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Hartford, Connecticut



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1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832


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Dedication Professor George Cooper has spent over 40 years at Trinity - ten times our brief stay. In the autumn of 1941 , after attending Swarthmore College and the University of London, and earning his MA and PhD at Yale, Dr. Cooper came to Trinity. Following a brief stint in what was then the Department of History and Political Science, he served in the Navy and later as Vice Consul attached to the U.S. Embassy in London, returning to Trinity in the autumn of 1946. Over the years, Dr. Cooper has grown increasingly aware of the "extraordinary pertinence" of history. At the end of his Trinity career, he reflects on his personal growth and on the changes he has witnessed. Having seen the College grow from a small, all-male campus to the larger, coeducational institution it is today, Dr. Cooper has realized the necessity of being "au fait with what is going on." "The passage of time gives new insight .. . I have never really been surprised at anything that has happened here which, perhaps, is a form of growth ." He is now at the point where he has no regrets, "which is either a sign of growth or of simplemindedness. " Retiring into what he hopes will be "the most productive period" of his life, Dr. Cooper will dedicate himself to historical studies and writings which he has had to neglect these past few years. His hope for Trinity in the future is that it will continue to recruit students and faculty dedicated to the "freedom to develop the mind. " Describing his feelings on departing from Trinity, Dr. Cooper refers to Wordsworth 's comment on the French Revolution , Bliss it was that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven . "It has been bliss to be part of Trinity, but now heavenly to have it behind me, and to have so much to do." We dedicate this yearbook to George Cooper, affording him, as he said, "a real opportunity for a limited form of immortality." Gratefully, we recognize his constant encouragement of the purpose of our years here, the pursuit of intellectual excellence.

1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY HARTfORD, CONNE<;TICU]

1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862


~Organizations~ ~Sports~ ~ . Faculty~


of 1983 ~

1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872

The Long Walk , c. 1900

1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882

The Growth of Trinity College From its beginning in 1823 as a College of nine in the basement of a Hartford church, Trinity has grown and continues to progress both tangibly and intangibly in its educational mission . The modifications that it has initiated renect the ever-changing needs and visions of the students, the faculty and administration, and society. Though in some ways Trinity remains a bulwark of tradition, many are amazed by the transformations which the College has undergone. Especially in recent decades, Trinity has not only grown in size and numbers, but it has also expanded in the diversity of its affiliates and of its purpose. Photographs easily demonstrate the change in Trinity's physical appearance, while the College's history reminds us of its philosophical progress.

The Old Ca mpus: Seabury and Brow nell Halls, c. 1870

1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 -1890 1891 1892

Demolition of the Old Campus, 1878

1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 . .~

Physical Change In its 160 years of existence, Trinity has constructed two campuses. The first, located on the present site of the State Capital building, was relinquished in the latter part of the preceding century. The new campus grew out of a single original structure, the Long Walk. From this base, the campus expanded, and it continues to grow to meet the needs of the College. New buildings have gone up, while older ones have been replaced or renovated to better serve the College. This year we witness the expansion of Mather Campus Center, the College's answer to the need for improved recreational and social facilities.

Interior of Ja rvis Hall, c. 1900

1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932

St. John Observatory, c. 1885

1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942

The Philosophical Progression Originally called Washington College, Trinity was founded in response to the call for a second college in Connecticut, one not affiliated with the Congregational Church. Trinity was never formally a "church school," yet it prepared many of its students for religious seminaries and remained closely associated with the local Episcopal diocese through the end of the last century. However, because of the wish to loosen the ties a nd broaden its educational scope, Trinity became more secular and gradually diversified its student body and faculty . The most dramatic step toward diversity was its decision to admit women in 1969. The open curriculum, internships, and the Individualized Degree Program provide other examples of the College's responsiveness to current trends in liberal education.

Interior of Brownell Hall, Joseph Buffington '75 and W. G. Mather '77, 1874

1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952

Class in Seabury with Professor McCook, c. 1920

1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962

Looking to the Future During its years at Trinity, the Class of 1983 has witnessed the renovation of Seabury Hall, the beginning of an improved student center, and the continuing review of the College's educational process . In addition, it has seen Trinity begin to focus on its social institutions and traditions. Concerted efforts have lately been directed toward recognizing and possibly changing the assumptions and predispositions which rule our social behavior. Becoming "aware" is part of the educational goal which Trinity is now beginning to set for its students. Broader perspectives may, in turn, initiate more changes in the structures of the Trinity community so that it can provide an even more appropriate atmosphere in which to learn and grow.

Jarvis Physics Laboratory and Boardman Hall of Natural Sciences, c. 1919

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969"1970 1971 1972

Construction of Elton Hall. 1948





George McGovern

Registration ... Convocation ... I 60th Matriculation ... Edward Said, "The Idea of Palestine" .. . National Theater of the Deaf ... Charles . . . Model UN Conference . .. Stokely Carmichael, "Pan Africanism in Relations to Black America" . .. "Mother Courag,



International Conference on Mussolini and Italian Fascism

nts Weekend ... George McGovern ... " Antigone" ... International Conference on Mussolini and Italian Fascism .. . Head of td Her Children"


Head of the Charles

Homecoming Weekend ... Jean Kilbourne, "Under the Influence: The Pushing of Alcohol in Advertising" .. . Disarmament Lectures. debate on the Middle East .. . Resume Writing Workshop ... LSA T's , GMA T's, MCA T's . .. Club T : David Joha nsen .. . Winter Jest



Dr. Ronald Goodenow, "Inside Camp Pandleton: 1975 Documenting the Vietnamese Immigration" Bidding for Interviews ers 0





Professors Steele and Kassow



Club T: David Johansen

Demolition of Wesleyan Goal Post

"The Belle of Amherst" ... Robert Nozick, "Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?" . .. Roundtable Breakfast Discussion with Fre Foerster, Colloquium "Physics Today" ... Edward E. Masters, "The United States and Southeast Asia" ... "A Little Night Music"


"The Belle of Amherst"

The Pipes

;hman Legislator Anthony Palermino ... Awareness Day with Rudolph P. Arnold, Deputy Mayor of Hartford ... "Vanities" . .. Tom von


Mather Groundbreaking

Norma Pace, "Capital Allocation in the US Econo-my" ... Poetry Readings by Louis Simpson ... Club T: B. Willie Smith ... James Gw Jamboree


Awareness Day


artney, "Economies: Private and Public Choice"




Mr. Dekwiatkowski, "When the US Sneezes, The World Catches Cold"







Concert Choir performs Robert Gendron, "Creation vso Evolution" Emery King, "Inside the Reagan White House" Patricia Alan Bass, "Freud's Self-Analysis" Jesters Plays Ann Brown "Should Britain Opt for Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament?" 0



















"A Little Night Music"

Club T: B. Willie Smith

Hodgson "Comparing the Economic Policies of Thatcher and Reagan: Praise and Problems" Sings Broadway




Philip Windsor and John Griffith


Stephen Michelson , "Your Honor, The Numbers Speak for Themselves (Statistical Evidence in US Courts) " ... " Delta X Beta Hat of Industrial Policy: Why? How? and for Whom? " . .. Spring Repertory Productions . .. Earthweek . .. Spring Weekend . . . Senior


Spring Weekend

Red Shadow" ... "The Economic Rock and Roll Band" ... Trinity College Orchestra performance ... Everett M. Erich, "US Week ... Commencement




AFfER DARK was founded by three freshmen and a senior in 1981. They first performed before packed crowds in the "coffeehouse" on March 2, 1982. Since then, this all-male singing group has been entertaining various audiences eager to hear Trinity's first male group in ten years. The present group, a sextet, achieved critical acclaim at the Collegiate Jamboree on March 12, 1983.


ASIA/ ATHENEUM The ASIAN STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION was created to provide a sense of community to Asian students and to others interested in Asian cultures. ASIA also attempts to promote awareness of Asian cultures in the Trinity College community. This organization attracts both Asian and non-Asian students to participate in a spectrum of multi-cultural activities including films, lectures, field trips, and food festivals.

The TRINITY ATHENEUM is the College's debate and speech society. The oldest club at Trinity, the Atheneum was revived in 1981 by Christopher Browne, Edward Sharp, and Grace Miller after a fifteen year hiatus. However, it was not until 1982 that the club was really put onto solid , ground, as more students expressed interest. Professors Clyde McKee and John Dando also aided Atheneum projects. The Atheneum traveled to parliamentary debates at Dartmouth and other New England colleges, and sponsored intro-Trinity "Pub rounds" and informal weekly debates.


. BANTAM BARBELL CLUB The BANTAM BARBELL CLUB is an organization composed of students and faculty with interests in weightlifting for sport and recreation. The club functions to educate its members in the fundamentals of weightlifting, a program which culminates in an annual competition each spring for men and women. In addition, The Barbell Club acts as a Jiason between the student body and the Athletic Department concerning the use of the weight room and the status of equipment.



CARILLONNEURS /CERBERUS Increased student performances highlighted this year's GUILD OF CARILLONNEURS. Senior Carillonneur Laura Dyson and guild members Floyd Higgins, Greg Davis, and Robert M. Smith each performed a fifteen minute concert once a week and shared the responsibility of playing the bells for a half hour before the Sunday morning chapel services. The Trinity guild also played at special occasions, such as the Services of Lessons and Carols, convocation, and weddings. This year the birthday-bells program was initiated in which carillon-o-grams were sent to members of the Trinity community. The Trinity guild welcomed Daniel Kehoe '78 back to Trinity in his newly appointed position as Resident Carillonneur. His duties include maintaining the 49-bell Plumb Memorial Carillon, as well as teaching, assisting the guild, and performing concerts.

CERBERUS is the Trinity College service organization. It's primary function is to familiarize incoming Freshmen to Trinity's program and atmosphere during the orientation period. Members of the group also serve as hosts to visitors on campus and are called upon throughout the year by the faculty and administration to assist with special campus events. Some of this year's highlights included participation in the Matriculation ceremonies, Parent's weekend, the Alumni sons and daughters weekend, and the Minority admissions weekend.


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CHEERLEADlNG In 1982, Trinity witnessed a resurgence of school spirit with the re-establishment of VARSITY CHEERLEADING. Cocaptained by Pam Rowden and Leslie Irish, the squad cheered for Men's Varsity Soccer, Football, and Basketball teams. Completing the all-freshman squad were Eileen Hall, Liz White, Pat Soares, Mary Zavisza, Sarah Giblin, Michelle Berky, and Jessica Bowers. The cheerleaders endured the hardships associated with initiating a program, with the hope of increasing student spirit and support for Trinity athletics.


CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TRINITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP is an autonomous group affiliated with the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. TCF seeks to serve God by promoting the fellowship of Christians on campus. The group provides opportunities for students to meet together in small group bible studies and in weekly large group meetings. TCF also sponsors coffeehouses and various multi-media presentations to introduce the fe;lowship to those on campus. Members of the group also participate in singing and sharing ministries weekly at Hillside Manor.





The COALITION FOR NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL was formed in the spring of 1981 as a study group which examined how to face one of our generation's greatest challenges: how to slow the nuclear arms race. Since that time the Coalition has organized films, faculty /student discussions, lectures, debates, and other educational events. The group's efforts have raised awareness on the campus concerning the nuclear arms race.

The COMMITTEE FOR CHANGE AT TRINITY expanded significantly this year. In order to provide an adequate outlet for Trinity's creative Juices, two issues of SILENCES were compiled and produced. CCA T also sponsored numerous discussions on such topics as financial aid and registering for the draft.



The Trinity CONCERT CHOIR, under the direction of music department chairman Gerald Moshell, enjoyed an active and challenging year. The Fall Semester concert featured Benjamin Britters's St. Nicholas Cantata as well as other works performed with the Trinity College Orchestra. In December, the Choir participated in the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols. After spring break, the forty remaining singers began preparations for its bi-annual Spring tour. With managerial assistance from Robin Fins '83 and Ted Coxe '85, and Conductatorial assistance from Grant Cochran '84, the Choir travelled nine days throughout the East Coast. They finished their year with Spring-Weekend performance of the Faure Requiem and Bach Cantata no. 106.



CONNPIRG, Connecticut Public Interest Research Group, is a student-funded, student-directed organization which involves itself with issues (social or public) affecting students. This year, ConnPirg's two biggest activities were RAT, the newspaper's recycling program, and the Earthweek coalition which planned a week promoting Earth and environmental awareness. Earthweek activities included discussions, movies, and culminated in a day long event on the Quad with music, food, and the keynote speaker Lois Gibbs.



THE JESTERS is one of the oldest student organizations at Trinity. It is a student run drama club which provides theatrical alternatives to department productions. The Jesters encourage all interested members of the Trinity community to participate in the student productions and to use their creativity to mount new and innovative types of theater. In the last few years the Jesters have produced many exciting experimental productions such as a student written play outdoors and Spring Reps in the Mather Campus Center. By facilitating production through funding and helping any student desiring to direct a play, the Jesters make theater at Trinity a diverse and interesting medium .




The TRINITY OUTING CLUB is dedicated to the unification of man and nature. "There is great joy in the climb. The beat and the effort and the little extra bit of height, which at each stage makes the whole world look different. Familiar mountains change their shape. Giants become pygmies and distant peaks, scarcely seen in the valley, suddenly rear themselves into immensity. And then just as you are beginning to feel tired, just as you have come to accept the changed face of the landscape, just as you have grown used to seeing unimagined distances, there is the knowledge that you are within reach of the top. In all climbing, whether on foot or on ski, the knowledge, the "awareness" of the top, comes long before the top is ever reached." Viscount Knebworth


This 1982-1983 year was by far one of the most successful years for the Trinity PIPES in recent memory. After taking on two freshmen and two sophomores, now numbering 15, the group began their concert schedule early with a September jamboree at Princeton. Over Open Period the Pipes spent a week performing in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, D.C., and Virginia. November was marked with the Homecoming concert in Goodwin Theater, and December was the month during which the Pipes recorded their 11th album, "Begged, Borrowed, and Stolen", to be released in May. In March, after losing 4 members, the Pipes hosted their first jamboree in years. The final concert of the year was the 23rd annual Buttondown. Much credit goes to Pipes director Scott Nesbitt, and much luck goes to 4 departing seniors: Ann Brown, Lindsay Burke, Dan Moalli, and Scott Nesbitt.



The PSYCHOLOGY CLUB is an organization for psychology and nonpsychology majors who are interested in exploring many interests within this field. Every year the Psych Club presents movies and lectures for the entire Trinity community, and, in the past, has gone on trips off campus to such places as The Institute of Living. This year's activities explored a wide range of topics including a demonstration of hypnosis, a lecture on Sex and T.V ., and a viewing of the movie I Never Promised You a Rose Garden. The club also aims to strengthen the bond with the psychology faculty by having semesterly informal wine and cheese gatherings.

THE SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS is the Trinity College affiliate to the national SWE organization, whose purpose is to encourage women in the field of engineering. Although the Society is primarily made up of women interested in engineering or computing, others are welcome to participate. This year was highlighted by the first annual SWE High School Day, the district Student SWE Convention in Potsdam, NY, Earthweek, and various corporate tours and lectures.


STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATIONS The STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION confronted many controversial issues in 1982-83, including the examination of the fraternal system. The SGA readily disapproved of the faculty's abolishment stand, advocating instead, voluntary coeducation. Awareness Day was reinstated so that the problems of racism, sexism, and elitism on campus could be discussed . Admist the season of introspection, the recommended removal of a faculty member led to the fight for student representation on the Appointment and Promotions Committee. So that it would be more widely utilized by students, the SGA voted to provide funding for Austin Arts Center. In cooperation with the administration, the SGA initiated a shuttle service into Hartford and a student run escort service.

This year's officers were Todd Beau President, Chris Sullivan - Vice President, Joe Coffin- Secretary, and Margaret Figueroa- Treasurer. Ted Hartsoe served as Parliamentarian and Steve Norton chaired the Budget Committee.



THE BUDGET COMMITTEE The STUDENT GOVERNMENT PLANNING BOARD is a student-run organization designed to provide social and cultural activities for the campus during the academic year. The Planning Board is headed by 9 elected officers who oversee various committee operations: Publicity, Lectures, Concerts and Dances, 路 Special Activities, Cultu路ral Events, financial management, and secretarial functions. The SGPB is responsible for the annual organization and presentation of two Club-T's, one or two major lectures, a freshmen and a Halloween dance, and Spring Weekend . The Board encourages membership of any Trinity undergraduate and welcomes external input and suggestions.


T.A.A.P. TRINITY ALCOHOL AWARENESS PROGRAM (TAAP) is a group whose main objective is to make its members and the Trinity community more conscious of the physical and social consequences of alcohol consumption. T.A.A.P. operates as an educational organization working to help distribute information, offer opportunities for discussion, and help prevent alcohol abuse . T.A.A.P. sponsors such events as dorm discussions, Awareness Week activities, and "alternative programming."

Doug Rollins and Ramona Stilley: highest bidders at the TAAP Auction




Reversing Tbe Charges Who sent my Great-Grandmother twohundred letters in five years? The cooking-pot salesman. Who paid the postage? Her husband, the minister, after fifty the first year he started slipping some of the collection. Who read the love letters? No one could. They were blank pages, a sinker sometimes added for the weight. Those days you paid for what you received and the salesman, who saw in Helen's eyes the light on the long neck of a Mexican girl he had first-loved in the war, couldn't leave her in Middletown that morning with just a skillet. He kept sending her wishes, packets . of air he couldn't breathe alone from every curve of the Deleware's valley. -Ted Lord

The TRINITY TUTORING PROGRAM is dedicated to helping students learn. Tutors work at the McDonough Elementary School for one hour every week in either reading or math . The benefits are obvious. Trinity students develop a greater awareness of the problems of urban education, and for the children, simply the presence of someone concerned with their education is a powerful influence. The Tutoring Program holds regular meetings and sponsors lectures on education that are open to the Trinity community.


Jacqueline Nenner


TRIPOD Dedicated TRIPOD readers this year observed that many changes were undertaken . New banner and headline styles were introduced, and the format of the paper was altered. The most significant change, however, was the acquisition of a word-processing system to expedite the editing process. Although the system caused some initial vexation among the editors, the Tripod successfully completed the transition to a computer- based editing system.

/II i





This year TRINITY ULTIMATE FRISBEE celebrated it's fifth anniversary with the most successful season ever. We participated in intercollegiate tournaments every weekend throughout the fall and spring, winning victories over Brandeis, Central Connecticut, Westfield State, and New Hampshire, among others. This spring, the team qualified, despite adversity, for our first Western New England Intersectionals by defeating a weak Brandeis squad 18-4. Senior Tricia Zengerle served her third season as captain in the fall, succeeded by sophomore Sam Gollis in the spring. Freshman Jim Mancall was voted Most Improved Player. Most Valuable was a nineway tie between Ben Letcher, Tim Hubbard, Peter Starkey, Sam Gollis, John Wilson, all sophomores, freshman Jim Mancall, and seniors Tricia Zengerle, Mike Topp, and Eric Truran.



























Each semester, including the summer, approximately 20 Trinity students depart for the College's Rome campus. Situated in a convent on the Aventine, one of the seven hills of Rome, THE BARBIERI CENTER overlooks the Tiber on one side and the Circus Maximus on the other. The faculty and courses vary every term, offering the students a wide range of studies in art, language, literature, and history. Classes often include tours of particular areas in the city. Much time is also reserved for traveling with both group-sponsored trips and independent excursions around and beyond the Eternal City.




Football Gridders 5-3 The Trinity Varsity Football t.eam wrapped up their '82 schedule with a resounding 37-6 thrashing of Wesleyan in Middletown to give Coach Miller's gridders a solid 5-3 season record. After dropping their opener to Tufts, the Bants responded with three straight victories over Hamilton, Williams and Colby before Union won a 28-14 comeback decision. The Blue and Gold ripped Coast Guard, before losing a thrilling hard fought Homecoming game to Amherst I0-7, setting the stage for the classic bird fight finale with the Cardinals. The offense was propeled by the passing attack of soph QB Joe Shield ( 125238 1459 yds) who teamed up principally with All NE soph receiver Tim McNamara (45 recpt. 652 yds 3 TDs). All NE tackle Dom Rapini, center Kevin Higgins, Todd Beati and George Hutchinson keyed the offensive line with fine pass protection and also paved the way for senior backs Joe Gizzi (345 yds I TD), Mike Elia (333 yds 2 Tds) and juniors Ned Ide and Tom Clemenson. On Defense, the pass rush was spearheaded by Captain (ECAC Div. II I First ... team) Rusty Williams, senior John Lemonick, Chip Farnham and Tony Craft. In the secondary, Dave Curtis, Nick Bordieri, Brian Driscoll, Steve Mongillo, and Rich Reading provided blanket coverage. Graduating from the 4 year 22-10 squad are: Captain Rusty Williams, Todd Beati, Dave Curtis, Mike Elia, Joe Gizzi, Kevin Higgins, Dave Iannarone, Scott Keilty, John Lemonick, Paul Merrigan, Steve Mongillo, Steve McManus, Kevin O'Callaghan and Dom Rapini.


FOOTBALL At Tufts Hamilton at Williams Colby At Union Coast Guard Amherst At Wesleyan

6-31 7-3 21-13 13-7 14-28 35-3 7-10 37-6 5-3


Front row: Elia, Berey, Mongillo, lannarone, Lemonick, Higgins, McManus, Williams (Capt.); Keilty, Rapini, Merrigan, Beati, O'Callaghan, Curtis, Marchese (Equip. Manag.); and Gizzi. 2nd Row: Coach Graves, Hasson, Lundstrom, Farnham, Bordieri, Criscione. Palazzolo, Clemenson, Ide, Driscoll, Remmes, Houston, Ollari, and Bob LeCours. 3rd Row: Coach Marie, Reading, CraFt, Hutchinson, O'Connor. Shaughnessy, Sennett, Shield, Kochnowicz, Keane, Elsas, McAloon, Donaghy, and Coach Foster. 4th Row: Coach Marble, Coach Keller, Wilson, Finn, Goodman, Tighe. Hart hun, Grossi, DeDomenico, Cask in, Andreoli, McNamara and Coach Thomas. 5th Row: Coach Darr at far left, Head Coach Don Miller at far right. 6th Row: Stackpole, Smith, VanderZwaag, Thomas, Robey, Burkard, Reilly, DePatie, Vyskocil, Senaldi, Fairfax, Castonia, Zendzian. Benson, and Brown. Back Row: Dolan, Robinson, DeCaprio. Sickinger, Oxman, Funaro, Okun, Donald, Murray, Stevenson, Green, Troisi, Coleman, Lane, Doetsch, Obi and Reavey.


Waterpolo Ducks 2nd in N.E. The Trinity Waterpolo team placed second in the New England Division II-III championships behind victor Williams. The fast swimming Ducks recorded a 13-8 season mark. Tri-captains Lance Choy, John Peabody, and Ed Kaplan anchored the squad. Junior Chip Lake (62 points), senior Scott Bowden (50), Kaplan (50), Peab9dy (41) and soph Tim Raftis (33) paced a well-balanced 路 scoring attack. Goalie Choy benefited from the tenacious defensive play of Mike Bronzino, Dave Mugford, and Stu Sziklas. Peabody garne路red first team Ali-NE honors, while Kaplan, Lake and Raftis received second team accolades. The Women's contingent won all of the handful of games they played. Liz Brennan, Barbie Brennan, Lulu Cass, Dea Fredrick, Mich Parsons and Steph Ryan were the stars of the Lady Ducks.

At Loomis lona Williams URI

At lona UConn Bridgewater St. Coast Guard URI Amherst At Suffield Acad.

12-6 4-7 6-10 8-7 5-14 15-4 16-7 10-12 5-0 5-0 14-5 7-3 5-0 16-10 10-4

Far left: Ed Kaplan fires a pass to a teammate. Left: Scott Bowden races upwater for the Ducks.


Women's Soccer Playoffs Quickly Becoming a Habit The women's soccer team maintained the same level of intensive competitive determination that propelled them to an undefeated 1981. Leading scorer Karen Orczyk (11 goals, 3 assists), all-around athlete Karen Rodgers, defensive hero Prudence Horne and star goalie Jeannie Monnes all contributed to the Lady Bants' 9-1-l season and a birth in the NIAC tournament for the second straight year. The enthusiasm and superior skills of every participant on the field teamed with the support and coaching from Karen Erlandson for another exciting season. With the loss of only the CoCaptains, Dana Anderson and Sally Larkin, success should continue with the perseverence and camaraderie the team is known for.

Front Row: Sydney Fee, Karen Rodgers, Karen Orczyk. Nancy Okun, Criss Leydecker, Dana Anderson , Sally Larkin, Elizabeth Eckert. Victoria Arvanitis. Back Row: Jeanne Monnes, Karin Bennett. Gina Cappeletti, Anita Yeranian, Kim Dreyfuss, Jeanine Kawi. Laura Couch. Madey Johnston, Sarah Knutson, Prudence Horne, Coach Karen Erlandson, "Buffalo." Missing: Mary Zavisza.


WOMEN' SOCCER At Smith Curry At UHartford At Amherst Wesleyan Conn. Coli. At Wheaton At Williams At Conn. Coli. Mt. Holyoke Keene State UHartford


4-2 8-0

2-1 2-1 1-1 5-0 6-3 0-2

5-0 1-0

1-2 5-0 9-2-1 0-1


Men's Soccer Simons Era Ends With Dramatic Win Over

The Men's Soccer team's 3-8-1 record was unrepresentative of the quality of play the team maintained through every contest. The team made great strides in rebuilding and even posted a heartbreaking overtime loss to league champion Amherst. The highlight of the season was the finale against dreaded Wesleyan. Down two goals, Jamie Kaptyn personally tied the game with a pair before Chris Palma broke the deadlock with less than five mintues to go. The team loses five players to graduation: tri-captains Peter Miller, Mike Hurwitz, and John Simons as well as starters Kapteyn and Greg Brown who won MVP honors for his play at right-back. Simons leaves having set the all-time Trin record for career saves with 382. Junior Toby Bienkowski was voted most improved. Although the team will miss these key players, the future of the soccer program is bright. The players are alive with spirit.


MEN'S SOCCER At Coast Guard Central Conn. M.l.'"(. W.P.I. At Babson At Williams Tufts At UHartford At Conn. College Clark Amherst At Wesleyan

4-1 0-4 0-3 1-2 0-5 3-3 1-0 1-2 0-2 1-4 0-1 3-2 3-8-1


root Row: (Equip. Mgr.), Mike Hurwitz, John Simons, Peter Miller, Randy Schrenk, Chris Palma, Asst. Coach Ivan Cohen, Asst. Coach Bob Parzych. Third Row: Asst. Coach Robie Shults, Vinnie Melvin, Mark Lee, Doug Weisburger, Jeff Pilgrim, Scott MacClintic, Robert St. George, Paul Marden, Robert Cohen, Gates Garrity. Top Row: Toby Bienkowski, Bill Main, Bill Slaney, Cornelius McKee, Peter Appleton, Bob Flynn.


Field Hockey Same Story: Cutler Scores, Collins Saves, The above title may give the impression that field hockey was a three person team. Nothing could be further from the truth. Susie Cutler's ten goals, CoCaptain Anne Collins' record setting goaltending and Amy Waugh's second straight MVP award were, as in '8l, merely the most remarkable aspects of a 73-1 season record and playoff berth. Cutler has led the team in scoring each of her two years in Blue and Gold, and Collins blanked opponents five times for a career total of 2l. It was Waugh, however, who was voted most valuable without any gaudy statistics, just tremendous defense. The graduation of Collins, and Co-Captains Tracy Swecker and Ruth Flaherty takes three of New England's better players, but with the team's depth, don't look for anything but the continuation of a success story.


Waugh MVP

Connie ewton, Asst. Coach Robin Jennings. Second Row: Laura Gill, Susan Casazza, Annie Mathiasen. Lisa Sperry, Wezzie Kerr. Judith Peterson, Amy Waugh. Third Row: Cappy Flynn. Chandler Luke, Judy Avioli, Bonnie Adams. Laura Higgs, Kat Castle, Susie Cutler, Mel Foy. Top Row: Linda Comeau. Mary Beth Harrop. Leslie Abrams, Ginny Biggar, Pri cilia Altmaier, Kate Simonds, Ann Morris, Mary Schnorr. Ann Marie Mallot. Missing: Alicia McNally, Heather Moody.


Women's Tennis Div. III N.E. Champs Under the tutelage of first year coach Becky Chase, the Trinity Women's Tennis team captured the New England Division III tournament. Despite its 6-7 match record, the Bants boasted a number of exciting stars. Freshwoman Claire Slaughter went undefeated in regular season singles play before losing her only match in the N.E. Division I-II championships. Slaughter won the Division III N.E. singles title while sophomore Jeanine Looney and junior Chandlee Johnson aided the team's first place finish by placing 1-2 in Flight B. Senior Ruth Strong, junior Sue Greene, and sophs Sarah Addington and Maria Rosenfield fortified Coach Chase's singles attack while sophs Donna Gilbert-Alyson Geller and Kathy Klein-Mary Reilly formed the doubles combinations.



Men's Cross-Country First Winning Season In Years

The Men's Cross-Country team finished with a winning season for the first time in memory with an 8-4 record. Every runner achieved his personal best in covering the five miles. The defeat of Amherst was the team's first since 1965. Coach Ralph Walde completed his seventh and final season as the Bantam mentor. He and senior Co-Captain Oren Miller, winner of the hallowed Jon Sandman Memorial Trophy, leave behind a team full of potential.



At Quinnipiac Conn. Coli.

31-36 31-67

Westfield St. At Amherst E. Conn.

81-39 81-83 81-114

Union Williams

26-29 17-44

At W.P.I.


Coast Guard Babson Clark

66-21 66-51 Forfeit

At Wesleyan

37-22 8-4


Women's Cross-Country Amrien All-American Finishing 20th in the NCAA Division III Cross Country SK Championships, Junior Co-Captain Elizabeth Amrien gained AllAmerican Division Ill status. Among her achievements on the road to All-American, Amrien placed 2nd in the NESCAC's, 7th in Div. Ill N.E., and set a new Trinity record of 17:35.2 over the 3.1 mile Bantam course. In its first year, Coach Ralph Walde's Women's Varsity Cross Country team showed promise for the future. Along with Amrien, sophs Erica Thurman, Ann Malabre; juniors Co-Captain Pat Adams, Sue Ciferni, Liz Esposito; sophs Melissa Andorra, Barbara Siebel, Sue Pasieka; and frosh Laura O'Bryan and Chris Zipps formed a strong nucleus which will be a powerful NESCAC threat in years to come.


Williams Unjon Smith

NESCAC's Wesleyan

Liz 2nd

41-20 3-10

Ann striding down Summit Street.


Men's Basketball 22-3; Bow in ECAC Finals The 1982-83 Trinity Men's Basketball team came five points shy of winning the ECAC championship and I game short of setting a school record in wins when it fell to Rhode Island College, 70-66, at Colby. Nevertheless, the Bants enjoyed a very successful campaign in what was initially thought to be an off year. Sparked by the quickness of guards Jim Bates and co-captain Dave Wynter, the deadeye shooting of Tom King and frosh Ken Abere, and the emergence of dominating 6'10" Steve Bracken, 2nd year Coach Stan Ogrodnik's starting quintet was arguably the top in Div. III New England. Strong rebounding reserves Kerry Sullivan and frosh Bill Pfohl together with hot shooting Ronny "Bond" Carroll and adept ballhandler co-captain Pat Sclafani complemented the first five. After a 4-0 start, the hoopsters hosted Div I Yale without an injured Bracken and were soundly beaten. But, from then on the team jelled under the auspices of Coach Ogrodnik and it rode a 12 game winning streak (tying a school record) before Bowdoin nipped the cagers 72-71. In the ECAC's, the #2 ranked Bants avenged #3 Bowdoin 75-64 in the semis before losing a heartbreaking game to #4 RIC, 70-66, in the finale. Junior Jim Bates led the squad in scoring ( 12.8) closely trailed by Abere (12.7). Wynter (9ppg) was tops in the steal and assist category and electrified many crowds with his thundering dunks. Brack's (9ppg) dunks, rejections and rebounds (7pg) gave Trinity a powerful front line along with Pfohl (yppg; 5 rpg), Abere (5rpg) and junior Tim King (12 ppg; 5 rpg). Graduating from the 22-3 team are: co-captains Pat Sclafani and Dave Wynter; Steve Bracken and Ronny Carroll.

Kneeling: Frank Marchese, equip manager; Mike Gary; co-captain Dave Wynter; co-captain Pat Sclafani; Jim Bates; and John Barton. Standing: Asst Coach Frank Kine!; Ron Carroll; Tom King; Kerry Sullivan; Steve Bracken; Tim Curtis; Ken Abere; Head Coach Stan Ogrodnik; and Ass! Coach Gary Carlson. Missing: Bill Pfohl.


MEN'S BASKETBALL Newport CoUege At Amherst Barrington CoUege At Curry Yale Conn College At Eastern Williams Kings Point Worcester State Wesleyan At Coast Guard Tub


64-58 101-53 109-64

55-84 51-50

76-48 85-76 104-69 103-55

73-47 54-42





92-57 74-47 84-61 71-72 t~

Coast Guard Ambers At UHartford At Wesley n ECAC's at Colby Bowdoin Rhode Island College

B 'l5 75!~

75-68 70-69 75-48


Women's Basketball Once Again- NIAC Champs, Rodgers MVP!! Young, talented and New England Champions - no one else but the 1982-83 Women's Basketball team. Depth, teamwork, and endless determination carried them to a season ending eight game winning streak, following a mid-season slump, and to a# I seed in the N lAC Tournament. In front of the home crowd the Lady Bants defended their title as Captain Karen Rodgers was again named tourny MVP. Center Jeanne Monnes also made the all- tournament team. Averaging 68 points per game, the Lady Bants showed no mercy as opponents fell victim to Trio's rebounding, stingy defense, and jackrabbit quickness. These all allowed the Bants to utilize their lethal weapon - the fast break. The season's 16 wins is a school record as is the 89 points against Amherst. Individual scoring was balanced through the year as Rodgers ( 15 ppg), Sheila Andrus

(II), Monnes (II), Karen Orczyk (I 0), and Debbie Priestley (8) took turns carrying the load. Liz landoli was voted Most Improved for her inside play, complementing Monnes and Kathleen Soley, while Orczyk and Priestley

added outside touch as Rodgers, Andrus and Johnson ran the offense. Karen Erlandson has the beginnings of a dynasty of skilled and exciting players. Only one word can describe this contingent of women athletes: Champions.

Terry Johnson, Coach Erlandson and Jeanne Monncs enjoy the fruits of victory.


Jeanne Monnes had 18 rebounds vs. Williams & ColbySawyer.

Freshman Sheila Andrus nics in for another two points.


Women's Swimming 10-0; Six All-Americans A long list of superlatives could be used to describe the Women's Varsity Swim Team. A perfect 100 record, sweetened by a hard fought win over Tufts, was equaled by seven swimmers qualifying for the Division Ill Nationals in Canton, Ohio and six Trin women gaining AllAmerican honors. Head Coach Chet McPhee and Assistant Robin Sheppard presided over the bunch affectionately known as "Chet's Chicks". Inspirational senior captain Anne Ward led the talented natators who rewrote 19 out of a possible 24 school records. The Lady Bantams finished 4th in New England and 12th in the nation, the best finishes ever accomplished by a Trinity swimming team. In the nationals, junior bea Fredrick finished 3rd in the 50yd free, 12th in the I 00 free, and was a member of 4 All-American relay teams. She holds six individual school records. Establishing 4 new school marks, freshwoman Barbie Brennan ranked 12th in the nation for the 500yd free and was a member of an All-American relay. By finishing I Oth in the I OOyd breaststroke, junior Deb Cronin garnered A-A honors as she did in a distinctive relay squad including freshwomen Ginny Finn, Karen Hubbard and soph Lulu Cass. These six swimmers along with Ward, Breaststroker Laura Couch, and diver Mel Foy left their mark in Trinity annals as the best acquatic squad ever assembled.

Front Row: Laura Couch, Lulu Cass, Captain Anne Ward, and Dea Fredrick. Second Row: Carolyn White. Mel Foy, Michelle Parsons, Sue Cutler, and Debbie Cronin. Third Row: Nancy Meade, Sarah Oman, Karen Hubbard, Tracey Hanley, and Ginny Finn. Back Row: /\sst Coach Robin Sheppard, Barbie Brennan, Usa Hoffman. Edith Harris. Cindy Brierley, and Head Coach Chet McPhee.


~ t SM:()

t. Holyoke At Wesleyan Southern Conn At Conn College Tufts At Amherst New Englands ationals Div III

Deb Cronin breaststroki ng to a IOth place national fi nish.


Men's Swimming Natators Swim to 6-5 Mark Plagued by injuries, sparse numbers and the loss of captain Doug Gray, the Trinity Men's Swimming team rebounded under the leadership of Coach Chet McPhee to post a 6-5 season record. Sophomore co-captains Rex Dyer and Tim Raftis and junior Chip Lake were the mainstays of the young natators. All three qualified for the New Englands. Dyer specialized in the backstroke and sprint freestyle events. He established a new school record in the I00 yard backstroke (54.96) which qualified him to compete in the Division lll National Championships in Canton, Ohio. Raftis, a multi- talented freestyler, swam sprints and distance for Coach McPhee while Lake concentrated on the sprint events. The Bants were bolstered by sophomore Bob Anderson in the butterfly, breaststrokers, John Harrington and Dave Mugford, freestylers Greg Accetta (distance) and Greg Carter along with divers Scott Keilty and Mike Bronzino. Coach MS>hee was able to place his swimmers in key events to engineer consecutive upset victories over Bridgewater State and WPI. Chet's strategies paid off in a one point win against Union despite that the Bants had injured swimmers. Losing only three members to graduation, Keilty, Ed Kaplan, and John Peabody, the "McPheemen" hope for a strong incoming class and a chance to improve upon their 6-5 mark.

Front Row: Dave Mugford, Scott Keilty: co-captain Rex Dyer; co-captain Tim Raftis; Chip Lake. and Ed Kaplan. Second Row: Mike Bronzino, Bob Anderson, Andy Lavallee, Bob Hemmes, and Greg Carter. Third Row: John Harrington, John Peabody, and Luc Helson. Back Row: Asst Coach Robin Sheppard, Head Coach Chet McPhee. Missing Captain Doug Gray and Greg Accetta.



MEN'S SWIMMING At Vas.sa 65- 3 Fairfield 61-37 f\t SM 21-62 U n 48-47 At entral Conn 35-75 At Wesleyan 34-63 Babson 43-57 Bridgewater SJ -45 WPI 65-48 At Amherst 42-63 At Clark 63-40 6-5

Rex prepares to swim his nationally qualifying event: the backstroke.


Men's Squash Best Season Ever at 14-3.

Front Row: John Illig, Art Strome. Jerome Kapelus, Andrew Emery, Bill Doyle. Back Row: Coach Dave Miller, John Holmes, Doug Burbank. Sandy Monaghan, J.D. Cregan, Michael Georgy, Paul Stauffer. Missing: John Conway.






Amherst At Harvard At M.I.T. Dartmouth Univ. Rochester Yale Wesleyan Colby Bowdoin Colgate at Wes. Stonybrook at Wes. Geo. Wash. at Wes. Franklin & Marshall at Wes. At Williams At Navy Princeton At Tufts

9-0 0-9 9-0 9-0 N 4-5

9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 8-1 9-0 8-1 5-4 7-2

0-9 8-1 14-3

The 1982-3 men's squash team finished its most successful season ever with a 14-3 record and a #4 national ranking. Led by rookie coach Dave Miller and tri-captains Senior John Holmes and Sophomores Doug Burbank and Sandy Monaghan, the team racked up an amazing nine shut-outs and three 8-1 victories. The highlights were a 5-4 win at Williams, only the fifth time in the forty year Trin team history that they beat the Ephmen, and a first-ever triumph at Annapolis. The only real disappointment was a 5-4 loss to Yale in front of a huge crowd in Ferris which cost the Bantams the #3 ranking. Sophomore Bill Doyle was named team MYP and Paul Stauffer was deemed Most Improved for his dramatic rise through the year as a freshman. The season ended on a very positive note when three Trinity men were named All-American. Doyle was placed on the first team, for the second year in a row, while Sophomore Mike Georgy and Freshman J.D. Cregan were named to the second team. The prospects for next year are very good as all top nine players will return. With the usual addition of several highly touted recruits, the Bantams should be able to catch the perennial powers, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. J.D. Cregan shows his All-American form.


Women's Squash Ranked #5 at 13-5 .

w Dartmouth At UPenn At Vassar Yale At Princeton At Smith Bowdoin at Smith Wesleyan Middlebury Howe Cup at Yale: Williams UPenn Middlebury Harvard Calif. Dartmouth Williams Amherst At Brown


7-0 3-4 7-0 3-4 2-5 7-0 7-0 7-0 7-0 5-2 3-4 7-0 2-5 7-0 6-1

5-2 7-0 7-0 13-5

Front Row: Nina Porter, Laurie Laub, Kathy Klein . Middle Row: Kim Johnston, Anne Ginsburgh, Laura Higgs, Kat Castle. Back Row: Mary Ann Noyer, Chandlee Johnson, Lea Spruance, Prudie Horne. Coach Becky Chase. Missing: Nancy Bogle.

Lea Spruance reaches for a foreh and rail.

Nancy Bogle bends low, concentrating on a backhand.

Under the guidance of captain Nina Porter and new coach Becky Chase, Trinity maintained its elite status in intercollegiate women ' s squash. Once again placing in the top five, the Lady Bants were very competitive against the traditional squash powerhouses - Pennsylvania, Yale, Princeton, and Harvard. Trin continued to dominate the other lvys and psuedo-lvys. Team MVP Porter and Kat Castle formed a potent 1-2 punch. both being ranked in the top ten players in the nation for the second straight year. The team loses only 2 seniors, Nancy Bogle and Annie Ginsburgh. Prudie Horne was voted Most Improved, and as the entire team improves with experience, the team hopes to crack the top three in 1984.


Ice Hockey High-Flying Bants Narrowly Miss Playoffs.

This was truely the beginning of a new era in Trinity路Hockey. The fans who made the short hop to Kingswood-Oxford no longer saw a superstar-oriented team. Division IJl hockey is now balanced and competitive. Depth and refined hockey skills are 路 now needed on a squad that once could be carried by a Brickley, Plumb or Wackowitz. The terms "Russian Press", "European Style", and ''Canadian Style" now dominate the Trinity Playbook, employing the abundance of young, quick, and skilled stick- handlers Coach John Dunham has at his disposal. The 10-11-1 (10-5 in Div. III) record was no better than '82, but it was injuries that interrupted a seemingly playoff-bound tearnthat was once 6-1, and later, 9-3, in league play. Freshman Vern Meyer (12 goals,.20 assists), Senior Tri- Captain T.R. Goodman (12,19), Sophomore Mike Sload (14, 11), Senior Tri- Captain Mike McCarthy (8, 15), and Sophomore Barney Corning (8, 13 in 16 games) led the attack while the veteran defense did the job on the blue line. After a year off, Steve Solik's "#I" again became a familiar sight between the pipes. When Solik went down, Freshman Vinnie Laurentino showed promise for the future with a 4-2 record.

T.R. Goodman, a fierce competitor and team sparkplug.

Front Row: Vinnie Laurentino, Ander Wensberg, Steve Solik, Brian Dorman, T.R. Goodman, il<e McCarthy, Glen Scanlon, Chris Watras, Coach john Dun am. Second Row: Asst. Coach Paul Davidson, Chip Farnham, Vern Meyer. Richard Stetson, Jim Schacht, Lou Shipley, Mark Stiglitz, Bill Slaney, Mike Sload, Chris Lorenz, fuiLSt~r, Reed Whitmore, Barney Corning, Bill Stride. Back Row: Erik Smith, Pat Mullin, Chris Downs, Tom Sheehy, Gordie St. John, Sam Duame, Kevin Slattery.

Battle-scarred Seniors forward Goodman, defensemen McCarthy (team MVP), Tri-Captain Brian Dorman (winner of the Williams Leadership Award), Ander Wensberg, Kevin Slattery, and Glen Scanlon and goalie Solik leave their mark, having instilled a sense of pride and desire to win. Unfortunately this class failed to ever make the play-offs. Given the young talent, and with the kinks in the new system worked out, that is a statement that no future Bantam Puckster should be able to make.

Brian Dorman, playing his first game in two years, gets .set to dump a Conn. Coli. Camel as Wensberg helps out.


Fencing Outtouched for N.E. Title After a 4-8 regular season, the men's fencing team tied for the New England championship on the basis of poin s, but lost the title to Brandeis by two touches. Top men's fencers were Vladimir Dimanshetyn (foil) and Dan Schlenoff (foil), both of whom won over 90 percent of their matches. Among the women, 8-t on the year, the top fencers were Cathy Wallert and MeiWa Cheng. Both teams were captained by Ellery Brown. In the championships, Vladimir took fifth in the foil, George Banta placed sixth in the sabre, and Scott Hallett and Steve Dynan placed sixth and seventh respectively in the epee finals. Graduating from the squad are: Schlenoff, Dynan, Ed Sharp, Leslie Laub, and Jennifer O'Brien.

Steve Dynan (left) fencing in the N.E. epee finals.


Dan Scblenoff (right) on the attack for the Bants.

Wrestling Adam, Howe Place in N.E. Fielding a full team for the first time in six years, Trinity's young matmen wrestled to a 1-8 record. The Bants were led by junior co-captain Mike Howe and three freshmen . Howe (142 lbs) rebounded from a series of injuries to win 3 of his last 4 matches and finished the season with a 4-5 mark. Holding the team's top record, frosh Joe Adam (177) won 6 of 9 matches. Fellow frosh Nick Veronis (134) and Will Thomas ( 190) both posted 4-5 records . Adam and Howe won places for Trinity at the New England tournament, taking fourth and fifth respectively. Senior co-captain Sean Darby, hurt for most of the season, provided inspiration by coming back in the final meet to notch a victory. Since most of the squad members were freshmen and sophomores, Coaches Mike Darr and Nick Martin are optimistic about the future .

WRESTLING Western N.E. At Amherst UHart At M.I.T. W.P.I. Williams .N. Central Conn


8-37 43-9 20-26 6-43 16-27 9-45 21-33 9-35 1-8

Howe, Darr, and Martin watch the grapplers. Mike Howe locks a half nelson on his opponent in preparation for a pin .


Skiing Women Added to Squad

Max Smith conquers Loon Mt. (NH) .


Pennington, iz Sobkov, Tricia Maxon. Back Row: ates John Hamblett, Todd Clark, Max Smith, Will Washburn, Glenn Ratcliffe, Steve Najarian, Tom Lee. Missing: John Simons, Advisors Margaret Benson, Dr. James Potter, Krisi Kinsley, Paal Bunaes.


Todd Clark shows that "Franz Klammer" form.

Founded in 1979, the Trinity Alpine Ski Team competes in weekly slalom and giant slalom meets in the competitive Osborne Division of the New England Intercollegiate Ski Conference. Victories were posted over Army, Brown and Connecticut College while such powers as Amherst, Boston College, Plymouth State and Massachusetts proved too much for the Bantams. The organization is entirely student run and is responsible for its own fundraising, coaching and training. The team steadily improved and looks for a strong showing next season.


John Hamblett "carves a tight corner."

Women's Softball Team Turns Varsity After First Winning Season Enthusiastic and talented newcomers combined with the dependable and seasoned veterans to produce the team's first winning year. Donna Gilbert had another spectacular season on the mound, backed-up nicely by Mary Wrobleski. Offensively, an array of .300 hitters formed a potent attack- Gilbert, Kathy O'Brien, Jeanne Monnes, Sheila Andrus and the Co-Captains Weezie Kerr and Terry Johnson all drove opposing pitchers to the showers. Johnson, the only senior, was named MVP while Kerr won the Spirit Award. Margaret Figueroa won an award for her selfless contribution to the team. Gaining official varsity status next year, the young team is full of promise.

WOMEN'S SOFTBALL Hotchkiss School Williams U Hartford Bates Coast Guard Wesleyan Fairfield W. Conn. St. Univ. At Mt. Holyoke Taft School

7-0 8-4 8-22 3-4

6-3 11-1 3-8 3-2 5-7 7-5 6-4

Terry Johnson goes to right for a base hit.


Baseball 17-4, ECAC Champs!!

Nick Bordieri guns down a runner.

Front Row: Asst. Coach Doug Mannen, Ander Wensberg, Mike Elia, Chuck Guck, Mike Shimeld, Nick Bordieri, Coach Robie Shults. Second Row: Joe Shield, Mark Hamel, Tib Miller, Dave Gasiorowski, Mike Schweighoffer, Brian Driscoll, Mike Criscione. Third Row: John Barton, Andy Bivona, Tom Crimmons, Tim Robinson, J.D. Cregan, Rich Stetson, Jay Gangi. Top Row: Jim Bates, Randy Yyskocil, Eric Stepper, Pitching Coach AI Severeni.

Ander Wensberg was # I reliever. (right)

Ending with 10 wins, Trinity found itself on top of the Baseball World- ECAC Champs. It was the team's first play-off action in over 30 years. Upsetting 23-1 Wesleyan in the Final was our second defeat of the Cards as their only 'other loss was to the Bants, ending a 15 game winning streak. Jim Bates' (.313 avg., 27 RBI's) 3-run homer broke the game open and starter Mark Hamel got his 2nd play-offwin, having relieved against N. Adams State. Earlier in the day, the Semi-Final featured Mike Schweighoffer as starting and winning pitcher and going 4-6 with a homer and 5 RBI's. He was helped by 4 doubleplays and Mike Elia who go on base 6 of 7 times. Elia led the team with 32 runs, 7 doubles, 4 triples, 23 walks, .515 slugging avg., .583 on-base average and 9 steals. He was second with 34 hits, 24 RBI's and a .337 batting avg. As Co-Captains, he and Chuck Guck, along with Coach Shults, had the Bants doing what it takes to win. 114

Mike Criscione was 5-1, 3.21 ERA with 53 strikeouts in 59 innings. Against Bowdoin, he won the first game, going the distance, and came back to pitch 7 shutout innings in the nightcap, giving up only 4 hits on the day.

BASEBALL CHAMPS U Hartford At Amherst At Coast Gu~rd Williams At Wesleyan At U Hartford Tufts At Springfield Wesleyan At E. Conn. St. At Clark Central Conn. St. Bates Bowdoin ECAC TOURNEY N. Adams St. Mass. Maritime Wesleyan

11-2 2-0 13-2, 6-5 14-17 6-15 11-2 6-0, 3-7 . 4-1 2-9, 4-2 13-12 (11 inn) 15-2 7-5 21-14 8-2, 3-2 (10 inn) 7-5 14-12 10-2 17-4

Nick Bordieri slides in safe before the throw .


Men's Track & Field Undefeated; NESCAC Champs Trinity dominated their competition in the High Hurdle and Javelin Events.

They gained respect throughout New England. Undefeated in regular season competition (the Big T dominated the little 3), as NESCAC champions, and as runner up to track powerhouse MIT in the NE Division III championships, Trinity's Men's Track & Field Team enjoyed its finest in 2 decades. First year Coach Jim Foster sparked the Bants through a successful indoor season, enabling him to reap 5 outdoor records. Co-Captain Dom Rapini shattered the hammer throw mark (173 ') which ranked him third nationally. Soph Dave Barry rewrote his record in the 800m run (1:54.19AT) enroute to a second place finish at the DJV Ills. Soph Matt Harthun boosted the pole vault mark to 13'7" while junior Steve Klots raced to a record setting 4:04.5 performance in the 1500m. Senior Scott Nesbitt, Co-Captain Bruce Zawodniak, soph Steve Drew and frosh Femi Obi smashed the Trin 4x 1OOm relay mark by racing to a 43.36A T clocking. Drew qualified for the nationals in the 400m 1 Hurdles by running 54.27 AT. The squad, spirited, strong and depth laden, achieved its first winning season in 8 years. The statistics will tell the story: Rapini (Shot - 49'11 Y2); Zawodniak (I OOm - 11.0, 200m - 23.4, HJ - 6'2, 110m HH- 15.5), Nesbitt (HH - 15.4, IH - 56.5, TJ- 41'10\4, LF - 19'11); Drew (HH - 15.2, HJ - 6'2, LF 20'2); Obi (lOOm- 10.9, 200m 21.8AT); Klots (3 Mile- 15:10); Edan Calabrese (Jav - 192'7Y2); Rick Hayber (Jav - 180'2); Terry Rousseau (400m 52.0, LJ- 20'6Y4, TJ- 42'1 V2 ); 4x400m relay - 3:29.5 (Nesbitt, Krister Johnson, Drew, Barry). Drew took scoring honors closely followed by Zawodniak, Nesbitt and Rapini, who was All-American in Football and Track. Dom and Bruce were co-awarded the Robert Morris MVP trophy.

Senior javelin throwers: Edan Calabrese, Mark LaMagdelaine and Bill Colby. Ed an ( 192'7!h) and Rick Hayber ( 180'2) led a quintet who all speared over 170 feet.


TRACK & FIELD 84-70 Amerst Wesleyan 77-77 NESCACs Jst Eastern forfeit At Williams 85-69 W.P.J. 97-6n CT lntercollg. 4th Div II N.E. 2nd 4-0-1

Women's Track & Field First Year in Varsity Competition Although small in numbers, the Women's Track & Field team enjoyed considerable success in their first season of varsity competition. Junior Elizabeth Amrien was the mainstay of the 2-2 squad. The leading scorer of the squad, Elizabeth set school records in the Mile (5:16), 4000M (10:00) and 5000M (17 :32). Amrien won the 5000 meters at the NESCACs and placed 3rd in the 3000 at the N.E. Div I championships. The All-American CrossCountry performer gained Honorable Mention All-American status at the Division III Nationals in the 5000. Versatility was the trademark of the Lady Bantams. Senior Captain Wendy Kershner graduated as Trin's top high jumper in history (5'1) and also ran in both relays. Junior Deb Cronin was the team's second high scorer as she established a new discus record (84'6) and was a top shot putter,javeliner and sprinter. Inspirational soph Kathy Klein excelled in the sprints, shot and especially in the long jump (14'8). Ann Malabre exhibited her heptahalon potential by performing well in the javelin, mile, 3000M, 200M and 400M. Fellow soph Erica Thurman broke the school record in the 440 (65.4) early in the season, but an injury forced her to sit out the remainder of the year. With only one senior graduating, the Bants will have a strong squad in 1984.

Front Row: Tim Walsh, Dave O'Donnell, Co-Captain Dom Rapini, Co-Captain Bruce Zawodniak, Captain Wendy Kershner. Second Row: Dave Moughalian, Steve Drew, Paul Stauffer, Beth Eckert, Barb Siebel. Third Row: Scott Nesbitt, Dave Barry, Oakley, Krister Johnson, Dave Bayliss, Esposito. Fourth Row: Adam Kimmick, Pillsbury, Aileen Doherty, Jennifer Davidoff, Sue Casazza, Deb Cronin, Linda Bay. Fifth Row: Dolan, Coleman, Femi Obi, Matt Harthun, Rick Hayber. Sixth Row: Head Coach Jim Foster, Mark Murray, Mark LaMagdelaine, Edan Calabrese, Bill Colby, Jabouin. Back Row: Asst Coach Phil Kearney, Asst Coach Karen Erlandson. Missing: Brunn, Klots, Lyle, McGowan, Miller, Rousseau, Tall, Amrien, Klein, Malabre, Thurman.


WOMEN'S TRACK & FIELD Amherst Wesleyan At Williams Eastern Ct.

Elizabeth Amrien broke three school records in distance running events.

72-44 35-77 51-75 Forfeit 2-2

Coach Foster smiles as the Women notch their first varsity win.

I 19

Men's Lacrosse Brigham Breaks Scoring Mark

Collectively, the 1983 Lacrosse team season was a disappointing 5-7. Individual efforts were noteworthy, however, and they laid the foundation for a promising future. Scoring was led by Co-Captain MVP Mike Brigham (31 goals, 12 assists) who finished his career with 122 tallies, more than the old mark. Bob St. George (22.6) and Mark Tiedeman (22.5) were right behind, followed by Ned Ide (13.13) and Co-Captain Pete Miller (11.5). Kelly Shakleford and Scott Hallett grew into fine defensemen, gaining experience playing alongside the Bob Falk Memorial Award winner, Chris Delaney. The biggest surprise on the young team was freshman goalie Paul Ferrucci. As Brigham, Miller, Delaney, Jamie Kapteyn, Tom Lee and Kevin O'Callaghan graduate, the team hopes to rebound with the young stars. Brigham, Miller and Delaney were selected to play in the New England AllStar Game, held on Jessee Field.


Front Row: Paul Ferrucci, Kevin O'Callaghan, Mike Brigham, Pete Miller, Mike Doetsch. Second Row: Bob St. George, Ken Warner, Townsend Ziebold, Ben Rhodes, Chris Delaney, Matt Golding, Tom Lee. Third Row: Coach Mike Darr, Asst. Coach Jamie Birmingham, Robert Hipkins, Tom Sheehy, Steve Swett, Steve Stroud, Jamie Kapteyn, Ned Ide, Asst. Coach Tom Kellar. Back Row: Kelly Shackleford, Mark Tiedemann, Chris Downs, Scott Hallett, Mark Shaughnessy. Missing: Bill Nault, Peter DePattie and Frank Grossi.

Amherst At Wesleyan At New Haven At Springfield Westfield St.


12 1

路women's Lacrosse Sweet Revenge- NIAC Champs!!

Front Row: Connie Newton, Tracy Swecker, Andrea Mooney, Bonnie Adams, Tish Barroll. Second Row: Karen Rodgers, Nina Porter, Lesley Abrams, Susie Schwartz, Karen Orczyk, Kate Simonds, Christine Zipps, Mary Ann Noyer, Emily Ginsburgh, Liz Sobkov, Tory Keefe. Third Row: Coach Robin Sheppard, Laney Lynch, Sonia Flanders, Mary Reilly, Kat Castle, Chandler Luke, Annie Mathiasen, (three seated lower: Lisa Sperry, Sydney Fee, Susie Cutler), Mary Harrop, Karin Bennett, Asst. Coach Robin Jennings. Fourth Row: Ginny Biggar, Priscilla 'Altmaier. Missing: Tracy Magruder.

After an 8-1 season and two very satisfying wins in the play-offs, the 1983 Northeast Intercollegiate Athletic Conference First Place Trophy in women's lacrosse was in the hands of Trinity's Co-Captains Tracy Swecker and Andrea Mooney. Revenge was sweet as Trinity trounced Tufts 15-1 in the Semi-Final, a team who downed our gals in last year's championship game. The year's only blemish was avenged with a comefrom-behind triumph over homestanding Connecticut College, 12-9. Following a month in the Field House and the annual practice trip to Tampa, Florida, the Lady Bants opened the season excited about a potent offense and impenetrable defense. Egos were more than slightly damaged in the first game, the first ever loss to Connecticut College. With hopes of an undefeated season squashed, the team methodically took on foes one by one, building for the tournament. Gaining momentum, wins grew easier and more lopsided. A clue to the team's destiny was a soggy Saturday in South Hadley, Mass. In a drenching rain Trin found itself trailing 10-8 with less than two minutes to go. Bang, Bang, Bang! Before you could say "unbelievable" the Bants had sent the Mt. Holyoke bench into shock with three goals, the winner by Karen Rodgers, with 10 seconds to go.


WE ARE #1 At Conn. Coli. Tufts esleyan At Mt. Holyoke Army Williams Amherst At Smith UConn. NIAC TOURNY Tufts At Conn. Coli

-- _;.;:: 路路路路-J

(below) looks to pass.

8-10 11-9

1 9 11-10 20-5 12-9 15-7 17-10 13-2 15-1 12-9 10-1


In the Semi-Final, Tufts scored first before collapsing under a barrage of 15 unanswered scores, four each by Nina Porter and Tracy Swecker. In the Final Trin was behind 5-2 at halftime when Coach Robin Sheppard told the team, "If you'd all play like Priscilla Altmaier, we'll win." The squad followed the freshman's example and hustled for every ground ball and swept to the 12-9 win. MVP was Andrea Mooney while Most Improved was Annie Mathiasen. Nina Porter racked up an amazing 36 goals followed by Ginny Biggar's 18, 17 from Susie Schwartz, 16 by Rodgers and Susie Cutler's 14 and 12 assists.


Men's Crew Tradition Lives On - Another Outstanding A new era began at the Trinity Boat House in East Hartford as Burt Apfelbaum took over as Head Coach for the retired Legend, Norm Graf, in what was a successful building year. The Varsity Heavies consisted of 5 sophomores, 3 juniors and only 1 senior so it was determined early on that boat speed would not come from experience. Through the dedication that has characterized rowing at Trinity for many years, a winning year was produced. Dropping their first two races to more matured teams they rebounded to defeat their remaining regular season opponents. At the Dad Vail National Regatta they met some exceptionally fast competition and placed 5th in a field of 20, avenging their earlier loss to UMass and finishing just 2 seconds behind third place Coast Guard. Jeff Cooley's Varsity Lightweights were blessed with experience - 3 sophs, 3 juniors and 3 seniors. Their regular season record, marred only by a loss to a swift Dartmouth team, reflected this fact. Confident of their chances in Philadelphia, the Lights brought home a bit of rowing hardware from the Dad Vail, a bronze medal. The Frosh Lightweights were -equally impressive in copping a bronze on the Schuylkill. Their success is surely a signal of next year's strength.

JV Heavies fight off white caps.


Vanity Lightweights: Jon Main, Bob Reichart, Bob Rochelle, Dave Janney, Pat Sullivan, Andy Merrill, Dave May. Hunt Stookey. Coxswain: David Coles.

Freshmen lightweights prepare to take to the river.

Year, Two Medals at Dad Vail

Assured in their form and fashion , the Varsity Lightweights receive orders to take their shell out for another victory.

Var. Hvy. Wt. Coast Goard UMass. Georgetown Drexel Wesleyan Conn. Coli. Ithaca Williams


w w w w w w 6-2

Var. Lt. Wt. Coast Goard Dartmouth Georgetown Drexel Wesleyan Conn. CoU. Ithaca

w L

w w w w w

Varsity Heavyweights: Peter Marcello, Houston, Jamie Robinson, Andy Aiken, Tim Nash , Phil Carney, Bob Flanagan. Coxswain: Marc Pinto.

JV Hvy. Wt. Coast Guard UMass. Georgetown Williams Ithaca


w w w w 4-1

JV Lt. Wt. Coast Guard Dartmouth Yale Georgetown Ithaca

L L L L L 0-5



Women's Crew Varsity 7-2 Led by Head Coach Mary Steele Ferguson and Novice Coach Sarah Piermarini, the Women's Varsity Eight and Novice boats enjoyed winning records against strong competition. The varsity jumped to a 5-0 mark against Coast Guard, U Mass, Mt. Holyoke, Georgetown and Drexel before having their streak snapped by Connecticut College. A heartbreaking loss by a bow-ball to Williams marked the only other setback for the varsity boat, as the eight finished the regular season with an outstanding 7-2 mark. At the Dad Vail, the varsity was the only Trinity Women's boat to advance to the semifinals. Known for their sprinting prowess, the Eight won their preliminary heat, but unfortunately were placed into a highly competitive semi-final heat and had to settle for a 4th place medal. Individually, the Coaches Award went to Captain Sarah Heminway while frosh Libby May received the Hartford Barge A ward for the most improved female rower.

Women's Vanity, Standing: Sarah Heminway, Martha Bonneville, Alicia Perera, Linda Gillett, Libby Cornman, Melissa Jacobsen, Ann Proctor and Laura Darby. Coxswain: Martha Erskine.


VARSITY Coast Guard U Mass Mt. Holyoke Georgetown Drexel Conn College Wesleyan Williams Marist Dad Vail

w w w w w L

w L

w 4tb 7-2

NOVICE Coast Guard U Mass .Mt. Holyoke Georgetown Drexel Conn College Wesleyan Williams Ithaca

w w L

w w w w L" L



Men's Tennis Ranked 3rd in NESCAC; Loft Qualified



8-1 3-6

9-0 8-1 Wesleyan Williams Army At Sprinfield At Conn.Coll.

9-0 3-6 2-7

8-1 7-2



for Nationals.

It was an up and down year on the red clay of Trinity's Tennis Courts. Smashing victories and a strong showing in the NESCAC Tournament were balanced by disappointing losses, often involving three set losses. The 6-4 year was the best the team has enjoyed in many years. Our top man, Andrew Loft, finished 2nd in New England in the NESCAC and qualified for the National Division III Championships. Captain Steve Solik and Neil Schneider led the team with 8-2 records in singles play and teamed to form the S&S Combo at first doubles. Ranked #I 0 in the nation last year, the pair failed to qualify for the nationals in 1983. Freshman John Illig was a pleasant addition to the team and Art Strome continued his fine freshman form of a year ago. Reid Wagner received the Edgar Craig Award for being most improved.

Front Row: Reid Wagner, John Illig, Peter Appleton. Back Row: Art Strome, Neil Schneider, Andrew Loft, Steve Solik, Coach Dave Miller.


Rugby Tough Season for Ruggers After a season opening 9-0 victory over Vassar, the Trinity Rugby Club struggled for the remainder of its schedule. Heartbreaking losses to Coast Guard and Eastern Connecticut coupled with a depletion of the Bants ranks led to Trin's decline. There were, however, many bright spots for the Blue and Gold. Coach Neville Doherty was an inspirational mentor for the players, a squad which featured many novices in the sport. Experienced cocaptain Kevin Slattery, Trin's top rugger, was complemented by the play of fellow co-captain Kevin Higgins, Chris Oakley, Mike Collins, Mike Bronzino, Bob Lecours and John Reidy. Scores: Vassar 9-0; Springfield 4-4; Coast Guard 0-9; Central Conn 418; Williams 0-52; Eastern Conn 16-21.

Above: Slats about to lateral to Higgs. Right: Trin in the Serum.


Front: Lunghammer, Chris Oakley. Back: John Reidy, John Taylor, Dave Gryboski, Chris Pappas, Scott Keilty, Co-Captain Kevin Higgins, Bob Lecours, Mike Cooke, Ken Wyker, Mike Collins, Coach Neville Doherty, Steve Walsh.

Golf 9-4 Right: Tony Constanzo blasts out of a sand trap.

VARSITY GOLF At Springfield U Hartford At Tufts Colby Bates Coast Guard Wesleyan Quinnipiac At Mit Colby At Western CT. NESCACs Williams WPI

423-409 423-404 389-398 389-411 389-429 429-433 429-451 404-436 440-425 440-425 417-428 4th

404-418 412-422 9-4

The Trinity Varsity Golf team registered its best season in recent memory by finishing with a 9-4 mark. Coached by father-son duo George and John Dunham, the linksters season was highlighted by an upset victory over NESCAC champion Williams at Farmington Woods. The young Bantam squad was led by sophomore captain John Worthington. Frosh John Zweig, soph Tony Constanzo, frosh Paul Yablon and senior Sarah Koeppel teamed with Worthington as Trin's top five golfers. A combination of depth and strength was the key to the Bantams' success. In a match against Tufts, John W., John Z., Tony and Paul all shot under 80, an achievement that has not been accomplished in many years at Trinity. Individually, Sarah Koeppel finished second in the Women's New England Championships while Zweig and Worthington placed 7-9 respectively in the NESCAC championships.

Below: Captain John Worthington exhibits excellent form on his backswing.

Intramurals Participation up 25%

Participation in the intramural athletic program increased 25%, mainly due to the efforts of the new director, Burt Apfelbaum. Burt's enthusiasm and encouragement of participation gave the program its highest turnout ever. Basketball was the most successful sport as Apfelbaum, Athletic Director Rick Hazelton, and student Bruce Zawodniak instituted a student paid referee program. The quality of play was at a high level while enjoyment with the organization was reflected in the fact that only 4 forfeits occurred in over 80 games. 23 teams played in the softball league, establishing a new Trinity intramural record. The top four teams in each sport are as follows: Football, 1. Crow 2. Simons Systems 3. Psi U 4. RamitHomers. Soccer: I. AD 2. The Zogs 3. Intense Realization 4. Cheswicks. Volleyball: 1. Crow 2. Cheswicks 3. Crescent St. 4. Jones. Basketball: 1. Mace's Aces 2. Excess Recruits 3. (tie) Cheswicks and RamitHomers Softball: 1. RamitHomers 2. Cheswicks 3. (tie) Backdoors and Yamama. The participating teams included the following: AD, Crow, Psi U, PKA, St. A's, Backdoors, Cheswicks, Crescent St, Dead Babies, DeDebils, Dreadlocks, Elton, Excess Recruits, Intense Realization, Jones, Mace's Aces, North Campus, Off, RamitHomers, Simons Systems, Social Drinkers, Toxic Shocks, Yamama and the Zogs.


Homer's Curtis Walcott is surrounded by Excess Recruits during the Basketball semifinals.

..... i.-

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Wayne J. Asmus Director of Mather Campus Center


Ivan A. Backer Director of Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance

Alfred C. Burfeind Associate Director of Development

William L. Churchill Director of Public Relations

Paula Chu-Richardson Assistant Dean of Students

Margaret F. Collins Director of Personnel Services

Betty Anne Cox Internship Coordinator

Riel S. Crandall Director of Buildings and Grounds


Marilyn Denny Director of Institutional Affairs

Andrew J. DeRocco Dean of the Faculty

Lois P. DiCara Student Center Assistant

Donald N. Dietrich Director of Admissions

Allison Dillon-Kimmerle Director of Career Counseling

Kristina B. Dow Director of Residental Services

Larry R. Dow Associate Director of Admissions

Ralph S. Emerick Librarian



James F. English, Jr. President

Louise H. Fisher Director of IDP

Kathleen L. Frederick Associate Director of Public Relations

Elizabeth R. Goldman Executive Assistant to the President

Anne T. Gushee Director of Calendar and Special Events

William D. Guzman Director of Upward Bound

Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. Director of Alumni & College Relations


Jeffrey H. Kaimowitz Curator of Watkinson Library


Ernest R. LaRose Supervisor of Post Office

Robert A. Pedemonti Treasurer & Director of Finance

Michael J. Schweighoffer Director of Campus Security

Joanne M. Miller Registrar

Patricia Miller Coordinator of Women's Center

Alan R. Sauer Business Manager & Budget Director

Frank W. Sherman Director of Annual Giving, Development



Thomas A. Smith Vice President of the College


John S. Waggett Associate Administrative Dean

Constance E. Ware Director of Development

Adrienne White Intern Dean of Students

David Winer Dean of Students

Robbins Winslow Director of Data Systems & Foreign Study Advisor

Anne R. Zartarian Director of Financial Aid


Robert H. Brewer Professor of Biology

Frank M. Child III Professor of Biology

Richard B. Crawford Professor of Biology

Donald B. Galbraith Professor of Biology

Judith T. Parmelee Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology

Craig W. Schneider Associate Professor of Biology

James M. Van Stone Professor of Biology



Edward Bobko Professor of Chemistry


Henry A. DePhillips, Jr. Professor of Chemistry

David E. Henderson Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Ralph 0. Moyer, Jr. Associate Professor of Chemistry

James R. Bradley Associate Professor of Classics

Marianthe Colakis Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics

John C. Williams Professor of Classics


Robert A. Battis Professor of Economics

Amelia P. Burns Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics

hanK. Cohen Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics

LeRoy Dunn Professor of Economics

Andrew J. Gold Associate Professor of Economics

Gerald A. Gunderson Davis Professor of American Business & Economic. Enterprise

William N. Butos Assistant Professor of Economics



Charles W. Lindsey Assistant Professor of Economics

Richard Scheuch Professor of Economics



Ronald K. Goodenow Associate Professor of Educational Studies

Charles B. Schultz Director of Educational Studies



Vincent Smith Assistant Professor of Economics

Diane C. Zannoni Associate Professor of Economics


Theodore R. Blakeslee II Associate Professor of Engineering

Joseph D. Bronzino Professor of Engineering

Edwin P. Nye Professor of Engineering

August E. Sapega Professor of Engineering

David E. Woodard Architecture Lecturer



Richard P. Benton

Thalia Cheronis-Selz

Dirk A. Kuyk, Jr.

Associate Professor of English


Associate Professor of English

Peter A. Lyons

David J. Langston 路 Visiting Associate Professor of English

A. K. Smith Lecturer in Composition & Dir. of Writing Center



, ~

J. Bard McNulty

James A. Miller

Professor of English

Associate Professor of English


Thais Morgan

Hugh S. Ogden

James L. Potter

Visiting Assistant Professor of English

Associate Professor of English

Associate Professor of English

Richard Rand

Milia Riggio

Visiting Associate Professor of English

Associate Professor of English

Paul Smith

James H. Wheatley

Professor of English

Professor of English



Mardges Bacon Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

George E. Chaplin Professor of Fine Arts

Matthew P. Lalumia Visiting Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

Michael R. T. Mahoney Professor of Fine Arts

John Smith Visiting Artist-in-Residence

Elizabeth L. Tracy Artist-in-Residence



Philip C. F. Bankwitz

George B. Cooper

Eugene W. Davis

Norton Downs

Professor of History

Professor of History Secretary of the College

Professor of History

Professor of History

Joan D. Hedrick Visiting Associate Professor of History

Samuel D. Kassow Associate Professor of History

Eugene E. Leach

Michael E. Lestz

Associate Professor of History

Assistant Professor of History



Robert Palter Dana Professor of History of Science

Borden W. Painter, Jr. Professor of History

Johnetta G. Richards Assistant Professor of History & Intercultural Studies

J. Ronald Spencer Lecturer in History Associate Academic Dean

.... Glenn Weaver Professor of History

.. 150

Edward W. Sloan Professor of History

H. McKim Steele, Jr. Professor of History & Intercultural Studies

James L. West Associate Professor of History


Marjorie V. Butcher Professor of Mathematics

Lucy L. Deephouse Assistant in Mathematics

David Mauro Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Mario J. Poliferno Associate Professor of Mathematics

David A. Robbins Associate Professor of Mathematics

Robert C. Stewart路 Professor of Mathematics

Ralph E. Walde Associate Professor of Mathematics

E. Finlay Whittlesey Professor of Mathematics

Walter J. Klimczak Professor of Mathematics




Gustave W. Andrian

Justinia Besharov-Djaparidze

Michael R. Campo

Professor of Modern Languages

Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Professor of Modern Languages

Donald D. Hook

Leslie A. Johnson

Dori Katz

Sonia M. Lee

Professor of Modern Languages

Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern Languages

Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Kenneth Lloyd-Jones

Constance M. Montross

Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Visiting Associate Professor of Modern Languages


Gerald Moshell Assistant Professor of Music

John Rose College Organist

W. Miller Brown Associate Professor of Philosophy

Howard DeLong Professor of Philosophy

Drew A. Hyland 路 Dana Professor of Philosophy

Richard T. Lee Professor of Philosophy



Burton L. Apfelbaum Crew Coach; Director of In tram urals


Rebecca Chase Racquets Coach

James A. Foster Head Track Coach and Assistant Football Coach

Leo J. Hamel Trainer

Richard J. Hazelton Director of Athletics

Chester H. McPhee Professor of Physical Education

Donald G. Miller Professor of Physical Education

Stanley Ogrodnik Men's Basketball Coach

Robin L. Sheppard Assistant Professor of Physical Education

Robert Shults Associate Professor of Physical Education


Albert J. Howard, Jr.

Robert Lindsay

Charles Miller

Professor of Physics

Professor of Physics

Professor of Physics

Harvey S. Picker Associate Professor of Physics

Mark P. Silverman Associate Professor of Physics



Albert L. Gastmann

Clyde D. McKee, Jr.

Rex C. Neaverson

Thomas A. Reilly

Professor of Political Science

Associate Professor of Political Science

Professor of Political Science

Associate Professor of Political Science

Ranbir Vohra Dana Professor of Political Science

Diana E. Yiannakis Assistant Professor of Political Science



George W. Doten Professor of Psychology

Karl F. Haberlandt Professor of Psychology

Sharon D. Herzberger Assistant Professor of Psychology

Nancy Oley Kirkland Assistant Professor of Psychology

Randolph M. Lee Associate Professor of Psychology

William M. Mace Associate Professor of Psychology



Edmond Cherbonnier

Leslie G. Desmangles

Ellison B. Findly

John A. Gettier

Professor of Religion

Associate Professor of Religion, Dir. of Intercultural Studies

Assistant Professor of Religion & Intercultural Studies

Associate Professor of Religion

.Frank G. Kirkpatrick

Theodor M. Mauch

Associate Professor of Religion

Professor of Religion

Alan C. Toll Assistant Professor of Religion Chaplain


Seth Ward Visiting Lecturer in Religion




John D. Brewer Associate Professor of Sociology

Noreen L. Channels Associate Professor of Sociology

Norman Miller

Michael P. Sacks

Professor of Sociology

Associate Professor of Sociology

Judy Dworin

Nusha Martynuk

Carter McAdams

Katharine G. Power

Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance

Adjunct Artist-in-Residence

Artist-in- Residence

Visiting Instructor in Theatre and Dance

Roger D. Shoemaker Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance Dir. of Theater



Growth is the only evidence of life. John Henry, Cardinal Newman The quality of student life has concerned the Class of 1983 throughout its years at Trinity. Emerging from the fairly complacent '70's, the students of our generation began to question some of the assumptions and traditions which have been harbored at Trinity. While meeting these challenges, we grew as individuals. Everyone was involved in, or at least affected by, the transitions that occurred during our years at Trinity. Freshman year, many of us were guinea pigs for mixedclass housing. By the next year, the Greek system was under fire . However, as fraternities were subjected to scrutiny, two newly-formed sororities and yet another brotherhood proclaimed their presence. The call for a Student House lasted the span of our sophomore year and was indirectly answered by the renovation of Mather Campus Center. Though the Class of 1983 will miss the benefits of the additional facilities, we can appreciate the positive impact the expansion will have on campus life. On the broader scene, aware became a more frequently used word than awesome as anxious students, concerned about college apathy, pulled together to create annual Awareness Days, the Trinity Alcohol Awareness Program, and the Alternative Programming Organization. Consequently, alternative beverages and social activities became standard, providing a more diverse atmosphere and encouraging the development of additional attractive substitutes. Yet, soft drinks and unconventional musical performances could not provide the most essential form of diversity, that of the student body and faculty. Thus, the College has begun to increase its efforts to attract and retain a significant minority population. We must remember that as individual Trinity students, we were the forces behind these broader trends. Whether active participants or distant observers, we were the focus and beneficiaries of the changes. Moreover, the transitions did not occur in a vacuum; much of the change could be traced to insights gained outside our academic walls. Whether on a half-credit internship, a jog half-way around the campus, or a semester studying half-way around the world, our Trinity experience transcended the bounds of the campus. From such outside activities, new perspectives were brought back to the College. As individuals and as a class, it is easy to sense how we have grown in the past four years. From the banality of the ever-popular questions of Freshman year- "Where are you from? What dorm do you live in? What's your seminar?" - have developed the more serious implications of this year's inevitable query: "What are you going to do with your life?" From the tentative meetings at the first classes and parties have come the comfort and security of intimate moments with roommates and friends. From an undifferentiated mass of Freshmen, we have evolved into a strong group of graduates, departing for our futures. Trinity will always be a part of us, and we will continue to be aware of its effect on our lives. It will came back at the glimpse of a picture or a letter from a friend. We have spent four very long/short, happy /sad, hectic/relaxing years here, during which we have grown in our understanding of particular academic disciplines, and, perhaps more importantly, of ourselves.

" ... our loves and comforts should increase Even as our days do grow." William Shakespeare

George Alan Abe Engineering

Andrew Mitchell Aiken American Studies

Lisa Jean Anastasi Economics

Dana Alice Anderson Psychology

Marlene Diane Arling English & Psychology

Elizabeth Axelrod Political Science

Carol Elizabeth Berestecki Baatz Economics

Cara Conway Bachenheimer History

Nancy Ellen Bachman English

Jeffrey Carl Bamonte Biology & Psychology

Alexander Campbell Banker American Studies

Tammy Joy Banks English

Michael Wells Bannett Economics

Berton Merle Banta Political Science

Richard John Barone, Jr. Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Peter I. Barzach Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Gianfranco Battista Biology

Todd Christopher Beati Biology

Amy J o Bennett Economics

Claire E. Bigelow English & Spanish

James Stanley Birch Political Science

Alison Ann Benz Economics

David Paul Berey Economics

Janet Lynn Bergstrom Intercultural Studies

Saeeda Bhura-Shekh Computer Coordinated with Economics

Margot Conrad Blattmann History

Cornelis Mark Boelhouwer Economics & History

Nancy Moore Bogle Art History

Janet Bollinger Studio Arts

James Walter Bolton Religion

Louise Cover Bond Psychology & Theatre Arts

Frederick Prescott Bowden IV History

John Thomas Brady History

Mary Patricia Braman Economics with Computer Coordinate

Kenneth Spencer Breslin Biology

Cindy Ann Brierley Economics


Frank Brigham Economics & Spanish


Jay Bronsky Biology

William Campbell Brown IV Economics

Ann Elizabeth Brown English

Elizabeth Otis Brown Philosophy

Rosemary Brown Economics

William Christopher Robinson Browne English

Erik Andre Bruun History

Hans Paal Bunaes Computer Coordinated with Engineering

Christopher Drew Burke French

Lindsay Thorndike Burke History

Robert Edward Cadogan, Jr. Economics

Edan Foster Calabrese History

Mary Elizabeth Callan Urban Studies

Robert Francis Carbone, Jr. History

Matthew Emmons Carey English & History

Lisa Geralyn Carroll Chemistry

Bruce Steven Chozick Biology

Sarah Houston Clark History

Ronald Joseph Carroll Economics

Cecelia Mou Charles Urban Studies

Nancy Beth Chira History & Psychology

Lance Dai Keong Choy Mathematics with Computer Coordinate

Todd Rhoads Clark Economics

Timothy D. Clarke English

Ami Sue Clymer English

William Francis Colby, Jr. Classics

Susan Mary Coleman Economics

Anne Louise Collins American Studies

Michael Christopher Collins History

Kelvin Jerome Cooks Psychology

Douglas Thomas Corwin, Jr. Chemistry

Catherine Anne Cosgrove Psychology

Edward Eve Crawford, Jr. Intercultural Studies

David Michael Curtis Economics

Glen Robert D' Abate

Bettina Bigelow Dabney

Engineering with Computer Coordinate


Phoebe Ann Dahlquist

Jyoti Michele Daniere

Mary Cecilia Darby

Henry S. D' Auria

Mathemat ics

America n Studies

Intercultural Studies


Christopher Raymond Delaney

John Joseph D'Elia

Ruth Catherine DePhillips

Joseph Lovat DeRocco






Rashne Adi Desai

Thomas David Diamond

Raymond Aaron Diana

Mark Pendleton Dibble



Political Science


Carol Lee Dobak

Karen Ann Dobak

Political Science


Diane Virginia Dodson

James Lanford Dooley, Jr.

Environmental Studies



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Brian Douglas Dorman Economics

Stephen Gerard Dynan History

Elizabeth West Eagleson Economics

Jacob Stanley Edwards Sociology

Thomas Gregory Eid Psychology

Michael Anthony Elia History

Sally Anne Erickson Philosophy & Spanish

Caroline Ann Evans Sociology

Jane Romer Evans Theatre Arts

Mohamud Haji Farah Intercultural Studies & Political Science

Wendy Doreen Farnham History

David Van Dyke Felber Engli sh

Robin Lori Fins Economics

Eric David Fisher Economics

Susan Seymour Fiske English

Ruth Ann Flaherty Psychology

Leif Eric Fellinger Economics

Timothy Caulkins Finkenstaedt Economics


Hyla Flaks

James Bradley Frederick



Lauralyn Gates Fredrickson

Amy Stetson Fulton

Lynda Ann Gaines

Keith Ian Gallagher

Biology & Religion


Sociology with Computer Coordinate


Elaine Anne Gamba

Beverley Katharine Gebelein

Linda Anne Gillett

Anne Neville Ginsburgh


Psychology with Computer Coordinate

Political Science



Joseph Anthony Gizzi Economics

Steven Michael Gomes Economics with Computer Coordinate

Theodore Roger Goodman, Jr. Economics

Margaret Elizabeth Goodwin Environmental Studies

Wendy Elizabeth Gorlin Psychology

Anthony Granitto Economics

Douglas Arthur Gray Studio Arts

Lawrence David Greenberg Economics


James Frederic Grenen Economics

Lauren Janet Griffen Psychology & Sociology

Keryn Ann Grohs English

Steven Charles Gross Economics

Charles Christopher Guck Biology

David Dunlap Guild History

Matthew Thomas Gworek Economics

James Marshall Hagar English

Russell Michael Hall English

John Edward Hardy Political Science


Jeanne Louise Harrison Philosophy

Glenn Edward Hartsoe, Jr. Economics

Virginia Saunders Haugen French

Sarah Warner Heminway Environmental Studies

Que Dieu Thi Ho Mathematics

Natalie Ann Hogg Environmental Studies

John Pharr Holmes Ill Political Science

Christopher Carter Holmgren Economics

Elspeth Goodwin Hotchkiss Political Science

Matthew Ben Howe Economics


Donna Jean Hunnicutt Political Science

Michael Edward Hurwitz Political Science

Charles Stuart Ingersoll, Jr. Political Science

Michael Jonathan Isko American Studies

Donald Keith Jackson Political Science

Cynthia Dale Jason Economics


David Bruce Iannarone Political Science

Susana Lopez lbarguen Economics

Amy Katharine Johnson

Melinda Dorothy Johnson

Teresa Ann Johnson

Laura Karen Johnston




Economics & Psychology

Maureen Ann Joyce

Brune Paul Jugovic

Amy E. Kant

Edward Brian Kaplan


Physics with Computer Coordinate

Studio Arts

History with Computer Coordinate

James Cornelius Kapteyn

Scott Michael Keilty




Scott Paul Kennedy Biochemistry

Michael Joseph Kenney III Political Science

Allison Sarah Kennedy History

Paul Kittle Kenneth Psychology

John Montgomery Kerr English

Wendy Williams Kershner Studio Arts


Tracy Allyson Kimber Psychology


Jane Beth Klapper American Studies

Sarah Rachel Koeppel American Studies

Victoria Mary Kraushaar Educational Studies

Walter Douglas Kuzmicki Art History

Mark Ronald LaMagdelaine Psychology

Leslie Ann Laub Economics

Todd Daniel Lavieri History

Daniel Harris Leavy History

David Thayne Leibell History

Carol Ann Landzberg History

Sarah Meigs Larkin English



Judith Ellen Leibholz

John David Lemonick

Allen Nicholas Lepore

Elliot Robert Levine


American Studies

Engineering & Physics


Robin P. Levine

Burton Oliver Lewis III



Teresa Ann Lignelli

Lesley Ann Lim

Art History


Lizabeth Deborah London

Edwin Beman Lord

Political Science


Philip Whitcomb Lovejoy

Patrick George Lyle

Art History

English & Intercultural Studies

Karen Ruth MacDonald

Stephen Patrick MacDonald



Susan Christine Madden

James Paul Maffiolini

Mathematics with Computer Coordinate

Sociology with Computer Coordinate



John Rady Magauran Mathematics with Computer Coordinate

Jonathan Daniel Main Biology

Carie Lyn Manke Economics

Rachel Eliza Mann Russian Studies

Robert Loth Markstein Economics

Timothy A. Martin Theatre and Dance

Suzanne Martini Economics

David Buchanan May Economics

Joseph John McAleer, Jr. History

William Moore McAvoy Economics

Michael Perry McCarthy

Marcus David McDonald


Englis h

Maura Irene Mcinerney

Mason McKean


Art History

Thomas Michael McKeown Mat hematics with Computer Coordinate

Steven Paul McManus

Lauren Mary McNabb


Spani sh

William Patrick Meaney Economics with Computer Coordinate



David Allan Mech Political Science

Laura Kenly Mecke Economics

John Richard Melanson Biology

Paul Joseph Merrigan Chemistry

Thomas George Merrill Political Science

Ana Maria Meyer History

Daniel Crowe Mikesell American Studies

Jeffrey Neil Miller Biochemistry

Oren Francis Miller III Biochemistry & Biology

Peter Kaighn Miller Economics

Susan Marie Miller Mathematics & Computer Coordinate with Engineering

Daniel Edward Moalli, Jr. English

Andrea Park Mooney Political Science

Holly Ellen Mooney Mathematics

James Brian Moore History

Margaret Carr Morris Psychology

Stephen Arthur Mongillo III Economics

Jane Armfield Moody French & Political Science


James Joseph Murren Art History & Urban Studies


Heather Joan Musante Economics & English

Stephen Anthony Morris Mathematics

Douglas Alan Morse Economics

Michael Wayne Muchmore Classics & Music

Janet Marie Murphy Economics

John Matthew Muserlian Economics

James Edward Myers History

David George Nagle History

Stephen Jack Najarian Economics & Environmental Studies

Lisa Anne Nebbia Psychology & Italian

Jacqueline Anne Nenner English

Howard Scott Nesbitt Computer Coordinated with History

Constance Nora Newton Art History

Lisa Birge Nolen American Studies & Educational Studies

Christopher John Oakley Urban Studies

Ann Huff Oberhaus French & Intercultural Studies

Jennifer Carol O'Brien Intercultural Studies & Philosophy

Marissa Ocasio English

Brian Michael O'Connell Philosophy & Psychology

Roger William O'Connell Economics

Daniel Johnston O'Connor Chemistry


Peter Joseph O'Brien History

Kevin Michael O'Callaghan History

Cynthia Louise Ogden Intercultural Studies

Rebecca Alexandra Opel English & Psychology

Angelos Peter Orfanos Psychology

Patricia Jean Paddock Theatre Arts

HelenAnne Page Political Science

David Donder Pavek Philosophy

John Damon Peabody III Biochemistry

Christine Birmingham Peck History

Carole Joan Pelletier Economics

Louise Grant Penfield Psychology


Harry Charles Petridis History

Argyrios Gary Petropoulos History

Paniporn Phiansunthon Psychology with Computer Coordinate

Robert Felician Pigue Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Lorenzo Pinto Engineering & Mathematics & Physics

Julia Pollard Pistor English

Mary Elizabeth Pruett Studio Arts

Martha Manson Pyle American Studies

Margaret Susan Randall American Studies

Hilary Anne Rao American Studies


Diane Elizabeth Rapalus


Dominic Anthony Rapini Biology & Psychology

Glenn Hall Ratcliffe

Joseph Ravalese III

James Ransom Reed, Jr.

Thompson Mitchell Reynolds





Warren Kirk Reynolds

Loriann Richardson

Bernice Jude Rizk

Laurel Ruth Robertson


English & Intercultural Studies




Mark Christopher Rourke Economics

Lois Nan Ruderman Economics

Paula Aileen Ryan History

Helen Salzman Psychology

Schuyler Drew Samperton Art History

John Jacob Sapiro History

Agnes Mutzilius Sardi Computer Coordinated with Biochemistry

Charles Scott Sauter Art History

Carolyn Marie Savarese History

Glenn Carl Scanlan History

Anthony Matthew Scavongelli Philosophy

Steven Joel Schefkind Economics

Roberta Louise Scherr Biology with Computer Coordinate

Daniel Chapman Schlenoff History

Patrick Michael Sclafani Computer Coordinated with Engineering

David Alexander Sebring English

Linda Lee Seufert Psychology

Edward Robert Sharp History


Deborah Jane Shelling Psychology

Michael Francis Shimeld Computer Coordinated with Chemistry

Steven John Shugrue Economics

Bruce Cory Silvers Political Science

Alice Melinda Simon History

Andrew David Simons History

David Frank Simons History & Political Science

John Caldwell Simons Philosophy

Kevin Charles Slattery History

Carmealette Fulton-Joy Smith Political Science


Kathleen Maura Smith Psychology

Robert Melvin Smith Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Tony Osbourne Smith Studio Arts

Donna Smulker Political Science

Ina Jean Soares Economics & Studio Arts

Ellen Sue Soffin Political Science

Steven Solik Biology

Steven Christopher Soper History

Dean Ford Sophocles Biochemistry

Tracy Kent Sparmer Political Science & Urban Studies



Douglas Eric Sparr Economics

Hillary Hale Spizzirri Psychology

Susan Mary Stanczyk Chemistry

Teryl Jean Stapleton Religion

Jill Alison Steidl English

Richard Harlan Steinberg Economics

Karen Dawn Sprinthall Psychology

Jonathan Charles Sproul Mathematics & Physics

Susan Hanley Strano History

Alfred Bursk Strickler III Economics

Peter Conrad Suchecki History

Mary Wendell Strawbridge English

Ruth Drayton Strong History

Christopher John Sullivan History & Political Science

Kevin John Sullivan Economics

John Holmgren Swain History


Tracy Swecker Psychology & Spanish

Daniel Moshe Taitz History

George Tamakloe Economics & Intercultural Studies & Political Science


Ellen Faye Tattenbaum Mathematics

Denise Ann Temperilli Biology

Karen Ilene Tenenbaum Classics

Kimberley Marie Thacker Biology

Diana Marie Tighe American Studies

Michael Arthur Topp American Studies

Robert Lawrence Tramonte, Jr. Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Tina Louise Tricarichi American Studies

Eric John Truran English

Joseph Patrick Tucker Classics & Music

Francis Joseph Valdinoto Psychology


Julia Kirstin Veale Economics & Political Science

Scott Lee Vernick Religion

Fernando Vidal Mathematics

John Anthony Vissicchio Economics

Richard William Wagner Biochemistry

Curtis Carlisle Walcott History

David Elisha Walker History

Daniel Patrick Walsh Chemistry

Jean Marie Walshe Economics & French

Anne Cecelia Ward American St~dies


Ander Courtright Wens berg Economics

Lynne Allison Whaley Intercultural Studies

David Dickson Warren Political Science

Arthur Edward Warrington, Jr. Biology

Margaret Collins Wehrly English

Meredith Ann Weir History

Katharine Hope Whittemore History & Religion

Laura Anne Wilcox English


Carolie Adele Wildrick English

Peter Russell Williams, Jr. Economics

Austin Wilmerding Computer Coordinated with Engineering


Nancy Lindeman Wilson English

Judith Carol Wolff English & Psychology

Whitaker Wilson Wright History

Eloise Brinson Woods Psychology

William Henry Wubbenhorst Intercultural Studies

Kenneth Eisner Wyker Political Science

Dave Anthony Wynter Computer Coordinated with Economics

Timothy Jay Yasui Sociology

Soraya Zarghami Art History

Bruce Allen Zawodniak Economics

Raymond John Zegger Economics


Patricia Aline Zengerle History


Stanley William Zidelis Economics

John Paul Ziedonis Art History

Anne Frances Zinkin Sociology

Kevin Michael Zitnay Biology

Alexandra Jobette Zolan Intercultural Studies


Honors Day James Goodwin Greek Prizes 1st prize- Michael W. Muchmore '83 2nd prize - Nancy B. Meade '84 Frank Urban Memorial Prize for Excellence in Beginning Greek Peter C . Ammirati '86

S & SAward Lynda A. Gaines '83 Book Prizes for Excellence in Modern Languages Spanish: Sally E. Schwager '83 Sally A. Erickson '83 German : Mark J. Henderson '8 4 Russian: Rac hel E. Mann '83 Ami S. Clymer '83

Esther and Lloyd Cooper Prize in Fine Arts John P. Ziedonis '83

James A. Notopoulos Latin Prizes 1st prize- James P. Sickinger '86 2nd prize - Peter C. Ammirati '86

The Samuel and Clara Hendel Book Prize Martha M. Pyle ' 83

The Reverend Paul H. Barbour Prize in Greek Grace E. De Majewski '85 Juniors)

John Curtis Underwood Memorial Prizes in Poetry 1st prize- Edwin B. Lord '83 2nd prize - Idalia Mantautas '83 3rd prize Warren K. Reynolds '83 Mara E. Eilenberg '85 Trinity Alumn us Prizes in Prose Fiction I st prize - Martin B. Bihl '85 Daniel E. Moalli, Jr . '83 2nd prize - Idalia Mantautas '83 Maura I. Mcinerney '83 3rd prize - Sheila M. Gillooly '84 Gretchen A. Rorick '86 Alumni Prizes in English Composition 1st prize- Tammy J . Banks '83 2nd prize - Dale A. Rya n '83 F .A. Brown 1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize -

Tbe Fern D. Nye Award for Graphics Arts Stephen R. Drew '85 Tbe Mitchel N. Pappas Memorial Prize Ina J . Soares '8 3

Melvin W. Title Latin Prizes 1st prize- Ian A. McFarland '84

Ruel Crompton Tuttle Prizes (English 1st prize - A. Jane Dorfman '84 2nd prize - Cynthia Lynn Bryan t '8 4

The Connecticut Commandery, Military Order of Foreign Wars Book Award Donald K. J ackson '8 3

Anna C. Helman Prize for Painting Amy Ellen Kant '83

Prizes for Public Speaking Karen L. Webber '84 Jane R. Evans '83 Sally E. Schwager '83

George E. Nichols III Award in Theatre Arts I st prize - Jane R. Evans '83 The Frank W. Whitlock Prizes in Drama I st prize - Edwin B. Lord '83 2nd prize - Adam Marc Ackerman '84 3rd prize - Kenneth J . Festa '85 The J. Wendell Burger Prize in Biology Mark J. Bronsky '83 Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society Award Daniel P. Walsh '83

The Samuel S. Fishzohn Awards Civil rights & Civil Liberties: Russell M. Hall '83 Community Services: John G. Bonelli '8 5 Rita M. Cordova '84 The Ronald H. Ferguuon Prizes in French I st prize - Virginia S. Haugen '83 Jane A. Moody '83 2nd prize - John P. Atwood '84

The Ferguson Prizes in Economic Essays 1st prize - Lawrence D. Greenberg '83 The Faculty of Economics Award Carol E. 路Baatz '83 The Peter J. Schaefer Memorial Prize Award Cynthia D. Moyie '85 The G. Keith Funston Prize in Economics Glenn E. Hartsoe, Jr. '83 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Prize Burton 0 . Lewis III '83 Pi Gamma Mu Scholarship Award Scott L. Vernick '83

Helen Loveland Morris Prize for Excellence in Music Marcus D. McDonald '83 Hilary A. Rao '83 1

Phi Gamma Delta Prizes in Mathematics First Year Mathematics: I st prize - Robert A. Moran '85 2nd prize - Michael J. Zikovich ' 85 3rd prize - Craig C. Curry '85 Second Year Mathematics: I st prize - Gwen A. Osterhout '84 2nd prize - Javid Nassiri ' 85 3rd prize- Bruce W. Alphenaar '84 Stephen A. Miller ' 83 Pbi Gamma Delta Senior Prize Lorenzo Pinto '83 Andre Robatino '8 3 Phi Gamma Delta Teaching Fellowship Ja n K. Wheeler '84

The Ferguson Prizes in Government 1st prize- Suzzane E. Chalpin '84 2nd prize - Lisa A. Nebbia '83

Irving K. Butler Prize in Mathematics Gwen A. Osterhout '84

George J. Mead Prize in Government Brian K. Wanerman '85

The Abraham Joshua Hesche! Prize Scott L.. Vernick '83

George J. Mead Prize in History Henry C. Woodward '86

The Cesare Barbieri Prize for Excellence in Beginning Italian 1st prize- Kathleen S. Groff - IDP 2nd prize - Martha J . Erskine '85 Patricia L. Sinicropi '86

Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society Award in Analytical Chemistry Scott P. Kennedy '83

The Ferguson Prizes in History 1st prize - Joseph J . McAleer, Jr. '83 2nd prize - Edward R. Sharp '83

The Chemical Rubber Company Awards GreggS. Avitabile '86 Christopher J . Scola '86

Miles A. Tuttle Prize John J. D'Eiia '83

Tbe Friends of Art Award for Studio Arts Curt John Roessler '84 Terry A. Lignelli '83 Wendy Perkins '84 Janet Bollinger '83

The Physics Prize James S. Butler, Jr. '85 The Physics Senior Prize Andre E. Robatino '83 Jonathan C. Sproul '83

The John C. Alexander Memorial Award Steven P. McManus '83

Tbe D.G. Brinton Thompson Prize in United States History Patricia A. Zengerle '8 3

Tbe Jerome P . Webster, Class of 1910, Student Book Collector Prizes C. Mark Boelhouwer '83



The Richard K. Morris Book Award for Excellence in Education Lisa B. Nolen '83

The American Institute of Chemists Award Susan M. Stanczyk '83

Tbe Louis Aronne, Class of 1977, Prize in Biochemistry Scott P. Kenned y '83

The Mears Prize Bruce A. Zawodniak '83

The George B. Cooper Prize in British History David T . Leibell '8 3 The Human Relations Award John G. Bonelli '85 Rita M. Cordova '83 Russell M. Hall '83 Maura I. Mcinerney '83 James R. Reed - IDP The Class of 1911 Award Amy Kuntz '8 3

The Women's Club of Trinity College Awa rd Susan H. Strano - IDP The Student Government Association Award Community Outreach Group " Trinity Papers" Certificates of Recognition Carol E. Baatz '83 Thomas Gregory Eid '83 Eric D. Fisher '83 Ma rk Jay Bronsky '83 Edward R. Sharp '83 Lisa A. Nebbia '83 Stephen Lloyd Cook '84 John F. Boyer Award Keryn A. Grohs '83 John E. Ha rd y '8 3


Faces 226

Faces 227

Faces 228

Faces 229

Faces 230

Faces 231

PATRONS To Bernice Jude Rizk With memories of all you've been. With pride for all you are. With hope for all you'll be. And with love, Mom and Dad

CARRINGTON'S PHARMACY, INC. 10 South Main Street Cheshire, Ct. 06410 203-272-3569


PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Abrams

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Gillet, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. O'Connell

Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. Axelrod

Major General & Mrs. Robert Ginsburgh

Mrs. Elsie H. Page

Jane and James Baatz

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gizzi

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pigue

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Bachenheimer

Mrs. Richard F. Graber


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barone

Judie & Carl Grenen

Mr. John Rao, Jr.

Capt. & Mrs. Walter C. Blattmann

Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Jerrold Gross

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Renzulli

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bogle

Dr. & Mrs. Thoman J. Gworek

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Samperton

Mr. & Mrs. Calhoun Bond

Glenn & Lois Hartsoe

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sardi

Mr. & Mrs. D. P. Brierley

John P. Holmes

Louis A. Savarese

Mr. & Mrs. F. Donald Brigham

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Hurwitz

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Simon

Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Bronsky

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Jackson, Sr.

Dr. & Mrs. Alex Solik

John W. and Betty B. Brown

Mrs. Wentworth P. Johnson

Dr. & Mrs. L. Edwin Sproul

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cadogan, Sr.

Dr. Ruth R. Kaplan

Hon. & Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton

Raymond Carroll, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. John H. Kerr

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred B. Strickler, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Kershner

Mr. & Mrs. 0. Palmer Swecker

Mr. & Mrs. Eudien Clymer

Mr. & Mrs. George Kiefer

Mrs. Dorothy Tattenbaum

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Collins

Dr. & Mrs. John W. Lee

Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Tenenbaum

Mrs. lnell Cooks

Jerry Levine

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Tramonte, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Crawford

Lizabeth D. London

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tricarichi

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Curtis

The Marksteins

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Tucker

Mr. Lewis S. Dabney

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy

Mr. & Mrs. Harry K. Warren

Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. D'Auria

Mr. & Mrs. Denis Mcinerney

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Warrington

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Eagleson, Jr.

The McNabb Family

Norah & Allen Weir

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Eid

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Melanson

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm D. Wilcox

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Erickson

Mr. & Mrs. Oren F. Miller, Jr.

Peter R. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Hank Fins

Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Miller

Mr. Robert Wyker

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fiske, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Muchmore

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Zegger

Tom & Fran Flaherty

Raphael P. Nenner, M.D.

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Zidelis, Sr.

Sylvia A. Fulton

Dr. & Mrs. James Newton

Dr. & Mrs. Zan A. Zolan


FOLLETT'S Trinity Bookstore . Good Luck Class of 1983



•••• •••. ' ...




~ lfl

t , •.

. Health and Happiness to the Class of 1983



Endpiece The Ivy results from the efforts of many people, and the Editor's endpiece is the traditional place in which they are commended. This year I was fortunate to have a large and enthusiastic staff, some of whom deserve special mention. In addition, I had much outside help, without which this volume could not have been created. Working on her own, Andrea Mooney edited the Events section. It was quite a job trying to catch and record all that went on throughout the year. However, despite the volume of the topic, her section is admirably thorough. Surprisingly, several underclassmen took leading roles in the production of this book. Freshmen Terry Dougal and Jennifer Zydney edited probably the most complete faculty section in years. Sophomore Linda Barrabee and freshman Kathy George worked on Organizations, aurguably the most difficult section to compile. My Sports section operated almost autonomously thanks to the capability and commitment of its editors, Dave Nagle and Bruce Zawodniak. Ready for shipping months before the printer's deadlines, their pages were composed accurately and skillfully, with minimal guidance needed from me. Lisa Nebbia carried much of the burden of the Senior section. Meticulously, she laid out the formal portraits and helped proofread the Directory. Ami Clymer joined the endeavor second semester, quickening the pace at which the task was completed. With their seemingly ever-present, ever-ready cameras, Photography Editors Keryn Grohs and John Hardy spread themselves far and wide. Every section of this book boasts their photos. Laura Wilcox and Wendy Kershner both contributed their creative talents, Laura's in the form of writing and Wendy's in the form of structural ideas and artistic concepts. On several occasions, Wendy solved my design dilemnas with a few words and suggestions that miraculously snapped everything into place. Matt Moore came back for his second year as Business Manager and oversaw an extremely successful patrons drive.

I also owe much gratitude to several non-staff members who played essential roles in this Ivy's production. Both Robbins Winslow and the Registrar's office provided lists that gave us our organizational base. Public Relations contributed the beautiful aerial photographs found in the opening section. Peter Knapp was especially accomodating in digging up the archive photos which give this issue its special character. Lois DiCara took on the role of our administrative link, keeping close contact and assisting me with mail-: ing, sales, senior photos, and the assorted minor crises that occasionally plagued us. Ernie LaRose and Mary Vaughan admirably put up with my daily multiple visits to the post office and were particularly helpful with distributing hundreds of back-issue Ivy's to the faculty. Professor Peter Lyons and Writing Center tutor Michele Sensale '85 spent many hours proofreading and editing some of the writing in this book. Whenever frustration completely overcame me, Dr. Lyons and Michele were there to patiently mend the situation. I must extend my sincere appreciation for the support and guidance of our publishing representative, Marge Scheid!. Knowing very little about yearbook editing when I took on the task, I simply could not have composed the book without her help. Always willing to make the trip to Hartford when I needed her, Marge completely oversaw this Ivy's production, from start to finish. Her practical suggestions, keen eye for detail, and constant encouragement made my job not merely easier, but actually possible to accomplish. Lastly, I would like to wish Mary Ann Corderman the best of success with next year's Ivy. Joining the staff after serving as the Tripod's Editor, she stood out as my obvious successor. As I did, she'll probably wonder at times how and why she ever took on such a massive project. However, I am confident that she'll also discover the rewards and pleasure of accomplishment which I honestly have enjoyed. Alice Simon Editor



Abe, George Alan (Doctor) 35 Pumpkinhill Rd. Westport, CT 06880 Engineering; SGPB, ADP (Corresponding Secretary) SOAR, Soccer, ASIA (Chairperson), Swashbuckling, Trinity Spores Aiken, Andrew Mitchell Box 130 Truro, MA 02666 American Studies; Psi U, Crew Anastasi, Lisa Jean 130 Rutgers Ave. Swarthmore, PA 19081 Economics; Crew, KKG Anderson, Dana Alice 4 Arcadia Dr. New City, NY 10956 Psychology Arling, Marlene Diane 24 Maxine Rd . Plainville, CT 06062 English and Psychology; English Club Austin-LaFrance, Robert Joseph 1 Spring St. Noank, CT 06340 Biology Axelrod, Elizabeth 370 W. 245 St. Bronx, NY 10471 Political Science; Lacrosse, Tri-Delta (Scholarship Chairman)


Baatz, Carol Elizabeth Berestecki 22 Havenhurst Rd. West Springfield, MA 01089 Economics; AIESEC, Women's Center Coordinating Committee (Secretary), TWO (Coordinator), Amnesty International Bachenheimer, Cara Conway 5 Hill Rd. Greenwich, CT 06830 History; Soccer, SGPB, (President), TWO, SGA, Women's Squash Manager Bachman, Nancy Ellen 5 Branch St. Mansfield, MA 02048 English Bamonte, Jeffrey Carl 135-83 St. Brooklyn, NY 11209 Biology & Psychology Banker, Alexander Campbell171 E. 80 St. New York, NY 10021 American Studies; St. A's, Photography Club (President), Ultimate Frisbee, IFC Banks, Tammy Joy 149 Bushy Hill Rd. Simsbury, CT 06070 English Bannett, Michael Wells 304 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA 19106 Economics; SGPB (Treasurer), World Affairs Assoc. (President) , Tennis, Squash Banta, Berton Merle 980 O xford Rd. San Marino, CA 91108 Political Science; ADP, Rugby Club Barone, Richard John, Jr. 32 Russo Dr. Hamden, CT 06518 Engineering, with Computer Coordinate; Football, PKA (Social Chairman), Intramural Softball, Football and Volleyball Barzach, Peter I. 416 Bloomfield Ave. W. Hartford, CT 06117 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Trinity Engineering and Computing Society Battista, Gianfranco (John) 172 Smith St. Derby, CT 06418 Biology; RA, RC Beati, Todd Christopher 140 Fremont St. Lowell, MA 01850 Biology; Football, SGA (President) Behrens, Julie Ellen 1070 Cabin Club Dr. St. Louis, MO 63124 Political Science Bennett, Amy Jo (Amy) 1893 Fox Hill La. Paoli, PA 19301 Economics; Tri-Delta, NPC (President), IFC, IVY, Men's Squash Manager 238

Benz, Alison Ann Box 1704 Keziah's La . Orleans, MA 02653 Economics; DKE (Secretary, Steward) Berey, David Paul 135 Harold Ave. Derby, CT 06418 Economics; Football, AXP Bergstrom, Janet Lynn 142 Jonathan Rd. New Canaan, CT 06840 Intercultural Studies Bhura-Shekh, Saeeda M. 25 Partridge Dr. Rocky Hill, CT 06067 Computer Coordinated with Economics; ASIA Bigelow, Claire E. 447 E. 84 St. New York, NY English & Spanish Birch, James Stanley 7 Loomis Rd . Greenfield, MA 0130 I Political Science Blattmann, Margot Conrad I 0 I Kerry Lane Charlottesville, VA 22901 History; Crew, Tri-Delta, IFC, SGA, Swim Team Boelhouwer, Cornelis Mark 359 Pine Lane Wethersfield, CT 06109 History & Economics Bogle, Nancy Moore 418 N. Rose La. Haverford, PA 19041 Art History; Squash Bollinger, Janet I Shady Brook Lane Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Studio Arts; Crew, Intramural Volleyball Bolton, James Walter (Jimbo) 5 Ledyard Ave. Cazenovia, NY 13035 Religion; DKE, Jesters, THO, SGA , Tripod Bond, Louise Cover I 03 Castlewood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21210 Psychology & Theatre Arts; Jesters (VP), Choir Booz, Katherine Maya 225 Bishop St. New Haven, CT 06511 History Bowden, Frederick Prescott IV (Scott) 6 Owings Stone Rd. Barrington, RI 02806 History; Crew, Swimming, Water Polo, DKE, Ultimate Frisbee Bracken, Steven Gray 5 Magnolia Pkwy Chevy Chase, MD 20015 Economics Brady, John Thomas 8 Cedric Rd . Summit, NJ 07901 History; Lacrosse, ADP (Recording Sect'y), Intramurals, Students for Anderson Braman, Mary Patricia 30 Virginia Rd . Quincy, MA 02169 Economics with Computer Coordinate; Field Hockey, Newman Club, AIESEC, SGPH Breslin, Kenneth Spencer 19 Rogers Rd. Great Neck, NY 11024 Biology; Ski Team Brierley, Cindy Ann 12 Hollywood Ave. Warwick, RI 02888 Economics; Basketball, Swim Team Brigham, Michael Frank I 0 Gerrish Lane New Canaan, CT 06840 Economics & Spanish; Lacrosse, PSIU Bronsky, Mark Jay 28 Kenilworth Rd . Binghamton, NY 13903 Biology; SGPB, JV Lacrosse, Hillel, IVY, Trinity Papers (editor) Brown, Ann Elizabeth 184 Christie St. Leonia, NJ 07605 English; Trinity Pipes, Theatre Brown, Elizabeth Otis (Otie) 17 Downing Rd. Hanover, NH 03755 Philosophy; WRTC, Theatre, Silences, Campus Tour Guide, Awareness Day, CCAT (Sect'y) DKE, IFC (VP) Spring Arts Festival Brown, Rosemary 55 Partridgetown Rd . Naugatuck, CT 06770 Economics; AIESEC, SGPB Brown, William Campbell IV (Greg) Box 125 New London, PA 19360 Economics; Soccer, (Most Improved Player, MVP) Indoor Soccer Browne, William Christopher Robinson (Topher) 154 Ball's Hill Rd. Concord, MA 01742 English; Climbing Rocks

Bruun, Erik Andre 52 E 73 St New Yor:k, NY 10021 History; Crew, World Affairs, Big Brother Bunaes, Hans Paal Cedar Lawn Rd . Irvington, NY 10533 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Ski Team, Jazz Band Burke, Christopher Drew (Ya) 5 Hickory Lane Canton, MA 02021 French; French, Spanish, and German Clubs Burke, Lindsay Thorndike P .O. Box 322 Weston, MA 02193 History; Crew, Basketball, Trinity Pipes


Cadogan, Robert Edward, Jr. Berkshire School , Sheffield, MA 02157 Economics Cahill, John Christopher 405 S. Main St. Cohasset, MA 02025 History Calabrese, Edan Foster 220 Shore Dr. Branford, CT 06405 History; Crew Callan, Mary Elizabeth 11 Story Dr. West Hartford, CT 06110 Urban Studies Carbone, Robert Francis, Jr. 4 Country Club Dr. Woodbridge, CT 06525 History; Republican Club Carey, Matthew Emmons (Matt) 215 Fernwood Ave. Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 History and English; English Club, Silences (Editor), DKE, Frisbee Carroll, Lisa Geralyn 19 Blue Ridge Rd. Ridgefield, CT 06877 Chemistry Carroll, Ronald Joseph (Ronny C) 48 Roosevelt St. Warwick, RI 02888 Economics; Basketball Charles, Cecelia Mou (Mou) 46 Vine St. Apt. B3 Hartford, CT 06112 Urban Studies; Writing Center Chira, Nancy Beth Kirby Lane North Rye, NY 10580 Psychology & History; RA, Womens Center Coordinating Committee, Big Sister, Psych Club (President) Choy, Lance Dai Keong (DK) 984 Wainiha St. Honolulu, HI 96825 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate; Water Polo (TriCaptain) , ASIA, Engineering and Computing Society Chozick, Bruce Steven 18 Columbia St. Hartford, CT 06106 Biology; Intramural Basketball and Softball, Psych Club Clark, Sarah Houston 66 Fairgreen Pl. Chesnut Hill, MA 02167 History; Field Hockey, Lacrosse Clark, Todd Rhoads (T.C.) Old Boston Tpk. Harvard, MA 01451 Economics; Ski Team, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, ADP (Officer), Swashbuckling, Trinity Spores, GPGC Golf Team Clarke, Timothy Dillon 211 Westway Rd. Southport, CT 06490 English; Crew, Big Brothers Clymer, Ami Sue 98 West Ridge Dr. West Hartford, CT 06117 English; IVY (Senior Editor), SGPB (Vice-President), Cerberus, Dance Club, English Club Cohen, Laura Ilene 1723 Fox Chase Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19152 Colby, William Francis, Jr. (Bill) 305 Corys Ct. Birdsboro, PA 19508 Classics; Track AXP Coleman, Susan Mary Overlook Dr. Purdys, NY 10578 Economics Collins, Anne Louise 48 Trueman St. Needham, MA 02194 American Studies; Field Hockey (Co-Captain), SGA, Lacrosse, DKE, RA Collins, Michael Christopher (Buzz) 331 George St. Hartford, CT 06114

History; Basketball, Basketball Intramurals, Capital Area Scholar, Dexter Corp. Scholar, AXP (Secretary, Pledge Chairman) Cooks, Kelvin Jerome 286 South St. Apt. 23J New York, NY 10002 Psychology: TCB (Recording Secretary), J.V. Basketball (Advisor) Corwin, Douglas Thomas, Jr. 675 LeMoyne Ave. Ext. Washington, PA 15301 Chemistry Cosgrove, Catherine Anne (Cathy) 28 Wade St. Brighton, MA 02135 Psychology; Faculty Career Counseling Committee, Psych Club (Co-Chairman), Swim Team (Manager), Spanish Club, SGPB, Cerberus Craft, Robert Edward 68 Mark Twain Dr. Hartford, CT 06112 Economics & ICS Crawford, Edward Eve, Jr. 500 Great Springs Rd. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Intercultural Studies Curtis, David Michael 21 Longwood Rd . Milton, MA 02187 Economics; Football, Baseball, AXP

D D'Abate, Glen Robert 77 Birdseye Rd. Farmington, CT 06032 Engineering with Computer Coordinate;. TOC (President), WRTC (Sports Announcer), Ski Team, IVY Dabney, Bettina Bigelow Scudder Ave. Hyannis Port, MA 02647 Religion; DKE, Frisbee Dahlquist, Phoebe Ann Long Entry Rd. Box 164 Chepachet, RI 02814 Mathematics Daniere, Jyoti Michele 18 Clinton St. Cambridge, MA 02134 American Studies; RC, ASIA Darby, Mary Cecilia 55 Belleview Ave. Ossining, NY 10562 Intercultural Studies; Hiking Club, SGPB, Tripod, Trinity Tutoring Program Darby, Sean P. 1401 W. Joppa Rd. Towson, MD 21204 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate D'Auria, HenryS. 3715 Hebron Ave. Glastonbury, CT 06033 Economics Davis, Norma Louise 157 Bidwell Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07305 English Delaney, Christopher Raymond (Bud) 133 Locust St. Garden City, NY 11530 History; Lacrosse, Swashbuckling, ADP, Iron Pony Pub (Supervisor), Trinity Spores, GPGC Golf Team D'Eiia, John Joseph 117 Barker St. Hartford, CT 06114 History DePhillips, Ruth Catherine 320 Wolcott Hill Rd . Wethersfield, CT 06109 Biology DeRocco, Joseph Lovat Wildcat Rd. Chappaqua, NY 10514 Economics Desai, Rashne Adi 41 Brookside Rd . W. Hartford, CT 06107 English; AIESEC, ASIA, Squash Diamond, Thomas David 1132 Lindsay La. Rydal, PA 19046 History; CISL (President), TRIPOD, Outreach Group (Public Relations Chairman), Intramural Soccer, Chorus Diana, Raymond Aaron 56 Clinton St. Manchester, CT 06040 Political Science Dibble, Mark Pendleton 176 Guernseytown Rd. Watertown, CT 06795 239

Economics; Heartford Campaign, SGPB (Special Activities Chairman), WRTC (Jazz disc-jockey, Jazz director) Dobak, Carol Lee 3637 Roxbury St. San Pedro, CA 90731 Political Science; TWO, CISL Dobak, Karen Ann 3637 Roxbury St. San Pedro, CA 90731 Chemistry Dodson, Diane Virginia (Ginny) 47 Terry Rd. Gales Ferry, CT 06335 Environmental Studies; Crew, Frisbee, TOC, E and U Club Dooley, James Lanford, Jr. 509 Blankenbaker Lane Louisville, KY 40207 History; Soccer, WRTC, ADP (Social Chairman, Steward) Dorman, Brian Douglas 555 Love Lane Warwick, RI 02886 Economics; Hockey, Psi U Dunkle, Joan Harding 178 South St. Needham, MA 02192 Psychology Dunwoody, Thomas Gregory 4150 Hickory Hill Murrsville, PA 15668 Economics Dynan, Stephan Gerard 239 Palmer Hill Rd . Old Greenwich, CT 06870 History; Fencing


Eagleson, Elizabeth West (Liz) Box 67 Malvern, PA 19355 Economics; Tri-Delta, Tutoring Eastman, Christine Angela 40 Westmount Ave. W. Roxbury, MA 02132 Italian Edwards, Jacob Stanley (Jake) 630 Potter Rd. Framingham, MA 01701 Sociology; Lacrosse, DKE, Junction 1019, Glass Bullet Eid, Thomas Gregory (Mr. Eid) 517 Warren Rd. San Mateo, CA 94402 Psychology; Psi Chi (President), Psychology Club, SGPB, RA Elia, Michael Anthony (Mike) 13 Grant St. Milford, MA 01757 History; Football, Baseball Erickson, Sally Anne 54 Kensington Park Arlington, MA 0217 4 Philosophy & Spanish Evans, Caroline Ann 21 Carstensen Rd . Scarsdale, NY I 0583 Sociology Evans, Jane Romer 210 Elm St. Northhampton, MA 01060 Theatre Arts; Jesters, Club Soccer, WRTC

F Farah, Mohamud Haji Box 898, Adnoc, Abudhabi, UAE Political Science & Intercurtural Studies Farnham, Wendy Doreen 1409 Bolton St. Baltimore, MD 21217 History; WRTC, SGA, World Affairs, TRIPOD Felber, David van Dyke 545 Simsbury Rd . Bloomfield, CT 06002 English; Fencing, DKE, Baroque Counterculture, Culture Club, "Rhythm Shoes," "The Good Soles" Fellinger, Leif Eric (Smooth) 29 Northgate Simsbury, CT 06070 Economics; SGA Finkenstaedt, Timothy Caulkins 32 Henrie Ln. Grosse Point, MI 48236 Economics; Psi U, Squash Fins, Robin Lori 22 Buckingham Rd. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Economics; Concert Choir, TRIPOD, Musical Revue Fisher, Eric David 6 North Park St. Rockville, CT 06066 Economics; Hillel (President), Cerberus, Guided Studies, Society For Savings (Systems Consultant) 240

Fiske, Susan Seymour 19 Juniper Rd . Darien, CT 06820 English Flaherty, Ruth Ann (Ruthie) 7 Bridge St. West Newbury, MA 01985 Psychology; Field Hockey, Psychology Club (President) Big Sister Program, Hartford Tutoring, Tri-Delta Flaks, Hyla 47 Auger St. Hamden, CT 06517 Philosophy; Jesters, College Republicans Frankel, James Lewis 4 East 88th St. New York, NY 10028 History Frederick, James Bradley (Fred) 197 Stanwood Dr. New Brita in, CT 06053 Economics; ADP, Lacrosse, Intramural Sports, Brown Baggers Association (Co-Chairman) Fredrickson, Lauralyn Gates 3 Deerfield Rd. Old Saybrook, CT 06475 Biology & Religion Fulton, Amy Stetson 12 Parade Ground Ct. Weston , CT 06880 English; DKE

G Gaines, Lynda Ann 6 Mark Rd. Framingham, MA 01701 Sociology with Computer Coordinate; Conn PIRG (Chairperson), Society of Women Engineers (Vice President) , Trinity Engineering and Computing Society (Treasurer), TWO, TRIPOD Gallagher, Keith Ian 9 Quarter Mile Rd. Armonk, NY 10504 History; SAGA (Headwaiter/, Cinestudio Gamba, Elaine Anne Louis Dr. RFD #4, Katonah , NY 10536 Religion; DKE (Steward) , THAP Fellow Gandolfo, Kristina Gabrielle 1333 Shore Rd . Linwood, NJ 08221 History Garfield, Joshua Evan 350 I Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 Biology Gebelein, Beverly Katharine 616 Garboard St. Jamestown, RI 02835 Psychology with Computer Coordinate; Jesters, Trinity Engineering & Computing Society; IEEE/ ACM (Secretary) Gedge, Michael Ronald 102 Maplewood Ave. West Hartford, CT 06119 Classics Gillett, Linda Anne 91 Redwood Dr. Bethel, CT 06801 Political Science; Tennis, Crew, Swim Team, Tri-Delta Ginsburgh, Anne Neville (Annie) 5319 Oakland Rd . Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Economics; Swimming, Softball, AIESEC, Committee for Academic Dishonesty, Student Teaching, Tri-Delta Gizzi, Joseph Anthony 115 Taxder Rd . Irvington, NY 10533 Economics; Football, Baseball, IND Club (President) Golanski, Alani 18 Girard Ave. #2 204 Hartford, CT Philosophy Gomes, Steven Michael 37 Meadow St. Thomaston, CT 06787 Economics; AXP (Social Chairman), Basketball Goodman, Mary Louise 123 Cola bough Pond Rd . Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 History Goodman, Theodore Roger, Jr. (TR) 438 East St. Suffield, CT 06078 Economics; Hockey (Captain), ADP Goodwin, Margaret Elizabeth (Meg) 122 Locust Dr. Upper Nyack, NY 10960 Environmental Studies; Swim Team, Williams Mystic Program, DKE Gorlin, Wendy Elizabeth 280 Highland Rd. Rye, NY 10580

Psychology; SGA, Psych. Club, Tutoring, IVY, Iron Pony Pub, SGPB (President) Gotlib, Andrew Baroukh 314 Merryweather Dr. Longmeadow, MA 01106 Theatre Arts Gould, Maureen Connery 33 Foxcroft Rd. West Hartford, CT 06119 Political Science Granitto, Anthony 37 Ellen Place Kings Park, NY 11754 Economics; Outing Club, Photography Club Gray, Douglas Arthur 125 Zion St. Apt 3-s Hartford, CT 06106 Studio Arts; Swim Team (Captain) Greenberg, Lawrence David 38 Smith Dr. Hamden, CT 06517 Economics; Tennis Grenen, James Frederic 869 Hollow Rd Radner, PA 19087 Economics; DKE (Treasurer) WRTC, Soccer, SGA Griffen, Lauren Janet 167 Arthur St. Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Psychology & Sociology; TURN, Tutoring, Psych Club Groff, Sheila Kathleen Elves l 0 Main St. Cheshire, CT 06410 English Grohs, Keryn Ann 7 Hemlock Terrace Deep River, CT 06417 English; TRIPOD (Photo Editor), Fencing Club (Co-Captain) IVY (Photo Editor) Gross, Steven Charles 204 Morrison Ave. Greenberg, PA 15601 Economics; DKE (treasurer, VP) Frisbee Club Guck, Charles Christopher (Chuck) Fox Run Lane South, Newtown, CT 064 70 Biology; Baseball (Captain) Psi U, RA, RC Guild, David Dunlap II Main St. Dover, MA 02030 History; Crew, St. A's Gworek, Matthew Thomas 328 Wolcott Hill Rd. Wethersfield, CT 06109 Economics; Psi U


Hager, James Marshall 90 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02116 English; ADP Soccer Hall, Russell Michael (Duck) 4933 S. Woodlawn Chicago, IL 60615 English; TRIPOD, TOB, Humanist Group, Free Spirit Hambleton, John Winsor 142 Amerege Pk. Rochester, NY History Hamilton, George Victor Achelis 3 Oakwood Ln Greenwich, CT 06830 English Hanson, Claudia Lois 64 Main St. Middleburgh, NY 12122 Economics Hardy, John Edward 14 Sage Terrace Scarsdale, NY 10583 Political Science; TRIPOD (Photo and Regional Editor, Ad Manager) IVY (Photo Editor) Harrison, Jeanne Louise 22 Glouster Walk, London W84HE, England Philosophy; Hillel Hartsoe, Glenn Edward, Jr. (Ted) II Sherwood Dr. North Haven, CT 06473 Economics; SGA (Chairman) CT. Intercollegiate Student Legislature (President), Trinity Jazz Band, TRIPOD, Intramural basketball, softball, volleyball Haugen, Virginia Saunders 12 A Ch E Tavan 1206 Geneva, Switzerland French Hemingway, Sarah Warner 10 Granville Rd . N. Granby, CT

06060 Environmental Studies; Crew (Co-Captain) Higgins, Kevin Patrick 7 N . Broad St. Pawcatuck, CT 02891 Psychology Ho, Que Dieu Thi 950 Farmington Ave, Apt c-14 New Britain, CT 06052 Mathematics; ASIA (Secretary) Hogg, Natalie Ann 1056 Main St S Woodbury, CT 06798 Environmental Studies Holmes, John Pharr, III 630 Fifth Ave. New York, NY lOIII Political Science; Squash Holmgren, Christopher Carter (Chris) 29 Raymond Rd. Sudbury, MA 01776 Economics; Crew, Lacrosse Hotchkiss, Elspeth Goodwin Box 85/RFD2 Killingworth, CT 06417 Political Science; Field Hockey, World Affairs Howe, Matthew Ben (Howie) 1347 Sudbury Rd . Concord, MA 01742 Economics; ADP, Roadtripping, Crew Hucks, Julie Melissa 165 Wilson St. Hartford, CT 06106 English Hunnicutt, Donna Jean 2590 SE 8th St. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Political Science Hurwitz, Michael Edward 20 Elizabeth Cir. Longmeadow, MA 01106 Political Science; ADP, Soccer, T AAP, Big Brothers, Intramurals


lannarone, David Bruce 103 Rhoda Ave. Nutley, NJ 07110 Political Science; Football, Psi U, J.V . Baseball, World Affairs, TOC lbarguen, Susana Lopez 157 Tremont St. Hartford, CT 06105 Economics Ingersoll, Charles Stuart, Jr. Ridge Rd . Centerbrook, CT 06409 Political Science; St. A's, Crew, IVY, Development Office Fundraising lsko, Michael Jonathan 27 McDivitt Dr. Manchester, CT 06040 American Studies; Jesters, Hillside Singers, Big Brothers


Jackson, Donald Keith 48 Newbern St. West Haven, CT 06516 Political Science; SGA, Financial Affairs Committee, Budget Committee (Chairman), TCB Jason, Cynthia Dale (Cindy) 36 Cedar Cliff Rd. Riverside, CT 06828 Economics Johnson, Amy Katharine Carrington Ln. Farmington, CT 06032 History; TRIPOD Johnson, Melinda Dorothy (Linda) 714 Woodleave Rd. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Economics; IVY, Lacrosse, AIESEC, Tutoring, Tri-Delta (Vice-President) Johnson, Sarah Sigourney 78 Woodside Ave. Amherst, MA 01102 Religion Johnson, Teresa Ann (Terrie, T J) 18 Dunsany Dr. Longmeadow, MA 01106 Biochemistry; Soccer, Basketball (Captain), Softball (Co-Captain) , Big Sister, Mather Supervisor Johnston, Laura Karen 10 D'Amico Dr. Plainville, CT 06062 Economics & Psychology; Psych Club 241

Joslin, Donald Earle 5 Forest View Dr. Vernon, CT 06066 Physical Science Joyce, Maureen Ann 47 Thomas Rd. S. Weymouth , MA 02190 Economics; AIESEC, SGPB Jugovic, Bruno Paul Rural Route 1 Canton, IL 61520 Physics with Computer Coordinate; PKA (Secretary, Pledge Master), J .V. Basketball, La Voz Latina (Treasurer)


Kant, Amy E. 139 Woodridge Rd. Wayland, MA 01778 Studio Arts; Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control Kaplan, Edward Brian 17106 Burbank Blvd. Encino, CA 91316 History with Computer Coordinate; Water Polo {Tri-Captain), Republican Club Kapteyn, James Cornelius (Jamie) Stevens Glen Rd . Richmond, MA 01254 English; Soccer, Lacrosse, ADP, The Booters Kasper, Ann Hawthorne 30 Lincoln St. Hartford, CT 06106 Psychology Keilty, Scott Michael 90 Sunset Hill Dr. Branford, CT 06405 Biology; Football, Swimming, Track, Rugby, AXP Kennedy, Allison Sarah 63 Prospect St. Bloomfield, CT 06002 History; Crew Kennedy, Paul Kittle 98-1138 Malualua St. Aiea, HI 96701 Psychology; Crew, Football, Psych Club Kennedy, Scott Paul 456 Country Club Rd . Middletown, CT 06457 Biochemistry; DKE, Tennis Kenney, Michael Joseph III 80 Dublin Hill Rd. Southbury, CT 06488 Political Science Kerr, John Montgomery 636 Dorset Rd. Devon, PA 19333 English; ADP (Steward), Swashbuckling, Trinity Spores, GPGC Golf Kershner, Wendy Williams 1710 Cleveland Ave. Wyomissing, PA 19610 Studio Arts; Track (Capt), Tri-Delta (Ref. Chairman, NPC Treas.), Cerberus, Tutoring, IVY, President's Fellow, Friends of Studio Arts Award Kimber, Tracy Allyson 110 Henry Ave. Lynn, MA 01902 Psychology; TCB, TCBWO Kiser, Patricia Ann 68 Brentwood Dr. Avon, CT 06001 Music Klapper, Jane Beth 1 Mill Lane, Armonk, NY 10504 American Studies; AIESEC , SGA, Tutor, IVY, World Affairs, Faculty Comm. Career Counseling Office Koeppel, Sarah Rachel 17 E. 63rd St. New York, NY 10021 American Studies; SGA, Soccer, Golf Korostoff, David Bruce 67 Prospect Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Biochemistry Kraushaar, Victoria Mary 38 Salem Rd. Wilton, CT 06897 Educational Studies; RA, Tutor Kuntz, Amy Caroline 60 Sheffield Dr. Windsor, CT 06095 Spanish Kuzmicki, Walter Douglas 6 Sutton Place, Easthampton, MA 01027 Art History


LaMagdelaine, Mark Ronald 25 Cherry St., Holyoke, MA 01041 Psychology Landzberg, Carol Ann 685 Fieldstone Ct. Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 242

History Larkin, Sarah Meigs (Sally) Wooster Rd . Middlebury, CT 06762 English; Lacrosse (Capt), Soccer (Co-Capt) Laub, Leslie Ann 4321 Freeman Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127 Economics; Fencing, SGPB Lavieri, Todd Daniel Hickory Ridge, Box 202 Pleasant Valley, CT 06063 History; St. A's Leavy, Daniel Harris 117 Westow Rd. Westport, CT 06880 History; Soccer, ADP Lee, Valerie Ruth 362 W. St. Rocky Hill, CT 06067 Biology Leibell, David Thayne 182 Westhill Rd. Stamford, CT 06902 History; TRIPOD (Ad Man), Newman (Treas.) Leibholz, Judith Ellen (Judy) 1204 Pheasant Rd . Rydal , PA 19046 Economics; Crew, Curriculum Committee Lemonick, John David 405 Westview Rd . Elkins Park, PA 19117 American Studies; Football, AXP, Career Couns. Adv. Comm. SGA (treas.) Lepore, Allen Nicholas (Leps), Box 301, Canton, CT 06019 Engineering & Physics; Trin Eng. & Comp Society (chair) Levine, Elliot Robert 200 E. 27th St. New York, NY 10016 History; Hartford Campaign Levine, Robin P. 33 No Plandome Rd . Port Washi ngton, NY 11050 History; CCA T , DKE, UN-DKE Lewis, Burton Oliver III 3714 Corey Place NW, Washington , DC 20016 Engineering; AXP, Intramural football , softball, and basketball, Red Cross Volunteer, SGPB, JV Basketball Lignelli, Teresa Ann (Terry) 1303 Reading Blvd. Wyomissing, PA 19610 Art History Lim, Lesley Ann Belcour Lodge Maryland, St. Andrew, Jamaica History Lipton, Charlotte Lynn 862 Pleasant Valley Rd, S . Windsor, CT 06074 Biology London, Lizabeth Deborah 161 E 88th St. New York, NY 10028 Political Science Lord, Edwin Beman (Ted) 106 E. 85th St. New York, NY 10028 English; The Review (ed.) St. A's Lovejoy, Philip Whitcomb I 0 Possum Rd, Weston, MA 02193 Art History; St. A's, Photo Club (Pres, V.P.), IVY Lyle, Patrick George 56 Faunce Rd . Boston, MA 02126 English & Intercultural Studies; Track


MacDonald, Ruth Karen 26 Y2 Grove St. Natick, MA 01760 English MacDonald, Stephen Patrick 74 Cabot St. Milton, MA 02186 Biochemistry; Hockey, Psi U Madden, Susan Christine 53 Lexington Dr. Farmington, CT 06032 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate; Cinestudio, Society of Women Engineers (Pres.), IEEE Maffiolini, James Paul (Jimaf) 36 Linnard Rd . W . Hartford , CT 06107 Sociology with Computer Coordinate; Intramural Volleyball (Capt.), TCF, ASIA, TECS, Development Office, TOC Magauran, John Rady 199 Maple St. Enfield, CT 06082 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate Main, Jonathan Daniel 9400 Parkside Des Plaines, IL 60016 Biology; Crew

Manke, Carie Lyn 3 Tamarac Ln . Englewood, CO 80110 Economics Mann, Rachel Eliza 61 Graceland Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 Russian Studies; TRIPOD (Arts Ed., News Ed., Editor-inchief) President's Council on Women , The Women 's Center Coordinating Committee, RA, RC Markstein, Robert Loth 112 High Point Dr., Springfield, NJ 07081 Economics; WRTC, Hillel (Treas.), TRIPOD Martin, Timothy A. RFD I, Box 48 Kent, CT 06757 Theatre and Dance; Dance Club Martini, Suzanne 1175 York Ave. New York, NY 10021 Economics May, David Buchanan 609 S . Lee St. Alexandria, VA 22314 Economics; Crew, SGA McAleer, Joseph John, Jr. (Joe) 10 Nathan Hale Dr. Stamford, CT 06902 History; TRIPOD (Contributing Ed., News Ed., Editor-inChief) Campus Stringer for AP Wire Svc. McAvoy, William Moore (Bill) Darlington Ln, Sewickley, PA 15143 Economics; Squash McCarthy, Michael Perry 6 Lantern Ln. Wakefield, MA 01880 Economics; Hockey (Capt.) McDonald, James Garneau II Fordyce Ln. St. Louis, MO 63124 Economics & International Relations McDonald, Marcus David 7 Madison St. Princeton, NJ 08540 English; Trinity Stage Band, Conn-Fusion, RSCC, The Ugly Americans, WRTC Mcinerney, Maura Irene Belleview Ave Rye, NY 10580 English; RA McKean, Mason 460 Fairview Rd . Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Art History; IVY , Culture Club, Alumni Phonathon McKeown, Thomas Michael 16 Coppertree Ln. Babylon, NY 11702 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate; WRTC, Big Birds, Cheswicks McManus, Steven Paul 104 Edgewater Rd . Hull, MA 02045 Economics; Football, AXP McNabb, Lauren Mary 53 Pond St. Cohasset, MA 02025 Spanish; Newman Club (Sec.), Psychology Club, Tri-Delta, Spanish Club Meaney, William Patrick (Bill, Means) 20 Kelsey Ct. W . Haven, CT 06516 Economics with Computer Coordinate; Intramural Football, Softball and Basketball, SGPB, Red Cross Volunteer Mech, David Allan 408 Wolfswamp Rd. Longmeadow, MA 01106 Political Science; Football Mecke, Laura Kenly 150 W. 79th St. New York, NY 10024 Economics Melanson, John Richard 95 Hart St. Bristol, CT 060 I 0 Biology; Cinestudio Merrigan, Paul Joseph 185 Cain Avenue, Braintree, MA 02184 Chemistry; AXP (V .P.), Football, Track Merrill, Thomas George II Laurel Crest Drive, Waterford, CT 06385 Political Science; World Affairs, Cinestudio, Big Brothers WRTC, Intermurals Cheswicks Meyer, Ana Maria 9800 Sotweed Drive, Potomac, MD 20854 History; Soccer, Diving, JV . Lacrosse Mielnik, Sonia 1054 Willard Ave. Newington, CT 06111 Economics Mikesell, Daniel Crowe 455 Lakeland, Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 American Studies; St. A's Miller, Jeffrey Neil 855 Hereford Way Schenectady, NY 12300

Biochemistry Miller, Oren Francis III 428 W . Swan St. Louis, MO 63119 Biochemistry & Biology; Cross Country (Co-Capt.), Track Miller, Peter Kaighn (Mills) 3105 Coulter St. Philadelphia, PA 19129 Economics; Soccer (Capt.), Lacrosse (Capt.), Wrestling, IFC (Pres.), Swashbuckling, GPGC Golf team, ADP (Pres.) Miller, Susan Marie 74 Middlebrook Rd . Newington, CT 06111 Math with Computer Coordinate; Engineering and Computing Society, (V.P.), TOC, ASIA, Computer Coordinating Committee, System Manager for Academic Computers Moalli, Daniel Edward, Jr. 43 Chapel Dr., New London, CT 06320 English; Pipes, APO, Soccer, St. A's, SGPB Mongillo, Stephen Arthur III 73 Stonewell Dr.,路 Hamden, CT 06518 Economics; JV Football, AXP Moody, Jane Armfield 8812 Wishart Road, Richmond, VA 23225 Political Science & French; WRTC, World Affairs, SGPB Mooney, Andrea Park Mine Brook Rd. Bernardsville, NJ 07924 Political Science; Soccer, Squash, Lacrosse (Capt.), Fundraising for Trinity Class Committee, IVY Mooney, Holly Ellen 20101 N. Park Blvd, Apt 202 Shaker Heights, OH 44118 Mathematics; Psych Club, ASIA Moore, James Brian Selleck Hill Rd. Selibury, CT 06068 History; TRIPOD, PKA Morris, Margaret Carr 3022 Payne St. Evanston, IL 60201 Psychology Morris, Stephen Anthony 3029 E. Enos Springfield, IL 62702 Mathematics; Crew, Track Morse, Douglas Alan (Morso) 840 Park Ave. New York, NY 10021 Economics Muchmore, Michael Wayne 155 Sequams Lane East West Islip, NY 11795 Classics & Music Murphy, Janet Marie 12 Gruber Dr. Glen Cove, NY 11542 Economics Murren, James Joseph (Jim) 178 Brookmere Dr. Fairfield, CT 06430 Art History & Urban Studies; Baseball, Dorm Rep. AXP, Intramural Football, Basketball and Softball (Capt.) Musante, Heather Joan 110 Hidden Place Cheshire, CT 06410 English & Economics Muserlian, John Matthew (Mouse) 203 Radcliff Dr. Upper Nyack, NY 10960 Economics; Waterpolo Myers, James Edward (Maddog) 36 Planters Field Ln. Hingham, MA 02043 History; Football, Intramural Softball and Football, Rugby, AXP (Steward, House Mngr.), IFC


Nagle, David George (Finagle) 1531 Monticello Dr. Gladwyne, PA 19035 History; WRTC (Sports Director), Cross Country, Jazz Band, IVY (Co-Sports Ed.), Republican Club, TRIPOD Najarian, Stephen Jack (Naj) 1418 Old Mill Rd. Wyomissing, PA 19610 Economics & Environmental Studies; DKE (Social Chairman), Ski Team Nebbia, Lisa Anne 30 Fred St. Old Tappan, NJ 07675 Psychology & Italian; Psych Club (Film Chairman, President) 243

Tri-Delta (Rush Chairman, Chaplain), IVY (Seniors Ed), Cerberus, Psi-Chi Nenner, Jacqueline Anne 82-28 Surrey Pl. Jamaica Estates, NY 11432 English; SGA, Academic Advisory Comm., IVY, Trinity Review, TRIPOD Nesbitt, Howard Scott (Nez) 8025 Strauff Rd . Baltimore, MD 21204 Computer coordinated with History; Pipes (Business Manager, Director), Concert Choir, Track, Junior Year Abroad, Musical Revue, "The Fantastics", St. A's Newton, Constance Nora (Connie) 55 Hillcrest Dr. Phelham Manor, NY 10803 Art History; J.V. Field Hockey, Basketball (Captain), Softball, , Lacrosse, Tri-Delta (Recording Secretary), RA, Timbrel Nolen, Lisa Birge Guard Hill Rd. Bedford, NY 10506 American Studies & Education; Field Hockey, Lacrosse


Oakley, Christopher John 54 Scott Hill Rd . Williamstown, MA 01267 Urban Studies Oberhaus, Ann Huff (Annie 0) 28 Normandy Terr. Bronxville, NY 10708 Intercultural Studies & French O'Brien, Jennifer Carol (Jenny) 1305 Hillside Dr. Lancaster, PA 17603 Philosophy & Intercultural Studies O'Brien, Peter Joseph (O'B) 62 Norfolk Rd . Arlington, MA 02174 History; Crew, J .V. Squash, AIESEC (Marketing Director), IVY, SGA O'Callaghan, Kevin Michael 6 Deer Trail Armonk, NY I 0504 History; Football, Lacrosse, Psi U Ocasio, Marissa 30 Stanwood St. Hartford, CT 06106 English O'Connell, Brian Michael 44 Climax Rd. Avon, CT 06001 Philosophy & Psychology; Faculty Academic Dishonesty Appeals Board, Psych Club O'Connell, Roger William 333 Walden La. Branford, CT Economics, Intramural Soccer, Basketball; Cheswick Pistols O'Connor, Daniel Johnston 6 Butternut Dr. Farmington, CT 06085 Chemistry; IDP Ogden, Cynthia Louise 167 Stockade Rd . South Glastonbury, CT 06073 Intercultural Studies Opel, Rebecca Alexandra (Sasha) 5 Buckingham Pl. Cambridge, MA 02138 English & Psychology; Psych Club (Secretary), Volleyball, Crew, English Club, Psi Chi Orfanos, Angelos Peter (Ange) 278 Whitehall Rd . Garden City, NY 11530 Psychology; Track, Basketball, Cerberus, RA, SGPB, Big Birds, T.A., Cheswicks

p Pace, Tony Eugene 1722 Pryor Rd. Atlanta, GA 30315 Sociology; Track Paddock, Patricia Jean Meadowspring Glen Cove, NY 11542 Theatre; Jesters Page, HelenAnne 103 Woyd Ave. Providence, RI 02906 Political Science; Tri-Delta (president) IFC (Secretary), Lacrosse, Legislative Internship Palmer, Dora Anita 1411 Highland Ave. Nashville, TN 37216 Sociology 244

Pavek, David Donder Box 244 Washington, CT 06793 Philosophy; Crew, F.L.B., Nutshell Club Peabody, John Damon III Middle Hancock Rd . Hancock, NH 03449 Biochemistry; Water Polo (Tri-Captain) Peck, Christine Birmingham 115 Fennbrook Dr. Hamden, CT 06517 History Pelletier, Carole Joan 2 Sunny View Dr. Suffield, CT 06078 Economics; Newman Club (President) , SGPB, SGA, College Affairs Comm. Pelletier, Louise Francoise 140 Hilliard St. #16 Manchester, CT 06040 French Penfield, Louise Grant 70 Mountain Rd . West Hartford, CT Psychology Petridis, Harry Charles (Chuckles) 66 Berwick St. Worcester, MA 01602 History; J.V . Basketball, SGA, SGPB, Cerberus, Big Brother, Pistols, Intramurals, Big Birds, Cheswicks Petropoulos, Argyrios Gary 82 Chelsea Rd . Garden City, NY 11530 History Phiansunthon, Paniporn (L.T.) 63 Soi Phiphat I North Sathorn Rd . Bangkok I 0500 Thailand Psychology with Computer Coordinate; TRIPOD, Concert Choir, Trial By Jury, Outing Club, Psych Club, Humanist Com., ASIA (Secretary, Co-Chairman), Pres. Council on Minority Affairs, Trinity Engineering & Computing Soc. (Publicity Dir.) Assoc. for Computing Machinery. Phillips, Brad Ian 1932 Five Mile Line Rd . Penfield, NY 14526 Philosophy Pigue, Robert Felician 32-17 163rd St. Flushing, NY 11358 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Basketball, AXP Pinto, Lorenzo 93 Julius St. Hartford, CT 06114 Math, Physics & Engineering Pistor, Julia Pollard 2241 46th St. N.W. Washington, DC 20007 English Powell, Elizabeth Sheridan 1 East Kirke St. Chevy Chase, MD 20015 English Pruett, Mary Elizabeth (Beth) 69 West St. Beverly Farms, MA 01915 Studio Arts; Tennis Pyle, Martha Manson 60 Bradford Rd. Weston , MA 02193 American Studies


Randall, Margaret Susan (Meg) 18 Drury Lane West Hartford , CT 06117 American Studies; RA, SGPB Rao, Hilary Anne 29 Orchard Ave. Providence, RI 02906 American Studies; Concert Choir Rapalus, Diane Elizabeth 980 Longmeadow St. Longmeadow, MA 01106 Economics Rapini, Dominic Anthony (Dom) 844 Ridge Rd . Hamden, CT 06517 Biology & Psychology; Football, Track (Captain) , Bantan Barbell Club (President), RA, Student Trainer Ratcliffe, Glenn Hall 306 Hart St. Bristol, CT 060 I 0 Psychology; Tennis, AIESEC, DKE Crew, Soccer Ravalese, Joseph III 7 5 Hunter Dr. West Hartford, CT 06107 Chemistry Reed, James Ransom, Jr. (Jimbo) 97-99 Lincoln St. Hartford, CT

06113 History Reggio, Jeanne Marie Star Route I Box 2003 Matamoras, PA 18336 Chemistry Reimer, Margaret 90 Flat Meadow Rd . Guilford, CT 06437 Philosophy & Religion . Renzulli, Louis . ll No. Osborne Ave. Margate, NJ 08402 Philosophy 路Reynolds, Thompson Mitchell (Thorn) 3 Eastview St. West Hartford, CT 06107 Sociology; Lacrosse, Tutoring, TRIPOD 路Reynolds, Warren Kirk 3229 Klingle Rd. N.W. Washington, DC 20008 English Richardson, Loriann 106-27 !55th St. Jamaica, NY 11433 English & Intercultural Studies Rizk, Bernice Jude 125 Euclid Ave. Waterbury, CT 06710 Economics; SGPB, Cerberus (President) Robatino, Andre Edward 4 7 Jefferson St. Hartford, CT 061 06 Mathematics & Physics Robertson, Laurel Ruth 59 Mechanic St. Upton, MA 01568 History; Cinestudio (Manager) Robles, Roberto 124 Hillside Ave. Hartford, CT 06106 Studio Arts Rourke, Mark Christopher 466 Plymouth St. Abington, MA 02351 Economics; Intramural Sports, AXP

Schlenoff, Daniel Chapman 39 Christchurch Hill London NW3 England ' History; Fencing (Capt., Co-capt.) PKA (Treas.) Schwager, Sally Evelyn 18 Briarwood Ct. Woodcliff Lake NJ 07675 ' Spanish Sclafani, Patrick Michael 33-35 76th St Jackson Hts. , NY 11372 Computer coordinated with Engineering; Basketball (Capt) AXP Scott, Joanna Jeanne 600 W. Ill th St. Apt. 2C New York NY 10025 ' English Scully, David Brinton 101 Post Rd . Bernardsville, NJ 07924 Biology Sebring, David Alexander 181 Ashbourne Rd . Columbus, OH 43209 English Seufert, Linda Lee PO Box 205 South Chatham, MA 02659 Psychology; Soccer (Manager), Cerberus (Secretary /Treasurer) , Psych Club Sharp, Edward Robert 1165 Harbor Hills Dr. Santa Barbara CA 93109 ' History; Fencing, Atheneum (Pres.) , Tutoripg Sheffield, Marjorie Beth 828 Beacon St., No. 8 Boston, MA 02215 English Shelling, Deborah Jane (Debbie) 360 Fountain St. #16 New Haven, CT 06515 Psychology; Psych Club, Psi Chi, Tri-Delta, Tutoring

Ruderman, Lois Nan 94 Mohawk Dr. Wallingford, CT 06492 Economics; Psych Club (Co-Chairman), AIESEC, Intramural Volleyball Ryan, Paula Aileen 90 Andover Rd. Hamden, CT 06518 History; Swim Team, Soccer, World Affairs

Shimeld, Michael Francis 5 Cedar Lane Unionville, CT 06085 Computer coordinated with Chemistry; Baseball


Shultz, Patricia Jean 18110 Midvale Ave. Cleveland, OH History

Salzman, Helen M. Box 3366 Enfield, CT 06082 Psychology Samperton, Schuyler Drew 5901 Overlea Rd . Bethesda, MD 20816 Art History Sapiro, John Jacob 1792 Hartford Tpke North Haven, CT 06473 History; Atheneum, Jazz Band, Theatre Productions Sardi, Agnes Mutzilius (Agi) 245 Unquowa Rd. Apt. 48 Fairfield, CT 06430 Computer coordinated with Biochemistry; IEEE, SWE, Gymnastics Sauter, Charles Scott 7 Everit St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Art History; Track, St. A's Savarese, Carolyn Marie 14 Eldin Dr. Saddleriver, NJ History; Tennis Scanlan, Glenn Carl 34 Burning Tree Lane Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 History; Hockey, Psi U Scavongelli, Anthony Matthew 719 Fellsway West Medford, MA 02155 Philosophy Schefkind, Steven Joel (Shef) I Eliot Ct. Morganville, N J 077 51 Economics; Saga Head Waiter, Intramural (Capt- Rammithomer) Basketball, Softball and Football, Red Cross Volunteer, SGPB, Intern- Saga Food Service Scherr, Roberta Louise (Bobbi) 1146 Dixon Lane Warminster, PA 18974 Biology with Computer Coordinate; Soccer, Hillel (Activity Director, Vice Pres. , Pres.)

Shugrue, Steven John (Shugs) 83 Wheeler Lane Torrington CT 06790 ' Economics

Silvers, Bruce Cory (Biff) 51 Sullivan Dr. Jericho NY 11753 Political Science; Track, ADP ' Simon, Alice Melinda 23 Caravelle Dr. Longmeadow, MA 01106 History; SGA, SGPB, SGBC, Amnesty International, TRIPOD, IVY (Editor) Simons, Andrew David 4020 Stone Canyon Ave. Sherman Oaks CA 91403 ' History; Baseball, SGA Simons, David Frank 314 Marvin Rd . Elkins Park, PA 19117 History & Political Science; World Affairs, CCAT, Silences, WRTC Simons, John Caldwell (Simo) 3606 Glenview Ave. Glenview, KY 40025 Philosophy; St. A's, Ski Team (Capt.), Soccer (Capt.) Singleton, Dorothy Jane 526 Moraine St. Box 1220 Marshfield, MA 02050 English Slattery, Kevin Charles 1825 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10034 History; Hockey, Rugby Sloan, Palmer Hunter 3 Willow Ln. Farmington, CT 06032 Spanish Smith, Carmealette Fulton-Joy (Joy) 60 E. 36th Place. Apt. 617 Chicago, IL 60653 Political Science; TCB (V .P. , Secretary) , WRTC, Dance Club, Rome Campus Smith, Jason Sarsfield 1160 Prospect Ave Hartford, CT 061 05 Political Science Smith, Jennifer Whitley 1559 Main St. Glastonbury, CT 06033 English 245

Smith, Kathleen Maura 25 Lake Drive, Centerville, MA 02632 Psychology Smith, Robert Melvin 43 Elm St. Rocky Hill , CT 06067 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Crew, Carillonneur Smith, Tony Osbourne (Tony 0.) 33 Lincoln Ave. South Norwalk, CT 06854 Studio Arts; TCB (treas.) , Track Smukler, Donna 7810 Linden Rd . Wyndmoor, PA 19118 Political Science; World Affairs Assoc. Soares, Ina Jean 7 Grand Ave. North Providence, RI 02904 Economics & Studio Arts ; TCB, TCBWO (Pres.), Softball Soffin, Ellen Sue 4302 Stuart Ave . Richmond, VA 23221 Political Science; Crew, Concert Choir Solik, Steven Craig 1706 Lynbrook Dr. Flint, MI 48507 Biology; Hockey, Tennis (Capt) Soper, Steven Christopher 9 Gap View Rd . Short Hills, NJ 07078 History Sophocles, Dean Ford 311 Colonial Dr. Wallingford , PA 19086 Biochemistry; Jazz Band Sparmer, Tracy Kent 48 Glennwood Dr. Plainville, CT 06062 Political Science & Urban Studies; SGPB, Jesters, Manager and trainer of Women's Lacrosse, Soccer, Basketball Statistician Sparr, Douglas Eric 38 Longfellow Rd. Newton , MA 02162 Economics; Rugby Spizzirri, Hillary Hale Mead Point, Greenwich , CT 06830 Psychology; Squash, Field Hockey, Lacrosse Sprinthall, Karen Dawn 164 Pondview Dr., Springfield, MA 01118 Psychology Sproul, Jonathan Charles 132 Clift St. , Mystic, CT 06355 Physics & Mathematics Stanczyk, Susan Mary 730 Osborn Rd. , Naugatuck, CT 06770 Chemistry; TRIPOD Stapleton, Teryl Jean 4 Barley Mill Dr., Greenville, DE 19807 Religion; DKE Starr, Jonathan Frederick 5506 Rockingham Rd . Greensboro, NC 27407 English Steidl, Jill Alison 60 Lincoln St., Hartford, CT 06106 English; Concert Choir; DKE, English Club, Foreign Studies Steinberg, Richard Harlan 29 Gault Park Dr. , Westport, CT 06880 Economics; DKE Strano, Susan Hanley 38 S. Main St., Winsted, CT 06098 History; IDP (Rep, Coordinating Committee) Strawbridge, Mary Wendell (Wendy) 8068 Goshen Rd . Newtown Sq., PA 19073 English Strickler, Alfred Bursk III (AI) 1315 Homestead Ln. Lancaster, PA 17603 Economics; Soccer, Tennis, Squash, AIESEC, Big Brother, ADP Strong, Ruth Drayton (Ruthie) 521 Wyndmoor Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118 History; Field Hockey, Tennis, Lacrosse Suchecki, Peter Conrad 99 Rockwell Rd ., Ridgefield, CT 06877 History; DKE Sullivan, Christopher John (Sully) 384 Montgomery St. Fall River, MA 02720 Political Science & History; SGA (VP), ConnPing (Board of Directors) World Affairs Assoc, DKE, Faculty College Affairs Committee Sullivan, Kevin John 73 Ridgewood Dr. Norwood, MA 02062 Economics; Football, Rugby, AXP Sullivan, Scott David 2 Beaver Pond Rd. Loudonville, NY 12211 246

English Swain, John Holmgren (Swaino) 2630 Reeds Lake Blvd. Grand Rapids, MI 49506 History; Squash (co-captain) , Tennis, AISEC, WRTC, ADP, Intramural Sports, roadtripping, brown-bagging (co-captain) Swecker, Tracy 380 Essex St. Salem, MA 07970 Psychology & Spanish; Field Hockey, Lacrosse (co-captain)

T Taitz, Daniel Moshe 2 Sycamore Dr. Great Neck, NY 11021 History; DKE, Ultimate Frisbee, (Captain), WRTC, Folk Show Tamakloe, George Box 2467, Ash-town , Kumasi , Ghana Economics, Political Science and Intercultural Studies; RA, AISEC , TCB, World Affairs Assoc. Tattenbaum, Ellen Faye 80 Stevenson Rd. New Haven , CT 06515 Mathematics; Hillel, JV Tennis, Tennis (manager) Temperilli, Denise Ann 18 Wescott Rd. Simsbury, CT 06070 Biology; Cinestudio (manager and coordinator), Film Advisory Committee, Newman Club (secretary) (VP), Outing Club, Student Advisory Committee to Career Counseling Tenenbaum, Karen Ilene 18 Carol Rd . Marblehead, MA 01945 Classics; Softball, Ski Team Thacker, Kimberley Marie 38 Juneau Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 Biology; Cerberus (VP) , Men's Tennis (manager) , KKG , SGPB, "Friends Organization for Handicapped Children", TA for Biochemistry, Intramural Volleyball, Tutor Thomas, Stephen Michael 116 Princeton St. Springfield, MA 01109 Economics Thomson, James Marsh 15 East Gate La. Hamden , CT 06514 History Tighe, Diana Marie 56 Spring St. Mansfield , MA 02048 American Studies Topp, Michael Arthur 1107 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10028 American Studies; DKE, (Social Chairman) (Treasurer) , Ultimate Frisbee, Humanist Community, RA Tramonte, Robert Lawrence, Jr. 20 Squanto Rd . Woburn , MA 01801 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Hockey, Outing Club (Treasurer) Tricarichi, Tina Louise 1980 Winchester Rd . Lyndhurst, OH 44124 American Studies; Field Hockey, Lacrosse, SGA, World Affairs , Women 's Center, TCISC Truran, Eric John Glen Charlie Rd . East Wareham, MA 02538 English Tucker, Joseph Patrick 298 Garfield Ave . Milton, MA 02186 Classics; Music; WRTC, musician , DKE


Valdinoto, Francis Joseph (Frank) 1032 82 St. Brooklyn, NY 11228 Psychology; WR TC Veale, Julia Kirstin (Julie) Runawit Rd. RFD #I Exeter, NH 03833 Economics & Political Science; Swim Team Vernick, Scott Lee 3731 Devonshire Rd. Allentown, PA 18103 Religion; President's Fellow (Religion) , The Trinity Papers (Ed.), T.J . Watson Fellowship. Vidal, Fernando 72 Overbrook Dr. East Hartford , CT 06118 Mathematics Vissicchio, John Anthony 3 Knolls La. Manhasset, NY II 030


Economics; ADP


Wagner, Richard William PO Box 328 Charter Oak Rd. Southbury, CT 06488 Biochemistry; Choir, Board of Fellows Walcott, Curtis, Carlisle # 13 Estate Humbug, Christiansted, PO Box 6215, St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands 00820 History Walker, David Elisha 66 E. 74 St. New York, NY 10021 History Walsh, Daniel Patrick 44 Murdock Drive, Peabody, MA 01960 Chemistry Walshe, Jean Marie 7 Farmingbury Rd., Wolcott, CT 06716 French & Economics; Tennis Ward, Anne Cecelia 1160 Oakley Ave., Winnetka, IL 60093 American Studies; Swim Team (Captain), Tri-Delta (Chaplain) Warren, David Dickson (Le animate) 43 MacMillan Dr., Brunswick, ME 04011 Political Science; WFSB, WRTC, DKE Warrington, Arthur Edward, Jr. 29 Hudson St., Manchester, CT 06040 Biology; Crew Weaver, Anita Lawson 111 Barker St. Hartford, CT 06114 Mathematics Wehrly, Margaret Collins (Peg) 16 Metacomet Rd., Farmington, CT 06032 English; IDP Weir, Meredith Ann 773 Bair Rd., Berwyn, PA 19312 History Wensberg, Ander Courtright 143 Summer St., Hingham, MA 02043 Economics; Hockey, Baseball, Psi U Whaley, Lynne Allison 47 Russell St., Manchester, CT 06040 Intercultural Studies Whiteley, Brian Edward 105 Linron Dr. Danbury, CT 06810 English Whittemore, Katharine Hope 4 Hughes St. Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 History -& Religion Wilcox, Laura A~ne 596 Navaho Trail Dr. , Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 . English;· Jesters, Theatre Arts Productions, Musical Revue, IVY, TRIPOD Wildrick, Carolie Adele 260 Fairmount Ave., Chatham, NJ 07928 English; TRIPOD, Big Sisters, Concert Choir Williams, Peter Russell, Jr. (Rusty) Lake Rd., Newtown, CT 06470 Economics; Football (Captain), Psi U Wilmerding, Austin 9 Russell Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540 Computer Coordinated with Engineering Wilson, Nancy Lindeman 4919 Gorham Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 English; DKE




Intercultural Studies; Cu;itur~ Club (co-director), Ultimate Frisbee (Captain), Saxaphone, DKE, Humanist Community Wyker, Kenneth Eisner Justin Rd., Harrison, NY 10528 · Political Science; Jazz Band, Bush for President (President), Alfano for State Senate, Weicker for Senate Wynter, Dave Anthony 234-04 129th Ave., Laurelton, NY 11422 Computer Coordinated with Economics; Basketball, T.C.B., WRTC





Yasui, Timothy Jay (Tim) 1514 Paucer St., Williamsport, PA 17701 Sociology; Wrestling, WRTC, DKE


Zarghami, Soraya 41 Brayton St., Englewood, NJ 07631 Art History; SGA, Tennis, Lacrosse Zawodniak, Bruce Allen (Zoo, Otto) 53 Dogwood Rd., Wethersfield, CT 06109 Economics; Track (Co-Captain), Athletic Advisory Committee, TRIPOD, IVY, Jesters, Gong Show, Intramural Basketball, Cheswicks Zegger, Raymond John 15 Governors La., Schenectady, NY 12305 Economics; Intramural Basketball, Football and Softball, Red Cross Volunteer Zengerle, Patricia Aline 34 Whittredge Rd., Summit, NJ 07901 History; DKE, Frisbee (Captain), Orchestra, Women's Center, Student Coalition, CCA T Zidelis, Stanley William Aspen Dr., Oxford, MA 01540 Economics; Basketball, SGA, In~ramural Basketball, Softball and Volleyball, Cerberus, Cheswicks Ziedonis, John PaulS Steele Dr. RD #1, Cranbury, NJ 08512 Art History; WRTC, TRIPOD, PSA (director) Zinkin, Anne Frances 349 Prospect St., Northampton, MA 01060 Sociology; TWO, Spanish Club (President), Big Sister, RA, Pi Gamma Mi Zitnay, Kevin Michael (Zitter) 163 Main St., Yarmouth, ME 04096 Biology; Lacrosse, Fencing, Big Brother Zolan, Alexandra Jobette 146-57 Bayside Ave., Flushing, NY 11354 Intercultural Studies; Jesters, Trinity Tutoring, Presidential Fellow

Wolff, Judith Carol 67 Buckminster Rd ., Brookline, MA 02146 English & Psychology; Jesters, Trinity Review, TRIPOD, English Club Woods, Eloise Brinson 7 Longmeadow Dr., Meriden, CT 06450 Psychology Wright, Whitaker Wilson 292 N. Drexel Ave., Columbus, .PH 43209 . - - - '.,, J{~fh ..~· History; Jesters ·-~ ~j. Wutlbenhorst, William Henry (Wubby) 2 Rowayton Ave. Norwalk, CT 06853 0




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