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Hartford, Connecticut






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Mary Ann Corderman Editor-in-Chief Tom Madden Kathy Puzone Events Section Editors

Tim Ray Chris Stanson Photography Editors

Cari Fisk Alexander Johnson Faculty Section Editors

Kathy Caruso Senior Section Editor

Kathy Aiken Laura Dyson Organizations Section Editors

Barney Corning Howard Sadinsky Sports Section Editors

Floyd Higgins Business Manager


IVY 1984 IVY 1984 IVY 1984 IVY 1

IVY 1984 IVY 1984 IVY 1984 IVY 198












F 1984





CLASS 0 F 1984




George Orwell's legendary year of 1984 is upon us, but just how close are we to the inflexible, outwardly paternalistic government of Oceania? Although some critics of today's society say minor parallels with Orwell's portrait of future society do exist, the United States today is far from the societal doom exhibited in 1984. Oceania is a society whose sole purpose is power; the Party seeks power not as a means, but as an end. Governmental power permeates every aspect of society and perpetuates the fear, hatred, and pain that characterize Oceania. Orwell's protagonist, Winston Smith, viewed the society in which he lived in the following way: "Tragedy, he perceived, belonged to the ancient time, to a time when there were still privacy, love, and friendship, and when the members of a family stood by one another without needing


to know the reason .. . Today there were fear, hatred, and pain, but no dignity of emotion or deep or complex sorrows." Smith's perception is indicative of the terrible impersonality of his society, an impersonality based on the fear that anyone encountered may be a member of the Thought Police and may betray you. The United States today, and specifically Trinity College, however, are still " the ancient time." Privacy, love, and friendship abound, and a renewed optimism for the future is spreading rapidly. Charity, not power, is a primary characteristic of today's society, and Trinity students devote a considerable amount of time to help others in the surrounding community. Through the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program and the Trinity Tutoring Program students can help children in Hartford by assisting them with their

studies or by just being a friend. In addition, numerous student organizations hold events throughout the year to raise money for various community organizations. This desire to help others is a refreshing contrast to the terrible impersonality that characterizes Oceania. The charity exhibited by Trinity students is not unique to the college. Throughout the country similar efforts are being made by thousands of people to help the elderly, the homeless, and those people who are less fortunate than ourselves. Organizations like the Red Cross, the United Way, and the Salvation Army exist in today's society, they do not exist in Oceania. This should illustrate to all of us that we are still a long way from the societal doom exhibited in 1984; we can still stand by one another without needing to know the reason.


Dedication The Class of 1984 is distinctive not only because we are graduating in the year made famous by George Orwell's anti-utopian novel 1984, but also because of the great hope and promise we, the "children of society" show for the future. Orwell believed that society can be controlled through its children, but unlike the children of Oceania who ultimately betray their parents to the Thought Police, the Class of 1984 will ultimately become the leaders of tomorrow. We will continuously strive to make the world a better place for ourselves and for our own children. The bright future that awaits the Class of 1984 as we leave Trinity was not shared by Orwell's protagonist, Winston Smith. Orwell writes, "He wondered again for whom he was writing the diary. For the future, for the past - for a age that might be imagi-


nary. And in front of him there lay not death but annihilation . The diary would be reduced to ashes and himself to vapor ... How could you make appeal to the future when not a trace of you, not even an anonymous word scribbled on a piece of paper, could physically survive?" Unlike Winston who wondered for whom he was writing his diary, this yearbook is being created for the Class of 1984 as a permanent chronicle of our years at Trinity. It is an account not only of our academic accomplishments, but of the events, people, and places that have made these years so special. The 1984 Ivy is dedicated to the Class of 1984 and to the tremendous hope and promise they show for the future - for they are the people who have made these four years at Trinity so special.






Freshmen Arrive


Parent's Weekend


Football Games





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Don Juan

Musical Revue


Vinegar Tom

Christmas Hanukkah


All College Meeting



Mather Dedication


Medieval Festival



Spring Weekend





James F. English, Jr.

Thomas A. Smith

Andrew G. De Rocco


Vice President

Dean of the Faculty

Wayne Gorlick-Asmus

Ivan A. Backer

Alfred C. Burfeind

William L. Churchill

Director of Mather Campus Center

Director of Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance

Associate Director of Development

Director of Public Relations

Paula Chu-Richardson

Margaret F. Collins

Assistant Dean of Students

Director of Personnel Services

Elizabeth "Betty Anne" Cox Internship Coordinator

Siu-Chim Chan Director of Buildings and Grounds

Marilyn Denny

Lois P. DiCara

Donald N. Dietrich

Allison Dillon-Kimmerle

Director of Institutional Affairs

Student Center Assistant

Director of Admissions

Director of Career Counseling

Kristina B. Dow

Larry R. Dow

Ralph S. Emerick

Louise H. Fisher

Director of Residential Services

Associate Director of Admissions


Director of lOP Program


Kathleen L. Frederick Director of Media Relations

Curator, Watkinson Library

Robert A. Pedemonti Treasurer & Director of Finance


Elizabeth R. Goldman Assistant to the President

Peter J. Knapp Head of Reference Department & College Archivist

Alan R. Sauer Business Manager & Budget Director

Anne T. Gushee Director of Calendar and Special Events

Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. Director of Alumni and College Relations

Ernest R. LaRose Supervisor of Post Office

Joanne M. Miller Registrar

Michael J. Schweighoffer Director of Campus Security

Frank W. Sherman Director of Annual Giving

Jose ph Tolliver

JohnS. Waggett

Constance E. Ware

David Winer

Intern Dean of Students

Associate Administrative Dean

Director of Developme nt

Dean of Students

Robbins Winslow

Director of Administrative Data )ystems & Foreign Study Advisor

Anne M. Zartarian Director of Financial Aid



Robert H. Brewer Professor


Richard 8. Crawford Professor

Donald 8 . Galbraith Professor

Craig W. Schneider Associate Professor

John E. Simmons Professor

James M. Van Stone Professor

Edward Bobko Professor

Henry A. DePhillips, Jr. Vernon K. Krieble Professor

James K. Heeren Associate Professor

Frank M. Child III Professor



David E. Henderson

Ralph 0. Moyer, Jr.

Robert H. Smellie, Jr.

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Scoville Professor


John C. Williams

James R. Bradley

A. D. Macro

Hobart Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


Robert A. Battis

William N. Botos

WardS. Curran


Assistant Professor

George M. Ferris Professor in Corporation finance & Investments


LeRoy Dunn Professor

Francis J. Egan Associate Professor

Andrew J. Gold Associate Professor

Gerald A. Gunderson Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of American Business

Vincent Smith Assistant Professor

Diane C. Zannoni Associate Professor

Ronald K. Goodenow Associate Professor

Charles B. Schultz Director of Educational Studies Program


Charles W. Lindsey Visiting Assistant Professor

Richard Scheuch G. Fox & Company Professor




Theodore R. Blakeslee II

Joseph D. Bronzino

Associate Professor

Vernon Roosa Professor of Applied Science

David E. Woodard Architecture Lecturer



Richard P. Benton

Thalia Cheronis-Selz

Dirk A. Kuyk, Jr.

Associate Professor


Associate Professor



Peter A. Lyons Allan K. Smith Lecturer & Director of Writing Center

J. Bard McNulty James J . Goodwin Professor

James A. Miller Associate Professor

James L. Potter Associate Professor

Richard Rand Visiting Associate Professor

Milia Riggio Associate Professor

James H. Wheatley Professor


Associate Professor

Fine Arts

Mardges Bacon

Thomas P. Baird

George E. Chaplin

Alden R. Gordon

Assistant Professor


Professor & Director of Studio Arts Program

Assistant Professor

Michael R. T. Mahoney

John Smith

Elizabeth L. Tracy

Genevieve Harlow Goodwin Professor



Philip C. F. Bankwitz

Eugene W. Davis

Norton Downs

Joan D. Hedrick









Samuel D. Kassow Associate Professor

Eugene E. Leach Associate Professor

Michael E. Lestz Assistant Professor

Robert Palter Charles A. Dana Professor

Borden W. Painter, Jr. Professor & Secretary of the Faculty

Johnetta G. Richards Assistant Professor

Edward W. Sloan Northam Professor

J. Ronald Spencer Lecturer & Associate Academic Dean

H. McKim Steele, Jr. Professor

Glenn Weaver Professor

James L. West Associate Professor


Marjorie V. Butcher Professor

Lucy L. Deephouse Assistant in Mathematics

Walter J. Klimczak Seabury Professor

Mario J. Poliferno Associate Professor

David A. Robbins Associate Professor

Robert C. Stewart Charles A. Dana Professor

David Mauro Visiting Assistant Professor

Ralph E. Waide Associate Professor

E. Finlay Whittlesey Professor


Modern Languages

Gustave W. Andrian Professor

Carl V. Hansen Associate Professor


Justinia Besharov路 Djaparidze Associate Professor

Andrea Bianchini Associate Professor

Michael R. Campo Professor & Director of Cesare Barbieri Center

Donald D. Hook Professor

Dori Katz Professor

Sonia M. Lee Associate Professor

Kenneth Lloyd-Jones Associate Professor

Constance M. Montross Visiting Associate Professor


Gerald Moshell Associate Professor & Concert Choir Director

John Rose College Organist & Director of Chapel Music

W. Miller Brown Professor

Howard Delong Professor


Drew A. Hyland Charles A. Dana Professor

Helen S. Lang Associate Professor


Richard T. Lee Professor


Physical Education

Burton L. Apfelbaum


Rebecca Chase

Karen L. Erlandson

James A. Foster

Coach of Rowing & Director of lntramurals

Racquets Coach

Assistant Professor

Head Track Coach & Assistant Football Coach

Leo J. Hamel

Richard J. Hazelton

Chester H. McPhee

David Miller


Director of Athletics Associate Professor


Racquets Coach

Stanley Ogrodnik

Robin L. Sheppard

Robert Shults

Basketball Coach

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor


Albert J. Howard, Jr. Professor

Mark P. Silverman Associate Professor

Albert L. Gastmann Professor

Robert Lindsay Brownell-Jarvis Professor

Charles Miller Professor

Harvey S. Picker Associate Professor

Political Science

Clyde D. McKee, Jr. Associate Professor

Rex C. Neaverson Professor

Thomas A. Reilly Associate Professor




Ranbir Vohra Charles A. Dana Professor

Diana E. Yiannakis Assistant Professor

Dina L. Anselmi Assistant Professor

George W. Doten Professor

Karl F. Haberlandt Professor

Sharon D. Herzberger Associate Professor

George C. Higgins, Jr. College Counselor Professor

Nancy Oley Kirkland Visiting Assistant Professor

Randolph M. Lee Associate College Counselor Associate Professor

William M. Mace Associate Professor


/ Leslie G. Desmangles Associate Professor

Ellison B. Findly Assistant Professor

John A. Gettier Associate Professor

Theodore M. Mauch Professor & Ellsworth Tracy Lecturer

Alan C. Tull Chaplain & Assistant Professor


John D. Brewer Associate Professor

Noreen L. Channels Associate Professor

Norman Miller Professor

Frank Kirkpatrick Associate Professor

Michael P . Sacks Associate Professor


Theatre and Dance

Judy Dworin

Nusha Martynuk

Carter McAdams

Associate Professor Director of Dance



Katherine G. Power Visiting Instructor



APO was formulated to provide an alternative social organization to the fraternities and sororities and the Trinity College Activities Council. Throughout the course of the year they have brought a number of concerts and performances to Trinity from the New York and Boston "artistic axes". In addition they have sponsored several dances for the Trinity community and students from neighboring schools.

Alternative Programming Organization


TAAP The Trinity Alcohol Awareness Program (T AAP) is a student run organization whose purpose is to make its members and the Trinity Community more conscious of the physical and social consequences of consuming alcoholic beverages. T AAP functions as an educational organization working to help people make informed decisions regarding alcohol consumption.

La Voz Latina La Voz Latina was established to perpetuate a cultural awareness among Latin American students at Trintiy and foster an awareness of the Latin American presence within the Trinity community. This group also seeks to increase contact with the surrounding Hispanic community and instruct its members in the skills necessary to further their educational and cultural development.


World Affairs Association The World Affairs Association is concerned with bringing to students an awareness international events, conditions and organizations. The group organizes activities that allow members to observe and participate in discussions on international issues. In cooperation with the Political Science Department, the World Affairs Association sponsors an annual trip to the United Nations in New York to give students a first-hand look at the workings of international diplomacy. In early November a Model U.N. is held at Trinity to allow students to simulate the activities of such international organizations as the U.N. and NATO. Throughout the year the World Affairs Association travels to other colleges around New England to participate in Model U.N. conferences, and in the spring attends the National Model U.N. in New York. This year the group established an international news and commentary section in the Tripod. The World Outlook pages of the Tripod give students the opportunity to share opinions and catch up on the major events of the week.

Republican Club The Republican Club offers students and faculty members an environment in which to exchange political ideas and broaden their political perspectives. The Club's activities are varied and include meeting political guest speakers, Cave discussions, debates and involvement in political campaigns.


His native home deep imag'd in his soul. Alexander Pope

ASIA was created to provide a sense of community to Asian students and others interested in Asian cultures. ASIA attempts to promote awareness of the Asian cultures to the Trinity community . The organization attracts both Asian and non-Asian students to participate in a wide spectrum of multicultural and social activities including films, lectures, dinners, get togethers, field trips and the annual Asian Food Festival. This year ASIA extended its involvement beyond Trinity by cosponsoring events with the Chinese Com munity Center of Hartford , SOAR (Society Organized Against Racism) and TCAC (Trinity College Activities Council).



TCBWO Trinity Coalition of Black Women Organization (TCBWO) was founded in the early 1970's to address the issues and needs of black women at Trinity College. Each year TCBWO sponsors a Sadie Hawkins Dance to raise money for organizations such as the United Negro College Fund .

. . . From the people and for the people all springs and all must exist.


Benjamin Disraeli


Trinity Coalition of Blacks {TCB) was organized to promote Black awareness at Trinity. TCB aims to educate itself and the College community by addressing issues in Black arts, history, politics, and culture both past and present. Many Coalition members are involved in organizations both on campus and in the Hartford area that are engaged in fostering Black rights and achievements.

Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song.

John Masefield

Pipes This year many changes took place for Trinity Pipes. After recording an album last cember and bidding farewell to four seniors in group, the Pipes spent much of the fall learning new arrangements for upcoming certs and marketing their albums . In addition Pipes took a weekend trip to Skaneateles, York where they enjoyed short walks by a fullake, hikes in the woods and gave a concert the parents of Scott Allyn, a member of the of 1984. The spring semester was marked by return of two former members, Andy Carlson Kenny Doroshow, and the annual Bunr.nn''"'' Sounds concert.



After Dark

The Carillonneurs play the Chapel's 49-bell Plumb Memorial Carillon before all chapel services as well as on special occasions. Free lessons are given to all Trinity students desiring to learn to play the Carillon. The Carillonneurs are assisted in all of these activities by the Resident-Carillonneur, Daniel Kehoe '78.

This year After Dark resumed the form of a traditional quartet. The group continued to perfect and expand its repertoire and accepted several invitations to participate in jamborees at other colleges in the Northeast.


Amnesty International Amnesty International seeks 1) the release of men and women detained anywhere for their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion, provided they have neither used nor advocated violence; 2) fair and early trials of political prisoners; and 3) opposes the death penalty and torture of all prisoners. At Trinity, Amnesty International focuses on these human rights issues through letter writing campaigns and through education of the Trinity community via speakers, films, and other activities.

Hillel Society Newman Club The Newman Club is designed to bring together members of the Roman Catholic church as well as those on campus of other Christian faiths . Under the supervision of Father John Gatzak, Newman Chaplain for Trinity and the University of Hartford, both religious and social activities, holiday brunches, dances, discussion groups, lectures, and semi-annual retreats are held . These activities are often held in conjunction with the University of Hartford .

We are all children of the earth. Stephen Vincent Benet


The Trinity Hillel society is an organization which provides for the needs of Jewish students on campus. Hillel's purpose is to educate the Trinity community on various aspects of Judaica by sponsoring a variety of religious, educational , cultural , and soc ia l events. Whether it be lectures on Israel , Soviet Jewry, the Holocaust, or Jewish identity, Trinity Hillel tries to provide a forum for the discussion of important issues that effect Jewish students, American Jewry, Israel, and world Jewry .

Christian Fellowship

The Trinity Christian Fellowship is an autonomous campus group that is affiliated nationally with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Many of the large group meetings focus on topics relating to evangelism, mission, and God's love for others. These weekly meetings are times for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth . The fellowship also has small bible study groups scattered around campus which focus on a topic or book in the Bible that is of interest to the members of the group. These groups usually culminate in some type of outreach activity .


Jazz Band The Trinity Jazz Band is open to all interested musicians; auditions are sometimes required. Traditional to contemporary jazz styles are explored, and rehearsals are held weekly to develop big band and small combo ensembles in preparation for various performances throughout the year.

Concert Choir The Trinity Concert Choir was formed in 1969 when the College became coeducational and has established an excellent reputation as one of the finest groups of its kind. The Choir performs regularly in campus concerts and in concerts at other colleges and universities. In addition they have made several radio and television appearances. Members of the Choir develop skills in performing a great diversity of music ranging from intricate Renaissance polyphony to the newest in multi-media works.

Chapel Singers The Chapel Singers provide music for Sunday morning Chapel services and at other selected occasions. The ensemble is composed of Trinity students and admission is by audition with the College Organist and Director of Chapel Music.


Dance Club The Dance Club provides a means for interested students to devote some time each week to working on informal dance performances which are held throughout the academic year. In addition, the Club sponsors master classes for the faculty receptions after the student concerts.

Give her such beauty of body and mind as the eaves of an Aspen tree.

Witter Bynner


The Bantam Barbell Club is made up of students and faculty interested in weight training and weightlifting for fitness and sport. The Club's members exchange information , conduct clinics and carry out an annual competition for men and women.

Bantam Barbell Club Body and spirits are twins: God only knows which is which. Algernon Charles Swinburne


Ultimate Frisbee Club The Trinity Ultimate Frisbee Club provides an opportunity for any member of the Trinity community to participate in some alternative athletic activities to the varsity and intramural sports program.

The Trinity Outing Club provides a wide variety of outdoor activities, including winter camping and climbing, rock climbing, cross-country skiing, and a variety of hikes ranging in length from one day to five weeks.

uting Club


Everytime a child is born it's Nature's attempt to make a perfect human being.

The Big Brothers /Big Sisters Program is designed for single parented children between the ages of six and seventeen. Trinity has promoted involvement in the surrounding neighborhoods through this program for the past ten years. This involvement has enriched the lives of both the Hartford youth and Trinity students. It has been through the volunteers' efforts to provide companionship and friendship that many children have escaped loneliness and isolation.

Big Brothers /Big Sisters


Thornton Niven Wilder

Community Outreach The SGA Community Outreach Committee was founded in 1981 to promote, maintain, and improve relations with the Hartford community through voluntary social service activities. At present, Outreach is comprised of six specific service projects including: service to the elderly, entertainment for retarded adults, meals for low income housing residents, Bingo and other activities for some residents in downtown Hartford, involvement with the Charter Oak Terrace/Rice Heights Health Center, and tutoring at various churches in downtown Hartford. Through our efforts and the understanding and acceptance they encourage, we strive to make Hartford a more hospitable community.

Humanist Community The Humanist Community seeks to promote discussion on issues that give rise to disunity and dissension among all human beings. Through these discussions we hope to encourage understanding of various interpretations of concepts like racism, sexism, culture, equality, etc., and to promote a better comprehension of the "superficial differences" that exist among people.


WRTC WRTC-FM, Hartford's first noncommercial radio station, maintains its studio in the basement of Cook-B dormitory. Radio Trinity offers an educational experience in broadcasting by airing some of the most diversified programming in the area. Among the opportunities available at WRTC-FM are announcing for Classical, Jazz, Progressive Rock, and Alien music slots, as well as, sportscasting, technical engineering, and production work.


Cinestudio This is Cinestudio's 14th season as the nation's first and only student-run, campus-based theatrical repertory cinema. Cinestudio's uncoventional programming combines current popular films with respected cinema classics and acclaimed foreign and art films . This programming coupled with its state-of-the-art technical equipment makes it a popular theatre for both students and members of the greater Hartford community. Cinestudio offers interested students the opportunity to gain experience in such diverse fields as projection, management, advertising, and finance .

Gaming Society The Trinity Gaming Society was founded in 1983 to promote the existence and playing of cerebral, simulation, role-playing, and other slightly offbeat forms of games on the Trinity campus. The Gaming Society is open to all members of the College community as are the activities it sponsors. The Society got off to a flying start in its first year with a number of skillfully played wargames, chess matches, simulation and role-playing games, and other games such as Trivial Pursuit.


TECS The Trinity Engineering and Computing Society was established to promote an interest in and an understanding of current state-of-the-art technologies. TECS is also the Trinity chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the Association for Computing Machinery. Above all, we are

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The Society of Women Engineers is the Trinity affiliate of the national SWE organization, whose purpose is to encourage women in the fields of engineering and computing. SWE sponsors lectures, tours of labs and companies in the Hartford area, dinners with professionals, career days, and works in cooperation with the Trinity Engineering and Computing Society (TECS). Founded two years ago, Trinity SWE achieved national recognition in September of 1983 when it was presented its charter by SWE national.


The mind is the great lever of all things. Daniel Webster

AIESEC Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economique et Commerciales (AIESEC) at Trinity seeks to promote international understanding and cooperation. This is done primarily through an international exchange in which students take short-term jobs in business at the management level, in foreign countries.


Grant us brotherhood, not only for this day but for all years.

Stephen Vincent Benet

Fraternities and Sororities IFC The Intrafraternity Concil is composed of two representatives from each of the fraternities at Trinity. It serves as a vehicle of communication through which the fraternities can manage their affairs and coordinate their activities. The IFC also helps to integrate the fraternities with the rest of the campus by devising ways in which the houses can make creative contributions to the social life of the campus.

PanHellenic Council The Trinity PanHellenic Council, a member of the National PanHellenic Conference, serves as a coordinating body whose purpose is to foster better relations among the sororities. PanHellenic is composed of two representatives from each sorority and is responsible for rush, coordinating rush dates and rush rules.


Tri-Delta, founded at Boston University in 1888, was the first women's fraternity to be founded as a national organization with complete plans for governmental structure and expansion. The Beta Omega chapter (Tri Delta's 122nd) was established at Trinity in February 1981.


85 \

DKE Delta Kappa Epsilon was organized at Yale University in 1844 and was among the first of the national fraternities chartered at Trinity. The 路 Alpha Chi chapter 路 was founded in 1879 through the membership of the original Clio Society. The Alpha Chi chapter is coed locally, but Delta Kappa Epsilon does not permit women to become full members of the International.


PKA Pi Kappa Alpha, an outgrowth of a local organization, Tau Alpha, was established at Trinity in 1953. PIKA, which was founded at the University of Virginia in 1868, is the largest national fraternity represented on campuses, with over 170 active chapters throughout the country.


Psi Upsilon was founded at Union College in 1833. It is one of the oldest college fraternities in the country. The Beta Beta chapter was founded at Trinity in 1880 and was organized from the local society known as Beta Beta.

Psi U


Alpha Delta Phi was founded at Hamilton College in 1832 and now consists of 29 active chapters in this country and Canada. The Phi Kappa Society at Trinity was the parent organization from which the Phi Kappa chapter was founded in 1877.



The purpose of the Trinity Review is to stimulate an interest in writing and to provide an outlet for the creative efforts of undergraduates, graduate students, and members of the faculty and administration.

Review Of all those arts in which the wise excell, Nature's chief masterpiece is writing well.


John Shelfield

Silences/ CCAT The Committee for Change at Trinity Silences are dedicated to varied and social experiences. They sponsored Cave discussions, regular of Silences, and student taught



Tripod The Tripod is the official student newspaper of the college. As such, it provides the most effective and comprehensive communication system within the college.


Questioner The Questioner is a newly established liberal newspaper which, as its name implies, raises questions and issues pertinent to our time.


For 'tis the mind that makes the body rich William Shakespeare




Rugby Club 96

Resident Assistants/ Coordinators The Resident Assistant/Coordinator program was expanded this year with the addition tof the Program Annex. While RAs continued to act as peer counselors and dorm-sitters, they increased their role in campus-wide programs. Dorm study breaks, faculty discussions, and all-campus programs were established and occurred frequently . : RA training allowed all the RA.s to increase - , their awareness of campus and c~~munity is- .-.-, -~ su~s . Throughout the year, RAs functioned . -路 ,~. effectively in an expanded, vital role on cain~ 路" pus. >._./ ---'~ .,-~V

First row (l. tor.) : M. Elwood , S . Gowell , M. Hernandez , D. Landry , R. Bowmar, R. Starr, J . Kise, M. Parsons, K. Mason , M. Havard; Second row (l. to r.): T. Miller, S. Carter, A. Bivona, S . Gollis, t--1 . Gary, K. ,Hertz, P. Prosper, J. Melvin, R. Stilley, H . Sadinsky; Third row (l. tor.) : F. De Rosa, J. Gibbons, N. Meade , R. Silver. K. Finck, S . Fisher, P . Marcello , S . Adcyms~ K. Kovage, A. Snyder, J . Kim; Fourth row (l. to r.): S . Smith, T. Price, J . DiLuzio, G. Garrity , A. Lopresti , R. Flanagan, T . Nash, L. Bay, F. Andreoli , M. Golding ; Fifth row (l. tor.): M. Gatchell , D. Parker, B. Corning, J . Miller, A. Merrill , A. Drouet, B. Chegwidden; Sixth row (l . tor.) : M. Hancock , K. Wheeler, M. Cor9erm1m , M. Van Cleve, P. Stinson; Missing : J. Head , A. Stackpole. :路


First Row (l. tor.) : D. Palazzolo, T. Craft, G. Hasson, G. Hutchinson , B. LeCours, Capt. C . Farnham, E. Houston, P . Lundstrom, N. Bordieri, N. Ide T. Clemmenson, B. Driscoll; Second Row (l. tor.) : Trainer P. Hogan, Trainer L. Hamel , J . Goodman , M. Shaughnessy, T . McNamara , J. McAloon , S Sennett, S. Elsas , P. Finn , J. Shield, J . Kochnowicz, R. Andreoli , C. Caskin, M. Harthun, S. Donaghy , Asst. Coach D. Marie ; Third Row (l. tor.) : Asst Coach T . Marble , M. Tighe, J . Sickenger, M. Dolan, K. Coleman, T. Robinson , T . Fairfax, G. VanderZwaag, M. Reilly , P . DePatie, J . Gangi, P. Cas tonia , Asst. Coach J . Foster; Fourth Row (l. tor.) : Asst. Coach J . McKeehan, J . Usewick, F. Funaro, M. Murray , P . Troisi, S. Okun , A. Stackpole, R Vyskocil , E. Donald, M. Green, K. Smith, B. Cunningham, Asst . Coach M. Darr; Fifth Row (l. tor.) : Equipment Mgr. A. Wiggins, R. McCaulley , D Banta, J . Montgomery , D. .McCluskey, B. Zanko, D. Tighe, L. Branham, M. DeLucia, A. Amore, T . Nizolek, E. Meyercord , Asst. Coach A. Thomas Sixth Row (l. tor.): Asst. CoachJ . Grace , P . Patterson , R. Nagy , R. O ' Neill, E. Kuchar , J .Kulhavik , A. John , G. Richo, R. Boggs, T . Shannon, S. Chis holm, Head Coach D. Miller •




7 52 41 49 28 42 33 31


Football (6-2) Tufts Hamilton Williams Colby Union Coast Guard Amherst Wesleyan

14 12 14 15 42 20 16 17

Water Polo

7 4 4 6 4 13 6 12 19 5 12 0

Water Polo (5-7) Amherst Williams Iona Boston College Williams Coast Guard Amherst Springfield Wesleyan Amherst Coast G'uard Williams_

11 26 21 4 12 12 13 4 6 9 11 5 103



9 0 4 1 3 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1

Women•s Soccer (7-5-1) Curry Yale Amherst (OT) Wesleyan (OT) Conn. College Wheaton Williams Smith Westfield State Mt. Holyoke (OT) UHartford Keene State Bowdoin

Women's .-Soccer


0 4 3 0 0 0. 1 0 1 1 1 5 5

=irst , Row (1. to r.): B. Smith, R. Stempler, K. Orczyk , C. Hunter, G. Cappelletti, S. Fee , A. Merjian ; )econd Row (1. to r.): K. Topper, C . Berkeley, S. Moss, C. Lyford , A. Percy , J. Monnes; Third Row (l. tor.) : '\sst. Coach P . Marie , S. Couch , J. Lane , B. McKay , V. Arvanitis, L. Couch, Head Coach K. Erlandson


Men's Soccer

Front (l. tor.): B. Eastburn, G. Garrity; Kneeling (l. tor.): M. Lagana, J . Pilgrim , R. Schrenk, B. Flynn, P. Appleton, V. Melvin, T . Monaghan , R. Dzenga; Standing (l. tor.): Asst. Coach C. McPhee, C. Hyland, P . Ammirati, V. Meyer, B. St. George, M. VanderVelde , P . Mullin, C. Downs, M. Lee , P. Voudouris, J . Crews , R. Cohen, R. Beede, J. Curley, Head Coach R. Shults, Asst. Coach B. Parzych


.{路 I

2 0 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 0 1 0

Men's Soccer (2-10-1) Coast Guard

4 1 M.I.T. 0 (OT) 1 W.P.I. Williams 3 Tufts 2 Grinnell 2 (OT) 5 UHartford Conn. College 1 wcsu (OT) 3 Clark 3 Wesleyan 3 Amherst 5



4 0 2 1 2 2 3 8 6 3 2 2 1

Field Hockey (10-3) Conn. College 0 Tufts 2 Fairfield 0 Mt. Holyoke 0 Amherst 1 Williams 1 8 dgeport 0 Wellesley 0 Wesleyan 0 Keene State 2 Smith (OT)3 1 Tufts 2 Smith

First Row (1. tor.) : A. Waugh , J . Peterson, S . Schwartz, W. Kerr , A. Mathiasen, L. Sperry, L. Lynch , L. Gill ; Second Row (1. to r.): Head Coach R. Sheppard , P. Ingersoll , B. Adams , J . Avioli , P. Altmaier, G. Bigger, L. Abrams, S . Cutler , Asst . Coach S . Bunnell; Third Row (1. to r.): B. J ones, A. Morris, L. Comeau , C. Luke , H . Moody , K. Simonds, G. Vogel ; Fourth Row (1. tor.) : N. Telher, D. Barrass, L. Shaw, S . Clothier, N. Perkins, L. Nalle, A. Scribner, E. Boelhouwer

Field Hockey



Women's Tennis

Front (1. to r.) : P . Neumann , A. Weisberger, M. Rosenfeld , S. Greene , K. Johnston , M. Reilly , P . Payne; Back (1. to r.): Asst. Coach H. DePhillips, Head Coach R. Chase , C. Pastore , P . Katch, B. Barnes, L. Lovett , C. Slaughter, D. Gilbert, J . Looney


Williams UConn Wesleyan Mt. Holyoke

The defending New England Division III champions enjoyed another outstanding season in 1983. Among the season's highlights were a 5-4 nail-biting victory over Tufts, an undefeated JV team, an undefeated varsity record against Division III teams, and Dr. DePhillip's gorp. MVP Jeanine Looney and Captain Sue Greene, the lone senior, were undefeated in Division III while Claire Slaughter continued her dominance over New England in the number one spot by winning the regional Division III tournament. An agonizingly close second place finish to the Jumbos at New Englands only slightly overshadowed the high spirited, supportive attitude and closeness of the young team.


A final record of 15-5, probably the best in Trinity history, showed 1983 to be a banner year for the men's cross country team . Lead by junior MVP Dave Barry and senior captains Steve Klots and Steve Tall, the Bantams raced to several stunning victories, including wins over Amherst, Babson, and Coast Guard. The season began auspiciously at the Bryant Invitational, where Trinity finished fourth out of 14 teams. After a seventh place finish in the Connecticut state meet, the runners shocked Amherst, defeating them by a narrow margin of three points in the Lord Jeff's own Invitational. Trinity devastated Babson and Connecticut College in New London, winning easily 21-53-64 after taking seven of the first eleven places. After a disappointing eighth place at the NESCAC meet, the team rallied to pummel WPI, 19-38. Then came what many considered to be the highlight of the season. As far back as anyone could remember, Trinity had never defeated Coast Guard in cross country. When Barry, Tall, and Klots crossed the finish line together in first palce, followed shortly by juniors Dave O'Donnell, Joe Wire, and Doug Williams in sixth, the streak was obviously over. Trinity won 19-49, with Babson again running behind with 86 points. The season ended with a loss to Wesleyan and a strong 14th place finish in the New Englands, Trinity's highest ever.


(l. tor.): J . Wicks, S . Tall , S . Klots , C . Melo, G. DeMarco; Standing (l. tor.) : Coach J. Kelly, . O 'Donnell , D. Williams, W. Fairbanks, D. Barry , S . Balon, J . Wire, D. Hanak , D. Moughalian .

Men's Cross Country


Women's Cross Country

Bottom Row (1 . to r.) : A Steinert , A. Malabre , E. Thurman , S . Pasieka; Second Row (1. tor.): M. Lynch, P. Adams , A . Coleman; Third Row (1. tor.) : A. Woodford , A. Doherty; Top: M. Andora .


The 1983 women's cross country team, lead by co-captains Pat Adams and Erica Thurman, compiled an impressive 18-8 record in only their second season as a varsity sport. This tremendous improvement over the previous season can be attributed to the depth provided by a core of dedicated upperclassmen and the addition of an enthusiastic freshman class. Top runner and MVP, junior Ann Malabre, had her best season ever, gaining ALL-NESCAC status and placing well in the New England Division III meet. The top seven were rounded out by Alex Steinert, Thurman, Meredith Lynch, Alix Woodford, Adams, and Sue Pasieka. Ann Coleman, Aileen Dougherty, Melissa Andora, and Nina Porter completed the roster for the Lady Harriers. The team can expect future success as they lose only Adams to graduation. Adams distinguished herself by being the first woman to compete in four years of Trinity cross-country.


Men's Basketball

Kneeling (l. tor.) : P . Powers, R. Faltinsky, J. Barton, J. Bates, M. Sommers, M. Donovan; Standing (1. to r.): Head Coach S. Ogrodnik, K. Abere, D. Monahan, K. Sullivan, B. Pfohl, T. King, Assistant Coach G. Carlson , Assistant Coach F. Kine!.


NESCAC Champions

94 79 60 100 80 87 72 79 77 63 69 85 96 56 79 89 75 85 61 78 83 82 91

Men's Basketball (21-2) Curry Amherst Barrington Queena Nichols WesleyQ Conn. College WUiiams Kings Point Wesleyan Coast Guard Tufts WPI Conn. College Brandeis Bowdoin Bates MIT Coast Guard UHartford Amherst Westfield St Wesleyan

45 60 55 67 62 65 70 68 62 57 52 77 76 72 72 74 59 61 42 63 65 66 80


Women's Basketball


Women•• 8aelletMil (lN) 49 72 eo.tGuard Conn. College 60 56 Mt. Holyoke 69 54 71 Keeae State 50 6t 52 Welleater 71 Coast Guan1 45 14 UHartfotd 55 51 WPI Mt. Holyoke 57 64 67 Western Conn. 61 Conn. College 37 Wealeyan 46 64 Bow4oin 60 72 54 67 Smith

a a

67 79






Wealepa Eastern Conn.



62 Ill

(1. to r.): Asst . Coach P. Marie , K. Orczyk, K. Rogers, Head Coach K. Erlandson; iddle (1. to r.): S . Van Cleve, S. Mayo , S. Andrus , B. Jones, S. Couch; k (l. to r.) : C. Lofgren , S. Babcock, K. Soley, R. Black, D. Priestley.


First Row (1. tor.) : L. Brennan, E. Severiens, L. Gill, N. Meade, D. Cronin , D. Fredrick, S. Cassazza; Second Row (1 . tor.) : B. Brennan , K. Graham , S. Giblin , L. Couch , M. Hargrave, P . Milch; Third Row (1. tor.) : L. Cass, C. White , M. Neylon , C . Sanden, T . Klarides, C . Lyford; Fourth Row (1. to r.): B. Dugan , K. Hubbard , Head Coach C. McPhee , Asst. Coach R. Sheppard, S. Cutler.


79 89 51 75 59 73 90 86 63


Women's Swimming (9-1) Fairfield Holy Cross SMU Mt. Holyoke Wesleyan Southern Conn. Clark Conn. College Tufts Amherst

52 51 44 56 27 39 59 45 79 54 The Trinity Women's Swim Team continued its winning legacy this year and set an all-time Trinity sports record for the athletic team with the longest undefeated streak. They hit the 19-0 mark before falling to Tufts in an exciting meet at the winner's less-than-desirable pool. Most Valuable Swimmers Dea Fredrick and Deb Cronin led the team to a 9-1 season record, fourth place in New Englands, and twelfth place in Nationals. These two senior superstars smashed records in the freestyle and breaststroke events, respectively. There was also a bit of excitement surrounding the butterfly events, with seniors Laura Gill and Most Improved Sue Cassazza providing both support and competition for each other. Both women placed in the New England Championships at Bates College.

Women's Swimming


Men's Swimming

First Row (l. tor.) : R. Dyer, T . Raftis, C. Lake; Second Row (l. tor.) : D. Mugford , H. Young, G. Carter; Third Row (l. tor.): A. Kimmick, J . Loughlin , C. Muir ; Fourth Row (l. tor.) : T . Anderson , Head Coach C . McPhee, Asst. Coach R. Sheppard, B. Anderson.


47 36 47 53 43 41 41 55 35 67

Men's Swimming (2-8) Fairfield SMU Central Conn. Union Wesleyan Babson WPI Holy Cross Amherst


64 58 63 41 52 66 54 57 59 45


The men's team finished with a record of 6-5 and the women's team was 7-5. The success of the fencing team can be attributed to the outstanding fencers Mei-Wa Cheng, Vladimir Dimanshteyn and Cathy Wallert. Characterized by their enthusiasm, the young team is confident for a successful season next year despite the loss of seniors Dimanshteyn, Kathy Caruso, Ellery Brown, and Lorie Miller.


Men's Squash


9 3 3 9 8 9 6 9 9 9 9 8 7 4 7 9 8

Men's Squash (15-3) Amherst Princeton Harvard MIT Dartmouth Rochester Yale ¡ Wesleyan Bowdoin Colby Colgate SUNY -Stony Brook Geo. Washington Navy Army Vassar Tufts

0 6 6 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 2 0 1

For the second consecutive year, the Men's Varsity Squash Team recorded its finest season in the history of the college. Led by First T earn All-Americans Captain Bill Doyle and Mike Georgy, and Second Team selectee J.D. Cregan, the team finished with a 15-3 record and laid claim to the # 3 National Ranking. Despite the strong top players, however, the team's ultimate success was due to its beautiful combination of both strength and depth. The season started on an auspicious note when the Bantams faced Princeton and Harvard. Coached by newcomer Steve Heath, the team played well against Princeton, but fell short by a 6-3 margin. Although the Bantams suffered a 6-3 defeat at the hands of the Crimson, the match was the year's finest showing by any team against the National champions. Later in the season the team was stunned by a very aggressive and tireless Navy squad. The Bantams fell 5-4. This loss proved to be a mixed blessing, however. In the climactic match against Williams, playing for the # 3 ranking, the team, driven by disappointment and pride, played to their potential and prevailed 5-4. The victory was made all the more sweet because the team achieved it without its # 2 player, Mike Georgy . For the second straight year, the team will not lose a single player to graduation, and they hope to once again improve their National ranking. Returning letterman are Doyle, Georgy, Cregan, Bill Villari, Doug Burbank, Thomas Monaghan, Jerome Kapelus, Andrew Emery, Paul Stauffer, John Conway, John Anz, Art Strome, and Tim Burbank .



Front Row (l. tor.) : K. Klein , E. LaCerda , A. Hanley, J . McLaughlin, N. Perkins; Back Row (l. to r.) : Coach R. Chase, N. Porter, C. Burbank, C. Slaughter, S. Greene, K. Castle .

2 5 2 2 4 7 6 7 7 5 7 126

Women's Squash (8-3) Harvard 5 Dartmouth 2 Princeton 5 Yale 5 UPenn 3 Smith 0 Wesleyan 1 Middlebury 0 Williams 0 Amherst 2 Brown 0

Women's Squash The women's squash team ranked number 4 in the country behind Harvard, Princeton, and Yale for the 1984 season. Nina Porter lead the squad with only one personal loss to UPenn's Alicia McConnell who is ranked number 1 in the country. During her four years at Trinity, Nina has been among the top three players in the nation . Her success excelled during the Howe Cup (team nationals) where she was awarded the Betty Richey Award for outstanding playing, team spirit, and sportsmanship. Lea Spruance had a successful four years among the top 5 players on the varsity squad. Sue Greene, Trinity's number 6, received the most improved player's award. Charlotte Burbank, co-captain, was successful as the team's spirited anchor at number 7.


Front Row (l. tor.): V. Laurentino, D. Flynn, C. Farnham, B. Clarke, B. Stride, B. Corning, A. Fitzgerald; Second Row (l. tor.) : M. DiSandro, P . Wor路 thing, E. Stepper, M. Sload, B. Slaney, C. Lorenz, F. Newark , D. Ward, Manager L. Brickley, Head Coach J . Dunham; Third Row (l. to r. ): Asst. Coach P . Davidson , A. Filler, R. Stetson, T . Regan , B. Blank, R. Whitmore, P . Mullin , T . Sheehy, S. Daume; Fourth Row (l . to r. ): T . Weesner, M. Doyle, M. Solomita, C. Downs, V. Meyer.

Ice Hockey


1 4 2

4 7 2 8 1 2 7 6 7 4 1 5 1 0 7 7 4 7 4

Ice Hockey (11-10.1) Suffolk St. MicbMls Wesleyan Coma. CoUege Nldlols Westfield St. Stoaehlll Anay Navy Navy FraJDingham St. Amherst UComa Batley

Fairfield SMtJ

2 0

8 1 1 7 8 5 1 4 6 5 7 2 1


Assumptloa (OT)1 Wesleyan 4 N.H. CoUege 5 AIC (0T)5 CoBB. College 2







The 1984 season was one of mixed results although marked by impressive wins over better endowed Division III teams from Boston College, West Point, and the University of Connecticut. Having graduated four seniors last year, the team saw a heavy influx of new, energetic talent. Freshman Jeff Moffett, Peter Levitt, and John Kail made their racing debut and showed steady improvement throughout the season. Sophomores Erik Smith and Doug Francis made a spectacular conversion from mogul skiing to alpine racing. In addition, sophomore Max Smith and senior captains John Hamblett and William Washburn provided a backbone of experience and consistency. Finally, giant slalom specialist Gates Garrity had an outstanding season, several times breaking into the elite ranks of the top twenty finishers .



7 2 1 5 10 14 0 25 9 0 4

Softball (3-8) Wesleyan UHartford Conn. College Coast Guard Clark Clark Smith Wesleyan Western Conn. Western Conn. Mt. Holyoke



8 5 3 11 7 15 14 11 10 4 3

Front Row (1. to r.): S . Andrus , L. Couch , R. Black, N. Meade , W. Kerr , K. O 'Brien, L. Letourneau , S. Carter , M. Wrobleski ; Back Row (1. to r.) : J . J acobson , Asst . Coach B. LeCours , A. Scribner, Coach D. Miller, S. Babcock, S. Van Cleve, K. Carney, P . Payne , J. Simon, Mgr . J . Mandigo , C. Lyford , Asst . Coach K. Erlandson.



First Row (1. tor.) : J . Bates, T. Miller, B. Driscoll, M. Schweighoffer, N. Bordieri, J . Shield; Second Row (1. tor .): J . Wells, T . Vartenigian , M. Van路 derVelde , J. Montgomery , J . Gangi , J. Barton; Third Row (1. tor.) : S. DeCapua, E.J . Sweney, A. Bivona, M. Hamel , B. Markowitz, A. Fitzgerald, E. Butler; Fourth Row (1. to r.) : Asst. Coach T . Roath, Asst . Coach D. Mannen , Coach R. Shults, T . Crimmins, T . Robinson .


5 I

8 3

s 0

I 6 5 7 18 0 7 5 5 2 1

8 7 5 6


82 82 82 82 102 102 113 92 86

Men's Track and Field (9-0) Coast Guard Amherst Westfield St. Middlebury Wesleyan Conn. College Eastern Conn. Williams WPI

72 70 63 11 79 9 41 61 68

Men's Track and Field


Front Row (l. to r.) : Asst . Coach C. McPhee , C. Rousseau , J . Usewick , P . Deslandes, M. Elwood , D. O 'Donnell, G. Hill , S. Klots ; Back Row (l. tor.) : Asst. Coach P. Carney, G. Richo , K. Coleman, F. Obi, D. Barry, K. Johnson, S. Tall , R. Haber , Coach J . Foster; Missing: B. Bowmar, B. Brennan, M. Delucia, S. Drew, M. Harthun , M. Murray, P . Stauffer, D. Banta, R. McCaulley, J . Kulhavik .


Women's Track and Field


Front Row (1 . tor.): M. Lynch, A. Doherty, A. Steinert, A. Hanley, A. Storey, K. Klein, A. Woodford; Back Row (1. tor.) : B. Loughlin, E. Thurman , G. Finn , A. Ulgen, B. McKay , W. Pillsbury , Coach J . Foster; Missing: L. Berckmans, S. Casazza , D. Cronin , L. Jeffries .

30 30 30 30 69 69 75 58

Women's Track and Field (3-5) Smith 99 Westfield St. 69 Amherst 44 Middlebury 18 Wesleyan 86 Conn. College 10 Williams 60 Eastern Conn. 72














First Row (1. tor.) : S. Ryan, J. Self, S. Zoellner, T. Ziebold, P. Ferrucci, P. Voudouris, J. Yu , K. McKaig; Second Row (1. tor.): S. Chisholm, J. Picone , D. Boone, B. St. George, B. Rhodes, N. lde, R. Beede, J. Maggioni , R. Hopkins, L. Purdy , K. Shackelford; Third Row (1. tor.): Asst . Coach T . Marble , Asst. Coach J. McKean , P. DePatie, B. Nault , D. Smith, S. Swett, M. Tiedemann, S. Hallett , C. Smith, S. Stroud, T . Sheehy , E. Meyercord, Coach M. Darr.

Men's Lacrosse


7 9


Men's Lacrosse (3-7) Western Maryland Conn. College Tufts Springfield MIT Amherst Williams Wesleyan New Haven Westfield St.


5 13 10 6 12 9

8 10 11


Women's Lacrosse

First Row (1. tor.): A. Mathiasen , K. Orczyk , L. Lynch , S . Schwartz, L. Gill , L. Sperry ; Second Row (1. tor. ): B. Adams, K. Castle , P. Altmaier, G. Biggar, S . Fee , K. Simonds, S . Cutler, E. Ginsburgh ; Third Row (1. to r.): S . Moss, K. Bennett , M. Harrop , M. Noyer , S. Clothier, C. Zipps , R. Scullin, C. Berkeley; Fourth Row (1. to r.) : Coach R. Sheppard , L. Nalle , N. Tellier , B. Jones, P. Ingersoll , E. Lewis , M. Stevens, K. Rogers, Asst. Coach S . Bunnell; Fifth Row: G. Vogel, S . Couch .


Women's Lacrosse (11-1) Tufts 21 Wesleyan 16 Mt. Holyoke 17 Smith Springfield 17 13 Conn.Collep Williams 8 Amherst 14 22 Holy Cross 15 UConn Williams 13 Tufts 14



8 9 6 5 12 10 10 5 11 6 11


Varsity Heavyweights (1. tor.): E. Strotbeck, D. Janney , J. Robinson, W. Thomas , E. Houston . R. Flanagan, P Carney, T. Nash ; Kneeling : T . Bailey coxswain.

Men's Crew


Men's Varsity Crew Lightweights: 5-l Heavyweights: 2-3 Heavyweight Fours: 2-3

Varsity Lightweights (l . tor.) : M. Chabot, R. Reichart , R. Rochelle , E. Rosow, C. Melo coxswain, B. Southall, A. Merrill,

J. Manson, C . Wilmerding .


Women's Crew

Varsity Women (1. tor.) : M. Belcher, S. Weissinger, W. Woolf, P. Isgur, E. Cornman , M. Jacobsen , A. Proctor, L. Darby; Kneeling: M. Erskine coxswain.

Women's Crew Varsity: 6-0 Novice: 5-l Fours: 0-4

Novice Women (1 . to r. ): J . Markham , D. Rice, C. Cochran , S . Latham , M.J. Smith, L. Sawyer, A. Percy, M. Hamblett coxswain.


J .V. Lightweights (1. tor.) : R. Soulliere, G. Hopley , J . Klimczak, J . Butler, A. Boyle, J . Butler, E. Granade, R. Cleary; Kneeling : S. Blessey coxswain.

J.V. & Freshman Crew J. V. Lightweights: 5-1 Freshman Heavyweights: 3-2 Freshman Lightweights: 3-3

Freshman Heavyweights (1 . tor.): J . Theodoracopolos, S . Gerber, B. Babbitt, D. Corderman, J. Durmer , A. Keyes, L. Palmer, C. Muir, T . Clements; Kneeling: K. Jurish coxswain.

J. V. and Freshman Crew


Men's Tennis


Men's Rugby


Women's Rugby


President's Fellows

First row (l. tor.) : J. Kirby , R. Afzal, S. Chernau , M. Hernandez; Second row (l. tor.): D. Sullivan, I. Mcfarland , R. Stilley, C. Villano , S. Shanley, B. Guttman , S. Adams , S. Cook; Third row (l. tor.): K. Pearse , P . Yearley .


American Studies Art History Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Classics Computer Coordinate Economics Engineering English History Intercultural Studies Mathematics Modern Languages Music Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Studio Arts Theatre & Dance Urban & Environmental Studies

Peter B. Yearley Suzanne Chernau Robert D. Sansonetti Sarah P. Adams James F. Kirby Ian A. McFarland Daniel E. Sullivan Bryan C. Chegwidden Robert E. Cooke Sarah W. Shanley Barbara Guttman Karina L. Pearse Jan K. Wheeler John P. Atwood Roger J . Levin Maria L. Borghesi Robert S. Afzal Ramona F. Stilley Catherine A. Villano Stephen L. Cook Shelly R. Aronson Wendy J. Perkins Laura E. Austin Myriam E. Hernandez













Senior Brunch


In Memory Of

Robert Alan Falk

Everyone I know, everywhere I go People need some reason to believe I don't know about anyone but me If it takes all night, that'll be all right If I can get you to smile before I leave. - Jackson Browne Bob was a 1980 graduate of Kingswood-Oxford School, where he played football and lacrosse and wrote for the West Hartford News. At Trinity he earned varsity letters in lacrosse in both his freshman and sophomore years, wrote sports for the Tripod and covered sports for WRTC. Bob also worked for the SAGA food service and was on the staff of the Trinity All Sports Camp. Bob captured the affection and respect of all who knew him. We have lost a very dear and precious friend, and his presence in our lives will be greatly missed; but the fond memories that we have of Bob Falk will be with us forever . 171

A. Marc Ackerman

Mary Elizabeth Acunzo



Nancy Barbara Adams

Patricia Gail Adams

Intercultural Studies & Dance


Sarah Pendleton Adams

Joseph V. Adler

Robert Sohrab Afzal

Katherine M. Aiken






William Scott Allyn

Bruce William Alphenaar

Carolyn Alves

Janice Marie Anderson

Biology & Religion


Russian Studies


Salvatore Anzalotti III

John P. Arbolino

Marego Athans

John Paul Atwood




French & Italian

Laura Etnier Austin Theater & Dance


Blythe Harris Bachmann English Literature

Jordon R. Bain Theatre & Dance

Daniel Jonathan Barach Psychology

Gail R. Baran Psychology

Caroline Williamson Barhydt History

Joan Marie Barry History

Jeffrey Michael Bartsch American Studies

David Batal Chemistry

Martha Barnes Belcher Political Science


Edward Rasch Benkert Philosophy

Tracey Renee Bennett History


Cara Harriet Berman

Mark Reynolds Bishop

Donald Maurice Bisson

Marianne Bizek


Theatre & Dance

Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Political Science

Laury Jane Blakley

Deborah Bliss

John David Bolton

Donald Keeler Bradford

History (Intensive)

Theatre & Dance

Economics & Biology



Glenn Marshall Bradford

Elizabeth Louise Brennan

Computer Coordinate with Physics

American Studies

Todd Steven Brilliant

Michael Joseph Bronzino

Ellery James Brown

Laura Gail Brown





Cynthia Lynn Bryant

Charlotte Holden Burbank

Michelle Burnham

Jeffrey Michael Butler

English & Economics

Art History




Jaclyn Ann Calem

James Patrick Carrigan

Kathleen Caruso

Susan Leslie Casazza



English & French

English Literature

Suzanne E. Chalpin

Christopher Champion

Bryan Charles Chegwidden

Suzanne Chernau

Political Science



Art History

Susan Marie Choiniere Economics


Ralph Brian Clarke

Thomas Clemmenson

Grant Cochran

Elena Alexandra Colombo

Computer Coordinate with History


History & Music

Art History & Studio Arts

Stephen Lloyd Cook

Robert Edward Cooke


Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Marion Bollinger Corderman


Michael J. Criscione

Deborah Cronin

Political Science

English Literature

Computer Coordinate with History

Peter J. Correnty Biology & Mathematics

Martha Davidson Cross

Cheryl Ann Dahlberg

English Literature


,,•__ Laura Anne Darby

Thomas Benjamin DaSilva

Sheila Davidson




Elizabeth Montgomery Davis English Literature

Michelle DeKwiatkowski

Gregory DeMarco

Nicholas William Deppen

Robert Ian Devlen


Environmental Studies

East Asian Studies

Physics & Philosophy


Maria DiBella

Jon Francis DiLuzio

English Literature

Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Vladimir Dimanshteyn

John W. Donaldson

Donna Sara Angela Donato

Physics with Computer Coordinate



Brian Francis Driscoll

Carolyn Sue Dubrow

Philip John Duffy

Jean M. Durham

Computer Coordinate with Mathematics





Adrienne Jane Dorfman English -

Literary Writing

Laura Judith Dyson

Page Eastburn

James Anthony Ermilio

Charles Ilsley Farnham


Studio Arts



Douglas Richard Fauth

Theresa Ferryman

Kathryn Finck

Sarah Stoddard Fisher





Caroline Fisk

Dana Adrian Fitzpatrick

Economics with Computer Coordinate



Daniel William Flynn

Robert Francis Flynn


History (Intensive)

Rosemary Fontanazza

B. Graeme Frazier IV

Dea Marie Fredrick

Joyce Helene Fryklund

English with Computer Coordinate


Art History


Scott Ruston Fuller

Peter Joseph Galvin

David Gasiorowski

Madeline Genette



Political Science

Intercultural Studies


John Dennis Gibbons

John Gilbert

Laura Essary Gill

Martha Ellen Gillis

Engineering with Computer Coordinate




Sheila M. Gillooly

Eva Goldfarb

Matthew B. Golding

Robert Wayne Goldman


American Studies


Economics with Computer Coordinate

Jonathan Andrew Goodman

William Gotsis




Susan Marine Greene

Mark Anthony Greenland

William Newton Gregg

Rebecca Mary Griffin

Political Science

Russian Studies

Economics with Computer Coordinate

French & Russian

Melissa Semmes Groo

Anne Hay Gurin Mathematics

Greta Marie Sivert Gustavsson

Barbara Guttman

English Literature

Political Science

John Stagg Hamblett

Thomas Gerard Hampton

Economics with Computer Coordinate




Catherine Elizabeth Harvey Psychology

Gregory David Hasson Political Science

Michael Havard Economics

Catherine Carr Hays History

Joseph Henry Head Computer Coordinate with Economics

James Heinzen History

Lisa Mary Klemes Biochemistry

Robert Alexander Hemmes History

Mark Price Henderson History

Cynthia Joy Henry Biochemistry


Robbin Beatrice Aleen Henry


Myriam Elizabeth Hernandez

Kirsten Hertz

David Guy Hill

American Studies

Political Science

English & Economics

Economics & Environmental Studies

Hedy Hollanda

Mark Steven Horner

Linda Marie Houllahan

Eric L. Houston





Cynthia Fuller Hunter

Ned Chittenden Ide




Mamoru Iguchi

Melissa Anne Jacobsen

Philippe Bernard Japy

Engineering with Computer Coordinate

American Studies


A. Chandlee Johnson

Alexander P. Johnson

Eric Arthur Johnson

Scott Craven Jones

Political Science

Political Sc.ience

Engineering with Computer Coordinate


John Freund Kalishman

Linda Jane Kapnek

Elliot Joseph Katz

Nancy Lynn Katz






George Albert Keanna Psychology


Anne Louise Kerr English -

Literary Writing

Jacqueline Kim

James Francis Kirby



Lisa Koenig

James Convery Kolowich

Marian Claire Korth

Mark Bennett Kraft



English Literature


Stephen Barrett Klots English -

Literary Writing

Todd Miller Knutson Philosophy

Paul Michael Kramer Economics

Kurt Stanley Kusiak Economics

Michael Lafortezza Computer Coordinate with Mathematics

Charles Thornton Lake II Physics with Computer Coordinate

Donna Marie LaPlante Psychology

Maria Theresa Lavieri American Studies

Susan Grant Lawrence Mathematics

Robert Michael LeCours History

David R. Lenahan American Studies


Michele Lenkeit

Roger James Levin

Jill Ann Levy

Michael F. Lieber


Biochemistry & Music



Andrew Steven Lieberman

Alison Limpitlaw

Eric Ward Linsley

Andrew Ethan Lituchy





Christine Anita Lofgren Economics & French


Andrew Kerr Loft

Adrienne Lotoski



Elizabeth Anne Lynch

Madelaine Chauncey Lynch

Gillian Magee

Anne Frain Mahoney

English Literature




Thomas J. Maloney

John Robert Manak Jr.

Jeffrey Scott Mandigo

Susan Victoria Manlove

Computer Coordinate with Economics



Russian Studies


Peter West Marcello Biology

John Marchand Economics

Lisa Joya Marinello Economics

Sheila Marmion Political Science

Catherine Theresa Marona Economics

Annie Mathiasen Psychology

Joanne Lois Matzen Political Science

Hillary Lee Mayer Economics

Joyce Mecartney Italian

Ian A. McFarland Classics


Edward McDuffie McGehee History

Cornelius Mark McKee Environmental Studies

Jane Williams Melvin Political Science

Adrienne Merjian Psychology

Craig Scott Mesches Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Christine Grace Messer History

Nancy Beth Meade Classics

Christopher John Melo Engineering with Computer Coordinate


Ann Louise Metzger

Elizabeth Eden Meuller

Katherine Sarah Meyer

Pamela Alexandra Milch

Computer Coordinate with History


Political Science

Art History & Economics

Christian Hubert Minard Economics & Mathematics

Lorie Ann Miller

Natalie Ann Miller

Stephen Arthur Miller




Christopher Paul Morello Economics & History

Barbara Morgan



Robert A. Muccilli History

M. Randall Nargi English -

Literary Writing

Timothy Brackett Nash

James P. Neilsen, Jr.

Bruce Elliott Newman, Jr.

James Henry Niness

Economics with Computer Coordinate




Frances Julia Norris

Gregory C. Norsigian

John E. O'Brien

Robert E. O'Connell



Computer Coordinate with Economics

English -

Literary Writing


Kevin Joseph O'Connor

Richard Joseph Ollari



Karen Ann Orczyk

Gwen Armella Osterhout

Andrew Stuyvesant Paine

Daniel John Palazzolo

Political Science with Computer Coordinate

Mathematics with Computer Coordinate


Economics & Political Science

Christopher Athan Pappas

Michelle Parsons

Karina Laine Pearse

Heather W. Peck



Intercultural Studies



Keith Scott Perelman Computer Coordinate

Alice Victoria Perera Art History

Penny D. Perkins Computer Coordinate with Philosophy

Judith Ann Peterson Economics

Laura Lynn Pieringer French

MaryBeth Pietrorazio Economics

Wendy Jean Perkins Studio Arts

Susan Elizabeth Place French & Spanish

Paul Sebastian Polo Biology


Alison Williams Pomerantz

Nina Covington Porter

Deborah M. Priestley

T. Gibney Racioppi, Jr.



Biology with Computer Coordinate

Engineering wi th Computer Coordinate

John Leonard Ragalis

Laura Critchley Ramsey

Heather E. Randolph

Beverly J. Ravalese






Jeffrey Laurence Raven

Timothy H. Ray



Arthur Pray Rice History

Susan E. Rice Philosophy

Richard P. Reading Biology

Robert Andrew Reichart Economics

John Coleman Reidy Economics & Political Science

Robert William Hexer History

Heather Roberts Theatre Arts

James P. Robinson Philosophy


Joyce Mildred Robinson Mathematics

Robert Bruce Rochelle

Alison Leslie Marie Rohlfing

Carl D. Rosen

Michele Helene Rosner

Biology & Psychology

Economics with Computer Coordinate



Conrad Ernest Rousseau, Ill

Jennifer Carol Rudin

Steven Edward Rushbrook

Dale Anderson Ryan


Political Science




Peter William Ryan

Randall Warren Sparmer

Robert Damian Sansonetti

Lorraine Liddell Saunders


Engineering with Computer Coordinate



Carol Ellen Sawyer

Laura J. Schild

Neil Andrew Schneider

Randy John Schrenk




Mathematics with Computer Coordinate

Stephen Mackinnon Schutz

Susan Paula Schwartz




Michael Thomas Schweighoffer

Deirdre W. Scudder Economics


Marc Jay Selverstone Philosophy

Elisabeth Christien Severiens Economics

Sarah Wynne Shanley

Sarah E. Shapiro

Steven David Sharon

Susan Leigh Sherrill




French & Italian


Christopher Edward Silva Psychology

David F. Simons History

Dale W. Sind ell Political Science

David Howard Siskind History

Margaret Elizabeth Smith Political Science

Rebecca Jean Smith Psychology & Spanish

Amy Beth Snyder English Literature

Anne Sommer Sociology

Elizabeth Wallace Souder Philosophy

Maria Sparagna Economics


Lisa Heritage Sperry Psychology

Lea Spruance Psychology

Gordon Webb Seymour St. John English

Christine L. Stanson Economics

Mary-Katelyn Starkey Art History

Eric Marshall Steed Philosophy

Margaret R. Steele Intercultural Studies

Randi Joy Stempler Art History

Melanie A. Stephenson History

Ramona Fay Stilley Political Science


Peter Andrew Stinson

Hunt E. Stookey

English - Literary Writing & Philosophy

English & P olitical Science

James B. Streeto

William Francis Stride, III

Daniel E. Sullivan

Katherine Lyon Sundahl

History (Intensive)

American Studies

Computer Coordinate with Philosophy


Stephen Sunega

Peter Sean Sylvestre

Stephen John Tall

Debra L. Telischak

International Relations




Rebecca Allison Texter

Suzanne Marie Thebaut


Computer Coordinate with Mathematics

Susan A. Thomas

Mark Brookes Tiedemann

Martha Townes

Ngoc-Bich B. Tran



Political Science


Elisabeth Catherina Van Der Sleesen

Robert Greer Van Tuyl

Mary Elizabeth Tudor

Shelby Putnam Tupper



Theatre & Dance



Bernardo Velasco

Catherine Ann Villano

Deborah Michele Vinnick




Amy Randall Waugh

Karen Lisa Webber

Jonas Weil, III

Regina Maria Wexler

English Literature

English & Theatre & Dance



Katherine Litke VanWagenen Economics

Edwin J. Wheeler, Jr.

Jan Kristan Wheeler


Mathematics with Computer Coordinate


Ted Wheeler

Jonathan G. Wicks

Leslie M. Wicks

Leigh-Ann Wilson





Jennifer Frances Eleanor Wolfe

Catherine H. Wright Political Science


Peter Barlow Yearley American Studies

Charles Duncan Yetman, Jr. Philosophy


William Townsend Ziebold Economics

Sandra Cecelia Zionkowski

Michael A. Ziskind

Biology & Psychology



Honors Day James Goodwin Greek Prizes 1st Prize - Not awa rd ed this year 2nd Prize ~ Ian A. McFa rland '84

Frank Urban , Jr. Memorial Prize in Greek J ames P. Sickinger '86

Melvin W. Title Latin Prizes 1st Prize - J a mes P . Sickinger '86 2nd Prize - Ian A. McFa rland '84

George E. Nichols, III Prizes in Theatre Arts Lau ra E. Austin '84 Karen L. We bbe r '84 Frank W. Whitlock Prizes in Drama 1st Prize - Sarah W . Shanl ey '84 2nd Prize - Sa ra h R. Scott '8 5 3 rd Prize - Matthew R. Bradley '85 J. Wendell Burger Prize in Biology J ac lyn A. Calem '84

James A . Notopoulos Latin Prizes 1st Prize - Not awa rded this year 2nd Prize - Robe rt J . Mered ith '87

Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society Award James F. Kirby '8 4

Reverend Paul H. Barbour Prize in Greek J ames P. Sickinger '86

American Institute of Chemists Award Robert D. Sa nsone tti '84

Rue) Crompton Tuttle Prizes in English 1st Prize - . Ma tthew R. Bradl ey '85 2nd Prize - Christine B. Sirignano lOP John Curtis Underwood Memorial Prizes in Poetry 1st Prize - Meg E. Bishop '86 Miche ll e Burnham '84 Ma ra E. Eilenberg '85 Stephen B. Kl ots '84 2 nd Prize - Shawn-Laree Barker "85 She ila M. Gillooly '84 Mark B. Kraft '84 Sarah E. Shapiro "84 3rd Prize -

Not awarded this year

Trinity Alumnus Prizes in Prose Fiction 1st Prize - Gordon W . St . John '84 2nd Prize - Ela in e R. Budd lOP Sheila M. Gillooly '84 Gre tch en A. Rorick '86 3rd Prize - Ann e L. Ke rr '84 Sa ra h W . Shanley '84

Alumni Prizes in English Composition 1st Prize - La ure n Busciglio Fabian '84 2nd Prize - Not awarded this year F.A . Brown Prizes for Public Speaking 1st Prize - David B. Hem ingson '86 2nd Prize - Kar e n L. Webbe r '84 3rd Prize - Robbin B. He nry '84


Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society Award Courtlan d P . Sea rs '85 Chemical Rubber Company Awards Miron Drewiacki '87 Susanne C. Hupfe r '87 J effr ey S. Nova k '87 Louis Aronne, Class of 1977, Prize in Biochemistry Robe rt D. Sansone tti '84 Jerome P. Webster, Class of 1910, Student Book Collectors Prizes 1st Prize - Dav id P . Burzillo '8 4 2nd Prize - Peter Limnios '85 3 rd Priz_e - Ba rba ra Guttm an '84 Friends of Art Award for Art History Alice V. Pe re ra '84 Friends of Art Award for Studio Art Doug las A . Gray '84 Anna C. Helman Prize for Painting J ohn A. Sa rgen t. III '84 Mitchel N. Pappas Memorial Prize Curt J . Roessle r '84 Esther and Lloyd Cooper Prize in Fine Arts Ste phe n R. Drew '85 Samuel and Clara Hendel Book Prize Roche lle S. Aronson lOP

Samuel S . Fishzohn Awards for Civil Rights and Community Service Civil Rights - Maria nn e E. Bize k '84 Community Service - Ramona F. Stilley '84 Ronald H . Ferguson Prizes in French 1st Prize - Kathleen A . Ca ruso '84 Christine A. Lofgre n '84 2nd Prize - J ohn P . Atwood "84 Richard K. Morris Book Award for Excellence in Education Ramo na F. Stilley '84 John C. Alexander Memorial Award Michae l T . Schwe ighoff e r '84 Ferguson Prizes for Economic Essays 1st Prize - Not awarded this year 2nd Prize - Eric W . Linsley '84 Special Award for Computer Coord inate / Economics Essay - Robe rt E. O'Conne ll '84 Faculty of Economics Award Jam es P . Ca rriga n '84 Peter J . Schaefer Memorial Prizes David R. Fonta in e '86 Sarah Giblin '86 Micha e l B. Ka nef '86 G. Keith Funston Prize in Economics Brya n C. Chegwidd e n '84 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Prize Stephe n A. Mill e r '84 Edwin P. Nye Award Regis Dze nga '85

Pi Gamma Mu Scholarship Award Barbara Gu ttm a n '84 Ferguson Prizes in Government 1st Prize - J oa nn e L. Matze n '84 2 nd P rize - A. Cha ndlee J ohnson '84 George J. Mead Prize in History Sam uel C. Sl ay make r '86 D. G. Brinton Thompson Prize in United States History Pe te r B. Yea rl ey '84

Senior Dinner







Graduation Ball


















Honor Societies Phi Beta Kappa Sarah P . Adams John P . Atwood Daniel J. Barach Edward R. Benkert Donald K. Bradford Glenn M. Bradford Kathleen A. Caruso Suzanne E. Chalpin Bryan C. Chegwidden Stephen L. Cook Cheryl A. Dahlberg Sheila A. Davidson Gregory DeMarco Douglas R. Fauth David P . Gasiorowski

Eva S . Goldfarb Barbara Guttman Joseph H. Head Lisa Koenig Susan G. Lawrence Roger J. Levin Jill A. Levy Eric W. Linsley Ian A. McFarland Nancy B. Meade Christopher J. Melo Christine G. Messer Stephen A. Miller Robert A. Muccilli James P. Neilsen, Jr.

Gregory C. Norsigian Gwen A. Osterhout Richard P . Reading Margaret Reimer Robert D. Sansonetti Christopher E. Silva Dale W. Sindell Margeret E. Smith Anne Sommer Ramona F. Stilley Daniel E. Sullivan Theresa A. Sundermeyer Catherine A. Villano Peter B. Year ley

Pi Gamma Mu Donald K. Bradford James P . Carrigan Suzanne E. Chalpin Bryan C. Chegwidden Sheila A. Davidson Gregory DeMarco Eva S. Goldfarb

Barbara Guttman Lisa Koenig Eric W. Linsley Robert A. Muccilli James P . Neilsen, Jr. Gregory C. Norsigian MaryBeth Pietrorazio

Dale W. Sin dell Anne Sommer Ramona F. Stilley James B. Streeto Peter S. Sylvestre Peter B. Yearley

Psi Chi Mary E. Acunzo Patricia G. Adams Daniel J . Barach Gail R. Baran Cara H. Berman Judith K. Cowen

Cheryl A. Dahlberg Mark S. Horner Adrienne Lotoski Madelaine C. Lynch Barbara J. Morgan Robert B. Rochelle

Lorraine L. Saunders Christopher E. Silva Lisa H. Sperry Catherine A. Villano

Sigma Delta Pi Joseph V. Adler Laura E. Gill


There are places I remember all my life, Though some have changed, Some forever , not for better, Some have gone and some remain. All these places had their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living. In my life I've loved them all. -


Lennon & McCa rtney


Patrons Edward and Elaine Adler Mr . and Mrs. George Anderson Mrs. S. A. Athans David E. Austin E. L. Belcher Dr. and Mrs . Michael A. Berky Ms. Leo J . Bisson Mr. and Mrs. Charles S . Bradford Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Brown Roger W . Brown Mrs . Roberta Calem Mr. and Mrs . Allan B. Corderman Mrs . Elizabeth Cornman Marge and Steve Darby The Rev. and Mrs . G. David Deppen Mr. and Mrs . M. T. Devlen Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. William H. Eastburn Ill Mr. and Mrs. William H . Farnham, Jr. Mr . and Mrs. Robert J . Galvin Mr . and Mrs. Sidney Genette, Jr. Mr. and Mrs . Stanley A. Greene Mr. and Mrs . Richard S. Gurin Mr. and Mrs . Joseph H. Head , Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Jerald S. Howe Mr. and Mrs . Phelps S . Hunter Mr. and Mrs. John J . Hutchinson Yasuhiro Iguchi Mr. and Mrs . Herbert 0 . Jacobsen Mr . and Mrs. Irving L. Katz Mrs. George A. Keanna Sr. Mr. and Mrs . Jamie Kerr Mr. and Mrs . Harry J. Kirby Karl Koenig Mr . and Mrs . R. Frederick Kolowich Mary M. Korth Dr. and Mrs. David Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lafortezza Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. LeCours

Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Levin Mr. and Mrs. John D. Limpitlaw Mr. and Mrs. R. Trenwith Linsley Mrs. Peter S. Loft Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Marinello Ed and Betty Marona Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. McGehee Barbara Melvin McKeith Dr. and Mrs. David Mesches Mr. and Mrs. Peter Messer Sr . Mr. and Mrs . F. Bruce Metzger Dixon and Ruth Meuller Christopher P . Morello Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Muccilli Bruce Elliott Newman William J . O'Brien Mr. and Mrs . Robert O'Connell S. R. Orczyk Janice Perkins Richard E. Perkins M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Place Trubee G. Racioppi '51 Mr . and Mrs . John I. Ragalis Robert Andrew Reichart '84 Mrs . Edward L. Rushbrook Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sawyer, Jr . Robert Nichols Schutz Dr . and Mrs . Robert Selverstone Leigh and Kit Sherrill Mr . and Mrs. William G. Souder Mr. and Mrs . Clarke Sperry Mr . and Mrs . T. Howard F. Stick Dr. and Mrs. George Storm Mr . and Mrs. W. F. A. Stride A. Donaldson Tall Brenda D. Townes Mr. and Mrs. Jerrain 0 . VanTuyl Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Vinnick George C. Wicks 0. Burton Wright Mr. and Mrs . William T. Ziebold

23 1

Dear Graduates When all your dishes are dirty and your refrigerator is empty Remember those crazy days in Mather Best of luck All your friends from Saga


FOLLETT'S Trinity Bookstore Good Luck Class of 1984



Economics Aronson, Rochelle S. 14 McDivitt Drive Manchester, CT 06040 Sociology; IDP Athans, Marego 34 Highland Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 English; Tripod, Ski T earn, JV Lacrosse Atwood, John Paul 158 Newington Road Elmwood, CT 06110 French & Italian; President's Fellows, T A-French, MCC Supv., Ferguson Award in French, Cesare Barbieri Award Ackerman, Adam Marc ,(Ack) 2250 Lehigh Parkway in Italian, Upward Bound Tutor North Allentown, PA 18103 Austin, Laura Etnier 212 Center Street Southport, CT English; Tripod (Managing Ed., Ad. Mgr., Bus. Mgr.), Jest- 06490 ers, Ivy, Faculty Committee on Campus Life, MCC Supv. , Theatre & Dance; Pipes Writing Ctr. Tutor, St. A's Acunzo, Mary Elizabeth 13 Toole Drive Branford, CT 06405 Psychology; Class Committee Adams, Arthur Herman P.O. Box 38 Wendell Depot, NJ Bachmann, Blythe Harris 541 Custis Road Glenside, PA 19038 01380 English Literature; Jesters, Concert Choir, English Club, Religion; IDP Adams, Nancy Barbara 139 12th Street S.E. Washing- Writing Ctr., DKE Bain, Jordan Randolph 6670 Wyman Lane Cincinnati, ton, D.C. 20003 Dance & Intercultural Studies; Dance Club, Amnesty Int. OH 45243 Adams, Patricia Gail 6 Lorraine Road Manchester, CT Theatre & Dance Barach, Daniel Jonathan 7600 Willowbrook Lane Cin06040 Psychology; X-Country (Capt.), TAAP, TWO, Psi Chi, cinnati, OH 45237 Psychology; Hillel (Pres.), Psi Chi (V. Pres.), Tripod (Cir. Psych. Club, Chapel Choir Adams, Sarah Pendleton 1311 Doves Cove Road Balti- Mgr.), Budget Comm., Curriculum Comm. Baran, Gail Ruth 21 Robin Lane Killingworth, CT 06417 more, MD 21204 Biology; SGPB, RA, Trintiy Hunger Project, Outing Club Psychology; Big Sister, Psi Chi (Secy., Chmn.), Photo Club, President's Fellow, Concert Barhydt, Caroline Williamson 273 South Street Middlebury, CT 06772 Choir Adler, Joseph Van 23 Stuyvesant Street New York, NY History; Tripod, Crew, KKG Barry, Joan Marie 473 East Center Street Manchester, 10003 Spanish CT 06040 Afzal, Robert Sohrab 65 DuBois Road New Paltz, NY History Bartsch, Jeffrey Michael60 West Broad Street Mt. Ver12561 Physics; Ski Team, Ultimate Frisbee, T A, President's Fel- non, NY 10708 low American Studies Aiken, Katherine Minor North Pamet Road Truro, MA Batal, David John 834 Great Pond Road Andover, MA 02666 01845 Philosophy; Ivy (Clubs Sec. Co-Ed.) Chemistry Allyn, William Scott 50 State Street Skaweateles, NY Bates, James Scott 23 Ward Place Hartford, CT 06106 13152 Economics; Basketball, Baseball, All N.E. Baseball T earn Belcher, Martha Barnes 575 Main Street #703 RooseReligion & Biology; Pipes, St. A's Alphenaar, Bruce William 90 Wendover Road Roches- velt Island, NY 10044 ter, NY 14610 Political Science; Swim Team, Crew, Women's Ctr. (Treas.) Physics; St. A's PBXOP, 33 Allen Society of Funk, TA, Benkert, Edward Rasch (Ned) 970 Park Avenue New WRTC (DJ) York, NY 10028 Alves, Carolyn 38 General Sullivan Circle Portsmouth, RI Philosophy; DKE Bennett, Tracey Renee 191 Manor Road Huntington, 02871 Russian Studies; DKE NY 11743 Anderson, Elizabeth Varney 56 Cowles Avenue Plants- History; Concert Choir, TCB, TCBWO, Women's Ctr. ville, CT 06479 Berky, Michael Kurt (Bokey) 319 Roses Mill Road MilReligion; IDP ford , CT 06460 Anderson, Janice Marie 5104 Little Creek Lane God- Economics; Tennis, ADP frey, IL 62035 Berman, Cara Harriet 2116 Starmont Road Louisville, Psychology; Crew, Psych. Club, Dance Club, Outing Club, KY 40207 Cerberus Biology; DKE, Outing Club, Psi Chi Anzalotti, Salvatore, Ill (Sal) 19 Elizabeth Circle Long- Bishop, Mark Reynolds 76 Glengarry Winchester, MA meadow, MA 01106 01890 History; Tripod, TCAC Theatre & Dance; Jesters Arbolino, John Paul 35 Hazel Street Harrington Park, Bisson, Donald Maurice (Biss) 167 White Rock Drive NJ 07640 Windsor, CT 06095 237

Senior Directory



Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Phi Gamma Delta Award, Basketball, S.N.E.C. (Social Chmn.) Bizek, Marianne Elizabeth 45 Bradish Lane Bay Shore, NY 11706 Political Science; Amnesty Int. Blakley, Laury Jane 56S Rye Street South Windsor, CT 06074 History (Intensive) Bliss, Deborah Anne (Blissful) 104 Wynnewood Drive Absecon, NJ 08201 Theatre & Dance; Jesters (Secy.), Outreach Comm., Trinity Hunger Project, Poetry Workshops Bolton, John David (Johnny Bee) 92 Snowberry Lane New Canaan, CT 06840 Economics & Biology; AIESEC, German Club, Tennis, Squash, Golf, In tram urals Bradford, Donald Keeler 42 Alpine Road Greenwich, CT 06830 History Bradford, Glenn Marshall374 Circle Drive Wyckoff, NJ 01481 Computer Coordinate with Physics; Review, WRTC, Trinity Tutoring, IEEE, Physics Prize, Faculty Scholar Prize Brennan, Elizabeth Louise Topping Road Greenwich, CT 06830 American Studies; Water Polo, Swim Team, Ivy Brilliant, Todd Steven 118 Meadowbrook Road Newton Centre, MA 02159 History; WRTC, Ivy, Swim Team, Jazz Band, St. Elmo's (Secy., Treas., V. Pres.), Faculty Honors Bronzino, Michael Joseph (Booter) 6 Wyngate Simsbury, CT 06070 History; Water Polo (Co-Capt.), Swim Team, Rugby, PIKA Brown, David William 235 Taylor Street Granby, MA 01033 Philosophy Brown, Ellery James 836 Kennebeck Court San Diego, CA 92109 Philosophy; Newman Club (Treas.), Fencing (Capt.), Thomas H. Taylor Fencing Award, NEIFC Team, AAC Crew Chief, Jesters (V. Pres.) Brown, Laura Gail30 Goulding Drive Auburn, MA 01501 Biochemistry Bryant, Cynthia Lynn 2 Eva Circle Vernon, CT 06066 English & Economics; Writing Ctr. Tutor, Tripod, Rue) Crompton Tuttle Second Prize for English Burbank, Charlotte Holden (Webby) Mercersburg Academy Mercersburg, PA 17236 Art History; DKE (Secy.), Squash (Co-Capt.) Burcroff, Ann Schlecht 8 Beverly Road West Hartford, CT 06119 Biology; lOP Burnham, Michelle Partridge Road Etna, NH 03750 English; Review, Outing Club Burzillo, David Paul2 Lilac Circle Wellesley, MA 02181 History & Philosophy Butler, Jeffrey Michael13 Valley View Drive Simsbury, CT 06070 Biology; Repub. Club, Friday Follies, Gaming Society, MCC Supv., Observer

c 238

Calem, Jaclyn Ann (Jaci) 1351 Milford Terrace Teaneck, NJ 07666

Biology Cannellopoulos, Dimitris Anthony 21 Georganda Street Kifissia, Athens Greece French Carrigan, James Patrick (Jay) 10 Woodside Drive Wilbraham, MA 01095 Economics Caruso, Kathleen Anne 42 Summit Street Newington, CT 06111 English & French; Ivy (Senior Sec. Ed.), Tripod (News Ed .) Casazza, Susan Leslie (Melon) 25 Lonetown Road Redding, CT 06875 English Literature; Tri Delta (Pres.), Field Hockey, Swim Team, Track, Lacrosse, IFC Chalpin, Suzanne Elizabeth 27 Kent Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 Political Science; Ferguson Prizes in Govt. Essays, Concert Choir, TA Champion, Christopher Lee 161 Westminister Street Hartford, CT 06112 Psychology Chegwidden, Bryan Charles 201 Park Terrace Avenue West Haven, CT 06516 Economics; ADP (Pres.), RA, RC, Trustee Comms., SGPB (Special Evts. Chmn.), TAAP, Pi Gamma Mu, President's Fellow, Faculty Honors Chernau, Suzanne 620 Westview Avenue Nashville, TN 37205 Art History; Cinema Society, Trinity Papers, Review, President's Fellows, TA, Art Patrol Choiniere, Susan Marie 372 Woodland Lane Orange, CT 06477 Economics; Concert Choir, Women's Ctr. , AIESEC, Newman Club, Economics Club Clarke, Ralph Brian (BC) 8 Blayne Street Dixfield, ME 04224 Computer Coordinate with History; Hockey, Cerberus, Outing Club, Softball Clemmenson, Ronald Thomas 156 Twin Lakes Road South Salem, NY 10590 Economics; Football, ACR, Big Brother Clifford, Susannah RD 2 Middlebury, VT 05753 History (Intensive) Cochran, Grant Robert 210 Midhurst Road Baltimore, MD 21212 History & Music; Pipes (Dir.) Cole, Elizabeth Huntington 17 Orchard Road West Hartford, CT 06117 History Colombo, Elena Alexandra Box 302 Waverly, PA 18471 Studio Arts & Art History Cook, Stephen Lloyd 55 Bern Drive Stratford, CT 06497 Religion; Christian Fellowship (Treas., Pres.), SGA, SGPB, Repub. Club, PIKA, Gaming Society, Faculty Honors, Trinity Papers, Phi Gamma Delta Prize, President's Fellow Cooke, Robert Edward (Cooker) 18 Musket Lane Redding, CT 06896 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Crew, President's Fellow, HGF Corderman, Marion Bollinger (Mary Ann) Balls Hill Road Concord, MA 01742 Computer Coordinated with History; Tripod (Editor-inChief, News Ed. , Co-Photo. Ed.) Ivy (Editor-in-Chief), RA , John F. Boyer Award, Faculty Honors

Cornman, Elizabeth 201 Walnut Avenue Wayne, PA 19087 Art History Correnty, Peter John Fox Run Road Norwalk, CT 06850 Mathematics & Biology; Psych . Club Cowen, Judith Katz 37-1 Hughes Street Hartford, CT 06106 Psychology; IDP Criscione, Michael Jude 84 Ryckman Avenue Albany, NY 12208 Political Science Cronin, Deborah (Benny) 234 Main Street Kingston, MA 02364 English Literature; Tri Delta (Pledge Trainer), Swim Team, Susan B. Scott Swimming Award, Track, Field Hockey, IFC, SGA Cross, Martha Davidson 42 Fox Run Road New Canaan, CT 06840 English Literature; Tripod (Copy Ed.), Big Sister, Cinestuclio, Trinity Tutoring, Heartford Campaign

Economics Donato, Donna Sara Angela 34 Dearborn Street Medford , MA 02155 History Dorfman, Adrienne Jane (Jane) 31 Stonebridge Road Wayland, MA 01778 English-Literary Writing; Tripod (Copy Ed.), Review (Arts Ed.), Rue) S. Crompton Tuttle First Prize Driscoll, Brian Francis 44 Primrose Lane Bristol, CT 06010 Computer Coordinate with Mathematics; ACR, Football, Baseball (Co-Capt.) Dubrow, Carolyn Sue (Carrie) 21 Brackenbury Lane Beverly, MA 01915 Psychology Duffy, Philip John 424 Summit Street Manchester, CT 06040 History Durham, Jean Margaret 50 Coe Road Belleair, FL 33516 Economics; Swim Team, Track, Tri-Delta Dyson, Laura Judith 64 Sawmill Road Rocky Hill, CT 06067 French; Tripod (Copy Ed., Asst. Arts Ed.), Senior CarillonDahlberg, Cheryl Ann 233 Longvue Drive Wethersfield, neur, Orchestra (Mgr.), Ivy (Clubs Sec. Co-Ed.) CT 06109 Psychology; Psych. Club, Spanish Club, Student Activ. Supv., Psi Chi Darby, Laura Anne (Darbs) The Common Harvard, MA 01451 Eastburn, Page Swamp Road RD 3 Doylestown, PA Biology; Basketball, Crew (Co-Capt.), Student Trainer 18901 DaSilva, Thomas Benjamin (Tom) 174 Franklin Street Studio Arts Ext. Danbury, CT 06810 Ermilio, James Anthony 50 Hancock Hill Drive WorcesMusic; Jazz Band (Pres.), Orchestra, WRTC (DJ) ter, MA 01609 Davidson, Sheila Ann 14 Willow Lane Irvington, NY English; Crew, Tripod, Trinity Tutoring, Review 10533 Economics Davis, Elizabeth Montgomery 675 Evergreen Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22901 English Literature; Tripod, Class Rep., Dance Club, TWO Fabian, Lauren Busciglio 10 Puddingstone Road Morris DeKwiatkowski, Michelle Margot One Beekman Place Plains, NJ 07950 New York, NY 10022 English History Farnham, Charles llsley (Chip) 76 Pheasant Hill Lane DeMarco, Gregory (Greg) 42 Elmrock Road Bronxville, Carlisle, MA 01741 NY 10708 History; Psi U, Football (Capt.), Hockey (Capt.) Environmental Studies; X-Country, ADP, Phi Beta Kappa, Faulkner, Andrew Waldron 3403 36th Street NW Faculty Honors Washington, DC 20016 Deppen, Nicholas William 127 St. Paul Westfield, NJ Studio Arts 07090 Fauth, Douglas Richard 123 Tanglewood West Orchard East Asian Studies; DKE (Social Chmn. , Chapter Rep.), Clio Park, NY 14127 Eating Co-op (Asst. Mgr., Cook, Amalgamator), TA-Chi- Economics; ACR (Pres.), SGA, Football, TA nese History, Political Science Felber, David Van Dyke 545 Simsbury Road BloomDevlen, Robert Ian 51 Lowery Lane Mendham, NJ field , CT 06002 07945 English Physics & Philosophy; Ultimate Frisbee, Zog Soccer, DKE Ferryman, Theresa Anne 8 Lee Road Waterford, CT DiBella, Maria Elizabeth 10 Crystal Drive Great Neck, 06385 NY 11021 Economics English Literature; SGPB, Psych, Club, Concert Choir Finck, Kathryn Savard 236 Colonial Drive Fairfield, CT DiLuzio, Jon Francis 1330 Enfield Street Enfield, CT 06430 06082 History Fisher, Sarah Stoddard 138 East Shore Avenue Groton Engineering with Computer Coordinate; RA Dimanshteyn, Vladimir Felix 12 Sioux Lane West Long Point, CT 06340 Hartford, CT 06117 Sociology; Cinestudio (Mgr.), TA, Sociology Club, RA Physics with Computer Coordinate Fisk, Caroline (Cari) 529 Prospect Street East LongmeaDonaldson, John Wright 922 Sterling Avenue Floss- dow, MA 01028 moor, IL 60422 Economics with Computer Coordinate; SWE, ACM, AIE-





SEC (Student Marketer), Ivy (Faculty Sec. Co-Ed.) Fitzpatrick, Dana Adrian 8618 Brook Road McLean, VA 22101 Psychology Flynn, Daniel William (Fiynny) 48 Seagull Lane West Dennis, MA 02670 English; Psi U, Hockey Flynn, Robert Francis (Bob) 283 South Elm Street Windsor Locks, CT 06096 History (Intensive); T A - Psych. , Soccer (Capt.) Fontanazza, Rosemary 696 New Britain Avenue Hartford , CT 06106 Computer Coordinated with English; Literacy Volunteer Bertram Graeme Frazier, IV 7950 Pleasant Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 Economics; Soccer, Squash, Lacrosse, Ski Team, St. Elmo's (Pres., Social Chmn.) Fredrick, Dea Marie 9733 Spring Street Omaha, NE 68124 Art History; Swim Team, Water Polo Fryklund, Joyce Helene 12 Mason Street Winchester, MA 01890 Economics Fuller, Scott Ruston 26 Normandy Terrace Bronxville, NY 10708 Philosophy; Tennis, Squash, ADP

G Galvin, Peter Joseph 81 Brettwood Rd. Belmont, MA 02178 Economics; Crew, Review Gasiorowski, David Philip 61 Corey Colonial Agawam, MA 01001 Political Science Genette, Madeline 1489 Goodbar Avenue Memphis, TN 38104 Intercultural Studies Gibbons, John Dennis 1 Water Street Mattapoisett, MA 02739 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Crew, Ski Team, Squash, Rational Invest. Gr. , RA, HGI Gilbert, John 102 Cambria Court St. Davids, PA 19087 History; Jesters, St. A's Gill, Laura Essary 4907 Tilden Street Washington, DC 20016 Spanish; Field Hockey, Swim Team, Lacrosse, Intramurals, Tri Delta (Pres., Rush Chmn.) Gillis, Martha Ellen 946 Linden Winnetka, IL 60093 Biochemistry; SGPB, Tripod Gillooly, Sheila Marie 16 Crestview Drive North Haven, CT 06473 English Goldfarb, Eva Suzanne 7 Clauss Avenue Paramus, NJ 07652 American Studies Golding, Matthew Barton (Dinger) 132 Arlington Road Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 Economics; RA, ADP (Secy.), Lacrosse, WRTC, TAAP, SGA Goldman, Robert Wayne 27 Oakwood Drive South Windsor, CT 06074 Economics with Computer Coordinate; Soccer Goodman, Jonathan Andrew 106 Willow Run Pittsburgh, PA 15238 240

Philosophy; Crew, RA, X-Country Gotsis, William 2 Bostwick Lane Old Westbury, NY 11568 Chemistry Graf, Christine Anastasia 115 Field Point Circle Greenwich, CT 06830 Economics Greene, Susan Marine (Suegreene) 7717 Juniper Avenue Elkins Park, PA 19117 Political Science; Tennis, Squash, Softball, Cinestudio Greenland, Mark Anthony (Dick) 64 Haining Crescent Kingston 5 Jamaica West Indies Russian Studies; St. A's (Social Chmn., Steward), APO (Pres. - Promoter), TCAC (Pres.), WRTC (Program Dir.), Football, Young Repub. Club, Mather Bd. of Governors Gregg, William Newton Bernardsville Road Mendham, NJ 07945 Economics with Computer Coordinate; Tripod (Editor-inChief, Managing Ed., Sports Ed.), St. A's (Pres.), IFC, AlESEC (LC Exchange Controller) Griffin, Rebecca Mary 46 Wadsworth Street Waterbury, CT 06706 French & Russian; Amnesty Int., Award for Excellence in Russian, Coffeehouse Groo, Melissa Semmes (Millie) 284 Riversville Road Greenwich, CT 06830 English Literature Gurin, Anne Hay 558 Central Avenue Lexington, KY 40502 Mathematics; Crew, Jesters, KKG (Recording Secy., Second V. Pres.), IFC Gustavsson, Greta Marie Sivert (Chiky) 17 Wilton Acres Wilton, CT 06897 Political Science; World Affairs Guttman, Barbara 6211 Winnebago Road Bethesda, MD 20816 History

H Haase, Andrew Craig 95 Stratford Roslyn Height, NY 11577 Philosphyy Hagan, Laura Ann 86 Ocean Drive East Stamford, CT 06902 English Hamblett, John Stagg 50 Farmstead Lane West Simsbury, CT 06092 Economics with Computer Coordinate; St. Elmo's (Treas.), Ski Team (Pres.), Outing Club, Rational Invest. Gr. Hampton, Thomas Gerard 56 Winthrop Street Tariffville, CT 06081 Engineering; ADP, Wrestling, HGF Harvey, Catherine Elizabeth (Cathy) 1907 White Oaks Drive Alexandria, VA 22306 Psychology; Chapel Singers, Concert Choir, Big Sister Hasson, Gregory David 136 Centerwood Road Newington, CT 06111 Political Science; Football, ACR Havard, Michael 12 Feeney Road Ossining, NY 10562 Economics; Tennis, RA, Cerberus, Rational Invest. Gr. Hays, Catherine Carr 141 Homestead Avenue Metairie, LA 70005 History; KKG

Head, Joseph Henry (Jeb) 8855 Camargo Club Drive Cincinnati, OH 45243 Computer Coordinate with Economics; Wrestling, Psi U, RA Heinzen, James Warren 6200 Hansen Road Edina, MN 55436 History Hemmes, Robert Alexander P.O. Box 637 Hobe Sound, FL 33455 History; Swim Team, Track, Crew, St. A's, Tripod Henderson, Mark Price 13524 Royal Glen Road St. Louis, MO 63131 History; St. Elmo's (Pres., Co-Founder, Corresp. Secy.), German Award, Tripod (Features Ed.) Henry, Cynthia Joy 166 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 Biochemistry Henry, Robbin Beatrice 15 Alden Street Hartford, CT 06114 English & Economics; WRTC (Reporter), TCB (Treas.), "Vinegar Tom" Hernandez, Myriam Elizabeth 123 Howard Street Newington, CT 06111 Economics & Environmental Studies; RA, Envir. Studies Club, President's Fellow, Ivy Hertz, Kirsten 63 Meadowbrook Road Williamsville, NY 14221 American Studies Hill, David Guy (Thrill) 16 Jerome Road Uncasville, CT 06382 Political Science; Basketball, SNEC (Exec. Dir.), SGA (V. Pres.), SGPB Hollanda, Hedy Caroline 3 Winterberry Lane Woodbury, CT 06798 Psychology Horner, Mark Steven 49 Idlewood Drive Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Psychology; Psi Chi, Crew, TA - Psychopathology Houllahan, Linda Marie 15 Amberwood Drive Winchester, MA 01890 Biochemistry Houston, Eric Lindsay 207 Tanglewood Drive Urbana, OH 43078 Biology Hunter, Cynthia Fuller 85 Roberta Drive Woodside, CA 94062 Economics; Soccer (Co-Capt.) Hutchinson, George McCullough 116 Walnut Street Clinton, MA 01510 History

I Ide, Harlow Chittenden (Ned, Link) 943 Boston Post Road Madison, CT 06443 English; Lacrosse, Psi U, Football, IFC, English Club, Big Brother Iguchi, Mamoru (Itch) 70 Beals Street Brookline, MA 02146 Engineering with Computer Coordinate

J Jacobsen, Melissa Anne 465 Delaware Avenue Akron, Oh 44303

American Studies; Crew Janney, Henry Lowe 40 Stonemill Road Dayton, Oh 45409 English Japy, Philippe Bernard (Fieep) 383 Brownstone Court Wyckoff, NJ 07481 Engineering; JV Soccer, Intramurals, T AAP, Cerberus, Track Johnson, Ann Chandlee 8 Barley Mill Drive Greenville, DE 19807 Political Science; Tennis, Squash, KKG (Pres.), IFC (Pres.), RA, Sexual Harrassment Grievance Comm. , TAAP, SGA Johnson, Alexander Patrick 1150 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028 Political Science; World Affairs, Fencing, Ivy (Faculty Sec. Co-Ed.) Johnson, Eric Arthur 168 Mountain Road Cheshire, CT 06410 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Basketball, PIKA, TECS Jones, Scott Craven 709 Foster Street Evanston, IL 60201 History; WRTC, Trinity Tutoring

K Kalishman, John Fruend 5 Harcourt Drive St. Louis, MO 63105 Psychology; SGPB (Pres.) Kapnek, Linda Jane 1419 Rydal Road Rydal, PA 19046 Economics; World Affairs (V. Pres.) Katz, Elliot Joseph 51 Bellwood Drive New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Engineering; Hillel (Board Member), Jesters Katz, Nancy Lynn 195 Dogwood Court Stamford, CT 06903 English; Senior Class Comm., Senior Wk. Comm. (Chmn.), WRTC (Public Service Dir.) Kazura, Tracey Alexandra 33 Partridge Road Pittsfield, MA 02101 Biology Keanna, George Albert (Slick, Generator) 544 Monroe Street Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Psychology; Football, ACR (Secy.), Track, Intramurals, Weight Lifting Competition (First Place - 195 lbs. Class) Kerr, Anne Louise (Weezie) 4419 Ingersoll Road Houston, TX 77027 English - Literary Writing; Field Hockey (Co-Capt.), Softball (Co-Capt., Capt.) Kim, Jacqueline (Jackie '0) 5 Shore View Circle Pelham Manor, NY 10803 Psychology; Big Sister, President's Council on Minority Affairs , Psych. Club, ASIA, RA, PA, SOAR Rep., Outreach Project Head, TWO, SGA King, Thomas Joseph 30-20 49th Street Astoria, NY 11103 History Kirby, James Francis 38 Forest Street Baldwinville, MA 01436 Chemistry; PIKA (Pres., V. Pres., Treas.), Concert Choir, Christian Fellowship, President's Fellow, Newman Club (V. Pres.), "The Miser" , "Eleonora Duse" , Musical Revue 路 Kiser, Patricia Ann 105 South Main Street Apt. 108 West Hartford, CT 06107 Music; IDP 24 1

Klemes, Lisa Mary 94 Baneberry Lane Wethersfield, CT Economics 06109 Levandowski, Michael Thomas 386 Prospect Street Biochemstry; SGPB (Publicity Chmn.), Christian Fellow- Wethersfield, CT 06109 ship, Spanish Club Computer Coordinate with Economics; IDP Klots, Stephen Barrett (Steve) 1028 West Outer Drive Levin, Roger James 10 Branchwood Court Pikesville, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 MD 21208 English - Literary Writing; Tripod (Contrib. Ed., Manag- Biochemistry & Music; President's Fellow, Faculty Honors, ing Ed., Ad. Mgr.), X-Country (Capt.), Track (Capt.), Re- St. A's (Treas.), RA, Pianist For Student Recitals And Masview, Chapel (Sacristan, Verger), Heartford Campaign, ter Classes Levy, Jill Ann 20-6 Federal Street Salem, MA 01970 Outreach Knutson, Todd Miller 100 Quail Hill Road Pittsburgh, Mathematics PA 15238 Lieber, Michael Frank 777 Sheridan Road Highland Philosophy; IFC (Pres.), SGA, St. A's (Treas., Bursar), De- Park, IL 60035 vel. Office Coord., Senior Wk. Comm. (Co-Chmn.), APO History (Founder), Soccer Lieberman, Andrew Steven 52 Kenwood Circle BloomKoenig, Lisa 6435 Naber Rd. NW Albuquerque, NM field , CT 06002 87107 Economics History; Phi Beta Kappa, DKE, Faculty Honors Limpitlaw, Alison 120 Chelsea Street Fairfield, CT Kolowich, James Convery 91 South Port Royal Drive 06430 Hilton Head, SC 29928 History; Concert Choir, Cinestudio, Outing Club, Chapel Philosophy Singers, SGPB, Tripod Korth, Marian Claire 2 Rose Lane Chappaqua, NY Linsley, Eric Ward 57 Apple Road Bristol, CT 06010 10514 Economics; ADP (V. Pres.), Faculty Honors English Literature Lituchy, Andrew Ethan 20 River Road Scarsdale, NY Kraft, Mark Bennett 46 Walnut Place Briarcliff Manor, 10583 NY 10510 Biology; ADP (Secy.), TAAP (Chmn.), Intramurals (Capt.), History; Coalition For Nuclear Disarmament, Hillel (Board), Awareness Day Seminar Leader Trinity Tutoring, Tripod (Contrib. Ed.), Jesters, Intramur- Lofgren, Christine Anita (Chris) 528 Churchill Avenue als Palo Alto, CA 94301 Kramer, Paul Michael45 Newberry Place Grosse Pointe Economics & French; Basketball, Jazz Band, Tripod (Photo. Ed.) Farms, MI 48236 Loft, Andrew Kerr 240 East Dudley Avenue Westfield, Economics Kusiak, Kurt Stanley 56 Churchill Drive Longmeadow, NJ 07090 Economics; Tennis (Co-Capt.), ADP, Big Brother, Ski Team MA 01106 Lotoski, Adrienne 328 Davis Street Northborough, MA Economics; St. A's, Tripod (Columnist), Theatre 01532 Psychology; TWO Lundstrom, Peter Harold 64 Gray Street Arlington, MA 02174 Lafortezza, Michael 541 Forest Drive Rivervale, NJ History 07675 Lynch, Elizabeth Anne (Liz) 62 Granite Street Foxboro, Computer Coordinate with Mathematics; ACR (Treas.) MA 02035 Lake II, Charles Thorton (Chip) 2878 Brighton Road English Literature; Tennis, Choir Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Lynch, Madelaine Chauncey (Laney) 29 Bainbridge Physics with Computer Coordinate; Water Polo (Co-Capt.), Road West Hartford, CT 06119 All N.E. Water Polo Team, Swim Team Psychology; Field Hockey, Lacrosse (Capt.), Psi Chi LaPlante, Donna Marie 53 Belden Road Burlington, CT 06013 Psychology Lavieri, Maria Theresa East West Hill Road Barkhamst- Magee, Gillian Carter 203 East Lake Street Winsted, CT ed, CT 06098 06098 American Studies; Concert Choir, Musical Revue, "Com- Biochemistry; Women's Ctr., Outing Club pany", "Grease", "A Little Night Music" Maloney, Thomas Joseph 35 Deer Run Drive West HartLawrence, Susan Grant 8345 Cedar Road Elkins Park, ford, CT 06107 PA 19117 History; Soccer, Tripod , Mathematics Maloney, Thomas Joseph 35 Dear Run Drive West HartLeCours, Robert Michael 20 Linden Drive South Had- ford , CT 06107 ley, MA 01075 Computer Coordinate with Economics History; Football, Basketball, SGA, ACR (House Mgr., Manak, John Robert 26 Nicholson Drive Chatham, NJ Pledge Master) 07928 Lenahan, David Robert (Lenny) 409 Dogburn Lane Or- Biology; Guitarist, Vocalist, Songwriter for various bands ange, CT 064 77 Mandigo, Jeffrey Scott (Fridge, The Warrior) 21 Hill American Studies; Hockey, St. A's, Saga (Head Waiter), Road Harrisville, RI 02830 Trinity Tutoring, Jesters, RA Economics; Hockey, Baseball, Psi U, SNEC (Assoc. Dir.) Lenkeit, Michele 932 Windsor Avenue Windsor, CT 路 Manlove, Susan Victoria 7962 Revenna Lane Spring06095 field , VA 22153




Russian Studies; World Affairs (V. Pres.), Outing Club Mantautas, Idalia Teresa 87 Riggs Avenue West Hartford , CT 06107 English Marcello, Peter West 13 Clarendon Avenue Brockton, MA 02401 Biology; Crew, RA, Academic Affairs Comm., Academic Dishonesty Comm. Marchand, John Paul 87 Birch Lane Greenwich, CT 06830 Economics Marinello, Lisa Joya 10 Lindsay Terrace Saugus, MA 01906 Economics; Big Sister, AIESEC, Alumni Fund Marmion, Sheila Hurley Box 996 Marylea Drive Southhampton, NY 11968 Political Science Marona, Catherine Theresa (Cathy) Box 606 Wing Road Millbrook, NY 12545 Economics; World Affairs, Outing Club, Tripod, WRTC Mathiasen, Annie Jaquith 8520 Horseshoe Lane Potomac, MD 20854 Psychology Matzen, Joanne Lois 6601 Limerick Lane Edina, MN 55435 Political Science; Tripod (Contrib. Ed.), KKG Mayer, Hillary Lee 182 Davis Avenue Albany, NY 12208 Economics; KKG, Musical Revue (Stage Mgr.) McFarland, Ian Alexander 93 Chapman Road Marlborough, CT 06447 Classics McGehee, Edward McDuffie 527 East Gravers Lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 History; Crew, David 0. Wicks Prize, ADP McGhee, James Reed 7750 Southwest 144th Street Miami, FL 33158 Intercultural Studies McKee, Cornelius Mark (Colonel) 70 Crescent Street Hartford, CT 06106 Environmental Studies; Soccer, ADP, Trinity Tutoring Meade, Nancy Beth 160 Oakbrook Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Classics; Swim T earn (Capt.), Softball, RA Melo, Christopher John 44 Pleasant Street West Hartford , CT 06107 Engineering with Computer Coordinate; Crew, X-Country Mecartney, Joyce 26 Fernwood Road West Hartford, CT 06119 Italian; IDP Mellinger, Diane Leslie 207 Beaver Street #B2 New Britain, CT 06051 Biochemistry Melvin, Jane Williams 896 Hayts Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Political Science; RA, RC, PC, Bishop Brownell Memorial Marching Kazoo Band and Chowder Society, SGA, T AAP, Observer Merjian, Adrienne Rose Pomfret School Pomfret, CT 06258 Psychology Mesches, Craig Scott 25 Old Mill Road New Paltz, NY 12561 Engineering with Computer Coordinate Messer, Christine Grace 14 Elizabeth Lane New Milford , CT 06776 History; Concert Choir, KKG, TA - Engineering 215,

AIESEC Metzger, Ann Louise 1 Eagle Lane Simsbury, CT 06070 Computer Coordinate with History; SWE (Secy.), TECS (V. Chmn.), IEEE (V. Pres. Student Branch), ACM, Heartford Campaign Meuller, Elizabeth Eden (Liz) Box 551 RD 2 Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Economics; AIESEC, APO, Alumni Fund Comm., Tennis Meyer, Katherine Sarah 11 Fremont Road North Tarrytown, NY 10591 Political Science; World Affairs, TWO Milch, Pamela Alexandra 8406 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21208 Art History & Economics; Swim Team, DKE, St. A's Eating Club, Culture Club Miller, Lorie Ann Route 8 Otis, MA 01253 Psychology; Psych. Club (Secy.), Cinestudio, Fencing, Student Advisory Comm. Miller, Natalie Ann Timms Hill Road Haddam, CT 06438 English; Concert Choir, Outing Club, Cinestudio, SGPB Miller, Stephen Arthur 450 Lambert Road Orange, CT 06477 Engineering; Phi Gamma Delta Mathematics Prize, Faculty Honors Minard Christian Hubert cjo C. Laurent 165 West End Avenue #27D New York, NY 10023 Economics & Mathematics; JV Soccer, Phi Gamma Delta Mathematics Prize Mitchell, Paul Samuel 37 Russell Avenue Watertown, MA 02172 Russian Moheban, Steven Michael 16 Apache Road Nashua, NH 03060 Economics Morello, Christopher Paul (Morocco) 17 Cecilia Lane Pleasantville, NY 10570 Economics & History; Big Brother, ACR, Outstanding Weightlifter Award Morgan, Barbara Jean 12 Rossmore Road Boston, MA 02130 Psychology Moriarty, Ellen Louise 328 Edgewood Avenue New Haven, CT 06511 Sociology; IDP Muccilli, Robert Anthony 39 Lincoln Avenue Edison, NJ 08837 History; Newman Club, Jesters, SGA, George Mead Prize in History

N Nargi, Marc Randall (Randy) 126 Harris Road Katonah, NY 10536 English - Literary Writing; Chapel Singers, WRTC, Heview, World Affairs, TBE Nash, Timothy Brackett (The Nasher) 30 Chapel Street Duxbury, MA 02332 Economics with Computer Coordinate; Rational Invest. Gr., ADP, Crew (Capt.), RA Neilsen, James Preston (Jim) 1 Lake Avenue Walpole, MA 02081 History; WRTC (DJ, Music Dir.), Pi Gamma Mu, P.O.M.G., MCC Entertainment Coord. Newman, Bruce Elliott (Scoop, Bruiser, Newmy) 66 Mil-


ton Road Rye, NY 10580 French; AIESEC (Mkt. Dir.), Tripod, X-Country, Squash, Tennis, St. Elmo's (Treas., Corresp. Secy.), St. Elmo Hoggen Schlogg Trophy Niness, James Henry 533 Morris Lane Berwyn, PA 19312 Classics; ADP, Football, Swim Team, Big Brother, Ancienne Regime Norris, Frances Julia (Francie) PO Box 147 Germantown, KY 41044 English - Literary Writing; Tennis, Squash, Tripod (Contrib. Ed. , Features Ed.), Review, English Club Norsigian, Gregory Charles 43 Robbinswood Drive Wethersfield, CT 06109 Economics

0 O'Brien, John Edward 1124 Enfield Street Enfield, CT 06082 English O'Brien, Mary Catherine 45 Summer East Williamsburg, VA 23106 Russian Studies O'Connell, Robert Edward 25 Hathaway Drive Garden City, NY 11530 Computer Coordinate with Economics; Christian Fellowship, PIKA, System Mgr. for Academic Computing O'Connor, Kevin Joseph 20 Clovelly Road Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 History; SGA (Pres.), ACR (V. Pres.), IFC, WRTC (Sportscaster), Faculty Honors Ollari, Richard Joseph 271 South Branch Parkway Springfield, MA 01118 Economics; ACR, Football Omasta, Nancy Elizabeth 108 Squassick Road West Springfield, MA 01089 Biology Orczyk, Karen Ann Taylor Road Huntington Bay, NY 11743 Political Science with Computer Coordinate; Soccer, Basketball, JV Lacrosse Osterhout, Gwen Armella Scoville Hill Road Harwinton, CT 06791 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate; TECS, SWE, Phi Gamma Delta Mathematics Prizes, Irving K. Butler Prize in Mathematics

Pearse, Karina Laine 468 Gorham Avenue Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Intercultural Studies Peck, Heather Wilson 1801 East 12th Street Cleveland, OH 44114 Economics Perelman, Keith Scott 11 West Bel Air Road Cranston, RI 02920 Computer Coordinate with Engineering Perera, Alice Victoria 13 Marlborough Street Boston, MA 02116 Art History; Crew, Tri-Delta Perkins, Penny Doretta RR 2 #309 Altamont, IL 62411 Computer Coordinate with Philosophy; Basketball, Fencing, Trinity Tutoring, SGA, Jesters, Tripod, Outing Club, Lacrosse, Crew Perkins, Wendy Jean 234 Hargraves Drive Portsmouth, RI 02871 Studio Arts; Dance Club, Intramural Sports, T A, Friends of Art Award, President's Fellow Peterson, Judith Ann 4 Porter Street Granby, MA 01033 Economics; Field Hockey, JV Lacrosse, Tri-Delta Pieringer, Laura Lynn 2019 Wisteria Lane Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 French Pietrorazio, MaryBeth 585 Middle Road Tpk. Woodbury, CT 06798 Economics; Phi Gamma Delta Prize, Graduate Math Clinic (Instructor) Place, Susan Elizabeth RFD # 2 Winsted, CT 06098 French & Spanish; Orchestra Polo, Paul Sebastian 90 Birch Mountain Road Manchester, CT 06040 Biology; Intramurals, Ultimate Frisbee Pomerantz, Alison Williams 640 West End Avenue New York, NY 10024 Psychology; Dance Club (Pres.), Concert Choir Porter, Nina Covington 4821 Kennett Pike Wilmington, DE 19807 English; Squash, Lacrosse Poskocil, Erin Marie 880 Peyton Street NW Hollins, VA 24019 Philosophy Priestley, Deborah Marie (Webbles) 564 Main Street Cherry Valley, MA 01611 Biology with Computer Coordinate; Basketball, Jazz Band (Co-Pres.)



Paine, Andrew Stuyvesant (Drew) 1035 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 History; WRTC, Fencing, TBE, BESGL Palazzolo, Daniel John (Dan) Browning Road Norwich, CT 06360 Economics & Political Science; Football, ACR, Athletic Advisor to SGA Pappas, Christopher Athan (Chris) Daisy Lane Durham, CT 06422 Biology; Rugby, Psych. Club, Gaming Club, Jesters, Plays Parsons, Michelle Ann (Mich) 531 Burnham Street East Hartford, CT 06108 Economics; KKG (Pres.), RA, Big Sister, Swim Team, Water Polo

Racioppi, Trubee Gibney 72 Ridgeview Terrace Wayne, NJ 07470 Engineering with Computer Coordinate Ragalis, John Leonard 20 Bobwhite Hill Wethersfield, CT 06109 Engineering Ramsey, Laura Critchley 140 Causeway Street Millis, MA History; Crew, DKA (Steward), Clio Literary Society, Friday Afternoon Teas, Culture Clubs Randolph, Heather Elisabeth 37 Academy Street Hallowell, ME 04347 Psychology; Tripod, Cinestudio Ravalese, Beverly Jean (Bev) 75 Hunter Drive West


Hartford, CT 06107 Psychology; KKG, IFC, Mather Board of Governors Raven, Jeffrey Laurence 3111 44th Street NW Washington, DC 20016 History Ray, Timothy H. 131 East Ridge Street Marquette, MI 49855 Psychology; Ivy (Co-Photo. Ed.) Reading, Richard Patrick 16 Pickwick Terrace, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Biology; Football (Gold Award), ACR, Phi Beta Kappa, Faculty Honors, Junior Male Athlete Scholar, Track Reichart, Robert Andrew RFD # 1 Box 655D Mystic, CT 06355 Economics; Crew Reidy, John Coleman 3115 Corlear Avenue Bronx, NY 10463 Economics & Political Science; Crew, Rugby, AIESEC, Trinity Tutoring Remmes, Paul Francis 27 Accord Pond Drive Hingham, MA 02043 Biology Rexer, Robert William 136 Flower Hill Road Huntington, NY 11743 History; Tennis, St. A's Rhys, Adam Williams Masters School Dobbs Ferry, NY 10520 English Rice, Arthur Pray 42 Fisher Avenue Brookline, MA 02146 History; Crew, PIKA, AIESEC Rice, Susan Ellen (Sue) 14 Old Forge Lane Tarrytown, NY 10591 Philosophy; Tennis Roberts, Heather Lynn 805 East Johnson Avenue Cheshire, CT 06410 Theatre & Dance Robinson, James Patrick Loon Meadow Drive Norfolk, CT 06058 Philosophy Robinson, Joyce Mildred Ross Road Danielson, CT 06239 Mathematics; Chapel Singers Rochelle, Robert Bruce (Donuts) 30 Farwood Drive Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Biology & Psychology; Crew (Capt.), Outing Club, Psi Chi, RA, TA - Genetics & Human Factors Psychology, Psych. Club Roessler, Curt John Box 7 Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 Studio Arts Rohlfing, Alison Leslie Marie 2525 East Newton Avenue Shorewood, WI 53211 Economics with Computer Coordinate; Tri-Delta, Track Rosen, Carl David 12 Lancaster Avenue Pine Brook, NJ 07058 English Rosner, Michele Helene 15 Linwood Circle Princeton, NJ 08540 History Rousseau, Conrad Ernest (Terry) 53 West Shore Drive Marblehead, MA 01945 History; Football, Winter Track (Capt.), Spring Track 路 (Capt.), Rugby Club, ACR Rudin, Jennifer Carol47 Mayfair Drive Huntington, NY 11743 Political Science; Track, Outing Club

Rushbrook, Steven Edward 103 Oakwood Drive Longmeadow, MA 01106 English Ryan, Dale Anderson 126 Westerly Terrace Hartford, CT 06105 History; IDP Ryan, Peter William Shady Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15215 Economics; PIKA (Pres., V. Pres.), IFC, Observer (Contrib. Ed.), Jesters

s Sansonetti, Robert Damian (Bob) 48 Vista Terrace Cheshire, CT 06410 Biochemistry; Tripod, Ivy, President's Fellow, PBK Sargent, John Allston 24930 Community Drive Beachwood, OH 44122 American Studies & Studio Arts Saunders, Lorraine Liddell20 Wight Place Tenalfy, NJ 07670 Psychology; Senior Class Comm ., Trustee Comm . For Admis. and Finan. Aid., AIESEC, SGPB, WRTC (News Broadcaster) Sawyer, Carol Ellen 154 Morningside Road Worcester, MA 01602 Economics; SriLanka, Crew, Outing Club, RA Schieferdecker, Richard Peter 15 Pilot Rock Lane Riverside, CT 06878 History Schild, Laura Jean 28 Wiltshire Lane West Hartford, CT 06117 Sociology Schneider, Neil Andrew 20 Debra Lane Framingham, MA 01701 Economics; Tennis (Co-Capt.), ADP (Steward), SGA, T AAP Schrenk, Randy John 108 Troeckler Lane Granite City, IL 62040 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate; Soccer (Capt.), ADP (treas.) Schutz, Stephen Mackinnon 5 Three Sisters Road St. James, NY 11780 Biochemistry Schwartz, Susan Paula 11 White Pine Knoll Road Wayland, MA 01778 History; Lacrosse (Co-Capt.), Field Hockey, Tri-Delta Schweighoffer, Michael Thomas (Schweigh) 215 Hang Dog Lane Wethersfield, CT 06109 Economics; Baseball, Football, Intramurals, ACR Scudder, Deirdre Watson 192 Argilla Road Ipswich, MA 01938 Economics Selverstone, Marc Jay (Selv) 31 Bonnie Brook Road Westport, CT 06880 Philosophy; Jazz Band (Pres.), Freaks With Beaks, ConnFusion, RA, TA - History of Jazz, Soccer Severiens, Elisabeth Christien (Liesbeth) Riverview Road Irvington, NY 10533 Economics; Tri-Delta (Social Chmn.), Field Hockey, Dance Club Shanley, Sarah Wynne 62 Great Plain Road Danbury, CT 06810 English; Tripod, Review, Cinestudio, President's Fellow, Faculty Honors Shapiro, Sarah Elizabeth 29 Quinn Road Briarcliff, NY245

10510 English Sharon, Steven David (Steve} 49 Forest Hills Drive Farmington, CT 06032 Biochemistry; Psi U (Pres., Treas.}, Intramural Football Sherrill, Susan Leigh 7003 Capitol View Drive McLean, VA 22101 French & Italian; Crew Silva, Christopher Edward (Lord of Light} 654 Main Street Hampstead, NY 03841 Psychology; Jesters, Theatre, Cinestudio, Psych. Club Simons, David Frank 314 Marvin Road Elkins Park, PA

19117 History Sindell, Dale Wendy 33 Mortlock Place Glen Rock, NJ

07452 Political Science Siskind, David Howard 9 the Pines Old Westbury, NY

11568 History; Tripod (Photo. Ed.} Smith, Margaret Elizabeth (Peggy} 105 Curtis Court Wayne, PA 19087 Political Science; Tri-Delta, Big Sister, World Affairs, WRTC, Costume Shop (Mgr., Designer} Smith, Rebecca Jean (Becky} 43 Hoitt Road Belmont, MA 02178 Psychology & Spanish; Crew Snyder, Amy Beth 87 Bates Road Swampscott, MA

01907 English Literature; RA, Dance Club Sommer, Anne G. 657 Maple Avenue Hartford, CT 06114 Sociology; Cinestudio, Earth Week Publicity, First Year Hebrew Award Souder, Elizabeth Wallace 2550 Orchard Road Toledo, OH 43606 Philosophy; Track, Ski Team, JV Field Hockey, Review Sparagna, Maria 20 Wood Avenue Norwalk, CT 06850 Economics; AIESEC, SGPB Sparmer, Randall Warren 48 Glennwood Drive Plainville, CT 06062 Engineering with Computer Coordinate Sperry, Lisa Heritage 10156 Sandusky Road Harrison, OH 45030 Psychology; Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Psi Chi Spruance, Lea (Leaser} 708 Greenwood Road Wilmington, DE 19807 Psychology; Squash, Outing Club St. John, Gordon Webb Seymour 1386 East Jefferson Detroit, MI 48207 English; Hockey, Psi U, Blood Drive (Organizer} Stanson, Christine Lee (Chris) 692 Hampton Ridge Drive Akron, OH 44313 Economics; SGPB (Treas. , V. Pres., Pres.}, AIESEC (Treas.}, Outing Club, Tri-Delta, Photo. Club (Pres.}, Ivy (Co-Photo Ed.} Starkey, Mary-Katelyn 11 High Street Essex, CT 06426 Art History; KKG Steed, Eric Marshall 6 Clark Lane Rye, NY 10580 Philosophy; T A - Logic, Jesters Steele, Margaret Ruth Bedens Brook Road Skillman, NJ 08558 Intercultural Studies Stempler, Randi Joy 12 Sheffield Road Wakefield, MA 01880 Art History; KKG, Soccer, Ski Team 246

Stephenson, Melanie Avlin 49 Longview Road Palmer, MA 01069 History Stick, Howard Edward Morgan 177 East Kenilworth Newtown Square, PA 19073 Classics Stilley, Ramona Fay (Mo} 2 North Club Street Harrisburg, IL 62946 Political Science; Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, President's Fellow, RA, RC, TA, Big Sister, Trinity Tutoring Stinson, Peter Andrew Box 109 Mount Vernon, VA 22121 Philosophy & English - Literary Writing; RC, MCC Supv. , Tripod (Contrib. Ed. , Hartford Ed.} Stookey, Hunt Emory 1155 Sasco Hill Road Southport, CT 06490 English & Political Science Storm, George Thacher RFD # 1 Pickpocket Road Exeter, NH 03833 English Streeto, James Bartholemew 217 Highcrest Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 History (Intensive}; Gaming Club, PIKA, SGA Stride, William Francis Adair 761 Lowell Road Concord, MA 01742 American Studies Sullivan, Daniel Edward 89 Clarence Street West Springfield, MA 01089 Computer Coordinate with Philosophy; ConnPIRG, TECS, President's Fellow Sundahl, Katherine Lyon 118 Greenbrier Drive Knoxville, TN 37919 History; Mgr. , Ice Hockey Team, TWO Sundermeyer, Theresa Alexandra 2 Cedar Drive Cromwell, CT 06416 English Sunega, Stephen M. 8 North Drive Niantic, CT 06357 IDP Sweeney, Julie Theresa 2998 Yorkshire Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 American Studies Sylvestre, Peter Sean (Basileus} Bayberry Lane Remsenburg, NY 11960 International Relations; Repub. Club (Secy. , V. Pres.}, World Affairs, Christian Fellowship , Newman Club, Streetonian Gaming Society

T Tall, Stephen John 100 Braemer Drive Cheshire, CT 06410 Economics; X-Country, Track, AIESEC, Cinestudio Telischak, Debra Lee 130 Fairfield Drive Short Hills, NJ 07078 Economics Texter, Rebecca Allison (Becky} 1802 Kenway Road Baltimore, MD 21209 Biology; T A - Biology 213 Thebaut, Suzanne Marie 49 Byron Drive Avon, CT 06001 Computer Coordinate with Math; TECS (Treas.}, SWE Thomas, Susan Ann 300 Cedar Swamp Road Coventry, CT 06238 Engineering; SWE (Pres., Secy.} Tiedemann, Mark Brookes 1030 Fifth Avenue New

York, NY 10028 Religion; Lacrosse, Ski Team, St. Elmo's {Pres.) Torrey, Elizabeth Page 134 West Highland Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 History Townes, Martha 3405 East John Seattle, WA 98112 Political Science Tran, Ngoc-Bich Bang 128 Raymond Road West Hartford , CT 06107 Biochemistry; ASIA Tudor, Mary Elizabeth {Beth) 1814 Palisades Drive Pacific Palisades, CA 90210 History; DKE Tupper, Shelby Putnam 6 Lexford Road Piedmont, CA 94611 Biology; Crew, Tutoring

v VanDer Sleesen, Elizabeth Catherina {Katie) Offenberglaan 1 Flats The Hague The Netherlands Theatre & Dance; Jesters, Dance Club {Pres.), Plays Van Tuyl, Robert Greer 7 Bacon Street Westminster, MA 01473 Biochemistry; Football, ACR, Rugby Club VanWagenen Katherine Litke 13 Fieldstone Road Rye, NY 10580 Economics; Tri-Delta {V. Pres.), SGPB, TA - Economics Velasco, Bernardo Transv. 32 # 135-35 Bagota {10) Colombia Mathematics; Chamber Music Villano, Catherine Ann {Cathy) 76 Judd Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 Psychology; SGPB {Publicity Chmn ., Secy.), Trinity Tutoring, AIESEC, Psych. Club, Psi Chi {Pres.), President's Fellow, Faculty Honors, Cerberus Vinnick, Deborah Michele 142 Foxwood Road Stamford , CT 06903 Biopsychology; DKE

w Washburn, William Mershon 1088 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 History Waugh, Amy Randall 990 Hulls Farm Road Southport, CT 06490 English; Field Hockey, DKE, JV Lacrosse Webber, Karen Lisa 151 Beacon Hill Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 English & Theatre & Dance; Jesters, WRTC, Tripod, Hillel, FA Brown Public Speaking Award Weil, Jonas {Trip) 20 Fordyce Lane St. Louis, MO 63124 Economics; St. Elmo's Wesley, John Jarius 90 Union City Road Prospect, CT 06712 Political Science; IDP West, Pamela Michele Erdoni Road Columbia, CT 06237 Political Science; IDP Wexler, Regina Maria {Gia) RFD #2 Winsted, CT 06098 History Wheeler, Edwin Joseph {Ted) Tower Hill Road Tuxedo

Park, NY 10987 History; St. A's, Squash Wheeler, Jan Kristan {Krissy) 1079 Rock River Road Houston, TX 77057 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate; Tri-Delta, Outing Club, Crew, President's Fellow, AIESEC, RA, Dance Club {Treas.), Track, TWO, Phi Gamma Delta Teaching Fellowship, Tutor Wicks, Jonathan Gardiner PO Box 1005 Berwyn, PA 19312 Philosophy Wicks, Leslie Maria PO Box 1005 Berwyn, PA 19312 Mathematics Wilson, Leigh-Ann 15 Franconia Circle East Longmeadow, MA 01106 History Wilson, Shirra Meiklejohn 285 South Hoop Pole Road Guilford, CT 06437 Political Science; IDP Wolfe, Jennifer Frances Eleanor RD # 1 Box 162 West Newton, PA 15089 English; Softball, Comm . to Study Fraternities, Tripod {Editor-in-Chief, Arts Ed.), Poetry Comm., TWO, Outreach, Violence vs. Women Comm. Wright, Catherine Helen 2340 All view Terrace Los Angeles, CA 90068 Political Science

y Yearley, Peter Barlow 418 Alden Avenue Westfield, NJ 07090 American Studies; President's Fellow, Curriculum Comm., Review {Managing Ed.), Trinity Papers, Intramural Soccer Yetman, Charles Duncan {Dune) 11 Par Lane Trumbull, CT 06611 Philosophy; Christian Fellowship {Co-Leader) Yurkovsky, Andrew P. 98 Meadow Park Drive Milford, CT 06460 English

z Ziebold, William Townsend 1541 Thomas Circle Charleston, WV 25314 Economics; St. A's, Lacrosse, T A - Corp. Finance, Repub. Club., Observer Zionkowski, Sandra Cecelia 110 Walnut Street Naugatuck, CT 06770 Biology & Psychology; Psych. Club, T A - Advanced Physiological Psychology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Ziskind, Michael Alan 32 Douglas Road Belmont, MA 02178 History; Trinity Tutoring, SGA, Budget Comm.


'Neath The Elms 'Neath the elms of our old Trinity, 'Neath the elms of our dear old Trinity, Oh it's seldom we'll meet, In the moonlight so sweet, 'Neath the elms of our old Trinity. College days are from care and sorrow free, And oft will we seek in memory, Those days that are past, Far too joyous to last, 'Neath the elms of our old Trinity. Then we'll sing to our old Trinity, To our dear old Alma Mater, Trinity, We're together today, And tomorrow away, Faraway from our old Trinity. 'Neath the elms of our old Trinity, 'Neatb the elms of our dear old Trinity, No more shall we meet, Our classmates to greet, 'Neath the elms of our old Trinity.

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