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CLASS OF 1986 . . . . . EVENTS . ......... . FACULTY . ........ . ORGANIZATIONS ... SPORTS . ......... . IR!NITY COLLF'"' • ••pn"l &RTEOR D ~ 'lf'f




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DEDICATION "Take it one step at a time and if you have a problem come on back". We dedicate the 1986 Trinity Ivy to Dean Winer, the man who with those words has guided, advised, encouraged and strengthened the self-confidence of students for the past twenty years. He has with his sincere dedication, mingled with a deep understanding of todays educational environment helped many students overcome what can sometime appear to be insurmountable obstacles. Dean Winer, born in Nashua New Hampshire, received his B.A. in 1959 from the University of Vermont. He then went on to earn his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut. Dean Winer began his career at Trinity in 1966. His first decade at Trinity College was spent as Associate Professor of Psy chology. Through his second decade at Trinity he continued on as Associate Professor but also earned the position of Dean of Students. Dean Winer continues to teach Introduction To Psychology (101) and his Freshman Seminar "Becoming A Person ". He considers it beneficial to get to know the Freshman Class on a professorial and administrative level in order to bridge the gap between the Dean of Students and the students. Endowed with the gift of listening and a sense of humor his open door policy has been given greater impotence. Dean Winer was instrumental in the creation of the Trinity College Day Care Center in the Life Sciences Building of Trinity. He is a member of the President's Council on Women and Minorities. He is also a member of the Women 's Center Coordinating Committee where, on a lighter note, he considers himself the "token male". With all his college involvement, Dean Winer still finds time on weekends to exercise his green thumb. He and his wife Judy take great pride in their garden and on any Saturday afternoon in the fall or spring one can see them diligently working together in their garden and always willing to stop and speak with a student walking by. In dedicating the Trinity Ivy to Dean Winer, we cannot help but to reflect on the good fortune of those Trinity students who in their strive towards excellence will pass neath the elms of dear old Trinity with Dean Winer at their side.














Lesley Holland Abrams Political Science

Joseph Serafino Adam Mathematics & Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Mario Alexander Aguero History

Toshiya Akiza wa Mathematics & Computer Science

Andrew Frederick Alden Economics

Ann Wende Alf'ord English

Philip Alling English

Priscilla Hullihen Altmaier History

Peter Claver Ammirati Classics

Kenneth James Abere Economics

Sheila Jane Andrus History


Margo Suzanne Austin Psychology

Claudia Ann Baio English & Educational Studies

John Marshall Barton History

George Dietrich Banta Chemistry

Eugene Israel Barzach Engineering with Computer Coordinate


James Andrew Baronian History

Christopher Luis Barry Computer Science with Psychology

Elaine Mosie Bates Religion

Linda Hsiao-Ming Bay History

Jel'l'rey Tyson Beer Classics

Susan Florence Beharry Psychology

Elizabeth M. Bellingrath Comparative Literature

Kristine Belson English

Karin Elizabeth Bennett Art History

Michelle Lynn Berky Economics with Computer Coordinate

Michele Marie Berrigan Art History

Robert Michael Bienkowski Engineering

Virginia Shattuck Biggar History

Mary Elizabeth Binns Biology


Hilary Kennedy Braverman Economics

Brian Joseph Brennan Economics with Computer Coordinate

Barbara Ann Brennan Religion


Lila Rinne Brickley Engineering

Stephen Baird Brodeur American Studies

Heather Elizabeth Brown English

Gerald Arthur Bunting History

Jeffrey James Burton English

Martha Bush-Brown History


Thomas Warren Brown Biology

Trina Anita Brown Urban Studies

Kathryn Ruth Burke Economics

Susan Allie Burkhardt Literary Writing

Bruce David But taro Political Science

Andrew Lee Caesar Philosophy

Paul Francis Gastonia

Grace Adela Ca vero

American Studies

Political Science


Lisa Marie Cesarani English

Clint R. Chamberlin Biology

Stella Charles Environmental Studies

Mei-wa Cheng English & International Studies

Michael John Chichlowski Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Joyce Yet-Shan Chin Psychology

Gail Joan Clavet Psychology

Tyler Moore Clements History

Carey Ann Cochran Psychology

Tristram Strarbuck Collin History

Robert Andrew Cohen Economics

Olive Latiner Cobb Economics


Linda Gay Comeau English

Katie Lane Cook Mathematics with Computer Coordinate

Lisa Kathryn Cooper Psychology

Adriene Marie Corbin Psychology & French

Alison Frances Corey Mathematics


SasiUJ ElisabetlJ CougblbJ Psychology

James DIUJiel Cregan

Holly Heywood DIUJdo Comparative Literature

Teresa Lynn Dann Political Science

Thomas Holmes Crimmins Art History

Political Science


Andrew Cooper Crow Russian

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Peter JoluJ DePatle Economics with Computer Coordinate


Bolly CatlJerbJe Decker

Stevea D. De'WoH

Economics with Computer Coordinate

Computer Science


A.Dtbo.ay Dick


James Michael DiLorenzo History

Lisa Joan Dinnick English

Aileen Marie Doherty History

Theresa Jean Dougal Sociology with Computer Coordinate 路

Margaret Ann Downing History

Christopher Kirkpatrick Downs History

Thomas Albert Dunn Economics with Computer Coordinate

Glenn Stuart Dworkin Economics

Alexis Marie Economou English

Weston Case Elliot, Jr. Political Science

Michael Edward Doetsch History


Elizabeth Ann Eustis English & Religion

Amy Lotridge Eveleth Sociology

Todd Douglas Fairfax Economics

Theresa Falcone Political Science

Karina Marie Fabi Economics


Sarah Allen Fagerburg English & Religion

Andrew Reid Fauntleroy Biology

Meriel Joy Fernandes Studio Arts with Computer Coordinate


Paul Vincent Ferucci History

Edwin Figueroa Sociology

Virginia Ann Finn Art History

David Roland Fontaine Economics & American Studies

Maria Das Dores Garcao Economics

Da vld M. Gardner Biology

E. Edgar Garcia Political Science


Edward Gates Garrity History & Philosophy

Juliana Garro History

Kathryn Carolyn George Economics

Sarah Giblin Economics with Computer Coordinate

Deborah Jeanne Gil burg Pyschology


Lisa Adrienne Gilson Sociology

Alison L. Gill Philosophy

Steven David Gillis History

Emily Louise Ginsberg Art History

Samuel Davis Gollis Philosophy

Robert David Goner History

Scott Tyler Gowell Chemistry

Dawn D. Grisby Economics

Joseph James Grimm Sociology


Mark John Glancey Writing

John Robert Gregg Computer Science

Pamela Louise Guardo Economics & Political Science

Edward Vincent Hackett Biology & Philosophy

David Walter Hanak Engineering

Jill Edwards Hagberg History

Eileen P. Hall Engineering

Margaret Woodbridge Hall English

Miriam Franzi Handelsman Studio Arts

Todd Hartmann Hansen Economics

JenniÂŁer Kean Hardman History


Margaret Grace Hargrave English Literature

John Patrick Harrington Economics

David Graham Hassard English & Biology

Claire Marie Heilmann Art History

Donald Eugene Henry Economics

Andrew James Hern English

Elizabeth Rosse Heslop History

Eileen Mary Hession Biology

Steven Jay Hirshberg Biology with Computer Coordinate

Lisa Barbara Hoffmann Pyschology

Laura Barbara Hofsess English

Harold Willard Horton Economics with Computer Coordinate


Lisa Marie Iannone Pyschology

Kristen Margaret Illick Pyschology


Maureen Ellen Hughes Chemistry

Elizabeth Ann Iandoli Intercultural Studies

Robert N. Isaac Economics

Pamela Jean Isgur International Relations

Aminafuad M. Jama Intercultural Studies & Economics

Marly Ann Johnston Economics

Sally Valda Kalve Psychology

Nicholas Peter Kambolis Biology

Michael B. Kane/ Economics

Jerome Vaughn Kapelus Economics

Rhonda Mylene Kaplan American Studies

JeanhJe Marie Kawi Biology

David E. Kaye Psychology

Christopher Anderson Kearns History

Victoria Morrill Keefe History

Christine Ellen Kelleher Political Science


Martha S. Kelly

Adan Overton Kimmick


Glenna Patricia King

Philip Dean Kingman



American Studies

Andrew Wade Kittross

Douglas Evan Klinger

Kerry Elizabeth Knobelsdorf'f'

Kristina Marie Kinsley Psychology & HistoryLiterature

Kristina Louise 路Knobelsdorf't' Political Science

Engineering 路


Sarah Genet Knutson History


Political Science

Sarab Susan Lababn Pyschology

David Ryan Kramer

Lia Sona Kwee



Mary Catherine Land

Gary William Lane

Melissa Jo Lapine



Environmental Studies


Gary Roy Laramee Biology

Paul Joseph Lasar Physics & Computer Science

Lorinda Jane Laub Economics

Andrew R. Lavallee Art History

Ronald Edward Lavoie Political Science

Anthony Andrew Lazzara American Studies

Wendell Marcus Lee Studio Art


Vincent Anthony La urentino Economics

Marceline Lee French & Music

Nancy Jean Lelievre Engineering

Amy Elizabeth Limpitlaw Religion

KeiJIJetb Edwin Lowry, Jr. Math & Computer Science

Howard Ross Lemmon History

Margaret H. LintelmBIJIJ Classics

Leslie M. Lucas Intercultural Studies

Sharon Gail Lewis Biology

Justin Weaver Lilley Economics & Religion

Mark Richard Litke Pyscbology

Christopher KeiJIJedy Lorenz Intercultural Studies

John Watter Luipold Economics


Ellu Mary Lyng Biology

William Bernard Macaulay

Scott David MacClintic



Thomas Campbell Magowan

Tracy Lynn Magruder

Norman Alexander MacColl

Thomas Matthew Madden

Political Science

History - Literature

Thomas John Mahaney


II Biology & Computer in

William Geaorge MaiD.


JennUer Ann Maloney

James Natbaniel Mancall American Studies &

Robert Gordon Mann

James Lyon Manson







Maria Markidou


Amy FraiJces McDoiJIJell


Alicia McNally

Mark MaiJuel MeiJeiJdez

Intercultural Studies

Art History


VeriJOIJ Josepb Meyer

Economics with Computer Coordinate

Heather J. Moody

Regina Moore

Russian Studies


Dana Morris English

Elizabeth V. Morris

Michael Andrew Morris

Intercultural Studies


Soviet Studies & Economics

Carolyn M. Muellir

Elizabeth Alice Muik

Elisabeth Macgregor Muirhead

Ezra Bust Muirhead

Anne K. Morris

Art History




Political Science

Patrick Michael Mullin Economics

LeAnn Murphy Psychology

Thomas W. Nickerson Political Science

Mary Ann Noyer American Studies

Mark C. Murray Economics


Virgins Murtagh Eonomics with Computer Coordinate

Paul B. Nyklicek Psychology

Brian T. Oakley Economics

Sheila Marie O'Sullivan Economics & Political Science

Susan M. Ogrodnik Philosophy & English

Laura A. O'Bryan Biochemistry

Steven B. Okun Political Science

Michael Philip Oxman Russian Studies


Michael C. O'Donnell Economics

Sarah Marie Oman History & Art History

David W. Parter Philiosophy with Computer Coordinate

Rodney Lawrence Parsons Jr. Chemistry

Christine A. Pastore English

Stephen M. Patti Economics

Elizabeth B. PeishoÂŁÂŁ Economics

Leslie A. Pennington Economics

Michael David Petrarca Biochemistry

Michael Petropoulos History

William Bramble Pt'ohl Psychology

Lisa Walcott Phillips Sociology

Maria Frances Picciuca History with Computer Coordinate

Steven Michel Piccus Intercultural Studies & Asian Studies



Paul Jerome Powers Economics

Lois Rausch French


Picotte English

Wendy Ann Pillsbury Biology

Thomas Paxton Price History

Katherine Irene Puzone Economics

Edward Hurst Raf'f' III Philosophy

Peter ~ichael Reavey Intercultural Studies

Joseph ~. Reid Economics & Computer Science



James Reilly Economics

Trini M. Rivera

Lisa N ara Roberts




Timothy Huge Robinson American Studies

K. Whitney Rogers Political Science with Computer Coordinate

Gretchen Adams Rorick English

Denise Elizabeth Rosano English

Eric Rosow Engineering

Kathleen Joanne Rowe Engineering

JeÂŁÂŁ Allen Ruszczyk Physics

Marianne Elizabeth Ryan Religion

Stephanie Lee Ryan Economics

David Paul Sagers English


Carlos Manuel Santos Political Science

Christopher Ross Saranec Economics with Computer Coordinate

David Lawrence Schnadig Economics

Mary Elizabeth Schnorr French

Christopher John Scola Biochemistry


Joseph Patrick Scorese History & Literature

John Samuel Senaldi Engineering

William Penning Sharpe International Relations

Thomas Peter Sbeeby Political Science

Lisa Ronnelle Shelton Intercultural Studies & Education

Laura Sbimsnbidian Biology

James Peter Sickinger Classics

Robin Lynn Silver Engineering with Computer Coordinate

Laura Anne Silverstein Intercultural Studies & Religion

Kate Taylor Simonds Economics

Charlene Karen Sinclair Sociology


Patricia Louise Sinicropi History

William Frederick Slaney Psychology

Claire Abbott Slaughter History with Computer Coordinate

Samuel Cochran Slaymaker

Elizabeth Amy Smart Biology

Allison Courtney Smith Biology

Erik Cropsey Smith Political Science

Heather Elizabeth Smith Biology

Lesilie Farr Smith Political Science

Maxwell Baldwin Smith Economics


Elizabeth H. Sobkov American Studies

Robert William Souiliere Engineering & English

David Andrew Stackpole Political Science

Daniel John Stanton Religion

Paul Giessow Stauffer Psychology & Religion

Alexandra T. Steinert Religion

Eric Samuel Stepper History

Richard Pratt Stetson History


Malcolm Alexander Stevenson Jr.

Robert Anderson St. George



Mark Andrew Stiglitz Mathematics


John Christopher Stratakis Political Science

Erich Carl Strotbeck

John Richard Suchecki



Stephen Carl Swett

Brett McCoy Swift



Sandra Beth Tarullo Mathematics

Perry Albert Troisi Economics with Computer Coordinate

William Griffith Thomas History

Mary Agnes Van Cleve Psychology


Virginia Lee Thompson English Literature

Jeanne Elizabeth Torre Psychology

George Harold VanderZwaag Economics

Nicholas O'Malley Veronis Economics

William Joseph Villari Economics

Robin Lynne Waddell Intercultural Studies & Philosophy

Dennis Jerome Vincenzo

Joan W. VJ.acent


Randy James Vyskocil


Economics with Computer Coordinate

Theodore William Weesner Economics

Marilyn Ruth Weiss Art History

Diane Elizabeth Warshauer Psychology

Edward Stipes Watts

Thomas Jacob Wa.rter


Political Science


Cuolya Jeu Wldte History

.U.sbetb. Barto• Wldte

Lllare• DewbJg Wbltley


Art History


Lsu:rs Cs:rya WIJltBey Economics witb Computer Coordinate

Michael Francis Whits ton Economics

Williams Economics with Computer Coordinate

Christina Gunn Williamson Economics

Charles Thayer Wilmerding Religion

Ala:JJ MarJe Wmchester Philosophy with Computer Coordinate

Wendy Luise Woolf English

Elizabeth Haynes Wray Economics

Mary Bose Wrobleski Economics & French


Judith W. Wmer Psychology

Tara Anne Wyman Religion

Paul Elias Yablon Economics

Mary Susan Zavisza Studio Art

John Robert Zelig Psychology

David S. Zendzian Engineering

Jennifer Elaine Ziedonis Biology

Eric Claude Ziemann English

Peter Miles Zimmerman Mathematics & Computer

Christine Ann Zipps Mathematics & Computer

Thomas Andrew Zoubek History & Spanish


Jonathan Edward Zweig Political Science NOT SHOWN: Henriette Antal, Denise Atkinson, Meg Bishop, Maria Borghesi, Jessica Bowers, Kathryn Brims, Nancy Cecilia, Andre DeBaubigny, Phillip Drinkaus, Roger Epstein, Kathryn Gallant, Gloria Guerrero, Mary Harrop, Heidi Heilmann, Peter Limmios, Elizabeth Malabre, Mortimer Malcolm, Scott McLain, William Nault Andrew Newman, Bruce Newman, Micah Nutt, Olufemi Obi, Ency Richardson, Michelle Roubal, Mark Shepherd, Christine Sirignano, Nanci Spellman, Stephen Stroud, Jeanette Sui, James Sullivan, Caroline VanHouten, Richard Whitesell,

Jennifer Fran Zydney Economics









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"Cheerleading Tryouts"



Right Reverend Desmond Mpilo Tutu


Dr. William De Vries Director of the Artifical Heart Program

Margaret "Shug" Avery Actress of "The Color Purple"

Ralph Nader Consumer Advocate Speaker for Earth Week 109








PROTEST FOR DIVESTMENT The Trustees of Trinity College voted on March 22, 1986 to divest from all American companies doing business in South Africa.





Soap Box Derby 1986

Trinity Talent on the Quad

The Stompers

"Let's Active"


Modern English Lead Singer Robbie Gray







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James English President

Thomas Smith Vice President

Borden Painter, Jr. Acting Dean of Faculty

David Winer Dean of Students & Associate Professor

Ivan Backer Director of Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance

Alferd Burfeind Associate Director of Development

Mimi Burns Assistant Director of Special Events and Calendar

Siu-Chim Chan Director of Buildings and Grounds

Paula Chu-Richardson Assistant Dean of Students

William Churchill Director of Public Relations

Lee Coffin Assistant Director Of Alumni Relations


Margaret Collins Director of Personnel Services

Catherine Cosgrove Assistant Director of Annual and Development

Betty Ann Cox External Affairs

Stephen Dahnert Researcher for the Development Office

Don Dietrich Director of Admissions

Tina Dow Director of Residential Services

Laurence Duffy Director of Major Gifts and Development

Ralph Emerick Librarian

Louise Fisher Director of IDP Students

Kathleen Frederick Associate Director of Public Relations

Anne Gushell Director of Calender and Special Events

Gerald Hansen, Jr. Director of Alumni and College Relations


Jeffrey Kaimowitz Curator, Watkinson Library

Miyuki Kaneko Assistant Director of Development

Peter Knapp Head of Reference Department & , "'¡""'•'"' Archivist

David Nagle Sports Information Director

Robert Pedemonti Treasurer and Director of Finance

Joanne Polver Assistant Dean for Student Activities

Alan Saver Business Manager and Chief Accountant

Cheryl Smith Director of Institutional Affairs

Carol Thompson Corporation and Foundations Officer

Anne Utz Internship Coordinator

Jake Wagget Associate Administrative Dean

Contance Ware Director of Development

Joseph Tolliver Assistant Dean of Students


Robbins Winslow Dir. of Administration Data Systems & Coor. of Foreign ..;. Advising Study


Anne Zartarian Director of Financial Aid


Richard B. Crawford Professor

Donald B. Galbraith Professor

Robert H. Brewer Professor

Frank M. Child III Professor

Holly L. Gorton Assistant Professor

Craig W. Schneider Associate Professor

CHEMISTRY Professor John E. Simmons

James M. Van Stone Professor


Edward Bobko Professor

Henry A. DePhillips, Jr. Professor

David E. Henderson Associate Professor

James K. Heeren Associate Professor

CLASSICS Ralph 0. Moyer Associate Professor

Robert H. Smellie, Jr. Professor

James R. Bradley Associate Professor

Anthony D. Macro Professor

John C. Williams Professor

Frsncis Angelico Bantam 1424


ECONOMICS Robert A. Battis Professor

William N. Butos Assistant Professor

Ward S. Curran Professor

Leroy Dunn Professor

Francis J. Egan Associate Professor

Andrew J. Gold Associate Professor

Gerald A. Gunderson Professor

Charles W. Lindsey Associate Professor

Miquel P. Ramirez Assistant Professor

Richard Scheuch Professor





Vincent Smith Visiting Assistant Professor

Diane C. Zannoni Assistant Professor

David Ahlgren Associate Professor

Theodore R. Blakeslee II

Joseph D. Bronzino Professor

Roy B. Davis Assistant Professor

August E. Sapega Professor

David E. Woodard Architecture Lecturer

Associate Professor

Alonzo G. Grace, Jr. Visiting Professor

Ralph Morelli Assistant Professor


ENGLISH Thslis Cheronis-Selz Writer in Residence

Dirk A. Kuyk Professor

Theodore O.A!sson Assistant Professor

J. Bard AlcNulty Professor

James A. Miller Associate Professor

Hugh S. Ogden Associate Professor

Fredrick Pfeil Assistant Professor

Mills Riggio Associate Professor

MsrkJ. Schenker Assistant Professor

Paul Smith Professor


FINE ARTS Sharon W. Smith Professor

James H. Wheatley Professor

Mardges Bacon Associate Professor

Thomas P. Baird Professor

Michael R. T. Mahoney Professor

John Rhodes Visiting Assistant Professor

George E. Chaplin Professor and Directo of Studio Arts

Alden R. Gordon Assistant Professor

Max Ernst's view of Tinity's Bantam



Philip C.F. Bankwitz Professor

Eric Bohman Visiting Assistant Professor

John H. Chatfield Visiting Lecturer

Eugene W. Davis Professor

Dale T. Graden Visiting Lecturer

Joan D. Hedrick Visiting Associate Professor

Samuel D. Kassow Associate Professor

Erika Laquer Visiting Assistant Professor

Eugene Leach Visiting Assistant Professor

Michael Lestz Assistant Professor

14 2

Mark Miller Visiting Assistant Professor

Borden W. Painter, Jr. Professor and Dean of Faculty

Robert Palter Professor of History of Science

SusanD.Pennybacker Assistsn t Professor

Barbara Sicherman Professor

Edward W. Sloan Professor

H. Mckin Steele Professor

Glenn Weaver Professor

J. Ronald Spencer Lecturer and Associate Academic Dean

Professor Bantam



Walter J. Klimczak Professor

Picasso's Bantam c. 1920

Marjorie V. Butcher Professor

Lucy L. Deephouse Assistant in Mathematics

David Mauro Assistant Professor

David A. Robbins Professor

Mario J. Poliferno Associate Professor

Robert C. Stewart Professor

Ralph E. Walde Associate Professor

E. Finlay Whittlesey Professor


MODERN LANGUAGES Gustave W. Andrian Professor

Carol J. Any Assistant Professor

Andrea Bianchini Associate Professor

Michael R. Campo Professor and Director of Cesare Barbieri Center

Fabio Girelli-Carasi Assistant Professor

Olga P. Hasty Assistant Professor

Donald D. Hook Professor

Dori Katz Professor

Arnold L. Kerson Professor

Sonia Lee Associate Professor


MUSIC Kenneth Lloyd-Jones Professor

Roger A. Zapata Instructor

Gerald Moshell Associate Professor

Linda Laurent Artist in Residence

John Platoff Assistant Professor

John Rose College Organist and Director of Chapel Music

W. Miller Brown Professor

Howard DeLong Professor



Drew A. Hyland Professor

Helen S. Lang Assocaite Professor

Richard T. Lee Professor

Maurice L. Wade Assistant Professor

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Burton L. Apfelbaum Head Rowing Coach and Director of Intramurals

Wendy Barlett Raquets Coach

Michael R. Darr Assistant Professor

Karen L. Erlandson Assistant Professor


Stacey Apfelbaum Womens Crew Coach

James A. Foster Head Track Coach and Assistant Football Coach

Leo J. Hamel Trainer

Richard J. Hazelton Associate Professor and Director of Athletics

Chet McPhee Professor and Swimming Coach

Don Miller Professor

Magrite Bantam

Stanley Ogrodnik Basketball Coach

Robin L. Sheppard Assistant Professor

Robert Shultz Associate Professor

Albert J. Howard, Jr. Professor

Robert Lindsay Professor



Charles Miller Professor

JlarveyS. Picker Professor

Mark P. Silverman Associate Professor

Franklin Delano Bantam

Walker Connor Professor

Diana Evans Assistant Professor

Clyde D. Mckee Professor

Rex C. Neaverson Professor


Adrienne Fulco Visiting Professor

Albert L. Gastman Professor


Abraham Bantam

Thomas A. Reilly Associate Professor

Ranbir Vohra Professor

Dina Anselmi Assistant Professor

George W. Doten Professor

George C. Higgins Professor and College Counce}or

Pricilla Kehoe Assistant Professor


Karl F. Haberlandt Professor

Sharon D. Hertzberger Associate Professor


Randolph M. Lee ~.:>11.1(;1<~= College Councelor and Associate Professor

William M. Mace Associate Professor

Charles B. Schultz Professor and Director of Educational Studies Program

His Holiness Pope Bantam VI

Lelie Desmangles Assistant Professor

Ellison B. Findly Associate Professor

Frank Kirkpatrick Associate Professor

Theodor M. Mauch Professor


John A. Gettier Associate Professor

Ronald Kiener Assistant Professor


SOCIOLOGY Alan Tull Chaplin and Assistant Professor

Soviet Realism

Noreen Channels Associate Professor

Michael P. Sacks Associate Professor

John D. Brewer Associate Professor

Norman Miller Professor

Arthur Feinsod Assistant Professor

Lenora Champagne Artist In Residence



Judy Dworin Associate Professor and Director of Dance

Nusha Martynuk Artist in Residence

Professors of Bartending

John Woodley Director of Austin Arts


Associate Professor of Engineering B.S. 1945 Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.S. 1952 Lehigh University At Trinity for 28 years from 1958 to 1986 Professor Blakeslee is planning to live the life of a retired gentleman in Raleigh North Carolina where he may teach. He has spent "38 damn nice years" at Trinity College with no regrets. He believes he made a good decicion in comming to Trinity and Trinity made a good decision in keeping him! Professor Blakeslee will always be remembered for Engineering 115 -

Introduction To

Computing, 8:30 MWF. The classroom was always filled and it was, in Professor Blakeslee's own words, ' 1a veritable mob scene." We wish Professor Blakeslee tWd his wife Virgina a very happy retirement.



Professor of History B.A. 1940 University of Texas M.A. 1941 Harvard University Ph. D. 1948 University of North Carolina At Trinity for 38 years from 1948 to 1986 Dr. Davis planned for retirement in Texas but Mrs. Davis thought it was too hot. Mrs. Davis said why not Maine? But Dr. Davis said i~ was too cold! They compromised on Delaware near a lovely body of water to enjoy a relaxed retirement. Dr. Davis considers Trinity a first rate place and a pleasant place to work. He feels that Trinity is a good .liberal arts college with a good liberal arts education with less fuss. He found teaching at Trinity a positive experience and very satisfying. Dr. Davis and his dog Peppy (AKA -Pepin Le Bref, AKA - White Lightening) could be found teaching their favorite class History 204- Hellinistic And Roman History. We wish Dr. Davis and his wife Harriet a very happy retirement.


Professor of Psychology B.S. 1948 and M.S. 1950 University of Massachusetts Ph.D. 1952 Northwestern University At Trinity 18 years from 1968 to 1986 Dr. Doten's favorite class was Psychology 211 -Psychological Data Evaluation. After eighteen good years at Trinity College Dr. Doten will be enjoying what he refers to as a working retirement. He will be utaking it easy 11 while volunteering his time to Trinity. The George W. Doten Fund, which was created in his honor wiJJ aid in the education of '


minority students and will be administered by the Dean's Office. We wish Dr. Doten and his wife Ramona a very happy retirement. I



, Scovill Professor of Chemistry B.S. 1942 and MS. 1944 Trinity College Ph.D. 1951 Columbia University

At Trinity for 38 years from 1948 to 1986 Dr. Smellie found it difficult while cleaning out his office to adjust to the new role retirement imposes. After what he referred to as a transition period he will be doing consulting and research. His good thoughts and fond memories of Trinity will accompany him. He would like to thank those who over the years clamored noisily outside of,Clement ~05 as it always helped to keep his students awake! We wish D. Smellie and his wife Dorothy a very happy retirement.



Left to Right: D. Caesar, J. Flemma, A. Campbell, M. Davis, B. Johnson, C. Luthi, M. Lane, J. Lyons


Front Row: S. Ryan, S. MacColl, S. Angers, G. Bowan, B. Reiskin, T. Morin, W. Rogers, Back Row: J. Cox, R. Luton, J. Seibert, S. Miller, L. Snow, T. Singleton, L. Abshire, P. Peters, P. Bradley, K . Sherr, M. Gatchell 160


Front Row: E. Leheny, L. Scott, T. Dunn, Second Row: J. Phelan, P. Chu-Richardson, M. Morris, Missing: G. Laramee


Front Row: L. Bay, H. Ky, L. Kwee, T. Vorachack, B. Harrison, Y. Ju, C. Yasumura, A. Tayjasan art, M. Markidou, Second Row: R. Isaac, J. Lee, Y. Sui, T. Lim, D. Hsiao, Y. Lee


Front Row: E. Heslop, V. Arthand, Second Row: T. Madden, Y. Sui, R. Freytag, Missing: E. Freeman, V. Rhee, J. Lee




Left to right: T. Akizawa, G. Banta, M. Morris, E. Raff, K. Finkbeiner, M. Chichlowski, P. Lasar


Front row: M. Williams, P. Lang, B. Lee, M. Donahue Back row: T. Blaney, C. Gemmell, T. Luciano, R. Skubish 163


Front Row: E. Heslop, S. Marinilli, P. McBride, Second Row: A. Blume, T. Mahamey, J. Rose, T. Zoubek, F. Connelly, G. Greene, M. Davis, C. Chappell, Missing: L . Babbitt, R. Lindgren, L. Odenweiler, K. Remick, J. Simkiss, J. Lew


Front Row: J. Beer, L. Roberts, W. Heine, S. Taru11o, E. Lyng, K. Knobelsdoff, S. Ragsdale, Second Row: B . Pfohl, J. Russell, S. Warren, G. Carter, T . Gillespie, T. Pedersen, S. Gowell, Third Row: M. Zweifel, B. Fikaris, S. Carter, K. Hubbard, K . Illick, J. Phelan, G. Simpson



Left to Right: M. Miller, J. Hanley, M. Gatchell, J. Gregg, A. Magoun, S. Brady, R. Freytag, A. Jams, L. Dow, F. Pfeil, B. Peltier, H. Blumstein, S. Stamper, K. Newbern, S. Goodwin, C. Stehle, T. Vorschak, G. Neill, M. Tanner, L Haley, B. Carver, N. Clifford, J. O'Loughlin, K. Kinsley, Newman


Left to Right: S. Marton, B. McCormack, J. Janke, S. Poulin, L. Cessrsni, M. Gsrcao



Left to Right: S. Trattner, C. Quinn, P. Sincropi, L. Osterhus, K. Reavey, L. McCarthy, L. Whitley, Missing: R. Fogarty, R. Epstein, S. Clothier


Left to Right: L. Martin, L. Thomas, M. Sharpley, A. Hatcher, K. Bates, N. Martynuk (Faculty Advisor)



Front row: V. Robinson (Secretary), L. Burne (President), A. Krause, A. McPherson, M. Nelson Back row: J. Mark, J. Kail Missing: K. Murren, J. Coffman, M. Pedemonti


Front row: P. Schaefer, C. Harges, J. Gregg, M. Sammaruera, K. Sneed, M. Winter, S. Ousley, J. Sandford Back row: P. Cestari, S. Lipton, R. Crosby, K. McCabe, J. O'Loughlin, P. Astle, G. Banta (President) 16.7


Front Row: R. Goner, T. Magruder, Second Row: M. Gatchell, S. Young, L. White, B. Wray, L. Iannone, Third Row: C. Williamson, K. Kinsley, L. Peishoff, J. Davidoff, P. Newlin, G. Bunting, Missing: T. Swiers, T. Keefe, H. Braverman T. Tracey

EDITORS: Lisa Iannone: Business Manager Gerry Bunting: Creative Consultant and Arts Director Tracy Magruder: Lay out and Copy Editor Hilary Braverman: Photography Editor Bob Goner: "Editor in General" 168


Front row: J. Poh, B. Holt, L. Thomas, D. Haghighat, K. Poulos Second row: T. Caldarone, A. FauntLeRoy, S. Charles, L. Bay, P.&T. Richardson Third row: M. Jibrell, T. Clark, S. Ryan, M. Markidou, R. Dimuzio, S. Delanoy, A. Jama, L. Lawrence





Front row: J. Ramirez, J. Salichs, M. Pagan Second row: E. Ramirez, M. Cuevas, A. Valdejuly, N. Marchand, M DelToro



Left to Right: E. Heslop, S. Mclain, D. Sanker, A. Bici, B. Bitterli, J. Zydney, L. Coffin, Prof. Gunderson, D. Lamant, A. Blume, J. Lilley, J. Stratakis, E. Garrity


Left to Right: R. Freytag, C. Bunting, D. Lloyd, L. Lucas, M. Tanner, A. Kelly, J. Stand ford, S. Bolon, M. Levin, E. Loos, Missing: D. Hower Y. K wee 171


Left to right: S. Larson, C. Reid, T. Pew, G. A vita bile, A. Beers, D. Kim, D. Mercer, L. Howell, J. Potter, A. Silverstone, M. Garver, J. Simkiss


J. McLaughlin, J. Dalsheim, Captain, D. Kiim 172


Front Row: A. Blume, M. Petraopoulos, S. Slaymaker, Second Row: A. Bici, J. Williams, S. Maclain


L. Dinnick, C. Nemser, M. Bishop, D. Coles, G. Rorick, Missing: K. Belson Abes, E. Zimmann, M DelMonico, M. Handelsmann, E. Peishoff, S. Brown, K. Festa 173


In Alphabetical Order: L. Alrarez-Calderon, A. Bici, M. Bronzino, C. Conway, J. Dalsheim, R. Dilorio, M. Driscoll, R. Fogarty, E. Garrity, K. George, E. Lewis, N. Marchand, L. Martin, M. Miller, A. Muldoon, P. Powers, J. Pulver, W. Rawlings, D. Sagers, D. Saler, D. Sanker, K. Sherr, J. Sickinger, P. Sinicropi, C. Smith, K. Smith, T. Swiers, F. Tozer, T. Vartenigian, S. Wadsworth, C. Whalen, J. Tolliver

Front Row: E. Garrity, H. Romanoff, K. George, S. Wadsworth Back Row: J. Sickinger, A. Muldoon, G. Powers


Front Row: M Smith, G. Garrity, M. Strassman, Second Row: E. G. Woods, A. Loiacono, S. Berlack (Coach), M Fury, S. Berlack (Coach), P. Weiss, P. Morris


Front Row: N. Lelievere, A. Hall, L. Muik, K. Ditallo, S. Hupfer Back Row: S. Whiting, L. Brickley, C. Rowe, Y. Ju




Front Row: J. Sickenger, B. Main, K. Illick, H Blumstein, Second Row: J. Ganz, L. Comeau, M. Lee, T . Caldarone, M. Handelsmann, T. Brown, J. Gregg, Third Row: R. Lavoie, D. Vincenzo E. Iandoli, E. Smart 176


J. Rose, G. Greene


B. McCormack

M. Esterman


A. Grunbeck


Front Row: W. Fitzpatrick, M. Allord, J. Roeder, Back Row: J. Pulver, L. Bune, H Romanoff, S. Lipke


L/R: J. Williams, M Baynes, R. Washinton, C. Simons, K. Jones, L. Branham, L. Goeins, H. Horton


Left to Right: E. Nurse (co-chair), M. Baynes, K. Jones, R. Washinton, C. Sinclair, L. Goiens


Left to Right: P. Smith, R. Colasacco, J. Gregg, M. Chichlowski, D. Zendzian, T. Akizawa, S. Hupfer, A. Winchester, E. Barzach, C. Barry, P. Kozin, S. DeWolf, H. Blumstein. 179


Front Row: M Tanner, M. Lay, A. Eveleth, M Apolito, J. Janke, Second Row: P. Cestari, R. Winterer, J. O'Gara, Missing: L. Silverstein, K. Carey


Front Row: P. Wellman, D. Wark, Second Row: T. Nickerson, L. Smith, G. Bunting, Missing: D. Moran, B. Macdonald, A. Limpitlaw, P. Schwartzman, L. Khan


路~ ~



Front Row: S. Despres, G. Shermann, M. Zalkan, Second Row: M. LeClair, A. Maroon, M. Roubal, P. Alling


Front Row: L. Whitney, J. Hubbard, J. Zelig, R. Isaac, Second Row: T. Dunn, B . Brennan, S. Maclain, N . Barry, K. Thomas, P. Katt, Missing: J. Rossman, T. Hall, J. Stratakis, J. Zydney, J. Maggioni 181









~ ~路








First Row: F. Funaro, J. Sickinger, K. Coleman, G. Vanderzwaag, M Smith,,. Murray, R. Vyskocil, P. Gastonia, M. Reilly S. Okun, M Doetsch, Second Row: M. Dolan, J. Usewick, D. Banta, T. Shannon, R. Nagy, J. Montgomery, B. Zanko, A. Amore, M. DeLucia, T. Nizoler, D. Tighe, L. Branham, B. Cunningham, G. Richo, K. Smith, Third Row: Asst. Coach M Beatty, B. Farnham, M. Polinsky, J. Siebert, T Broderick, J. Cataldo, J. Haviland, M Galley, S. Butera, R. Reiskin, P. Patterson, R. Buggs, A. Johns, T. DeNicola, T. Kokonowski, J. Staguano, B. Vgouk, Asst. Coach J. Foster, Fourth Row: Equip. Manager A. Wiggins, J. Tanner, S. Belber, E. Grant, G. Dunnery, D. Barcomb, J. Germain, K. Broderick, W. Wrobel, S. Semanchik, D. Vieweg, J. Burke, J. Calcaterra, M. Mignone, T. Luciano, D. Hutchinson, Asst. Coach J. McKeon, Fifth Row: Asst. Coach J. Grace, Trainer L. Hamel, R. Moore, K. Griffen, J. Katkovich, M. Gilmond, M. Miller, S. Dye, L. Treadwell, B. Brooks, B. Damon, R. Valette, J. Morrissey, S. McHugh, D. Fronzaglia, Asst. Coach T. Turner, Sixth Row: Asst. Coach M. Darr, J. Johnson, M. Maginniss, C. Mellor, R. Rodriguez, D. Caputo, J. Yamin, M. Lane, T. Milton, D. Barone, B. Melillo, S. Valette, K. McCurry, Head Coach D. MiJJer


ball {6-3)



Willi s Tuffs Hamilton Coast Guard Amherst Wesleyan



Women~ Soccer (1-9) Bowdoin Yale Amherst Wesleyan Westfield St. Williams Smith Conn. College Mt. Holyoke Wheaton

0-4 0-2 0-3 2-3 3-4 3-2 1-5

0-1 1-6 1-3


First Row: C. Lyford, J. Ducar, G. Cappalletti, E. Mckay, S. Curley, B. Karetnick, Asst. Coach C. McPhee, Second Row: T. Decker, E. Lake, C. Lewis, I. Calvin, L. Pomerleau, C. Walsh, T. Dixon, Third Row: K. Carey, C. Berkeley, A. Paschal, E. Bertulis, J. Sullivan, T. Lynch, Coach K. Erlandson, Missing: J. Lane, J. Merritt (Manager)


First Row: J. Downing, J. Crews, M. Vandervelde, R. St. George, C. Downs, D. Ammirati (Capt.), W. Eastburn, P. Voudouris, C. Hyland, D. Boone, Second Row: Asst. Coach J. Vagell, E.G. Woods, C. Fier, B. Wolman, G. Manthous, S. Isaac, S. Ryan, J. Ralston, M. Gandal, J. Tindal, Caoch R. Schultz, Missing: D. Barnhill, J. Mascar



First Row: Coach R. Sheppard, J. Murphy, V. Vogel, V. Biggar, Capt. P. Altmaier, K. Simonds, J. Brewster, C. Chase, E. Silver, Asst. Coach K . Castle, Second Row: E. Rully, K. Bennett, E. Pierce, K . Scanlan, 1. Von Seldeneck, P. Ingersoll, E. Jones, D. Christie, A. Folta, C. Shannon, Third Row: H. Williams, N. Campbell, C. Krall, G. Bullard, M . Lundborg A. Loiacono, A. Kolowrat, E. Boelhouwer, A . Scribner, E. Mckee

Field Hockery {11-2) 2-3 Bowdoin 3-2 Fairfield Tufts 4-5 5-1 Mt. Holyoke 3-0 Amherst 7-2 Smith 2-1 Conn. College Wesleyan 6-1 2-0 Williams Westfield (QT) 2-1 2-1 Keene State 4-1 Bowdoin Tufts 1-0


First Row: C. Kirby, L. Anthony, P. Neumann, W. St. John, C. Slaughter (Capt.), M . Driscoll, E. Cottone, E. Hardmann, Y. Kwee, Second Row: Asst. Coach H. DePhillips, Coach W. Barlett, R. Wentz, L. Lovett, J. Calhoun, C. Pastore, S. Till, C. Sanden, P. Payne, S. Mabry



First Row: T. Blaney, B. Pfohl, M Donovan, K. Abere, T. Steele, P. Schlickmann, Second Row: Coach S. Ogrodnik, T. Fitzgerald, T. Aloi, J. Moorhouse, T. Curtis, G. Kurtz, T. Lyon, D. Green, Asst. Coach B. Heaky

Coast Guard

Yale Williams Conn. College Wesleyan Wesleyan Cosst Guard Tufts

r.P.l Clark Conn. Collt~ge Brandeis Bowdain Colby Suftork Amben;t E. Nazarene

Waa/eyiU) fttP.I.






First Row: D. Murray, T. Sheehy, R. Stetson, A. Fitzgerald, V. Meyer, R. Whitmore, H. Robbins, Second Row: Mgr. L. Chaffin, J. Beakey, M. Anderson, J. Williamson, P. Warthing, B. McBride, B. Coeber, D. Provost, T. Manley, B. Wolman, K. Robinson, F. Newark, D. Ward, Coach J. Dunham, Third Row: Asst. Coach P. Davidson, B . Blank, M. Doyle, R. McCool, M. Solomita, M. Keator, M. Miele, B. Kenney.



Ice Hockey (22-5) Colby Nichols St. Michael's Westfield St. Amherst Conn. College Fairfield Holy Cross Westfield St. Univ. Connecticut Iona Framingham St. Amherst W.N.E.C. Univ. Connecticut Bentley Army Assumtion Wesleyan New Hampshire Conn. College St. John's Suffolk A. I. C. St. John's Conn. College Curry


(QT) 6-5 12-2 11-4 6-1 4-5 9-4 5-7 10-2 4-6 6-1 4-0 6-3 20-0 5-2 5-3 2-6

(QT) 4-3 4-2 6-2

3-2 6-1 7-2 5-4 7-1 9-4 5-1


First Row: I. Feinhandler, P. Ostrander, M. Jamilkowski, M. Wmiams, J. Kriebel, Second Row: T. Grassman, P. Drinkhaus, J. Kantor, C. Robbins, K. Brett, Third Row: A. Kimmick, R. Cromwell, N. Clifford, J. Loughlin, G. Carter, Fourth Row: Asst. Coach R. Sheppard, Coach C. McPhee

Men's Swimming (8-2) S.M.U. Union Wesleyan Brandeis Fairfield Conn. Collf16e W.P.I. Holy Cross Amherst Clark


56-29 58-35 43-52 66-46 60-57 52-41 54-41 73-38 40-65 62-51


First Row: C. White, K. Hubbard, B. Brennan, G. Kinn, A. Eveleth, Second Row: L. Pomerleau, K. Scanlon, C. Voltmer, P. Hargrave, J. Ducar, Third Row: L. Ulrich, K. Graham, L. Wilson, E. Brown, I. Calvin, Coach C. McPhee, Fourth Row: Asst. Coach R. Sheppard, T. Klarides, J. Roland, A, Paulsen, B. Brainerd 210

Women's Swimming (5-5) S.M.U. Mt. Holyoke Wesleyan Holy Cross Fairfield


Clark Conn. College Tufts Amherst

63-41 64-76 51-43 59-81 73-67 61-79 85-53 64-58 55-86 84-56



First Row: Manager Jessica, C. Smith, J.D. Cregan, R. Fearing, E. Sheyer, B. Villari, Second Row: T. Burbank, B. Hauptfuher, J. Kapelus, P. Stauffer, N. Ritchie, Coach S. Heath



21 2

• Men 's Squash M.I.T.

Harvard Amherst Wesleyan Yale Univ. Pennsylvania wmiams Navy Franklin & Marshall Army Tufts



. ·' .· J,.' .....

,;,t.":..;..• .. '


Asst. Coach N. Martin, M Madous, M. Weiland, J. Adam, E. Jacobson, M. Maginniss, N. Veronis, Coach M Darr

Wrestling (0-12) W.P.I. Amherst Univ. Mass, Boston M.l.T. W.N.E.C. Wimsms Plymouth St. Wesleyan Springfield Coast Guard Rhode Island College Bowdoin

3-49 10-33 24-30 12-39 18-42 21-24 12-45 15-33 9-43 12-36 6-43 14-22



Sitting: Coach W. Bartlett, First Row: N. Campbell, E. Pierce, C. Slaugh ter, N. Perkins, S. Parter, L. M cCarthy, Second Row: J. Calhoun, S. Maloney, E. LaCerda, L. Vonseldeneck, L. Morris, C. Conway

Women 's Sq Harvard Tufts

Yale Univ. Smi



1-8 P~M#Jrm


9-0 9-0 9-0

Princeton Brown Dartrp6uth EWilliams Harvard Williams Amherst Princeton Brown

7-0 6-1 6-1 6-1 7-0 1-6 8-1 8-1 7-2 5-4


First Row: H. Williams, J. Elwell, M Hallisey, K. McGowan, W. Pilsbury, E. Neilan, A. Michas, L. Dow, S. Kinz, C. Lutz, T. Clawson, A. Malabre, A. Steinert, Second Row: Coach J. Foster, S. Mitchell, R. Alderson, S. Adams, R. Burdick, J. Manske, D. Gifford, S. Dye, J. Havilard, T. Luciano, F. Obi, M. Donahue, P. Deslandes, A. Chapman, J. Katkavich, Asst. Coach A. Magouri




Front Row: M. Ollari, J. Murphy, S. VanCleve, M. O'Donnell, S. Mayo, Second Row: Coach K . Erlanson, S. Couch, J. Sullivna, L. LeBrun, S. Babcock, P. Taffuri, G. Wehrli, Assistant Coach R. White 218


Front Row: K. Cadelina, J. Ramirez, L. Jeffries, K. Strauss, S. VanCleve, C. Voltmer, K. Dowling, S. Babcock, M. Olari, Second Row: Coach M. Eckerson, M. Guline, D. Smith, L. Breiner, M. Stillwell, K. Gilson, M. Edlridge

Women's Volleyball (7-5) Wesleyan 2-0 Yale 0-2 Amherst 0-3 Albertus Magnus 2-0 Briarwood 2-0 Williams 0-3 Hartford Coli. Women 3-0 H Fairfield 2-3 Wesleyan 0-3 Quinnipiac 3-2 Albertus Magnus 2-1 Becker J.C. 2-1



A. Emery, C. Wilmerding, J. Coughlin, E. Rosow, J. Manson, M. Rorick, J. Blum, E. Beatty Cox: B. Wrsy (with the Kingrey Cup for besting Coast Guard)



A. Muldoon, S. Akers, W. Thomas, T Clements, J. Durmer, L. Palmer, J. Theodoraeopolus, E. Strotbeck, Cox: M. Harris (with Emerson Cup for beating Coast Guard) 221


Front Row: K. McGowan, E. Neilan, A. Michas, W. Pillsbury, K. Sonnone, L. Dow, A. Doherty, Second Row: Assistant Coach C. McPhee, Assistant Coach M. Beatty, S. Pyun, P. Taffuri, M. Lynch, G. Wehrli, S. Kinz, Assistant Coach A. Magoun, Head Coach J. Foster

Women's Track (6-3) Smith Westfield St. Amherst Middlebury Coast Guard Wesleyan Conn. College Wj]Jiams


109-171 109-114 109-50 109-48 109-14 72-64 59-61 59-58


Front Row: R. Burdick, M. Donahue, F. Obi, P. Stauffer, B. Oakley, J. Gregg, Second Row: Coach J. Foster, M Doetsch, R. Uyskocil, T. Luciano, S. Adams, R. Alderson, D. Gifford, K. McCurry, S. Dye, D. Banta, Assistant Coach A. Magoun, Third Row: Assistant Coach M. Beatty, J. Katka vich, P. Deslanders, J. Haviland, G. Hill, A. Chapman, D. Skubish, B. Shea

Men's Track (6-2) Coast Guard Amherst Westfield St. Middlebury Wesleyan Williams Conn. College

69-76 69-66 69-65 69-26 92-60 85-86 85-18 ..



First Row: Manager D. Barone, A. Robinson, L. Lake, K. Carney, S . Andrus, M . Stillwell, D. Marai, Second Row: Asst. Coach K. Erlandson, L. Breiner, K. Cadelina, S. Murray, K. Strauss, A: Loiacano, L. LeBran, G. Letellier, T. Dixon, M. Ollari, Coach D. Miller


Wesleyan Wesleyan Bates Coast Clark Clark Wesleyan Willia Mt. o oke Smith Bo*'rl"'>f"--


5-3 3-4

1-4 2-1

1-3 16-3 10-11 16-5 1-3 ..::=;:;;.:-~1--_,....___-=-


First Row: Coach Shults, J. Gangi, T. Robinson, J. Barton, B. Markowitz, Second Row: J. Williamson, E. Butler, J. Montgomery, M VanderVelde, T. Vartenigian, D. Federman, Third Row: C. O'Grady, T.J. Turner, F. Bonomo, M. Bergeron, S. Evoy, Fourth Row: M. Miller, D. Port, P. Stanton, D. Barcomb, D. Starensier, M. Maginniss


Baseball {10-14) Hillsdale Hillsdale M.l.T. Fordham Williams Williams Coast Guard Coast Guard Williams A.!. C. Wesleyan Wesleyan W.P.I. Tufts Tufts

Nichols Nichols Clark Wesleyan Bates Colby Colby Amherst E,C,S,U, Mr. Lester 227

7-8 12-18 8-2 8-12

4-6 3-12

8-4 9-8

5-13 15-4 1-2

3-0 4-2 0-18 8-1 6-3

13-10 5-10 5-11


18-5 8-7

7-9 2-5


First Row: D. Giggord, S. Balon, S. Marshall, Second Row: Coach A. Magoun, C. Gemme], M. Donahue, S. Adams, P. Deslandes, B. Oakley

Men's Cross Country (2-8) Conn. College Williams UHartford NESCAC Championships W.P.L

Babson Coast Guard St. Anselm UHartford Clark Wesleyan

T 28

0 27 26


54 11th Place 43 114

18 161 28 66

74 80 41




First Row: W. Pilsbury, A. Steinert, A. Malabre, L. Dow, M. Lynch, Second Row: L. McDonald, L. Vozzella, D. Sales, J. Buckley, A. Bici, J. Elwell, A. Doherty, S. Kinz, G. Wehrli, Coach A. Magoun



Front Row: W Lewis, F. Hubbard, P. Way, D. Schlickmann, J. Self, P. Ferrucci, B. Rhodes, J. Modeira, D. Waxter, C. Cloney, R. Chace, J. Beakey, B. Wharton, Second Row: Assistant Coach J. McKeon, E. Meyercord, B. St. George, P. Voudouris, S. Zoellner, C. Smith, I. Loring, I. Beck, R. Beede, L. Purdy, M. Dolan, P. DePatie, Head Coach M. Darr, Third Row: T. Drake, D. Stebbins, K. Stout, C. Smith, B. Johnson, J. Stanley, D. Boone, S. Swett, D. Smith, R. McCool, D. Prochniak, A. Petron

Men's Lacrosse (6-5) F& M 9-11 Bowdoin 4-13 Conn. College 16-8 Tufts 8-7 Springfield 5-7 MIT 21-4 Amherst 10-18 Williams 6-9 Wesleyan 19-6 New Haven 24-7 Westfield St. 16-7


Coach S. Heath, T. Rooks, S. VanderMarck, A. Martin, E. Smith P. Barlow, A. Petrikoff, B. Johnson, E. Newburg

Men's Tennis (4-6) Univ. Hartford Amherst MIT Tufts Univ. Connecticut Wesleyan Williams Springfield Holy Cross Conn. College



0-9 0-9 0-9 3-6 5-4 1-8

7-2 5-4 5-2


Assistant Coach C. Kohn, R. Buchmueller, P. Yablon, A. Skolnick, M. Beizer, W. Piculell, C. Elliot, Coach J. Dunham Missing: J. Zweig

Gold (9-2) Coast Guard Wesleyan Tufts




Bridgeport Williams AIC Union WPI


405-461 405-435 422-436 422-497 446-428 446-475 446-494 406-393 406-436 406-436 418-434


J. James, H. Heintz, E. Brown, L. Scott, W Woolf, C. Cochran, (with the Goodwin Cup for beating Coast Guard and Mt. Holyoke), E. O'Brien, M Pizotte, M. Hamblott



Front Row: G. Vogel, N. Perkins, E. Douglis, K. Simonds, E. Lewis, S. Mayo, M O'Donnell, A. Kolowrat, D. Christie, L. Von Seldeneck, G. Biggar, P. Altmaier, E. Pierce, Asst. Coach K. Castle Second Row: Coach R. Sheppard, M. McLaren, J. Hamano, S. Babcock, C. Lewis, E. McKee, E. Silver, N. Campbell, H. Williams, C. Berkeley, S. Couch, J. Brewster, Third Row: L. Chaffin, L. Morris, E. Hosler, J. Murphy, G. Bullard, L. Evertt, C. Krall, L. Kenny, A. Scribner, B. Jones





Bay, Linda H. 2001 Dorothy Street NE Albuquerque NM 87112 , History Beer, Jeffrey T. East Chestnut Hill Road Litchfield CT 06759 ' Classics Beharry, Susan F. 384 Holly Ridge Road Winter Haven ' FL 33880 Psychology Bellingrath, Elizabeth M. 76 Sunset Farm Road West Hartford, CT 06107 Abere, Kenneth J. 47 Rockledge Road Montville, NJ Comparative Literature Belson, Kristine 8097 Woodrow Wilson Lane Los Angeles 07045 CA 90046 ' Economics, Basketball. (Capt. Junior & Senior Years) Abrams, Lesley H. 1701 Greenhill Avenue Wilmington, English Bennett, Karin E. 941 Merion Square Road Gladwyne PA DE 19806 19035 , Political Science, Field Hockey Art f-!is~ory, Tri-Delta (Pledge Trainer), Soccer, Lacrosse, Adam, Joseph S. 97 Walden Street West Hartford, CT Barb1en Center 06107 Berky, Michele M.130RosesMill Road Milford, CT06460 Mathematics & Engineering with Computer Coordinate Econ~mics with Computer Coordinate, Cheerleading, Track, Wrestling, Intramural Sports ' Berr1~an, Michele M. 130 Forest A venue Rye, NY 10580 Aguero, Mario A. 355 East 72nd Street New York, NY Art History 10021 Bienkowski, Robert M. 3 Cedar Hill Road Dover MA History, Crew, TCAC, Senior Class Committee, St. A's, APO 02030 , Akizawa, Toshiya 600 Glennridge Glenview, IL 60025 TECS Engineering, Soccer, Mathematics and Computer Science, Breakfast Club Alden, Andrew F. 9 Queens Bay Lane Buzzards Bay, MA Biggar, Virgina S. 24 Forest Street Cambridge, MA 02138 History, Lacrosse 12532 Binns, Mary B. 6927 Ken Aebre Drive Cincinnati OH Economics, Sigma NU 45236 , Alford, Ann W. 228 Woodbridge Buffalo, NY 14214 Biology, Concert Choir, Conn. Pirg, DKE (Chaplain, Social English, Initiation Coordinator, DKE Alling, Philip 940 Hollywood Circle Williamsport, PA Chairperson), Comm. Against Apartheid, Musicals (Merrilly We Roll Along, Ruddy Gore, A Little Night Music, Yeomen 17701 of the Guard) English Bishop, Meg E. 23 Allen Place Apt. C-2 Hartford, CT 06106 Altmaier, Priscilla H. Box 50 Chadd's Ford, PA 19317 Bishop, Regina J. 4 Kimball Circle Westfield, NJ 07090 History, Lacrosse Economics with Computer Coordinate, KKG Ammirati, Peter C. Box 124 Solebury, PA 18963 Blackstone, Sherry L. West Beach Road Bradford RI Classics, soccer, St. A's 02808 Andrus, Sheila J. 8 Indian Hill Guilford, CT 06437 Political Science, Dance, Conn Pirg Hisotry, Basketball, Softball Blumstein, Howard A. 711 Swade Road Erdenheim PA Antal, Henriette M. 30 Happy Valley Road Westerly, RI 19118 ' 02891 Computer Coordinate, Cinestudio, Computer Biology with Atkinson, Dennise M. Longwood Crossing Lawrence, NY Systems Manager 11559 Bodkin Austin, Margo S. 31 Bonwit Road Rye Brook, NY 10573 1~ III, Laurence G. 9 Homer A venue Larchmont NY Psychology Avitabile, Greg S. 28 Cutter Lane Glastonbury, CT06033 History, Squash, Tennis, SGA Bond, Grant E. 401 Russell A venue Suffield, CT 06078 History, Pipes, Choir, Musical Reviews, St. A 's Asian Studies, Crew Borges, Maria A. 36 Augur Street Hamden, CT 06517 Intercultural Studies and Education Borghesi, Maria L. 134 Wind Tree Torrington, CT 06790 Bowers, Jessica L. 25 Saunders Drive Niantic, CT 06357 Braverman, Hilary K. 138 Longwood A venue Brookline, Bailey, Thomas R. 304 Virgins Avenue Alexandria, VA MA 02146 22302 ~conomics (Honors), IVY (Photo Editor), Tri-Delta (ChapEconomics with Computer Coordinate, Crew, RA, RC, ADP lain), Phi Beta Kappa Baio, Claudia A. 2 Casco Street Hartford, CT 06114 Brennan, Barbara A. 69 Fenwood Road Longmeadow, English and Educational Studies, Tri-Delta MA 01106 Banta, George D. 621 West 86th Indianapolis, IN 46260 Religion! Water Polo (Capt.), Swim Team (Capt.), Tri-Delta Baronian, James A. 15 Deepwood Lane West Hartford (Chaplam) CT 06107 ' Brickley, Lila R. 81 Laurel Street Melrose, MA 02176 History engineering, Track, SWE, Manager of Men's Ice Hockey Barry, Christopher L. Box 954 Driftwood Cliff Avenue Brims, Kathryn S. 7011 Wilson Lane Bethesda, MD 20034 Newport, RI 02840 Brodeur, Stephen B. 61 Mount Veron Street Boston, MA Computer Science and Psychology 02108 Barton, John M. 570 Orange Road Orange, CT 06477 American Studies History, Baseball, Basketball, Psi-U Brown, Heather E. 30 Randeckers Lane Kensington Ct Barzach, Eugene I. 416 Bloomfield Avenue West Hartford 06037 ' CT 06117 English Engineering with Computer Coordinate Brown, Thomas W. 55 East 86th Street New York, NY Bates, Elaine M. Arkay Drive Higganum CT 06441 10028 Religion ' Biology I




Brown, Trina A. 230 West 131 Street New York, NY 10027 Urban Studies Bunting, Gerald A. 150 WiJJow Street Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 History, Offhand, World Affairs Association, IVY Burkard, Michael R. 49 Bunnell Street New Britian, CT 06052 Biology with Computer Coordinate, Outing Club Burke, Kathryn R. 31 Adam Terrace Lowell, MA 01852 Economics, IES Vienna, Tri-Delta Burkhardt, Susan A. 4445 East Saranac Drive Tucson, AZ 85718 Literary Writing, Writing Center, Carillonneur's Guild, Womens Rugby Burton, Jeffrey J. 870 Cherokee Lane Frankline Lakes, NY 07417 English, ADP, Crew, IFC, SGA Rep. Bush-Brown, Martha Box 075 Banstable, MA 02630 History Buttaro, Bruce D. 11 Rainbow Road East Granby, CT 06026 Political Science, World Affairs Association, Chapel Singers, Christian Fellowship


Caesar Jr., Andrew L. 11 Hardscrabble Circle Armonk, NY 10504 Philosophy Cahill, Jane E. 610 Winding Hollow Frankline Lakes, NJ 07417 English, Tri-Delta, SGA, Tennis Caldarone, Teresa A. 53 Montoe Road Waterbury, CT 06704 Philosophy, Cerberus, Intramural Club Campbell, Andrew B. Village Road Green Village, NJ 07935 English, PIKA (Sec.), After Dark (Business Manager), Jester (Publicity Off.) Cappelletti, Gina R. 27 Mellon Road Wellesley, MA 02181 Economics, Soccer Carney, Karin T. 375 Haffner Street Worcester, MA 01605 Economics, Softball, Intramural Basketball, Senior Class Gift Committee Carter, Gregory R. 13 Brookside Drive Falmouth, ME 04103 Psychology, Swim Team, Christian Fellowship, Water Polo Castonia, Paul F. 14 Barberry Lane Norwood, MA 02062 American Studies, Football, Track, Bantam Barbell Club Cavero, Grace A. 198 South Street Hartford, CT 06114 Political Science Cecilia, Nancy 61 Banister Street Hartford, CT 06106 Cesarani, Lisa M. 40 East 80th Street New York, NY 10021 English, WRTC, Community Outreach, Coxswain, Art Club Chamberlin, Clint R. 675 Prospect Road Waterbury, CT 06706 . Biology, Tripod, Army ROTC, Football Charles, Stella 78 Birch Hill Drive South Windsor, CT 06074 Environmental Studies Cheng, Mei-wa 1826 Hartford Turnpike North Haven, CT 06473 English and Intercultural Studies Chichlowski, Michael J. 33 Thomas Street West Hartford, CT 06119 Engineering and Computer Coordinate, TECS, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Chin, Joyce Y. 79 Hillside Street Boston, MA .02120 Psychology Clavet, Gail J. 449 Cedar Street Newington, CT 06111 Psychology

Clements, Tyler 36000 Fairmount Blvd. Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 History, St. A's, Crew Cobb, Olive L. 32 Quincy Street Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Economics, Class Agent, Tri-Delta, Senior Class Comm. Cochran, Carey A. Stop River Lane Norfolk, MA 02056 Psychology Coffin, Tristram S. 26 Astor Place Monsey, NY 10952 History, History Club Cohen, Robert A. 1 Matlborough Street Boston, MA 02116 Economics, ADP, Soccer Coleman, Kevin M. 17 Charter Oak Hartford, CT 06114 Psychology, TCB, Football, Track, Crow Coleridge, Cheryl L. 29 Indian Road Trumbull, CT 06611 English Comeau, Linda G. Fairway Tuckers Town, Bermuda English, DKE, Field Hockey, President's Fellow Cook, Katie L. 216 Prospect Street Hingham, MA 02043 Mathematics with Computer Coordinate, Crew, Swim Team Cooper, Lisa K. 3 Cliffmount Road Bloomfield, CT 06(}()2 Psychology, DKE, Dramatic Society (Pres., Copy Editor, Stage Manager), Academic Committee (Pres.) Corbin, Adrienne M. 4302 13th Place NE Washington D.C. 20017 Psychology and French, TCBW (VP) Corderman Jr., David M. 6303 East 96th Street Tulsa., OK 74135 Economics, PIKA Corey, Alison F. 17 Woodbridge Road Glastonbury, CT 06033 Mathematics, Christian Fellowship Coughlin, Susan E. 25 Olney Road Bourne, MA 02532 Psychology, Tri-Delta. Cregan, James D. 3 Tall wood Drive Barrington, RI 02806 Political Science, Psi-U, Squash (Capt.), Track, Baseball Crimmins, Thomas H.104 Cedar Cliff Riverside, CT06878 Art History Crow, Andrew C. Patridge Road Etna, NH 03750 Russian Crowley, Kimberly A. 3 Village Circle Hamden, CT 06514 Political Science, Crew, Cerberus, SGA- (Dorm Rep.), Senior Class Committee ' Curtis, Timothy M. 32 Plank Hill Road Bristol, OT 06010 Economics


D Dando, Holly H. 172 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02116 1 Comparative Literature Dann, Teresa L. Rd. 2 Box 270 Corning, NY 14830 Political Science, KKG (IFC VP), Tour Guide, Jesters, Writing Tutor 路 Daraskerich, Heidi J. 69 Hilton Drive East Hartford, CT 06118 Political Science Daume, Samuel D. 466 Annurnac Hill Road Concord, MA 01742 Political Science, Psi-V Davidoff, Jennifer A. 450 West End A venue New York, NY 10024 Art History, IVY, Art Club, Stage Crew, Cerberus, Theatre, WHC-TV (Intern), Track DeBaubigny, Andre H. 11 Presidio Terrace San Francisco, CA 94118 DeCaprio, John A. 27 Old Hickory Lane Branford, OT 06405 Psychology, TCAC, Republican Club, Football DePatie, Peter J. 9 East View,Drive Simsbury, CT 06070 Economics with Computer Coordinate, Crow, Lacrosse, RA, Big Brother, Football DeWolf, Steven D. 39JuniperStreetNewington, CT06111 Computer Science

Decker, Holly C. 230 Rose Lane Haverford, PA 19041 Economics with Computer Coordinate, Phi Beta Kappa DiLorenzo, James M. 782 Princeton Street Hartford, CT 06106 History, St. Elmo's DiSandro III, Michael 328 Cherry Hill Road Johnston, RI 02919 Economics and Conputer Science, Psi-U Hockey Dick, Anthony 2904路P. Street NW Washinton D.C. 20007 Economics Dinnick, Lisa J. Box N7776 Nassau, Bahamas English Doetsch, Michael E. 5 Townsend Court Armonk, NY 10504 History Doherty, Aileen M. Rd #5 West Lovell Street Mahopac, NY 10541 History, Track & Field, Cross Country, Tripod Trinity Review Dougal, Theresa J. 39 South Street Ware, MA 01082 Sociology with Computer Coordinate Downing, Maraget A. 15 Gilbert Road Needham, MA 02192 History, KKG (Panhellenic Sec., IFC), History Club Downs, Christopher K. 49 Garfield A venue North Haven, CT 06517 History Dunn, Thomas A. 37 Bridle Path Circle Ludlow, MA 01056 Dworkin, Glenn S. 900 Bay Drive Miami Beach, FL 33141 Economics, Jazz Band

FauntLeRoy, Andrew R. 1019 Wagner Road Ruxton, MD 21204 Biology Fayette, Theresa C. 47 % Putnam Street Hartford, CT 06106 Fernades, Meriel J. 57 Westridge Road New London, CT 06320 Studio Arts with Computer Coordinate Ferrucci, Paul V. 141 Ronson Drive Darien, CT 06820 History, Psi-U Figueroa, Edwin 20 Filmore Street Newark, NJ 07104 Sociology Figueroa, Margaret M. 264 Hazard A venue Enfield, CT 06082 History Finkbeiner, Kurt E. Fairmount Cottage Gilbert Hill Smith, Bermuda Economics with Computer Coordinate Finn, Virginia A. 25 Hotchkiss Place Torrington, CT 06790 Art History, Swim Team (Capt.), Track Fontaine, David R. 316 Shagbark Drive Bristol, CT 06010 Economics and American Studies, RA, RC, President's Fellow Fraise, George P. 1 Sutton Place South New York, NY History Francis, Douglas E. 153 Wild Horse Valley Drive Novato, CA 94947 Economics, Skiing, Lacrosse, AIESEC Freytag, Richard 96 Breks Lane Wilmington, DE Biology with Computer Coordinate, Debate Society (Tres.), ASIA, Cinestudio, World Affairs Club Funaro, Francis M. 393 Westford Street Lowell, MA 01851 Political Science, Crow, Football, Rugby

E Economou, Alexis M: 153 Dutch Street Montrose, NY 10548 English Elliot, Weston C. 3 Valley View Road # 18 Norwalk, CT 06857 Political Science, Tripod, WRTC, St. A's Emanuelson IV, Herbert L. 54 Jackson Road Hamden, CT 06517 English Engels, Elizabeth H. 55 Otter Rock Drive Greenwich, CT 06830 History Epstein, Roger M. 379 Heathcliffe Road Huntingdon Vally, PA 19006 Phi Beta Kappa Ericson, David H. Almagro 46 Apt. 68 Madrid, Spain 4 000 English Esterman, Marc R. 743 Lake A venue Greenwich, CT 06830 Hisotry, Tripod (Sports Ed.), WRTC (Sports Dir), Intramural Sports, History Club, Strat-0-Matic Club Eustis, Elizabeth A. 5 Butter Jones Road Chester, CT 06412 English and Religion, Amnesty International, Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control Eveleth, Amy L. 44 Glen Road Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 Sociology


Gabrielle, Andrea 331 Bushy Hill Road Simsbury, CT 06070 Modern Languages Gallant, Kathryn J. Paige Hill Road Brimfield, MA 01010 Gallone, Lisa M. 85 Hilary Drive Providence, RI 02908 Economics, Tri-Delta Gangi, Jay 5 Blackberry Lane Westport, CT 06880 Political Science, Psi-U, Football, Basketball, Baseball Ganz, James A. 82 Spring Lane West Hartford, CT 06107 Art History Garcao, Maria D. 248 Putnam Hartford, CT 06106 Economics, AIESEC, Community Outreach, Tutor, Cerberus, Ass. Rec. Officer, Reception Officer, Coordinator Gardner, David M. 140 Hawthorn Street Apt. 5 Hartford, CT 06105 Biology, IDP, Chemistry TA, Biology TA, Chapel Singers Garrity, E. Gates #41 1 Waterhouse Street Cambridge, MA 02138 History and Philosophy Garro, Juliana 193 Texas Avenue Bay Shore, NY 11706 History Gary, Michael 58 Northeast Drive New Haven, CT 08511 Economics, Basketball, RA, SGA, SGABC Gatchell, Margaret P. 6220 Moss Way Baltimore, MD 21212 . German with Computer Coordinate (Honors), Delta PhiAlFabi, Karina M. 8807 Fulton A venue Margate, NJ 08402 pha, IVY, AIESEC Geisler, Scoot A. 20 Captain's Way Lakeville, MA 02347 Economics, Crew Fagerburg, Sarah A. 1 Lyman Circle Shaker Heights, OH History, Rugby, History Club, ADP 44122 . Gengras, Michael T. 5 School Lane Tilton, NH 03276 English, St. Elmo's English and Religion Fairfax, Todd D. 122 Causeway Street Medfield, MA 02152 George, Kathryn C. 7 Revere Road Sudbury, MA 01776 Economics, SGA (Pres.) Economics, Crow, Football, Rugby, Big Brothers Falcone, Theresa 14 Pamela Drive Arlington, MA 02174 Giblin, Sarah 29 Chesbro A venue Noank, CT 06340 Economics with Computer Coordinate Political Science, Big Sister



Gilburg, Deborah J. 120 Fordham Buffalo, NY 14216 Psychology, DKE Gill, Alison L. Steele Road New Hartford, CT 06057 Philosophy, IDP Gillis, Steven D. 25 Crestrice Drive New Haven, CT History Gilson, Lisa 3 Stuyuesant Oval New York, NY 10009 Sociology, Crew, Coxswain Ginsburg, Emily L. 6803 Westbrook Road Baltimore, MD 21215 Art History Glancey, Mark J. 3868 NE 17th Circle Ocala, FL 32670 English, DKE, Fencing (Capt.) Gollis, Samuel D. 4 Brwnell A venue New Bedford, MA 02740 Philosophy Gowell, Scott T. 614-C Chelsea Place Newport News, VA 23603 Chemistry, RA, Christian Fellowship Gregg, John R. 15 Holly Lane Greenland, NH 03840 Computer Science, Cinestudio, Fencing Grigsby, Dawn D. 25 Scarborough Street Hartford, CT 06105 Economics Grimm, Joseph J. 11 Bryna Drive Lincroft, NJ 07738 Guardo, Pamela L. 1464 Ridge Road North Haven, CT 06473 Economics and Political Science, KKG Guerrero, Gloria S. GPO Box 2951 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

H Hachett, Edward V. 155 Dixon Street Bridgeport, CT 06604 Biology and Philosophy, Offhand, ASIS, Concert Choir, "Ruddy Gore" Musical Hagberg, Jill E. 9 Stonefield Drive East Sandwich, MA 02537 History, KKG (VP, Registrar), History Club Hall, Eileen P. 5 Aeon Lane Brookfield, CT 06804 Engineering, KKG (Corresponding Sec., Philanthropy Chairperson), SWE (Tres.) Hall, Margaret W Joy Road Woodstock, CT 02681 English, DKE (Pres.) Hanak, David W. P.O. Box 242 Shepherdstown, WV 25443 Engineering, Cross Country, Community Outreach, AFA, TECS, Bantam Barbell Club Handelsman, Miriam F. 36 Top of the Ridge Mamk., NY 10543 Studio Arts Hansen, Todd H. 315 Fauna Court Atlanta, GA Economics, Jesters, Economics Club, Investment Club, Bantam Barbell Club Hardman, Jennifer K. 1307 Potamac School Road Mclean, VA 22101 History Hargrave, Margaret G. 40 Longview Drive Simsbury, CT 06010 English, Swim Team, Rugby, SGA, Senior Class Committee Harrington, John P. 19120 Wiltshire Blvd. Lathrup, MI 48076 Economics Harrop, Mary B. 750 South Main Street Phoenixville, PA 19460 Hassard, David G. 17 Wood Road Wilmington, DE 19806 English and Biology Heilmann, Claire M. 7 Eden bridge Drive Islington, Ontario Canada, M9A3E8 Art History Henry, Donald E. 166 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 Economics

Hern, Andrew J. 40 Landseer Street Boston, MA 02132 English Heslop, Elizabeth R. 44 Winchester Drive Atterton, CA 94025 History, Debate Society (VP), Observer (Managing Ed.), Chapel Singers, Concert Choir, Tutor, "Ruddy Gore" Musical 路 Hession, Eileen M. 41 A very Street Dedham, MA 02026 Biology Hirshberg, Steven J. 37 Sun Valley Drive Worcester, MA 01609 Biology with Computer Coordinate, Outing Club, Scuba Club, TCAC, Sigma Nu Hoffmann, Lisa B. 1261 Congress Street Hartford, CT 06430 Psychology Hofsess, Laura B. 708 Hartford Turnpike Vernon, CT 06066 English, Cinestudio, Drama Productions, English Club Horton, Harold W. 793 Storrs Road Storrs, CT 06268 Economics with Computer Coordinate Hubbard, Joslin B. 75 Buena Vista A venue Rumson, NJ 07760 Economics with Computer Coordiante, Investment Club (VP), Concert choir, Tutor Hubbard, Karen S. 63 Indian Springs Circle Rochester, NY 14618 Intercultural Studies Hughes, Maureen E. 3 Hudson River Road Riverdale, NY 10471 Chemistry, KKG

I landoli, Elizabeth A. 9 Elnora Drive Worchester, MA 01606 Intercultural Studies Iannone, Lisa M. 227 Maple A venue North Haven, CT 06473 Psychology, RA, PA, IVY (Business Manager) lUick, Kristin M. 20 Wall Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 Psychology, Big Sister, Christian Fellowship Isaac, Robert N. 56 Aspinwall Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Economics, Investment Club, Economics Club, Hillel, ASIA, Conpirg lsgur, Pamela J. 4740 South Ocean Blvd. Highland Beach, FL 33471 International Relations

J 路 Jama, Aminafuad M. Somalia Intercultural Studies and Economics Johnston, Marly A. 30 Norman Drive Rye, NY 10580 Economics, Rugby (Pres.), Outing Club

K Kalve, Sally V. 244 Park Terrace Hartford, CT 06106 Psychology Kambolis, Nicholas P. 75 Route 5 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Biology Kanef, Michael B. 7 Ardsley Drive New City, NY 10950 Economics, Water Polo, Debate Team, PIKA Kapelus, Jerome V. 1864 Palmer Avenue Larchmount, NY 10538 Economics Kaplan, Rhonda M. 46 Londonderry Road Marblehead, MA 01945 243

American Studies, KKG, Democratic Club, Mather Supervisor Kawi, Jeanine M. 1 Aspen Gate Manhasset, NY 11030 11iologj', Soccer Kaye, David E. 151 Countrj' Drive Weston, MA 02108 Ps)'cholog)' Kearns, Christopher A. 30 Conard Drive West Hartford, CT06107 HistorJ!, Sigma Nu Keefe, Victoria M. Wilson Point South Norwalk, CT 06854 Historj', Lacrosse, Drama, Concert Choir, IVY Kelleher, Christine E. 18 11riar Court Cross River, NJ! 10518 Political Science, Tri-Delta Kelly, Martha S. 46 Prospect Street Bloomfield, CT 06002 Philosoph)' Kimmick, Adam 0. 11 Baldin Drive Midland Park, NJ 07432 Economics King, Glenna P. 118 Vera Street West Hartford, CT 06119 Ps)'chologj' Kingman, Philip D. 1400 Lowell Road Concord, MA 01742 American Studies, Psi-U Kinsley, Kristina M. 258 Washington Blvd. Springfield, MA 01108 Psj'cholog)' and Histoq Literature, (Honors), IVY Kittross, Andrew W. 21 Northern Trail Ramsej', NJ 07446 Engineering Klinger, Douglas E. 703 Gawain Road Plj'mouth Meeting, PA 19462 Economics, St. A's, Crew Knobelsdorff, Kerry E. 140 Warpas Road Madison, CT 06443 Political Science, Christian Fellowship, Christian Science Organization Knobelsdorff, Kristina L. 140 Warpas Road Madison, CT 06443 Political Science, Christian Fellowship, Cristian Science Organization Knutson, Sarah G. 100 Quail Hill Road Pittsburg, PA 15238 Historj', Tri-Delta, Painting Club • Komninos, Helen Z. 49 Cam elion Street PsJrchico Athens, Greece Political Science Kozun, Peter J. 176 Camp Avenue Newington, CT 06111 Engineering, TECS, Orchestra, Institute of Electronics & Electrical Engineering Kramer, David R. 9313 Garden Court Potomac, MD 20854 11iolog)' K wee, Lia S. 80 Lefferts Road Garden Cit)', NY 11530 Biochemistrj', RA, ASIA Crew


Laub, Lorinda J. P.O. 11ox 6 Buffalo, NY 14201 Economics, Tri-Delta Laurentino, Vincent A. 25 Park Hill Drive Selden, NY 11784 Economics, Bantam Barbell Club, WRTC (Broadcaster), Hock e)' Lavallee, Andrew R. 131 Mosier Street South HadleJ!, MA 01075 Art Histoq, St. A's LaVoie, Ronald E. 95 Hillcrest Avenue West Hartford, CT. 06110 Political Science, World Affairs Club, President's Fellow Lazzara, Anthony A. 11 Claremont Raod Scarsdale, N Y, 10583 American Studies, St. Elmo's (Tres., Comm. Service), Republican Club, Alumni Fundraiser, Ski Team, Intramural Softball and Soccer LeLievre, Nancy L. 55 Greenwood A venue Needham, MA 02192 Engineering, KKG Lee, Marceline 38 Erswild Court Palo Alto, CA 94303 French and Music Lee, Wendell M. 17 Allwood Drive Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Studio Arts Lemmon, Howard R. 124 Mali Drive North Plainfield, NJ 07062 HistorJ!, PIKA Lewis, Sharon G. 31 Pershing A venue Trenton, NJ 08618 Biologj' Lilley, Justin W. 20 Woodland Avenue Bronxville, NY 10708 Economics and Religion, St. Elmo's Limpitla w, Amy E. 120 Chelsea Street Fairfield, CT 06430 Religion, World Affairs Club, Cinestudio, Amnestj' International Lintelmann, Margaret H. 12 Da)'ton Court Newington, CT 06111 Classics Litke, Mark R. 21 Mallard View Drive West HArtford, CT 06107 Ps)'chologJ! Lorenz, Christopher K. Box 267 Manchester, MA 01944 Intercultural Studies, Psi-U, Hockej', Black Book SocietJr Lowry, Jr., Kenneth E. 38 Horseshoe Road Chelmsford, MA 01824 Mathematics and Computer Science, St. A's Engineering TA Lucas, Leslie M. Grill Street Bernards 11ernardsville, NJ 07924 Intercultural Studies, KKG, Jazz Band, ASIA, Upward Bound, RA, Daj' Care Worker Luipold, John W. 69 South Road Apt. 17 Bolton, CT 06040 Economics Lyng, Ellen M. 162 Delaware A venue Waterburj', CT 06708 Biologj'

LaBahn, Sarah S. 1213 East Goodrich Lane Milwaukee, WI 53217 Ps)'chologj' (Honors) Land, Mary C. 201 Old Tappan Raod Tappan, NY 10983 11iologj' Lane, Gary W. 1060 Hartford Turnpike North Avon, CT 06473 Economics Lapine, Melissa J. 2736 Belvoir Blvd. Shaker Heights, OH 44122 Environmental Studies, Tennis Laramee, Gary R. 36 Pleasent Street Granbj', MA 01033 BioloKJr, TAAP (Pres.) Lasar, Paul J. RR3 Box 62A Pound Ridge, NY 10576 Ph)'sics and Computer Science, PIKA 244

M MacClintic, Scott D. 73 Maple A venue Windsor, CT 06095 Biochemistrj', Psi-U MacColl, Norman A. 37 Sunset Farm Road West Hartford, CT06107 Political Science Macaulay, William B. D9 Diplomat Gardens Piermont, NY 10968 Biochemistrj', Crew, Ski Team, Ultimate Frisbee, Gaming Societj', Anti-Apartheid Committee Madden, Thomas M. 29 Douglas Road Warwick, RI 02886 Historj' Literature Magnone, Maria 101 West 74th Street New York, NY 10023

Psychology, Psychology Club (Tres.) Magowan, Thomas C. 735 Bromfield Road Hmsborough, CA 94010 History, St. A's Magruder, Tracy Lynn 5007 Sangamore Road Bethesda, MA 20816 Psychology (Honrs), Faculty Honors, Phi Beta Kappa, TriDelta (Treasurer), IVY (Layout and Copy Editor), Admissions Interviewer Mahaney II, Thomas J. 10 West Street Greenfield, MA 01301 Biology with Computer Coordinate, Intramural Sports, WRTC, Gaming Club, Strat-0-Matic Main, William G. 35 Haven Drive Granby, CT 06035 Mathematics, Sigma Nu Malabre, Elizabeth A. 320 East 72nd Street New York, NY 10021 Biology Maloney, Jennifer A. 320 Forest Park A venue Springfield, MA 01108 Psychology Mancall,James N.lOGolfRoad West Hartford, CT06117 American Studies and English Mann, Robert G. 900 Audubon Drive St. Louis, MO 63105 Economics Manson, James L. 55 Brewster Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Religion Marden, Paul 0. 14 Colony Road Darien, CT 06820 Economics, ADP (Steward), Rugby (Pres.) Marinilli, Shirley A. 51 Egg Harbor Road Berlin, NJ 08009 Psychology and Spanish, Cerberus (Coordinator), Chapel Singers, Rugby, ASIA Tutor Markidou, Maria 9 Persephonis Street Acropolis, Nicosia Cyprus Economics, Phi Beta Kappa Markowitz, William K. 45 Paradox Worcester, MA 01602 Economics, Basketball, Baseball, SGA McDonnell, Amy F. 260 Moross Road Grosse Point Farms MI 48236 Economics McLain, Scott K. 88 Madison A venue Holyoke, MA 01040 Economics McNally, Alicia 110 North Beno Drive Manchester, NH 03104 Intercultural Studies Menendez, Mark M. 923 Rolandroe Road Towson, MD 21204 Art History Meyer, Vernon J. 128 Brentwood Drive East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Economics and Computer Science, Ice Hockey Moody, Heather J. 11468 Mentzer Gap Road Waynesboro, PA 17268 Russian Studies Moore, Regina 281 17th Avenue Newark, NJ 07103 Sociology Morris, Anne K. 281 Summit A venue Summit, NJ 07901 Intercultural Studies Morris, Dana 25 Dubois Street Darien, CT 06820 English Morris Elizabeth V. 3022 Payne Evanston, IL 60201 Religion Morris Michael A. 3029 East Enos A venue Springfield, IL 62702 Russian Studies Mueller, Carolyn M. Larger Cross Road Far Hills, NJ 07931 Art History Muik, Elizabeth A. 463 Circle Drive Torrington, CT 06790 Engineering (Honors) Muirhead, Elizabeth M. 102 Ivy Drive Ross, CA 94957 Economics, Tri-Delta

Muirhead, Ezra R. 102 Ivy Drive Ross, CA 94957 Political Science Mullin, Patrick M. 20 Indian Spring Terrace Darien, CT 06820 Economics, Psi- U, Soccer, Hockey Murphy, LeAnn 127 Somer Drive Meriden, CT 06450 Psychology Murray, Mark C. 45 Suset Avenue Lawrence, MA 01841 Economics, Crow, Football. (Capt.), Track Murtage, Virgins 465 Contant Avenue Haworth, NJ 07641 Economics with Computer Coordinate, KKG

N Nash, Andrew G. 4 Moran Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20878 English Nault, William J. 20 Longfellow Raod Natick, MA 01760 Philosophy Nevas, Debra B. 4 Charcoal Lane Westport, CT 06880 Psychology, Dance Club, TCAC, Senior Class Committee Newlin, Philippe A. 323 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Political Science, St. A's Newman, Andrew D. Pine Hill Road Berwick, ME 03901 Physical Sciences Newman, Bruce E. 66 Milton Road Rye, NY 10580 French Nickerson, Thomas W. 31 Baribeau Drive Brunswick, ME 04011 Political Science, PIKA (Pres.), Crew, World Affairs Club Noyer, Mary A. 121 Jessup Lane Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 American Studies, Squash, Tennis, Lacrosse Nutt, Micah L. 2728 Via Elevado Palos Verdes Est., CA 90274 Philosophy with Computer Coordinate Nyklicek, Paul R. Studio Hill Road Kent, CT 06757 Psychology, Intramural Basketball

0 O'Bryan, Laura A. 801 Pardee Drive Godfrey, IL 62035 Biochemistry, Cross Country, Rugby O'Donn~ll, Michael L. RR3 Box 39 Hupkinton, NH 03301 Economics, Crew, Community Outreach O'Sullivan, Shelia M. 70 Hollingsworth Avenue Bran tree, MA 02401 Economics and Political Science Oakley, Brian T. 936路 Main Street Williamstown, MA 01267 Economics Obi, Olufemi J. 97 Fairway Drive Stamford, Ct 06903 Ogrodnik, Susan M. 11 Bates Road Manchester, CT 06040 English and Philosophy, Tri-Delta (JFC, Panhellenic Rep.), Republican Club Okun, Steven R. 63 Ledgewood Drive North Branford, CT 06106 Political Science, Crow, Football Oman, Sarah M. 195 South Parkview Avenue Bexley, OH 43209 History and Art Histroy, Tri-Delta Oxman, Michael P. 701 Meadowview Drive Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Rusian and American Studies, Psi-U, Football, Wrestling

p Parker, David W. Prospect Hill Chilmark, MA 02552 Philosophy wi~h Computer Coordinate 245

Parsons Jr., Rodney L. Bean Road Charlotte, VT 05445 Chemistry, ADP Pastore, Christine A. 46 Talcott Road Guilford, CT 06437 English, Tennis, Trinity Review Patti, Stephen M. 13 Skyline Drive Farmington, CT 06032 Economics Peishoff, Elizabeth B. Box 361 Hedge Street Fishers Island, NY 06390 Economics, Senior Class Gift Comm., Tennis Team, Review Magizine, IVY, Economics Club Pennington, Leslie A. 129 Old Gulph Road Wynnewood, PA 19096 Economics Petrarca, Michael D. 186 Corona Street Warwick, RI 02886 Biochemistry, Soccer Petropoulos, Michael 82 Chelsea Road Garden City, NY 11530 History Pfohl, William B. 63 Country Place Huntington, CT 06106 Psychology, Basketball, Outing Club, Senior Class Comm., Christian Fellowship Phillips, Lisa W. 1105 Mass. Avenue Apt, 5F Cambridge, MA 02138 Sociology, Class Agent Picciuca, Maria F. 14 Watson Drive West Simsbury, CT 06092 History with Computer Coordinate Piccus, Steven M. 154D 21 Conduit Road Hong Kong, China Intercultural Studies, DKE Picotte, Margaret F. 13 Loundon Heights Loundonville, NY 12211 English, Crew, Swim Team Pillsbury, Wendy A. 27 Old Farm Road Wilton, CT06897 Biology Powers, Paul J. 103 West Garden Street Rome, NY 13440 Economics, ADP Price, Thomas P. 910 Shabona Lane Wilmette, IL 60091 History, ADP, RA, Tripod Puzone, Katherine I. 11 Bacon Lane Babylon, NY 11702 Economics, Musical Theater, Choir, Orchestra

Ricciardone, Amabile L. 48 Gray Road South Windsor, CT 06074 Psychology, SGA, Community Outreach, International Club, Big Sister, Admissions Interviewer Rice, Doreen A. 25 Old Mill Road A von, CT 06001 History, Tri-Delta, History Club, Crew, Cerberus Rivera, Trini M. Dorado Del Mar Playa II W-4, Dorado, Puerto Rico 00646 Psychology Roberts, Lisa N. 423 Ava Avenue Somedale, NJ 08083 English Robinson, Timothy H. 12 Baldwin Drive Waterford, CT 06385 American Studies, Psi-U (Pres. of IFC), Baseball (Capt.), Football Rogers, K. Whitney 901 Youngsford Road Gladwyne, PA 19035 Political Science with Computer Science Rorick, Gretchen A. Nancy's Lane Pound Ridge, NY 10576 English, Review, Big Sister Rosano, Denise Old Carriage Road Portland, CT 06480 English Rosow, Eric 14 Candlewood Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Engineering, Crew Roubal, Michelle Y. 5144 Central A venue Western Springs, IL 60558 Rowe, Kathleen J. 293 Upper Mountain Upper Mountain, NJ 07043 Engineering, Cross Country, SWE, Rugby, Cerberus, Senior Sportswriter Ruszczyk, Jeffrey A. 97 Ripton Ridge Monroe, CT 06468 Physics Ryan, Marianne E. 379 Marcellus Road Mineola, NY 11501 Religion Ryan, Stephanie L. 19 Hillside Drive Ballston Lake, NY 12019 Economics


R Raff III, Edward H. 24 Washington A venue Westport, CT 06880 Philosophy Rausch, Margaret L. 322 Thornton Street Hamden, CT 06517 French Reavey, Peter M. 25 Winkler Road Sayreville, NJ 08872 Intercultural Studies, DKE Reid, Joseph M. 7 Giraed Road Winchester, MA 01890 Economics and Computer Science, Senior Class Comm., Community Outreach, Cerberus, Tutor Reilly, Michael J. 29 Country Club Raod Darien, CT 06820 Economics, Crow Remmick, Kim B. 13 Taft Place Cornwall-on-Hundson, NY 12520 Biology, Chapel Singers, Christian Fellowship, Tour Guide, Dance Club, ASIA, TCAC Reony, Karen W. 17 Claybar Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Psychology, Cerberus Reynolds, Tracey T. 20 Sunset A venue Saunderstown, RI 02874 Psychology Rhodes, Benjamin R. 670 Angell Street Providence, Rl 02906 American Studies

Sagers, David P. 15 Ichabod Simsbury, CT 06070 English Sakurai, Sharin Y. 135 Mezzine Drive Cresskill, NJ 07626 Biology with Computer Coordinate Sanislo, Linda A. 84 St. George A venue Stamford, CT 06905 Biochemistry, ASIA, Amnesty International, Offhand Santos, Carlos M. 147 Ashland A venue Newington, CT 06111 Political Science Saranec, Christopher R. 220 Dessa Drive Hamden, CT 06517 Economics with .Computer Coordinate, ADP (Treas.) Schnadig, David C. 3100 North Sheridan Chicago, IL 60657 Economics, TCAC (Pres.), Economics Club, Intramural Softball (Capt.), Senior Class Comm., Spring Weekend Chairman Schnorr, Mary E. 602 Pleasent Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 French, Tri-Delta Scola, Christopher J. 83 Stonepost Road Glastonbury, CT 06033 Biochemistry, Jazz Band, Tripod Scorese, Joseph P. 21 Glenwood Drive Saddle River, NJ 07458 History Literature, Musical Theater (Director, Actor), Phi Beta Kappa, Honors in General Scholarship


Shelton, Lisa R. 316 West 94th New York, NY 10025 Intercultural Studies and Educational Studies, TCBWO (Treas., Pres.), TCB, Womens Center (Coordinating Comm.) Shimshidian, Laura 11 Towsend A venue Hartsdale, NY 10530 Biology Sickinger, James P. 6 Huckleberry Lane West Simsbury, CT 06092 Classics, President's Fellow, Holland Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa, Crow, Football Silver, Robin L. 158 Ridge Avenue Newton, MA 02159 Engineering with Computer Coordinate Silverstein, Laura A. 74 South Road Harrison, NY 10528 Intercultural Studies and Religion Simonds, Kate T. 1 High Woods Court St. James, NY 11780 Economics, Lacrosse Sinclair, Charlene K. 77 Boyan Street Newark, NJ 07106 Sociology, TCB, TCBWO, Admissions & Financial Aid Committee Sirigano, Christine B. 131 Corrigan A venue Meriden, CT 06450 English (Honors), IDP Senaldi, John S. 29 Metacomet Road Plan ville, CT 06062 Engineering, Crow Sinicropi, Patricia L. 63 Ridge Drive Manchester, CT 06040 History, DKE Slaney, William F. 24 Rolling Ridge Road Franklin, MA 02038 Psychology, Hockey, Senior Class Comm. Slaughter, Claire A. Route 1 Box 900 Glen St. Mary, FL 32040 History with Computer Coordinate, Tennis, Squash, Big Sister, AIESEC Slaymaker, Samuel C. White Chimneys Gap, PA 17527 History, Republican Club (Pres.) Smart, Elizabeth A. 11 Pleasent Street West Newbury, MA 01985 Biology, Tripod, Student Trainer Smith, Allison C. 414 Franklin Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Biology Smith, Erick C. 70 Welles Lane New Canaan, CT 06840 Political Science Smith, Heather E. 1105Park Avenue New York, NY 10128 Biology Smith, Leslie F. Box 727 Banner Elk, NC 28604 Political Science, World Affairs Club, Tripod, Tutor, Debate Society Smith, IV, Maxwell B. 59 East River Road Rymson, NJ 07760 Economics, Psi-U, Football, Ski Team, Community Outreach Smith, Peter F. 100 Meadow Wood Drive Greenwich, CT 06830 Engineering with Computer Coordinate Snyder, S. Lynn Persimmon Road Swickley, PA 15143 American Studies, Tri-Delta Sobkov, Elizabeth H. 3401 Woodvalley Drive Baltimore, MD 21208 American Studies, KKG Souliere, Robert W. 14 Lenox Worcester, MA 01602 Engineering and English (Honors), Crew, Zone Photographer, RA, Freshman Orientation Student Panal Spellman, N anci S. Harmony Hill Peekskill, NY 10566 History Stackpole, David A. 378 Syosset Woodbury Road Woodbury, NY 11797 Political Science, St. Elmo's, Football, RA Stanton, Daniel J. 1 Hickory A venue Clinton, CT 06413 Religion, ADP

Stauffer, Paul G. 173 Hillcrest Avenue Longmeadow, MA 01106 Psychology and Religion Steinert, Alexandra T. 43 Appleton Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Religion, DKE, Cross Country (Co-Capt.), Track (Co-Capt.), RC, Tutor, Lacrosse Stetson, Richard P. 47 Selborne Drive Centerville, De 19807 History Stevenson Jr., Malcolm A. 65 Cousins Road Stamford, Ct 06403 English, Football, Rugby St. George, Robert A. 31 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027 History Stiglitz, Mark A. 115 East Weatogue Simsbury, CT 06010 Mathematics Stratakis, John C. 237 Park Lane Douglastonm NY 11363 Political Science, Observer (Ed.), WRTC, Curriculum Comm., Debate Society, Investment Club Strotbeck, Erich C. 116 East Montgomery A venue Ardmore, PA 19003 Religion, Crew (Co-Capt.) Suchecki, John R. 52 Skylark Drive Northford, CT 06472 Engineering, Sigma Nu (Pres.), Bantam Barbell Club, Republican Club, Activities Council Sui, Jeanette Y. 1764 East 22nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11229 Political Science Sullivan, James B. 5227 Duvall Drive Washington, D.C. 20016 History Swett, Stephen C. 8 Charles Place Chathau, NJ 07928 Economics, Lacrosse, ADP Swift, Brett M. 132 Knoll wood A venue East Greenwich, RI 02818 History, History Club, DKE, AA Club Sziklas, Stuart C. 7 Drumlin Road Simsbury, CT 06092 Chemistry, Water Polo

T Tangora, Laurie A. 312 Elm A venue Delmar, NY 12054 Classics, Crew Tarullo, Sandra B. 29 Mountain View Wolcott, CT 06716 Mathematics Thomas, William G. 21'1. South Fairfax Street Alexandria, VA 223U History, St. A's Thompson, Virginia L. 260 Steele Road West Hartford, CT 06117 English, Crew, Women's Club Torre, Jeanne E. 38 East 85 Street New York, NY 10028 Psychology Troisi, Perry A. 4 Gail Place Secaucus, NJ 07094 Economics with Computer Coordinate, Crow


Van Cleve, Mary A. 3750 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32205 Psychology, Tri-Delta, RA SGA (Dorm Rep.), Volleyball (Capt.), Outing Club (VP), Basketball (Capt.), Softball Psychology Club 路 VanHouten, Caroline C.171 Westcott Road Princeton, NJ 08540 . History 247

VanderZwaag, George H. 16 Aubinwood Road Amherst, MA 01002 Economics Veronis, Nicholas 0. 970 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 Economics, Psi-U Villari, William J. J.288-8eminole Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33504 Economics, St. Elmo's Squash, Swim Team Vincent, Joan W. 68 South Stony Brook Drive Marlborough, CT 06467 English Vyskocil, Randy J. 321 Lakeview Avenue Rockville Center, NY 11570 Economics with Computer Coordinate, Crow, Football, Bantam Barbell Club, Baseball, Track

w Waddell, Robin L. 418-424 Cathedral Parkway New York NY 10025 Intercultural Studies and Philosophy, TCB, TCBWO, Volleyball Warshauer, Diane E. 204 Center Street Williston Park, NY 11596 Psychology, TCAC, Community Outreach Watts, Edward S. 1009 West University Avenue Champaign, IL 61821 English Waxter, Thomas J. 5 Harvest Road Baltimore, MD 21210 Political Science, Psi-U, Wrestling Weesner, Theodore W. 7 Orchard Drive Durham, NH 03824 Economics, ADP Weiss, Marilyn R. 3671 Hudson Manor Terrace Bronx, NY 10463 Art History, Senior Glass Alumni Pres., RC, Tri-Delta, SGA, Art Club, Cerberus, TA, Committee on Student Life Wellman, Philip S. 40 Elbridge Road New Britian, CT 06052 Political Science, PIKA, World Affairs Club (Treas., VP, Pres.) Wells, Jonathan G. 287 High Street Abington, MA 02351 Economics, Sigma Nu Whalen, Clark W. 544 Academy Avenue Sewickley, PA 15143 Economics, ADP, SGA, Rowing Whisonant, Wylie H. 328 Bonny Drive Wyckoff, NJ 07481 Political Science, St. A's, Class Gift Comm., Investors Club White, Carolyn J. 14 Van Dyke Avenue Amsterdam, NY 12010 History, Cerberus, Rugby, Cinestudio, Swim Team White, Elizabeth B. 1312 First Street New Orleans, LA 70130 Biology Whitley, Lauren D. 4 Virginia Road Andover, MA 01810 Art History Whitney, Laura C. Cogswell Avenue Beverly, MA 01915 Economics with Computer Coordinate Whits ton, Michael F. 255 Evergreen A venue Braintree, MA 02184 Economics Williams, Jason F. 186-19 Baisley Blvd. St. Albans, NY 11412 Economics with Computer Coordinate Whitesell, Richard D. 3736 Fillmore Street San Francisco, CA 94123 Williamson, Christina G. 31 Hemlock Road Short Hills, NJ 07078 Economics, IVY, Tri-Delta (Pres.)

Wilmerding, Charles T. 445 Boxwood Road Rosemont, PA 19010 Religion, St. A's, Crew (Capt.) Winchester, Alan M. 910 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021 Philosophy with Computer Coordinate Winer, Judith W. 123 Vernon Street Hartford, CT 06106 Psychology Woolf, Wendy L. Saw Mill Road Newtown, CT 06470 English, Crew Wray, Elizabeth H 37 Woodman Raod Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 Economics, Crew, IVY Wrobleski, Mary R. 221 Wells Street Manchester, CT 06040 Economics and French, Softball, Cerberus, AIESEC Wyckoff, Michelle R. Blackburn Road Sewickle, PA 15143 Art History, Tri-Delta (Corresponding Sec., & Publicity), Crew, Art Club Wyman, Tara A. 143 Butler Lane New Canaan, CT 06840 Religion

y Yablon, Paul E. 3 Stony Brook Place Armonk, NY 10504 Economics


Zavisza, Mary S. 33 Ridgewood Raod Southington, CT 06489 Studio Arts, Cheerleading, Art Club, Soccer, Track, Softball Zelig, John R. 43 Heights Cross Road Chappaqua, NY 10514 Psychology Zendzian, DavidS. 307 Hillhurst Avenue New Britian, CT 06053 Engineering Ziedonis, Jennifer E. 8 Steele Drive Cranbury, NJ 08512 Biology Ziemann, Eric C. 27 Maple Street Chester, CT 06412 English, DKE, Jesters 路 Zimmerman, Peter M. 555 Melrose Kenilworth, IL 60043 Mathematics and Computer Science, Wrestling Zipps, Christine A. 182 Brentmoor Road East Hartford, CT 06118 Mathematics and Compute Science, SGA, Lacrosse, Christian Fellowship, Cross Country Zoubek, Thomas A. 44 Fitch A venue Darien, CT 06820 History and Spanish Zweig, Thomas A. 1303 Indian Mound West Birmingham, MI 48010 Political Science, St. A's, Golf Zydney, Jennifer F. 21 Holly Tree Lane Rumson, NJ 07760 Economics


1986 IVY PATRONS路 Alan and Pat (Zavisza) Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Louis Coffin The Right Reverend and Mrs. Clarence Coleridge Congratulations! Tony, Jim, BiJJy and Jeff Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Cook, Jr. Ina Cooper '84, Lisa Cooper '86, Samara Cooper Mrs. Richard E. Corbin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Coughlin Bob and Ann DePatie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dworkin Lester Esterman Weymouth and Gloria Eustis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fabi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Funaro Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Garro M. Parsons Gatchell Compliments of Yvanne S. Glancey Mr. and Mrs. Paul H Gol1is David Hern Mrs. Henry Hornblower II Elizabeth A. Iandoli Mr. and Mrs. Nick Iannone Earle Jolly and Sharon Southerland Jeff and .Emily Kitross Dr. and Mrs. Z.D. Komninos The Kwees Mr. Walter H. Lasar Mr. and Mrs. Veron Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Murphy The Family of Gratchen Adams Rorick Jan and Norman Rosow Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sickinger Alan and Phyllis Silver The Sobkov Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. WiJJiam G. Thomas . Mrs. Sylvia Torre Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Vyskocil Mr. and Mrs. WilJiam W. Wyman Carol and Henry Weiss Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M Zavisza Mr. and Mrs. Janis Ziedonis

DIAMOND PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Andrus John f ntl Bertha Brickley Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. C. Mathews Dick, Jr. Mrs. Robert Goner Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hall Flemming and Judy Heilmann Mr. Mrs. William J. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Morgan T. Ryan Angela and Patrick Scorese Mr. and Mrs. Alan Steinert, Jr. The Parents of John C. Stratakis Wylie H. ancb'l'rudy Whisonant Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrobleski Mr. and Mrs. David Villari

GOLD PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Alford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Loring Braverman Mrs. Adela Cavero Nancy and Salvatore Cesarani Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chichlowski and Family Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cooper Maxine and Richard Davidoff Mr. and Mrs. Andre de Baubigny Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Figueroa Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Gengras III The Quintin H. George Family Karen and Jim Grigsby Dr. and Mrs. David M. Kanef Nancy and Roger Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Jean D. Madden, Jr. Louise and Joe Picciuca Millie and Bill Sanislo Mr. and Mrs. John C. Swett Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tarullo Dr. Douglas Torre Perry and Barbara Troisi Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Van Cleve Robert and Patricia Winchester Mr. and Mrs. Conrad M. Zendzian

PATRONS Geri and Ken Abere Dr. and Mrs. Michael Berky Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Irvin P. Hargrave Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lavoie Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Smart Mr. and Mrs. George Stetson Harold anrj Jane VanderZwaag Dr. E.B. White, Jr.

SILVER PATRONS Koji Akizawa Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beer Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bishop Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Blumstein Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Bowers Grace E. Brown 路 A:(r. and Mrs. Gerald A. Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Burkhart Andy and Betty Caesar Mr. and Mrs. Caesar Calderone and Family

The members of the staff of IVY '86 would like to extend our sincere thanks to Mr. Frank Sherman, and the Development Office for their assistance in our patron drive. Their efforts contributed greatly to the success of this endeavor.




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