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O(])e8ication "Trinity combines a liberal arts curriculum with an intense learning and teaching experience," according to President James F. English. He came to Trinity in 1977, as Vice-President of Finance and Planning. As both a professor and an administrator, he began to impart his zeal to the Trinity community and has continued to do so, sharing his time and himself. In September, 1981, James F. English was inaugurated as Trinity's new President. Throughout his five years at Trin ity, he has generously added hi knowledge and perception to the growth and value of a liberal arts education When discu sing the va lue of such an education, President English emphasizes that "the power of a student to write a paragraph is the best thing one can take away from Trinity, along with the power of observation." President English firmly believes that students must be mentally prepared to undertake any career, whether it be teaching, medicine or law. He cites his own background as an example: " I took everything in humanities and then spent twenty-six yea rs in the ban king business." To President James F. English, the senior class of 1982 dedicates The Ivy. He has been instrumental in both inspiring and guiding us towards a new frontier during these past four years. "For yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow is only a vision." Thank you , President English, for being an important part of our Trinity memories and for preparing us for the challenges which we will encounter tomorrow. -

Mary Ann Connors


@ntro8uct!dn The Ivy of Trinity College Ours is an intimate setting and within it we have learned much; each day we experience the beauty and intellectual challenge. The 1982 Trinity College Ivy has as its theme - the richness of our life and education as together they effect the quality of our environment. It is sharing that enables unity - ours is a challenge to go beyond knowledge to understanding. The ivy is a symbol to us. Beuatiful and strong, patient and enduring, it signifies the qualities of a Liberal Arts education which we have come to va lu e. What has Trinity become for each one of us? The answer may be found by looking within ourselves. We change and grow and, as the ivy, we bloom. In this book, we endure.

Ellin Carpenter Editor



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_ Welcome to Camp Trin



''Education is a social process . . . _....,... Education is growth . . . Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.'' \:\u. ~;' ; ... ····· \.

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-John Dewey





, The White Towers





Quad Fever


Welcome to Todd Dagres stood in front of me and Carl Rapp loomed behind. Neither one acknowledged m.e or returned my smile. We were all busy worrying about our rooms and unpacking and when our parents were going to leave. I remember thinking how funny it seemed to have to know a lock combination for the bathroom. The three of us are friends now, and I've finally mastered rhe locks among These ivy covered buildings. /(s my tum to help out the freshmen as they fumble at their doors or try to figure out which course to take or get lost on the way to McCook auditorium for Psych. 101. I feel old next to their ingeniousness. I have weathered the storm; the sparks that I see in them have evolved into a slow; strong flame for me. How can I tell them to appreciate the newness or explain how quickly semesters fade off into history? I feel/ike a much older person, appreciating each experience because 1 know it may never happen again. Sophomore year arrives as quickf.v as summers disintegrate and then you don't shyly amble down the long walk-you strut and smile, hugging everyone you know, feeling comfortable about your surroundings and relieved that you're freshman no longer. You walk through the Saga line with confidence and you remember to save your receipts from the bookstore.




As a junior, the lifestyle seems cramped, confined within the black iron fences. Too many pretzels in the cave, too many fraternity parties, and too much gossip in the library ..Some take off for other schools or other continenis, 路some get bored, and some just hang in there, anxiously awaiting the final curtain. A different attitude pervades the senior mind, a new king of excitement permeates the atmosphere. This is it. And maybe, finally, while the threat of the real world still occupies the sidelines, we can appreciate Trinity. Three years of classes, seminars, football games and parties fill my memory. Three years of late . night crams. Springsteen jams, and brutal exams inhabit the pages of my journal. Three years of personal challenges (sorne successful, some not) inspire me onward. Only after three years do I feel prepared. It took me six semesters to realize how much I 路don't know. I have traveled three quarters of the road to the sheepskin and only now do I feel ready to begin. College is a kind of bridge. You can't go home again and the world will hit you from the other side. Enjoy the rainbow because the lemon squeezer will be yours soon enough.


''Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly . " --------Langston Hughes


Becoming • • • Aware. "We stand at one of those junctures of civilization which is simultaneously full of perils for the future of humankind and pregnant with possibilities for the rebirth and regeneration of human society " .. . " Events are forcing us to acknowledge that all humanity and all the earth's resources are interdependent and that none of us is exempt from the risks and anxieties of a world in transition " ... " The intensity of the struggle for civil rights and women's rights has necessarily created an atmosphere of conflict, suppressed or open hostility and alienation, all within the baffling of our modern world. " ... " Racism is deeply embedded in the psyche of the American people and reveals itself in unconscious ways which require continual self-examination, continued awareness. " ... " The sooner each of us recognizes that Negro slavery was and is a congenital defect of American democracy, that it will not go away by the passage of laws and rendering of court decisions, and that each of us must wrestle with it for the possible remainder of our lives, the sooner we will begin to find more enduring solutions. " . . . " - excerpts from Dr. Pauli Murray's A wareness Day 1981 speech




Part of learning is looking back into ourselves. Our expectations and ideals have survived a degree of wear along the way these four years and shall in years to come continue to reflect our changing perspectives. The following are excerpts from selected student essays. A written requirement for admission to Trinity College, they embody the ripe values of a maturing individual.

By tethering one's thoughts with too short a rope one erects prematurely the boundaries of his mind . He limits his imagination and narrows his thinking, He begins to think only in terms of himself and his ideas. New thoughts from a different source are incomprehensible to him because of his limited mind and imagination. A man stunts his growth intellectually when he tethers his thoughts with too short a rope. He has left no room for expansion . He believes that his way of accomplishing tasks is the only way. His narrow mind will not accept new methods and hence, his mind does not learn to diversify. His deafness to other people's ideas could create a lack of communication. He may find himself intellectually inferior because of his narrow mindedness . To 'succeed in ones lifetime requires a certain degree of flexibility and a wide range of abilities. This can be accomplished only if one can establish a strong base of knowledge instead of trying to concentrate on one particular field. It also helps in case unexpected events occur which prohibit one from following a direct route to happiness. Life is full of unexpected experiences which are each unique in their own way. I believe that each one has great significance, both to me and to the rest of mankind. To cause myself to miss even one of these experiences by tying a short leash about my neck, robs me not only of knowledge, but of wisdom as well.


Friendship is the property which I value most in life yet it is not something which can be treated carelessly and traded . Especially at the age of early adulthood, people need friends for reassurance, guidance and love. Evaluating why someone likes me is difficult because I have never analyzed the friendships which arose naturally, but accepted them as an outgrowth of my own nature.

The most obvious reasons for mutual, long term affection such as I have experienced are common interests.

Once these beginning links were formed, the personal qualities on which close friendship depends, became more important. There are, as with all people, many positive attributes which I pos ess; one of the e is ensitivity. I listen well to my friends ' problems without asking many distressing questions. I know when my friends need omeone to talk with and I am willing to drop my work to go for a walk with them.

But being sensitive also means that 1 am su ceptible to emotional pangs and therefore my relationships are ones of mutual dependance.

The important quality that I share with my friends is that we are all loving people.



Joyce E. Ackerman

Joseph D. Adinolfi

Albert D. Agyeman

Robert J. Ahrensdorf

Urban Studies Brooklyn, NY

Engineering North Haven, CT

Political Science Kumasi, Ghana

Psychology Wanunatosa, WI

Steven R. Andsager

Cassandra J. Angelo

Lori A. Ardolino

Victoria S. Aronow

Mathematics East Greenwich, Rl

English Putnam, CT

English Hamden , CT

Theodore M. Austin

Lisa A. Bailyn

Brodie A. Bain

Eric A. Balch

Political Science Lake Forest, I L

Psychology State College, PA

Seattle, WA

Biology Sandy, UT


History Haddonfield ,


Julie M. Amatruda

Douglas H. Amster

Art History Guilford, CT

Economics Short Hills, NJ

Julie K. Asarkof

Thomas H. Atkinson III

English Lexington , MA

Biochemistry Weston, CT


Ben G. Baron

Patricia A. Baves

Economics White Plains, NY

American Studies Hamson, Y


Margaret Horne Beers

Ann L. Bellizzi

Art History Hartford, CT

Psychology Hartford, CT

H. Ronald Berthasavage

James D. Bishop

Engineering Pawcatuck, CT

Mathematics Saddle River, NJ

Francesca L. Borges

Krista J. Box

Political Science Hamden, CT

Music Pawtucket, RI


Head of the Charles

Diane P. Beltz

Sherry E. Benzel

Thomas A. Bergkvist

Richard A. Bernstein

Political Science Weston, CT

Computer Willmington, DE

Political Science Swarthmore, PA

Biochemistry Orange, CT

Michelle Bitondi

Patricia M. Black

Judith F. Bolton

Regina E. Bonsignore

English Wethersfield, CT

Political Science New York, NY

English West Hartford, CT

Studio Arts Fairfax, VA

Daniel J. Boyne

Sharon Boynton

Martha J. Brackenridge

W. Daniel Bradshaw III

English Clinton, CT

Engineering Albany, NY

Economics Bronxville,_N J

Religion Wellesley Hills, MA


Cecily P. Broderick

Jeffrey C. Brodersen

Douglas A. Brooks

Diane E. Brouder

Religion Scarsdale, NY

Economics Milford, CT

Philosophy Deep River, CT

History South Glastonbury, CT

Ellen R. Brown

Jennifer Brown

Kathryn M . Brown

Michael H. Brown

History Wynnewood, PA

Enviromental Studies Cumberland Center, ME

History Princeton, N J

Computer Houston, TX

Maureen E. Burke

David A. Burwell

Mark A. Buttaro

Tracey L. Caesar

Biology Andover, MA

Chemistry Westhersfield, CT

Computer East Granby, CT

Biology Armonk, NY



Annemarie Brown

David L. Brown

Economics Naugatuck, CT

Computer West Hartford, CT

Charles C. Buffum Jr.

Michelle N . Buonocore

Economics Westerly, RI

Italian Manhasset, NY

John C. Cahill

James H. Callahan

History Cohasset, MA

Psychology Collinsville, CT




Francesca B. Campo

Nancy A. Carlson

Political Science West Hartford, CT

Biology Newtonville, NY

Esther Y. Chan

Kalpana Chaturvedi

Economics Cen. Dist, Hongkong

Computer Newington, CT

David W. Clark Jr.

H. Ward Classen

Political Science Berwyn, PA

Economics Baltimore, MD

Ellin M. Carpenter

Gregg A. Caserta

R. Scott Cassie

Daniel D. Cave

Interdisciplinary East Norwalk, CT

Biochemistry Staton Island, NY

History Florham Park, NJ

Economics Clinton, CT

Edward W. Chapin Jr.

Michael J. Chazan

Sandra B. Chin

Tat-Lim Choo

English New York, NY

Philosophy Providence, RI

Psychology Kuala Lumpur

Economics Air ltam, Penang

Elia M. Colasacco

Lucy P. Cole

Lincoln R. Collins

David J. Congdon

English Wethersfield, CT

Theater Arts Miami, FL

History Roxbury, CT

Economics Keene, NH


MaryAnn Connors

Paul J. Cormier

Michael J. Cottier

Roger M. Coutu

English Derry, NH

Engineering Windsor, CT

Economics Vernon, CT

Mathematics Canton, CT

Lisa D' Addeo

Todd A. Dagres

James F. D'Angelo

Nancy J. Dann

Music Canton, CT

Psychology Rowley, MA

Economics New Haven, CT

Biology New York, NY

Anne E. Deardourff

John D. Demeo

Bernard S. Dempsey

History Hastings-Hudson, NY

History Farmington, CT

American Studies Wilmington, DE

Henry A. DePhillips III


Biochemistry Wethersfield, CT

Henry C. Cropsey

Thomas W. Crowell

History Litchfield, CT

Computer Canaan, NH

Patricia M. Davis

Sharon L. Day

History Louisville, K Y

Biology Orange, CT

Peter D. Derose

Lucida J. DiMaria

Biology Buffalo, NY

Political Science Naugatuck, CT

Parent~ Weekend


Joseph R. DiMarino

James M. Dod

Computer Norwood, MA

Psychology Cranston, RI

Julia A. Eckhardt

Maxwell G. Edusei

Environmental Studies Tenafly, NJ

Environmental Studies Accra, Ghana

Brenda A. Erie

Edward B. Ermini

Political Science Concord, MA

Biochemistry Yortown Heights, NY


We路re having a party

Charles R. Dolan

Lisa J. Donahue

Kevin M. Doyle

Gayle E. Dugas

History Dedham, MA

Biology Pelham Manor, NY

History Hingham, MA

History Manchester, NH

Robin H. Ehrlich

Steven A. Elmendorf

Suzanne 0. Engdahl

Elizabeth R. Engelke

History Bedford, NY

History Madison, NJ

Economics Guilford , CT

Intercultural Studies Ledyard, CT

Roy H. Ervin Jr.

Scott G. Estabrook

Alden D. Fallows

Robert F. Ferguson

Mathematics Fairfield, CT

Biochemistry Far Hills, NJ

South Yarmouth, MA

History New Haven, CT


Theresa A. Ferrero

AmyL. Fisch

Anthony T. Fischetti

William J. Fiske

American Studies Meriden, CT

History Manhasset Hills, NY

History Cos Cob, CT

Political Science Danbury, CT

Martha E. Flynn

Vivian P. Forcier

AndrewS. Fox

Sandra L. Frazier

Economics East Hartford, CT

English Norwich, VT

Economics Livingston, NJ

Psychology Philadelphia, PA

Daryl D. Froelich

Mary Anne Gaffney

Joseph P. Gamache

David E. Garten

Economics Scarsdale, NY

H istory New Rochelle, NY

Computer Chelmsford, MA

Engineering Barrington, RI



Brian R. Flowers

Brian E. Flynn

Economics Clinton, CT

American Studies South Hamilton, MA

Allison Friday

James D. Friedman

Theatre Arts New Britain, CT

Economics Swampscott, MA

Justin B. George

Donna M. Gesualdi

Engineering West Hartford, CT

Political Science Wethersfield, CT



Dana J. Giddings

Sarah W. Gilliland

Theatre Arts Honolulu, HI

Art History Fairfield, CT

Sarah M. Glynn

Andrew S. Goldberg

English Hartford, CT

Physics West Hartford, CT

Steven D. Grossman

Maureen E. Guck

History Newburgh, NY

Environmental Studies Forest Hills, NY

Dennis W. Gillooly

Carolyn F. Ginsburgh

Jennifer L. Gledhill

John B. Glicksman

History North Haven, CT

English Chevy Chase, MD

Economics Vernon, CT

History Elberon, NJ

Leila Gordon

John M. Greene

Juliette C. Griffin

William M. Griswold

Political Science Haverford, PA

Mathematics Wolcott, CT

Economics Ann Arbor, MI

Art History Camp Hill, PA

Stephen R. Guglielmo

Peter A. Gutermann

Susan E. Haff

Mindy S. Hammer

Economics Waterbury, CT

History Westfield, MA

Economics Rye, NY

Intercultural Studies Albertson , NY


Carl L. Handelman

Alice B. Harlow

Claudia A. Hart

Elizabeth W. Hays

Psychology New Rochelle, NY

Theater Arts Southboro, MA

American Studies Hartford, CT

Art History Nantucket, MA

Thomas M. Hefferon

Marcia J. Helin

Patricia A. Heppe

Ann Marie Hesse

Political Science Ridgefield, CT

Economics Meriden, CT

Psychology Bryn Mawr, PA

Modern Language Lebanon, CT

Meanie P. Hines

William J. Holden Jr.

Christina Holdridge

Mary S. Hollanda

Intercultural Studies Staten Island, NY

History Rye, NY

Biochemistry Wilton, CT

Political Science Woodbury, CT


Susanne K. Healey

Mary J. Healey

History Bethesda, MD

American Studies Bay Shore, NY

Laura A. Hewitt

Jeffrey L. Hilburn

Economics Wellesley Hills, MA

Theatre Arts Hartford, CT

Patricia J. Hooper

Susan E. Houser

Economics Simsbury, CT

Psychology Bala Lynwyd, PA

We Consumed


Allison C. Howe

David J . Howe

David D. Hudson

William J. Huffer Jr.

Psychology Wall, NJ

Chemistry West Haven, CT

History Old Lyme, CT

Engineering Paris, France

Wendy A. Huszar

Gwendolyn M. Illick

Mark P. Italia

Carol L. Janovsky

Philosophy Delmar, NY

Religion Bethlehem, P A

Biochemistry Wethersfield, CT

Mathematics Longmeadow, MA

Jamaal M. Kantey

Emilie L. Kaulbach

Margot E. Keene

Britta Keene

Engineering Hartford, CT

Art History Marblehead, MA

History Mehensha, MA

Economics Winnetka, JL


We Mellowed

Cynthia W. Hume

Raynee Hurd

Political Science Rehoboth Beach, DE

Biochemistry Milford , CT

R . Bailey Johnston

James W. Kachadoorian

English Memphis, TN

Philosophy Worcester, MA

Susan E. Kelsey

Nancy L. Kessler

Computer Winsted , CT

English Millburn, NJ


Denise M. Kezerian

Sarah L. Kinder

Economics/Poli tical Science Wethersfield, CT

Political Science West Simsbury, CT

Virginia H. Knetzger

William C. Kolodney

History Bryn Mawr, PA

Economics Ivoryton, CT

Amy C. Kurtz

Scott A. LaFrance

Spanish Windsor, CT

Art History Wyckoff, NJ


Kimberly J. King

Leighton W. Klein

Catherine E. Kleinschmidt

Sara A. Klocke

Computer Meriden, CT

Economics Ft. Collins, CO

Art History New York, NY

Economics Glen Cove, NY

Thomas F. Kornbluh

Elin K. Korsgren

Eric H. Kramer

Janice L. Kunin

Engineering Scarsdale, NY

American Studies Thomaston, CT

Studio Arts Lexington, MA

Mathematics Milford, CT

Christine Lamensdorf

Sarah M. Larkin

Ellen M. Lasch

Polly E. Lavery

History New York, NY

English Middlebury, CT

Economics Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

Biology Bryn Mawr, PA





Sarah D. Lay

Paul C. Leary

French Boston, MA

American Studies Greenwich, CT

Carmen M. Leslie

William S. Lindquist

Economics Wakefield, NY

Economics Hamburg, NY


Stephen T. Madeira

Mary Ellen Mahoney

Political Science Haverford, PA

English Tolland, CT

Robert P. Leavitt

Valerie R. Lee

Biology Longmeadow, MA

Biology Rocky Hill, CT

Michael R. Lipp

Victoria Lenkeit Mathematics Windsor, CT

Emily T. Leonard Creative Writing Providence, RI

Thomas E. Liscord

Meredith A. Lounsbury

Deanna Lund

Biology Neptune Beach, FL

Philosophy Contoocook, NH

Psychology Simsbury, CT

Biology London SW I, England

Kimberly S. Maier

Mark D. Malkovich

Debra L. Mandela

Deborah E. Mapes

Art History Dover, MA

Newport, R I.

Psychology Southbury, CT

Psychology Old Saybrook, CT


Ann M. Martin

Katharine W. Martin

Peter F. Martin

Angel R . Martinez

Biology Williamstown, MA

American Studies Richmond, VA

Economics Lowell, MA

Psychology Fitchburg, MA

Janice L. Matthews

Thomas G. Matthews

Keith W. Mcateer

Matthew N. McLaughlin

French Stamford, CT

Economics Newburyport, MA

Biochemistry Irving, TX

Economics West Hartford, CT

Judith C. Mercer

Michael G. Merin

Alan R. Messier

Brook E. Messier

Psychology Rowayton, CT

History Houston, TX

Political Science Jewett City, CT

History Conventry, CT


Christina Masters

J. Paul Mattaliano

Psychology Malvern, PA

Political Science Canton, MA

Glenn S. Mclellan

John A. Meaney

History Hartford, CT

Hartford, CT

Kate K. Meyers

Anne M. Michaud

American Studies Pittsburgh, PA

Economics Lunnfield, MA

Co. Hght- Bants!

Karen L. Miller

Barbara K. Mittnacht

Computer /Mathematics Auburndale, MA

Political Science Flourtown, PA

Maria M. Morris

Kevin C. Morse

History San Marino, CA

Economics Dudley, MA

Scott C. Nason

Karl J. Nelson

Engineering Arlington, MA

Economics New Canaan, CT



Mark S. Modica

Susan L. Molineux

Laurie B. Montano

Jeffrey K. More

Political Science Wilmington, DE

Economics Lebanon, NJ

Psychology Orange, CT

Economics Ann Arbor, MI

Lisa A. Mougalian

David Mueller

Allison L. Murdoch

Mark D. Murphy

Intercultural Studies Portla nd , ME

English North Brunswick, NJ

History Fort Washington, PA

History Pawtucket, RI

Sarah Jane Nelson

Sheila S. Newbury

Suzanne Niemann

Lisa B. Nolen

English Doreget, VT

Economics Tolland, CT

Economics Tolland, CT

American Studies Bedford, NY


Paul J. O'Brien


Elizabeth C. O'Herron

Jennifer S. Olshan

Jeffrey S. Osborn

Engineering Hamburg, NY

History Westfield, NJ

Environmental Studies New York, NY

Economics Jenkintown, PA

David A. Palnero

Armando P. Paolino III

Kenneth J. Papa

Stephanie A. Pappas

Biochemistry Bristol, CT

Political Science Waterbury, CT

English Hamden, CT

Economics Bloomfield Hills, MI

Carol A. Passarelli

Kim M. Paternostro

William G. Pavlovich

Jessica I. Pecchenino

Art History New Haven, CT

Engineering Waterbury , CT

Economics West Springfield, MA

Psychology Weston, MA

Matthew D. Pace

Whitney J. Palache

American Studies Alpine, NJ

History Greenwich, CT

Katherine L. Parker

Kyle A. Parrow

Biology Bethesda, MD

Chemistry Fair Lawn, NJ

Christine H . Peiser

Steven R. Pekock

Mathematics Windsor Locks, CT

Economics Waterbury, CT

Girls Ni8ht Out


Joseph M. Penella

Marcia L. Penido

Economics Dorchester, MA

Psychology Flintridge, CA

Ann M. Pfister

Aminda J. Pickering

Psychology Spring Lake, NJ

Economics Bryn Mawr, PA

Johanna Pitacchelli

Andrei Poludnewycz

Art History Rosemont, PA

Economics Orange, CT

Guys Night In


Leslie A. Petch

Karen E. Peterson

Margaret M. Petrie

History West Hartford, CT

Biology Lima, Peru

Political Science Middlebury, VT

English Cincinnati, OH

David S. Pike

Mary A. Pike

Rhea J. Pincus

Claudia G. Piper

American Studies Natick, MA

Political Science Philadelphia, PA

Economics Hockessin, DE

Thomas W. Perry

Engineering Lexington, MA

Melissa J. Printon

Philip Propper

Jennifer L. Prost

Amy B. Randall

English Short Hills, NJ

Economics New York, NY

English San Mateo, CA

Biology West Hartford, CT


Carl D. Rapp

Janet H. Ratherburn

Robert H. Rasmussen

R. Robert Reading

Economics Worcester, MA

History San Francisco, CA

Economics Littlesilver, NJ

Economics Rockville Center, NY

Katherine K. Rhodes

Paul M. Riccardo

Linda J. Rich

Cathy L. Rocca

English Medway, MA

History Windsor, CT

Psychology Bayside, NY

Studio Arts Lincolnwood, IL

Gary J. Romano

Charles W. Rosenfield

John M. Roy

Elizabeth J. Rube

Biology Union, NJ

Economics Woodstock, CT

Economics Cohasset, MA

English Buffalo, NY


Joseph V. Reineman Jr . .

Susan L. Resony

Computer Fairfield, CT

Spanish West Hartford, CT

Douglas A. Rollins

David M. Roman

Biology Old Greenwich, CT

History Needham, MA

Carol J. Rumery

Edward F. Ryan Jr.

Political Science Belmont, MA

Political Science Ashland, MA


Seif Saghri

Karim A. Sahyoun

History London, England

Economics Wellesley Hills, MA

Story Savage

Thomas L. Savage

History Florham Park, NJ

History Wilmington, DE

Paul Scola

John W. Scott

Chemistry Glastonbury, CT

History Philadelphia, PA

friends forever...

Terry E. Samdperil

Khooshe Adib Samii

Sharon E. Saul

Kyle G. Saunders

Psychology Providence, RI

Political Science Suffield, CT

Studio Arts Chevy Chase, MD

- Theatre Arts West Hartford, CT

John J. Schauble

William Schaufler

Annette Schlagenhauf[

Deborah Schwartz

American Studies Wind or Locks, CT

Economics Vernon, CT

Art History Williamsville, Y

Biology Stamford, CT

Andrea G. Scully

Richard E. See

Barbara J. Selmo

Barbara E. Sherman

History Belmont, MA

English New Canaan, CT

English Torrington, CT

Political Science Newton , MA


Kathleen M. Shields

John T. Shirley

Joan A. Shriver

Economics Lewittown, PA

Biology Longmeadow, MA

Engineering Longmeadow, MA

Joan M. Sinisgalli

Michael N. Sinsheimer

Kwaku Sintim-Misa

Rima Sirota

Economics Hartford, CT

History Scarsdale, NY

Theater Arts Accra, Ghana

Psychology New York, NY

Constance G. Smith

Matthew P. Smith

Sandra E.D. Smith

Randall F. Smouse

Economics La Jolla, CA

History Longmeadow, MA


Political Science ewton Square, PA

George W. Sidebotham Engineering Hastings Hudson,

History Towson, MD


Earth Week

Rise Singer

Elizabeth M. Singleton

Russian New Haven, CT

Economics Waterbury, CT

Peter A. Smialek

Eileen M. Smiley

History S. Dartmouth, MA

History Huntington Beach, CA

Llewellyn P. Snodgrass

Tracy L. Snow

History Virginia Beach, VA

History Arlington Hts, IL


George H. Stansfield

Jonathan F. Starr

History Wiscasset, ME

English Greensboro, NC

Megan N. Svenson

Robert A. Swift Jr.

Economics Springfield, MA

English Wolcott, CT

Mark R. Thibault

Jeffrey H . Thompson

History Hingham, MA

History New Britain, CT

&pring Weekend


Andrew W. Stephenson

Susanna U. Stieff

Albert R. Subbloie Jr.

Biochemistry ew Britain, CT

Biology Swampscott, MA

Studio Arts Baltimore, MD

Economics Orange, CT

Bill Talbot

Margot A. Tamoney

Thomas W. Tarca

Scott C. Taylor

Economics Avon, CT

English West Hartford, CT

Biology Plainville, CT

Economics Hingham, MA

Joan Thompson

Mary M. Toland

Christopher S. Tolerico

Lawrence A. Torres

Theatre Arts Middletown, CT

Economics Manchester, CT

Biochemistry Cinnaminson, NJ

History Los Angeles, CA

Jolanta Stec



Michael D. Tucci

Peter H. Tyson

Joseph H. Upton

John M. Valencia

English Middletown, CT

English Wayne, PA

History Ann Arbor, MI

Mathematics Holyoke, MA

Carolyn P. Vinson

Craig G. Vought

Patricia A. Wachtel!

Donna J. Waite

English Washington, D.C.

Economics Villanova, PA

Economics Pleasantville, NY

Art History Hartford , CT

Karen G. Weiss

Charles R. Welsh

Sigurd R. Wendin III

Laura A. Weseley

Psychology Warwick, R.I.

Economics/History Avon, CT

Greenwich, CT

Philosophy Biclyn, NY

H. Todd VanAmburgh

Robert C. Veindenheimer

Theatre Arts Stratham, NH

History Wellesley, MA

Margaret P. Was

Ruth G. Watson

English Topsfield, MA

Political Science Hartford, CT

The Last Hoorah

Eric H . Weyler

Megan P. White

American Studies Orange, CT

Biochemistry Reading, MA


Steven L. Whiting

Russell P. Willner

W. Wesley Winant II

A. Parsons Witbeck

Economics Shrewsbury, MA

Engineering Great Neck, NY

Classics New York, Y

History Westwood, MA

Eric M. Woods

Stephen R. Woods

Margot B. Wright

Bernard J. Yanelli

Mathematics Decatur, IL

Economics Wilmington, MA

History Greenwich , CT

Hartford, CT

Peter A. Zagrobelny

Diana Zantas

Albert E.R. Zug

Jocelyn M. Zug

Computer Tarrytown, NY

Biology Arlington, MA

Religion Haverford, PA

Religion Haverford, PA


Julia M. Wolcott

Glenn J. Wolff

Art History Rockville, MD

Psychology Bayside, NY

Bryan L. Yorke

Jenifer L. Zaccara

Art History New York, NY

Brookfield, CT



SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL: Mark always greets me with a quick kiss on my right cheek and Ted can be counted on for a tight squeeze as I pass him in the cave and Harold inquires about my health each day as I pass the Post Office. Kate meets me in the Chapel parking lot before we part for our daily jog. I run on the inside and she runs on the outer lane,路 the gossip gets pretty good by the time we pass the corner by CPTV and descend toward Cieri's. Soraya and Anna tell bad jokes and we giggle through dinner. The freshmen on my hall peep their heads in my room, leave little notes on my door, and laugh at my pajamas. T.R. limps up to me after hockey practice and we go to the Pub for some soda or just go downstairs and chat above the sounds of Earl Klugh. So many people are willing to give a part of themselves to me. Each separate piece shapes my daily puzzle. They make me strong even in my states of confusion. They keep me smiling even when my electric typewriter seems to be getting the best of me. Just when I am about to kick that loud machine or throw it against the wall, the phone will ring. It might be Jenny calling to fill me in on her happenings or to check out mine. It might be my brother David telling me not to worry about my future. Or if it's Thursday night, I can be sure that It will be Ben making sure that I know he and Chuck are watching Hill Street Blues in Joe's room. The four of us follow Frank Feril/o and his fellow ceps in action, cheering for the romance, cringing at the catastrophe, and drowning in the Budweiser. A shared television show, the kindness of a soothing word, the effort of a passing smile, the thought behind a note on my door- these are the small things that make life big and term papers miniscule. And at the day's end, I know that even if Carson's monologue is no good I can count on Lenny to lift my spirits with a latenight yell up to my window as he passes on his walk back from the library. Hartford is dark and all may not be well with the world but all is well with me because I know there are people out there showing me that they care.

"They let me replace my prison number with the 'T' for game days."

"Hang On, Friday's Coming."


"You think I can get out of a test today by saying we have a game?"

"A white house ... but it's supposed to weather."


TRIBUTE TO WOMEN FRIENDS We are a white Supreme's act. Donned in hats and dime store shades we gather around our makeshift microphone and scream some song of longing or hostility or both. Tonight is Bruce Springsteen's "For You," but, mostly, it is for us. Our stage is a living room in High Rise or 111 Crescent or wherever we happen to be hanging out for the night. The walls are covered with posters, quotations, rejection letters, photographs of our friends, bazooka bubble gum comics and Winnie the Pooh. We are New York, New Jersey, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Virginia, Michigan and Chicago. We munch on peanut m&m's and pretzels or smoke endless cigarettes and drink Tab if the discipline strikes us. We skim through this month's Vogue and last month's Glamour even though we've seen it all before. We say how it isn't fair that we don't have this one's legs or that one's eyes and where are all the guys that our mothers promised us we'd meet in college. Sometimes we talk seriously about our lives, our families, our problems. We open up, put our vulnerabilities on the table over the dictionary, the NY Times crossword puzzle, and the dirty ash trays. We'll laugh or cry or giggle or fight or just sit around in basic silence. Clearly, this is a women's room and bonds extend well beyond the academic walls we share. These are my women friends and they will always be around for a good laugh or a good cry or just because I don't want to be alone. I reach for them without knowing really, what I am needing - knowing also that they will come through with whatever it is. They put up with everything, my depressions, pig-outs, Springsteen addiction, psuedononchallance, rough exterior, loud laugh and hidden pain. They accept every detail and I have never once felt the need to alter me for them in any way. They are TRUE and yet I've never thought about all that until now. About how I could wake any one of them up in the middle of the night and talk, or convince them to skip their classes for a day and take a drive to the country, or count on their company in the second row at the movies. We ooooh over Bogart and aaahhh over Brando but it is the mutual ooooohs and aahhhs that make it, not Bogart or Brando. Because we know that the silver screen isn't real, reality is Baskin and Robbins after the show. Reality is being their. It's all the things that we never really talk about or thank each other for.


"I like to wear my comfy clothes to these meetings; they often go longer than we expect."

"Can't stop, I'm late for the last Hurrah."

"We got a green alligator and a couple of geese, a humpy bumpy camel and the chimpanzees. Got cats and rats and elephants, but sure as we're born, you just can't beat the Unicorn."

"Roommates ... forever."

"What are you doing with a pitcher Janice, we thought you were a catcher."

"Listen, I'm trying to studyl''


FUTURE FEAR: Our Freshmen dinner in 1978 with Ted Lockwood was the last time I remember seeing my class en masse until the recent Career Counseling meeting. The question of next year has come to the point where we can no longer ignore it. So we sit and listen, trying to figure out who we want to interview with, how we want to bid, and what will become of us all. As I sat there pondering over my resume, a wave offutility washed through my brain. What does it matter where I want to be or what I want to be doing?/' ll take what I can get and/' lllive where I can find an apartment that's affordable. Or more likely, /' ll borrow money from my parents in order to make it affordable. My levis and converse sneakers will have to wait until after five. So will my use of colorful language and precise adjectives. I wonder if/'ll feel older or simply dress the part. I think the latter is more likely and I know that /'II never be able to walk in heels without looking like I'm in pain or having someone ask me what's wrong with my leg. I can already envision parties where the men wear jackets and loafers and carry their business cards while the women drown themselves in perfume and hide behind their make-up. There will be normal hors d'oeuvres like little egg rolls or cheese puffs instead of the usual bowl of pretzels and dishes full of peanut m&m's. The music won't be loud rock and roll and I' !I be able to hear what people are saying. Unfortunately, they're saying that they just bought such and such a car for such and such a price and they expect a raise of such and such an amount within the next three months. They won't talk about summer anymore because summer is no longer a separate entity; it's like the rest of the year, only hotter. If this sounds cynical, it's because I'm scared and unsure about my ability to play grown up or if I even want to. In a few months, the Senior class will gather again, this time for our farewell dinner with President English. Until then, we can enjoy living down our resumes because chances are, after the pomp and circumstance, we will have to live up to them.

"Nothing comes between me and my RayBans."

"Since we' re going to a Semi Sara, I'll only dip you half way."


"OK, Wardy, it may not be Saint A's but for some of us it's home!"

Intimacy ... College years. A vulnerability that enables receptiveness. The success of Trinity lies in this kind of intimacy. The story to follow, written by a student, is an account of his fellow students. The lesson they were to learn would be difficult, yet its value immeasurable. A true tale whose message is subtle, this is a story to be read and pondered. It is an intimate lesson, the kind which we have all experienced and hopefully learned from and grown beyond. On the far side of the Connecticut River the thin line of a long boat cut smoothly up the flow. It moved through the water with studied perfection, compensating easily for any sudden flux in wind or wave, while in the stern the coxswain guided its path with slight adjustments to the hand held steering cords. From the dockside bank the progress of the boat appeared fluid and efforte/ss, but inside the narrow wooden shell eight boys worked deftly to keep it trim. As they paddled upstream to start the afternoon workout, Hal Mason followed in the launch and checked the mechanics of the eight bodies. From his position directly astern he looked down the boat and saw the eight blades catching, drawing, and feathering out of the frigid water in unison. Fifty percent, he called out through the megaphone, and when the cox gave the command the boat surged forward slightly while the speed of the oars remained indzfferent. That's it. Use the legs to make the power, not the slides. He returned the orange traffic cone to its position on the floor of the skzff It was not necessary to correct or commend them much now. It had been. He throttled the engine and pulled up along the starboard side to inspect his work. In the bow sat Wean , the toughest and most unmanagable one in the boat. He was always yelling and Hal knew how that could ruin a good crew. Isolated in the bow he could be watched and disciplined more easily, and his bad attitude could be contained. The rest of the crew he had arranged in pairs; the two and three men were Rob and Progy, both built short and compact like the fish by that name. The next two seats comprised the 'engine room,' where the biggest men were usually placed. Joe and Stack were the heaviest lightweights on the frosh squad, at 158 and 160 pounds. Hank and Gordon, at seats six and seven, were in contrast built tall and lean like race horses. They had less muscle but alot of endurance. Jason, the stroke, had the merits of all put together; tall but angular, sturdy and reliable, strong and controlled. On the drive his legs went down before the others, and they respected him. Mede and he seemed to get along well. Hal thought. He knew that a woman cox could really make a difference ... - That's real good, lightweights, keep it up. He throttled again to go check on the heavyweight crew. They were good allright, and he knew that they knew it. Still, he thought, there was something they lacked. It was the one thing that he could not teach them. Some crews never learned it and they lost despite their excellence. All he could do was show them where it might be, and hope that somehow they would find it.

Wean was talking in the bow again. Now that the coach had left he was safe. No one could stop him, not Jason, not Mede. Who was she anyway to

give such commands? 'Your catch is late, your stroke is too deep.' A coxswain's job was to steer the boat. Jason was probably speaking through her, giving commands as he stroked the boat. Wean disliked having to follow anyone, and the source of his hate was focussed on the stern. He took his revenge by breaking the rule that no one other than the coxswain should speak. - Hey Porgy, Wean said, are you set for tonight? - Almost, Tell me the lyrics to Hail U. -Delta - If you don't know them now forget it . You'll be so drowned in the beer you'llforget. He laughed off any further demand of his closest future brother. - Hey Deuce, the two-man called two seats ahead of him, do you know the words to Hail Delta U? - He can't hear you, Rob replied. - What? said Joe loudly. - Quiet in the bow, came a husky woman's voice, and all were silent as they passed beneath the steel bridge. - Rob, Wean said quietly, isn't it drop off night at Sigma Chi? - Yes, Rob answered, I have no idea where - Most likely on your head a few times. - Quiet in the bow, came the voice again. Wean gave a distorted infant's wail which echoed under the low cement bridge. - That That's enough Wean, said a deep bass voice from the five seat. Stack had the authority to speak at certain times as the most experienced oarsman in the boat. That talking in the bow could not continue. It divided the boat and distracted the attention. When you got on the water you should remain silent until the practice was over. He had rowed at Exeter for four straight years and he planned to row four more at college. There was nothing so secure and stable as crew. But the talking in the bow could not continue. -Six, your catch is late, Mede called. A snicker followedfrom "the bow. In the stern sat the stroke and the captain of the boat. Jason faced Mede but he noticed instead the high water of the river and the sky which colored it. Today, especially, when there was no light , they appeared as two planes between which the boat held its balance. The puddles of the oars were the only sign of life in the water which appeared as a shadow of absence. He knew that she was looking at him and pretended to study the water beyond her. She too felt the void that she saw in his face . Mede turned her gaze to the banks which were lined with river wrack and barren trees. She wondered if it were true that all coxswain's go out with their strokes. Harry and Liz were already married ... - Sit ready at the catch! Blades buried to the tape. Bow pair in the Orga, take one stroke. Sit ready - Ready all, ROW! Both boats took twenty quick power strokes and then settled into a lower cadence. Medefound her boat a half-length ahead and tried to extend this lead. - I've got their two-man, give me the bow! She threw her voice down into the shell. Drive those legs, I want that bow. They were stroking at a higher rate than the heavies and the current began to work against them. The heavyweights, rowing low and long, slowly began to make up water. Mede called another ten, but the lights were tiring from the high stroke

rate. She could see the pain on Jason's face and wished she could enter into it. - One minute to go! Hal Mason called out. - One minute left! Drive the legs. Everything you've got! Only thirty more strokes, she said. The other boat began its final surge and started to move quickly through the lightweights. - Sprint! Mede called, take it up. But the stroke was already too high, and they lost the piece by a length. Wean spoke first. -Dodo, how come you didn 't call another ten? A chorus of consent mumbled from the bow. Dodo blew it . Wean concluded. - That's enough, said Stack. - What did he say? Mede asked Jason. The wind had carried their voices away from her. - Nothing, he said. .. . - O.K. coxswains, take it up. The Ogra shot out in front as before, but this time the current favored them. Each time the heavies made a drive to catch up, Mede called a power ten. She cut the bridge close and the lights won by a deck length. - B-B-Balls, said Wean. A wave hit the gunnel and splashed his back. - Not quite, said Porgy, we cut them on the bridge. - How did it feel to you? Mede asked Jason. She had seen the pain enter him earlier this time. He was tense for some reason and looked at the water. She touched his blistered hand. - I'm O.K., he said, I just wish that Wean would shut up . ... The boat held even after the start. - Set-tle, called Mede. - Ten more, said the other cox. - Power ten now. she countered. The heavyweights settled quarter length ahead and began to increase their lead. - I've got two seats, give me three! Come on heavies. let's walk on these lightweights. Medefought back with another ten, but the other boat continued to move through them rapidly. - I want that bow ball! Sink that boat! Just then the bowman in the So/at caught his blade in a wave which sent the oar handle over his head. The boat stopped moving. - Crab! Mede shouted, they've caught a crab! Power ten on this one. The Ogra passed and gained two lengths before the other boat had even begun to row again. They went through the bridge far ahead of the heavies, now too discouraged to make up the lost water. - Did you see that crab! Wean shouted to Rob. - A full body carb! he laughed. A large wave broke over the bow and soaked them both. - Shut up, cried Jason. The piece was not yet done. The wind curled the waves into larger swells. Their blades hit them on the recovery and made it difficult to finish out clean . ... Suddenly Jason's eyes opened wide in fright and Mede turned around to see the So/at slow down. They fell through the turbid plane and lost dimension. Three waves rolled into the Ogra and swamped it. They could no longer row and the wind was blowing them into a group of tied pilings. The water

poured in freely and they sunk. - Untie! Untie! Jason shouted, and yanked his feet from the bolted shoes. The freezing water came up to his chest and made him hyperventilate. The eight swung around and the bow hit the pilings. Four men jumped out and clung to the posts. The stern was closer to the shore. Hal Mason was with the heavyweights. Mede saw Jason 's strength draining out. She freed his oar from its lock and extended it. - Hold on, let's swim for it. - Stay with the boat! Stack commanded. Henry and Bordon sat rigid in their seats. The bow four were silent as they clung to the pilings. Wean angrily embraced a pole and shimmied up. At the top he stripped his wet clothes and screamed out at the sky . .. . The kerosine soaked wood smell of the boat house was comforting to the nine bodies huddled there. They sat clothed in greasy rags and woolen blankets. - I lost my rowing jacket, Wean said. - So did I. - I lost my hat. - My sneakers are gone. - My shades are definitely sunk. - I hope Harry finds my sweater. Its a gift. - That oar is wasted. - I'm cold. - Here, said Mede . In the launch Hal Mason had searched the river and found nothing worth recovering there. Now we can begin, he thought, now they have found what there is to lose. The wind had died and the water was smooth as he pulled up to the dock to land.


Intimate Moments




You are cord ia ll y inv ited to a ttend the

TRINITY COLLEGE GRADUATION BALL to be held on F riday, the twenty-first of May in eteen hundred and eighty-two from nine p.m. un til two a.m. on the Quad (in case of inclement weather, the Washington Room) R.S.V.P. Card enc losed

11 2

forma l attire optional

Gradualion Ball



11 5






Inaugurating a new President Trinity's Board of Trustees unanimously elected James F. English, Jr. as Trinity's sixteenth president. He brings to the position an unusual combination of talent and experience in business and educational sectors. "His intimate knowledge of the Greater Hartford Area will be a particular strength to both the College and the community", said Dr. George W.B. Starkey, chairman of the Board of trustees. "Trinity combines acknowledged academic distinction with an unusual, urban location," said English. "It's a great priviledge to help lead a first-class liberal arts college in the difficult world of the 1980's." His own education began at Loomis School in nearby Windsor, and continued at Yale University from which he earned a B.A. degree in English in 1949. He holds an M .A . degree, also in English, from Cambridge University and a J .D. degree from the University of Connecticut School of Law, awarded in 1956. He received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Hartford in 1973. For this part in awakening The Connecticut Bank and Trust Company's social conscience, Connecticut Magazine named English "Citizen of the Year" in 1976. When not involved with budgets and boardrooms, he doffs his executive's attire in favor of either a carpenter's apron or a pair of hiking boots. An inveterate "putterer," he is a skilled wood craftsman, creating reproductions of 18th-century furniture in his well-equipped workshop. One of his annual rituals is an ascent of Mt. Washington, and he and his wife, Isabelle, devote many weekends to hiking in the White Mountains or western Connecticut. - The Trinity Reporter Spring 1981 The days events were a splendid success despite a change of location due to overcast skies, a barbecue on the Vernon lawn was well received. Administration, delegates, and other dignitaries dined with the President-to-be. Slowly but surely all gathered in Unit A. A six-piece band set the tempo, and the procession began. Following the ceremony students were invited to a champagne reception in the Washington . Soon Jim and Isabelle would arrive to graciously receive of best wishes. In the spirit of tradition that has made this day and this College great, a toast to you James English and to Trinity.


James F. English, Jr. J.D.

Thomas A. Smith, M.A.


Vice President

Andrew G. DeRocco, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty

George B. Cooper, Ph.D. Secretary of the College



Robert A. Pedemonti, M.A.

Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. B.A.


Director of Alumni and College Relations

Reggie E. Kennedy, M.A., Joyce E. LaPorte, Larry R. Dow, B.S. Office of Admissions


John Rose, B.A.

Alan C. Tull, Th.D.

Director of Chapel, Music College Organist


Wayne J. Asmus, M.A.

Michael J. Schweighoffer

Director of Mather Campus Center Advisor for Student Affairs

Director of Security

J. Ronald Spencer, M.A.

Riel S. Crandall, M.S.

Frank W. Sherman, B.A.

Joanne M . Miller, B.A.

Associate Academic Dean of Faculty

Director of Buildings and Grounds

Director of Annual Giving



Constance E. Ware, B.A.

Jeffrey H. Kaimowitz, Ph.D.

Director of Development

Curator of Watkinson Library

George Geswoo

N. Robbins Winslow, Jr., M. Div.

Highrise Maintenance

Advisor of Foreign Study

Paula Chu-Richardson

Louise H . Fisher, B.A.

Janice 0. Burr, B.A.

Curtis J. Roosk, Jr. M.A.

Dean of Students Assi tant

Director of Individualized Degree Program

Director of Special Events

Assistant Dean of Students


Mardges Bacon

Thomas P. Baird

Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

Professor of Fine Arts

Alden R. Gordon

Michael R.T. Mahoney

Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

Genevieve Harlow Goodwin Professor of the Arts

Art History

Robert H. Brewer

Frank M. Child III

Richard B. Crawford

Associate Professor of Biology

Professor of Biology

Professor of Biology

Donald B. Galbraith

Craig W. Schneider

John E. Simmons III

Professor of Biology

Associate Professor of Biology

Associate Professor of Biology


This year we include a new element. In keeping with our theme of growth, on both the individual and communal level, we have chosen to highlight persons whom we believe actively embody this goal. The impact of their efforts upon the Trinity environment is significant. In this book, a record of our Trinity experience, we recognize these people as unique and worthy of our sincere appreciation and praise. Their presence has been felt in many regions of the campus and perhaps beyond. They inspire and challenge us. Whether as students in a classroom, interns at the Capital, or visitors to Russia, we are touched by them and we grow together.

PROFILE: Dr. Henry A. DePhillips Jr. "It's not the mortar and bricks at the school, it's the people." As Dr. DePhillips entered his 19th spring at Trinity, we asked him to reflect on his philosophy of not only actual teaching, but also being a member of a small college community. Dr. DePhillips is, to say the least, extremely involved in Trinity campus life. He believes in the philosophy of a liberal arts college: it should be a place of intellectual stimulation and enjoyment as well as physical stimulation and enjoyment in the best possible environment. Besides his being a professor of chemistry and avid researcher of complicated respiratory proteins, Dr. DePhillips has found time to include himself in the governance structure of the school. He is a member of many committees, including athletic and hiring, interviews students for admission, and chairs the Trinity College Tennis Club. He is extremely visible on the Trinity Campus and having adopted this small college philosophy he feels he may provide the best possible atmosphere for undergraduate students.

Edward Bobko Professor of .Chemistry

Henry A. DePhillips, Jr. Professor of Chemistry


James K. Heeren Associate Professor of Chemistry

David E. Henderson

Ralph 0. Moyer

Robert H. Smellie Jr.

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Associate Professor of Chemistry


Professor Chemistry


James R. Bradley

ony D. Macro

Associate Professor of Classics

Associate Professor of Classics


v.f! ... ......

Robert A. Battis

R .N. Bhargava

William N. Butos

Ward S. Curran

LeRoy Dunn

Professor of Economics

Visiting Professor of Economics

Assistant Professor of Economics

Profe sor of Economic

Profe or of Economics

Francis J. Egan

Gerald A. Gunderson

Charles W. Lindsey

Richard Scheuch

Diane C. Zannoni

Associate Profe sor of Economics

Senior Lecturer in Economic

Assistant Professor of Economics

Profe or of conomic

Assistant Professor of Economic


David Ahlgren

Theodore Blakeslee

Joseph D. Bronzino

Associate Profe or of Engineering

Associate Professor of Engineering

Roosa, Professor of Applied Science

Edwin P. Nye

August E. Sapega

David E. Woodard

Hallden Professor of Engineering

Professor of Engineering

Lecturer in Engineering





Richard P. Benton

John A. Dando

James A. Miller

Dianne Hunter

Dirk Kyrk

Associate Professor of Engli h

Professor of Engli h

Associate Profe sor of English

Associate Profe sor of Engli h

Professor of English

J. Bard McNulty

Milia B. Riggio

Paul Smith

James H. Wheatley

Goodwin Professor of English Secretary of the Faculty

Associate Professor of Engli h

Professor of English

Professor of English


Profile: JAMES WEST When a Trinity student hears the na me, J ames West,' he immediately thinks of Russia a nd the uncanny ability Professor West has for instilling knowledge of Russian culture as well as history in his students. Professor West has been engrossed in this topic ever since he spent six months there as a Princeton senior. He is a genuine intellectual. His methods of instruction include culture sessions which serve to place students in better touch with the Russian culture. He appeals to the intellectual curiosity of his students. He expects them to devote time outside of the actual required classroom hours and he willingly sets the example. Professor West is special in that he has a genuine interest in each individua l he has the good fortune to teach. Besides teaching history, Professor West has been instrumental in trying to pioneer a Russian Studies program at Trinity. He also is involved with the Guided Studies program, a double credit seminar, and winter trips to Russia with Trinity students. If you graduate without having taking a course from J ames West, your Trinity education is definitely incomplete.

Borden W . Painter, Professor of History

James L. West Associate Professor of Hi tory

Philip C. Bankwitz

George B. Cooper

Eugene W. Davis

Professor of Hi tory

Northam Professor of History

Professor of History

Michael Lestz

Samuel D. Kassow

Edward W. Sloan III

J. Ronald Spencer

H. McKim Steele, Jr.

Hi tory

Associate Professor of Hi tory

Professor of History

Lecturer in History Associate Academic Dea n

Professor of History

Eugene E. Leach Professor of History



Associate Profe sor of History


Profile: JACK CHATFIELD Who feels naked without his podium and a cup of coffee while he is lecturing? And who stresses that certain points in his lectures are "profoundly significant," while simultaneously repeating them "lest you missed the point?" Yes, and he's famous for his Johnny Carson mannerisms too ... he's the one and only Jack Chatfield, History and American Studies professor. A Trinity alumnus from the class of 1965, Chatfield was taught by professors like George Cooper and Richard Lee with whom he is a co-worker today. From September of 1962 to June of 1963, however, Chatfield took a respite from Trin's demanding academic life and became involved in the Civil Rights Movement. He went to Georgia, where he worked for the Student Non- Violent Coordination Committee, earning $10,000 and cigarettes per week! The SNCC was a very small group whose purpose was to get blacks to vote. Did he really receive a battle wound at that tender age while in Georgia? Sure he did; one night when he and the family with whom he resided were eating dinner, a car drove up and fired three shots at the house. Chatfield was hit in the arm, but his students would never guess it today, as he writes on that McCook chalkboard fairly legibly and rapidly! In 1976 Chatfield returned to Trinity, after having completed his masters at Columbia University, from where he will also receive his PhD when he completes his on-going Thesis, to engage in a part-time teaching position. Almost all students who've taken one of Chatfield's courses agree that thi was one of the most intelligent decisions that Trinity ha ever made, for Chatfield is a dynamic lecturer and individual. Teaching and writing have always been his foremost academic goals; since 1973 Chatfield has written American Hi tory book reviews for The National R eview. Yet, aside from academics, Chatfield's family is of great importance, as students can infer from hi frequent comment about his wife a nd children during classes. An outstanding professor and a family man? He's even more amazing th an that, for he coaches a neighborhood soccer team and runs daily. A dedicated professor, husband, father, coach and athlete is difficult to find in one man . Yet, Professor Jack Chatfield is a n exceptional individual any way you consider it.

Michael R. Campo

Andrew J. Gold

Ronald K. Goodenow

Director of Trinity/ Rome Campu

Director of rban & Environmental Studies

Visiting Associate Professor of Educational Studies

Joan D. Hedrick

Harold C. Martin

Johnetta G. Richards

Visiting Associate Professor of American Studies

Charles A. Dana Professor of Humanities

Assistant Professor of History



Deborah Bergstrand

Marjorie V. Butcher

Lucy Deephouse

Walter J. Klimczak

Mario J. Poliferno

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Professor of Mathematics

Lecturer in Mathematics

Seabury Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of Mathematics

David A. Robbins

Robert C. Stewart

Ralph E. Walde

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Dana Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of Mathematics


Gustave W. Andrian

Andrea Bianchini

Carl V. Hansen

Donald D. Hook

Leslie Johnson

McCook Professor of Modern Languages

Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Professor of Modern Languages

Modern Languages

Dori Katz

Arnold L. Kerson

John C. Williams

Associate Professor of Modern Langauges

A sociate Professor of Modern Languages

Hobart Professor of Cia sica! Languages


Naomi Amos

Gerald Moshell

J. Wainwright Love

Visiting Lecturer in Mu ic

Assistant Professor of Music

Assistant Professor of Music


W . Miller Brown

Howard DeLong

D rew A. Hyland

Helen Lang

Richard T. Lee

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Professor of Phi losophy

Professor of Philosophy

A istant Profes or of Philosophy

Profe sor of Philosophy

R ichard Hazelton

Kirk Cameron

Michael Darr

Karen Erlandson

Leo J. Hamel

Assistant Professor of Physical Education

1nstructor in Physical Education

Coach of Men's Sports

Assistant Profes or of Physical Education

Athletic Trainer

Norman T. Graf

Karl Kurth Jr.

Chester H. McPhee

Coach of Rowing

Director of Athletic

Professor of Physical Education

Robin Sheppard

Robert E. Shults

Robert D. S laughter

Assistant Professor of Physical Education

Associate Profe sor of Physical Educa lion

Associate Profes or of Physical Education


Harvey S. Picker

Paul H. Serafino

Associate Professor of Physics

Assistant Professor of Physics

Profile: KARL KURTH A good way to find out about a person is to question someone who has known him for a while. Dr. Chet McPhee has known Karl Kurth for twenty-five years. Here are a few of McPhee's viguettes on our retired Athletic Director. ... When gymnastics was a required course at Trinity, one of its tests that a student had to pass was to climb a 20 ft rope tied to the ceiling of Alumni Hall. Every so often, one of the young men would climb to the top of the rope and freeze. Because Karl was so big, he would be summoned to climb up the other rope, put his arm around the student and help bring him down . . . . . . Part of the two year requirement at Trinity was Physical Education in which students typically played baseball, basketball, football, etc. One of the classes was soccer, and instructor Karl Kurth once broke his toe while demonstrating the proper kick ... . . . People ometimes wondered why a soft spoken leader such as Karl had a whip hanging on the wall of his office ... . . . "The Great Role Vault Coach" was a nickname Karl picked up around 1959-1960. At that time he was Head Track Coach at Trinity where his team had a funny discrepency: the high jump record stood at 6'8" while the pole vault mark was only 6'0"! .. .


Profile: CLYDE McKEE Professor of Political Science Clyde McKee realizes he's something of an anomaly in academia. Calling himself a "pracademic" (practicing academic), he declares he's not as interested in publishing articles or book reviews as he is in being directly involved in political activity, as an observer or participant. "I feel a very strong responsibility to the city," says McKee, who recently purchased and renovated a three-family house near the Trinity campus. "I have a sense that I owe the city something in a lot of ways." Further, he likes to be at the center of the political arena. "I find it much more exciting to influence the course of legislation than to write articles or federal journals," he says. "I don't write many book reviews, critiques of other people's writing, or syntheses of theory. What I like is to be at the meeting, to see it happen, to wonder, why does it happen, and what are the theoretical implications of the raw political phenomena I'm seeing."

Albert . Gastmann

Clyde D. McKee

Rex C. Neaverson

Professor of Political Science

Associate Professor of Political Science

Professor of Political Science


Thomas A. Reilly Associate Professor Political Science


Ranbir Vohra Charles A. Dana Professor of Political Science

Diana Yiannakis Assistant Professor of Political Science

McKee tries to impart his excitement in the political process to his students. Over the years, he has sponsored Candidates Day at Trinity, bringing political aspirants, members of the press, and the community to the campus for symposiums on the issues. McKee joined the Trinity faculty in 1965, and has since taught courses in constitutional law, public administration, and state, local and national government. One of his first accomplishments at Trinity was the establishment of the Connecticut Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration. A short time later, he began the Legislative Internship Program, which grew out of a spring seminar on state government. In 1977, McKee published Perspectives of a State Legislature, to provide interns with more material on state governments. He's proud of the book, which has been used in graduate-level courses at Harvard and Rutgers. But, he's also proud of three citations which he and the internsh~p program have received from the Connecticut General Assembly. He would say it's a good example of "pracademics" at work. -

Daina L. Anselmi Assistant Professor of Psychology

The Trinity Reporter

George W. Doten

Karl F. Haberlandt

Sharon Herzberger

George C. Higgins,

Professor of Psychology

Professor of Psychology

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Professor of Psychology College Counselor

Nancy Kirkland

Randolph M. Lee

William M. Mace

Charles B. Schultz

David Winer

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Associate Professor of Psychology

Associate Professor of Psychology

Associate Professor of Psychology

Associate Professor of Psychology


Edmund L. Cherbonnier Professor of Religion

Leslie G. Desmangles

Ellison B. Findly

John A. Gettier

Frank G. Kirkpatrick

Assistant Professor of Religion

Assistant Professor of Religion

Associate Professor of Religion

Associate Professor of Religion


Theodor M. Mauch

Alan C. Tull

Professor of Religion

Assistant Professor of Religion

John D. Brewer

Noreen Channels

Associate Professor of Sociology

Associate Professor of Sociology

Norman Miller

Michael P. Sacks

Professor of Sociology

Associate Profe sor of Sociology

George E. Chaplin Director of Studio Arts

John Smith Fine Arts

George E.


III Professor of Theatre Arts




IN THE FALL Summer's leaves turn shades of red and gold. Sun's rays send diamonds skittering along the river top. And sultry summer afternoons give way to the brisk of autumn. Into this serenity a shell can move with only a ripple. The chatter of coxswains and the backsplash of oars Are soon transcended by the graceful motion of eight bodies in unison. Tension and Friction have their home here, too. But to pit man against man, crew against crew In the ageless art of honorable competition Is the beauty of the sport. -


A. Stephenson


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Consistent participation and effort on the part of the eight women who ran enabled the women's cross-country team to be elevated to varsity status for 1982. In the past there have been only two instances where Trinity competed with enough runners to even score. This fa1l, senior Baily Johnston, juniors Michelle DeMars and Barry Dandson, sophomores Pat Adams and Elizabeth Amrien, freshman Anne Malabre, Erica Thurman and Barb Siebel reversed that trend and started what will hopefully become a tradition - a hard working and successful female running squad. The team finished with an overall record of 6 and 9, with best times being run by Elizabeth Amrien and Anne Nalabre, both of whom will be competing next year, improvement is inevitable.


Senior Co-Captains Douglas Brooks and Matt Smith had watched the men's cross-country team finish 7-8 in their sophomore year, and 9-9 in their junior year. 1981, however, seemed like a year to finally break the .500 mark. With an impressive group of freshmen and three returning seniors, Coach Walde could hope to see Trinity complete its first winning season since 1965. The Harriers were led by sophomore Steve Tall, who finished first for the Bantams in every race but one. Tall, together with junior Steve Klots, led Trinity to early victories over Eastern Connecticut and Conn. College. Traveling to rave over Clark's hilly ten kilometer course, the Bantams ran their finest race of the season, as Tall and senior Bob Rasmussen led the team to victories over Tunxis, Clark and Babson. Finishing first in the quadrangular meet gave Trinity a final record of eight wins and eight losses. With Tall and Klots returning in 1982, along with Dave Barry, Joe Wire and Dave Moughalian, a winning season will not seem so elusive. There will be more depth to the Bantams next fall, and more wins as well.



The Trinity Women's Field Hockey team celebrates a 11-2-2 record for their 1981 fall season. The losses occured against University of Durham, 3-2, who traveled from England to compete, and against Williams, l-0, on Parents Weekend. Although the goals of this season did not equal tallies of past seasons, the scoring ability is maturing at an exciting pace with freshmen high scorers like Susie Cutler and Kat Castle. Superior leadership from captain Sherry Benzel carried the Bantams through their winning season and inspired the enthusiasm of the entire team. The strength and energy of defensive backs Parsons Witbeck and Lisa Nolen teamed with the awesome goal tending of junior Annie Collins also supported the team's morale. Banquet highlights included announcements of MIP, sophomore Suzy Schwartz and MVP, sophomore Amy Waugh. The North East All College Field Hockey Tournament held at Trinity this year proved successful for coach Robin Sheppard as she sent more than half her players on to the North Tournament held at Smith. Although the team loses three valuable seniors it gains another year of experience for its younger players.


Football With New England championships in two of the previous three seasons, the Bantams entered the 1981 campaign with visions of repeating their championship tradition. A strong contingent of 15 seniors gave the Bantams depth and experience on both sides of the ball. The offense, led by the strong backfield of Peter Martin, William Holden, and Robert Reading and the offensive line which included John Josel, Steve Lafortune, Ben Baron, and Justin George were all prepared to infiltrate the enemy backfields. The defensive line led by senior Captain Bill Schaufler, Jim Kachadoorian, Joe Pinella, Pete Smialeck, and Glenn McLellan while the secondary was fortified by the leadership of Mike Tucci, AI Subbloie and Bill Lindquist. The injury sustained by QB Peter Martin and a strong final push on the part of the Jumbos handed the Bantams a l6-l4loss in the season opener. The Bantams regrouped and came back to win their next five games with rookie Joe Shields at the helm. With the New England Championship within their grasp the Bantams headed north to Amherst only to be subdued by the Lord Jeffs. Homecoming weekend brought large crowds as the Bantams faced their traditional rivals the Wesleyan Cardinals. With the Bantams down by more than a touchdown at half - time Peter Martin entered the game after a six week uspite to lead the Bantams to a Cinderella 25-24 finish.


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The 1981 Men's Varsity Soccer Team, after struggling through a dismal first half, finished their season in fine fashion. The impressive finale to an otherwise disappointing season included two wins, one loss, and two ties in the Bantam's final five matches. Led by tri-captains Jaime Birmingham, Peter Miller, and Michael Hurwitz, the Trinity hooters were able to overcome many obstacles and widespread doubt concerning their soccer prowess showing many signs of inevitable future success. Spearheaded by excellent goaltending, a Ia John Simons, and a stubborn defense which allowed under two goals per game, the Bantams laid to rest any doubts concerning their soccer talents. This atmosphere has created a great deal of hope and confidence for the upcoming season. With returnees such as leading scorer Peter Miller, defensive aces Greg Brown, Mike Hurwitz, and Jeff Pilgrim, and midfielder Randy Schrenk, spirits are high and aspirations towards the best season in years abound through the ranks of the soccer team. The returnees of the Men's Varsity Soccer Team feel confident that they can avenge the many discour• aging 1981 losses and make them 1982 victories.



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The women's soccer team posted the best record in its history this year, ending the season with nine wins and two losses. Enthusiasm, hard work and a greater depth in skills were the keys to the team's success. Cynthia Hunter and Karen Orzyck led the group with ten and nine goals respectively, while Chris Levdecker supplied the most assists. The Bantams fine season earned them an invitation to the post season NIAC tournament. Unfortunately, the team suffered a disappointing 21 loss to Tufts in double overtime. Three members of the team, Prudence Horn, Polly Lavery and Karen Orzyck, were all named to the All New England Women's Soccer Team for outstanding play. Since the team is losing only four players to graduation, the women are looking forward to another great season next year. Senior Annie Martin and tri-captains Polly Levery, Minnie Mahoney and Terry Samdperil wish them great luck and success.


Waterpolo The 1981 Waterpolo team finished the season with a 12-92 overall record, and their second New England Division II championship in three years. Four Trinity players were AllNew England selections. CoCaptains Michael Merin and David Pike were named, along with goalie Lincoln Collins to the All New England First Team. Chip Lake, a sophomore, was also named to the All New England Second T earn. Scott Bowden was named "Mont Improved Player" and Lincoln Collins, setting new records for goals per game and career goals per game, earned the "Most Valuable Player" nomination. In addition, "La Machine" Kyle Parrow is our outgoing senior. The climax of the season came during the New England Championships at Harvard University. Goalie Lincoln Collins was particularly strong. John Peabody also played well, scoring two of the three gamewinning goals. Although the season seemed to spit and sputter at times, the waddling Ducks paddled their way to an extremely "moist" finish.


Tennis The Trinity Women's Tennis Team was special in 1981. The team not only finished the season with a winning record (which is nice in itself), but it also managed to maintain a cohesiveness not readily found in an individual sport such as tennis. The tryout period was competitive as Senior Ann Pfister, returning after a year at Maryland, led the way in the number one singles spot. Other returning Seniors included Carolyn Ginsburgh, Martha Brackenridege, and Captain Barbara Sherman. The remainder of the team was comprised of sophomores and freshmen; not a junior was to be found. An article about women's tennis would not be complete without mentioning the team's "toughest" opponents, those faculty members of Trinity College Tennis Club. The women faced the TCTC and won a marginal victory. To give credit where credit is due, Dr. DePhillips must be thanked for his effort in arranging the match and post season "awards cocktail party." Next year's team promises to be extremely competitive. With only four players graduating and a flock of freshmen arriving, Trinity should see another strong women's squad. So, for this year's Bantams ... Match after match Time after Time This is the last Of Barb's silly rhyme


9/19 9/26 9/26 10/3

10/10 10/24 10/31

Varsity Cross Country T Williams 48 E. Conn. 33 Conn. Col. 33 Amherst 115 Williams 115 Wesleyan 115 Westfield Il5 E. Conn. 115 Vassar 115 Union 31 Assumption 60 Wesleyan 60 W.P.I. 60 Clark 29 Tunxis Comm. 29 Babson 29


15 48 56 20 59 71 95 I6I 222 26 34 34 83 60 57 84

Women's Varsity Field Hockey T 0 Conn. Col 9/17 4 1 Central Conn. 5 9/21 0 Durham Un. 9/24 2 3 Fairfield 2 9/29 0 Mt. Holyoke 2 10/1 I Amherst I0/7 3 1 10/10 Williams 0 I 10/17 Bridgeport 6 2 10/20 Wesleyan 2 1 10/22 Brown 1 1 10/24 Smith 1 0

9/17 9/23 9/26 10/1 10/9 10/I4 10/I? 10/21 10/24 10/26


Women's Varsity Soccer T 0 2 Smith 3 UHart 6 0 Amherst 6 1 Wesleyan 4 1 Wheaton 3 0 Brown JV 5 0 Southampton 14 0 UHart 2 0 Keene State 2 3 Mt. Holy 2 3

Men's Varsity Soccer

Varsity Football

9/26 10/3 10/10 10/17 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14

Tufts Hamilton 路williams Colby Union Coast G. Amherst Wesleyan

T 14 20 27 24 25 20 3 25

0 18

- 19 14 0 18

9 14 24

9/22 ' 9/26 9j30

l0/10 10/14 10/17 10/21 10/24 10/27 10/31 II /3 11/11

Central M.I.T. Babson Williams W.P.l. Tufts UHart. Conn. Col Coast Gd. Clark Amherst Wesleyan

T 0 1 0

0 3 2 1









4 2 0 0 3




1 0


Women's Varsity Tennis

9/17 "9/23 9/26 9/29 10/7 10/10 10/12 10/16 10/17 l0/I9

Conn Col. Amherst Tufts Dartmouth Smith Williams UConn UHart Wesleyan Mt. Holyoke

T 6 7 4 0 1 6


3 2 5

9 8 3




1 1 4



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Autumn on Jesse Field

r can't help but get excited about these guys 'cause like I said before they're friends and its vicarious pleasure time when they shine on down the field. It wasn't just me feeling that way, either. It was the entire bleachers and all the bodies huddled between Bloody Mary and Jack Daniels. Tt was all those people who missed class on Friday morning, who just couldn't manage to roll out of bed and take heed to what their alarm clocks were telling them and walk those few short steps into academia. But there was no way that these bodies would sleep too late on Saturday and miss the opening kick-off. Somethings, have to be done. I guess it is what you call priorities. And as the sun braved out its final glaze of the day and the clock slowly danced out the waltz, it was all over but the shouting. And shout we did. Because our friends did the deed and we were all there to witness autumn and Wesleyan as they took their inevitable fall.


The men's varsity basketball team overcame an injury-riddled season through hard work and cohesiveness in compiling a 13-l 0 record. Under the tutelage of rookie headcoach Stanley Ogrodnick, the squad once again exhibited its vaunted defense in denying opponents and creating offensive opportunities. The team was paced in the scoring department by sophomore standout guard Jim Bates, while the rebounding once again fell into the able hands of co-captain Carl Rapp. While the lithe 6'7" forward was sweeping the boards, his counterpart, senior cocaptain John Meaney was directing the point with his usual savvy and poise. The season had its bright moments, including the resurgence of senior forward Roger Coutu, who had suffered through two injury-plagued seasons, and the sharp shooting of forward Jim Callahan. Also memorable were the thrilling full court dashes of David Wynter and the outside shooting of Tom King.


In the winter season, the women's basketball team had one of its best years ever with an overall record of 13-6 and the NIAC crown. Led by sophomore sensation Chrissy Lofgren, who recently was named Connecticut Collegiate Division Ill Women's Basketball Offensive Player-of-the Year, and freshman standout Karen Rogers, the "hoopsters" succeeded in out running and over powering their opponents. With nine out of ten players being underclassmen, cohesion and hard work were most noticeable in all of the Lady Bantam's wins. To highlight the season, the women played a tough battle against the Irish International team, a unique experience for many of the young stars.


The '82 season saw the Trinity Ski Team become members in the N .E. Intercollegiate Ski Conference. Led by strong performances by co-presidents Doug Rollins and John Simons, the team did well against stiff competition from many larger and more experienced schools. Hard work by both Doug and John as well as Treasurer Paul Bunaes and Advisor Dr. James Potter made for smooth sailing during practices at nearby Mr. Southinton and at weekend races throughout New England. This year also marks the birth of the Trinity Women's Ski Team. Together, the hifaction team looks to next season with high hopes of self-improvement.




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This year the Trinity hockey team reestablished itself as one of the top teams in Division III. The club finished with a respectable 10-10-1 record that was a vast improvement over the previous two years. There were many bright spots for the Bantams this winter. The Bants beat Wesleyan three times and their greatest triumph came when they devestated the University of New Haven, a highly regarded Division II team. Before a supportive crowd of Bantam fans, at the Kingswood-Oxford Arena, the Bantams once again came from behind to defeat New Haven in sudden-death overtime. Seniors Bob Ferguson, Karl Nelson and Joe Upton finished out their careers with fine seasons. After four years of outstanding play in a Trinity uniform, their services will be sorely missed. The freshman class, which combined for over a hundred points this year, will be looked to in order to fill the void. If this year is any indication of things to come, the Trinity hockey team has a bright future ahead.




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The Bantam varsity men's squash team finished the 81-82 season with a 12-4 record. They finished as number five in the nation. As a result of the fine display at the National Intercollegiate squash tourney, a freshman, Bill Doyle, received the All-American nomination. The Bantams are sorry to graduate their senior captain Peter DeRose who has displayed fine character over the past four years. Peter DeRose won the team squash tournament for the third straight year which is a first for this in its history.



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The Trinity women's squash team had a successful 8-2 record for 1982! They finished third in the nation in the 1982 Howe Cup Championship at Yale. This young strong team also displayed their talent as individuals. Number One player, sophomore Nina Porter lost only one match in the course of the season emerging as the only undefeated player at the Howe Cup. Not to mention reaching the finals of the Women's Intercollegiate Squash Championship. Freshmen Katherine Castle Number Two, Kathy Kleid Number Three, and Laura Higgs Number Four have three years to look forward to. Sophomores Lea Spreance and Charlotte Burbank will also be returning. The only graduating member is captain of sophomore and senior year Johanna Pitocchelli, a three year veteran of the team.


Captain and MVP Scott Bowden led the '81-'82 Ducks to the season's 8-2 mark, the finest record since 1928. A freshman shot in the arm was Pitocchelli, a three year veteran of the team. Captain and MVP Scott Bowden led the '81-'82 Ducks to the season's 8-2 mark, the finest record since 1928. A freshman shot in the arm was provided by sprinting standouts Rex Dyer and Tim Raltis, while Chris McCarthy filled the long distance events. This depth enabled Coach McPhee to juggle his line ups and win three hotly contested meets with a one point margin. The season's highlight was the N.E. Championship where Bowden, Dyer, Raltis and breaststroker Doug Grey combined to rewrite The Trinity record board in the 400 medley and free relays. Bowden also placed fifth with a national qualifying time in the I 00 yard backstroke.


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The women's swim team continued to improve in its fourth varsity season amassing a 7-3 meet record, placing sixth in N.E. Championships and sending three women - Martha Belcher, Lulu Cass and Laura Couch - to the Nationals. Superstar Martha Belcher won all three individual backstroke events at New Englands and teamed with Cass, Couch, and Laura Gill for second place in the 200 medley relay. Also awarded New England honors were: Debbie Cronin, Susie Cutler, Linda Gillett and Michelle Parsons. Rounding out the N.E. team were: Capt. Tory Aronow, Nancy Meade and diver MaryEllen Foy.


The 1981-82 Wrestling team finished a disappointing l-9-1 eason as it again suffered from a lack of personal. Individually, AI Norton and Sean Darby wrestled well qualifying for the NE Championships. Senior Glenn McKellan had a good year, finishing 163 and fourth in NE. In his career he set school records for most wins, pins, team points and for the fastest pin. Coaches Darr and Martin can look forward to a strong nucleus of returning lettermen and many fine freshmen prospects in 1982-1983.



1981-82 Winter Season Men's Basketball


0 56-52 59-48 60-46 82-51 45-53 72-59 69-71 70-77 71-98 56-60 76-62 92-61 60-62 55-66 45-73 70-69 84-62 70-69 62-55 66-59 82-87 73-67 76-78


12/2 12/5 12/8 12/10 12/12 12/27 12/28 1/14 1/15 1/20 1/26 1/28 1/30 2/2 2/6 2/10 2/12 2/13 2/18 2/20 2/22 2/24 2/27

Amherst Curry M.I.T. Western Conn Yale Lehman Bowdoin Univ. Alaska Univ. Alaska Williams Wesleyan New England Tufts W.P.I. Conn College Kings Point Bates Colby Coast Guard UHART Worcester ST ' Amherst Wesleyan


Suffolk Univ. Wesleyan AmheFst Conn College Westfield State New Hampshire Framingham Fairfield Wesleyan Amherst Suffolk Univ. New Haven Bentley Williams Southeastern Ma. Assumption Nichols Wesleyan Ion a UCONN Conn College


Women's Squash Dartmouth Vassar Yale Middlebury Wesleyan Princeton Williams Amherst Brown UPENN

0 10-1 8-3 3-6 7-4 2-4 5-4 4-5 3-6 3-0 4-5 9-3 3-2 1-4 3-7 9-2 4-5 I0-2 3-1 3-7 4-7 5-5


12/1 12/4 12/4 12/8 12/10 1/16 1/18 1/20 1/20 1/27 1/30 2/1 2/3 2/6 2/10 2/13 2/15 2/17 2/20 2/23 2/25

5-2 7-0 3-4 7-0 7-0 1-6 6-1 6-1 5-2 5-2

12/5 12/5 1/20 1/30 2/3 2/6 2/9 2/13 2/13 2/16

Norwich Bridgewater Western N.E. UHART Central Conn Williams Wesleyan Brown R.I. C. W.P.I.

12-37 9-32 3-43 5-39 6-47 12-36 10-36 30-21 28-28 5-47

Women's Basketball

Men's Squash

T 0

12/2 12/3 12/5 12/7 1/21 1/23 1/27 1/29 2/l 2/6 2/10 2/13 2/15 2/17 2/20 2/23 2/25 2/26

Mt. Holyoke Coast Guard Conn College Lady Elms UHART Coast Guard Vassar WPI UHART Conn College Wesleyan Colby Smith Williams MIT Amherst Wesleyan Irish Int.

67-44 72路57 66-58 74-55 59-56 63-35 65-48 46-57 57-72 57-35 67-56 45-68 73-67 50-54 77-51 59-71 61-41 63-66

Women's Swimming

0 49-90 86-52 94-46 94-46 83-55 52-88 73-49 54-85 85-54 T

12/1 12/4 1/21 1/27 2/6 2/10 2/13 2/17 2/20

SMU Vassar Fairfield Mt. Holyoke Wesleyan Smith Conn College Tufts Amherst

12/2 12/11 1/22 1/27 1/29 1/29 2/2 2/5 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/10 2/16 2/21

Amherst MIT Dartmouth Yale Colby Bowdoin Tufts Stony Brook Frank. Marsh. George Wash. Navy Williams Army Princeton

7-2 8-l 5-4 1-8 9-0 9-0 4-5 8-l 8-1 9-0 7-2 3-6 6-3 0-9

Men's Swimming

12/5 l/20 1/23 1/27 2/2 2/4 2/6 2/8 2/20 2/23

Fairfield Union Central Conn Wesleyan Babson WPI Bridgewater Holy Cross Amherst Clark

65-42 59-36 57-56 48-47 43-68 56-38 57-56 55-35 34-72 66-46


Thank you, Karl!

Winter brought hockey, snow, and sorority. But search for A.D. becaJUe TOP priority. With talented applicants the field was thick. Some backed the outsiders, but most backed our Rick. For most of the time coach Rick led the pack, because of his experience involving NESCAC. As the field was narrowed by the committee, Hazelton remained at the top of the kitty. Trin students wanted Rick to make the transition. The players even passed around a petition. Sign this, they said, if you back coach for A.D. and Trin students signed their names happily.


Winter sports ended, and so did the search Behind Karl Kurth's desk Rich would now perch He'll be the best of all the A.D.'s Yelled a joyful bunch of Trin College Trustees We all agree that in our new situation Our A.D. is full of genuine dedication He's not looking to make drastic changes of sorts He simply wishes to oversee sports The Ivy congratulates the guy with the cute smile We hope you'll remain our A.D. a long while

The Trinity Bantam's Baseball Team finished at 11-4, the first winning season since 1976. Senior centerfielder Todd Dagres led the team with a .389 batting average. The Academic American candidate ended his Trinity career as the College's all-time home run champion ( 17), and in four years handled more outfield changes than any other player in Trinity history. Senior co-captain and catcher Peter Martin batted .357 this year, and ended his career holding a host of all-time Trinity records, including most career hits, doubles and RBis. Other contributors to this years' Bantam baseball magic were four year varsity starter co-captain Steve Woods and third-baseman Chuck Welsh. Both contributed immensely to the Bantam magic with their outstanding field play. Coach Robie Shults and new-comer Billy Severni are justifiably proud of their 1982 team.


CREW had a winning regular season on almost all fronts. Coach Norm Grars last year at the helm saw the men's varsity heavyweight, men's varsity lightweight, and women's varsity eight register above .500 campaigns. 路It was the lightweight and heavyweight freshman boats that had the best season, both crews going undefeated in the spring. Also, it was the heavyweight frosh who took home Trinity's only medal at the 1982 Dad Vail Regatta - a bronze.

Though plagued by injuries and lacking a potent scoring machine, the Trinity Men's Lacrosse team posted a respectible 7-5 record over the course of the 1982 campaign. This winning season was the fourth consecutive one for Head Coach Mike Darr whose career record now stands at 14-13. Confident leadership provided by Captain Jamie Birmingham and a stellar defense comprised of nationallyranked goalie Greg Casserta and senior defensemen Matt Smith, Ben Baron and John Josel enabled the Bantams to secure exciting, satisfying wins over Babson, Amherst, Holy Cross, and University of New Haven. Mike Brigham and Birmingham shared scoring honors with 36 points apiece. Midfielder Ned Ide further bolstered Trinity's offense with 23 points. The Bantams will be seriously hurt by the graduation of twelve seniors. Yet under the stewardship of co-captains-elect Mike Brigham and Peter Miller, the return of 1982's Most Improved Player Steve Ryon and outstanding freshmen Barney Corning, Kelly Shacklefurd, and Rob Hopkins Trinity's lacrosse future looks promising.

The women's Lacrosse team ended their 1982 season with a 6-3路1 record, and finished second in New England. The season began with a trip to Tampa, Florida and the opening game being snowed out. The team had no 'easy' win, but played the best lacrosse seen at Trin for some time. The squad saw the arrival of four 'fiesty' freshman to the Varsity team and put new-comer Connie Newton in the goal. On defense, Captain Sal Larkin and MVP Parsons Witbeck became a well known defensive threat and on attack Carot Passarelli and Sherry Benzel were constant scoring threats. Senior Lee Nolen scored her 1OOth goal against Amherst, and ended her career with I 08 goals. Coach Robin Sheppard, assisted by Robin Jennings, ted her team to the New England Women's Lacrosse Tournament where the 3rd seeded Bantams finished 2nd in New England. The team would like to thank their manager, Tracy Sparmer, for all his care and his post-game group, and the departing seniors wish captains-elect Andrea Mooney and Tracy Swecker and the team best of luck in 1983.

The Trinity Rugby team got its act together in 1982, going 2-2 during this spring. Led by co-captains Kevin Slattery and Kevin Higgins the squad played diligent rugby and had fun as well. Adding to their .500 season were seniors Armando, "Catch" and Mark M.

The 1982 women's softball team experienced a tremendous tournament this season. After not having won a single game in 1981, the women ended with a respectable 5 and 5 1982 record. The difference was most visible with respect to pitching. Freshman sensation, Donna Gilbert, pitched 9 out of the 10 games and exhibited an impressive 5 and 4 record. Donna received help from a strong defensive team. Offensively, the Bantams displayed talent never before present on a Trinity Softball team. Senior Captain Janice Kunin was quite iQstrumental in sparking the Trinity offense. Kunin, a four year, dedicated player, was rewarded with a team who responded to his leadership and enthusiasm. Next year's team promises to remain strong, for as seniors Polly Lavery, Karen Miller, and Barbara Sherman, as well as Kunin will be leaving, the team is primarily comprised of freshmen this year. Next year co-captains, Weesie Kerr and Terry Johnson, as well as Coach Don Miller are hoping to achieve varsity status.

This year's Men's Tennis team, led by captain Steve Solik, went 4-5 this spring. Starting off with a trip to Florida, the young squad came back only to find the clay courts covered with snow. Hard work and inside practices aided the team who faced several difficult matches over a quick one month period. Despite such hardships, Coach George Sutherland guided his number one doubles team to the Nationals.

MEN'S TENNIS • - 17 12 - 6 11 - 7 10 - 8 8-7 - 11

4/14 4/16 4/17 4/22 4/24 4/27 5/4 5/5



7- 8 6 - 16 14 - 4

Amherst Boston Un. M.I.T. UCONN Wesleyan Williams Army Springfield Tufts

3- 6 1.5 - 7.5 8- 1 7- 2 9- 0 4- 5 3- 6 7- 2 2- 7

WOMEN'S SOFTBALL 4/15 4/17 4/17 4/20 4/22 4/28 5/5

UHART Fairfield Fairfield Smith Coast Guard Wesleyan Taft

7 - 14 4 - 14 4- 8 10 - 3 7- 6 15 - 3 4- 2

WOMEN'S LACROSSE 4/14 4//6 4/17 4/20 4/28 5/1 5/4 5/7 5/8 5/8

Wesleyan 11-11 Mt. Holyoke 19 - 7 Conn College 19 - 7 Smith 11 - 7 Williams 6-12 Amherst 12 - 5 Brown 6- 8 Northeast Cl. 13 - 10 13 - 10 Wellesley Tufts 6- 7

MEN'S BASEBALL 4/alS 4/16 4/18 4/20路 4/23 4/24 5/1 5/3 5/7 5/8

Wesleyan Southern CT Williams WPI UHART Wesleyan Tufts Central CT Colby Bowdoin

4-3 6- 7 11 - 7 11 - 1 10-9 10 - 17 11 - 10 4- 3 6-5 8- 3

John has a 1: 15 class in the English building. At 2:30 his class was over and he was headed to the library. At 5:00, John was still engrossed in the men's Lacrosse game. John mistake: He took the low road! Sue had a 4:00 seminar on Vernon Street. Glancing at her watch she realized it was 3:50, so she decided to leave the library and walk to class. At 6:30 Sue ran back to Jarvis to get a sweater. The baseball game still had an inning to go, and the score was tied.

J, ·'




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''Dinner at 5:00,'' said Joe as he went to Ferris to run. "O.K.," said his roommate, Steve. At 6: I 0 Steve finished his meal and headed back to Jones where Joe was still dressed in shorts and Nike's ... Sorry," said Joe, "I took the low road and just had to watch women's lax!" Spring sports at Trinity are addicting to both athletes and fans. The smell of lilacs coupled with the cheers of the crowd are alluring to all those who take the low road during springtime.


Orientation, matriculation, convocation moving in, meeting people, making new friends, cookouts, standardized tests and registration ... co-ed dorms and freshman seminars . . . the workload . . . our professors - those patient, persistant scholars who demanded so much and challenged us to be more than we had ever imagined we could be ... at last, Parent's Weekend - "Hi again, Mom & Dad, I'm into it . d, more vacatiOn... . 1? 1 . . . AI as now.1" . .. an d 0 pen (?)P . eno Reading Days and the apprehension and anxiety that accompanied this time (as we would experience seven more times) - entering our first exam - How little that Bluebook seemed in comparison to all the knowledge I had accummulated the days before . . . but somehow we got through it. Getting through that first year one felt such a sense of accomplishment. And know we faced a sad but highly expectant good-bye.

We review our past four years at Trinity with great pride and a touch of sadness . For they passed so quickly, as we'd always been told they would ... such memories - so special - precious - and unique. Growth is a process. Everytime these lines are read, each one of us will have grown more and will be capable of greater achievements . Our careers will progress and other events will dominate our lives . We will always recall the challenges we faced as students within the ivy covered walls of Trinity. Let us nurture our youthful idealism as our lives progress and sustain the memory of what it meant to be a "Trinity . . . In Hartford" student.



Confidence, determination, expectations ... Saga, fraternities, getting up for 9:30's, sleeping in for I 0:30's, going out at 11:30 pm . . . "all-nighters", Division III competition, The Tripod and, we mustn't forget the Pigbook. As sophomores, we were now upperclassmen. Crescent street was the place to live. We knew better how to cope with academic pressures and now the question was, " What shall I declare as my major?" By this time we'd learned that "social hour" began at nine and convened in the "Libes", ... Many began what would become yearly Spring B~eak trips to Florida. And upon returning, we were ready to "beach it" Trinity-style. That spring was especially fun. Though, as May approached we became aware that farewells might be more difficult. We wouldn't be seeing certain of our classmates for a semester or even a year. For those of us who returned junior year things began with a boom ... the New England Championship was ours. And we had grown accustommed to Trinity traditions -almost always being on top of the Wesleyan-Trin rivalry . . . listening to the Pipes ... Saturday night "sundaes" at Saga, and Spring Weekend. Naturally, there were other less pleasant ones - cramming, mid-terms, finals , and saga Sunday dinners . . . But May came and "senior fever" struck . . . we were ready to be on top once again. Several unique events made that year the best. First, and foremost, James F. English was inaugurated as Trinity's



Ctlarl ie Brown


Livingston Taylo College -Fe路es To Rise 7% Inflation Cited As Cause



Study in Rome

14th president . . . And on ole Jesse Field that pigskin was flying. The last game of the season - by far the most exciting - ended with Trinity on top by one point. And by the end of the semester our thoughts had turned to the fun and apprehesion which our final semester would bring. "One last time . . . "was the common refrain . Though with those words we were rejoicing not only farewell the drudgeries to (pre-registration, registration, the "line in Follett's", the library-during-finals) . We were saddened at the idea of one last's that we had grown to cherish about good ole Trin ... walks across the quad, popcorn breaks at midnight, cave runs, sunning on the Trin beaches, Heineken night at the Pub . . . We were now well into the final lap and the feeling was charged. Interview suits were seen daily on the Quad and tension mounted as Mr. Postman seemed to never stop delivering those rejection letters. Between those applying to graduate schools and those applying for jobs, the conversations focused on who we all heard from today. Numerous parties, however, like those in New South and High Rise helped to draw our thoughts from the working world to enjoying ourselves for one last time(s) . . . Who could forget the long awaited "Welcome Back Crow Party" and those Beefy 100 nights till Graduation celebrations. Those weeks passed quickly and "senioritis" became more noticeable day by day ... Senior Week . . . The Last, One Last Hoorah ... treks to family beachouses, Graduation Ball, cocktails and dinner with the "rents" and ultimately ...



To Retire 232


Sunny Florida

Job .Searc Cinestudio The Summit

that initmate moment of pride and accomplishment ... touching the little book ... receiving our degrees . . . and sadly, gladly, that one last look .. . at the Libes (well we'd actually seen that quite enough) , Mather (we had seen that too much), the tennis courts, the Lax field, ole Jesse Field, our professors, the beautiful Quad, and our fellow students. These "one lasts" were perhaps the hardest to turn away from. But we did with a smile for everything we had shared. May 23rd, L982 has come and gone, but the day will remain a cherished memory. The road was long, but worthwhile. As we learned, we grew. As we grew, we became more aware, more enlightened men and women. Success, to us , became a qualitative measure. A quote by Emerson completes this reflective essay most eloquently. To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to even know one life has breathed easier because you lived this is to have succeeded.


As tradition holds, the Ivy Masthead is an editors opportunity for reflection. Remembering the people and the events which have made this year a special one, is a responsibility I fulfill with pleasure and pride. I am fortunate to have had the support of a uniquely talented staff. Each was committed and capable. I acknowledge first, Nancy Popkin and Susan Ciferny. With patient diligence they completed the laborious task of collecting, sorting, and record the senior directory. Our business editor, Matthew Moore, was dependable and consistant in his efforts. While he may have come upon his task earlier than most, as a freshman , I am grateful for his thorough handling of our budget. Our sports section is the product of many individual efforts. Steve Woods was responsible for gathering everything together. In keeping with the nature of this segment, its primary audience being that of the athletes themselves, we encouraged captains and senior members to do the write-ups for their teams. These efforts give a more personal touch to our coverage and such cooperation is appreciated. Sara Klocke, Emilie Kaulbach, and Charlie Rosenfield were our photography editors. Each had unique capabilities and chose well their supporting staffs. We were also fortunate to have numerous students willing to contribute from personal collections. The result, more pictures of more people. Most of the pieces of writing which appear in this edition were gathered and edited by Mary Ann Connors. Her hard work and devotion is evident in the quality and diversity of these selections. Additional writing and editing were contributed by Barbara Sherman. Barbs value lie in her quick (often in tqe eleventh hour) grasp of creative concepts. In addition , all of the captioned candids bear the mark of the "Babs" wit. Alice Simon was editor of the Organizations section. A steady composure and a reassuring kind of "cool" make me confident to pass along the responsibility for the 1983 edition to her. I am proud and fortunate to have someone as capable succeeding me. The support and encouragement of the administration and others was a crucial factor in the production of this book. Wayne Asmus and Lois DiCara were always helpful and accommodating. Lois, in particular, graciously shared the responsibilities for dispensing the 1981 edition. In addition , Robbins Winslow, our computer liason , provided the necessary listings of students and parents. Peter Knapp was a valuable source in giving us access to the College Archives. And a particular thank you to H a rold Vaughn, our postman. He and Mary made my frequent trips to the post office pleasant and worthwhile. Their careful handling of all those packages of pictures and proofs was genuinely appreciated. Lastly, our publishing representative, Marge Schiedl. Always a spark, she kept us going all the way. Her guidance, her committment, and must of all her energy were a constant source of inspiration. We may recall the two and a half hour dinners nestled away in the White Room or the " night-before-deadline" gatherings in High Rise 402. The memories will be happy ones. Yet, perhaps most of the thanks belongs to my good friend and assistant, Lucida DiMaria. Her support, her sensitivity, and her ability to get vast amounts done in short periods of time were a crucial element in the production of the book. Her sincere cooperation and committment enabled a workable partnership to evolve.

This made my job easier and more enjoyable. As editor, I am fortunate to have had someone as able working beside me. This year, for me, has been a great challenge; accented by lessons and rewards, much happiness and a special kind of growth. It may not always have been easy, but perhaps thats what made it special.

Thank you,

Layout - Martha Brackenridge, Susan Ciferney, Gayle Dugus, Michelle Epley, Lisa Keene, Jennifer Kurmoskie, Gwen Illick, Nancy Popkin Literary - Danny Boyne, Bailey Johnson, Kate Meyers, Dave Mueller, Mary Toland. Photography - Doug Brooks, Ann Marie Brown, Mark Buttaro, Paul Cormier, Tom Crowell, Liz Engelke, Brenda Erie, Camille Guthrie, Tracey Hanley, Linda Johnson, Britta Keehn , Sally Larkin, Russ Levin, Judy Mercer, Karen Miller, Andrea Mooney, Amy Randall, Carl Rapp, Howard Sadinsky, Seif Sahgri, Tom Savage, Randy Smouse

You go to school at the age of twelve or thirteen; and for the next four years you are not engaged so much in acquiring knowledge as in making mental efforts under criticism. A certain amount of knowledge you can indeed with average faculties acquire so as to retain; nor need you regret the hours you have spent on much that is forgotten, for the shadow of lost knowledge at le'ast protects you from many illusions. But you go to a great school, not for knowledge so much as for arts and habits; for the habit of attention, for the art of expression, for the art of assuming at a moment's notice a new intellectual posture, for the art of entering quickly into another person's thoughts, for the habit of submitting to censure and refutation, for the art of indicating assent or dissent in graduated terms, for the habit of regarding minute points of accuracy, for the habit of working out what is possible in a given time, for taste, for discrimination, for mental courage and mental soberness. Above all, you go to a great school for self-knowledge. - Courtesy of Professor Norton Downs Portion of an address by Master William Johnson Cory To Students at Eaton - 1861.






to the

Class of 1982 and Good Luck to CBT's Interns 1981-1982 't~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Margaret Beers Jeff Broderson

Marcia Helin Emilie Kaulbach

Claudia Piper Craig Vought





PATRONS Michael & Anna Adinolfi Mrs. Leonard W. Aldridge Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Andsager Mr. & Mrs. George Badoyannis Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Bain Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Baron Mr. & Mrs. Carl I. Bergkvist Mr. William D. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. A. Bruce Brackenridge Mr. & Mrs. Cecil B. Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Broderson Mr. & Mrs. John S. Brown Mr. Timothy M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Wayne G. Burwell Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. David W. Clark Mr. John N. Classen Wallace & Caroline Cole Mr. & Mrs. James W. Crowell Dr. & Mrs. W. Burford Davis Mr. Raymond J. DeMeo Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Duerr Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Eckhardt Jr. Charles H. & Elizabeth Elmendorf Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Fisch Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Fonrose Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Gamache Stanley & Serna Gelin Nancy S. Gilliland Mr. & Mrs. William E. Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Griswold Dr. John K. Guck Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guglielmo Mr. & Mrs. C. Barse Haff Jr.


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Handelman William H. Hays III Mr. & Mrs. John E. Heppe Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Houser II Dr. & Mrs. Maximiliaan G. Kaulbach Robert A. Korostaff Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Kunin Dr. & Mrs. Charles Larkin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Lasch J.P. Lavery Mrs. Pearl Leslie Harry R. Madeira Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Malkovich III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Masters Dr. & John D. McAllister Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Merin Dr. & Mrs. George V. Montano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morris Mr. & Mrs. Roland Michaud Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Papa Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Paternastro Edward & Sylvia Phillips Dr. & Mrs. J.E. Pickering Mrs. Francis Pitocchelli Dr. & Mrs. Jack Prost Robert J. & June Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Pat Romano Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Ryan Sr. Ernest C. & Sarah J. Savage Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Scott Mr. & Mrs. John W. Shirley Mr. & Mrs. Warren Sinsheimer Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Smialek Charles C. Stieff II Henry & Roxane VanAmburgh


Bernard, Liane C. 35 Dogwood Lane, Westport, CT. 06880 Bernstein, Richard A. 284 Pine Tree Dr. Orange, CT. 06577 Berthasavage, H. Ronald Jr. 6 Robin St. Pawcatuck, CT. 06379 Engineering; Crow, Baseball, Rugby


Biega, David G. 5 Lincoln Dr. Wallingford, CT. 06492 Bierman, Joseph A. 76 Crescent St. Hartford, CT. 06106

Ackerman, Joyce E. 3442 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn,

.Y. 11210

Adib-Samii, Khooshe 60 South Main St. Suffield, CT. 06078 Political Science/Computer Coordinate; Crew Adinolfi, Joseph, D. 99 North Hill Rd. North Haven, CT . 06473 Mechanical Engineering; SG PB,IEEE Agyeman, Albert, 0 . Box 247, Kumasi-Ghana Political Science/ Intercultural Studies; Soccer, Track, AD

Birmingham, James S. 521 Flax Hill Rd. Norwalk, CT. 06854 Bishop, James D. 161 Chestnut Ridge Rd. Saddle River, NJ . 07458 Mathematics/Computer Coordinate; PsiU Black, Patricia M. 165 St. Anns Ave. Bronx, NY . 10454 Political Science; TCB Bonsignore, Regina E. 9105 Santayana Dr. Fairfax, VA . 22031

Ahrsendorf, Robert J. 10231 W. Nash St. Wauwatosa, WI. 53222 Psychology; RC , RA AIESEC, Tennis, Squash

Booz, Katherine M. 628 Harberts Ct. Annapolis, MD. 21401

Amatruda, Julie M. 134 Andres Rd . Guilford , CT. 06437

Borges, Francesca L. 36 Augus St. Hamden, CT. 06517 Political Science; Free Spirit Magazine, TCB, Women's Center

Am ter, Douglas, H. 117 Parsonage Hill Rd. Short Hills, NJ . 07078 Football, Wrestling, Lacro se, Suset Club Ander on, Laurie J. 600 Cromwell Ct. Old Saybrook, CT. 06475 Andsager, Steven 25 Cardinal Lane, Ea t Greenwich, Rl. 02818

Bowden, Prescott F. 6 Owings Stone Rd . Barrington, RI. 02806 Box, Krista J. 407 Smithfield Ave. Pawtucket, RI. 02860 Music; Orchestra Boyne, Daniel J. 8 Iroquois Dr. Clinton, CT. 06403 路 English; Musical Review, Concert Choir

Angelo, Cassandra J. 86 Pro pect St. Putnam, CT . 06260 English; Review, Poetry Ctr. Comm ., Mather Campus Ctr. (Supervisor)

Boynton, Sharon 847 Mercer St. Albany, N.Y. 12208

Ardolino, Lori, A. 19 Rosina Rd . Hamden, CT. 06514 English / Psychology; Cerberus

Brackenridge, Martha J. 9 Elm Ln. Bronxville, N.Y . I 0708

Aranow, Victoria S. 434 Loucroft Rd . Haddonfield, NJ. 08033 History; Swimming (capt.), TURN , Tripod, Waterpolo

Bracken, Steven G. 5 Magnolia Pkwy, Chevy Chase, MD. 20015 Bradshaw, W. Daniel Ill 37 Boulder Rd . Wellesley, MA. 02181 Religion; Fr. Crew (capt.), Heavyweight Crew (capt.), Medieval Studies (pres.)


Asarkof, Julie K. 21 Hastings Rd . Lexington , MA. 02173 English; Swimming, Intern (WFSB), WRTC Atkin on, Thomas H. III 59 Cavalry Rd . Weston, CT. 06883 Austin, Theodore M. 830 Lorraine Lane Lake Forest, I L. 60045 Political Science; Soccer, Lacrosse, Skiing, AD

Brady, John T. 8 Cedric Rd. Summit, NJ. 07901 Brenner, Andrew M. Gleneagles Dr. New Vernon, NJ . 07976 Broderick, Cecily P. II 0 Brite Ave. Scarsdale, NY. I I 0583 Religion; Chapel (sacristan&verger), Cerberus, TCB (advisor) , President' Council of Minority Affairs Broderson, Jeffery C. 430 Gulf St. Milford, CT. 06460 Economics;


Brooks, Douglas A. 27 High St. Deep River, CT. 06417 Philosophy; Cross-country (co-capt.), Track, Tutoring program

Baddyannis, Mary 40 West Brother Dr. Greenwich, CT. 06830 Bailyn , Lisa A. 16 Wilts Lane, State College, PA . Bain, Brodie A. 1919 Shenandoah Dr. E. Seattle, WA. 98112 Balch, Eric A. 1099 Diamond Way Sandy, VT. 84076

Brouder, Diane E. 339 Dug Rd . South Glastonbury, CT. 06073 History; Choir, Orchestra, WRTC, Track Brown , Annemarie Partridgetown Rd. Naugatuck, CT. 06770 Economics; SGPB, World Affairs, Track, Yearbook, Big Si ter program, Dorm Rep., SGA

Baldwin , Robert H. Jr. 60 Lincoln St., Hartford, CT. 06106 History

Brown, David L. 49 Regency Dr. West Hartford, CT. 06110 Concert Choir, WRTC

Baron, Ben G. 19 Gedney Esplanade White Plains, Y. I 0605 Economics; Football, Lacrosse, RA, Basketball P.A. Announcer

Brown, Ellen R. 606 Greythorn Rd. Wynnewood, PA . 19096

Bave, Patricia A. Pleasant Ridge Rd . Harrison, NY . 10528 American Studies; Dance Club (pres.) Beer, Margaret E. 53 Chadwick Ave. Hartford , CT. 06105 Art History; Pipes Bellizzi, Ann L. I 14

. Beacon St. Hartford, CT . 06105

Beltz, Diane P. I 0 Fresh Meadow Rd. Weston, CT. 06883 Benzel , Sherry E. 2307 Ridgeway Rd. Wilmington, DE. 19805 Bergkvist, Thomas A. 604 orth Chester Rd . Swarthmore, PA . 19081 Political Science; Tripod

Brown, Jennifer RFD#2 Baston Rd . Cumberland CTR., ME . 04021 Environmental Studies; Soccer, Swimming, Crew, Cerberus Brown, Kathryn M. 93 Crooked Tree Ln. Princeton, NJ. 08540 Brown, Michael H. 18599 Martinique Dr. Houston, TX . 77058 Economics; Dorm Rep, Class Rep, Concert Choir, Course Evaluations (assoc. ed.), Karate Club, Newman Club, Musical Revue Brown, Peter, C. 17 Appletree Ct. South Burlington, VT. 0540 I History; Buffum , Charles C. Jr. Avondale Rd . Westerly, Rl. 02891 Economics;


Buonocore, Michelle N. 399 Stonytown Rd. Manhasset, NY. 11030 Italian;

Conwell, David, H. Ill Columbia Ave, Swarthmore, PA. 19081

Burke, Maureen E. 24 Linda Rd. Andover, MA. 01810 Biology; Cerberus, SGPB

Cormier, Paul J . 119 Maple Ave. Windsor, CT. 06095 Engineering; TOC (director)

Burwell, David A. 27 Robbinswood Dr. Wethersfield, CT. 06109 Chemistry;

Couto, Roger M. 65 Sterling Dr. Canton, CT. 06019

Buttaro, Mark A. II Rainbow Rd. East Granby, CT. 06026

c Caesar, Tracey L. 11 Hardscrabble Cir. Armonk, NY. 10504 Biology; Swimming Cahill, John C. 405 South Main St. Cohasset MA. 02025 Callahan, James H. III 60 Bridge St. Collinsville, CT. 06022 Psychology; Basketball, Track, Soccer Campo, Francesca B. 1704 Boulevard, West Hartford, CT. 06106 Carlson, Nancy A. P.O. Box 402 Newtonville, NY . 12128 Carpenter, Ellin M. Gregory Ct. East Norwalk, CT. 06855 Interdisciplinary Major, IVY (Editor '82, Layout Editor '81 ), Tennis, Cerberus, Concert Choir, Dance Repertory Caserta, Gregg A. 378 Thomas St. Staten Island, NY. 10306 Biochemistry; Lacrosse Cassie, Scott R. 179 Spring Valley Road, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 History; Cerberus (Pres.), Soccer, 24 hour relay Cave, Daniel D. 10 Harbor Pkwy Clinton, CT. 06413 Economics; SGA, COPUS (Director Nat'l Board) , Pi Gamma Mu, Phi Beta Kappa , T A, President's Fellow Chan, Esther Y. 50-52 Wyndham St. Central Dist, Hong Kong Economics I Psychology Chapin, Edward W. Jr. 1088 Park Ave New York, NY. 10028 English; WRTC, Tutoring program Chaturvedi, Kalpana 39 Beacon St. Newington, CT. 06111 Sociology /Computer Coordinate; Int. Volleyball, TWO, SWE, Minority Undergraduate Recruitment Program Chazan, Michael J. 290 Blackstone Blvd. Providence, Rl. 02906 Philosophy; Chin, Sandra B.Y. 37 Jalan Sultan Ismail , Kuala Lumpur 05-1.2 Malaysia Psychology; Choo, Tat-lim 27H Lorong Kampung, Meayu Pe Nang Clark, David W. Jr. 2305 Whitehorse Rd. Berwyn, PA. 19312 Classen, Henry W. Montrose Ave. Baltimore, MD. 2121 2 Economics; Lacrosse, Athletic Dir . Search Committee, St. A's, Athletic Advisory Committee, Yearbook

Cordova, Christian G. Calle V*Q*5 Jardine V8 VegaBaja, Puerto Rico

Craft, Robert E. 68 Mark Twain Dr. Hartford, CT. 06112 Crawford, Kathleen J. 273 Dix Rd . Wethersfield, CT. 06109 Cropsey, Henry C. Blue Swamp Rd . RFD# I, Litchfield, CT. 06759 History; Crew, St A's Crowell, Thomas W. Cardigan Mt. School, Canaan, NH . 03741 Economics/Computer Coordinate; Photography Club, Crew, St. A's, Yearbook Cullen, Kathleen E. 9 Chapin Rd . Barrington, Rl. 02806

D D'Addeo, Lisa A. 9 Highfields Dr. Canton, CT. 06019 Music; Cerberus, SMAT (v.-pres.), Concert Choir (pres., Treas. , libr.) , Musical Revue, All-College Choir Dagres, Todd A. Freen Tree Ln . RFD Rowley, MA . 01969 Dangelo, James F. 23 Whittier 路Rd. New Haven, CT. 06515 Dann, Nancy J. 1619 Third Ave. Apt. 23k ew York, Biology: Soccer, Track, Big Sister Program

Y. 10028

Day, Sharon L. 276 Hawthorne Ln . Orange, CT. 06477 Biology /Psychology; Big Sister Program (coordinator) , Tutoring program, Cerberus, Int. Volleyball Deardourff, Anne E. 945 Mill Rond Valley Rd . McLean , VA . 22101 History DeMeo, John D. 36 texton Dr. Farmington, CT. 06032 History; Dempsey, BernardS. Jr. 117 Del view Dr. Wilmington, DE. 19810 American Studies; World Affairs Assn . DePhillips, Henry A. III 320 Wolcott Hill Rd . Wethersfield , CT. 06109 Biochemistry; Crew, T A DeRose, Peter D. 522 Franklin St. Buffalo, Biology; Squash (capt.) AD

Y. 14202

DiMaria, Lucida J . Partridgetown Rd . Naugatuck, CT. 06770 Political Science; Basketball, Cerberus, Yearbook (As t. Editor), Int. Volleyball DiMarino, Joseph R. 199 Hill St. Norwood, MA. 02062 Music/Computer Coordinate; WRTC, Chapel singer

Colasacco, Elia M. 118 Morgan Cir. Wethersfield, CT. 06109 Economics/English; In t. Volleyball, Intern (IBM)

Dod, James M. 99 Hollow Tree Dr. Cranston, Rl. 02920 Psychology; Crew, Baseball, Int. Ba ketball, Int. Softball , Psych. Club, Tour Guide, Cerberus, Investment Club, SGA , Trinity Papers (editorial board)

Colburn, Edward G. I Leighton Rd . Wellesley, MA. 02181 Theatre Arts; Pipes, Jesters, DKE

Dolan, Charles R. 20 Calvin Rd . Dedham, MA . 02026 History; Rugby Club

Collins, Lincoln R. Church St. Roxbury, CT . 06783 History; Water Polo

Donahue, Lisa J . 469 Esplanade Pelhan Manor, Y. 10803 Biology /Psychology; RC, RA , SGA, Lacrosse, TOC, Riding Club, Presidential Search Committee, T RN, Concert Choir, Hart. Hosp. volunteer, Energy Comm.

Cohen, Laura I. 1723 Fox Chase Rd . Philadelphia, PA. 19152

Congdon, David J. 18 Wildwood Rd. Keene, NH . 03431 Economics; Golf, PsiU Connors, MaryAnn Berry Rd. Derry, NH . 03038 English; SGA, Dorm Rep, Soccer, Softball, Tripod, Int. Volleyball, 24 hr Relay, English Club Committee, Yearbook (Literary editor)


Doran, Robert S. 9 Samuel Parlin Dr. Acton, MA . 01720 Doyle, Kevin M. 12 Cole Rd . Manchester, NJ . 03102 History; Cerberus (sec., treas.) Tutoring program, Psych Club, Yearbook

E Eberle, Richard P. 14 Laurel Ave. Windsor, CT. 06095 Eckel, Mark E. P.O. Box 499 Dra kes lsi. Wells, ME. 04090 Eckhardt, Julia A. 35 Woodland Park Dr. Tenafly NJ. 07670 Environmental Studies; Crew

Friday, Allison 115 Vine St. New Britain, CT. 06052 Friedman, James D. 8 Belleair Dr. Swampscott, MA . 01907 Froelich, Daryl D. 6 Overlook Rd. Scarsdale, NT. 10583 Economics; AIESEC, SGPB


Eduse, Maxwell G. P.O . Box 01821 Osu Accra, Ghana Environmental Studies; AD , TCB, World Affairs Assn., Minority Adviser, RA, Upward Bound, Tutor/Counselor

Gaffney, Mary Ann 41 Glenmore Dr. New Rochelle, NY. 10801 History

Ehrlich, Robin H . Mianus Dr. Bedford, NY. 10506 History; Tripod, SGA

Gamache, Joseph P. 3 Garland Rd . Chelmsford, MA . 01824 Computer Coordinate/Economics/Mathematics; ZXP, IEEE

Elmendorf, Steven A. 34 Cross Gates Rd . Madison, NJ. 07940 History; Tripod (editor), Interfraternity Council (~res . ) , St. A's

Garten , David E. 4 Old Chimney Rd. Barrington, Rl. 02806

Engdahl, Suzanne 0 . 193 Whitehorn Dr. Guildford, CT. 06437 Economics; DDD sorority

Gel in , Richard M . 23 Kenilworth St. Newton , MA. 02158 Psychology / History

Engelke, Elizabeth R. 76 Church Hill Rd . Ledyard, CT. 06339 Intercultural Studies; Crew

George, Justin B. 1195 Farmington Ave . West Hartford, CT. 06107 Computer Coordinate/Engineering; Football , Track (capt.)

Erie, Brenda A . 96 Independence Rd . Concord, MA . 01742

Gerstein , Lisa A. 334 Heathcote Rd . Scarsdale, NY. I 0583

Ermini, Edward B. 2206 Crampound Rd. Yorktown Hts, NY. 10598 Biochemistry; Football, Lacrosse,

Gesualdi , Donna M. 441 Coppermill Rd . Wethersfield, CT. 06109 路 Political Science

Ervin, Roy H . Jr . 17 Barlow Pl. Fairfield, CT. 06430 Mathematics;

Giddings , Dana J . 2942 Loomis St. Honolulu , HI. 96822 Theatre Arts; Concert Choir, Jesters, Theatre Productions, M usical Productions, Women 's Center

Estabrook, Scott G . RD#l Box 53 Far Hills, NJ . 07931 Biochemistry; St A's (Treas.), Phi Beta Kappa

Gigarjian, George J . 28 Leland Rd . Whitinsville, MA 01588

F Fallows, Alden D. 21 Sa ndy Neck Rd. East Sandwich, MA . 02537 Farrar, Holly A. 42-44 School St. Ha rtford , CT. 06106

Gillila nd , S . W . Ill Aran Hill Rd . Fairfield, CT. 06430 G illooly, Dennis W. 16 Crestview Dr. North Haven , CT. 06473 History; Baseball, Tripod, Intramurals, Crow Ginsburgh, Carolyn F. 5319 Oakland Rd. Chevy Chase, MD. 20015 English; Tennis , SGA (vice-pres.)

Ferguson, Robert F. 44 Highview Lane New Haven, CT. 06513 Hi tory; Hockey (capt.), Gold Award

Gledhill , Jennifer L. 16 Knollwood Dr. Vernon , CT. 06066

Ferrero, Theresa A. 31 Wasi ngton Pl. Meriden , CT. 06450 American Studies; Swim Tea m, Pi Ga mma Mu N a tional Social Science Honor Society, President's Fellow

Glynn, S ara h M . 84 Westerly Ter. Hartford, CT. 06105 English; SG PB (special activities chairperson), Concert Choir

Fisch, Amy L. 12 Flag Lane Manhasset Hills, NY . 11040 Fi chetti, Anthony T . Mannetti Lane, Cos Cob CT. 06807 Fisher, Harrison B. 138 E. Shore Ave. Groton Long Pt, CT. 06340 Fiske, William J . Ironwood Dr. Danbury, CT. 06810 Politica l Science; Football, Crew, Boats (pres.), Political Selection Comm., Trinity Fund Ra isi ng Flowers, Bria n R . I Indi an Dr. Clinton, CT. 06413 Flynn, Brian E. 351 Bay Rd. S. Hamilton, MA 01982

Glicksman , John B. Ill Lincoln, Ave. Elberon, NJ . 07740

Goldberg, Andrew S . 17 Saddle Bridge Dr. West Ha rtford, CT. 06117 Physics/ Biology /Biochemistry; Basketball, Crew Intramurals, Trinity Papers (founding editor) Gordon, Leila 441 Glyn Wynne Rd . Haverford, PA 19041 Politica l Science; Crew, Squash, Tripod, Course Evaluations Gottier, Michael J. 115 Warren Ave, Vernon , CT. 06606 Economics; Greene, John M. 7 Andrea Ave. Wolcott, Ct. 06716 Economics/Mathematics; Crow

Flynn, Martha E. 36 Ell worth St. East Hartford , CT. 06108 Economics; WRTC (business Mgr. , Stn . Mgr.), SGPB, Budget Comm. , Cinestudio

Griffen , Alfred D. 136 Brook St. Rocky Hill , CT. 06067

Fonro e, Mark H . Old Cedar Swamp Rd Jerico, NY. 11753 Forcier, Vivia n P . Loveland, Rd Norwich, VT. 05505

Griswold , William M . 150 East Laver Lane, Camp Hill, PA. 17011

Fournier, Michael E. 16 Country Lane, Collinsville, CT. 0602 2

Grossman , Steven D. 72 Susan Dr. Newburgh, NY . 12550

Fox, Andrew S . 26 Scarsdale Dr. Living ton , NJ. 07039 Economics/ Hi tory; Soccer, RA , Tripod

Guck, Maureen E. 105 Continental Ave. Forest Hills, NY. 11375 Environmental Studies; Track, Cinestudio

Frazier, Sandra L. 7950 Pleasa nt Ave. , Philadelph ia, PA . 19118 P ychology; Elementary Education Cert., Tri-Delta (scholarhip chairman, pledge tra iner) , Student Teacher, SGA, Soccer, Crew, Choir Freund, Kurt F. 490 lOth St. Brooklyn , NY. 11215

Griffin , C. Juliette 2340 London berry Rd . Ann Arbor, MI. 48104 Economics; Yearbook, Big Sister, Soccer, SGPB

Guglielmo, Stephen R. 44 Purdy Rd . Wa terbury , Ct. 06706 Economics; Baseball, Football, Crow Gurliacci, David A. 37 Hillside Ave. Darien, CT. 062820 Gutermann, Peter A. 34 Meadow St. Westfield , MA History; Tutor, AD , Soccer


H Haff, Susan E . 63 Franklin Ave, Rye, Y. 10580 Economics; Field Hockey, Dance Club, Tri-Delta Hammer, Mindy S. I 02 Serpentine Lane Albert on, NY. 11507 lntercultural Studies; WRTC (station Mgr.), Hillel (trsr.) Handelman, CaryL. 12 Aurora Lane New Rochelle, NY. 10804 Psychology; Intramurals Hankins, John A. Rd. #6 Box 211 Flemington, NJ 08822 Harlow, Alice B. Fay School Southboro, MA 01772 Hart, Claudia A. 77 Canterbury St. Hartford , CT. 06112 American Studies; Cinestudio Hastings, Andrew A. 136 St. John's Rd , Wilton, CT. 06897 History; Tennis Hays, Elizabeth W . Milestone Circle Nantucket, Ma . 02554 Art History;

Hume, Cynthia W . II Virginia Ave. Rehoboth Beach , DE. 19971 Political Science; SGA, Cerberus, Field Hockey, Softba ll , Young Republican Club Hurd , Raynee 24 Biochemistry

oble Ave. Milford, CT. 06460

Huszar, Wendy A . 27 Wexford, Rd . Delmar, NY . 12054

I Illick, Gwendolyn M. 20 Wall St. Bethlehem, PA . 18018 Religion ; Big Sisters, SG PB, tutor Italia, Mark P . 49 Holly Lane Westersfield, CT. 06109 Biochemistry; SGPB (pre .) , Tripod


Healey, Susanne K . 5932 Cheshire Dr. Bethesda, MD . 02814 History; Ski Team, Cinestudio

Janovsky, Carol L. 57 Maplewood St. Longmeadow, MA . 01106

Healy, Mary J . 80 Shore Lane Bay Shore, NY. 11706

Johnston, Rose B. Ill

Hefferon, Thomas M . 58 Hobby Dr. Ridgefield, CT. 06817 Political Science; SGA (pres.), Presidential Search Comm . (trustee), Faculty Review Comm., RA, Phi Beta Kappa, President's Fellow, Pi Gamma Mu , TCCISL, Tripod

Jose! , John D. 17 Tumblebrook Lane We t Hartford, CT . 06117

Helin, Marcia J . 308 Tulip Dr. Meriden, CT. 06450 Economics; SGPB, Tutor, Intramurals, Softball Heppe, Patricia A. 607 Woodleave Rd. Bryn Mawr, PA . 19010 Psychology; Hesse, Ann M. Rte. 207 RFD #2 Lebanon, CT. 06249 Modern Languages; Tutor, T A, German Table Activities ( coordinator), Librarian Assistant Hewitt, Laura A. 79 Hundreds Rd. Wellesley Hills, MA. 02181 Economics; RA Higgins, Kevin P. 7 North Broad St. Pawcatuck, CT. 02891 Hilburn, Jeffrey L. 258 Stevens Ave, Portland, ME. 04103 Hines, Melanie P. 567 Davis Ave. Staten Island , NY . 10310 Intercultural Studie ; President's Fellow, TCB, Free Spirit Holden , William J . Jr . 775 Boston Pot Rd . Rye, Y. 10580 History; Football, Lacrosse, Honors Program, Psi U

Johnson, Mark C. 223 Old King's HWY So. Darien, CT. 06820 orwall Rd. Memphi , T

. 38117

K Kachadoorian, James W . 38 Zenith Dr. Worche ter, MA 01602 Philosophy; Football, Crow (pres.), IFC , SGA Kantey, Jamaal-Akili M. 24 Beine! Rd . Boston, MA 02 126 Engineering; IEEE (Fdr.&Chrmn . of Trin Chapter) , TCB (trsr.), Big Brother, WRTC (program director) Kaulbach , Emilie L. 20 Pequot Rd . Ma rblehead, Ma . 01945 IVY (Photo editor) Kawecki, John B. 87

incent Dr. Newington, CT. 06111

Keehn, Britta 812 A h St. Winnetka , IL. 60093 Economics; Tri-Delta Keene, Margot E. Box 8 Menemsha , MA 02552 History; Concert Choir, SGPB, SGA , Yearbook, Academic Affairs Comm ., Class Comm . Kehoe, William K. 20 Talcott Rd . Utica ,

Y. 13 502

Holdridge, Christina 14 Forge Rd. Wi lton, CT. 06897 Biochemistry; Waterpolo

Kelsey, Susan E. 96 Maloney Ct. Winsted, CT. 06437 Computer Coordinate/ Psychology

Hollanda , Mary S . 3 Winterberry Lane Woodbury, CT. 06798 Political Science; RA, Cinestudio

Kessler, Nancy L. 383 Wyoming Ave. Millburn, J . 07041 English; SGPB, Cerberus, Tour Guide, Phi Betta Ka ppa

Hooper, Patricia J. 53 Barry Lane Simsbury, CT. 06070 Political Science/Economics; Tripod, Development Office Coord., Budget Comm., Clas Executive Comm., President's Council on Women, Cerberus, Intercollegiate Student Legislature

Kezerian, Deni eM. 142 Back Lane Wethersfield , CT. 06109 Economics/ Political Science; SGPB, Intramurals, INSTEP

Howser, Su an E. 104 Rolling Rd . BaJa Cynwyd, PA . 19004

King, Kimberley J . 193 Kensington Ave. Meriden, CT. 06450

Howe, Allison C. 624 Redmond Ave . S . Belmar, NJ. 07719

Kirk, John A . 30 Fairfield Rd. Greenwich , CT. 06830

Howe, David J . 261 Richmond Ave. West Haven, CT. 06516 Chemistry /Physical Sciences; Chemistry Award , Krieble Scholar, Jazz Band

Kleinschmidt, Catherine E. 170 East 79 St. New York, NY . 10021 Art History; Hillel (publicity chairperson)

H ucks, Julie M. 165 Wilson St. Hartford, CT. 06106 Hudson, David D. 14 Joy St. Boston, MA . History; Psi U Huffer, William J . Jr. 40 Rue De L' Universite Paris, France 75007 Engineering; Swim Team, Rugby, St As


Kinder, Sarah L. 341 West Mounta in Rd . West Simsbury, CT. 06092

Klocke, Sara A. 28 Circle Dr. Glen Cove, NY. 11542 Economics/Theatre Arts ; Yearbook (photo editor) , Cerberus, Men's Lacrosse Manager, Co turner of Drama Productions Knetzger, Virginia H. 423 Colebrook Lane Bryn Mawr, PA. 19010 Kolodney, William C. 16 Riversedge, Ivoryton , CT. 0644 2 Economic;

Kornbluh , Thomas F. 17 Stoneleigh Close Scarsdale, NY. I 0583 Engineering

Mahoney, Mary Ellen 8 Grahaber Rd. Tolland, CT. 06084 English; Soccer (tri-capt.), Basketball, Softball

Korostoff, David B. 67 Prospect Ave. Cedarhurst, NY . 11516

Maier, Kimberly S. 3 Picardy Lane Dover, MA. 02050

Korsgren, Elin K. Box 416 Thomaston, CT. 06787 American Studies; WRTC (chief engnr.)

Malabre, Richard C. 230 E. 72EN St. New York, NY . 10021

Kramer, Eric H. 9 Fulton Rd. Lexington, MA 02173 Studio Arts ; Kunin , Janice L. 54 Wilshire Blvd. Milford, CT. 06460 Mathematics; Softball (capt.&MVP), Big Sister Program (coordinator), Intramural , Cerberus Kuntz, Amy C. 60 Sheffield Dr. Windsor, CT. 06095 Modern Languages; Concert Choir, Spanish CJub

Matkovich, Mark D. 15 Clay St. Newport, Rl. 02840 English; Crew, AD , Wrestling Mandela, Debra L. Box 854 Jacob Rd. Southbury, Ct. 06488 Psychology; SGA (sec), Housing Advisory Comm. (chairman) , RA, Psych. Club, Psi Chi Mappes, Deborah E. 4 Fencove Ct. Old Saybrook, CT. 06475 Psychology; Big Sister Program, Concert Choir, RA Martin, Ann M. 52 Moorland St. Williamstown, MA . 01267

Kuyk, Dirk A . III Chestnut Hill Litchfield , CT. 06759

Martin, Katharine W . 3 Tapoan Rd. Richmond , VA. 23226


Martin, Peter E. 115 Draper St. Lowell, MA 01852 Economics; Crow, Football, Baseball (co-capt.) Martinez, Angel R . 105 Maverick St. Fitchburg, MA. 01420

Ladas, Christopher P. 163 Sedgwick Rd. West Hartford , CT. 06107 LaFortune, Steven M. 428 High St. Lowell, MA. 01852 LaFrance, Scott A. 257 Franklin Ave. Wyckoff, NJ. 07481 Art History/ Biology La men dorf, Christine 425 East 79 t.

ew York, NY . I 0021

Lasch, Ellen M. 226 Myers Ave, Hasbrouck Hts., NJ. 07604 Economics; Crew, Choir, AIESEC Lavery, Polly E. 203 Rawle Run Lane Bryn Mawr, PA. 19010 Biology; Soccer (tri-capt), Softball " Lay, Sarah D. 239 Marlborough St. Boston, MA . 02116 Leary Paul C. 8 Wynn Lane Greenwich, CT. 06830 American Studies; AD, IFC Leavitt, Robert P . 100 Crescent Rd . Longmeadow, ,A. 01106 Biology; Crew, Big Brothers Program, AD, Biological Research Comm.

Martini, Suzanne 1175 York Ave. New York, NY. 10021 路 Masters, Christina 15 Andrews Rd . Malvern, PA. 19355 P ychology; Lacrosse, SGA, Dorm Rep., Housing Advisory Comm. SGPB Mathews , Thomas G . 266 Water St. Newburyport, MA. 01950 Economics/Psychology; Psi U, Intramurals, Psych Club, Big Brother Program Mattaliano, J . Paul 27 Greenlodge St. Canton, MA. 02021 Political Science; World Affairs Assoc., Lacrosse, Ski Team, Psi U Matthew, Janice L. 42 Hazelwood Lane Stamford, CT. 06905 Modern Language; Choir, Musical Review McAllister, John D. II 105 Treefarm Rd. Pittsburgh, PA . 15238 McAteer, Keith W. 3736 Millswood Dr. Irving, TX. 75062 Biochemistry; Tripod, Football, PIKE McCa rthy, Michelle E. 21 Luke Rd . Everett, MA . 02149

Lee, Valene R. 362 West St. Rocky Hill, CT. 06067

McCook, John J . Johnnycake Hill Rd . Old Lyme, CT. 06371

Lenkeit, Victoria 932 Wind o~ Ave. Windsor, CT. 06095 Computer Coordinate/ Mathematics

McLaughlin, Matthew N . 10 Brainard Rd . West Hartford, CT. 06117 Economics; lntramurals, Food Service (headwaiter)

Leonard, Emily T . 307 Hope St. Providence, Rl. 02906 Le lie, Carmen M . 1132 E 229th # 12D Wakefield NY . 10466 Economic / Intercultural Studie ; Career Counseling Advisory Board, Minority Advisor

McClellan, Glenn S . 45 Juniper Dr. Avon, CT. 06001 Meaney , John A. 201 Terry Rd. Hartford, CT. 06105 History; Basketball (capt.)

Lindquist, WilliamS. 7408 Feddick Rd. Hamburg, NY. 14075 Economic / History; Crow (trsr .) Football, Baseball, Tutor

Mercer, Judith C. II Steepletop Rd . Rowayton , CT. 06853 Psychology /Sociology; Concert Choir, Big Sister Program (coordinator), Track, SGPB, Psych Club, Psi Chi

Lipp, Michael R. 1835 Twelve Oaks Lane Neptune Beach, FL. 32233 Biology; Concert Choir (trsr., VP, Public Relations), Timbrel Madrigal Singer, Chapel Singers, WRTC

Merin, Michael G. 2725 Albans Ave. Houston , TX 77005 History; Waterpolo, Swim Team, TCF, World Affairs Assoc.

Li cord, Thomas E. RFD #I Box 126 Contoocook, NH . 03229 Lounsbury, Meredith A. 243 Firetown Rd . Simsbury, CT. 06070 Psychology; Chapel Singers, Concert Choir, Phi Beta Kappa Lund , Deanna 3 Upper Belgrave St. London SWI , England Biology; Pipes, Swim Team

M Madeira, Stephen T. 302 Brentford, Rd . Haverford, PA. 10941 Political Science; Psi U Magauran, Brendan G. Jr. 199 Maple St. Enfield, CT. 06082 Magro, Edward A. 10 Pinecrest Rd . Scarsdale, NY. 10583

Messier, Alan R. 35 Talcott Ave. Jewett City, CT. 06351 Political Science/Sociology; Baseball, Rugby CISL. Intramurals Messier, Elizabeth B. 2011 Main St. Coventry, CT. 06238 History; Soccer Meyers, Kate K. 1444 Inverness Ave. Pittsburgh, PA . 15217 American Studies, Tripod , Yearbook, RA Michaud, Anne M. 10 Ivanhoe Dr. Lynnfield, MA . 01940 Mickelson , Steven 150 West Hawthorn St. North Dartmouth, MA. 02747 Mielnik, Sonia 1054 Willard Ave. Newington , CT. 06111 Miller, Karen L. 67 Bourne St. Auburndale, MA. 02166 Computer Coordinate/Mathematics; Swim Team, Crew, Softball, RA, President's Fellow, Trinity Papers (editorial board)


Mittnacht, Barbara K. 6015 W. Valley Green Rd. Flourtown, PA. 19031 Intercultural Studies

Paolino, Armando P. III 2854 East Main St. Waterbury, CT. 06705 Politcal Science; Crow, Football

Modica, Mark S. 2406 Berwyn Rd. Chalfonte Wilmington, DE. 19810

Papa, Kenneth J. 790 Paradise Ave. Hamden, CT. 06514 English;

Molineux, Susan L. Ladlar Dr. Lebanon, NJ. 08833

Pappas, Stephanie A. 762 Rock Spring Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI. 48013 Economics; Big Sister Program

Montana, Laurie B. 143 Pardee Manor Orange, CT. 06477 Psychology /Religion; Swim Team, Newman Club More, Jeffery K. 1211 Hogback Rd. Ann Arbor, MI. 48104 Morris Patrick J. 38040 Shaker Blvd. Chargrin Falls, OH . 44022 Morris, MariaM . 1347 Van Dyke SanMarino, CA. 91108 History;

Parker, Katherine L. 6114 Bradley Blvd. Bethesda, MA. 20817 Parle, Andrea F. 431 Summit St. Hartford, CT. 06106 Parrow, Kyle A. 26-06 Berdan Ave. Fair Lawn, NJ. 07410 Chemistry; Water Polo

Morrow, Jeremy S. Box 309 Sherman, CT. 06784

Passarelli, Carol A. 2055 Chapel St. New Haven, CT. 06515 Art History; Field Hockey, Lacros e

Morse, Kevin C. Dudley-Southbridge Rd. Dudley, MA. 01570 Economics; Rugby, Jesters, Suset Club, RA

Paternostro, Kim M. 307 Highland Dr. Waterbury, CT. 06708

Mougalian, Lisa A. 575 Parsons Rd. Portland, ME. 04103 Intercultural Studies;

Pavlovich, William G. 61 Gooseberry Rd . We t Springfield, MA. 01089 Economics; Crew, Republican Club

Mueller, David 1535 Van Buren Dr. North Brunswick, NJ . 08902 English: Wrestling, Lacrosse, Tripod, Yearbook, Cerberus

Pecchenino, Jessica I. 17 Juniper Rd. Weston, MA. 02193 Psychology /Religion; R.A .

Murdoch, Allison L. 309 Elliger Ave. Ft. Washington, PA. 19034 History

Peiser, Christine H. 22 Harrison .St. Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Computer/Mathematics; Swimming, TCF

Murphy, Mark D. 89 Olympia Ave. Pawtucket, Rl. 02861 History;

Pekock, Steven R. 147 Revere St. Ext. Waterbury, CT 06708


Penido, Marcia L. 704 Highland Dr. Flintridge, CA. 910 II Psychology /French; Tennis, TCF

Nason, Scott C. I 0 Foyette St. Arlington, MA . 02174 Engineering; TCF, Hockey Nelson, Karl J. 37 Fox Fun Rd. New Canaan, CT. 06840 Nelson, Sarah J. Box 647 Dorset, VT. 05251 Newbery, Sheila S. Old Tappan Rd. Box 448 Locust Valley, NY. 11560

Penella, Joseph M. 54 Crockett Ave. Boston, MA. 02124

Perry, Thomas W. 42 Manchester Cir. West Hartford, CT 06110 Petch, Leslie A. Salazar 661, Lima 27 Peru Petersen, Karen E. Political Science


St. Middlebury, VT 05753

Petrie, Margaret M. 16 Woobetook Lane Cincinnati, OH 44208 Pfister, Ann M. 309 Atlantic Ave. Spring Lake, J 07762 Psychology; Tennis, Men's Tennis Manager, Squash, RA

Niemann, Suzanne 41 Goose Lane Tolland, CT. 06084 Economics/Sociology; TA, President's Fellow ConnPirg

Phelps, James S. 854 West Deerpath Lake Forest, IL

Nolen, Lisa B. Guard Hill Rd. Bedford , NY . 10506

Phillips, Peter M. 758 New Britain Ave. Hartford, CT 06106

0 O'Brien Paul J. 7098 Taylor Rd . Hambug, NY. Engineering; IEEE O'Herron, Elizabeth C. 553 Elm St. Westfield, NJ . 07090 History; Olshan, Jennifer S. 340 E. 64th St. Apt. 23A New York, NY . 10021 Environmental Studies; Tri-Delta, Musical Revue, Softball, Concert Choir

p Pace, Matthew D. Sherwood Ct. Alpine, NJ. 07620

Pickering, Aminda J . 602 Winsford Rd. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Economics Pike, DavidS. 17 Pathaway Rd. Lexington, MA 02173 Computer /Engineering; Swim Team, Water Polo (Co-Capt.) , IEEE, Biomedical Society, Computer Society Pike, Mark A. II Sylvester Rd. Natick, MA 01760 History/ American Studies; Cinestudio (mgr. & coordinator) Pincus, Rhea• J. 9210 Laramie Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115 Political Science; RA Piper, Claudia G. RD #2 Box 307 Hockessin, DE 19707 Pippin, Curtis C. 21 Shore Acre Dr. Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Pitocchelli, Johanna I 016 Great Springs Rd Rosemont, PA 190 I 0 Art History; Tennis, Squash (capt.) , Tripod, Italian Club Poludnewycz, Andrei 96 New Haven Ave. Orange, CT 06477 Economics/Psychology; Crew, Intml. football , PSI U

Pace, Tony E. 1722 Pryor Rd. Atlanta, GA . 30315

Powell, Elizabeth S. I East Kirke St. Chevy Chase, MD 20015 CHAT, DSOC, Committee for Divestiture in S. Africa

Palache, J. Whitney 35 Ridgeview Ave. Greenwich, CT. 06830 History; Energy Management Council, AD, Photography Club, Soccer

Printon, Melissa J. 27 Brooklawn Dr. Short Hills, Propper, Phillip 935 Park Ave,

Palmero, David A. Oakwood Dr. Harwinton, CT. 06791 Biochemistry /Environmental Studies; SGA

Prost, Jennifer L. 30 Mountain View Pl. San Mateo, CA 94402 English; Big Sisters, Cerberus, English Club


ew York,

J 07078

Y 10028


Schlagenhauff, Annette D. 41 Chaumont Dr. Williamsville, NY 14221 Art History; Big Sisters, Dance Concerts, Review, TA

Randall, Amy B. 18 Drury Lane We t Hartford, CT 06117 Rapp, Carl D. 27 Otsego Rd. Worcester, MA 01609

Schwartz, Deborah S. 189 Gary Rd. Stamford, CT 06903 Biology; Guild of Carillonneurs (master), Hillel

Rasm ussen, Robert H. 611 Little Silver Pt. Rd . Little Silver, NJ 07739 Cross Country, Track

Scola, Paul M. 83 Stonepost Rd. Glastonbury, CT. 06033 Scott, John W. JA Rastafana Rd. NW Kingston , Jamaica

Rathbun, Janet H. 3711 Upton St. NW Washington, D.C. 20016

Scully, Andrea G. 30 Somerset St. Belmont, MA 02178 History; Crew

Reading, R. Robert 16 Pickwich Terr. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Economics; Football, Track, CROW

See, Richard E. 33 Toquam Rd . New Canaan, CT 06840 English; SGPB (concert & dance chairman), SGA, Ski Team, Sailing Club

Reineman, Joseph V. Jr. 819 Old Academy Rd. Fairfield, CT 06430 Computer/Political Science; Crew, AD

Selmo, Barbara J. 52 Barbero Dr. Torington, CT. 06790 English; Poetry Center, Tripod

Reasony, Su an L. 17 Claybar Dr. West Hartford , CT 06117 Spanish; Rhodes, Katherine K. Christmas Farm, Ellis St. Medway, MA 02053 English; RA , SGPB Riccardo, Paul M. 29 Crabapple Rd. Windsor, CT 06095 Rich , Linda J . 42-05 Francis Lewis Blvd . Bayside, NY 11361 Psychology; Dance, TCB Roble , Robert 124 Hillside Ave. Hartford, CT 06106 Rocca, Cathy L. 2700 Navajo Lincolnwood, lL 60646

Sheffield , Majorie B. 179 Kensington Rd . River Edge, NJ 07661 Shepherd, Mark D. Libyan Embassy Anman Jordan Sherman , Barbara E. 147 Andrew St. Newton, MA 02161 Political Science; Tennis (capt), Softball, IVY Shields, Kathleen M. 65 Forsythia Dr. East Levittown , PA 19056 Economics; Tripod, Dance ~hipley ,

Elizabeth M. 1000 Clubhouse Rd . York, PA 17403

Shirley, John T. 22 Weymouth Rd. Enfield, CT 06082 Biology, lntermurals Shriver, Joan A. 896 Longmeadow St. Longmeadow, MA 01106 Engineering; SWE

Rollin , Douglas A. 10 Shadybrook Lane Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Roman , David M. 122 Richard on Dr. Needham, MA 02192

Singer, Rise A. 141 Pendleton St. New Haven, CT 06511

Romano, Gary J. 2818 Kathleen Terr. Uhion, NJ 07083 Biology; TCF, Amnesty International

Sinisgalli, Joan M. 28 Hollywood Ave. Hartford, CT. 06110 Economics; Swim Team, SGPB

Rosenfield, Charles W. RR #2 Senexdt Rd . Woodstock, CT 06281 Economic ; Tripod, IVY (photo. editor), AIESEC

Sinsheimer, Michael N. 22 Murray Hill Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 History; Soccer, AD

Roy, John M. 53 Old Coach Rd . Cohasset, MA 02025

Sirota, Rima 65 W. 90th St. New York, NY 10024

Rube, Elizabeth J . 48 Linden Ave. Buffalo, NY 14214 English; Crew, Tutoring, The Review

Skoumal , Gabriele M. Ill Farmstead Rd . East Hartford , CT. 06118

Rumery, Carol J . 75 Taylor Rd. Belmont, MA 02178 Political Science; Tripod (b~ iness mgr)

Sloan, S. Palmer H. 3 Willow Ln . Farmington , CT 06032

Ryan, Edward F. Jr. 300 Chestnut St. Ashland, MA 01721 Political Science; PSI U


Singleton, Elizabeth M. 22 Baker Dr. Waterbury, CT. 06705

Smialek, Peter A. 9 Chestnut St. South Dartmouth, MA 02748 History; Football, Track Smiley, Eileen M. 6762 Warner Ave. Apt. C2 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Smith, Constance G. 8538 Prestwick Dr. Lajolla, CA. 92037 Smith, Jenifer W. 1559 Main St. Glastonbury, CT 06033

aghri, Seif Pier House Oakley St. London SW3 , UK Hi tory;

Sayhoun, Karim A. 69 Windsor Rd . Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 Samdperil, Terry E. Bridge View Dr. Jamestown , RI 02835

Smith, Matthew P. 45 Pinewood Dr. Longmeadow, MA 01106 History; Cross-Country (co-capt.), Lacrosse, St A's, Big Brothers, Tutoring Program (co-ordinator), Dorm Rep., TA

Saul, Sharon E. I Quincy St. Chevy Cha e, MD 20015 Studio Art ;

Smith, Sandra E.D. 212 French Rd. Newton Square, PA 19073 Political Science; Cerberus (sec.-trs.), World Affairs, SGA (v.p.)

Saunders, Kyle G. 43 Cherryfield Dr. We t Hartford, CT 06017 Theatre Art ; Concert Choir, Drama Productions, Musical Review

Smouse, Randall F. 614 Meadow Ridge Rd. Towson, MD 21204 History; Lacrosse, Amnesty International (pres.), Photo Club, Food Comm., SGPB


Snodgrass, Catherine A. Chapel St. Garnereville, NY . I 0923

tory S. 3 Vu1tee Dr. Florham Park,

J 07931

Savage, Thomas L. 1611 Tower Rd . Wilmington, DE 19806 Hi tory; Baseball, Football AD (steward) Schauble, John J . 52 Circle Dr. Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Schaufler, William 695 Bolton Rd . Vernon, CT 06066 Scheinman, Catherine A. 55 East 86th St. New York, NY 10028

Snodgrass, Llewellyn P. 1408 North Bay Shore Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 History; SGA, AD, Soccer, SGPB, Cirriculum Comm., Sr . Class Activities Comm. Snow, Tracy L. 118 N. Gibbons Ave. Arlington Hts., IL 60004 Economics; Tri-Delta (chaplain), Illinois Scholar


Stec, Jolanta 2 Broad St. New Britian, CT 06051 Biochemistry; Cerberus


Stephenson, Andrew W. 26 Mostyn St. Swampscott, MA 01907 Biology; Crew

Waite, Donna J . 42 North Main St. W. Bridgewater, MA 02379 Art History; SGPB, Trinity Review, Big Sisters

Stieff, Susanna U. 5 Longwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21210 Studio Arts ; Trinity Papers (editorial bd.), IVY, Concert Choir, Track

Wass, Margaret P. 178 High St. Topsfield, MA 01983

Stansfield, George He. 6 Washington St. Wiscasset, ME 04578

Subbloie, Albert R. 492 Alpom Dr. Orange, CT. 06477 Svensen, Megan N. 5311 Southampton Dr. Springfield, VA 22151 Economics; Swift, Robert A. Jr . 3 I Forest View Dr. Wolcott, CT 067 I 6 English; Intrml. Softball

Wachtell, Patricia A. 26 Tamarack Way Pleasa ntville, NY 10570

Watson, Ruth G . 9204 Ewing Dr. Bethesda, MD 20187 Political Science; SGPB, World Affairs Assoc ., Community Outreach Group Webb, James D. Jaffrey Rd. Rd#2 Malvern , PA 19355 Weiss, Karen G . 540 Algonquin Dr. Warwick, RI 02888 Psychology; SGPB, Cinestudio, Psych. Club, TWO, Big Sisters Welsh , Charles R . 51 For Den Rd . Avon , CT. 06001 Economics/History; Football, Ba eball , RA


Wendin, Sigurd R . III 5 Sta nwich Ln . Greenwich , CT 06830 Biology; Lacrosse, Crew, PSI . INSTEP

Talbot, Bill 550 Lovely St. Avon, CT 0600 1 Computer /Economics

Weseley, Laura A. 8053 Harbor View Terr . Brooklyn, NY 11209

Tamoney, Margot A. 47 Stoner Dr. West Hartford , CT. 06107

Weyler, Eric H. 132 Pardee Ma nor Rd . Orange, CT. 06477

Tarca, Thomas W . 5 Meadowland Cr. Plainville, CT 06062 Biology; Intrml Sports, Cerberus, Investment Club

White, Megan P. 24 Meadow Brook Ln . Reading, MA 01867 Biochemistry; Tripod, RA , Tourguide

Taylor, Scott C. 9 Forest Lane Hingham, MA 02043 Economics/Psychology; Basketball , Big Brothers, Crow, SGA Rep.

Whiting, Steven 3 Park St. West Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Thibault, Mark R . 12 Amber Rd . Hingham , MA 02043

Winant, William W . 180 E. 79th St. New York, NY 10021

Thomas, St Stephen M. 116 Princeton St. Springfield, MA 06129 Thompson, Jeffrey H . 15 Laurel Rd . New Britian CT 06052

Witbeck, A. Parsons 346 Gay St. Westwood , MA 02090 History; Field Hockey, Lacrosse (mvp)

Thompson , John L. 24 Fraser Pl. Hartford , CT 06105

Wolcott, Julia M. 8105 Postcak Rd. Rockville, MD 20854

Thomson, James M. 15 East Gate Lane, Hamden, CT. 06514 Toland, Mary M. 165 Hilliard St. Manchester, CT 06040 Economics; Newman Club, Cerberus

Wolff, Glen J . 69-40 229 St. Bayside, NY 11364 Psychology; SGPB (publicity Chr.) Psych . Club, Trinity Review (ed) , Jesters, (stg. Mgr.)

Tolerico, Christopher S. 410 Sherwood Dr. Cinnaminson, NJ 08077

Woods , Martin , E. 1416 W . Decatur St. Decatur, IL 6252 2 Mathematics; Glee Club, Judo, Aviation Club

Torres, Lawrence A. 1619 Oak Grove Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90041 History /Political Science; SGPB, Fencing, Intraml Sports, Heartford Campaign, Tripod

Woods, Stephen R . 1919 Wildwood St. Wilmington , MA . 01887 Economics; Baseball (co-capt.) , Football, PSI U, IVY ( ports ed.)

Tucci , Michael D. 802 Longhill Rd . Middletown , CT 06457 English ; Football, Lacrosse, PSI U, Inter-Fraternity Council (v.p.&trsr.)

Wright, Margot B. t8 Martin Dale Greenwich , CT. 06830 History; SGPB, Photograph y Club

Tyson , Peter H . 6 13 Maplewood Rd. Wayne PA 19087 English; Crew, ST A 's

u Upton, Joseph H. 2000 Day St . Ann Arbor, MI 48104 History; Hockey (co-capt.) , Golf, PSI U


Willner, Russel P. 41 Pine Hill Rd . Great Engineering; Crew, WRTC (tech . dir.)


Y 11020

y Yanelli, Bernard, J . 22 Fairfield Ave. Hartford , Ct. 06106 Yorke, Bryan L. 888 Park Ave . Art History

ew, York, NY 10021


Zaccara, Jennifer 61 Indian Trail Box 161 Brookfield , CT 06804

Valencia, John M . 192 Berris Rd . Holyoke, MA 01040 Computer /Mathematics; Baseball

Zagrobelny, Peter A. 234 Crest Dr. Tarrytown , NY 10591 Computer/Economics; Football, WRTC, SGA (dorm rep) , SGPB

Van Amburgh, Todd H. Box 296 Stratham , NH 03885

Zantos, Diana 15 Hathaway Cir Arlington, MA 02174

Veidenheimer, Robert C. 16 Sterling Rd . Welles ley , MA 02181 History; PSI U

Zug, Al bert E.R. 127 Rose Ln. Haverford, PA 19041 Religion ; TCF (gr. leader) , Chapel Singers (marshall) , Concert Choir (mgr.), Pike, Cross Country, WRTC, Musical Review

Vest, Margaret 224 Travois Rd . Loui ville, KY 40207 Vinson , Carolyn P. 5310 Carvel Rd . Washington , D.C. 20016 Vought, Craig G . 612 Newtown Rd. Villanova, PA 19085


Zug, Jocelyn M . 127 Rose Ln . Haverford , PA. 19041 Religion ; TCF (grp. leader) , Chapel Singer (ma r hall) , Concert Choir, Timbrel, Musical Review


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