revitalization Corps 1; Trinity Young Democrats 1,2,3,4; Cerberus 2,3; Intramural Baseball, Volleyball, Football 2,3,4. Jane Elizabeth Harlan, 5333 South University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615; B.A. Music. Caroline G. Harris, 5 Peter Cooper Road, New York, New York 10010; B.A. Religion; Hillel 1,2,4, President 2; Religious Affairs Committee 2; Student Executive Committee, Security Committee 2; Trinity Hunger Action Project 4. Mallory Maxwell Harris, 509 Woodlawn Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21210; B.A. Religion. P. Scott Hayim, 7 Hemlock Drive, Great Neck, New York 11024; B.A. Political Science; Baseball1; Trinity Young Democrats 1,2,3, Coordinator 1; HORFLU 2,3; Trinity Environment and Energy Committee 3. John Carlyle Heath, Newfields Road, RFD 1, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833; B.A. Italian; Soccer 1,2,3; Cinestudio 3,4. Peter Bruce Heiman, 4929 Tilden Street, Washington, D.C. 20016; B.A. Intercultural Studies. Cassandra Esther Henderson, 11735 South Throop, Chicago, Illinois 60643; B.A. French. Jeffrey Lloyd Hendel, 62 Reyburn Street, New London, Connecticut 06320; B.S. Chemistry; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4. Ann Elizabeth Hess, 50 Birch Hill Road, Agawam, Massachusetts 01001; B.A. Music. Elizabeth Bacon Hess, 243 Mountwell Avenue, Haddonfield, New jersey 08033; B.A. Classics. Janice Marlena Hester, c/o Skeele, 3 Arlington Place, Brooklyn, New York 11216; B.A. English. Diane Hill, c/o C. Prather, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201; B.A. English. Steven Eliot Hirsch, 393 Heather Lane, Hewlett Harbor, New York 11557; B.A. Economics; Basketball1 ; lntramurals 1,2,3,4, Intramural Coordination Committee 3; St. Anthony Hall, Social Chairman 3. Nelson Stewart Hoeg, 2622 East 7th Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55812; B.A. Economics; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4; Trinity-AIESEC 3; Draft Counselor 1,2; Trinity Young Democrats 1,2,3,4; Assistant Registrar of Voters for Hartford 4. John DuBois Holloway, 21 Bethany Pike, Wheeling, West Virginia 26003; B.S. 38


Biology; Draft Counselor 1,2; Hartford Recreation Assistant 1, Coach; McGovern '76ers 2,3; Conn PIRG 3,4; Biology Teaching Assistant 4. Margaret Swearingen Holmes, 5445 Palisade Avenue, New York, New York 10471; B.A. Music; Concert Choir 1 ,2,3,4; Chapel Singers 2,3,4; Cerberus 1; President's Fellow 4. Rochelle Fran Homelson, 11 Guernsey Road, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; B.A. Music; Concert Choir Accompanier, Teaching Assistant 2,3,4; Trinity College Ragtime Ensemble, Organizer, Assistant Director 4; Chamber Music 2,3,4; Postludes 2,3,4; Students for Music at Trinity 3,4; Volunteer teacher and tutor 1 ,2,3,4; Piano Soloist with the New Haven Symphony 1; Special Visiting Lecturer on "Impressionism in Music" at the University of Hartford 3. Cynthia leila Howar, 332 East 22nd Street, New York, New York 10010; B.S. Psychology. Peter Galloway Huidekoper, Jr., 175 North Union Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401; B.A. English. Ellen Holton Humphreville, 14 Guthrie Place, New London, Connecticut 06320; B.S. Psychology. Harriott Page Humphrey, 27 East Court Street, Warsaw, New York 14569; B.S. Psychology. Sarah Farnsworth Hunnewell, P.O. Box 234, Locust Valley, New York 11560; B.A. American Studies. Richard Allan Huoppi, 336 French Street, Watertown, Connecticut 06795; B.S. Mathematics; Psi Upsilon 2,3,4; Golf 2,3; Hockey 1 ,2,3,4, Alternate Captain 4; Football cheerleading 3.

Christopher David Imlay, 3515 Queen Mary Drive, Olney, Maryland 20832; B.A. Philosophy; Alpha Delta Phi 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1; Chapel Usher 1. Eleanor Simmons Ingersoll, 638 Morris Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010; B.S. Psychology; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4. Jessica Grace lppedico, 40 Cumberland Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; B.A. Psychology. Andrew Leith Isaac, 6 Barron Circle, Chappaqua, New York 10514; B.S. Biology; Soccer 1; Crew 1,2,3,4, Co-Captain 4; MHBOG 2,4; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; Marching Kazoo Band 3,4. Teresa Ann lwans, 2120 North 63rd Street, Apt. #205, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151; B.S. Psychology. 11111111

Susan Winifred Jacobson, 163 Bond Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06040; B.S. Psychology. Constantine Stephen Joannou, 1200 Ocean Avenue, Elberon, New jersey 077 40; B.S. Engineering; Football 1. Catherine Amy Cruger Johnson, 11 Maple Street, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; B.A. Psychology. Barbara Ann Judd, 95 Maiden Lane, Bristol, Connecticut 0601 B.A. English.

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Steven Sumner Kaitz, 17 Ivanhoe Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02158; B.S . Psychology; Freshmen Basketball; Intramural Basketball, Softball 1,2,3,4; Manager, Intramural Softball Champions 3; Rome Campus, Recreation Committee. Phoebe Chantler Kapteyn, General Delivery, Laurel Lane, Stock41

bridge, Massachusetts 01262; B.A. Class ics; Crew 2,3,4; Lacrosse 3. Karen Ellen Karafin, 1217 Dixon Lane, Rydal, Pennsylvania 19046; B.A. Psychology. Christopher Carden Kashe, 5712 33rd Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20015; B.A. French; MHBOG 1,2; Cerberus 2; student at L'Academie, Paris, France 3; Office of Developm ent-Fund Raising 4. Nancy Lynn Kasimer, 1995 Chapel Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06515; B.A. Psychology. Joan Ann Kaufman, 280 Fountain Road, Englewood, New Jersey 07631; B.A. Intercultural Studies. Adron Donald Keaton, 127 Washington Street, Apt. 106, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; B.A. Rel igion; Football 1,2,3,4; Trinity Coalition of Blacks, Chairman 1,2,4; WRTC 1,2,3,4, Station Manager 4; Trinity College Council 4. Jeffrey Matthew Keller, 124 Hilltop Drive, Churchville, Pennsylvania 18966; B.A. Engli sh. Paul Michael Kelley, 27 Upland Way, Verona, New Jerwey 07044; B.A. Philosophy and English. Elizabeth Thompson Kellogg, 235 Old Gulph Road, Wynnewood, Penn sylvania 19096; B.A. Sociology; Resident Assistant 2; Trinity College Council 2; Curriculum Committee 4. Peter Hicks Kiliani, 315 South Lexington Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208; B.S. Engineering; Jesters 1,2,3,4. Emily Beth Kimenker, 14 John Smith Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; B.A. Studio Arts. Oliver Raymond King, 193 Cleveland Avenue, Hartford, Con necticut 06120; B.S. Biology. Diana Leslie Kirk, 16 Barry Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; B.A. History. James Gordon Kirschner, 331 College Road, Riverdale, New York 10471; B.A. Economics; Ivy 1,2,3; WRTC 2; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4, Publicity Manager 1,2, Business Manager 2, Tour Manager 3; Trinity Pipes 3,4, Business Manager 4. Elaine Ann Kohler, 85 Dawson Drive, Needham, Massachusetts 02192; B.A. Psychology. Henry Anthony Korszun, 302 Lexington Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut 06513; B.A. Histo ry and Russian. Marianne Elisabeth Kozynsky, Sterling Drive, Collinsville, Connecticut 06022; B.A. Intercultural Studies. Jan Michael Kristof, 18 Vine Street, East Hartford, Connecticut 06108; B.S. Environmental Studies and Biology. Konrad Rudolf Kruger, 4617 Leisure Lane, Trenton, Michigan 48183; B.A. Economics; Resident Assistant 2; MHBOG, Treasurer 4; West Point SCUSA Conference 3; Assistant in Investment Department of Travelers Insurance Company 3,4; Student Member Capital Campaign Steering Committee 4. Douglas August Kuhn, 545 West 93rd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46260; B.S. Chemistry; Soccer 1,2,3; Squash 1,2; Tennis 1,2; Crew 3,4; Cerberus 2,3; Lab Assistant 4. David James Kuncio, 122 Dunning Avenue, Auburn, New York 13021; B.A. Economics; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Psi Upsilon 1,2,3,4; Cook 8 Club 2,3,4.

David Walker Lander, 201 Broughton Lane, Villanova, Penn sylvania 19085; B.S. Biology; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi Rho 3,4. Richard Bankson Lander, 6 Forest Road, Wayne, Penn sylvania 19087; B.A. Economics; Alpha Chi Rho 3,4; Tripod 4. Linda Gordon Landon, Saw Mill Road, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724; B.A. Studio Arts; Concert Choir 1; Crew 1,2; College Photographer 2; Exchange to Dartmouth College, Member of Nordic Ski Team 3. Robin Lynn Landy, 2700 Virginia Avenue N.W., Washington D .C. 20037; B.A. Political Science; Planned Parenthood Counselor 1; Resident Ass is42



tant 2; Student Budget Committee 2,3,4, Chairperson 3; Student Activities Committee 3,4; Curriculum Committee 4; Alumni Fund, Co-Chairperson 4; Student Representative to the Political Science Department 4. Christopher Warren Lane, 194 Windsor Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14209; B.A. Philosophy; WRTC 1,2,3,4, Program Director, Station Manager 3; Tripod 3. Philippe de Laperouse, 304 Fair Haven Road, Fair Haven, New Jersey 07701; B.A. French Studies; Tennis 1; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; Sweet Briar Junior Year in France 3. Erik Winter Larsen, 200 Thompson Road, Avon, Connecticut 06001; B.A. Religion and Philosophy; WRTC 1,2,3,4, Business Manager 4; Tripod 1,2; Track 1,2; Chapel Committee 1,2,3. Sharon Joy Laskowski, 148 Crown Street, Bristol, Connecticut 0601 0; B.S. Mathematics; Cerberus 2,3, Vice-President 3. Holly Chambers Laurent, 619 Hunting Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06903; B.A. Philosophy and Psychology. Philip Anthony Leone, 3205 White Beech Lane, Youngstown, Ohio 44511; B.S. Biochemistry and Biology; Lacrosse 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Mather Hall Student Supervisor 3,4. David Mark Levin, 91 Pullman Avenue, Elberon, New jersey 07740; B.S. Biology; Football 1; Tripod Photographer 1,2,3,4, Photography Editor 2,3,4; Ivy Photographer 2,3; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4. Charles Ellis Levine, 1000 Urlin Avenue, Apt 1420, Columbus, Ohio 43212; B.A. Economics; WRTC 1,2,3,4; Draft Counseling 1 ,2; Economics Teaching Assistant 3; Legislative Internship 3; Hillel 1,2,3. Laurence Adan Levine, 150 Hartman Road, Newton, Massachusetts 02159; B.A. Biology; Squash 1; WRTC 2; Cinestudio 2,3; Waterpolo 2,3. William Ralph Levy, 26 West Bells Mill Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; B.A. Urban Studies; Football 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1; Track 2; Cerberus 2,3; AIESEC 4; Alpha Chi Rho 3,4. Thomas David Lloyd, 11 Carhart Avenue, Binghamton, New York 13905; B.S. Engineering; Football1,2,3,4. John Paul Loether, RFD 1 Fox Run Lane, Newtown, Connecticut 06470; B.A. His tory; Concert Choir 1; Trinity Pipes 2,3,4; St. Anthony Hall 3,4. Linda Phoebe Lorenson, 200 Belridge Road, Bristol, Connecticut 06010; B.A. Economics; Cinestudio 3,4. Peter Davis Luria, 601 Hunting Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06903; B.A. English; Tripod 3. Norman Benjamin Luxemburg, 21 Rahway Road, Millburn, New Jersey 07041; B.A. English; Jesters 1; Crew 1; WRTC 1,2; MHBOG 1,2,3,4, President 2, Concert and Dance Chairman 4. John Marmaduke Lynham, Jr., 14 Oxford Street, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015; B.A. Psychology and Political Science; Soccer 1; Hockey 1,2; Tennis 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Psi Upsilon 2,3,4.

1111 1 . ~~~i~~:~:;:~~~~;:~%{~~I~~?~~~~\~

11111111111111111111 3. Melrssa Ruth Ma1er, 8455 Mam Street, Eden, New York 14057; B.A. Music. Frank Reid Malkin, 47 Reed Street, Rockville, Connecticut 06066; B.A. His tory; Cerberus 2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Crew 3. Carol Elizabeth Manago, 1975 Grand Avenue, New York, New York; B.A. Philosophy. Gail Mardfin, 10 Wilson Ridge Road East, Darien, Connecticut 06820; B.A. Psychology; Trinity Women's Organization 3,4, Co-Coordinator 4; Medical Facilities Advisory Panel 3,4. Katharine L. Marks, 83 Garden Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; B.S. English; Ivy photog1


raphy staff 2,3, Editor 4; Rome Campus 3; Connecticut Citizens Action Group 4; Phi Beta Kappa. Jeffrey Richard Martin, 23 Clubhouse Drive, Woodbury, Connecticut 06798; B.A. Philosophy; Draft Counselling 1; Fencing 2,3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4. Kathy Ann Martin, 28 Montgomery Lane, Norwich, Connecticut 06360; B.A. Biology. Thomas Horace Martin, 50 Harbor 路Avenue, Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945; B.A. Economics and Psychology; Crew 1 ,2,3,4; Hartford Barge Club 3,4. Bruce Paul Marvonek, 50 Park Street, Stafford Springs, Connecticut 06076; B.A. Studio Arts. Kiyoshi Matsumi, 2-10 Wakaba-Cho, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, japan 182; B.S. Chemistry; Squash 1; Tennis 1; Hartford judo Club 3,4; Pi Kappa Alpha. Christopher Crawford Max, R.D. #1 West Main Street, Holland Patent, New York 13354; B.S. Biology; Basketball 1; Football 1,2,3,4, All-New England Safety 3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4, Most Improved Player 2, Most Valuable Player 3; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4; Interfraternity Council 3; Food Services Committee 4; Ivy 4; Chairman, Red Cross Blood Drive 4; Northam Fine Arts Society 4; Student Government Association 4. Martha Anne McCourt, 82 Concord Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02162; B.A. Psychology and Philosophy; Trinity Women's Organization 1,4; Od Squad 1; Resident Assistant 2; Teaching Assistant 2. Andrea Mercer McCrady, 505 Dorseyville Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238; B.A. History; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Carilloneur 2,3,4; Revitalization Corps 1,2; WRTC 2,3; Tennis 2. Michael Francis McGrath, 16 Henry Street, Apt 5B, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; B.A. Political Science; Trinity Young Democrats 3,4, President 4. Barbara C. Mciver, 360 Staples Road, Easton, Connecticut 06850; B.A. Music. Camilla Oakley McRory, 18009 Highfield Road, Ashton, Maryland 20702; B.A. English; Chapel Acolyte, Layreader, Usher, 2,3,4, Head Layreader 3, Head Crucifer 4. Margaret Marks Meacham, 841 Canterbury Lane, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232; B.A. English. Cristina Medina, 800 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10032; B.A. History. linda Marie Medura, 101 Chapel Street, East Hartford, Connecticut 06108; B.A. English; Trinity Review 4; Sketches in Art Show 3. Mitchell Moses Merin, 115 Ferncliff Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; B.A. Economics. John Jeffrey Miesowitz, 1 Claire Drive, Somerville, New jersey 08876; B.S. Biology; Basketball 1; Golf 1,2. Harrison Miles, Jr., 4314 N.E. 41st Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97211; B.S. Engineering; Trinity College Band 1 ,2,3; Trinity College Brass Choir 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Minority Freshman Advisor 3; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; President's Fellow 4; Research project at UConn Health Center 4; Harvard University Model United Nations 4. Carolina Del Roble Miller, Calle Herschel #150, Colonia Nueva Anzures, Mexico, 5. OF., Mexico; B.A. Comparative Literature; Dance 1,2; jesters 2; Madrigals 3; WRTC 3,4; La Voz Latina 4; Resident Assistant 4; Trinity Recorder Ensemble 4. David Rees Mitchell, 401 Second Street, Houghton, Michigan 49931; B.S. Biochemistry; Band 1 ,2; Concert Choir 1,2,3; Madrigals 4. Carey Loraine Moler, 17 Winding Lane, Darien, Connecticut 06820; B.A. English and Psychology; Cerberus 1,2; Tutor at Fox School 1; Campaign Coordinator for McGovern 2. Jeffrey Scott Molitor, 70 Purchase Street, Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950; B.S. Biology and Economics; Hockey 1 ,2,3,4, Business Manager 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1; Cheerleader 2, St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4, Eating Club Steward 3; lntramurals 2,3,4. Rudolph Arthur Montgelas, 75 Hawson Road, Darien, Connecticut 06820; 46



B.S. Engineering; Hockey 1,2,3,4. Christopher Gulick Mooney, 77 Orchard Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; B.A. History; Football 1; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4, Captain 1; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4. Charles Lothrop Moore, Jr., 24 Ledgewood Road, Winchester, Massachusetts 01890; B.A. Political Science and Economics; World Affairs Association, President 4; Tripod 3. Nancy Beth Moore, Pinehill Road, Woodbridge, Connecticut 06525; B.A. English; Crew 1 ,2; M H BOG 1,2,3; Jesters 2; Undergraduate English Committee 4; Student Affairs Committee 4. Rebecca Stein Morgan, P.O . Box 941, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 1901 0; B.A. English. Gary Arthur Morgans, 6 Quintard Place, Westport, Connecticut 06880; B.A. Economics; Trinity Young Democrats 1 ,2,3,4, Coordinator 1,2; Student Activities Committee 3; Student Executive Committee 3; Student Government Association, Vice-President 4; Course Evaluations Committee 3,4, Editor 3; Elections Committee 3,4, Chairperson 4; HorFLU President 2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Trustee Buildings and Grounds Committee 4; Food Services Committee 4; Blood Drive 2,3; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Tripod 1,2,3,4; Ivy 3; Tutoring 3; TCC Committee on Women's Athletics 3; Trinity Women's Organization 3. Deborah Lynne Morris, 1708 Gunning Drive, Wilmington, Delaware 19803; B.A. Studio Arts. Lucy Kauffman Morse, 29 Bolton Road, Vernon, Connecticut; B.A. Interdisciplinary Major: Dance-Psychology. Alex Robert Murenia, 25 jeffrey Drive, Wallingford, Connecticut 06492; B.A. History; Football1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,3,4; Baseball 2; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Student Government Association 4; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4, Rush Chairman 3,4; Blood Drive, Chairman 4; Northam Fine Arts Society, President 4.


Jonathan Naab, 3 Worthington Road, New London, Connecticut 06320; B.A. English; Football 1 ,2,3; Track 1,2,3. E. Carolyn Nalbandian, Talcott Notch Road, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; B.A. Philosophy; William Hawe Nealon, 701 Steamboat Road, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; B.A. English. Laurence Michael Newman, 1519 East 35th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11234; B.A. Economics; Track 1 ,2; Cross Country 2; MHBOG 2; AIESEC 4. William Alfred Nygren, Jr., 140 Robbins Road, Kensington, Connecticut 06037; B.A. Mathematics.

Patrick James O'Connell, 10 Stuyvesant Oval, New York, New York 10009; B.A. History; Delta Kappa Epsilon 2,3,4. William Joseph Ogonowski, 58 Main Street, Terryville, Connecticut 06786; B.A. Intercultural Studies; Radical Alternative Group 3; Intercultural Studies Library Committee 3,4; Pi Gamma Mu 3,4; Phi Beta Kappa 4; President's Fellow 4. Priscilla Hastings Olive, 41 Tyler Road, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178; B.A. English. Anne Katrine Dannevig Olsen, 28 Old Village Road, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; B.S. Psychology. June Garbe O'Neil, 277 Buckingham Street, Hartford, Connecticut 061 06; B.A. Sociology. Robert Antony Orsi, 3435 Olinville Avenue, Bronx, New York 10467; B.A. Religion. 49


Peggy A. Palme•, 91 Po nd Sid e Ddve, Weth-

Studies and Psyc ho logy; Od Squad 1; Trinity Fo lk Society 3; Swimming 3. Damon M. Pappa s, 1308 Slater Roa d, New Britain, Co nn ecticut 06053; B.A. Psyc ho logy; Originato r and Directo r of th e W hiting Forensic ln stitue/ Trinity Co ll ege Vol unteer Prog ram 3,4. Gwen Parry, Old Camp Lane, Cos Cob, Co nnecti cut 06807; B.A. Engli sh and Theatre A rts; j esters 1,2,3,4; Fi eld Hoc key 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2. Sara Elizabeth Patterson, 2626 Co urtland Ova l, Shaker Heights, O hi o 441 18; B.A. En gli sh. Donna Sue Pelter, 242 Pepper Ridge Ro ad, Stamfo rd, Co nnec ti cut 06905; B.A . M usic and Psyc ho logy. David Allen Pemmerl, Box 141, Lincroft, New Jersey 07738; B.A. Histo ry. Nelson Ingraham Perry, 27 Lathro p Roa d, We lles ley, Massac husetts 02181; B.S. Chemi stry. Anthony V. Piccirillo, 72 Rid gewoo d Road , W est Conco rd, M assachusetts 01742; B.A. Psyc ho logy; Intramural Softball 2,3; Tripo d 2,3, M anaging Edito r 3; Stud ent Executive Committee 2,3, Chairm an 3; Aca d emi c Di sho nesty Appea ls Boa rd 2,3; Trinity Wo m en's O rgani zatio n 2,3; Red Cross Blood Dri ve 3; Budget Co mmittee 3; Student Ac tivities Committee, Chairm an 3,4; Spec ial Co mmittee to Study Tenure, Reappo intm ent s, and Pro mo ti o ns 3,4; Ho rFL U 3,4; Aca demic Affa irs Co mmittee 4. Lawrence Pleasant, 217 Ralph Avenu e, Brook lyn, N ew Yo rk 11233; B.A. History and Intercultural Studies; Trinity Coa litio n of Bl ac ks 1,2,3,4; W RTC 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Crew 1; W restling 1; Trinity Co llege Council 3. Janet Ann Podell, 156 jane Street, Englewood, N ew j ersey 07631; B.A. English; Fo lk D anci ng 1; Trinity Review 3; Cin estudio 4. Kathrin Winne Poole, Grea t Road, Prin ceton, N ew j ersey 08540; B.S . Psyc ho logy; Field Hoc key 1,2; Tuto ring 1,2. Kenneth Alan Post, 3755 M ill Road, Seaford, New Yo rk 11783; B.A. Intercultural Studi es; Tripod 1,2. Carol J. Powell, 1742 Hamilto n Drive, Va ll ey Forge, Pennsy lva ni a 19048; B.A . H is tory and Psyc ho logy; Tennis 1,2,3; Field Hoc key 2,3; Squ as h 3,4. David Charles Prejsnar, East Street, Stoc kbrid ge, M assachu setts 01262; B.A. Religion; WRTC 1,2,3; Trin ity Outing Club 4. Consuelo Prout, 67 Wh eeler Lane, To rrin gto n, Co nn ec ti cut 06790; B.A. Psycho logy; Conce rt Cho ir 3,4, Elizabeth Love Provost, 200 Gard en Street, Farmin gto n, Connecti cut 06032; B.S. Biology and Psychology; Stud ent Spea kers Burea u 4; Pres ident's Fell ow 4. 11111111

-~-~Lorraine Raglin, 408 21st Street N.E., Was hingto n ~~~

D.C. 20002; B.A. Psyc ho logy and Soc io logy; O d 1,2; Trinity Coalito n of Bl acks, Culture ~ Co mmitt ee, Edu ca ti o n Co mmittee, D efe n se Committee 1,2; Ebony Voices 4; Cerberu s 2; W RTC 4; Ivy 4; Res id ent Ass istant 4; M in orit y Freshm an Ad viso r 4. Martha Ramsey, RD #2, Stoc kto n, New j ersey 08559; B.A. Classics; Concert Choi r 1. John Allan Ratches, RFD # 1 j ero m e Avenu e, Bri stol, Conn ecti cut 0601 0; B.S. En gineerin g; WRTC 1,2,3 . Gregory Read, 79 Franklin Street, Tenafly, N ew jersey 07670; B.A. Am erican Studies; St. A nth o ny H all 2,3,4; Intramural s 2,3,4. Deirdre Anne Redden, 1 Bl ac ksto ne Ave nu e, Branford, Conn ecti cut 06405; B. A. Eco no mi cs; Tenn is 1,2,3,4; Athleti c Ad viso ry Council 2,3,4. Edward Steven Reed, 668 W estover Road, Stam fo rd , Co nn ec ti cut 06902; B.A. Interdi sc iplinary m ajo r: Epistemo logy. Susan Louise Reeder, 40 M eadowbrook Road, Carli sle, M assac husetts ~ Squ a d





01 741 ; B.A. Studio Arts; Ro me Campus 3; Presid ent's Fell ow 4. Daniel William Reese, 1515 W ashington Lane, Rydal, Pennsylvania 19046; B.A. Po litical Science; Soccer 1; Squas h 1,2,3; Tripod 2; St. Anth o ny Hall 2,3,4; Harvard M o d el United Nations Outstanding D elegate Award 3; United States Senatorial Intern ship 4; University o f Co penhagen 3; Georgetown University Schoo l o f Fo reign Servi ce 4. Constance Bond Reeves, 7 Co lonial Co urt, N ew Canaa n, Co nnecticut 06840; B.A. History. Sandra lvette Reyes, 73 Stanho pe Street, Broo klyn, N ew York 11 221; B.A . Spani sh. Louise Richardson, Bow ery Beach Roa d, Cape Elizabeth , M ain e 041 07; B.A. Histo ry; Fi eld Hoc key 1 ,2; Tennis 1; Lac rosse 2; WRTC 2. Thomas Gregory Ricks, 3500 M cFarlin Bouleva rd , Dallas, Texas 75238; B.A. Eco no mi cs; Squash 1,2,3,4; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; Crown In vestm ent League 2,3 ,4; W o rld Affairs Assoc iati o n 4. Holly Lynn Robinson , 207 Upper M o untain Avenue, M o ntclair, New j ersey 07042; B.A. Psyc ho logy; Od Squad 1; Trinity W o men's Organi za tio n 3,4, Treasurer 4. Kate Allen Weems Roby, 228 W est W as hington Lane, Phil adelphia, Pennsy lvania 19144; B.S. Bio logy; Co ncert Cho ir 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,4; Pet Fri end s Assoc iati o n, O ffi ce r 3. Barclay Beebe Rockwood, O yster H arb o rs, O sterville, M as sachusetts 02655; B.A. Psycho logy; St. Anth ony Hall. Douglas Howard "Chip" Rome, 16 W eth erell Street, W o rces ter, M assachu setts 01 602; B.A. Eco no mics and Th eatre Arts; Hillel1 ,2,3,4, Vi ce-Presid ent 3,4; j esters 1,2,3 ,4; Tripo d cartoonist 1,2,3,4. Michael lee Rosenbaum, 60 Les lie Road, Colonia, New j ersey 07067; B. S. Psyc ho logy. Nancy Susan Rosenbaum, 19231 Birch Rid ge, So uth field, Michigan 48075; B.A. Art History. Lisa Kathryn Roth, 639 M o ntgo mery School Lane, W ynnewood, Penn sy lva nia 19096; B.S. Psychology; Pi Gamma M u 3,4; Phi Beta Kapp a 4. Cynthia Ann Rowley, 27835 White Roa d, Perrys burg, Ohi o 43551; B.S. M ath ematics and Enviro nmental Studi es; Trinity W o m en's Organi zati on; Resid ent Ass istant 2; Presid ent's Fell ow 4. Thomas Michael Russell, 111 Beverl y Roa d, W est Hart fo rd , Connecti cut 0611 9; B.A. Po litical Sc ience; Tripod 1,2; Intramural sports 1,2; Trinit y Young D emoc rats 3,4.

s ~

Ma.k jonathan Sammons, 937 Wl!l;am St,eet, Pittsfi eld, M assac hu setts 01201; B.A. Histo ry;

Chapel Saulstan, l ay ,eade,, C'u clfe ' 1,2,3,4, Ve'-

ger 3,4; Chapel Committee 1 ,2,3,4, Chairm an 2; Chamber Players 1,2,3,4; Postlud es 2; Ro me Campu s 3; Pi Gamma Mu 4; Trinity Christian Fell ows hip . Nancy Marion Sargon, 295 Clark Roa d, Brooklin e, M assac hu setts 02146; B.A. Psycho logy and Religio n; Co nce rt Cho ir 3,4; Vo lunteer at Whiting Forensic Institute 3,4. Forrest Knight Schofield, 40 M iddle Beach Roa d W est, Madi so n, Co nn ecti cut 06443; B.A. History; Baseball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramural Softball 3; Alpha Chi Rh o, Alph a Chi Rho Film Soc iety 3; Red Cross Blood Dri ve 4; N o rth am Fin e Arts Soc iety 4. Thomas Roger Schreier, 15 South Pembro ke Street, W eth ersfield, Connecticut 06109; B.S. Interdi sc iplinary M ajo r: Comput er Concepts. Richard Winsor Schultz. 17-2 1 Cho me LeLe, Otsu-shi, japan; B.A. Psycho logy. Robert Eugene Sears, 204 South Pl ymouth Boulevard, Los Angesles, Califo rni a 90004; B.A. Econo mi cs; MHBOG 2; Crew 2,3,4. Joan Kimball Seelye, Mullen Road, RD #1 A m bl er, Penn sy lva nia 19002; B.A. Intercultural Studies; Lac rosse 1 ,2; Ro m e Campu s 3; In53

tercultural Studies Acti vities Committee 4. Marci-ellen Selig, 222 South Quin ce Street, Phil ad elphi a, Penn sy lva nia 1901 7; B.S. Psycho logy. Helen Ocksana Sen, 166 Bo nd Street, Hartford, Co nn ecti cut 06114; B.A. Intercul t ural Stud ies. George Nato Serafino, 105 Germ ani a Street, Southington, Connecti cut 06489; B.S. Ph ys ics . Ellen M . Shanley, 171 W est Street, Newburgh, N ew Yo rk 12550; B.A. Engli sh. Robert Gould Shaw, Jr., Box 106, Tu xedo Park , N ew Yo rk 10987; B.S. Chemistry. Elizabeth Mary Shea, 11 Paul Revere Road, W orcester, Massachusetts 01 609; B.S. Psyc ho logy; Delta Kappa Ep sil on 2,3,4. Carl Hudson Shelly, 6415 Wai nfl eet Court, Springfi eld, Virginia 22152; B.A. Histo ry; Crew 1,2,4. David George Shoemaker, 84 Burb ank Road, Longmeadow, Massachusetts 011 06; B.S. Chemistry. Con stance Victoria Shuck, 116 Huck leb erry H ill Road, N ew Ca naa n, Connecticut 06840; B.A. M usic; Concert Cho ir 1,2; Postludes 2; M usic Th erapy Ass istant at th e Institute of Living 3; Students for Music at Trini ty, Ad ve rti zin g Ma nager and Public Relati ons 3,4; Madriga ls, Librari an 4. Richard Elliot Slutsky, 69-03 Clove rdale Boulevard , Baysid e, New Yo rk 11 364; B.S. Biology; St. A ntho ny Hall 2,3,4; Bio logy Teachin g Ass istant 4. Ann Ruth Smith, 49 Will ard Street, # C1, Hartford, Connecticut 061OS; B.A. Spani sh. Cheryl Anne Smith, 5131 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615; B.A. English. Robin Dorothy Smith, 441 Old Colc hester Road, Uncasv ille, Conn ecti cut 06382; B.S. Bi o logy. Scott Reed Smith, 502 W est Fro nt Street, Perrys burg, O hi o 43551; B.S. Psychology; Res id ent Ass istant 2,3, Senio r Res id ent 4; Curriculum Committee 3; Board of Inq uiry 3,4; Tru stee Committee on Student Li fe and Community Relatio ns 4. Lizabeth Spofford, 18 Ve rn on Stree t, Hartfo rd, Co nn ecticut 06106; B.A. Psyc ho logy. Joan MacMurray Starkey, 87 Fairmount Street, Brookline, M assachusetts 02146; B. A. A rt History; Concert Cho ir 2,3,4; Trini ty Wo men's O rganizatio n 1; Tennis 1,2; Presid ent's Fellow 4. Michael John Stavola, 131 Valley View Drive, Weth ersfield, Connecticut 061 09; B.S. Physics. Marian Elizabeth Stoddard, 108 O akwood Avenu e, W est Hart fo rd, Conn ecti cut 0611 9; B.A. Phil oso phy; Co ncert Choir 3,4. Ralph Kenneth Stone, 38 Sun Va ll ey Dri ve, W orcester, Massachusetts 01609; B.A. Mathematics. Kevin Allan Stover, 201 Bouleva rd , Flo rence, New j ersey 08518; B.A. Histo ry; Track 1 ,2,3,4; Cerberus 2,3; Fo reign Stud ents Organiza ti on 1,2,3; Alph a D elta Phi 3,4; Intramural Football, Softball 1,2,3,4. Neil Samuel Stratton, 217 R Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20001; B.A. Intercultural Studies. Janet Anna Strickland, 48 O xfo rd Street, Hart fo rd , Conn ectic ut 06105; B.A. History and Psyc ho logy. James Edward Sumler, 56 M o ntrose Street, Springfi eld, M assachusetts 011 06; B.A. History; Trinity Coa litio n of Blac ks 1,2,3,4; Basketball1 ,2,3,4, Ca ptain 1,4; Freshman Adv iso r 3. Hugh Yules Tamaren, 81 W est Eucl id Street, Hartfo rd, Connecticut 061 12; B.S. Bio logy; Tuto r 1,2,3; Project Goya -Big Bro th er Program 3,4; , Cerberu s 2; Phi Beta Kappa 3,4; Chemi stry Lab Ass istant 1. Kenneth Kossuth Tate, 500 Cl into nvill e Road, North Haven, Co nnec ti cut 06473; B.A. Religion; Track 1 ,2; Co ncert Choir 1,2,3,4, Librari an 2, Treas urer 3; Stud ent Government Assoc iatio n 4; Boa rd of Inquiry 4; Trinity Coa li tio n of Blacks 1,2,3,4; AI Rubaiyat As Sa laa m En se mbl e; Madrigals; Student Assistant to the Religion D epartm ent 3,4. William Murray Taussig, 44 Fa irgreen Place, Ches tnut Hill, 54



Massachusetts 02167; B.A. Economics and Psychology; Hockey 1,2,3,4; St. Anthony Hall; Tripod 1 ,2,3,4, Sports Editor 3,4. Andrew Paris Taylor, 5 Glenfield Road, Barrington, Rhode Island 02806; B.A. History. Cameron Acheson Thompson, 190 East 72nd Street, New York, New York 10021; B.A. English; jesters 1,2,3; MHBOG 2. Jamie Bennett Tilghman, Longwood Crossing, Cedarhurst, New York 11516; B.A. History; Concert Choir 1; Trinity Pipes 1,2,3,4, Musical Director 4; Crew 3. Susanne Grantland Tilney, Fowler Road, Far Hills, New jersey 07931; B.A. History; Concert Choir 2,3,4; Corinthian Yacht Club 2,3,4; Photography Club 4. Victoria Merritt Tilney, Tanglewood Crossing, Lawrence, New York 11559; B.A. Economics; Field Hockey 1,2; Squash 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; St. Anthony Hall Eating Club 2,3,4. Robert Edwin Toomey, Jr., 3 Normandy Road, South Hadley, Massachusetts 01075; B.A. History; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4; Football1 ,2,3; Lacrosse 1,3,4. louis Patrick Tortora, 43 Linwood Street, Andover, Massachusetts 0181 0; B.A. Philosophy. John Bernard Traino, 1512 Marsh Road, Wilmington Delaware 19803; B.A. English; President's Fellow 4; English Undergraduate Committee 4. Barbara Ann Trudeau, 1200 Berlin Turnpike, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; B.A. Classics. Richard Frank Tucci, 97 Jacobs Terrace, Middletown, Connecticut 06457; B.A. Economics; Football 1 ,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi Rho 2,3,4, President 4; Conn PI RG, Chairperson 4. Ann Elizabeth Tulcin, 45 Franklin Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; B.A. History.


Rose Marie Udics, 3718 W es t 37th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44109; B.S. Biology; Trinity Young Democrats 1,2,3,4; Trinity Women's Organization 3; Library Student Assistant 1,2,3,4; WRTC 1; Chapel Layreader 3,4; Chess Club 2. Holly Utzig, 66 Brown Street, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; B.A. His tory.


, , , Karen l. Valukas, 9 Waterville Road, Farmington, ~ Connecticut 06032; B.A. English. Karen S. Vater, 164 Sargeant Street, Hartford, Con, , necticut 061 05; B.A. lndependant Degree Program, Philosophy. Frank Joseph Villani, 2060 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11230; B.A. Political Science and Intercultural Studies; Lacrosse, Manager 1; Pi Kappa Alpha 1,2,3,4; Legislative Internship 2; Harvard Model United Nations 3; World Affairs Committee 4; Intercultural Studies Activity and Library Committees 3,4.

Charles Stow Walker, 95 Alumni Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island 02906; B.A. Religion; Concert Choir 1 ,2; Resident Assistant 2,3; Interracial Interaction Committee 2,3; St. Anthony Hall 2,3,4; Trinity College Council, Chairman 3; Madrigals 4. Kathleen Ann Walsh, 105 West Kings Highway, San Antonio, Texas 78212; B.A. Modern Languages; Synchronized Swimming 1; Cerberus 2; Trinity Young Democrats 1,2,4; Trinity Women's Organization 1,2,4; ConnPIRG 2; Mather Policy Board 4; Resident Assistant 4. Anne McGrath Warrington, 8625 Camargo Club Drive, Cincin57

nati, Ohio 45243; B.A. Engli sh; Chapel Sacri sta n, Layrea d er, Crucifer 1,2,3,4, Verger 3,4; Chapel Committee 1,2,3,4, Sec retary 2; Rome Campu s 2; Trini ty Chri stia n Fell ows hip 2,3,4; Cerberus 2,3; Tripo d 4; Phi Beta Kappa. Sall y Nicholson Weber, 124 Pecksland Roa d, G reenw ich, Conn ecti cut 06830; B.A. Art History; Lac rosse 3,4; N o rth am Fin e A rts Society. Robin Ann Weinberg, 1 Lake Road N orth, Grea t Neck, New Yo rk 11020; B.A . Bio logy. Ellen Margaret Wei ss, 6 Oaks Hunt Road, Great Neck, N ew Yo rk 11020; B.A. History Cerberu s 2,3; Resid ent Assistant 2; Pi Ga mm a M u 4. Lisa Karen Weiss, 2417 Lightfood Drive, Baltim o re, Maryland 21209; B.A. Engli sh and Psyc ho logy; Resid ent Ass istant 2; Teaching Ass istant 2,3,4; Ro me Campu s 2; A d m inistrative Ass ista nt for Psycho logy 101, 4. Philip Alan Wendler, 55 W estwood Drive, West Sprin gfield, Massachusetts 01 089; B.S. Bioc hemi stry; Swimming 1; Crew 1 ,2,3,4, Captain 4. James Gregg Wentling, Oak Hill Lane, Greensburg, Penn sy lvania 15601; B.A. Econo mi cs; St. Anth o ny Hall; Swim ming. W endy Robin Wheeler, 39 O ld Farm Road, D arien, Connecticut 06820; B.A. M o d ern Languages; j esters 1,2,3,4; Ro me Ca mpu s 3. Michael John Willett, 330 Abbingto n Avenu e, Buffa lo, N ew York 14223; B.S. Engineering; Trin ity Young Democ rats 3,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4. Donna louise William s, 629 Putnam Avenue, Broo kl yn, N ew Yo rk 11221; B.A. Philoso phy; Trinity Coa litio n of Blacks 1,2,3, Secretary 2; WRTC 1,2,3,4. Mark Whitney Williams, 252 West 12th Street, New Yo rk, New York 10025; B.A. Histo ry; Squas h 2; Tennis 2,3,4. Nathaniel Williams, 255 W est 108th Street, New Yo rk, New Yo rk 10025; B.A. Psyc ho logy. Ronald Mark Williams, 1219 Elm wood Avenu e, Evansto n, Illinois 60202; B.S. Engin eering; Swi mmin g 1 ,2,3,4, Captain 4; Lacrosse 1. Peter Gray Wiswall, 53 Temple Roa d, W ell es ley, Massachu setts 02181; B.A. Stud io A rt s; Soccer 1; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Psi Upsil o n 2,3,4; Rome Ca mpus 3. Gwendolyn Wil son, 15 Pease Road, W oodbrid ge, Co nnecticut 06525; B.A. Religion. Alice Lamport Winkler, 3401 No rth Charl es Street, Apt 216, Baltimo re, Maryland 21218; B.A. Studi o Arts. Anne Pendleton Winter, 1 M echanic Street, M arbl ehead, Massachusetts 01945; B.A. Religio n; Co nce rt Cho ir 1,2,4; Synchroni zed Swimm ing 1,2; Madriga ls 4. Su san Perrin Wood, 51 Coolidge Roa d, Co nco rd, Massachu setts 01742; B.A. Psychology; Trinity Women's O rga niza tio n 2,3 . Glen Arvern Woods, 7 Lo ngm ead ow Drive, Merid en, Conn ecticut 06450; B.A. Po litica l Sc ience; WRTC 3,4; Basketball 3,4; Upwa rd Bound 3,4. Katherine Stewart Woodworth, 162 Highland Street, Dedham, M assac hu setts 02026; B.A . Engli sh; Trinity Review 3,4; Trinity Review Soc iety 3,4; Co llage, Editor 1. Richard Beal Woodword, 18 Bel Air Road, Hingham , M assac husetts 02043; B.A. Engli sh. Linda Jane Wyland, 144 Castleman Road, Roc hester, New Yo rk 14620; B.A. P~yc h o l 足 ogy; Ivy 1 ,2,3,4, Bu si ness 2,3,4; Cerberus 2,3, Secretary 3; Chapel 2,3,4; Pi Kappa A lpha 2,3, Steward 3.

William Patrick Yelenak, 323 Po ndview Drive, Southington, Co nnec ticut 06489; B.A. English; ~~~Ce rberu s 3; Resid ent Ass istant 4. Robert lawrence Yusem, 1103 Coventry Avenu e, Chelten~~1@ ham, Penn sylva nia 1901 2; B.A. Eco no mics; Football1 ,2; Basketball1 ; A lph a Chi Rho 3,4. 58


The new years walk, restoring Through a bright cloud of tears, the years, restoring With a new verse the ancient rhyme.



john C. Adamec

Douglass S. Adams

Robert C. Adams

Michael W. Ahlers

Elizabeth j. Alden

Beverly B. Alexandre

Peter A. Allegra

Elizabeth A. Allen

Peter S. Amenta

Paula A. Ames

Harold W. Anderson Ill

Robert K. Andrian

Burton L. Apfelbaum

john C. Appler

Leila R. Arjona


Karen E. Armstrong

Arthur E. Arnoff, Jr.

Bradley E. Bacon

Ann V. Baker

Kev e C. Baker

Sandra S. Baker

Emily Barron

Michael j. Barry 63

John C. Bayer, Jr.

John C. Beaudouin

Lisbeth R. Bensley

Edward J. Berghausen

Jane L. Bergman

Amy W. Bernardin

Victoria Blank 64

Robin A. Bodell

Donald R. Bodner

Stephen M. Botkin

Thomas A. Bray

Elizabeth L. Breglio

Benjamin Brewster

Sylvia F. Brewster

Eileen M. Bristow

Thomas A. Britton

Nanci F. Brodie 65

Cynthia E. Bromberg

Constance W. Brown

jeffrey P. Brown

Selbourne G. Brown

Steven G. Brown

Barbara A. Brucker

joseph A. Calabro

Thomas A. Cangelosi


Laurie j. Cannon

David M. Cass

Patrick D. Centanni

Paul W. Charow

Patricia R. Ciaccio

Douglas W. Clark

Frederick P. Clark

jeffry R. Clark


Mark R. Cleary

Paul R. Cleary

Eleanor Clements

Kathryn F. Cogswell

Teresa Collado

Frances C. Congdon

John A. Connelly

Marlene K. Connor

Anne B. Cook

Susan M. Coyne

Robert E. Crabill

Susan H. Crimmin s


James W. Cuminale

Ellen S. Cunningham

William D. Curren

Damien T. Davis

Albert C. Debevoise

Lyman Delano

Lisa G. Demartini

janice L. Dickens

Janet B. Dickinson

Donna M. Dolin 69

Deborah A. Donahue

Peter F. Donovan

Kristina B. Dow

Aetna K. Dowst

Gregory B. Duffy

Edward W. Dunham


~--~~~ '

Agustin 70



Ann B. Egbert

Elizabeth H. Egloff

Katherine B. Epes

jonathan M. Estreich

Kathryn S. Falk

Hassan H. Farah

Beth A. Ferro

Mary T. Fish

John N. Fisher, Jr.

james S. Fitzpatrick

Jeffrey S. Ford

Rand Foreman

Jameson S. French

Stephen L. Gardner

Peter M. Garnick

Gregory G. Garritt

Suzanne Gates

Thomas F. Gerchman

john M. Getz 71

janis H. Gifford

Allen L. Glater

Alan H. Gluck

Bruce H. Godick

Thomas W. Goldberg

Howard Goldstein

james R. Gomes

Charles E. Gooley

Terry E. Grant

Frederick F. Graves 72

Peter A. Grape

Mark C. Graves

Dorothy B. Greene

Edith M . Greene

Brian j. Greenfield

Sarah j. Greve

Elizabeth A. Grier

Paul V. Gryska

Larry H. Haas

Dean E. Hammer 73

John F. Hampson

jane E. Harlan

P. Scott Hayim

john C. Heath

janice M. Hester

Steven E. Hirsch

-jeffrey L. Hendel

Ann E. Hess

Nelson S. Hoeg

john D. Holloway

Margaret S. Holmes

Rochelle F. Homelson


Ellen H. Humphreville

Sara F. Hunnewell


····\··. . . .·




Richard A. Huoppi

Christopher D . Imlay

Eleanor S. Ingersoll

jessica G. lppedico

Andrew L. Isaac

Teresa A. lwans

Stephen C. joannou

Barbara A. judd 75

Steven S. Kaitz

Phoebe C. Kapteyn

Karen E. Karafin

Christopher C. Kashe 76

Nancy L. Kasimer

Adron D. Keaton

jeffrey M . Keller

Elizabeth T. Kellogg

Peter H. Kiliani

Diana L. Kirk

Henry A. Korszun

jan M . Kristof

james G. Kirschner

Konrad R. Kruger

Elaine A. Kohler

Douglas A. Kuhn 77

Robin L. Landy

Sharon j. Laskowski


Christopher W . Lane

Philip A. Leone

David j. Kuncio

Da'lid W. Lander

Richard B. Lander

Linda G. Landon

Philippe de Laperouse

Eric W. Larsen

David M. Levin

Charles E. Levine

Laurence A. Levine

William R. Levy

john P. Loether

Linda P. Lorenson

Peter D. Luria

'Norman B. Luxemburg

john M. Lynham, Jr.

Cheryl S. Madigosky


Frank R. Malkin

Gail Mardfin

Katharine L. Marks

jeffrey R. Martin

Thomas H. Martin

Bruce P. Marvonek

Kiyoshi Matsumi

Christopher C. Max

Martha A. McCourt

Andrea M. McCrady


Michael F. McGrath

Camilla 0. McRory

Linda M . Medura

Mitchell M. Merin

John J. Miesowitz

Harrison Miles, Jr.

David R. Mitchell

Carey L. Moler 81

jeffrey S. Molitor

Rudolph A. Montegelas

Christopher G. Mooney

Charles L. Moore, Jr.

Nancy B. Moore

Rebecca S. Morgan

Gary A. Morgans

Deborah L. Morris


Alex R. Murenia

jonathan Naab

E. Carolyn Nalbandian

Laurence M. Newman

William A. Nygren, Jr.

Patrick j. O'Connell

William j. Ogonowski

Priscilla H. Olive

Katrine D. Olsen

june G. O'Neil 83

Robert A. Orsi

Peggy A. Palmer

Damon M. Pappas

Gwen Parry

Sara E. Patterson

Donna S. Pelter

Nelson I. Perry

Anthony V. Piccirillo

Lawrence Pleasant

janet A. Podell


Kathrin W. Poole

Kenneth A. Post

Consuelo Prout

Elizabeth L. Provost

Gregory Read

Deirdre A. Redden

Susan L. Reeder




Lorraine Raglin

David C. Prejsnar

Martha Ramsey

Daniel W. Reese 85

Constance B. Reeves

Sandra I. Reyes

Louise Richardson

Thomas G. Ricks

Holly L. Robinson

Kate A. Roby

Barclay B. Rockwood

Douglas H. Rome

Michael L. Rosenbaum

Lisa K. Roth

Cynthia A. Rowley

Thomas M. Russell

Mark j. Sammons

Nancy M. Sargon

Forrest K. Schofield

Thomas R. Schreier

joan K. Seelye 87

Constance V. Shuck

Scott R. Smith 88

Ellen M. Shanley

Robert G. Shaw, Jr.

Elizabeth M. Shea

Carl H. Shelly

Richard E. Slutsky

Cheryl A. Smith

Robin D. Smith

Lizabeth Spofford

Joan M. Starkey

Michael J. Stavola

Ralph 路K. Stone

Kevin A. Stover

Janet A. Strickland

James E. Sumler

Hugh Y. Tamaren

Kenneth K. Tate

William M. Taussig

Jamie B. Tilghman

Susanne G. Tilney

Victoria M. Tilney

Robert E. Toomey, Jr.

John B. Traino 89


Richard F. Tucci

Ann E. Tulcin

Rose M. Udics

Frank j. Villani

Charles S. Walker

Kathleen A. Walsh

Anne M. Warrington

Sally N. Weber

Robin A. Weinberg

Ellen M. Weiss

Lisa K. Weiss

Philip A. Wendler

james G. Wentling

Wendy R. Wheeler

Michael j. Willett

Donna L. Williams


Mark W. Williams

Ronald M. Williams

Anne P. Winter

Peter G. Wiswall

Katherine S. Woodworth

Linda j. Wyland

Susan P. Wood

William P. Yelenak

Glenn A. Woods

Robert L. Yusem 91

Red Tape "Administration exists to enable the faculty and the students to achieve their academic goals." There is a disarming simplicity in such a statement. Probably no one accepts this crisp description; certainly no administrator feels that it enables him or her to make decisions on the variety of issues which flow across the typical desk. Yet, it remains the objective. It was not always so. A century ago, when Abner jackson was president of Trinity, conditions were different. Seventy-three students lived down where the Capitol now stands: It was the Gilded Age, and President jackson was, as Professor Weaver notes in his history of Trinity, "Trinity's eminent Victorian." But the finances of the College were not in eminently good shape and much of the president's time was spent in figuring out how to keep the institution alive. Moving to a new location out in the country to the southwest was, by modern standards, a unique solution. Otherwise, much of the time was spent on discipline. In the 1860's Class Day had deteriorated from being a formal occasion to something which resembled a wrestling match. The prize was the Lemon Squeezer, a fabled piece of wood retired from circulation most recently in 1969. Classes battled for possession. Meanwhile the Hartford police battled to regain park benches taken by students and placed on the dormitory roof. Such were the preoccupations of an administrator a hundred years ago. The characterization is incomplete since academic matters also had their place. But in the nineteenth century administration lacked the subtleties which growth and transformation have brought to the contemporary campus. For the most part the small cadre who comprised the administration maintained an authority which only a revolt or peculation or collapse could dislodge. Emerson's dictum was correct: An institution was very often but the lengthened shadow of a man, more often than not a member of the clergy. Some, like Eliphalet Nott at Union, had incredibly long tenures: his was 66 years! Trinity was spared this possible liability. The average length of presidencies before George Smith was 5.7 years. Administrators reverted to odd approaches, even then. In one instance, the comptroller of a small college was having trouble collecting tuition


By Theodore D. Lockwooci

money from students. Therefore, he took his shotgun to registration and made sure no one signed up who had not paid in full. At other times someone had to arrange for a special musclebuilding diet for the oarsmen. In admissions it was not so much a problem of selection as recruitment, and standards applied mainly to geographical distribution since the goal was a "cosmopolitan undergraduate body." Equipment presented few maintenance problems, since it consisted primarily of a telescope, some chemical glassware, and an "electrical machine" purchased in 1868, according to Professor Weaver's account. The Library had 12,000 volumes and was not open much of the day. Supervision of buildings and grounds could be accomplished by a fifteen-minute walk around the campus in the morning. Even in the larger universities of the 19th century, leadership was a singular affair. No one used to worry about the decision-making process. Governance lay with a board and a president. State and federal regulations did not exist. But politics did. Much of the literature of the period demonstrates clearly that, whenever two or three faculty, students, or administrators gathered to-

gether, a reform movement was underway. But reform came slowly. It took an Eliot at Harvard to alter fundamentally the traditional approaches which prevailed during most of the century. Quite different is the description provided by one midwestern university president recently: "The college president must have the physical stamina of a Greek athlete, the cunning of a Machiavelli, the wisdom of a Solomon, the courage of a lion, and the stomach of a goat." Although I hope the formula is inaccurate, there is little doubt that today's administrator needs good health, a liking for details, an ability to speed read, and a craving for chicken. More important may be a knack to work quickly through mounds of miscellaneous material. A study of the Trinity archives reveals quickly the exponential growth, not just of knowledge, but also of paper. Whereas minute books were hand-written and mercifully brief in the 19th century, today's records require staunch metal shelving to bear their accumulation. If a touch of nostalgia inflicts that previous sentence, it derives from the aversion which administrators now feel for requests for information, for governmental forms required in order to exist (at least until the next change in the forms), and for the endless Xerox copies by which we all seek to assure adequate communications-that impossible mission. Fortunately we all have secretaries who know how to keep us organized and whose even-tempered approach maintains sanity where otherwise wall-climbing might prevail. Probably the most striking transformation in administration has been the extension of responsibilities which today's society expects from the academic institution. Even though most of the work which emanates from administrative offices at the College is merely to enable others to carry out the academic objectives of the institution and is not an end in itself, inevitably the churnings convey the impression that the departments have a life of their own. There is no more vexing element in today's world than the ordering of work according to the prime goals of the college. A financial aid office can soon feel that compliance with federal guidelines becomes more important than aid to students. That such is not the case is the result of an individual's fortitude. For there is a mythology about administration. As historically minded people, we tend to think back to the good old days when life was simpler. I

recall when, as a student at Trinity, the Treasurer handled everything from room assignments to an inventory of the football helmets. President Ogilby could lean out of his window and make his next appointment by hailing someone on the Long Walk. Committees only met once or twice a term. These memories tend to recur even today when it is impossible to recapture that simplicity. The myth has other features. A college, even the private institution, is in a real sense a public instititution. Your lawns are the natural place to walk neighborhood dogs; your auditorium becomes the logical place for other organizations; and your equipment is the easiest to borrow indefinitely. No longer is the campus a small community set off. Nor should it be. Yet, we like toretain the feeling that our enterprise is distinguishable, that the City would never tax us, and that happenings-be it inflation or state planning-will somehow not affect us. Fortunately Trinity has always been a part of this community and it is very often that the administration must perform the roles expected of us in that community. Services have, therefore, grown unrelentingly. It


is no longer a case of seeing that the chalk is in the cla~sroom; administration is seeing that psychologiCal counseling, dining facilities, overseas programs, pinball machines, and funds for both the choir and the outing club are available. That means more paper work and a certain reasonable control over resources. And that naturally leads to the charge that administrators have an obsession with orderliness. That is right, and rightly so; for administration is knowing something about the rich variety of life on campus: it is understanding and containing the natural chaos of a vibrant community. To more than one commentator on the academic scene, that means " governance by suppli cation." Among the few instruments available to the administrator-to anyone on a campus-is the art of persuasion. A dean, a registrar, or a comptroller prefer to facilitate than to arbitrate路, but there are times when someone must decide. Then administrators follow the observations of a wise old dean who remarked: "Most of our problems


have no solutions; the best we can do is to seek some resolution, and then pray earnestly for absolution." Of course, we also know full well that , when one of us walks along by Seabury, someone will say, "There goes an administrator." Mercifully, most of the time the observer does not tell us to what destination! Being mendicant institutions, colleges also have to keep their various constituencies happy and seek out the funds through which we shall survive in style. It is a happy illusion that administration should perform that function, but we all know that each of us in the college community affect the success or failure of that mission. No one can survive the erosion caused by ill-will. We now face an uncertain future in higher education. To the administrator the task is planning ahead for a period more like the 19th century in its dilemmas than the time since World War II , when everything was predicated on growth. In the past we built upon a cautious tradition, expanding programs from established bases and developing facilities and services as needs arose. That may no longer be possible. Therefore, "planning ahead" will be difficult, especially as colleges like Trinity do not lend themselves to the normal organizational patterns. The very freedom and exuberance we enjoy on our better days clashes with the organization which risk-taking requires. Administrators can lay out alternatives, but only by working with others-trustees, faculty, students, alumni and friends, can we gain the confidence necessary in choosing one path over another. I am convinced that we shall have to balance freedom with organization if we are to be able to move rapidly and rationally to sustain the values of liberal learning. To the administrator falls the task of alerting the community to the opportunities and to the risks now facing higher education. Among the issues none is more important than the nature of learning in the future. For what and how? And such questions make administration worthwhile; for it is sharing with a remarkable group of people challenges which we face. In 1970, the President's Report bore the title "The Future Within Our Reach." The closing comment bears repeating: "Trinity is now closer to the future within its reach than it ever has been: the College has made tremendous progress. . . . It is equally true, we face harder times at precisely the moment when

people have even greater expectations from education. The challenge exists, I am convinced, because we are essentially optimistic. However harrowing the rhetoric of contemporary debate, we can both preserve and improve the community of learning." To that purpose the administration dedicates itself.



The Corporation George Wallace Bailey Starkey, M.D., Chairman; Arnold Henry Moses, B.A., Secretary; Lyman Bushnell Brainerd, LL.D., George Keith Funston, L.H.D., Daniel Alpert, SC.D., John Kapp Clark, SC.D., William Persons Gwinn, SC.D., Seymour Ewing Smith, B.S., Mrs. Walter H. Gray, Stuart Dade Watson, M.B.A., Charter Trustees; Winthrop Walden Faulkner, B.A., William Mecklenburg Polk, B.A., William Ravenel Peelle, B.A., Nathaniel Pryor Reed, B.A., Leonard Eli Greenberg, B.S., Dora Richardson Lowenstein, A.A., George Strawbridge, Jr., P. H. D., Term Trustees; Marvin William Peterson, P.H.D., Robert Dodge O'Malley, M.D., Martin Demarest Wood, B.S., Douglas Tobler Tansill, B.A., William Thomas O'Hara, J.D., Jay Edward Geiger, M.B.A. Alumni Trustees; Theodore Davidge Lockwood, P.H.D., Trustee and President; Henry Samuel Beers, LL.D., George Mallette Ferris, LL.D., Joseph Campbell, LL.D., Ostrom Enders, LL.D., Allerton Cushman Hickmott, Litt. D., Robert Barnard O'Connor, D.F.A., John Reinhart Reitemeyer, LL.D., Raymond John Wean, SC.D., Jerome Pierce Webster, M.D., George Warren Wyckoff, B.A., Vertrees Young, D.SC., Trustees Emeriti

&8WJD[ljD8uffi&uoow Theodore Davidge Lockwood, President; Thomas A. Smith, Vice President; Edwin Packard Nye, Dean of Faculty; Robert A. Pedemonti, Treasurer and Comptroller; Elisabeth Belden, Administrative Assistant to the President; Mary Ann Walsh, Secretary to the President; Harry 0. Bartlett, Director of Administrative Services; Director of Personnel; Margaret F. Collins, Assistant Director of Personnel; Rosette S. Herrero, Secretary, Personnel; Marion S. Kidder, Administrative Secretary to Dean and Vice President; Carole M. Lawson, Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Faculty; Jean H. Van Heiningen, Secretary to the Dean of Faculty; Edward John Kyrcz, Assistant to the Treasurer; Anne R. Boornazian, Secretary to the Treasurer; Ann W. Grieve, Assistant to the Comptroller; Ronald K. Michna, Accountant Treasurer's Office; Gail C. Desmaris, Secretary to the Comptroller; Rose C. Zito, Cashier; Patricia A. McDonald, Student Accounts Administrator; Beverly H. Shamback, Purchasing Assistant.




NYE 97






Thomas D. Lips, Assistant to the President; Judson Miles Rees, Director of Development; W. Howard Spencer, Associate Director of Development; Constance Everett Ware, Assistant Director of Development; William L. Peele, Jr., Field Director for Capital Campaign, Development; Agatha Kraus Gallo, Administrative Assistant, Development; Rosemary D. Brown, Secretary to the Director of Development; Grace L. Borelli, Maureen H. Feild, Miriam K. SalvinDevelopment Office Staff; James Ronald Spencer, Dean of Students; Mary Lee Curry, Secretary to Dean of Students; Ralph L. Mad-

dry, Registrar; Joanne M. Miller, Assistant Registrar; Rita P. Smith, Recorder, Registrar's Office; Arlene F. Besaw, Secretary to the Registrar; Carolyn P. Hogan, Secretary to the Assistant Registrar; Marie M. Yanelli, Transcript Secretary; Julia Masynk, Registrar's Office; George Clinton Higgins, Jr., College Counselor; Randolph Mitchell Lee, Associate College Counselor; Carolyn Lytle, Counseling Intern; Josephine D. Lasnier, Secretary to the College Counselors; Alan Condie lull, Chaplain; Arlene A. Fournier, Secretary to the Chaplain.



W. Howie Muir, Director of Admissions; E. Max Paulin, Assistant Director of Admissions. Admissions Liason to the Freshman Class; Susan Elizabeth Martin, Assistant Director of Admissions; -Larry Richard Dow, Assistant Director of Admissions; Joyce E. LaPorte, Administrative Assistant, Admissions; Shirley J. Field, Nancy Tobin, Johana Wolosiuk, Dorothy A. Tracey- Admissions Office Staff; Robbins Winslow, Dean for Educational Services; Ellen Mulqueen, Dean for Student Services; M. David Lee, Associate Dean for Student Services; Bessie M. Keaton, Secretary,

&8[ll]OG508L]ffiffiL]DOG5 Mather Campus Center; Kathleen Louise Frederick, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations; John Andrew Mason, Assistant to the President for Alumni Affairs; Lucy E. Myshrall, Secretary, Alumni Office; Karen G. Picker, Secretary, Alumni Office; David R. Lowe, Manager of Central Services; College Photographer; Deborah McKenna, Myrtice J. Walton, Elizabeth A. Hanson, James J. Varner, Steve Sikora- Central Services Staff; Jean Roncaioli, Switchboard; Business Office Staff; Kathleen Ostro, Switchboard; Assistant to Master Calendar Coordinator.

MUIR 100



LEE 101






Ivan A. Backer, Director of Community Affairs; Amy Yatzkan, Secretary to Director of Community Affairs; Secretary to Urban and Environmental Studies Program; Eleanor Gibson Reid, Direcotr of Financial Aid; Marion P. Kyte, Secretary to Director of Financial Aid; Nancy T. Searle, Assistant Director of Financial Aid; Paula I. Robbins, Direcotr of Career Counseling; Beverly A. Clark, Secretary, Career Counseling; Elinor Tilles, Assistant Dean for College Residences; Cheryl Elliot, Secretary to Assistant Dean for College Resi-

&8 [ll]DGJD8vffi&vDOGJ dences; Alfred A. Garofolo, Director of Campus Security; Earl F. Moffat, Assistant Director of Campus Security; Janet F. Carson, Secretary, Security Office; Harold L. Vaughan, Mary Vaughan, Mark Kennedy-Post Office Staff; Frank Marchese, Equipment Manager, Ferris Athletic Center; John H. Wooley, Administrator and Technical Director, Austin Arts Center; George H. DeFord, Gallery Assistant, Austin Arts Center; Trudy Frierberg, Slide Librarian, Austin Arts Center.



L. Barton Wilson, Director of Public Information; James F. Wilman, Assistant Director of Public Information; Alfred C. Burfeind, Director of News Bureau; Amelia Sylvestri, Assistant Director of News Bureau; Janice 0. Burr, Coordinator of Special Events; Gerald S. Fasano, Supervisor of Publications Office; Margaret R. Zartarian, Secretary, Public Information; Evelyn J. Mandzuk, Secretary, Public Information; Riel S. Crandall, Director of Buildings and Grounds; Elwood P. Harrison, Director of Construction and Purchas-

&8lliJD[t]D8uru&uDO[t] ing; John Wathne, Plant Engineer; Robert T. Kelly, Custodial Superintendent; Robert E. McGlone, Chief of Grounds and Equipment; Gerre B. De Filice, Barbara J. Flanagan, Secretaries, Buildings and Grounds; Lawrence R. Stires, Director of Language Labs; John Monaccio, Director of Audio Visual; Terry L. Costelloe, Master Calendar Coordinator; Frank G. Kirkpatrick, Director of Individualized Degree Program; Louise H. Fisher, Assistant to Director of Admissions for IDP; Lucille L. Abbot, Secretary, IDP.













Ralph Steven Emerick, Librarian; Ralph D. Arcari, Assistant Librarian; Edith l. Pratt, Secretary to Librarian; Marian M. Clarke, Curator, Watkinson Library; Margaret Frazer Sax, Assistant Curator, Watkinson Library; Caroline R. Danchak, Watkinson Cataloguer; Peter J. Knapp, Reference Librarian; George Graf, Assistant Reference Librarian; Cheryl A. Martin, Documents Librarian; Alice K. Haynes, Circulation Librarian; Prudence B. Hinckley, Elizabeth M. Shubert-Circulation Assistants; Jane J. Willits, Head of Cataloguing;

&8lliJOWD8uffi&uOOW Joan S. Place, Assistant Cataloguer; Ruth Bochnak, Kathleen Kelmelis, Kathryn J. Kneeland, Mary Elizabeth Parker, Doris M. Shapiro-Catalogue Assistants; Lee F. McCallum, Order Librarian; Agnes l. Perenyi, Assistant Order Librarian; Mary A. Curry, Order Assistant; Adolf Seibel, Serials Librarian; Patricia Seibel, Laura J. SearlesSerials Assistants; Mark Whitaker Izard, Director of Medical Office; Ruth Aronson, Lucy Lemanski, Marsha Mathews-Medical Office Staff.



MR. CHIPS It is only a slight exaggeration to say that the faculty is the College. Students are important, of course, and certain amenities are helpful, also. But the essential quality of a college is determined by its faculty. Faculty members serve as teachers and examples of the intellectual life. They also sustain the ongoing character of the institution. Students are sojourners; the faculty has longer tenure. Perhaps more important than what a professor does is what he is. Metaphorically speaking, if education can be thought of as a process of "sharpening the mind" and "smoothing off rough edges", it is apparent that this may best be accomplished by interaction with something tough, maybe even somewhat abrassive. The soft touch will be less effective. Why is it that alumni recall their erstwhile academic tormentors with such affection? The Dadourian who taught them the important difference between being a fool .and being a damned fool? Simple perversity is not the secret ingredient

By Edwin P. Nye which leads to long term success of a teacher. The Dadourians had more than that going for them . Simply being difficult was not what it was all about. Rather it was their insistence upon full measure of understanding, uncompromised by sloppiness or fuzziness which made their tactics so successful. The "easy" professor does no favors for his or her students. Learning cannot be carried on by proxy or awarded by lenient, uncritical evaluation. It must be earned by personal labor. To that degree, at least, the role of the professor could be seen as that of " slave driver" . I prefer the sobriquet "task master". The point is simply this: there is no easy route to education. Even Mr. Chips has his uncompromising side. There must be another side as well. I call it a "caring" side. But it is often well hidden from easy view and may not give rise to any open sort of bonhomie. It is difficult for some professors to be openly caring for fear of jeopardizing their function as task masters. And yet it is their caring which sustains them in long hours of careful, purposeful reading, correcting, and pondering how to break through resistant barriers to learning. Dedication to teaching is, in fact, dedication to the intellectual well-being of one's students more than to the practice of pedagogy, per se. Are the mighty professors of alumni memory a vanishing breed, perhaps already extinct? I doubt it. Life styles change as surely as styles of dress, but the essence of human nature is enduring. Socrates would no doubt be as effective today as he was in ancient Greece. He might well be no more popular with certain authorities now than he was then. Socrates was unrelenting in his quest for truth and clarity. He could-and did-make many persons, students included, defensive and uncomfortable. Such teachers are more easily and truly appreciated retrospectively than in the time of active dialogue. Great teachers stand the test of time. The biggest pitfall in student evaluation of faculty is the shortrange viewpoint. We seldom feel sudden attraction for those who force us to shape up and to extend ourselves. Full appreciation of what they may have done for us develops slowly as what


they have taught us, often in spite of ourselves, helps us to withstand and survive the vicissitudes of life. Trinity has always had a distinguished faculty, generally more recognized and appreciated in hindsight than at the time of matriculation of any given student generation. A number of present

and recently retired faculty persons come to mind as candidates worthy of high praise. But my list would not be your list. Reaction to professors, and perception of their power and effectiveness are personal things. Like that of fine wines, the flavor of appreciation of good teaching matures slowly.



8DOQOG'\:7 Professor Frank Malcolm Child, Ill, Chairman, AB 1953 (Amherst), PHD 1957 (California); Professor James Wendell Burger, BA 1931 (Haverford), MA 1933 (Lehigh), PHD 1936 (Princeton); Professor James Morrill Van Stone, BA 1949 (Wesleyan), PHD 1954 (Princeton); Professor Richard Bradway Crawford, AB 1954 (Kalamazoo), PHD 1959 (Rochester); Associate Professor Robert Hyde Brewer, BA 1955 (Hanover), PHD 1963 (Chicago); Associate Professor Donald Barrett Galbraith, BS 1958 (Grove City), SCM 1%0, PHD 1%2 (Brown); Associate Professor John Emmett Simmons, Ill, BS 1957 (Morehouse), MS 1961 (Syracuse), PHD 1971 (Colorado State), Sabbatical Leave 1974-1975; Visiting Assistant Professor Thomas Steven Freund, BS 1%5, PHD 1969 (Lehigh); Sonya E. Sydorak, Technical Consultant; Hilda C. Streiber, Carole Heeren, Faculty Secretaries










Professor Henry Alfred DePhillips, Jr., Chairman, BS 1959 (Fordham), PHD 1965 (Northwestern); Professor Robert Henderson Smellie, Jr., BS 1942, MS 1944 (Trinity) PHD 1951 (Columbia); Professor Edward Bobko, BS 1949 (Western Reserve), PHD 1952 (Northwestern); Associate Professor James K. Heeren, BS 1951, MS 1952 (Tufts), PHD 1%0 (MIT); Assistant Professor Ralph Owen Moyer, Jr., BS 1957 (SMTI), MS 1963 (Toledo), PHD 1969 (Connecticut); Assistant Professor William Thomp5on Bowie, BS 1964 (Trinity), PHD 1969 (Howard), Sabbatical Leave 1974-1975; Visiting Assistant Professor Isaac Sasson, BS 1965 (CCNY), PHD 1974 (Connecticut); Edward A. Stroniawski, Technician; Regina S. Baker, Faculty Secretary








G0&88DG8 Professor John Carter Williams, Chairman, BA 1949 (Trinity), MA 1951, PHD 1962 (Yale); Associate Professor James Robert Bradley; AB 1957 (Trinity), AM 1959, PHD 1968 (Harvard); Assistant Professor Anthony David Macro, BA 1961, MA 1964 (Oxford), PHD 1%9 (John Hopkins); Goodwin Batterson Beach, Lecturer in Latin, Emeritus, BA 1907 (Harvard) MA 1931 (Trinity), LittD 1953 (Leeds); Ret. 1965; Albert Merriman, Associate Professor of Classics, Emeritus, BA 1933, MA 1937 (Harvard), Ret. 1970; Doris Merwin, Faculty Secretary





O&G:JG8 Stephanie Woodard, Acting Director and Instructor (Part-time), BA 1970 (Mount Holyoke), MA 1974 (Wesleyan); Judy Dworin, Instructor, BA 1970 (Trinity); Wendy Perron, BA 1969 (Bennington), Guest Artist; Risa Jaroslow, BA 1969 (Bennington), Guest Artist.







Professor Richard Scheuch, Chairman, G. Fox and Company Professor of Economics, BA 1942, MA 1948, PHD 1952 (Princeton); Professor Robert Alden Battis, BSBA 1948 (Rutgers), MA 1952, PHD 1958 (New York), Urban and Environmental Studies Program, Intercultural Studies Program; Professor Ward Schenk Curran, George M. Ferris Lecturer in Corporation Finance and Investments, BA 1957 (Trinity), MA 1958, PHD 1961 (Columbia); Associate Professor Leroy Dunn, BS 1949 (American University), PHD 1956 (London School of Economics), Urban and Environmental Studies Program; Associate Professor Andrew joshua Gold, BBA 1962 (CCNY), PHD 1967 (Northwestern), Director

8GOWOG1JDG8 of Urban and Environmental Studies Program; Assistant Professor Francis joseph Egan, BA 1963 (Providence), MA 1969, PHD 1973 (Fordham), Urban and Environmental Studies Program; Assistant Professor Neil Howard Garston, AB 1965 (Brooklyn), PHD 1973 (Brown), Intercultural Studies Program; Assistant Professor Martin Lansberg, AB 1969 (California), MA 1971, PHD 1974 (Wisconsin); Instructor Mary McNally, BA 1965 (George Washington), MA 1968 (University of Connecticut); Randall William Tucker, Associate Professor of Economics, Emeritus, BA 1939 (Northeastern), MBA 1942 (Chicago), Ret. 1972; Cheryl S. Ten Cate, Faculty Secretary










Assistant Professor Charles B. Schultz, Acting Chairman, BA 1951 (Penn), MEd 1961 (Temple), PHD 1970 (Penn State); Assistant Professor Richard Allen Shipe, BS 1959 (Lock Haven), MNS 1967 (Oklahoma), MEd 1969, PHD 1972 (Penn State); Assistant Professor Mona L. Rabineau, BS 1950 (Simmons), AM 1953 (Radcliffe), EdD 1966 (Harvard); Instructor Steven Lee Christopherson, BA 1970 (Stanford)






Professor August Edward Sapega, Chairman, BS 1946, MS 1951 (Columbia), PHD 1972 (Worcester Polytechnic); Professor Edwin Packard Nye, BS 1941 (New Hampshire), SCM 1947 (Harvard); Associate Professor Theodore Robert Blakeslee, II, BS 1945 (MIT), MS 1952 (Lehigh); Associate Professor joseph Daniel Bronzino, BSEE 1959 (Worcester Polytechnic), MSEE 1961 (US Naval Postgraduate), PHD 1969 (Worcester Polytechnic); Lecturer David Ahlgren, BS 1964 (Trinity), MS 1966 Tulane); Lecturer David Eric Woodard, Arch 1961 (Texas A & M), Arch 1962 (Cranbrook Academy of Art)








Professor Paul Smith, Chairman, BA 1950, MA 1951 (Rochester), PHD 1966 (Harvard); Professor John Bard McNulty, BS 1938 (Trinity), MA 1939 (Columbia), PHD 1944 (Yale); Professor John Arthur Dando, BA 1938, MA 1945 (McGill); Associate Professor James Holbrook Wheatley, BA 1951 (Dartmouth) MA 1959, PHD 1960 (Harvard), Sabbatical Leave Trinity Term 1974-1975; Associate Professor Richard Paul Benton, BS 1952, MA 1953, PHD 1955 (John Hopkins); Associate Professor James lain Potter, BA 1944, MA 1946 (Wesleyan), PHD 1954 (Harvard); Associate Professor (Part-time) Kenneth Walter Cameron, BA 1930, MA 1931 (West Virginia) , STB 1935 (General Theological), PHD 1940 (Yale); Associate Professor (Part-time)

Stephen Minot, BA 1953 (Harvard) , MA 1955 (Johns Hopkins), Leave of Absence 19741975; Visiting Associate Professor (Part-time) Jordan l. Pecile, BA 1954 (Cornell) MA 1967 (Univ. of Iowa); Assistant Professor Hugh Stephen Ogden, AB 1959 (Haverford), MA 1%1 (New York), PHD 1967 (Michigan), Sabbatical Leave Christmas Term, Leave of Absence Trinity 1974-1975; Assistant Professor Dirk Kuyk, BA 1955 (Univ. of Virginia), PHD 1970 (Brandeis); Assistant Professor James Arthur Miller, BA 1966 (Brown), Intercultural Studies Program; Assistant Professor Dianne Hunter, BA 1966 (Alfred), MA 1968 (Purdue), PHD 1972 (Buffalo); Assistant Professor Mark J. Freiman, BA 1969 (Toronto), PHD 1973 (Stanford); Assistant Professor Milia B. Riggio, BA 1962 (SMU), MA 1966, PHD 1972 (Harvard)i Ralph Mehlin Williams, Professor of English, Emeritus, BA 1933 (Amherst), PHD 1938 (Yale), Ret. 1973; Daniel Bond Risdon, Associate Professor of English, Emeritus, BA 1930 (Amherst), MA 1938 (Trinity), MA 1947 (Yale), Ret. 1972; Marcia C. Macleod, Faculty Secretary 126












KUYK 129


Professor Michael R.T. Mahoney, Chairman, BA 1959 (Yale), PHD 1965 (Courtald Institute); Associate Professor Thomas P. Baird, BA 1947, MFA 1950 (Princeton); Associate Professor George Edwin Chaplin, Director of the Program in Studio Arts, BFA 1958, MFA 1960 (Yale); Instructor Judith Rohrer, BA 1965 (Stanford), MA 1968 (Columbia); Robert A. Cale, Artist in Residence, BFA 1964 (RISD); John D. Ferguson, Artist in Residence, BFA 1968 (Univ. of Illinois), MFA 1971 (Rinehart School of Sculpture); John Corwin Emerson Taylor, Professor of Fine Arts, Emeritus, BA 1926, MA 1940 (Yale), Ret. 1970; Trudy Buxton, BA 1972 (Rochester), Slide Librarian; Theresa E. Gleason, Faculty Secretary, George Deford, Gallery Assistant

CALE 130







Associate Professor Borden Winslow Painter, Jr., Chairman, BA 1958 (Trinity), MA 1959 (Yale), BST 1963 (General Theological), PHD 1965 (Yale); Professor George Brinton Cooper, BA 1938 (Swarthmore), MA 1942, PHD 1948 (Yale); Professor Eugene Wood Davis, BA 1940 (Texas), MA 1941 (Harvard), PHD 1948 (North Carolina), Intercultural Studies Program; Professor Norton Downs, BA 1940, MA 1947, PHD 1950, (Pennsylvania); Professor Philip Charles Farwell Bankwitz, BA 1947, MA 1948, PHD 1952 (Harvard); Professor Glenn Weaver, AB 1941 (Catawba), BD 1944 (Lancaster Seminary), MA 1947 (Lehigh), MA 1951, PHD 1953 (Yale), Urban and

Environmental Studies Program; Associate Professor Edward William Sloan, Ill, AB 1953, MA 1954 (Yale), MA 1960, PHD 1963 (Harvard), American Studies Program; Associate Professor Hollins McKim Steele, Jr., BA 1954 (Princeton), MA 1958, PHD 1965 (Columbia), Intercultural Studies Program; Associate Professor Robert Bromley Oxnam, BA 1964 (Williams), MA 1966 (Columbia), Intercultural Studies ,Program; Instructor James Ronald Spencer, BA 1964 (Trinity), MA 1966 (Columbia) American Studies Program; Assistant Professor James Lawrence West, AB 1966, MA 1968, PHD 1975 (Princeton), Intercultural Studies Program; Instructor Samuel David Kassow, BA 1966 (Trinity), MSC 1967 (London School of Economics), Intercultural Studies Program; Instructor Thomas A. Champ, AB 1970 (Rutgers), MA 1972 (Univ. of Rochester), Intercultural Studies Program; Daniel Garrison Brinton Thompson, Northam Professor of History, Emeritus, BA 1920 (Penn), BS 1923 (MIT), PHD 1945 (Columbia), Ret. 1968; Mary C. Harrison, Faculty Secretary. 132
















Professor Robert Clarence Stewart, Chairman, BA 1942, MA 1944 (Washington and Jefferson), MA 1948 (Yale); Professor Walter John Klimczak, BS 1937, MA 1939, PHD 1948 (Yale); Professor Emmet Finlay Whittlesey, AB 1948, MA 1955, PHD 1957 (Princeton); Associate Professor Mario Joseph Poliferno, BA 1952, MA 1954, PHD 1958 (Yale); Assistant Professor Robert Bruce Grafton, SCB 1958, PHD 1967 (Brown); Assistant Professor David A. Robbins, AB 1967 (Dartmouth), MA 1%8 (Bucknell), MA 1970, PHD 1972 (Duke); Assistant Professor Ralph Eldon Walde, BA 1%4 (Minnesota), PHD 1967 (Berkeley); Marjorie Van Eenam Butcher, Lecturer, BA 1947, MA 1949, (Michigan); Harold Laird Dowart, Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus, BA 1924 (Washington and Jefferson), PHD 1931 (Yale); SCD 1968 (Washington and Jefferson), Ret. 1968; Priscilla A. Davis, Faculty Secretary











Professor Michael Richard Campo, Chairman, BA 1948 (Trinity), MA 1958, PHD 1954 (Johns Hopkins); Professor Gustave William Andrian, BA 1940 (Trinity), PHD 1946 (Johns Hopkins); Professor Robert Palmer Waterman, BA 1932, MA 1934 (Trinity), PHD 1948 (Yale); Associate Professor Carl Victor Hansen, BA 1941, MA 1948 PHD 1952 (Yale); Associate Professor Donald Dwight Hook, BA 1950 (Emory), MA 1957 (Duke), PHD 1961 (Brown); Associate Professor Arnold lewis Kerson, BA 1953, PHD 1963, (Yale); Assistant Professor Michael John Pretina, Jr., AB 1962 (Fordham), PHD 1967 (Yale); Assistant Professor Dori Katz, AA 1959 (Los Angeles City), BA 1961 (Los Angeles State), MFA 1963, PHD 1970 (Iowa); Assistant Professor Andrea Bianchini, BA 1965 (Barnard), MA 1967 (Columbia), PHD 1973 (Rutgers); Assistant Professor Sonia lee, BA 1964, MA 1966 (Wisconsin), PHD (Univ. of Massachusetts); Peter Bjorling, Lecturer, Fil Kand (Uppsala, Sweden) 1965; Doris Merwin, Faculty Secretary. HANSEN 142












Professor Clarence Howard Barber, Director of the Program in Music, BA 1940, MA 1942, PHD 1954 (Harvard); Jonathan Reilly, Instructor, College Organist, BA 1968 (Trinity), MA 1972 (Northwestern); Peter Armstrong, Lecturer, BMUS 1968, MMA 1972 (Yale); Clarence Everett Watters, Professor of Music, Emeritus, and College Organist, Honorary, MUSM 1935 (Trinity), Ret. 1969






Associate Professor Drew Alan Hyland, Chairman, AB 1961 (Princeton), MA 1963, PHD 1965 (Penn State); Professor Howard Delong, BA 1957 (Williams), PHD 1960 (Princeton), Leave of Absence 1974-75; Professor Richard Thompson Lee, BA 1958 (Emory), MA 1960, PHD 1962 (Yale); Associate Professor Wesley Miller Brown, BA 1958 (Amherst), PHD 1970 (Harvard), Leave of Absence 1974-75; Assistant Professor Michael P. Lerner, AB 1964 (Columbia), MA 1968, PHD 1972 (Berkeley); Eunice Belgum, Instructor, BA 1967 (St. Olaf), MA 1969 (Harvard); William Puka, Instructor, BA 1966 (Hoffstra), MA 1971 (Brown); Michael Marlies, Visiting Assistant Professor 1974-75, BA 1%5 (Johns Hopkins), MA 1970, PHD 1973 (Brandeis); Mary Carol Harrison, Faculty Secretary

LEE 148







Professor Karl Kurth, Jr., Chairman, Director of Athletics, BS 1942, MED 1947 (Springfield); Professor Roy Alfred Oath, BS 1951 (West Chester State Teachers), MA 1956 (Trinity); Professor Chester Herman McPhee, BA 1951 (Oberlin}, BA 1947 (Ohio State), MA 1968 (Trinity}, PHD 1971 (Ohio State); Associate Professor Robert Ellis Shults, AB 1951 (Oberlin), ME 1957 (Bowling Green); Associate Professor Donald Grant Miller, BS 1955, ME 1957 (Delaware); Associate Professor Robert. Dennis Slaughter, BS 1948, MSED 1952 (Springfield); Assistant Professor Richard Hazelton, BA 1966 (Marietta); Assistant Professor Richard A. Taylor, BS 1961 (Trenton State); Jane A. Millspaugh, Instructor, BS 1970 (Springfield), MA 1973 (Trinity); Raymond Oosting, Professor of Physical Education, Emeritus, BEP 1924, MED 1931 (Springfield), Ret. 1966; William Sferro, John Dunham, Norman Graf, Howard Barnes, Ralph Spinella, Coaches; Frank Marchese, Equipment Manager, Leo Hamel, Trainer; Ronald Duckett, BA 1974 (Trinity), Assistant to the Athletic Director; Clara B. Fish, Assistant to the Athletic Director; Irene W. Renshaw, Ferris Athletic Center Staff; Francis Flanagan, Building Superintendent; Mrs. Bertha Ruby, Women's Equipment; Robin Sheppard, George Sutherland, Graduate Assistants.





McPHEE 151













Professor Albert Joseph Howard, Jr., (Chairman) BS 1958, MS 1959, PHD 1963 (Yale); Professor Charles Robert Miller, BS 1952, PHD 1962 (Cal Tech); Professor Robert Lindsay, SCB 1947 (Brown), MA 1949, PHD 1951 (Rice); Assistant Professor Eugene Frankel, BA 1963 (CCNY), MS 1965 (Rutgers) MS 1968 (Princeton); Assistant Professor Brooke Gregory, BA 1963 (Amherst), PHD 1973 (Brown); Assistant Professor Harvey S. Picker, SB 1963, PHD 1966 (MIT); Visiting Assistant Professor Teri Vierima, BA 1970 (St. Olaf), MPhil1974 (Yale); Adjunct Professor J. O'Rourke, Director of Ophthalmology Division, University of Connecticut Health Center, MD 1949 (Georgetown), MSC 1954 (Penn); Frank Woodridge Constant, Jarvis Professor of Physics, Emeritus, BS 1925 (Princeton), PHD 1928 (Yale), Ret. 1972; Charles Paul, Technician; Priscilla A. Davis, Faculty Secretary.








(YOQDuDG&Q 8GD8GJG8 Associate Professor Ranbir Vohra, Chairman, BA (Punjab), Diploma: Chinese 1950 (Peking), MA 1965, PHD 1969 (Harvard); Professor Samuel Hendel, LLB 1930 (Brooklyn Law), BSS 1936 (City College), PHD 1948 (Columbia); Professor Rex Neaverson, BA 1952, MA 1954, PHD 1959 (Harvard); Associate Professor Albert Lodewijk Gastmann, BA 1949, MA 1953, PHD 1964 (Columbia); Associate Professor Clyde David McKee, BA 1952, MAT 1959 (Wesleyan), MA 1963, PHD 1967 (Connecticut); Assistant Professor Gary Jacobson, BA 1966 (Stanford), MPH 1969, PHD 1972 (Yale); Assistant Professor Thomas Reilly, BA 1965 (Queens), MA 1967, PHD 1972 (City University); Marion D. Maxwell, Faculty Secretary









Professor George William Ooten, Chairman, BS 1948 MS 1950 (Massachusetts), PHD 1952 (Northwestern); Professor George Clinton Higgins, Jr., BA 1959 (Amherst), PHD 1964 (Rochester); Associate Professor David Winer, BA 1959 (Vermont), MA 1961, PHD 1969 (UCONN); Associate Professor Karl F. Haberlandt, Dpl Psych 1964 (Freie), MA 1966, PHD 1968 (Yale); Sabbatical Leave 19741975i Assistant Professor Randolph Mitchell Lee, BA 1966 (Trinity), MS 1969, PHD 1970 (Massachusetts); Assistant Professor William Manley Mace, BA 1967 (Yale), PHD 1971 (Minnesota); Assistant Professor Andrew Baum BS 1970 (Pittsburg), PHD 1973 (SUNY); Assistant Professor Alan Marvin Fink, BA 1%8 (Bowdoin), PHD 1973 (Minnesota); Adjunct Professor Salvatore Alessi, BA (UConn) MS (Purdue), PHD (UCONN)i Adjunct Professor Delores Taylor, AB (Downer, Lawrence) , MS (North Carolina), PHD (Bryn Mawr); Hilda C. Streiber, Secretary









ffi8QDGD8CtJ Associate Professor John Andrew Gettier, Chairman, BA 1956 (Wesleyan), BD 1961 (Yale) THD 1971 (Union Theological); Professor Theodor Marcus Mauch, AB 1943 (Elmhurst), BD 1946, STM 1947, THD 1958 (Union Theological); Professor (part-time) Edmond LaBeaume Cherbonnier, BA 1939 (Harvard), BD 1947 (Union Theological), BA 1948 MA 1952 (Cantab.), PHD 1951 (Columbia), DD 1959 (Vermont); Assistant Professor Alan Condie Tull, BA 1955 (Stanford), STB 1958, THD 1968 (General Theological); Assistant Professor Frank Gloyd Kirkpatrick, BA 1964 (Trinity), MA 1966 (Union Theological, Columbia), PHD 1970 (Brown); Assistant Professor Susan Frank Pomerantz, BA 1967, MA 1969 (DePauw), PHD 1973 (Dunelm); Assistant Professor John Andrew Brown, BA 1967 (Miles), MDIV 1970, STM 1972 (Yale), Director of Intercultural Studies Program; Instructor Larry Fader, BS 1968 (Columbia), MA 1971 (Temple); Carol Steiman, Secretary












88GD8Q8G\:7 Associate Professor John Darl Brewer, Chairman, AB 1958, AM 1963, PHD 1968 (Chicago), Urban and Environmental Studies Program; Professor Norman Miller, AB 1942 (Penn State), PHD 1948 (Columbia); Assistant Professor Noreen Dulz, BA 1966 (Hiram), MSW 1968 (Connecticut), PHD 1973 (Michigan State), Urban and Environmental Studies Program; Assistant Professor Michael Sacks, BA 1%9 (Queens), MA 1971, PHD 1974, (University of Michigan); Carol R. Heeren, Secretary








Professor George Emory Nichols, Ill, Director of the Program in Theatre Arts, BA 1938, MFA 1941 (Yale); Instructor Roger D. Shoemaker, BA 1964 (Yale), MFA 1974 (Catholic University); John H. Woolley, Assistant in Theatre Arts, BFA 1970 (Art Institute of Chicago)




TIMEPIECE One of my earliest recollections of Trinity is the hurricane named Donna that was raging when I arrived in September of 1960 to enroll as a freshman. Perhaps I should have taken Donna as a portent, since surely the "winds of change" (if you will excuse an overworked metaphor) have transformed the College in the ensuing fifteen years. In fact, if the Class of 1975 could be transported back to the Trinity of 1960, they might feel like strangers in an alien land. The most obvious difference thay would notice would be the utter absence of women, for coeducation seemed no more in prospect for Trinity in 1960 than did, say, the forced resignation of a President of the United States. Nor would they find any minority students; the student body contained at most a dozen Blacks and Orientals, close to half of whom were foreign students visiting from Africa and Asia. (I don't recall any Latin students.) Undergraduates who have known nothing but a "free-elective" curriculum would also be taken aback by the curricular regulations in effect in

By J. Ronald Spencer 1960. Before being admitted to the junior year, one had to pass year-long courses in English, math, European history, a foreign language above the introductory level and a laboratory scienceplus a one-semester course in philosophy and another in music, fine arts or literature. Failure to meet any one of these requirements by the end of the sophomore year led automatically to an enforced one-year "vacation" from the College-a regulation that was never waived and from which there was no appeal. If a student failed to meet the requirements on a second go-around, he was ordinarily separated from the College permanently. Also different was the course load-40 courses instead of the present 36; and there was no Pass/Fail option to help lighten the burden. The style and content of non-academic life also differed markedly in 1960. As I think back to my own undergraduate experiences, I am sometimes shocked by how much silliness we engaged in. Freshman hazing, for example, was still in vogue. As soon as the frosh arrived on campus they were obligated to don beanies. There were also expected to know "'Neath the Elms" perfectly and to be ready to sing it whenever an upperclassman should command. Finally, tradition dictated that lowly frosh were not to set foot on the Quadrangle, that sacred turf being reserved for their august superiors in the upper classes. It was never quite clear what would happen if a frosh refused to wear his beanie, or wouldn't sing "Neath the Elms", or trespassed on the Quad. But it was generally assumed that sophomores-the special keepers of tradition-would levy the most horrible sorts of penalties on any transgressor. Needless to say, no freshman class worth his S.A.T. scores would tolerate such restrictions for long. There were two means by which the class could win equality. One was to defeat the sophomore class in an epic tug of war staged near the soccer field. If that failed, then the frosh had to "storm" the Cook Arch en masse against the united attempt of the sophs to block their passage. The latter normally had the advantage, since they invariably gained access to the suite directly above the Arch and from there would drop large quantities of scalding water on the on-rushing frosh.

As best I can recall, I missed the tug of war my freshman year. Apparently my class-mates lacked sufficient pull, however, for we later had to undergo the ordeal of "storming the Arch". Close to 200 of us sallied forth at the appointed time with all of the elan-not to mention reckless abandonof Pickett's division at Gettysburg. A nearly equal number of sophomores stood ready to repel our assault. The contest lasted perhaps forty minutes, and the combat was surprisingly intense considering the trivial matter at stake. Minor casualties abounded. (My personal toll was a broken watch crystal and a slightly sprained wrist.) Happily, my class had better luck than Pickett, and we finally made it through to the opposite side of the Arch. A ritual burning of beanies and much trampling on the previously forbidden Quad followed straightaway. Some have argued that such hi-jinks served a useful function; that they helped build "class spirit" or provided a necessary outlet for youthful exuberance. Perhaps. But the dominant impression is one of late-adolescent mindlessness-rather sim-

ilar in this regard, to the fire-extinguisher and shaving-cream fights which occasionally mar today's dormitory life. Of course, not all undergraduate antics were quite so pointless. Consider the Ugly Man Contest. Each year the student body conducted a Campus Chest campaign to raise money for Hartford-area charities. A highlight of the campaign was the contest to choose the " ugliest" undergraduate at the College. The freshman class always put forth a candidate, as did most of the fraternities and several other groups . Each contestant spent two weeks drumming up support in the form of cash donations to the Campus Chest. The candidate who raised the most was crowned Ugly Man for the year. As a rule, the contestants weren 't particularly ugly. But they were adept at tricking themselves up to look grotesque; and they were uninhibited enough to go to great lengths to attract both attention and money. The results were often hilarious. Freshman year one of my roommates happened to win the contest, after an arduous effort that culminated with his auctioning off all of his clothes (except his underdrawers) during dinner in the freshman dining hall in Mather. (That's what it was called in those days, since only a handful of upperclassmen ate there.) He was crowned with mock solemnity at the Campus Chest finale in Washington Room-an event attended by perhaps half of the student body and featuring off-color jokes, bawdy skits, much piethrowing, and so forth.

One episode the night of my roommate's investiture is especially vivid in my memory. An upperclassman dressed in women's clothing performed a kind of striptease which climaxed with the display of a phallus he had devised from an old sock and some cotton wadding. Even though the audience was all male, this was regarded as going a bit too far, and he came within an ace of being suspended from the College. In fact, suspension was a much more commonplace penalty then than now. Campus regulations were strictly enforced by a seven-man honor society called the Medusa. Working closely with the Dean of Students, the Medusa often decreed suspension for infractions which today would not be deemed particularly serious. Especially rigid were the parietal regulations; women were permitted in dorm rooms only on Fridays and Saturdays until 10 p.m. and on Sundays until 7 p.m. I recall at least one case where an upperclassman was suspended for a semester because he had a date in his room twenty minutes after the deadline! Politically, Trinity students tended to be either indifferent or quite conservative in 1960, as they were at most similar institutions. A Tripod survey revealed that a large majority of undergraduates! think the figure was about 75 per cent-favored Nixon over Kennedy. (I regret to confess that I was part of that majority.) Later on, the student Senate withdrew Trinity from the National Student Association, in part because the N.S.A. was allegedly too radical. It seems that the organization favored a ban on atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons and-horror of horrors-had sponsored

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a debate about whether it was better to be Red than dead! The Tripod was considerably more liberal than most of its readers, and it condemned the Senate for pulling out of N.S.A. In retaliation, a large number of Tripods were ritually burned. Subsequently, the Tripod attacked the fraternity system. The members of one frat responded by lining up on their front lawn to hoot "Commie" at the editor-in-chief as he walked down Vernon Street. The political climate had begun to change before the end of my undergraduate career in 1964. At least a few of us came under the influence of such existentialist authors as Sartre, Malraux, and especially Camus. We wept over a rather melodramatic poem that began: "Albert Camus, you son of a bitch, you had no right to die." And we interpreted existentialism as a call for action against social injustice in a universe otherwise absurd. Several of us joined the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy and Turn Toward Peace, marching both in Hartford and in Washington to demand an end to nuclear testing. A number of undergraduates joined with faculty

and administrators to spearhead a successful effort to win clemency for a young Hartford Black who had been sentenced to die for a murder he had committed as a teenager. Most important, perhaps, two students left the College to join the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee project to register Black voters in rural southwest Georgia. One of these students was wounded by a shotgun blast which local terrorists fired into the Black home where he was quartered; the other was arrested on trumped-up charges of inciting to insurrection-a capital offense. (Interestingly, the latter student was my roommate who a year and a half before had devoted his best energies to winning the Ugly Man Contest!) Inspired by these activities, a half dozen Trinity students helped to found the North End Community Action Project in the summer of 1963. NECAP sponsored sit-ins aimed at opening up jobs for Hartford Blacks, and it also played a role in various rent strikes against ghetto slumlords. All of these events pointed to a shifting political mood which to some extent prefigured the late 1960's. But commitment was still limited to a tiny fraction of the student body. In 1963, for example, only about fifty undergraduates turned out for a march to the State Capitol on behalf of their fellow student jailed on insurrection charges in Georgia. Almost as large a number stood along Vernon Street to shout derisive epithets at the marchers. I left Trinity for graduate school in 1964 and returned four years later. The intervening period was crucial for the College's transformation. When I arrived back in September of 1968 I was almost as disoriented as the Class of 1975 would be in the Trinity of 1960. The Faculty was on the verge of replacing the old requirement-laden curriculum with a free-elective model that incorporated features inconceivable in 1960-open semesters, freshman seminars, student-taught courses, high school seminars and the like. Planning for coeducation was quietly under way, and the College was committed to enrolling a substantial number of minority students for the first time in its history. (The previous spring, in the wake of Martin Luther King's assassination, students had staged a sit-in at a Trustees' meeting to demand that the number of Black undergrates be enlarged. Significantly, the Trustees had already reached a decision to do this, thus the sit-in was somewhat superfluous.) On the non-academic side, freshman hazing,

which had seemed such a healthy institution just a few years before, was now dead. The last parietal regulations were about to be eliminated, and soon coed dorms would be so commonplace as not to occasion comment. The fraternity system, which had dominated much of campus life during my student days, was receding to a more modest place in the overall scheme of things. Above all, the political indifference and conservatism of the early 1960's had given way to a passionate involvement with the issues of race, poverty, and, especially, the Vietnam war. The late '60s were a tumultous and trying time to begin a teaching career. Students sometimes insisted on bringing their political concerns into the classroom in ways that threatened to violate the integrity of one's academic discipline and, indeed, of the whole liberal arts idea. The cry for "relevance" from undergraduates whose conception of what was relevant didn't go much beyond the latest S.O.S. manifesto was wearying, at best. Because of all the "generation gap" rhetoric in the air-"don't trust anyone over thirty" and other such nonsense-student-faculty relations were frequently strained. Barriers emerged which kept teachers from teaching effectively and students from gaining the full benefits of close intellectual association with their professors. Finally, there was the seemingly omnipresent problem of drug abuse. A minority of undergraduates were so intent on altering their "consciousness" by chemical

means that they ran the grave ris-k of doing themselves serious, permanent harm. All of these developments scarcely jibed with a novice instructor's vision of what the academic life should be. Instead of repose, reflection and the mutual search for knowledge, there was too often turmoil, antagonism and partisan dogmatism. Yet, on balance, the late sixties were not such a bad time to be at Trinity. There was a great sense of adventure in exploring the possibilities of the new curriculum. The adoption of coeducation significantly improved the overall quality of the student body and thus enhanced the challenge of teaching. Because of the self-assertiveness which accompanied student politicization, the classroom often crackled with controversy. Although faculty occasionally had to endure New Left cliches masquerading as wisdom, the best students pushed their teachers hard, forcing them to sharpen their arguments and even to rethink them alt6gether. This was much to be preferred to the passivity which characterized many undergraduates of my own generation and which threatens to reinfect the classroom in the midseventies. As for political activism, I welcomed much of it, since I had spent a great deal of time as a student deploring undergraduate apathy and indifference. To be sure, the "politics of confrontation" often alienated more people than it converted; some of

the activists were motivated more by egoism than political conviction; and some of the self-proclaimed student "revolutionaries" had failed to understand Orwell's admonition that people who play with fire should remember that fire is hot. Nonetheless, there was a strong strain of idealism that ran through the "student movement", and certainly the issues merited passionate attention. Despite the excesses, I have to think that the teach-ins, the marches, the endless speechmaking, the efforts to secure signatures on anti-war petitions, did more good than harm. At a minimum, the activists helped to raise fundamental issues about America which we all needed to confront. That achievement, flawed though it was, cannot be easily dismissed. The stirring events of those days probably seem remote to today's undergraduates. After all, the Class of 1978 was still in junior high school when the United States invaded Cambodia, and in grammar school the day Martin Luther King was assassinated. Politics is hardly in the forefront of student consciousness now; undergraduates appear much more preoccupied with such private concerns as career planning. Drugs are hardly the issue they were five years ago, and I haven't heard the "generation gap" invoked in ages. Most of the curricular innovations of 1969 are now taken for granted, and one-the high school seminar program-has become a dead letter. There is even talk of revising the curriculum to reintroduce some kind of distribution requirements into the freshman and sophomore years. Clearly, we are moving into a new phase. Nonetheless, the changes of the last fifteen years have left an indelible mark. Scarcely anyone at the College any longer questions the wisdom of coeducation. One hopes there is a similar consensus on behalf of Trinity's continuing commitment to minority students. If the curriculum is modified in coming years, it is certain that undergraduates will have a major voice in the matter, for the events of the late sixties have secured them a permanent place on such decision-making bodies as Faculty committees. I see no chance the College will revert to the paternalistic ways of parietals, in loco parentis and other such intrusions on the private lives of students. Although the six remaining fraternities should survive-and may even flourish-! doubt the fraternity system will ever regain the dominance it enjoyed when I was an undergraduate. And, finally, it seems a safe bet that such traditions as "storming the Arch" are gone forever.

Historians are not, as a rule, a particularly optimistic breed. We see too much tragedy and too much folly in the past to be very sanguine. Yet perhaps I can risk a bit of optimism. It seems to me that Trinity is a better place for the changes it has undergone in the last decade and a half. More changes undoubtedly await us, though their shape cannot yet be fully discerned. Is it impossibly naive for me to hope that they, too, will be for the better?

IJCRDCP88 "Oh my, where am I now?" exclaimed Alice. "Why, you're at The Trinity Tripod," replied the Rabbit in an indignant tone. "Oh," she replied quietly, "What's that?" "Be careful what you say around here," he reprimanded her, "There are some people who take their work very seriously." "Well, who's that little girl over there?" Alice queried. "My, she looks small. What does she do?" "She does almost everything the Big Cobb used to do before he retired, plus a few new things." "But what's that?" "My goodness, you're simple. She puts together Tripods." "All by herself?" "No, no, no, you ninny. She gets help from this room full of Tripodians." "And just these people put together all those Tripods?" she queried. "No, no, no, my dear, this is only half of the works. The other half is the staff." "And who are they?" "Anyone and everyone who walks through that door with copy in their hands." "But, Rabbit, you still haven't told me what a Tripod is." "Well, it changes a little from term to term ." "But what is it? ... Well, if you won't tell me, I'll ask that little girl, ... but, where did she go? I can't see her anymore." "Well, you moved, my dear." "I don't understand." "Don't you know a looking glass when you see one?" Adrienne Mally, Editor-in-Chief; Mark Henrickson, Managing Editor; Brian Crockett, News Editor; Meri Adler, Arts Editor; Charles Johnson, Sports Editor, David Levin, Steven Roberts, Photography Editors; Wenda Harris, Henry Merens, Copy Editors; Roxanne McKee, Advertising Manager; James Cobbs, Business Manager; Scott Morris, Circulation Manager; Kimball Jonas, Carey La Porte, Production Managers.



The 1975 Ivy staff likes to think of its office as fashionably stark. A wooden table, twelve steel chairs, and a metal file cabinet provide the room's only permanent furnishings. Several cardboard cartons add a "just-moved-in" look. Yet, more than anything, students involved in the 1975 Ivy would like to think of their headquarters as too crowded with innovative ideas and designs to leave room for any furniture at all. More than often, visitors to the office miss these elusive elements and focus on the clutter, which is inevitably overwhelming, but which staff members themselves continue to affectionately refer to as a "symptom of creative minds at work". The Ivy is the only document to capture the tensions, the affections, the dreams, and the reality which is Trinity in any single year, and the Ivy staff are those students, who, like dedicated artists, furnish us with this panorama as they live it and perceive it. Karen A. Jeffers, Editor-in-chief; Linda J. Wyland, Business Manager; Kathi L. Marks, Photography Editor; Constance C. Bienfait, Copy Editor; Lisa B. Tilghman, Managing Editor. 176


WllilJG As Hartford's first non-commerical radio station, WRTC has succeeded in operating year after year on a budget with which most radio stations would fall apart. Throughout this year the station's transmitter constantly pleaded for retirement. Nevertheless, the student operators were able to provide Trinity and the surrounding community with the same diverse programming and quality music. Besides allowing the College's sports fans to remain dry and still keep up with the Bantams' plays on those soggy fall weekends, WRTC cooperates with WFSB-TV in serving the Hartford community by broadcasting the audio of the evening news in Spanish. Above all, Trinity radio is basic radio with something for everyone. Whether it's Blues, Broadway, Classical, Country, Jazz, Rock, or Soul, WRTC-FM has it, plus a primary commitment to the College and its students which has made it the invaluable Trinity institution that it is. Adron D. Keaton, Station Manager; Eric Larsen, Business Manager; Jack Santos, Tech Director; Ralph Sinsheimer, Program Director; Jeffrey Mandler, Music Director; James Wilson, Special Programming; Robyn Weinstein, Traffic Director; Angie Colon, News Director; John Graham, Chief Engineer.


IJWO Perhaps the T.W.O. year could best be described in a pictorial essay. It wasn't a year of words; in an effort to respond to the community here, the organization absorbed the a-political effluvium of the student body. Perhaps by being less vocal, less jingoistic, we also became less visible. But rumors aside, T.W.O. hasn't been riding on a funeral procession-the women's movement has not become unnecessary. If it had, we would not have had to occupy much of the year and our energy surprising the students and faculty by displaying our ability to run movie projectors, arrange concerts, play danceable music, and sittable music, hang an art show, care about how our body feels and functions-not just looks-and protect ourselves. Madison Avenue selling techniques-new sophistication and aggressiveness-were adopted to alert the campus of our activities and to attract an audience: wine and cheese, free beer (women staffing the kegs, of course), opening nights, aesthetic posters and visual aids. Of course there were disappointments, but Broadway has flops too. Importantly, we learned what women can be: together, and enjoying being that way. We toasted marshmellows, created serious art, sipped wine, tapped feet, shared rage, shared joy, looked for female options, tried to get Trinity to recognize our existence -our importance. 1975 is International Women's Year; we are far from finished. Gail Mardfin, leslie Brayton, and Olivia Brown, Coordinators; Liz George, Treasurer.




The Trinity Coalition of Blacks is designed to meet the social, cultural and political needs of Black students at the College. Through better understanding themselves the Blacks seek to share their experience with the general College community. This year the group devoted a great part of its energy toward the presentation of a Black Arts Week. Through artwork, music and political speakers, they succeeded in bringing small portions of genuine Black culture to a college campus in Hartford, Connecticut. TCB serves not only to plan social and cultural events dealing with the Black experience, but also to provide a permanent sounding board for campus attitudes. Black students know the organization as a group within which their sometimes unique problems may be voiced and understood, and the administration recognizes the coalition as a vehicle through which an on-going dialogue may be maintained. Though TCB by no means offers instant solutions to the complicated race-related issues which spring to the forefront of college happenings from time to time, it does stand fast as a solid step in the road to those solutions.


Trinity Big Brothers and Sisters is a group of Trinity students who spend time with a young child they have been specially matched with. These children need the love and attention desperately. For this reason alone, perhaps, it is one of the most important organizations on campus. Not only does it provide a sensitive giving to young children, but also it presents Trinity students with an opportunity to mature and develop themselves as individuals in a special way. The big brothers and sisters and their buddies take care of themselves. The only job really is to make the organization itself grow. Publicity in the Tripod and individuals talking it up have all strengthened the attempt to sharpen Trinity's human sensitivity. A better financial situation and more intragroup organization will certainly provide a strong foundation for a successful, growing group of concerned people. Whether it is individual activity or group outings, they are fun and rewarding experiences. All we want to do is to grow as an established activity. It really is not enough to merely say, "Give it a try."



It is a known fact that the rigors of academic life often induce students to seek relaxation and refreshment through what might be termed social functions. For this reason, on any given night as one travels up Summit Street from the Summit Hilf and down Vernon Street toward the Friendly Ice Cream Shop, one will invariably pass one of Trinity's six extant national fraternities and hear the sounds of music and people in a state of euphoria. The frats, by being accessible to much of the College community, meet Trinity's social demands through a sophisticated arrangement of weeknight clubs and weekend parties. Though only 15% of the undergraduate student population are brothers, the frats have become the center of social activity for much of the College and will continue to play such a role in the immediate future. Clearly, the fraternities at Trinity provide the institution with much more than social life. From St. Anthony's Hall, the oldest of the frats, to Psi Upsilon, the last house on "fraternity row", a diverse conglomeration of individuals and interests combine to form the personality of each particular house. As they interact and react with other of the College's many characters, these personalities contribute substantially to that quality which, over the years, has become so uniquely "Trinity".




At present, much of the late sixties' controversy over the character and relevance of fraternities has disappeared. Students at Trinity no longer spend hours haranguing about the merits or drawbacks of beer, brothers, and bashes. Indeed, it may be accurate to say that young persons at Trinity are questioning less in general these days. Let's hope that this is not the case. If Trinity students have ceased to reflect about the meaning to be found in "brotherhood", let's hope that this change has occurred only because of their preoccupation with more pressing concerns. Over the years, fraternities have been claimed to provide everything from free liquor to free love. Simultaneously they have been charged with every evrl from creating bad feelings to creating havoc. At this stage, we should all know both that nothing is free and that creation, in general, is still a topic open to question. In an age where human freedoms are stressed at every turn, we can hardly deny a person the right to something as non-controversial as a cheap beer or a brotherly discussion. All that we can do is to hope that such trivial freedoms will truly cease to be issues which cloud what should be the real questions among us as partners in learning. Is it worth saying in still another fashion? Fraternities or no-fraternities is somehow inconsequential when considered in light of a few other things.



GOWG8llilJ GUJODlli After completing a successful con_ c ert tour of England during the summer of 1974, the Choir returned in the fall and performed three major on-campus concerts, which included "Music at Vespers" in November, "Lessons and Carols" in December, and the Annual Spring Concert in April. The musical repertoire included Poulenc's Gloria, Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms, and Bach's Jesu Meine Freude. The recent British trip was the choir's second concert tour of England, where it performed at places like Portsmouth Cathedral, and British Granada Television. Locally, the "Lessons and Carols" service of December, 1974 was televised by Connecticut Public Educational Television, and will be broadcast on the national educational network next Christmas. The choir is conducted by Mr. Jonathan B. Reilly (Class of 1968) and the officers for the 1974-75 academic year were Peter Wolk, Manager; Joseph Kluger, Business Manager; Donald Romanik, Director of Public Relations; Judith Lederer, Treasurer; Charles Bathke, Secretary; and Andre Fleuriel, Librarian.


GDW88UtJ808 Only at Trinity can one sprint down two flights of stairs from an evening class in Spanish literature to catch the first exquisite scenes of Disney's "Fantasia" or Fellini's "Amarcord". Clement Laboratory, which houses many modern language and chemistry classes, is also the nest of Kriebel Auditorium-better known to the College community as Cinestudio. Since it is a non-profit institution, Cinestudio has run smoothly for five years now only with the help of a large and dedicated volunteer staff. Student movie buffs trade an evening behind the ticket counter for a free pass or two, and the organization miraculously manages to report in the black. This year Cinestudio was coordinated by sophomore Mary Nelson and junior Martha Cohen, under the guidance of larry Stires, the group's faculty advisor.




The Trinity Pipes date back to 1938 when four men from St. Anthony Hall formed an a cappella quartet. The group has now expanded to over twice its original size, and delights audiences from Carnegie Hall to Miami Beach. Guided by Director Jamie Tilghman, this year's Pipes included: Greg Duffy (Treasurer), Paul loether (Spiritual Advisor), James Kirschner (Business Manager), Paula Galiette, David Snyder, Andrew Williams, Stephen Garner, Joseph Kluger, Betsy Tyson, Sarah Barrett, and Kathy Koch. Their 1974-75 repertoire was indeed a diverse one, ranging from Cole Porter to The Young Rascals, with both judy Collins and George Gershwin sandwiched somewhere in between. Perhaps what pleases those of us here most, however, are the Pipe's hand-me-down songs from Trinity's dark ages. What could be more touching than the opening chant: "George jones was a college man at Trinity, and he said, 'Son, you'll go there, too ... "?


It was like no other college experience-50 of us living in a dormitory adjoining a convent in Rome. I arrived late in the evening of September 5th to join the others who had flown in from the States that day. This couldn't be it ... an unmarked door in a huge wall? I was invited in by the only Engli sh- speak ing person in the front TV room. Everybody else was either asleep suffering from jet lag or on one of the "Campo's walks", suffering from worse jet lag. Wally gave me a tour of the convent ("and there is the classroom." ... the classroom?) and before too long I was joined by Bart, Sandy and Ed, who had returned from the nocturnal walking tour. I whipped out a bottle of cheap wine I had bought for the train trip and we shared it while trying to convince ourselves that this was all really happening. Rome was a lot of things. It was eating (gelati, "tubes", sugo, formaggio, trucking to the bottom of the hill for a cappucino). And, it was certainly drinking (trucking to the bottom of the hill for a cappucino coretto, getting "sfoused", trips to "the boot", wine tasting class, sangria parties). Rome was the classes (Ancient Rome field trips with Topo, movies with Umberto, praying for Tony to be in a decent mood). It was the city. It was the Italians. It was grape-picking and Open Week in Florence, and Sunday soccer games 路 and whores and Communists, and Fascists and SPQR and Trastevere ... I can't help slipping into "memory lane"-type writing. That's what TC/RC was like. For most of us it was an amazing 3Y2 months, full of all the little things (Fiat 500's, Piazza Venezia, tight pants) that make Rome what it is. 197


The Trinity Jesters don't really joke around when it comes to high-quality dramatic productions. Their one-act plays are always well-attended, and their favorable reviews in the Tripod are usually well-deserved. This year the group seemed even more industrious than usual, launching its season in the company of the Theatre Arts department with joint presentations of the one-acts Chamber Music and Gallows Humor. What followed throughout the fall and winter months seemed to be a marathon of short presentations. The White Whore and the Bit Player accompanied Winners. Lunch Hour was presented along with The Anniversary. And, Mrs. Dally Has a Lover followed fast on the heels of Harold Pinter's Old Ti~es for an exciting and diverse sampling of theatrical entertainment. The year ended with a smash presentation of John Dos Passos' and Paul Shrye's dramatic revue U.S.A. It is productions such as this one which make college drama special.


The Trinity Outing Program had a tremendously successful first year due to the invaluable help of faculty, students, and administrators. Our fearless leader and founding father, Mike Marlies, never failed to inspire fellow hikers with refrains of "Rabble are we ... "-in scenes vaguely reminiscent of the movie Bananas. Dave lee and Mike Marlies, with the help of students Don Baur, Ann Chesnes, and Sally Bean, were able to compile and to run a diversified program. Outing program activities ranged from winter mountaineering in Franconia Notch, N.H., to canoeing in snowstorms, cross-country skiing, rock climbing, and trail clearing. The intanglibles are really the best part of TOP: hearing the "whoosh" of snow as it slides down the thin tent walls at midnight; backing into a latrine with snowshoes on; wondering whether that quarter-inch knob of rock will keep you from falling off the cliff. It was a very good year.


Student government at Trinity has always seemed modelled after the great federal bureaucracy or alphabet soup. We have the SGA, SAC, MHBOG, TCC, AAC, FAC, CAF, MPB ... Sometimes it appears as if we are working ~ut a new phonetics rather than creating college policy. Yet, miraculously, things do get done. This was an interesting year for the Student Activities Committee. The organization saw three chairmen, nearly a complete turnover of members, and, at the end of the year, a referendum rendering it extinct. Through all this muddle, the SAC finally began to realize its position, its power, and its responsibility in Trinity government. The group began to make decisions and to take actions which had been long overdue. As far as the SGA is concerned, we have an interesting report from a hypothetical evaluation of that group. The majority of commenters felt that while the Student Government Association was effective, it had failed to establish a rapport with the student body. Students remained unaware of the efforts of the SGA-as one student put it, "Just where the hell is the student government office anyway?" A vocal minority of students did mention a variety of SGA accomplishments. Most often noted was the rising quality of the semi-annual course evaluation. The booklet was described as interesting and comprehensive, though a small number of students felt that its tendency to zap faculty members in comments showed a "lack of tact." Some students maintained that the reorganization of student government, which gives the SGA more authority, offered a potential for it to become a more effective group. A lesser number felt that the change would have a detrimental impact on the openness of student government. One student said that he could "smell the smoke-filled rooms already", but it was unclear whether he was praising or criticizing the new system.






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The Mather Hall Board of Governors, known to most of Trinity as MH BOG, is a group of individuals who manage to overcome individual differences in order to organize social events on campus. The past year witnessed some excellent events-many of them new to the College. Beyond the ritual of beer-saturated dances in the Washington Room, Trinity was introduced to the "Club T", with fine atmosphere and music by Ramsey Lewis. ABC News' Tom Jarriel spoke provocatively on Watergate. D. Hall and j. Oates dropped in for a mid-winter concert, and another event, co-sponsored by TCB and MH BOG, gave Trinity and the Hartford community Donald Byrd and the Blackbyrds. The JFK Assassination lecture was intriguing, and Spring Weekend, re-instituted after a six year absence, had its own unique impact on the campus. MHBOG's music program was diverse, ranging from the rock of The Fabulous Rhinestones, to the country of john Lincoln Wright, to the superb jazz of Osmosis and the gaelic jazz of jacob's Reunion. The scheduling was an attempt at variety. Glimmers of increasing student input to the Board's activities helped in this respect and should continue to be the source of future diversity. In the final analysis, the success of any particular event depends not upon the Board, but upon the time and effort put forth by the entire College community.



The athletic program at Trinity has seen many changes over the past twenty years. The emphasis on mandatory participation has declined to nonexistence, yet, we have at least as much interest in sports today as existed two decades ago. The original limited program has expanded drastically to presently include a full schedule of wor:nen's sports, as well as the traditional men's teams. The overall effect of the change has been one of unquestioned improvement. In 1955, each of the 900 males enrolled as fulltime students was required to participate in some form of physical education. The five major sports-football, baseball, soccer, basketball, and swimming-fielded both varsity and freshmen teams, as did the minor sports such as golf, tennis and squash. Those participating in the minor sports were considered on a level below the rest, unworthy of receiving the varsity letter that a football player might receive . The coaches of this era were extremely demanding, holding supreme authority over squads who did not question them as leaders. Some of these men even went so far as to

By Chris Max and Dave Lewis

exercise their rule by personally selecting team captains. Training was rigorous, and training rules were rigorously enforced. Into the early sixties, the athletic program received a great deal of support from the small student body, and school spirit was emphatically displayed-especially against arch-rival Wesleyan and the other schools of the "Little Three", Amherst and Williams. The mid-to-late 1960's were to prove a great test, taxing Trinity's ability to field competitive athletic teams. Students all over the country had turned away from athletics in favor of intellectual and activist pastimes. To Trinity students, in particular, sports seemed irrelevant within a larger context of national unrest and international hostility. Mandatory physical education requirements were tossed overboard along with required chapel, and ROTC, and conservative textbooks . In the spring of 1970, the discontent reached its peak. General unrest swelled into student strikes. The final half of the spring sports schedule was cancelled, leaving a few thwarted athletes and a large number of unconcerned protestors.

Certainly those days are distant memories when contrasted with the present situation . In the last several years, attitudes have once again changed and sports have regained the meaningful position they once had held. Students have come to realize that athletic competition, like fraternities, is neither totally good nor wholly worthless-that perfection of the body may indeed go hand in hand with training of the intellect. Nearly onefourth of the student body now engages in intramural sports, where the competition is no less intense than at the varsity level. Varsity sports make no distinction between "minor" and "major" teams and have expanded to include cross country, wrestling, crew, lacrosse, and hockey. Women's teams in field hockey, tennis, squash, basketball, and lacrosse have added to the diversity of athletic options at the College. Perhaps even more significantly, they have provided an excellent means to bridge the remaining gaps which exist in an institution which, for 146 years, was all male. Recently, several informal sports have been organized, and Trinity is proud to include among these one of the few fencing teams in New England. Overall, the student attitude toward athletics at Trinity has become more casual. Those who play are still as determined to win as in the past, but the coach no longer maintains his paramount po"scholar athlete" truly refers to a majority of those currently participating in sports. During formal competition, the crowds no longer seem to have the same blind spirit, supporting every team, win or lose; yet, overall encouragement varies from one sport to another. Indeed, football, soccer, hockey, and lacrosse are still major campus events, receiving substantial attendance from the student body. Trinity alumni, too, have always provided substantial and spirited support to all of the College's athletic endeavors. This year, in particular, saw record crowds at the autumn football games. When, finally, the Bantams tackled Wesleyan to establish an outstanding 7-1 record, Trinity graduates who, for years had waited hopefully upon splintery bleachers, received their welldeserved thanks.

sition as absolute ruler. The participants are freer to engage in their scholastic pursuits, and the term

No one will argue that Trinity today is a different school from that which existed twenty years ago. Thankfully, the changes in the athletic program over the years all seem to have been in a postive direction. The future for athletics here cannot help but appear bright, as sports slip comfortably into their place within that larger idea which makes a new Trinity what it is.

The 1975 varsity baseball team began their season enthusiastically, winning their first two games against Amherst and Williams. The highpoint of their year came later in their round of competitions, however, as senior pitcher Mike Getz (2-2 on the year) defeated an experienced Springfield College nine which had not lost to a college division team prior to meeting with Trinity. junior Steve Carlow (also 2-2 on the year) added to the Bantams' laurels by pitching a fantastic 2 hit shut out in mid season to defeat WPI 2-0. The team sported some well-developed talent this year with 4 hitters over .300 and 2 over .400. Pitcher jim Balesano, voted the Most Valuable Player, batted .442, followed by senior Captain and pitcher Dave Kuncio with an even .400. Senior pitcher Mike Getz finished strong at .363, and AI Juliano, a sophomore outfielder, won the William Frawley Most Improved Player Award batting .317. Close games lost to the University of Hartford and Colby College resulted in an overall record of 7-8, yet provided exciting afternoons for faithful Trinity fans. With ten lettering sophomores returning to the team, the newly elected co-captains, jim Balesano and john Wiggin, are expecting to improve the record next year. During the 1975 season Trinity defeated Amherst 14-13, Williams 12-5, WPI 2-0. Tufts 8-7, Bowdoin 7-5 and 7-3, and Springfield 7-6. They suffered losses to Coast Guard 3-6, University of Hartford 5-6, Bates 3-9, Tufts 2-4, Colby 4-5, Wesleyan 2-5, 1-9 and 4-6. james Balesano received the Sweet Batting Award. Lettermen were: Robert Andrian, James Balesano, Steven Carlow, Robert Ellis, Michael Getz, James Graves, Larry Haas, John Holik, Alan Juliano, David Kuncio, James McGrath, Jr., John Niekrash, Robert O'leary, Stephen Thoren, Richard Uluski, David Weselcouch, John Wiggin and Michael . Wyman. The team was coached by Robert Shults, and managed by Gregory Burns. 208


The 1974-1975 Varsity Basketball team, crippled by injuries and some internal problems, concluded an 8-12 season with only eight players remaining on the squad. Last year's leading scorer, Othar Burks was injured after the second game, and this year's leading rebounder, Captain Jim Sumler, missed the last two games of the season. Among the remaining eight players on the team were juniors Wayne Sokolosky, Stephen Haydasz, Robert "Bo" Pickard, Michael Mistretta and Peter Harris. Sokolosky was the team's leading scorer (19.8 points per game), won the Most Valuable Player Award for the second year in a row and was chosen as a member of the ECAC Division Ill All-New England Team. Pickard remained the top foul shooter (79%) for the second straight year, and Haydasz became the assist leader. Joining the five juniors, were sophomores David Weselcouch, Peter Switchenko, and Thomas Lines. Weselcouch earned a starting position at mid-season, led the team in shooting percentages (52%), and was ,selected for ECAC weekly honors. Wayne Sokolosky and Steve Haydasz were elected co-captains for the coming year. The 8-12 season included victories over Amherst 64-62, M.I.T. 61-45, Wesleyan 69-60, Hamilton 89-69, Queen 72-59, W.P.I. 79-66, Bowdoin 84-66, and Wesleyan 86-73. Losses came at the hands of Kings Point 74-67, Hartford 93-63, Wesleyan 59-53, Coast Guard 60-58, Williams 84-72, Middlebury 77-68, Amherst 79-70, Union 83-68, Colby 89-73, Tufts 87-76, Coast Guard 74-67, and Hartford 104-69. The team was coached by Robert Shults. 211

Trinity Crew closed its 1975 season with a squad of 54, the largest yet for Bliss Boathouse. Coaches Graf, Caldwell, and jordan provided strong direction to the rather large fleet. The Varsity Heavyweights posted a 9-1 record for the regular season. Their sole defeat came at the hands of a fine Coast Guard crew, and the full season included significant wins over strong St. joseph's and UMass crews, as well as a finely-executed 3 length victory over Marist College. At the Dad Vail, the Trinity heavies won both of their preliminary heats to advance to the finals. They placed fifth-only 2 seconds off of a second place finish and 9 seconds behind a terrifically fast Coast Guard crew. The Varsity Lightweights, under an excellent new coach, Curtis jordan, posted a 9-2 record. A string of seven straight victories included wins over UPI, Connecticut College, Coast Guard, WPI, Wesleyan, Drexel and Georgetown. An unexpected 11th place at the Vail did not dampen the group's spirits for next year's challenges, and with only two graduating seniors, the lightweights should be able to sustain their opening momentum for the entire 1976 season. The j.V. Heavyweights experienced a major reboating in the last weeks of the season adding four freshmen from the undefeated second freshman crew. Though they were able to consistently knock seconds off their time with each week's practice, they were unable to gain a place in the finals against the more experienced crews in their tough Vail heats. The j.V. Lightweights' season was one of consistently close races. Those against WPI and Georgetown were within margins of one or two seconds. Also, their sixth place finish at the Vail came at the hands of some very talented j.V. crews-notably the Coastguard and F.I.T. lightweight powers. The Freshman Heavyweights finished an excellent 9-1 season with only an early loss to an experienced UMass crew. Their season victories included Coast Guard, St. joseph's, and Williams. Their second place finish at the Vail was the best for Trinity freshmen in four years. Only a surprisingly fast crew from F.I.T. kept them out of the gold, and did so by only four seconds. A freshmen four and two pairs were formed near the end of the season. Since a four is a difficult boat even for experienced crewmen, the freshmen were unable to make the Vail finals after only two short weeks of practice. The pair without encountered steering problems and also missed the finals at the regatta. The pair with, steered by varsity women's coxswain Lisa Learned, rowed a strong finals race. They were hindered only by steering corrections made necessary when boats not in the race forced them out of their lane. 213




The Varsity Heavyweight boat was manned by BenJamm Brewster, Charles Poole, Burt Apfelbaum, Edward 路 Berghausen, James Plagenhoef, James Chapin, Clark Patteson, Harold Anderson, and Captain Philip Wendler. Benjamin Brewster received the Hartford Barge Club Rowing Trophy. Robert Cedarbaum, Geoffrey Booty, Peter Harris, Stephen Stueck, Jeff Bolster, James Cowdery, William Matthews, and Co-captains Andrew Isaac and Thomas Martin comprised the Varsity Lightweight boat. j.V. Heavyweights were John Fennerty, Richard Friedman, William Rogers, Kent Reilly, John Doolittle, Michael Mackey, Douglas Logan, Thomas Goldberg, and David Greenspan. Thomas Goldberg was recognized by the Torch Award. Robert Sears, Russell Iuliano, Brian Bacyzk, Richard Dombrowski, John Foy, Merrill O'Brien, Carl Shelley, Winslow Hayward, and Carey laporte made up the j.V. Lightweights. The Freshman Heavyweight boat was crewed by Edward Pardoe, Paul Wendler, Brent Cawelti, Harry Graves, Peter Van Loon, William Dodge, Stevenson Berghausen, Stewart Kerr, and Jacob Vinton. The David 0. Wicks Rowing Prize was awarded to Douglas Logan and Harry Graves. Freshmen Four were Steven Loyd, Russell Yang, Vincent Bilello, Howard Lombard, and Malcolm Daniel. Anthony Mazzarella, John Grous, and Lisa Learned crewed the Pair with Cox, and James Arnold and Milton Marder crewed the Pair Without.


Coach Rick Ricci put Trinity women's crew through vigorous land and water training in preparation for the 1974 rowing season. By late September the oarswomen were in top shape and looking forward to a successful year. Their high hopes unfortunately were dashed by a series of mishaps: collisions, broken riggers and jammed seats seemed to come in pairs. The Bantam women competed with both varsity and junior varsity eights. The varsity boat placed 2nd to UMass in the October 12th regatta, while Trinity's j.V. finished 3rd in the field of six. On October 27th, the major American fall regatta was held in Boston. At this event, the Head of the Charles, the varsity placed 14th, and the j.V.'s 27th, of 42. Trinity hosted the Connecticut Fall Regatta for the Genevieve H. Goodwin Cup. Enthusiastically, the Bantam women took the cup with wins in both varsity and junior varsity events. Varsity boat was crewed by Cuyler Overholt, Catherine Clark, Diana Kirk, Jody Scala, Laurie Tanner, Gail Doyle, Judy Owen, Captain Phoebe Kapteyn, and coxswain Robyn Wulsin. Members of the second boat were Eleanor Clements, Holly Clay, Lucie Richards, Nancy Hirschhorn, Kathleen Kirby, Deborah Packer, Audrey Hudson, Ramsay Gross and Gail Andrews.



The impending sense of doom awa1tmg this year's cross-country team would have been obvious to even the mildly perceptive onlooker, when, on the first day of practice, the coach walked out on crutches with a broken ankle. This injury was the first in a long line of mishaps which would haunt the team. The season seemed to benefit only the AMA and medical supply companies. What had appeared as the year in which the past tradition of losing would finally come to an end turned into a vain attempt to merely field a full team for all the meets. No one dared think about winning or losing. One by one, members of the team were hit with the Trinity curse in the form of beer mugs to the eye or broken ankles, until just three out of an orginal fifteen remained . (These three attributed their good fortune to the wearing of garlic in races and the avoidance of all sidewalk cracks while running.) The season produced only the usual win versus Miss Ford's School for Wayward Women and Pre-school boys, but on a whole had to be chalked up as another in the endless line or rebuilding periods. Also, the team did gain mention in Sports Illustrated, which noted the Trinity-Amherst meet as being one of the exciting things to do in Hartford. This well deserved publicity should aid in recruiting efforts as the team looks to change tradition once again next fall. Trinity's wins were to Williams 50-15; Coast Guard 50-15; Union 35-20; Amherst 5-4 (Extra innings); Wesleyan 47-16; with one loss to Travellers 25-31. Lettermen were Frederick P. Clark, james E. Forbes (Captain); and Numerals went to Paul j. Nelson, jonathan B. Sendor, and Michael L. Smirlock. The rest of the squad was Michael C. Cheney, Edward F. Hawkins, Henry C. Riley, Frank A. Holmes, Danny F. Howe, and William W. Ginsberg; and the coach was Howard N. Barnes. 218



The women's field hockey team had a most successful season this year. They finished with an impressive 6-2-2 record, and were tied for first place with Yale in the Fantastic Five field hockey league, which includes Brown, Connecticut College, Wesleyan, Yale, and Trinity. The team was busiest in their last four games, having to play three of them in only three days. They travelled to the Smith campus for a double contest against both Wellesley and Smith. Karen Blakeslee repelled all but one goal from Wellesley's offensive line and Trinity topped the first Massachusetts team 2-1. In an evening match, Smith proved more difficult to challenge, and the Trinity team succeeded only in equalling them 2-2. Later, Trinity's most exciting game against unbeaten Yale turned up only another frustrating tie, despite Ann jones' capable scoring efforts. For the season, the team defeated Brown 3-1, Western Connecticut 3-0, Connecticut College 2-1, Wesleyan 1-0, Wellesley 2-1, and Mount Holyoke 2-1. Losses went to Williams 0-2, and Miss Porter's 1-3. Tied games were with Smith 2-2, and Yale 1-1. Varsity letters were awarded to Mara Bentman, Karen Blakeslee, Barbara Clark, Dawn Eberhard, Margo Halle, Anne jones, Harriet Wentz, and Priscilla Williams. Numeral winners were Olivia Brown, Elizabeth Parker, Laured Perry, Christina Poole, and Megan Ryan. The team was lead by Robin Sheppard with the aid of Captains Barbara Clark and Margo Halle.



Nineteen seventy-four witnessed a revolution in Trinity football. No more rainy Saturdays with drenched uniforms and water-logged plays. A large squad defeated seven of their eight rivals, and did so with a spirit which should be emulated by future Trinity teams. This year's members contributed personal funds in order to take the full squad to overnight games at Colby and Middlebury. Even when, to their dismay, Williams was ranked number one in the New Englal)d Small College Athletic Conference, the Bantams maintained their admirable sportsmanship. The 'season was an uphill one after an initial three point loss to Williams. By d1e third game the defense began to dominate as Bill Curren and john Wiggen capitalized turnovers into scores, defeating RPI 27-7. At Colby, the offense took charge with an impressive scoring drive. Rick Tucci's punt return and Larry Haas' interception iced another victory 17-0. Trinity momentarily reached number one ranking as Middlebury was beaten in the mud, 17-14. On November 2, the Bantams returned home for the aggressive Coast Guard Cadets. Once again the offense rallied on a quick touchdown pass from George Rose to Bill Levy, and Trinity proved too strong for the Coasties, securing a 20-16 win. As Amherst came to Hartford, it became clear that their top ranking was in jeopardy. After falling b~hind at the start, the Bantams suddenly were propelled into the lead with a long TO pass to Tom Lines. Trinity defeated Amherst 24-19, taking over the number one ranking. In the season's finale, three first-half touchdowns, and a game-saving interception by Chris Max, were enough to polish off Wesleyan 21-15 and climax a seven-game win streak.


1974 was one of the finest football seasons at Trinity in years. Head Coach Don Miller was honored as the New England Small College Coach of the Year. He was assisted by Bill Sferro,Dick Taylor, Rick H~zelton, Ron Duckett, and George Sutherland. Special credit must be given to the seniors, led by Captains Harold Gray, winner of the Class of 1935 Award, Bill Curren, who won the Obfuscator Award, and Damien Davis, the winner of the Laser. Several Bantams received post-season recognition from the press: All New England Chris Max, Rich Tucci, and John Connelly; Second Team Bill Curren and Vic Novak; All-East Rich Tucci, Damien Davis, and Mike Maus. Lettermen were John Appler, James Balesano, Marvin Burruss, Tom Cangelosi, John Connelly, Bill C~rren, Damien Davis, Jeffrey Gove, Harold Gray, Larry Haas, John Holik, Gary Jones, Dave Kuncio, Gerald LaPlante, Anthony Lapolla, Phil Leone, William Levy, Thomas Lloyd, Michael Maus, Christopher Max, Thomas Melkus, Alex Murenia, George Niland, Victor Novak, Robert Parzych, George Rose, Peter Silkowski, Stephen Thoren, Richard Tucci, John Wholley, and John Wiggin. Numerals were awarded to Tom Barker, John Childers, Anthony Caccaglione, David Corratti, Donald Daigneau, Clement Darling, Robert Friedman, John Gillespie, Donald Grabowski, John Griglum, Patrick Heffernan, Daniel ladonisi, David Jancarski, Alan Juliano, Thomas Lines, Michael O'Hare, Robert O'Leary, Charles Reiss, Jeff Sands, William Shoff, Mark Stern, Anthony Trivella, Richard Uluski, and Gary Zabel. Other members of the squad were Othar Burks, Forrest Schofield, Robert Toomey and Richard Trachimowicz.



GOOr? The 1975 varsity golf team wrapped up its season with a record of six wins and five defeats. This year's varsity letter winners included Henry Bruce, Edward Staudinger, Jay Morgan, George Jensen, and Thomas Shultz. The individual ranking of team members was topped by Henry Bruce with 7 wins and 2 losses. Following him were Douglas Thorn with 5-4, Edward Staudinger with 4-5, jay Morgan with 4-5, Thomas Shultz with 3-3, and George jensen with 3-5. There were several other members of the squad who contributed a great deal to the total team effort. These men were Caleb Koeppel, Michael Daven, Edward Carpenter, and Larry Wells. The prospects for the 1976 season are very bright, as the Bantam golfers will lose only letterman Henry Bruce to graduation. Although Bruce was this year's number one golfer, next year's team still appears strong. The squad will be led by Edward Staudinger, and, with the help of many returning veterans and some freshmen talent, they will aim to better the 1975 record. During the regular season, Trinity defeated WPI 4-3, University of Hartford 4-3, Wesleyan 4-3, and MIT 4-3. Games were lost to URI 0-7, Springfield 1-6, and AIC 2-5. In medal play, the Bantams downed both Coast Guard and Williams, while losing to a strong Connecticut College team. At the Hartford Invitational, held in May, Trinity placed 10th, and in the New Englands they ranked 8th.


The Trinity Hockey Team proved itself worthy of its new varsity status as it closed its first season with a fifth place in divisional ranking, a 8-4 ECAC Division Ill record , and a 9-8 overall record. Though the skaters began slowly with a 1-3 standing at the semester break, they gained tremendous strength in the last half of the season, winning seven of their last nine games. Captain and senior left wing Mark Cleary provided the main impetus to the group, compiling a total of 21 goals and 18 assists for the year. He ended his skating career with Ill points-a Trinity record. Freshman center Tom Lenahan was a welcome addition to the team, finishing his first year of college competition with 20 goals and 19 assists to tie Cleary in total points. His frosh comrades, Doug Hamill, David Peters, Henry Finkenstaedt, and Chip Lalone, also gave the team some refreshing punch to supplement the precision and force of returning mainstays Sandy Weedon, jeff Ford, Rich Huoppi, and jim Lenahan.


In all, 16 different Bantams scored goals for Trinity during the season, and the team outscored its opponents 104-77. The IceBantams' three goalees, Tim Ghriskey, Frank judson, and Rudy Montgelas, proved invaluable in the nets. Ghriskey allowed 28 goals in 7 games for an admirable 4.0 average. He also won the distinction of recording 45 saves in a single game, to help Trinity down Wesleyan 7-6. judson compiled a 6.5 average with 35 goals allowed in 5.4 games, and Montgelas achieved a 2.8, permitting 13 goals in 4.7 games. junior defenseman Nick Brady received the A.C. Williams Hockey Cup Award. For the regular season, Trinity defeated MIT 10-1. Bentley 6-1. Assumption 11-5, Fairfield 6-3, Amherst 5-3, MIT 11-1, Wesleyan 7-6, Nichols 8-3, and lona 11-0. The Bantams lost to Nichols 6-7, Bryant 0-8, New Haven 5-8, Fairfield 1-6, UConn 8-11, Bryant 2-3, Babson 3-5, and Yale JV 4-6. Team members were Nicholas Brady, Mark Cleary, Bill Cunningham, William Dodge, Robert Ellis, Henry Finkenstaedt, Jay Fisher, Jeff Ford, Tim Ghriskey, Gary Francis, Doug Hamill, Mark Henderson, Rick Huoppi, Frank Judson, Fred Kingsley, Caleb Koeppel, Chip Lalone, Jim Lenahan, Tom Lenahan, Peter Milliken, Rudy Montgelas, David Peters, Alan Plough, Francis Shea, Morris Stroud, Peter Taussig and Sandy Weedon.


D&Glli8888 After disappointing losses in their first three games, the Trinity lacrosse team regrouped themselves and won five of the remaining seven games to close the season 5-5. Frustrating one-goal losses to Amherst 9-8, and M.I.T. 10-9 spoiled a nearly outstanding year. The Bantams went down 8-4 to Tufts in the season opener. After battling nationally ranked Bowdoin to a 5-6 halftime score, they experienced a second half collapse and were ultimately humbled 19-7. The following week the stickmen played an inspired and physical game against undefeated Amherst, only to lose in the final minute 9-8. During the remainder of the season, the Bantams scored substantial wins over Fairfield 16-3, Holy Cross 13-7, U Rl 218, Union 11-9, and Southern Conn 21-6. An outstanding M.I.T. goalie spurned a home game triumph, holding that score at 10-9. In the season final, the Bantams were disappointed at Wesleyan, losing 11-4 to the Cardinal Team ranked 15th nationally. Attackmen senior co-captain Mark Cleary with 23 goals and 18 assists, senior Bruce Bensley with 18 goals and 13 assists, and senior Chris Mooney with 21 goals and 5 assists were the 1975 scoring leaders. Bensley closed out a career setting four college scoring records: most goal s in a single season, ;33 in 1973; career goals 77, 197375; career total points 109, 77 goals and 32 assists; and total points in a single season, 41, a tie with teammate Mark Cleary in 1974. He also was voted the team's Most Valuable Player award in 1975. The midfield line of seniors Chris Max, co-captain David Lewis, and Rich Tucci were outstanding all season and established themselves as one of the finest lines ever in Trinity lacrosse. Goalie Jeff Ford graduates with two college records to his credit-single game saves (40) and single season saves (176). Lettermen were Christopher Adams, Bruce Bensley, Peter Braman, John Childers, Mark Cleary, William Curren, Carey Doyle, Mark Farber, Jeffrey Ford, Frank Judson, David Lander, Gerald LaPlante, Michael Leverone, David Lewis, David Ludlum, Christopher Max, Michael Moffitt, Christopher Mooney, Alex Murenia, Sean O'Malley, Alan Plough, Jeffrey Sands, Peter Stisser, Thomas Thacher, and Richard Tucci. Other team members were Clay Carley, Stephen Feid, and Greg Madding. The Boyer Award went to Bruce Bensley. john Childers was the Most Improved Player. The team, managed by Susan Grier and Robin Cohn, was coached by Chester McPhee. 230


This year's varsity soccer team, despite its record of 4-5-3, was the best club that Trinity and Coach Roy Dath have had in five years. In terms of player personnel, the team worked well together. More importantly, it remained one solid unit, both on and off the field. Added depth from a well-skilled sophomore class, combined with the experience of several returning lettermen, enabled the team to enjoy an outstanding first half of the season. Trinity defeated Bowdoin 3-1, MIT 1-0, and Connecticut College 3-2, while losing only to Williams 2-4 and Tufts 1-2. The highlight of the year came during an overnight trip, in which the Bantams knocked off a tough Middlebury club 2-1. Unfortunately, the second half of the season was more frustrating than the first. The team went 0-3-3, losing to Union 7-2, Coast Guard 3-2, and Amherst 3-2, while tying both Bentley and the University of Hartford 1-1, and Wesleyan 3-3. Robert Andrian received the Most Valuable Player Award, and James Solomon was recognized as the Most Improved Player. Varsity letters were won by Robert Andrian, Jeff Brown, Jeff Chin, Malcolm Davidson, Peter Donovan, Rob Fernald, Chris Harris, Alexander Harvey, Blair Heppe, Chris Jennings, Andy Kaufman, Jeff Kelter, John Kendall, Jim McGrath, Peter Mindnich, Mark Moore, Hobie Porter, Tom Richards, Duffy Shea, Jay Shinkle, and Jim Solomon.



Take Trinity's squash team .. . Please. The following is a test of your perceptive abilities Look at the varsity squash pictures for five seconds, cover it up, and try to answer the following: 1) How many matches do you think this crew really won during the 74-75 season? 2) Who gets Lawyer-of-the-Year award for compiling a one-and-a-half page dissertation on how challenge matches should work? 3) Which three stooges will be tri-captains next year? 4) Who thinks it's absurd for a squash team to have tri-captains? If you have answered that the team has won 11 matches, that Mal Owen received the Lawyer-of-the- Year award, that Charles Stewart, Mal Owen, and Hobie Porter will be tri-captains next year, and that absolutely everyone thinks it is absurd for a squash team to have tri-captains, then you are definitely preceptive.


We hope that you were perceiving the various high-points of the 19741975 squash gamut as well. Bill Ferguson maintained the most outstanding record at 13-3, while Carl Torrey followed up with a close second at 12-4. Sophomores Sam Thayer and Andy Fowler both broke into the varsity squad with 1-2 records, and a welcome eighth place, out of a possible 24, was secured in the six-man National lntercollegiates. The full squad, rounded out by Tom Ricks, Craig Shields, John Gates, Tim Cross, and Blair Heppe, stood 11th for the regular nine-man season with wins over Amherst 5-4, Colby 9-0, Bowdoin 6-3, Wesleyan 9-0, Hobart 8-1, Wesleyan 9-0, Cornell 8-1, Stony Brook 8-1, Franklin and Marshall 6-3, Amherst 5-4 and MIT 8-1, and losses to Navy 4-5, Army 27, Yale 0-9, Williams 1-8, and Princeton 0-9. Charles Stewart received the Brainard Squash Racquets Award, and Craig Shields was recognized as the Mason Most Improved Squash Player.




The women 's squash team pulled through another spectacular season as the sizzling 13member squad finished with a victorious 7-3 season. Sophie Bell and Vickie Tilney, our star players, led the team to success while sharing the number one and two positions. Depending upon who was not hungover or who showed up for challenge matches, our fluctuating ladder usually had Carol Powell at 3, Carol Monaghan at 4, Mimi Coolidge at 5, Ellen Kelly at 6, Barb Fischer at 7, Margie Erhart at 8, and Diana lee and Vivi Dunklee fighting for 9 and 10. The rest of the team consisted of Andrea Hoar, Anne Thornton, and Karen Blakeslee. The Howe Cup Matches further prove,d the talent of the team as Trinity came home with only one loss, which was to the powerful Princeton players. Our victories were over Franklin and Marshall, Darmouth, Vassar, Wellesley, Brown, Penn, and Yale. At the end of the season we sent our choice players to Radcliffe for the Nationals. Unfortunately Vickie Tilney was ill, but Trinity made an excellent showing. Sophie Bell emerged with a national ranking of ninth. Next year the girls plan to take on Princeton without any problem. All in all, Trinity (including the boy's squash squad) can certainly be proud of this team. The team's overall results were: Vassar 4-3, Smith 7-0, Wesleyan 9-0, Rosemary Haii7-0, Radcliffe 6-1, Franklin and Marshaii7-0, Wellesley 7-0, Taft 3-5, Yale 2-5, and Williams 3-6. The team was coached by Jane Millspaugh. Sophie Bell was the recipient of the Virginia Kurth Award .



8WUWJWJUWG The 4-6 record compiled by the 1974-75 swim team was not indicative of their encouraging and highlighted season. The Bantams defeated RPI in the season opener 58-55, then downed Union 65-48, WPI 5756, and Holy Cross 61-37. Three records were set this winter: Kent Reilly established a new college time in the 1000-yard freestyle at 11 :06 and a new freshman record of 2:12 in the 200-yard backstroke. Walter Stewart churned the water to establish a record in the 200-yard individual medley with a time of 2:14. Four swimmers, of the eleven, and both divers, scored 50 or more points over the ten meets. Kent Reilly was the high man with 90 points for the campaign and won the Slowik Most Valuable Sw.immer Award as a result. There were many exciting races throughout the meets. The freestyle relay team of Walt Stewart, Frank Grubelich, Dave Teichmann, and Kent Reilly turned in many fine efforts, winning a very tough race against RPI. Barbara Hayden and Barbara Clark turned in firsts in both the optional and required diving events against WPI, Union and Holy Cross, and together accounted for 104 points. Robert Meyer shared the Slaughter Most Improved Award with Barbara Hayden. Ron Williams, captain of the team, won the Brian Foy Captains Award. Letters were won by Barbara Clark, Michael O'Brien, and Ronald M. Williams. Numeral award winners were James T. Bradt, Francis A. Grubelich, Robert C. Meyer, Walter L. Stewart, and David L. Teichmann. Other members of the squad were Charles D. Glanville, Barbara E. Hayden, Steven W. Lloyd, Scott MacDonald, Kent D. Reilly, and Peter Wenig. The coach, Robert D. Slaughter, was assisted by Chester H. McPhee. Broken into events, the squad consisted of freestylers Grubelich, MacDonald, Reilly, Teichmann, Wenig, and Williams; backstrokers Meyer and Reilly; breaststrokers Bradt and Lloyd; butterfly Glanville and O'Brien, and individual . ;medley Lloyd and 路. Stewart.


The tennis team at Trinity has grown as have the tennis facilities. Three new courts have been added to the 11 existent (3 indoors, 8 outdoors). Similar to a corky-asphalt composition, these grass-tex courts provide a different surface to further the skills of the players. Practices were more formal during the 1975 season. Sessions were spent with strenuous drills. For the first time in the history of the college, freshmen were allowed to play matches in which other schools allowed freshmen players. The freshmen provided depth, as two were able to hold positions in the starting six. As a result, Trinity had a better season than those of the immediate past. Wins were over Connecticut College, UCONN, and URI. Despite an unimpressive 3-6 record, an improvement was seen in the lost matches, several of which were very close. The tennis team was coached by Roy Oath, and was captained by John Lynham. Lettermen were john Lynham, james Solomon, and Mark Williams. Other members of the squad were Peter Collins, Peter Feinman, William Ferguson, Thompson Haskins, Robert Martin, John McKenna, and jonathan Porter. The freshmen members of the squad were Peyton Fleming, Charles Johnson, Steven Roberts, and Andrew Vermilye. Trinity defeated Connecticut College 90, URI 5-4, and UCONN 7-2. Matches were lost to Yale 0-9, Amherst 2-7, Springfield 2-7, MIT 2-7, Williams 0-9, and Wesleyan 4-5. John Lynham and Mark Williams received the Gold Award. Robert Martin, recipient of the Craig Award, was recognized as the Most Improved Player. 240



The women's tennis team finished its fall season with an excellent eight and two record. Freshman Barbara Fischer and senior Emily Barron shared the number one position, while Vivi Dunklee and Mimi Coolidge rallied for positions three and four. Vickie Tilney and Deirdre Redden rounded out the singles group in fifth and sixth positions respectively. The doubles squad consisted of Gwynne MacColi and Sophie Bell, Frederica Miller and Ellen Sherman, Beth Dean and Robin Smith, Sarah Barrett and Ellen Kelly, and Susan Everts and Amy Cohen. As in past years, the Lady Bantams continued to play outstanding tennis in the Connecticut State Collegiate Women's Tennis Tournament. In the tournament doubles, Emily Barron and Mimi Coolidge defeated Vickie Tilney and Deirdre Redden 5-7, 7-5, 6-3 in an all-Trinity finals match. Barbara Fischer placed second in the singles finals losing to Josie Curran of Connecticut 'College 6-2, 6-2. The women's squad finished its season on a commendable note as both doubles teams went on to the finals in the New England Women's Tennis Tourney. Freshmen Barbara Fischer and Vivi Dunklee defeated Emily Barron and Mimi Coolidge in straight sets to win the championship 7-5, 6-1. In regular season play, the Lady Bantams dropped their first match 6-3 to Williams, then defeated Yale 5-4 and lost to Brown by the same score, 5-4. They then won their next seven matches over Smith 9-0, Springfield College 8-1. Mount Holyoke 6-3, Holy Cross 9-0, Connecticut College 6-3, University of Connecticut 5-4 and Wesleyan 7-2. Letters were won by Emily Barron, Mary H. Coolidge, Victoria M. Tilney, Deirdre A. Redden, Gwynne MacColl, Sophie B. Bell, Elizabeth L. Dean, Robin D. Smith, and Frederica M. Miller. Numeral awards went to Barbara A. Fischer, Virginia V. Dunklee, and Ellen S. Sherman. The team was coached by Jane A. Millspaugh.



Following a five-year drought, the track team finally put together a winning season. While finishing 2-3 in dual meet competition, a second place finish in an Assumption College sextangular contest left the team with a 6-4 overall record. Head Coach Richard Hazelton's first year at Trinity was sparked by a large crew of talented freshmen, who comprised half of the thirtyfour member team. The highlight of the season came at the Wesleyan meet with joe Calabro's pole vault of 13'6"-a new Trinity record. Calabro duplicated this effort in the Easterns, yet faced especially tough competition there. Co-captains Gary Morgans and Vic Novak also participated in the Easterns, each garnering sixths in their respective events: the 100-yard dash and shot put. Novak's muscle led him to be the team's top scorer with 48 points, followed by Harvey Bumpers and Hobie Porter. Varsity letters were awarded to Don Baur, joe Calabro, John Connelly, jim Forbes, Tom Lines, Vic Novak, Hobie Porter, Hal Smullen, Eric Wright, and john Ziewacz, while Harvey Bumpers, Walter Champion, Ron Grand Pre, Ned Hawkins, Dan Howe, Brett MacInnes, Dave Poulin, and Rich Wang won freshman numerals. Recipients of the Gold Award for three years' varsity service were Jeff Clarke and Gary Morgans. Other team members included Pete Bielak, Bruce Bucklin, Fred Clark, Rob Fernald, Don Grabowski, Dave Henderson, Tom Heslin, Rich Lovering, Marc Montini, Rob Pawlick, George Piligian, John Wholley, and Pete Silkowski. The Robert S. Morris Outstanding Track Performer award went to senior Gary Morgans. Assisting Richard Hazelton this year were coaches Dick Taylor and Ron Duckett. During the regular season Trinity defeated Amherst 104-50, and Wesleyan 85-69. Losses were to Williams 43-110, Union 49-96, and WPI 52-102.

Wrestling is without doubt one of the most physically and mentally demanding sports ever played. It requires quickness, perfect body control, and a sharp mind. With moves and combinations being executed in the blink of an eye, surely mental alertness is essential. This year's Trinity wrestlers were able to demonstrate all these skills with great proficiency, resulting in an important milestone for the team. Under the fine coaching of Richard "Takedown" Taylor, the determined grapplers not only won their first match ever, but finished with a 4 win, 7 loss record in a very tough division. The outstanding performances were many, but most admirable was the consistency and skill of co-captain Mike "Rooster" O'Hare. Sophomores Dave "Cautious" Coratti, Rob M.B. Friedman, Phil Meister, Carey Doyle, Rick Meier, and Dave Rosen all showed tremendous ability with Coratti attaining a final 7-4 record and Friedman wrestling 'very well in the New England Championships . . The freshmen performed far beyond traditi~al expectations with inspired wrestling by Sc tt Goddin, Chip Meyers, Brian O'Donoghue, .ick Benson, and Peter U.S.M.C. Bielak. Meyers lwas the team's most improved wrestler but hardly unnoticed were O'Donoghue's undefeated 5-0-1 season, Goddin's record of 6-5, and Benson's incredible poise, equalled only by that of co-captain Dave "Kat" Katzka. Unfortunately, the few words here can hardly express the dedication shown by every Trinity wrestler this year. Only the highest respect is deserved by Coach Taylor and the 1974-1975 Trinity Grapplers. The 1974-75 Water Polo Team saw the return of All-New England selectees Bill Brown and David Teichmann, with Honorable Mention selectees Eugene Shen, Jimmy Bradt and Robert Meyer rounding out the defensive field . Sophomore talents such as Ed Carpenter, Bob Greenwalt, Frank Grubelich and Dave Rosen joined the new freshman squad of Scott MacDonald, Steve Berghausen, Chip Glanville, Steve Lloyd, and Kent Reilly to compile an overall record of 7-6 in regular season play. Trinity swept all of its home games save one, which was lost to UMass 24-20. During this bout David Teichmann tied Bill Brown's record of 11 goals in a game. The Duck's victory over Brown at the University's own Invitational Tournament, and the New England In-

tercollegiate Water Polo Championships were other 1974 highlights. During the regular season, victories were secured over Rhode Island, Brown, Amherst, and University of Connecticut, while close losses went to University of Massachusetts, MIT, Dartmouth, Boston College, and Yale. The team's showing in the New Englands was impressive, although not up to its full potential, Trinity lost the first game to Boston College in the last ten seconds with a 6-5 score, then suffered a bitter defeat at the hands of the Southern Connecticut squad. In the final game, Trinity lost to UMass 9-6. The standing of the team in the league's Southern Conference was fourth out of twelve teams. David Teichmann, high scorer for the tournament, was the lone Duck to gain All-New England honors. He set a season record for goals with 96 tallies, while goalie Shen mastered the highest number of saves at a season record of 257. jimmy Bradt also set a defensive record of 5 blocked shots in a single game. An overall standing of 7-9 included triumphs over UNH 18-7, URI 17-9, BROWN 8-7, URI 13-8, UCONN-Storrs 14-8, Amherst 15-9, UCONN-Avery Point 23-3, and losses to UMASS 20-24, Yale 6-12, Dartmouth 6-

10, Boston College 7-11, MIT 7-11, Southern Connecticut State 8-13, Boston College 9-10, Southern Connecticut State 1-12, and U MASS 9-

13. The Trinity Fencing Club enthusiastically began its 1975 season with a fine 15-12 victory over W.P.I. Co-captains Rick Dubiel and Mark Farber anticipated a successful season, only to have their hopes dashed by a 9-18 fiasco against Fairfield. The team vacillated between ecstasy and despondency throughout the season, and finally compiled a 6 and 7 record, finishing in fifth place in the New Englands, held at Boston College. The team defeated W.P.I., Concord High School, Brandeis, Northeastern, Vassar, and Dartmouth, while losing to Fairfield, Holy Cross, Muhlenberg, Yale, Brown, S.M.U., and M.I.T. 247

One climactic moment that team members will savor for years to come, occurred during the Concord match when senior Jeff Martin recovered from a 1-3 deficit, capturing the decisive last bout at 6-5 to win the match single handedly. During the annual banquet held at Pippie's, Martin was presented with the Taylor Trophy. Co-captain Rick Dubiel received the Chase Award, and Coach Ralph Spinella was positively elated with the rapier that was presented to him.

game. The team finished the season with a record of 4-6, which in no way indicates the amount of time and effort put into the sport by the team members. Wins over Miss Porters, St. Joseph's of Vermont, Connecticut College, and Sacred Heart accompanied losses to Williams, Yale, Wesleyan,

The members of the team, coached by Ralph Spinella were, in epee: Jeffrey R. Martin, Richard S. Elliott, and Jeffrey H. Monaghan; in foil: Cocaptain Richard M. Dubiel, Lawrence R. Glassman, Lucien V. Rucci, and James S. Merrell; in sabre: Co-captain Mark D. Farber, David J. Weisenfeld, Roger I. Schreck, and Howard G. Cropsey; in women's foil: Katherine F. Cogswell, Honor Lassalle, and Coach Spinella's pet, Jane F. Kelleher. This was a year of growth for the Trinity College Women's Basketball Team. Membership increased from a meager six in 1974 to a squad of thirteen regulars in 1975. Included in this dedicated and untiring group of athletes were: Tina Poole and Dawn Eberhard (co-captains), Betty Collins, Liz George, Cilia Williams, Brenda Laufs, Meg McGrail, Lisa Calesnick, Nancy McCarthy, Pat Kraczowsky, Maureen Healy, Meredith Dixon and Nancy McDermott. High scorer of the season was the inimitable Nancy McDermott who poured in an average of 10.5 points per

Fairfield and Eastern Connecticut. All in all, it was an enjoyable and worthwhile season for those involved, and not enough thanks can go to coach Robin Sheppard and her able assistant, Drew Hyland. The Women's lacrosse team was once again considered an informal sport; yet, this was a more productive year than 1974 as the members posted a 4-5 record. With 40 women appearing at the first practice, the season promised to be exciting, and an initial loss to Connecticut College did not dampen the players' spirits. During a second match at Yale, Barb Hayden, Margo Halle, Susan Eckles, and Sally Rogers all demonstrated keen scoring abilities, though a less consistent defense allowed Yale the game at 7-5. For the season, wins were over Brown 8-4, Smith 8-5, Miss Porter's 42, and Wesleyan 16-2, while losses went to Connecticut College 4-11, Yale 5-7, Rosemary Hall 37, Mt. Holyoke 4-8, and Williams 9-10. The three high scorers, each with 14 goals, were Barbara Hayden, Susan Eckles, and Sally Rogers. Tri-captains were janie Papps, Margo Halle, and Barbara Hayden. Members of the 1975 squad were: Susan Eckles, Barbara Hayden, Margo Halle, Ellen Burchenal, Sally Rogers, laurie Tanner, Olivia Brown, Janie Papps, liz Barnes, Arney Witbeck, Laura Mountcastle, Edie Gibbons, jean Beckwith, Karen Blakeslee, Cynthia Stroud, Stacey Hewit, Ann Thorne, Robin Wulsin, Nancy Gunner, Betsy Nalle, Cynthia Wessick, Karen Kelsey, Nancy Thornton, Mary Fish, Sarah Greve, Beth levin, linda Eldridge, Carol Hunts, and Megan Ryan. The team was coached by Robin Sheppard.

Though the Indoor Track season was not an extensive one in terms of the number of competitions entered, the Bantams did secure a more successful record than they had in past years. In dual meets, the team was 1-1, narrowly defeating Central Connecticut 52-50, and suffering a significant loss to Coast Guard 86-27. Under the spirited coaching of Richard Hazelton, the Bantams placed third at the Williams Invitational. The Amherst Relays allowed several of Trinity's talented track men to demonstrate their skills. Though there were no team rankings at this meet, Trinity earned a first, a third, and two fourths. Vic Novak and Dave Poulin won the shot put, with 47'2" and 44'2", respectively. Pole vaulters joe Calabro and Hal Smullen placed third in their competition. Calabro's vault measured 12'0" and Smullen's, 11'6". The sprint team of Harvey Bumpers, Walter Champion, Jeff Clark, and Ned Hawkins took a fourth, as did the four lap relay team of Bumpers, Champion, Don Bauer, and Gary Morgans. Though the team entered no one in the New England Indoor Championships this year, next year's Bantams should be anxious for this competition. Many underclassmen are returning to the team, and these men should receive a hearty boost from the outstanding achievements of the outdoor track squad during its spring season. Members of the Indoor Track Team were: Donald Baur, Harvey Bumpers, joseph Calabro, Walter Champion, Frederick Clark, Jeffrey Clark, james Davenport, Edward Hawkins, Richard Lovering, Brett Macinnes, Gary Morgans, Victor Novak, George Piligan, David Poulin, Harold Smullen, and Eric Wright.



To those skeptics and sophists who claim that Trinity College has never contributed anything worthwhile to the great Western Tradition, I reply that they are gravely ignorant. The institution, once known as Washington College, has given birth to the ideological school of Dietzism. Not many of the prep school and large suburban high school intelligentsia have heard of this major advance in the thought of man; nonetheless, this ideology lies at the heart of many people at Trinity College. Through numerous courses, discussion with learned men and women, various readings in the libraries of the world, and a survey of graffiti in american railroad stations, I have heard of marxism, pacifism, anarchism, utilitarianism, communism, capitalism, utopianism, anachronism, excretionism, mysticism, platonism, and thomism. Yet only in a backroom of the Watkinson library-next to the section on marked disposal, did I come across the works of Dietzism. Allow me to give a brief analysis of its orgins. The ideology known as Dietzism was founded during the depression at Trinity by a professor named Ulysses Grant Dietz. Dietz had been a member of the College's class of 1920. The first Dietzist publication, an article entitled "The Depths of Superficiality", appeared in the 1926 Spring issue of A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY BEING. As his notebooks indicate, Dietz had really begun to formulate his thoughts during his days as a student at Trinity. To understand Dietz's writing from this period, a brief explanation of his life is helpful. Born on Ground Hog's Day 1899, Ulysses came into a previously wealthy Boston family. His father, Pap Joe Dietz, had lost the family fortune on a bet with an Italian immigrant concerning who was buried in


Grant's tomb. Since the name Ulysses Grant carried the power of taking away the family fortune, Papa joe persuaded his wife Mabel to name their son Ulysses Grant. While father was forced to become a clerk for a Boston bank, mother encouraged Ulysses to read as soon as he could . Mabel taught her only son English by the age of one year, and started him on Latin the day after his first step. By the age of three, Ulysses was fluent in English, Latin, and Greek, reading the introductory works of the great masters and discussing them with his mother. At the age of ten, Mabel and Papa joe went to Ulysses' headmaster and asked that their son be given a six year prep program for the entrance exam to Harvard College. The request was granted, and Ulysses absorbed himself in the lives of Latin, Greek, and great English writers. Finally, Ulysses' big day came-April15, 1915. He appeared in front of the Harvard examing board and greatly impressed its members with his extensive knowledge. Harvard, however, was not looking for Ulysses Grant Dietz. No, they needed someone who could quarterback the single wing offense, or someone who could scull down the

Charles and keep Radcliffe girls away from the perverted Nick Carroway types. So, he was denied admission to the Ivy League. Nevertheless, ivy was not to be banished from Ulysses' life altogether. Soon he matriculated at the viney walls of Trinity College. At Trinity, Ulysses worked hard and studiously; yet, his grade average was little better than a C. Sometimes, however, he would seem to reach brilliance. His essay on Nero won a prize in his seminar on the History of Major Decadent Figures. This disparity between genius and mediocrity can be attributed to the fact that Ulysses forgot English during the summer between his second and third years at Trinity. Though no concrete evidence can be found for the cause of this lapse, writings from his notebooks suggest that his love affair with a Greek prostitute from East Cambridge shocked him out of the American culture. Dietz's diary, composed of sonnets written in Greek and constructed so that three syllables are to the line, shows the beginning of his philosophical thought during this period. Let me quote the ending of a sonnet called "Sex". (the translation is mine) I am you when we sleep together but why are we ourselves instead of someone else? Besides the complex rhyme scheme and the metrical equilibrium achieved in this work, the fact that Ulysses is asking a question is significant. The significance is that the question is meaningless, a point which is the basis of his later works. As early as 1917, Dietz was experimenting with this topic that was to preserve him forever. In 1918, Ulysses gave up poetry for good. He felt, as Rimbaud had in the previous century, that as a poet his life and vision would be shattered. In a letter to his mother, Ulysses wrote: "My life is not meant for verse. I have re-discovered prose. Yes, yes, yes, prose is the true form of expression. "A close look at this passage illustrates Ulysses' introductory thought in two basic philosophical issues, i.e. his life (or the existence of the individual) and true form. Obviously, the discovery of prose is a mediation between these two issues. It is clear that Ulysses wanted to find the true form of his life through his prose. (For an example of


his most valued attempt at this, check the Introduction to his first treaties, A Critique of Meaningless Reason.) Until his first critique appeared in 1927, Ulysses kept himself alive by working as a research assistant for a professor at the University of Chicago. During this time, he also wrote the Critique and submitted it for a P.H.D. thesis in philosophy. The professors in the department decided to sponsor the Critique for publication, and the grace of their prestige and wisdom made Ulysses a philosopher in print as well as a philosopher in matter. Several faculty members on Trinity's Educational Policy Committee read the Critique and contacted Ulysses about chairing the department. He agreed. With a solid job behind him, he returned east, returned to the land of his roots, to the land of his flaming love affair with a Greek whore-whom he had lost track of, thank god. In those days a professor had to teach three for such were the requirements of a "Full Time Teasing Equivalent." Ulysses offered the following: "Philosophy of the Wilderness," "Philosophy of Labor and Wages and Capital Investment ~ourses,


and Income Tax Returns," and a Senior Seminar on "Being and Meaninglessness." In the spring he offered: "Philosophy of Life"-an inquiry into how one lives without doing anything other than thinking-"Essence and Love"-a study of philosophical romance-and a Seminar in "Advanced Meaninglessness and Language." Early in his second year of teaching, a student in his Senior Seminar came up with a question relating to appearance and mental capacity. A diary of Ulysses dated September 1928 phrases the question in this manner: "Do I look like I think? Or, do I think like I look?" Ulysses began to formulate notes on this topic. In his classes he began proposing related questions, all in an attempt to resolve the issue. However, no breakthrough was recorded until March of the next year, when the diary reported: "If my appearance is meaningless, and if I think how I look, then how I think or what I think is meaningless as well." The use of the private and commutative properties in formulating this thesis is central. After recording this syllogism, Ulysses felt that he had accomplished a major breakthrough in his work. Many critics, I among them, agree that Ulysses' second and greatest

work stemmed from this note. Of course, I am referring to his treatise On Why Things Are the Way They Are and Therefore Cannot Be Changed. From this note he deduced the famous opening line of the treatise: "If I am meaningless, and I am myself and not someone else or something else, then how can I change into something meaningful?" As soon as he wrote this sentence, he realized the tremendous potential of such a topic. He immediately asked for an indefinite leave of absence to write his treatise. In 1929, he began, and by 1932 he had finished. Some scholars have pointed out that a Republican administration had led the people into a depression, but this fact is indeed meaningless in relation to Ulysses' work. Ulysses wrote mostly in his living room on Retreat Avenue overlooking the Institute of Living. When he found himself stuck on a point or position of logic, his mind wandered over there quite freely. It has been said that he worked over twelve hours a day on this book and its length of three volumes over 1,200 pages reveals just such an enormous effort. Perhaps the most important part of the work is the "Preface to the Introduction of the Prefactory Premises": "If matter is meaningless and therefore does not matter, then we must ask why matter instead of not matter? But this is not the only question. l-as an individual-am matter, thus it follows that I cannot be not matter. So the question: If I am matter and cannot be not matter, then how can I significantly change? This treatise is an inquiry into the change of matter: the possibilities of such change, the desirability of such change, and, of course, the feasibility of such change."

working with their institutions in applying all of their energies to a total comprehension of change. Here at Trinity, students begin with the Dietzist perspective. They understand that not-matter cannot change into matter. The administration has geared itself to providing and stimulating this intensive inquiry into not matter. When asked to take a stand or to make a commitment, students and administration at Trinity have pondered for many hours, finally realizing that change would not matter. Since it is not matter, then why change? This is the central question of the Dietzist school. Many Dietzists all over the world, from San Clemente to Turkey, to Lon Nol, to the Chase Manhattan Bank, to King Faisal, to Earl Butz, to the Phillipines, to South Boston, to Mayor Daley, to Hartford, to Spain, to President Thieu in Saigon, and finally to the Great American C.I.A., will soon come together and form the International. They will march again; the streets will be theirs. And most of all, Ulysses Grant Dietz will not lie forgotten in the grave.

This impassioned passage captures the core of man's intellectual humanity as it has stood for over a thousand years. Dietz has struck out at dogma, at mere intellectualism, at the decline of decadence. He asks for no changes, and cannot get them. With the grace of his passionate intelligence, he tries to systemize change and understand its implications. Students all over the world now are doing the same thing. They are asking: "What is change?", and approaching the problem with their professors, other humans, and politicians. They are refusing to give up their search for the understanding of change. Many have committed their lives to gaining this invaluable intellectual knowledge. Yes, in the true Dietzist mold, students all over the world are




John R. Abbot, 230 Elm Street, Concord, Massachusetts 01742; Brian H. Abery, 693 Broadview Terrace, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; James W. Abrams, 1722 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, Connecituct 06517; Richard L. Abrams, 1505 Paper Mill Road , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; Steven B. Abrams, Meadow Road, Old Westbury, New York 11568; Stanley M. Ackert, 45 Mt. Morris Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604; Meredith B. Adler, 212 Winding Brook Road, New Rochelle, New York 10804; George D. Adrian, 14 Goodrich Road, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; Raymond Albo, 401 Torry Avenue, New York, New York 10473; Linda H. Alexander, 2854 Montgomery Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122; Charles Alfano, 22 Fenwick Street, Hartford , Connecticut 06114; Andrea K. Alfonso, 24 Pondview Drive, Springfield, Massachusetts 01118; Elizabeth K. Allen, 504 Goose Lane, Guilford, Connecticut 06437; Kent E. Allen, 126 Nortontown Road, Madison, Connecticut, 06443; Stephen P. Alpern, 3302 Barrington Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21215; Leonard M. Alpert, 100 A Station Road , Great Neck, New York 11023; Dita G. Amory, Box 336, Old Westbury, New York 11568; William C. Amory, 46 Beaverbrook Lane, Duxbury, Massachusetts 02332; Gail P. Andrews, Greenville Road, Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895; Gary S. Ankuda, 6 Cumberland Street, Hartford, Connecticut 061 06; Richard J. Annulli, 82 Griswold Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; Jane F. Annunziata, 7 Vineyard Road, Branford, Connecticut 06405; Joy G. Anquilare, 509 Norton Parkway, New Haven, Connecticut 06501; Robert Aranson, 177 Caleb Street, Portland, Maine 04102; James H. Arnold, 33 White Birch Lane, Cos Cob, Connecticut 06807; Louis J. Aronne, 2955 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, New York 11229; Edward C. Asche, 8017 Seminole Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; Richard L. Ashley, Jr., 15 West Northern Parkway, Baltimore, Maryland 21210; Julianna Attwood, P.O. Box 311, Fordyce, Arizona 71742; Susan L. Avitabile, 288 Pineridge Road, Torrington, Connecticut 06790


Paul A. Backoffen, 41 Union Place, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Brian M. Baczyk, 220 Curtis ~~-~ Street, New Britian, Connecticut 06053; Justin E. ~ Baer, Tashmoo Avenue, Vin~yard Haven, Massachusetts 02568; Mark L. Baird, 105 North Street, Milford, Connecticut 06460; Peter M. Baker, 25 Stratford Street, West Roxbury, Massachusetts 02132; William Clayton Baker, 7332 Brightside Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21212; James E. Balesano, 150 Oak Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Marie M. Balian, 155 Warrenton Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06105 . Nancy J. Barber, 19 Lorraine Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Thomas J. Barker, 26 Bonneta Circle, Chicopee, Massachusetts 01020; Elizabeth A. Barnes, 712 Spring Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128; Mimi Baron, 8124 University Drive, Clayton, Missouri 63105; Gino A. Barra, 180 East 79th Street, New York, New York 10021; Sarah A. Barrett, 303 North Wind Road , Ruxton, Maryland 21204; William H. Barrows, 2029 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105; Margaret A. Bartholomay, 5301 North 68th Street, Scottsdale, Arizona 85253; Carlisle S. Bascom, 24 Tenney Street, Georgetown, Massachusetts 01833; Donald A. Baseman, 215 Barclay Circle, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania 19012; Andrew H. Bassford, 18 Stockade Road, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092; Charles L. Bathke, 661 Fairmount Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 255

55105; Steven G. Batson, 3202 Delwynn Drive, Wilmington, Delaware 19803; John D. Battle, 3200 Garfield Street, Washington D.C. 20008; Donald C. Baur, 70 Parkside Terrace, Meriden, Connecticut 06450; Carol J. Bawden, 1290 Lakeside, Birmingham, Michigan 48009; Sarah H. Bean, 2221 Stoneridge Road, Schenectady, New York 12309; Robert E. Becherer, 305 Park Pla ce, Lincoln, Illinois 62656; A. Tracey Becken, 260 Fischer Circle, Portsmouth, Rhode Island 02871; Elizabeth B. Becker, 80 Highland Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14222; Marcie A. Becker, 32 Conant Road, Weston, Massachusetts 02193; Jean H. Beckwith, 1888 Stuart Road, Princeton, New jersey 08540; David B. Beers, 1805 Quincy Street N.W., Washington , D .C. 20001; EvanT. Bell, 2220 Grubbs Mill Road, Berwyn, Pennsylvania 19312; Martin A. Bell, 5 Marlborough Road, North Haven, Connecticut 06473; Sophie B. Bell, 1226 Rock Creek Road , Gladwyne, Pennsylvania 19035; lillian M. Benesevitch, 562 Wilson Street, Waterbury, Connecticut 06708; Margaret A. Benge, 2819 Shipley Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19810; louis K. Benjamin, 60 West 57 th Street, New York, New York 10019; Daniel W. Benninghoff, 22 Lake Drive South, Riverside, Connecticut 06878; Bruce N. Bensley, Jr., Peachcroft Road, Morristown, New jersey 07960; Nicholas D. Benson, 9 Southlawn Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522; laurie Bent, 86 Oakcrest Road, Ithaca, New York 14850; Mara l. Bentman, 383 Blossom Hfll Drive, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601; Hillary R. Bercovici, 161 East 79th Street, New York, N ew York 10021; Joan I. Berger, 71 Browning Road, Short Hills, New jersey 07078; F. Stevenson Berghausen, 20 Wood Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246; Peter J. Bergold, 28 Hiawatha Boulevard, Oakland, New j ersey 07436; Stephen l. Berkowitz, 78 Ward Drive, New Rochelle, New York 10804; Bonnie S. Bernstein, 69 Pitt Road, Springfield, New jersey 07081; Cynthia l. Bero, 265 Farm Lane, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; Jean A. Bethel, Herrick Road RFD 1-A, Boxford, Massac husetts 01921; Marion J. Bevans, Glen Alpine Road, Morristown, N ew j ersey 07960; Daniel J. Bial, 44 Madison Avenue, Summit, New jersey 07901; Peter P. Bielak, 5009 Rugby Avenue, Bethesda , Maryland 20014; Philip J. Bieluch, 110 Westerly Terrace, Hartford, Connecticut 06105; Constance C. Bienfait, 15 Cayuga Street, Rye, New York 10580; Vincent A. Bilello, 12 256

Spencer Road, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755; David S. Bilski, Metacomet Road, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; Jennifer B. Binzen, 418 Dorset Road, Devon, Pennsylvania 19333; lisa G. Bisaccia, 300 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067; laurie E. Blair, 135 Oak Hollow Road , Springfield, Massachusetts 01128; Arthur J. Blake, 428 East 6th Street, Plainfield, New jersey 07060; Patricia Blake, La Rambla 1st Street #43, Ponce, Puerto Rico; Teresa G. Blake, Meadowgate, Lawrenceville, New jersey 08648; William T. Blake, Jr., 5 Mt Pleasant Road, West Haven, Connecticut 06516; Karen S. Blakeslee, Crosstown Road , West Dover, Vermont 05356; Ronald J. Blitz, 7720 New Second Street, Melrose Park, Pennsylvania 19126; Marc S. Blumenthal, 98 Redwood Road, Springfield, New jersey 07081; Gail Boggosian, 6 Colonial Court, Armonk, New York 10504; Nancy Boice, Route 7, Kent, Connecticut 06757; Elizabeth M. Boles, 8 lverness Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181; W. Jeffrey Bolster, 5 Old Field Place, Rowayton, Connecticut 06853; William E. Bond, Croton Heights Road, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598; lisa J. Bonee, 223 Terry Road, Hartford, Connecticut 061 05; Michael J. Bonsignore, 12 Surrey Place, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Geoffrey R. Booty, 165 Cambridge Turnpike, Concord, Massachusetts 01742; Barbara A. Borowitz, 344 Ravine Drive, Highland Park, Illinois 60035; Stephanie J. Boryk, 235 Hill Street, Waterbury, Connecticut 06704; Ernest R. Bourassa, 1832 Northampton Street, Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040; Mary C. Bouteneff, 18 Fenimore Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Roger W. Bowie, Jr., 2012 Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21217; Ann Bracchi, 6 Nottingham Drive, Stamford, Connecticut 06907; Philip K. Bradford, 50 Selborne Drive, Centerville, Delaware 19807; James T. Bradt, 10 Ivy Court, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042; Nicholas F. Brady, Jr., Black River Road, Far Hills, New jersey 07931; Peter G. Braman, 5 Tanglewood Lane, Westport, Connecticut 06880; leslie Brayton, 25 Davis Hill Road , Weston, Connecticut 06880; Mary E. Berault, Woodland Drive Box 54, Willimantic, Connecticut 06226; Stacey A. Bredhoff, 15 West 81st Street, New York, New York 10024; Michael T. Brennan, 24 Yarmouth Road, Norwood, Massachusetts 02062; leigh S. Breslau, 11 Rust Hill Road, Levittown, Pennsylvania 19056; Philip V. Brewer, 5 Nob Hill Road , Wayland, Massa-

chusetts 01778; M. Cynthia Brey, 107 West Moreland Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsy lva nia 19118; John L. Bridge, 13 Wickford Road, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701, John D. Brigham, 66 White Avenue, West Hartford, Co nn ecticut 06119; Judith C. Brillman, 109 Wetherill Road , Chelten ham , Pennsylvania 19012; Anne E. Broadus, 169 East 69th Street, New York, New York 10021; Robert K. Brogadir, 75 Platt Street, Ansonia, Connecticut 06401; Anne G. Brown, 2435 Tracy Place NW, Washington, D.C. 20008; Dwight L. Brown, 30 Woodland Road, Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01106; Joyce K. Brown, 192-15 Williamson Avenue, jamai ca, New York 11413; Laurie D. Brown, 122 Rocky Brook Roa d, New Canaan, Co nnecticut 06840; Michael M. Brown, 1138 North Vandeventer, Fayetteville, Arizona 72701; Nanette Brown, 938 East Aliens Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19150; Olivia D. Brown, 429 Lightfoot Road, Lo uisvi ll e, Kentucky 40207; Susan C. Brown, 57 Fuskin Road, Buffalo, New York 14226; William P. Brown, Jr., 414 Glenwyth Roa d. Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087; John M. Brucato, 16 Rosenfeld Avenue, Milford, Massachusetts 01757; Ida Bryant, 3 Stadley Ro ugh Road, Danbury, Con necticut 06810; Deborah B. Buchwald, 325 Whitman Drive, Brooklyn, New York 11234; Aloise H. Buckley, Hotc hkiss Road, Lakevi ll e, Connecticut 06039; Cionna M . Buckley, 277 Dodge Street, Beverly, Massachusetts 01915; Bruce E. Bucklin, 122 Walnut Street, Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072; Susan B. Budnick, 10 Magnoli a Ci rcl e, Longmeadow, Massachusetts, 011 06; Robert C. Buffum, Jr., Box 474, Ro ute 1, Englewood, Florida 33533; Pamela M. Bugosh, 1071 Sq uire Cheney Drive, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380; Phillipa J. Buhayar, 215 Riverview Road, Swarthm o re, Pennsylvania 19081; Harvey L. Bumpers, 152 Oakland Terrace, H artfo rd , Co nn ecticut 06112; Sandra P. Bunting, 232 Atlee Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087; Ellen H. Burchenal, 712 Princeton Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19807; Richard M. Burdge, 55 Hillindale Drive, Red Bank, New jersey 07701; Gordon E. Burkett, 1311 NE Knott Street, Portland, Oregon 97212; Othar L. Burks, Jr., 1012 Tyler Street, j ackso nvi ll e, Florida 32209; Gregory M. Burns, 212 Turner Street, Auburn, Maine 04201; Marvin D. Burruss, 73 Westview Drive, G reensb urg, Pennsylvania 15601; Kevin H. Bursley, 1417 North Woodlawn Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63122; John W. Buss, Jr., 1900

Rittenhouse Square, Philad elphia, Pennsylvania 191 03; Molly W. Butler, 73 Cove Circl e, Marion, Massachusetts 02738; Leslie M. Butterfield, 125 South Bowling Green Way, Los Angeles, California 90049 Elpidio J. Caesar, 212 Ed geco mbe Avenue, New York, New York 10030; Matthew H. Cahn, 486 Ewing Street, Prin ceton , New j ersey 08540; Lisa E. Calesnick, 604 Manayunk Road , Merion Sta• tion, Pennsylvania 19066; Mary Ann Calvert, 17 Arnoldale Road, West Hartford, Co nnectic ut 06119; Deborah N. Camalier, 9019 Belmont Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854; Mark M. Cameron, 5121 Tilden Street N o rth West, Washington, D .C. 20016; Paul D. Cameron, 58 South Manning Boulevard, Albany, New York 12203; R. Bruce Cameron, 311 Chapelwood Lane, Lutherville, Maryland 21093 Margaret R. Campbell, 33 Kent Drive, Hamd en Co nnecti cut 06517; E. Greer Candler, 174 To urain e Road, Grosse Poi nte, Michigan 48236; Major Capers, 731 Southern Boulevard , Bronx, N ew York 10455; Mildred Caraballo, 360 Weirfield Street, Brooklyn, New York 11227; Elizabeth Caraballo, 360 Weirfield Street, Brooklyn, New York 11227; Robert J. Carey, 48 Chapel Road, Manhasset, New York 11030; Clayton N. Carley, 1513 Claremont Drive, Boise, Idaho 83702; Rachel D. Carley, Ca lhoun Street, Washington Depot, Connecticut 06794; Steven B. Carlow, 34 Lyman Roa d, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Cynthia L. Carlson, 40 Edgewood Road, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545; Edward L. Carpenter, 2632 Wellington Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118; Kenzie Carpenter, 2941 N ewa rk Street N o rthwest, Washington, D.C. 20008; Joseph A. Carroll, 236 Hollis Avenue, North Quincy, Massachusetts 02171; Lisa A, Carta, 15 Pippin Drive, Glastonbury, Connecti cut 06033; Jeffrey S. Carter, 77 Snowberry Lane, N ew Ca naan, Connecticut 06840; Michael C. Carter, 37 Dandy Drive, Cos Cob, Connecti cut 06807; Alison Cary, 18 Euclid Avenue, Winchester, Massachusetts 01890; Maria C. Casby, University Tower Apartments, 100 York Street, Apartment 15-S, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; Candace J. Cassin, 8 Amalias Road, Kifissia, Greece; Barbara W. Castle, Box 389 Montauk Avenue, Stonington, Connecticut 06378; Jane E. Cavalieri, 454 Highland Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Nancy L. Cavers, 21 Royalston Road, Wellesley, Ma ssachusetts 02181; Brent 257

A. Cawelti, 5817 South Blackstone, Chicago, Illinois 60637; Leslie D. Cecil, 20 Paxford Lane, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Steven G. Cecil. 2950 Observatory Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208; Robert D. Cedarbaum, 142 Cummings Drive, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Richard H. Chamberlain, Rural Route #3, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002; Walter C. Chamberlain, 198 West Hills Road, New Canaan, Connecticut 06840; Arthur E. Champagne, 262 Scott Road, South Windsor, Connecticut 06074; Walter L. Champion, 145 Kent Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; Cheryl L. Champy, 98 Bryan Drive, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; James S. Chapin, Route 193 P.O. Box 351, Thompson, Connecticut 06277; Michael C. Cheney, 51 Potters Lane, Fairfield, Connecticut 06430; Linda J. Cherkas, 41 Valley Hill Drive, Worchester, Massachusetts 01602; Ann V. Chesnes, 1075 Maple Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; Susan S. Chesnut, 19 Winterset Lane, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Frances C. Chick, Farm Street, Dover, Massachusetts 02030; John G. Childers, 9 Edgewood Road, Edison, New jersey 08817; Jeffrey C. Chin, 15 Blake Street, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178; Maria C. Christopher, 54 Farm Road Sherborn, Massachusetts 01770; Allen L. Church, 63 Cove Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut 06855; Susan B. Churchill, Box 94, Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371; Anthony W. Ciccaglione, 3085 Reservoir Avenue, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611; Robert D. Claflin, 55 North Main Street, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; Barbara L. Clark, 470 Valley Road, Cos Cob, Connecticut 06807; Candace A. Clark, 15 Burnham Road, Avon, Connecticut 06001; Catherine A. Clark, 1408 Ponus Ridge Road, New Cannan, Connecticut 06840; Virginia M. Clark, 101 Holt Road, Andover, Massachusetts 01810; Donna B. Clarke, Box 34, Waverl y, Pennsylvania 18471; Helen H. Clay, 610 Berkshire Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15215; Kathleen Clayton, 13 Clover Place, Cos Cob, Connecticut 06807; John P. Clifford, 507 Ferry Road, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Jeanne A. Closson, Box 313 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, Massachusetts 01360; James W. Cobbs, Jr., 311 Old Church Road, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; Richard H. Coburn, 80 Longview Drive, Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01106; George G. Coe, P.O . Box 32, Bassett, Virginia 24055; Amy B. Cohen, 2 Greenacre Court, Great Neck, New York 11021; Elaine M. Cohen, 66 Roosevelt Road, Newton, Massachusetts 02159; Hope D. Cohen, 138 West Walnut Park Drive, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120; Jodi E. Cohen, 322 Pine Tree Drive, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Martha Cohen, 15 Washington Avenue, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060; Michael H. Cohen, 5255 Fair Oaks Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217; Nancy E. Cohen, 16 Country Club Road, Newton, Massachusetts 02159; Charles D.F. Cohn, 4448 Tibbett Avenue, Riverdale, New York 10471; Randall B. Cole, 100 Finley Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Robert A. Cole, 3 Crocus Lane, Farmington, Connecticut 06085; Abigail E. Collier, 103 East 75th Street, New York, New York 10021; Elizabeth F. Collins, 44 Harvest Lane, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Peter B. Collins, 5 Roosevelt Place, Montclair, New Jersey 07042; Daniel M. Connelly, 345 Old Clairton Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236; John H. Connelly, 9 Nista Drive, Hamden, Connecticut 06518; Virginia Conti, 111 Akbar Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06902; William D. Conwell, 111 Columbia Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081; Lynn M. Cook, 110 Colin Kelly Road , 258


South Portland, Maine 04106; Wayne N. Cooke, 596 East Main Street, Branford, Connecticut 06405; Martha S. Cooley, 213 Black River Road, Long Valley, New Jersey 07853; Mary H. Coolidge, 200 Clifton Street, Be lmont, Massachusetts 02178; Leslie B. Cooper, U.S. Army Liaison GP, NORTHAG-BAOR, APO New York, New York 09011; Barbara J. Cooperman, Bean Hill Road, Stockbridge, Maine 01262; David N. Coratti, 617 Mistletoe Avenue, Point Pleasant, New Jersey 08742; Maria D.P. Cordova, V Street Q-5 Jard de Vega Ba., Vega Baja, Puerto Rico 00763; Samuel B. Corliss, Jr., 143 Woodland Ci rcle, Downingtown, Pe nn sy lva nia 19335; Stephen E. Corso, 170 Bond Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; Eric H. Corwin, P.O. Box 383, Rockvill e, Maryland 20850; Dan B.C. Cote, 4471 Southern Boulevard, Dayton, Ohio 45429; June H. Cowan, 24 Glenwood Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103; james T. Cowdery, 3187 Doctor's Lake Drive, Orange Park, Florida 32073; Robert G. Cox, 39 Braman Roa d, Waterford, Connecticut 06385; Harry R. Coyer, 91 Deerfield Road, Windsor, Co nn ectic ut 06095; Scott D. Coyne, 1333 East 4th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11 230; Louisa M. Craib, 62 Merrimac Street, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801; Maryann B. Crea, 640 Kings Highway, Woodbury, New je rsey 08096; Paul M. Creamer, 12 Crescent Road, Lex ingto n, Massachusetts 02173; Philip R. Crevier, 45 Torwood, Street, Hartfo rd , Co nn ectic ut 06114; George T. Critz, 94 Piney Point Road, Marion, Massachusetts 02738; Brian K. Crockett, 1233 West 63 rd Te rrace, Kansas City, Missouri 64113; Howard G. Cropsey, RFD #1 Blue Swamp Road, Litchfield, Conn ectic ut 06759; Peter S. Crosby, 600 Custis Road , Glenside, Pe nn sy lvania 19038; Ellen M. Cross, 31 Woodland Road, Lexi ngton , Massac hu setts 02173; Timothy A. Cross, Spring Hill Road, Ea st Sandwich, Massachusetts 02537; Patricia A. Cuddy, 81 Garfield Street, Garden City, New York 11530; Sheila Cureton, 52 Merrell Avenue, Stamford, Connectic ut 06902; Susan B. Curtis, 8 Harbor View, Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945.


Darling Ill, 18 Emerson Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, Steven A. Dash, 1861 Lippin cott Road , Huntingdo n Valley, Pennsy lvania 19006; Michael P. Daven, 5 Cri c kl ewood Lan e, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851; james R. Davenport, 100 Fuller Road, Weymouth, Massachusetts 02191; Elizabeth V. Davis, 141 North Bristol Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca lifornia 90049; Elizabeth L. Dean, 38 W es t 301 Burr Road La ne, Sai nt Charles, Illin o is 60174; Gary K. Deane, 51 Remsen Road, Great Neck, New York 11024; Shawna E. Deery, 1 Harbor Avenue, Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945; Livia R. Defilippis, 42 Spinning Wheel Lane, Sta mford , Co nn ecticut 06903; Paul Deford, 200 Central Park So uth, New York, New York 10019; M. Quinn Delaney, 530 Willow, Winnetka, Illinois 60093; judy M. Delgiudice, 25 Charl es Street, New York, New York 10014; Ralph F. Delucia, 26 Richard Drive, Hamde n, Con necti c ut 06514; Julie J. Demeter, 180 South Middle Nec k Roa d, Great Neck, New York 11021; Keith S. Dempster, 1225 Wood s Roa d, So uthampton, Pe nn sy lvania 18966; Mary C. Desmond, 20 Bunker Lane, West Newton, Massachusetts 02165; Sarah G. Detwiler, 240 Kenwood Court, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mic higa n 48236; Clifford S. Deutschman, 239 Central Park W est, New York, New York 10024; james E. Devery, 57 Cumberland Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Angelee Diana, 141 Pitkin Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Susan T. Dibattista, 56 Robbins Avenue, Newington, Con necti cut 06111; Elizabeth B. Dickerson, 2307 West Lyle Road, College Park, Georgia 30337; E. Michael Diefenbach, 235 Boston Post Road , Rye, New York 10580; Paul J. Dimauro, 2 Wood side Circle, Middletown, Co nnecticut 06457; Meredith H. Dixon, 1 OS Ocean Avenue, Lawren ce, New York 11559; William A. Doak, 4 Arnold Drive, East Hartfo rd , Connecticut 06108; Richard J. Dobrowski, 242 Robbins Street, Milton, Massachusetts 02186; Julia L. Dodge, 1836 Elizabeth Place, Jackso nville, Florida 32205; Lucy P. Dodge, 173 Sport Hill Road, Easton, Connecticut 06425; William F. Dodge, Box 222, Lancaster, New Hampshire 03584; Dan T. Doerge, 17866 Lake Road, Lakewood, Ohio 44107; John K. Doldoorian, Jr., 24 Willow Street, Whitinsv ille, Massachusetts 01 588; Beth A. Domb, Jonathan Smith Road, Morristownship, New Jersey 07960; John A. Dombrowski, Jr., 38 Upland Road, Winsted , Connecticut 06098; Matthew S. Dominski, 76 Bristol Road,

Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096; Brian J. Donnell, 60 Briarcliff Road, Hamden, Connecticut 06518; Anne Donnelly, 217 East Evergreen Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; Jon M. Donnelly, 19 Hope Street, Ridgewood, New jersey 07450; Jonathan E. Doolittle, Walker Lane, Woodbridge, Connecticut 06525; J. Michael Dopp, 40 Washington Avenue, Short Hills, New jersey 07078; Rebecca L. Dorison, 17 Stonehenge Road, Weston, Connecticut 06880; Barry K. Douglas, 73 Meadow Woods Road, Great Neck, New York 11020; William M. Dow, Jr., 106 Sunset Lane, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041; R. Michael Downeno, 108 Hedgehog Lane, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092; Evelyn W. Dox, 86 Pitt Street, Portland, Maine 04103; Carey J. Doyle, 75 Church Road, Rye Beach, New Hampshire 03871; Gail C. Doyle, Travis Corners Road, Garrison, New York 10524; Sheila J. Driscoll, Waterloo Road, Devon, Pennsylvania 19333; Richard M. Dubiel, 45 Wellington Heights Road, Avon, Connecticut 06001; Debra J. Duckett, 54 Hunt Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10710; Lori L. Duff, 259 Newton Road, Woodbridge, Connecticut 06525; Jeffrey R. Dufresne, 54 North Street, Shrewbury, Massachusetts 01545; Virginia V. Dunklee, 355 Gilpin Street, Denver, Colorado 80218; Rebecca C. Dunn, 224 Oxford Street, Hartford, Connecticut 061 05; Melanie M. Ourbas, 13 Northbrook Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Suzanne R. Durfee, 43 Wilton Road, Pleasantville, New York 10570; Virginia L. Durnford, 110 Webster Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Curtis T. Dwyer, 280 Breezyway, Lawrence, New York 11559 Richard P. Eadie, Jr., 3 Black Birch Road, Westport, Connecticut 06880; Dawn S. Eberhard, Box 100, North Chatham, New York 12132; Philip Ebersole, 256 Shady Brook Lane, Princeton, New ·Jersey 08540; Catherine A. Eckert, 825 Rowland Avenue, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania 19012; Susan L. Eckles, 656 Grove Street, Newton Lower Falls, Massachusetts 02162; Mark H. Eckman, 33 Winsor Lane, Cos Cob, Connecticut 06807; John Ector, Box 61, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; Carol J. Edelstein, 15 Ahwage Avenue, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060; Susan H. Egbert, 22 Club Road, Upper Montclair, New jersey 07043; Barry J. Ehrlich, 17 Gardner

Road, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146; Margaret J. Eisen, 185 West End Avenue, New York, New York 10023; Linda L. Eldridge, 16 Lighthouse Way, Darien, Connecticut 06820; Margaret A. Eliasberg, 21 Barkers Point Road, Sands Point, New York 11050; RichardS. Elliot, 169 South Quaker Lane, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; Henry F. Ellis, Ill, 75 Wilson Lane, Needham, Massachusetts 02192; Robert A. Ellis, 43 Sterling Avenue, Saugus, Massachusetts 01906; Susan L. Ellman, 2000 Linwood Avenue, Apt. 16V, Fort Lee, New jersey 07024; Sally A. Engelhard, Cragwood, Far Hills, New jersey 07931; Jill E. Englund, RFD Box 55 Ossipee, Buffalo, New York 14209; Jill S. Epstein, 190 Knollwood Drive, New Haven, Connecticut 06515; Alexandra Erickson, Box 397, Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371; Charles Ericson, 437 Church Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Letitia Erler, 141 Grays Lane, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041; James A. Essey, 34 Highridge Road, Hartsdale, New York 10530; Margaret Everson, 99 White Plains Road, Bronxville, New York 10708; Ridgely C. Evers, c/o Walter F. Evers & Co., 1042 Union Commerce Building, Cleveland, Ohio 44115; Susan T. Everts, 74 Webster Road, Weston, Massachusetts 02193; A. Tucker Ewing, 1421 Fallsmead Way, Rockville, Maryland 20854


Josephine C. Failla, 25 Clearview Avenue, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; James A. Fairbrother, 590 Dilworthtown Road, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380; William S. Fanning, 111 Livingston Parkway, Amherst, New York 14226; Gian F. Fantacci, Via Deele Campara 7, 50124 Florence, Italy; Jeffrey N. Farber, 8 Benmore Terrace, Bayonne, New jersey 07002; Mark D. Farber, 614 Chestnut Avenue, Towson, Maryland 21204; Maria L. Farnstrom, RD # 1 Box 387 A, Frenchtown, New jersey 08825; Holly A. Farrar, 60 Mill Street, Apt. 5, Unionville, Connecticut 06085; Dana M. Faulkner, 60 Curtiss Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Fred C. Faulkner, 6407 Eberhart, Chicago, Illinois 60637; Sheila M. Faulkner, 71 Scott Drive, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; Douglas J. Fauser, Valley Road, Thornwood, New York 10594; Laura G. Fecych, RD #1 Box 160, Tuxedo Park, New York 10987; Stephen B. Feid, 1086 Burg Street, Granville, Ohio 43023; Victor A. Feigenbaun, 82 Tremont Street, Hartford, Con-

necticut 06105; Ann B. Fein, 31 Pocahontas Drive, West Hartford, Co nnecticut 06117; Jeffrey S. Feinberg, 20 Roosevelt Terrace, Bayonne, New jersey 07002; Richard I. Feinberg, 45 Wood Lane South, Woodmere, New York 11598; Peter S. Feinman, 143 Birchwood Park Drive, jericho, New York 11753; Kenneth A. Feinswog, 60 Bellevue Avenue, Rumson, New Jersey 07760; Elaine I. Feldman, 64 Seminole Ci rcl e, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Margaret L. Felton, Box 26 Route 1, Cockeysvill e, Maryland 21 030; Milton M. Fenner, 622 East Drive, Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143; Gregory A. Ferguson, 710 North Drake, Chicago, Illinois 60624; William L. Ferguson, 831 Amies Lane, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010; Robert H. Fernald, 18 Reservoir Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138; Barbara T. Fichman, 9408 Kingsley Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014; Lloyd L. Fidao, Jr., Longview Avenue, Rive rsid e, Co nnecticut 06878; Jeanine M. Figur, 9 Edwards Place, West Trenton, New jersey 08628; Daniel J, Filer, 586 Park Avenue, Windsor, Con necticut 06095; Deborah E. Fillion, 39 Westfield Terrace, Middletown, Con necticut 06457; Peter A. Fink, 26 Highland Park Road, North Haven, Co nn ecticut 06473; Henry C. Finkenstaedt, 32 H endrie Lane, Grosse Point Farms, Michigan 48236; Barbara A. Fischer, 33 Bradenham Place, Eggertsville, New York 14226; Eileen M. Fischer, 34 Vernon Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; John Fischer, Jr., 34 Vernon Street, Hartford, Co nn ecticut 06106; Marla J, Fischl, 58 Un ion Ave nue, Lynbrook, New York 11563; J. Blair Fishburn, 52 Summit Avenue, Bronxville, New York 10708; Kathy A. Flaherty, 4 Fourth Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173; Fern R. Flanagan, 1318 North Bentalou Street, Baltimo re, Maryland 21216; Elaine L. Fleming, 91 Portman Street, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; Peyton C. Fleming, RD #4, Linglestown, Pennsy lvani a 17112; Andre C. Fleuriel, Box 38, Chester, New Hampshire 03036; Michael J, Flis, 300 Meadow Road, Farmington, Con necticut, 06032; Deborah A. Flower, 7-D Church Lane, Valley Cottage, New York 10989; William K. Flowerree, Co lumbi a Plaza, 2301 E Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20034; James E. Forbes, 107 Third Street, Scotia, New York 12302; Stephen A. Forsling, 4705 Kingston, Denver, Colorado 80239; Lewis E. Fountain, 8 Compton Place, Scotia, New York 12302; E. Anderson Fowler, Jr., High Larches, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073; Hunter A. Fowler, High Larches, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073; John J, Foy, Plumtree Apartments, 874 Bonita Ave nue, Clai remont, Califo rnia 91711; George A. Francis, 182 East 93rd Street, Brooklyn, New York 11212; Wayne P. Franco, 79 Two Stone Drive, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Carlyle Fraser, 17 Cliff Road, Weston Massach usetts 02193; Timothy B. Fraser, 407 Warren Street, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146; Helen F. Frech, 1105 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10028; Susan L. Frederick, 16 Westwood Road, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173; Margaret A. Fredrickson, 510 Main Street, Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475; Kim E. Freeark, 803 Lake Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091; Elizabeth J, Freedgood, 165 State Street, Brooklyn Heights, New Yo rk 11201; Leslie B. Freedman, 67 Eckington Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 011 08; Gayle Freeman, Darling Street, Southington, Co nn ecticut 06489; Jill B. Freeman, 35 East 84th Street, New York, New York 10028; Mary Freeman, Dirigo Road, Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679; Sarah W. Fried, 40 West 86th Street, New York, New York 10024; Andrew H. Friedman, 8 Wyndover Lane, Stamfo rd , 263

Connecticut 06902; Richard G. Friedman, 44 Londond erry Road, Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945; Robert J. Friedman, 380 W ebster Dri ve, N ew Milford, N ew Jersey 07646; James C. Furlong, 15 Wil shire Drive, Syossett, New York 11791; Quentin Furr, 1727 Masonic Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina 28205 William F. Gadsden, 30 Lake Road, Short Hills, ~ New Jersey 07078; Paula A. Galiette, 3 Blueberry l~llllllQ Lane, Avon, Connecticut 06001; Mitchell S. ~ Gandelman, 76 Ivy Lane, N ewington, Co nnecticut 06111; Debra A. Garcia, 138 Surrey Drive, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Earl Chipp Gardner, 2601 Speakman Place, Wilmington, Delaware 19802; Frederick P. Gardner, 666 North Sheridan Road , Lake Forest, Illinois 60045; James K. Gardner Ill, 1533 Stonington Drive, Hudson, Ohio 44236; Stephen H. Garner Ill, 58 Bayberry Hill, Attleboro, Massachusetts 02703; David K. Garnick, 19 Honeybrook Drive, Princeton, New jersey 08540; leanne Garo-. folo, 260 Forest Drive, Wethersfield, Connecticut 061 09; Howard l. Garrel, 476 Woodland Street, Hartford, Co nnecticut 06112; Robert H. Garritt, Pegan Lane, Dover, Massachusetts 02030; James S. Gascoigne, 2939 Glengary Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120; Elizabeth H. Gates, 2661 Elmwood Drive, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506; John S. Gates, Jr., 246 West Laurel Avenu e, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045; lois J. Geist, Route 1 Box 660, Antioch, Illinois 60002; Elizabeth George, Lakes Road, Bethlehem, Connecticut 06751; Debra A. Geraci, 20 Kimball Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Peter J. Geraci, 20 Kimball Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Mark C. Gerchman, 83 Burnham Road , Avon, Connecticut 06001; Mark C. Gersz, 566 Strong Street, East Haven, Connecticut 06512; linda J. Gesualdi, 441 Coppermill Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 061 09; Timothy M. Ghriskey, 26 Grahampton Lane, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; Annamarie D. Giangarra, 136 Old Tavern Road, Orange, Connecticut 06477; John T. Gianis, 270 Ashland Road , Summit, New jersey 07901 ; Edith l. Gibbons, Valley Road , Locust Valley, New York 11560; Paul F. Gibilisco, 16 Cow les Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; Eric Gibson, 1 Prin ces Gate, London SW. 7, England; Reginald A. Gibson, 2435 Chicago Boulevard, D etroit, Michigan 48206; Robert A. Gibson, 7 Rock Creek Road, New Haven, Co nn ecti cut



06515; Nathaniel M. Gifford, 8 Madison Circle, Newport News, Virginia 23606; James A. Gillespie, 404 Walnut Street, Yeadon, Penn sy lvania 19050; John C. Gillespie, 1844 Clubhouse Road, Brown s Mills, N ew j ersey 08015; Michael S. Gilman, 192 D emott Avenue, Roc kvill e Center, New York 11570; Helen N. Gilmartin, 5 William Avenue, Merid en, Connecticut 06450; Ralph B. Gilmartin, 3143 Birch Place, Wantagh, New York 11793; Rachel A. Gimenez, Ro ute 96, Clifton Springs, New York 14432; Edward B. Gindele, Clover Hill Road, Poughkeepsie, N ew York 12603; William W. Ginsberg, 1136 5th Avenue, New York, N ew York 10028; John P. Giovannucci, 124 Midwell Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Charles D. Glanville, 11 Contentment Island, Darien, Conn ecticut 06820; Edward J. Glassman, 402 Glenway Road, Erdenheim, Penn sy lva nia 19118; lawrence R. Glassman, 55 Essex Court, Port Washington, New York 11050; Dorothea M.S. Glatte, 4 Fraser Place, Hartfo rd, Connecticut 06105; Frank Gliozzi, 228 Main Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsy lvania 15237; Scott R. Goddin, 20 Danie l Terra ce, Whippany, N ew j ersey 07981; Sharon R. Gogan, 37 Skyview Lane, Waterbury, Co nn ectic ut 06708; Alan Golanski, 12 Ponti ac Road, W est Hartford, Co nn ectic ut 06117; Mitchell D. Gold, 380 McKinley Avenue, N ew H aven, Connecti cut 06515; Peter W. Gold, Lumberville, Pennsylvania 18933; Bruce W. Goldberg, 101 Westwood Circle, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577; Amy l. Golden, 5049 Saratoga Circle, Fayettevill e, N ew York 13066; lawrence J. Golden, 5 Collamore Terrace, W est Orange, N ew j ersey 07052; Kenneth N. Goldenberg, 1105 Wrack Roa d, Meadowbrook, Pennsy lvania 19046; Stan E. Goldich, 1104 Summit Lane, Oreland, Penn sy lvania 19075; Ira N. Goldman, 5035 East Lake Road, Auburn, New York 13021; leonard P. Goldschmidt, 22 Lancaster Road, West H art ford, Connecticut 06119; Jonathan D. Gomberg, 1203 70th Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19126; Carl C. Gomes, County Road, Rochester, Massachusetts 02570; Richard W. Goode, 36 Mill Lane, Hingham, Massachusetts 02043; Mary Goodwin, 29 School Lane, Hes lingfield, Ca mbrid ge, England; Sarah J. Gordon, Long Hill Roa d, N ew Vern on, N ew jersey 07976; Richard I. Goss, 2833 Courtland Boulevard, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122; J. Jeffrey Gott, 179 Trinity Avenue, Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033; Ted J. Gottesdeiner, 92 G lenwood

Avenue, New Lond o n, Co nn ecti cut 06320; Alice R. Gottesman, 17 Richbell Road, Sca rsd ale, N ew Yo rk 10583; John W. Gould, 22 Elm Street, Baldw in vill e, Massachu setts 01 436; Jeffrey W. Cove, 51 Manhassett Trail, M ed fo rd Lakes, N ew jersey 08055; John Gowell, 5618 Woodm o nt, Pittsburgh, Pennsy lva ni a 15217; Donald F. Grabowski, 1376 West Street, Southin gton, Connecti c ut 06489; Marie A. Granata, 425 River Road, Hamden, Co nnecti cut 06518; Ronald E. Grand Pre, 21 Purdue Dri ve, Mil fo rd , M assac hu setts 01757; Patricia A. Grandjean, 100 D eer Run Roa d, W ood b ridge, Con necti cut 06525; Harold C. Granger, Mead Po int Dri ve, Greenwic h, Conn ecticut 06830; Laurie J. Grauel, 240 Purdy Hill Road, Monroe, Conn ec ticut 06468; Harry H. Graves, 18 Highview Avenue, O ld G reenw ich, Co nn ecti cut 06870; James W. Graves, 101 O xfo rd Place, Wilmingto n, D elawa re 19803; Franci s C. Gray Ill, 17 V ill age Ave nu e, D edh am , Massachusetts 02026; Stephen P. Greeley, 559 G rove Street, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701; Tamara Greeley, 64 Beach Avenue, Larchm o nt, N ew Yo rk 10538; Barbara F. Green, 122 Driftwood Lane, Trumbull , Co nnecti cut 06611 ; Robert S. Greenawalt, 510 Cres heim Va ll ey Roa d, Phil adelphia, Pennsylva ni a 19118; Sheryl Greenberg, 8237 Tho uro n Avenue, Philad elphia, Penn sy lva ni a 19150; Heidi M. Greene, 34 O ld Field Lane, Lake Success, N ew Yo rk 11 020; Renez B. Greene, 500 West N o rth Ave nu e, Chi cago, Illino is 60614; Margaret R. Greennough, 34 Prin ce Street, Beve rl y, Massachusetts 01 915; David I. Green span, 218 Fairview Road, N arberth, Penn sylva ni a 19072; James G. Gregg, Bernard sv ill e Road, Mendh am, N ew j ersey 07945; Susan E. Grey, 1 Quarry Lane, N orwa lk, Co nn ecti cut 06851; Andr~ w C. Griesinger, 841 W ey m o uth Roa d, M edina, O hi o 44256; John I. Greiglun, 223 Lyd ale Place, Merid en, Co nn ecti cut 06450; Ames D. Gross, 25 Woodb rook Roa d, Swarthm o re, Pennsylvan ia 19081; Charles M . Gro ss, 3 Ma ryland Street, Cranfo rd, N ew j ersey 07016; M. Ram say Gro ss, 102 Dunkirk Road, Baltim o re, M aryland 21212; Kenneth S. Gro ss man, 370 First Ave nu e, N ew Yo rk, N ew Yo rk 10010; John J. Grous, 100 Burr Street, East Have n, Co nn ec ti cut 06512; Francis A. Grubelich, 411 Westwood Hill, Wet hersfield, Connecticut 06109; Ann M . Gryboski , 1 Mason Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173; P. Vonryll Gryska, 234 Bosto n Post Road, W eston, Massachu setts 02193; Dian e R. Guinta,

38 Stauber Drive, Plainview , New Yo rk 11803; Nancy J. Gunner, 261 G irdle Road, East Auro ra, N ew Yo rk 14052; Alan J. Gurchin, 224 Sargeant Street, Hartfo rd, Co nnecti cut 06105 1111111 Gregory N. Hagan, 4011 Glenri dge Street, Kensin gton, Ma ryland 20795; Benjamin T. Hall, D avid s Hill Road, Bedfo rd Hill s, N ew Yo rk 105 07; II~ Sterling W . Hall, 71 Northhampto n Ave nu e, Springfi eld, M assac husett s 01109; Margo L. Halle, M erry Hill, Stevenson, M aryland 211 53; Douglas R. Hamill, 80 Ru skin Road, Buffa lo, New Yo rk 14226; Kenneth A. Hampton, 36 Latimer Street, East Hartfo rd , Co nn ecti cut 06108; James H. Handelman, 40 Owen Street, Hart fo rd , Co nn ecti cut 061 05; Elisabeth A.C. Hanley, 329 Franklin Street, Framin gham, M assachu setts 01 701; Christopher K. Hanna, 23 Bentay Dri ve, Harri so n, New Yo rk 10528; Carol A. Hannon , 19 Ro berts Street, W atertow n, Co nn ec ti cut 06795; Gerald j. Hansen, Ill, 1139 N o rsa m Roa d, G ladwyne, Pe nn sy lva ni a 19035; Peter H. Hansen, 2441 W ebb Ave nu e, Bro nx, New Yo rk 10468; Christopher G. Harris, 102 Sudbury Roa d, Co ncord, M assachusetts 01 742; Diane Harris, c/ o R. Clay, P.O. Box 64, Laurel, Ma ryland 2081 0; Karren M. Harris, 1350 W ashingto n Avenu e, Bro nx, N ew Yo rk 10456; Peter K.W. Harris, 5 Po rter M ea dow Road, To psf ield, Massachusetts 01 983; Wenda L. Harris, 9 Archer Lane, Lynn field, Massachusetts 01 940; Alexander M. Harvey, Ced arbrook Terrace, Princeto n, New Jersey 08540; Nanette C. Harvey, 279 Park Avenue, Manhasset, New Yo rk 11030; Mary D. Haskin, 645 South Randolph vill e Roa d, Pisca taway, N ew j ersey 08854; Thompson F. Haskins, 46 W ood Street, Co nco rd, Massachusetts 01 742; Karen E. Hasl, 20 Coot Roa d, Loc ust Va ll ey, New Yo rk 11 560; Edward A. Hawkins, 48 N o rth view Dri ve, South Glasto nb ury, Conn ec ti cut 06073; Steph en C. Haydasz, 150 Cheshire Street, Hartfo rd , Co nn ec ti cut 06114; Barbara E. Hayden, 40 W oodbroo k Lane, Swarthm o re, Penn sy lva nia 19081; Elizabeth S. Hayes, 163 Lovell Roa d, Ho lden, Massachu setts 01 520; Nancy S. Hayim, 7 Heml oc k Drive, Great Nec k, New Yo rk 11024; Maureen C. Healy, 80 Shore Lane, Bay Sho re, New Yo rk 11706; Patrick M. H effernan, 107 Myrtl e Street, Roc kl and, Massachusetts 02370; Thomas M. Heffernan, 107 M yrtle Street, Roc kl and, Massachusetts 02370; Debra A. Heidecorn , 340 Eva nda le Roa d,

nnR ~



Scarsdale, New Yo rk 10583; Lisa M. Heilbronn , 841 Sto ny Broo k Dri ve, Blu e Bell, Penn sy lva nia 19422; David L. Henderson, 706 Annursnac Hill Roa d, Co ncord, Massachu setts 01 742; David S. Henderson, 197 j erro ld Street, Ho lli sto n, M assachusetts 01746; Mark H. Henderson, 24 Mid b roo k Lane, Old Greenwic h, Co nn ec ti cut 06870; Mark Hen rickson, 1226 Eve rgree n Roa d, Wilmin gto n, D elawa re 19803; Alice D. Hendriques, Ro und Hill Roa d, Gree nw ich, Co nnecti cut 06830; Blair A. Heppe, 607 Woodl eave Road, Bryn Mawr, Pennsy lva ni a 19010; Karl R. Herbst, 70 Grant Street, Milfo rd , M assac husett s 01 757; Alan S. Hergert, Ro ute 1, Box 407, Auburn , W as hingto n 98002; Susan D. Hertz, 59 Relihan Road, Dari en, Conn ecti cut 06820; Thoma s P. Heslin, Jr., 235 Kenyo n Street, H artfo rd , Co nn ecti cut 061 05; Janice Hester, 3 Arlin gto n Place, Broo kl yn, N ew Yo rk 11216; Phillip D. Hewett, 25 Kenwood Park way, St. Paul, M inn esota 55105; Stacie P. Hewit, Bu c k Hill Lane, Po und Ri dge, New Yo rk 10576; Russell T. Hicks, 144 Hic ko ry H ill Roa d, New Britain, Co nn ecti cut 06052; Robert L. H ilgendorff, 217 W ebb Road, Fairfi eld, Co nn ec ti cut 06604; Tara L. Himmelstein, 210 N o rth Qu aker Lane, W est Hart fo rd , Co nn ecti cut 0611 9; Hadley W. Hines, 11 6 Mead ow broo k Roa d, Westo n, Ma ssac husetts 02193; Nancy Hirchhorn, Chestnut Hill Road, Box 152A, Killin gswo rth , Co nn ecti cut 06417; Margaret H. Hiscano, 11 W est Roa d, Sho rt Hills, New j ersey 07078; Andrea L. Hoar, Box 289, Remsenburg, New York 11 960; David Hobbs, 462 Haywa rd M ill Roa d, Co ncord , M assachusetts 01 742; Adam S. Hoffinger, 27 West 86 Street, New Yo rk, New Yo rk 10024; Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Farm Street, Dover, M assachu setts 02030; Frank A. Holmes, Box 30, Fall River, M assac husett s 02722; Henry Holtz, 11 4 M ila n Avenu e, No rw alk, Ohi o 44857; Jeanne L. Hom, 271 Crow n Street, New Haven, Co nn ecti cut 06510; Elaine N . Hooker, 11 Tunxis Roa d, Tari ffv ill e, Conn ecticut 06081; Stuart R. Horling, 54 Ell sworth Roa d, Larchm o nt, New Yo rk 10538; William D. Horn, 17 M agno li a Lane, To m s Ri ve r, N ew j ersey 08753; Frederick E. Hornung 5421 South Co rn ell, Chicago, Illinois 60615; Julia S. Horowitz, 225 Marlb oro Street, Bosto n, Massac hu setts 0211 6; Richard E. Hotez, 11 Lovelace Drive, W est Hartfo rd , Co nn ec ti cut 0611 7; Danny F. Howe, 465 Zio n Stree t, Hartfo rd, Co nn ecti cut 061 06; Audrey J. Hudson, 9818 Arn o n Chapel Roa d, Great Fa ll s, Virginia 22066; Judith A. Hudson, Hamilto n Ro ute #3, A nnapo li s, Maryland 21 403; Peter G. Humphrey, 27 East Co urt Street, W arsaw , New Yo rk 14569; Carol A. Hunts, 5633 Park Avenue, Fairfi eld, Co nnec ti cut 06432; Julie H. Hurwitz, 1422 Redwood Lane, W yncote, Penn sy lva nia 19095; Barbara M. Husum, 2324 G reenwood, Wilm ette, Illin o is 60091; leslie C. Hyde, Spoo k Ho ll ow Roa d, Far Hill s, N ew j ersey 07931; Miriam A. Hyman, 69 Sun set Terrace, So uth Wi ndsor, Co nnecticut 06074 Daniel L. ladonisi, 122 Park Street, Wes t Have n, 11111111 Conn ecti cut 06516; Paul W. Ingle, Jr., 62 Kn o llwood Road, Farmin gto n, Co nn ec ti cut 06032; Katharine E. Ingram, 47 Livingsto n Street, N ew Haven, Connecti cut 06511 ; Dwight A. Inman, 101 Coo lid ge Ave nu e, Trento n, New j ersey 08618; Donald S. Irish, 1227 U nio n Street, Broo klyn, N ew Yo rk 11 225; Anne R. Isaac s, 68 Bea co n Street, Bosto n, M assac hu setts 02108; Yutaka lshizaka, 618 Lake Drive, Tow so n, M aryland 21204; Ru ssell V. Iuliano, 191 Chapm an Street, Wa tertow n, Massachusetts 02172; Susie M . Iverson, 135 D o ublin g Road, G ree nw ich, 266


Connecticut 06830; Margery Izard, 35 Broad Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut 061 09 Kathy L. Jabs, 440 East Road, Bristol, Connecticut 06010; Walter W. Jabs, Jr., 112 Oxbow Road, Wayland, Massachusetts 01778; Jon D. Jacobs, 37 Alden Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603; Jason J. Jacobson, 30 Greenhaven Road, Rye, New York 10580; Margot H. Jaffe, 217-31 54th Avenue, Bayside, New York 11364; Susan T. James, 78 Trolley Crossing Lane, Middletown, Connecticut 06457; David P. Jancarski, 104 Maple Avenue, Oakville, Connecticut 06779; Frank C. Jaworski, 33 Clyde Road, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Karen A. Jeffers, 18 Linwood Drive, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, 01067; Catherine Jenkins, 418 Spring Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Deborah F. Jenks, 50 Stonehenge Road, Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201; Christopher J. Jennings, Anglers Cove, Hutchinson Island, Stuart, Florida 33494; George W. Jensen II, 50 Catlin Avenue, Rumford, Rhode Island 02916; Christopher A. Jepson, 310 Hillard Avenue, Warwick, Rhode Island 02886; Shelley A. Jerige, Post Office Box 645, Winsted, Connecticut 06098; Gabrielle W. Jervey, 818 Bellemore Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21210; Peter W. Jessop, 65 Flatbush Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Arthur J. Johnson, 1 Orkney Court, Belvedere, Baltimore, Maryland 21212; Charles J. Johnson, 223 Old Kings Highway South, Darien, Connecticut 06820; Clifford G. Johnson, 21 Crest Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut 061 09; Eads Johnson, 1120 Ponus Ridge Road, New Canaan, Connecticut 06840; Margaret R. Johnson, 8716 Fernwood Road, Bethesda, Maryland 20034; Mary G. Johnson, Pretty Brook Road, Princeton, New jersey 08540; Michael C. Johnson, 4 Sun Valley Court, Northport, New York 11768; Raymond E. Johnson, 25 john Drive, Vernon, Connecticut 06066; Richard A. Johnson, 253 Beverly Hills Road, Fort Lee, New jersey 07024; Roger P. Johnson, 7036 Bennett, Chicago, Illinois 60649; Tyrone C. Johnson, 125 Harrison Avenue, Fair Haven, New jersey 07701; Woolsey M. Johnson, 220 East 73rd Street, New York, New York 10021; Wendy M. Johnston, 209 Fernbrook Avenue, Wyncote, Pennsylvania 19095; Cynthia D. Joice, 86 Woodland Drive, Fair Haven, New jersey 07701; Theodore K. Jonas, 7500 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22307; Anne T. Jones, 114 West Broadway, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325; Gary S. Jones, 151 Prospect Avenue, Apartment 9, Hackensack, New jersey 07601; Judith A. Jonke, 23 Treeborough Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Frank V. Judson, 9 Indian Hill Road, Winnetka, Illinois 60093; Alan J. Juliano, 4 Pawnee Drive, Commack, New York 11725 11111111


Clark A. Kaempf, 23 Shady Lane, Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522; Lori M. Kahn, 195 Beach 144th Street, Neponsit, New York 11694; David M. Ka" lan, 243 Jefferson Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Martin E. Kanoff, 136 Parkview Road, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania 19012; Arlene S. Kanter, 20 Marvin Lane, Newton Centre, Massachusetts 02159; Jane Kaplan, 9 Brandeis Road, Newton Center, Massachusetts 02159; Dean G. Karalis, 65-44 247th Street, Little Neck, New York 11362; Mitchell A. Karlan, 1 Stewart Avenue, Nutley, New jersey 07110; linda G. Katsin, 7 South Rohallion Drive, Rumson, New jersey 07760; Carol A. Katz, 244 Derwen Road, Merion Station, Pennsylvania 19066; Cynthia S. Katz, 748 Othello Avenue, Franklin Square, New York 11010; Nicholas C.

n II



Katz, 27 Warner Road, Hubbard, Ohio 44425; David A. Katzka, 88 Deepwood Road, Roslyn Heights, New York 10010; Andrew W. Kaufman, 9 Kingston Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Susan M. Kaufman, 200 Fountain Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06515; Kathy J. Kawamura, 718 Saint james Place, Newport Beach, California 92660; Alison M. Kaye, 90 Stevenson Road, New Haven, Connecticut 06515; Deborah H. Kaye, 4273 Point La Vista Road South, jacksonville, Florida 32207; Steven M. Kayman, 6006 Darel Street, Camp Springs, Maryland 20023; Olabode 0. Kayode, Saint Patrick~; Vicarage, Post Office Box 59, Owo W-State, Nigeria; Cheryl L. Kearny, 70 Summer Street, Andover, Massachusetts 01810; Donna M. Keane, 56 Arnold Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Katherine J. Keesling, 22 Capron Street, Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28307; Daniel K. Kehoe, 1112 Bedford Road, Springfield, Illinois 62704; Jane F. Kelleher, 5 Greenleaf Terrace, Worcester, Mass.achusetts 01602; Mary A. Keller, Post Office Box 214, Nome, Alaska 99762; Charles L. Kellner, 348 Hartmann Road, Newton, Massachusetts 02159; Ellen J. Kelly, 963 Hulls Highway, Southport, Connecticut 06490; Maureen M. Kelly, 52 Edgell Street, Gardner, Massachusetts 01440; Daniel S. Kelman, 71 Stan-

wood Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02907; Karen M. Kelsey, 121 Apawamis Avenue, Rye, New York 10580; Jeffrey t Kelter, 4838 Fountain Drive, Lake Worth, Florida 33460; John P. Kendall, School Street, Arlington, Vermont 05250; Randell R. Kendell, 1010 Taylor Street, Pecatonica, Illinois 61063; Susan P. Kennedy, 769 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, New York 10805; Susan H. Kepnes, 18 Judkins Road, Medford, Massachusetts 02155; Beatrice L. Kernan, 830 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021; Stuart H. Kerr, 321 South Main Street, Hightstown, New jersey 08520; Judith Kerr-Jarett, Tamarino, Montego Bay, jamaica; David M. Kilroy, 9 Gaskill Road, Worcester, Massachusetts 01602; Carol A. Kim, 7000 Antrim Road, Edina, Minnesota 55435; Cynthia R. King, 558 South Catalina Avenue, Pasadena, California 91106; James P. King, 9 Willard Avenue, Worcester, Massachusetts 01602; Frederick E. Kingsley, 70 Canton Road, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092; Bruce C. Kinmonth, 431 South Reuter Drive, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005; Kathleen M. Kirby, 298 Prospect Avenue, Newport, Rhode Island 02840; Malcolm A. Kirby, 681 Black Rock Road, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010; Timothy Kirschner, 2302 Sheridan Drive, Norfolk, Nebraska 68701; John H.

Kitchen Ill, 1422 Clover Street, Rochester, New York 14610; Mary Kittredge, Post Office Box 426, Cheshire, Connecticut 06410; Murray H. Klein, 124 Westbourne Parkway, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; Paula Klein, 1721 West Ayres, Peoria, Illinois 61606; David A. Kleinberg, 4 Glamford Road, Great Neck, New York 11023; Andrea Klibanoff, 24 Pondview Dr., Springfield, Massachusetts 01118; Michael L. Klinger, 88 Old Pond Road, Great Neck, New York 11023; Joseph H. Kluger, 34-06 Hillside Terrace, Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410; Michael J. Kluger 34-06 Hillside Terrace, Fairlawn, New Jersey 07410; Frederic H. Knapp, RFD #3, Mountain Road, West Redding, Connecticut 06896; Kimberly S. Knight, 1207 Stable Gate Court, Mclean, Virginia 22101; Eugene C. Ko, 1801 Mahantango Street, Pottsville, Pennsylvania 17901; Neil D. Kobrosky, 53 Briarcliff Road, Longmeadow, Massachusetts 011 06; Kathy S. Koch, 1111 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10028; Douglas Kochanowsky, 111 Martin Road, New Britain, Connecticut 06050; Caleb D. Koeppel, Two Beech Lane, Kings Point, New York 11024; Rosemarie Kohaut, 3 Faber Road, Parsippany, New jersey 07054; Stuart Koman, 6300 Pimlico Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21209; John Konik, 171 Hillcrest Ave-

nue, New Britain, Connecticut 06053; Corliss A. Konwiser, Godfreys Ledge, Little Boars Head, New Hampshire 03842; Thomas E. Korengold, 2 Oxford Street, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015; Alisa D. Kove, 1053 Johnson Road, Woodbridge, Connecticut 06525; Elizabeth A. Kowaleski, 68 Santagelo Circle, Middletown, Connecticut 06457; Patricia T. Kraczkowsky, 1576 Stanley Street, New Britain, Connecticut 06053; Joseph Krakol, 38 Arlington Road, Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096; James G. Krantz, 558 Meeting House Circle, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Steven A. Krasker, 135 Traincroft, Northwest, Medford, Massachusetts 02155; Amy E. Kravitz, 26 Ridgewood Drive, Rockville, Connecticut 06066; Katherine K. Kruesi, 69 Old Army Road, Bernardsville, New jersey 07942; Howard S. Kruger, 123 Manchester Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; Cynthia M. Krusz, 858 Donna Drive, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Jayne A. Kuchna, 51 Highfield Road, Colonia, New Jersey 07067; Marian Kuhn, Institute of World Affairs, Salisbury, Connecticut 06068; Mark R. Kupferberg, 98 Malba Drive, Malba, New York 11357; Andrea L. Kust, 1115 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10028; David R. Kyle, Apartado Postal #M-7832, Mexico 1 D F, Mexico



Roger R. LaCharite, 30 First Street, Plainfield, Connecticut 06374; Frederic M. Lahey, Nutting Road, Groton, Massachusetts 01450; Charles B. Lalone, Post Office Box 46, Locust Valley, New York 11560; Elizabeth Y. Lambert, Box 233, Farmington, Delaware 19942; Elizabeth A. Lancraft, Main Street, RFD , Ivoryton, Connecticut 06442; Pamela G. Landerman, 52 Brewster Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Sheree L. Landerman, 26 School Street, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; Peter M. Langdon, Codfish Hill Road, Bethel, Connecticut 06801; Annette L. Langley, 16801 East Caley, Denver, Colorado 80232; Bennet Lapidus, 5-03 Karl Street, Fair Lawn, New jersey 07410; Gerald F. Laplante, 8 Princeton Street, Westfield, Massachusetts 01085; Anthony S. LaPolla, 8 Hunters Lane, Norwalk, Connecticut 06850; J. Carey LaPorte, Jr., 21 Bishop Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; Kristi Larson 230 Park Avenue, Freeport, New York 11520; Jan L. Larsson, 221 Larch Avenue, Teaneck, New jersey 07666; Honor Lassalle, 1107 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10028; Dodd Latimer, 381 Valley Forge Road , Devon, Pennsylvania 19333; Valle P. Lattanzio, Jr., 474 Ridge Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 061 09; Sandra Laub, 125 Sunnyside Way, New Rochelle, New York 10804; Brenda L. Laufs, 200 Crescent Street, Duxbury, Massachusetts 02332; Walter E. Lawn, RFD #2, Pinney Street, Ellington, Connecticut 06029; Frances G. Lawrence, 423 Sandy Valley Road, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; Kay K. Lazarus, 5 Hamilton Lane, Simsbury, Connecticut 06089; John I. Lebeaux, 269 Walnut Street, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 270

01545; Sherri G. Lebolt, 404 Homans Avenue, Closter, New jersey 07624; Peter M. Lebovitz, 427 North 29th Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104; Jonathan H. Lebowitz, 60 Wildwood Road, New Rochelle, New York 10804; Marvin Lebowsky, 604 Wingfoot Road, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Judith P. Lederer, 77-34 Austin Street, Forest Hills, New York 11375; Diana L. Lee, Far Hills, New jersey 07931; Geoffrey G. Lee, 804 Richard Road, Point Pleasant, New Jersey 08742; Janet E. Leen, 751 Main Street, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801; Christine M. Leggio, 961 Ridge Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Althea Leidy, 9 Seaman Avenue, New York, New York 10034; Michael W. Lema, 305 Loveland Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06905; James E. Lenahan, 409 Dogburn Lane, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Thomas D. Lenahan, 409 Dogburn Lane, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Antonette E. Leon, 13 Highland Avenue, New Rochelle, New York 10801; Geoffrey P. Leonard, 79 Laurel Crest Road, Madison, Connecticut 06443; James T. Leone, 31 Happy Street, Norwich, Connecticut 06360; Alexander L. Lepak, Jr., 33 Barber Street, Wilson, Connecticut 06095; Paige E. Lescure, 319 Talmadge Road , Cheshire, Connecticut 06410; Claudia Leslie, Brockway Lane, Fayetteville, New York 13066; Alain Levanho, Miss Porters School, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; Michael Leverone, 4 Spring Street, Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056; Lisa Levin, Melinda Drive, Owings Mills, Maryland 21117; Anne M . Levine, 24923 Beech Knoll Avenue, Little Neck, New York 11362; Beth S. Levine, 88 Ridge Park Avenue, Stamford, Connecticut 06905; David B. Levitt, 10 Fulton Place, West Hart-

Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107; Stuart S. lovejoy, Meadowcroft Lane, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; Richard S. Lovering, 3630 North Upland Street, Arlington, Virginia 22207; jane W. low, 1 Mountain Farms Road , West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Henry H. lowengard, 727 Prospect Avenue, West Hartford, Connecticut 061 05; David A. Ludlum, Post Office Box 230, Princeton, New jersey 08540; Matthew M. lundberg, 5 Bridgewater Street, Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930; Richard C. lupton, 45 Minnisink Road, Short Hills, New jersey 07078; Eric S. Luskin, 61 Arnold Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181 ; Peter N. lycurgus, 20 New Meadow Road, Barrington, Rhode Island 02806

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B. MacDonald, 7 Pe nt Road, Bloomf1e ld, Connecticut 06002; Brett Maclnness, 61 Orio e Road, Stoughton , Massachusetts 02070; john W. Mack, 324 Llandrillo Road, Bala-Cy nwyd , Pennsy lvania 19004; Catherine McKay-Smith, 1 High Street, Ipswic h, Massachusetts 01938; Hilary Mackenzie, 2271 South Shore Boulevard, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034; Michael Mackey, 2 Stone Road, Binghamton, New York 13903; Greg H. Madding, 700 Chiltern Road, Hillsboro ugh, California 94010; Michael M. Madore, 350 Blue Hill Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; Karen M. Magnuson, 71 Benton Street, Manchester, Connectic ut 06040; Andrew A. Magruder, 174 Stonybrook Road, Fairfie ld, Co nnecti c ut 06430; Megan E. Maguire, 36 Libe rty Street, Madison, Connecticut 06443; J. David Mahder, 424 Wolcott Hill Road , Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Robert J. Mailloux, 24 Benton Street, Hartfo rd, Connecticut 06114; Meredith G. Mainhardt, Lloyd Lane, Huntington, New York 11743; Paul F. Mainuli, 201 Hanmer Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; linda Mallon, 901 Azalea Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33432; Adrien Mally, 4700 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, New jersey 08401; lydia D. Manchester, 32 Clea rwate r Drive, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; Jeffrey l. Mandler, 7175 Southwest 118 Street, Miami, Florida 33156; Elizabeth L. Mangan, 439 AlIe ns Creek Road, Rochester, New York 14618; Ellen Mann, 19 Fairmont Street, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178; l. lindsay Mann, 2033 Sherman Avenue, Eva nston , Illinois 60201; Karen l. Mapp, 39 Coachman Drive, Branford, Connecticut 06405; Milton l. Marder, 15 Reservoi r Road , Brook line, Massachusetts 02167; George M. Margolis, Re nnie Road, Lyme Cente r, New Hampshire 03769; Gene R. Margulies, 168 North Main Street, Sharon, Massachusetts 02067; Sandra l. Marhoefer, 100 Chape l Hill Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsy lvania 15219; Elizabeth A. Mariner, 115 Madison Avenue, Watertown, Massachusetts 02172; Peter B. Markert, Sta r Ro ute, Gilbertville, Massachusetts 01031; Andrew J. Markham, 36 Turkey Hill Road, Chester, Co nn ectic ut 06412; Gary D. Markoff, 34 Donna Road , Newton, Massachusetts 02159; David N. Marks, Livingston Road, Middletown, Connecticut 06457; Tucker I. Marr, 145 West Dudley Avenue, Westfield, New jersey 07090; James S. Marsh, 83 Grennan Road, West Hartfo rd, Connecticut 06107; Ellen S. Marshall, 694 Sale m Street, Teaneck, New je rsey 07666; Paul M. Martha, 11 Perciva l Road , Cheshire, Connecticut 0641 0; Alan K. Martin, 1840 Watson Avenue, Bron x, New York 10472; Brian J. Martin, 218 Raymo nd Road , West Hartford, Co nnecticut 06107; Janice K. Martin, RD #1 Box 337, Lew isburg, Pennsylvania 17837; PeterS. Martin, 135 Hobart Ave-


ford, Connecticut 06107; Ross A. Lewin, 932 Rollingwood Road, Highland Park, Illinois 60035; Belinda L. Lewis, RR #1, Sunset Drive, Clinton, Illinois 61727; Fenton J. Lewis, 413 East 154th Street, Bronx, New York 1 0455; Scott F. lewis, 135 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, Connecti cut 06117; Susan E. lewis, 1709 Martins Lane, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania 19035; Melinda G. Lichter, 5801 Aylesboro Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217; Edwin lichtig Ill, 85 Lathrop Street, Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704; Daniel W. lincoln, 6 Burgess Road, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609; Deborah A. lincoln, 8 Oak Cliff Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181; Jane S. lindsay, 39 Superior Avenue, Newington, Connecticut 06111; John T. Linehan, 191 Sp ringer Lane, West Ya rm outh, Massachusetts 02673; Thomas B. lines, 918 Worthy Street, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; linda lipp, 15 Middlefield Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; John D. Liptak, 60 Taylor Street, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; Richard B. littlefield, 8 Cushi ng Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02906; Carol A. livingston, RR#1 Morrisonville, Illinois 62546; Steven W. Lloyd, Wells Hill Road, Lakeville, Connecticut 06039; Jerry M. lockhart, 2010 Sheridan Road, Pekin, Illinois 61554; Jory F. lockwood, 3 Lejeune Court, Old Greenwich. Connecticut 06870; Douglas 0 . Logan, Hollins College, Roanoke, Virginia 24020; Rebecca loh, 44 Grafton Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; A. Howard lombard, 12 Stonegate Drive, Branford, Connecticut 06405; Gian S. Lombardo, 36 Goodrich Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; Georgina lopez, 4 Kris Lane, Terrace Park, Ohio 45174; Gregg j. loubier, 6 Dean Way,


nue, Summit, New jersey 07901; Robert S. Martin, 158 Washington Avenue, Chatham, New jersey 07928; Andrea Massey, 1 Burleigh Court, Newark, Delaware 19711; Gretchen A. Mathieu, 255 Waterman Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02906; William A. Mathews, 137 Robeth Lane, Wethersfie ld , Connecticut 06109; Michael D. Maus, Plains Road, Moodus, Connecticut 06469; Peter M. May, 715 South Benson Road, Fairfield, Con necticut 06430; Kathryn A. Maye, 301 Saw Mill Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06903; Anthony j. Mazzarella, 115 johanna Circle, Southington, Connecticut 06489; janet L. Mazzola, 257 Chocituate Road, Wayland, Massachusetts 01778; Paul F. McBride, 213 Sterling Road, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611; Lisa McCarter, 45 Buena Vista Avenue, Rumson, New jersey 07760; Lloyd F. McCarthy, Vine Hill Road, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; Martha P. McCarthy, 79 Sussex Square, London W2 2SS, England; Nancy F. McCarthy, 5 Amherst Road, Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945; Nancy McDermott, 159 Whitewood Road, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; john j. McDonald, 14 Bancroft Road, Cohasset, Massachusetts 02025; Brian P. McFadzen, 15 White Street, Valley Stream, New York 11580; Douglas M. McGarrah, 17 Elm Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002; Susan A. McGill, 150 Three Mile Road, Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033; Margaret C. McGrail, 94 Tamarack Road, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; James M. McGrath, Jr., 1862 Westervelt Avenue, Baldwin, New York 11510; Andrew j. McGurgan, 940 High Road, Kensington, Connecticut 06037; Patricia j. McHugh, 42 Birchwood Lane, Willingboro, New jersey 08046; Bruce W. McKay, Old Westfield Road, Russell, Massachusetts 01071; Margaret M. McKean, St. james Place, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15215; Roxane S. McKee, 18 Uncas Road, Old Saybrook, Con272

necticut 06475; john A. McKenna, Jr., 415 Mine Hill Road, Fairfield, Connecticut 06430; Marianne McKeon, 134 Middle Road, Hamden, Connecticut 06517; Meredith B. McKim, 714 Morris Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010; john P. McManus, Pea Pond Road, Katonah , New York 10536; James F. McNally, Jr., 258 North Whitney Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06105; Ann P. McNichol, 81 Crestline Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087; Michael D. McShurley, 40315 Hudson Way, Englewood, Colorado 80110; Elsa C. Medina, 399 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, New York 11231; Burton j. Megargel, 11 Vine Street, Bronxville, New York 10708; Richard W. Meier, 152 Hawthorne Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Philip K. Meister, RFD # 5 Box 34, Swanton, Ohio 43558; Nina B. Meledandri, 26 East 81st Street, New York, New York 10028; Edmund H. Melhado, Tulip Tree Lane, Rumson, New jersey 07760; Thomas D. Melkus, Route 8 Box 122, Elkhart, Indiana 46514; Allison A. Mellor, Skunks Misery Road, Locust Valley, New York 11560; Jeffrey S. Meltzer, 1402 Westwood Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151; joanne Mendeloff, 1326 Morningside Drive, Charlestown, West Virginia 25314; Pamela J. Mendonca, 228 Kaia Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96831; james H. C. Meng, 7 Cobb Avenue, White Plains, New York 10606; Robert j. Menna, 102 Arlington Street North, Meriden, Connecticut 06450; Savas Mercouriou, 1155 Broad Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Henry B. Merens, 952 Glencoe Road, Glencoe, Illinois 60022; David F. Meriwether, 165 Riverside Avenue, Westport, Connecticut 06880; james S. Merrell, 701 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087; jay G. Merwin, Jr., 555 North Street, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; Andrew K. Merz, 904 Laburnum Lane, Wyncote, Pennsylvania 19095; Robert D. Mesnard,

140 South Devon Avenue, Devon, Pennsylvania 19333; Marion Metivier, RR #1 Box 89A, Pomfret Center, Connecticut 06259; William B. Metz, 4705 -Hill Top Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45243; Carolyn E. Meyer, 108 Five Fields Road, Madison, Connecticut 06443; H. Conrad Meyer, Ill, 9500 Stenton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; Robert C. Meyer, 18 Lantern Hill Road, Easton, Connecticut 06425; louis B. Meyers, 5516 Devon Road, Bethesda, Maryland 20034; Robert K. Meyers, Route 156 Hamburg Road, lyme, Connecticut 06371; Terry l. Michel, 239 East 31st Street, New York, New York 10016; John Miesowitz, 1 Claire Drive, Somerville, New Jersey 08876; Donald S. Miller, 2 Glenwood Lane, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577; Frederica M. Miller, 5300 Wilkins Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217; Helen T. Miller, 79 Kenyon Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06105; Julianne M. Miller, 68 Hildurcrest Drive, Simsbury, Connecticut 06070; Stephen l. Miller, 731 Meetinghouse Road, Rydal, Pennsylvania 19046; Steph~n R. Miller, Porter Hill Road, Middlebury, Connecticut 06762; Peter G. Miliken, Pierson Drive, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; C. lisa Mindnich, 12 Wyndham Road, Short Hill s, New Jersey 07078; George I. Minter, 203 Hughes Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406; Margaret A. Mistretta, 112 School Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Michael T. Mistretta, 112 School Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Teresa l. Mitchell, 8620 Wade Park Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106; Michael G. Moffitt, RD # 2, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055; Cynthia S. Mohr, 217 Gulf Creek Road, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087; Hugh E. Mohr, 10 Mallard Drive, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; Jeffrey H . Monaghan, 1678 Broad Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; M. Carol Monaghan, 241 Cheswold Lane, Haverford, Pennsyl-

vania 19041; P. Alec Monaghan, 241 Cheswold Lane, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041; Floyd D. Monroe, 18 Pinewood Road, Hamden, Connecticut 06518; R. Marc Montini, 2 Mountain Street, Derby, Connecticut 06418; Robert P. Montini, 2 Mountain Street, Derby, Connecticut 06418; larry J. Moody, 23 Elmer Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06120; Alan T. Moore, 10 james Street, Enfield, Connect icut 06082; Amy N. Moore, 3705 Carnley Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina 27612; Mark S. Moore, Star Route, St. Clair, Missouri 63077; Merrie E. Moore, '145 Monte Vista Avenue, Ridgewood, New jersey 07451; Michelle A. Moreschi, 909 Croton Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087; Alexander M. Moorrees, 4 Peacock Farm Road, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173; Peter J. Morin, 98 Perry Road, Bristol, Connecticut 06010; Scott A. Morris, 24 Fox Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06903; Susan Morris, High View Terrace, Winsted, Connecticut 06098; Bennett B. Mortell, 508 Stra tfield Road, Fairfield, Connectic ut 06604; Pamela M. Morton, 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, New York 10025; D. Holmes Morton, Box 6528, Station A, Hartford, Connecticut 061 06; Deborah E. Moser, 2201 Cross Country Boulevard, Ba ltimore, Maryland 21209; James M . Moscow, 158 Walnut Hill Road, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167; Nancy B. Motley, Haven Street, Dover, Massachusetts 02030; Peter T. Mott, 95 Sycamore Lane, Fairfield, Connecticut 06430; laura l. Mountcastle, Indian Spring Trail, Darien, Connecticut 06820; David Moy, 1875 Archer Street, New York, New York 10460; David J. Murphy, 137 Greenwood Lane, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154; Gregory S. Murphy, 122 South Scoville, Oak Park, Illinois 60302; Darlene A. Murray, 209 Hoffman Boulevard, East Orange, New )ersey-07017; Michael G. Muto, 24 William Street, Andover, Massachusetts 0"181 0


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Notch Road, Farmmgton, Connecticut 06032; Elizabeth T. Nalle, 719 Cedar Lane, Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085; Mary Ann Nelson, 25 Kenney Terrace, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; Paul J. Nelson, 480 Church Street, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109; Nancy A. Newberger, 214 Cedar Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois 60035; Kay L. Newburger, 29 East 64th Street, New York, New York 10021; W. Ross Newland, DR Garciadiego 170, Mexico 7 D F, Mexico; George E. Newson, 35 West Raymond Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; John E. Niekrash, 19 Jupiter Lane, West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; George H. Niland, 4 Cosma Road, North Easton, Massachusetts 02356; Anne S. Nimick, 452 Glyn Wynne Road, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041; Terri A. Norden, 350 Central Park West, New York, New York 10025; Stephen H. Norris, 8007 Navajo Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; Frank P. Novak, 1404 Blackhawk, Rockton, Illinois 61072; Victor F. Novak, II, 3115 East Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15214; Eva M. Nutt, 24 Highlander Drive, Scotch Plains, New jersey 07076 D. William O'Brien, 685 Linwood Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105; Deirdre O'Brien, 336 Abbey Court, Ridgewood, New jersey 07450; Merrill M. O'Brien, 17 Wierimus Lane, Hillsdale, New jersey 07642; Michael T. O'Brien, 12 Diana Lane, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; David J. O'Connell, 1435 Neipsic Road, Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033; Margaret E. O'Connell, 51 Spring Garden Street, Hamden, Connecticut 06571; George R. O'Connor, 108 Bonita Avenue, Piedmont, California 94611; Mark A. O'Connor, 421 janet Lane, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Nancy C. O'Connor, 24 Brattle Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01606; Angel Oden, 42 Orient Street, Meriden, Connecticut 06450; James T. O'Donnell, 339 Hart Street, New Britain, Connecticut 06052; Brian V. O'Donaghue, 23 Wendy Lane, Toms River, New jersey 08753; Clement R. Ogilby, 306 Washington Street, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178; Franklin C. Ognelodh, 1080 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, New York 11221; Michael E. O'Hare, 106 Westminster Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; Jane Olberg, 308 Nassau Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403; Robert D. O'leary, Jr., 45 Spruce Street, Milton, Massachusetts 02186; Roberta A. Oliverio, 1148 Washington Avenue, Pelham, New York 10803; Sean E. O'Malley, Loomis School, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; Reynolds L. Onderdonk, 16 Greentree Lane, Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355; Michael D. O'Neil, 59 Downing Avenue, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830; Grover O'Neill Ill, 161 East 79th Street, New York, New York 10021; James J. O'Neill, 912 Childs Avenue, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026; Nancy L. Openshaw, 10 Topsail Road, Rowayton, Connecticut 06853; James W. Oppenheimer, Jr., 140 Chapin Parkway, Buffalo, New York 14209; Kelly A. O'Reilly, 48 Cornwall Road, Kensington, Connecticut 06037; John R. Orrick, Jr., 7519 Club Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21204; Anita C. Orsi, 9 Contentment Island, Darien, Connecticut 06820; Thomas H. Osgood, 7205 Meadow Lane, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015; Philip H. Osman, 76 Glen Cove Drive, Glen Head, New York 11545; Michael A. Osur, 199 Palmerston Road, Rochester, New York 14618; Cuyler M. Overholt, 350 Indian Rock Lane, New tanaan, Connecticut 06840; Judith L. Owen, 1539 Marian Road, Abington, Penn-

IllI n



sylvania 19001; Mallard D. Owen, 55 Linden Boulevard, Brooklyn, New York 11226 Andrew M. Paalborg, 211 East Church Road, El- , , , kins Park, Pennsylvania 19117; Harry Pacheco, 1113 Grant Avenue, New York, New York 10456; Deborah Packer, 5-Chome Hamobe-Dori, Fukiai-Ku, Kobe 651, japan; Kenneth M. Padach, 305 Gulph Hills Road, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087; Elizabeth l. Page, 1301 Fairacres Road, Rydal, Pennsylvania 19046; Anne Melinda Palmore, 6811 South Crandon Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60649; Kathleen M. Pane, 266 South Main Street, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; Paul J. Pantano!, Jr., 760 Gallopinghill Road, Fairfield, Connecticut 06430; lawrence Papel, 19 North Saddle Brook Drive, Hohokus, New jersey 07423; Jane L. Papps, Lothian Spring Farm, Topsfield, Massachusetts 01938; Edward D. Pardoe Ill, Johns Lane, Ambler, Pennsylvania 19002; Elizabeth F. Parker, 4015 49th Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20016; James E. Parker, 91 Arnold Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181; Robert S. Parzych, 149 Bingham Street, New Britain, Connecticut 06051; Robert J. Paskowitz, 149 Brookline Avenue, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; Teresa A. Pasquine, 418 Foulkstone Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19803; Jacob F. Patterson, 435 West Alkire, Sugar Land, Texas 77478; Sara E. Patterson, 2626 Courtland Oval, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44118; Clark W. Patteson, 96 Lenox Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02165; Deborah L. Pava, 45 Fairfield Road , West Hartford, Connecticut 06117; Robert B. Pawlick, 1284 North Sheridan Road, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045; laurence G. Payson, 137 Rose Hill Road, Southport, Connecticut 06490; Marc A. Pearlin, 51 Curry Road, Hamden, Connecticut 06517; Randolph R. Pearsall, 70 North Livingston Avenue,


Livingston, New jersey 07039; Randall G. Pearson, 249 78th Street, Avalo n, New j ersey 08202; Dan B.C. Cote Peck, 4471 Sout hern Boulevard, Dayton, Ohi o 45429; louise F. Pell etier, 1165 Bou levard, West Hartfo rd, Connecticut 06119; Susan E. Penn, 6801 Westbrook Road, Ba ltimo re, Maryland 21215; Mary j . Penniman, 55 Marco urt D ri ve, Chapp aqu a, New Yo rk 10514; Andrea Pereira, 12 Rose mary Lane, Q uaker Hill, Connecticut 06375; Charles A. Perkin s, Jr., 31 Wagon Whee l Road, North Att leboro, Massachu setts 02760; Claudia A. Perry, 4 Coral Cove, East Norw ich, New York 11732; lauren G. Perry, 350 W ill ow Street, So uth port, Co nnecticut 06490; Dean A. Perton, 627 Maitl and Aven ue, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666; David l. Peters, 28 Wa rn er, Grosse Poi nt Farm s, Michi gan 48236; Robert J. Peterson, 4 Porter Street, Granby, Massachu setts 01 033; Mario D . Petrella, 87 Cou rtney Drive, Rocky Hill, Co nn ecti cut 06067; Edward H. Pfeiffenberger, 4223 Baysho re Road, Saraso ta, Fl o rida 33580; Robert F. Phelps, Jr., 1 Baywater Dri ve, D ari en, Conn ecticut 06820; Clay E. Phillips, 1932 Five M il e Lin e Road, Penfield, New York 14526; Katherine R. Phil son, 140 Cliff Avenue, Pelh am, New Yo rk 10803; Peter K. Phinn ey, 10 Happy Holl ow Road, Wayland, Massachusetts 01778; Robert F. Pickard, Jr., 178 Division Street, East G reenwic h, Rhode Island 02818; Peter Pi erago stini, Box 1253, Trinity Co llege, Hartfo rd, Co nnecticut 061 06; Clan ford l. Pierc e, 28 May Street, Hartford, Conn ecticut 06105; George J. Piligian, 171 Middlesex Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, New j ersey 07632; Franco Pizzorni, Vittor Pisa ni 2, Mi lan, Ita ly 20124; James E. Plagenhoef, 43 Blackberry Lane, Amh erst, Massachu setts 01002; Keith Plapinger, 864 Prin ce t o n - Lawrencevi lle, Prin ceton, New Jersey 08540; Helen T. Platt, Ta unton Lane, Newtown, Co nn ecticu t 06470; Alan H .

Plough, Box 716, Wrightstow n, Penn sy lva ni a 18940; Carol M . Plough, Box 716, . W rightstow n, Penn sy lva nia 18940; Robin l. Pohl, 2146 Woodcres t Drive, j o hn stow n, Penn sy lvania 15905; Robert M. Pollak, 52 Sherb rooke Roa d, Newto n, Massachusetts 02158; Su san B. Pollan, 110 Th o rn wood Road, M assa pequa Park, New York 11762; Bruce A.F. Poisky, 471 Derby-Milfo rd Road, Orange, Conn ecti cut 06477; Charles A. Poole, 44 Bowdo in Street, Po rtl and , Ma in e 04102; Christina C. Poole, 44 Bowdoi n Street, Po rt land, Main e 041 02; Stephen J. Poole, 11 3 Chath am Place, Wilmington, Delaware 19810; A. Hobart Porter, 743 Parkes Run Lane, Vill anova, Pennsylva nia 19085; Jonathan D. Porter, 5607 East bourne Dri ve, Springfield, V irgini a 22151; Richard M . Porton, 3 Flint Street, Chelm sfo rd, Massachu setts 01 824; Clifford l. Posman, 37 Preston Road, Delm ar, New Yo rk 12054; John C. Post, 138 Pit kin Street, Manchester, Co nnecti cut 06040; Kenneth A. Post, 3755 Mill Road, Seafo rd , New York 11783; Gregory P. Potter, 97 Massaso it Dri ve, Warwi ck, Rho de Island 02888; David Poulin, 17 Boston Avenue, Winslow, M ain e 04902; W. Martin Powell, 417 W est 5th Street, Pl ain field, New j ersey 07060; James E. Pratzon, 989 North Farm s Roa d, Wa llingfo rd, Co nn ecti cut 06492; Carla E. Precht, 65 Brite Ave nu e, Scarsdale, N ew Yo rk 10583; Ronald H. Preis, 32 Farm stead Lane, Wind so r, Connecti cut 06095; Peter E. Preston , 905 W o tt en Roa d, Bryn M aw r, Penn sy lva nia 19010; Cynthia S. Prevey, 3718 Pl easa nt Street, Ci ncinnati , Ohi o 45227; Edward C. Pritchard, 6 D o nahu e Road, North Granby, Co nn ecti cut 06060; William P. Prowell, 555 Park Avenue, New York, New Yo rk 10021; Katherine l. Pryor, Broad Brook Road, Bed fo rd Hills, N ew Yo rk 10507; Robert B. Purcell, 748 South Avenu e, N ew Ca naa n, Connecticut 06840



Ann Marie Raeder, 71 Hicko ry Drive, Oakland, New jersey 07436; David H. Rahm, 133 Grotke Road, Sprin g Va ll ey, New York 10977; Merrilee Raines, 68 Lochnavar Parkway, Pittsfo rd , New York 14S34; Hope A. Ramsi ng, 232 Emerald Lane, Palm Beach, Florida 33480; William J. Rawden, 217 Alden Avenu e, New Haven, Connecticut 06S1S; Donald G. Rebhun , 2S Meadow Woods Road, Great Neck, New York 11020; Scott W. Reid, 113 Riding Trail Lane, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1S21S; Kent D. Reill y, 12 Taconic Road, Greenwich, Co nnectic ut 06830; Paul M. Reinhardt, 712 Lake Street, San Francisco, Ca lifornia 94118; Charles T. Reiss, 101 Pros pect Avenue, West Haven, Connecticut 06S16; Penny E. Resnick, 29S Arkansas Drive, Brooklyn, New York 11234; Cathy A. Revaz, 20S Westside Lane, Torrington, Co nn ecti cut 06790; Elizabeth B. Rice, 66 French Street, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; Lucie L. Richard s, 179 East 70th Street, New

York, New York 10021; Thomas W. Richards, 3S9 Thornbrook Avenu e, Rosem o nt, Pennsylvania 1901 0; Mary C. Richardson, 7 Eaton Avenue, Meriden, Connecticut 064SO; Henry C. Riely, 3 Ros lyn Road, Richm o nd, Virginia 23226; Elizabeth L. Riemer, 397 Nahatan Street, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; Nancy E. Riemer, 21 Lo rrain e Terrace, Ma rblehead, Massac husetts 0194S; Cynthia S. Riker, 10 Broadmoor Drive, Rum son, New Jersey 07760; Philip D. Riley, P.O. Box 824, Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482; John E. Rioux, Jr., 9 Mt. Hope Street, North Attleboro, Massachusetts 02760; Phyllis Rippey, 43 Fern Street, Hart ford, Con necticut 061 OS; Catherine C. Ritchie, 7S1 Weed Street, New Canaan, Connecti cut 06840; Edward S. Rivkin, 16 Windermere Terrace, Short Hills, New jersey 07078; Carl A. Roberts, 22 Wydown Terrace, St. Louis, Missouri 631 OS; George B. Roberts Ill, 7SOS Lynn Drive, Chevy Chase, Maryland 2001S; Phyllis K. Roberts, 60 Soundview Avenue, White Plains, New York 10606; Steven D. Roberts, 6 Willowbrook Lane, Freeport, New York 11S20; Arthur W. Robinson Ill, 203 Ri vers id e Avenue, Riversid e, Connecticut 06878; Debra Jo Rochelle, 30 Farwood Drive, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022; Elizabeth W. Rodie, S030 Rive rdale Avenue, Bronx, New York 10471; Su-

san B. Rodnon, Plaza Park Apartments, Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067; Amos B. Roe, RFD #3, Dixon, Illinois 61021; Louis C. Roesemann, 1370 Hobart Avenue, Bronx, New York 10461; Sarah P. Rogers, 337 West Street, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026; William P. Rogers Ill, 337 West Street, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026; Angel Roman, 74 Grove Street, Brooklyn, New York 11221; Theodore C. Roman, 424 janet Lane, Orange, Connecticut 06477; Donald V. Romanik, 62 Anderson Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; Thomas R. Romano, 47 Kings Court, Derby, Connecticut 06418; Laura E. Roper, 3405 0 Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20007; Carla L. Rosati, 1091 Liberty Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01104; George P. Rose, 83 Vista Drive, East Haven, Connecticut 06512; Linda A. Roseboom, 36 Barnum Road, New Fairfield, Connecticut 0681 0; Barry A. Rosen, 28 Edgemont Place, Teaneck, New jersey 07666; David A. Rosen, 7464 Millbrook Road, Norfolk, Virginia 23505; Joy B. Rosen, 24 Griggs Road, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146; Leonard J. Rosen, 2701 Rockwood Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215; Robert J. Rosenfield, 164 Bradlee Avenue, Swampscott, Massachusetts 01907; Mark Rosolowsky, 168 West 32nd Street, Bayonne, New jersey 07002;

Debbie Ann Roth, 12 Terrace Drive, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609; James H. Rotondo, 102 Ridgewood Avenue, North Haven, Connecticut 06517; David A. Roundtree, 70 Windsor Road, Needham, Massachusetts 02192; Robert J. Rovezzi, 211 Pineridge Road, Torrington, Connecticut 06790; Elnora M. Rowan, 1065 West 108th Place, Chicago, Illinois 60643; David J. Rowland, 12 Merry Lane, Georgetown, Connecticut 06829; Michael L. Roy, 40 Ellen Street, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851; Mary T. Royal, 440 South Avenue, Glencoe, Illinois 60022; Carol P. Rubin, 11 Wendy Lane, Closter, New jersey 07624; Elihu B. Rubin, 5713 223rd Street, New York, New York 11364; Margaret A. Rubino, 7227 Marbury Court, Bethesda, Maryland 20034; Lucien V. Rucci, 13 Harvard Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Richard B. Ruchman, 200 Overlook Terrace, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577; Walter J. Rudnick, 1355 East 7th Street, Plainfield, New jersey 07062; Luz E. Ruiz, 2111 Lafontaine Avenue, Bronx, New York 10457; John J. Ruskin, 20 Soundview Lane, Sands Point, New York 11050; Virginia G. Russ, West Side Road, Norfolk, Connecticut 06058; Megan A. Ryan, 2 Old Orchard Road, Port Chester, New York 10573



Gregory J. Sacca, 28 Ferway Road, Lynnfield, Massachusetts 01940; Paul R. Sachs, 1101 Gainsboro Road, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004; Paula L. Sahacian, 135 Booth Road, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026; Wendy E. St. Hill, 31-22 99th Street, East Elmhurst, New York 11369; Steven M. Salky, 451 Avon Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38117; Mark Salonia, 30 Ridgewood Road , Middletown, Connecticut 06457; Sarah L. Salter, 60 Willow Crescent, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146; Bernice M. Saltzman, 4 Kirkwood Road, West Hartford, Connectic ut 06117; Eric F. Samuelson, 107 Essex Avenue, Montclair, New jersey 07042; Barbara J. Sanborn, 1701 Boulevard, Westfield, New Jersey 07090; Mitchel D. Sanborn, 367 Park Avenue, Chardon, Ohio 44024; Virginia L. Sanchez, 781 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10701; Renee F. Sandelowsky, 30 Eastbrook Drive, River Edge, New Je rsey 07661; R. Jeffrey Sands, 88 Amsterdam Avenue, Holland, Pennsylvania 18966; Paul A. Saner, 24 Adare Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01 060; Thomas P. Santopietro, 241 Forest Ridge Road, Waterbury, Connecticut 06708; Jack J. Santos, 34 South Whitney Street, Hartford, Co nnecticut 06106; Kenneth C. Sarnoff, 11 Leone Close, Sca rsdale, New York 10583; Jodonna S. Scala, 63 Hoyt Avenue, Rumford, Rhode Island 02916; Thomas G. Scali, 26 Horton Avenue, Middletown, New York 10940; Jamie P. Scangos, 75 Pembroke Drive, Stamford, Con necticut 06903; Anthony L. Schaeffer, 1021 Green Valley Road, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010; David J. Scharff, 3623 Windward Way, Louisville, Kentucky 40220; Michael A. Scher, 164 Chittenden Road, Clifton, New jersey 0701 3; Gregory Schieman, 541 Prospect Street, East Orange, New Je rsey 07017; Dorothy M. Schiumo, 78 Steep Road , South Windsor, Connectic ut 06074; Robert B. Schlesinger, 1217 Green Tree Lan e, Narberth, Pennsylvania 19072; Roger I. Schreck, 926 Eastlawn Drive, Highland Heights, Ohio 44143; Elaine C. Schreiber, 15 Hop Ho llow, Simsbury, Connecticut 06070; Ann B. Schube, 141 East 88th Street, New York, New York 10028; Harry R. Schuh, 12 Cumberland Street, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Abby P. Schwartz, 2200 Centra l Road, Fort Lee, New Je rsey 07024; Diane J. Schwartz, 2955 Ewell Place, Wantagh, New York 11793; Richard W . Schweikert, 28 North Terrace, Maplewood, New Jersey 07040; Durant D. Schwimmer, 11 Angus Lane, Greenwich , Connecticut 06830; Deborah Scott, 100 Bedford Road, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; Robert E. Sears, 204 South Plymouth, Los Angeles, California 90004; Peter J. Sebekos, 2365 Harrison Avenue, Baldwin, New York 11510; Richard M. Secunda, 25 Linco ln Parkway, Bayonne, New Je rs ey 07002; Maria R. Segarra, 17 Fort George Hill, New York, New York 10040; Conrad 0. Seifert, Flat Rock Hill Road, Ol'd Lyme, Co nnecticut 0637'1; Salvador F. Sena, 674 Griswold St reet, Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033; Jonathan B. Sendor, 608 Blair Drive, Westbury, New York 11 590; John M. Shannon, 331 East 83 rd Street, New York, New York '10028; Ellen Shapiro, 7725 Junipe r Avenue, Elkins Park, Pe nnsy lvan ia 19117; Steven G. Shapiro, 1 Briggs Avenue, Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950; Susan E. Shappell, 154 Knowlto n Street, Manchester, New Hampshire 03103; David M. Sharaf, 20 Clea rvi ew Drive, Framingham, Massa c husetts 01701; Willette Y. Sharp, P 0 Box 675, Kingstree, South Ca rolina 29556; John J. Shaskus, 149 Berlin Road, Cromwell, Con necticut 06416; Francis M. Shea, 11 Paul Rev e re Road , 278

Worcester, Massac husetts 01690; Jennifer J. Shearer, Wyndham Drive, York, Pennsylvania 17403; Eugene Y. Shen, 70 La Sa ll e Street, New York, New York 10027; Jam es R. Shepard, 30 Birch Street, Stratford, Connecticut 06497; Samuel R. Shepherd, Western Reserve Academy, Hud so n, Ohio 44236; EllenS. Sherman, 506 Latmer Road , Merion, Pennsylvania 19066; Howard I. Sherman, 247 Beaumont Street, Brooklyn, New York 11235; J. Craig Shields Ill, '1718 C loverly Lane, Rydal, Pe nnsylvania 19046; Jackson J. Shinkle, 1904 North Geyer Road, St. Lo ui s, Missouri 63131; William N. Shoff, 345 Poplar Avenue, Indiana, Pe nn sy lva ni a 15701; Robert A. Shor, 19 Central Parkway, Mt. Vernon, New York '10552; Ruthanne Shpiner, 816 Dedham Street, Newton, Massachusetts 021 59; Thomas M. Shultz, RD #3, Hanove r, Pennsylvania 17331; Melvin R. Shuman, 36 Mandalay Road , Newton Centre, Ma ssac hu se tt s 02159; John Sidebotham, 575 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 1 0022; Monica Sidor, 1554 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford , Co nn ecticut

06177; Jeffrey S. Siegel, 41 Maple Street, Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945; Karen G. Siegel, 304 Old Farm Road, Wyncote, Pennsylvania 19095; Michael D. Siegel, 409 Upland Road, Pikesville, Maryland 21208; Steven P. Siegrist, 45 South High Street, New Britain, Connecticut 06051; Elizabeth Siener, Narrow Lane, Greene, Rhode Island 02827; Andrew P. Sigal, 170 Summit Drive, Cranston, Rhode Island 02920; Richard E. Sigler, 3712 Fords Lane, Baltimore, Maryland 21215; Deborah J. Sikkel, 12 Dorrance Street, Danielson, Connecticut 06239; Raymond J. Sikora, 312 West Avon Road, Avon, Connecticut 06001; Darryl S. Silic, 12 Sharaf Street, New London, Connecticut 06302; Peter A. Silkowski, 105 Merline Drive, Vernon, Connecticut 06066; Andrea D. Silver, 591 Fern Street, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; Daniel S. Silver, 288 Kennedy Road, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; Robert P. Silverman, 45 Manor Street, Hamden, Connecticut 06517; Gale P. Simon, 1304 Unruh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111; John J. Sinnott Ill, Schultzville Road, Clinton Corners, New York 12514; Ralph D. Sinsheimer, 22 Murray Hill Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Michael P. Sjogren, 28 George Hill Road, Grafton, Massachusetts 01519; M. Louise Slater, 737 Park Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091; Joann Slutsky, 401 Greenwood Avenue, Wyncote, Pennsylvania 19095; Michael L. Smirlock, 914 Westbury Road, Westbury, New York 11590; Deborah Jean Smith, 8531 West Howell Road, Bethesda, Maryland 20034; Elizabeth C. Smith, 4663 Palisade Avenue, New York, New York 10471; Emily R. Smith, 8 Deer Park Court, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830; Frances R. Smith, Belfast Road, Sparks, Maryland 21152; George L. Smith, 45 Pinewood Drive, Longmeadow, Massachusetts 011 06; Gordon R. Smith, 418 Ash Street, Willimantic, Connecticut 06226; Harriet F. Smith, 7909 St. Martins Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; James P. Smith, 18 Morse Street, East Walpole, Massachusetts 02032; Leslie E. Smith, 180 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10024; Margaret E. Smith, 4946 Highland Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63113; Margaret K. Smith, 8010 Navajo Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; Robin Dunn Smith, 300 Ridgewood Avenue, Hamden, Connecticut 06517; Sandra Smith, 6352 South Morgan Street, Chicago, Illinois 60621; Scott T. Smith, 760 Bryant Avenue, Winnetka, Illinois 60093; Harold A. Smullen, 36 South Street, West Haven, Connecticut 06516; David N. Snyder, 2525 Washington Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104; Barbara J. Sobotka, 138 Audley Street, Kew Gardens, New York 11418; Wayne P. Sokolosky, 80 South Montowese Street, Branford, Connecticut 06405; Richard T. Sokolov, Jr., 538 East Shore Road, Great Neck, New York 11024; Charles A. Solomon, 168-16 118th Road, Jamaica, New York 11434; James E. Solomon, 1700 East 56th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637; Anne G. Sommer, 603 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; Catherine J. Spera, 15 Sullivan Drive, Granby, Connecticut 06035; Charles E. Spicer, Jr., 451 Rock Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452; Peter L. Speilman, 115 West 86th Street, New York, New York 10024; Janet S. Stahl, 675 Lovely Street, Avon, Connecticut 06001; Leigh H. Standish, 416 Oak Street, East Hartford, Connecticut 061 08; Edward B. Staudinger, 542 Prospect Street, Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895; Michael S. Stein, Botsford Hill Road, Roxbury, Connecticut 06783; Laura G. Stell, 3206 Wake Drive, Kensington, Maryland 20795; MarkS. Stern, 93 Foote Street, Hamden, Connecticut

06157; Charles P. Stewart Ill, 5454 Albemarle Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217; Walter L. Stewart, 1971 B Mercury Drive, Kirtland AFB W, New Mexico 87118; Elizabeth A. Steyer, 69 Griffen Avenue, Scarsdale, New York 10583; George W. Stiffler, 528 Passaic Avenue, Nutley, New Jersey 07110; Philip H. Stires, 1158 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10029; Peter A. Stisser, 23 Owenoke Way, Riverside, Connecticut 06878; Alison G. Stoddard, Meyersville Road, Green Village, New Jersey 07935; Marian E. Stoddard, 108 Oakwood Avenue, West Hartford, Connecticut 06119; Mary H. Stodolink, 616 Chicadee Lane, Stratford, Connecticut 06497; Mark D. Strickland, 12 Cornfield Road, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; Michael Stroppa, Jr., 45 Ampere Parkway, East Orange, New Jersey 07017; Cynthia Stroud, Landhope Road 2, West Grove, Pennsylvania 19390; Morris W. Stroud, RD #2 Box 242, West Grove, Pennsylvania 19390; GayleR. Stroy, 509 North 63 Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151; Philip W. Studwell, 49 Sutton Place, Pleasantville, New York 10570; Stephen 0. Stueck, South Cove Lane, Essex, Connecticut 06426; Carl Sturken, 106 Balcourt Drive, Princeton, New Jersey 08540; Doris E. Sullivan, 6407 South Morgan, Chicago, Illinois 60621; Stephen M. Sunega, 8 North Drive, Niantic, Connecticut 06357; Ellen Supple, 97 Beechnut Road, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; Margaret Z. Sutro, 130 South McCadden Place, Los Angeles, California 90004; Paul W. Sutton, 1111845 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206; Marion M. Suyemoto, 2259 North Fort Thomas Avenue, Fort Thomas, Kentucky 41075; Robert W. Sweeney, 4600 Southwest Northwood Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201; Stephen J. Swiatkiewicz, 26 Gold Street, East Hartford, Connecticut 06118; Peter M. Switchenko, 289 Church Street, Willimantic, Connecticut 06226; Perry G. Swope, 60 Raynham Road, Merion, Pennsylvania 19066 Andrew A. Tamoney, 47 Stoner Drive, West Hartford, Connecticut 06107; Nigil Tanburn, 16 Quicksie Hill Arkosden, Saffron, Walden, Essex, England; Jody Tannenbaum, 20 Ash Drive, Roslyn, New York 11576; Laurie G. Tanner, 29 Barney Hill Road, Wayland, Massachusetts 01778; Sally E. Tarbell, 110 Giddings Avenue, Windsor, Connecticut 06095; Allan F. Taylor, 87 Pineywoods Avenue, Springfield, Massachusetts 01108; Carol R. Taylor, 820 Greenwood Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19807; Nils 0. Tcheyan, 17 Dolma Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; David L. Teichmann, 534 Mitscher Road, Nas Memphis, Tennessee 38053; Daniel C. Teller, 7099 Winding Way, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236; AndrewS. Terhune, 11702 Brandon Way, Houston, Texas 77024; Thomas S. Thacher, 3979 Washington Street, San Francisco, California 94118; Samuel W.M. Thayer, RD#2, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017; Neil D. Theobald, 147 Caroline Street, East Peoria, Illinois 61611; Douglas Thorn Ill, Route 9D Box 27, Garrison, New York 10524; Aaron B. Thomas, 10 St. Johns Road, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138; Agnes Thomas, 161 Brentwood Road, Newington, Connecticut 06111; C.G. Brian Thomas, 681 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey 07052; Stephen J. Thomas, 720 West Moss, Peoria, Illinois 61606; Stephen M. Thomas, 116 Princeton Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01109; Benjamin F. Thomas, 190 Gates Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey 07042; Cameron A. Thompson, 190 East 72nd Street, New York, New York 10021; Donald J. Thompson II, 25 Bay State Road, Weston,



Massachusetts 02193; John D. Thompson, 73 West Town Street, Norwich, Connecticut 06360; Jonathan S. Thompson, 14 Winthrop Avenue, Middletown, New York 10940; Robert P. Thompson, Jr., 2000 Papermill Road, Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 19006; Roderick M. Thompson, 5337 South University, Chicago, Illinois 60615; Ellen A. Thomson, 19 Leatherstocking Lane, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Stephen J. Thoren, 29 Amaryllis Drive, Windsor, Connecti cut 06095; Ann L. Thorne, 5782 Buena Vista, Oakland, California 94618; Nancy M. Thornton, 55 Prescott Avenue, Bronxville, New York 10708; David D. Tibbals, 566 Ridge Road, Middletown, Connecticut 06457; Elizabeth B. Tilghman, Longwood Crossing, Ceda rhurst, New York 11516; Margaret Tillmans, Pioneer Road , Westport, Connecticut 06880; Phyllis Timm, 51 Shore Drive, Meriden, Connecticut 06450; Stephen C. Titus, 130 Westland Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618; Margaret E. Tobin, 80 Creston Avenue,


Tenafly, New jersey 07670; Carl G. Torrey, Jr., 134 West Highland Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118; Robert A. Towner, 280 First Avenue, New York, New York 10009; Richard J. Trachimowicz, 22 Crestlan Circle, Worcester, Massachusetts 01604; C. Bowdoin Train, 3101 Woodland Drive NW, Washington D.C. 20008; Cynthia T. Trapani, Sloehidden Road, Briarcliff, New York 10510; Glennon J. Travis, 8 Exmoor Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63124; S. Tylor Tregellas, 1165 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10028; Steven D. Triggs, 2501 East Bay Drive, Largo, Florida 33540; Anthony J. Trivella, 216 Highfield Drive, Torrington, Connecticut 06790; Christopher S. Ttofi, 207 Camp Avenue, Newington, Co nnecticut 06111; Gwendolyn Tucker, 63 Flower Drive, Mt. Carmel, Connecticut 06518; Edward J. Tuttle, 44 Heritage Drive, Southington, Connecticut 06489; Emily N. Twaddell, RD 4, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380; Deborah R. Tyner, 513-46th Street South East #2,

02356; Andrew R. Vermilye, 157 School Street, Manchester, Massachusetts 01944; Michele E. Veseskis, 165 Bond Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; Reinhard P. Viehoff, 29 Hawley Avenue, Milford, Connecticut 06460; James A. Vieira, 77 Mill Road, Falmouth, Massachusetts 02540; Julia B. Vigneron, 300 Sturges Road, Fairfield, Connecticut 06430; Jacob P. Vinton, Chapel Street, Lyndon, Vermont 05849; Chryssi Vitsilakis, 275 Franklin Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06114; Jeffrey M. Voigt, 280 Sherman Avenue, Hamden, Connecticut 06518; Peter D. Vorhees, 1 Pierre-

pwo~~nliJtUSUt~reet, Bro~k~~:~ ~~::~~~r:~~o~ear Brook Lane, Liv-


Washington, D.C. 20019; Elizabeth K. Tyson, 7 Buttonwood l ane, Darien, Connecticut 06820




Richard P. Uluski, 357 Seymour Avenue, Derby, Connecticut 06418; Steven W. Usdin, 3 Newcomb Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118

Eddie Valentin, 1281 Commonwealth Avenue, Bronx, New York 10472; Peter A. Van Loon, 18 Ridgewood Terrace, Maplewood, New jersey 07042; Peter B. Van Syckle, Saw Mill Ridge Road, Newtown, Connecticut 06470; Yvette Vartanian, Ara Bros 184 Lalezar Nov, Tehran, Iran; Louis Vassallo, 40 Paladino Avenue, New York, New York 10035; Ruth E. Veal, 41 Santina Drive, Manchester, Connecticut 06040; John N. Vecchio, 118 Pine Street, Garden City, New York 11530; Margaret A. Verdi, 24 Day Street, North Easton, Massachusetts

ingston, New jersey 07039; Pamela A.

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ton, 10 West Hill Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02114; Richard D. Wang, 2-43 28th Street, Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410; Eleanor D. Ward, 1040 Allen Creek Road, Rochester, New York 14618; Lou-Ann D. Warner, 24 Colony, Bristol, Connecticut 06010; Timothy S. Warren, 81 Woodside Lane, Princeton, New jersey 08540; Francine A. Washington, 260 Munson Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; Margaret Watts, 1272 Rockland Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia 24012; Alec B. Waugh, RD #1, Stockton, New jersey 08559; Elise D. Weakley, 645 Riviera Isle, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301; Michael P. Weaver, 95 Stony Corners Circle, Avon , Connecticut 06001; Alexander R. Weedon, St. Marks School, Southboro, Massachusetts 01772; Richard D. Weiman, 67 Gregory Avenue, West Orange, New jersey 07052; Amy S. Weinrib, 26 West 86th Street, New York, New York 10024; Claudia 0. Weinstein, 12 Willard Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106; Robyn S. Weinstein, 9 Southway, Hartsdale, New York 10530; Patricia J. Weinthal, 620 Gettysburg Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206; Dennis M. Weise, 90 Manchester Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; David J. Weisenfeld, 73 Deerpath, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577; William D. Weiss, 11 Hillside Avenue, Caldwell, New jersey 07006; Susan E. Weisselberg, 12 Broad Axe Lane, Wilton, Connecticut 06897; John W. Welch, 467 Kerr Lane, Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064; Helen C. Welk, 127 Library Lane, Simsbury, Connecticut 06070; Larry Wells, 185 Nahum Drive, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; Luther Wells, Jr., Route 1 Box 210, McComb, Mississippi 39648; Melissa R. Wender, 395 Frank Smith Road, Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01106; Paul B. Wender, 55 West Wood Drive, West Springfield, Massachusetts 01089; Peter Wenig, 6 Ascot Ridge, Great Neck, New York 11021; Harriet P. Wentz, 101 Dexter Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19083; Mary Ann Wertheim, 15 Beaver Brook Road, Weston, Connecticut 06880; David G. Weselcouch, Cedar Street, Centerbrook, Connecticut 06409; Bruce A. Wessel, 61 Elmwood Road, New Haven, Connecticut 06515; Cynthia L. Wessick, 386 Third Beach Road, Middletown, Rhode Island; Martin J. Whalen, 23 Springdale Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Barbara J. White, 145 Kent Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06112; Charles G. White, 260 Barnard Road, Larchmont, New York 10538; Kimberly White, Off Labor-in-Vain Road, Ipswich, Massachusetts 01938; Daniel K. Whitten, 400 Bellevue Road, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; John T. Wholley, Jr., 1906 Main Street, East Windsor Hill, Connecticut 06028; Cameron M. Wicker, 3333 Cleveland Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20008; John D. Wiggin, 549 Spring Street, Manchester, 281

Connecticut 06040; Andrew B. Williams, 421 Conestoga Road, Devon, Pennsylvania 19333; Priscilla B. Williams, 19 Spruce Street, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026; Robert Williams, 114 Scranton St reet, New Haven, Connecticut 06511; Peter L. Williamson, 925 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10028; Deborah L. Wil son, Onion Hill, Westport, Connecti cut 06880; Edmund R. Wilson , 496 Colo ni al Street, Watertown, Connecticut 06795; James W. Wilson, Jr., 31 Otseso Road, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609; Jeanne Wilson, 842 Ashford St reet, Brooklyn, New Yo rk 11207; Kim E. Winnard, 16 Loring Road, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173; Arney L. Witbeck, 346 Gay Street, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090; Jeanette M. Witter, 395 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11226; Barbara L. Wolf, 90 Stanton Road, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146; C. Steven Wolf, 300 Central Park West, New York, New York 10024; David L. Wolf, 90 Sta nton Road, Brook lin e, Massachusetts 02146; Joann Wolfson, 5900 Arlington Avenue, Bronx, New York 10471; Nancy L. Wolfson, 223 Ferndale Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; Peter C. Wolk, 3 Dogwood Drive, West Orange, New Jersey 07052; Stapley Wonham, 238 June Road , Cos Cob, Co nnectic ut 06807; Melodye A. Wood, 155 She ridan Street, No rth Easton, Massachusetts 02356; Wheaton B. Wood, 2803 Battery Place, Washington, D.C. 20016; Eloise B. Woods, 7 Longmeadow Drive, Meriden, Connecticut 06450; Glenn Woods, 7 Longmeadow Drive, Meriden, Connectic ut 06450; Lorin Wright, 7201 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209; Ann Wuelfing, 3 Drummond Drive, Rocky Hill, Co nn ectic ut 06067; Rosamond R. Wulsin, 8405 Spooky Hollow Road, Ci ncinnati, Ohio 45242; James D. Wyatt, 11 Josan Drive, Waterford, Con necticut 06335; John C. Wylie, 40 Westwood Drive, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609; Michael K. Wyman, 25 Mountain Ledge Road, Avon, Connectic ut 06001 Andrew D. Yaffee, 13 Crest lin e Circle, Beverly, Massachusetts 01915; Russell D. Yang, 5307 Ruth e rglen n, Ho uston, Texas 77035; Zelma L. Yarber, 5959 South Ca rpe nte r, Chi cago, Illinois 60621; Kathleen B. Yates, 99 River Road, Mystic, Co nnect icut 06355; Nancy J. Yerkes, 36 Foothills Way, Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002; Debra J. Young, 364 Vine Street, Hartfo rd, Conn ecticut 06112; Malcolm W. Young, 50 Middle Street, Conco rd, Massachusetts 01742; Margaret J. Young, 324 South Third Avenue, Mt. Vernon, New York 10550; Robin L. Yudkoff, 486 East Palisade Avenue, Engle6

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Acom Road, Mad;son, Con

necticut 06443; Nina E. Zakin, 67 Rive rsid e Drive, New York, New York 10024; Michael A. Zampaglione, 17 Turnbridge Road, East Granby, Con necti cut 06026; Claudia M. Zanger, 456 Ardsley Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583; C. Robert Zelinger, 137 Euclid Avenue, Waterbury, Co nn ectic ut 06710; Gail A. Zelman, 3912 Terhune Place, Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410; Mark K.K. Zen, 2231 Hyde Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822; Les lie A. Zheutlin, Caveswood Lane, Owings Mi lls, Maryland 21117; Roger C. Zierau, Windy Bush Road, RD #2, Newton, Pennsy lvan ia 18940; Arthur H. Zien, 1 Wedgewood Drive, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042; John T. Ziewacz, 62 Kenyon Street, Hartford, Con necti c ut 061 OS; Marla I. Zimmers, 20 Pequot Trail, Westport, Connecticut 06880; Joanne L. Zippel, 111 Paxinosa Road East, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 282


Pllll.JllS Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Allen Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Arnoff Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Mr. and Mrs. john Beaudouin Dr. Bradford Becken Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bercovici jerome H. Berkowitz George L. Bero, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bourassa Mr. and Mrs. john Bri stow Mr. and Mrs. jerry Brodie Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bromberg Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brown, Jr. i\t\r. and Mrs. Thomas Brush Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns Dr. and Mrs. Milton Calesnick Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camalier, Jr. George C. Capen Dr. and Mrs. E.L. Childers Mr. and Mrs. Walter Churchill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Ciaccio john Newbold Clark Robert and jean Cook Frank W. Crabill Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cuminale Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Deane joseph A. DeGrandi Mr. and Mrs. Warren D elano Mr. and Mrs. john Desmond George Dickinson, M.D. '43 john j . Donovan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Agustin Edwards William T. Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. C. Morgan Epes, Jr. Charles H. Erhart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ericson Bernadette T. Fairchild Mr. and Mrs. john Fallow, Jr.

Irving and Audrey Feinman Dr. and Mrs. Bertram Feinswog Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fischer Mr. and Mrs. john Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ford Mr. and Mrs. Robert French A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Ri chard Gates Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Getz, Sr. john T. Gianis, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. jam es Glanville Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. john C. Gove Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Grape Mrs. Walter Gray Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greenfield Mrs. David Halle Mr. and Mrs. Bru ce H enrickson Mrs. Vivian G. Hodges jack S. Hottinger Mr. and Mrs. N eil Humphreville Osmo Gunnar Huoppi Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ingersoll Kenneth L. Isaacs Robert B. jennings George Wellington jensen II , Class of 1977 Thomas S. johnson '62 Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Katzka Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kirschner Mr. and Mrs. G. Lloyd Knight Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Krusz Mr. and Mrs. john Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Richard Levy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Linehan Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Luria Thomas R. Mackenzie Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maguire Alan Marchisotto Mr. and Mrs. V.R. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marvonek Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark M cShurley Mr. and Mrs. Irving Morris

Debby Moser A. Henry Moses Dr. and Mrs. john Nalbandian Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Newberger N. Ross Parke Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry Dr. and Mrs. Clay Phillips Mr. and Mrs. William Pollak Pluto Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pryor, Ill Ca ptain and Mrs. Frederic Riley Mr. and Mrs. john Rioux, Sr. R. Ross Roby, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. john Rosati Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rosolowsky Dr. and Mrs. Olinda Santopietro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schreier Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Osmon R. Springsted George W.B. Starkey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sturken Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton, Jr. Drs. Dorothy and Roy Suyemoto Mr. and Mrs. William Taussig George H. Tilghman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tilney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. john Traina, Sr. Glen Travis Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wahler Mr. and Mrs. john Warrington Stuart D. Watson Samuel Weinberg, M .D. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiss Tom Wicker Mr. and Mrs . Palmer Williams Mrs. Richard G. Wyland Dr. and Mrs. H. Lee Wylie Captain and Mrs. William Yates Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Yusem

The support of patrons and advertisers in large part makes the publication of the IVY possible. Each year Trinity students spend thousands of dollars in and around the Hartford community for goods, services and entertainment. Those merchants and establishments who wish to show their appreciation

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and good will to Trinity students and their projects are included in the following pages. They are by no means the only firms who profit from Trinity, but we hope you will continue to favor them with your patronage.

Wine Tastings Wedding Consultations


Hartford's Best Deal

Morning Noon and Night

D&D PACKAGE STORE Tom Reiley, Permittee & Wine Merchant

(Home of the Vintage Wine Club) 417 New Britain Ave. Hartford, Conn.

Cold Beer Always in Stock

Between Trinity College and Hillside Ave.



Known for German-American Food Lowenbrau on Tap 22 Central Row


Herff JonesYearbooks


Paragon Yearbooks, Inc. P.O. Box 17, Montgom ery, Alabama :36101 205 288-5260


Jim Findley P.O. Box 459 Storrs, Connecticut 06268

NEIDITZ BROS. Furniture Clearance Center Hartford-New Haven-Old Saybrook

Delicious Pizzas and Hot Oven Grinders

ABC PIZZA HOUSE 路Greek Salads Across from Campus 287 New Britain Avenue Hartford, Ct.

Ace Hardware, Inc.

Phone 247-0334 394 New Britain Avenue 06106

Hartford, Ct. 247-9704

CALVIN FORD 600 Connecticut Blvd. East Hartford

DILLON MAILING BUREAU Complete Letter Shop Service

Congratulations to the Class of 1975

Hartford, Connecticut Telephone 527-5121

CONNECTICUT PUBLIC TELEVISION 24 Summit Street Hartford, Connecticut


THE CORNER TAP CAFE 217 New Britain Avenue Hartford, Connecticut Mixed Drinks Draft Beer Your host: Richard Violette

Compliments of

DATA MAIL, INC. Direct Mail Service West Hartford, Conn.


Andrew j. Mandell 540 Connecticut Boulevard East Hartford 289-0246

Connecticut Printers 55 Granby Street Bloomfield, Conn .


94 Asylum Street Hartford Conn. 06101 Distributors of: Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Brushes, Artist's Supplies, Drafting Supplies

National Typewriter Co., Inc. Olympia Typewriter Dealer

Compliments of Your ...

Sales, Rentals, Repairs on All Makes of Typewriters, Duplicators, Adding Machines and Electronic Calculators, Duplicators and Office Supplies, Special Rental Rates to Students.

247 Asylum Street

Phone 527-1115 Hartford, Connecticut

Compliments of

The Able Electronic Co. 11 Northwood Drive Bloomfield

On the Corner of Broad and Vernon Streets

Outstanding Landmark in the Greater Hartford area. Symbol of financial protection in literally millions of North American families, homes and businesses. Pioneer in new and needed insurance coverages and ideas.

This is The Travelers, serving the insurance needs of communities coast-to-coast since 1864.

THE TRAVELERS Maybe we can help. 289

New York Navigation Co., Inc.

Compliments of

New York Meat Products, Inc.

420 Lexington Avenue

Wholesale Meats Beef-Pork-Lamb-Veal 48 Edward St. Hartford, 522-8281

New York, New York

Herb's Sport Shop, Inc. 252 Trumbull St. 54 Lasa ll e Rd . West Hartford Hartford Wholesale and Retail Athletic Equipment Herb Sheintop, Propri eto r





:;elect your own steak or lobster ... See it broiled over our open hearth.

Goodwin, Loomis and Britton, Inc.


~_tartl1nt~__s ~




Insurance Industrial Commercial Institutional Life, Pensions, Bonding Group Employees' Benefit Plans Personal 41 Lewis Street Hartford, Conn. 278-1320

Phone 246-8814

Compliments of

EDART TRUCK RENTAL CORP. 185 West Service Road Hartford, Conn. 06120

Tel. 527-8274


H and E laundry Co mplete Famil y Servi ces and Dry Clea ning Pro mpt Pi c kup and D elive ry Ca ll 527 -5119 111 Charter Oak Ave. 260 Broad Street Cross Roads Pl aza

Hartfo rd Manchester West Hart fo rd

Co mplim ents of

American Glass Co., Inc.

Fairhaven Camera Shop

Photographic Graphic Arts Industrial Scientific 261 Locust Street 790 Grand Ave. Hartford New Haven

Newman lincoln Mercury, Inc. South ern New England's Leadin g Lin co ln-M ercury D ea ler 140 W as hingto n St., Hartfo rd 522 -2141

STATE TILE and MARBLE CO., INC. 49 Glass m ere A ve nu e W est Hartfo rd 232 -3030

SAGA Food Service

Cerami c, Tile, M arble, Slate In stall ati o ns


Congratulations to the class of 1975


C&N Auto Serivce 1279 Broad Street Hartford, Conn

246-0055 General Repairs Joseph Castro, Proprietor

JACOB'S PAINT STORE Dutch Boy Paints-lnterlu x Marine Paints 134 Park Road West Hartford, Conn.

Tel. 236-2501

LANDERMAN AGENCY Orchestras and Entertainment 65 Connecticut Blvd.


Tel. 289-0221



Wine Merchants Rare Vintages

ARROW PACKAGE STORE 23 New Britain Ave., Hartford, Conn. Phone 247-2214 Tom Special Consultations by Appointment Delivery Service

Keg Beer


St. Anthony Hall

$;km+ ~~(?ff: ~~/i짜J~ HUNTINGTON'S BOOK STORES -

Books of All Publishers


IN HARTFORD 65 Asylum Street IN WEST HARTFORD 968 Farmington Avenue IN MIDDLETOWN 45 Broad Street


HAVE A NICE DAY! Compliments of a friend . ..


RICHARD B. TREWHELLA 527-5441 Trewhella's Texaco Service 265 WASHINGTON STREET HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06106 Car Care is My Business

When your air conditioning, refrigeration or food service equipment brea ks d own, You need a comEF pany that cares as much as you do about FAST FICIENT SERVICE




Corner of Broad and Madison Streets Parts wholesalers and repair service

M. Frank Higgins & Co., Inc.

R. c. KNOX AND COMPANY INSURANCE • BONDS 300 PEARL STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. 06101 " ju st around th e co rn er fro m the Hilton" .

Flooring Contractors 780 NORTH MOUNTAIN ROAD NEWINGTON, CONN. 06111


and Nancy McCarthy who shared the large responsibility of Copy Editor, and Lisa Tilghman who served as our Layout Editor. As the editorial staff planned this 102nd volume of the IVY, it seemed to us that 1975 might be a year singular in its lack of distinction. Sandwiched between a time in which a president had been impeached and the 200th birthday of our nation, it would not be difficult for the fifty-two weeks to be lost to politicians and historians alike. Our task, then, appeared to be one of finding a character in a time which might sorely lack one. Soon, however, the year began to assert itself. At Trinity, we witnessed not only a heightening of the politically keen climate of the previous year, but also a resurgence of odd pairs of attitudes from the more distant past. Mobilized concern over Indochina gave us a student strike, while the return of an earlier abandon brought us a Spring Weekend. Growing awareness of the world hunger problem pulled us into demonstrations and projects, while an easier apathy drew us into insulation and campus fun. What more could be said? The year became so distinct in our minds that we could only let it speak for itself. Hopefully, then, this volume is just that: the year speaking for itself, the time and place, the way things were at Trinity in 1975. One of the most welcome prerogatives of any editor is that of crediting those who have helped with the task at hand. T.S. Eliot penned the lines of poetry which mark the opening and senior sections of this book; other than these quotes, the content displayed here springs from a group of talented and dedicated individuals. In launching our thanks, we would have to extend a special debt of gratitude to KA TH I MARKS, who was not only an industrious Photography Editor, but who also remained in Hartford through June to tie up the many loose ends which seemed to keep cropping up. Kathi is largely responsible for the more extensive photographic coverage we were able to offer this year. Jim Findley, who works with our printers, Herff Jones, was equally invaluable in his assistance to us. He gave direction to our ideas, taught us an amazing amount about book design, made himself available to steer us through the inevitable tramas ... even hung himself out of airplane windows to secure for us the color photo which opens this book. Trinity is truly fortunate to have had his services for the past eight years. The IVY could never have been produced without the dedicated efforts of our Business Manager, Linda Wyland. When it comes down to cold green facts, it is Linda, Trinity's Treasurer, Bob Pedemonti, and the people at Herff Jones who deserve warm thanks. This volume would certainly have tremendous gaps if not for the assistance of Connie Bienfait

Steve Haydasz, Tom Martin, Jeff Bolster, Gary Morgans, Bill Levy, Jim Lenahan, Charles Stewart, Dave Teichmann, Richard Dubiel, Barbara Fischer, John Lynham, Adrien Mally, Leslie Brayton, Peter Mindnich, Ann Chesnes, Paul Reinhardt, Don Romanik, Steve Kayman, Jim Kirschner, Lisa Heilbronn, and Adron Keaton wrote our sports and activities articles, allowing the IVY to portray more comprehensively what takes place during the course of an academic year. President Lockwood, Dean Nye, Dean Spencer, Rick Hornung, Christopher Max, David Lewis, Jim Gomes and Jeff Clarke authored and assisted with our feature articles. We would like to thank them for their hours of thought and for sharing with us their views of Trinity. We are very grateful to President Lockwood, Professor McNulty, Jim Findley, Kathi Marks, Jeff Clarke and Charlie Charuvastr for submitting their color photographs to the IVY, and wish to thank Rachel Carley, Anne Cook, Sarah Hunnewell, Jim Kirschner, Shannon Prevey, Jody Scala and Charlie Stewart for contributing personal photographs. We think that our staff photographers Jeff Clarke, Margie Johnson, Dan Kelman, Peter Lebowitz, Karen Magnuson, Alan Moore, Larry Papel, Matt Quigley, and Henry Reily deserve special recognition for the volume and quality of their work this year. We would like to thank David Lowe, Ralph Maddry, Dan Russo, Clara Fish, and Irene Renshaw for taking time from their official duties to supply us with information, photographs, and unsolicited good will. In addition, we cannot show enough gratitude to those students who worked behind the scenes to help make the IVY a reality. In this group are: Betsy Kellogg, Paula Ames, Ellen Cunningham, Anne Cook, Kiki Cogswell, Kathy Walsh, Mark Henrickson, Pat Weinthal, Anne Brown, Susan Moriarty, Kim Jonas, Holly Farar, Marty Kanoff, Gail Andrews, Nancy Hayim, Lisa Gates, Kathy Jabs, James Gregg, Greg Loubier, Maggie O'Connell, Lisa McCarter, and Linda Eldridge. Without their help we would have unedited copy, unstaffed sales tables, unorganized photographs, unchecked errors, and unpaid bills. I would like to extend personal thanks to last year's IVY Editor, Sarah Detwiler, for her advice throughout the year, and very special thanks to Laura Fecych, who through virtue of being the Editor's roommate, ended up undertaking every task from that of answering service to chief of morale. Karen A. Jeffers Editor-in-Chief


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