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JUL 12 1977 HARTFORD. C~N ' '路


APRIL, 1977

Ware Appointed Development Director: Rees To Retire Early in March President lockwood announced the appointment of Constance E. Ware of West Hartford as director of development effective August 1, 1977. Mrs. Ware has been associate director of development since 1974 and will succeed Judson M . Rees who has reached mandatory retirement age. In announcing the appointment, President Lockwood remarked, "We are delighted that Mrs. Ware will serve as a senior officer of the College and be responsible for this most important operation. Mrs. Ware will be assuming

Ware her duties as director of development at a time when we expect Trinity's $12 million capital campaign will have reached a successful conclusion."

PROFESSOR August E. Sapega, chairman of the Engineering Department, inspects one of the earliest models of an internal combustion engine. Built in 1894 and bought by Trinity in 1898, the belt-driven gas engine is still operating and will be donated to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. at their request.

During this campaign which has reached $11.1 million of its goal Ware has been responsible for the major gift solicitation and has directed regional campaigns throughout the country. Ware joined the Trinity administration in 1964 and served as assistant to the director of development in 1970. Currently she is a member of the board of Hartford Architecture Conservancy, the Hartt Opera Theater Guild, where she served three terms as president, and a member of the board of the auxiliary of the Institute of living. Active in community affairs, she has served as vice president and board member .of the Hartford Symphony Auxiliary; vice president of the Coordinating Council for the Arts; member of the board, Friends of Hartford Ballet; member of the Task Force for Voluntary Action Center of the Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce; member of the presidential search committee, Manhattanville College; member of the Scholarship Committee of the Connecticut Bank & Trust Co .; president of the Connecticut Manhattanville Club; and chairman of the individual subscribers section, United Way. Ware, a native New Yorker, is a graduate of Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York. She is married to Richard H. Ware and they reside with their three sons in West Hartford.

TRINITY IS NAMED A BICENTENNIAL COLLEGE by the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut. The official certificate and appropriate flags were presented April 4. Present for the ceremonies were (left to right) President Lockwood and, representing the student group responsible for the honor- Robert F. Phelps, Jr. '78, Michael L. Smirlock '78, Russell D. Yang '78, Leigh S. Breslau '78- and George W. Cyr, program coordinator of the Bicentennial Commission.

Legislative Interns Assist Lawmakers, Research Book The recent announcement that the General Electric Company will provide a research grant to partially fund a book on the Connecticut General Assembly is another indication of the growing influence of Trinity's legislative Internship Program. Many other colleges in the past have borrowed and adapted concepts from Trinity's program - among them in New England the University of Rhode Island, the University of Massachusetts, Smith College, and the University of New Hampshire. But so far as is known, none has received funds to further research projects conducted as part of the course. Work on the book began last July after the Trinity interns published the findings of another project dealing with "The Influence of the News Media on the Connecticut General Assembly." Director of the program, Dr. Clyde D. McKee, associate professor of political science, said that his students were concerned that the important work of the state legislature has relatively low visibility and is not understood by many students and the _ g~nml public. The plan for the book (funding arrangements are not complete as yet) is to have selected experts who are legislative staff members, legislators and "outside" critics write short chapters explaining their understanding of the structure, procedures and partie-

ular bills of the governing body. The target date for distribution is next fall. The legislative Internship Program at Trinity has been in existence for the past ten years. During this time, students have worked either full or part-time for various legislators in both political parties. The program is designed to be at least the equivalent of a full semester's work. As McKee defines it, "The purpose of the course is to provide an in-depth examination of the legislative process and its relation to the political forces influencing it." The program itself began almost by accident in 1967 when the State Minority Leader telephoned McKee with a plea for help. He needed research done on a number of upcoming measures and his budget precluded hiring additional staff. After some discussion an agreement was reached which, among other things, gave McKee veto路 power over assignments, and the first class was taught from the Minority leader's office with the politico in a front row seat. That happened to be a good year for relevant issues. Both the 18-year old vote and the clean water bills were about to move out of committee. (Continued on page 2)

PHOTOGRAPHED in the lobby of the State Capitol are interns Gary Deane '78, Dan Meyer '80, and Ann Thorne '78.

Page 2 Trinity Reporter April, 1977

Spring Career Interns Test Choices Working With Trinity Alumni About 30 students, mostly seniors,. spent a large part of their Spring vacation working. Not for them the beaches in Florida, the slopes of Vermont or fence-mending in the old hometown. They were participants in Trinity's first Spring Career Internship Program sponsored jointly by the Career Counseling Office and the Office of Alumni Relations. Their vacation days were spent observing and participating in the daily routine of their sponsors' jobs ranging from architecture and finance to law and journalism.

The main purpose of the new program is to provide the students with a face-to-face encounter with the career of his choice. It is hoped that these brief experiences will help establish a better basis for the fateful decision.

Law, Legal Assistance

ROBERT WHITEHEAD, '72, staff attorney with the Connecticut Prison Association, runs over the schedule of Superior Court hearings he will attend with intern Vicki Swanson '79.

ARTHUR PETERSON '51, left, chief nuclear chemist at the Newington (Conn.) Veteran's Hospital, explains operation of an automatic gamma scintillation counter to intern Alain Levanho '78. LEGISLATIVE (from page one) Since that time the course has been refined and many of the procedures have been adapted by other colleges. McKee, for example, carefully matches the legislator and his intern for compatibility and similar interests. It is the legislator's responsibility not only to provide challenging assignments, but also to help the intern analyze the issues involved and the forces at work. The program has now reached a point. of acceptability where the number of legislators available exceed the number of interns. In company with senators and representatives from other states, the Connecticut legislators are part-time, understaffed and have little research capability. Although student interhs assist their legislators by working with constituents, writing press releases, attending hearings and analyzing proposed legislation, the purpose of

Connecticut State Attorney's Office, in the Newington (Conn.) Veterans Hospital with the chief nuclear chemist, with the Associated Press in New York City, in a Boston financial consulting firm, in the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, and with a graphic design-commercial art firm , among others. The Career Counseling and Alumni Relations Offices are evaluating the program carefully together with the suggestions and appraisals of the sponsors and the interns for use in planning and refining the 1978 project. Sponsors for this year's program are below.

Sponsors of career interns this . Spring were chosen from participants in the Alumni/Parent Career Advisory Program. That program was begun in the Fall of 1975 when more than 900 alumni and parents agreed to discuss their own careers with Trinity students. At the same time, more than 路 100 volunteered to serve as student intern sponsors. In addition, several career "requests" which could not be met within the parent! alumni pool were matched by friends of students or alumni. This year interns worked in 路 the the program remains solidly academic. During the course the interns must write six comprehensive papers, attend bi-weekly seminars, attend lectures by visiting experts and faculty, as well as attend a three-day workshop before the course technically begins. In addition, each student maintains a detailed activity log with a daily compilation of his or her activity and an evaluation. Over and above each student's individual assignments is the annual course project which this year is the book on the Assembly. The book is planned for 13 chapters with chapter headings ranging from 'The State Legislature as an Evolving Institution" and "The Legislative Professionals" to "How the Connecticut Legislature Has Failed Its Cities." When fully funded and published, McKee thinks the book " should make a significant contribution to the body of literature now available on state legislatures throughout the United States."

ABOUT 250 leaders heard FrankS. Jones, urban affairs expert from M.I.T., speak at the annual Business, Industry and Government dinner. Shown above are trustees A. Henry Moses (secretary of the board), Lyman B. Brainerd (former chairman), Jones and President Lockwood.

Carl Fridy '69 Michael Glowa '70 路Daniel Goldberg '68 Ernest Mattei '70 Edward Mullarkey '67 Thomas Rouse '72 William Shaughnessy '51 Robert Whitehead '72 James Whitters '62


Malcolm Carter '66 Patricia Tregella (parent) Sue Weisselberg '76

Medicine, Medical

Irving Edelson, D.D.S. (parent) John Gaisford '48 Dr. Alan Gurwitt '52 Dr. Merle Katzman '50 Dr. Eufronio Maderazo (friend) Dr. Richard Otis '45 Arthur Peterson '51 Teresa Smith '73 Dr. James Streeto '56 Dr. Thomas Swift '61 Dr. Phillip Trowbridge' 52


John Friday '51 Mark Hastings '71 Wallace Howe '40 Timothy Lenicheck '63

James Rowan '64 Commercial Art

Bruce MacDonald '56


Jay Beveridge (friend)

Scientific Research

Henry Novak (friend)

Students Win Top Prizes Two Trinity alumni who graduated last Spring captured second and third places in the Percival Wood Clement Prize Contest. No first prize was awarded . The contest was established by the will of the late Percival Wood Clement , former governor of Vermont. Second prize of $750 was won by Dana M . Faulkner, an economics major from Hartford, and third prize of $440 was won by Karen A. Jeffers of Wilbraham, Massachuset'ts , who majored in political science. The prizes were awarded for the best thesis submitted on the topic of "Freedom of Expression and Prior Restraint : The Constitutional and Social Issues ." Students from 18 New England colleges and universities were invited to enter the annual contest. The entries were judged by professors from Harvard Law School, Trinity College (Political Science Professor Samuel Hendel) , and the University of Vermont.

Campaign Report

Gifts and pledges to the Campaign for Trinity Values, the College's long-term capital campaign, reached $11.1 million by the end of March. Less than a million dollars remains to be contributed in order to reach the $12 million campaign goal. With many volunteers working to complete the campaign, the College is hopeful that those who have not yet made a gift decision will do so now so that the goal might be achieved before June 30, the end of the fiscal year. Major emphasis of the capital campaign are increased endowment and an addition to the Library. In addition, the College each year during the capital campaign has continued its Annual Fund appeal, for gifts to support budgeted programs of the College each academic year. At the end of March, the 1976-1977 Annual Fund- which includes the Alumni Fund, the Parents Fund, the Friends of Trinity Fund and Business and Industry Associates - had reached $290,000 of the goal of $500,000. The Annual Fund traditionally concludes on June 30. Therefore, alumni, parents and friends of the College are urged to participate now so that both the capital campaign and the Annual Fund drive may be successfully completed by that date.

Annual Giving Program Chairmen Announced An alumnus of Yale University and another from Amherst College have been named to key chairmanships in Trinity's annual giving program. James H. Torrey, executive vice president and chief investment officer of Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, has been appointed national chairman of the Business & Industry Associates of Trinity College. James B. Lyon, a partner in the law firm of Murtha, Cullina, Richter and Pinney, has been named chairman of The Friends of Trinity Fund. Membership in the Business & Industry Associates is extended to those firms giving financial support to Trinity for the current year's academic program. According to Torrey, "In recent years, corporate gifts to Trinity for annual needs such as scholarships, library books, laboratory equipment and faculty support have averaged $60,000. These gifts have been over and above the support which business firms have given to Trinity's $12 million campaign for new capital funds. The College needs and wisely uses both kinds of support. " A graduate of Yale University, Torrey is active in community affairs. He is a corporator of the Connecticut Institute for the Blind, the Institute of Living, St. Francis Hospital, Mt. Sinai Hospital , Hartford Sem inary Foundation, and the Health Planning Council, Inc . He is a Director of Hartford Hospital, a Trustee of Kingswood-Oxford School, a member of the Board of Regents of the University of Hartford, and a member of the Economic Development Committee of the Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce. Lyon, a leader in many community organizations, , will head up the (Continued next page)

April, 1977 Trinity Reporter Page 3

national fund drive which annually obtains support for Trinity College from residents of this region and around the country. The $25,000 fund drive got under way in March and continues through June 30. "The Friends of Trinity Fund goal," Lyon said, "is part of an effort this year to raise a half-million dollars from alumni, parents, business firms and others to support Trinity College." Lyon, an Amherst alumnus, is chairman of the board of KingswoodOxford School, vice president of the Wadsworth Atheneum Board, and vice president of the Connecticut Bar Foundation. He is a trustee of Old Sturbridge Village, the Noah Webster Foundation and the Historical Society of West Hartford, Inc. , and served on West Hartford's Bicentennial Steering Committee.

Graduate Studies In Greater Hartford The Office of Graduate Studies reports that enrollment in graduate courses is slightly below the level of Spring 1976. A new development which may create heightened interest in graduate education in Hartford is the emerging Greater Hartford Consortium on Higher Education's plan to increase coordination of graduate studies among four institutions: The Hartford Graduate Center, St. Joseph _College, the University of Hartford, and Trinity. The purpose of increasing coordination is to improve services, to add to services, and to operate-more efficiently. It is estimated that the four institutions now offer instruction at the graduate _level to more than 3,000 members of the greater Hartford area annually. The Consortium's final report recommended , among other tnings, that the four institutions strive for more cooperation in coordinating existing programs and that they explore in detail the feasibility of joint graduate programs in new areas. Meanwhile, the Graduate Office has announced that the '77 /'78 Graduate Catalog i~ scheduled for April delivery . The Graduate Studies Summer Schedule this year offers 32 courses in 11 disciplines. Most classes meet three times a week from June 27 to August 5. The Trinity Summer Term Office has full details.

Trends In Financial Aid: The Federal/State Impact By John Taylor, Director of Financial Aid Today, the financial aid program at Trinity College, while it has changed in many respects, is just as vital to the overall strength and attractiveness of the College now as it was ten years ago. Last year almost one-third of all applicants for admission also applied for financial assistance. The total need among all admitted applicants approached a million and a half dollars, while those who actually enrolled were aided with over half a million dollars from a variety of sources. It is obvious from these figures that the financial aid program is essential in terms of maintaining our strong applicant pool and certainly a major budget item in the total economic picture of the College. When analyzing our aid program, it is an interesting exercise to see how it has changed in the last ten years. The following charts reveal similarities and differences when compared to what existed ten years ago. The first chart shows that even though the overall numbers have increased, many of the same ratios still apply. For example, the percentage of admissions candidates applying for aid is the same (32 percent); the percentage of those candidates offered admission is roughly the same (48 percent versus 44 percent); and our aid dollars stretched far enough to fund only 80 percent of the needy candidates both ten years ago and today. Where we do find some variance is with the yield rates (the percentages of students offered admission who eventually enroll in the College). Ten years ago 114 out of 199 aid awardees accepted for admission (57 percent) eventually enrolled. This compares with 122 out of 290 (42 percent) today. There was also a decline in the yield rate for those students who were determined to have "no-need" for financial aid funds; SO percent ten years ago to 33 percent today. This large variation is much more understandable when we realize that the total charges for a Trinity education have almost doubled (from $2850 to $5490) in the last ten years.

be $16,969. The total Collegecontrolled grant budget has just about tripled to meet this increased demand, and the sources of these funds have changed dramatically as exhibited by the following chart.

percent increase in scholarship funding from the State of Connecticut thanks to efforts on the part of the Governor and the State Legislature. On the other hand, I feel we have to be careful in the following areas. First

. In the past, 39 percent of the College-controlled grant budget was provided through the General Budget (those revenues which come principally from tuition payments), while 27 percent came from the Endowment and Gift Incomes respectively. Only 6 percent came from the Federal Government. Today 30 percent is provided through Endowment funds, 11.5 percent through Gift income and 33.5 percent from the General Budget. The remaining 25 percent comes from a massive increase in Federal aid and direct funding from the . State of Connecticut. This large infusion of Federal and State funds has changed the Financial Aid program qualitatively as well as quantitatively . Federal and State regulations make the awarding of dollars more complex requiring a larger office staff and more sophisticated accounting methods. For example, in order to spend the amount of College Work Study funds which we are presently receiving, it was necessary to devise a brand new, comprehensive student employment program last year. In spite of the administrative burdens which come with Federal and State dollars, it is obvious that our financial aid program would be in a downward spiral without their inclusion . The Trustees and Administration have granted a high priority to the support of the financial aid program', but even this generous support would be inadequate without outside assistance.

of all, it appears that as our admissions yield rate declines, we will be forced to 路extend more and more dollars to applicants. It is conceivable that a sudden unexpected increase in the yield rate could plunge us into a deficit spending situation. Secondly, I feel that we should constantly bear in mind the objective of the financial aid program. It should not be to "entice" those who could probably afford to pay, but rather enable Trinity College to achieve socio-econQmic diversity within its community; for it is only with the presence of a viable socialeconomic mix among its undergraduate population that Trinity can truly remain a dynamic and intellectually exciting learning community. Finally, I look forward to the day when our "need-no award" category is nonexistent. Our admissions process is blind to financial need, but our ability to fund all those who have need and would attend falls short. We must continue to work toward the day when a student's decision to attend Trinity College is not based on whether we can provide adequate financial support. In conclusion, in spite of the year-toyear basis of our outside Federal and State support, I am guardedly optimistic about the future . In the last analysis the overriding basis of our financial aid program is people and not dollars. The amount of dollars will fluctuate over time and with economic conditions, but as long as those served by the program, and all of those who indirectly support the program (such as our alumni donors) have confidence in the integrity of the program, it will continue to be a growing, vital part of the institution.

This dramatic increase in costs has had its effect on how the financial aid tab is picked up . Ten years ago, the average College grant award was $1 ,312 and the average family income for our aid recipients was $9,953. Ten years later we find the average grant to be $3,135, and the average income to

Our future does look bright in this respect, however, as we anticipate a 124 percent increase in Federal Funds for next year (providing all of the campusbased Federal Aid programs are continued and fully funded by the current administration in Washington) . Along the same line we also anticipate a 40



Issued seven times a year in September, November, December, February/ March, April, May and June. Published by the Office of Public InforiT!ation, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. 06106. Second class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut. THE REPORTER is mailed to alumni , parents, facu lty , staff and friends of Trinity . Copies are available to students. There is no charge. Letters for publication must be no longer than 200 words and signed . The printing of any letter is a t the discretion of the Editor and may be edited for brevity, not substa nce. Editor, L. Barton Wilson '37; Associate Editor, James K. Blake; Assistant Editor, Milli Silvestri ; Sports In forma tion , Gerald F. LaPlante '76, Director of Alumni and External Affairs , Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. '51.

JOHN TAYLOR, director of financial aid , is a cum laude graduate of Amherst with an M.A . from the Univ. of Massachusetts.

Page 4 Trinity Reporter April, 1977

Freshman Solves Case Of The "Lost" Telescope It might be said that in some respects Trinity has been reaching for the sky almost from the beginning. At least interest' in the sky, if not perfervid, has run a quiet undercurrent on the academic scene. It all began at commencement in 1836 when an enterprising Mr. A. Holcomb from Southwick, Massachusetts, invited the faculty to peer at the heavens through a telescope he had made. The professors duly lined up and, after viewing Saturn's rings and assorted star clusters, persuaded the Trustees to invest in one of Mr. Holcomb's • products and the following year a reflecting telescope with a 10-inch mirror and a 14-foot focal length was delivered and installed. Astronomy, however, remained low-key on the campus for the next 40 years with only a single course in elementary astronomy offered during the junior year. Then, in the Fall of 1882 a contingent of distinguished astronomers from Germany arrived at Trinity and on the site now occupied by the Mather Campus Center, set up several prefabricated buildings and unpacked 33 crates weighing over four tons. In the crates were telescopes and related hardware to be used to observe the Transit of Venus scheduled for December 6, 1882. The College received a tremendous amount of publicity from this event, the general assumption being that Trinity was chosen because of its astronomical preeminence. The fact was that the Germans tarried at Trinity simply because it was on a· hill and the hill was precisely located along the path of visibility of the Transit of Venus. The Board of Fellows, possibly embarrassed, called for the establishment of an astronomy department forthwith and the Trustees concurred to the tune of $2,500 to build and equip a small observatory about 100 feet south of the end of Seabury Hall. It was named the St. John Observatory, in honor of the family whose prior gift of several telescopes had stipulated that an observatory would be erected. Professor Flavel S. Luther became Department Chairman of Mathematics and Astronomy (and served as president from 1904 to 1919) and the observatory remained in active use for more than three decades. A persistent man, Luther kept trying to upgrade the observatory. His requests · to the Trustees for $2,000 were regularly denied during the 1880's and early 1890's, but in 1895 he was given the "go" sign. About six months later his major acquisition arrived at a cost of $1,600, leaving only $400 for other equipment. Luther had bought a permanent, six and one-half inch refracting telescope, equatorially mounted, with a clock drive and mount. The lens was made by Brashear and the scope itself by Warner and Swasey, who have since gone on to other things. In 1936 the observatory was torn down. The astronomy department atrophied. Some equipment was stolen, broken, misplaced, and lost. Not quite all of it, however. Last fall, Dr. Brooke Gregory, assistant physics professor, in his course on observational astronomy mentioned as a possible project the reassembly of the Warner and Swasey

scope. Freshman Robert P. Nero of West Hartford accepted the challenge and the treasure hunt was on. Parts emerged from hiding places in the boiler room, under a stairwell, in a cubbyhole in McCook, the lens from a physics lab storeroom, and some never were found . When key parts refused to surface, Nero improvised, assisted by physics technician Charles Paul. The mount posed a major problem, for example. A telescope is by nature a top heavy instrument and the mount must be solid and stable. The original cast iron base was gone so Nero scavenged, with their blessing, an unused machine base from the Engineering Department and drilled new holes for the heavy bolt fittings.

They are planning to look into the possibility of substituting an electric motor which should be less expensive. So far, their expenses have not been sky high. The total outlay has amounted to $6 for four 5-inch bolts and nuts. The final step will be to find a home for the telescope. The scopes currently in use on campus are portable. The students carry them across the roof of Elton Dormitory where they are fastened to pipelike suppor"ts. The Warner and Swasey piece, however, is definitely not portable. With its heavy base mount it probably weighs close to 400 pounds. When the Chemistry Building was constructed, its tower was especially reinforced to accommodate an observatory but for some reason this never came into being. Gregory thinks that a possible reason may be that with urban growth during this century the Hartford night sky has become rather light for viewing, especially at horizon levels. Nonetheless, Nero has his eye on the tower.

The editors thank Robert Nero for perm1sszon to use historical data contained in his research paper "The St. John Observatory. "

CAMPUS NOTES Dr. ROBERT LINDSAY, professor of physics, Dr. RALPH 0. MOYER, JR., associate professor of chemistry, JEFFERY S. THOMPSON '74 and DOUGLAS A. KUHN '75 have published "Preparation, Structure, and Properties of Ytterbium Ruthenium Hydride" in the December 1976 issue of Inorganic Chemistry. EVEN STANDING on a stool, Robert Nero '80 is dwarfed by the 14-foot antique telescope of "superlative" quality he is reassembling on campus. Even more of a problem was the clockwork drive mechanism, the only remaining missing part save for a few incidentals . Without a drive mechanism a star cannot be tracked. Nero has written to J. T. Bailey, president of Warner and Swasey and has had notable success. The company's senior engineer has exhumed detailed drawings (circa 1895) of the clockwork of a telescope similar to Trinity's and they are now being studied by Nero and Gregory. Indications are that the dimensions match those of the Trinity instrument. How to find such a part, even knowing that somewhere one must still be operable, remains a problem. Now that Nero has finished scraping, degreasing, sanding and oiling, the assembled telescope is an impressive piece of equipment. Says Gregory, "The mechanical design · is superlative, definitely better than any other we have." Nero adds, "All the parts are cast iron, sheet iron, solid brass or brass plated. Telescopes manufactured today are usually fiberglass and steel." At this point Gregory and Nero have no idea how much it could cost to rebuild the clockwork mechanism.


* * Dr. DIANE ZANNONI, assistant professor of economics, and CHRISTOPHER J. SHINKMAN, director of career counseling, were guests of the University of Connecticut School of Law Conference on Disadvantaged Recruiting in January. * * * Dr. ANDREW S. BAUM, assistant professor of psychology, has written a book due in April entitled "Architecture and Social Behavior: Psychological Studies of Social Density." He has also edited a volume entitled Human Response to Crowding due in November. * * * Dr. GERALD KAMBER, chairman and professor of modern languages, delivered a talk at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association in New York in December. Kamber's talk was entitled "Cubism and Surrealism: Two Ways of Writing and Reading Poetry." * * * Dr. CLYDE D . MCKEE, JR. associate professor of political science, has been appointed a member of the Publications Committee for International Personnel Management Association. In April, he presented a paper at the New

England Political Science Association meeting. * * * ROBBINS WINSLOW, dean for educational services, has been elected to a national office in the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA) . The study abroad advisers, who form one section on NAFSA, have elected Winslow to represent them on the National Nominations Committee for the 1977-78 academic year. * * * Dr. CHARLES W. LINDSEY, assistant professor of economics, presented a paper entitled "Market Concentration in Philippine Manufacturing, 1970" at the Eastern Association Convention in Hartford in April. In addition, he was a discussant of a paper at a session on development economics. * * * Dr. MICHAEL P. SACKS, assistant professor of sociology, has been awarded a grant for $8,500 from the American Council of Learned Societies for a project entitled 'The Influence of Age, Sex and Nationality on Labor Force Composition: A Comparative Study of the Soviet Republics, 19391970." The project is for the period July through December of 1977. In March, Sacks was a discussant at a symposium on Connecticut Public Television entitled "How Do We Shape Our Future: Images of Males and Females in Children's Books and Television. " *

* * GEORGE E. CHAPLIN, associate professor and director of studio arts, is represented in the Deputy Secretary of State's office in Washington with his painting entitled "Thin Red Sunset in Olive Environment." The painting is on loan through the Department of State's Art in Embassies Program. * * * Dr. LEONARD L. TSUMBA, assistant professor of economics, appeared on a question and answer period on Africa with Mayor George Athanson (Hartford) recently on TV Channel18. * * * STEPHEN MINOT, associate professor of English was Writer-inResidence at Worcester State College for two weeks in March. * * * Dr. LEONARD E. BARRETT, professor of religion and intercultural studies, spoke on "Black Perspectives in the News" and on "African and New World Non-Western Religions" on Channel 30 (Hartford) . Also, on Channel 3 (Hartford) he spoke on Haitian Vodun . * * * Dr. DAVID WINER, dean of students, gave a talk on hyperactivity to the Southeastern Connecticut Association for Parents of Hyperactive Children, a talk on biofeedback to the professional staff at the Wheeler Affiliates Clinic in Plainville, Conn. , and conducted an "idea session" on hyperactivity for the professional staff at the Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middletown, Conn . recently. He also led a professional discussion on hyperactivity in children at the New England Psychological Association meetings.

April, 1977 Trinity Reporter Page 5

A Memorandum On The Budget "The choices among worthy claims upon the budget becomes harder each year'' By President Lockwood

BACKGROUND: To accompany a copy of the budget for 1977-1978 I have prepared this analysis of salient points. The budget is in balance. That is important, but equally important is seeing it as a statement of priorities. Over fifty percent of the budget goes toward compensation of personnel. For instance, in the current 1976-1977 budget 55.9% of operating expenses, or $6,359,780, is for salaries and related benefits . We have a continuing commitment to staff and we have been grateful that our finances have permitted annual increases. For example, a 6% increase in personnel costs equals $381,586, or $236 in additional fees per student. Financial aid is the second largest category of expenditures and amounts to 9.3% of this year's budget. Utilities total $828,050, or 7.3% of the 1976-1977 budget. Fortunately through our conservation efforts we have held the impact of cold weather and rising oil prices (26% since July) to controllable dimensions . If we lump other fixed costs together, we have at least 13.5% of the balance. That leaves only 14% of the budget as truly variable unless we make substantial shifts in the major items already identified . Beyond these constraints we all know that the rate of inflation influences expenses all the way from paper to construction . Behavior in the stock market affects our yield, and short-term interest rates can mean many thousands of dollars one way or other. These are the imponderables against which we have to maintain some

hedge in the form of a contingency item. REVENUES: When we review revenues, we must recognize certain limits in our ability to increase the funds available. Among Educational and General revenues one source, tuition income, produces nearly two-thirds of the total. The next largest item is endowment income, projected as $1,875,000, or 18.4%, in 1977-1978. That represents a 12% increase in two years . New funds and careful management have greatly improved our yield. The annual fund produces approximately another $500,000 . In addition, we have some carryover from the Income Stabilization Account; but !here are few areas in which we ~an anticipate any substantial increases in revenues. Iii Auxiliary Enterprises we have a balance of income and expenses in the dining hall; we have a deficit as normally expected in the dormitory account; and we seek a balance in the operation of the student center, as I shall explain later . What is striking is that to produce a 1% shift in the total budget of $12,500,000 requires $125,000, or a 7% increase in endowment yield. In the absence of any other sources, the only significant way to improve revenues to cover the rise in expenditures is through a tuition hike. Every $100 increase there equals $160,000 in revenues. This is an ineluctable fact of life. Therefore, to cover inflation, appropriate salary increases, particularly among the faculty, and to maintain the pace in financial aid to students, we have been obliged to raise the tuition by $350, of which $50 is designed to cover the main contingency of rising fuel costs. For exam-

pie, this year's costs for oil alone rose $80,000, or $50 per student . We also concluded that we should bring the student center into balance and thus discontinue using tuition money to offset that deficit. Hence, the general fee has been increased by $30 per student. Similarly, to keep the dining hall in balance, in the face of rising food and labor costs, we have been forced to increase the board fee by $50 for the year . These are, I admit, unattractive prospects, but no non-profit institution has found a way around them. Compared to other colleges and universities in this area, the increases are less than the majority. That offers little solace, but it does assure parents and students that we continue to exercise careful scrutiny over accounts and to practice cost-consciousness. EXPENDITURES: That scrutiny is best seen by the fact that we removed $494,000 from the requests submitted in the late fall . Those reductions have come from almost every account although the major items affected are renovations and repairs. Under Educational and General, the largest budget is properly that for instruction: $3,791,615, a 9% increase over this year. We are trying to close the gap on faculty salaries between Trinity and comparable colleges as well as recognize merit. The next largest item is the operation and maintenance of the physical plant (outside the dormitories). I am pleased that we have been able to hold the percentage rise to 7% and to reverse the trend which had suggested that this item would be the fastest growing element among our expenditures. Financial aid, which represents 10.9% in our budget, will rise by 8% . Unhappily neither

federal aid nor gifts have offset this increase, and the College is obliged to contribute $429,400 from its own funds so as to assure sufficient funds to help those in need. The library will receive an 8% increase in total. However, book and periodical purchases combined will increase 15% over 1976-1977. Yet in real terms, acquisitions will just about equal this year's expenditures. We cannot be more generous and simultaneously anticipate the added cost of an addition coming on line the following year. As for administrative costs, the increase will be $178,000, a 9% increase attributable in large part to additional services and personnel costs. We hope from the management study now under way that we shall find opportunities to hold down these expenses more rigorously in the future. I should add that, as a percentage of the total E & G budget, all administrative accounts have remained constant. The remainder of the accounts either remain constant or rise by only 6%. Overall the vexing problem remains: how to sustain the quality of the College while holding down cost increases . One hope has been that our present capital campaign would help to offset rising costs. Over time that will certainly have its impact, but even $10,000,000 of new endowment (which we predict will be available by 1982) will produce on the average only $550,000 more income. But this coming year's proposed budget rises by over $1,000,000. Another hope has been to achieve consolidations in our operations wherever possible, but the demand for services continues to rise, the physical plant grows older, and inflation limits one's prospects. The choices among worthy claims upon the budget becomes harder each year . Since we think it in the best interest to maintain both the student body and faculty constant in size, .....;e have few options . We can only pledge to examine carefully yet again every category of expense.

TRINITY COLLEGE 1977路78 BUDGEt Actual Revenues 1975-76



Educational and General

Educational and General

Tuition and Fees Regular -a ) Tuit ion Remitted Other Educational Programs -b) Endowment Income (net ) Gift Income - Alumni Fund Gift Income - Parents Fund G ift Income - Scholarships Gift Income - Business & Industry Gift Income - Friends Gift Income - Other Interest Earned - Short Term Investments Miscellaneous Income Income from Athletics Sta te of CT Tuition Reimbursement Transfer-Income Stabilization Account Total Educational and General Auxiliary Enterprises Dining Hall Dormitories Houses (Rented) Student Center - c) Student Center - Rathskeller

$ 1,679,290 303,145 94,511 141 ,779 34,822 25,442 23,898 243,210 50,680 13,024 89,776

$ 1,700,000 215,000 67,000 139,600 33,000 16,000 80,000 235,000 23,400 11,700 87,700 165,000

$ 8,793,03}

$ 9,313,000



717,771 1,101,630 20,796 149,168

Instruction General Administration Student Services Public Services & Information General Institutional Library Opera . & Maint.!Educ. Plant

$ 1,989,365

Total Effective Income


Total Educational and General Auxiliary Enterprises Dining Hall Dormitories Houses (Rented) Student Center Student Center- Rathskeller

770,000 1,103,400 14,000 187,600

$ 2,075,000

Provision for Capital Improvements Provision for Contingencies Provision for Income Stabilization Provision for Retirement of Indebtedness

Total Expense Excess/ (Deficit ) * *********** * * * ***** * * * ** ** * * ***** ** **** **** ****** ** ****** * * *** * * * ************

Annual Fees Tuition General Fee - E&G General Fee- Stud. Ctr. Room Rent Board Fee

1977-78 (Increases) $350


30 50 $430 (8.0 % )


3,325 50 75

Adopted Budget 1976-77

$ 3,200,453 322,006 602,110 396,498 478,275 460,513 121

$ 3,474,405 336,775 691,705 442,250 479,800 484,700 1

678,912 134,754 71,821 40,409 12,652 556,452 89,897

759,800 132,000 87,700 40,000 16,400 590,000 94,000

$ 8,410,873

$ 9,151,005

Student Financial Aid-Regular Student Financial Aid-Special State of CTTuition Reimburs./ Fin. Aid Tuition Remitted Fellowships & Prizes Other Educational Programs -a ) Athletics Contingency

Total Auxiliary Enterprises

Total Auxiliary Enterprises

Actual Revenues 1975-76

Adopted Budget 1976-77


3,600 50 100


3,950 50 130



760 5,010

820 5,370

870 5,800



717,117 1,108,578 45,102 195,271

$ 2,066,068 $


770,000 1,206,195 46,000 214,800

$ 2,236,995

60,000 55,455 75,000 115,000

$10,782,396 $11 ,388,000 Total Expenses (a - Graduate, Summer, Community education , RPJ, and Barbieri Center programs


(a _ Stude nt FTE (Pay ing) 1,598 1,605 (b- Graduate, Summ er, Community education, RPI, and Barbieri Center programs (c- Includes $130 per student {rQm General Fee



Page 6 Trinity Reporter April, 1977

"A.I.E.S.E.C." Who?

Class Notes

By Mary Ellen Breault '77 That "A.I.E.S.E.C. is one of the best kept secrets" is joked about by members of that organization, but it is all too often true. At Trinity College, the members of A.I.E.S.E.C., which is the French acronym for the International Association of Students in Economics and Management, are trying to change this. Open to all students, Trinity's local chapter, which has been active for ten years, has grown to 50 members. As a totally student-run, non-profit organization, A.I.E.S.E.C. has established a reciprocal job exchange program through which it fosters international cooperation as well as provide important practical experience to supplement theoretical knowledge for students in the 55 participating countries. Locally, Trinity members seek to raise internships for foreign students in area businesses so that they in turn can apply for internships in the countries of their choice. This past year Trinity has hosted seven interns from France, Germany, Hong Kong and Poland, arranging their housing and planning weekend activities. Presently three interns are in Hartford. Amaury de Menthiere, a French intern, is working at G. Fox & Co.; Jacques Merran, also from France, is at Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; and Jozef Kaluzynski of Poland is at Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. Last summer eleven Trinity students were matched to foreign internships in Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Yugoslavia, and this year fourteen students have applied. Students are matched to jobs by computer at an International Congress which will be held in Athens this year. Lecture series, student-businessmen lunches and career symposiums are a few of the other activities that A.I.E.S.E.C.-Trinity has participated in to foster communication between students and businessmen. The Trinity chapter is also active at the national level. Mark Kupferberg '77, served as Advisory Councillor for the National Committee this past year. In cooperation with Brian McKenzie of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co ., A.I.E.S .E.C.-Trinity produced a video tape which is being used to train members by U.S. local committees. Local members also have the opportunity to meet students from other U.S. committees and interns from all over the world at the various conterences held throughout the year. Trinity hosted a meeting for all local committee presidents last fall and sent five members to the Northeast regional conference held in Boston. During the Christmas break, eight Trinity students attended the national convention in Den~r. The spring regional conference will be held in Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) and will give new and old members a chance to learn more about A.I.E.S.E.C. and to exchange ideas. Mary Ellen Breault is a senior from Willimantic, Connecticut, who is learning about business and administration first-hand. For several years she worked with the Trinity News Bureau. This year slf!-·'1:; is employed by the Actuarial Department of Connecticut General Life Insurance Company.

REMINDER ... Help yow Class Secretary by sending a news item about yowself or your classmates to the Alumni Office we'll gladly send them along for the Secretary's writeup for the Reporter.

18 ENGAGEMENTS 1968 1972 1973 1975 1972-1972

RICHARD SHEPARD to Margaret Addison BARBARA F. BASS to Neal Owens MEGAN O 'NEILL to Jerold Donald Altman PETER A . MINDNICH to Robin MarieMims .LUCILE M . HOWARD to THOMAS H. TAMONEY, JR. WEDDINGS


1966 1968 1971


1973 1974 1975 1973-1973

WILLIAM DEAN WALLACE to June Wellworg, November 15, 1976 GEORGE WENDELL to Kirsten Rieks-Pedersen , June 12, 1976 JOHN C. POGUE 3d to Margaret Tucker Stout, December 18, 1976 BARRY L. HEDRICK to Susan Alice Durivage, August 21, 1976 ROY WENTZ to Dale Ann Lewis, January 8, 1977 WILLIAM D . PREVOST to Beth Martin, December 1976 LEWIS H . CLARK, JR. to Caroline Coleman Addison , March 19, 1977 THADDEUS J. DEMBEK to Barbara Marie Drelich, November 27, 1976 PETER A . DiCORLETO to Margaret A. Lester, June 1976 DAVID C. HOPKINS to Denise L. Dombkowski, August 14, 1976 ELLEN HUMPHREVILLE to James C. McGuire, August 1976 EDWARD W. HUNTLEY to NANCY JEAN PERUGINI, August21, 1976 BIRTHS

1960 1962

1966 1967


1971 1972

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Gage, Jr., daughter, Alexandra Christian , November 6, 1976. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Classen , Jr., daughter, Alexandra Bailey, June 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Witherwax, son, Robert Winfield , July 9, 1976 Mr. and Mrs . James McCulloch , daughter, Maggie, September 24 , 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perrin , son, Jeffrey Louis, December 1, 1976 Mr. and Mrs. James Jakielo, daughter, Lori Marie, August 3, 1976 Mr. and Mrs . James Tyler III, son , Nathaniel Price, November 25 , 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jackson (LESLYE DAVIS). son, Joshua Z ., January 2. 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eanes, son , Christopher Michael , Augu st 12, 1976

1974 MA 1974

.4 1

Mr. and Mrs. David Eldredge (MARTHA CAREY), son, David Carey, October24, 1976 Mr. and Mrs . David Hilyard (VIRGINIA SEAVERNS), daughter, Catherine Robbins, July 20, 1976

Mr. Robert E. Cross 208 Newberry St. Hartford, CT 06114

Last fall , EDWIN BARTON was among seven educators honored as "Compatriots in Education" by the national honorary society, Kappa Delta Pi, in an award ceremony at Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania) State College. In addition to his long career in education, Ed was selected for his outstanding community work and c~ntributions to Bloomsburg State College through his work with the Columbia County Historical Society.

MEL SHULTHIESS writes that his activities have included attending all Trin'ity football games, both at home and away. In addition, Mel serves on the board of managers of the Newtown (Connecticut) Edmund Town Hall, is president of the Chaplain Ebenezer Baldwin branch of the Sons of the American Revolution , and marches with the color guard of the Legion of Honor of Pyramid Temple of the Shrine, · ·



I hope you all got a copy of the January 1977 issue of Connecticut which had a fine portrait of James E. English on the cover, heralded as Citizen of the Year. As you may know, he is the son of our late departed , The Rev. JIM ENGLISH, and he may well be our 1916 Class baby or close to it anyway . How sad that Jim Sr. could not have had just a few months longer and Jim Jr.'s mother also, to · witness this public recognition of his career. Jim Jr. is president of the Connecticut Bank and Trust Company and also chairman. Jim Jr. has now accepted a posi tion at Trinity as financial advisor and planner and will perhaps teach a course or two in banking and the finance field. That was a great report from President Lockwood about the status of the Campaign for Trinity Values. I note we have a way to go this year to attain the goal, so let's try to do this year what some of us could not do last year. Let's all show in May at the Imm ortals Dinner.


MIKE SCHLIER has consented to act as Secretary Pro Tern while JOE RACIOPPI is recuperating from ill health . Joe is regaining his healt h very nicely, however. Mike hopes to have a good turnout from the Class at their 60th Reunion Dinner which will be held in conjunction with the Imm ortals Dinner on May 27.

Route 13, Box 227 Tallahassee, FL 32303

Mr. HenryT. Kneeland 75 Duncaster Road Bloomfield, CT 06002

PAUL deMARCARTE and his wife, Meta, left for Ireland, his ancestral country, on March 14 and will return September 14 . He hopes our Class could get together at the ReunionHomecoming Dinner on October 8 . Last November I was pleased to be elected an honorary trustee of Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford), America's oldest public art museum . I had been a trustee since 1947. It is an added pleasure, that among others, I shall have the good company of HENRY BEERS '18 and HUGH CAMPBELL '32.


Mr . James A . Calano 35 White Street Hartford, CT 06114

CONNIE GESNER was visiting prelate at the Trinity Episcopal Church, Leritlx, Massachusetts last falL He rendered such an impressive sermon that the rector saw fit to comment in the Parish Bulletin, "What a joy it was to have Bishop Gesner with us .. .''

26 The Rev . )o . seph Racioppi 264 Sunn•c·holme Dr. Fairfield, CT 06432

Mr. Clinton B. F. Brill

After retiring a second time, this occasion from the Connecticut Congregational Fellowship as executive secretary, HENRY VA LENTINE and his wife joined a group from the · South Congregational Church in Hartford on a twoweek trip to Dublin, Edinburgh and London, with side trips and including the beautiful cathedrals at York and Canterbury .

22 Mr . Erhardt G . Schmitt 41 Mill Rock Road New Haven , CT 06511

Mr. George C. Griffith P.O. Box642 Sea Island, GA. 31561

Mr. N. Ross Parke 18 Van Buren Avenue West Hartford, CT 06107

We hope BOB NEWELL and his dear Marion · enjoyed wintering in Florida in spi te of the fact that the tempera ture there sometimes vied with ours here in Ye Olde New England. It will be generally apprecia ted th at here in Hartford in February the Shrine Circus put on a successful a nd joyous performance towa.rd the expectation of giving a very substa ntial sum to the Shriners Hospital in Springfield , Massachusetts for crippled children . As many of you may know , my dear Vivian has been executive secretary in the Sphinx Temple Circus office for 17 years. Good deeds deserve recognition , so how about writing in to Gerald Hansen, Jr. , our fi ne director of alumni relations , and Jet him know how "you all" are doing these days, as time marches on.


Mr . Winthrop H . Segur Park Ridge Apt. 516 '1320 Berlin Turnpike Wethersfield , CT 06109

First things first - note the change of address of your SECRETARY-TREASURER . After some 42 yea rs of enjoying life in our own home, we hav e decided to forego the cares of maintenance, grass cutting and snow removaL Our apartment is but 1.1 miles from 34 Onlook Road where we have lived for the past 18 years. We think we are going to like the change once we get settled and locate things that so meh ow got misplaced in moving. As though he ha sn't had enough troubles and problems in the past, I learned that FRANK (MIN) BLOODG00D sustained a bad fall , resulting in a broken hip! I'm sure we all hope he has had a speedy recovery . At this writing, ANDY FORRESTER and his lady were about to make their annual monthly visit to what used to be termed the Sunshine

April, 1977 Trinity Reporter Page 7 State. Let's hope they found the weat-h er a bit more pleasant than it has been. Just a reminder to you 1927ers to watch the mails for our induction as Immortals this spring -May 27. It would be great if we could have a ~ood turnout for this "once-in-a-lifetime" gala event.


LOUIS SPEKTOR is currently on a year's fellowship in child development at the Yale University Child Study Center in New' Haven, Connecticut.


Dr. Robert P. Waterman 148 Forest Lane Glastonbury, CT 06033

GEORGE MACKIE writes about a visit with GENE DURAND at his Prescott, Arizona home, which is situated on a golf course. Gene plays 18 holes at least five times a week , winter and summer, and has broken 40 on the front nine, 40 on the back nine, and his ambition is to put two such rounds together. Keeping their record perfect, George, along with GEORGE SLATER '32, DON VIERING '42 and MEL SHULTHIESS '19, saw all of the Trinity football games this past fall. George says he enjoyed six of them.


Julius Smith , D.M.D . 242 Trumbull St. Hartford, CT 06103

REUNION RAYMOND ADAMS retired last December as Judge of Probate for the District of Windsor, Connecticut , a position he held for 28 years.


Mr. Ezra Melrose 186 Penn Dr. Wes t Hartford, CT 06119

GEORGE LACOSKE is a senior tax examiner with the State Tax Department in Hartford .


Mr . John A . Mason 564 West Avon Rd . A v on, CT 06001

BILL HARING was elected to the vestry of St. Luke's Church, Hilton Head, South Carolina on January 24 . He still plays a fine game of golf at Spanish Wells Golf Club, where he is on the board of governors. The MASONS took their annual trek to Florida in late January. Ran into DAVE WHITE '32 while visiting the Harings. Dave has retired from Washington . Stopped in at Betty and KEITH FUNSTON'S at Sanibel, where we ran into the BOB WATERMANS '31. Marjorie and Bob have a fancy auto trailer.


Albert M . Dexter, Jr. Neck Road Old Lyme, CT 06371

SAL PIACENTE has a new office at 1000 Asylum Avenue in Hartford. At the time he wrote, he was expecting his first grandchild soon . DOLPH HOEHLING writes that he is an editor at the Library of Congress in a special ieports section . He has just had a new book, "Thunder at Hampton Roads, " published by Prentice-Hall . 路



The following dates have been announced for class reunions this year which fall on the weekend of the Williams game.

Mr. James V. White 22 Austin Road Milford, CT 06460

Mr. Robert M . Kelly 33 Hartford Ave. Madison, CT 06443

REUNION BILL HULL, after retiring from the Travelers Insurance Company as director of the casualty p_roperty department, has been spending winters at Sarasota, Florida, and summers at Leetes Island, Connecticut. Bill has. become an expert sunfish racer anCI won the bronze medal in his first try in the National Senior Olympics Sunfish Regatta . He reports that duplicate bridge, sunfish sailing and square dancing don't interfere too much with his consultant work on bank insurance with the American Bankers Association in Washington, D .C. Sounds like the best of all worlds! lRV FEIN and ED COLTON have finally made contact after umpteen years since a close association at Trinity and in World War II assignments. RAY DEXTER writes that he is enjoying meeting people in Rocky Hill, Connecticut

OCTOBER 7, 8, 9

Classes of 1932, 1937, 1942, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967 and 1972

during workday, daylight hours. Ray retired from United Technologies in East Hartford last September. His family of three children are completely grown and are all working hard in various areas of Connecticut. BOB BAINBRIDGE's daughter, Ann, was married last October at the Church of The Redeemer in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. AL HASKELL writes that he has switched to the union side路 of things and is now office manager for the Brotherhood of Teamsters in Oakland, California. "It is a great job," he writes, "and should carry me through to retirement." His home address remains 961 Indian Rock, Berkeley, CA 94707.


Mr. Earl H . Flynn 147 Goodale Dr. Newington, CT 06111 CARLTON NELSON has moved to Florida from Glastonbury, Connecticut. He is a technical writer with United Technologies Corporation in Palm Beach Gardens.

39 路

Mr. James M. F. Weir 27 Brook Rd. Woodbridge, CT 06525

It has been a long time since we have had word from STURGES SHIELDS, however, he did drop a note informing us that he has now retired from the Secretariat of the United Nations. Sturges has spent 30 rewarding years on the job with the UN and decided to stay home a bit more with his growing family . His other interest is a busy involvement with the Boy Scouts of America in Nassau County, New York. It was good news to hear from ERNIE CORSO who is living in Virginia and is vice president of Ferris & Company, Inc. Ernie is currently president of the Washington Executive Association in the nation's capital. His oldest son is manager of the Watergate office of New York Life; his daughter, Diane, is a teacher; and his youngest son is about to graduate from William & Mary College. Received word via The Hartford Courant that JOHN BRENNAN is about to be sworn in as a member of the bench. From now on address all mail to "His Honor, the Judge." This is indeed a fitting reward for the good work John has done through the years as mayor, and interested public official in his home town of East Hartford .


Dr. Richard Morris 120 Cherry Hill Dr. Newington, CT 06111

GUS ANDRIAN is on sabbatical from Trinity College for the spring term . He is busy working on a new Spanish textbook and in April, he and his wife, Peggy, will be in Spain . CARMINE LA VIER! completed a successful tenure as president of the Connecticut Bar Association. At the Association's annual dinner in October, Carmine presented the Bar's 1976 Distinguished Public Service Award to the Honorable Chester Bowles, former governor of Connecticut, twice ambassador to India and Nepal, and a former undersecretary of State . HERB BLAND and family added yet another tie to Trinity when daughter, Nancy, was married in the Trinity Chapel last fall . Herb and wife, Dottie, enjoyed Reunion-Homecoming weekend with AL HOPKINS of ~oonton, New Jersey and his wife, Jean. Manuel D. Goty of Newington, Connecticut and Trinity Class of 1979 is this year's recipient of the Class of 1940 Memorial Scholarship. "I am at present a sophomore," he wrote, " and I plan to major in political science. I also intend to pursue extensive studies in modern languages, namely Spanish and Italian . .. " Manuel then concluded: "I would like to thank you and the Class of 1940 for the generous support the scholarship has provided ." Now are you ready to make another contribution to 'The Class of 1940 Memorial Scholarship Fund?" Anne and I returned from the British Isles in mid-November. I will give a lecture on "Dewey and Modern Science" at Smith College in April.


Mr. Martin D. Wood 19 Tootin Hill Rd. West Simsbury, CT 06092

REUNION FOWLER WHITE is working full time as an emergency room physician at the Charlotte Hungerford Hospital in Torrington, Connecticut. ARCHIE MESHENUK has been appointed assistant secretary in the underwriting and service division of the group department at The Travelers Insurance Companies, Hartford.

Meshenuk FRANK FASI received an honorary degree from Central Michigan University at their winter commencement exercises in December. Frank is serving his third four-year term as mayor of Honolulu and is one of the nation's most colorful mayors, with a reputation for creative programs for the people of his city.


HARRY BALFE has been elected to the board of directors of the National Consumers League, which headquarters in Washington, D.C. Last December, he was chairman of the New YorkNew Jersey regional conference of The Danforth Foundation Associates, which was held in New Paltz, New York. Mr. Andrew W. Milligan 15 Winterset Lane West Hartford, CT 06117 JOHN EDLER writes that he is secretary of the convention, Episcopal Diocese of Newark and vicar of St. Alban's in Oakland / Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. BOB CASEY, who is a retired patent lawyer, has been elected vice chairman of the Connecticut Writers' League, and has also been named editor of the Harvest, the League's annual literary review.



The Alumni Office is interested in locating the addresses for the alumni listed below. If you have information on their whereabouts, please contact the Alumni Office, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106, tel. 203-527-3151 , ext. 215 . Frederick Reed Hoisington '20 Morris Peterson, M.D. '33 Henry H . Hale '36 WilliamM. Boger '40 Robert P . Harris '41 WallaceM. Webb '42 Loftus B. Cuddy, Jr. '43 Charles L. Jones, Jr. '43 Robert Finn '44 Myles S. Phillips, Jr. '44 Robert 0 . Johnson '46 John F. Wright '47 George M . Kayser, Jr. '49 Leonard C. Overton '49 Peter McNally '52 David L. Clark 111'53 Alain R. Roman '55 D. Harvey Chaffee '56 Kenneth W. Eaton '56 Barton R. Young '56 Frederick Baird '57 Ira H . Grinnell '57 Hermann J. Barron '58 Robert J. Couture '58 Ki-Won Park 'S9 Graham]. D . Balfour'60 Howard J. Friedman '60 William J. Paterson '60 William C. Sargent '60 Roger E. Borggard '62 RichardS . Gallagher '62 Michael B. Long '62 Bruce B. Henry '63

Thomas G . Johnston '66 Lawrence W. Moore '66 Lewis A. Morrow '66 Charles E. North MA '67 David K. Bloomgarden '68 Myron W . McCrensky '68 William H. Mouradian, M .D. '68 Peter J. Sills '68 Stephen E. Hume '69 Robert L. Geary '70 Michael C. Edwards '71 William R. Gilchrist '71 Arthur Adams '72 David Appel '72 Michael K. Blanchard '72 Raymond V. De Silva '72 Robert T . Hollister '72 Glenn M . Kenney '72 Kent Khtikian '72 Phillip D. Mulvey '72 Charles C. Ray '72 John W . Wachewicz '72 G . Harvey Zendt '72 The Rev. Michael A . Battle '73 Cristina Medina '74 William J. Ferns '75 Carol J. Powell '75 Katharine E. Ingram '76 Shelley S. Jerige '76 Sandra L. Marhoefer '77 Richard M. Jacobs V-12 Richard M. Woolley V-12

Mr. J l William Vincent 80 Newport Avenue West Hartford, CT 06107

BILL PLANT is living in Glenshaw, Pennsylvania, where he supervises the H . H. Robertson Fellowship at the Mellon Institute. Bill writes that he is happily married and has seven delightful children .


Dr. Harry R. Gossling 558 Simsbury Rd. Bloomfield, CT 06002

The Rt. Rev . E. Otis Charles 231 East First So . St. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

JOSEPH MOLINARI has recently been promoted to group leader in research at the Dexter Corporation, Windsor Locks, Connecticut . HERBERT SNYDER has just completed a term as president of the Manchester (Connecticut) Memorial Hospital medical staff and is currently serving as president of the Manchester Medical Association. Your Secretary was among church leaders from all parts of the country who sought to avoid use of the death penalty in Utah. The watch word of those Utah citizens working to abolish capital punishment in the State is "No executions. No more death penalty ."


Mr . Charles I. Tenney, C.L.U. Charles I. Tenney & Associates 6 Bryn Mawr路Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

Two members of the Class have sons attending Trinity. JOHN PHELAN's son, John Phelan, Jr., is a freshman and DONALD DUNCAN's son, David, is a sophomore.



Mr. James R. Glassco, Jr. 1024 Pine Hill Rd . Mclean, VA 22101

BOB HERBERT teaches in the Buncombe City Public Schools in Asheville, North Carolina. Bob has a house on three acres on which he plans a garden, and orchard . STUART HOLDEN has been elected charter corporator of the Newington (Connecticut) Children's Hospital. His oldest son, Stu Jr., is married and graduated from Michigan State Graduate School of Business this March. His oldest daughter, Virginia, is married and recently received her B.S. from Mt. Vernon College, Washington, D.C. GERALD ELOVITZ has been elected president

Page 8 Trinity Reporter April, 1977 of Building #19, Inc., a small group of three department stores dealing in surplus and salvage merchandise of all descriptions. DICK BURKE is assistant director of commercial property in the underwriting department at the Hartford Insurance Group. Dick's outside activities include being senior vice commander of VFW Post 1926 in Simsbury, Connecticut and is also a member of the Democratic Town Committee there. He has six children and three grandchildren . In January, EDWARD ALBEE presented two of his plays, "Listening" and "Counting the Ways, " in Hartford. He chose the Hartford Stage Company to do them because he had decided that the plays were not commercial enough for Broadway .


Mr . John F. Klingler 344 Fern St. West Hartford, CT 06119

LAMBERT OBERG writes that his son, Jeff, is now enrolled in the Amos Tuck Graduate School of Business at Dartmouth; son, Curt, is an AllIvy and All-New England fullback at Dartmouth and was elected captain of the 1977 Dartmouth football team; and son, Keith, is an 8-letterman at William Hall High School (West Hartford) and three-time state wrestling champion . Keith has been accepted at Williams College. JOE CAMILLERI is a member of the board of directors of the American National Bank in Hamden, Connecticut, a member of the board of directors and medical director of Sound View Continuing Care Center, West Haven, Connecticut, and is a member of the budget and finance committee, Yale New Haven Hospital.


Mr. Douglas C. Lee 628 Willow Glen Dr . Lodi, CA 95240

REUNION WYATT ELDER has a new job as western area production manager for Coca-Cola USA, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia . VINCENT DIANA returned to the College last December to be an alumnus reader in the annual advent service. His daughter, Angelee, will graduate from Trinity this spring. CHRIS RIGOPULOS is currently president and chief operating officer for Connecticut Tube Products, Inc. in Woodbury, Connecticut. His daughter, Karen, is a junior at Skidmore College, Saratoga, New York; son, Nick, graduated from the Taft School and is now a freshman at Randolph-Macon College in Virginia; and daughter, Kristine, is in the 6th grade at St. Margaret's-McTernan School in Waterbury, Connecticut. ALLEN BOLINGER, who is rector of Grace Church in Haddonfield, New Jersey wrote that recently he was honored and his congregation awarded a certificate of appreciation by the chaplain for the Air National Guard, National Guard Bureau, Washington, D.C. in recognition of his service of over 20 years as a chaplain for the New Jersey Air National Guard. After a summer of study and exams, REED HOISINGTON, has become a registered representative of United Services Planning Association, Inc., and is a licensed life agent representing the Independent Research Agency for life insurance in Fort Worth , Texas.


PLANS UNDER WAY FOR IMMORTALS AND CLASS OF 1927 50TH REUNION May 27, Friday 1:00 to 5:00pm Coffee and registration Alumni House, 79 Vernon St. Campus tours, if desired 6:00pm Cocktails-Austin Arts Ctr. 7:00pm Dinner-Mather Campus Ctr. (Class of 1927- Special Reunion Tables) May 28, Saturday !O:OOam

Special Memorial Service for Departed Members Class of '27 Chapel CLASS OF 1927 HEADQUARTERSWean Lounge May 29, Sunday 10:30am Baccalaureate Service 2:00pm Commencement Further details of the plans for the Class of 1927 will be announced. LaCrosse, Wisconsin where he has a satisfying and challenging medical practice. MARSHALL WARREN headed up the Hartford drive for The United Way of Greater Hartford. He is district manager at the Travelers Insurance Company in Hartford . Last fall PETE CARLOUGH stood in for President Lockwood and represented Trinity at the inauguration of Dr. Lattie Coor as president of the University of Vermont. As a partner in Reed Worthy Associates, advertising agency , he handled the successful gubernatorial.campaign of Richard Snelling, new Republican governor of Vermont. Last December, Pete chartered a 30foot sailboat with friends and cruised the Bahamas.


Mr . E. Wade Close, Jr. 200 Hunter's Trace Lane Atlanta, Georgia 30328 路

NAT REED, who has resigned as assistant secretary of the Interior; has indicated he may run for governor of Florida jn 1978 if he decides a Republican can be elected. JOHN GALLAGHER has been appointed plant manager of Thiokol Corporation's friction facility in Trenton, New Jersey. HAROLD KATZMAN, who has a busy orthopedic practice in Anaheim, California, has moved to Linda Isle which is right on the water in Newport Beach, California. He has five children: Todd, 18, Terri, 16, Scott, 14, Heidi, 11 and Jamie, 3. JOE REINEMAN has been promoted to network planning director of General Telephone and Electronics in Stamford, Connecticut. He and his wife, Betty, and children, Ginger and Joe, Jr., now live in Fairfield , Connecticut.



ORISON MARDEN writes from Los Angeles that he is director of industrial relations-West Coast for C. B.S. Inc. BEVERLY CHEW has been promoted to vice president of Van Cleef, Jordan &: Ward , New York City . JAKE BROWN's daughter, Amy, received early acceptance from Trinity for the Class of 1981.

CHRIS PERCY of Simsbury, Connecticut has presented the nine-volume set of Wilson's American Ornithology to the College library in memory of his grandfather, John Ostrom Enders. BOB WORTHEY is still carrying on his priestly duties on Sundays at St. Paul's Church, Key West, Florida . In addition he is in real estate as a full time associate in Wright Way Realty on Big 路 Pine Key, specializing in properties in the Lower Florida Keys .

Mr. Theodore T . Tansi Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co . 1 American Row Hartford, CT 06103

The Rev . Dr. Borden W . Painter 110 Ledgewood Rd. West Hartfo rd , CT 06107

CHUCK VAN LANEN is with Bethlehem Steel in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and has two children in college. He sees DAVE ROBERTS '55, also with Bethlehem, who has eight children and is doing well. BILL AIKEN is living in Truro, Massachusetts and teaches at Lowell Tech in Boston three days a week. He is considering taking a leave of absence next year. Bill says that JOHN CRAIG is doing consulting work in Wilmington, Delaware. DICK (Red) HOWARD '53, his wife, Nancy, and three children are very happy living in



Mr. Paul S . Campion . 4 Red Oak Dr . Rye , New York 10580

LLOYD FRAUENGLASS has路 entered into a new law partnership under the firm name of Frauenglass, O 'Connell, Brown and Paindiris. Their offices are located in Hartford and Glastonbury, Connecticut. He has two children, Sherry! and Brett, and lives in Glastonbury . HAP FITTS is a member of the Public Building Commission and the Charter Revision Commission in South Windsor, Connecticut. He is also vice chairman of the South Windsor Republican Town Committee ana is chairman of the South Windsor Community Service Council. ALAN TUBMAN is a chartered financial analyst and vice president of research for Blackstone Management Corporation Inc. in Boston, Massachusetts . His oldest son is now a sophomore in high school. Alan, his wife, Betty and their three children live on a peninsula south of Boston and he commutes to Boston on a privately run commuter boat. He is a member of the Lions Club and has recently been made a corporator of the Hingham Institution for Savings. ALBIE SMITH is in his third year as headmaster of North Yarmouth Academy in Yarmouth, Maine. He says these are exciting times as the school changes to an all day coeducational student body, grades 7-12, with the phasing out of the boarding department . His children, Nancy 11th grade, Todd 9th grade, and Gina 7th grade, are all enrolled and managing to survive with their father as headmaster.


Mr. Robert C , Langen 2 Sachems Trail West Simsbury, CT 06092

MORRIS LLOYD has assumed responsibility as managing vice president of the Philadelphia office of Alexander&: Alexander Inc., worldwide insurance brokers, agents and consultants.

BILL LORSON is stationed at WrightPatterson AFB in Ohio and writes that "for the first time in many years I'm at a base with no Trinity folks around. There must be somebody here . How about a jingle?" In the world of politics, FRANK KURY won reelection to the Senate -of Pennsylvania and is serving as chairman of the consumer affairs committee. Frank, Elizabeth and their three boys live on a farm in Northumberland County . BOB McCLENAHAN is still head of the Middle School at St. Margaret's-McTernan School in Waterbury, Connecticut. Bob and

Metropolitan New York and New Jersey . Roland has been scouting for the Cardinals on a parttime basis for the last four years. JACK KAPOUCH is the assistant director of compensation and benefits, corporate personnel operations at Connecticut General in Bloomfield, Connecticut. Mr . Timo thy F. Lenicheck 152 W ill o w A venue So merv ille, MA 02144 JOHN WARDLAW has been transferred from Hickam AFB, Honolulu to Pease AFB in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and has been promoted to major. JIM TOZER, senior vice president and general manager of Citibank, New York City, has been elected a trustee of the Community Service Society, New York. ALAN LIPP!Tf is now an orthopedic surgeon in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia, and is affiliated with the Georgia Baptist Hospital. His wife, Dr. Linda Nathanson, is a pediatrician, specializing in physically handicapped child and learning disabilities, and is medical director of the Children's Habilitation Center in Atlanta . They recently had a son, Daniel Kenneth. STEPHEN REPETTO has completed his 11th year with Loctite Corporation, Newington, Connecticut, as a development chemist. PETER KANE expects to complete his work for his Certificate in Accounting at Bentley College this summer. He hopes to work for the Small Business Administration as a loan specialist.



Lloyd CHARLES MIDDLETON practices general surgery in Danielson, Connecticut. He writes that he met NICK PASCHL '60 at the alumnistudent fencing clinic on Reunion-Homecoming weekend and found himself unbelievably out of shape .


Mr. Barnett Lipkind 432 E. 88th St. , Apt. 404 New York, NY 10028

REUNION JACK BAKER is the medical director of the Clinic for Adults and Children, psychiatric services, San Leandro, California. Jack and his wife, Jodie, live at 7 Cascade Lane, Orinda, California . CHARLES CLASSEN completed his four-year army tour of duty last year, after serving at Madigan Army Hospital in Tacoma , Washington, where he worked in an orthopedic resident training program . Currently Charlie is in practice with two other orthopedic surgeons in Kinston, North Carolina. ROLAND JOHNSON writes that he is the baseball scouting supervisor for the St. Louis Cardinals and will be covering New England,

Mr . Beverly N . C oiner 150 Katherine Court San Antonio, TX 78209

BILL NILES is president of The Steel ,Center, Inc., Salem, Illinois, which he established last September. He and his wife, Barbara, son Billy, age 4, and daughter Rebecca , age 7, live in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. JIM ROWAN has been promoted to investment manager at the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company . He sees TOM MONAHAN often and he expects an addition to the family this spring, ma~ing number three. KIAU LOI writes that he is babysitting for the dog of PHINEAS ANDERSON and his wife, who are traveling around the Pacific for a year. He says to put in an advance order for their new book, In Love with the Pacific. TOM McKUNE is director of career planning and placement at Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. Knox College was a participant in the Astin Report on The American Freshman and Tom has written a commentary on what the survey results mean in comparing Knox's entering class with national norms. His postgraduate and Ph .D . research included work related to previous similar surveys. DONATO STRAMMIELLO has been appointed office district manager for Grubb &: Ellis Company, Beverly Hills, California . DAVID CASE has received the U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal for meritorious service . Dave is a health physicist and is currently stationed at Brooks AFB, San Antonio, Texas.


Mr. Paul B. Ma rion 7 Martin Place Cha tham , NJ 07928

Mr. Paul A . Mortell 508 Stratfield Rd . Fairfield , CT 06432


Rebecca had their second child last year, a boy named Edward Phillip . Over in Naugatuck, Connecticut, PETER GARRETT has won promotion to vice president of marketing for Seal, Inc. Seal manufactures capital goods for the art , photographic, educational and picture framing markets. Peter and family live in Newtown, Connecticut. DUSTY McDONALD has resigned as chaplain of Hobart and William Smith Colleges after nine years in that position . Dusty will now head the Trinity Institute of Trinity Church in New York City . The Trinity Institute provides continuing education for clergy through a program of conferences throughout the year.

The Rev. David J. Graybill 213 Cherokee Rd . Hendersonville, TN 37075

BARRY ROSEN , associate professor in the Biological Chemistry Department at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, is currently editing a book titled, Bacterial Transport, to be published in 1977 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Barry has been elected vice chairperson of the physiology and metabolism section of the American Society for Microbiology and to membership in the American Society of Biological Chemists. PETER STURROCK is now associated with Great-West Life Insurance Company in Hartford . DEAN WALLACE remarried last November. As a result of previous marriages, he and his wife, June,. have seven children . Dean says that luckily Dean Wallace Record Dist. , Ltd posted $3 million in gross sales. DAVE HORNFISCHER is now assistant to the treasurer at Amherst College . His wife, Elsa, completed her B.A . at UMass last June and is R.N . coordinator of Adult Day Care Program in Amherst. They have two children, Jim, age 11, and Amy, age 7. STAN BAGAN practices general internal medicine in Bridgeton and Salem, New Jersey. He says sons, Matthew, age 10, and David, age 6, keep both him and Sally busy . SAM COALE participated in a seminar on Southern Literature at the American Embassy in Athens in February and may go as a USIS emissary to Tunisia and Egypt this summer to get a look at American Studies programs there. Sam is on a Fulbright at Aristotelian University in

April, 1977 Trinity Reporter Page 9 Greece and says Greece is an experience. MARC KADYK has finished residency training at Oklahoma University and started practice with two other orthopedic surgeons in the mountains of North Carolina.


Dr. Randolph Lee Office of College Counseling Trinity College Hartfo rd , CT 06106

I have suggested in this column on a number of previous occasions that there remain many of our classmates that we have not hearq from in some time, many for all 10 years. Because I also know that many of you look for items here relating to your own friends whom you haven't heard from in some time, I have come up with another idea. When you send in notes about yourself, direct them to my attention and include with your notes, the names of one or two classmates whom you would like to know about. I will then make it a point to try and be in touch with those people specifically and see if we can't find out what they are doing. We did hear from three of you in the past month or so . GERRY BAUSEK seems to like the academic life so much that he is going back to school. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford seven years ago , and then spent five years working for Hewlett-Packard. In 1975 he decided to seek a medical degree. Gerry has another year and a half to go on his work at the University of California at San Francisco. JEFF WITHERWAX wrote to tell us about the birth of his child (see Births) and also reports that he is president of the Naugatuck (Connecticut) Glass Company. Finally, JOHN COSGROVE was recently promoted to production manager at WQED-TV in Pittsburgh . John tells us that he still gets the opportunity to occasionally work with his wife, Susan, who is a producer on the staff of the station. Do be in touch , and don't forget to give me the names of some classmates you would like to hear from.


Mr. Tom Safran 943 Y2 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024

REUNION CHARLIE KURZ was in Los Angeles recently on business and we had a chance to get together. He indicated that our Class received a special award from the Alumni Association for having the highest participation in the A lumni Fund for classes graduated during the previous 10 years. Congratulations to us. In this our lOth year reunion, let's make it the best success of all by once again having the highest percentage. Speaking of the lOth reunion, Charlie has informed me that it has been scheduled for the weekend of October 8, the Williams game. The College has decided to experiment this year by having it earlier inasmuch as there is already a large crowd for the Wesleyan game. Personally, I think it is a better time because it is the height of the fall season. It is warmer and for those warmblooded souls like myself in Southern California, this is a more pleasant time of year. In addition , Charlie spoke of the Class gift and what should be scheduled for reunion weekend . His suggestion for a Class gift would be a contribution to a memorial scholarship fund for RICHARD VOSSLER, DON OVERBECK and PETER HENDERSON . Any other suggestions or comments? Also he raised the question as to what would be the best activity for the class to have for our reunion , and when and where . A questionnaire should be sent to you shortly asking fo r your recommendations. Back in October I received a long letter from JEFF FOX . For two years, Jeff was located in San Francisco as director of marketing for Pillsbury's wine division , traveling frequently to Los Angeles. By contrast, I was located ' in Los Angeles and frequently traveling to San Francisco. Nevertheless, we never made it together. Finally , as Jeff pointed out in his letter, he was "prompted by my last column" to write. Now that Jeff has moved back to Connecticut, he has renewed some old associations, Trinity being one. He intends to get a bit more involved in alumni activities, including the Trinity Club of Hartford, etc. TOM McCONNELL lives close to his new home (Sim.sbury, the next town over from Avon ). They've missed each other a few times but by the time you read this will have spilled a few drops together. Jeff is now corporation director of new product planning for Loctite Corporation , Newington, Connecticut. He says it is a great company with a marvelous future, and although it isn' t wine, it is an extremely interesting and challenging opportunity. His wife, Marlene, is part owner of The Quilt Patch, a company that specializes in antique quilts: bed quilts, coverlets, doll quilts , tablecloths, pillows, etc. Jeff says it gives her a break

from the two kids, three dogs, five fish and a canary. Now that Rosey (WILL ROSENBAUM) is a big time Salem, Massachusetts vet, he thinks they'll have to get him down to take care of their zoo. Jeff has seen CHRIS DOYLE, who is corporation counsel for W. R. Grace Company in New York City, several times. He says the last bash at the Fox house was at our five-year reunion with TED RUCKERT, GEORGE DAVIS, ROSEY, KESSLER, DOYLE, GOOSE McCONNELL, DAVE GORDON (and wives) and some other balkies and he will do it again for our Tenth . Looking forward to seeing you at Reunion , Jeff. Thanks for the letter and best wishes in your new position . News comes from all sources. Faithful reader and correspondent, Mrs. Elinor Daly, wrote to tell us of the latest ventures of her son, KEVIN DALY. Last summer he played Lt. Joseph Cable in South Pacific at the Evening Dinner Theatre in Elmsford, New York. During the fall and early winter, he played at various Chateau-de-villes in the New England area . In this case, the musical was Oklahoma and his part was Will Parker. If I ever have advance knowledge of his whereabouts, I promise to let you know so that you can have the pleasure of enjoying his outstanding talents. Also moving back to the Trinity area is CHARLIE PERRIN . Up until recently, he was a group product manager for ChesebroughPond's, Inc., Rochester, New York. He, his wife and two sons, Jeffrey and David, have moved to Ridgefield , Connecticut where Charlie is now working at the Chesebrough-Pond's headquarters in Greenwich . The JIM McCULLOCHS had their second child, Maggie, last fall. Jim finished his Air Force service last July and is practicing family medicine with Northcare, a health maintenance organization in Evanston, Illinois . The College received news from Potter, Anderson and Corroon in Wilmington, Delaware that DAVID ANDERSON has recently become a member of their firm . In addition , The Reverend EDWARD PREVOST wrote to say that it was a joy to preside at brother Bill's ('71) wedding to Beth Martin last Christmas. Lastly, we received a nice long letter from NICK COT AKIS all the way from Athens, Greece. Congratulations are in order to the longtime bachelor who will be married in June. On the professional side, Nick works for a large shipping concern as a member of the management team operating 10 cargo ships. In addition, he runs a travel bureau which provides him with a lot of challenge and interest. On the fun side, Nick indicated that he continues to pursue his hobby of mountain climbing and has become an expert rock climber and mountain hiker. If any climbers are interested, Nick said he would be happy to help them climb one of the 30 Greek peaks over 6000 feet high . Currently Nick is preparing for the Summer of 1978 when he plans to climb Mont Blanc, Europe's highest peak . If you are interested, contact Nick at s;; Xenostratous Street , Athens 140, Greece. Finally, Nick asked about the plans for this year's reunion . Unless we have somebody coming from Asia or the Far East, Nick will certainly get the award for coming the farthest distance to reunion. Please keep the cards and letters coming in and respond to the questionnaire on this year's reunion when it comes to your home.


Mr. Joseph L. Reinhardt 1113 Dixon Blvd. Cocoa , FL 32922

BILL BARRANTE has been named to the board of editors of the Connecticut Bar Journal. BARRY BEDRICK has bought a condominium at Farmington Woods in Unionville, Connecticut. Chaplain Tull officiated at his wedding last August (See Weddings) in the Trinity Chapel . and Dr. JAMES MONKS and RICHMOND HENDEE '69 were ushers. JIM SWANSON recently returned from South America and ·writes that he successfully avoided two earthquakes and two revolutions as he meandered down to Tierra del Fuego . Jim is head of the history department at the Marin Country Day School in Corte Madera, California . He plans to walk through the Brooks Range in Alaska this summer. STAN KOSLOSKI has been youth services director in Middletown, Connecticut for the past five years. He spends the majority of his time on youth projects, wheelchair basketball and the Connecticut coordinating committee of the handicapped . Stan and his wife , Carol. have a daughter. Jennifer.


Mr. FrederickA. Vyn 19 Shoreham Club Rd. Old Greenwich, CT 06870

JOE T APOGNA is currently serving as a clinical fellow in nephrology at the Lahey Clinic Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts.

JOHN COOPER is loan officer at Continental Bank, Chicago, responsible for French speaking sub-Saharan Africa, and travels to Africa frequently. He says that also working at Continental Bank is DAVID MALETTA '72, recently promoted to international banking officer, Latin American division, and ROBERT TRAINER '67, in the commercial department. PETER MAXSON is now working as architectural historian, historic sites and restoration branch, Texas Parks Department, restoring 19th century buildings for the State. Peter lives in Austin, Texas. Last November, RICHARD HOFFMAN moved back into New England and went into a new career - broadcasting . He is the chief engineer and mid-day man at radio station WCAT, Orange, Massachusetts.

cules instructor pilot in Germany, flying passengers and cargo all over Europe. He was to return to Little Rock AFB in February. Mark was recently selected as a flight commander. BENNETT TABER is production manager for the Cleveland (Ohio) Play House. He joined the company after two years as instructor in stage lighting and assistant technical director on the staff of the Theatre Arts department of Trinity. TED KOWALSKI is completing his second year of internal medicine residency at the Children's Hospital and Adult Medical Center, San Francisco, California . BRIAN CASTRONOVO, who has received his M.A . in Spanish from Middlebury College in Vermont, is currently head of the Spanish department at Marianapolis Prep School, Thompson, Connecticut. LESLYE DAVIS JACKSON says that since la~t writing she and her husband, Paul, have done much traveling, including South America, Europe, and the Bahamas. She has completed her Master's in counseling and served an internship as a counselor and director of the services for women center at Mountain View College in Dallas, Texas. This spring she is teaching part time. ROSEMARY MORANTE has been librarian at the Windsor (Connecticut) High School for the past three years. Since last year, she has also been department chairperson for Library Resource Centers K-12. PHILIP GRIFFITH has been promoted to systems analyst at the Hartford Insurance Group. In spite of his success in data processing, Phil is considering graduate work in journalism .

John L. Bonee III, Esq. Kenyon, Bonee & Greenspan 50 State St. Hartford, CT 06103


CHARLES SAGER has written that he left his position as an assistant vice president at City Bank to join a small investment banking firm, New Court Securities, in New York City. He enjoys the excitement of switching from staid corporate clients to companies which are "start up ventures which don't yet qualify for any bank or public financing ." RANDY TERHO is presently living in Pittsford, New York, and is completing his MBA during the evenings at Rochester Institute of Technology. His targeted completion date is Marchof1977. PETE WILKINS is combining a Master's program in counseling and human relations at the University of Bridgeport (Connecticut) with a four-year clinical program at the Westchester Institute For Training and Counseling and Psychotherapy. He lives in Weston , Connecticut. Your Secretary, while nursing a winter cold, found the time to read Trinity by Leon Uris. He has decided that it is a romantic quest myth cast in the ironic mode. What say all ye fans of Paul Smith and Northrup Frye?


REUNION BARBARA BASS received a B.S. in biology from Trinity last May and has since been traveling and enjoying a life of leisure. This May she will marry Neal Owens and move to Baltimore for the beginning of a four-year Ph.D. program in environmental medicine at Johns Hopkins. TED DEMBEK married Barbara Marie Drelich, who was an exchange student at Trinity 1970-1971. Their paths never crossed at College, but they will remain in Hartford where Ted is teaching French and Spanish at South Catholic

Arlene A. Forastiere, M.D. 909 Clinton St., #2A Philadelphia, PA 19107


Jeffrey L. Kupperman, M .D . 1600 Esplanade, #3 Redondo Beach, CA 90277

MARK MACOMBER wrote in January that he was on temporary assignment as a C-130 Her-

Tell Us If You've Moved .,: : : ~y






- :· - ~:·?.·

want to l(&p in touch with 'all our dassmates and ~umni friends. So, if you have changed your address, let us know in the space below. A special plea to the class of 1976- where are you? ,, N~rne w=~



'lf,'your pr~rtt plea~ check here 0

ess does. not match that .on the mailing tape

New Res. Addres.~-..:'-----------------


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Page 10 Trinity Reporter April, 1977 High and Barbara is a librarian at the State Library. JAY DAVIS writes that he has had an enjoyable fall season playing golf with WHITNEY COOK on Friday afternoons, and playing squash with Yalies at their gym. Jay is still with 3M Company, working in sales of copy machines, but spends most of his energy cutting firewood for his large fireplace . He invites any classmates to come help if they're near Branford, Connecticut. TOM ROBINSON is traveling and freelance writing in the Hawaiian Islands and plans to teach secondary school this coming year. HARVEY ZENDT visited and stayed with Tom on one stop of his round-the-wo rld surfing venture. They are both working in the resort town of Tahaina in a restaurant, camping on nearby beaches and surfing during daylight hours . NEIL HOLLAND is completing his surgical residency at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda . TOM BUCHENAU is living in LaMesa, California and attending the University of San Diego Law School. He's hoping to obtain a job with a small firm upon graduation. ROBERT O 'CONNER is well into his fifth year with Gene Langan Volkswagen in Glastonbury, Connecticut, where he works as a salesman and manager of the sales-service department. His true love, though, is his baby a four cylinder Honda . MIKE SEIFERT is living on Gardner's Lake in Salem, Connecticut (it's frozen) and is looking forward to boating on the lake this spring when his house floods . He writes that he will marry Linda Roseboom in April and have a swimming honeymoon . Contact him at RFD #4, Lakeview Road , Colchester, Connecticut. Jane Levy, who was an exchange student at Trinity and who now has her M.S.W . from Columbia·, and works at Beth Israel Hospital in New York wrote she is planning to attend GREG FIRESTONE's wedding to another exchange student, Rena Loderhose. The wedding is to take place in Tampa, Florida .


Lawrence M . Garber 1245 Elizabeth St. Denver, CO 80206

RICHARD MARKOVITZ ha s joined Universal Pictures as the press representative stationed in the firrn's Cherry Hill, New Jersey office.

NANCY PERUGINI HUNTLEY writes to tell us about her marriage (see Weddings). Her husband , Ed, graduated from UPenn Law School last May and is working for the State's Attorney in Springfield, Illinois. ARON PASTERNACK is working on his Ph.D. in drama from Tufts. He has just been appointed lecturer, part-time, at Wellesley College, where he'll teach theatre history . MICHAEL KNAPP is in the second quarter of a graduate program in medical microbiology at Stanford University . DAVID DUBICKI, who received his J.D. from Northwestern Law School last May, is an associate in the law firm of Kavanagh , Scully, Sudow, White and Frederick, Peoria, Illinois. ALAN HENSON will be attending Case Western Reserve University this year for post graduate training in general and orthopedic surgery and to do research in biomechanics and computerized prosthetics. His wife, Linda, will be a resident at CWRU in general surgery. RIC RICCI says that the rowing team at Connecticut College continues to grow stronger with this year's team numbering over 60. He says he hopes to have an assistant coaching position available in September and wants to know if any former Trinity oarsmen are interested . CHASE TWICHELL has begun work as a printer and bookbinder at Pennyroyal Press, Northampton, Massachusetts. GEORGE GONYER has received first-year honors at the Harvard Business School. He is now in the second and final year of Harvard's M.B.A . program . PETER DiCORLETO writes to tell us about his marriage (see Weddings) and that he is in his second year at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.


James A . Finkelstein '74 276lven Avenue- Apt. 3D St. David's, Pennsylvania 19087

ARTEMIS (DIANA) KENT McBROOM writes from Scotland that she and her husband, Swede, have a new addition to the family . In February 1976, their daughter Thallassa (Greek for "the sea") was born . Currently they are living in the hills 20 miles south of Edinburgh . Swede is doing well selling his own handcrafted furniture. Artemis has been giving piano lessons and keeping high on Hatha Yoga. Next fall she plans to take a year's course in Edinburgh to get her teaching credentials and experiment with school teaching for a while.



re•Jil <Pd •f ma.Jed •n US

DAVID HOPKINS writes from Nashville, Tennessee that he is now half way through a Ph .D . program in biblical studies at Vanderbilt University . He has been named a Hillel fellow this year. Five months ago he was married to Denise Dombkowski who is also a Ph .D. student in Hebrew scriptures at Vanderbilt. Dave wishes all his old acquaintances well. FRED WOLINSKY ha s just become a member of the Actors Equity and will be touring the college and high school circuit in two original musicals with the National Theatre Company. STEVE DUNNEBIER is presently enrolled in graduate studies in anthropology at Yale University and plans to conduct field work in Greece. SUSAN JACOBSON is currently the assistant administrator of West Hartford Manor, a convalescent home. ROBIN ADELSON is living permanently in England with her husband, Rod Little. They are currently residing at 7A Queens Gate, London SW7 5EH . AL LEVEILLE is enjoying his third year in medical school at the University of Chicago and wants to do a residency in ophthalmology. I had the opportunity to spend a couple of days with CHRIS WRIGHT when he came to visit Philadelphia in search of a job . Chris is currently finishing his third and final year at Case Western Reserve Law School in Cleveland . He recently announced his engagement to Pam Zilly .


Mr. Gary Morgans 5406 Richenbacher Ave . Alexandria, Va. 22304

SCOTT SMITH, who lives in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, writes that he is working as the associate director of admissions at the Hall School in nearby Pittsfield . Voorhees, New Jersey sends its greetings in the name of HARRISON MILES. Harrison received his Masters in computer systems last August from the Northwestern University Graduate School of Electrical Engineering, and is now a systems engineer in the government communications and systems division of RCA in Camden, New Jersey. His responsibilities are in the earth resources program of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, and he is presently working on a system called the information processing facility . He notes that he will be in the Washington area in July , installing the system at Goddard. I had the fortune of seeing JEFF CLARK and TONY CANGELOSI at a New Year's Eve party at SCOTT HAYIM's place in New York . Tony is in his second year in the Trinity graduate English program, and works part-time tutoring students in a special program in Glastonbury, Connecticut. Scott and Melanie Hayim and I later made our annual pilgrimage to Times Square, joined the considerable number of frozen rowdies already there, and awaited the silver ball's plummet. While in New York I also saw STEVE BARKAN '73, SHEILA DRISCOLL '76, and GORDON SMITH '76. SUE COYNE is attending a new school. the name of which eludes me, and is engaged in social research . SCOTT HAYIM et ux ., supra , are living on Capitol Hill, and are, inter alia , attending school. Scott is a second year student at Georgetown Law and is a part time law clerk with Sullivan & Worcester. Melanie Hayim worked at the Georgetown Law Library for several months, and is now fi nishing up her B.A . at George Washington University . Scott , Melanie and I had a good time playing on the White House softball team last su mmer - a far cry from the McGovern '76ers . Scott will be clerking at Sullivan & Worcester's main office in Boston this sum mer. From the hills of Queens, LEILA ARJONA says hell o, but she doesn't say what she's up to . Trinity world pole vault record holder JOE CALABRO writes that when he's not setti ng new records, he poses as an engineer for Continental Cable Co. in East Hampton, Connecticut. Joe is enjoying the work , and says he gets to see every side of engineering since he's the firm 's only engineer. Joe lives in Middletown, Connecticut and notes that he's been spending a good deal of time with his sister, SUE CALABRO '73, and her husband SELBOURNE BROWN . Joe also writes that AMY BERNARDIN is work ing in Massachusetts in the insurance field , JOHN HOLLOWAY is studying hard at Medical School in West Virginia . TOM GERCHMAN is making millions in New York , and CHET DERR has moved to Wisconsin for an engineering job . Joe's former roommate, JOHN HAMPSON , made it to alumni weekend and says he's doing fine in his second year at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School. I have moved onto Capitol Hill and report that the streets are paved with peanuts. I'm in my second year at Georgetown Law, and am enjoying teaching a class of first year students in legal research and writing. I'm working part time

in the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection, across the hall from ANDY WOLF '73. MIKE GETZ noted that neither of us know each other from Adam, but he writes anyway. So drop the Alumni Office or me a postcard and let your classmates learn where you've drifted off to and what truths you have discovered .


Mr. EugeneShen 468Park Dr. Boston, MA 02215

This reporting period brings a lot of new faces in the news . Many thanks to all of you who are writing! WAYNE SOKOLOSKY is traveling through Europe with the Belgiu m International Basketball Team and averaging 36 points a game. SUSAN GRIER is working as an education reporter for the News Herald in Morgantown, North Carolina and teaching a course in sign language at a school for the deaf. BERNICE SALTZMAN is working out of the campus ministry office at Central Connecticut State College, New Britain, as an assistant for Jewish students. ROBERT GIBSON is in New Haven , Connecticut teaching social studies and AfroAmerican history at James Hillhouse High School. MIKE MAUS is an apprentice plumber in his father's business and working for his plumbing license in Moodus, Connecticut. A large group of our Class remains near Alma Mater. SUE WEISSELBERG is the managing editor of a weekly law newspaper, The Connecticut Law Tribune, New Haven, Connecticut. LOUISA CRAIB is working at The Bridge, a social service agency for youth in West Hartford. GARY JONES, HAL SMULLEN, JOHN WELSH, LINDA GESUALDI, LEANNE GAROFOLO, CINDY KRUSZ , SCOTT LEWIS, STEVE HA YDASZ,and HOLLY NAKA are all working at The Travelers Insurance Company in Hartford . REBECCA DUNN, who has. been kind enough to provide much of the information from the Hartford area, is working for the State of Connecticut Banking Commission . All of the following are living and / or working in Hartford . JUDY LEDERER is working in advertising at Advo Systems. REYNOLDS ONDERDONK is working for CPTV. BRUCE MacKAY works at Brentano's, and PETER LANGDON at The Hartford Chess Studio . MICHAEL BROWN will be working and studyi ng in Hartford until he 'l'eturns to Yosemite National Park. GLEN TRAVIS recentl y arrived from St. Louis . GIN! DURNFORD is working at The Institute of Living as a psychiatric aide. GERRY LaPLANTE remains 'neath the Elms as sports information director for the Trinity News Bureau . JANET STAHL works at Channel 30. BRIAN MARTIN is at the United Bank and Trust Company and MARTHA COHEN at Connecticut Citizens Action Group. Suspected of being in the Hartford area are BO PICKARD, JEFF CARTER, KIM JONAS, CANDY CASSIN and MIKE FLIS . We leave Hartford and find FRED KNAPP reporting for the Ridgefield (Connecticut) Press and living in Reading, Connecticut. SHERRIE GREENBERG teaches high school in Westbrook, Connecticut. DAWN EBERHARDT is at an insurance company in Portland, Maine. MATTHEW CAHN is teaching flute in Princeton, New Jersey . In New York City, we find PAT McHUGH working in advertising, and MIKE GILMAN and MIKE O 'BRIEN at Data Resources, Inc. More and more people are finding time to write from schools. SHEILA DRISCOLL says New York City is fun but Columbia Law isn' t. BRUCE KINMONTH is doing graduate work at the University of Massachusetts in computer science. ROBERT COLE is both a claims examiner at the Connecticut Labor Department and enrolled in the University of Hartford Master's program in professio nal accounting. TERRY PASQUINE is also supporting two roles as a biologist at the Harvard School of Public Health while getting her Master's in pharmacology. SAVAS MERCOURJOU returned from a working holiday in Aust ralia and Greece and is now a candidate for an MBA at the University of Hartford while a time study analyst in the Fafnir Bearing Company, Newington, Connecticut. LORI DUFF is a Chemistry grad student at Northwestern University. More graduate students in the sciences include ROB ARONSON at Tufts Medical , PAUL SACHS studies clinical psychology at Vanderbilt, PENNY RESNICK and DON REBHUN at University of Pennsylvania Dental School , and MARK ECKMAN at Northwestern in biomedical engineering . In Law School we find DON ROMANIK at Boston University, BARRY ERLICH at Boston College, DON BAUR and MEL SCHUMANN at University of Pennsylvania , and SUSIE LEWIS at New York University . Other graduate students are SUE and TIM CROSS at the University of Pennsylvania , PAUL SANER at the University of Rochester in business, ANDY YAFFEE in journalism at the University of Missouri, CHARLIE KELLNER at Northwestern University, and ALAN HERGERT in economics at the University of Chicago .

Late news finds PAULA GALIETTE at the investment firm of Drexel, Burnham Inc. in Boston and CAROL MONAGHAN returning to Philadelphia after a mu~eum internship at the Children's Museum of Boston. ·








DOROTHY GULLONG writes that she is enjoying retirement at the Connecticut shore after 25 years in Wethersfield, Connecticut. Congratulations go to JUNE RICHARDSON, who teaches English at Duncan High School. Duncan, Oklahoma, on being chosen Oklahoma's State Teacher of the Year. June says attending Trinity and working with the late Dr. Morse Allen as her advisor contributed greatly to this honor. BOB STYRING is currently active as a violinist with the Bristol (Connecticut) Civic Orchestra . They play both pops and light classical music . JOHN PATTERSON has a new job as representative of the Department of State's Agency for International Development, Rwanda . CAROL ANN BUTTERWORTH has received an honor as "Outstanding Young Woman of America" from Tolland, Connecticut. Carol represents Tolland as a member of the affirmative action committee of the Capital Regional Council of Governments in Hartford . BILL DICKSON was chairman of the Connecticut Regional 30th Annual 1977 Scholastic Art Awards, sponsored by The Hartford Courant. DONALD POST has been appointed dean of development services and grants administration for Post College, Waterbury, Connecticut . BOB BASKIN has a new job as vice president of Yankelovich, Skelly & White, Inc. , Stamford, Connecticut, a public opinion and market research firm . His responsibilities involve working with governmental and public policy projects. MARY LEE EVANS KIMBALL spent a semester last year in France, directing a UMass program for 28 students.

JEFF HICKS, who teaches history and is chairman of the French Department at Cardigan Mt. School. Canaan, New Hampshire, was appointed co-director of their summer session . MICHAEL EANES is currently assistant headmaster of The Gunnery, Washington, Connecticut. PETER LEBETKIN, who is reading consultant for the Farmington (Connecticut) High School, is editor-in-chief of Carreader, Connecticut association for reading research newspaper. MARY ANN JUREK spent last summer traveling to the Orient - Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Java and Bali . BOB BEAUDOIN, who received his Doctorate in Community and Adult Education from the University of Sarasota, Aorida last August, has been appointed associate extension professor of the Institute of Public Service at the University of Connecticut. Bob spent the month of February in Africa, conducting seminars. 1973 KARLA HAMMOND is a part-time reviewer for Doubleday and is at work on a book with women poets. Her book, The Unicorn 's Choice, was listed in the semiannual list of academic American poets. SERGE MILLER has formed a new enterprise called The Washington Copper Works , Washington, Connecticut, making copper lighting fixtures . BETHE THOMAS has been promoted to managing editor of the Newington (Connecticut) Town Crier, a weekly newspaper. 1974 DELORA PELOSI teaches at Wilde Lake High School in Columbia, Maryland and hopes to begin work on her Ph .D. at Catholic University this September. She plans to enter the Department of Greek and Latin, specializing in Patristics and Medieval Latin . 1975 ANNE HERRINGTON is on the faculty of Virginia . Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, as field work instructor in occupational therapy. Anne was formerly chief of occupational therapy at the Veterans Administration Hospital. Newington, Connecticut. 1972

RECENT BEQUESTS AND MEMORIAL GIFTS Trinity acknowledges with a deep sense of loss the passing of alumni and other friends of the College . It seems appropriate to list the bequests and memorial gifts which have been made to honor them . Gifts of $1,000 for the Friends Fund and $25,000 for the scholarship fund in memory of GeorgeS . Gilman 1847, bringing the scholarship fund to more than $40,000. A gift of $1,000 for the lecture fund in memory of Martin W . Clement '01 , Hon . '51, Trustee of the College from 1930 to 1963, bringing this fund to more than $20,000. A bequest of$2,000 for general purposes from the estate of WilliamS . Buchanan '09. An additional amount of $1,225.87 for general purposes from the estate of William F. McElroy '10, bringing the total bequest to $16,972 .47. A gift of $1,000 for the scholarship fund in memory of William J. Nelson '10, bringing this fund to more than $37,000. An additional amount of $8,000 for library purposes from the estate of Jerome P. Webster '10, Hon . '37 and '68, Trustee of the College from 1939 to 1967, bringing the total bequest to $143,445 . A bequest of $3,138.87 for general purposes from the estate of Frederic T . Tansill '22. A gift of $1,000 for the Tripod Fund in memory of John F. Boyer '53. Gifts totalling $1 ,220 for a fund in memory of Professor Clarence H. Barber. Gifts totalling $1,130 for the faculty support fund in memory of Professor Haroutune M . Dadourian, bringing this fund to more than $10,000 . A gift of $500 for the scholarship fund in memory of The Rev . Flavel Sweeten Luther, former President of the College, bringing this fund to $14,500 . Gifts totalling $550 for the scholarship fund in memory of Professor Mitchel N . Pappas, bringing this fund to more than $2,300. A gift of $1 ,000 for the scholarship fund in memory of Lucy M . Brainerd, bringing this fund to more than $109,000. A bequest of $45,737.82 for scholarship purposes from the estate of Sara M . Brown in memory of her first husband, Allen C. Morrison . · A gift of $500 for the Parents Fund in memory of Dr. Lazarus Golden. Gifts totalling $1,432 for the scholarship fund in memory of Florence S. Harrison and Mu riel Harrison , deceased wife and daughter of The Rev . A. Palmore Harrison '31 , bringing this fund to more than $2,400. A gift of $500 in memory of Michael and Zara Levy . An additional amount of $504 .47 for scholarship purposes from the estate of Arthur J. Ulmer, bringing the tota l bequest to $93,092 .02 . Gifts have also been received in memory of the following alumni and friends: Clinton J. Backus, Jr. '09 Frederick T . Gilbert '09 F. Wyatt Elder '16 Edward A . Niles '16 Richmond Rucker '17 Sydney D . Pinney '18, Hon . '49 The Rev . Benjamin Sty ring '22 Frederic T . Tansill '22

Jack Cohen '29 Jacob W . Edwards '59 Brian B. Foy '60 William D . Frawley '60 Albert C. Jacobs, Hon . '68 Prof. Thurman L. Hood Prof. Blanchard W. Means

LINDA SPURRIER is a full-time English teacher at Westledge School in West Simsbury, Connecticut. 1976 BILL O 'FLANAGAN has begun a Ph.D. program in educational administration at the University of Connecticut. ALLEN HOWARD is currently associated with Bristed-Manning Travel Consultants, New York City.

April, 1977 Trinity Reporter Page 11 HONORARY Dr . STEWART HAMILTON, retired president and general director of Hartford Hospital. has been named the interim director of the University of Connecticut Health Center's John Dempsey Hospital. He will hold the post until July 31 and also will serve as a special consultant to the vice president for health affairs ofUConn .

IN MEMORY HOBART WELLS SMITH COOK, 1912 Hobart W . S. Cook., a retired engineer and contractor, died December 13, 1976 in Liberty Corner, New Jersey. Born in 1887 in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Mr. Cook prepared for Trinity at St. Luke's School in Wayne, Pennsylvania. While at Trinity he was a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity . As an undergraduate, Mr. Cook played on the varsity baseball, basketball and football teams. He was captain of the basketball team , and was quarterback on Trinity's first undefeated football team (1911) . Surviving are his wife, Josephine; two daughters, Carole and Elaine; a son, Hobart, Jr. ; six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. JOHN ARCHIBALD BARNS, 1915 John A . Barnes, M .D., a retired physician, died May 30, 1976 in Westmoreland, New York. Dr. Barns was born in Rome, New York in 1893. During his undergraduat.e years at Trinity he belonged to the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity and the Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity. He entered Syracuse University College .of Medicine and upon graduation began general practice in Clark Mills, New York. He then moved to Utica, New York, where, for almost SO years, he engaged in private practice specializing in urological diseases. He retired in 1971. Dr. Barns is survived by a brother, Frederick C. Barns; two nieces, Mary Barns Soffers, and· Patricia Barns Rose; and a nephew, Arthur F. Barns. JAMES GREEN McNALLY, 1924, MS 1925 James G. McNally, a retired vice president and director of research for Tennessee Eastman Company, died December 19, 1976 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He leaves his wife, Helen, and two sons, James and Michael. Born August 4, 1904 in Danbury, Connecticut, Dr. McNally attended Hartford Public High School. entering Trinity with the Class of 1924. His undergraduate activities included freshman football, varsity football , and membership in the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. He received his Master of Science degree from Trinity in 1925 and his Doctor of Philosophy from McGill University, Montreal in 1927. Dr. McNally's Eastman Kodak career spanned five decades. He joined the company in Rochester, New York .in 1927 as a research chemist, often working ·.in areas of research related to Tennessee Eastman and its products. In 1945, after various other Eastman related positions, Dr. McNally became the company's first director of research. He was elected vice president in 1953 and retired in 1967. He was a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society, and Sigma Xi honorary scientific society . He held about 200 patents and was the author of several papers publishe,d_in scientific journals. HARRY MUNDELL SUTCLIFFE, 1924 Harry M. Sutcliffe died December 17, 1976 i'n Wilkinsonville, Massachusetts, following a long illness. He was 76. While at Trinity he was a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and the football, basketball and baseball teams. He was a member of the Olive Branch Order of the Masons, Millbury, Massachusetts, for 55 years. He was past patron of the Orion Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, and a member of St. John's Episcopal Church, Wilkinsonville . Mr. Sutcliffe is survived by his wife Frances; a son, Harry, Jr. ; a daughter, Mrs. Frances L. Julicher; six grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren . JULIUS GILLS WEINER, 1925 Julius G. Weiner, M.D., died February 25 in West Palm Beach, Florida . He was former chief of obstetrics and gynecology at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Hartford . He was 73. Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey , Dr. Weiner lived in West Hartford many years, moving to Florida six years ago. He was graduated from Trinity in 1925 and Yale Medical School in 1929. His memberships included the Hartford County Medical Society, the Connecticut State Medical Society and the

Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of New England. He was also a member of Temple Beth Israel in West Hartford. Dr. Weiner is survived by his wife, Pauline, and two sons, Peter and Robert. REVEREND HAROLD CHARLES BONELL, 1931 The Rev. Harold C. Bonell, 69, of Londonderry, New Hampshire, and formerly of St. Petersburg, Aorida and Portland, Maine, died unexpectedly January 22 in St. Petersburg. He was a former pastor of the Central Square Baptist Church in Portland, Maine. Born in Meriden, · Connecticut, he attended Meriden High School, and entered Trinity in 1927. While at Trinity he received the Frank W . Whitlock and the F. A. Brown Prizes in Oratory . Upon graduation, he enrolled in the Newton Theological School in Newton Center, Massachusetts and was ordained to the ministry in 1934. He had served pastorates in Lowell and Woburn, Massachusetts, Nashua, New Hampshire and St. Petersburg, Florida. He held many positions in the American Baptist Convention and served for 17 years as chairman of the Baptist World Relief Committee. In 1976, the Rev . Bonell was awarded an honorary degree by the Florida Memorial College in Miami. He was a trustee of the Andover Newton Theological School and retired from active ministry this past May. Survivors include his wife, Clara; three daughters, The Rev . Priscilla Schumm, Mrs. Miriam Malkasian, and Miss Deborah Bonell; and five grandchildren. POTTER BROOKS PAIGE, 1933 P. Brooks Paige died December 19, 1976 in San Francisco, California . He leaves his wife, Betty; two daughters, Mrs. Frances Vincent and Mrs. Ellen P. Burns; and seven grandchildren. Born November 28, 1910 in Washington, D .C. , Mr. Paige graduated from St. James Preparatory School in Hagerstown, Maryland and entered Trinity in 1929. He was a member of the swimming team and the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. GUY BURNHAM MAYNARD, JR., 1939 Guy B. Maynard, Jr., M.D., a physician and surgeon at the University of Illinois Health Service, died December 14, 1976 in Champaign, Illinois. He was born in 1915 in Germantown, Pennsylvania . After graduation .from Phillips Exeter Academy, he entered Trinity in 1935. He was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity . Upon graduation, he attended Cornell University Medical College in New York City . He interned at the Massachusetts General Hospital in ·Boston and served his residency at the New York Hospital in New York City . He wa a ..diplomate--of the American Board of Surgery . He practiced general surgery in New Bedford, Massachusetts for 15 years before moving to the University of Illinois. Dr. Maynard leaves his wife, Margaret; a son, Guy III; four daughters, Mrs. Patricia Palmer, Alice, Phyllis and Valerie; and three grandchildren. PETER HENDERSON, 1967 Peter Henderson, a graduate of the Class of 1967, died in a helicopter accident near Guatemala City, Guatemala, on October 4, 1976. He was working for the First National Bank in Panama City, Panama at the time of his death . Born in 1944 in Lima, Peru, he attended schools there, and entered Trinity in 1963. While at Trinity he participated in intramural softball, football and basketball. He was a member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Mr. Henderson is survived by his wife , Pamela , and three children. ALICE JANE BYER SCOTT, MA 1967 Word _h_~u~ached the College of the ·death-of • Mrs. Alice B. Scott on October 25, 1976 in Houston, Texas. Mrs. Scott received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University. In 1967 she graduated from Trinity with a Master of Arts degree in French . Besides her husband , Philip, she leaves a son, Theodore and daughter, Rebecca .

Page 12 Trinity Reporter

April, 1977

TRINITY SPORTS ROUNDUP Women's Squash Team Second Nationally

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL The women's basketball squad posted a 6-4 record in its second varsity season. The female cagers opened the season with successive victories over M.I.T. and Dartmouth. The win streak ended when Trinity played Eastern Connecticut State College, a tough and wellcoached unit which overwhelmed the Bantam women by 40 points. Wins over Sacred Heart and Connecticut College and close losses to Vassar and UHartford left the Trinity record at 4-3 with big games remaining against Wesleyan, Yale, and Williams. The women were forced to play those three games without the services of high-scoring captain Nancy McDermott who had a \<nee injury. Freshman forward Cindy Higgins picked up the scoring slack and led the Bantams to wins over Wesleyan and Williams despite a loss to Yale.


{ Bostwick



The most successful team in the 197t>-77 winter sports season was the women's varsity squash team. Sporting a 9-1 record, Coach Jane Millspaugh's team placed second in the National Intercollegiate Tournament staged on February 25-26 at the University of Pennsylvania. This fine showing was made possible by the fact that Trinity placed three women among the top eleven individuals in the nation. Sophomore Cackie Bostwick, top player for the Bantams, is ranked second in the nation, having lost only to Ramsay of Penn State in the finals of the tournament. Bostwick won all ten of her individual matches during the season. Marion DeWitt '79, who played the number

two position on the Trinity ladder, came out of the tournament ranked seventh. Senior captain Sophie Bell shared the number ten ranking with a Radcliffe player. Bell closed out her fine squash career at Trinity with an incredible season. Not only did she win all ten of her individual matches, but she won each one by a shutout score of 3-0; she did not lose a single game all year. The Trinity team nemesis was the team from Yale which edged out the Bantam women by a mere one-half point for the National team championship. The rivalry between these two top teams began early in the season at the Howe Cup Tournament played at Yale. The host team

came away with the trophy , but Trinity was a close second. On February 22, Yale visited Trinity for a dual match which seemed to be a preview of the national championship competition. A large and boisterous home crowd witnessed some superb competition, but their support was not enough to boost the Trinity efforts, as Yale took a 4-3 decision to hand the home team its only loss of the season . The match was as close as it could have possibly been. The final outcome rested on the last match to be completed, and Yale won the fifth game of that best-of-five match in overtime, 17-15.


enough to rank among the top three players in the nation in NCAA Division Ill basketball.

medal in the SO-yard breaststroke at the New Englands.



The men's varsity squash team had a fine season, producing a 12-5 record, but that success does not match the expectations of the team after last year's 16-0 season . The varsity racqueteers under Coach Roy Oath put in a strong showing at the National Intercollegiate Tournament at Navy on Marcil 46. Despite their regular season letdown, the Bantams matched the tournament success of last year's team, coming away from the competition ranked fifth in the nation. It was truly a team effort as no Trinity player earned individual recognition. Senior tri-captain Blair Heppe had an outstanding 17-0 individual record to lead the team . Other consistent performers during the season were sophomores Craig Asche (15-2), Andy Storch (14-3) and Charlie Wilson (14-3). There were three seniors on this year's varsity, tri-captains Heppe, Carl Torrey, and Will Ferguson, and their positions will probably be filled n~xt year by players up from the junior varsity squad. This situation does not worry Coaches Oath and Sutherland however, because the JV team won 11 of its 14 matches this year.

The Trinity fencing team had quite a successful season in 197{>-77. An 8-2 record, the finest in over ten years, was followed by a great performance in the New England Intercollegiate Fencing Tournament, with the Bantam fencers taking second place behind M.I.T. in the final standings.

The varsity basketball team proved to be the biggest disappointment to the Trinity winter sports program . The Bantam hoopsters closed their season with a 12-game losing streak to finish with a 4-16 record, quite a turnaround from the fine 15-6 season in 1975-76. Trinity played seven of its first eight games at home, and the record stood at a respectable 4-4 . Wins over M.I.T. (60-47), Central Conn. (10393), Coast Guard (55-49), and Williams (77-73 in overtime) were, however, to stand as the only Bantam victories in the long season. The Central game, consolation game of the Trinity-UHartford Invitational, was the finest effort of the year for Coach Robie Shults' team . Junior Artie Blake scored a season high 28 points to lead the fast moving Trinity attack; unfortunately, the offensive attack was not too potent during the remainder of the season, with Trinity averaging 67.6 points per game. The Bantams also surprised a lot of people by defeating a strong Williams College team in overtime. Trinity played a good team game in sticking with the Ephmen throughout the game, pulling out the victory by outscoring Williams 95 in the overtime period. Junior guard Larry Wells scored a career high 23 points to pace the Bantams. The 12-game losing streak included two close losses to rival Wesleyan and an overtime loss to Queens College. Coast Guard also overwhelmed the discouraged Trinity hoopsters, beating them by 15 points, 67-52, to avenge the early season loss. The season ended with the traditional game with cross-town rival University of Hartford. That game is usually emotion packed and quite exciting, but the Banis were not strong enough to stay with the Hawks, dropping a 97-75 decision to the home team. That final game marked the end of a 13-year career as varsity head coach for Robie Shults; his composite record for those years was 128-138. Shults will continue to serve as coach of varsity soccer and baseball, positions which he presently holds. Bill Harman, Graduate Assistant in Physical Education, will serve as head coach next season; he has been a varsity assistant for the past two seasons. Artie Blake led the Trinity scoring parade with a 15.0 scoring average. Junior center Brent Cawelti scored 12.4 points per game, and led the team in rebounding, collecting an average of 10.5 caroms per game. Cawelti scored 107 of 164 field goal attempts for a percentage of .652, good

WRESTLING The Trinity grapplers won their last three matches to close out the 197t>-77 season with a 38 slate. Head Coach Bob Stroh was pleased with the way his young team came on at the end of the second season of Trinity varsity wrestling. Five Bantam matmen participated in the New England Tournament, but only one, senior cocaptain Dave Coratti, found success. Coratti placed sixth in the 177-pound class. He was named as Trinity's Outstanding Wrestler for the second consecutive year. Trinity fared well at the New England Junior Varsity Wrestling competition. Freshmen Dave Brooks (3rd, 190 pound), Helmut Bittlingmayer (3rd, 177 pound), and John Danaher (4th, heavyweight) brought home medals for the Bantams.

In only its third varsity season, the Trinity hockey team had its best year with a 12-10 overall record . The Bantam skaters certainly made quite an improvement in one year, having had a 5-14-1 record in 1975-76. Playing as a member of the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference Division III hockey conference, Trinity sported a 10-4 record in conference games. That mark earned the Bantams a berth in the Division III Tournament, which they hosted at their home rink, the Glastonbury Arena, on March 4-5. Trinity played its best hockey in the final week of the regular season, and Coach John Dunham felt his team was well prepared for the postseason play. The only major injury problem was freshman wing Rick Margenot who .missed the end of the season with a knee injury. The Bantams played the number one seed Worcester (MA) State College in the opening round, and, despite a valiant comeback effort by Trinity, the eventual tournament champions put an end to the Bantam season with a 7-5 victory. A crowd of Trinity supporters 700 strong had little to cheer about as Worcester built a S-0 lead by the midway point of the game. But then the host crowd and team came to life, each boosting the other upward, as Trinity scored three goals in the final ten minutes of the second period to bring the score 'to S-3 in Worcester's favor with 20 minutes to play. The comeback continued as the Bants cut the deficit to one goal on two occasions (S-4 and t>-5) in the third period. Worcester was strong enough to hold on, and an open net goal in the final minute iced the victory for the Lancers. The partisan crowd, appreciative of the fine play and the courageous Trinity effort, gave the Bantam team a two-minute standing ovation after the game. It was a memorable ending to a fine season of hockey. Only three players, goalie Frank Judson, center Sandy Weedon, and defenseman Duffy Shea, will be lost to graduation, so Coach Dunham feels his team has a good chance for continued success next season . Leading the returning players will be Tom Lenahan, who served as team co-captain this year as a junior. Lenahan led the team in scoring with 26 goals and 19 assists for 45 points. This total is the most ever for a Trinity hockey player. Sophomore George Brickley was second in scoring with 21 goals and 19 assists for 40 points. Freshman Dana Barnard anchored the Bantam defensive corps; he should be a solid fixture there for the next few years. For their efforts, Lenahan and Barnard were named to the ECAC Division III All-Star teams. ln voting by all division coaches, Lenahan was listed as a first-team forward , while Barnard earned recognition as a second-team defenseman .

SWIMMING The men's varsity swimming team fell short of its preseason expectations, winning only two meets and dropping eight. It was more the high level of competition than lack of individual talent which was responsible for the losing season . In fact, Trinity had some quality talent this season as six school records were broken. New individual record holders are Frank Wobst '80 (100 breaststroke), Kent Reilly '79 (1000 freestyle), Scott MacDonald '78 (400 individual medley), Jim Bradt '77 (200 breaststroke), and Dave Teichmann '77 (200 individual medley). In addition, Trinity scored its first points in the New England Championships in nearly a decade, capturing eleventh place in the 800-yard freestyle relay. The team of Teichmann, MacDonald, Reilly , and Mike Hinton '80 covered the distance in 7:36.5, breaking the Trinity record by over 20 seconds. The women's swim team , in its second season in existence as a club spert, finished with a 2-5 record, but set 14 of 15 school records in the process. Denise Jones '80 captured a sixth place




TRINITY'S CREW braved the brisk weather of late February to J)ri!pare for varsity heavyweights carry shell to water.


spring season. Here,

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