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7 1982


The Chapel Jubilee


National Alumni Association EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

OFFICERS President Senior Vice President Vice Presidents Alumni Fund Campus Activities Admissions Area Associations Public Relations Career Counseling Secretary-Treasurer

Robert N. Hunter '52, Glastonbury, Ct. Victor F. Keen '63, New York Robert C. Knox III '63, Ocean Beach, N.Y. Jeffrey]. Fox '67, Newington, Ct. James P. Whitters III '62, Boston Merrill A. Yavinsky '65, Washington, D.C. Wenda L. Harris '76, Boston Eugene Shen '76, New York Alfred Steel, Jr. '64, West Hartford

MEMBERS Joseph E. Colen, Jr. '61, Norristown, Pa. H. Scotte Gordon '78, Hartford Charles E. Gooley '75, Hartford James A. Finkelstein '74, Greenwich Susan Martin Haberlandt '7 1, Pittsburgh George P. Lynch, Jr. '61, Hartford B. Graeme Frazier III '57, Philadelphia Richard P. Morris '68, Philadelphia Athletic Advisory Committee

EdwardS. Ludorf'51, Hartford Raymond A. Montgomery '25, Woodbridge, Ct. Donald]. Viering '42, Simsbury, Ct. Alumni Trustees

David R. Smith '52, Longmeadow, Ma. Karl E. Scheibe '59, Middletown, Ct. Edward A. Montgomery, Jr. '56, Pittsburgh Emily G.H. Sullivan '74, Hartford Marshall E. Blume '63, Villanova, Pa. Stanley J. Marcuss :63, Washington, D.C. Nominating Committee

John C. Gunning '49, Hartford Wenda Harris '76, New York Norman C. Kayser '57, Hartford Peter Lowenstein '58, Riverside, Ct. William Vibert '52, Granby, Ct.

Term Expires 1983 1983 1983 Term Expires 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Term Expires 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983

Letters To the editor: In the interest of environmental accuracy, the enclosed picture (page 2, Winter 1982 issue) is of a spruce or fir, not a pine. Sincerely, Gregory G. Curtis

M.A. '63 Durham, CT

BOARD OF FELLOWS Wade Close '54, Pittsburgh Charles Kurz II '67, Philadelphia Robert B. Stepto '66, New Haven Thelma Waterman '71, New London, Ct. Mary ]o Keating '74, Hartford William Kirtz '61, Boston Carolyn A. Pelzel '74, Hampstead, N.H. Charles E. Todd '64, New Britain, Ct. Dana M. Faulkner '76, Glastonbury, Ct. GeorgeP. Lynch, Jr. '61, Hartford Karen Jeffers '76, New York Michael Zoob '58, Boston

Term Expires 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984

At press time, the campus was saddened to learn of the death of retired Trinity soccer, squash and tennis coach, Roy A. Oath, at age 58. Oath established a record 400 career victories in these three sports, and built the squash and soccer programs up to national prominence. A highly regarded teacher and loyal friend to many alumni, Roy will be sorely missed. A complete obituary will appear in the next issue of the Reporter.

TrlntfY'REPORTER Editor: William L. Churchill Associate Editor: Kathleen Frederick '71 Assistant Editor: Roberta Jenckes Sports Editor: Nick Noble '80


Frank M. Child III Professor of Biology

Publications Assistant: Lee Morin Consulting Editor: J. Ronald Spencer '64

Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. '51 Director of Alumni & College Relations DirkKuyk Associate Professor of English


BUILDING FOR ALL TIME by Peter Grant '72 An authority on church architecture recounts the story of the inspired men who built the Trinity Chapel, now celebrating its fiftieth year.

George Malcolm-Smith '25 Theodore T. Tansi '54


CHAPEL JUBILEE A photographic account of the events surrounding the anniversary of the T rinity College Chapel.


CHAPEL AND COLLEGE by Arthur E. Walmsley '48 In his Festal Service sermon the Bishop of Connecticut discusses the ongoing dialogue between religion and the intellectual quest.

Vol. 12, No. 3 (ISSN 01643983)

Susan E. Weisselberg '76

Published by the Office of Public Relations, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Issued four times a year: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Second class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut. The Trinity Reporter is mailed to alumni, parents, faculty, staff路 and friends of Trinity College without charge. All publication rights reserved and contents may be reproduced or reprinted only by written permission of the Editor. Opinions expressed are those of the editors and do not reflect the official position ofT rinity College.


WATT-WATCHING AT INTERIOR by Nathaniel P. Reed '51 A former Assistant Secretary of the Interior delivers a strong indictment of the environmental policies proposed by Secretary James Watt.



Along the Walk


Campus Notes

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Class Notes In Memory Photography by ]on Lester except as noted

41 52

Cover: In December 1931, the Trinity Chapel was enveloped in scaffolding as workmen labored to finish "the building to be loved without reserve." For more on the story of the Chapel construction and highlights of its 50th year, see pages 14-21 .

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk COMPUTING GETS A BOOST


Computer instruction and research, which has been part of the undergraduate curriculum at Trinity since 1964, has betm strengthened considerably by the addition of a VAX 111750 computer. Purchase of the new equipment was made possible by a $133,500 grant from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. "This equipment represents the most advanced computer technology," according to Dr. August Sapega, professor of engineering, who supervises academic computing. "It has 4 times as much memory and is 20 times faster than the machine now used at the College. These features will allow us to offer computing instruction to a greater number of students," he added. The VAX 111750 utilizes three computer languages: BASIC, PAS CAL and FORTRAN.It replaces an older PDP 11/34 system, which will be shifted to word processing, supporting up to 16 work stations and relieving increased pressure on the computing facilities . Cited by the National Science Foundation as an "exemplar institution" for its use of computing instruction, T rinity introduced a computer coordinate major to its curriculum in 1976. This program allows students to combine their interest in computers with study in other major dt:;partments. Undergraduates electing this option have linked computing with traditional science disciplines such as engineering, chemistry and mathematics, and with fields as varied as economics, psychology, political science, German, English, intercultural studies and sociology. Trinity offers an introductory course in computing that enrolls 100 or more undergraduates each semester. It is estimated that half of all Trinity students will have taken the computer course by the time they graduate. Computing facilities are available for use 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the academic year. In the past faculty members, assisted by students trained on the academic computer, have aided public and private agencies in the Capitol Region by evaluating data and conducting needs assessments. Among the

OREGONIAN WILLIAM STAFFORD brought a breath of fresh air to the campus when he visited in March as Frederick L. Gwynn Memorial Poet. Author of 18 books and a recipient of the National Book Award, Stafford beguiled audiences with his relaxed, direct manner and unconventional approach to the creative process. As a writing teacher, he refuses to assign letter grades, prefer路 ring instead to have students test out their ideas on each other in class and within their own minds, until a personal evaluation has taken place. Stafford's re路 ceptive and non-judgemental presence made the process work for Trinity undergraduates and in workshops with students and teachers from Hartford public high schools. Stafford was the Poetry Center's fifth poet-in-residence.

participating agencies are: the Hartford Housing Authority, the City of Hartford, Asylum Hill, Inc., the State Banking Department, Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance, Hartford Architecture Conservancy, ConnPIRG, Broad-Park Development Corporation, Summerstage, and the Connecticut Prison Association.

ENERGY COSTS TOP $1 MILLION YEARLY Even as the College marks success in achieving a balanced budget for the thirteenth consecutive year, it struggles increasingly to keep rising energy costs in check. In the fiscal year 1980-8 1, for example, costs for providing gas, oil, water and electricity campus-wide exceeded $1,100,000. Translated into a more personal statistic this amounts to a cost of

$678 per student. This sizeable sum, however, now looks unrealistically low for the current academic year, when the costs just for gas used in the main substation have increased by 26 percent. At fault in the continuing spiral are resource prices which drive up energy costs, since the College has had considerable success in the conservation area. A computer-regulated energy management system, which monitors temperatures in buildings around campus, has been helpful in curbing usage; fuel consumption alone has been cut by 50 percent. The Energy Management Committee, a task force of interested faculty, students and administrators, has been working for over a year to come up with creative solutions to the campus' energy problems such as improved insulation in certain areas. Students also have continually been included in College energy conservation programs.

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Figures for the 1981-82 fiscal year through March show usage to be less the problem than energy costs, however. Electricity charges through March were $323,765, compared with $276,696 for the same period last year. This represents a 17 percent increase in dollars, for a four percent increase in consumption. The same trend is apparent in the figures for gas consumption through March, which is up two percent over the same period last year, while the cost is up 26 percent. The expenditure for gas through March was $486,142, compared with $384,492 for the period through March, '81, and already more than the $475,692 expended in the entire previous year. In the face of such dismal trends, Riel Crandall, director of buildings and grounds at Trinity, remains resolute. Acknowledging that there is little that can be done about resource price escalation, he focuses his efforts instead on

consumption. "If we can continue to cut down utilization, we're automatically cutting costs," Crandall says. Electricity usage is an area he continually stresses, because he feels that all members of the College community can have a hand in using less. Kilowatt consumption has been cut by 20 percent, and Crandall would like to see it reduced by another 10 percent. His department is currently involved in a lighting survey, to see where further corrective action can be taken.

PSYCHOLOGY HONOR SOCIETY REACTIVATED As one of several current efforts to improve the intellectual life on campus and generate additional interest in academic pursuits, the national honor society in psychology, Psi Chi, has formed a chapter at Trinity. Founded in 1929, Psi Chi's purpose is "to advance the science of psychology

THIS MAY marked the revival, after a ten-year lag, of the traditional presentation of the lemon squeezer to that undergraduate class whose "aggregate excellence in scholarship, moral chara~ter and the qualities requisite to popularity" merited receipt of the coveted object. Accordingly, at a spring weekend concert featuring, among other bands, "Squeeze," Lyn Snodgrass, right, representing the senior class, made the presentation to freshman Kathleen O'Connor. Just after this jubilant pose was struck, three members of the junior class collaborated in a daring theft, by relay, of the ancient relic. Snodgrass took off in pursuit, and after a lengthy chase, recovered the squeezer for the Class of '85.

and to encourage, stimulate and maintain scholarship of the individual members." The society offers its membership the chance to participate in activities on the national level and to present papers for publication. An earlier chapter of the society was formed at Trinity in 1959, but the organization disappeared in the late sixties along with a number of other academic honorary groups. Psi Chi's revival brings the number of honor societies at Trinity to five. The others are: Delta Phi Alpha (German); Phi Beta Kappa (general scholarship); Pi Gamma Mu (social science); and Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish). Sixteen students have been admitted to Psi Chi membership: Daniel J. Barach, Esther Y.P. Chan, Sandra B.Y. Chin, James M. Dod, Lisa]. Donahue, Thomas G. Eid, Sandra L. Frazier, Allison C. Howe, Meredith A. Lounsbury, Debra L. Mandela, Tom as G. Mathews, Judith C. Mercer, Lisa A. Nebbia, Andrei Poludnewycz, Douglas A. Rollins and Rima Sirota. Faculty advisors are Professors William M. Mace and Sharon D. Herzberger of the Psychology Department.

TRINITY STUDENTS LOBBY FOR EDUCATION In keeping with the trend towards increased activism among undergraduates, a busload of 48 Trinity students travelled to Washington D.C. this spring to oppose the Reagan Administration's proposed cutbacks in student financial aid. More than 5,000 students from all parts of the nation took part in National Student Action Day on March 1, descending upon representatives and senators to talk firsthand about the consequences of aid reductions. In its budget proposals for 1983, the Administration has suggested elimination of three existing aid programs (Supplemental Grants, Direct Loans and State Student Incentive Grants), along with major cuts in Pel! Grants and the Trio Program, and significant alterations in the Guaranteed Student Loan Program. To make up for losses in federal funding, Trinity has allocated $1 million from current operating revenues for


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financial aid next year, an increase of a quarter million over the current year and a half million more than a year ago. This data was among the information students shared with Congressmen during the Washington sojourn. Leaving Trinity at midnight, the students arrived in the nation's capitol at dawn to prepare for the day's events, beginning with a press conference by Representative Peter Peyser (D-NY). The remainder of the morning was devoted to briefing sessions designed to inform students of the issues. During the afternoon the fledgling lobbyists visited the offices of their senators and representatives to express concern over the financial aid issue. The day culminated with a rally on the Capitol steps where House Speaker Tip O'Neill and other speakers voiced their support for restoring the cuts and lauded the students for their efforts. The participants returned to Hartford encouraged by their labors. Senior Daniel Cave, president of the Connecticut Independent Student Coalition, commented, "The lobbying effort gave ~ a clear message to Congress and the ~ President that college students, both ~ public and private, are extremely ~ angered by the proposed cutb~cks. We ~ have to maintain the ability for each student, regardles~ of income, to have access to any institution of higher learning."

CAMPUS OBSERVES AWARENESS WEEK Building on the spirit generated by last year's Awareness Day, a coalition of student groups expanded the awareness theme into a weeklong observance in April, featuring nationally known speakers, group discussions, exhibits and other events. During the week students and faculty explored a wide range of current issues including religious and racial prejudice, sexism, the arms race, nuclear power, environmental problems, alcoholism and student activism. Each day the schedule included lunchtime discussions led by faculty, afternoon seminars in the Cave and an evening lecture or other activities such as the alcohol awareness program in the Pub and a 29-hour dance marathon benefitting multiple sclerosis.

AWARENESS WEEK highlights included addresses by Benjamin Hooks, exec路 utive director of the NAACP (top left) and consumer advocate Ralph Nader (top right). Climax of the week was a day-long event on the Quad, featuring exhibits by environmental groups such as the Connecticut Cetacean Society.

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Early in the week a large audience gathered in the Washington Room to hear a talk on "Reaganomics and the Black Community" by Benjamin Hooks, executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. In his address, Hooks stated that President Reagan "has presided over some of the most fiscally irresponsible actions that this nation has ever known." According to Hooks, the American public voted for Reagan because he "sounded his bugle loud and clear." Hooks observed, however, that "Reagan's bugle is sounding the call for retreat - to move backwards against all the social progress that has been made ... trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor." He emphasized that Reagan's policies and cuts hurt all of the poor, both black and white. "This is not a racial thing," he told the audience. "We are all in this together." Awareness Week culminated in an all-clay celebration on the Quad where students visited exhibits and booths manned by various environmental groups including the Sierra Club, the National Audubon Society, Green Peace, ConnPIRG, the Connecticut Cetacean Society and the Appalachian Mountain Club. Keynote speaker for the day was consumer advocate Ralph Nader, who spoke to a crowd of more than 1,000 undergraduates on "Student Activism in the 1980's." In an hour-long address Nader told students that they would never be as free as they are now to pioneer, to question, to challenge, and to take risks. "The purpose of a liberal arts education," he said, "is to make you a broader-based and objective citizen. Instead of memorization, regurgitation, and vegetation, work on a real life problem as part of your course work." Lauding Trinity's internship program and the campus lobbying organization, ConnPIRG, Nader observed that students today are less apathetic and less naive than their counterparts in the fifties. "Student activism all comes down to what kind of society you want to shape," he observed. "If you 're a bystander, someone else will make decisions for you." Citing the two most important goals

of our lifetime as "The solar conversion of the economy and control of the arms race," Nader criticized the Reagan Administration for its inaction on both counts. "We must appreciate how long it will take this country to recover from these four years," he concluded. At the end of the successful week, Student Coordinators Carolyn Ginsburgh '82 and John Kalishman '84 expressed satisfaction with the community's involvement in the various programs along with the hope that the heightened awareness would carry over into succeeding years.

partments of mathematics and political science, as well as a college professorship in the humanities. Hyland has been a member of the Trinity faculty since 1967. A Pennsylvania native, he earned his bachelor's degree from Princeton and his master's and doctoral degrees from Pennsylvania State University. He taught at the University ofToronto from 1964-1967. Hyland is a specialist in Greek and continental philosophy, as well as the philosophy of sport. An accomplished scholar, he is the author of two books, The Origins of Philosophy (1973) and The

Virtue of Philosophy: An Interpretation of Plato's Charmides (1981), as well as

HYLAND NAMED DANA PROFESSOR Dr. Drew A. Hyland has been named Charles A. Dana Professor of Philosophy at the College. In announcing the appointment, President English said, "We are pleased to appoint Professor Hyland, one of our fines t scholars and teach ers, to a Dana professorship. These positions have provided the College with financial support to ensure our ability to attract and retain outstanding faculty at T rinity." The Dana Foundation awarded T rinity a $250,000 grant in 1974 to provide supplementary compensation for four full professors at the College. Currently, there are Dana professors in the de-

numerous articles. He is currently researching a book on the significance of play for human beings. A professor of philosophy at Trinity since 1975, Hyland was chairman of the philosophy department from 1974-1977. He is former president, and currently a member of the executive council, of the Philosophic Society for the Study of Sport. The Charles A. Dana Foundation of Greenwich, Connecticut, was founded in 1950 by the late Charles A. Dana, an attorney, businessman and philanthropist. The foundation makes grants primarily in the fields of higher education and health. Trinity received a $105,000 challenge grant from the Dana Foundation in 1977 to stimulate increased contributions and greater participation in t he A lumni Fund.


Drew Hyland

A record-breaking finish is in sight forT rinity's Annual Fund Campaign, which comes to a close June 30. At the end of the first week in May the Annual Fund stood at 83 percent of its $900,000 goal, with a total of$748,000 in gifts received. "We've reached a milestone," says Annual Fund Chairman Edward A. Montgomery Jr. '56. "It looks like the Annual Fund may exceed $1 million for the first time this year. We are counting on those alumni who have not yet sent in t heir 1981-82 contributions to bring us over the top." A highlight of this spring's campaign was the two-day student phonothon


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held at Connecticut Public Television April12 and 13. In four hours of telephoning, 34 students raised $12,573 from 301 alumni. The College is beginning to see results from the Reunion Giving Program started last year. The Class of '62 will set a recorq for 20th reunion giving and the Class of '57, celebrating its 25th this spring, will also make a strong showing. Alumni Fund Chairman, Robert C. Knox III '63, predicts, "A tradition that encourages alumni to do something special in major reunion years will put Trinity on a secure footing for the future." Credit for this year's overwhelming success goes to more than 500 volunteers, according to Montgomery. "Trinity's supporters take President Reagan's challenge to the private sector seriously. We have had many gratifying votes of confidence in the form of increased donations from graduates as well as from the business community and foundations. We owe it all to the good will generated by class agents and our many other volunteer workers."

given to The Hartford Neighborhoods Center, a non-profit agency that runs a variety of programs for the needy and disadvantaged.

ALCOHOL AWARENESS PROGRAM LAUNCHED A plan to raise student awareness about the effects of alcohol abuse is getting financial support from an unlikely source - the campus pub. Beginning in April, five percent of the gross receipts from sales at Trinity's Iron Pony Pub is being turned over to a new organization on campus, the T rinity Alcohol Awareness Program (T AAP). The eight fraternities and sororities on campus are also kicking in one dollar per member to TAAP. Other funding is coming from the Dean of Students Office. At its opening event, held appropriately in the Pub, T AAP members distributed literature on drinking as well as bookmarks, posters and buttons. A "portoclinic," loaned by the engineering department at Aetna Life and Casualty, was also available for Pub

patrons. The device measures a number of skills needed for safe driving, such as visual acuity, depth perception, reaction time, and field of vision. Students used this equipment before and after drinking to see how alcohol affects these functions. T AAP was initiated by Paula ChuRichardson, assistant dean of students. She has met weekly with about ten students, including representatives from student government and the inter-fraternity council, to discuss the uses of alcohol on campus and what constructive action can be taken to address the abuses. "We're not out to abolish alcohol on campus," explains Chu-Richardson. "We want to make TAAP members and the Trinity community more aware of the physical and social consequences of consuming alcoholic beverages." The subject of alcohol awareness merited a two-page center spread in the April20 issue of the Trinity Tripod, the campus newspaper. Headlined, "Alcohol: Does Trinity Have A Problem?", the spread featured a composite of interviews with students and college

STUDENTS SPONSOR HEARTFORD CAMPAIGN A series of activities held on campus during February and March raised about $1000 for a locq.l social service agency. Called "The Heartford Campaign," the fund-raising events were sponsored by a dozen or so undergraduates who, according to coordinator]. Patrick Morris '82, "wanted to stimulate some awareness at Trinity of the problems of Hartford, and to make Hartford mor~ aware of us." During the weeks of the campaign, the "Heartford company" sponsored a casino night, a gong show, a Western dance, some "happy hours," hosted by the Resident Coordinators, and musical events in the Pub. They publicized the campaign on campus and at other Hartford colleges through the student newspaper and lapel buttons. Though Morris and Kathy Aiken '84, another participant in the effort, were disappointed that they fell short of their fund-raising goal, both think it is a good idea that, given greater student participation, could be very successful. The proceeds of the campaign will be

MORE THAN 150 Trinity alumni, all of whom participated in theatre at Trinity, gathered in New York City in March for a party to honor retiring professor of theatre arts George E. Nichols III. The evening was highlighted by the announcement that Nichols' friends and former students had created two new prizes in his name, to be awarded annually on Honors Day, to undergraduates who have excelled in theatre arts. Pictured here are Victor Keen '63, Nichols, Stephen Roylance '73, Edwin Bailey '58 and Wilbur Jones '54.

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk TRiiiiTY

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Miller, computer coordinate; Christine Peiser, mathematics; Eileen Smiley, history; and Susanna Stieff, studio art. The Trinity Papers is distributed without charge to all members of the faculty and to students. Copies are also being sent to several hundred college and university libraries. A limited supply is available to alumni, parents and friends of the College. Inquiries may be directed to J. Ronald Spencer '64, associate academic dean, who serves as adviser to the journal.


Aetna Life & C~sua!ty Photo

PORTOCLINIC, loaned by Aetna Life and Casualty, appeared at the Iron Pony Pub on campus as part of the Trinity Alcohol Awareness Program. The equipment was used by students before and after drinking to measure the effect of alcohol on various motor skills used in driving an automobile.

staff about drinking at Trinity, as well as charts on the effects of alcohol on mental processes and behavior, and mixing drinking and drugs. While none of those interviewed felt that Trinity's alcohol problem was more serious than on other campuses, all respondents were supportive of T AAP's initiatives. T AAP is planning future discussions at the fraternities and dormitories and also sponsoring a campaign to urge that alternative beverages be made more readily available at campus functions.

TRINITY PAPERS INAUGURATED A new journal- the Trinity Paperswas launched this semester as a means of recognizing and disseminating outstanding student term papers, critical essays and research projects. The inaugural issue, published in late May, includes eleven articles from a broad spectrum of disciplines in the humanities and sciences. Among the topics covered are: "Letting the Mind See Beyond the Eyes," "The Dynamics of Alienation in French Black Literature," "The Effect

ofMariolatry and Courtly Love on the Feminine Ideal in Medieval Art," and "Lateral Shifts in Symmetry of Evoked Cortical Responses During a Silent Verbal Task: Effects of Handedness and Familial Sinistrality." Initiated by the President's Fellows (a group composed of one leading senior in each department and program) and funded by the President's Office, the Papers will appear annually under the direction of a board of undergraduate editors. Authors of works selected for publication receive certificates of recognition at Honors Day. Nearly four dozen students submitted a total of 59 papers for the first issue. In announcing creation of the journal in January, the editors stated that its purpose is "to recognize academic excellence at this institution." Articles of interest to both a general audience and specialized audiences are eligible, and the only restriction is that the work have been done while the author was enrolled as aTrinity student. The founding editors and the fields they represent as President's Fellows are: James Dod, psychology; Maxwell Edusei, urban & environmental studies; Andrew Goldberg, physics; William Griswold, art history; Karen

A I).ew sorority has been formed on campus, and an "old" fraternity may be revived. 路 The Zeta Theta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma has received its charter and, after a rush in February, initiated twenty-six women as members. According to A. Chandlee Johnson '84, a founder of the group, the sorority was started "because there was a feeling that one sorority on campus was not enough." In February, 1981, a chapter of Delta Delta Delta was formed at Trinity. In addition to hosting social events, the sorority will engage in community activities, begining in the fall, Johnson said. The primary purposes of the organization are to facilitate friendships among members and to provide mutual support. In late April, the Studept Government Association approved a constitution for a new fraternity, Alpha Beta Gamma. The fraternity hopes to affiliate with Delta Phi, which had a chapter at Trinity from 1917-1972.

BOARD APPROVES $22.3 MILLION BUDGET At the March meeting, the board of trustees approved a $22.3 million balanced budget for fiscal 1982-83, including an increase in student fees of $1, 150. The budget includes an increase in unrestricted funds for financial aid of 37 percent. The adopted budget is in balance for the thirteenth consecutive year. Tuition will rise from $6,300 to $7,100, room rent will go up from $1,330 to $1,550, and board will be set


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at $1,300, from $1220. The general fee will increase by $50, to $250. The total bill will be $10,200, a 12.7 percent increase over this year's charges. Robert A. Pedemonti, Trinity's treasurer and director of finance, noted that the adopted budget reflects th e impact of two particular forces: namely, "severe cutbacks in federal student financial aid and continuing inflation." He stated that Trinity's fees "are by no means excessive when compared with those announced by our sister institutions." The budget includes $1,025,000 in unrestricted funds for student financial aid, up from $750,000 this year. Excluding federal grants, Trinity will offer $1,994,300 in student aid in fiscal 1982-83. The College's contribution to financial aid from operating funds has risen 167 percent over the past three years. The instruction budget will rise 12 percent including an 11.5 percent increase in faculty salaries. The faculty research provision will rise 12 percent, and the budget for the library by 13.7 percent.

BOARD VOTES ORGANIZATIONAL. CHANGES The trustees have voted changes in the organization of the board which affect the length of members' terms, as well as the number and scope of various committees. Previously, the T rinity board encompassed three categories of membersh ip: charter trustees, elected by the board to serve until retirement; term trustees, elected by the board for single, eightyear terms; and alumni trustees, popularly elected by the alumni for six-year terms. Under the new system, the first two categories of members are to be know as charter trustees. They will serve five-year terms, and no more than two terms in succession. Thus, lifetime membership on the board has effectively been eliminated, though an individual could be returned to the board after a hiatus of one year. There is no change in the method of election or length of term for alumni trustees. The chairman of the board, who is elected annually, will serve in the position for no more than five consecutive years.

RETIRING BOARD CHAIRMAN, George W. B. Starkey '39 and his wife were feted at a campus dinner this spring honoring Dr. Starkey's decade of service at the helm of the Board of Trustees. Though stepping down from the chairmanship, Dr. Starkey will continue to serve the College as a member of the Board.

Several new committees of the board have been established, and others eliminated. The new Committee on the Board will be responsible for recommending new members and overseeing the procedures and structures of the governing body. A new Committee on Institutional Development will oversee the College's fund raising as well as its other external relations. Three committees have been eliminated: library, honorary degrees and law. Their functions will be absorbed by the standing committees. According to William R. Peelle '44, secretary of the board, the change in trustee categories an d the length of the terms will both simplify the board's structure and provide it with more flexibility by ensuring a healthy turn-over in membership. "As the demands the College makes on its trustees become greater, the job entails a larger commitment of time," Peelle explained. "Thus, renewable, five-year terms are more realistic than lifetime membership. In addition, we now have a large, diverse and very able body of alumni whom we

can tap for membership on the board. The new system will allow us to utilize more effectively our talented group of alumni and friends." In reworking the committee structure, Peelle explained, various areas of oversight were regrouped, and most committees were given more explicit charges. In the process, th e number of committees was reduced, and consequently most trustees will serve on two committees, rather than three or four, as they have in the past.

MONTGOMERY HEADS BOARD OF TRUSTEES Edward A. Montgomery, Jr., '56 of Sewickley, Pennsylvania, president and chief executive officer of the Mellon National Mortgage Corporation and senior vice president of the Mellon Bank, N.A., has been elected chairman of the board of trustees. The selection was made at the March meeting of the board. Montgomery succeeds Dr. George W.B. Starkey '39 of Brookline,

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Massachusetts, who has been chairman of the trustees since 1972. Montgomery has been a trustee since 1978, when he was elected by his fellow alumni to a six-year term on the board. In announcing the appointment, Starkey said, "I am delighted Ned Montgomery will be the next chairman of the board of trustees. His financial expertise and long years of service to the College makes him eminently suited for this challenge." A graduate of Deerfield Academy, Montgomery earned his bachelor of arts degree from Trinity in 1956. He served in the U.S. Army from 1956-1958, and then attended Harvard Business School. He joined the staff of the Mellon National Bank in 1959, served as vice president and manager of the London branch of Mellon Bank from 1974-1977, and assumed his current post in 1977. Montgomery is a director of Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc. and the Pullman Transportation Company, Inc. He is a member of the board of Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and an elder of the Presbyterian Church of Sewickley. Active in Trinity alumni activities, he is current chairman of Annual Giving and, in 1980 and 1981, headed up two record-setting alumni fund drives. He was Class Secretary from 1956-1976, a member of the Board of Fellows from 1971-197 4, and served in various capacities in the Pittsburgh alumni association.

Edward A. Montgomery, Jr. '56

Thomas S. Johnson '62

TWO ALUMNI ELECTED TRUSTEES Two Trinity alumni have been named charter trustees of the College, for five-year terms. They are The Right Reverend Arthur E. Walmsley '48 of Hartford, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut; and Thomas S. Johnson '62 of Upper Montclair, New Jersey, senior executive vice president of the Chemical Bank and the Chemical New York Corporation. Walmsley, 53, graduated from Trinity, Phi Beta Kappa, in 1948 and did his theological studies at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Mass. At Trinity, he was a Holland Scholar and a member of Delta Psi. He was ordained a priest in 1952 and began his ministry in St. Louis, Missouri, where he served inner-city congregations. He moved to New York in 1958 to join the staff of the executive council of the Episcopal Church, where he had responsibilities in the field of social relations. He became general secretary of the Massachusetts Council of Churches in 1969, was made deputy to the rector ofTrinity Parish, New York in 1972, and was named rector of St. Paul's Church, New Haven a year-and-a-half later. Walmsley served in this capacity until1979 when he was consecrated bishop coadjutor. He succeeded Morgan Porteus as Bishop in 1981. Walmsley is an adjunct faculty member at the Hartford Seminary and is the author of The Church in a Society of

Arthur E. Walmsley '48

Abundance (1963) and numerous articles. He is current president of the Christian Conference of Connecticut and a trustee of Berkeley Divinity School. Johnson, 41, a 1962 Trinity graduate, holds an MBA degree from Harvard University. As an undergraduate, he majored in economics and was a member of Theta Xi. He joined the staff of Chemical Bank in 1969, was named senior vice president in 197 4 and senior vice president-finance in 1977. In his present position, he is head of the bank's treasury division which consolidates all of Chemical's money activities, world-wide. Johnson is former chairman of the Board of Fellows, a director and former president of the Trinity Club of New York, and the 1962 Class Agent. He is a member of the economics advisory board of the Columbia Business School, a member of the board of Union Theological Seminary, the Council on the Environment of New York City, the Financial Executives Institute, and the Bond Club of New York.

SCHOLARSHIP FUND HONORS KURTH After three decades at Trinity, Karl Kurth retires this month from his post as chairman of physical education and director of athletics. In recognition of his service to the College, a group of alumni and friends is establishing a scholarship in his name. The income


Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk


from this fund will be used for an annual award to an entering freshman who demonstrates outstanding leadership and character. Kurth joined the Trinity faculty in 1952, was named professor of physical education in 1961, and assumed his present duties in 1966. Under his leadership the athletic program has flourished, meeting the challenges of pronounced social changes, substantially increased enrollments and the introduction of a broad range of women's sports. Beyond the campus Kurth has held a variety of leadership roles including presidencies of the Eastern College Athletic Conference, the New England Intercollegiate Athletic Association, and the New England Small College Athletic Conference. Individuals wishing to contribute to the Kurth Scholarship Fund should make checks payable toT rinity College and send them to Robert A. Pedemonti, treasurer, Trinity College, Hartford, CT06106.

KRIEBLE PROFESSORSHIP ESTABLISHED A professorship in chemistry, named in honor of the late Vernon K, Krieble, has been established at the College by Krieble's widow and their son. Dr. Henry A. DePhillips, Jr., a member of the Trinity faculty since 1963 and current chairman of the chemistry department, has been named the first Vernon K. Krieble professor of chemistry. Vernon Krieble was Scovill Professor of Chemistry at the College from 1920-1955. Several years before his retirement, he invented the sealant, LOCTITE, in his laboratory at Trinity. After retiring in 1955, he and his son, Robert, formed the American Sealants Company, which became the Loctite Corporation in 1963. The corporation, which is headquartered in Newington, Connecticut, has grown rapidly to become a major factor in the international market for high technology sealants and adhesives. In announcing the new professorship and the incumbent, President English said, "For thirty-five years, Vern on Krieble worked to build an outstanding chemistry department at Trinity.

Henry A. DePhillips, Jr.

Gerald A. Gunderson

Under his leadership, the curriculum was strengthened and the department doubled in size. In the 1930's, when a new chemistry facility was needed to house the burgeoning program, V ernon Krieble attended to every detail of the planning, including the fundraising. Thus, it is most appropriate that a professorship in chemistry be established in his name. "We are deeply grateful to the Krieble family for this magnificent gift. I know they are pleased that we have selected Henry DePhillips, an outstanding teacher arid researcher, as the first Krieble professor." Mrs. Vern on K. Krieble, the former Laura Cassel, was born in 1889 and graduated, magna cum laude, from the Perkiomen School. She married V ernon Krieble in 1912. They started their married life in Montreal, where Dr. Krieble was on the faculty of McGill University. The Kriebles moved to Hartford in 1920, when Dr. Krieble accepted the post at Trinity. They lived on campus, at 71 Vern on Street, for thirteen years. Mrs. Krieble was the first treasurer of the American Sealants Company. Commenting on the new professorship, Mrs. Krieble said, "I am pleased that it is now possible to announce the establishment of the Vern on K. Krieble chair in chemistry to honor his memory and deep devotion to Trinity College in general, and the chemistry department in particular."

Dr. Robert H . Krieble joined Loctite in 1956 to organize the commercial launch of the venture, after a thirteenyear career at the General Electric Company. He became president of the Loctite Corporation in 1964, chairman of the board in 1978, and chairman and chief executive officer in 1980. The inventor of some dozen patents in the fields of silicones, anaerobic adhesives and petrochemicals, Krieble, who holds a doctorate in chemistry, has been the recipient of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Chemical Industry Association, the Honor Award from the Commercial Development Association, and the American Eagle Award in Public Affairs. Henry DePhillips is a gradaute of Fordham University and earned his doctorate at Northwestern. His major field of teaching is physical chemistry and his principal area of research is physical biochemistry. The author of numerous articles on the oxygenbinding properties of respiratory proteins, he has been awarded research grants by the Research Corporation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Connecticut Research Commission. DePhillips was visiting professor at Northwestern University in 1969-1970, visiting senior chemist at the Loctite Corporation in 1977, and has been an investigator at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massa路 chusetts.

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk SHELBY CULLOM DAVIS PROFESSOR APPOINTED Dr. Gerald Gunderson, a member of the faculty since 1978, has been named Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of American Business and~Economic Enterprise at Trinity. Gunderson will be the first incumbent in the chair, which was endowed by Shelby Cullom Davis, investment banker, author, and former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Gunderson will direct a new program in American business and economic enterprise made possible by the Davis endowment. Facets of the program will include: campus visits and residencies by business leaders, economists and other scholars, who will conduct seminars and meet informally with students; courses to be taught by guest faculty from other academic institutions; periodic public lectures by nationallyknown economists and scholars; the creation of new courses in such areas as entrepreneurial and business history; and the expansion of Trinity's business internship program. Trinity's internship program currently places some 225 students per year in area businesses, social service agencies, government offices, and cultural organizations. The students work, usually without compensation, under the direction of a Trinity faculty member and a member of the host institution, and are eligible to earn academic credit. Gunderson earned his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in economics from the University of Washington. Before joining the Trinity faculty as professor of economics, he taught at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst from 1967-1974; Mount Holyoke College in 1975, and North Carolina State University from 1975-1978. A specialist in American economic history, he is the author of numerous articles and reviews, and a book, A New Economic History of America, published by McGraw-Hill in 1976. He is a member of the American Economic Association, the Economic History Association, and the Association for Private Enterprise Education. Shelby Cullom Davis has had distinguished careers in government and finance and is widely recognized as a

philanthropist to education. A graduate of Princeton University, he earned a master's degree from Columbia University and a doctorate from the University of Geneva. He was awarded an honorary degree from Trinity in 1973. Davis was economic adviser to Thomas E. Dewey of New York cluing the early days of Dewey's career and when he ran for the presidency in 1944. He is the author of four books on international and economic affairs. From 194 7-1969, Davis was ,managing partner of Shelby Cullom Davis & Co., the oldest and largest specialist in insurance securities in the United States. Currently, he is chairman of the company, as well as serving as director of the Value Line Funds and other companies. He has endowed professorial chairs at the Princeton Center of Historical Studies and Wellesley College, as well as the Cullom-Davis Library at Bradley University and the Museum at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York.

HOPES RUN HIGH FOR THE CLASS OF '86 Confronted by statistics of a declining pool of 18-year-olds, the admissions office this year has experienced the un-

expected: a near-record number of applications, and "exceptional quality" in those applicants, according to Donald N. Dietrich, director of admissions. Applications for the Class of 1986 numbered 3,223, an increase of200 over last year and the second largest applicant pool in the College's history. And, because of the exceptionally strong quality of the candidates, a large number had to be placed on the waiting list. The increase in applications for the Class of '86 is not uniform at all institutions, Dietrich said, although almost all of the colleges with which Trinity traditionally competes have experienced an increase. The explanation seems to be that students are making many more multiple applications to colleges than in the pa,st. Trinity is seeking to enroll485 students in the Class of '86, to fill the places of an exceptionally large senior class graduating this year. Admission to the Class of '86 has been offered to 13 72 students, including 97 early decision candidates - more than twice as many as last year in the latter category. Dietrich views 125 early decision acceptances as an ideal number, and feels that reaching this goal is just a matter of time. In terms of characteristics, this year's candidates for admission closely resem-

MINORITY WEEKEND, sponsored by Admissions, gave prospective candidates a chance to visit classes, stay in dorms, meet with faculty and students. Fifty minority students will enroll in the fall.


Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk ble those of the past. Approximately 54 percent of the applicants attended public schools, compared with 56 percent last year. The bulk of applications came from residents of the New England and mid-Atlantic regions- approximately 75 percent from those states, according to Dietrich. An increase in applications from the West Coast is noted this year, as it was in 1981, and, at approximately 3 percent is considered an encouraging sign. Also offering a promising note are the 179 applications by minority candidates, representing a 40 percent increase over last year. Other statistical data on the Class of '86 is currently being compiled; a profile of the College's entering freshmen will appear in a future issue of the magazine.



Alumni and friends of the College in the Greater Hartford Area will again enjoy the opportunity to take in a varied program of theatrical offerings as Summerstage opens its sixth season in the Austin Arts Center in June. The season premieres with "Tintypes," a professional touring company presenting a musical salute to America at the turn of the century. The cast is headed by Patrice Munsel, who has sung at the Metropolitan Opera and appeared on the musical comedy stage in "Kiss Me, Kate," and "South Pacific." "Tintypes" will appear from June 15-19; tickets are $8 and $ 10. Three plays make up the Summerstage program, which begins on June 22nd with "She Stoops to Conquer," Goldsmith's 18th century comedy, directed by Roger Shoemaker, directorin-residence of theatre arts at Trinity. This production runs through July 3rd. The second show is "Otherwise Engaged," an award-winning London and Broadway play by Simon Gray, which will run from July 13-24, and is directed by Lawrence Kornfeld. The third offering is "The Gin Game" by D. L. Coburn, a contemporary tragicomedy about two senior citizens in a retirement home. Directed by Shoemaker, the play will run from July 27-August 7. Subscription prices for all three plays are $25.50 for Wednesday through Saturday evening performances, and $20.40 for Sunday and Tuesday even-

ings, Wednesday and Sunday matinees and the Saturday, 5 p.m. show. Students and senior citizens may purchase series tickets for $16 for the $20.40 series; "rush" tickets may also be purchased for $6.50 instead of $8 when seats are available just before showtime. Ticket information is available from the Austin Arts Box Office: (203) 527-8062. Two programs for children will also be offered this summer. The Summerstage Children's Theater performances include: "The Dragon's Wagon," June 22-24; "Cleo's Cafe," July 6-8; "Step on a Crack," July 20-22; and "Tarradiddle Tales," August 3-5. Single tickets are $3.50 and shows will be given on Tuesday at 6 p.m., Wednesday at 1 and 6 p.m. and Thursday at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Subscription price for all four plays路is $12. New this year is Theaterscene, a day camp for children ages 9-14 who are interested in the theatre. The camp will run Monday-Friday from 9-4 between July 5 and August 6. Participants will experience various aspects of theatre including mime, puppetry, scenery, light-ing and costumes. More information on Theaterscene is available by calling (203) 527-1471. Summerstage has received grants this year from the Greater Hartford Arts Council and the Connecticut Commission on the Arts, along with a $35,000 challenge grant from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving for which gifts are still being sought. Donors should make checks payable to Summerstage and mail them to the Aust,i n Arts Center, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, 06106.

ADMISSIONS SEEKS ALUMNI CHILDREN Three special programs are being offered for Trinity alumni sons and daughters who are entering their senior years in high school in the fall. The objective of these sessions is to familiarize participants with the College admissions process and to enhance their chances of entering the college of their choice, whether or not they plan to attend Trinity. First, for alumni children who seek to enter Trinity, Director of Admissions Donald N. Dietrich will be available for individual interviews during June, July and early September. Candidates

should phone Dietrich for an appointment as soon as possible at (203) 527-3151, Ext. 248. At the time of the interview, applicants should bring copies of their high school transcripts through their junior year, and the results of their first round of College Board testing. ' Second, those not interested specifically in Trinity can schedule interviews with Dietrich for general counseling about selecting a college. These encounters provide a chance for students to engage in practice interviews and to evaluate their options for postsecondary education. Again, candidates should bring copies of their transcripts and Board scores to these sessions. Third, Trinity will agairi hold a threeday weekend for alumni sons and daughters on September 23, 24, and 25. Students taking part will have opportunities to talk with admissions officers, attend classes, meet with faculty and sample dormitory and student life. A mailing describing this program will be sent to all alumni in July. Persons wishing more information should contact Gerald J. Hansen, Jr., director of alumni and college relations, who is coordinator for the event.

SGAASKSFOR EXPAND ED ROLE The Student Government Association (SGA) has passed a resolution this spring expressing its dissatisfaction with communications between the student body and the administration and the board of trustees. Seeking a stronger voice in College planning and policy making, the SGA action spelled out five areas of concern: 1. Board Membership. Asking for representation on the board of trustees, the SGA proposed an initial step of including students on trustee committees involving student life, education al policy, buildings and grounds and admissions. The issue of fu ll membership for students was left open to discussion. 2 Budget Review. Students want more participation in the budget process, which was characterized as "woefully inadequate." Proposed reforms include publication of preliminary budgets, open meetings during the process and discussions on the utility of specific line items.

Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk Along the Walk 3. Planning. A College Planning Committee was recommended to develop a comprehensive strategy for Trinity over the next decade. 4. Mather Hall. Students seek a more active role in the renovation plans for the student center, and more frequent reports of administrative decisions. 5. Disciplinary Review. Consideration should be given to the establishment of a student Judiciary Board with undergraduate participation in these discussions. Passage of the resolution culminates a year-long effort by the SGA to expand undergraduate roles in the life of the College. In recent months student leadership has been outspoken on tuition and financial aid policies, minority recruitment, the food service and the college calendar. In addition, SGA has, in the past year, instituted several new undertakings including a community outreach program, a faculty luncheon series, a new course evaluation process and an expanded Awareness Week.

NEW ALUMNI DIRECTORY SLATED In response to numerous requests, Trinity has arranged for the preparation of its first alumni directory since 1974. The publication will be a valuable reference for Trinity graduates and will also be useful in planning future alumni activities and programs. The Bernard C. Harris Publishing Company, Inc. of White Plains, N.Y., has again been selected as the official publisher. The extensive project will be conducted at virtually no cost to the College. Harris will compile, publish and market the directory, financing the operation solely through the sale of individual directories to alumni. The updated directory will be compiled from brief questionnaires mailed to alumnni with known addresses, and followed up by telephone for approval of the directory information. The mailing is scheduled to take place beginning about November. At the time of the telephone verification, alumni will be invited to purchase a copy of the directory. This will be the only opportunity to order the book. Only enough directories to fill these pre-publication orders will be printed

and circulation will be restricted to alumni. Publication is tentatively scheduled for late summer, 1983. The directory will contain an alphabetical listing of all alumni, with each entry to include name, class, degree, home address and telephone, and business or professional information, including title, firm name, address and telephone. Two complete indexes of all alumni, one arranged geographically by towns within states, and the other by class year will follow the alphabetical section, providing easy cross references. Gerald J. Hansen, Jr., director of alumni and college relations, expressed the hope that all alumni will respond to the directory questionnaire. "The College will not benefit financially from this project," he noted, "but the mutual rewards for the College and its graduates in following the lives of our alumni make this publication an extremely worthy endeavor."

QUIET LIVING GETSAVOTE Special interest or program dorms at the College have traditionally been linked to language study - the French and Spanish dorms, for example. But, when the latest specialized dorm opens this fall, less language will be the desired standard for the 39 residents. In response to undergraduate requests, Trinity will initiate its first quiet dorm in the Fall. It will be located in Smith, which is considered very desirable by students because of its threeand four-person suites with single bedrooms. According to Kristina Dow, director of residential services, a quiet dorm was talked about last year, but there had not been enough interested students to fill one at that time. "Every year there's more concern with noise," Dow said, adding that she was very pleased with the new residential option. She credited sophomore Michael Ziskind with making the idea a reality. "I give him very high praise for his initiative," Dow said. "He was very eager to get it going, talked the idea up with students, and did a lot of publicity. His assistance and enthusiasm put us over the top." Ziskind had a very personal interest in the establishment of a quiet dorm. "I can't say anything nice about my freshman dorm," he says flatly, adding that

his room in Jones has "very thin walls." "At present there is idiosyncratic enforcement of rules and regulations in the dorms, particularly on week nights," Ziskind says, "and, students should be able to sleep or study in their room when they so desire." After midnight the usual places for study, like the library or classrooms, are closed, he notes. While admitting that all colleges have a problem with noise, because of the physical similarities of dorms- thin walls, long corridors- Ziskind feels that the satisfactory housing of students on campus is central toT rinity's goal of quality liberal arts education. He sees the innovation of a quiet dorm not as a solution, but as a stopgap measure. "It's a symptom of a larger problem: the lack of mutual respect of students on campus. Students tend to be self-centered," he says. Dr. George Higgins, professor of psychology and college counselor, agrees that "a mutual respect process" is what will be sought for the new dorm. Higgins was approached by Ziskind for help, since all program dorms need an academic sponsor. On reflection, Higgins says that he has always been critical of the students' practice of putting stereo speakers into the windows, with the resulting blasts of music around campus. There probably shouldn't even be a sponsor for a quiet dorm, Higgins says, adding "dormitories are for studying." The highest priorities will be intellectual and academic, says Higgins, who will meet with the soon-to-be residents to learn what their hopes are for the dorm and to establish some guidelines for its operation. He expects that what they will draw up is "a set of understandings, not great Draconian rules." The quiet dorm will have the same opportunity as all the others for group activity, and Higgins notes that there are resources for different kinds of activities than parties. Their events may be more intellectually oriented, he says, adding that it depends largely on how much the residents want to operate as a group. "We can be somewhat creative about it," he says adding that he would bring along his "castle-building kit" to meetings with the residents. "The students may not want to build any castles, but we'll see."


Building for All Time by Peter Grant '72



ll buildings start as ideas, and the ideas behind the Trinity College Chapel are lofty ones. Before even an initial design was drafted, the donor's intention was to construct a building without equal for beauty of design; a building "of such a character that when you see it from any standpoint you will love it without reserve." Throughout the arduous work of constructing the Chapel, the men who were responsible for the project never lost sight of the architect's hope that the Chapel would be "more beautiful than any college chapel." Quite simply, the story of how they achieved this is a fascinating tale. Three men were chiefly responsible for shaping and building the Chapel. Philip H. Frohman was the principal architect; William G. Mather was the donor; and Remsen B. Ogilby was the president and chaplain of the College. Each man played a very different role in the construction of the building, but they shared a common vision of what they wanted to achieve. William G. Mather was a scion of the New England family that had produced Increase and Cotton Mather some generations earlier. He was also as close to being an ideal donor as is possible. He was a man with taste and education as well as possessing great wealth. He founded the Church Club of Cleveland, and remained an active member for over sixty years. His interest in bibliography and family history caused him to put. together the most significant collection ever assembled of material written by his Mather forebears. He was also a successful businessman, and made his fortune as the head of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company. The stone walls of the Chapel are built around a core of brick, some 1.8 million bricks in all. Mather's presence in the building is as essential and as invisible as these bricks. He donated the entire fabric of the Chapel, but the building is named for its college, not for its donor. Mather participated actively in the search for an architect, and once the firm was selected, he did not attempt to inflict his own designs on them. Instead, he offered sound guidance and a clear sense of what he wanted to see accomplished. Every craftsman, designer and major donation was approved by him. When his advice was offered, it was invariably selected because it was sound, not because it was backed by a checkbook. Without such quality in the man who gave the building, there could be no quality in the building itself. As Mather provided the building with its corpus, Remsen B. Ogilby provided its animus. The Rev. Dr. Ogilby was the president and chaplain ofTrinity from 1920 until his death in 1943, a length of presidential service unequalled in the history of the College. He approached the construction of the Chapel with an

astonishing zeal and dedication to detail. Ogilby was the crucible in whom the creative genius of the architects and designers fused with the craftsmanship of the carpenters, masons and workers. The workmen approached the job of building the Chapel with a dedication and love that was often described as "medieval" in spirit. A great deal of this was due to the urging and guidance of Ogilby, but the fact that this was a Frohman-designed building should not be overlooked as a contributing factor. A dedication to achieving nothing less than perfection was the expected standard for realizing his designs. Philip H. Frohman was the senior partner of the firm Frohman, Robb and Little. His associates were Donald Robb, who joined the firm with a significant reputation for his draftsmanship and ability to create gothic interiors, and Harry B. Little, one of the architects of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. The firm was formed in Boston and later opened an office in Washington, after securing the contract for the National Cathedral. While all three of the associates discussed and contributed to all of the finished work, no one who had dealings with the firm made any mistake about the personality of the senior partner, who stood at the center of things. . Frohman, Robb and Little were selected as the Chapel architects only after Ogilby and Mather had considered the leading architects of the day who worked in the gothic style. The idea of building a gothic structure was Mather's, and was the only option considered from the very moment that Mather announced his intention of donating the building. Many of the American architects who worked in the gothic style had an academic approach to their work. While impressive, their buildings were frequently dry and lacked the "living" quality that Ogilby and Mather sought to create. Frohman and his associates were selected because their philosophy of church architecture agreed fully with the ideal of the building that Ogilby and Mather wanted. In a letter to Ogilby (3/8/29), Frohman explained the approach that he brought to all of his work. . .. it is because of a conscientious adherence to our belief that if an architect is to create a living work of Christian art, it is absolutely essential that he put into every portion of the design and execution of his work a sufficient measure of his own faith and life ... In short, to achieve great architecture when it comes to the design and building of a church, an architect must have those qualifications which will enable him to be a true "master of the fabric" in the medieval sense of the word.

Ideals and craftsmanship created the Trinity Chapel. Photos by William G . Dud ley


The day after the above was written, Ogilby wrote to Mather indicating that he was clear in his mind that they would make no mistake in selecting Frohman, Robb and Little as architects. The "living" character of the building was one of their most difficult goals, and the achievement of it is one of the building's greatest accomplishments. It was evident from the start that the architect of the National Cathedral did not approach the Trinity Chapel as a lesser commission. Unlike most artists or even geniuses, the work of Philip Frohman does not divide into categories of major and minor. Everything is of the same quality, and was created with a dedication to strive for perfection. As he had done with the National Cathedral, Frohman built into the building a chronologically arranged history of the development of English church architecture. The Crypt Chapel is Norman and gives a sense of the fundamental strength and solidity of eleventh century architecture. In general, the building is gothic after the manner of the English gothic chapels, moving from the early to late thirteenth century from the nave to the choir. The upper part of the tower and the east end of the building suggest the later, perpendicular gothic.

None of this was done for fanciful reasons. The Norman architecture is better adapted to express the structural functions of a substructure than any of the later and more highly developed periods of gothic architecture. However, it was only in the fifteenth century that the crowning features of the gothic building saw their highest development. All of these elements come together in the_ Chapel with a vigor and originality that is not accidental. Frohman never attempted to construct a building from bits of existing structures, but always sought to create something new. He did not work with gothic architecture to recreate an historical period, but rather worked outside of time in a style that was, to him, both modern and creative. To Frohman, gothic architecture expresses a striving, not an attainment. He likened Greek architecture to a . man who has reached a perfection of the physical and material sort, while gothic architecture symbolizes a spiritual perfection that is beyond us. Because gothic attempts to go further than seems possible, we love it the more. The R. G. Bent Company of Hartford was selected to translate Frohman's designs into stone. Ogilby proposed the firm because of the fine work they had done for the Colleg~ in completing the Trowbridge Pool.


EXCAVATION and foundations were well underway in May 1930 (left). In September 1930, piers of the Crypt Chapel begail to take shape.

William G . Mather

CORNERSTONE CEREMONY, conducted by the Rev. W. Blair Roberts took place in June 1930. By November 1930, piles of Indiana limestone were on the site in front of Williams Memorial.


Ground was broken for the Chapel in November, 1929, and construction of the lower portions of the building began before detailed drawings had been made for the upper portions. The advantage of this arrangement was the faster start-up and lessened cost. The architects prepared very complete and demanding specifications for the contractor, and Bent was more than adequately equipped to supply what Frohman wanted. When construction began, one major decision about the building was yet to be made; the choice of a building stone for the exterior and interior walls. For very great sentimental reasons, many of the College trustees and others wanted to see a brownstone chapel that would match the existing buildings of the Long Walk. Unfortunately, brownstone was not suitable for the delicate tracery of the windows, and by 1930 the famous Portland, Connecticut quarries were no longer equipped to prepare stone according to the intricate requirements of the building. When the Rev. W. Blair Roberts accepted the invitation to lay the cornerstone of the Chapel, he was unaware of the fact that the particular type of stone he would be responsible for laying had not yet been determined. On April4, 1930 the decision was made, and Bent was authorized to purchase lndiana limestone in a shade known as "Rustic Buff." The choice of both stone and supplier (Bloomington Limestone Company) proved to be wise. The beauty and quality of the stone and the ability of the quarry to deliver as specified received the approbation of the demanding Frohman.

Ogilby, writing to Mather, said that he "marvelled daily at the beauty of the stone." By November, 1930, work had progressed to the point that the Crypt Chapel was made available for occasional services. Ogilby told Mather, "I have a feeling that it will be a distinct help to the spirit of the workmen if they see one little bit of finished beauty before their eyes." Ogilby's instincts proved correct. As had been his hope, he began to see that he had achieved his goal of working with men who loved their work and who loved the beauty of the work their hands created. As the building progressed, it became apparent that Ogilby's dream was realized beyond any expectations. The "occasional" services in the Crypt Chapel became a weekly event for the workmen. When the Chapel was completed they continued to meet every year to inspect their work, join in worship, and enjoy their fellows' company. Unfortunately, the Great Depression began to bite hard toward the end of construction. Mather's holdings were largely in steel, and it became increasingly difficult for him to arrange for the regular cash payments to meet building costs. As Mather's securities continued to depreciate, in-

Remsen B. Ogilby

SCAFFOLDING envelops the structure in April 1931 (top). The construction site look路 ing west two months later (right). By October 1931, the roof was being enclosed and the tower proceeding skyward (bottom).


creasingly stringent measures were undertaken. In November, 1931, Mather asked the executive committee of the Trustees to arrange a loan of $100,000 to support the Chapel construction. Even with this support it became necessary to arrange that all construction would be postponed, other than what was necessary to conserve what had already been built. By the end of March, 1932, Mather was completely out of cash and could not even manage the absolute minimum needed to secure the unfinished building from the weather.

The Chapel was completed, however, and it was the workmen who came forward to see that it was. They donated a substantial portion of the labor that it took to complete the structure. In describing this incident to Frohman, Ogilby wrote, "Their love for the Chapel is one of the finest sides of human nature I have ever met." Touchingly, t he last stone set in the tower has beneath it tf"le names of all the men on the job. Later, the same group, known as the Chapel Builders Alumni


INDIANA LIMESTONE covers a core of some 1,846,000 bricks used in chapel, which contains no structural steel (top). Chapel builders gathered annually in the Crypt Chapel to commemorate the completion of their task (right).

Association, saw their names more prominently carved in the south cloister. Fortunately, the story of the Chapel does not end with the topping off of the tower. Much of the stained glass and all of the celebrated pew and kneeler ends were yet to come, and by intention the Chapel is a place that will never be wholly completed. Before the 1930's were over, Mather's financial health had recovered, and the workmen and College were paid in full. By that time Mather was in his

eighties, and, because he lived in Cleveland, he was rarely able to attend the Chapel Builders Alumni Association meetings. His presence was always felt, and even when he was not there, the workmen toasted him as warmly as if he were. •

Peter Grant, a 1972 graduate ,o f Trinity, is an authority on church architecture, and founding member of the Hartford Architecture Conservancy, The text for this article is adapted from his forthcoming book, The Chapel of Trinity College, scheduled for publication in June 1982.

Chapel Jubilee A splendid 50th birthday



lorious music, historic exhibits and lectures, and uplifting religious services marked the celebration of the Chapel Jubilee. Beginning with the Festal Service in February, the rich and varied program of events played to full houses throughout the spring. Alumni, relatives of the chapel builders, and members of the Hartford and campus communities turned out in large numbers to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of one of Hartford's most notable landmarks. The observance will culminate at a chapel service on June 18, marking the actual fiftieth anniversary of the building's consecration. Chairmen for the Jubilee are the Rt. Rev. Lyman C. Ogilby, Bishop of Pennsylvania, and the Rt. Rev. Arthur C. Walmsley '48, Bishop of Connecticut.

CONCERT by Arioso with John Rose, chapel organist (foreground), was a musical highlight of the Jubilee. WEDDING REUNION service for those married in the Chapel, attracted over 50 couples to renew their vows. CLARENCE WATTERS, honorary col路 lege organist, marked his 80th birthday with a concert by four former students. Shown at the post-concert party are: Paul Lindsley Thomas, St. Michaels and All Angels, Dallas Texas; Charles Dodsley Walker, Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Watters; Philip Isaacson, Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford; Charles Callahan, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C.

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The Cha~el of Trinity College 1932-1982


LIMITED EDITION POSTER, (left) silk-screened on heavy stock, was designed for the Jubilee with proceeds going to Chapel maintenance. Depicting the original architect's drawing of the Chapel, the poster measures 14 x 2 7 inches. Copies, at $5.50 each, may be ordered from the Public Relations Office, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106. At right, student carillonneur Laura Dyson tries out the new practice console recently donated to the College.

Photo by Kathleen Frederick

EXHIBITION tracing the history of the Chapel was designed by Peter Knapp '65 {left) College archivist. Peter Grant '72 (right) author of a forthcoming book on the Chapel, attended exhibit opening. At right, W. Norman Pittenger, theologian-in-residence from Kings College, Cambridge, added to the stature of the Jubilee with a sermon, lecture and several meetings with students during his stay on campus.


CHAPEL services and activities have an important role in many students' lives.

Chapel and College The encounter between religion and education retains its spirit. by Arthur E. Walmsley '48


y first political act took place in 1936 when I wore a large sunflower with the words "Alf Landon" on it. That bold self-confession had absolutely no electoral effect. Mr. Roosevelt won by a landslide. Besides I was only eight years old. Four years earlier, in 1932, my taste for the world beyond the family had been whetted when the same jaunty man who won the election passed through our town in an open touring car to his alma mater, The Groton School. Groton, you will recall, was built as an institution to equip the American establishment for their leadership responsibilities. It seems ancient history now. 1932, the year of Roosevelt, marked the depth of The Depression. Looked at today -when an Administration in power seems committed to repeal the directions which he set in motion -looked at now after World War II, after the post-war boom, after Korea, Vietnam, the cultural upheavals of the sixties and seventies- 1932 seems a long time ago, not just in time, but in national consciousness. The event we commemorate this afternoon happened that same year. This Chapel came into being as a result of the shared vision of three men: Ogilby, the president and dreamer; Mather, the alumnus and philanthropist; and Frohman, the architect and exponent of a gothic revival. It is possible, I suppose, to count their achievement as some kind of architectural fossil, the last gasp of a 19th century vision which in its own way capped the plan of William Burges, who designed a new campus in the gothic style when Trinity moved in 1878 to its present site from its old location where the State Capitol now stands. Burges' model never progressed much beyond the buildings bordering the Long Walk from Jarvis to Seabury. What about this building? Undergraduates, at least in my generation, would resent the discipline of compulsory Chapel, and that custom disappeared in the late 1950s. Latter day disciples of Darwin, Marx, or Freud no doubt regard this place as an anachronism at best. Some of its neighbors resent the tintinabulation of its bells, bells, bells. No doubt one can reach the exalted state "Cum hoc libro admitote ad primum gradum" without acknowledging that it even exists. But here it is.

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had vanished, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming

down out of heaven from God .... I heard a loud voice proclaiming from the throne, 'Now at last God has His dwelling among mankind. He will dwell among them and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be an end to death, and to mourning and crying and pain; for the old order has passed away.''' In 1823, a hundred years before the Chapel was built, a group of Episcopal churchmen in Connecticut founded Washington College. They were moved by a vision of liberal arts education which they S(;lW to be the repository of classical learning and the western cultural and religious tradition. This place was to be unlike other schools - and in particular Yale College which required adherence to a creedal statement and particular denominational tradition. The fact that a group of Episcopalians would found an independent college without any legal and institutional ties to the institutional church makes a statement both about religion and the intellectual life, and the relationship between them. Religion, religious commitment, and its institutional forms provide a basis, one might say a ground or support for the intellectual and educational enterprise, but religion does not expect a circumference for those operations of the human spirit. Trinity is not, and never was, a sectarian institution. Its model was on the order of the British universities, in which the encounter of religion and learning is dialogical, not confessional, rooted in a uniquely Anglican love for reason and reasoned faith. As William Lawrence said in his charge to President Ogilby in a charge at the Consecration of the Chapel, "The architecture of this Chapel, the office of consecration, its forms of worship, express louder than words the traditions which form the background of this nation. In the changing moods of American thought and life, the Chapel will stand for such courage, elasticity and idealism as will bind it closer to the sons (and daughters) of America who worship here. In the changing habits of family life and the loosening of religious teaching in the homes, those coming here have a right to ask that Christian faith and worship be.so expressed as to meet their needs, and so adapted to the thoughts, philosophies and ethics that they are working out that Christ, His life and ideals will be wrought into the warp and woof of their character." There is vision and an almost naive idealism in that statement. It is shot through with assumptions about the American ex-


perience, its law and traditions and purposes which have been drastically challenged in the half-century which has intervened. It makes assumptions about the enterprise of liberal arts education and the boundaries between a religious life and the intellectual world. No one better personified the integration of those values than Remson Brinkerhoff Ogilby. As he scurried over the scaffolding day after day during the building, Ogilby challenged the stonemasons and others with an almost fierce energy and a determination that this building would be a synthesis of architecture, and faith, tradition, manual labor and intellectual striving. In his remarks at the dedication ceremony in June, 1932, Ogilby held up such a unity of purpose: "The dream of the donor, the vision of the architect, the exactitude of the engineer, the craftsmanship of mason and carpenter, the sweat of the laborer, the lavish of beauty of carven wood and stone have all been conceived and carried out in a spirit of absolute consecration. Sympathetic visitors during the period of construction have sometimes suggested with pleased surprise that we seem to have regained something of the spirit of the Middle Ages, the craftsmanship of which endures to this day. If this be so it is not because of any architectural limitation, but simply because of a gradually formed conviction that this is the way to


Phillip Bartlett Gale Pew End

Ogilby Memorial Pew End

build a House of God. A workman may easily become a craftsman when he loves his task. This Chapel also embodies convictions of long standing. It stresses the fact that there are values in our heritage from the past which will long endure." It is hard for one generation to reconstruct, much less comprehend the unity of vision which called forth this building. The synthesis of values which epitomized western European culture before its collapse in the years between the First and Second World Wars may seem strangely out of place on the modern campus. But it remains, unabashedly, the task both of the Church and the academy to provide that linkage. In his report to the university last year, President Giamatti of Yale wrote, "Our institutions that mediate between the past and the future- courts, libraries, museums, hospitals, churches, universities, the various levels of government - are constantly undergoing changes in shape, and therefore shapeliness or the question of proportion is _always before us ... The more I think of it, the more the characteristic feature (of the university) that I treasure most, and most believe we must advance is the driving ideal of collaboration." The mere existence of this Chapel challenges the Trinity campus to a dialogue. What is the appropriate

encounter between one religious tradition among many and the intellectual quest which is the proper undertaking of a liberal arts institution? A Chapel roote-d in a particular Christian tradition, in this case Anglican, stands on the boundary among varied religious experiences, not the least of which today is the encounter between the religions of the Near East- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - and those of the Far East. No one need be embarrassed to be a Christian in this place, or to apologize for the western cultural and intellectual heritage which gave birth to this college and to the liberal democratic idealism which has empowered the society in its relations to the rest of the world. What is called for is an appropriate humility. A college chapel lives on the boundary of present time inasmuch as it must minister to people whose productive lives will be lived out in another century and millenium. Unlike the time of President Ogilby and his gothic vision, this building is not at the center of the campus enterprise. But neither must it be seen as only on the boundary. Its mode is in dialogue. It is a mediating structure. But the terms of the dialogue have changed in the fifty years since its building, and will continue to. In architecture, we are the children not only of a gothic revival but of the Bauhaus. In art, of abstract expressionism. In philosophy, of existentialism, neo-Marxism,


Football Team of 1933 Pew End

and their assorted children. In economics, of postKeynesian revisionism. In international affairs, global consciousness. In religious awareness, a renaissance of all traditions, East and West. What has excited those of us who have been privileged to plan the Jubilee celebration of this building launched in this Service is the richness of vision and creative energy that occasioned the building of the Chapel in a bleak time in American life. It should come as no surprise that the second lesson at the Service of Consecration was the same passage from the Book of Revelation read just a moment ago. The apocalypse of John was written to a ,church undergoing persecution at the beginning of the Second Century A.D. For its author, the compelling vision of a new society was enough to sustain a group of people in the worst of times. That is a task worthy of a college in the tradition ofTrinity, and it i¡s clearly the place of this building in its midst. •

¡ ''Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old order had passed away. ''

Lenox School Pew End

The Right Reverend Arthur E. Walmsley, a 1948 gradu ate of Trinity, is th e Bishop of Connecticut. This sermon was delivered at the Festal jubilee Service in February inaugurating the semester-long celebratio n of the Chapel's fift ieth anniversary.

Watt-Watching at Interior A forecast of hard times for the environYn;ent. by Nathaniel P. Reed '51 "Probable nor' east to sou' west winds, varying to the southard and westard and eastard and points between; high and low barometer, sweeping round from place to place; probable areas of rain, snow, hail and drought, succeeded or preceded by earthquakes with thunder and lightning. ''



ark Twain's description of New England weather reminds us nicely of the unpredictability, the diversity of nature. That diversity is critical, not only to our quality of life, but also to our American way of life. The task of protecting our natural inheritance falls largely to the Department of the Interior currently under the direction of its controversial Secretary, James Watt. Since the programs of this department affect a considerable segment of our society, it is important to examine in some detail the broad range of Interior's influence and responsibility. My own familiarity with the Department comes from six years as Assistant Secretary of the Interior under Presidents Nixon and Ford, hardly the background for an "environmental extremist." Yet, Secretary Watt has dismissed his critics, of which I am one, as environmentalist "hired guns." He proclaims loudly and repeatedly that he is a true environmentalist, and that anyone who disagrees with his policies is an extremist. This scares me; it brings to mind Emerson's statement, "The louder he talked of his honor the faster we counted our spoons." There is a well known psychological pattern called projection; the faults we attribute to others are most likely to be the ones we are most concerned about in ourselves. I have no doubt that deep down Jim Watt knows who the extremist is. Let me begin my analysis of the Department of the Interior by providing some budgetary perspective. Interior's proposed budget for 1982 is $3.6 billion. Billions always sound like a lot of money, but the Interior funding is only 1.5 percent of the $220 billion defense/military budget. In other words, iflnterior's annual budget were assigned to the Department of Defense, it would close up shop at 2: 10 in the afternoon of the fifth day of the fiscal year. What does the American public get for its investment of $3.5 billion? And, why is everyone so upset with the new Secretary of the Interior? It is after all a striking phenomenon when the head of an agency previously little known east of the Mississippi is spontaneously and roundly booed by 75,000 people, as Watt was at arecent National Symphony concert on the Capitol grounds. No other cabinet officer in history has pro-

voked a million petition signers to demand his resignation. The Secretary of the Interior manages a department that is formed around agencies which often have conflicting roles: developing water projects versus defending wildlife habitat; encouraging mineral, oil and gas development versus protecting the national parks, refuges, wilderness areas and endangered species. Nevertheless, a well-trained and disciplined executive who attracts and seeks out good administrators - all sharing common sense and listening to competent legal advice - will ,find Interior manageable. Compared to HUD, HEW or Defense, Interior, with its 60,000 employees, is a small assemblage of extraordinarily gifted, well-trained, highly motivated men and women. Contrary to the current tre'n d of abusing professional government employees, I can honestly report that I never worked with a finer or more talented cadre. In the following discussion we will look at the major functions of the Department of the Interior and also examine some of Secretary Watt's proposals. (Two areas of Interior's responsibility - the Bureau of Indian Affair_s and oversight of U.S. territories- have been omitted in the interest of brevity.)

• The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages about 341 million acres of public land in our western states and Alaska. The lands provide forage for 6.7 million head oflivestock, 75,000 wild horses and burros, 2 million big game animals, and millions of other small creatures - birds, reptiles, and mammals. In addition to its responsibilities for grazing management, wildlife management, timber management, wilderness study, and general land management, BLM is the lessor of all oil and gas, coal and hardrock minerals on federal lands. Secretary Watt has proposed that vast new areas of public lands, offshore lands, and wilderness areas be opened for mineral and energy development. Yet the budget he proposed for BLM was 17 percent less than the 1981 level of funding. He has proposed reducing programs for management, assessment, and inventories of public lands, while dramatically increasing the use of those lands. While the overall budget is decreased substantially, the budget for accelerated onshore and offshore oil and gas leasing is increased substantially. For areas being studied for inclusion in the wilderness system under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), BLM had stipulated that mineral exploration and development was permissible if the development did not impair an area's wilderness

' 27

Reproduced with permission from The Miami Herald


United Press International Photo

BRYCE CANYON National Park in Utah is threatened by Secretary Watt's recent decision to permit the mining of coal on land adjacent to the boundary of the Park.

characteristics. In April, 1981, Secretary Watt announced the end of the non-impairment standard. Instead, a more relaxed conditon for development will be "no unnecessary or undue degradation." Imagine trying to argue in court whether or not certain impacts were necessary. This new standard may very well render potential wilderness areas unsuitable for this purpose. While Secretary Watt is trying to take credit for renewed leasing of coal resources, he is, in fact, taking actions which will delay development. In September 1981, he moved to reverse a decision of his predecessor, Cecil Andrus, so that mining flush against the boundary of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah would be permitted, no matter how much damage it would do to Park values or scenery. Following this action, one of

Watt's political appointees said, "Of course we're going to reverse Andrus' decision. How can we attract redblooded American boys to the mining industry if we tell them they have to be ashamed to look at a strip mine from a National Park." Because of the Watt Interior Department's obvious biases, the coal industry can now expect public opposition to any proposals to mine near parks. That will increase litigation and delays, neither of which is in the interest of producing coal. Delays are also inevitable from the offshore oil and gas leasing program Watt has proposed. The Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program has been in effect since the OCS Lands Act was passed in 1953. Since that time, 20 million acres.of offshore lands have been leased for oil and gas development. Secretary

Watt has proposed to offer for development ove; the next 5 years, 1 billion acres offshore. Each year, he would offer more than 10 times the total area leased in the last 28 years. Several coastal governors objected to this program on the grounds that planning for the impacts of leasing such large areas would be difficult if not impossible for their states to handle. Their objections were summarily dismissed. Is this the "new federalism?" It might appear that the oil industry would be overjoyed at the prospect of so much new land to develop. Not so. In comments submitted on Watt's five-year proposal, ARCO said: "As we have previously stated, we are generally supportive of the final five-year OCS leasing program currently being implemented. It is quite aggressive. We are especially pleased with the schedule as it relates to Alaska where we are very active .. . We do not support the notion that the schedule must be drastically changed. It should be maintained." Pennzoil "opposes any revision which would escalate or delay the dates for the proposed sales as set forth in the existing five-year OCS oil and gas leasing program." It is unlikely that the oil companies will be able to find the equipment, trained petroleum engineers and geologists, or even the capital to develop these vast new areas expeditiously. Thus, even if they are leased, because of existing shortages of manpower and equip-

ment, they will probably not be developed any time soon. The oil companies will be buying, at 1982 prices, resources they may not be able to produce until the 1990's. That is not a fair deal for the American public, and it most certainly is not the way to expedite energy development. The Department of the Interior is the only government agency that makes more money than it spends. In fiscal year '81 the sale of OCS resources raised more than $6.7 billion. These revenues are from the sale of resources which belong to all the people of the United States. Resources belonging to all of us should be sold for a fair market price. Because the areas to be offered under Secretary Watt's proposal are so large, t}:le price paid by the oil companies for each acre leased will be less. The decision paper given to Watt on the OCS program made this clear: "There was agreement overall (Shell, Getty, Tomlinson, Arco, Mobil, Exxon, Sohio) that larger offerings will reduce the number of bids per tract on average." That means less competition. Less competition means a greater chance for scandal and also a smaller return for the sale of our public oil and gas. Does that make sense for an Administration trying desperately to balance the budget? Ithink not. • The National Park Service (NPS) manages and operates 327 units in the U.S. and lts territories. These include national parks, seashores, urban parks, recreation areas, national monuments, wild and scenic

ENDANGERED SPECIES funds face cuts of 30 percent, which would hamper efforts of the Fish and Wildlife service to protect animals such as this cow moose and calf. Photo by Leonard Lee Ru e III



rivers, and historic sites. In 1981, over 300 million visits were made to national park service areas. The Park Service utilizes over 20 percent of the total Interior budget. This figure, however, reflects Secretary Watt's decision not to request any funds for the Land and Water Conservation Fund program. Secretary Watt's proposals for our national park system can only be called Draconian. He says that we must "maintain what we have," and therefore suggests that there should be no money spent to acquire inholdings or newly authorized areas. Thus, he has proposed a massive cut in the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which provides money from offshore oil and gas revenues, primarily for parklands acquisition. Congress established the LWCF in 1965 on the principle that the proceeds from the exploitation of one valuable resource should be used to preserve another. Under this program, two million acres of land have been acquired for federal parks, refuges, forests, and BLM lands. Another two million acres have been acquired with these funds for state and local use. Historically, LWCF monies have been split between the state and federal governments, with the split generally favoring the states. For fiscal year '82, Secretary Watt has proposed zero funding for the state share of LWCF money, 100 percent for the federal government. Another fine example of the new federalism. I am not suggesting that we add new areas to the park system. I am suggesting that if we do not continue to purchase those areas, including inholdings, which have already been authorized, then we are not "taking care of what we have." Our failure to acquire these vital parcels jeopardizes the individual parks, makes management extremely difficult, and makes future purchases much more expensive for the taxpayers. An investment now of $1 per year per citizen will finish the park acquisition program in less than 7 years. I think that is a good investment. While Watt is, saying that we should take care of what we have, his actions belie his rhetoric. The Administration has proposed eliminating the requirement that significant deterioration be prevented in areas adjacent to national parks. He has further proposed eliminating the Youth Conservation Corps, which would have provided summer employment for 12,000 15-18 yearolds doing development and maintenance jobs in the parks at the minimum wage. Strip mining next to Bryce Canyon. Allowing smog in and around parks. Ending the YCC. I cannot fathom how Secretary Watt reconciles his policies with overblown rhetoric. And this is a man who calls others "extremist."

• The Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for a wildlife refuge system of over 88.7 million acres consisting of 404 refuges and 19 wetlands management districts. Its facilities include 89 hatcheries, 5 development centers, 2 training schools, 12laboratories and 25 field stations. In 1980, national hatcheries managed by the FWS produced 175 million fish for release into the coastal and inland rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs. The FWS also has the principal responsibility for the protection of migratory birds, threatened and en-

dangered species, certain marine mammals, and international resources. At a time when energy and mineral development are being proposed at unprecedented levels, when more should be done to protect species which face extinction because of development, Secretary Watt has proposed to cut by over 30 percent funds for the study, listing, and protection of endangered species. The grant program designed to stimulate state endangered species policies would be cut completely. A cooperative program with 29 states, where federal research monies and staffs assist state wildlife programs, would be eliminated. Nationally, this program costs less than $5 million, yet it attracts $3 in state and private funds for every federal dollar invested. Here again, our loudest exponent of the "new federalism" contradicts his own rhetoric with his policies. There seems to be a pattern to Watt's actions. Like an impetuous child, he slashes budgets and jettisons programs because he has to have "results now" regardless of the long-term consequences. He is willing to saddle the public with large and needless expenditures in the future to look good for the President and Cabinet today. Nor does he bother to consult with the wise hands in the Department who could explain all the implications of his reckless proposals to him. He wants the immediate gratification of a savaged budget - no time to think about the results. • The Office of Surface Mining (OSM) is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the Surface Mining Act. The Act was passed by Congress in 1977 after more than 10 years of hard work. Anyone who has seen strip-mined areas in Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, or elsewhere in Appalachia will understand the importance of this law. Much of Appalachia has been devastated. Strip mining, if not done properly, besides its obvious effects on the land, can cause erosion, water quality degradation, land instability, and other less direct impacts. On my first visit to Appalachia in 1971 I wept at the sight of eroded mountainsides, poisoned rivers, land that looked like a moonscape; but worse was what man, the strip miner, had done to his fellow man. In those back hollows, generations of Americans had suffered unbelievable indignites which are human scars just as visible as those on the landscape. The question here, as with most environmental legislation, is not whether or not to develop a resource, but how to develop it responsibly with the least damage to people and to other resources. The Surface Mining Act requires regulations for reclaiming stripped land and for proper mining techniques. Secretary Watt has proposed cutting the OSM budget by 27 percent. Most of that cut comes from enforcement programs. He has proposed deleting all parts of the OSM regulations dealing with public participation in enforcement and removing the requirements for on-the-ground inspections. He has also proposed that a mine owner be able to terminate a notice of violation by signing a statement that the violation has been abated, without any inspection to confirm the statement. I believe these proposals violate not only the spirit but the letter of the law.

STRIP MINING, which has devastated Appalachia, is encouraged by relaxed enforcement.

• The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) does topographic surveys and mapping. The Survey is also responsible for all geological and mineral resource surveys and maps, earthquake analysis and prediction, worldwide energy resource surveys, and water resource investigations. In addition, the Conservation Division of the USGS regulates all onshore and offshore oil and gas development, and assesses and collects royalties from the developers of those resources on federal and Indian lands. '\

• The Bureau of Reclamation carries out the federal interest in western water resources devdopment. The dams, which turned deserts into farmland, were built by the Bureau of Reclamation at taxpayers' expense. This Bureau is a curious combination - the deliverer of that vital western resource, water, and a pork barrel agency whose only rival is the Army Corps of Engineers. Lyndon Johnson said of tax breaks that "One man's loophole is another man's living." The same kind of comparison can be made with water projects- "One congressman's pet project is another congressman's boondoggle." Water projects are like everything else, there are good ones and there are bad ones, and we need to set priorities. In this context it is interesting to note that Secretary Watt has proposed the largest budget in its history for the Bureau of

Reclamation. At $838 million, it constitutes nearly 25% of the total Interior budget. No effort has been made to take on fiscally wasteful and environmentally damaging projects like the Garrison Diversion. The same old expensive games are still being played. The American taxpayers deserve better. • The budget of the Bureau of Mines, which does research related to mines and minerals, was cut only a fraction of one percent. Yet within the Bureau, there were changes. Watt recommended that the budget for minerals resources technology be increased substantially, and that the budget for minerals environmental technology be decreased considerably.

It is hard to think of an agency which affects more people, albeit indirectly, than Interior. Whether you know it or not, you benefit from those public resources. The oil or gas that fuels your home or your car may come from onshore or offshore public lands, as may the coal that fires the power plant that provides you with electricity. A fraction of the income from the sale of offshore oil and gas is used to purchase parks. Some of the income from the sale of onshore resources goes to states for educational and other purposes. Most of the money

Photo by Amos S. Eno

conserve the scenery ·and

and historic objects and therein and to· provide of the same in such by such means as wiff leave for the e~oyment of " , from t he Act of Conlfress of A ug\Ult 2), 1916. Establishing. il1e N11lionaJ Park Servi


from the sale of these resources goes to the general treasury and helps offset the federal deficit. The lamb or beef you had for dinner last night may very well have spent part of its life grazing on public lands. The fish you caught last summer may have come from a na~ tional fish hatchery. The ducks and geese you see by the shore probably spend a good part of their lives in national wildlife refuges. Budget~cutting in the Department of the Interior has been selective, indeed. All of those areas which deal with environmental protection and human welfare are to be cut - endangered species, environmental analysis, enforcement of the Strip Mining Act, national parks acquisition, urban parks development, Indian programs, territorial programs. All of those areas which deal with development are to be increased - OCS leas~ ing, opening wilderness areas and other public lands to oil and mineral development, coal leasing, dam building, and so on. Secretary Watt's so~called energy development pro~ posals are so extreme and haye so polarized the in~ terested parties that they feel no compromise is possi~ ble. Instead of bringing people together to discuss how to solve problems - where to lease, how fast to lease, which public lands to open for development - this has become an all~or~nothing game. Watt doesn't seem to understand that clear environmental protecton rules make development easier. They reduce public fears about development, and they allow industry to know what can be developed under what conditions. They provide for a stable development program. Watt's pro~ posals will only result in uncertainty, litigation, and delay. That is not in the interest of producing energy, and it is certainly not good management. Watt says he represents the real majority of Americans, and that those who oppose him are ex~ tremists. The Harris Survey last June released a poll showing that the American public overwhelmingly favors environmental protection. By 86 percent to 12 percent, a majority opposed weakening the Clean Air Act. The sentiment for the Clean Water Act was even stronger, with a margin of 93 percent to 4 percent op~ posing weakening. The National Wildlife Federation is considered one of the most conservative of the national conservation organizations. It polled its 4.5 million members, who voted for President Reagan by a majori~

ty of over 2 to 1, and found that "the overwhelming majority are opposed to policies M r. Watt has adopted or advocated." Watt began his tenure at Interior with a widely quoted commitment to the "new federalism," stressing his new "working partnership" and "good neighbor" policy with the states. Yet, when he decided tentatively to add four basins to an OCS sale offshore California, how did governor Brown learn of it? He read it in the newspaper. What a way to begin a partnership. Watt rejected the unanimous recommendation of the coal team, which included western governors, on coal leas~ ing goals. He has proposed changes to restrict the state role in offshore oil and gas decisions. In fact, Republican Governor Hammond of Alaska said that Watt's OCS plan "flies in the face of the new spirit of federalism that most western states welcomed with the election of President Reagan." Some neighbor; some partnership. Jim Watt calls himself a conservative. I submit to you that he is a radical who prefers name~calling and irra~ tional provocative policies to thoughtful change. We have proven over the last decade that environmental protection and energy development can both be achieved. His policies would halt both. But Jim Watt is sure he is right. He is the perfect embodiment of Am~ brose Bierce's statement: '" To be positive is to be mistaken at the top' of one's voice." Few would dispute that we need to cut back on federal spending, or that we need to develop energy and minerals. But we also need to establish intelligent and reasonable priorities. We need tobring people together to solve problems, not pit them against each other. We need development which recognizes the legitimate uses of other competing resources. We need stable, predictable ~nergy and resource development, not random, unplanned development. These needs are important to consumers, to communities, to industry, and to the nation. We also need to preserve our national heritage. Parks, whether urban, suburban, or isolated, provide an escape from the hard realities of day to day life. They have alway been places where citizens can regenerate their spirit, their creativity. They are impor~ tant to us as those few remaining places where our children, and their children, can see elk and moose, bighorn sheep and bald eagles, in the wild, rather than behind cages in the zoo. They allow us to know the awe our forefathers knew when they trudged across this continent 150 years ago and saw the Rockies or the Grand Canyon for the first time. At a time when the nation is seeking values, these are truly important ones. If wanting to protect these last vestiges of our natural American heritage is considered extreme, so be it. But I agree with Theodore Roosevelt, who said, "The conser~ vation of our Natural Resources is our fundamental problem; unless we solve that problem it will avail us little to solve all others." • Author Nathaniel P. Reed is a 1951 graduate of Trinity and a leading Florida environmentalist. H'(; served for nearly six years as A ssistant Secretary of the Interior during the N ixon and Ford Administrations. His article is adapted from an address he delivered last ·fall on the Trinity campus.

QuadWran~es Stargazing with the Times


ublication of the New York Times Selective Guide to Colleges this spring has sparked a sizeable brouhaha on campuses throughout the country. Edited by Times education editor, Edward B. Fiske, the book covers some 265 schools, purported to be among the most selective in the nation. College guides have been around a long time, and most libraries and secondary school guidance offices contain several such reference works for students seeking a college. For the most part these guides are pretty tame stuff, and none has raised academic hackles to the degree achieved by Fiske's publication. The controversy appears to focus on three major areas. First, colleges fear that the imprimatur of the Times lends credence to the new guide out of proportion to its value to the reader. Second, some have challenged the methods used in compiling the book, primarily questionnaires completed by a relatively small sample of students and administrators. Third, there have been strong objections to the book's rating system, which compares institutions in three categoriesacademics, social life and quality of life (food, climate, pressure etc.). In his ratings, Fiske awarded from one to five stars for each category, in much the same manner that Michelin and Mobil judge restaurants and hotels. While Fiske claims the ratings were not meant to be competitive (in fact, public and private schools were judged on different scales), the natural tendency has been for readers to tally the total number of stars awarded and arrive at some sort of pecking order of institutions. This process has led to some surprising conclusipns. Three schools, Stanford, Brown, and the University of Virginia top the list with 14 stars. Eleven schools are in the second echelon with 13 stars; twenty-one schools merited 12 stars. The good news is that Trinity made the third grouping along with some distinguished company - Harvard, Williams, Swarthmore, Yale - and finished ahead of some highly regarded institutions such as Princeton, Wesleyan, Amherst and Bowdoin. The bad news is that Trinity scored heavily in social life (5) and quality of life (4) but only averaged (3) in academics. Amherst and Wesleyan, which scored lower overall, each got 5 stars for academics. Trinity's write-up is heavy on the social atmosphere and less flattering on intellectual interests. Typical comments include: "Prepped-out and partied up, Trinity

students are smart kids out for a good time at college." "You have to be an idiot to get lower than a B in most courses." " ... Trinity offers students the possibility of liberation not only from rigid academic requirements but also from hard work." Notably missing are references to the College's outstanding library, the quality of the faculty, the improving admissions picture, and the recent steps taken by the faculty to foster academic rigor. General campus reacton was aptly voiced by President English who questioned Fiske's attempt to assign a numerical rating to academics at any institution calling it an effort to "quantify the unquantifiable." Most here felt that given the rating system, Trinity scored at least one star too low in academics and one star too high in social life. In the wake of the guide's first edition, President English and many of his counterparts elsewhere submitted objections in writing to the Times, followed up by personal visits with Fiske. To its credit the Times responded quickly to the criticism. Future editions will no longer carry the Times' logo on the cover, thus removing the implication that the paper endorses the ratings. In some cases, Colby College for one, rankings will be changed in the light of new information. The impact of President English's critique is unknown at this writing. Obviously, it is still too early to measure the effect of the Times' guide. On the one hand, Trinity can take pride in the fact that it is "rated" one of the top 35 schools in the country, and is one of 265 colleges included in the book out of the 2,000-odd, four-year institutions in the U.S. On the other hand, such necessarily superficial institutional comparisons must be viewed with a generous helping of skepticism. Clearly, the function of all such guides is to provide a convenient first reference for the student just beginning his or her search for the right college. When it comes to making the hard choice, however, the answer is not in the "stars" but derives from in-depth research on curricular options, through campus visits, and by forthright discussions with those who know the institution best - faculty, students, admissions officers and alumni. To ensure the best possible match between Trinity and its future students, our continuing task is to help prospective candidates keep the guidebook literature in proper perspective. WLC


Campus Notes ~ROBERT

H. BREWER, associate professor of biology, presented a paper-entitled "The distribution, dispersion and phenology of the benthic stages of Cyanea (Scyphozoa)" in March at the Benthic Ecology Meeting at Harvard University. ~JOSEPH

D. BRONZINO, Roosa professor of applied science, has been awarded a $145,000 grant by the National Science Foundation for his research on the sleep-waking cycle in human beings. The grant, which will be used over a three-year period, will be used to support research on the role of neuro-chemicals in the sleep· waking cycle and to develop quantita· tive indices of the electrical activity in the brain. ~


Slide and Record Libararian, TRUDY BUXTON, spoke on "Non-Standard Sources for Slide Acquisition" at the annual meeting of the Art Libraries Society of North America in Boston in February. In addition, she was elected Moderator of the Visual Resources Group of the Society for 1982/83. ~Professor

of Fine Arts, GEORGE E. CHAPLIN, participated in a group exhibit at the William Benton·Muse· um at Storrs, ,Connecticut in December. He also juried the fifth annual open exhibition of painting and sculpture at The Art Barn in Greenwich, Connecticut this spring. He currently has paintings on exhibit in Jordan, Thailand and Liberia. ~GEORGE

B. COOPER, Northam professor of history, gave the Ski Club of Great Britain's Sixth Sir Ar· nold Lunn Memorial Lecture in Lon· don in April. He had the honor of being the first American to present this lecture. <


Visiting Associate Professor of Educational Studies, RONALD K. GOODENOW, was one of five participants in "The Place of Higher Educa· tion on the Nation's Agenda: ANational Symposium," which was spon· so red by the Association of American Colleges, the Exxon Education Foundation, and Grinnell College, held at Grinnell in March. He was also a scholarly critic at the March national conference of the American Educa· tional Research Association. In the Spring issue of The Teachers College

Record, he published an essay, "Educating the Masses and Reforming the City: Another Look at the Gary Plan." ~DAVID

E. HENDERSON, assistant professor of chemistry, with P.M. Scola ('82) and F.P. Novak ('80), pre· sented a paper entitled "Low Temper· ature HPLC for Separation of Ther· mally Labile Species" at the Pitts· burgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy in March. ~NANCY

OLEY KIRKLAND, assistant professor of psychology, presented a paper on "Intracerebral naloxone blocks systemic morphine effects" at the Society for Neuroscience, Connecticut Chapter, University of Connecticut Health Center in Novem· ber. Another paper entitled "Morphine stimulation of nucleus tractus solitarius produces dose-dependent analgesia" was given at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Associati9n in April and published in Brain Re·

search. ~

Director of American Studies, EUGENE E. LEACH, served as the "academic expert" on an Overseers Visiting Committee to the American Studies Progr~m at Colby College in April. He also presented a paper en· titled "Mob, Audience, Market: Crowd Psychology in America, 1890-1930" at the April meeting of the Popular Culture Association Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. ~RICHARDT.

LEE, professor of philosophy, gave a lecture in March entitled "What is Right and Wrong about the Representational Theory of Mind" at Queen's University, Kings· ton, Ontario. In April he spoke at Trinity as part of a Consortium Symposium in Philosophy on "Philosophical Themes in C.S. Peirce: Can We Make Our Ideas Clear?" ~RICHARDT.

LEE, professor of philosophy, and J. RONALD SPENCER, associate dean and lecturer in history, attended a conference in Washington in March on "The Role of the Academy in Addressing the Issues of Nuclear War." Sponsored by the Association of American Colleges, the American Council on Educaton and Hobart & William Smith Colleges, the conference featured lectures and workshops on how to incorporate nuclear war-related issues into the lib-

eral arts curriculum. Plans are being laid at Trinity to offer several freshman seminars and a college course that will examine nuclear weapons and war from the vantage point of such disciplines as history, international politics, physics, biology, medicine, and ethics. ~Associate

Professor of Modern Languages, SONIA LEE, published an article called "Camara Laye, Chantre MaHnke" in the January 5 issue of Arts et Lettres in Dakar, Senegal. She lectured on "The Theme of Happiness in African Women Writers" at the African Literature Associaton at Howard University in Washington, D.C. in April. As a result of this lecture, she was interviewed for literary radio programs to be broadcast by the Voice of America. ~

Lecturer'in History, MICHAEL E. LESTZ, co-authored a monographlength study titled Taiwan to 1987 which was published as a Business International Multiclient Study in Hong Kong in December. In the spring, he published a translation of Duan Mu Hong Liang's story, 'Looking for a House' and a critical essay titled "Duan My Hong Liang and the Background of 'Looking for a House' " in the University of Illinois' Modern Chinese Literature Newsletter. He has also been elected to membership in Columbia University's Modern China Seminar this spring. ~KENNETH

LLOYD-JONES, associate professor of modern languages, spoke on "Three Stanzas of Maurice Sceve's Delie" at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association of America in December in New York City. He was invited to evaluate the French curriculum at Dickinson College in February. In April he participated in discussions of "Hermeticism in the Renaissance" at a Colloquium held at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C. ~CLYDE

D. MCKEE, JR., associate professor of political science, won a public service grant from the Connect· icut Humanities Council in January to broadcast a panel discussion over Connecticut Public Radio on the subject "Political Terrorism: Is America Prepared?" In February he co-authored an article entitled, "The Arms Race, Played by SDB," for the American Po-

litical Science Association News. The New England Political Science Asso· dation held its annual conference at Trinity in April, at which time McKee chaired a panel and presented a paper entitled "The Politics of Connecti· cut's Reapportionment, 1980-82." ~Associate

Professor of Chemistry, RALPH 0. MOYER, JR., has joined with scientists at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of Southern California in the publica· tion of "An Order-Disorder Transi· tion in SrzirDs: Evidence for Square Pyramidal IrDs Units from Powder Neutron Diffraction Data," which appeared in The Journal of Solid State

Chemistry. ~JOHN

ROSE, college organist, gave a solo recital and performance with orchestra on campus in addition to performing off campus in seven states and two foreign countries. Towerhill Records of California has released two of his new recordings. ~

CRAIG W. SCHNEIDER, associate professor of biology, will teach a botany course entitled "Benthic Ma· rine Algae" at the Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina, this summer. ~

Director of Career Counseling, CHRISTOPHER}. SHINKMAN, gave a presentation entitled "Employer-College Dialog," with Lynne Jones, manager of university relations at Connecticut General Life Insurance

Company, at the annual meeting of the Eastern College Personnel Offi. cers in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in October. ~Associate

Professor of Biology, JOHN E. SIMMONS, was awarded a Fulbright grant to teach human physi· ology at Gezira University in Khar· tum, Sudan during the 1982-1983 aca· demic year. ~Professor

of English, PAUL SMITH, presented a paper, "A Fare· well to Arms: Teaching with Manuscripts," at the November meeting of the National Convention of Teach· ers of English Convention in Boston. He also presided at the Annual Meet· ing of The Hemingway Society, in New York in December, and at the Bi· annual Convention of the Society's meeting in Boston in May he present· ed a paper entitled "The Discovery of Structure in Hemingway's 'Ten Indians."' He has been awarded a grant· in-aid for 1982-83 from the American Council of Learned Societies for research on manuscripts of Ernest Hem· ingway. ~

J. RONALD SPENCER, associate academic dean and lecturer in his· tory, attended the Third Lowell (Mass.) Conference on Industrial His· tory at the end of April. The theme of the conference was "The Arts and Industrialism.'' Earlier in the month Spencer repre· sented the College at meetings at Trin· ity University in San Antonio at

which delegates from ten colleges and universities discussed the creation of a faculty exchange program. The result· ing organization - the League of Insti· tutions for Faculty Exchange- will begin operation in the fall with the College as a charter member. ~

RANBIR VOHRA, Charles A. Dana professor of political science, published an article entitled "China's Global Strategy" in Hindustan Times, New Delhi, in February. He spoke at Brown University on "China's Foreign Policy and International Balance of Power" in December. ~

Hobart Professor of Classical Lang· uages, JOHN C. WILLIAMS, ap· peared before the House Education Subcommittee in September to testify in favor of creating a new bill for a federal program to encourage the teaching of foreign languages in colleges. ~

DAVID WINER, associate profes· sor of psychology, with E. H. Fischer and S. Abramowitz, has written a chapter entitled "Psychiatric Help Seeking" for the new book New Di· rections in Helping by B. DePaulo, A. Nadler, and J. Fischer. ~DIANA

YIANNAKIS, assistant pro· fessor of political science, delivered a paper in March at the Southwestern Social Science Association in San An· tonio, Texas, on "Urban Politics in the Southwest: The View from Con· gress."

Sports WOMEN'S BASKETBALL=:==:==:= For the second straight season Coach Karen Erlandson has provided Trinity with its most exciting and successful team. Her women's varsity basketball squad won more games - fifteen - than ever before in its history, and the scrappy young Bantams went on to capture the Northeast Intercollegiate Athletic Conference championship. Total teamwork was the secret ofTrinity's 1981-82 women's basketball accomplishments: all nine on the Bantam roster saw action in at least 19 of the 21 games played. Junior captain Terrie Johnson, the only member of the team who had played with such old-era stars as Cindy Higgins and Kathy Schlein, provided leadership, experience, and 91 assists from her point guard position. Sophomore Karen Orczyk, last year's MVP, was hobbled by injury throughout this past winter's

campaign, but still managed 12 points per game and a career-high 103 steals as pivot-guard. Classmate Debbie Priestley, Trinity's aggressive power forward, averaged 10 points per game for the 15-6 Bantams. But the one-two knockout punch for Trinity, the real catalyst in Trinity's outstanding season and two tournament championships, was a veteran-rookie combination: six-foot sophomore center Chris Lofgren and five-four freshman guard Karen Rodgers. Rodgers was named MVP of both the Whaling City Invitational Tournament, which Trinity won in December, and the NIAC tourney, which saw the Bantams take the Northeast crown. On the year she set Trinity single season records for assists (107) and steals (117) while scoring 12 points per contest. Lofgren was named the Bantams' 1981-82 Most Valuable Player. She was nationally ranked with 301 rebounds (a new Trinity record), and she led the team in shooting percentage



MVP CHRIS LOFGREN wins the jump in women's basketball action this past winter. Lofgren's best game came against Wesleyan, when she scored 31 points and grabbed a record 32 rebounds.

from both the field and the foul~line. Her biggest game came against the Cardinals of Wesleyan, where she scored 31 points and grabbed 32 rebounds. Her 15.5 points per game and her 27 blocked shots were also season highs for the Bantam women. One of the most important games ever played by a Trinity team took place late in the season, when the Naomh Muire women's basketball club of Dublin, Ireland, women's champion of the British Isles, arrived in Connecticut to play both UHartford and Trinity. The Bantams hung tough against a slick passing, de~ fensively sound Irish team, but finally lost, 66~63.

With not a player graduating from this 1981~82 NIAC championship team, coach Erlandson is under~ standably optimistic about the future of the program. Additions to the team can only help bolster the signifi~ cant depth that was so important to the winning ways of this past winter.

SWIMMING-------It was "the year of the swimmer" at Trinity College in 1981~82, with both the men's and the women's teams posting their finest records ever. The men had the more

difficult road to cross, as three one-point victories decided in the final relay event can aptly demonstrate, but they overcame all to finish at 8-2. The women featured a record trio of All-America swimmers, and they closed out the season at 7-3. Much of the credit can go to Dr. Chester McPhee, head coach of both teams, whose patience and perseverence prevailed over the long, hard winter. Eight Trinity women earned All-New England honors. Sophomore Martha Belcher won N.E. Div. III championships in the 50-, 100-, and 200-yard backstroke events. Lulu Cass, Laura Couch, Laura Gill, Michelle Parsons, Debbie Cronin, Susie Cutler, and Linda Gillett were the other All-N.E. Bantams. McPhee took Belcher, Couch, and Cass to the nationals, where all three were named to All-America teams in their respective events. For the men, All-New England swimmers Scott Bowden, Doug Gray, Rex Dyer, and Tim Raftis were the stars, but the measure of the team's success was its depth. Distance swimmer Chris McCarthy, diver Scott Keilty, and breaststroker Bill Huffer all provided crucial points in Trinity's trio of single-point triumphs, and the three of them spelled the difference between victory and defeat in the final meet against Clark, which gave Trinity its record eight wins. In the past four years Chet McPhee has sparked a renaissance in Trinity swimming. While the men will lose the imposing presence of captain Bowden, the women are losing virtually no front-line stars. The future of both programs looks reasonably secure.

JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED: Dr. Chet McPhee, head coach of both men's and women's swimming at Trinity, is the principal reason why both teams completed their finest seasons ever in 1981-82.

WOMEN'S SQUASH=========== Sophomore Nina Porter proved her worth once again in 1981-82, as she emerged as the nation's number-tworanked women's intercollegiate squash player for the second consecutive season. She teamed with freshman Kat Castle, who also finished the year ranked among the nation's top ten, to lead Trinity to an 8-2 record. Coach Kirk Cameron's team performed admit_ably at Yale's Howe Cup tournament. The Bantams emerged ranked third in the U.S. overall, and first among small colleges. With her top two performers returning next winter, coach Cameron is looking forward to another successful campaign in 1982-83.

MEN'S SQUASH _ _ _ _ __ Coach George Sutherland's men's varsity was cited as the nation's "Most Improved Squash T earn" for its performance this past winter. The 1981-82 Bantams were 12-4, a tremendous comeback from their 8-10 showing of the previous season. Led by freshmen Bill Doyle and Mike Georgy, along with senior captain Peter DeRose, Trinity was ranked seventh in the U.S., all Divisions, and third among the nation's small colleges. Doyle earned All-America honors for Tril!-ity, as he finished among the top ten men's collegiate squash players in the country. He joins Nina Porter and Kat Castle from the women's team, and Martha Belcher, Lulu Cass, and Laura Couch from swimming, in the largest single season All-America contingent Trinity has ever produced. The five women All-Americans also constitute a Trinity record.

VICTORY MASCOT: All-N.E. swimmer Laura Gill gives the team mascot a helping hand, during Trinity's "year of the swimmer."



BANTAM SQUASH STAR Nina Porter was the numbertwo-ranked women's collegiate squash player in the nation this year.

TRINITY'S TALLEST ice hockey player ever at 6-5, freshman defenseman Chris Downs was named to the ECAC Div. Ill 2nd All-Star team.


time, Trinity) and 701 rebounds (2nd place), becoming the only Trinity 1,000-point scorer to grab 500-plus rebounds as well. Other departing seniors: Jim Callahan, the sweetshooting forward who played in more games (91) and committed fewer turnovers than any other starter in Trinity basketball history; John Meaney, the unpre路 cedented three-time Bantam captain for three straight winning seasons; and Roger Coutu, perhaps Trinity's best sixth man ever. They will all be missed, but coach Ogrodnik is cautiously optimistic about the future. He may need some height, to make up for the loss of Callahan and Rapp, but forward Tom King, swing-man Jim Bates (13 ppg, 62 steals), and guards Dave Wynter (86 assists, 52 steals), Pat Sclafani, and Ron Carroll, should form the nucleus of a talented team.

13-10 is certainly a respectable showing, but in many ways this past winter season was a disappointment for the men's varsity basketball team at Trinity. Coming off a 22-4 season a year ago, :..Vith everyone returning, hopes were high for another championship contender this campaign. But injuries, upsets, and generally tougher opposition cost the Bantams some crucial games mid-way through the schedule. And when the dust had settled on the season's final game, a 78-76 loss to Wesleyan, Trinity was effectively out of the Div. III playoffs. The injuries were to three-year MVP Carl Rapp, to senior Roger Coutu, to key reserves Pat Sclafani and Ron Carroll, among many others. The upsets came at the hands of Bowdoin, WPI, Worcester State, and Wesleyan, to name a few. And the tougher opponents included Div. I Yale and Div. II powerhouse University of Alaska at Anchorage. There were some great moments under first-year head coach Stan Ogrodnik. Foremost among them was the stellar play of senior center Carl Rapp, whorebounded from an early injury to lead the Bantams in scoring and rebounding for the fourth consecutive year. Rapp's finest hour came against a strong Amherst team, at Amherst, late in the season, with Trinity still in playoff contention. In just three quarters, before succumbing again to his bad ankle, Rapp scored 30 points to lead the Bantams to a much-needed win. Rapp ended his career with 1,285 points (3rd place, all-

ICE HOCKEY===:===:===:===:===:=== It was another building year for coach John Dunham's varsity ice hockey Bantams, but he hopes it was the last. A number of talented young skaters came into their own this winter, and Trinity's 10-10-1 record is deceptive. Included in that .500 season are big wins over Div. II New Haven (3-2 in overtime) and Div. III powerhouse SMU (9-2). Trinity also played Wesleyan on the road three times and walked away with three victories. Trinity's top four scores this season were all underclassmen. Junior T.R. Goodman led the Bantam puck-

sters in scoring with 12 goals and 16 assists. Freshmen Barney Corning and Hugh Gorman each tallied twenty points, while rookie defenseman Chris Downs, a 6-5 transfer student, notched 19 points in just 16 games, and was named to the ECAC Div. III 2nd All-Star team. Chris Watras and Brian Clarke performed admirably in goal this season, and Trinity's defense proved the best ever, allowing just 30 shots on net per game. The two goalies stopped 88 percent of those shots. Coach Dunham was pleased with his team's performance this year, much better than the 7-14 showing last winter. He hopes that his talented young players, seasoned by a full year of competitive college hockey, will put Trinity back on the winning track, playoff bound, in 82-83.

WRESTLING~~~~~=== Despite a superb regular season performance by Outstanding Wrestler and captain Glenn McLellan, capped off by his fourth-place showing in the heavyweight division of the N.E. Div. III championships, the Trinity wrestling team went 1-8-1 on the year. The bright spot of the season for coach Mike Darr's team was a weekend at Brown, where Trinity tied Rhode Island College 28-28, and defeated their Div. I hosts 30-21 . That successful late-season tri-meet proved that coach Darr does have the material for a better team next year, with the likes of Sean Darby, Al Norton, and Jeb Head returning.

FENCING===:===:===:===:===:===:=:==:= Vladimir Dimanshteyn and Kathy Wallert had outstanding individual seasons in 1981-82. Still, coach Al-

bert Grasson's men and women fencing teams, captained by Ellery Brown, ended at 0-10 and 2-5 on the year, respectively.



After 29 years of service to Trinity College, Karl Kurth, Jr., is retiring as Athletic Director, an office he has held since 1966. Rick Hazelton, assistant professor of physical education, and head coach of men's and women's track at Trinity, will become the new A.D. on July 1st. Kurth came to Trinity in the autumn of 1952. He immediately became head coach of varsity track, leading that team in some of its finest seasons. He also coached the linemen on Trinity's football team, most notably during the undefeated campaigns of 1954 and 1955. In 1966 he replaced the legendary Ray Oosting as Athletic Director. Under his tenure Trinity expanded from just ten varsity teams to 23, the George M. Ferris Athletic Center was completed, and an enormously successful women's program was launched. Professor Kurth is a past president of the Eastern College Athletic Conference, and he was instrumental in the founding of the New England Small College Athletic 'Conference. Rick Hazelton came to Trinity from Amherst in 1974. For the past seven years he has been Trinity's head track coach, as well as coach of the defensive line and linebackers in football. In the summers he has served as director of the National Youth Sports Program at Trinity. He will become an associate professor of physical education, and also hold the office of department chairman in physical education.

THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD: Rick Hazelton (left), will be taking over from Athletic Director Karl Kurth, Jr., this July.


FORMER BANTAM BASKETBALL GREATS (from l. tor.) Barry Leghorn '64, Howie Greenblatt '71, Wayne Sokolosky '76, and Charlie Mazurek '54, were inducted into the Trinity Basketball Hall-of-Fame this past December.

40 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL (15-6) 67 Mt. Holyoke 44 72 Coast Guard 57 67 Conn. College 51 74 Elms College 55 66 Western Conn. 58 59 U. of Hartford 56 63 Coast Guard ' 35 65 Vassar 48 46 W.P.l. 57 57 U. of Hartford 72 57 Conn. College 35 67 Wesleyan 56 45 Colby 68 67 Smith 63 50 Williams 54 77 M.l.T. 52 59 Amherst 71 61 Wesleyan 44 63 NaomhMuire 66 73 Skidmore 40 49 Smith 43 - NIAC Champions MEN'S BASKETBALL (13-10) 56 59 60 82 45 72 69 70 71 56 76

Amherst Curry M.l.T. Western Conn. Yale Lehigh Bowdoin Univ. of Alaska Univ. of Alaska Williams Wesleyan

52 48 46 51 53 59 71 77 98 60 62

92 New England Coll. 60 Tufts 55 W.P.l. 45 Conn. College 70 Merchant Marine A c. 84 Bates 70 Colby 62 Coast Guard 66 U. of Hartford 82 Worcester State 73 Amherst 76 Wesleyan

61 62 66 73 69 62 69 55 59 87 67 78

ICE HOCKEY (10-10-1) 10 Suffolk 1 8 Wesleyan 3 3 Amherst 6 7 Conn. College 4 2 Westfield St. 4 5 New Hampshire 4 4 Framingham 5 3 Fairfield 6 3 Wesleyan 0 10 Nichols 2 4 Amherst 5 9 Suffolk 3 3 New Haven 2 1 Bentley 4 3 Williams 7 9 Southeastern 2 Mass U. 4 Assumption 5 3 Wesleyan 1 3 Iona 7

4 UConn 5 Conn. College

7 5

(1-8-1) WRESTLING 32 9 Bridgewater 12 Norwich 37 3 Western N.E. 43 39 5 U. of Hartford 9 M.l.T. 37 6 Central Conn. 47 12 Williams 36 10 Wesleyan 36 21 30 Brown 28 R.l.C. 28 5 W.P.l. 47 FENCING Women Men

(2-5) (0-10)

WOMEN'S SWIMMING (7-3) 49 S.M.U. 90 86 Vassar 52 94 Fairfield 46 83 Mt. l:lolyoke 55 73 Wesleyan 49 89 Bridgewater 49 52 Smith 88 73 Conn. College 49 54 Tufts 85 85 Amerst 54 WOMEN'S SQUASH 5 Dartmouth

(8-2) 2

7 3 7 9 1 6 6 5 5

Vassar Yale Middlebury Wesleyan Princeton Williams Amherst Brown UPenn

0 4 0 0 6 1 1 2 2

MEN'S SQUASH (12-4) 7 Amherst 2 8 M.l.T. 1 5 Dartmouth 4 1 Yale 8 3-0 in Trinity Round Robin 4 Tufts 5 3-0 in Wesleyan Round Robin 2 7 Navy 3 Williams 6 6 Army 3 0 Princeton 9 MEN'S SWIMMING 65 Fairfield 59 Union 57 Central Conn. 48 Wesleyan 43 Babson 56 W.P.I. 57 Bridgewater 55 Holy Cross 34 Amherst 66 Clark

(8-2) 42 36 56 47 68 38 56 35 72 46

Class Notes


Vital Statistics ~~速;~ ~-

ENGAGEMENTS 1961 KERRY B. FITZPATRICK and S. Ann Stuart 1969 LLOYD KRAMER and Adrienne Meltzer

1976 JOHN P. CLIFFORD and M. Aelish Sullivan ROBERT GIBSON and Sandra Good STEVE NORRIS and Mary Elizabeth Rasfeld GREG POTTER and Ann Marie Reis 1977 ANNE ELIZABETH BROADUS and Hunter Holding, Jr. ANTHONY W. CICCAGLIONE and Charlene Richard MARY CLARE DESMOND and Keith Tait GEORGE W. JENSEN and Judy Schofield ERIC STEPHEN LUSKIN and Mary Theresa Keepnews


1972 CATHERINE CANFIELD MEYER and Steven Lyle Seligman, February 20, 1982 PETER WHEELWRIGHT and Eliza Hicks, March 20, 1981 1939 MILTON BUDIN and Barbara Koch, November 22, 1981 JOHN T. WILCOX and Helen Shoaf, December 12, 1981 1955 M. DONALD CARDWELL and Roberta Bryant, September, 1980

1971 JEFFREY CHARLES STURGESS and Catharine Morley Stevenson ALAN MARCHISOTTO and Mary Jane Spellane


1957 MURRAY A. VARAT and Mary Therese Hurley, November 20, 1981

1972 SUMNER M. SMITH and Denise DeSesa

1978 ELIZABETH T. NALLE and Douglas B. Rendall TINA POOLE and Henry B. Thomas

1964 CHARLES L. GRANT and Kathryn A. Ptacek, February 10, 1982



1975 DEBORAH DONAHUE and E. Bruce Hallett III ROBIN DANZIGER and Ted Ross ELIZABETH EGLOFF and Neil F. Jones PETER ASHTON GRAPE and Linda Louise Oliver JOAN MACMURRAY STARKEY and Raymond N. Palmer

1979 MARTHA PARADIS and W. Douglas James 1980 LISABETH ANN CONN and Michael Christopher Hayes 1981 DAVID ALBIN and Catherine Coburn

JOHN M. WILLIN and Lorraine A. Gulioso, November 21, 1981

1967 DAVID J. GERBER and Ulla-Britt Junemark, August, 1981 1968 JIM NATHANSON and Barbara Geller, August, 1981 1969 MICHAEL A. PECK and Andrea Marie Parasaleti, June 1, 1980 1970 JOSEPH A. BARKLEY III and Mary Louise Ambrose, September 12, 1981

1973 STEPHANIE ROBINER and Dr. David Miner NEAL GOFF and Renee Kamm, May 18, 1980 1974 CATHY J. GREEN and James Starr, May, 1981 NANCY A. BRUCKNER MAZZUTO and Richard Spinelli, June 27, 1981 GAIL BUXTON and DAVID GELLATLY, October, 1981 1975 WILLIAM R. LEVY and Rhonda G. Jones, September 5, 1981 1975-1976 CAREY LORAINE MOLER and MITCHELL ALAN KARLAN, December 19, 1981 1976 DWIGHT LARCOM BROWN and Catherine Brown, July, l981 ELIZABETH MIDDLETOWN BOLES and Eric Norman Gutterson, December 12, 1981 L. LINDSAY MANN and James E. Anderson, January 16, 1982

BARBARA J. G. SOBOTKA and Richard Marsh, May 30, 1981 VIRGINIA M. CLARK and ALLEN L. CHURCH, August 29, 1981 1977 DONALD S. MILLER and Rosemarie DeVivo, May 3, 1981 MARY H. STODOLINK and Craig F. Cheyne, February 26, 1982 CLAUDIA ZANGER and David Stotter June 28, 1981 1978 SUSAN COHEN and Mitchell Krasnopoler, August 16, 1981 ANNAMARIE GIANGARRA and Mark Mercurio, November 14, 1981 DEBBIE SIKKEL and Rick Albert, December 27, 1981 GEORGE L. SMITH and Donna M. Scovotti, August 23, 1981 1979 CAROL A. BASCHWITZ and Peter J. Smith, October 3, 1981 AARON BORKOWSKI and Kathleen Blakey Hayes, January 30, 1982 WILLIAM W. McCANDLESS, JR. and Elizabeth Barr Tuttle, March 6, 1982 TIMOTHY JOHN PHELAN and Yuko Manada, April 19, 1981 ANNE ELIZABETH TOLLEY and James Holmes Rotondo, November 28, 1981 BRUCE SHEA and NANCY ALBIS, August 15, 1981 1980 DAVID C. BROOKS and Sharon Marie Brennan, November 27, 1981 SARA SHERMAN and Paul A. Cummins, September 12, 1981 CAROL R. MELCHER and CHRIS路 TOPHER HATCH, January 9, 1982


1981 LEONARD P. ADAM and Diana M. Knight, August 22, 1981 JEAN NIKANDER HAYDEN and Eugenio DeMarchis, June 20, 1981 HUNTER MAYO and Gregory White, August 29, 1981

1968 Mr. and Mrs. Caleb F. Fox, son, Caleb Thayer, June 6, 1980 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Howard, son, Jonathan Douglas, Jan,uary 1, 1982 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s Clair, daughter, Dana Elizabeth, November 30, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Currier, daughter, Amber Elizabeth, November 25, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hessenthaler, daughter, Susan Paige, November 16, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kenworthy, daughter, Elizabeth Quinn, February 23, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Peck, daughter, Marie] Alise, August 10, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. C. Wendell Tewell, son, Adam Wendell, November 30, 1981 1970 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mattei, son, David Ernest, December 4, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Papanos, son, Ryan James, January 12, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reilert, son, Geoffrey Jonathan, November 28, 1981 1971 Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Bennett, daughter, Sarah Whitney, August 18, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. William N. Booth, son, Samuel Howe, July 12, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Dodd, son, Joel Westwood, February 28, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. LaPlante II, son, Guy, January 30, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Rose III (Karen Lewchik), daughter, Allison Frances, September 25, 1981 1972 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Boothby, daughter, Katherine Corning, November 16, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Coladarci (Janet E. Spec. tor), daughter, Alison, July 17, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. David G. Strimaitis, daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, December 4, 1981 1972-1973 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Miller, (Ellen Erpf), daughter, Elizabeth, May 29, 1981 1972-1974 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Speed IV (Sharon Naska), daughter, Traci Janelle, December 27, 1981


1960 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson, son, Reid Stickney Brooke, May 16, 1980 1962 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey, son, John Stuart W., September 10, 1981 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds, son, Nicholas Dolan, September 12, 1981 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Levy, son, Samuel Paul, February 4, 1982 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Oswecki, Jr., daughter, Elizabeth Jane, May 21, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Oser, son, Nathaniel Treat, January 15, 1982 1967 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert G. Campbell, son, Curtis Price, February 6, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rosenbaum, daughter, Elizabeth Allen, October 7, 1981

1973 Mr. and Mrs. Fishman (Susan Hoffman), son, Benjamin Isaac, May 24, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Neal Goff, son, Daniel Kamm, October 23, 1981 Dr. and Mrs. William H. Nealon, daughter, Christina, February 3, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. James Solomon, son, Jarrett, September 15, 1980 Mr. and Mrs. Sireci (Margot Stage), son, Nicholas Stage, December 19, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm F. Poole (Ruth Wiggins), son, Stuart, May 17, 1981 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Abramoff (Gloria Zieper), son, Joseph Philip, July 31, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barney, III, daughter, Elizabeth Anne, May 21, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Duennebier, son, Joshua Hunter, December 4, 1980 Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge (Martha Carey), daughter, Catherine Oxenham, May 24, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Ennaco (June Cicerchia), daughter, Kristin Marie, December 27, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hopkins, son, Brian David, August 27, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spinelli (Nancy A. Bruckner Mazzuto ), son, Bryan Thomas, December 13, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Davee Stabler, son, Henry, July 14, 1981

Headliner On a recent trip to the Pacific, Joe Ehlers '14 spent a week in Taiwan as the guest of National Chengchi University. There, he was honored at a banquet attended by 15 of Taiwan's university presidents as the founder of Phi Tau Phi, the scholastic honor society Ehlers started in Peking 60 years ago when he was teaching at Peiyang University.

1974-1975 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Barry (Jean Wierzbicki), son, Colin Franklin, November 28, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Epstein (Sandra Reyes), daughter, Justin Lennon, May 18, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Frank (Sarah Greve), daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, February 24, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Huoppi (Margie Bain), son, David Austin, February 25, 1982 Mr. and Mrs. David Sylvestro (Eleanor Ingersoll), son, Tucker Ingersoll, May 2, 1980

Lee and BILL BARBER walk on the beach daily, never missing their swim in Redington Beach, FL. In addition to seeing other Trinity people, Bill is active in the Association of Members of the Mexican Border Patrol. They expect to be North again this summer. Class Agent: William P. Barber, Jr.

1975 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Berghausen, son, Edward Justus IV, August 17, 1980; daughter, Kathleen Barbara, August 25, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Brochin (Nancy Moore), daughter, Emily Rachel, July 6, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. David Deming (Jamie Tilghman), son, Peter Hepburn, August 25, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gooley, son, Justin Michael, October 13, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. David Kates (Ann Tulcin), daughter, Erica Elizabeth, April 16, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Talbot (Elisabeth Gerlain), daughter, Monica Margaret, October 15, 1981

The reception at President James F. English, Jr.'s house, followed by the dinner in Hamlin for GEORGE M. FERRIS was a notable event indeed. There were some 80 or 90 of us there. Classmates (alas, only a few of us available), friends, family, alumni, and many others within the Trinity fold. As you know, this affair was in honor of one of George's endowments to the College - the George Ferris Chair of Economics and Banking. After the formal banquet, there was a very relaxed and enjoyable gathering in the Faculty Club, adjoining the dining hall.

1975-1977 Peggy Palmer and Rick Hornung, daughter, Sarah Liza Hornung, August 19, 1981 Mr: and Mrs. Michael Stavola (Jane Lindsay), daughter, Michelle, September 16, 1981 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Booty (Helen T. Platt), daughter, Jillian Lysbeth, April 20, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Rich Schweikert, daughter, Rebecca Joy, September 16, 1981 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Buffum, Jr., daughter, Alexa Cottrell, January 22, 1982 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Slack (Cynthia Riker), daughter, Rosamund Cumming, May 9, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Constantin Sokoloff, son, Eugene Alexis, October 9, 1981

MASTERS 1980 Mr. and Mrs. Roche (Susan E. Roche), son, Stephen James, June 2, 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Towsner (Rita Katz), son, Henry Piers, July 24, 1981 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Lombardi, son, Michael Lewis, August 8, 1981



Erhardt G. Schmitt 41 Mill Rock Road New Haven, Conn. 06511

As Secretary of the Class of 1916, I was pleased to receive a fine letter from Anne Zartarian, director of financial aid. She lists the names and addresses of four very successful seniors - two men and two women, Class of 1982, recipients of Class of 1916 Memorial Scholarships for 1981-1982. Zartarian says, "Their success at Trinity is tangible evidence that your generosity makes it possible for us to extend financial aid to highly qualified students unable to afford the full cost of a Trinity education. Without support such as yours, we would be severely limited in our ability to assist such students. In the years to come, gifts from private donors and foundations will become increasingly important as the Federal government reduces its role in the financing of higher education." I have received two very fine letters from two recipients, and I want you all to read them. Write me and I will send you a copy. SAMUEL BERKMAN writes that "As Dean Emeritus in Residence at Hartt School of Music of the University of Hartford, I am still considered on the staff with 'no responsibility.' I was one of the founders of the original Hartt School of Music. As for Trinity - how fortunate in its new President!" Following herewith is a story which should interest all Trinity alumni/ae. We have a close friend nearby holding a very important position at Yale as map curator, one Barbara McCorkle. She found it necessary to study and write about a book in the field of world geography written by Pat Gordon in 1728. The title was Geography Anatomized. She was advised that it was a very rare book and there was

probably one copy in the world. Where to find it! She went first to Yale and then to Harvard - no dice. Finally she was advised to go to Louisiana State University, who told her to try one very possible place, to wit: Trinity College's Watkinson Library. She did and the Trinity librarian laid out the red carpet for her. Found the book in no time, and everyone was happy, including Yale, Harvard and L.S.U. Trinity scored again that time for sure. Hope some of you will show at the "Half-Century" club dinner on campus come June. GEORGE FERRIS tells me he will come and play some golf with us. Let me know early, and we will fix up a game. Class Agent: Robert B. O'Connor


Joseph Hartzmark 2229 N. St. James Parkway Cleveland Heights, OH 44106

The Union Boat Club of Boston newsletter published a nice story on our own LISPENARD "LIPPY" PHISTER, who has been an active member of the club for five decades and is described in the newsletter as "one of the real pillars of our organization." Lippy began rowing in 1930 at age 33, joining the club that same year, and rowed for 43 years. Then, at age 77, he suffered a broken leg and was ordered by doctors not to return to rowing. He also played squash in the Club from 1930 until 1945. Lippy has seen the club grow in membership and physical size over the years, and shared many of his reminiscences with one of the newsletter's editors. Class Agent: George Kolodny

21 LEONARD HERSEY writes that he worked for 37 years for Mobil Oil Corporation, retiring in 1960. Two years ago, he had a stroke which affected his speech and writing. He reports that otherwise he is okay. Class Agent: Arthur N. Matthews


James A. Calano 35 White Street Hartford, CT 06114

Your SECRETARY stated in the winter edition of the Reporter that he had a back ailment and lo and behold a couple of you did contact me to inquire about my recovery. First, BISHOP CONNIE GESNER wrote me wishing me good health and God's blessings which, of course, I could use, especially during the Lenten Season. He reported that he and wife, Claudia, endured the rigorous winter without illness. They had a week of respite from the north winds as guests of friends at Sanibel Island, Florida. Then I received a phone call from dapper PAUL NORMAN, which was indeed a pleasant surprise. Paul was also solicitous of my health. Paul is still modeling, appearing in magazines, and occasionally on TV. He attended the homecoming TrinityWesleyan game with KEN SMITH '25, the retired director of baseball's Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, NY. Paul is feeling fit and chipper at 81, just as spry and agile as the days when he cavorted around first base for dear old Trin, a Ia George Sisler of the old St. Louis Browns. He sends his regards to everyone. How about writing to him? His address is 235 East 22nd St., NY 10010. Class Agent: Sereno B. Gammell


Thomas J. Quinn 364 Freeman Street Hartford, CT 06106

BILL HAWLEY writes that he has been living in San Diego, California, since 1976. His address is 2927 Governor Drive, San Diego, CA 92122. His daughter, Stella Skitch, is deputy headmaster at Elmhurst Ballet School, Camberly, England. Son, William, is a registered medical representative with Syntex Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA. WALDRON "RED" O'CONNOR writes, "Though living in a small community some 75 miles west of Washington, I find ample opportunity to be continuously occupied. I find the designation 'retired' a misnomer. It does have limited applicability, which is a good thing." He also adds that his hair is no longer red. ELMER D. MULFORD wrote us a long and newsy letter from his home in Bridgeton, NJ. He sold his Buick franchise last year, a business his father had started in 1917, and which he took over in 1935 after his father's death. "A long and arduous road in this vulnerable business," notes Elmer, who now has a two-year contract as sales representative for the new dealer. "Not bad for an old 'dog' like me," writes he. Elmer's wife, the former Alice Westbrook, lived in the other half of the house that HERB and DICK NOBLE lived in on Burnside Ave., East Hartford. Her father was president of Noble-Westbrook Manufacturing, he writes. Helen has been a teacher of speech and dramatics, and still gives private lessons in speech correction, plays golf and takes courses in painting and picture framing at a nearby community college. The Mulfords' daughter, Caroline, lives in Westport, CT, with her husband, Jim Owens, and three children, her oldest daughter having just graduated from the University of Vermont. The Mulfords' son, George, lives in Swarthmore, P A, and teaches French at the University of Delaware. He has two children and lives close enough to Bridgeton to visit often. Your reporter and wife, Marge, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 27, 1981. Daughter, Joan Zurolo, is vice-president of Mark Medical Supply Corporation in North Haven, Conn. Class Agent: Morris M. Mancoll, M.D.


Raymond A. Montgomery 105 North Racebrook Road Woodbridge, CT 06525

MOSES "MOE" LISCHNER, retired pediatric doctor, is now working for the State of Connecticut, Department of Income Maintenance, as a medical consultant. Moe lives in Apartment 4-E, East Lane, Bloomfield, CT 06002. Knowing Moe, as 1 do, he just could not "sit put"; he had to do something as an outlet for his energy. We look forward to seeing him in the late spring at the "Immortals Dinner" and in his usual seat at the football games in the fall. DAVE HAD LOW and his bride, Mary, vacationed in Hawaii during the winter months and very likely are home now. We look forward to seeing them at the "Boat House" during the crew season and with the Trainers. GEORGE MALCOLM-SMITH sent me a note saying he is praying that we shall all be together in June to celebrate our 57th. A notice will be sent out. ERWIN BRISTOL COOPER called me recently and told me he was 80. He threatened to come back to a reunion one of these days. He lives, retired, in Jersey City, NJ, in an apartment-hotel and visits his sister in Hamden, CT, regularly. We hope he can make one of the football games in the fall.

KEN SMITH also called me and said that he plans to move back to Cooperstown, NY, home town of the Baseball Hall of Fame which he served so well and the location of the amateur opera company in which he performs. BETTY NOBLE, widow of DICK NOBLE, who passed away a few years back, died February 16, 1982, while on her annual winter vacation at her daughter's home on Mercer Island in the state of Washington. Betty had been ill with a circulatory problem for about six months. Betty had a nice life, and, with Dick they cruised the Atlantic seaboard numerous times in a cabin cruiser with friends. They belonged to the Milford Yacht Club, attended many athletic events at Trinity, enjoyed giving small dinner parties for friends, and rarely missed Trinity reunions. Betty maintained most of these activities to the end. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to her devoted children, Nancy and Dick, Jr., their spouses and her grandchildren. Her joie de vivre, love of sports, and interest in her friends will be missed. Class Agent: George Malcolm-Smith

. !

Reunion Class 路 June 1982



Winthrop H. Segur Park Ridge Apt. 516 1320 Berlin Turnpike Wethersfield, CT 06109

Just a reminder to fellow classmates that the deadline for these notes is usually a couple of months prior to actual publication. Normally, there are unpublished notes in the oven when your reporter receives word of the deadline for the next issue. So if your SECRETARY goes back a bit in time, don't think he's trying to pass on ancient history. A card from STAN BELL tells me that things in Rochester are still fine and that the BOB CONDITS stopped by on the way back from Lake George to their home in Florida. It's a pretty good bet that these two AD buddies had a great gab session. ROGER HARTT sends a photo of their 50th wedding anniversary group. He was surrounded by his kin of four children, their spouses and eleven grandchildren. Roger, the patriarch, in his immaculate white suit, was plumb in the middle of it all. Can anyone of 1927 top this? For the first time in years, the FORRESTERS have skipped their mid-winter sojourn to Florida, but they do have "on hold" a forthcoming trip to Britain and, of course, Scotland. The flyer has now been released for this year's reunion in June. Our 55th. No definite plans as yet, but we hope for a good turnout. Mter all, at our age how many more reunions may we hope to attend? See you? Editor's Note: Your SECRETARY has just learned of the death of STANLEY BELL on February 24th. The information in this news report was written prior to Stan's death. His obituary appears in the "In Memory" section of this issue of The Reporter. Class Agent: The Rev. Robert Y. Condit


Rev. Canon Francis R. Belden 411 Griffin Road South Windsor, CT 06074

Your SECRETARY was privileged to participate in the first of the Jubilee events that are commemorating the fifty years since the College Chapel was consecrated on June 18, 1932. On Sunday afternoon, February 7th, the Chapel was filled with students, alumni, faculty and administrative staff. The preacher was ARTHUR WALMSLEY, Class of 1948, and now the Bishop of Con-

necticut. Your SECRETARY was chosen to be his chaplain, a function involving no arduous duties or protective responsibilities for the youthful-looking Bishop, but purely ceremonial with a nostalgic effect since some oldtimers remember that my father, LOUIS I. BELDEN, Class of 1894, was chaplain to Bishop Brewster when he consecrated the Chapel in 1932. Your SECRETARY was glad to walk without stumbling and lead the Bishop in the right direction, all carrying out the well-marked directions of Alan Tull, present chaplain of Trinity College. In this Jubilee year of the College Chapel, keep note of many varied events at the College. Class Agent: J. Ronald Regnier, Esq.

31 News from Florida: JOHN "JACK" GOODING reports his present lifestyle includes living nine months a year in Florida and three months up North. He planned to attend the 50th reunion but abandoned the idea when his Florida Gulf community asked him to set up insurance specifications for bidding purposes. He reports that he was happy to do so, but it delayed his trip North and made him miss the 50th. CHARLES E JACOBSON, JR., retired from tQ.e practice of medicine (urology) in July of 1981 and he says he is now "trying to find activities that can replace the excitement and sense of fulfillment that medicine provided for 40 years." Class Agent: George A. Mackie

!Reunion Class路 June 1982


Julius Smith, D.M.D. 242 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103

JERRY REUTER, who retired as owner of the Stratford Laundry in 1975, now lives in Houston, Texas. Will he win the prize for coming the greatest distance at our 50th? RAY "SPARKY" ADAMS writes that he is now a retired Judge of Probate Court, and threw very few curves in that capacity. He loves Trinity in June and is one of the many returning to join the "Immortals." We expect a great turnout. See you there! Class Agent: Richard C. Meloy

33 Retired from Connecticut General Life Insurance Company i~ THOMAS S. WADLOW, who left that company in 1975. Now living in Stonington, he reports that a recent visit to Florida found retired DR. LEONARD P. JAHNKE happy, healthy, and socially well-adjusted with his charming wife, Florence. Class Agent: Thomas S. Wadlow


Charles A. Tucker 7 Wintergreen Lane West Hartford, CT 06117

DOUG RANKIN and Marion report that their daughter, Jean, lives in Kansas City with her husband, Charles Rogers, and they have two children. The Hartford Courant had a picture of photogenic JOHN KELLY. He was attending a luncheon honoring the memory of the late, legendary Johnny 1 Newell, a coach at Hartford High School.


Area Association Activities


Albert W. Baskerville RD #7, Birchwood Dr. Derry, NH 03038

BOSTON- President James F. Whitters III, Tel: 617-426-4600 The monthly luncheons continue to be a great success. Peter Gammons, Boston Globe sportswriter, was the guest speaker on January 27th. On April 9th, Trinity, Williams, Amherst and Wesleyan sponsored a panel discussion of the future of small college sports. Participants on the panel were Don Miller, Trinity, Jim Ostendarp, Amherst, Bill MacDermott, Wesleyan and Bob Odell of Williams.

TOM SISBOWER writes that he has a new granddaughter, Stephanie Lauren Sosik, born July 24, 1981. Class Agent: Dr. Orson H. Hart

HARTFORD - President Robert A. Brian, Tel: 203-527-3151 The annual winter cocktail party was held on January 28th at the Children's Museum, West Hartford. William R. Peelle, secretary of the trustees, was well received as guest speaker at the March monthly luncheon.


NEW YORK -President Quay Brown, Tel: 212-487-2352 On February 4th, the Club's annual dinner was held at the McGraw Hill Building. Approximately 150 alumni/ae, spouses, friends and parents attended the successful affair. James F . English, Jr., Trinity's sixteenth president and guest of honor, was well received by the enthusiastic turnout. Entertainment was provided by the Trinity College Pipes. Quay Brown '73 was elected president of the club. WASHINGTON, D.C.- President Merrill A. Yavinsky, Tel: 202-872-5521 On February 11th, the Club sponsored a night at the theatre. An enthusiastic group attended "Tomfoolery" at the Arena Stage. A reception for prospective Trinity students was held on February 17th at the Dirksen Senate Office Building. FORT LAUDERDALE - Frances and Jim Bent '28 hosted a reception at their attractive home for alumni/ae, spouses, friends and parents. President James F. English, Jr. was guest of honor. BOCA RATON- On February 16th, Pat and Harry Tamoney '43 graciously hosted a reception at their beautiful home to meet President James F. English, Jr. Over 40 alumni/ae, spouses, friends and parents attended the successful affair. MIAMI - Roger Bernstein '65 arranged a luncheon for alumni/ae, spouses, parents and friends at the Holiday Inn-Brickell Point. Guest of honor was President James F. English, Jr.


Phyllis Mason is well and wintering in Florida. Class Agent: John E. Kelly

ATLANTA - Gayle and Dale Reed '70 hosted a reception and dinner for alumni/ae, spouses, parents and friends on February 17th. Their charming home was a perfect setting for the affair. President James F. English, guest of honor, addressed the group and responded to several thought-provoking questions. PHILADELPHIA- President Steven H. Berkowitz, Tel: 215-576-1711 Don Dietrich, director of admissions, was guest speaker at the February 18th luncheon. SAN DIEGO - Betty and Edgar Craig '34 once again hosted a successful reception for alumni/ae, spouses, parents and friends on February 28th at their lovely home in LaJolla. NEWPORT BEACH - On March- 1st, Barbara and Richard Adams '54 graciously hosted a reception at their home in Laguna Beach. LOS ANGELES - The Tower Atop the Transamerica Center was the beautiful setting for the annual dinner on March 2nd. President James F. English, Jr. was guest speaker. SAN FRANCISCO - President James B. Kilgore, Tel: 415-544-6000 On March 4th, a record breaking turnout of alumni/ae, spouses, friends and parents attended a reception at the St. Francis Yacht Club honoring President James F. English, Jr. CHICAGO- President James F. English, Jr. and Donald Dietrich, director of Admissions, were guests of honor at a reception arranged by Charlie Weeks '59 for alumni/ae, spouses, friends and parents on March 19th at the University Club. HOUSTON- Annie Vive Crain '80 arranged a reception at the home of John E. Parkerson for alumni/ae, spouses, friends and parents on March 25th. Dr. Alden R. Gordon '69, assistant professor of Fine Arts, addressed the lively gathering. NORTHEASTERN OHIO- President Richard G. Mccaskey, Tel: 216-371-3572 Cathryn and Richard Mecaskey graciously hosted a reception and dinner honoring President James F. English, Jr. at their home on March 30th.

ALUMNI/AE REPRESENTING THE COLLEGE Dr. Spiro Peterson Miami University Inauguration of Paul G. Pearson October 16, 1981

Elizabeth Ann Grant Cox (Internship Coordinator) Hollins College Inauguration of Paula Pimlott Brownlee April 3, 1982

LOUIS STEIN reports that he was recently ranked second in New England Tennis for men above 65 years of age. He hopes to play in a tournament in St. Petersburg, Florida, where he may see HARRINGTON LITTELL. He also reports that he has vacationed on Siesta Key, Sarasota, Florida, across the street from BILL HULL, '37. Class Agent: Albert M. Dexter, Jr.


Reunion Class • June 1982


Robert M. Kelly 33 Hartford Avenue Madison, CT 06443

Increasingly, thirty-seveners are mentioning our 45th reunion in their conversations and communications. Everyone is hoping for a bang-up turnout and a great time. CHESTER SOULE reports a new address: 10220 River Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Chet is the owner of the Potomac Insurance Agency and Real Estate Company in that town. HOWARD GALE has now established permanent residence in St. Augustine, Florida (545 Sevilla Drive, 32084), and I suspect he still maintains a summer home in Old Saybrook, CT. IRVING FIEN has closed his private medical practice and is now part-time M.D. at Chevron U.S.A. in Concord and Richmond, CA. RAY DEXTER is "just enjoying active life" in a retirement community in Cromwell, CT, where his wife is codirector of recreation. Ray does volunteer recreation for her, "as well as reversing some of our former roles in life." GEORGE LEPAK writes that he is enjoying the so-called winter weather in Florida. His note arrived on a particularly bitter Connecticut day. George and Ann spend much of their summer time visiting the West Coast where three of their children live, and Litchfield, CT, where their oldest daughter lives. ,, BILL HULL must be the most active retiree in the '37 roster. His last letter from Florida reports much activity in the Shrine Temple in Sarasota, he was just returning from a three-day square dance outing at Lehigh Acres, and he had scheduled an immediate upcoming week at American Bankers Association meeting in New Orleans. Come back to Guilford and rest up, Bill. Class Agent: William G. Hull


Edward C. Barrett 52 Sowarns Road Barrington, Rl 02806

DICK LEGGETT writes that he has retired from the Travelers Insurance Company, as of January 1, 1982. MILTON BUDIN writes that he has moved to 6B Sutton Place, Bloomfield, CT

0600i::, and that he has remarried to a "lovely, charming gal" (see Weddings section). He still wonders where TRUMAN HUFFMAN is. C. C. JOHNSON SPINK, chairman of Sporting News , was pictured in The Hartford Courant, looking over his weekly paper as he prepared for retirement in January, 1982. JACK WILCOX has been named class representative to the Alumni Committee on Endowment, succeeding the late EARL FLYNN. Your new class SECRETARY has been involved with "a lot of ice and snow" and has managed to stay on top of that with the aid of "a pair of skis, a pair of skates, and occasionally a toboggan full of grandchildren." Class Agent: Ethan F. Bassford

40 RAYMOND FERGUSON reports a new job as Coordinator of Youth Education for the Alcoholism Council, Inc. He also says he had a great weekend with WILFRID F. "WILLIE" GREENWOOD and DONALD J. "D. J." SMITH this fall. Announcing his retirement from Colonial Bank in June of 1981 is WALLACE H. "WALLY" HOWE. Also retiring as president of R. C. Knox & Co., Inc., in January, 1982, is HERBERT R. "HERB" BLAND. Herb joined R. C. Knox in 1952, subsequently becoming its managing partner and later its president. He will continue in the role of senior consultant, working one-quarter time. Herb has been active in the Greater Hartford YMCA, Trinity College alumni affairs, and the Connecticut Association of Independent Insurance Agents. THOMAS ROBERT "BOB" PYE, JR., reports that he, too, has retired and moved to Atlanta where his wife, Dot, works for John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Bob and Dot are looking forward to " 'milder' winters and springtime with white .dogwoods all over the land." Bob mourns the passing of his friend, LAWRENCE MAYNARD '36, who attended Bob's "raising" as a master mason and presented Bob with his greatgrandfather's gold masonic pin which has been handed down for three generations. The College community was saddened to learn of the death of GEORGE STUBBS of Coconut Creek, FL, in November. An obituary for George is published in the "In Memory" section of this issue. RICHARD B. "DICK" WALES wrote that he retired from National Bulk Carriers in 19.81. He is now the owner of Aircraft Resources International and resides in Darien, CT. Class Agent: Walter E. Borin


Frank A. Kelly, Jr. 21 Forest Drive Newington, CT 06111

Since my last report, your SECRETARY has had occasion to mourn with two Trinity friends. In October, my college roommate, DICK MORRIS '40, lost his wife, Anne. And in December, Mary, wife of CHICK KIRKBY, lost the struggle against a lingering illness. The friends and classmates of Dick and Chick will join me in expressing our deepest sympathy. BILL RYAN writes that since May 1, 1981, he has been a resident of Lawai, on the Island of Kauai. One would think that Monterey, California, Bill's previous legal address, should be pleasant enough surroundings for any reasonable man, but,

always looking for better things, he pushed on. Apparently he has finally struck pay dirt since he describes his present surroundings as "Paradise." Ending with a cheery "Aloha," he says "stop in and see me." For those in the area, Bill's telephone number is (808) 332-9019, and his mailing address is P.O. Box 124, Lawai, Kauai, HI 96765. The temporary reduction in the Trinity population of California will be remedied by BILL HOWARD who is retiring as Senior Master after 30 years at Kent School, and is moving to Santa Rosa. DON DAY has retired as director of corporate personnel at Aetna Life and Casualty. I have no news on his retirement plans so we'll assume that unlike his two classmates, he will continue to brave the rigors of Connecticut winters. Class Agent: John T. Carpenter

-~路Reunion Class 路 June 1982



Martin D. Wood 4741 23rd St. N. Arlington, VA 22207

HANK GETZ retired from the parochial ministry on the first of the year. He and 路 M'Lou will remain in Sun City, Arizona, where Hank will continue his activities with the Healing Order of St. Luke the Physician. He currently serves as president of the board of directors. Hank and GEORGE JACOBSEN, who also lives in Sun City, plan to get together for a preliminary reunion. Perhaps there are other 42' ers in Sun City. Hope you'll hire a plane for George to fly all Westerners to the 40th! The AL BOWMANS join the grandparents ranks. Granddaughter Markel Bowman Alton arrived July 17, 1981. BOB NICHOLS was one of three individuals honored with the title, "Citizen of the Year," by the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce at its annual dinner dance in November. Bob, who is president of H. P. Townsend Manufacturing Co., was praised for his many contributions to the business community in West Hartford over the years. He is a former member of the executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce. JOHN BONEE '43 was one of many friends in attendance at the dinner. BILL SCULLY was among the attendees at the 12th annual luncheon honoring the late Johnny Newell, legendary coach at Hartford High School. Although Newell died last year, the luncheon tradition continues. Former Hartford athletes attending were Newell's proteges who went on to star at Trinity. Bill became a pitcher for Trinity's baseball team. Your SECRETARY has been named class representative to the Alumni Committee on Endowment, succeeding r Richard Paddon. Our 40th is almost here. Make your plans now! Class Agent: Milford F. Rhines, Esq.


John L. Bonee 50 State Street Hartford, CT 06103

JIM MURRAY, one of the nation's top sports columnists, with the staff of the Los Angeles Times, is doing a regular feature with The Hartford Courant. The Courant asked Jim to reminisce about his childhood home, Hartford, CT. Herewith are some of his reminiscings: "I was a scatter-armed outfielder, a choke hitter (not the bat, my throat), a lip fighter and a lonesome end - lonesome because I drifted AWAY from the play. If there was

one thing I hated worse than tackling anybody, it was being tackled by anybody. I played freshman baseball at Trinity College in Hartford where I graduated anyway. I was an uncertain outfielder and a craven hitter, but I was the MOST VALUABLE PLAYER on the pinball team at the college tavern because I set the school record for getting the 'tilt' sign off without putting another dime in. All I know about football is some expert told me years ago to 'watch the guards,' and I've been doing it ever since. I haven't seen a touchdown in years - since a guard fell on a fumble at Notre Dame. As far as I was concerned, the Galloping Ghost was just that." CARL WILLIAMS writes that he is still teaching math at Salisbury School, still spending the summers on long wilderness canoe trips in Quebec, still coaching skiing all winter and still loving it. MIKE KELLIN writes with enthusiasm of his sea duty aboard GEORGE DESSART's ('48) sloop "First Amendment" of which he is "first mate, second mate, cabin boy, bailer, and binocularpasser." George is vice president and assistant to the executive vice president of the CBS Broadcast Group. AL EULIANO, a teacher at the Burns School in Hartford, CT, recently served as a consultant to the State Board of Education in the grading of writing samples from the statewide 9th grade proficiency test. Class Agent: Samuel B. Corliss, Esq.

44 EARL T. WILLIAMS reports that he retired in 1980 as Episcopal chaplain at the USVA Medical Center. He is now serving as interim rector at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Bridgeport. He is proud to announce the birth of his second grandson, Timothy Loving Barker, on November 29, 1981. RICHARD C. "DICK" HASTINGS, JR., reports that he is now group vicepresident for the hand tool division of the Stanley Works in New Britain. HARRY T. "TOM" JARRETT reports that he retired from the Department of the Army in 1979. He is now owner of a land surveying firm in Avon. He reports that he has had some health problems, including the placement of a new aortic valve in his heart in October of 1981. Class Agent: William B. Starkey


Andrew W. Milligan 15 Winterset Lane West Hartford, CT 06117

Your SECRETARY has been appointed senior vice president of R. C. Knox Company in Hartford, an agency dealing in insurance and bonds. Class Agent: Andrew W. Milligan


J. William Vincent 80 Newport Avenue West Hartford, CT 06107

Your SECRETARY ran into CHUCK HAZEN in West Hartford Center. Chuck reported that, after 34 years with Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, he has taken an early retirement to pursue a "second career" with the Hartford Life Insurance Company, where he is now working as underwriting manager in their Life-Health Underwriting Department. He reports that, although he is not in as responsible a position (he was previously a department head at C.G.),

there is less pressure in his new job, and it will be the ideal way to "cruise" toward his "real" retirement at age 65. BENCION MOSKOW has been named class representative to the Alumni Committee on Endowment. Class Agents: Charles S. Hazen Siegbert Kaufmann


Reunion Class路 June 1982


Paul J. Kingston Barbourtown Rd., RFD #1 Collinsville, CT 06022

BILL THOMSEN writes that he has retired from the manufacturing division of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group and is waiting for spring and the golf and fishing. CHARLES WITHINGTON tells us that he has retired as a geologist with the federal government after 39 years. He plans to leave Washington and move to New York to be a consultant with the United Nations. His new address is Box 386, Centreville, MD 21617. Class Agent: Merritt Johnquest



Robert Tansill 270 White Oak Ridge Road Short Hills, NJ 07078

BOB BARROWS has recently retired from active management of Merrill Lynch Barrows Realty Company. Contrary' to the rumor, he did not do this solely to devote full time to his responsibilities as our class agent. ED CARTER is now retired from The Travelers, and after spending a year in England, is living at his shore home in Westbrook, CT. BRENT HARRIES is now group president of McGraw-Hill, Inc. Brent recently spoke in St. Louis to the Financial Ana-

Tie One On.

Rt. Rev. E. Otis Charles 1349 3rd Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84103

TOM MEREDITH has been selected for inclusion in the "Directory of Exceptional Stockholders." He is currently chairman of the board of Coburn and Meredith in Hartford. DAVID GOTTESMAN, managing partner of First Manhattan Company, has been named a director of Sun Chemical Corporation. He is also a director of Eagle Star Insurance Company of America. TED LOCKWOOD will head the United World College of the Southwest scheduled to open in September, 1982, in Montezuma, New Mexico. Ted's new post evolved out of his role as a consultant over the past year to Prince Charles of England, who serves as president of the United World Colleges. DONALD SHIPPY has rejoined the staff of the New York Stock Exchange (after a twelve-year absence) as a senior enforcement investigator. JIGGER SITARZ, Trinity's noted first baseman and basketball player, attended the 12th annual luncheon honoring the late Johnny Newell, legendary coach at Hartford High School. Jigger was one of Newell's proteges. PAUL ROEDEL was one of three individuals honored with the title, "Citizen of the Year," by the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce at its annual dinner dance in November. Vice president for industrial relations at the Wiremold Company in West Hartford, Paul was saluted for his contributions to the business community in the town over the years. Class Agent: Howard M. Werner, Esq.


Trinity College Alumni Office 79 Vernon St. Hartford, CT 06106 Please send me _ _ _ _ _ __ tie(s)@ $10.00 ea. Enclosed is my check for $ payable to the Trustees of Trinity College.

49 ALONZO G. "LON" GRACE, JR., reports that he is president of A. G. Grace & Company in Glastonbury, CT. He presented a one-day tutorial in September, 1981, at the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Productivity in Washington, D.C. His book on whitecollar productivity is to be published soon by Prentice-Hall. EDWARD J. OBERT, JR. reports that he retired from Sikorsky Aircraft in January, 1982. Class Agent: Joseph A. DeGrandi, Esq.



Street Address City State


lysts Federation; then, he and Vivian took a few days R&R in Florida. BOB COHAN writes that his company, Denton & Co. Inc., a regional brokerage firm founded by his father in 1921, now has spent three generations in his family, as his son, Jeff, has just been named secretary and treasurer. DAVID M. HADLOW has been appointed area director for The Stanley Works' Latin American and Far East operations. Famous Trinity baseball pitcher JACK SCULLY was seen at the 12th annuallun· cheon honoring the late Johnny Newell, legendary Hartford High coach. Class Agent: Robert W. Barrows



Louis Raden 1133 lvyglen Circle Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013

Heard from NORM WACK that he has recently joined the F.I.P. Corporation of Farmington, CT, as manager of area sales. The company is in the design, development and building business. It has nine industrial parks or will build on land of a client's choice. DON ROME tells us that he is a contributing author to the seven-volume Collier Bankruptcy Practice Guide published in late 1981 by Matthew Bender & Company. DAVE BLAIR resigned as vice· president at Friendly to form a real estate consulting partnership called Pellegrini and Blair in Springfield, MA. His daughter, Laurie, Trinity '77, is being married in May at the Trinity Chapel. PAUL "BROWNIE" DICKEY writes from Greenwich, CT, that he is second vice-president of Shearson American Express. He also reported that his son, Paul III, a senior at Tufts University, was nam· ed All-American and college sailor of the year for 1981. ROB LANDERS still lives in Madison, CT, but is now associated as regional manager with P. D. George Company in St. Louis, MO. Is there a change in your life? Let us hear and enjoy it with you. It's especially fun for all of us to hear news of the generations following us - children and grandchildren. Class Agent: James B. Curtin; Esq.

Reunion Class· June 1982 Douglas C. Lee P.O. Box 5321 Modesto, CA 95352 JIM STONE has opened an additional office of his insurance agency, Money Saving Ideas of West Hartford, CT, in Miami, FL, where his daughter, Joyce, is in charge. The telephone number there is (305) 551-0252. Looking forward to seeing you and your spouse or friend at Reunion. Class Agent: William M. Vibert


Paul A. Mortell 508 Stratfield Road Fairfield, CT 06432

BENJAMIN MARTIN is currently chairman and professor in the Environmental Design Department at the Philadelphia College of Art. WILLIAM HAYWARD has been appointed general manager of the distribution transformer division of Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Having joined Westinghouse in 1953 on the graduate student training program, Hayward held

a number of engineering, sales, and marketing positions in various divisions of the company. ROBERT A. BARROWS has been promoted to manager of employment at the Philips Medical Systems, Inc., in Shelton, CT. ERNEST LEWIS is chairperson of the science department at Manchester High School. He is also director of the Manchester Adult Evening School. DAVID DEAN celebrated his twentyfifth anniversary of ordination to the Christian ministry with a service at the Grace Congregational United Church in Rutland, VT. THE REV. ARTHUR H. TILDESLEY was honored by a service and reception given in September by the parishioners of Christ Episcopal Church in Middletown, NJ, as a celebration of his new ministry as rector of their church. RALPH DAVIS was among several employees of Hartford's Community Renewal Team honored at a dinner in November for their many years of service. Guest speaker was Congressman Toby Moffett; also honored was another Trinity alumnus, JOSHUA SMITH '65. Ralph is remembered by classmates for his heavy involvement in community affairs when he was an undergraduate, such as the NAACP Youth Council, and North End Community Center rebuilding committee. His winning senior oratory award (F. A. Brown prize) was entitled "A Career in Human Relations," capping four years of part-time work as boys' group leader at theW omen's League Day Care Center, on whose board he later served. After some time in the Army, Ralph earned his master's in social work from UConn. He did case work for a while with Children's Services of CT, and later worked as Family Relations Director, 14th Circuit Court before joining the war on poverty. He has headed the social service, energy, and now the communications department at CRT. GORDON CLEM is headmaster of the Choir School of St. Thomas Church in New York City. Class Agent: Elliott H. Valentine


Theodore T. Tansi Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co. 1 American Row Hartford, CT 06103

DONALD BISSONETTE writes that he has moved to F-1 Ternbury Square, Nashua, NH, 03060. He is senior staff engineer with the Analytical Systems Engineering Corp. in Burlington, MA. GIL GILLOOLY, president of Gillooly, McGrail & Carroll in New Haven, tells us that his son, Dennis, is scheduled to graduate this May and daughter, Sheila, is in the class of '84 at Trinity. RICHARD PEARSON, having received his M.B.A. in management from Golden Gate University in 1980, retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1981. He is now a lecturer in graduate and undergraduate programs at Golden Gate University and Victor Valley Junior College. KENNETH STUER now makes his home at 205 Ridge Road in Wethersfield, CT. Your SECRETARY was re-elected to the Board of Selectmen in the town of Simsbury, CT last fall. Class Agent: Peter K. Sivaslian, Esq.


E. Wade Close, Jr. 2800 Grant Bldg. Pittsburgh, PA 15219

M. DONALD CARDWELL writes that his wife, Roberta, attended Trinity College, worked formerly in the Ford White House and with CBS Sports. They live at 1478 Main St., Glastonbury, CT. Class Agent: Charles S. Gardner III

Headliners David M. Barry '52 is one of eight new Superior Court judges in Con· necticut. Formerly senior partner in the Manchester, CT law firm of Barry and O'Brien, he has also served as Manchester deputy mayor and town attorney. Barry has held key posts on the Connecticut Juvenile Justice Commission, the State Advisory Council on Aging and the Governor's Task Force on Prison Overcrowding. Frederick B. Starr '55 has been elected president of Thomasville Furniture Industries, Inc., an affiliate of Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Starr began his Armstrong career in 1958, advancing steadily in the company's Building Products and Thomasville Furniture Divisions. In 1977, he became a senior vice president and general sales manager of the Thomasville Furniture Division of this Lancaster, P A-based corporation. Norman C. Kayser '57 has been named president and treasurer of R. C. Knox & Co., a Hartford firm specializing in insurance and bonds. Prior to joining R. C. Knox in 1962, he worked for Aetna Casualty and Surety Company. He is a past president of the Hartford Association of Independent Agents, the Connecticut chapter of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters, and the Trinity Club of Hartford.


Bruce Macdonald 1116 Weed Street New Canaan, CT 06840

Rev. DALE C. NELSON was appointed head minister of the 1,700-member Flossmoor Community Church, in Flossmoor, IL, and was elected president of the Homewood-Flossmoor Ministerial Association. Dale also teaches philosophy at Thorton Community College, So. Holland, IL. Class Agent: John D. Limpitlaw

Reunion Class· June 1982


Paul B. Marion 7 Martin PI. Chatham, NJ 07928

WARD S. CURRAN is the first recipient of the newly created GEORGE M. FERRIS '16 professorial chair in corporation finance and investments at Trinity College. Looking forward to a great turnout. for our 25th Reunion. Class Agent: Frederick M. Tobin, Esq.


The Rev. Dr. Borden W. Painter, Jr. 110 Ledgewood Road West Hartford, CT 06107

HUB SEGUR is teaching economics at the College of the Pacific in Stockton, California. We've even learned that he has adopted Professor Richard Scheuch's text, Labor in the American Economy, for his course in labor economics. Hub taught

on the secondary school level for some years, then spent five years with the United Farm Workers before studying labor economics at the University of California at Davis. BOB McCLENAHAN has exited from the academic world and has joined the A. G. Edwards & Sons firm in their Hamden office and lives with his family in New Haven. CHARLIE SELDEN continues with Random House Publishing, but has a new office address in the Big Apple: 201 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022. PETER SMITH recently sent kudos to Jerry Hansen and the Alumni Office for the Trin weekend for sons and daughters of alumni who are considering applying to the College. Peter's son Erik attended last fall's weekend. This program has been very successful, so keep it in mind for your children. I met several of your offspring when I talked to last year's group. Class Agent: Joseph J. Repole, Jr.


Paul S. Campion 4 Red Oak Dr. Rye, NY 10580

WARREN FREEMAN has joined Crane Typesetting Service, Inc., West Barnstable, MA as production supervisor. In December, 1981, DIXON HARRIS resigned from his job as financial planner with Paine Webber Jackson & Curtis in Honolulu to become executive vice president of Charlton Investment Services Corporation in Colorado Springs. Charlton is a syndicator of real estate investments and is also an oil and gas drilling firm. LEIGHTON H. MciLVAINE, Jr. has

been named a director of Wood Struthers & Winthrop Management Corporation, NY. BRIAN E. NELSON has opened a new business, Williamson & Nelson Associates, in Farmington, CT, which will work with individuals and businesses and their investments in real estate. DICK NOLAN is in his 13th year as pro路 fessor of philosophy and social sciences at Mattatuck Community College, Waterbury, CT, and in his 8th year as pastor of St. Paul's Parish, Bantam, CT. Dick has coauthored Living Issues in Ethics (Wadsworth, Feb., 1982) with Frank Kirkpatrick of Trinity's religion department, and is presently working on the 8th edition of Living Issues in Philosophy. BOB PINGPANK has been teaching mathematics at Thomaston (CT) High School for the past 20 years, and is treasurer of St. Paul's Parish, Bantam, CT, where DICK NOLAN is pastor. Bob writes, "an unusual parish with 3 additional non-stipendiary clergy and 62 households!" Forbes Magazine's Director of International Advertising for Europe, Middle East and Africa, PETER M. SCHOFF, has established headquarters at 50 Pall Mall, London. This marks the first time in Forbes' 64-year history that a full-time advertising representative has been located outside the U.S. Class Agent: William J. Schreiner


Lloyd M. Costley 1528 34th St., N. W. Washington, D.C. 20007

PETER S. ANDERSON has been promoted to senior investment officer at Girard Bank, trust department. Peter also has a new son, Reid Stickney Brooke Anderson, born May 16, 1980. A note from BOB BEAVEN tells us that he recently left Manufacturers Hanover to join a start-up company at Merrill Lynch called Merrill Lynch Private Capital. ERIK DUNLAEVY 'writes to tell us that he is now living in his wood and solar heated home which he has been building over the last eighteen months. He says his hand-dug 63-foot-deep well produces "delicious water." JACK LA MOTHE is now vice president of International Marketing at Chase Econometrics/Interactive Data Corp. He has done extensive travel to Europe and Japan, opening new offices in Japan to provide financial and economic decision support services. Jack's daughter, Kirner is a freshman at Williams. BRUCE STONE informs us that he is now into stamp collecting as an investment. He is president of his own company, Stamp Portfolios, Inc., and is a contributing editor to the Philatelic Review. CADDY SWANSON tells us that he is now at 159 Corlies Avenue, Pelham, NY, 10803 and is still president of Reeves Teletape, a company that provides television facilities. MICHAEL P. RHODES has been promoted to colonel in the Air Force. He is presently on the faculty of the Army War Barracks. Class Agent: George P. Kroh


Kerry Fitzpatrick 10-D Dennison Dr. Hightstown, NJ 08520

HUGH "WALLY" EWART is the director of technical services for Tree Top Inc., Selah, WA, not Treetoping as was reported in a previous issue of the Reporter. Class Agent: Thomas D. Reese, Jr.

vice president and chief financial officer of URS Corporation, an international professional services organization headquartered in San Mateo, CA. Formerly a corporate vice president at URS, he was most recently involved in the company's . successful acquisition program. Previously, Dick was vice president and chief financial officer of Precision Data, Inc., a manufacturer of sophisticated audio recording devices. He and his wife and two children live in Los Altos Hills, CA. Happy news comes from KARL G. SMITH II who reports that he married Martha Jane Fray on August 1, 1981. Martha graduated from Smith in 1974 and received her M.B.A. and M.Arch from Yale in 1981. She is the recipient of a Henry Luce Fellowship which places Karl and Martha in Hong Kong for the year. Karl is on leave from his architectural practice in San Francisco and is serving as a consultant for John Portman's office in Hong Kong. Class Agents: Francis B. Jacobs II Ronald E. Brackett, Esq.

Headliners Christian Messenger '65 is assistant professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle and has recently published a book, Sport and the Spirit of Play in American Fiction.

David Auchincloss '65 has recently been appointed president and publisher of the Atlantic Monthly Co. in Boston. Auchincloss received his M.B.A. in 1967 from Columbia University and had a 13-year career with Newsweek Magazine, where he was formerly the publisher.


s6 2

Barnett Lipkind 1220 N. Formosa Ave. #3 Los Angeles, CA 90046

The SAM BAILEYs announce the addition to their family of Stuart. From Chemical Bank comes the news of the naming of TOM JOHNSON senior executive vice president. He is responsible for managing Chemical's worldwide funding position, bond and foreign exchange trading and the Bank's investment portfolios. Tom has also just been named a Trustee of the College and is a director of the Trinity College Club of New York. Congratulations, Tom! BILL TURNER was also promoted recently by Chemical Bank to the position of executive vice president. Bill joined the bank in 1962. Another banker, JOHN M. DENSON, was promoted to senior vice president and division executive - North American Corp. Banking for the Bank of Montreal, New York City. DR. DAVID GATES has just been made corporate secretary for Esso Eastern, Inc., Exxon regional, and is residing at 12511 Mossycup, Houston, TX 77024. JONATHAN GRANGER is a trust officer for the National Trust Company, Naples, Florida. JEFFREY SHELEY is second vice president for Smith Barney Harris & Upham in Hartford. Jeff has two children - Matthew, 7 and Lisa, 4. TED WAGNER is an orthopedic surgeon living in Seattle. Ted and his family recently were on a six-month sabbatical in Tanzania near the small town of Moshi, at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, which he and his wife climbed. While in East Africa, Ted took over a consulting position and taught many Tanzanian doctors orthopedic care. He also directed his own safari into the Serengetti Plains. Your SECRETARY recently joined Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation, Torrance, CA as a new business manager in charge of commercial and industrial equipment financing. In another capacity, as president of the Los Angeles Alumni Association, on March 2nd I hosted the annual alumni dinner, which was attended by approximately fifty people, including President James F. English, Jr., JERRY HANSEN '51 and his wife, and Connie Ware. BOB FLORIAN! and his wife were also in attendance. A good time was had by all. Don't forget our 20th Reunion in June! Class Agents: Samuel Bailey, IV, Esq. Thomas S. Johnson


Timothy F. Lenicheck 25 Kidder Ave. Somerville, MA 02144

MICHAEL DALY has moved to 33 Meadowbrook Rd., Longmeadow, MA. ROBERT W. GARDNER was reelected to a 2-year term on the Newtown (CT) Legislative Council. HUNTER B. HARRIS has been promoted to assistant manager of sales in Bethlehem Steel Corporation's Chicago district sales office. From Granby, CT, CLINTON C. JOHNSON reports that he is now employed by Reprographics Management, Inc., Avon, 路CT, as a reprographic specialist. CARL LUNDBORG is now an orthopedic surgeon with the Orthopedic Group of Milford, CT. J. RODNEY MATTISON has moved up to assistant director with responsibilities for the support unit at the nearly completed Norcross, GA, data center of the Travelers Ins. Co. LELAND L. MOYER has been named senior vice president and general manager of the Consumer Electronics Division of Atari, Inc. In the newlycreated position, Leland will be responsible for all da:v.-to-day operations of the division, which manufactures and markets electronic game products for the home. ROBERT M. MURDOCK is continuing as director of the Grand Rapids Art Museum which reopened in September, 1981, in a newly renovated historical building. Class Agent: The Rev. Michael A. Schulenberg

64 RICHARD B. "DICK" STOWELL reports that he is president of World Homes, Inc., in Wichita, KS. BARRY J. LEGHORN has made the news by being inducted into the Trinity College Basketball Hall of Fame. Barry was Trinity's first 1,000-point scorer, ending his career with 1,066 points. A superb foul shooter, he was the Bantams' most valuable player during his sophomore and senior years. He keeps in shape today by playing intramural basketball for the Hartford Insurance Group, where he works, and by jogging 20 miles per week. DICK TOWLE has been promoted to


The Rev. David J. Graybill 2612 Byforde Rd. Kensington, MD 10796

VINCENT S. LOMBARDO is the 1982 president of the Travelers Insurance Co. Toastmasters Club. JOSHUA SMITH was among several Community Renewal Team employees honored at a recent dinner, for many years of service in that Hartford agency. Another Trinity alum honored at the dinner, which featured guest speaker Congressman Toby Moffett, was RALPH DAVIS '53. After earning his master's in education at Harvard, Josh became involved in the South Arsenal Neighborhood Development Corp., helping to develop and rehabilitate the whole physical and spiritual presence in the community. He has served as assistant to the executive director of CRT, and in the areas of operations & planning, and economic development & housing. Josh's new role at CRT is in providing technical assistance to neighborhoods. W. DEAN WALLACE, JR. writes, "I am enjoying life. Hello to anyone who remembers or cares." Class Agent: F. Carl Schumacher, Jr.


Dr. Randolph M. Lee Office of College Counseling Trinity College Hartford, CT 06106

Only three reports from classmates for this issue ..... What's happening with all the rest of you? ANTHONY "TONY" BOUGERE tells us he was recently promoted to vicepresident of marketing for the interna. tiona! beverage division of Heublein. And on the other coast, ED LEWIS recently moved to Kentfield, California. Ed continues to work as a real estate broker for the David T. Egan Company in Larkspur, CA. RICH CHARNEY writes that the fall issue of The Reporter had some errors in the information on him. He is, indeed, a urologist at Warminster General Hospital, but the last issue of the magazine listed him on the board of directors at Northeast YMCA. He should have been listed on the board of directors at the Klein branch of the Jewish Youth Centers. He adds that he was recently named chairman of the In: fection Control Committee at Warminster General Hospital. He reports that he is also interested in the Upper Moreland Marching Unit and plays string bass for the Warminster Symphony Orchestra. In addition, he has been honored by Cinekyd


Enterprises, Inc., by having a new commons area named after him. The area will be known as Charney Court. In announcing the honor, the executive director of Cinekyd noted Dr. Charney's "unique gift of skill, time, and humanism." Cinekyd is a non-profit organization which trains children in the communication arts. Let's fill more column space in the next issue! Class Agent: Mason G. Ross

~Reunion Class路 June 1982 ....,...



Thomas L. Safran 2928 Roscomare Road Los Angeles, CA 90077

JACK CURTIS has been doing some exciting legal work over the last several years. Recently, his activities were written up in Forbes magazine. Specifically, Jack has been working with such companies as Rath Packing Company in Waterloo, Iowa, and most recently with Pan Am to create employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). In Pan Am's case, the carrier should expect to save up to $200 million in wage costs over the next year. In return, the employees will get another 12o/o interest in the company as well as a seat on the Board of Directors. The typical ESOP candidate, according to Jack, is a crisis-ridden company with no choice but to render some control to employees. Thus, if you are in need of Jack's outstanding legal help, you might call him at McQuaid, Ludwig, Bedford, & Curtis in Washington, D.C. His telephone number is (202) 342-0499. We received our annual Christmas letter from DON BISHOP and his wife, Jemma, and their three children, Jerome, John Patrick, and Edward. As you may recall, they are living in Hong Kong where Don works as assistant Information Officer in the American Consulate General's office. In addition, Don was recently selected Major in the Air Force Reserve. They are having an exciting life and are enjoying their traveling throughout the Pacific. Back in the States, BILL PASTORE and his wife Linda report they are in the throes of starting their new family group medical practice. For those who want more information, you might contact Bill at 7623 Highmeadow in Houston, TX 77063. Moving to California Department: coming out of the cold is MATT KATZ who is now living in Oakland at 2201 Broadway, Apartment 502. His new telephone number is (415) 645-8202. Matt has a new position as vice-president of Foreign Accounts with Pacific Telegraphic Equipment. His responsibility is to contact overseas businessmen and sell, service and lease coding equipment, especially to Third World countries. RICH RATZAN wrote to let us know that he and his wife had a new daughter back on July 29, 1980. Her name is Katherine Hale. Finally, TOM RIPLEY wrote to tell of his new job as systems manager in Ireland for Baxter Travenol Laboratories. He has worked for that company as manager of statistical services from 1976 to 1980 and then transferred to the international division, moving to Ireland in January, 1981. He and his wife, Moira, and their recently adopted baby, Benjamin, are doing a lot of traveling, both in Ireland and the rest of Europe, enjoying every minute of it. If you should be in their area, their residence address is 17 Pontoon Drive, Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland. That's all, folks. Keep your cards and letters coming in. Class Agent: Roger K. Derderian


Joseph L. Reinhardt 113 Dixon Blvd. Cocoa, FL 32922

STU EDELMAN writes that after his first year as medical director and chief psychiatrist at Eliot Community Mental Health Center in Concord, MA, he is still enjoying the balance between clinic responsibilities and private practice. Stu also reports that he shared a New Year's ski vacation with GEORGE FOSQUE, TOM NARY and JOHN VAIL. DENNIS FARBER exhibited some of his paintings at the Claremont Graduate School in Claremont, CA in February. CHARLES A. "BIFF" MADDOCK has been promoted to senior vice president of Mel Richman Inc., a marketing communications agency in BaJa Cynwyd, P A. JOSEPH N. RUSSO III has a new job with A. H. Riise Liquors in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. RALPH G. WHITE is starting his second year as math teacher and basketball coach at Watkinson School. He earned his master's degree in physical education from Northeastern University and his master's in education from Boston University. Ralph was married in the Trinity Chapel on September 6, 1980. Class Agent: Joseph M. Perta


Frederick A. Vyn 19 Shoreham Club Rd. Old Greenwich, CT 06870

ALDEN R. GORDON has received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for the 1982-83 academic year to complete research on a book about 18th-century royal patronage of the arts in France. Gordon, who is assistant professor of fine arts at Trinity, has been asked by the Louvre Museum in Paris to prepare a related exhibition to be shown in Paris in 1984. FRED PRELLE is moving to Houston, TX, and will be vice president of the Baldwin Financial Group. Class Agent: Russell E. Brooks


John L. Bonee III 50 State Street Hartford, CT 06103

According to the Chapel Hill newspaper, our classmate, BOB DUNCAN, is doing a fantastic job as associate director of the Episcopal Chapel of the Cross at the University of North Carolina. He has helped form St. Gregory's Guild of Actors and Musicians, bringing together both artists from the community and the University; he has set up a network of assistance for street people in the area; he organized a medical work mission to Haiti, and he has saved a fraternity on campus. All of this has earned him the "Town and Gown" award sponsored by the Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce. His message is that the role of the church is to "comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable." Dubbed the "preppy priest" by the students on campus, he has thereby attempted to distinguish himself through basic tweedian informality as being distinct from both the establishmentarian three-piece suit crowd and the anti-establishmentarian dungaree crowd. THOMAS LOM has been elected to the board of directors of Compton Advertising, Inc. ERNIE MATTEI, our class agent, has made partner at the Hartford law firm of Day, Berry & Howard. FRANCIS MINITER has become a member of the law firm of Dice, Miniter & Carvalko, P.C. of Cheshire, Danbury and Bridgeport, CT.

Headliner A. L. C. Pottash, M.D. '70 has been appointed medical director of Regent Hospital in New York City. He continues as medical director of Psychiatric Diagnostic Laboratories of America and Fair Oaks Hospital, both in Summit, N.J. Pottash has published more than 80 articles, with his collaborators, on research in biological psychiatry, psychopharmacology, drug abuse, and laboratory medicine . I am sure most of us cannot forget the zeal with which DAVE MOSS attacked his drums at the Trinity College jazz band. Your SECRETARY will never forget freshman year at South Campus hearing the muffled rumble of his classmate practicing long into the night on his hard rubber platter with his drumsticks. A few lines from the January 1982 Hartford Advocate will attest today's continuing terrific success: "If you're feeling stodgy and bored, take a friend to the Protean Theater and catch two of the wildest humans on the planet busy being themselves: Phil Minton and Dave Moss. David Moss is a bearded, friendly giant who is transformed when surrounded by his 'touched sound' surfaces: drums, cymbals, gongs, steel drums, plastic pods, zither, tubes, rocks, water, wood, toys, Bertoia Sound Sculptures, and much more. Moss has released a solo album of improvisations and appears on Meltable Snaps It, an album featuring fellow free spirits Michael Lytle and George Cartwright. Moss is a blur as he becomes, simultaneously, a one-man demolition and construction crew of sound, tearing down and carefully building new frameworks that hover complete for mere seconds before the aural architect bangs out a new blueprint." D. J. REILERT has recently received the title of graphics and print manager of Alvin & Co. in Bloomfield, CT. He aho has a son, Geoffrey Jonathan, born November 28, 1981. ANDREW SHAW, an attorney in Randolph, NJ, has been appointed municipal judge for Randolph Township. He is currently serving as the president of his local Rotary Club in addition. JACK WILLIN, senior account coordinator for the Aetna Life and Casualty Company, has been named assistant baseball coach at Trinity for the 1981-82 season. He lives with his wife, Lori, in Wethersfield, CT. Class Agent: Ernest J. Mattei, Esq.


Susan Haberlandt 1524 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh, P A 15217

GARRY DIBBLE is now a staff physician in internal medicine with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group and reports that he is currently living in Claremont, CA. JAY HOSTETTER has been named the regional loan officer for the SuburbanNorthwest Region of the Hartford National Bank and is now based at the Bank's 65 LaSalle Road, West Hartford office. ED KARAM has been "on the move" since resigning his position with the Middletown Times Herald-Record in April. He is now settled in Haight-Ashbury and reports that he is enjoying San Francisco daily and welcomes any word from his Trinity mates. En route to San Francisco, Ed writes he visited with BRIAN MEYERS in Washington, D.C.; VIC

CASTAGNA in Sante Fe; MIKE GEISER in San Francisco; and then LOU SLOCUM, with whom he stayed for a while in Palo Alto. Sounds as though Ed has really found something special in San Francisco and his letter to us is very enthusiastic! BILL LAPLANTE is now the executive producer of the 5 o'clock news with WCBS TV in New York, having been awarded the Emmy for the best news program in New York City in 1981 and then serving as a judge for the 1982 Emmys in the same category. He and his family (including son Guy, who turned one on January 30th) are living in Harwinton, CT. ANDY LIPPS has left the public defender service and joined the Washington office of Whiteman and Ransom where he has a civil and criminal litigation practice. He and his wife, Eva, are "enjoying immensely" life with their first child, Jessica, who was born in June. PHIL MCGOOHAN reports that he was recently visited by JEFF STURGESS and enjoyed showing him that "there is life west of the Hudson." Otherwise he and his wife, Judy, are kept very busy with two active boys 24 months apart! JIM SEDGWICK has received his PhD in Fishery and Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University. JOHN TYNER is now a teacher in the Pre-vocation Program for the day treatment service of CREC in West Hartford. He and his wife, Valerie, live on Oxford Street in Hartford. Class Agent: Thomas R. DiBenedetto

!Reunion Class路 June 1982


G. Harvey Zendt 123 Upland Ter. Bala Cynwyd, P A 19004

DENISE HAWTHORNE informs us that she is now director of market research at the Covenant Group in Hartford. GARY NEWTON writes that he is working for Cenca Tours in Springfield, MA. Having just visited Banff, Alberta, to check ski resorts for individual and group vacations, he can help Trin grads with their vacation plans. Call Gary toll-free at 800-332-1680; in Conn., call203-623-2316. JOSEPH PETERS is a research fellow in the hematology/oncology department at the University of Michigan. A recent Hartford Courant article described the dual life of WOOLSEY JOHNSON. By day he drives a cement truck for Manchester Sand and Gravel Co., and is a member of the teamsters union. During his free hours Woolsey spends his time creating sculptures. BRAD FRIEDRICH reports from Minnesota that he is having a wonderful time as manager of the St. Paul Alouetts, Minnesota's t6p 14-and-under girls' hockey team.

LOU PAYNE has left First Pennsylvania and gone to Portland, ME, where he has become the secretary of the Down East Christian Society. PETER ROBINSON is now residing in Denver, where he is working for a major cable television network. At this writing, he and JOHN HEPPE are currently in the Men's Hand Tennis finals in Tampa, FL. Having retired from teaching, AL WINROW is now selling life insurance outside of Boston. ROGER "SLICK" WERNER has recently become a member of the Bacotti Familli racing team out of Milan, Italy. He hopes to make it on to the Grand Prix circuit this year. JOHN HEPPE is currently a specialist in stock options on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Another resident of the City of Brotherly Love, BAYARD FIECHTER is currently working for Hay Associates, a regional consultant firm. BILL FISHER is working for Drexel Burnham Lambert in New York City as a vice president in the corporate finance area. JAY DAVIS currently is the regional sales representative for Moody, Inc., a sports products company. Class Agent: Bayard R. Fiechter


Lawrence M. Garber 3036 W. 22nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211

SUSAN HOFFMAN FISHMAN has recently published two documents: "The impact of incarceration on children of offenders," in the Journal of Children in Cont({mporary Society, and "Services for families of offenders," published by the National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice. Susan also announces the birth of a son, Benjamin Isaac Fishman on May 24, 1981. RICHARD W. JOHANSEN just finished at Harvard Business School and has relocated to Washington, D.C. Richard is assistant to the president for Survival Technology and sends best wishes to all! JONATHAN NEUNER is an electronic banking officer with Hartford National Bank and adds that he will be working on the fund raising/finance committee for the Billy Graham Crusade in Hartford in May. ROBIN WAGGE PURVIN has been married for three years to Jonathan Purvin, a concert pianist who is also a firstyear medical student. Robin is teaching ballet at two colleges in the Albany area and is also performing with a dance/ theater group.

r------------------, ::



We want to keep in touch with aU our classmates and alumni friends. So, if you have changed your address, let us know in the space below. A special plea to the class of 1981 -where are you? Name _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Class _ _ If your present address does not match that on the mailing tape please

check here 0 New Res. A d d r e s s - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State - - - - - - Z i p _ _ _ __ Res. Tel: - - - - - - - - - - Bus. Tel: Your present company---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Title-------------------------Bus. Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C i t y - - - - - - - - - - - State ______ Zip _ _ _ __ WHAT'S N E W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mail to: Alumni Office, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106


JIM SOLOMON has been director of the alternative education program in West Hartford High School for six years and has also coached varsity tennis. Jim has a son, Jarrett, born September 15, 1980. CHASE TWICHELL had a book of poems, Northern Spy, published by the U. of Pittsburgh Press. Chase writes, "I am now at work on my second book, thanks to a grant from the Artists' Foundation in Boston." Class Agent: Stanley A. Twardy, Jr., Esq.


Jim Finkelstein 27 Lakeside Avenue Darien, CT 06820

BILL BARNEY writes about his new job with Hochman & Horwitz Co. in Dayton, Ohio. DAVE SYLVESTRO informs us that he has a new job as a school psychologist at Eagle Hill School where he and his wife, ELEANOR (INGERSOLL) '75, have both worked since Trinity. STEVE PEMBER was awarded a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Emory University in the fall quarter of 1981. JOHN WILCOX is a project architect for Don Hammerberg Associates in Farmington, CT. JOANNE BEERS is the assistant director of the employee benefits division of Aetna Life Insurance Company in Hartford. STEVE DUENNEBIER is a teacher of history, psychology, and sociology for the Brunswick School in Greenwich, CT. JOHN LEHR is an attorney with McKenna, Conner & Cuneo, specializing in corporate and real estate law. John is living in South Laguna, CA. JOSHUA ROSENFIELD is a doctor living in,Coxsackie, NY. He notes, "I am living in a town which spawned a virus." GAIL BURNS DOWNS has been working for the past year as layout artist at the American Radio Relay League in Newington, CT, for their monthly magazine, QST. LEVA UN GRAULTY still loves living in the Berkshires (Pittsfield, MA) despite frozen pipes. Vaunie is working as a reading specialist at Miss Hall's School. We received the following very sad news from HEIDI NEUBAUER JACOBUS: "The son of Heidi and Chuck Jacobus, C. Jeremiah Jacobus, IV, 8 months old, died suddenly on March 10, 1982. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Jeremiah Jacobus Memorial Burn Fund, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX, 75235. Attn: Doug Mehling." The Class and other Trinity friends send sincere sympathy to Heidi and Chuck. COLLEEN KEEFE COURNOT has opened a dental practice on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. GAIL BUXTON and DAVID GELLATLY write that they were married last October in Greenwich, CT. In attendance were SUE FERRIS, LAURA EINSTEIN, TY GELTMAKER, JENIFER FRANK, MARK MILLER, AMY SCHEWEL, PATTI BROWN CHASTAIN and JOHN GATSOS '73. They report that a great time was had by all. PETER SCHULLER, at long last, writes that he has left his previous law practice to become assistant counsel inhouse with CFS, a subsidiary of the Charter Company in Jacksonville, Florida, specializing in leverage lease financing. He reports that, although ANDY TAUSSIG has a new swing, he still plays golf the same old way! Class Agent: Rebecca Adams


Gary Morgans 638 Independence Ave., SE Washington, D.C. 20003

ROBIN A. BODELL is working for the First National Bank of Boston and writes

that the bank is sending her to Brussels for three months. NANCY MOORE BROCHIN is a free lance editor for five publishing houses, including McGraw-Hill Book Co. and Houghton Mifflin, and is also designing greeting cards for Gordon Frazer Galleries. Nancy also has a daughter, Emily Rachel, born July 6, 1981. KURT BROTHERSON is a senior resident - family practice at West Suburban Hospital in Oak Park, IL. DEBBIE DONAHUE has just finished her first year at Columbia Business School. Debbie will be getting married to Bruce Hallett, who is the assistant business manager of Sports Illustrated. "He's the best thing that has ever happened to me!" writes Debbie. LIZ EGLOFF has announced her engagement to Neil F. Jones. Liz is presently associate writer for "Search For Tomorrow" (CBS) in New York. CHARLES GOOLEY is counsel for Northeast Utilities and announces the birth of a son, Justin Michael, on October 13, 1981. ANN TULCIN KATES is a part-time teacher for learning-disabled children at the Eagle Hill School in Greenwich, CT. Ann writes that she and husband, David, and new daughter, Erica Elizabeth, are happy at Eagle Hill and enjoy working with DAVID ('74) and LEA (INGERSOLL) SYLVESTRO and JANICE . DICKENS. JOAN KAUFMAN received a master's in Asian studies and public health from the University of California, Berkeley in 1980. Joan is now a programme officer for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities in Peking. Joan writes, "All visitors to China are welcome (and urged) to call me or write to the United Nations, Beijing (phone: 523731)." PEGGY PALMER and RICK HORNUNG '77 are the proud parents of a daughter, Sarah Liza Hornung, born on August 19, 1981. Peggy is a director of a therapeutic nursery school for abused and neglected children at the Hill Health Center, New Haven, CT, and is working on a manual for the National Council on Abuse and Neglect. Peggy has heard from PETER "BUZZ" GARNICK, who is a veterinary student in Perth, Australia. He helps to finance his studying by playing the violin with the New South Wales Symphony. CONSTANCE SHUCK is working with the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. DAVID '74 and LEA INGERSOLL SYLVESTRO are both working at the Eagle Hill School and have a son, Tucker Ingersoll, born May 2, 1980. Class Agents: Bonnie Alexandre Emmons Jameson S. French


A. Hobart Porter 411 Lancaster Avenue #4 Haverford, PA 19041

The Southern contingent has checked in this quarter. STEVE NORRIS writes that he received a Ph.D. in physiology from George Washington University and has moved to Atlanta, GA., to be a research associate at Emory University School of Medicine. Congratulations all around! SUSAN CURTIS is in Washington as an intern at St. Alban's Parish, an-d has hopes to be ordained an Episcopal minister in June, 1983. BARBARA CLARK writes from Maryland that she has been promoted to programmer for Medical Scientific International and that she is relocating to the corporate headquarters in Rockville, MD. Also in Maryland, MARGIE JOHNSON-ORRICK and husband JACK ORRICK checked in


from Bethesda. Margie has co-authored a book of maps and graphs on the U.S. environment entitled Environmental Trends. Much of the other news this quarter is from Connecticut. JOHN LINEHAN left Buffalo, NY, and Proctor and Gamble to become New York region sales manager for the Clorox Company. He now Jives in Westport, CT, and considers it "A great change!" In Hartford, two classmates report in from Aetna Life and Casualty. JOHN MURO is in corporate communications, while working toward a second master's degree in literature and the arts at Wesleyan (his first was in English at UConn). BOB PARZYCH is a senior analyst at Aetna, having been promoted in December, 1981. JOHN CLIFFORD reports that he is an attorney with Gersten & Gersten of Hartford. A final note from Hartford states that DON ROMANIK, who works with the Legislative Commissioner's Office as an attorney, ran unopposed for the office of president of HART (Hartford Areas Rally Together), a coalition of about 40 block clubs in five neighborhoods in Hartford. To Don, good luck with both activities! From Boston, LOUISA CRAIB writes that she is a budget analyst for Children's Hospital Medical Center, and, also in Boston, rumor has it that JIM (SOL) SOLOMON is working for Newbalance Shoes and living with SANDY WEEDON '77. Chicago and Quaker Oats couldn't keep him. Our final note is from WILL GINSBERG and wife, ELLEN KELLY. They're living in New York City and Will is an attorney with Webster and Sheffield. That's it for now. Please keep me posted either through direct mail at the address above or through the Alumni Office.


Class Agents: Mrs. M. Carol Monaghan Viet Thomas P. Santopietro


Reunion Class 路June 1982


Barbara Hayden Lewis 709 Doris Avenue Jacksonville, NC 28540

EDE GIBBONS WINKHAUS was promoted last November to assistant manager of Chemical Bank in New York City. JACK SANTOS has started on an M.B.A. program at UConn. He, too, was recently promoted in his job at Aetna Life and Casualty to data processing development supervisor. Jack received his M.S. in computer science in May, 1981, from Hartford Graduate Center. Also in Connecticut, STEVE CORSO is practicing as a clinic and outreach therapist at the Housatonic Mental Health Center in Lakeville. Steve received his M.S.W. from UConn School of Social Work in May, 1981. RICK HORNUNG and PEGGY PALMER '75 have a daughter, Sarah Liza Hornung, born August 19, 1981. Rick received Connecticut's 1980 Sigma Delta Chi excellence award for articles exposing workplace hazards leading to death of workers at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. He is a staff writer for The Journal Inquirer of Manchester. Rick and Peggy live in Middletown. JASON JACOBSON is assistant town planner for Farmington, CT. In his spare time, Jason plays in a small acoustic rockbluegrass band at Hartford area clubs. WENDY JOHNSTON graduated last May from Villanova Law School and has passed the Pennsylvania Bar exam. Wendy was clerking for a judge in Montgomery County, P A.

At the New England Colleg~ of Optometry in Boston, GEORGE ADRIAN is a third-year doctoral student. He expects to graduate in May, 1983. Lt. DAVID JANCARSKI is now training in the F-14 air superiority fighter, Oceana, Virginia. When finished, he will deploy on an aircraft carrier. MARY DESMOND graduated in May from the Yale Public Health School. She hopes to put her degree in environmental science to work in New Jersey. CHARLIE POOLE plans to spend a third year at Kent School coaching and working as associate director of admissions. As of last January, MARK STRICKLAND had a new job as graduate intern at United Technologies Counseling, New Britain. Mark graduated with an M.S.W. from UConn in May, 1982. .PETER EDDY is now studying at the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. DREW TAMONEY writes that he has left the Boston area to attend business school at the University of Virginia. He lives two doors away from MIKE DIEFENBACH. Drew is head of the 5th year Trinity Reunion Committee, along with ROB BUFFUM and SARAH GORDON DeGIOVANN!. They hope to see as many of you as possible at the.reunion this summer. SCOTT MORRIS has been working as a policy analyst with the New York State Power Authority since the summer of 1981. Scott commutes to New York City .from Stamford where he lives near DOUG and GWYNNE MACCOLL CAMPBELL. DONALD MILLER graduated in June, 1981, from New York University School of Medicine. He is now doing an internship in internal medicine at the Medical College of Virginia and living in Richmond. BRIAN PAUL McFADZEN is living in New York City and working for Gulf and Western Corporation. After his return home to Nigeria in the summer of 1979, BODE KA YODE served a year in the National Youth Service Corps. Since then he has taught health education to medical students and community health officers at the University of I! orin. GAIL BOGOSSIAN-ROY finished her Trinity degree in May, 1981, and began work at the Connecticut State Department of Education. ANNE LEVINE began a new job last January as a chemist/consultant for TRC Environmental Consultants of East Hartford. Anne is still involved in "alien rock" programming at WRTC radio, Trinity. Thanks to those who contributed news for this issue. Please be aware that there is a time lag of many months between the time you write and when the Reporter is published. Hopefully your news is still accurate as prjnted .. Class Agent: James W. Graves


George L. Smith 47 Locust Avenue Rye, NY 10580

TOM SCALI is in his third year of medical school in Rome, Italy. SUSAN COHEN is currently attending the University of Connecticut School of Law. Those leaving the scholastic ranks are as follows: JOHN GIOV ANNUCI graduated from Western New England School of Law and has been admitted to the Connecticut Bar. He is presently associated with the firm of Nair and Levin in Hartford. JON JACOBS graduated from Cardozo School of Law and is presently in the D.C. area, looking for work and preparing for the Bar exam. l graduated from St. John's University School of Law, passed the Bar exam, and

am associated with the law firm of Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, & Alexander in New York. JEFFREY MERZ is working as a chartering trainee with Global Tanker Services in Stamford, CT. JORY LOCKWOOD is teaching English at Eastern Junior High School in Riverside, CT, and working on an M.A.T. at Manhattanville College. SUSIE IVERSEN is a graphics art freelancer for L.B.S. (publishing division) in New York. CINDY BERO is a program research analyst for Planned Parenthood in New York City. ANNAMARIE GIANGARRA MERCURIO is a biomedical engineer in the Department of Anesthesiology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. RACHEL POHL is a project manager for Consumer Action Now in Manhattan. TOM LENAHAN writes to say that he is a commercial loan officer with Hartford National Bank in New Haven. He requests that any old friends in the area drop by to see him. PETER VAN LOON is a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and is serving as a bomb disposal officer aboard the U.S.S. John Kennedy. LISA CALESNICK BRADWAY informs us that she has completed a management training program at the Aetna in Hartford. She has been promoted to administrator in the insurance actuarial department. HUNTER FOWLER is employed by Owens-Corning Fiberglas in Toledo, Ohio. LAURIE PERRY writes to say she's a promotion manager with Sail Magazine in Boston. PAMELA MORTON will be studying with a well-known Japanese silk weaver in Kyoto, Japan. OLIVIA BROWN is now residing on Nantucket Island. Hope those of you who haven't touched base in a while take the time to drop me a line. Class Agent: Nicholas D. Benson


Barbara Karlen Blitstein 1671 Hampton Knoll Dr. Akron, OH 44313

ELLEN AHERN received an M.Ed. in early childhood education from the University of Hartford. Ellen is now the director of the Cornwall Child Center in Cornwall, CT. AARON BORKOWSKI was married to Kathleen Blakey Hayes in the Trinity College Chapel on January 30, 1982. They live in New Britain, CT. JAMES CROPSEY is president of C&M Holding Corp. in Litchfield, CT and is still associated with Bredice S. Dean Realtors. He is now chairman of Litchfield County Board of Realtors communications committee. WILLIAM P. FORNSHELL expects a J.D. from Syracuse in May, and will join Kelley, Drye & Warren law ftrm in September. ANNE FRANKE is employed by Maryland National Bank and is living in Baltimore. ROSEMARY MATCHMAKER GREENFIELD is group leader for MCI Telecommunications, Inc., Washington, D.C. KENNETH G. KRAUS is an associate scientist with Pfizer, Inc. in Groton, CT. GREGORY B. MARTIN is an associate - corporate finance with Warburg Paribas Becker in New York. Gregory received an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business in June, 1981. GRACIE MORRELL is a legal assistant in public securities for the Connecticut General Corp. in Windsor, CT. JOHN "JOHN-MO" SANDMAN is an English teacher at Tower Hill School in Wilmington, DE. LINDA SCOTT is studying clinical psychology at the UMass-Amherst Clinical Psychology Dept. JENNIFER SMALL is senior staff

planner at the Hartford Institute of Criminal and Social Justice. Jennifer is applying to law school for the fall. RICK SPRINTHALL is a market research specialist with the Third National Bank/N.E. Merchents in Springfield, MA, and will receive an M.B.A./ Finance from American International College in June. TIM PHELAN is a first-year student at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in So. Hamilton, MA, and is a candidate for an M.A. in Theological Studies. Tim also reports that he married Yuko Mamada on April 19, 1981 in Japan. Tim plans to live in Japan permanently after graduation to do cultural anthropology and church planting. DKO E. UDODONG is a graduate student at Wesleyan University. Class Agents: Deborah Kunhardt Elizabeth Howard


Charles E. Tiernan III . 7 Cypress Drive

Branford, CT 06405

Hello from Des Moines. This report finds your SECRETARY halfway through his second year of Jaw school at Drake University School of Law. Though I have seen few of our classmates, I am pleased to report that many have written to me and to the Alumni Office with news of their activities. Several of our classmates have remained in Hartford. CYNTHIA COLLINS is working as an associate 路systems analyst at Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. NICK DOWLING is employed as a management information consultant for Arthur Andersen & Co. TONY ALVES is a district agent for Prudential Insurance Company. JOHN BEIR is an assistant manager for Hartford National Bank. CATHERINE MENARD has a new job as an associate systems analyst in the research and minicomputers group at Phoenix Mutual Life. JOHN OLEAR is working for Johnson Controls. New York has attracted a share of our ranks. DEBBIE BROWN works at Johnson and Higgins. KEECY HADDEN has returned from a year of studying in Tokyo and traveling in Southeast Asia and is now working as an international marketing research analyst for International Paper. SUZANNE BURBANK is an assistant treasurer/liability manager for Bankers Trust. ANGELA VORDER BRUEGGE is an expert's assistant in the old masters' paintings department at Sotheby's. DAVID HOULE is an assistant manager for technical services with Crane & Co, in Dalton, MA. Dave writes, "Working part time on an M.B.A., working part time for the Berkshire Hilton and having fun skiing, playing racquetball, and motocross riding." LAURA FERGUSSON is living in Philadelphia, working two jobs, and playing squash. Laura writes, "Hope to get single job employment in sales/marketing soon!"

LEONIE HERSHFIELD has joined the Trust Group of Colonial Bank in Waterbury, CT. Leonie administers retirement plans and writes, "I manage to keep up with my violin playing. In May, I plan to visit Romania with the orchestra of which I am a member. Between concerts we will be visiting Bucharest and the Black Sea. Accompanying me officially as my 'pageturner' will be MANUEL GOTY '79. I would love to see anyone from Trin who's in the Waterbury area. Please stop by the bank." CAROL MELCHER is a loan officer with the Educational Employees Credit Union in St. Louis. BENJAMIN BERNDT is attending

navigator flight training at Mather Air Force base in California as an Air Force lieutenant. TOM GERKE is a Marine platoon commander at Camp Lejeune, NC. Many are pursuing graduate degrees in various fields. SCOTT LESSNE, STEVE PROUTY, SUSAN WILKINS are all in their second year of law school. Scott attends Western New England School of Law in Springfield, MA. Scott has been elected to Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity and is a staff member on the Western New England Law Review. Steve attends Washington and Lee University School of Law in Lexington, VA. Steve also works part time at the Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley. In Atlanta, Susan attends Emory University Law School where she is a member of the Emory Law Journal. SARA SHERMAN CUMMINS is a graduate student of nutritional anthropology at Michigan State University in East Lansing. CAROL CURTIN is attending the Boston University School of Social Worlj: in pursuit of a master's degree in social work. MICHELLE HERRERA received a university fellowship as she pursues a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. LINDA SCOTT attends the Afro-American Studies graduate program at Yale University. KATRINA ABBOTT is studying botany in the Ph.D. program at Duke University. Katrina writes, "It is a very exciting atmosphere with lots going on. I'm planning to instruct at Outward Bound again this summer for my third year here in North Carolina, between research and courses." NANCY CLAYTON recently completed work for the M.E. in Mechanical Engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in the combined program between RPI and Trinity. Nancy is the 18th Trinity student, and the first woman, to earn the M.E. degree in the 11 years of the program's existence. The topic of her thesis was "A Computer Analysis of Creep in Bolted Flanged Connections"; the calculations for her work were done on the Trinity computer! Thanks for writing. I look forward to hearing from the rest of the class. Best wishes for continued success. Class Agent: David J. Koeppel


Leigh Mountford 401 Wayland Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Greetings!! We've had a terrific response to the January mailing, so I am going to split the column and cover the news on classmates attending graduate schools this time, and fill in on those of us out in the working world for the next issue of The Reporter. But first, congratulations are in order to several classmates who have recently become engaged or married. MARY EIGLER writes that she will be getting married to Michael Megar (Southern Conn. St., Class of 81) on September 11, 1982. DUTCH BARHYDT writes that he will be marrying Hilary Chittenden (Conn. College, Class of 81) in Trinity's Chapel in August of this year. Hilary spent her senior fall at Trinity as part of the 12 College Exchange. SIDNIE WHITE became engaged to Timothy Martin in January of this year. Several classmates have also recently been married. JOE LENNY ADAM married Diane M. Knight in August, 1981. Lenny is currently attending U. Conn School of Pharmacology. HUNTER MAYO WHITE also had an August wedding; she married Gregory White (Hamilton College) and she is now working as a French teacher for the Darrow School. Moving on to classmates who are currently attending graduate programs, I've

found that we have Trinity representatives all over the eastern seaboard and in a variety of other areas as well. Beginning in Vermont and working my way down the coast- LESLIE RICHARDSON is a first year medical student at the University of Vermont. ANDREA LIND is studying for her master's in computer science at Dartmouth College. Andrea writes that she will finish in 1983 and she plans to work in New York this summer. As with the last issue, many of our classmates are studying in Massachusetts, especially the Boston area. PETER BENNETT is studying at the Northeastern Business School. PAULA SARRO is attending Boston College Law School and, CHRISTOPHER HOPKINS is also a law student in Boston - he is enrolled at Suffolk Law School. In the greater Boston area, we have two classmates in Worcester: ROBERT ORENSTEIN recently completed a graduate semester in biomedical engineering and is now obtaining clinical experience at Mass. Medical Center, and LARRY ROSENTHAL is studying chemistry at Clark University. In Amherst, ANDY DAVIS is studying psychology at the University of Massachusetts. And finally, KEN PERRY is yet another Massachusetts law student. Ken is attending Western New England Law School in Springfield. Not surprisingly, many members of the class of 1981 settled in Connecticut. At least four aspiring lawyers are now attending the University of Connecticut Law School - CARL SCHIESSL, MIKE REINER, LOUIS BROMBERG, and SAUNDRA KEE. JOHN MILLER is also a graduate student at UConn, although I am not sure what he is studying. MYRON GUDZ is working on his master's in Biomedical Engineering at Hartford Graduate Center. He expects to graduate in June, 1982, and will then join the ranks of many of us who are now seeking employment. HELEN CALLAHAN is attending Southern Connecticut State College, and she expects to complete her MSLS in August of this year. In New York City, SUSIE KIDMAN is studying dance at Carnegie Hall. She is also working part-time at Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft as an evening word processor. JOE CAMILLERI is a medical student at New York Medical College. Also pursuing a degree in New York is HOLLY DOREMUS, who is studying at Cornell University. CATHY SCHWARTZ is a first-year medical student at SUNY Downstate Medical School, and PAUL VELARDI is a first-year law student at Albany Law School. And because there is, to my knowledge, only one lone Trinity grad wandering the streets of New Jersey, I am putting JAMES LONGENBACH in with the New York contingency. Jim is attending Princeton University, where he is pursuing a master's degree in English. In Washington, D. C., CYNTHIA MATTHEWS is attending Howard University, where she is studying to become a doctor. Also in D. C. is LAURA ROULET, who is a master's degree candidate at Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies. It was great to hear from so many of you. Please keep the notes and letters coming, and tune in next issue for "Trinity Campers Get A Job!" Class Agents: Richard Dahling Sibley Gillis



Margot Withey M'69 and Thomas Gullotta M'7 4 are recently published authors. Withey is one of three authors of a new Ginn series of two textbooks, Words and Sentences. She wrote the composition strands. Gul-

Iotta' s first book, Adolescent Life Experiences, was written with Gerry Adams of Utah State. The book is intended for use in adolescent psychology courses in colleges and is being published by Brooks/Cole.


New Hampshire State Library in Concord. BETTY ROSANIA was promoted to assistant to the town manager for the town of Wethersfield in April, 1981. She is also chair of the Hartford CETA Consortium Policy Hearing Committee. BOB BEAUDOIN is president of his own quality training and consulting firm in Wolcott, CT. BARBARA BECK DIAZ was laid off from her Massachusetts teaching job due to Proposition 2112. Having taught for twenty years, she draws a lifetime pension so is enjoying being a full-time housewife and mother for her one-year old daughter, Andrea. The Diaz family has moved to 102 Longwood Lane, Conway, SC. ROCKY GIRARD is principal of the Sunset Ridge Middle School in East Hartford.

LILLIAN ADAMS, retired from the Glastonbury School system since 1979, is the author of an anthology of poems by young people called Let Me Be Me which, she writes, is being well-received. She is keeping busy as a volunteer in the language arts program at the Stevens School in Cromwell. 1953

BILL MILLER will retire at the end of April after 22 years of directing distribution of technical publications at Hamilton Standard. He intends to become a "gentleman farmer." 1956

ALICE TEMPLETON has a new job at Hartford Steam Boiler in Hartford. 1958

MARY GORHAM is retired from the Visiting Nurse Association of Hartford. 1959

MARIETTA PANE is a Navy captain stationed in Meridian, Mississippi. 1960

MILDRED "MICKI" SOLOMON SAVIN spent two weeks in China last fall, on a trip sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution. She writes that she does most of her volunteer work for the Hartford Ballet Company and the Connecticut Opera Guild, and is chairperson for the Guild's fortieth anniversary ball in May. 1961

WILLIAM ATWOOD is retired from the Coventry school system. His wife, Margaret, is getting her master's from Trinity this spring. MAXINE SPITZLER has been keeping busy substitute teaching, tutoring, playing in musical events, and writing for local newspapers. 1968

DAVID MEADE is working as a summer tour organizer for Leisure Markets, Inc. He is currently working on a tour to the International Musical festival in Llangollen, Wales. 1971


The Rev. HOWARD ORR, pastor, emeritus, of the Olivet Congregational Church in Bridgeport, Conn., is president of Bridgeport Community Concerts, Inc. He writes that he "supplies pulpits as needed and invited."

CLYDE HENDERSON is shoreline residential manager for H. Pearce Co., realtors in Madison, CT.


MARSHALL LINDEN is now pastor of the First Church of Bethlehem, United Church of Christ, in Putnam, CT. JAMES H. ROGERS has been appointed investment officer in the mortgage and real estate department, investment operations, at Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. MARYLAND LINCOLN has been named director of public relations for the Connecticut division of the American Red Cross. 1974

CRISANNE COLGAN has been named vice principal of academics at Sacred Heart High School in Waterbury, CT. She was awarded a sixth year diploma in professional education by the University of Connecticut last summer, and is currently working toward her doctorate in educational administration at UConn. 1975

PETER MALIA is editor/publicist at Sleepy Hollow Press in Tarrytown, New York. 1976

In his capacity as a project leader at Quodata Corporation in Hartford, RICHARD MIHM was developer of the new software used at Trinity College for their development operations. 1977


MATTHEW HIGGINS has been promoted to assistant state librarian of the

CHRISTOPHER SHEEHAN has been named assistant news editor at The Catholic Transcript in Hartford.


1979 L. KAY STARK is a teacher/supervisor for the Experiment in International Living for the U.N. High Commission on Refugees. She has recently begun a oneyear appointment in Indonesia as a cultural orientation teacher working with Southeast Asian refugees bound for the United States. 1980 RITA K. TOWSNER recently spent two months traveling and photographing in England. 1981 GREGORY ZIEMAK has been promoted to assistant chief of the Connecticut State Lottery. KATHERINE FERRARI has been appointed to the English faculty at the Bancroft School in Worcester, Mass.

In Memory


EVERETT SELDEN GEER, JR., 1910 E. Selden Geer, Jr., formerly of Wethersfield, Connecticut, died January 12, 1982. He was 94. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, he graduated from Hartford Public High School and received his bachelor of science degree from Trinity College in 1910. At Trinity, he was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. He was the recipient in 1973 of the 150th Anniversary Award given by Trinity College. He had been associated with the Aetna Insurance Company since 1926, retiring in 1956 as vice-president. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Russell H. Hubbard of New Britain; a nephew, Russell Hale Hubbard, Jr., of New Canaan, Conn.; and a niece, Mrs. J. William Wakefield, Jr., of Spartanburg, S.C. JAMES ASHTON GREENE MOORE, 1914 The Rev. James A. G. Moore of Ithaca, New York, died December 2, 1981. He was 89. Born in Geneva, N.Y. he graduated from Trinity in 1914. While at Trinity, he was a member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. He received a B.D. degree from Colgate Rochester Divinity School in 1926 and an honorary D.D. degree from Northland College in 1960. Ordained in 1917, he retired in 1960, after 41 years of service with the Congregational Conference of New York. He leaves his daughter, Katherine Moore Bond of Geneva, N.Y.; seven grandchildren; eleven great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. BERTRAM B. BAILEY, 1915 Bertram B. Bailey, formerly of Waterbury, Connecticut, died August 5, 1981. He was 88. Born in Bozrah, Conn., he attended Norwich Free Academy and received the bachelor of science degree from Trinity in 1915. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. While an undergraduate at Trinity, he served as assistant manager of football in 1914, secretary and treasurer of his class in 1914, and business manager of The Ivy in 1.915. He was a manager and engaged in general sales work for the brokerage firm of Charles W. Scranton & Co. of which he was a partner from 1927 to his retirement in 1976. He was a commissioner of the board of finance for the city of Waterbury from 1948 to 1955. He was also active in the Episcopal Church and a member of the

Liberty Lodge #128. He leaves two daughters, Barbara Bailey Lloyd of Hingham, Mass., and Joan Bailey Byrnes of Mariston, Mass.; seven grandchildren; and seven greatgrandchildren. MAURICE WILLIAM ROSENBERG, 1920 Maurice W. Rosenberg of New Britain, Connecticut, died December 1, 1981. He was 84. Born in New Britain, he attended Trinity College with the Class of 1920. He left college to join the U.S. Navy during World War I. Returning from the service in 1919, he studied law at New York University and passed the Connecticut Bar examination in 1921. He practiced law in New Britain for more than fifty years. He was a member of the Congregation Tephereth Israel Synagogue of New Britain and the Hartford County Bar Association. He served as an incorporator of the New Britain General Hospital and the YMCA of New Britain. He was past president of B'nai B'rith and incumbent president and incumbent chairman of the board of education of New Britain Hebrew School. He leaves his wife, Rae (Shufro) Rosenberg of New Britain, Conn.; a son, Elby H. Rosenberg of Hartford, Conn.; a brother, Edward Rosenberg of Miami Beach, Fla.; and two sisters, Lillian Rosenberg Feldman of New Haven, Conn., and Anna Rosenberg of Hartford, Conn. STANLEY LESLIE BELL, 1927 Stanley L. Bell of Rochester, New York, died February 24, 1982. He was 77. A Rochester native, he entered Trinity in 1923 and left the College in 1927. For many years, until his retirement in 1970, he was employed in the personnel division of Eastman Kodak Company. As a Trinity undergraduate, he was a member of Alpha Delta Phi and served as chapter president in 1925-1926. He also played football and basketball and was a member of the Glee Club. Bell is survived by his wife, Virginia (LeHardy) Bell of Rochester, N.Y., two daughters, Virginia Libhart and Joanne Davis, both of Maine; seven grandchildren, a niece and a nephew. HARRY WELLINGTON GREEN, 1927 Harry W. Green of Sarasota, Florida, died October 9, 1980. He was 78. Born in Detroit, he attended Trinity College with the Class of 1927. While at Trinity, he was a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity. He later attended the University of Michigan. He worked for forty years for Standard Brands Company and retired as vicepresident. He became a consultant, and then president, of Arnold Bakeries. He was a board member of Happiness House Rehabilitation Center, Inc., and the Siesta Key Utilities Authority. He was a former senior warden and member of the vestry of St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Siesta Key. He leaves his wife, Margaret Green; a son, Harry W. Green, Jr., of Huntington, N.Y.; a daughter, Sally Green Haer of Huntington, N.Y.; a brother, Oren Green of Walnut Creek, Calif., a sister, Lois Forsman, of Clearwater, Fla.; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. CHRISTIAN RUDOLPH BLANCARD, 1929 Christian R. Blancard of St. Petersburg, Florida, died February 8, 1978. He was 70. Born in New York City, he attended Trinity College with the Class of 1929. He

served as supervisor of field training and as assistant manager of John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company until his retirement. He leaves his wife, Eleanore (Weber) Blancard; and two sons, Christian 0. Elancard and J. Bradford Blancard. LOUIS FRANK COROSO, 1931 Louis F. Coroso, Sr., of West Hartford, Connecticut, died February 20, 1982. He was 73. Born in Hartford, Conn., he received his bachelor of science degree from Trinity in 1931 and his D.D.S. degree from the University of Maryland Dental School in 1936. During World War II, he served in the Army Dental Corps. He began his dental practice in Hartford in 1936 and practiced there for 26 years. He then relocated his office in West Hartford, serving-a total of 46 years as a dentist. He established the dental clinic of the former House of Good Shepherd in Hartford and was past president of the Hartford Dental Society, 1954-1955. He was a fourth degree knight and the first past grand-knight of the Monsignor Callahan Council #3600, Knights of Columbus. He was a 25-year member of the Holy Family Retreat League in Farmington, a member of St. Helena's Church in West Hartford, and a member of the Men's Club of the Church. He leaves his wife, Rita (McGrail) Coroso; three sons, Louis F. Coroso, Jr., of Bristol, Conn., John G. Coroso and Brian J. Coroso, both of West Hartford, Conn.; a brother, James J. Coroso of West Hartford, Conn.; two sisters, Madeline Coroso Lattanzio of Wethersfield, Conn., and Antoinette Coroso of Hartford, Conn.; and six grandchildren. ROBERT JOHN STORMS, 1931 Robert J. Storms of Norwich, Connecticut, died March 17, 1981. He was 80. Born in Norwich, he attended Trinity College with the Class of 1931. He was owner of the Storms Insurance Company until his retirement from the insurance business in 1979. He was also a former city councilman and past president of the Norwich Board of Realtors. He was an active member of Central Baptist Church where he served as a deacon. He was also a member of the Somerset Lodge of Masons #34 AF & AM, the Nathan Hale Branch of Sons of the American Revolution, and the Society of the Founders of Norwich. He leaves three daughters, Marjorie Storms Hargreaves of Norwich, Conn., Janet Storms Stricker of Traverse City, Mich., and Barbara Storms Trocki of Norwich, Conn.; one son, Robert J. Storms, Jr., of Norwich, Conn., presently in the mission field in Thailand; three brothers, C. Leroy Storms of Roselle, N.J., Dr. William Storms of Wethersfield, Conn., and Russell Storms of Orinda, Calif.; and grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. RAYMOND APPLETON CLARK, 1932 Raymond A. Clark of Wooster, Ohio, died July 18, 1981. He was 71. Born in Providence, R.I., Clark attended Trinity with the Class of 1932. He was a retired businessman and has served as a captain in the U.S. Army from 1942 to 1945. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy (Kirsop) Clark; a son, Henry F. Clark of Anaheim, Calif.; and three grandchildren. MARCUS LEVI GARRISON, 1932 Marcus L. Garrison of Columbia, Connecticut, died November 7, 1981. He was 71. Born in Willimantic, Conn., he received

his bachelor of science degree from Trinity College in 1932, majoring in civil engineering. He was employed by the State Department of Transportation for 41 years, retiring in 1976. He leaves his wife, Anita (Potter) Garrison; two daughters, Ann Garrison Bailey of Mansfield, Conn_, and Virginia Garrison Frost of Vernon, Conn.; a brother, Kenneth R. Garrison of Leesburg, Fla.; and four grandchildren. THOMAS JOSEPH McQUADE, 1935 Thomas J. McQuade of Wethersfield, Connecticut, died November 28, 1981. He was 68. Born in Hartford, he was graduated from Bulkeley High School and received his bachelor of science degree from Trinity College in 1935. Before retiring in 1977, he was assistant executive director and comptroller of the Hartford Housing Authority for more than 30 years. He was a member of Old Elm Senior citizens of Wethersfield and a communicant of Corpus Christi Church. He leaves his wife, Lucille (Naughton) McQuade; a daughter, Deborah A McQuade of Cambridge, Mass.; three sisters, Mary A. McQuade, Olive E. McQuade and Margaret R. McQuade, all of Bloomfield; and several nieces and nephews. LAWRENCE MAYNARD, 1936 Lawrence Maynard of DeLand, Florida, died November 27, 1981. He was 66. Born in Hartford, he was a graduate of Hall High School in West Hartford, and received his bachelor of science degree from Trinity in 1936. While 'at Trinity, he was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity and the Jesters. A World War II Army veteran, he was employed by the Hartford Insurance Group at branch offices in Atlanta, Ga., New Orleans, La., and Syracuse, N.Y., before his retirement. He leaves his wife, Lillian Maynard; a son, Keith Maynard; his mother, Inez Maynard; a brother, George Maynard of West Hartford, Conn.; and several nieces and nephews. RICHARD SEYMOUR HART, JR. 1939 Richard S. Hart of Riverside, Connecticut, died February 20, 1982 in Greenwich. He was 65. A native of Utica, New York, he attended Trinity from 1935-193~. He was a member of Alpha Delta Phi, and participated in cross country, swimming and tennis. He served with the U.S. Army from 1940-1945. After ten years in the advertising business, he became a selfemployed realtor in Greenwich, CT. He was an active member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Riverside, and in recent years worked for the foundation of the Anglican Catholic Church in North America. He was active in local politics, as well as the Red Cross. Hart is survived by his wife, Catherine (Helfrich) Hart, a daughter, Hiliary Hart Simonsmeier of Cincinnati, Ohio; two sons, Thomas Hart of Boston, Mass., a member of the Class of '65; and Richard Hart of Greenwich; a sister, Mrs. Gordon Heath of Greenwich; and four grandchildren. GEORGE REMINGTON STUBBS, 1940 George R. Stubbs of Coconut Creek, Florida, died November 17, 1981. He was 66. Born in Danbury, Conn., he received his路 bachelor of arts degree from Trinity in 1940. As an undergraduate, he was a member of the Tripod staff and the Jesters. After graduation, he taught at schools in Pennsylvania and Maryland and did graduate work at Columbia University. In 1\145, he joined the faculty of Friends Academy in Locust Valley, New

york, and remained there until his retirement in 1968_ At the Friends School, he served in various capacities including teacher, head of the mathematics department, college guidance counselor, director of admissions, and dean of students. He leaves his wife, Jean (Brymesser) Stubbs of Coconut Creek, Florida. IAN HOTCHKISS McLAREN, 1942 Ian H- McLaren of St. Louis, Missouri, died on June 26, 1980. He was 60. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, he received his bachelor of arts degree from Trinity in 1942. He had been employed as a supervising engineer at Bendix Aviation Corporation in Detroit and at Emerson Electric in St. Louis. He leaves his wife, Frances (Eriksson) McLaren, and two daughters, Elizabeth Morton McLaren and Anne McLaren. CHARLES ELLIOT THENEBE, 1942 Charles E. Thenebe of New Hartford, Connecticut, died January 15, 1982. He was 61. Born in Hartford, he received his bachelor of science degree from Trinity in 1942. While at Trinity, he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. During World War II, he was a flight officer with the Army Air Corps. He was a stockbroker and partner in his own investment firm, Charles E. Thenebe and Associates. Later he was associated with Eddy & Co. of West Hartford, and with William H. Rybeck & Co., Inc., of Meriden. He leaves his mother, Murial (Gibboney) Thenebe; a daughter, Wyncia Thenebe Clute of Old Forge, N.Y.; a brother, Richard Thenebe of Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; a sister, Mary Thenebe Welden of New York City; and two grandchildren. THOMAS FRANCIS EGAN II, 1947 Thomas F. Egan of Rocky Hill, Connecticut, died on February 24, 1982. He was 58. Born in Hartford, Conn., he received his bachelor of arts degree in 1947 from Trinity College and was a 1950 graduate of the University of Connecticut Law School. He was a member of the Connecticut Bar Association. He joined Aetna Life and Casualty Company in 1951. At the time of his death, he was a director in charge of life claims. He was a communicant of St. James Church, Rocky Hill. He leaves his wife, Beatrice (Dixon) Egan; two sons, Paul D. Egan of Wethersfield, Conn., and Thomas F. Egan III of-Rocky Hill, Conn.; two daughters, Elizabeth Egan of Cromwell, Conn., and Rosemary Egan of Rocky Hill, Conn. FENDALL GREGORY WINSTON III, 1948 Fendall G. Winston III of Hapeville, Georgia, died on August 17, 1981. He was 63. He was graduated from the Loomis School and received his bachelor of science degree from Trinity in 1948. While at Trinity, he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He was a registered public health sanitarian for the Fulton County Health Department. In that position, he served as food-service inspector of nursing homes, day-care centers, and other public institutions. He was also a member of the Fulton County Charity Board and the Masonic Lodge, Hapeville chapter #179. ~e leaves his wife, Mae (Adams) W1_nston; a daughter, Dorothy Winston ~ngsby of Atlanta, Ga.; two stepaughters, Carolyn Burns of Riverdale, Ga., and Barbara Gray of Marietta, Ga.; and two sons, Fendall Winston IV of

Portland, Ore., and Philip Winston of Atlanta, Ga. ALAN ERWIN KURLAND, 1953 Alan E. Kurland of Evanston, Illinois, died January 2, 1982. He was 49. Born in Hartford, Conn., he received his bachelor of arts degree in English from Trinity College in 1953. While at Trinity, he was sports editor for the Tripod, managing editor for The Ivy, and a member of the Jesters. From 1959 to 1961, he was a partner in his own advertising and public relations agency, Grant and Kurland, Inc. In 1961, he became administrative director of the Connecticut Bar Association. In 1967, he moved to Chicago to join the staff of the American Bar Association as a speechwriter. In 1968, he was appointed staff director for Bar Services, and, in 1977, he was made full director. He leaves his wife, Marcia Anne (Nicholson) Kurland; his son, Scott Nicholson Kurland; his daughter, Kimberly Anne Kurland; and his mother, Ethyle (Kadis) Metter of Hartford, Conn. CLAYTON STUART BRADFORD, 1954 Clayton S. Bradford of Dothan, Alabama, died October 29, 1979. He was 50. Born in New Haven, Connecticut, he spent three years in the U.S. Army and then received his bachelor of arts degree from Trinity College in 1954. He leaves his wife, Martha E. Bradford. THOMAS TURNER CALLAHAN, 1955 Thomas T. Callahan of Riverside, Connecticut, died March 2, 1982 in Greenwich, Conn. He was 48. Born in London, England, he earned his bachelor of science degree from Trinity in 1955 and did graduate work at Temple University. At the time of his death, he was president of Thomson CSF Broadcast Inc., a professional broadcast equipment company in Stamford, Conn. He had also worked for RCA, where he was a staff vice president of video disc operations; Sylvania, and NBC. He was a member of the National Association of Broadcasters and the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. He is survived by his wife, Eleanor (Johnson) Callahan; his mother, Marjorie Turner Callahan; and four daughters, Deborah, Janet, Eleanor and Sara, all of Riverside, Conn. WILLIAM BERNARD RYAN, JR., 1962 William B. Ryan, Jr., of Wethersfield, Connecticut, died February 13, 1982. He was 41. Born in Somerville, Massachusetts, he was graduated from Newington High School and received both bachelor of arts and master's degrees from Trinity College. At Trinity, he was a member of the Brownell Club and the Newman Club. He also received a master's degree in education from Central Connecticut State College. He was attending Fairfield University and Sacred Heart University in Bridgeport for graduate work. He was employed by the Newington Board of Education for the last 18 years as an elementary school teacher. He leaves his wife, Dorothy (Discenza) Ryan; and his mother, Albena (Mayo) Ryan of Newington. STEPHEN HALE WOLF, 1973 Stephen H. Wolf of Cambridge, Massachusetts, died October 19, 1981. He was 31. Born in Greenfield, Massachusetts, he attended Trinity with the Class of 1973 and received his bachelor of arts degree in 1974. He studied law at the New England School of Law and was graduated from

law school in 1978. He leaves his parents, The Rev. and Mrs. William Wolf of Heath, Massachusetts. Rev. Wolf was a member of the Class of 1940 at Trinity. EILEEN LeBER CASSIDY, M.A. 1960 Eileen LeBer Cassidy of Metheun, Massachusetts, died November 17, 1981. She was 62. Born in Wallingford, Conn., she received a bachelor of education degree from Southern Connecticut Teachers' College, a master's degree in education from Yale University in 1945, and a master's degree in psychology from Trinity in 1960. She taught special education in Hartford for several years. She was a psychologist at Solomon Mental Health Center in Lowell, Mass., for many years prior to her recent retirement. She was a founder and chairman of Camp Paul, a summer camp for emotionally disturbed and handicapped children in Chelmsford, Mass. She is survived by her husband, Clifford N. Cassidy; and three sons, William Cassidy of Portsmouth, N.H., Thomas Cassidy of Metheun, Mass., and James Cassidy also of Metheun. JAMES F. LOOBY, M.A. 1968 James F. Looby of West Hartford, Connecticut, died November 25, 1981. He was 72. Born in Norwich, he received his bachelor's degree in 1934 from St. Bernard Seminary and College. He also received three master's degrees: two from St. Joseph College and one from Trinity College in 1968 in Latin literature and classical civilization. He joined The Hartford Courant in 1935, and, in 1939, he was named editor of the Parade of Youth section. He was appointed to the additional post of education editor in 1952, a position he held until his retirement in 1976. He started The Courant's Scholastic Writing Awards in 1947 and the Scholastic Arts Award in 1948. In 1967, Governor John Dempsey saluted another of his innovative programs by declaring a Parade of Youth Forum Day. These forums gave thousands of high school students the chance to debate major issues. He was a World War II Navy veteran and a former vice-president of the American Classical League. He was cited by that league in 1955 for distinguished service to the humanities. He leaves his wife, Katherine (Mitchell) Looby; two sons, James F. Looby, Jr., of Tolland, Conn., and Steven T. Looby of South Windsor, Conn.; a sister, Mildred Looby Carney of Farmington, Conn.; and five grandchildren. ROSEMARY DEVONSHIRE-JONES The College has learned of the death, in January, 1982, of Dr. Rosemary Devonshire-Jones, who was a member of the history department in the academic year 1973-74. During that time she taught seminars in Renaissance history and took an active part in the intellectual life of the department and the College. Her husband, the Rev. Thomas Devonshire-Jones, was at the time visiting chaplain at Trinity. PAUL HOLMES TWADDLE, 1931, Hon. Sc.D. 1967 Paul H. Twaddle of Wethersfield, Connecticut, and East Boothbay, Maine, died on February 14, 1982. He was 73. Born in Hartford, he received his bachelor of science degree in 1931 from Trinity College. He studied medicine at Yale, receiving his M.D. degree in 1935. He interned and did his residency at Hartford Hospital from 1938 to 1940 and was a Stroud Foundation Fellow in cardiology at

the University of Pennsylvania. After serving in the Coast Guard as a Lieutenant Commander from 1942 to 1946, he opened an office for the practice of cardiology in 1945. He also rejoined the Hartford Hospital staff and became the hospital's chairman of the cardiology department in 1950, a position which he held until his retirement in 1977. Trinity recognized his achievements by awarding him an honorary Sc.D. degree in 1967. Twaddle belonged to many professional organizations and was a past president of the Hartford and Connecticut heart associations. He leaves his wife, Ruth B. (Christian) Twaddle; a sister, Shannan Peacock of West Hartford; a brother, Richard Twaddle of Hartford; a daughter, Sara Elizabeth Twaddle Baird of Phoenix, Arizona; a son, Andrew Christian Twaddle of Columbia, Missouri; and five grandchildren. WILLIAM PERSONS GWINN, Hon. Sc.D., 1961 William Persons Gwinn, who rose from stock clerk to chief executive of United Aircraft Corporation, predecessor of United Technologies of Hartford, died on December 25, 1981, in Palm Beach, Florida. He was 74. Born in New York City, Gwinn attended the Gunnery School. He first joined United Aircraft Corporation as a stock clerk in its Pratt and Whitney division in 1927.. He spent ten years in the sales department and five years as the division's West Coast representative. He was named head of Pratt and Whitney in 1943 and president and chief administrative officer of the United Aircraft Corporation in 1956. Gwinn was named United Aircraft chairman and chief executive officer in 1968, a position from which he retired in 1972. Under Gwinn's direction, Pratt and Whitney shipped more than 363,000 aircraft engines during World War II. He also directed the company through its post-World War II adjustments, adapting the industry to peace-time endeavors. In 1973, Gwinn received the Navy's second highest civilian award, the Meritorious Public Service Citation, for his leadership in supplying engines for Navy aircraft. In addition to his positions at United Aircraft, Gwinn served as director of Canadian Pratt and Whitney Company, Hartford National Bank and Trust Company, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, and Phoenix Insurance Company. He was also a trustee of Society for Savings and the Kingswood School. Gwinn received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Trinity College in 1961. He was named a life trustee of Trinity in 1964. He leaves his wife, Rachel Coleman Witman Gwinn; a daughter, Linda C. Gwinn of New York City; two sons, W. Clark Gwinn of Longwood, Fla., and Michael P. Gwinn of Alexandria, Va.; a sister, Anne Gwinn Ellison of New York City; and four grandchildren.

GEORGE A. JAMES George A. James of West Hartford CT known to many V-12ers as a coach of,foot: ball, wrestling and track, died on January 15, 1982. He worked part-time at Trinity before being appointed assistant director of physical education in January, 1943. He resigned the full-time position in 1944, but continued part-time as a coach through the mid-1940's. He also performed essential work in the V-12 program, preparing many here for entering Naval service. He is survived by two sons, George A. James, Jr. of Old Lyme, CT, and John W. James of West Hartford, and seven grandchildren.

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